milky-rozen · 2 months
[ Dendera Zodiac Challenge - Part II 🩵💛 ]
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02kt · 9 months
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ttpdlulo · 9 months
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👀〮⃕...you know you love me!.𔘓.📓
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rosyrs · 1 year
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ꮼ ִ ࣪ . to kiss in cars and downtown bars, was all we needed.. you drew stars around my scars but now I'm bleedin' ! ഒ  ׄ
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mythos-soup · 8 months
Nephthys walking into the kitchen and seeing all their limes peeled: Set, I love you but, what the h-e-double FUCK. 
Set, sipping coffee happily: I love you too :)
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j-liz · 11 months
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Updated pantheon
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unladyboss · 8 months
A friendly reminder.
If Carmy is playing beer pong, he's also drinking
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He's in character as Logan F
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Playing beer pong with these guys.
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I played beer pong one time. You drink whatever the ball lands in.
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I refused to drink because it was that beer, and because everyone had been touching on the ball.
The ball had also fallen on the floor. I was grossed out nobody washes that ball. Someone else drank it...
Anyway. For sure Carmy's drinking...
Claire is watching, smiling away, waiting to manage her sad drunk person
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mask131 · 11 months
Egyptian gods - The Ennead, Nephthys
The Ennead is nine gods – three times three. So I will cover a third deity to complete this first look at the Ennead. Osiris, you say? No. Yes it is expected for him to complete the Seth and Isis duo, but I want to do something different, and place back under the light a goddess too often forgotten. Seth’s wife, Isis’s sister: the goddess Nephthys.  
Poor Nephthys doesn’t get much attention today among the children of Nut and Geb, but it is because she herself did not had much “autonomy” or “independence” in her own mythology and religion… Nephthys name rarely appears alone. She is always either Seth’s wife, either Isis’ sister. Nephthys has an especially strong bond with Isis: together, the two goddesses were depicted protecting the dead on the cover of sarcophagus – a “funeral goddess” role that is due to her participation in the “Legend of Osiris”, where she helped Isis find back the corpse-pieces of the mutilated body of Osiris, gave him with Isis the last funeral rites, and helped during his mummification. She and Isis notably acted as mourners, singing throughout Egypt a beautiful and mystic funeral song we still have today in Ancient Egyptian texts – a song asking for the dead pharaoh to return to them in his original shape, so they can “forget his enemy”, asking for the dead to abandon his anger so they can all rejoice in his resurrection, a song asking him to take back his rightful inheritance and to rule again in his own house – so that the land itself may resurrect…
Isis and Nephthys were more than very good and very close sisters: they were complementary goddesses, almost twin figures. Isis was a goddess of life, of motherhood and healing, wife of the god of vegetation, immortality and resurrection, whereas Nephthys was a goddess of the afterlife, of the shadow and of funerals, married to the god of the desert, chaos, the storm and hostility. Isis gave birth to Horus and was his loving mother – but it was Nephthys that acted as Horus’ nurse, rocking his cradle, lulling him to sleep. The Text of the Pyramids called her the “nursing-mother” of Horus, opposing the “birth-mother” that was Isis. And finally, whereas Isis was the wife of Osiris… Nephthys was his lover.
This story is the most famous legend of Nephthys (and her only true story beyond her participation to the search of Osiris’ corpse). Note that this seems to be a late story, coming from a more “recent” form of mythology trying to tie together the various bits and parts of older legends. But the story goes as this: Nephthys and Seth soon realized that they couldn’t produce a child together. Some read it as Seth’s fault – since he is the god of the desert and of all things venomous and hostile, it makes sense he would be as arid and sterile as what he embodies… Other rather accuse Nephthys herself, the Text of the Pyramids calls her a “concubine without a womb”. But in the version of the story as it came to me, the sterility of the couple was due to Seth, and Nephthys, obsessed with the idea of becoming a mother and having a child, decided to cheat on Seth, to have sex behind her husband’s back to obtain a child. And she decided to use her own brother for this purpose: Osiris. However Osiris is a good, wise and virtuous king, a god of justice and faithfulness who would never cheat on Isis. So Nephthys put together a plan… One evening, as she found herself alone with Osiris, she offered him a lot of food, and a lot of alcohol, ultimately making Osiris fully drunk. Once he is ready to pass out, Nephthys plays a number of seduction on him, and convinces him to sleep with her, manipulating him until she finally obtained what she wanted. She slept with Osiris just once, and from this single night of drunken love, a child was born; the god Anubis. A new problem arose however… Seth knows he cannot have a child, and Nephthys, so obsessed with becoming a mother, forgot that the wrath and fury of her husband could destroy her and her babe… Nephthys, to hide her unfaithfulness, was forced to abandon Anubis in the swamps bordering the Nile, so avoid the vengeance of her dreaded husband. Hopefully for her, Isis actually learned of her sister having an illegitimate child – and unable to let a child to die (especially since herself also didn’t have any child with Osiris), she took Anubis away from the swamps and decided to adopt him, raising him as her own son, much to the relief of everybody in the known. Only Seth ignored of this entire business – Osiris, Nephthys, Isis, they all knew about this night of extra-marital love. How did Isis knew, you ask? Well, in the morning, Isis found in her husband’s bed a crown of flowers… a crown that she had seen Nephthys wear the previous day. But Isis, always ever so close with her sister, forgave her enough to save her child from death – and later Nephthys returned her kindness, by siding with Isis and Horus against Seth during the numerous trials for the throne of Egypt.
