34saveme34 · 7 months
Sever the Ties - another smg34 fic by yours truly
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[Very excited to post this !!
CW: obviously angst, self harm (mainly once), in general a lot of death mentions, no actual deaths though
word count: 11243
Although SMG3 didn't like it when 4 helped him, he convinced him through endless whining to help clean the cafe after the chaos his USB caused (Why does that sound familiar?).
It took the whole day, both were way too exhausted. 3 sat down on one of the chairs guests would usually sit on. A lot of emotions were boiling in him.
“Whew, we’re done, finally!” 4 exclaimed, stretching his arms after completing such a grueling task.
“You didn't need to help” 3 said, contempt dripping off his words. But he was still holding back.
“It's my fault so I kind of did”
3 just sighed and got up, not wanting to further engage in conversation.
4 looked confused, but also upset.
“Dude! Not even a thanks?” he pouted
3 looked back at him, a sort of coldness in his eyes 4 didn't like to be subjected to.
“Thanks for fixing your own mistake. Now scram” he didn't yell, but he wasn't exactly calm either.
“I’m sorry… it wasn't on purpose I promise I… I hope you can forgive me, 3” 4 pleaded, looking 3’s way, his big eyes reflecting off all the sorrow he was feeling about the situation. 3 looked away but that face already made an impression on his mind. It was hard to stay mad at him.
“I know…” his voice was so gentle “This is just how it is with you sometimes, isn't it?” 3 joked, looking back at 4. 4 frowned.
“But! It shouldn't be… I’ve gotta make it up for you somehow…”
“Please don't…” 3 whined.
“I promise it's gonna be good!” 4 gave him a double thumbs up, as he left with an excited grin. 3 could feel a plan cooking up in 4’s brain, there was no way to stop him.
He shook his head, chuckling to himself.
“What did I do to deserve this?” he spoke to himself, with a stupid grin he couldn't wipe off. As he was trying to cope with the idea that 4 could ruin him further, he felt his furry son greeting him by nuzzling his foot.
“Hey there, boy!” as if he was absolved of all worry, he lifted Eggdog in his arms, hugging him. He earned excited barks for it.
“At least I have you” he petted him then put him down. He still felt kind of bittersweet.
He left to his evil lair, and immediately hit the bed. He felt too emotionally unavailable for the shower right now. The bathroom in general. Walking by the mirror in there simply made him feel dread. He didn't think he could develop such a repulsion towards his own image. His whole living place kind of became hell for him for this reason.
He couldn't sleep, it just wasn't working. He got up. His clock read 2 AM. He sighed. Something was on his mind.
“I should get rid of them…” he stared at the statue of himself. Every second that passed as he stared at it, he felt he couldn't even get out of his own merch’s shadows. It all made him feel sick. He got up, and started throwing out everything that used his likeness. All the plushies, cardboard standees and other merch he still had on hand. Not the statue, not yet. He had something special for that.
He put all the merch in a pile and lit it all on fire. It was sad to see but he felt relieved in some way as well. They had been haunting him for weeks at that point. Although the amount of money he spent on these was kinda sad to see go. Just another financial mistake of his, these felt common for him at this point. And it started so well too, with how much he got his hopes up, he plummeted that hard. He barely even realised he started to cry. He wiped his eyes, trying to compose himself but he only started crying more, and not so softly anymore. His breathing wasn't calm either, his brain felt like melting. So much pain in him, trying to turn him into nothing. He looked up at the sky, wondering where he could have gone wrong.
It took him a bit to calm down. He was glad that everyone was probably asleep at this point. The sadness slowly turned into twisted anger. He got up, walking up and down beside his fucked up bonfire, trying to calm himself.
“What did I even do to deserve this? I’ve been trying so hard- I went through so much! I thought I worked enough on myself to have a good life now” he stared up at the sky, as if he expected the stars to have an answer. But they were deadly silent.
“GOD DAMN IT, GIVE ME A REASON” he screamed, still staring up, as if blaming some sort of god for the way he was now. He was once again crying. He harshly sat down. It hurt but at least he wasn't only feeling his emotions that way. The thought made him stop, as he slowly looked to the fire, perhaps bad things forming in his brain. The more he looked at it, the more the fire made an impression on his brain. The way it was so strong, going up but dissipating soon too. It kind of reminded him of himself. Would anyone miss him if he became one with the fire?... Or  was he too much of a coward? He pulled off one of his gloves, his expression still wore sadness. He pulled his sleeve slightly up, not wanting it to catch fire. He reached in. It was kind of overwhelming. His mind felt empty from the pain. He pulled back suddenly as the pain really settled in him,even if it hadn’t been there for that long, crying out again. He couldn't believe it, he was crying again… Why was he such a failure?
“...3?” he heard a soft voice come from behind him, all too familiar. His heart sank. He couldn't look.
“...3! What… What's wrong?” the voice came closer, it seemed he was not getting off the hook with this one.
“Why are you here?” 3 spoke, his voice was strained from the crying.
“I couldn't sleep because of our link… I could feel something was wrong…” 4 kneeled down beside 3, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. 3 wasn't sure how to feel. His hand was hurt. It hurt so fucking much. Why did he have to be so fucking stupid?
4 grabbed his burnt hand. But he didn't say a thing. He was gentle too, he could see how much it hurt. 4 sighed softly and pulled 3 up.
“Wait, what the hell are you doing??” 3 tried to get away, pulling himself from 4’s grip.
“I want to help. This can't continue”
3 stared at him, so many thoughts attacking him. He felt awful.
“Like you could do anything, dipshit!”
4 was about to look offended but visibly held back.
“If you let me, I can. Please, 3… You know I care about you, right? It's awful to see you like… like this” he grabbed 3’s shoulder firmly, once again beginning to pull him back.
3 sighed.
“You won't let me go, huh?”
“Never ever” 4 smiled at 3, trying to be hopeful. 3 cared too… He really did.
4 took him inside then searched around everywhere he could to find something to treat 3’s burns. As he looked around, that's when he realised all the merch was missing. Their absence made him feel kind of uneasy. He thought for a bit then called Meggy.
“It's 4 in the morning” she sounded upset.
4 went outside, leaving 3 alone inside the cafe. 3 looked his way, but he didn't feel like going after him.
He was on the phone for a bit, probably about a few minutes. 3 didn't go outside but still stared the entire time. 4 came back inside after putting his phone away.
“I called Meggy, she has stuff for your burns”
3 frowned.
“You didn't need to-”
“What were you doing anyways?”
3 looked down, not wanting to look at 4 as he said those next few words.
“Burning merch”
4 was shocked. That's when he put together that what he saw then was all the merch burning.
“What?... What for?” 4 sounded so sad. It killed 3. He wished he could smile at him again.
“No one wanted them anyways, and I hated staring at them only catch dust”
“Still… I… has it really been this bad?”
“I’m surprised you didn't notice…. Then again, you're not exactly best at catching on things”
“Hey I-...” 4 looked down “I guess you're right”
Neither looked at the other. The tension…
Meggy stepped inside the cafe, which got both out of their sudden silence.
“Hey, guys, I brought some burn ointments, I came as soon as I could!”
“Why do you have it anyways?” 3 asked.
“You never know when you might need it!... And my time in the kitchen often leaves me with burns-”
“Fair enough” 4 commented, nodding. It made sense, Meggy is a shitty ass cook. 
4 and Meggy treated 3. 3 was kind of glad they stopped questioning why this even happened. He really really didn't want to talk about it.
“So” 4 started. Oh no.
“What?” 3 didn't dare look at either of them, playing with the bandage they put on his hand.
“What's wrong, SMG3?” Meggy folded her arms, looking concerned. 
“He burnt his merch” 4 told Meggy since 3 was rather silent.
“What??” even she was shocked. 3 was starting to feel like an utter clown, this was torture.
“Yeah… and I feel like it's my fault…” 4’s voice was filled with sorrow. 3 perked up for that, staring at 4 with an expression that was hard to read. It slowly turned soft though.
“It's… not actually” 3 sighed. It was his own fault. 
“I-... I think I still want to help… especially because I think I found something that could help your business out”
3 looked at him confused and scared. Whatever was in this man’s mind could only lead to bad things.
4 took his phone out and showed a picture of a billboard. It had the number on it to call if you wanted to rent it.
3 looked at the picture. Back at 4. Back at the picture, back at 4. He tilted his head. Meggy looked confused as well.
“You could advertise like this!”
“4… I hate to break it to you but I don’t have that kind of money right now”
4 shook his head.
“I’ll pay for it!” 4 pumped a fist into the air cheerfully. He was serious about this.
3 went so wide eyed, not even sure what he was supposed to say.
“3’s right, 4… that’s a rather big commitment”
“I don’t mind it!”
“The fuck you mean you don’t mind it??” 3 was rather flustered now. The grand gesture proposed to him made him feel all sorts of things.
“I wanna make it up to you, 3… for all the times I had mistreated you” 4 put a hand on 3’s shoulder. 3 was so flustered he didn’t even know what to say anymore. He wasn’t used to being treated so special. 
“Damn, that’s so sweet of you 4, I wish you cared about me this much” Meggy teased 4, 4 didn’t seem to get what she was going for. She didn’t feel like elaborating. 
“Are you sure?” 3 finally got some words out. Didn’t mean he looked any less flustered though.
“Yeah! You deserve it, man!” he patted 3 on his back then pulled him close by the shoulder. It seemed 4 was rather touchy today. And Meggy started to feel awkward about third wheeling. 
“So, guys, I’m gonna go back to sleep now, you’re welcome for my help” she waved them goodbye quickly. It was so interesting to see the 2 get along in their own ways but she still felt like she was intruding on something she shouldn’t.
3 felt like he was left to succumb now that he was left alone with 4. He couldn’t believe that he wished for Meggy to stay longer.
It took everything in him but he just couldn’t… he couldn’t keep it in. He hugged 4. It took a bit but 4 hugged back. They were silent, the hug was long. He wasn’t exactly a fan of affection but 4 got the best of him. He couldn’t help it at this point. 
“You sure are affectionate today” 4 teased 3 softly.
“Not my fault”
“Heh… is it mine?” 4 grinned.
“Yeah yeah” 3 pulled 4 away gently “And now it’s over”
“Thanks, your hugs are nice”
“You do realise how that sounds, right?”
“Well… Sometimes you’re a little gay with the homies, right?” 4 joked. 3 facepalmed. 
They stood around for a bit before 4 spoke.
“Say… will you be able to sleep like this?”
3 didn’t even think of that. With the way he got, he almost thought today would be his last day.
“Uh… I don’t know, I probably just… won’t”
4 squinted at him, having none of his bad behaviour.
“No way”
The 2 stared at each other, 3 looking kind of angry, especially since 4 didn’t budge.
“What are you gonna do, beat me to sleep or some shit?” 
“No… That’s mean”
“It’s not like you would cuddle me to sleep-” 3 said. He already said it and he couldn’t take it back. The words he didn’t mean to just put out there but now 4 knew. He knew that 3 considered cuddling him to sleep.
“Not a bad idea… then in the morning we can start on preparing for that billboard!”
3 grew so red.
“Then why did you bring it up?”
“And why are you so for it?”
4 blushed himself, now that he thought about it further… It was a pretty weird idea.
“This once?” 4 pleaded, with those loser puppy dog eyes. 3 sighed.
“Though… you should shower first”
“Being picky now, aren’t we?”
“I can help you with that too” 4 smiled, feeling kind of powerful that he could tease 3. He got slapped. He realised it was kind of deserved.
“Fine, I'll shower. Very VERY far from you”
“I was just joking! I swear!”
3 sighed and shook his head. He couldn’t believe he could be this close to this idiot.
3 showered and came back to 4 by his bed. It was kind of weird but he also sort of looked forward to it. In like a weird, twisted and awful way. He looked away from 4 to the statue he had of himself. It filled him with dread.
“Hey, 4, before we sleep… can you help me bring this out of here?” he pointed at the statue.
“Is it really necessary right now?”
“I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep with it around”
4 got up, guess there was no other way. They moved it out of the room together, although they had to take it apart a bit so they could fit it out of the door. For the night, they left it in the cafe lounge, he would worry about it later.
Now came the time to sleep. 3 got kind of flustered at 4 opening his arms for him to sleep there. He didn’t even let him go far away, keeping him close, as if he didn’t want to ever let him go… Only 4 knew that that thought was kind of accurate. It was so so uncomfortably comforting, 3 fell asleep pretty fast. If it wasn’t so weird, he’d ask to do this more.
Next day came by, 3 was slow to stir awake. He kind of didn’t feel like getting up. The warmth of 4 was a bit too nice… What the the fuck do you mean? Get yourself together! 3 wriggled himself out of 4’s hold and went to the bathroom to splash his face with water. He had to get himself together.
But man… He still missed it. How could he even cope with this?
He went back to his room and sat beside the still sleeping 4. He still couldn’t believe 4 just cuddled him last night. He thought he would never do something like that. It kind of intrigued him in a way. He wondered if he made this side of him trigger with what he did last night. He frowned, thinking of the possibility. He didn’t want to hurt 4. At least… he hoped he didn’t want to hurt 4. The idea made him kind of sick. 
He only realised how intensely he was staring at 4 when he woke up, his eyes meeting his own. He suddenly turned away, as if he hadn’t been looking at 4 for who knew how long at that point. 4 smiled about that, he was glad to see that 3 cared. Although he didn’t speak up about it… It was still too early for him. He lightly tugged on 3’s arm.
“What?” 3 looked at him unamused.
“Coffee?” 4 requested with one simple word.
3 just stared at him. 4 frowned.
“Pretty please”
3 rolled his eyes, he got up and went outside to make one for 4. 4 took that time to still relax in 3’s bed. He didn’t think it would be so nice sleeping beside 3. Although the idea was spontaneous and if the circumstances were different, he wouldn’t have done it… But his need to see 3 okay won him over like this. 
3 was brewing the coffee, while it was going, he phoned some dude up, apparently from the dark web. As soon as he put his phone down, a shady dude came out from the floor and took the disassembled statue, leaving a few coins behind for a fair trade. 3 picked them up. At least he could get a little money out of his sudden spring cleaning. 
3 went back down to 4 with the coffee, made to 4’s liking, he knew his taste pretty well at this point. Even if he didn’t have a lot of customers anymore, 4 would still come every once in a while. 
4 took the coffee, taking a sip, he hummed with delight.
“Great as always” 4 commented, drinking more of it. 3 was glad that even if his business was dying, he still managed to make banger coffee that 4 liked.
“No no, thank YOU”
“Whatever, you’re welcome” 3 smiled, folding his arms.
“Hey… don’t you wanna come beside me” the warmth radiating off of 4 was quite beckoning.
“What would I for? Not like I have business with you”
4 deflated.
“You kinda do, considering what we talked about yesterday…” 4 pulled out his laptop “I guess you don’t want to save your business?” 
3 went wide eyed. He accepted defeat and sat beside 4. 
