#New Bettle
deeploretv · 1 month
Why was Joe Bettles bludgeoned to death on the Las Vegas Strip?
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Las Vegas police are hoping newly released video will help solve the unsolved 2021 murder of 42-year-old Joseph Bettles on the Las Vegas Strip. The surveillance footage shows Bettles being brutally beaten by an unidentified man on the morning of December 31, 2021 at the corner of Las Vegas Boulevard and Flamingo Road.
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The video depicts Bettles running up to the suspect, who then shoves Bettles onto a divider. However, the attack escalates as the man is seen kicking Bettles in the face and stomping on his head multiple times. Bettles was taken to the hospital where he died several days later from blunt force trauma.
Detective Lawrence Gilbert expressed shock that the daylight attack occurred so publicly on the Strip without any bystanders intervening. He said identifying the suspect has proven difficult as the killing happened during the Covid pandemic when mask-wearing was prevalent.
However, police are hoping the suspect's unique hairstyle of dark hair on top with blonde hair or a ponytail in the back could provide leads. He was also wearing a distinct sweatshirt sold in Beaver, Utah. Gilbert believes the fatal beating may have been retaliation if the suspect felt disrespected or threatened by Bettles.
Over two years later, the shocking video showing the suspect's face is the key evidence that could solve Bettles' murder. Police urge anyone who recognizes the individual to come forward anonymously through Crime Stoppers to provide answers for the victim's family. A reward is offered for information leading to an arrest.
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zorteh · 11 months
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haneys · 2 years
i really wonder if the transformers fandom had used the two trucks having sex song in any context before. it would fit so much
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kikimokivt · 9 months
Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle Battle Bettle
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oohlaniece · 1 year
Here’s a quick peek at some of this summer’s movies! Which of these movies are you going to watch? 
Here’s a quick peek at some of this summer’s movies! Which of these movies are you going to watch?  View this post on Instagram A post shared by La-Niece (@oohlaniece) #secretinvasion June 21#teenagemutantninjaturtles August 4#teenagekraken June 30#missionimpossible July 12#bluebettle August 18#barbie July 21#hauntedmansion July 28#oppenheimer July 21#indianajones June 30
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giurochedadomani · 6 months
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Obsessed with this, because, what if it happens this way? Romance dawn trio getting together because some teacher wanted to do a group project and they were the three kids that no one wanted in their group so Luffy says: mine 😁 and convinces them to stick together? (Luffy had already counted Zoro as his bestie since he saw him throwing hands with helmeppo to defend a little girl and Zoro's reluctantly warming up to this goofy, little, talkative, hyperactive, 'troublesome' new kid. Nami's trying to do the project alone right until the very last moment due to --Arlong drama--)
And this project is special! It's for the local newspaper, it's a children literary contest! Helmeppo had already talked with his daddy, one of the teachers, to be the winner with koby, but aaaaah. At the last moment Garp intervenes, not realising that he's giving the victory to Luffy's group until it's too late.
Hence their little 'why is the bettle the most free animal in the planet', with wonderful illustrations, ends up being printed in the local newspaper.
(and well. Now Mihawk has the perfect excuse to show up in Shanks' place. Not that he's been thinking about it since they stumbled upon each other last time Garp called zoro and luffy to his office)
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☆●○☆Summary:Miles (1610!) Milo (42!) Twins Au introduce themselved to a new neighbor.
You open the door to see a pai of twins carrying tupper wear filled with food.
"I didnt order food panda I think your in the wrong door." The one who had barids face retorted. "Were not fast food drivers we're ya next door neighbor" The other nervously smiled. "Our Mom wanted us to welcome you to our building! We hope you like empanadas!" You nodded in respect "Thank you" taking the tupper wears they left immediately.
"They were kinda pretty " Miles said scartching his neck. "For you" Milo snarled as he rolled his eyes. "HEY!"
You were in the park playing with your bubble gun that you bought for yourself. It was fun on how the bubbles look and pop or when they just stick to your finger. The raindbow that they sometimes make or the wobbly reflection you can see when u squint. Bubbles are so fun.
"Hey! What are you doing??" A weird suited man asked. "Why are you dressed like that?" You asked as you continue to shoot more bubbles." I am spiderman" His eyes thingy lowered. "Why?" He froze at that answer.
