#Neil Melendez Fanfic
pizza564738 · 6 months
when you're so obsessed with a character that you can't stop thinking about them so you start reading fanfiction about them but they dont have enough fics on them so you start reading ships and tags with that character just to get your fill then you resort to reading any fics with them in it even if they just have one line because that is better than nothing you scrounge everything site, piece of fan art and more just to get some more of this character who is never the main character that for some reason you decided to obsess over then you start thinking of your own fanfic ideas which start off normal at first before morphing into something entirely different that could only be created by a crazy person at 3 am in the morning after getting high so you decide to write that crazy fic until you realize you are utter shit at wiring and even if you did you'd stop in a week because now the cycle has started with a new character
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velenzia · 2 years
The way my murlendez cravings came back and saw that this ship is dead as hell...I wish they would have gotten more love but the love they got was still wonderful
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gooddoctorforever185 · 4 months
Okay do you want me to write any fanfics about Neil Melendez? If so tell me what!😁
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Hey! I'm new to The Good Doctor fandom, but I'm really enjoying it so far!
I enjoy writing for this fandom (I'll link my ao3 series below if anyone would like to read it or is interested in making a request) and I'm a huge fan of Shaun Murphy and Murlendez! If you have any requests, imagines, oneshots, or anything of that nature, feel free to send me a message!
Here are the links to my fanfics for this fandom so far!
NSFW+Things darker in nature: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3564901
SFW+slightly suggestive themes: https://archiveofourown.org/series/3566716
Feel free to make a request in either one!
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trashyswitch · 3 months
The Alternative For Coffee
Dr. Melendez and Dr. Browne just finished a 12-hour surgery. Neil is utterly exhausted, and the break room coffee just isn't sufficiant. But Claire has another way to wake him up...is it unprofessional? Maybe. But does that matter? Who cares!
So...This one was really hard to write. Part of the reason I took such a long break, was because this fanfic was really hard to write. I had to constantly take breaks from writing this fanfic alone. So...I think I'm gonna temporarily close The Good Doctor fandom on my Tumblr.
Despite that though, this fanfic was suggested by an anonymous user. Thanks for the prompt, and I hope you enjoy.
“You got it clamped?” The cardiac surgeon asked his surgical resident. 
“Yup, I got it.” The surgical resident replied. 
“Keep it steady. I’m gonna stitch it closed.” He told his resident. “Sutures?” He reached his hand out, closing his hand the moment he felt the tweezers in his hand. He adjusted his hand and brought the curved needle up to the muscle. He made sure to keep his hands light, but firm. If he didn’t, then he may rip the muscle as he’s suturing it. 
The surgical resident watched her mentor very carefully. His movements were so clean and careful, it was always admirable. She’s seen it over a million times and yet…she can’t help but watch her boss with awe. 
“Almost done here.” the cardiac surgeon said, forcing the resident to get back into the zone. She looked down and unclamped the muscle. 
“Alright. Dr. Browne, clamp-” 
“Way ahead of you.” She clamped the skin with the clamps. 
The surgeon smiled under his mask. “Good to know.” The surgeon started to suture the layers of skin together with the absorbable sutures. When that was done, the surgeon gave the tweezers to the nurse. “Gauze?” He said, offering his hand. When he felt the wrap in his hand, he carefully placed it over top of the sutures. “Second gauze.” He called. He repeated his last step, making sure the entire suture and surrounding skin was covered up. “Alright. And tape.” He said next, taking the medical tape from the nurse and taping the gauze down nice and securely. “Alright. Take the patient to the ICU. Well done, everyone.” He told the team. 
With the help of a nurse, Dr. Neil Melendez and his surgical residents were able to get their surgical covers off. The surgical gloves were removed as he headed into the wash station. Pushing a mountain of soap onto his hands, Neil covered the skin from his fingers to his elbows in a huge layer of medical soap. He was always adamant about making sure he was completely scrubbed up after surgery, just to make sure absolutely nothing leaked onto him during the surgery. Once he finished scrubbing, Dr. Melendez rinsed off every last drop of soap from his arms. 
With his hands and arms now clean, Neil changed into a brand new pair of scrubs and made himself over to the break room to eat his lunch. Though he had felt quite awake during the surgery, he had to admit…The constant focus to be delicate and accurate during an entire 12 hour operation, was starting to really physically drain him from the inside out. While beforehand he used to run on a mix of adrenaline and coffee, his body just refused to cooperate with him. So this time, Neil was only running on already-digested coffee during this operation. 
Neil put his lunch bag down on the table. He pulled out his container holding his sandwich, and drank a few gulps from his water bottle. He put the lid back onto the bottle before leaning back with a sigh. 