“So… we should probably put together your ad!” 4 exclaimed “Now I uh… I had this idea for a while… and I made some mock ups!” 4 said and opened up a folder that held a few images.
They weren’t exactly well drawn and 4 didn’t have the most legible writing. 3 often had to lean in close to see them. After looking at them all, he looked at 4 and chuckled.
“I see graphic design is your passion” he teased.
“I did this for you!”
“They look like shit”
“What were you even trying to write here?” 3 opened one of the images back up.
“It’s-! I… I don’t remember? Ahaha” 4 laughed awkwardly. 3 rolled his eyes, somehow not believing this idiot could make himself look even less smart. 
“Let’s start this again…” 3 got up and brought back a pen tablet. 
“Didn’t know you had one of these”
“I got it not too long ago actually! It’s great to use” 3 took 4’s laptop in his own lap and plugged in his tablet.
“Uh-” 3 started “ do you mind if I download the software for it? It works better that way”
“Sure, go on… just don’t get me viruses!”
“I’m not as much of an idiot as you are!”
“You sure like grilling me today”
“It’s just what I do” 3 laughed. 
After he downloaded the software and set it up, he started to mock something up in ms paint, aka man’s best friend. Nobody does it like you, my dear, Microsoft paint!
It actually looked better than what 4 did, although the tablet definitely played a part in making it better. 4 noticed it was an advertisement for a job.
“You want to hire?” 4 pointed it out.
“Yeah… I think it would be the solution”
“Huh… wait” 4 inspected it more “That’s… not a lot of money for this kind of job”
3 frowned.
“I… I know but I can’t currently offer more”
“Man.. are you really that broke? You can come stay with me if you wa-”
“No way. Never”
“You’re really obsessed with me…”
“I… I’m just worried about you… yesterday made me realise how I could easily lose you if I didn’t well… yeah”
3 shut up for a bit.
“... I was afraid you’d say that”
The 2 stayed silent for a bit. Lots of feelings around the 2.
“I’m honest though, man, I care a lot”
“I know already ugh just… yeah… I’m sorry, I should be glad you’re helping me”
4 chuckled.
“I’ll still take constructive criticism, but ONLY if you’re not too mean”
“I can try” 3 laughed.
They continue to perfect the ad. It turned out pretty pathetic in the end but at least it got the message across.
It had been a while since they put the ad out. The more time that passed, the more it felt futile. 3 felt worse than ever, not only did he have a dying business, he also had 4 spending so much money on him and for what? He felt like shit. It was hard to force himself to keep the cafe at least a little clean. And keeping up with daily routines had never been so hard either, as much as it was then. It was killing him from the inside. He wondered if it was even a good idea for him to move there and start this.
However each time he was slowly succumbing to the dark, 4 pulled him out and helped him. He sort of became an unofficial worker in a way. 3 hated that. Not only did he spend so much money on him, he also helped him around without asking for compensation. It made him feel weak, as even this much help didn’t pull him out of it.
It was especially an awful day. He didn’t even try to open the cafe, he just stayed in his room with the lights off. It had been weeks at this point and there still wasn’t anybody coming to help him out… He wished he could’ve done better. But maybe he was just destined to be a miserable shadow of someone better… 4, he was… great. 3 wished he had half the success. The jealousy in his brain had only been growing. He always tried to push it to the back of his mind for the sake of 4, he didn’t want to hurt him. 4 was too great for something like that. He didn’t want to further bury him in his own burden. 
“3? Are you in here?” he heard 4 call out to him from the elevator. He just couldn’t stay away from 3, no matter how many times it seemed reaching out to him wouldn't work out further.
“I’m fine” 3’s voice was muffled by the fact that he was underneath the covers, his face smothered in his pillow.
4 frowned as he walked up to 3’s bed. He sat beside 3. He hesitated for a bit but leaned down to hug 3. 3 didn’t want this… He loved it.
“3, c’mon man I’m…. I’m sure someone will answer your ad soon enough! It’s too early to give up”
“4… listen” 3 sat up, pushing 4 off of himself “I’m… I’ve failed. I don’t get why… you just don’t give up on me at this point. What’s the point of helping me if it doesn’t lead anywhere?”
4 could only stare shocked, not wanting to admit that those words were just uttered to him.
“You can’t say that…”
“I’m right, 4… I think it’s too late for me… just… just let me rot here”
“But… I don’t want to”
“Why don’t you get it? It’s futile. I’m not worth it, 4. There’s so many better things and people you can put all this energy into”
“You’re.. you’re…” 4 was lightly shaking, he was really upset by that “You’re more…” tears slipped and streamed down his face.
“Look at you… I’m the reason you’re like this” 3 admitted “It.. genuinely might be better for you”
“WHY do you WANT ME TO STAY AWAY SO BADLY???” 4 got up, upset, crying, accusing, tired. Exhausted. 
“AND LET YOU ROT??” the tears wouldn’t stop coming, only becoming more intense.
“NO! NO! NO! NO IT’S NOT TRUE” he cried, not sure what to do or say anymore. 
“Just… leave… it will be better for the both of us. Make your funny videos”
4 felt almost betrayed, it seemed no matter how hard he pressed, he couldn’t get through 3 anymore. He left, feeling undone in a sense. Yes, the situation had been draining him quite a bit but he did it for his friend, his friend who he really really cared about! A friend he would give the whole world for if he could. And yet, here he was, leaving because he kept failing 3. He felt like shit. Of course when he wanted to be there for 3 fully and help him achieve his dreams, that’s when things would turn this sour. 
He might have gone back to his room now but the inspiration wouldn’t come. The thought that he failed 3 just occupied his mind too much. He knew how bad it was to miss uploads but he just… He couldn’t do this. He decided to release a community post, saying that there would be a bit of a hiatus until he was able to resolve something. He sighed, trying to look for a way to make things better. He wondered if he should really just stop. If 3 was right about the fact that he just needed to stop and leave 3. But the more he stayed away, the more it felt like the whole in his heart, the place 3 took for himself only got bigger. Like a fatal wound.
It had been days since he was told to leave 3 alone. He decided to check on him again, even if by force, he would make something happen. He entered 3’s lair, looking for him but finding nothing. His room looked as messy as ever, nothing was that out of the ordinary. Except for the fact that 3 wasn’t here. 4 started to grow more and more worried. 3 was gone. 3  WAS GONE. WHERE. IS. HE? 
He alerted his friends, who also came to help, though not everyone. Just Meggy, Tari, Saiko, Mario, Luigi and Melony when she wasn’t sleeping. They searched and searched, especially 4, it was almost like he never stopped searching. Day and night he would go to the cafe and look around, often he didn’t even sleep in his room if he would sleep at all. It was the only thing he had of 3 in that way, although it wasn’t as comforting as he wished it to be. But it was more than nothing and he should be grateful. Although it was kind of silly, he looked through the burnt merch, and while he found nothing in tact, he found a plush that was still recognisable. Just seeing it made him cry. He kept it. It turned into a charm for him, not his good luck charm, rather his charm of hope. Hope for the idea that 3 is still out there and that he would be able to find him.
He was reaching the end of his ropes, but then he realised. He could reach out to 1 and 2 for help! Yes, that’s it… He called the 2, scared, they could tell based on his voice that things were NOT good.
“So… you don’t know where he went?” 1 questioned.
“I… yeah… but I… I can still feel that he’s still alive… I know it”
“Alright, we’re gonna teach you a bit of a complex move to help you track down SMG3. You… really need to concentrate. And calm down” 2 looked concerned.
“Yeah, you look super tense” 1 commented, also concerned.
“Sorry sorry… I just really care about him”
“Yeah… He is your partner after all” 2 pat him on the shoulder “it’s only natural”
“He’s also… my friend” 4 could cry all over again. He didn’t think that one day he would be here, feeling dysfunctional at the thought of SMG3 of all people leaving him behind. And yet…
The 2 both grabbed 4’s hand, trying to channel for him. 4 tried to take a deep breath to concentrate. This was for 3… He would do anything for 3. He couldn’t fail him again. 
Suddenly, 4 felt sharp pain in his stomach, which made him fall to the ground.
“Are you okay??” 2 looked worried, 1 was too.
“I’ve never seen something like this happen…”
“Huh?” 4 looked up, shocked at the revelation.
“This shouldn’t be possible” 2 noted as well. This only made 4 more visibly worried.
“Not possible?” 
“Look… I think we should try again” 1 sighed, he knew it had to be done “As much as I’d rather not, I want to try and see… if we can figure it out”
4 nodded, not really fighting it. If it meant they could find 3…
They once again all held hands, and it happened again.
“Hmmm… he only wants you” 1 noted.
“How do you know that?” 2 looked at him, also puzzled.
“I was paying attention to the force stopping us. It was clearly pulling 4 away from us, not the other way around. It only wants you”
“But I- How do I do it on my own?”
“We’ll help from- from here” 2 tried to reassure 4.
“We can’t lose hope yet” 1 also tried.
4 had a headache coming on at this point but he persisted. He wanted to see 3 again and make sure he wouldn’t come to harm’s way ever again.
“Okay… yeah, you’re both right” 4 tried to concentrate. Linking his own hands kind of helped, almost like making a loop link. He closed his eyes. It felt like he was transported in a different place.
He couldn’t see anything much, beside a shadow resembling 3. The shadow knew he was there and that he wanted answers. It didn’t speak directly, only whispers but seemingly not coming from the shadow entity directly. The whispers were incomprehensible yet somehow 4 was still given an image in his head, it burned into his mind. The scenery of a castle that felt impossible. It felt familiar to him in a way. It bared resemblance to Peach’s castle that once stood proud and tall but missing important things, looking like an abandoned version of it. With dark energy emanating from inside.  But he could feel it… 3 was there. Waiting for him. He… He wanted him to come? But… Only him… nobody else… He would have to…
He sat up, he didn’t realise it before but he was put in a bed.
“Hey, you’re finally awake!” 2 said coming beside him.
“What… what happened?”
“The move drained you and you passed out” 1 said, also noticing that 4 woke up “What did you see?”
“It was a castle but… he wants me to go alone”
“What, alone?” 
“That’s just…”
“I have to” 4 stood up from bed “I think… I guess we have a score to settle”
“Are you sure about this?” 1 asked.
“I’m… I am, yeah. What’s the worst that could happen anyways?” 
“A lot can happen”
“At least I’ll see him again” 4 got up and left the 2 SMGs without another word. Both concluded that 4 truly grew desperate. 
4 left on his own, well… Not entirely. He had memes just in case something went wrong. Or if he had to escape a life or death situation. Anything felt possible at this point. He even started to make peace with the idea that he’d get badly hurt anyways. At least he’d be able to see 3 again… maybe with his last breath, he could hold him again… Although that might have sounded a bit too sad. His biggest wish was still to take 3 home and make everything work out again. Turn everything back to normal… What was normal anyways?
He arrived at the entrance of the castle. It was boarded up. He thought for a bit… How should he get through this? Although he didn’t like the trend, he summoned a tik tok, one of those where the food on a plate had bites taken out of it to the beat of a song and then the plate as well. The tiktok managed to chew off the boards to the beat. At least it was useful for once.
He went inside, it was oddly dark, though he could tell it was supposed to resemble Peach’s castle to an extent. but rooms seemed to be missing, which made the main hall even bigger than it was before. The emptiness of it was slowly making 4 anxious… No, he had to keep moving! 
He didn’t have a flashlight with him, which made it a bit hard to explore. But he moved along anyway, concentrating. He could feel 3. He knew he had to be there. He felt infinitely close. As he moved around, he noticed eyes. Eyes were staring at him and only him. More and more of them. Paying attention to every little movement he was making. Not only that, they felt uncomfortably familiar. He didn’t like thinking about it… He didn’t want to go back to the day he lost so much. He felt more and more anxious. 
But the eyes would only stare. But  even if they were only staring, they had him surrounded. It felt like that day, feeling so isolated against your will. Being forced into solitude, something you never wanted in the first place.
He sat down on the ground. He didn’t know what he should do.
“Are you here?” 4 called out softly, his voice shaky. He was way too nervous from this.
He didn’t get an answer back. Only eyes that came closer and closer to him, closing in… Until it was all dark.
It was all dark until a screen was put in front of him. It was bright from being all white, 4 took a bit to adjust to it. There was text on it in black.
“Scared?” it read “Don’t be. It’ll be over soon”
4 looked terrified. Over soon? Will he actually die here? Sure it was a thought that crossed his mind but- but he wasn’t ready for this!
“I just want him back…” 4 sobbed, tears rolling down his face.
“How selfish” the text read. 
“I want him back so I can fix things… make it up to him”
The screen went blank for a bit. It left 4 more nervous.
“3… I uh…” 4 panicked, not knowing what to say “You know- we need you, man. The crew isn’t the same without you! You’re important!”
The screen still did not show an answer. 
“What should I do…” 4 didn’t know anymore.
“Leave” the screen showed simply.
“No… That’s the one thing I can’t do. Not anymore” 4 grabbed the screen, finding something within himself to keep going “I can’t leave without him”
the screen shone bright, covering 4 in brightness, pulling him inside. 
After a whole black room, he was inside a whole white room. Somehow it still felt the exact same, even if he could see now. 
4 thought about what meme could help him in this situation. His mind drew a blank. What was he supposed to do in a blank room? He got up and walked around. Maybe he can find a weakness to this room. He pushed around, finding the edge of the room. He pushed with all his might. Although he wasn’t very strong. Then he got an idea.
He pulled out Beeg.
“Grow, boy!!” 4 commanded him with a big, determined smile.
Now usually Beeg wasn’t one to listen but knowing what was going on, he grew bigger and bigger, pushing at the room more than 4 could ever. 4 cheered him on. 
The room collapsed, they were… they were inside the same room where… Oh. Memories.
Beeg shrunk and went back to 4. 
He walked up to the table in the room. It felt just like the one in his old home. It was furnished similarly, even with the demonic keyboard. He resented looking at it. The fact that he got it made him feel awful all over again. Maybe it really would have been better if he just died there… But 3 saved him. Now it was time for payback. 
“So, what do you want me to do?” he called out. 
He looked around, seeing no one around. Or that was what he thought until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around but he saw no one. He felt confused… Then he could feel a poke at his side. He looked, nothing. Another poke coming from the other side. He looked, still nothing. And then another. Then another. Faster and faster until he was more annoyed than scared or confused and was also starting to feel a bit dizzy. He swore he could hear laughing.
“Hey! This isn’t funny!”
The poke attack suddenly stopped, as the monitor on the table turned on, which caught his attention. It had his editing program opened. The clips, pictures and sounds that were in the library were all too familiar to him.
“Is this some kind of sick joke? You know I couldn’t make that video by myself!” 4 was rather annoyed again. Why did he have to relive this again? He sat in front of the computer but didn’t touch the keyboard.