"What do you mean "why"?"
"It sounds weird and you dont really look like a spider"
And thats how you became friends with a bootleg sorry weird bettle thats suppose to be spider theme superhero. It wasnt really eventful just you explaining why you like bubbles so much. It reminded you of childhood , home ,and happy things.
"So why are you playing alone? I am sure your friends will love to have turn with your bubble gun!" Beetleman asked. "I dont have friends here" you layed down in the grass shooting bubbles in the air. The beetle man more than average eyemask thingy rose. "What do you mean?" "I moved here from somewhere faraway" you dropped your hand holding the bubble gun. "Well I can be your fr-" Before he can respond his spidersense heard the sound of police sirens. "SHIT I GOTTA GO" he swinged away without hesitation leaving you behind .
Shrugging at the beetle man you continue playing with bubbles happily alone.
When Miles little run in with robbers was finish he slapped his head. "SHIT I DIDNT GET HER NAME!" he swunged back to the park spot you were at but to see it empty. "Fuck she must have thought I was an asshole for leaving her ,here " Slapping his head again. Internally screaming at himself for being insensative he begrudgingly swinged himself back to his room.
"MILES GET UP MA FORCING US TO TALK TO THE HER AGAIN" Milo stormed himself in groaning. "Why is she so worried about a stranger" he rolled his eyes , Miles gave an awkward laugh. "I mean she kinda is lonely?" Milo rolled his eyes again. "Not our problem" "Dont be like , lo" "Whatever let's get this done already."
Hearing a knock from your door you lazily walked to it. "Hello , again " The braid one "tch" looking at you as Miles smacked him. "Sorry about this but we never got your name and our Mom just worried about you seemingly living alone?" You blinked at his response. "Oh , I didnt say my name? (Y/n) (l/n) and I am a international student but I do live with my older brother he just works alot." Miles seem relived at the information as Milo just wanted to leave. "Well I am Miles and this is Milo." Miles gestured to Milo to respond which he simply "sup" you.
"Sooooo our Mom wanted us to invite you over and your brother can come since your new and all-" Milo cutted him off. "Just come at 5 sharp dont be late" dragging Miles back to their home.
"Oi , Shobe who are they?" Your older brother shouted across the sofa. "They invited us dinner next door." Your brother perked up. "Finally YOU CAN MAKE FRIENDS" you glared at him throwing your slippers in his ugly face.
You and your brother mostly you holding out tupperware to give to the neighbors. Leche plan and egg pie.
A wonderful women opened the door her face brightening at them. "Oh WELCOME!You two were just in time!" She took the tupperwear of food. "MILES MILO COME DOWN HERE!!!" she shouted.
As everyone sat down for food . The tough man , next to the bright woman , miles next milo ,next to your brother ,and you after.
"So I am Rio and this my husband jeff" the bright woman introduced as your brother smiled. "I am Lucas this my shobe (y/n) and its amazing to meet you!" Your brother elbowed you "Salamat , po" you said. "We're immagrants sorry about Shobe she's shy" Lucas held your shoulders ,Rio waved her hand. "No dont apologize its not bad. It must have been hard leaving your home behind"
And for the entire dinner it was just Rio and lucas talking well Jeff came in conversation time to time but not word from any of the three teens.
"How about the two of you show (y/n) you guys room? " Jeff said to the twins. Miles nodded as Milo rolled his eyes but still agreed.
As the two led you to there room it was just an average teen boys room. "Your room is.... comfortable" You drop to sit on the floor. The duo looked confuse on what to say or do since you looked unintrested in anything and everything. "So why you moved here" Milo asked for once not beeing rude just wanting to cut the silence. "Scholarship " This perked the intrest on the boys sitting down on Miles bed across you. "From what school?" Miles asked. "Vision something" you played with ur hands. "That's cool we go there too!" Miles smiled and Milo looking impressed. "You must be smart to get a scholarship" Milo arm crossed. You simply nodded.
Milo was not impress with you but at the same he is. He doesnt like your somewhat ignorant attitude and his first impression was not the best but he can't deny. You look "cute" playing with your hands. You seem to not like eye contact much.
