#Nemesis Enforcer
roadimusprime · 3 months
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la la la la dee deeeeee~
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smilingdawn · 1 month
COBRA COMMANDER #2, #3, and #4
I wanted to see more of these two :/ just Nemesis tolerating bratty Cobra Commander
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gijoe-forever · 2 months
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georgeromeros · 2 years
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G.I. Joe: The Movie (1987) dir. Don Jurwich
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hasbr0mniverse · 6 months
Shipwreck’s Corner - They say in Cobra-La that Golobulus raised the Nemesis Enforcer from a pile of dead things and that where his soul should be there is nothing but emptiness. His leathern wings have beat across the night skies since before the ice age as he tirelessly carried out the dark will of his master and creator. Fleeting glimpses of his sinister form gave rise to legends of vampires, harpies and countless other things that go bump in the night ...
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subnautica is just such a perfect au for a) that slowww build of horror and b) fucking WHUMP. your characters are now TRAPPED ON AN ALIEN PLANET with NO HOPE OF RESCUE being SLOWLY KILLED BY AN ALIEN VIRUS and also there’s BIG MONSTERS that WILL kill you given have a chance. can’t beat it!
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iamnmbr3 · 2 months
7 most unhinged canon drarry moments
Harry calling Draco his arch nemesis just a few months after Lord Voldemort tried to murder him for the second time but also immediately thinking that he kinda misses him
Harry getting hit in the head by a piece of luggage because he got so distracted by the sight of Draco changing that he didn’t notice someone swinging a large object at his face
Harry lying to the Order and Magical Law Enforcement to obfuscate Draco’s crimes at the end of sixth year
Voldemort immediately assuming Draco has gone looking for Harry when he goes missing during the Battle of Hogwarts…and being right
Narcissa assuming Harry will know where Draco is and if he’s still alive…and being right
Lucius getting mad at Draco in book 2 because he has spent the entire summer talking nonstop about Harry Potter
Harry forgetting about the time Voldemort possessed and nearly murdered Ginny but remembering every item he saw Draco look at in Borgin and Burkes 4 years previously
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crimeronan · 8 months
there was that one poll that established that Most people here would use a death note so i'm curious about How Much you'd use your death note.
"kitkat these brackets are shit" yeah i'm not a scientist i'm just a vindictive bitch who loves drama.
people on that one poll named a lot of names though and i'm assuming a lot of the people naming names were american and as an american who knows how online rhetoric is construed by american law enforcement that STRESSES ME THE FUCK OUT. DO NOT SAY NAMES ON THIS POST PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD.
but. tell me. how's ur bloodlust treating you.
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fidelishaereticus · 1 year
so, old news obvious news blah blah, but i keep seeing people not getting this about my girl gideon nav so have to say: i think at first blush, people get the impression that Harrow’s got all the convolutions and layers and hidden vulnerability whereas gideon wears her heart on her sleeve and is just brazenly herself (a loveable rowdy himbo) & that’s the contrast. and yes, that’s there, but that’s not all. that dynamic itself is a part of their mutual (codependent) front, and like everything else in this book, it gets peeled back. 
i think the real contrast is that they’ve both got masks, and those masks are complimentary. they’re both kids who never got a childhood. they grew up tortured in the same place from very different angles with no one but each other to butt heads against. they both had to play-act grown up versions of themselves with few models for what a well-adjusted adult even looked like. so it’s cartoonish. gideon is the plucky hero of her own adventure story that will totally have a happy ending some day, far far away from her nemesis whom she’s totally not in love with. harrow meanwhile (to grossly oversimplify) has to imagine herself as someone cruel and cold enough to cope with being alive at the price of 200 other people. these two things fit very well together. gideon can play the hero to harrow’s villain, and harrow can enact cruelty toward gideon to make herself feel strong and mean (and generally just to vent anguish). the way they hate one another is a kind of mutual protection - it re-enforces the self-image that each of them needs to get through the day. but that’s the coping mechanism. harrow the ruthless bones overlord. gideon the hapless swords idiot, who thinks of nothing but tiddies & sweet sweet vengence (harrow’s corpse in various states of disgrace ) all day. and behind that they’re both tearing apart at the seems beneath caricatures of themselves that are deeply unsustainable and neither of them feels safe letting on the extent to which that’s the case. their hearts are a goddamned mess. neither of them is wearing that shit on their sleeve.   so yeah, there’s a lot more to gideon than being a swords himbo but that’s not the wild thing. the wild thing is she’s so convincing that she somehow manages to sell people on her no braincells act while being the pov character of entire first novel.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
So what if the “No metas in Gotham” thing scared Danny Fenton away from Gotham City?
