enchantedbook · 2 years
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Nereids Worshipping the Moon by Moritz Von Schwind (1804-1871)
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Going feral about "It is so hard for him to stand back, to see you struggle. It is so hard for us all." Percy has the whole ocean on his side and I hope we get to see that a lil more in the TV Show.
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allmythologies · 1 year
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greek mythology: nereids
the nereids are the fifty sea-nymphe daughters of nereus the old man of the sea. they are goddesses of the sea's rich bounty and protectors of sailors and fishermen, coming to the aid of those in distress. individually they represent various facets of the sea from the salty brine, to the sea foam, sand, rocks, waves and currents, as well as the various skills possessed by seamen.
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the-evil-clergyman · 2 years
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The Tomb of Achilles by Adolf Hirémy-Hirschl (1910)
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sarafangirlart · 1 year
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The Oceanids 🌊🌊🌊
From left to right:
Metis, Zeuxo, Hera (she was adopted by Oceanus in some myths) Clymene (with a mirror), Amphitrite (with a brush), Doris and little Thetis, Tyche, Eurynome and Electra.
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womblegrinch · 3 months
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Herbert James Draper (1863-1920) - Evening calm
Oil on canvas. Painted c.1901-02.
24.5 x 40 inches, 62.5 x 102 cm. Estimate: £150,000-200,000.
Failed to sell Sotheby's, London, 4 July 2024
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go-rocksquadsfan · 3 months
The idea of the Nereids & Okeanids+Potamoi being born from clusters of eggs is pretty fun actually... like as eggs they're the same size as average fish eggs but as an adult they're minimum 3m tall
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illustratus · 6 months
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The Triumph of Neptune and Amphitrite by Frans Francken the Younger
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deathlessathanasia · 6 months
„And he saw in that lovely dwelling the dear wife of his father, holy, ox-eyed Amphitrite. She threw a purple cloak around him and placed on his curly hair a perfect wreath, dark with roses, which once deceptive Aphrodite had given her at her marriage. Nothing that the gods will is unbelievable to sensible men. Theseus appeared beside the ship with its slender stern. Oh, from what thoughts did he stop the war-lord of Knossos, when he emerged unwetted from the sea, a marvel to all, and the gifts of the gods shone on his body.” (Bacchylides, Ode 17)
Imagine being willing to give to your husband's son by another woman not just any gift, but one you received on the occasion of your wedding in order to help him prove that he is, in fact, the son of your husband. Amphitrite is so accommodating! Not only that, but apparently the Nereides also gave Aethra a gift, as is mentioned in this same ode: „I too was borne by the daughter of rich Pittheus, who coupled with the sea-god Poseidon, and the violet-haired Nereids gave her a golden veil.”
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someday-dreamlands · 9 months
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𝑳𝒂𝒔 𝑵𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒔 (𝑮𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒏 𝑩𝒖𝒔𝒔𝒊è𝒓𝒆, 1902).
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enchantedbook · 2 years
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Νereids worshipping the Moon by Moritz Von Schwind (1804-1871)
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dootznbootz · 8 months
Water Nymphs and their descendents in Dootz/Mads' bullshit :P
So I know I'm going a bit nuts on the nymph stuff so I thought I'd explain it a lil bit! :D It's long af as I have SO many thoughts. Might make a straight-up demi-god one later
Things that are true with both Nereids and Naiads descendants:
Neither can do much with and have a hard time with their opposite. AKA Freshwater vs. Saltwater. It's possible that they can get used to the opposite but they will not be able to breathe or really control it. Can control and work with some but it's...difficult and not a lot. Naiads though, CAN take out the salt in increments and eventually just get fresh water. This was usually done during very bad droughts with permission from the Nereids. This is probably one of the things that give Naiads an advantage over Nereids as Nereids can't go further inland where freshwater is and necessarily turn it into salt water. Also, Nereids are bigger and physically stronger than Naiads. That doesn't mean that they always "win". But Nereids ARE more well-known and have a better connection to the big water gods. Also, only Poseidon's children can do shit with both.
Water births! This only affects PREGNANT people with naiad blood. If the father of the child has naiad blood but the mother does not, she probably won't need to do a full water birth but probably will need more water (why more water nymphs are women) It has to be within their "water type" as well. (Salt/fresh) For naiads though, with all the different types of water sources, it is more complicated. As say, for example, if there is a drought when they are born, they probably grow up to be smaller and possibly sickly. And being born in a lake vs. stream will affect size as well. Sometimes even a pond. Usually, there are preparations to try and be near a good water source for the expecting mother. There are some times when it catches moms by surprise and they have to rush to the nearest water source. Sometimes that's a bathtub :P Possibly sickly and small baby. Kind of like how certain fish grow to be bigger because they're in a big place :D Nereids are big ladies because of the sea being BIG :D
If they end up living in a new place? It's an adjustment to that new source as the minerals are different along with the different cultures as well. However, if naiad born person is visiting and there's "business" to be done with the locals, ofc they're not gonna partake as it's not "their water". If there is a drought probably will only do stuff for their companions.