"Why does your brother call you Shobe? Its not even close to what your name sounds like." Milo said a hint of an attitude expecting you to react or something but nothing again. "It just means little sister nothing to it" Miles then asked "So what do you call your brother?" "Kuya" It kinda annoys them on how straightforward your answers where like just one word they just wanted to know a little bit more.
"(Y/n) do you like art?" Miles asked hoping for a longer reaction. "I do I like painting and I like musicals" You smiled softly. Jackpot. "Musicals? I was never really into dear even hansen or just chill to be honest" Milo shrugged. You perked up "Well have you tried Ride of cyclone or the aladin musical? Theyre my favorite" eyes sparkling so bright that they felt like beeing blinded. "How about the first one? We still have time..." Miles looked at the clock. Your eyes sparkled sparkled harder like what the fuck please stop your scaring them.
Lucas knocking at the door to see two boys crying as you look at them patheticly. "It's not that bad-" "THE STUPID DOLL'S SONG HITS HARD FOR WHAT?!"Milo wiped his snot. "OCEAN CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT WAS MWAH" Miles sobbed.
"Shobe" Lucas called you , smilling. "Kauban nimo sila ?" You nodded to him as you took your phone and stood up to leave. "We'l watch Aladin the musical next its more into comedy dont worry."
Hey , I kinda just wanted to make this cause its 10 pm and whatever and want like a slowburn friendship type I kinda know its mid and (y/n) isnt eccentric and full of personality but I kinda wanted to show a version which I dont see often is a (y/n) who just seems emotionaly distant with themselves cause that is alot of teen exp and kinda wanted to make sense with her moving from another country. Also I kinda wanted to represent chinese-filipino since I dont really see it often. "Shobe" is from fukien/hokkien. Also hokkien is popular in other countries such as singapore. Srry this is stupid long just wanted to explain.
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We need Squirrel Girl to save us from this threat O.O
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drops-of-moonlights · 11 months
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The other revelant supportive fairies and witches, redesigned for who knows which time! Small tibdits below because at this point y'all know them lmao. Mirta, Lucy, Galatea, Krystal, Selina!
Mirta Owain: we know her, we love her, I kept her as a witch through and through! Not much to say about her, her power of Illusions comes from mixing her primary Darkness with Light and Water to create various optical effects and visions. She also still loves pumpkin as a food despite having been turned into one, which tends to unnerve some people lol.
Lucy Wisternia: Mirta's taller gf, we also know her well! She grows enough later on to be forwarded by Griffin herself as a potential new teacher in CT if she so chooses. Her Fauna Source was honed and focused in any small invertebrate that can be classified colloquially as an insect or bug, so it expands to arachnids and some shellfish, like shrimp. She has a particular fondness for bettles, though.
Wenbai Galatea: the current princess of Melodeus! She still has 5 years or so left since reelections for a new monarch happen again. I've decided to make her albino as well. Her power of Vibrations is from her Metal Source, aided by Sound and Wind.
Krystal Rosalinda de los Árboles: Princess of Linphea, Helia and Flora's childhood friend, the one that makes them come to their senses when fighting. She's still the Fairy of Aromatherapy, which here means her main Healing Source is aided by bits of Flora, Fauna and even Poison.
Selina Harlock: I DON'T THINK I NEED TO SAY ALL THAT MUCH, SHE'S SELINA, WE KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO HER LMAO. Currently in jail for another couple months, she MIGHT appear in AUS8? Still not fully on the details yet but we'll see. Her Witch of Fungi comes from her primary Poison Source, which extends to small bits of Flora and Fauna Sources in line with how WEIRD mushrooms are in general when it comes to these sorts of classifications.
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therese-lokidottir · 5 months
Did you heard news or rumor that WB want merged with paramount because well they kind need money now, because the flash movie, blue bettle and aquanman 2 not susces?
Do you think peoples still excited with superhero movie?
Honestly I am not really, I meant I like gci and fight and the costume but well the plot kind kill the mood
Companies merging is not going to result in better movies. The need to take a breath and work on their stories little harder. People are sick of bad movies and nostalgia bait. Like maybe whats needed is a shift in focus. There's no bigger and more at this point. Give some alternative and indie titles a chance to shine
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our-neck-of-the-woods · 7 months
Welcome Home: Our Neck of the Woods AU
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Meet and Greet the Neighbors
We have uncovered a few scripts and character artwork about the wonderful new cast neighbors. Meet the smallest yet mightiest neighbor who can not only build up a house in a pinch but can fix himself a great big tasty sandwich!
