taiyami · 8 months
Mitsuri my beloved perhaps? 🙏
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I haven't drawn this sweet girl in forever, finally decided to refresh an old sketch I did of her way back when.
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orcinus-veterinarius · 6 months
I just wanna like videos/pictures of Orcas and not have to snatch my like back because they're an ARA and/or support SWIMS act 😒
Tell me about it. It’s so hard to find pages that post footage of wild cetaceans that don’t fill the captions with essays on the supposed evils of captivity. Just a few days ago I was watching a video of the leucistic killer whale CA216C1 “Frosty” and two or three paragraphs into the caption the poster went into a tirade about how horrible SeaWorld San Diego is and how many orcas suffer in captivity worldwide and to make sure to support the SWIMS Act.
It’s so weird, because you don’t see that sort of thing with other species with anti-cap movements (elephants, great apes, big cats). A picture of a wild African elephant isn’t usually labeled “so wonderful to see them in the wild instead of captivity!” It’s a cetacean thing.
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Ball Python in got to hold who's morph I forget
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Baby red ackie monitor who is testing my will of money
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3 year old Reticulated around my dad
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OH MY GOSH BABIES!!! That BP looks like a butter ball, if I remember my morphs right, and I love how squishy and shiny their lil belly looks. I'm not much of a morph guy usually, but I adore the rich yellows and light browns on this guy
Google butter:
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Also ksjhdfgb big mood on the red ackie monitor, they're the one lizard that I really want to keep one day- varanids are my favorite group of lizard, and ackies are way more manageable than little me's dream of one day owning an asian water monitor XD they're sooo cute
And that retic is so handsome! I love the mottled marble look that they have, it's a shame that normal retics get so fucking huge. I'm planning on getting a superdwarf one day when they become more available, but everytime I see a baby retic period my heart just goes 'its noodle time'
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mellifexfarm · 4 years
I asked theramseyloft, but since Lucernes aren't their speciality I have come to you. There's a specific Lucerne pattern I like but have no clue what it would be called, it's a mostly white bird with red a whole lot of speckly red (specifically on the body). I think it might be sooty ash red or sooty red check or something along those lines?
I believe you're thinking of shield marked Lucernes?
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This is a spread ash-red shield aka strawberry
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pwnyta · 4 years
So as a Christmas gift my mom got me a year long subscription to Universal Yums, so every month I get a new box (they also gave us a special Christmas box which was rad). They sent me a UK box this month and it has been the most disappointing one so far. I liked all of one thing out of it and I don't have high hopes for the last like 2-3 things I need to try. Like how does all of Ireland, Britain, Wales, and Scotland have such shit snacks
Hetalia warned us about UKs shitty food.
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millipedefarmer · 4 years
.... What about good millipedes to start with and therefore how to take care of them? Millis are just about the only lot of leg insects I'm not terrified of
I always recommend ivory millipedes to start with bc they kinda just check all the boxes for a good pet millipede. Theyre cool looking, easy to find in the hobby, usually pretty cheap, very hardy, surface active and generally dont mind being handled from time to time. Basic millipede care requirements do the trick for them.
That said, i do think a technical beginner could start with basically any species as long as theyre willing to do research and meet care requirements. 
I tend to reference multiple care sheets but this is the one i follow most. I usually suggest looking at several tho and kinda cross-compare and u can also try multiple things out and see what works best for you. These basic guidelines can be applied to most commonly kept species in the hobby.
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jesterkard · 5 years
My bf got a haircut and I teased him for a week cause he looked like a younger David King except skinny n with the top part dyed blonde
skinny legend david king................ tell him to cosplay
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cyberrat · 4 years
You want horny? Pokemon: whenever Raihan's pokemon *need* to fuck he goes to Piers. So far it's been: Duraludon, Flygon, Turtonator, Goodra, and Sandaconda. Overwatch: Ya know the proto-Moira where she had tentacles? She never used them for combat but she def used them to fuck the boys on her little "team"(Gabe, Jesse, Genji). MHA: not kinky on its own but it could be, but after his retirement Toshi kinda became a no-strings-attached Sugar Daddy for 1-A, cause he loves seeing the kids happy.
I haven’t seen that proto-Moira yet :0 I’ll have to look her up! I see her more as asexual or demi-sexual tho hmmm though I could also see her forcing someone to orgasm for her scientific amusement
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Would it be okay I'd I write a fusion au thingy that kinda more x reader based? It's less romantic/sexual and more comfort/the lads being dumb
Go for it! I’d love to see what you do with it!
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skelimagines · 5 years
To feral: all grass pokemon are Babey. Even ones like Cacturne or Trevenant
Oh, absolutely. All Pokemon period are babey tbqh, even ones like Beedrill and Bruxish and Druddigon. ~Mod Feral
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taiyami · 8 months
My best friend bought me a Genya fig when we were at the mall last so I now have THREE!! pieces of Genya merch
I currently have, not including my keychains or my own handmade items, TWO pieces of Genya merch. It really is the pits out here!!
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orcinus-veterinarius · 6 months
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LITTLE MAN OBTAINED!!! I'm so thankful to my friend for buying him for me. He's an orca themed version of the sharkitty mascot!!!!
Orca-shark-cat. Typical SeaWorld hybrid.
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the-lightest-shadow · 5 years
Hello wanna see the puppies I'm dog sitting tonight
:O Sure! I believe I have submissions open. {course posting it will take a while if you’re on mobile because tungle is stupid}
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spicedrobot · 5 years
I'm using a lowkey meme charm set up for Grey Prince Zote. It contains: Grimmchild, Weaversong, Hiveblood, Grubsong, and Thorns of Agony. Or, you can go full meme and replace the last two with Glowing Womb (Do you have a charm set up for him cause as of now he's kicking my ass)
oof i’m a bad person to ask since i am Terrible at the game, but I think I used sharp shadow, shaman stone, and quick slash. I’ve only been able to beat him three times tho e_e I think it’s really just getting his patterns down. Good luck!
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jinglebellrockstars · 5 years
Jingle: *thinks of Gordie* Jingle's mind: *Nadia Oh's "Hot Like Wow" playing in the background + Terry Crews dancing in White Chicks + The Shaquille O'Neill Shoulder Shimmy™*
ive never heard that song before but thats Facts
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pwnyta · 5 years
An idea: Milo gets put into a dress, let's say Nessa, Sonia, and Melony are all the cause. Just. Big boy walking around in a flowy pink sundress. Bonus edition: it's the one day a month all the gym leaders meet up to talk about things so everyone gets an eye full
Milo doesnt mind at all… except theres no pockets to put his spade or scissors. So inconvenient.
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