Though it looked like Neil was staring at his sandwich, the cardiac surgeon was actually zoning out a little bit. It had been the first time in over 10 hours he had been able to rest, and the evidence that he needed one, could not have been more clear. 
“You look tired…” Someone said behind him, as a chair on his right was pulled out from the table. 
“Yeah…I am.” Neil admitted. “I’m not able to handle the 12 hour surgeries as well as I used to.” Neil admitted. 
“I get that…” Claire muttered. She pulled out her food and started to eat as well. “What are you having?” She asked, taking a bite of her salad. 
“Just a ham sandwich I whipped up in 5 minutes.” He admitted. 
“Nice. I’m having a chicken caesar salad.” She told him. 
Neil took another bite and put it down. “Mhm…” He sat back. “I need a nap…” He muttered. 
“In need of a coffee?” She asked. 
“Yeah…but the coffee here kinda sucks.” He admitted. 
“Can’t you drown it in sugar and cream?” Claire asked. 
“Yeah…I guess.” He muttered. 
“It’s better than nothing.” She mentioned. 
Neil sighed and chuckled. “True.” He said, rubbing his eyes with a smile. “But I feel like I won’t get any of the caffeine if I drown the coffee in cream and sugar.” He admitted. 
“Mm…True.” Claire muttered, swallowing her food. “Maybe you just need a different kind of pick-me-up?” She asked. 
Neil smiled slightly. “Oh yeah? Like what?” He asked. 
“I don’t know…Something better than coffee?” She suggested. 
Neil raised an eyebrow. “I don’t follow.” He admitted. Claire’s growing smile only doubled his confusion. “What could possibly wake me up more than a coffee?!” He asked her. 
Claire looked away with a toothy smile. “Hehehe- Ihi don’t know.” She mumbled. 
Neil raised an eyebrow. “What were you thinking of?” Neil asked. 
Claire bit her lip to try and lessen her smile. 
“Claire, I can see your face. You’re not exactly good at keeping a poker face.” Neil reminded her. 
Claire snickered as quietly as she could before shoving more salad into her mouth. 
“Oh, so now you’re gonna ignore me?” Neil asked next, smirking slightly. 
Claire covering her mouth in an attempt to cover up her full mouth while she laughed. 
“Come on, Claire…” Neil sighed with a chuckle. “I’ve got zero energy right now.” He whined slightly with a small smile.  
Claire giggled. “Then it looks like you’ll never get your answer, Melendez.” Claire teased, poking his chest. 
Neil narrowed his eyes at her. “Oh really?” He smirked and got up. “Is that so?” He poked her shoulder. “You wanna test that?” 
Claire laughed and poked him back. “I prefer the phrase ‘press your buttons’.” She declared. 
Neil poked her shoulder a few times. “Oh, you wanna press people’s buttons?” He poked her arm and poked her elbow before continuing: “Okay, I’ll play your little games.” 
Claire backed up a few steps, and readied both her index fingers for poking. “Ready when you are, Melendez.” She declared. 
And the poke fight was off. They ran around the room, trying to chase each other down while also trying to dodge each other’s pokes. It was a constant strange mental fight between going in for the kill, or running away to stop their opponent from poking them. From an outward perspective, it was really hard to tell if they were trying to run away from each other, or get closer to each other so they could roughhouse. 
Neil eventually slid into one of the sliding chairs by accident, knocking the chair onto the ground and nearly falling onto his face himself. “Dammit!” He yelled in annoyance as he picked up the chair. 
“Are you okay?” Claire asked him, offering him a hand. “Yeah…Yeah, I’m fine.” He replied, waving his hand to reassure her. 
Claire smiled a little bit and poked his side. “I win.” She declared. 
“Ah-!” Neil jumped and grunted, grabbing his side. 
Claire raised an eyebrow. “Ticklish?” She asked him. 
“Me? No. Why?” He asked, looking at Claire with confusion mixed with slight worry. 
“Oh, no reason…” Claire giggled as she struggled to contain herself. 
“Claire, don’t you even think about it.” He warned, putting up his hands in defense. 
“Don’t think about what?” She asked with a smug little grin. 
Neil wasn’t used to seeing Claire so…playful. “Th-That’s a trick question.” He said out loud. 
“Is it?” Claire teased, wiggling her fingers. 
Neil widened his eyes and froze slightly, now unsure what to do with his hands. This gave Claire just enough time to engulf him in pokes against his sides, abdomen and ribs. “NoNO-GAHaha!” Neil doubled over, trying to grab her hands. But trying to grab her hands was extremely difficult due to how fast she was compared to him. It also didn’t help how twitchy and jumpy he had gotten from the tickles alone. It was so unfair…and yet, he didn’t feel mad at her. He was more impressed than anything. “C-CLAHAIRE DOHOHON’T!” Neil pleaded. 