There's not necessarily a "rivalry" or fighting between nereids and naiads. It's more like a "Hi! We're cool but I will NOT go in your water. I don't like it." Both will eat fish from "the other side" though. They might just not PREFER it. If there's freshwater going into the sea, they tend to meet there but don't like "passing over".
Both are kind of "fishy"! :D Pointed ears, sharp teeth, scaled, Big Irises, usually blue/green in eye color, shimmering scales sometimes, etc. Don't necessarily have gills and I think I'll have them kind of breathe through their skin.
"What tf does it mean to be seasick?" Both are comfy on boats no matter what type of water their on 🤷
Also while all fullborn nymphs are women, there are nymph descendants that are men and still have nymph traits and abilities.
With men going to war...there's a reason why they don't move water while fighting.
I'll talk about Nereids first as there are only 50 of them and not as many children. (This is Achilles' and Thetis' time to shine)
Much more PHYSICALLY powerful and larger (Blubber also exists with real saltwater animals!) than Naiads as the sea never has "drought" (No water), and is bigger and endless. (Though Achilles, being only a demigod, could get his ass beat by a full Naiad if he's near freshwater).
Achilles can literally drink seawater and actually prefers to do this. Can breathe in it as well. And this poor boy, being Nereid-born yet still getting fresh water for baths whenever he was more inland. He would just CRY during them because it "feels wrong". He eventually gets used to it but it's sadly still uncomfortable for him :'( Toss this boy in the sea.
Achilles is actually really tall. Like towering over most of the other Achaeans as he's a demigod.
One of the reasons WHY he's so sure he can take on Scamander/Xanthos (other than rage) Why are there so many names for one individual?! is because of the whole "Nereids are more powerful physically" than beings from the river but...Achilles is NOT in his element... He's not near the sea. He's also JUST a demigod. You're not fighting a naiad-born person near the sea, you're fighting a River GOD in his element. (I know he just doesn't give a fuck but it's funny to think about him being like "Yeah, I could take him down" and getting his ass kicked)
Naiads!!! I have a lot more on them as this has more to do with the characters of the Epic Cycle, as many of them are descended from Naiads, and how Naiads interact with mortals more often (getting drinking/bathing water)
So the "gods of that specific body of water" are like the "Queen bee of a hive", Naiads are like the worker bees. The Gods are usually at the very source of the water and "are the water" themselves. Naiads do a lot of the "work" though. Naiads will ask for help if they feel they need to or if the god is angry enough.
While Nereids almost all look identical in many ways. (same parents) Naiads from place to place absolutely vary. All sorts of body, hair, eye, etc. types based on the water you were born in! Especially if the father doesn't have any naiad blood in them. The more Naiad blood in you, the more you are like the water you were born in. The More WATER you are. The more "Human" your parents are, the more likely water will not affect your appearance.
Born in Rapids from a long, medium-width river? Probably curly (rapids being wild) and light hair color (the white moving water) with a tall and "medium" body. Born in a very clear, calm lake that's very deep and has a lot of red clay? Straight red hair with a chubbier body typer. Born in the murky, calm, short, creek? Probably smaller framed, with straight dark hair. You get the idea! :D
If, for example, a full-blooded naiad gets with a man who is half-naiad, it's not uncommon for your child to come out with some "impossible" appearance. Two black-haired parents can give birth to a blond baby if born in a certain place simply because of the WATER. This doesn't affect personality though.
Also, Naiads CAN go from place to place as long as it's the same region and similar water! River, stream, lake, fountain, and it's not too uncomfortable if it's in the same region (same minerals help!)
Full-blooded Naiads live in the water basically at all times but ofc, it's not like they don't marry and live with their new spouse. Though they should spend SOME time every day in the water. While it's harder for them to get dehydrated, it's still possible. Also, it feels nice! :D
If you're a mortal person who's now married to a naiad-born, you BETTER have easy access for them to get to water or then they'll probably leave you. :P Though sometimes nymphs have flings and just have their children be raised as a naiad but that depends on the place. Not ALL can live among mortals or then who'd do river stuff! :D
Different places have different customs with naiads and even with how much interaction happens. Culture usually somewhat resembles the culture of the region in general as well. Sometimes even depends on the wildlife and water type. Activities with River Naiads are different than the activities done for the Pond Naiads :D
With mortal interactions for example as well, Sparta is a place where nearly half the nobility are in some way descended from Naiads and literally can walk up to a nymph for help and most likely get it and offerings are more like "gifts" as they have more "friendship" there. While Ithaca has basically NO ONE descended from them and has to give offerings and sacrifices as required for example. (Odysseus is only so close to those naiads mentioned in the Odyssey because they become new sister-in-laws for him through Penelope. They're Telemachus' aunties >:D )
Mortals will even make man-made sources of water if the Naiads need more room/water sources. Or if there's a drought, may ask the royalty for help in possibly speaking to the Nereids if they can have some to change into freshwater... It's a partnership in most cases.