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Henry Handy
"The Woods' very own handyman, Henry Handy, is ready to take on any job no matter how big or small! This worker ant is ready to get to work on any project with the help of his handy dandy toolbox and his trusty mover groover van. He can fix up anything, from a drippy faucet to a squeaky door, even fixing himself a hearty sandwich or two."
Based on the script of the television special, Henry Handy was a hard-working little fella who carried his toolbox everywhere he went to help his fellow neighbors fix any problem they had. From being a plumber, electrician, mechanic, or even being a certified sandwich inspector, he can do it all! He's described as being smaller than his neighbors, even smaller than Wally, but just as strong as ten hercules bettles. Since he's on the move helping out his fellow neighbors, he lives in his trusty mover groover van and trailer instead of a regular home.
Henry's segment would focus on him pulling out a tool from his trusty toolbox to help with the shows topic of the day. No matter how obscure the tool is. A balloon, a whisk,a magnifying glass, a hammer, and a rubber duck were just a few of the items described that came out of his toolbox. One of the running gags in the special being how Handy's toolbox is so small yet holds a ton of items.
Just like Corey's Perfume Shop, he will receive compensation in the form of a snack after every job. His favorite snacks consist of fruit, jellies, sugar, and his favorite, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Old scripts have confirmed that Henry had a part in building the homes of his neighbors, suggesting he is the oldest neighbor in the show.
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bouncybongfairy · 8 months
hello! I hope your having a wonderful day/night!! I hope you're doing request if not then ignore this!! Sorry!
😭🙏Okay so what if Jamie aka blue bettle had a little sister like the age of 14 she always helped her family in any way and was like Jamie's best friend and was really overprotective but when they brought the girl (it was the girl named Jenny or something I hope yk who I mean!!😭) and when the girl tried to explain everything to the family (about the bettle in him and stuff if yk the sence of what I mean..💀🙏) (y/n) is just pissed at Jenny and was like "this is you're fault!" AND was like telling her off and Jamie tried to calm them down but the looked at him pissed and was like "I SAW A STUPID F**KING ROBOT THINGY LANCH ON YOU'RE FACE NO I AM NOT GONNA CALM DOWN-"
(Ngl i thought the part where the bettle launched on his face was funny 💀 but I hope you like it and have a wonderful day/night!! Also eat food and drink water also get some rest!!)
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A New Perspective
Blue Beetle FanFic
Summary: As Jaime's little sister, you've had a hard time adjusting to how different everything is now. During a family movie night, your built-up resentment towards Jenny comes out. Which causes a fight between you and Jaime.
Word Count: 1.5k+
Things at home have been more lively ever since Jaime came from school. How could it not when he was now Blue Beetle? Everyone in the family seemed to be around more, which you really enjoyed. Even though Jaime is back home, he’s been so busy with his new identity and Jenny. She was over a lot and ever since everything happened everyone treated her like family. You were nice to her but deep down you had feelings of resentment. You didn’t voice this thought because you didn’t want to rock the boat while everyone was healing from Dad’s death. Everyone had a lot on their plate and you didn’t want to give anyone unneeded stress due to drama. Instead, you just tried to enjoy the time you had with Jaime. As siblings, you guys have always been really close but obviously, distance did nothing but change that. You tried to tell yourself that as you get older the bond would change but not so soon. Right now you were on the bus home from school, excited because Milagro, Jaime, and you were going to watch the new Disney movie Elementals together. When you guys were younger this was a weekly tradition. As everyone got older and busier this fizzled out but you were so excited that everyone was back on board. Last night the three of you went out and bought a bunch of snacks and drinks. You practically ran home from the bus stop and to your surprise, nobody was home yet. Dropping your backpack near the front door, you went upstairs and grabbed a couple of blankets from the hall closet. Layer them on the couch to make them more comfy, adding some of the plushies off your bed. 