“Come on, Neil! Is it really that bad?” She asked him. 
“YEHEHES!” He yelled back. 
“Oooh, well that’s a damn shame.” She teased before changing her pokes to skitters. 
Neil’s body overtook him as a wheeze flew out of his mouth. He had hung his head in an attempt to try and hide his smile. “Nofahair! Nohotfair!” Neil tried to argue. 
“Am I going too far?” Claire asked, her voice switching to a more genuinely worried tone.
Neil nodded his head a little bit as he grabbed Claire’s hands. 
Seeing the signals, Claire removed her hands and reached for the office chair that was still nearby. “There.” Claire placed the chair against his backside, and made sure Neil didn’t fall while trying to get himself on. “You okay?” She asked. 
“That was…Very unprofessional.” Neil told her. 
Claire bit her lip and fixed her hair, not entirely sure what to say. “I-” 
“However…” Neil put his pointing finger up. “I won’t hold it against you. It was a little justified.” He told her. 
Claire wasn’t sure if she should be relieved, or more worried. He was being considerate considering the nature of her actions…but this also meant he was favoring her over the other residents. And…she didn’t know how she felt about that. Only one question kept going through her mind: “Are you sure it’s okay?” She asked. 
Neil nodded his head. “I’m just as guilty as you were.” Neil told her. 
Claire was taken aback a little bit. Dr. Melendez? Guilty as well? “What do you mean?” She asked for clarification. 
Neil chuckled. “Well…” He sat himself up with an awkward smile. “I didn’t exactly stop you, did I?” He reminded her. 
Claire hummed and smiled a bit too. “A little bit, but-” 
“Dr. Browne-” He waved to her. “It’s okay. As long as we keep it quiet, it shouldn’t matter.” He told her. 
Claire nodded her head and looked towards the table. “Your sandwich is on the table.” She told him. 
“Right…” He wheeled the chair over and went back to eating his sandwich. Claire sat herself at the same spot where her salad was still sitting. 
Neil and Claire resumed eating in almost complete silence. Though the tension was almost unbearable, they both didn’t really have anything else to say. So they remained sitting in silence. The only sound that was heard in that room was the crunchy chewing of the salad, mixed with the constant beeping of the heart beat monitors and the occasional ‘Code yellow’ calls. 
Soon, her fork began to touch nothing but plastic. Looking down, she quickly noticed that her container was empty. So, she put the lid onto the container and put it back into her lunch bag. She sighed and sat back, unsure what to do now. She could feel her eyes getting droopy…
“HoLY-?!” Claire sat up with a big gasp. Who did that?! She looked over to Neil, expecting him to still be eating. But to her shock, Neil was covering up his own mouth, trying not to laugh. 
Claire narrowed her eyes. “What are you laughing at?” She asked with a little crooked smirk. 
“Nothing…” Neil smirked. “Just your reaction.” He added with a snicker. 
“My reaction?” Claire asked. 
“Nooo, your stern face…” Neil said somewhat playfully.  
Claire threw several pokes back to him. “If you think I’m so funny, why aren’t you laughing?” She asked. 
“What- aH-! Yes I WAs!” He jumped and snorted, trying to cover up his side. “eeEEK!” Neil shrieked the moment he felt her wiggling little finger in his armpit. 
“What was that?!” She busted out with laughter. She grabbed his arm, held it out beside him and tickled his armpit more. “I could never have predicted that you squeal when you laugh!” She reacted. 
“NOHahaha! S-Stahahap! Thisisn’tfahahahair!” He shook his head as he tried to pull his hand free. 
Claire was smirking rather menacingly as she shoved her fingers deeper into his armpit. “Not so powerful now, huh?” Claire teased. 
Neil had only managed to pull his hand back part way before he guffawed and bursted out cackling. “SHUHUT UHUHUP!” He slid himself further down his chair. He was attempting to escape from her grasp by pushing himself under the table. Just seeing his head and his upper arm visible from above the table, was more than enough to make Claire burst out laughing. She had to let go of his hand so she could cover her mouth while she laughed. 
Meanwhile, Neil had slid himself down the rest of the way before crawling himself out from under the table. He took one look at his watch, and looked back at Claire with a smile. “Almost time to go.” He told her. 
Claire took a moment to calm herself down. “Ohokay…okay.” She took in a deep breath and let it out. 
Neil chuckled and poked her side. “Was it worth it?” Neil asked her. 
Claire jumped and looked at Neil, before rolling her eyes with a giggle. “Definitely.” 
Neil and Claire picked up their bags. “Not a word, alright?” Neil warned. 
Claire smiled and moved her fingers against her own lips to reassure him: ‘My lips are sealed’. 