What if Danny gets a grant or scholarship at Central City University?
What if Danny gets an internship job as an assistant Forensic Scientist at the Central City Police Department?
Ok so hear me out:
The Rouges in Central City are much more chill and jokey than most superhero protected cities and have a good relationship with The Flash and would remind Danny of Amnity in that sense.
Danny’s entire obsession with protection and also a likely mentality of “Police and law enforcement have been horrible to me in the past so I will do everything I can to make sure what happens to me happens to no one else” would make him strive to be an honest protector of the people. He could be a cop and Barry Allen works with him because he knows that Danny isn’t corrupt. A reverse Batman and Jim Gordon if you will. He could also be a Forensic Scientist that recently joined CCPD and Barry Allen is assigned to be his mentor to show him the ropes. Either way The Flash grows to respect and care for this really strange kid who’s eyes sometimes look green as a trick of the light.
Danny using his powers to help solve murders, crimes, and ghostly shenanigans in Central City by talking to the local paranormal entities and recently deceased and pretending that he just is really really good at his job (well he is, but he has a bit of ghostly help.)
The Flash and Kid Flash notice this strange white haired meta zipping around and go to meet him and find out that he’s roughly Wally’s age. The speed force feels a bit strange around this kid, Like he’s been a part of multiple time altering changes. He doesn’t seem malicious though and the kid is really funny so Barry is going to let this ghostly meta do his own thing.
Phantom and The Flash start teaming up. Having an extra person in a battle is always nice. The Flash also notices that this Phantom kid is always DELIGHTED to fight Captain Cold. What The Flash expected to be a long battle that would end in almost frostbite and a long night with little to no sleep ended up being a five minute excursion. The Phantom reveling in the low temperatures and freezing Captain Cold’s cold gun and feet with a more crystalline and shinier type of ice. Instantly ending the battle.
Phantom fights Abra Kadabra and loudly complains to Abra while fighting how stupid Abra’s gimmick is and that it doesn’t look like real magic.
Phantom helps dismantle Weather Wizards plan to blot out the sun by simply turning the giant storm clouds that the Wizard summoned into snow.
The Flash is completely dumbfounded when the Reverse Flash shows up at his work, taunts Barry Allen, when Phantom comes out of nowhere, possesses The Reverse Flash, who then asks the location of the nearest containment facility that’ll house a speedster. Danny/Reverse Flash proceeds to run himself to the location, lock himself in, and exit Thawne’s body. The amount of awe Barry feels can’t even be put to words. Barry Allen’s arch nemesis. Defeated by a ghostly kid who has bi weekly hangouts with his nephew to binge watch D-list horror movies. What the fuck.
Danny has a great relationship with Barry. The two quickly bond over being quippy and aren’t annoyed when the other is consistently late to every possible meet up. Danny is incredibly dexterous and knows his way around the lab and Barry is happy to chat with someone who happily will talk back and ramble on about their life and has a genuine want to help others.
If Barry asks Batman on tips with how to take care of an overworked and constantly exhausted kid that’s between him and the Bat.
Barry mentally adopts this strange coworker and if he spotted the kid behind the CCPD building turning into Phantom? That’s none of his business and for Danny to reveal to him on his own time.