Even if the relationship between the people and nymphs is good, sometimes shit happens. If they are "mad" at the people for whatever reason or maybe weak from something themselves, they usually will head up the river/stream and...leave the people to deal with the water until they get their offerings or their strength back. Even non-humans make mistakes/get weak also sometimes.
And if someone is killed by a nymph?? Do you actually want to avenge them if it means you won't have access to water without some other sacrifice?? All those asshats that always need to take a piss off the piers and fishing docks and into the water would be killed on sight btw
Full-blooded Naiad Wife (Like Periboea): Can sense bad water as soon as it comes near them. Knows from what source it is from. Can tell what is causing it. Can purify with no problems. Can water bend a lot. Can live underwater without leaving it ever to get "air". Should have a "dip" in the water a few times a day. Usually pretty "ingrained" into their original region. It's dumb to try and bring her to a new place full-time. Can heal wounds AND probably sickness. Pointed ears, sharp teeth, large pupils, some scales, etc.
3/4 blooded person (Like Penelope and her siblings): Basically the same as above except for minor things. One difference is that if there is bad water, they usually can tell what's causing it but maybe not the specifics (i.e. Knows that there's a dead animal contaminating the water but might not be able to know what exact TYPE of animal.) Can water bend a lot as well but probably not the entire river. Has to be in the water at least ONCE a day. Can stay underwater for around a week until it starts being "uncomfortable". Can leave the region and adjust to other waters (though it'll probably still be uncomfortable at first) Can heal wounds and sickness (some naiad-born are more talented than others) Pointed ears, sharp teeth, big irises, not nearly as many scales but probably some, etc., and can be affected by dad's genetics but are definitely more affected by the water they were born in for an appearance.
1/2 blooded person (Like Tyndarius, Icarius, and Hippocoon): This is where the changes really start. Can't sense bad water until they touch it. Can "move the water" but not as much or as efficiently. Should take a dip once a day but CAN go without for 2 days until they start getting uncomfortable. Can only be underwater for around 1-3 days (depending on, some spend more time in the water than others) before needing oxygen from the air. Prefer not to be in seawater but CAN without feeling "too wrong". Only slightly pointed ears and while they have sharp teeth, they can smile without scaring people not familiar with it.
1/4 blooded person (Like Clytemnestra): Usually have to actually TASTE the water before they can tell it's bad. If they practice a lot they can maybe use a bathtub full of water :D. Only slightly pointed ears. can maybe stay underwater for 1 day with practice. can go a week without a few days without a "dip" in the water. Can go in the ocean with just an "...Ew."
Control group, with no naiad blood: "I'm just going to take a sip of water...Why tummy hurt? Say sike right now."
"Why don't men in the armies who are descended from Naiads use their abilities during wars?"
...Because local river gods don't let them. :D
"Look, you can drink from my waters and even fight with it for minor scuffles but don't involve me in your wars! >:( Be thankful I'm letting you have water to drink and bath with, you dipshits!"
I mean with how Scamander reacted to his river getting fucked up from all the blood and bodies??? Achilles fucked around and found out.
Rambling and maybe a bit silly but let me know what y'all think! :D
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mother of monsties !!!
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little Ceto sketch from a mosaic cause fun !!! idk i wanna try to actually design her next, this is just an interpretation of pre-exisiting design, idk, anyway fun, and drew her with another basking shark cause i mean, shes in the name bro, Cetorhinus maximus(basking sharks), anddd theres basking sharks in greece apparently sometimes, and sharks and Big Water Creatures are just generally her domain, its perfect
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sea-sorceress · 1 year
Hymn to The Nereids
I sing of those silver footed maidens of the deep Sea,
Whom are great in number and in name,
They who dance hand-in-hand in the sand,
And summon forth the Winds with their Waves.
Daughters of the great, serpentine Nereus,
Prophetic god of the Sea.
The marvelous Sea dwelling nymphs,
Whose choice it is to give or to withhold the Sea's bounty.
Grant me the blessings only you can bestow
Lovely-haired goddesses,
O sweet sounding Nereids,
Glistening Sisters of the Sea!
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sarafangirlart · 1 day
You ever wonder if Perseus approached Cassiopeia at the wedding like “btw you were right” and then not elaborate?
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noctilionoidea · 1 year
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A few Nereids because why not
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