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pinkykitten · 3 years
the good doctor masterlist
✰menu✰ cakes: one-shot macaroons: blurb/drabble or imagine with less than 1,000 cupcakes: headcanons baguette: preferences pies: chapter or series
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✰ — cakes:
“shy love” | neil melendez x fem! reader
“hey dad” | neil melendez x teen! fem reader (platonic)
“roses” | neil melendez x fem! reader
✰ — macaroons:
“being scared of neil because you have autism” | neil melendez x autistic! fem reader
“having a crush on you” | morgan reznick x male! reader
✰ — pies:
“space helmets and marshmallows”, pt.1 “beautiful date”, pt.2, “saving”, pt.3 “moving in”, pt.4 “doctor”, pt.5 “i love you”, pt.6 | neil melendez x white and autistic! fem reader
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sketchyc0re · 2 years
prompt for a fanfic:
shaun gets sick after missing the bus while it was chucking it down with rain since he walked home in it so either dr glassman or one of the other characters decide to visit him to take care of him while he’s ill.
(there’s not enough sick shaun fanfics and i want to change that)
if anyone does attempt this prompt then please tag me so i can read it :D
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Neil Melendez / Just Friends
Imagine realizing your true feelings about Neil Melendez
So this is different, I just started watching this show, and then promptly finished watching it over break...all three seasons. Law school has been hard as usual, but I want to write a little more lately, so send in some prompts and some characters. Enjoy! 
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“Dr. L/N?” you looked up from your chart, shooting Shaun a smile, before setting down your chart, and picking up your coffee. 
“What’s up, Shaun?” though you didn’t like most people at this hospital, you did honestly like Shaun – for all the things he wasn’t like the rest: he was honest, truly dedicated, ambitious (but not cutthroat), and blunt. 
You took a sip of your coffee, “When you flirt with Dr. Melendez, is it because you like him?”
You nearly spit it out in his face, but instead, you choked it down, scalding your throat instead. Even so, not as hot as your cheeks. 
Maybe he was too blunt. 
You waved over from the nurses’ station, making sure none of the bloodhounds heard – the news would spread in a moment. You ducked into an empty patient room, “What are you talking about?” 
“You flirt with Dr. Melendez, so I’m wondering-”
“No, I got that part,” you shook your head, “I mean, I don’t flirt with Melendez, why would you think that?” 
“Because,” he started, fingers clasped in front of him, “Claire told me some of the signs people do when they flirt, and I researched it – you flirt with him a lot.” 
You stopped yourself from rolling your eyes, what did Claire tell him now? “What things?” 
“You lean in when he speaks to you, you mirror his movements, you both touch each other unnecessarily, you give a Duchenne smile with your-” you waved him off, turning away from him and sighing, “You still haven’t answered my question.” 
“I know, Shaun,” you sighed, biting your lip, “That’s because I don’t see Dr. Melendez that way, he’s just a co-worker and a friend.” 
“Then why do you flirt with him?” 
You rubbed your temples, “I don’t think I do-“ 
“But you do, look at the signs,” he clasped his fingers, staring off into space, “he does it too.” 
You blinked,  “What do you mean he does it too?” 
And in that moment, the door bursted open, the very subject of your conversation poking his head in, “Hey, where are you two? Didn’t you hear my page? I need you both in surgery now.” 
“It’s been a long time since I’ve been a resident. Why me?” 
He tilted his head and grinned, “Doesn’t hurt to get some practice, don’t need you getting rusty.” 
You scoffed, before tilting your own head, “Think you’re mistaking me for yourself.” 
He rolled his eyes, bumping your shoulder purposely as he strode by, and you chuckled, lips curled, until you saw Shaun staring. 
And thus, began your game of avoiding Melendez. It wasn’t too hard since the two of you worked different cases most of the time and it only helped that you took the shifts no one wanted, cutting down on the time you would ever have the chance of running into him. 
And it had worked. You hadn’t seen him in two weeks. 
You grabbed a pint of ice cream from the shared freezer, digging into it with a spoon. 
You would never admit it. Not to anyone. You couldn’t. 
You settled into the doctor’s lounge, flicking on the TV to find another rerun of Law and Order. 
You had repressed this crush on Neil Melendez for years, and you could do it again. But now that Shaun had nearly found you out, it was hard for you to look either of them in the eye, much less talk to them. Especially Melendez. 
But it was hard – hard to go this long without talking to him. You had become good friends – despite your initial impression of him being an ass. And you were right – he was an ass, but one that you grew to- 
You cut your thought off, before throwing your head into the back of the couch and groaning. You thought you had gotten over this. You thought you had gotten over this when you found out he was engaged. When he dated other women. Even when you first met him, and you knew he was utterly and completely out of your league. You thought you were okay with being friends. 