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The fallacy in Zionists accusations of Hamas’ violence is that the Zionist State enforces pacifism upon the framework of their own interests; they will claim peacefulness, kindness, tolerance only when those they oppress are beaten into the Earth and silent. That the retaliation against a near century of brutality is an unspeakable evil; not the brutality of destroying Palestinian villages, agriculture, families, religious institutions. Israel will dehumanise Palestinians down to removing their autonomy, from freedom of movement, to expressions of anger and mourning. Palestinians have the right to reclaim their land and by any means necessary, fot pacifism is just oppressive tool.
“Violence is a cleansing force. It frees the colonized man from his inferiority complex. It makes him fearless, and restores his self respect.” Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth. Read our free PDF resource of this pivotal anti-Capitalist work, today.
Hamas exist because of what Zionist settlers did to Palestine. Hamas exist because of Israel. Palestinians are robbed of their autonomy from the very day they are born purely because they are Palestinian— the nemesis of the Zionist identity. Palestinians have always been, and always will be.
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Oh goodness! The Megatron’s daughter post has plagued my brain with so many sad ideas! Can you picture how she handles the situation when Megatron got injured after the space bridge explosion? The amount of complicated feelings swirling around seeing him hurt on the medical table like that? And you just know that Starscream is going to take advantage of it in some way: would he use it as a way to bypass Buddy’s authority on the grounds that she is “in no state of mind to lead”? Does he use her grief to manipulate her and influence her actions?
And none of this is even getting into what would happen if she ran into Optimus and the Autobots! Would she resent him based on what she had been told for millions of years? Would he feel guilty for how things have gone for her? So many thoughts and I love the angst
Okay lets do this!
I actually have another request that is similar to this one, so I am dividing the writing into two. This part is centered more around yours, but there are things that are left out for the sake of getting to the other one and completing the story.
If you really love the angst, this one is definitely for you.
Buddy needs a hug after all this is over.
There will be tears
Hope you enjoy!
Megatron's daughter with the opposite personality: Soundwave's Plan
SFW, ANGST, You have been warned!, Mention of wounds and violence, nothing too gory, familial (Soundwave is best uncle), Cybertronian reader
Soundwave had enough.
His niece’s life was in danger, and he knew well enough that her father wasn’t going to do anything about it.
Megatron’s mission main priority was Prime, not Buddy.
Soundwave could live with that; he swore his loyalty to Megatron after all.
But he also swore to be Buddy’s uncle and default caretaker after… that day…
Soundwave coming to Buddy’s quarters with an energon cube in his servo.
Buddy sleeping on the makeshift desk, face plate on a data pad.
Soundwave placed the cube down and carries Buddy to her berth.
He places the cube by her desk and leaves.
When Megatron did not come back to the Nemesis after the spacebridge and Starscream came back alone, they both knew something happened to the War Lord.
He was surprised to see Buddy try and stay together as she assumed her position as Leader of the Decepticon Army once again.
This face was for the sake of the troops.
Not hers.
It was never about her and her needs.
Soundwave had seen through the cameras, Buddy grieved in silence, she made it her mission to never let anyone of the troops see her in that state, something he hated to see.
It didn’t help much when Starscream started enforcing more of his ideas, taking advantage of Buddy’s state.
Starscream and Buddy in the throne room.
“Starscream are you suggesting that we simply abandon the mining operation just like that?”--Buddy
“Of course, My Lady. It no longer serves us purpose and the mine has been stripped dry. We need to move to the next deposit before the Autobots do.”--Starscream
“And I agree that we need to go to the next one, but you’re suggesting we destroy the mine now. We still have our own down there with our machinery. We cannot leave them. We will not leave them.”--Buddy
“They are expendable—”--Starscream
“Those soldiers are not expendable!”--Buddy
“…You poor thing.”--Starscream
“Excuse me?”—Buddy
Starscream walking slowly towards Buddy, circling her.
“Still thinking we can save everyone don’t we?”--Starscream
“We can not save everyone Lady Buddy. You know that firsthand don’t you?”--Starscream
Buddy hanging her helm a bit low, avoiding Starscream’s hot glare.
“You let your grief blind your decision making. The Decepticons cannot have such… an impaired leader.”--Starscream
“What are you hinting at Starscream?”--Buddy
“Well, we need a leader with a clear conscious, not one who is barely holding everything together.”—Starscream
Buddy looks up glaring at the Second in Command.