After arranging the couch, you went and showered. You ran the mile in P.E. today and felt sticky from sweat. Changing into sweatpants and a tee-shirt, you walked into the dining room still drying your hair with a towel. Everyone was home, Milagro was pulling cookies out of the oven and Jaime came in behind you with three boxes of pizza. When you turned around to give him a hug, you saw Jenny who was standing two feet away from him. She gave everyone including you a hug, talking about how excited she was to have a movie night with everyone. This irritated you, especially because this was the first time doing a family night since Dad died. Just seemed insensitive for her to be here right now. You just smiled and got yourself a plate of pizza and wings before getting comfortable in your spot. It was taking a while for everyone to sit down, most of them were just talking in the kitchen but eventually made their way out. Jaime, Jenny, and Milagro were sitting on the couch and you were sitting on the couch and you were sitting with your back against the couch by their feet. Once the movie started, everything was going fine until Jaime and Jenny started whispering to each other. Laughing and giggling with each other. It was driving you crazy and when you checked to see if your other sister was as annoyed as she was on her phone. Really gave you a reality check there because you thought this meant as much to them as it did to you. You sighed and leaned back, you had about as much as you could handle. Suddenly, Jenny’s phone rings. 
“Babe, will you come with me to take this call?” Jenny asked.
“Yeah, hey y/n we’ll be right back,” he said. 
“Whatever I didn’t want to do this movie night anyway,” you said, setting your plate on the coffee table. 
“Woah, are you okay?” he asked, now everyone was staring at you. 
“Yeah, are you? Or do you need to ask Jenny before you answer?” you asked sarcastically. 
“Oh my god, y/n chill out,” Milagro said. 
“No why should I, this was the first time we did a movie night since Dad died and you invited her? That’s just so fucking weird and the entire time you guys are laughing and giggling during the movie. Just weird considering she’s the reason he’s gone,” you scoffed. 
“What the fuck y/n you can’t say things like that. Especially because it’s not her fault!” Jaime yelled at you, pointing his finger. 
“Are you kidding me? Is it not her fault?! He died because of the stress of you becoming Blue Beetle and who gave you the beetle? Jenny,” you said,  raising your voice to match his tone, “Not to mention it’s hard on everyone in the family now because of that stupid thing. It was traumatizing to watch the bug literally embedded itself into your skin. That’s not normal and for some reason everyone acts like nothing really happened. She’s the one who started all this yet she’s welcomed here like she’s an honored guest or something,” you said standing up. 
“I’m so sorry you feel this way y/n, it was never my intention-” Jenny started but you shut her down pretty fast.
“Can you please like, never fucking talk to me especially right now?” you sneered at her. 
“Y/N what the fuck! You can’t blame everything going wrong in your life on her, okay!” Jaimed exclaimed.
Nobody said anything, instead they just started as if they never knew you had a voice or something. You grabbed your phone and stormed off. The last thing you wanted to do was spend any more time with them. You grabbed your skateboard and rode down to the park semi near your house. You cried a little on your way down there, you just couldn’t believe Jaime would take her side over yours. As if her feelings are more valid than yours. Maybe the way it came out was wrong but what you were saying at its core was true. Once you got to the park you saw your friend Scorpy sitting underneath the play set. When they saw you, they started calling out for you to join them. You wiped your eyes and picked up your board. As you walked over to them, your phone started blowing. Calling from your family asking you where you went, you set it to not disturb and shove it into your pocket. 
“Hey y/n, are you okay?” she asked. 
“Yeah me and my brother just got into a fight over his girlfriend but I don’t really want to get into all the details,” you said sitting down next to her. 
“I get it, families can get messy,” she said, taking a large hit out of her pen. 
“Do you wanna hit to calm down?” she asked. You stared at the pen and looked at her as if she was fucking with you. You grabbed it and took a hit but ended up coughing your brains out, which made her laugh. 
You didn’t go crazy on the pen because you still wanted to talk to Jaime when you got home. Now that you’ve calmed down you realize that obviously you shouldn’t have blown up on them at that moment. You could have talked to them privately and communicated your feelings. You thought about what you were going to say the entire time you rode home. It was dark now and you knew everyone was going to be worried and maybe mad. You stood in front of the door for a couple moments, scared to face everyone. When you walked in, your mom rushed over to you and gave you a slap on the arm for being gone so long. She was understanding that you needed some time to cool off but she was just worried. You went into your room and Jaime was sitting on the bed. This may sound petty but you were happy that Jenny was nowhere in sight. 