With your occasional dinner, the occasional drink, the deep conversation now and then, and your, often more than weekly, Law and Order binges in the doctor’s lounge. 
“I knew I would find you here,” and you nearly dropped your spoon. 
And apparently, he wasn’t going to miss it this week. Melendez stood, leaning against the door frame, fresh out of surgery from the looks of it. 
“How did the-“ 
“It was successful,” he collapsed on the couch beside you, and you tried not the shrink into the other side of the sofa. Melendez was a lot of things, but unobservant was not one of them, “A mother’s going to have a lot more years with her kids, if all goes well.” 
You kept your eyes trained on the TV, “That’s good work, Melendez.”
You caught the movement of his eyebrow from the corner of your eye, “Melendez? What happened to Neil?” 
You said nothing, choosing to watch instead as Jack McCoy laid into another defendant on the stand, and you wished in that moment that you had went to law school, instead of medical school, because maybe you wouldn’t be here right now. 
“Y/N,” he waved a hand in front of your face, but you didn’t budge, “Did I do something wrong?” The hurt in his voice made guilt claw at your throat, and you shook your head, “But you’ve been avoiding me, the fact you won’t look at me proves it.” 
“I had to,” you said in a small voice, setting aside the now melting ice cream on the table in front of you, “I just needed space.” 
“Just tell me why, Y/N,” you didn’t say a word, and finally he sighed, “is because of what Shaun said?” 
You tensed, fuck. He knew. He knew everything. 
You cleared your throat, “What did he say to you?” 
“He asked me why I was flirting with you, constantly,” he leaned back on the couch, and your eyes carefully slid over to see his expression – and it was unreadable, “His words not mine.” 
“Well, tact was never his strong suit,” you muttered, cheeks definitely burning now, and you crossed your arms over your middle. 
“You’re one to talk,” your mouth dropped open, retort at the ready, but it shut when you saw his face. You had spent the last two weeks avoiding him after all. You fell into a comfortable silence, only broken by the distant footsteps of nurses and doctors and the arguing on Law and Order.
Finally, you sighed, turning to him, only to find him staring at you. 
It was his eyes that first got you. His eyes that were always stern, until they weren’t. The spark in his eyes when he figured out to save a patient. The softness in his gaze when he comforted a family or spoke about his sister. The mischievous twinkle that made a shiver go down your spine. 
“I was trying to avoid this conversation because I know what it’ll lead to,” you admitted, burying your face in your hands, “and I didn’t want that to come.” 
“But it’s here, and I can’t hide anymore because you’re too important to me to lie to,” his fingers traced yours, gently prying your hands from your face, and you still found yourself unable to make eye contact, “I like you, Neil.” 
“I like you too-“ 
You scoffed, shaking your head, “I mean romantically,” you bite your lip, forcing the words from your lips, ignoring your brain’s protestations, “I’ve liked you for a long time, and I didn’t know how to tell you. I couldn’t. And when Shaun pointed out that I flirt with you, all those feelings came tumbling out again, and I knew –”you laughed bitterly, “I knew I couldn’t ignore them anymore.” 
“I know you don’t feel the same,” you continued, still staring at your hands, “I just hope I didn’t ruin our friendship because you mean too much-“ 
“Y/N,” he said firmly, his fingers brushed your chin gently, lifting your head to meet his gaze, “What I meant to say I like you too, romantically. I think…I always have.” 
Your brow furrowed, “Why?” 
It was his turn to scoff, “Because, it’s you,” his fingers traced the curve of your cheek, “it’s always been you.”
He leaned closer, lips an inch away, breath caught in your throat, “But how will we do this?” 
“I don’t know,” he tilted your chin upwards. 
“How will we explain to HR?” you heard his breath hitch. 
“I don’t know,” 
“What about our friendship?” and he smiled. 
“We weren’t that good of friends anyway,” and he kissed you. Chastely at first, lips falling away, before meeting again, and again. Until he stole your breath, his hands curling around your sides, and all you felt was him. Your hands carefully reached up, grasping at his scrubs, and you felt him smile against your lips. He leaned away, panting, “You do watch far too much Law and Order.” 
You laughed, pressing another kiss to his lips, “Better get used to it.”
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cocomoraine · 4 years
2021 is indeed being good to us, there's a new chapter of "At Face Value."
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tabbytabbytabby · 4 years
In the Morning We'll Be Safe and Sound (595 words) by tabbytabbytabby Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Good Doctor (TV 2017) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Claire Browne/Neil Melendez Characters: Claire Browne, Neil Melendez Additional Tags: Fluff, Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Fix-It, Season/Series 03, Season 3 Finale, Episode: s03e20 I Love You Summary:
Feelings come out as Claire sits at Neil's bedside.