“And why is this thing here? Do you really expect me to work with it? I… I don’t want to go back to my lowest point”
The keyboard emanated an energy that made 4 feel so scared. He forgot how it can… manipulate you. He was about to reach for it but- he had to stay strong! This could not be the end of his story. Not the end of THEIR story. With 3. He knew… There had to be a way. If 3 saved him before, he had to pay back. He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if it was his fault for 3 being gone. 
He grabbed the keyboard and broke it in half. It screamed in its eldritch ways, releasing black blood. There was a lot of it. The monitor turned off.
“You’re not getting me like this! I don’t want a perfect video, I want you!”
4 stopped for a second. Only after saying it did he realise how odd that sounded. But he meant it. No matter how uh… not so straight it sounded.
He got up, looking around the room. He couldn’t wait for whatever entity was around to mess around with him even more.
He noticed a camera following his movement. He got close to the camera, trying to see if he could find a source or reason for it. 
“You think I’m gonna feel shame for being broadcasted?” the camera turned around, instead showing footage it recorded. It had a lot of 3’s rants to himself. How many times he was stuck being the loser out of the 2 of them. How even when they turn out to be friends, he got the shorter end of it all. How everything around him only seemed to fall apart. Especially… when he and 4 got even closer. 4 felt shocked. He never knew he could feel this much emotional pain but… here he was… Being shown that he was only a source of failure for 3. 
The screen of the camera turned off after it finished showing everything.
4 didn’t know what to do with himself. He… He didn’t know he hurt 3 so much. He felt so miserable. And conflicted, would it really be best for them to… part ways? 
He stared at the turned off camera, trying to just… process everything.
The camera turned on again, although the screen was black but something seemed to move closer, like a dark shape, the dark shape reached out, in the form of a hand. 4 panicked and quickly backed away from the camera. The room went dark on the side of the camera, but the figure, although dark, was still noticeable through the dark. Especially for those red eyes. Those iconic red eyes… this was no doubt 3. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” 4 cried. 
“I did now” 3 spoke, his voice echoey, coming from all directions.
“What… What happened to you?” 4 was so scared. So devastated.
“I embraced the shadows… If you don’t fit anywhere else, why leave?”
4 didn’t know what to say, all he could do was cry.
“I wish I could’ve been there for you more, 3”
“You only would’ve ruined things more”
“Now leave… or I’ll do something awful”
“You-” 4 was having none of that “I… I’m standing by what I said. I’m not leaving without you”
“Well, if you say so” 3 walked up to him, grabbing his hand. It was cold… It felt uncomfortable.
“Huh- What happened to you? Why… is your hand so cold?”
“What, you miss soft SMG3’s warm little hand or something? You miss when I held back?”
“What- What are you saying?”
“I’ve always felt miserable. This” he held his hand, intertwined with 4’s hand “Has made my life hell”
“Our… Guardian link?”
“Exactly” 3 squeezed 4’s hand but it wasn’t comfortable. Somehow there was still something behind it. Something that gave 4 hope.
“Well, it’s something we have to live with, of course it’s not gonna always be a great time! It doesn’t mean you need to destroy the world over it”
“It can be broken”
“Our link can be destroyed and I know how to do it”
“This link… This link gave me feelings I never wanted. I never wanted to feel nice about being close to you. It made me feel awful. Each fucking time. Yet I let you in, because this stupid fucking link made me weak about it. This stupid guardian link is at fault…”
3 gripped on 4’s hand even harder.
“3… no if- if you destroyed it- WE DON’T KNOW WHAT COULD HAPPEN, THIS IS SO SELFISH OF YOU”
Some sort of red-black energy appeared around the 2, and familiar marks appeared on 3. The energy 4 could feel was familiar too… and scary.
“Anti meme energy..? Where-”
“You’re right” 3 laughed “In the end it’s truly the answer to all my misery!”
“No! 3! This is too dangerous! What if you got hurt??”
“I’ll take the risk!”
slowly, the marks appeared on 4 too. 3 was too strong… holding him back took everything in 4 and it still wasn’t enough.
The moment the link between the 2 was severed. It felt like 4 died. He didn’t but it felt like he did. Something beautiful inside him was gone now. the marks turned black, his hand was too.
He could barely stand, falling on his ass.
3 didn’t seem better. Even if he had the power of whoever was on his side now, it still didn’t change the fact that he got rid of something in himself that was deeply inherent to him. 
The 2 just laid there, facing each other. The pain they felt made it too hard to move. 
The emptiness 4 felt was unbearable. Even if he was able to get up, he didn’t know what he would do. He really didn’t anymore. He wondered if this was meant to happen.
3 took a while himself, he was clearly hurt, even when he got up. He moved slowly, pain in every step he took. He didn’t dare look 4’s way. He was wondering if it was only the pain or if he actually began to regret what he had done. He didn’t feel like figuring it out, so he left the room, leaving 4 by himself. 
4 just laid there. Maybe he should just… not do anything… What was it worth anymore?
He closed his eyes, thinking about everything that happened in his life. All the memories, friends he made. All the time when he thought he made amends with 3, only seemingly repeatedly stabbing him in the back instead. Honestly, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself anyways knowing that he did that. Maybe he was being dramatic but… Whatever.
It felt like an eternity when he heard commotion from outside. He didn’t really care to check. He kind of embraced death at this point.
“4!! SMG4” he heard a voice he did not care to check.
“OH NO!” another voice came right beside him “I think he’s still alive- let’s take him back”
He was too tired to protest, even if he didn’t want to go.
The journey home felt kind of dull. Knowing what 3 did, it just… it broke him. He felt like it wasn’t only their link… that even disregarding that, in general the fact that 3 chose to depart from him hurt him in many other ways. He… really came to like him over the years. Seeing how he became so selfless, so helpful, so amazing too… 4 still kind of felt bad that 3 couldn’t see that about himself. He wished he was less stubborn and told him more. Though he was sure that wouldn’t have changed a thing anyways. But still, he wished he could tell 3 more that he found him so amazing in ways he never did with anyone else… he… he loved him.
4 suddenly shot up, the realisation hitting him like a truck.
“Woa-” Meggy was one of the ones who carried him, momentarily losing balance from 4’s sudden movement.
Mario was on his other side, he seemed to take 4’s stupidity better. One could say he was used to 4’s antics.
4 took a bit to catch his breath as they all stopped.
“Are you okay?” Tari came running to him.
“I think I love him” was all 4 could say before starting to cry. Truly, today wasn’t his day. Lots of tears.
“As in… SMG3?” Meggy asked.
“Yeah…” 4 looked down.
Mario patted him on the back.
“Mario knew you would realise at some point”
“About time, these last weeks have been ridiculous” Clench came out too. He was rather annoyed with the 2 at this point.
“It’s not that unexpected, yeah” Meggy chuckled.
A lot of the others held a similar reaction, no one seemed surprised.
4 didn’t look too happy though.
“He left… he left me there” 4 spoke again, looking up at the sky. He still felt way too empty.
“What happened anyways?” Tari asked.
“He…” 4 tried holding back the tears. Not very successfully at that. “I… I’ll need to discuss this later with SMG1 and 2…”
Everyone left him alone. The rest of the road back home was rather gloomy. 4 was starting to feel like it wasn’t only him who felt 3’s painful absence. 
They helped him in his room to rest for a bit. After a while, 1 and 2 came into his room.
“We heard you wanted to speak with us” 1 said.
“Yeah… It’s bad”
“We could tell based on your black scars” 2 commented, pointing at how bad his face looked.
“He… He broke our link”
They both looked at him shocked, then at each other. The reaction made 4 feel even worse.
“That’s… how did he…”
“With… anti meme energy… I don’t know how he got it but… I have a bad feeling about this in general”
“Tell us everything” 1 had a determined look. 
4 proceeded to tell them about everything. The way he was approached by 3, the weird dark change of his appearance, his comment of becoming one with the shadows. It seemed to leave both 1 and 2 speechless.
“Whoever is behind this” 1 spoke “They know enough to be clearly dangerous”
“Do you… Do you think I could mend my link with 3?” 4 looked up at the ceiling. He found that not looking at people made it easier to not cry.
“We… don’t know” 2 sighed. Neither of them had an idea.
“We’ve never seen anything like this happen before… we can try to look around for information to see if we can find something”
“It’s only natural… especially because the world is weaker without your link”
4 looked at them, smiling softly.
“Thanks, I really appreciate that”
“It is?”
“Everyone is able to feel it” 2 said.
“Yeah, it’s one of the pillars of a stable universe. Whoever told 3 how to break it must have done it to… oh no, 1, we should start searching right away!” the 2 ran out in a hurry. 
4 chuckled dryly at that. It really wasn’t funny to him, he just found it kind of ironic in a way. Destroying 3’s life meant he’d also destroy the world… It was kind of fitting how especially now, 3 felt like the whole world for him. He wished he knew earlier so at least he could’ve told him before they parted ways like that. 
4 didn’t do much for a few days. He spent the day coping. Healing. He could move around better after a while but his mental state didn’t get better. He couldn’t get 3 out of his mind. He thought that their link being gone meant that the opposite of this would happen but no. His friends tried to cheer him up with memes they would send him. Sure they got a chuckle out of him but these weren’t nearly enough to stop his sadness. 
He was watching his own videos where 3 appeared when 1 and 2 came in his room.
“WE FOUND SOMETHING” 2 jumped through the door.
“Yeah?” 4 asked, trying to put on a smile.
“Yes! Your connection isn’t necessarily lost forever!”
“R– Really??” 4 looked at them with colour appearing in his eyes. There’s a way after all!
“Yes- considering it’s still fresh, and you don’t seem to care any less, there could still be a way. But the catch… 3 has to want it too”
“Huh…” 4 thought out loud “I mean, that makes sense… I wonder if he would…”
“We’ll at least try our best to convince him”
“Right right! Even though I was told I ruined his life” 4 looked away. He still didn’t know what to do with all his feelings about that.
“Ruined his life?” 2 questioned.
“He said that… I only ever seemed to make his life worse… and that I only made things worse when I helped him”
The 2 looked at each other then back at 4.
“What do you exactly mean by this?”
“Uh… He said that his businesses always seemed to fail around me, no matter how much he tried, and that things that would ruin him further… connected right back to me”
The 2 shared another look.
“Now… don’t panic but” 1 started.
“Someone was disrupting your link!” 2 finished 1’s thought.
“It sounds like it. As we were looking at all the information we could find on links, we found that in certain ways, outside people can interact with links that are not theirs.That’s how we also tried to help you find 3 but we were blocked out by some force. And it’s not a meme guardian exclusive thing. So… Someone must have got in and… yeah”
4 looked shocked.
“So… It’s not my fault?”
“No, it’s not” they both comforted him.
This actually managed to make him feel better. Finally, something that could help him fix everything. Even if it will take a while.
“I was thinking… can you guys… still train me, even if alone? I… want to be stronger when I see him again. Because I’m sure I will… It can’t end like this”
Both nodded.
“We won’t go easy on you” 2 joked.
“Better not” 4 laughed.
The 3 of them left to train that day, 4 trained until he was exhausted. He was glad to push himself considering how he had been for the last few days. He felt a little more free now. Just you wait, 3…
It had been a week since he really started training again. It was actually something that managed to make him feel better. He was wondering where 3 was at this point. On what point of the World he could’ve been. When he wasn’t able to sleep, he would look at places where he could be in. Making a list…
His cafe - he wasn’t
Internet graveyard - he wasn’t 
That castle where he severed their link - he wasn’t
Peach’s castle - he wasn’t
Any of the Anti cast’s own living places - he wasn’t 
Right by his side  - 4 wished he was
His list only got longer with all the wrong answers. Just yesterday, they put out an announcement that if anyone sees any trace of 3, they should alert the crew. Though 4 thought of it as a bit hopeless. 
He could only take his mind off it all with training. His days would be spent either training or sleeping. He left very little time for anything else. It started to worry the others, he realised as well but he just couldn’t stop. Not being whole can feel so devastating.
And he didn’t take it well in a more and more unhealthy way. He didn’t show it to anyone else, but he kept the burnt SMG3 plushie he found from the fire incident. From a beacon of hope, it went to something he would sleep with. It was starting to feel like he would never be able to sleep without it. He didn’t feel much shame in it anymore but he treasured it too much to just show it to anyone else. He needed to protect it at all costs. Sometimes he would talk to it, pretending like it was 3. Telling it so much. Telling everything that was inside his heart, all he wished he could actually tell 3. He truly felt like he reached a new low.
If that wasn’t already bad enough, he started having nightmares too.
Nightmares where he’d follow 3 but kept losing him. Nightmares that seemed to have a different face appear inside them as well. One he did not recognise yet felt familiar… Having a familiar painful feeling. He hated seeing the face. He would many times try to kill the figure but it felt as though they could read his mind, as they dodged his every move with a wide grin. But each time.. He would get closer… Surroundings would become clearer.
One time, it got so clear… He got an insane idea.
He searched up the place he saw… It was a real place. An abandoned studio. Weirdly fitting in a way.
“So, you want to go there because you dreamed about it?” Meggy asked. Some of the gang was gathered there.
“This entity’s influence must be strong if you’re getting dreams like that” 1 believed him. He had really no reason to lie.
“Wait, you believe him?”
“Yes, it is plausible. We already established someone interfered with their connection”
“So it could be that guy! And now they’re taunting 4!” 2 excitedly finished the thought.
4 smiled at the 2 of them.
“Thanks, guys. But yes… I want to go there. I need to… figure out what’s exactly happening”
“And save 3” Tari came up to him as well, reassuring him.
“Especially save 3” 4 smiled at her.
With the newfound determination, the squad, even with 1 and 2 included, headed for the studio building.
The building itself felt more than abandoned in a way. It looked like something went down inside there, a struggle of shorts. Walking in, they noticed the walls covered in gunshots, the place more dusty than would be usual for a place like this. And in some places, a disturbing amount of dried blood was spilled. What must have happened to this place was definitely sudden, quick and gruesome. Just staying in there made them all feel bad for the ex workers. They split up, searching the rooms in smaller groups since it wasn’t exactly a small building. 
4 was searching with 1 and 2. 4 tried to push on even into darker rooms. Although he didn’t have the link to help anymore, he listened to  3… his words burned into his brain. So he paid attention to the darkest places, not letting the shadows go unaddressed, even if it got increasingly scary. 4 kind of didn’t care about that at this point. He had already lost too much to care, though he didn’t exactly tell this to his friends. It felt a bit selfish to him but it was genuinely feeling like there wasn’t much to live for without 3. 
It was starting to feel kind of hopeless until a shadow looked weird. He looked at it, suspicions forming in his brain. He reached out but the shadow grabbed him first.
Before 1 or 2 were able to react, 4 was already gone, being pulled into the shadows.
4 was thrown  back into a dark room that felt all too familiar at this point. In front of him was 3, still as shadowed as ever. At least they could see each other. They stared for a bit, both trying to see what the other one was feeling. 3 pulled 4 closer, in a kind of threatening way, which felt weird and sudden. Something in 4 made him wonder if he was perhaps influenced by something to do that.