“I’m sorry for blowing up on her like that,” you said, playing with your finger nails. 
“If you were feeling that way why wouldn’t you just tell me?” he asked, motioning over for you to sit down. 
“I don’t know, I guess I was just feeling insecure because ever since you got back from school you’ve been hanging out with her. I’m happy that you have a girlfriend and a life outside the family but I don’t know, I thought we’d hang out more than we have. Also she is the one who gave the Blue Beetle to you right?” you asked the last part more quietly than you said the rest.
“Well I’m glad I know that now, so I can carve out more time for you. I think we both have valid feelings, we just needed to see them from a different perspective to understand exactly how we feel. I didn’t mean to yell at you like that, I'm sorry. And yes Jenny gave me the beetle but that doesn’t mean she’s the reason for..that.” he said softly.
“Yeah I do think maybe that was me projecting a bit, I’m sorry I ruined the movie night,” you sighed.
“Everything happens for a reason kid,” he said as you guys got up to finish the movie.
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zorteh · 1 year
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Charlie Bettle - new legacy founder
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Michelle Bettles
Michelle Bettles was 22 years old when she was murdered. Michelle operated as a street prostitute and was last seen in the red light district of Norwich during the early hours of Thurs 28 and Fri 29 March 2002 Easter weekend.
Michelle unusually had not kept a pre-arranged appointment with a regular client of hers. They had arranged to meet close to her home address in the Dereham Road area of Norwich but she never kept the appointment.
CCTV footage shows Michelle walking along St Benedict's Street towards the city centre at 8.20 pm that night. Clearly, for whatever reason, she had never intended to keep the appointment with the regular client since she was heading in the opposite direction to their pre-arranged meeting.
There was a series of sightings of Michelle in various locations in the red light district of Norwich by people that knew her, the last being at about midnight.
On the morning of 31 March 2002, Michelle's body was found by a local resident in woodland by the side of a country track known as Rush Meadow Road in Scarning, near Dereham. She had been strangled. This is around 20 miles from the Red Light District area of Norwich.
A murder investigation was launched but the killer was never identified. The case remains unsolved.
Appeal for new information continues to be a key point to help solve this murder. It is almost 20 years since Michelle was killed and some people may not have been prepared to come forward to speak to the police about what they know of this case.
Contact details
Unsolved Case Review Manager: Mr Andy Guy
Contact Tel: 01953 423819  
Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers anonymously on: 0800 555 111.
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kob131 · 5 months
I plan on making an expansive version sometime in the future but here's a rough shot placement of how I rank the generations-
9- Gen 6. Pokemon is at its best when it goes for both story and gameplay as one complete package than two seperate things. X and Y doesn't push either one with pretty bland gameplay (with the exception of Super Training) and a bland to bad story (I cannot name a single thing about the rivals, the team is as bland as Gen 1 Rocket with nonsensical motivations without the Gen 1 excuse and the Champion exists). Aegislash is rad as hell though. Megas are a mixed bag- why does Mega Garchomp exist?
8- Gen 1. Obvious stuff: the glitches in gameplay, really slow pace, starting some of the worst practices in Pokemon like Mythicals, trade evolutions, version exclusives ect. Blue, Lance and Giovanni are interesting characters...outside the Gen 1 games. But the sprites are pretty cool...even if Machop still looks like a gingerbread man to me.
7- Gen 3. Yeah the starters are pretty damn good, they have nice dungeon puzzles and the introduction of abilities was great. But to be real- I can't name a single interesting thing about any of the characters aside from Norman being the ONE dad in Pokemon and Steven being kind of cool. I can't name a thing about Roxanne, Brawly, Watson, Flannery, Winona, Lisa/Tate, Wallace (even though he became a CHAMPION) or any of the Elite Four. I also really don't like Team Aqua and Magma for how shallow they are. Again, they're roughly equal to Gen 1 Team Rocket which could have been fine...if Gen 2 Rocket didn't prove GF was capable of making simple but effective villain teams. Flannery's White Herb Torkoal would have given the games some credit...if not for Juan's stupid ass Double Team-Rest-Chesto Berry Kingdra canceling it out through Evasion hacks.