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gooddoctorforever185 · 4 months
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Is it just me or can no one find any fanfics of Neil Melendez
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lizabethl · 4 years
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: The Good Doctor (TV 2017) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Neil Melendez/Shaun Murphy, Claire Browne & Neil Melendez Characters: Neil Melendez, Shaun Murphy, Marcus Andrews (The Good Doctor), Morgan Reznick, Claire Browne, Audrey Lim, Alex Park, Aaron Glassman, Lea Dilallo Additional Tags: 5+1 Things, Slow Burn, Canon Autistic Character, Fluff, Medical Inaccuracies, Comfort, Medical Trauma, Trauma, POV Neil Melendez, Light Angst, Gift Giving, Apologies, Eye Contact, Acts of Kindness, Falling In Love, compliments, Touching, Flirting, Texting, Talking, Sweet, Pining, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Love Languages Summary:
Five times when Shaun showed Neil love, and one time when Neil returned the sentiment.
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neilmelendez-md · 5 years
Specialty: Love. (Part Two).
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On Monday, you were at St. Bonaventure Hospital precisely at 8:30 am. You’ve decided to arrive a little early so you could pay Dr. Aaron Glassman a visit before your meeting with him and Dr. Melendez. You knock on his door and open it up as soon as you hear him yell for you to come in.
— Hey, Glassy! — You exclaim playfully.
— Oh, no, you too with that stupid nickname? — He laughs, getting up of his presidential chair to hug you.
— I like it better than Glaaron Assman, if I’m allowed to say so, — you answer with a loud laugh.
— Well, me too, — he says, also with a laugh. — How’s my favorite neurosurgeon?
— Former neurosurgeon, — you correct him. — I’m doing fine, how about you? And please don’t ask me to reconsider my decision. It’s final.
A knock on the door interrupts your chit chat before Dr. Glassman got the chance to answer you.
— Dr. Melendez is ready for you both in the meeting room, — Dr. Glassman’s secretary announce.
— Thank you, we’ll be there in a minute, — he answers and the secretary leaves, leaving the door open.
— What’s his deal? — You ask Glassman while observing Dr. Melendez typing on his phone inside the meeting room. You’ve heard a lot of wonderful things about him as a doctor, but also a lot of crappy things about him as a person.
— Neil can be a little arrogant and cocky sometimes, but that’s only because he knows he is the absolute best. Just like someone I know, — he answers you with a cynical smile.
— Well, I hope you’re not talking about me! — you say, taking your hand to your chest and playing offended. — At least when it comes to the arrogant part, because we both know you got it right when you said I’m the absolute best.
You give him a playful smile and he rolls his eyes at you, laughing.
— Let’s go, we don’t want to keep your new boss waiting!
— You might wanna hold your horses for a little while because I haven’t been officially hired yet, Glassy, — you remember him.
— Oh, please (Y/N)! He’ll love you. Now come on! — Dr. Glassman says, pointing the door for you.
— Okay, let’s do this, — you answer, starting to feel a little nervous.
— Neil! — Dr. Glassman says, causing Dr. Melendez to look away from his phone.
— Aaron, Dr. (L/N), — he says, getting up and offering you his hand.
— Dr. Melendez, — you answer, shaking his hand and smiling.
Dr. Melendez nods to you, as professionally and serious as he could get. He did look arrogant even when he wasn’t saying anything or doing any facial expressions. “Great, a jackass boss,” you think, suppressing the urge to roll your eyes at him.
The three of you take your seats and Dr. Melendez observes you for a while.
— You’ve got yourself a pretty good resume, Dr. (L/N), I’m impressed, — he says to you.
— Thanks, Dr. Melendez, — you answer, knowing what he was gonna ask next.
— You were the head of your department and a worldwide famous doctor. Why did you choose to leave Grey Sloan and quit your career as a neurosurgeon? — He asks, looking genuinely intrigued.
— I was only filling in for Dr. Shepherd during her maternity leave. And as for why I quit neuro, the answer is I wanna reinvent myself as a doctor. I used to have several doubts between cardio and neuro before choosing my first fellow specialty, and ended up choosing neurosurgery. But now it just feels... wrong, — you answer him, truthfully and confidently.
— Still, the fact that you were filling in for somebody else doesn’t make the fact that you were the head of your department at age 26 any less impressive, — he says, lifting his brows.
— I suppose it doesn’t, — you answer with a cocky smile.
Neil smiles back at you for a second, and you two stare at each other in a sort of cold battle for power.
— I do have one more question though, — he says after a few moments.
— Go ahead, — you encourage him.