“That’s enough.”--Buddy
“We need a ruthless leader—”—Starscream
Buddy’s servos clench tightly.
“I said enough.”--Buddy
“We need a ruthless Decepticon who can make tough calls, not some useless weakling! What would Megatron—”--Starscream
Silence fills the room.
Buddy servos firmly clenched staring angrily at the Second in Command, who has a smug look on his face.
Buddy vents deeply looking down.
“…We will go to the spot you suggested Starscream, as soon as everyone is back on the Nemesis. No casualties unless necessary.”--Buddy
“BAH! And you call yourself Megatron’s offspring. What a pitiful creature.”--Starscream
Starscream walks out of the throne room leaving Buddy there alone, looking at the floor with tears filling up her optics.
The comments about her not being mentally fit for the role of leader were passed around the Nemesis like energon rations.
Soundwave knew about it.
Everyone knew about it.
But barely anyone said anything about it, as most chose to stay loyal to Buddy.
Not out of fear for Megatron potentially returning, but because they liked Buddy.
She made sure everyone who went on the scouting missions were accounted for and that they were fed.
She cared for them.
Buddy in the med bay with Knockout and breakdown with some wounded Vechicons.
“What’s the report Knockout?”--Buddy
“Nothing too bad. It looks worse than what it is.”--Knockout
Buddy holding the servo of the Vechicon Knockout was working with.
The Vechicon squeezed her servo a bit.
“True. I’ll be out of here soon enough!”--Steve
Buddy squeezes a bit before letting go.
“Don’t go back to the heavy work immediately, work with smaller lighter things before going back.”--Buddy
“I’m the doctor here Buddy.”--Knockout
“And I’m unofficially a nurse. Am I wrong doctor?”--Buddy
“She’s got you there Knockout.”--Breakdown
“Shut it!”--Knockout
When Megatron came back to the Nemesis alive, it was the first time in a while that he had seen Buddy light up with joy.
Her father was alive.
Her father was alive.
Megatron walking into the main room with Starscream by his side.
The room is filled with most of the Decepticons welcoming their leader back.
Buddy starts running towards her father.
“Megatron! Megatron you’re back!”--Buddy
Buddy picking up her pace a bit with open arms ready to hug him.
“I mis—”--Buddy
Buddy’s limp body is now on the other side of the room.
A slash is across her chassis, not too deep, but a good amount of energon was drawn.
Megatron’s saber glinting with Buddy’s energon.
Everyone is frozen in place not quite understanding what just happened.
He spares one glance.
“Pitiful. Everyone! Back to work!”--Megatron
He leaves the room with Starscream hot on his heels.
As soon as they both leave Soundwave and Knockout are by Buddy’s side as Breakdown and Steve try to keep the other worried Vechicons at bay.
“We need to get her to the med bay. It looks bad. Breakdown--”—Knockout
“Got it.”--Breakdown
Breakdown gently picks up Buddy as some of the crowd goes to follow Buddy while the others linger before going back to their own business.
Soundwave stands still in the place where Buddy went limp.
Megatron hit her without cause.
This was not training.
This was done with malicious intent.
He would honestly understand it more if Buddy was a Starscream, the punishment would have been seen as fair.
But Buddy was not Starscream.
She was by far one of the most loyal Decepticons there had ever been.
Yet he discarded her like trash.
Soundwave had enough.
Megatron was going to offline his own daughter if he didn’t do anything about it.
Thus, The Plan was created.
He knew this was extremely risky and relied heavily on luck, but he gambled with worse odds. This was something he was willing to work with
It killed Soundwave to see Buddy losing more and more of herself as the training sessions became longer and the wounds were becoming more and more severe.
Breakdown and Knockout walking by the storage sectors and training hall.
Knockout and Breakdown hiding near a corner outside the training room.
“Please, I can’t—”--Buddy
Knockout flinches a bit.
Breakdown puts a servo on Knockout’s shoulder while the other one was clenched.
Knockout grabs one of Breakdown’s servo tightly hearing the loud sound.