6- Gen 2. This isn't a condemnation of Gen 2 rather than how old it is. It brought in the Dark and Steel types which have helped make great type matchups and interesting new Pokemon. It made Team Rocket actually pretty interesting since they help embolden the theme of 'times are changing' with them clinging to power and relevancy with Giovanni refusing to show to showcase how their time has come and gone. Lance reinforces this theme by taking over from Blue and Red before teaching Silver, who starts the trend of more dynamic rivals. The sprites are actually really good because it's right before RSE started having blurrier sprites with clear and colorful sprites. It's just other gens adapted what makes it good.
5- Gen 7. The original stuttery Gen, though Pokemon like Vikavolt being a bettle-railcannon, Incineroar being a heel wrestler, Mimikyu's...everything and Lycanroc being a good fast Rock type making some standout Pokemon. It also introduced regional variants with solid additions like Alolan Muk and Alolan Ninetails. It's UI is also a great integration of the region's colorful aesthetic with paint brush splashes. Hau, Lillie, Gladion, Guzma and Lusamine are real standout examples of more in depth Pokemon characters and I think Team Skull is a pretty fun team to feed into the innocent tropical feel of the region. The Totem Pokemon also make for more unique boss battles. The Ultra Beasts are insane from a conceptual and gameplay perspective. I also really love Zygarde's Complete form.
4- Gen 8. A real tossup between this and Gen 7. This is a lot cleaner in terms of visuals but trades off a lot of the color and mix of tropical relaxation/insanity with a clean and flat sports aesthetic that I think is less memorable. Cinderace has an amazing signature move animation but the other two's aren't very interesting in either design or moves. I really like Sir Fetch'd and Obstagoon as new evolutions alongside Orbettle and Toxitricity as great new additions but the clean and simple presentation does make it less memorable. The gyms are also less memorable though the likes of Nessa's design and Raihan's design AND battle are very memorable. Also Leon's battle is really cool...even as he has a nostalgia baiting Charizard. (and I STARTED the series with Charizard). And then we have Hop, the first rival to actually challenge N's spot as the best rival in the games. What really pushes it over the edge is Legends Arceus for being a pinnacle of gameplay, atmosphere and story integration in the series.
3- Gen 4. This might be a little biased considering my clearer memories of Sinnoh. I think with Platnium has one of the best experiences in the games with a well-paced story, great balanced gameplay with the physical and special split allowing for more diverse Pokemon. The starters take advantage of this with the likes of Inferape being a mixed attacker, Empoleon being a special Water/Steel type and Torterra being a physical Grass/Ground tank. We get a great backstory for the Pokemon world in the form of it's creation myth and I think the best Gym Leader rematches in the 2D games. It also helps that this Gen remakes the Gen 2 games, improving the Gen 2 games and gives them the advantage of the more refined Gen 4 sprites and animations and fixing it's leveling issues in Kanto.
... Never forget the issues with the DP's speed and locking several postgame hook resolutions (Shaymin, Darkrai and fucking ARCEUS) behind LIMITED TIME DISTRIBUTIONS.
2- Gen 9. To try and make this quick- the best cast of the games with Arven, Nemona being one of the best rival and Penny being the best friendly team leader alongside the great authority figure in Principal Clavell, memorable Gym Leaders like Larry, Iono, Katie and Rhyme and the sad story of the Professors and how they ended up. They also made the first Legendary Pokemon that's an actual character in Koraidon/Miraidon. The open world allows for more expression of Pokemon's personalities (like how Tauros charge at you to show their aggression, weak and timid Pokemon run from you, Slakoth and Slowpoke lines not reacting to your presence, friendly Pokemon like Hoppip floating towards you, Tyrogue eating berries ect. The updated model textures make the Pokemon look more like actual animals that exist which helps make them appear more like pets. And this is without going into the DLCs which contain either the second best or the best rival in the series in Kieran. However the performance does in fact have issues and there should be more puzzles like in the 2D games. Also if the Pecharunt event is limited time- I'm having words with the developers.