— If you work under me, you’ll be working under my rules. This means no questioning my authority, no overruling my orders nor going over my head. I understand that you used to be an attending doctor which means you had full independency and this could difficult those things for you, but here you’ll be one of my students and I’ll be your teacher, and you’ll have to respect that. Can you do that? — He asks, looking straight into your eyes.
“God, this guy smells like pure arrogance,” you think, tightening your eyes a bit.
— Yes, I can, — you answer, holding the intense eye contact.
— Good. Welcome to the team, Dr. (L/N). See you tomorrow, — he nods at you with a victorious smile knowing he won your little power battle, leaving the room without waiting for your response.
— He’s a jackass, — you say to Dr. Glassman, who had been quiet this entire time, while lifting both of your eyebrows.
— He’s just a little competitive, — Glassman answers you, laughing. — But he’s a good person. And an extraordinary cardiothoracic surgeon.
— Let’s see about that once I complete my fellow specialty and become a thousand times better than him, — you say with a challenging expression.
— Just don’t forget you’ll need him to accomplish this (Y/N), — Glassman says, wisely. — Wanna grab a bite? I know a certain person who’d be thrilled to see you.
— Sure! — You answer him with a bright smile.
You pressed your body against the wall while waiting for Dr. Melendez and his three fellow students to leave a patient’s room, using this precious time to study Dr. Melendez’s actions and body language in order to know what you were dealing with.
— You’re analyzing him, aren’t you? — Dr. Glassman asks, knowing you too well.
— What can I say? You know me way too well, — you answer.
In this moment, a skinny guy with vivid green eyes and a brown messy hair leaves the room followed by Dr. Melendez and two other doctors. He doesn’t notice your presence at first, stopping suddenly after a few seconds.
— This perfume... (Y/N) is here! — He exclaims excitedly, lifting his hands and turning around to face you and Dr. Glassman.
— Hello, Smurf! — You say to him with a bright and genuine smile.
— Hello, (Y/N)! — He answers, running to you and hugging you awkwardly.
Everyone — except for Dr. Glassman — were surprised when you hugged him back and he hugged you even tighter for a short while.
— You two know each other? — Dr. Melendez asked with a confused expression.
— Yes! Yes we do! (Y/N) is my friend! She’s almost as smart as I am, — Shaun Murphy answers to him.
— Good to know that, Murphy, since she’s going to be working with us, — Dr. Melendez says.
— Is she? Are you? — Shaun asks to both you and Dr. Melendez.
— Yes! I didn’t wanna tell you until I was sure about it. How does that sound? We’re finally working together! — You tell him excitedly.
— I like that very much, — Shaun answers, looking at the wall behind you, a smile in his face.
— Excuse me, aren’t you Dr. (L/N)? — A curly haired girl with a kind face and a warm smile asks.
— Yes, but you can call me (Y/N), — you answer, offering her your hand and smiling back at her.
— Nice to meet you (Y/N)! I’m Dr. Claire Browne, and I’m a huge fan of your work, — she says, shaking your hand excitedly.
— She’s your new colleague Dr. Browne, not a celebrity, — Dr. Melendez says sarcastically to Claire as he walked into the elevator behind her.
— Is he always this obnoxious? — You ask no one in particular once the elevator doors closed.
— Pretty much. But it gets better, eventually. Just don’t let him get to you. Hi, I’m Dr. Kalu. Jared. — A tall British guy with a captivating smile answered you, offering his hand.
— I’ll try. Nice to meet you, by the way, — you tell him after shaking his hand, adding to the small group: — Would you guys like to grab a bite? I’m starving.
After an excited confirmation from the three doctors you leave with them and Dr. Glassman to the cafeteria. Your lunch was fun and pleasant and allowed you to get to know your new coworkers better. By the end of the meal, all of you looked like old friends. Claire and Jared were nice and friendly, and seemed like really good people. You were happy to see how good they treated Shaun and that he had made such nice friends.
— Crap, we gotta go! Our patient went in cardiac arrest! — Claire shout suddenly at Shaun and Jared after checking her phone, and soon they were running away through the hallway, leaving you alone with Dr. Glassman.
— So, how are you feeling about starting a new specialty at a new hospital from tomorrow? Must be pretty hard to let neuro, Grey Sloan and all of your friends behind, — Dr. Glassman says casually.
— Do we really have to talk about it? It’s not like I don’t have any friends here, I mean, I’ve got you and Shaun, — you answer him with a shrug.
— (Y/N), sooner or later you’ll have to talk about this. Might not be with me, might not be with Shaun, nor Meredith, nor Maggie, nor Amelia, but you’ll have to talk to someone, — he tells you concerned.