“I told you to stay away”
4 sighed, a smile appearing on his face, which weirded 3 out.
“It’s impossible”
“No it’s not just-” he looked away, seemingly thinking but it felt more than that.
“...Let’s talk” 4 had a soft gaze on 3. If he had to die, he didn’t want to spend his last moments arguing with 3.
“We… We already had that… you should go… I did it for you as well”
4 still kept the calmness but the light eye twitch gave away that he didn’t like what he was hearing.
“It wasn’t our fault actually”
3 looked at him shocked. Then thought for a bit.
“I mean I… didn’t mean to make you feel like you… I know that you didn’t ACTUALLY mean to ruin me-”
“No no, you don’t understand, we basically got hacked”
“Hacked? What the hell you mean-” 3 questioned but got stopped by immense pain as he grabbed for his head groaning.
“Oh no, are you okay?” 4 immediately jumped beside him, with a hand on his upper back for support.
“How can I believe you?” 3 looked at him weakly.
“We… actually found out outside forces can… influence guardian links”
3 took a bit to take that in, looking away from 4, seemingly staring into the dark. Very intensely at that. He looked back at 4, pretty pissed.
“So someone framed you?” he looked like he was about to blow up.
“We think so…”
“So I… I” 3’s face softened. 
4 knew what he felt, he hugged 3. He didn’t resist. Slowly, 3 leaned into 4’s touch.
“You know… it’s funny” 3 spoke again “I thought without the link if you came after me again… that I could just end you as soon as I saw you… but I…” he once again felt pain so he had to stop.
“It’s… We… uh” 3 looked weak.
“We’ll help you, don’t worry! The others are here too… we… we will help, man!”
3 couldn’t help but smile at 4, even through the pain.
“But I already ruined it… I.. I did that to you… I was told how to do it and I…”
“I still care about you”
3 looked at him, something in him breaking with tears rolling down his face.
“How can you?”
“We… We’re friends… we’ve been through a lot… you think I’m gonna let you go when you once risked your life to save me? You didn’t need to. You could have left me to my perfect video but you didn’t. Didn’t it feel like I betrayed you? But you came back either way.”
“That… That’s true”
“It’s… just another thing I love about you, 3”
The word choice made 3 a little flustered. 4 chuckled at that.
“You can’t just say sappy shit like that”
“You think I don’t mean it or something?”
“No no… It’s obvious you do, don’t worry”
“But uhm genuinely I’ve… I’ve been thinking and-”
And just as soon as 4 thought maybe he could tell 3- 3 got grabbed by a hand before not seen. However at this point it was familiar to him. He stood up and went right after, it was no use though. 4 didn’t lose hope yet. He was more angry right now if anything.
The figure he had been seeing in his dreams came out of the shadows. Much clearer now, he could still see their wide, unfeeling smile. He didn’t know a TV screen headed guy could be such a piece of shit.
“You’re a feisty one”
“Ah, what, came back because you weren’t satisfied with the service? Sorry, no refunds!”
They started to walk away but 4 grabbed them.
“The keyboard”
4 stopped.
Then he realised.
“And it’s not like I even forced it on you” they laughed “You were the one who chose to buy it. Even with SMG3, I didn’t force him! HE joined me HIMSELF and-”
“You think I’m gonna let you go with what you did?” 
They laughed.
“No… And that’s what I want!” the words scared 4 “With even all your friends! Such a great deal”
“WHAT are you?”
“I’m… oh there’s no fun in that, I’m only here to make a great show!”
“I don’t know if you noticed but I’m the show runner here!”
“It looked like you needed some help”
4 tried to punch them but then he was gone from the dark, right back beside 1 and 2.
“4!!! 4, you’re back!!” both hurried there beside him.
“Yes… I am'' 4 didn’t lose his anger a single bit. Those were the words of someone who is truly despicable. He only wanted to kill them more now. 
They only got one more calm moment before the building shook beneath them. It was loud, almost like the building was alive. 
“Oh no! We need to get out of here” 1 panicked, 2 and 4 followed behind, although 4 did so reluctantly. He knew 3 was in here. He didn’t want him gone.
Everyone evacuated. 4 stared at the building going down, he couldn’t just stand there, he had to run back, even if it would take him away as well.
He searched everywhere. Maybe it was the TV guy letting their guard down, but he was actually able to spot 3 in the real world now. He was still covered in those shadows though.
“3!!!” he cried out, running for the other who only then noticed him.
“4, you should get out of here”
“Not without you”
“Then we might not be able to get out…”
“I’ll… rather be going away with you than live knowing you died”
“You know- you’re pretty attached as well, even without the…” 3 looked away then back 4. He couldn’t help but smile at 4. It felt kind of nice in the end. It was easier to admit now.
“That’s cuz I love you” 4 reciprocated the smile.
3 looked away again, rather flustered at the words. But there was still a smile visible on his face.
“Like um… as in? Like that? Fuck, I’m sounding so stupid right now” 3 laughed at his own incompetence.
“Yeah uh… are you okay with that?” 4 returned the awkward laugh.
3 chuckled before grabbing 4’s face.
“What do you think, stupid?”
“I’m… glad” 
They both leaned in, just about at the same time. The kiss came naturally. But it was so much more than that. They pulled each other close, it all just felt… perfect. Complete. So complete, as the scar on both of their faces started glowing. They didn’t know when they linked hands but with both hands held, they could see white strings appear, glowing with immense power, more and more appearing, connecting the 2.
The sight mesmerised both so much, they pulled in for another kiss, which only made the light stronger, ridding 3 fully of his corruption.
The light grew so big, like an explosion. An explosion of so much emotion before unspoken.
The light grew so big, the crew outside noticed.
“They did it!” 2 jumped up “That’s a lot of meme guardian energy”
“Right on” 1 laughed “You know, I’m proud of them… they came so far”
“They really did” Meggy joined the 2.
“Will they be able to get out though?” Tari was concerned.
But then the light only grew larger and faster at that, basically taking in the whole building. It was strong enough to knock everyone on their asses.
As the light dissipated, the 2 hovered up from all the debris. Both looked unharmed, their hands linked.
Everyone came up to hug them. It had been a while since they had such a big and emotional hug.
“We’re so glad you 2 are safe”
“I can’t believe you actually made it out”
“You guys better not do anything this reckless ever again”
These were some comments the 2 received. But they were happy they made it out, made it out alive and together. There were a lot of things unanswered but none of that mattered now. At least not for now.
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birrdify · 4 months
this is soooooooo totally not the actual writer but there's this oooooooone fic called Sever the Ties that me, this totally nameless anon SOOO didn't write, it's kinda like, emotional as all hell but also kinda gay. That writer also who totally isn't me is also planning a less 34 focused sequel to it since they liked writing it so much it's just taking a while. The plans do exist tho and a bit of the beginning
HOLDON WHAT???? HELLOOO????? OH MY GDO NICC IM SO SORRY I JSUT FOUND THIS??? HELPLP I TOOK A DOUBLE TAKE AFTER READING "SEVER THE TIES" cause i went oh my god! thats the fic i read! and OH MY GOD!! THATS THE FIC I READ!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tumblr media
fic HERE and thsi is nicc: (since i dont think anon asks give notifs) @34saveme34 (IF YOU DONT MIND ME TAGGING YOU MY BAD
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siflshonen · 10 months
Hi, I love your analyses and your fics! 💕Especially that Eureka Seven AU man ngl it lives in my head and starts playing in my local theaters every other night at 2 AM, but *clears throat* I'm getting off topic lol :D do you have a bakudeku fic/authors rec list?
I'm honored you read the Eureka Seven one!
Good Bakudeku authors... the truth is, there are SO MANY. Just in general, and so many that are really, truly excellent. I have begun consuming more and more fic lately as I feel the itch of the subtext of what's happening in the manga rapidly becoming text and just plain consuming me, but many of the individual stories I've read can be GREAT as a story but perhaps not so great as a canon-faithful representation of Bakudeku - so I'm not entirely sure what kind of Bakudeku you're asking for ("fun and good story" versus "horny vignette" versus "that's totally Katsuki and Izuku.")
Also, like, for several of these authors, their Bakudeku portrayals evolved as the series progressed and we all learned more about these characters and the varnish of what BNHA pretends to be (superhero stock shonen!) peeled off to show what it actually is (The newest generation of something that should never have been domesticated now outgrowing the limits of the modern genre.) This is always good to keep in mind when looking at the dates of each work published.
Um, it's hard to pick just a few, and even harder when there's no specific direction about what TYPE. So here's a scattershot off the top of my head:
Me. My work. Read Mundane Crimes, Public Displays of Affection and I Want What I Don't Deserve. Those actually have some substance to them. The rest are kind of whatever, but you may still find them fun.
Kickass AUs and All-Rounders
chymerical is my favorite author on this list. They can do anything. I care about sports now because of chymerical. There's your fuckin' fadeaway.
young_crone - some are truly Bakudeku and some are just great stories that are using familiar names. Read all of 'em.
SmartiMart - Variant Edition is a sweeping epic and fascinating enough that the Bakudeku isn't actually its primary draw for me. Please also read Where in the World is Marigold? It's not Bakudeku, but I love it. SmartiMart is clever, inventive, and sometimes so much of a romantic that it makes me go, "woah, now! That's a bit much!" but in the best way.
iphido - this author has only one work for bakudeku, and it is worth it.
nicc - bite-sized sweet scenes, though many are very NSFW. Consistently excellent.
pikahlua - Dragonheart. this is your kick in the pants to finish those scenes, Pika.
Romantic Comedies
qodqodqod - Cringe comedy where love always, always, always prevails and bakudeku can't out-stupid their way out of it. Great job of not making the miscommunication, or lack of communication, a bore or overdone past what it needs to be.
heartsinhay - the cringe comedies are named that for a reason.
Darker Stuff
rironomind - apparently published something new earlier this year and I missed it??? DAMN! Existential, experimental, melancholic, high concept, fantastic. Rom's work is mostly in this category because it tends to throw curveballs at the reader. This is the category that just felt the most right by its vibes.
bkdkink - Lemonhead specifically.
Roadtripwithlucifer (read their new stuff too) - horny, but focused and full, full, full of ennui and anger and love and grief. It's the confidence of handling the last four that makes these works shine.
Surveycorpsjean - hit or miss for me personally, but always well done.
majjale - always great work; sometimes hit-or-miss for me personally on the bakudeku.
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loveyou3000mylove · 4 months
'Hear Me Out'
Miles42! Bold
​(You have a crush on the Prowler...Miles finds you interesting, you have an awkward run-in with Prowler)
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​In the cafeteria
​"Okay but the Prowler" Niya said pointing at me, I flush, "The Prowler isn't a 'hear me out' if no one wants him" Jordan says as she fixes her shirt, giving Niya a pointed look that screams 'I dare you'.
​Niya dares "Not true....Y/n here-" I cut her off "Hell no, how did we get here?!", "We got here, when you told us Mei's lockscreen was Swiper(DtE), then we started talking about 'hear me outs'" Nicc, explains as he breaks his forth plastic spoon,"....oh" i mutter, "Y/n has a crush on the Prowler!" Niya says a little too loudly, quieting the cafeteria, murmurs and whispers of "Thats's weird", "Who's Y/n?", "Freak". I glare at Niya, "Sorry", she squeaks, I get up, grab my bag, and leave the cafeteria, Nicc sighs softly "Give her till 7th period".
​I did not come around.
​"Y/n! Wait" Niya begged, Nicc and Jordan trailing her, "I can drive you home" she offers, I finally turn around, "I got a ride" I tell her with a strained smile, "Look...I'll text you all when i get home, bye" i finish, walking down the many steps when i see my brothers', Heide, car.
​"Hola" he saluts me, "hey Heid" I climb in shotgun after moving the stuff on the seat, "Home?", "My Home, Heid", he nods pulling onto the road, "You should visit more, Papa misses his Bebe", he says with his eyes on the road, "Tell him his 'bebe' is almost 18 and wants a boyfriend" I say, sarcasticly.
​"BYE!" Heide screams from his car as i apporach the appartment door, "Bye, H" i shout back and enter as i hear his engine start, 'I will visit' I think as i get my keys and open my door, 'someday soon'.
​I throw my bag on the floor, "Honey, wheres my supersuit", I mumble, walking into the kitchen to make dinner, "Hmm, I have leftover lasgna that mom gave me? but that cheese is going to get bad soon...I'll just grate the cheese over the lasgna and bake it till it melts", I plan out my meal, placing the tray in the oven and setting a timer, walking out of the kitchen to get my bag from the doorway and head to my room.
​My apartments way bigger than it should be, figures, giving my family.
​My room is full of artic monkeys posters, and a singlular Prowler poster in a corner, hidden almost, tossing my bag on the bean bag, i plop onto the bed and open my phone, I stare at the group Icon for 'That one group', 'fuck it', I click it open and shoot a quick, 'Am home, Heide said hi' and close the app, opening Tiktok.
​About 10 minutes later, the timer goes off, making me hop off the bed and shoot to the kitchen. I gently take out the tray from the oven and the smell wafts the air, 'best part about living alone', I don't even take a plate, just a fork and dive in, it hardly took me 10 minutes to finish, I place the dish in the sink and make my way back to bed, to write my homework.
​I just had Spanish and English today so I finished at 9:46, and decided to sit by the window with a book.
​Claws or something, scratched the window harshly, 'huh?', I got the window open and let the cold air hit my exposed shoulders of my f/c wife-beater, 'this is such a bad idea' I think climbing out the window and following whatever it was that climbed to the roof.
​"Why are you following me?" as soon as i get to the roof, am pinned against the wall with a claw raised dangerously close to my neck, "Your the Prowler" I mutter breathlessly, from the wind getting knocked from me (or some fucked up excitment).
​"No shit, nina/nino"
(This might actually become a Fic)
Part two is almost finished
Writers block is annoying and i need requests
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ren-shonen · 2 years
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Ang Ang Ang (Means "I Love You" in Dragon) by n_r
This one was MEANT to be a treat for the October Planet BNHA round ("Monster Mash"), but then it turned out to be more than half again as many words as the upper word count limit, so uh. Oops. Anyway, this was written as a gift for nicc (@dekuondeck), who requested TEETH, Halloween parties, and SFW good feels, and I had a BALL with it. A+ would chomp again.
This was also a first attempt at writing fluff qua fluff? (Judging by the comments, I think I succeeded. ^_^)
Someday I would like to get art commissioned of the four boys in their Halloween costumes, because I think that would be pretty great to have exist where I can look at it with my eyeballs.