Breakdown squeezes his optics shut as if he were in pain.
“AGAIN ORION!”—Megatron
“…oh Primus… you don’t think…”--Breakdown
Megatron exits the training room angry.
No Buddy to be seen.
Soundwave comes out of nowhere sprinting to the training room.
Knockout and Breakdown follow.
Soundwave on his knees holding an extremely injured Buddy.
Buddy needed to leave the Nemesis.
And Optimus Prime was his last hope.
He was her last hope.
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Now time to wait for the next part!
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gijoe-forever · 6 months
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brielledoesastrology · 7 months
asteroids of KARMA / JUSTICE in astrology 😈⚖️
By : Brielledoesastrology (tumblr)
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Justitia (269) - Justitia, often known as Lady Justice, is a symbol of justice in roman mythology. Depicted with a blindfold, scales, and a sword, she represents impartiality, fairness, and the power of the law. The blindfold signifies objective judgment, the scales represent the weighing of evidence, and the sword symbolizes the enforcement of justice. This iconic figure is commonly associated with legal systems worldwide.
Themis (24) - Themis is a Titaness associated with divine order, law, and custom. Often depicted holding scales and a sword, she represents justice and fairness. Themis is also considered an oracle, providing wise counsel. As a Titaness, she predates the Olympian gods and is a symbol of natural law and the proper order of things in the cosmos.
Karma (3811) - Karma, from Hinduism and Buddhism, is the concept that your actions influence your future experiences. Positive actions lead to positive outcomes, while negative actions result in negative consequences. It's a fundamental principle of cause and effect, emphasizing personal responsibility and the idea that your deeds shape your destiny.
Nemesis (128) - Nemesis is the goddess of retribution and vengeance. She ensures that individuals face consequences for their hubris or excessive pride. Nemesis is often depicted with a measuring rod or scales, symbolizing the idea that one's actions will be weighed and balanced. Her role is to maintain cosmic order by delivering justice to those who display arrogance or commit acts of injustice.
Eunomia (15) - Eunomia is the goddess of good order and governance. She is one of the Horae, the daughters of Zeus and Themis. Eunomia is associated with maintaining social harmony and upholding law and order. Her name translates to "good order" or "good governance," highlighting her role in promoting a just and well-organized society.
Irene (14) - Irene is one of the Horae, the goddesses of the seasons and natural cycles. Irene specifically represents peace and the concept of a "peaceful season." She is associated with the idea of harmony and tranquility, symbolizing the serene moments that come with a well-balanced and peaceful existence.
Dike (99) - Dike is the goddess of justice. She is the daughter of Zeus and Themis, making her a sister to Eunomia (good order) and irene (peace). Dike is often depicted holding scales, representing the weighing of moral choices, and a sword, symbolizing the enforcement of justice. Her role emphasizes the importance of righteous judgment and maintaining a sense of fairness in human affairs.
Copy paste : 269,24,3811,128,15,14,99
⚠️ Warning : i consider this asteroid as prominent and brings the most effect if it conjuncts ur personal planets (sun,moon,venus,mercury,mars) and if it conjuncts ur personal points (ac,dc,ic,mc), i use 0 - 2.5 orbs (for conjunctions). For sextile, trine, opposite and square aspects to asteroids i usually use 0 - 2 orbs. Yes tight conjunctions of planet / personal points to asteroids tends to give the most effect, but other aspects (sextile,trine,square,opposite, etc) still exist, even they produce effects. If it doesn't aspect any of your planets or personal points, check the house placement of the asteroid, maybe some stuff/topics relating to this asteroid could affect some topics/stuff relating to the house placement . ⚠️
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hasbr0mniverse · 8 months
Reign Of Darkness & Villainy Month! Nemesis Enforcer (G.I. Joe Battlegrounds)
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in the context of the au there’s also something really darkly funny about ingo going mysteriously missing in space, probably for years, and emmet somehow staging a rescue mission on the far side of the universe on the off-chance he’s managed to survive... and then literally immediately getting his own ship blown out of the sky and crash-landing and also being stranded
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