— You know what they say, better late than never. Anyway, gotta go. See you tomorrow, Glassy! — You say, leaving before he could answer so you were able to avoid the topic he was really trying to approach.
On your way out of the hospital, you’re intercepted by a male voice.
— Dr. (L/N), wait!
When you turn around, you see Dr. Melendez facing you. As much as you try, you can’t read his expression.
— Yeah?! — You finally answer him.
— Can we talk? In private, — he says.
— Sure... — you answer, a little suspicious.
He opens the door of the room on his left and holds it open for you to enter. You stare at him a little while before entering, followed by him.
— An On-Call Room, huh? Classy, — you tease him, trying to break the ice.
— Don’t get your hopes up, I’m about to disappoint you, — he surprisingly teases you back, lifting a brow and giving you a side smirk. You suddenly don’t know how to react.
— I—I... Hmm... — you stutter.
He gives you a victorious smile, full of presumption while you blush, not sure if it were embarrassment or anger.
— I believe you wanted to talk to me?! — You say coldly.
— I need to know why you left neuro and your old job, — he answers you bluntly.
— I’m sorry, but I don’t see how it’s any of your business, — you tell him.
— And I don’t see how it’s not, — he says. — I need to know, did you leave your old job because you screwed up? Did you do anything medically wrong? Or criminally wrong?
You couldn’t believe his audacity. You felt your blood boil inside your veins. How dare him?
— Well, why don’t you give Grey Sloan a call to find out? Chief Miranda Bailey would be thrilled to answer your questions. See you tomorrow, — you tell him harshly before storming out of the room. It would be a long year.
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msdowartyheps · 4 years
I wrote a thing.
Despite loving the show, I can’t say I’m an active part of the TGD fandom. But after watching the season 3 finale, I felt the urge to write this, so I did. I hope you guys like it and find some sort of comfort in it.
PS: I will not stop writing PotO. A new chapter of A Christmas Miracle shall be posted soon.
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imfullofideas · 4 years
Fandom: The Good Doctor
Warnings: mentions/flashbacks of abuse, some PTSD, etc
*not slash just brotherly love*
After the authorities are alerted to the abuse Ethan Murphy has inflicted on his sons, Shaun and Steve are taken by DCFS and soon adopted by the Melendez family. (Or it can be just Shaun). Neil is a little unsure (especially since he learns Shaun is autistic) but then his protective side comes out when he gets the little brothers (or just brother) he didn't know he needed
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Smiling faces and coffee
Just because there are not enough Neil and Claire fics out there, or The Good Doctor in general, a little something I wrote.
I'm still relatively new at writing (it's been ages since my last fic), bear with me.
When Neil held the door open for her, after the ludicrous amount of hours they worked these past days, she gave him a tired smile. The moment his lips formed a small smile in return, she felt her cheeks flushing. Why again? Memories surfaced of all the flirtation nonsense Shaun came up with, months ago. During working hours she was barely aware of Neil other than an amazing doctor and mentor. Only when he complemented her on a job well done, or ending shifts, and he looked at her she became aware of the man, her cheeks flushing. She remembers his words, you’re smart, you’re special. Ugh Claire, he was being your mentor. You are a resident. He’s your superior. She should stop with these fantasies in her head.
This wasn’t the only time he saw her cheeks flush when smiling at her. He had noticed that during the day she was all professional. They were doctors first. But at times like now, when their shift was done and they were ready to go home something was different about her. If it hadn’t been for Shaun questioning him about flirting with collegues he might have never noticed. Or have been made aware he did the flirting from time to time. Even before he and Jessica ended things between them. That thought didn’t make it better. He was not that kind of man. Now that he is single, he became more and more fond of Claire though. 
Rushing down the stairs she walked in front of the hospital. Contemplating what to do. Directly head to her apartment or drink coffee in the nearest coffee place. She decided on the coffee place and turned left. Fifty meters she walked when she thought it might have been better to head the other way and go home. A suspicious man marched towards her, looking intently at her. She felt panick rising in her. Just when she thought she was going to make a run for it, she felt an arm around her waist.
After the long day he had, he was grateful, nurses and doctors only said their goodbyes in passing. He hurried down the stairs. If he was honest with himself he hoped Claire was still nearby. Maybe they could have a coffee before heading their seperate ways. Probably wishful thinking. On his left he spotted Claire though, just a little ahead. He also noticed the large man marching towards her, and the slight hestitation in her steps. He sprinted to where she was, put his arm around her waist, pulled her into his side and smiled down at her. From the corner of his eye he watched the man fled a sharp right away from them.
Terrified at first by the arm around her waist, she quickly looked up and felt elated when gazing at Neil. “Let’s grab a coffee before heading home.” He stated. A bright smile covering both their faces as they strolled to the small cafe.
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