Tags and metadata under the cut:
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M, Multi Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou & Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Ambiguous Relationships, Future Fic, Characters Are Pro Heroes, Fluff and Humor, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Halloween Costumes, Costume Party, temporary kemonomimi, (there was a quirk accident - why else?), possible manga spoilers up to chapter 367, here we go 'round the rosemary bush, (lowkey mutual pining), Mostly Platonic, Cuddling & Snuggling, Hands in Hair/Petting, canon-typical unusual teeth, affectionate biting, Fingers in Mouth, Mild Embarrassment, mild unaddressed sexual tension, exactly two off-color jokes, Midoriya Izuku Has Chronic Pain, Todoroki Shouto is a Little Shit, multiple Class 1-A cameos, touch nourishment, No confessions, but just so much love and mutual support and understanding, and also so much blushing wow, 20-year-olds getting to be kids
Series: Part 6 of call it any name you need Published: 2022-10-27 · Words: 8,207 · Chapters: 1/1
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42665412
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ao3feed-tododeku · 2 years
Meeting the Parents (Again)
meeting the parents (again) by nicc
His nose is freezing, his fingers are numb, and Izuku is going to be sick.
Ten years from now, and even ten years after that, Izuku would find dinner with the parents nerve-wracking — but having Shouto by his side makes everything easier, always.
Words: 1038, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Quirks, Fluff, little freak out en route to dinner with the parents, but they're in love and that's a cure-all, endhawks mention but they don't appear in the fic, very brief and light reference to sex, they're just in love I can't emphasize this enough, whole decade of good feelings under their belt
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41919753
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ovaryacted · 2 months
Hi hello 🩵🩵 what have you been up to nicc??
I have come back to tumblr after a while and am very excited to see the newer fics of the grumpy Texan dilf <3
As for me I found a job for the summer and am working customer service for the first time (I always knew it was awful but this is hell). the wage is decent so ig I won't complain too much lol
Also off topic but I have been a straight woman all my life and then suddenly a pretty lady on a motorcycle blew me a kiss yesterday and my brain short-circuited so ig i have that to figure out as well 😭
Summer's not going as I expected in the slightest but I'm not complaining, it's been good <3
Otherwise I'd like to know how you're doing, I hope you're okayy ❤️❤️ I believe you talked about being overworked the last time I was on here so I hope that's going better too 🩷
Alr now time to binge all ur recent work
Hey new moon anon, I’m happy to be hearing from you again hun. 🥹
I’ve been busy really, with both writing and stuff with my personal life with work and family. Basically I’ve been all over the place and I’m trying to just figure things out even though my anxiety has been at an all time high given the political circumstances of the U.S. and the current state of the world. I’ve always been relatively sensitive to things like that and sadly my mind jumps to the worst case scenarios and it has made me spiral in the past so wouldn’t recommend.
But I’m trying to distract myself by writing for the Texan dilf and some other separate individuals. Ain’t nothing wrong with some diversity (I added more white men to the roster NAUR).
Oof, working customer service truly is a killer, I’ve been there in more ways than you think. Go get your money and really try not to let people get to you cause working in customer service forces you to understand that common sense is not that common (goes for both customers & management), and that people would be more willing to take out their personal problems on you than to seek a therapist. Those type of jobs also just radicalize you to hate capitalism even more, so genuinely if it gets to a point where you can’t handle it, just know you don’t ever have to stay in a situation like that. Protect your health and sanity boo, as crazy as the world is, these jobs truly aren’t worth the stress or money. 🫶💕
I’m sorry to hear your summer hasn’t been going all that great. It’s been a strange couple of months I’ll admit, but I hope that the remaining parts of August are much better than the previous couple of weeks. I hope you enjoy the rest of your break since I know you’re in school and will probably go back soon. And let me know what you think of those fics, I’m really just on a “fuck that old man” role LMAO! 😭💖
0 notes
sero-pairo · 2 years
washed to sea
by nicc
Shouto hates the ocean, but he likes looking for shells — and honestly, he’ll do anything for Hanta.
Words: 300, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Todoroki Shouto, Sero Hanta
Relationships: Sero Hanta/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Day At The Beach, Pining, it’s not explicit in the fic but it’s mutual ofc it is, Introspection, Fluff, they’re in love your honor, Triple Drabble
from AO3 works tagged 'Sero Hanta/Todoroki Shouto', https://ift.tt/pxJ2wgr
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bushelofmuses · 5 years
A Dance
@niccolahiromithomas​   ll   Here
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Myrna hated the feeling of being watched. There was being observed by the other aristocrats and then there was being studied. Neither were enjoyable but she would prefer the former; she felt like less of a target and more of an oddity that way. Foreign always equaled exotic to these people. While annoying...
She shuddered and turned away, seeking a drink.
Smiling kindly at the servant, she quietly thanked them when she took a flute from the tray. Myrna quickly made her way further into the ballroom, trying to shake off the feeling. Once it went away, her shoulders released their tension.
“You look as if you’ve seen a ghost, my dear.”
Myrna glanced to her left and smiled at the Dowager, who was clad in a mask inspired by a raven. It was fitting, given her gift in strategy and grasping any and every concept or art that crossed her path. ‘Birds of a feather,’ crossed Myrna’s mind, amusement following the thought.
“Lady Mantillon. It is a pleasure to see you again.” Myrna curtsied with a small smile, which had the Dowager cooing for a moment.
“If only I had had a daughter who bloomed like a flower when she smiled as you do,” she complimented, the smile lines tugging around her lips.
“If only I had a mother who had taught me the art of war as you have, my Lady.” Myrna missed her mother, however, despite how short a time she’d had to spend with her before Myrna was sent to another clan. Lady Mantillon was...more of an aunt, she supposed, though Myrna never knew her own. She saw Cassandra, Viv, and her advisors as her parental figures now. Her Keeper was...no. This was the wrong time to think about the loss.
“Oh, don’t flatter this old woman.”
Myrna found herself stifling a laugh, shaking her head before she took a quick sip of her champaign. As much as she hated this Game everyone here played, the flowery words with meanings on meanings was at least familiar. What she’d learned from her ancestors’ tongue was much the same. “It is wholly deserved, madam, I assure you. You know full well that I don’t hand out compliments like that unless it is an honest truth. ‘Too honest for my own good,’ Leliana once told me.”
A gloved hand hesitantly reached out to tuck the intricate braids Viv insisted on behind her ears. She tensed on instinct; humans touching the ears of her people had a bad history, one of checking to see the level of purity in their blood before a purchase. However, she’d had the pleasure of becoming better acquainted with the woman, and Myrna knew there was no malice behind the action.
“Whoever instructed you to hide your assets, my dear is a fool. Don’t hide yourself away for the sake of these buffoons,” Lady Mantillon chided, her voice soft and kind.
”Vivienne’s suggestion, for the sake of any guests who don’t know what I am.”
”Ah. Madam le Fer is a brilliant woman, well versed in the Game, but she tends to be a little too...cautious.”
Myrna laughed, “Don’t let her hear you say that, madam.”
The Dowager returned her gaze to the ball, but she didn’t turn her attention away from the elven girl. “Now, about my observation on seeing ghosts. What troubles you, little one?”
Now that one did bother her, and Myrna was grateful for the mask that hid her reaction. “I am...unsure. I feel as if I’m being watched.”
”Given who and what you are, I am unsurprised. Why would that trouble you more than usual?”
”Because it feels different. An elf who comes from a clan of nomadic hunters who keep to the old ways, remember? There’s being watched and observed as the nobility here do, and then there’s being...studied. I don’t know how to explain it.” She shrugged helplessly.
The Dowager turned her head slowly, eyes scanning the guests of the soirée to see if she noticed anyone who stood out. “I see a few new faces. Most of them, I am familiar with, even if we have never met, but there are a few who are foreign to this old woman’s eyes.”
”You’re not that old, Lady Mantillon.”
”Flattery, Lady Lavellan.” The Dowager subtly gestured with a nod of her head to three people she didn’t know. “They are the ones I don’t know, and I believe the second continues to face our direction though I cannot tell from this distance nor with the poor lighting. I do not know her intentions, but do be careful, darling. I would hate to lose an ally in this Game.”
”You know you’d truly miss me,” Myrna teased. “You’re too fond of me.”
”That I am, and would, and that is the truth.”
Myrna politely excused herself, pointedly looking in the onlooker’s direction for a brief moment, before turning and leaving for the door to the vestibule. If they truly were watching her, perhaps she could get an answer or two. Myrna was sure to keep her hands close to the hidden pockets of her gown, ready to draw the empty helves the moment she felt threatened. If only Viv had allowed her to have a tearaway skirt on this thing for a fight if they all needed to. Would be a hell of a lot easier than cutting it off. If she had enough time to. At least she was able to sneak in with her breeches hidden beneath the skirt.
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anjumstar · 3 years
anjum’s bkdk recs #1
The first bakudeku rec list! Here are 10 nsfw complete fics that I have all read multiple times. Enjoy!
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hyperlinked title by author | word count
genre (bakudeku for top!Bakugou, bottom!Deku; dekubaku for top!Deku, bottom!Bakugou; vers for when both are present; dom! and sub! for when bdsm dynamics are present) warning(s): where relevant Summary/review
💚🧡 = fave
Recs are under the cut, organized by word count, low to high.
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1. Stress Relief by Hazel_Witch | 1.2k
smut Just a shower bj after a long day at work. Lovely smut, short and sweet.
2. Your body is my altar of worship by BakagouKatsuki | 2.2k
smut, pining, light angst (ambiguous ending) (dekubaku) Fwb + pining. The angst is a little painful, but the details are gorgeous.
3. take me out to dinner first by dynamighttiddy | 3.2k
smut, pining (dekubaku) virgin!Bakugou wants to give his first time to experienced!Deku. Soft, soft end.
4. return the favor by nicc | 4k
smut, fluff (dekubaku) An excellently balanced dkbk where Bakugou still isn’t a great communicator, not great at asking for exactly what he wants, and things just aren’t 100% perfect, but they feel very real in that way. And yet at the same time, they’re so, so in love with each other and it’s lovely.
5. Love is a Doing Word by maginot | 5.8k
smut, fluff (bakudeku) warning: weed use Getting together fic. Deku went abroad right after graduation and suddenly returns. Fluff ensues almost immediately
6. Make Every Moment Last by osakakitty | 6.8k 💚🧡
smut, fluff, light angst (vers, mostly bakudeku) warning: high school smut, age unclear Parallel universe jumping and the different bkdk relationships in each one.
7. Like the Moon by osakakitty | 14.7k 💚🧡
smut, pining, fluff (vers bakudeku) warning: high school smut, age unclear Bakugou’s life is overtaken by wet dreams about Deku. Dream scenes interspliced with reality. Cuuuute epilogue that I reread all the time.
8. Me, myself and you. by mightynana | 22.8k 💚🧡
smut, fluff (bakudeku x2) A dirty 4-way between 3rd year bkdk and pro-hero bkdk that has no business being as soft and loving as this dang fic is. I reread the ending for this one all the time.
9. I Do Not Love You Except Because I Love You by Seeress | 24.7k
(not smut!), angst, pining (bakudeku) Pain. Read for the bkdk stay for the pain, don’t come if you’re not ready for the pain (mostly at the end). It’s so sweet though with great introspection. Fwb, Deku wants more, Baku’s an idiot.
10. We Wear Chains on the Weekend by surveycorpsjean | 35k 💚🧡
smut, fluff, slow burn (dom!Baku, sub!Deku, vers, mostly bakudeku) warning: intense bdsm Bdsm fwb au with so much pining. So much porn with feelings. Mostly Katsuki’s feelings. Life-changing. I reread scenes from this all the time.
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more recs can be found here 💚🧡
nsfw recs can be found in my ao3 collection 💚🧡
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34saveme34 · 4 months
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I recommend reading Sever the Ties before reading this one! As it does have references to it so reading this fic without context might make this fic more non sensical.
warnings: Gore although not explored to an uncomfortable amount, trauma upon trauma, Axol gets brought up in an awful way, I know that Mercy is from Overwatch
It turned out a bit gayer than I thought it would. If you end up having any questions after reading this, don't be afraid to ask :3 I'll try my best to answer you
obligatory @birrdify tag so you can find this beast easy !!
word count:16451
It had been a while since 3 and 4 had their rather emotional adventure. Since then, things have been better. 3 finally let 4 help him more seriously with the café while 4 let 3 help him with his videos. 3 still didn't want to just take help without anything so this was the compromise they reached. The others were peaceful too, 1 and 2 calmly doing their meme research, Meggy, Melony and Tari training together, mainly Tari since Clench appeared. Although he wasn't very fond of that. They had to give him duck pictures every few minutes to comply. He's like a toddler. Saiko was there too, although more passively, just making sure everything was okay. Everything that had been happening lately just had her really worried. Although she didn't show that, she didn't want to worry her friends. And usually when she would show concern, people many times thought she was overreacting.
Luigi was tending to his flower shop like usual, just… Very Peaceful.
Everything was just. A bit too peaceful, very little chaos present, almost worryingly.
4 started thinking about it. It was weird. He searched for Mario and, interestingly, found him in one of the unfinished rooms, watching TV. 
He only managed to find him because a set of extension cords plugged into each other were leading to a room there.
“Mario?” 4 peaked in the room to see only the TV’s light and Mario, anything else that could’ve been there was obscured by the darkness.
“... Yeah?” Mario replied a bit slowly.
“What… What are you doing up here?”
“Watching Tee Vee” Mario said cheerfully. TV made Mario very happy.
“Why here?”
“Nothing distracts me here” 
“Huh, um… alright. I was just worried because you haven't been bothering anyone for a while”
“Awww, SMG4, you miss it?”
“Oh my god, you miss when I mess with you guys! That's so funny” 
“Mario… I guess. I guess I did miss it”
Mario chuckled.
“Sometimes even Mario has to rest you know”
“Yeah, I get that… what are you watching anyways?”
4 asked as he walked beside Mario to see what he was so occupied with. It turned out to be what 4 would guess is a spaghetti themed soap opera, considering the vibes of the scene he saw with pasta in shape of a man and also some in shape of a woman arguing then making out and then arguing again-
“It's very entertaining”
“I… sure see that…”
4 wasn't exactly that big of a fan of such dramatic television. 4 went to leave the room but stopped for a bit.
“Make sure to do something other than watch TV though. Dark rooms…. have their effects…” 
“Okay, mom” Mario dismissed 4.
4 rolled his eyes then finally actually left. Besides, he had a lot of videos to work on with 3. It was kind of interesting working with him like this. Especially that things are really looking up now.
Although Mario wasn’t exactly respectful towards 4, he still took his word. But not to touch grass. He found a show that reminded him of Two Piece.
“Ooooh, Melony would love this!” Mario picked up the TV and ran with it in the direction of Melony. Actually, he wasn’t even running, he was flying like a torpedo. Must be all his pent up energy bursting out of him or something.
He found Melony sleeping. He repeatedly tapped her until she woke up.
“Hmm..? Mario?” she looked at him tired “Do you need something?”
“Mario found a show you might like!!” he slammed down the TV with excitement. The giddiness was kind of rubbing off on Melony. 
“I’ll take a look at it then” she smiled, clapping her hands together. 