1- Gen 5. Probably the most unique generation since it was the last 2D Gen with sequel games rather than remakes or third versions. This aspect changes a lot since it basically doubles the story of the generation which helps with things like Cherran and Bianca's character arcs with Cherran's use of held items foreshadowing his intelligence and thus his capacity for teaching or Bianca's weaker team reflecting how ill-suited she is for battling to justify her becoming Juniper's assistant. The locations are stunning in their visuals due to the combination of 3D environments and 2D sprites. The Gym Leaders have some great standouts like the Straiton City brothers, Lenora, Elesa, Skyla and Drayton. We also have Team Plasma and how they tackle a concept that Pokemon has long since tiptoed around (Pokemon abuse) being led by their leader N, who stood uncontested as the best rival for a long time.
... It's not perfect. Many of the changes in the sequel are justified by Memory Link events that you can't get normally, the Legendaries are a bit too busy and N probably came in a little early since he's a very verbose and grand rival with big talks of ideals and truth...in the generation right BEFORE we got more in depth dialogue choices. Which kind of makes the writing deflate a bit. Still, probably the best generation we have.
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So I was watching a video that said if you call Miles Morales 'Miles Morales' instead of 'Spider-Man' you are racist. Then I saw someone defend this rake by bringing up the Flash, Robin and the Green Lantern.
That made me stop and go "Nope. Nuh huh. You're wrong there."
Let's break it down. Are there racists who refuse to acknowledge Miles as Spider-Man? Yes. Is everyone calling him Miles instead of Spider-Man racists? No.
Heroes like Spider-Man aren't going to be mantles.
He is like Superman and Batman like that.
When you mention these people only one name comes to mind .
Bruce Wayne is Batman not Jean-Paul Valley, not Terry Mcginnis or Dick Grayson. They are all great characters who have worn the bat-matle, but they have their own names as there is only on Batman. Even Terry is called Batman Beyond fir that reason.
It is worse with Superman everyone that isn't Clark is given a different mantle. John Henry Iron became Steel, Connor is perpetually Superboy and who Jon Kent got aged up be became Superman: Son of Kal-El. They all have a different name or called 'Superman, but' like Cyborg-Superman or Bizzaro-Superman.
Miles was different before he was Mikes Morales he was the Ultimate Spider-Man...and then the Ultimate universe was killed, then he became Miles Morales.
As for the comparison of the Flash, Robin and Green Lantern, those aren't the defences people think they are.
When people talk about Robin specifically they do one of 2 things. They use their names like people do with Miles or they use their other mantle. I once saw a video where the person said "Nightwing when he was Robin" at the start and another who said "Red Hood then Robin".
People make differentiation with the Robin and with the Flash and Green Lantern it is more pronounced.
They either say "Barry Allen" or "Jay Garrik" or they say "Wally West Flash" and the Green Lantern is built on that difference. The majority wither use their names (Hal Jordan, Jon Stewart etc) or they say Jessica Cruz Green Lantern.
The only time they don't differentiate is when there is only one version in the show/movie/medium they are taking about is the one that exists and even then it's not certain.
Look at JL/JLU John Stewart is the only Green Lantern and yet some still say John Stewart's Green Lantern when referring to him.
The issue is that in every version of Miles Morales Spider-Man, Peter Parker Spider-Man is there. Every single version.
The main issue is time. There have been decades of Peter Parker being Spider-Man. In all 3 live-action movie series it is Peter Parker we were given. Miles only got his movie series and game and past 5 years and even then Peter was there and people had to differentiate between them.since Miles is either 'Miles' or 'Spider-Man' and Peter is there so he is automatically Spider-Man.
The main issue is the prefix. Even in Spider-Man we have people separated by prefixes or suffixes. The Scarlet Spider-Man, the Superior Spider-Man, Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Gwen and Spider-Man 2099. They all have something that separates then from Peter's mantle. And most of then are white so people aren't being racist not calling them Spider-Man.
All except Miles. Even the Ultimate Spider-Man is Jo longer Miles, there is a new Ultimate universe and the Spider-Man for that universe is Peter.
The issue summarised is that Peter has been too popular as Spider-Man for Miles to have that name. Look at Blue Beetle. Jaime Rayes is the most popular Blue Bettle and despite there being more than one he is referred to as Blue Beetle and his predecessor is call by his name, Ted Kord.
Until Miles surpasses Peter in popularity he will be Miles while Peter will be Spider-Man. Which isn't happening any time soon unfortunately.
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