Two additional facts about this story. 1) The fact Nephthys got Osiris drunk is to put in relation to a series of pictures and depictions of Nephthys found in Edfu, Behbeit or Dendera, where she was depicted as taking part in festivities and merriments, most notably receiving beer from the pharaoh himself, in return of blessing him so that he could party with “no hangovers”. Yep, that was literally what was written. 2) The failed and bizarre unloving marriage between Nephthys and Seth was apparently (at least according to Wikipedia) explained by some recent Egyptologist research, that placed forward the theory that the union of Seth and Nephthys is a “recent” invention, or rather part of a “late” addition to the myths. As in, Nephthys was recognized as Seth’s wife in Egyptian mythology, yes… But she seems to have been only the wife of Seth under his “positive” aspect of the bodyguard of the Sun ; meanwhile, in the Osirian legend, where Seth appears under his “negative” aspect of the jealous murderer and greedy usurper, Nephthys wasn’t thought of as Seth’s wife, but rather as Isis’ assistant, and Horus co-mother. Mind you, take all this info with a grain of salt: I just found it when looking at Wikipedia to double-check my sources, and this apparently comes from recent studies.
Just like Isis, Nephthys was usually depicted as a regular human woman, wearing on her head the two symbols forming her name: “neb”, a basket, and “hwt”. “Hwt” is… debated by experts. For some it is “the plan of the house” and thus means “house”. For others it is rather the “great wall that surrounds large buildings” and thus means either “palace” or “temple”. So the literal name of Nephthys (Nebhwt, that the Greeks turned into Nephthys, but that could be spelled in a more Egyptian way as Nebet-Het) means “Mistress of the House”, “Mistress of the Palace” or “Lady of the Temple”. She was also called the “Helpful Goddess” or the “Excellent Goddess”, epithets referring her role as a divine assistant and protective guardian when it came to the moment of death and the passing in the afterlife (opposing Isis’ assistance during childbirth). And due to her motherhood of Anubis, she was paired with him in Memphis and called “Queen of the embalmer’s shop”. Similarly to Isis, Nephthys was also sometimes depicted with kite wings (or falcon wings), or herself turning into a kite – again, this is most prevalent when she plays her role as a funeral/afterlife goddess, her wings wrapped around the dead symbolizing her protection. The Egyptian hawk was notably tied to Nephthys because its cries were associated with the laments and mournful screams typical of Egyptian rituals.
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suncism · 1 year
malu camargo moodboard 🎂
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curta ou reblogue! dê os devidos créditos se usar ou salvar. / like or reblog! give proper credits if you use or save.
credits: me 🍦
psd: @nephtys
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whencyclopedfr · 3 months
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Nephtys fait partie des cinq dieux originels de l'Égypte ancienne, né de l'union de Geb (la terre) et de Nout (le ciel) après la création du monde. Elle était la quatrième née après Osiris, Isis et Seth et était la sœur aînée d'Horus (généralement appelé Horus l'Ancien).
Lire la suite...
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swiftieez · 2 years
🕸️halloween icons🕸️
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꩜ ¡¡ 𝕹𝗲𝖜 𝗣𝖔𝘀𝖙, 𝕝𝗂𝕜𝖾 𝕠𝗋 𝕣𝖾𝕓𝗅𝕠𝗀Ꮺ ִֶָ
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milky-rozen · 8 months
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Nephthys, Goddess of Peace and the Eternal Rest, is a gentle deity with a bit of an unexpected quirky side which often gets her into troubles. Way before Osiris, she was the first deity connected to the mysterious Duat Element she mastered through time and experience. She is also the mother of Anubis, God of the Death, and a beloved caregiver to Horus the Young. In the past, her adventurous and caring nature brought her to become Thoth's assistance, as she helped him figure out the nature of the Elysian Fields.
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loaexmachina · 1 year
I've been posting to much about "evil Nephtys theory" on the Room of Swords discord, so before it turns into spam I'll start posting it here instead
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ttpdlulo · 9 months
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.🚨... I might have to fuck her on the highway 🚬
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rosyrs · 1 year
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𓇼ᤱ ᩿ ᰱ ✾◜❲㽬⃞⺞❔𑚢ᦸᩚᏊ Ꭾ✽᳕𐑈t᷉ ᷍ ᷍ ᷍ 💭靐▒〪○ ◡饇𑜝៸៸ crᦸᦺ᭣ᩥt᥍ Ⓜ️ꬲ ⌑ ⟣ ⃕⬬﹎☄˽ 🍽️💤!¡ ▓␦✫◞☹。🗻🐈‍⬛🥄ぶ ⟬𗫥⃞❈ .. . 𝕷𝗶𝗸eິ 𖤓r ꢯ✼ꯦbl꩜ᦋ ꯵ ̸🌐ᤲᰱ ᩅ𑋶📘🍊◾𞋈
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atlwntic · 2 years
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