Mario took off incredibly fast, which surprised Melony a bit. She thought cardio wasn’t his thing but guess that isn’t always the case after all.
The show was really fun for Melony, truly exploring the depths of fruit romance, in ways that resonated with her so deeply. She wished she could just… absorb it into her. She never saw romance between fruits shown so intimately. With the way they’d hold each other, holding onto each other until the end. Though she was especially sad about a pairing where one of them lost their life to an evil chef. Oh, she awfully hated that chef. She actually kind of resonated with the character that got left lonely. She wished… she could just grab her, pull her out of the screen… Tell her, it won’t be easy but… it’ll pass one day. Everything will be okay. And she also loved the way fruits rotting were depicted. She usually wasn’t quite comfortable with the topic but there was just… something so well done about it here. Slowly seeing your loved one succumb to a different, much more deteriorated life.
The deep excitement she felt about the show slowly put her to sleep. It was odd for her to sleep like that but hey! Sleep is always good.
She found herself in a black void. Though she could feel ground underneath. She breathed in. Breathed out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Relax.
She tried to make out anything in her surroundings. As she walked around, her steps echoed, although it didn’t sound right. The way how even just the sound of her breath would bounce off the walls, then the sound ringing in her ears. She wasn’t exactly the cowardly type but this was starting to freak her out.
Regardless, she marched on, trying to find a way out of whatever she was in. She found a doorway that was blocked by debris. She sighed then thought for a bit… She had her deity powers. She tried to pick up the debris bit by bit but for some reason, even the smallest bits felt infinitely heavy. Even just a dust particle made her sink into the floor, no matter how much she tried. She sat down on the ground. It had been a while since she felt so powerless.  She didn’t think she would find herself digging out such feelings she held. She thought she got rid of them at this point. Though there will always be inevitable things she won’t be able to escape.
She just sat there. Her breath. Echoing. Yet it was so deeply quiet. Way too quiet. Ringing in her ear, the depths of this nothingness she was trapped in. It had been a while since something was threatening to drive her mad this badly. She finally got up, walking in a different direction. Maybe she’ll find the way out that way. Or at least a purpose so she could stop feeling so worthless again. She knew her friends cared but she still couldn’t quite shake off everything she was feeling. Especially after missing out on so much. She was wondering if she felt that way because she had been avoiding new adventures so much. Sleeping away another day or 2, in hopes that tomorrow would be a new day she could finally do something more. 
As she walked, she found a doorway with a beaten up door barely in its place. As she looked at it closer, she noticed blood splatter on it. Some of it looked old… some of it new. She was starting to feel rather anxious. Although she should be strong, the sight of blood always did something to her head. As if reminding her of times she would rather forget about.
She barely thought much more as she opened the door. Hell, to her it almost felt like she was being controlled. As she looked around, a horrific sight filled her view. It was Axol. He tried to speak but…that wouldn’t have been possible, looking at his state. She couldn’t speak either. She couldn’t call out. She didn't want this. She JUST had this image slowly fading from her mind. The time when she had to kill him for the good of everyone. He wanted her to kill him at that point. They both knew there was nothing else they could do. Yet, she would still be often haunted by this scene. A scene only she had to witness. Only she had the burden of having to see the light leave his eyes, to see him go limp, lifeless. And now, it was so clearly in front of her, so deeply visceral. Just as visceral as it was in the moment. She cried, she couldn’t help it. She slowly managed to make herself look away. It was hard to do from everything that was boiling within her then. 
Wait… She couldn’t really be back there. This must just be a nightmare! A really bad one but still, it wasn’t real. She began to walk away from Axol, slowly breathing in and out. After that awful scene, the awful music of the void like rooms were almost welcoming, even if it felt like they wanted to swallow her whole. As she walked, another familiar sound filled her ears. Sounds of drawing with a pencil on paper. As she walked closer to the source, she saw herself, drawing for the manga, Two Piece, which Axol wasn’t able to finish. There were so many crumpled papers scattered around her, her expression tired, focused but emitting a sort of hopelessness. She remembered this… Starting off really wasn’t easy. So many times she just… She just wanted to give up. But with her friends around it was better. She stared at herself for a bit. She wanted to say something.
She placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Hey… You’ll be fine”
Her tired self stopped, then slowly looked at her. No words escaping her mouth. Yet those eyes showed so much. All the ways she suffered with everything. The amount of work she put into it. 
“I” she started again “...We… We might not make it perfect. But that’s okay. Axol wouldn’t expect that anyways, you know? We… still carried his legacy. That’s what only matters in the end” 
Her tired self teared up and pushed her away, going back to hopelessly scribbling.
“Do you even hear me?? We’ll be fine! I promise! A mediocre manga isn’t the end of the world!”
Her tired self slowly raised her hands, bruised from holding the pencil so tightly and for so long. She stared at her. Her eyes were screaming thousands of words. She knew all of it. All the pain. All the doubt. The tears, the needless bruises she bore through it all. She knew it wasn’t for nothing. But it would be too much for anybody on their own. Maybe even with help. 
With being so invested in her feelings, she only noticed an unfamiliar hand on her forehead when she heard a crack.
She woke up, sweating. She looked around. Just where she was before, with the TV still playing the fruit show. She slowly calmed down. It was finally over. Although the images that the dream left in her brain… She couldn’t bear them alone so… best thing to do is to go outside and tell someone about it. That would usually help her. She got up, fixing her hoodie.
She looked out of the room, seeing Meggy and Tari both resting and Saiko beside the 2, calmly strumming on her guitar. They must’ve been training even after she left. She admired how resilient they both were. Even Tari. After everything she had also been through with everyone, she changed a bit too. To her it felt like inspiration. 
“Hi, girls!” she cheered at the 3. 
All 3 looked her way saying hi back but stopping, all of them looking at her horrified. She felt a bit confused.
“Why are you looking at me so weird? Is… my hair looking weird or-”
“Your… face” Saiko was the only one speaking up.
“My face?” Melony slowly felt her face, from her chin to her forehead, her fingers brushing over her usual features until she felt something weird by her forehead. As she trailed along lines she could feel were like valleys on her face. She rushed to the bathroom, the other 3 running after her, with Saiko at the front of it. 
Melony looked in the mirror, her face was cracked like a mask. Wait… The nightmare… the crack before she woke up. It was starting to make sense. Too bad she wasn’t too happy about that. 
The other 3 finally caught up to her, finally being able to be by her side.
“Melony…” Tari looked like she could cry for Melony. Melony could cry too. She couldn’t take it, so she hugged Tari. Meggy patted her on the back and she got pulled in the hug too. Saiko stood there before Melony locked eyes with her and oops, she was in the hug now too. 
“I- I.. I can use all the comfort right now” she spoke quietly. Saiko understood.
They stood there like that for a while. 
“So…” Saiko started “What… happened?”
“Uh… I… I had a nightmare”
“Well… Axol”
All 3 looked at her concerned.
“It’s been a while since he showed up like that in your dreams”
“I know! I don’t know… I don’t know why… Oh and… I heard a crack in my nightmare… so…”
Saiko already looked angry.
“I’ll look around in your room” she left.
The 3 looked after her sadly.
“I didn’t know it was still that bad…” Meggy commented again, feeling kind of guilty, as if it was her fault that Melony had such an awful nightmare.
“I thought it wasn’t either” Melony sounded sad.
Tari leaned on her more, trying to comfort her better.
“I know you were getting better! There must be an explanation for this… I think… This is unusual for you?”
Meggy and Melony shared a look, as they both realised Tari is right.
“We must get to the bottom of this” Meggy piped up, as she left the bathroom, going after Saiko. Tari followed, though stopped in the doorway.
“Are you coming too?”
Melony calmed herself a little, lightly clenching her fists, preparing herself to face whatever may come her way. Then she gave a small nod and followed after Tari. 
They all got to where Melony slept before, the TV still in there, undisturbed for the most part. As there was nothing wrong with it, except for the fact that it was turned off. As Melony was looking at it, it was as if the screen itself was crawling deep into her soul. She wasn’t sure if she felt uncomfortable by it or not. But it was a strong feeling either way.
“What is this TV?” Saiko asked Melony.
“Well, Mario showed me a cool show on it. I actually watched it until I fell asleep”
Saiko looked back and forth between the TV and Melony. Seemingly, Tari was slowly catching on.
“Do you think… the show has something to do with it?” Tari looked at Saiko, lightly cocking her head to the side.
“I would say yeah”
“But the show was so good! I’ve never watched something so nice! It’s probably just the show that made me think of the past but that’s- that’s understandable! It was genuinely nice”
“What kinda show was it?” Tari asked.
“It kind of reminded me of Two Piece actually” she cheered.
“Oh, I love Two Piece! Could we watch it together sometime?” Meggy joined.
Saiko was a bit stupefied as the 3 went on to talk about the show as if there was nothing wrong. She still couldn’t shake off the fact that Melony’s face looked like that. She had to go look for answers. And… She might have had just the right idea…
It had been a few days then, Melony’s face still cracked but it seemed she cared less and less. Everybody else around just- seemed to care less. Especially as everyone seemed to be occupied with shows of their dreams. Meggy with a show with so much action and fighting she only could dream of. With wonderful character development, she was mesmerized. Not only that, the female lead absolutely had her from first sight, perfect role for someone so interesting. Playing the whole part perfectly, trying to survive in a world that tried to get rid of her and turning up victorious against all odds. Tari was watching a cutesy show, it was peaceful but still kind of mature with the way the characters talked. She related to the very real issues the characters had while adoring their adorable designs. They seemed to lead much more normal, relaxed lives than what they’ve been having in SMG4. It almost felt idyllic to her. She was close to just… jumping into the TV to escape everything else. 3 and 4 were too busy with their work to even notice at this point. It seemed, even together they can get a bit carried away. Or maybe flirting during work did them in a bit. And nobody even noticed that Saiko was still gone.
This continued. And only got worse. 3 and 4 only realised when barely any customers were coming in.
“You think we messed up? Do they think this place is bad again?” 3 sounded worried.
“No way, we’ve been doing so well! There must be an explanation” 4 wrapped his arm around 3 to comfort him. As usual, it did sort of work. 
“I say we close up and look around”
“Just what I was thinking!”
They closed the café for the day.They first approached the castle, maybe the crew could know something about what was going on. 
They both entered the castle. It was way too quiet. 
“This is creepy” 3 quietly commented.
4 looked at him, that teasing look in his eyes.
“What’s the whispering for? Are you scared someone else will hear you and know you’re a coward?” he laughed.
3 grabbed 4’s face.
“As if you’re not scared!”
“A bit maybe” 4 laughed. 3 pressed a soft kiss on 4’s lips before moving ahead.
4 was left like a smiling idiot before moving along with 3.
They looked around everywhere, not seeing anybody.
Except… Mario. Mario was watching TV, just like how last time 4 really managed to talk to him. Because of work he didn’t manage to hang out with him as much as he wanted to. 
“Mario! Are you at fault for people disappearing??” 3 barged into the room Mario was watching TV in. It was the same room 4 found him in before.
“Shhh!!” Mario shushes 3.
“Dude! This is serious!” 4 chimed in.
They both got slapped out of the room.
“Mario’s watching TV!! Go away!!”
They both got up, it was quite the landing as Mario slapped them pretty hard. 3 had a devious smile on. 4 looked concerned.
“Hey… 4… I have an idea. But you might not like it”
“Say it anyways”
“We could… unplug the electricity! He can’t watch TV then!”
4 thought about it.
“Well- Damn it, what else can we do anyways, let’s go”
“Heh… didn’t even need to convince you this time”
“I just don’t have a better idea”
3 chuckled. They went down to the basement to turn the electricity off. As they came up, they quickly met with a very distraught Mario. And quickly he also went past them. Screaming something about spaghetti. They followed him to see that he devoured the whole fridge.
“M… Mario?” 4 asked him carefully, he was kinda scared.
Mario saw him and ran out. 3 and 4 ran after him to see him yanking the extension cords with might and devouring the TV whole. 
“Much better” he cooed as he sat on the ground, seemingly satisfied with himself.
“What… What was that Mario?” 4 was in disbelief.
Mario raised one finger then lowered it as he thought.
“I remembered I was very hungry! I couldn’t think! TV tasted kind of weird but it’s fine”
“Sure, man” 3 wasn’t even surprised anymore. Mario just pulls stuff like this.
“So… Mario…. Where are the others?” 4 asked, trying not to freak out as he remembered their original goal when they came into the castle.
“Hmmmm…. Mario doesn’t know…. Let’s look together?”
“Sure, come with” 4 said as he now led the way outside.
Walking around, everywhere was kind of quiet. 
“Oh, sure hope this isn’t like that one time Mario stopped time…” Mario sounded scared.
“We’re still moving, idiot, you didn’t accidentally stop time” 3 replied.
“Yeah, 3’s right”
“You’re only saying that because you’re gay for him….” Mario pouted, looking away, crossing his arms.
“Just because I love him I’m not gonna spare him from the truth”
“You heard him!”
“Hmmmm…” Mario wasn’t convinced.
“Besides, what have you been doing all this time?” 4 questioned Mario.
“Watching TV. Only that really”
“Damn, shut in” 3 laughed.
“I… I felt glued to the screen. So… yeah…” Mario looked away from the 2. 3 felt bad almost immediately.
“Okay dude… I guess it’s not your fault- at least you’re outside now” 3 attempted to apologise.
“You tried” 4 didn’t spare 3 of the truth.
3 rolled his eyes.
Mario suddenly stopped by a window. 3 and 4 stopped too, to see him looking at a TV.
“Don’t tell me you’re trying to watch TV again-” 4 was about to freak out on Mario. 
“No no- look” Mario said, pointing at the TV “This is just like the one I had at home!”
The 2 looked at it closely, and recognised it. Not only that, they saw familiar faces on TV. Acting nothing like themselves. Their friends were stuck in shows. 
“That looks like the TV guy’s head who manipulated you” 4 almost shouted with how angry he was at just the sight of the TV.
3 was more calm, at least on the outside. He was more scared if anything. He really didn’t want to see that guy again. 
“That means… that abandoned studio! We… we need to go back there” 4 said.
3 looked uncomfortable.
“Do we… really have to? I mean uh, it’s not like I’m scared but-”
“It’s okay, 3… I believe in us. This is… for all of our friends”
“Our friends… you’re- you’re right but-”
“You’re scared he could take advantage of you again, aren’t you?” Mario pointed at 3.
Both were a bit shocked.
“I… I am” 3 looked at him “How… How did you know?”
Mario twirled around once before finally giving a reply.
“Mario cares about his friends”
3 was a bit flustered by that.
“Aww, you’re still not used to being called a friend! 3 !!!” 4 teased him while hugging him.
“Awww, SMG3!!” Mario joined in on the hugging as well.
“C- Can- Can we just go, please??” 3 cried out. The other 2 laughed as they now got going to that very dreaded place. At least they felt a bit better now.
Just as they were about to go in, even if they likely just. Weren’t allowed to, they got grabbed from behind. 
And, my god… All 3 screamed.
“What- quiet, oh my god” the very mysterious TV man said as he stepped back from the 3.
“What are you doing to our friends? Let them GO??!” 4 was ready to throw hands. He was so furious.
“Hold your horses, SMG4, we didn’t even have a formal introduction yet!”
“Hell if I care, I just want you dead” 4 didn’t look like he was kidding. 
The TV headed man looked unamused. 
“I should’ve expected that…” he reached a finger towards 4, stopping him in his place.
“Now! Might I introduce myself! I’m Mr Puzzles, the head of Puzzlevision, a studio that is on its way to be THE best one. You’re walking on historic grounds”
“This place was a dump not too long ago”
“Oh, you must’ve dreamed that!! And what an awful dream that sounds” Puzzles grinned, a menacing aura emanating from his gaze.
“Wh… What but… you… we… we…”  3 felt scared again. 4  wanted to move so badly to comfort him but couldn’t.
Mario wasn’t sure what to do. He realised, he needed to stop thinking. And so he stopped his needless thoughts and rammed right into Puzzles like a bull. It was so sudden, Puzzles had no way to react.
“Oh why YOU-” 
It was then that Mario realised he got himself into a bit of a pickle. He didn’t have time to think, he launched himself right into the studio.
“YOU CAN’T GO IN THERE” Puzzles ran after Mario, looking so angry he was tearing up from it. 
3 sighed, looking at the still frozen 4. He couldn’t hide it, he felt a bit hopeless. He grabbed 4’s frozen hand with which he was trying to reach for Puzzles. His hand still had the warmth he was very familiar with. At least something to comfort him amongst everything.He only stopped feeling so pensive when he could feel 4 move a finger. He got so excited, he squeezed 4’s hand as he then fell over with him. 3 chuckled, feeling a little stupid, a little embarrassed. 
“Sorry, man” 4 chuckled back as he tried to get up.
“A little more?” 3 held 4 back.
“I appreciate that but- on the ground?”
“Okay okay, fine” 3 looked away as he got up. 
“No need to be embarrassed! I do love your hugs” 
3 sighed as he pulled 4 in for a quick peck on his lips.
“Yea yea but we have bigger things to worry about right now! That TV guy is still definitely chasing Mario”
“Mario! Right! Oh god, I hope he’s okay” 4 ran in, 3 followed after.
“Probably-” as they walked in, the place was in chaos. They looked around, finally finding the 2 with Mario being about to be caught.
“Mario!” 4 cried out when he saw him. Puzzles got distracted, which gave Mario the chance to fight back as he punched Puzzles’s screen. And not lightly at that. The sound of it shattering. It was as if the whole building went silent. Puzzles seemed to stop. It was so quiet, you could hear their breathing.
Puzzles slowly looked back to Mario, holding his own face. His gaze rained on Mario like an avalanche. He wasn’t exactly one to feel intimidated but here he was. It was as if the TV was bleeding pure technicolour. The TV itself still somehow worked, although glitchy. His head twitched. 
3 had enough of watching as he kicked Puzzles in his shin. It distracted him long enough that the 3 of them could escape Puzzles’s grasp. For now.
They ran and hid in a room. It was dark. Not pitch black but pretty dark. As their eyes adjusted, they noticed 3 chairs by each other. It was a bit weird. Mario took a seat without thinking much about it. 
“Mario, you can’t do that!” 4 tried to warn Mario who really didn’t give a single damn. 
“Why can’t I? It’s just a chair!”
3 and 4 were staring at Mario for a bit, nothing seemed to happen.
“Eh, might as well” 3 took another seat.
4 gave into peer pressure, sitting down himself.
“Okay, but we still need to figure out what to do about this guy… But more importantly, how to save our friends.”
“Yeah… I don’t get it. I thought we got rid of him then!” 3 grumbled.
“If anything, he acted as your wingman with how long you took to get together” Mario said rather nonchalantly. 
The 2 stared at him.
“I bet we would’ve realised without him!” 4 felt upset, 3 patted him on the back.
“Yeah! And our confession to each other would’ve been so much better if he didn’t step in!” 3 was upset at the idea that Mario proposed as well.
“Not to my knowledge”
“What do you know anyways?” 3 was agitated.
Mario just grinned so wide, even in the dark it was annoying.
Just as 3 was considering hitting Mario, light appeared in the room, in the form of a TV.
3 and 4 felt rather scared, jumping into each other’s arms, maybe even considering leaving while Mario looked excited.
“Yay TV time!” Mario cheered, as if he wasn’t JUST chased by a TV headed man out to kill him.
3 and 4 sat back, trying to calm down. A film started playing.
As the credits rolled, they recognised some names. Their friends were playing in the movie.
3 and 4 shared a glance while Mario was almost glued to the screen. 
Then the title came up.
“The fragmented director”
The scene opened with a montage of a cheerful kid, drawing and getting older over time. Just as the time passed, his drawings were getting better too, more advanced, as if it could escape the screen and get you. Especially because they were animated. The film continued with the now teenager making more and more things. So much of it felt like a reference to something, especially from big movies and shows. 
3 and Mario didn’t quite see it, but 4 was starting to get uncomfortable with how alone the kid seemed to be. Nobody else appeared in the scenes so far, just this kid and his drawings. 4 could relate in his own way. Thinking about all the times he locked himself up to work on things, just as lonely as this character, chosen but still painful loneliness. He was starting to feel it maybe a little too much…
“Dude.. are you crying?” 3 whispered to him.
As 4 took his hand to his face, indeed, tears were streaming down his face. How did he not realise it?
Mario looked at him too, immediately feeling worried for 4 as he leaned on him, trying to give him at least some physical comfort.
“It’s okay… I’m okay… just… a little too relatable”
3 shook his head, holding 4 himself. 4 was trapped in the hold of the 2 people he cared about the most…It was reassuring as he managed to look back at the screen.
The next scene began as the adult version of the once teen entered an office. As the scene continued, it became obvious that he got a job in the animation industry. He was still rather painfully lonely, even if there were people in the background. They were never directly interacting with him.
As the scene went on, he seemed to have more and more workload on his desk. His hand was shaking, his eyes not focused, with eyebags. He was overworked. He couldn’t stand it. It was obvious. 
The scene ended with him finally clocking out and heading home. 
4 was starting to feel weird about the relation of the title to the actual contents of the movie. This guy was nowhere near to being at such a high position, neither did he seem fragmented. It gave him a bad feeling. 
It was late at night when the scene opened again. The man couldn’t sleep. He got up and went outside. The night looked peaceful, everything looked serene. The sky was just as pretty as ever.
The man looked up at the sky, as if wishing for something, then he went inside. 
He seemed to think for a bit, before getting out a box full of DVDs of movies he could watch. As he was searching, he didn’t hear it. He didn’t feel it. He didn’t know what was coming. It was loud, sudden. Fatal. It ripped his head right off, whatever it was. The scene was dark enough that you wouldn’t be able to see too much detail, just enough to make out what happened. It left 4 stunned, but 3 seemed to take it worse as he noticeably hugged him tighter when the scene happened.
The scene slowly closed with slowly zooming in on the TV, kind of damaged yet for some reason it still seemed to be on and flickering.
The scene went dark, then it opened in the studio the guy worked at. It seemed the workplace was more alive. With some people chatting on a break, others working on stuff together, helping each other. Although it wasn’t corporate grade efficient, people were definitely having more fun.
Slowly, as the scene panned from everyone working, it seemed to go to one door. A closed door. The door slowly opened. As if for a split second it looked bloody everywhere, the red mixing with a familiar technicolour mixed within, making the scene pretty yet still gruesome. However the scene went back to normal, as if nothing was ever out of the ordinary. 
The door revealed the all too familiar Mr Puzzles sitting behind the desk in a rather comfortable chair, directly looking at the camera. He was smiling, although it started to feel more threatening. 
The scene switched back to the dark, red scene. Puzzles was holding a guy, limp. His expression and the amount of blood on him seemed to indicate that he killed the man. There was just enough detail on there to see that the dead man was dressed in formal attire. It seemed similar to what Puzzles was wearing, as if to indicate the idea that he took his place. The screen suddenly went black. 
Then the outside of the studio was shown. Time seemed to have passed, as the text “A few years later” showed up on the screen. The studio was much bigger than what it seemed to be before. It looked like Puzzles brought the place to success. Just as someone with a gun just barely managed to appear on the side of the frame, the scene changed, being on the inside, full of very happy workers. Maybe too happy. Uncanny happy. But they were working.
The scene then switched to a smug Mr Puzzles, looking at something. The scene then switched to what he was looking at, which seemed to be a list on a computer with other studios’ names crossed out. It kind of looked like a hit list for competition in a way.
 But just then. Gunshot. Screaming. And bam, the atmosphere changed. The environment coated red, with bodies littered everywhere, mercilessly. The figure that showed up in the frame before walked by, just as mysterious as before. Walking till they reached an all too familiar office. Though this time, it wasn’t Puzzles’s doing that everywhere was covered in blood. Perhaps the movie was just foreshadowing this. Because it was hard to deny that the scenes when 3 and 4 thought about it - Mario was busy thinking about spaghetti at the sight of the colour red - were way too similar for it to be a coincidence. 
The door opens again. Puzzles looked terrified but not shocked. It was almost like he was expecting this to happen. 
“I’m doing this for everyone” the chilling text read on the screen, oddly enough it was centered. Behind it the gun was slowly raised at Puzzles, who didn’t seem to do anything about it. He was expecting it for sure. 
The screen went dark as soon as the gun was fired. Then a familiar scene showed up. With 3 and 4 when they were in the ruins of the studio. There wasn’t any audio but it was obvious they were being gay. Mario teasingly pointed at the screen, making both 3 and 4 roll their eyes.
However, after they were out from the crumbling building, once they were gone, a hand reached out from the ruins. A very familiar hand at this point. And that was where it ended. Although an abrupt ending, they could sort of start to guess what happened after this.
4 wished he could beat everything that’s left alive in him at this point. He was really tired of this guy. Although the movie had him kind of confused. How did he come back to life? What was even the thing that killed him? And… How did he acquire anti meme energy?
He hated coming back to this same point that had his head in the clouds, clouds that compared to the worst storms. He did get headaches from thinking about it sometimes. He was too curious yet he couldn’t figure it out… The Godbox was no more. They destroyed it. Wasn’t that the only place where anti memes would occur? It didn’t make any sense. And yet he tried and struggled for an answer either way to no avail. But it felt like he was missing something. Like a missing fragment of a puzzle that just wouldn’t complete.
He looked to 3, seemingly with a similar reaction. 3 looked back at him. While first with confusion, his expression heavily changed when he realised.
“We brought this bitch back to life!!”
“What?” 4 was as confused as ever. Clueless idiot.
“Our meme energy? I think… I don’t know…” 3 looked down, not quite sure now himself either.
“Hmmm” Mario joined in the convo “Maybe SMG1 and 2 could help?” 
“Wow, smart!... From Mario. What a day” 3 laughed. 4 laughed too, maybe looking at 3 a bit too strongly.
Mario rolled his eyes at the gays, getting up from the chair.
“We don’t have all day… besides” Mario patted his tummy “Mario is about to crave some mad spaghetti”
3 and 4 exchanged glances, before they got up and walked to the door as well, cautiously opening it. Nothing seemed to be around. Nobody. Not a soul. So empty their tiny breaths could echo. 
They left the room, walking out in the chaos Mario left. This felt… too easy… Though, they still didn’t know what happened to their friends. Only thing 4 noticed was they sometimes showed up in the background of that peculiar movie. They weren’t exactly in the focus so it took him a bit to realise that they were appearing from time to time. 
Just as they were about to walk out of the door, Puzzles appeared again. His screen was fixed. It was quite fast for being so damaged.
“Mario can kick you again!!” Mario piped up “I’ll beat your ass”
Puzzles flicked his hand and stopped Mario in place.
He walked up to the other 2 as he shoved Mario out of the way.
“Enough of him, I wanted to offer you 2 something” his now well known menacing gaze came back.
“What?? No, I don’t want anything from you!!” 4 could care less.
“Really now? Not even your friends?” Puzzles laughed.
“Our… our friends”
“You’re a sick freak, I hope you know that” 3 tried to comfort 4 while staring daggers.
“I’ve been told, yes… but… my deal for you, SMG4”
4 stayed silent.
“You see… I’ve never seen SUCH a strong need for great content as yours. Your will to create… It’s rather marvelous. And I need it. If you joined me… We could make something perfect. I know… I know how long you have been chasing that, even if you don’t tell anybody. I know”
4  looked at him shocked. He couldn’t reply. Puzzles wasn’t wrong.
“Seems I gotcha, didn’t I?” he laughed “Regardless… I was hoping you could join me in this endless endeavor” 
“4…?” 3 looked at 4 worried.
3 didn’t take long getting angry.
“He- He’s not leaving this world behind! I know he enjoys it more when it’s authentic and fun, he doesn’t need you and your artificial concept of perfection”
“Well, just look at him! Don’t you see it in his eyes?” Puzzles leaned closer to 4 “I can see it… that utterly strong urge in him to always prove himself… to prove himself worthy of people’s attention. And I can give that to him, unlike you” 
“I helped him finish the perfect video though”
“And I got him there. I gave him the needed tool to make sure it could even happen in the first place. You 2 don’t even come close to what my tools can do on their own… Imagine how much greater… maybe even both of you would be? Wouldn’t it be great? Finally… achieving perfection, the height of creation… and, leaving behind the times when people didn’t even care about you, SMG3”
Puzzles grinned wide, seeing how he managed to get to the both of them until he got hit hard on his head.
“HUH??” he turned around to see Mario “HOW DID YOU UNFREEZE YOURSELF??”
“Kiss my ass” Mario threw it back before he started running around like crazy. Puzzles could feel something snap in him as he went to chase after him, even if that wasn’t the logical thing to do.
3 and 4 used that time to get away and find 1 and 2 to figure out what’s going on.
It took a while but at least they got away from Puzzles’s grasps.
“Yeah, 4?”
“You… You think Mario will be fine?”
“I… I’m sure. You know he’s strong”
“Yeah but-” 4 stopped “I feel guilty. We just left him there”
3 stopped beside 4, slightly annoyed.
“Maybe… we can lessen his suffering if we speed up and try to get to SMG1 and 2 as fast as possible!” 3 was rather snarky but it worked, as 4 shook his head then looked up to the sky, hope sparking within him.
“You’re right”
“Of course I am, now let’s get going, you lovable loser”
4 laughed at the name before he hurried along.
They got into the city. It was rather empty. No buses even going around. Cars left unattended. 3 already had his villainous look come up on his face.
“4, we gotta steal a car, dude”
“No… Not today, 3. We’ve gotta get to them without committing several crimes along the way.”
3 rolled his eyes.
They looked around more. Waited around. Genuinely, everywhere was empty.
“Okay… we’ll steal a car”
3 immediately chose one that he had been eying for a bit and got into the driver seat, speedrunning hacking it so it can be driven without a key. 4 just took the shotgun seat with a tired sigh.
“Got it!” 3 cheered.
“Alright, just start driving or who knows what will happen to Mario”
“Already ahead of you!”
And they sped off. No cops anyways so 3 wasn’t respecting any of the rules of the road. That much was expected though.
They got there pretty quickly considering there was nobody to chase them either for speeding.
They got out and knocked on 1 and 2’s door in their apartment which they had to sadly break into. There wasn’t anyone there to stop them anyways.
An exhausted 1 opened the door, who looked at them weird for a second before feeling relieved.
“Thank god you 2 are okay! Come in” he motioned for them to go inside.
Inside they saw 2 being greatly buried in research. It seemed they were looking for something. Saiko was there as well, doing her part in research as well. Though she looked more exhausted than the other 2.
“...Saiko? You’re okay?” 4 felt surprised.
She took a bit to look away from the book she was trying to get through.
“Okay is an overstatement”
“She’s been looking for a way to help Melony” 1 added context.
“What happened to her?” 4 asked.
“You didn’t see? Her face cracked, and from what I found… It might not be so great. But I… I’ve been looking either way. I wish I could help her”
“Geez… 4, maybe we’ve overdone the whole uh…” 3 turned to 4.
“We’ve been way too busy… we barely realised what was happening… How long have you been here?”
“About… a few days?”
“8 days and counting” 1 said before going back to searching himself. 
“Well… 3 and I figured something out… And it might not look so great”
“Oh? A new lead is probably what we need right now” 2 crawled out of the books then yawned. Although he seemed intent to listen either way.
“So… I’m pretty sure it’s our fault…”
“What?” 1 looked up surprised “What did you do?”
“You remember that big amount of energy we caused when we uh… mended our guardian bond?”
“The TV that had been haunting us used it to come back to life”
“It seems that was his plan all along” 3 commented “What an insidious freak… kinda envious in a sense”
4 looked at him, unamused.
“Anyways” 4 continued “I don’t know if I mentioned it before but… I’m starting to feel more and more scared about the idea that he had access to anti meme energy”
“Yeah… that shouldn’t be possible. We destroyed the Godbox!” 2, although tired, was still very adamant about that.
“At least we thought it seems…” 1 said.
Everyone looked at him.
“But we saw it blow up!” 4 joined.
“But you said it yourself. And both of you felt anti meme energy so…. you would know, no?” 
4 wanted to combat it with something but he couldn’t.
“I just don’t… I don’t get it… I thought we destroyed it”
“Wait…” 3 thought for a bit “We didn’t destroy it… it was only blown up”
“Isn’t… that the same thing?”
“No! You see… explosions don’t destroy anything in a meaningful way… they tear things apart. If you exploded right now, we would still have the material you were made of!”
“... You want me to blow up?” 4 looked sad.
“No, you idiot” 3 chuckled “I just brought it up as an example. But if you continue that way…” 3 winked at 4 before getting back to the issue at hand. 4 understood the implications and became rather flustered.
“So you’re saying…” 1 seemed to catch on “fragments of the Godbox could be still out there?”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying”
“Oh no…” 2 seemed to start panicking a little.
“Oh no indeed” 4 added on. He didn’t seem any better.
“We would… love to go right away but” 1 yawned “Well you know…”
Saiko already seemed to lean against the wall as a book slipped out from her grasp.
“Mhmm” she seemed to agree with the unspoken need to just pass out right about then.
“I don’t know… will Mario hold out until then?” 4 thought out loud, which made 1 and 2 go wide eyed despite their god awful sleepiness.
“What… What?” 1 questioned.
“We… only managed to get away because of Mario distracting the insane TV headed guy” 3 confessed, it felt heavy either way.
“Oh no..”
“Do we… Do we trust Mario? We… can’t go back alone” 4 proposed, although he didn’t feel good about it.
“I… I’m afraid yes” 1 felt just as bad about it. Everyone did. Mario didn’t deserve this.
They all decided to go rest up for today, they wouldn’t be quite as useful this tired anyways. 
Although the guest room was taken, there was still a measly couch for 3 and 4. Saiko offered to switch but the 2 declined, saying she needs the best rest possible. It was great to feel cared for. She would’ve felt bad if she declined at that point.
Although 1, 2 and Saiko were quickly all asleep in their respectful sleeping places, 3 and 4 had a harder time.
4 laid on top of 3, it was at least a nice feeling to be close like this. 3 was  petting 4’s head, which 4 laid on 3’s chest. 
“Are you able to sleep?” 3 asked him softly.
4 raised his head up.
“I’m trying to…”
“I’m worried too, 4…”
“I just hope he’ll be okay”
“We’ll make sure of it, okay? I promise” 3 held 4’s face in an attempt to comfort him. 4 scooted a little closer to 3’s face to give him a short kiss.
“Okay” 4 smiled.
“Now sleep, blue, a long day is ahead of us tomorrow… as if we never have big evil to fight… we should take a vacation at some point”
4 chuckled at the suggestion.
“You’re right”
They finally laid down for good, managing to sort of fall asleep.
Mario didn’t have such a great time with Puzzles. The man was chasing him endlessly and was trying to trap him in some sort of substance. The whole area around the studio was covered in it. They both felt tired and yet Puzzles persisted, seemingly angrier and angrier with every strike he attempted to throw Mario’s way. His aim was definitely getting worse. But he got so tired, he raised both of his hands up together and in a downwards motion made enough appear to cover the place with it. Mario wasn’t able to run anymore. He got sucked right in. But Puzzles did so too.
Then, Mario found himself in a dark void.
“Am I dead?” he screamed as he got up “Is this hell??”
“Shut up, heathen” Puzzles didn’t take his behaviour well “You’re being too loud for my taste”
“Am I in hell??” Mario whisper shouted.
Puzzles rolled his eyes.
“No. I actually accidentally trapped both of us” he sighed “I have to be trapped with YOU of all people” 
“You don’t like Mario and his sexiness, huh, TV man?”
“You PUNCHED in my screen??”
“You lived? Haha, cope seethe” 
“YoouUUUU” he got up again, going for Mario’s throat.
Mario tried to punch his screen again, though he couldn’t quite reach. In a moment of desperation, he bit down on Puzzles’s hand as hard as he could, making him yelp in pain, yanking his hand away.
“Rawwr” Mario looked ready to fight again as he lunged at Puzzles.
They fought around for a while, until both felt tired enough to collapse. Kind of weird how they ended up beside each other. Looking up into the endless void was… somehow calming. Even for Mario. He almost forgot he was stuck in some of the worst situations he ever got into.
“Why did you steal my friends again, TV man?” Mario asked, turning to Puzzles. He seemed to be genuinely curious.
It took Puzzles by surprise.
“Oh? Well… I wanted to make my studio even larger so I can have the biggest and best studio in existence”
“What’s the point of that?”
“Wha… What? Are you kidding? Being accomplished like that? It’s the best thing anyone could have happen in their lives!”
Mario stared at him and slapped him.
Puzzles once again angry, he got up, trying to tackle him. This man annoyed him so goddamn much. Mario evaded him and tried to fight back but he was failing at hurting Puzzles as well. It was almost like they were syncing up in the worst possible way. Missing and dodging in harmony.
“Are you happy?” the question sounded from Mario’s mouth, echoing in Puzzles’s mind.
“Are you happy?”
“Why are you asking me shit like this? I thought you were a bumbling idiot”
“Not right now. Are you happy, Mr Puzzles?”
“Oh… Oh! I get it now!” Puzzles got up and turned away from Mario “Your personality is inconsistent! That’s why my powers weren’t working on you! All along, your odd character PROTECTED YOU”
Puzzles whipped around, the anger was kind of familiar for Mario at this point. Another fight, another feeling of exhaustion kicking in. Even the fight felt familiar. Maybe it was just the weird atmosphere of this dark void but he felt sort of less worried now.
Once again, they ended up lying beside each other. 
“You didn’t answer my question” Mario sounded calm.
“And I…. won’t ever”
Mario sighed. They both stayed silent for a while.
Mario wasn’t the one to usually think but he did find the behaviour weird.
“You gave up on killing me pretty fast I’ll say” Mario joked. Puzzles looked at him unamused, no verbal reaction.
After resting enough, Puzzles sat up. He kind of felt hopeless in this silence. 
“You know what, Mario?” he looked to him “I’m not happy”
“Thought so” Mario sat up. 
“Do you… want to know why?” 
“I’m bored anyways”
“Well, you’ve… seen my movie… you know…”
“I know?”
“There’s something inside me that shouldn’t be” he raised his hand to his neck, gently brushing his fingers just above his collarbones. 
Mario only now seemed to catch on. It took him this long to realise that whatever crashed into Puzzles’s living place that night was actually inside him.
“Heh, there’s lot of things inside me as well that shouldn’t be”
Puzzles looked at him horrified then chuckled.
“You’re truly a unique kind of a man, Mario”
“I knooow… very sexy and awesome” 
Puzzles rolled his eyes at Mario’s grand modesty. He was starting to find it weird how he was actually starting to have peace with having to be stuck with Mario. Hell, it was a little worrying. 
He never felt this way… Like, enjoying someone’s company? He only ever loved working on his beautiful creations, people were like filler to his life. What changed? Or is Mario really… this special? He didn’t know and never did being unsure in his life make him so conflicted. He always liked to make sure he knew everything, he thought he went into  his plan knowing everything at this point. His plan was flawless. And yet Mario could walk in and ruin it all. And take away the perfection he wanted so much but… In the end, Mario would be right. He doubted it would make him happy. In a weird and twisted way, he felt alright with everything being ruined.
“So… how long are we gonna be stuck here, TV dude?” Mario asked, though seemingly not worried.
“I’m… not sure myself”
“Oh… OH?? Are we stuck here forever?? What have you done?” Mario screamed, jumping up, grabbing Puzzles by the straps of his pants. 
Something hit differently about Mario’s grasp on him as he felt a sharp pain like that fateful day. He screamed as he pushed Mario away.
Mario was confused then saw the state he put him in. Although he tortured his friends, it was still hard to not feel bad for him.
“TV guy…?”
He was in so much pain he couldn’t speak. He slowly laid down, very carefully to not hurt himself even more. Mario sat beside him. His curiosity… He slowly reached out and touched that same place.
Puzzles winced in pain. He didn’t get why. 
He pressed his hand against Puzzles’s collarbone fully.
While Puzzles was in utterly diabolical pain, Mario got reminded of something. This energy he felt. He saw this before. Images flashed in his brain, remembering everything from the time they went out there… Outside of their universe. The anti meme energy. He thought he wouldn’t need to face this traumatic memory again but… Guess he was wrong. Things now started to make sense to him. Although he didn’t know how it was possible. He didn’t need to know that to see that it was. 
He didn’t know what was driving his body but he pressed harder. With both of his hands now. Puzzles screaming didn’t deter him. When he tried to push him away, he sat on his arms, making him ultimately vulnerable to Mario. He didn’t know how to feel. He pushed and pushed until he could reach inside. It was nothing like he thought it would be. Puzzles was warm like a person but not quite of the same consistency. Until he felt something hard within him that didn’t quite fit inside. The memories he had now felt even more real. It sure made him struggle. Even he stopped for a second, especially how it added onto it. Making it more terrifying than it already was. Giving him images of a world where he lost 3 and 4 to a force way beyond him. That was scary to him.
He shook his head. He knew what he had to do. He pulled again. Pulled until what was inside Puzzles seemed to loosen from its place. Puzzles fainted by this point, probably from the unbearable pain. Even though he wasn’t quite human anymore, pain was still a weakness of his.
He finally pulled it out, black blood escaping Puzzles body as he did. Mario felt a little weird now… Did he just kill a man? He wasn’t sure.
He was now alone in the void, with the wretched fragment in his hand, echoing past nightmares in his ears.
His act settled in even more now as he pressed his hands against the wound, not really knowing what to do. It only soaked his hands even more. He desperately grasped into him, just trying to think of something, anything. He didn’t want to be left alone. He wasn’t sure how he felt about Puzzles but it’s much worse without him. That was something he knew for sure. He couldn’t lose him now, no matter what.
As he desperately grasped, light appeared, in the form of dim white strings, seemingly loosely closing up the wound. It wasn’t perfect but the bleeding was getting less intense. Mario didn’t know he could do that. He stared for a bit, not really knowing where to put it.
He sighed, not thinking about it further. He just didn’t want to up his kill count… And he didn’t want to be lonely himself either. He could always get so caught up being around people all the time that he forgot how it feels to be alone. And it wasn’t a good feeling. Though the bleeding stopping made him feel a bit better as he lied down, closing his eyes.
It felt like forever passed as he kind of just fell asleep beside Puzzles. Just because he had the weirdest moment of his life didn’t mean he couldn’t go to sleep with ease. He woke up to movement beside Puzzles as he was lightly clinging to him in his sleep.
“Huh… I’m… not dead yet?” Puzzles spoke, his voice was weak. He looked at Mario. He was finding a fondness he didn’t know he could have for someone.
“Nhggh… Nope… Mario fixed you up with his… white thing”
“Wh… White thing?” Puzzles was confused.
Mario pointed to his wound. The strings were still visible.
“Oh you… you saved me?”
Mario shrugged.
“Mario didn’t know he could do that”
Puzzles chuckled.
“Very well. Thank you though. I owe you”
Mario smiled at him.
“Well, getting us out of here would be great”
“Mhmm… I don’t know how to still” Puzzles frowned.
Mario patted him on the back.
“At least this thing is out of your body” he showed him the fragment.
“Oh- Oh right” he stared at it “What… is this again?”
“Mario’s not the best at explaining things. It is evil though”
“I do agree… it did kinda kill me there for a second” he chuckled
Mario chuckled too.
“You know, Mario… Isn’t this… weird?”
“What is?”
“I don’t feel like getting rid of you anymore”
“Well if you got rid of Mario the world would end so I’m glad” he grinned as if he didn’t just drop information on Puzzles that kinda escaped him before.
“The world would end?”
“You see, Mario is the avatar and if he gets killed for good, the world falls apart”
“A… Avatar?”
“I’ll ask SMG1 and 2 to drop the lore on you” 
“Oookay” Puzzles was a bit confused but he could wait. He would wait all the time needed to have answers if he needed to. It wasn’t the first time waiting rewarded him. He knew patience made greatness.
“By the way…. Mario’s wondering how you’re feeling now?” he looked at him, feeling a bit bad.
“I feel… free in a way. Mind’s less foggy and all that. Thanks, Mario”
“Hehe, I saved the day!”
“I’m still in pain though” he looked away.
He grabbed Mario’s hand gently.
“It’s probably just the fact that you opened my body without any anesthetics. Which you wouldn’t have been able to get anyways”
“Heh… Mario sees your point” Mario squeezed his hand then thought, as if the brain cells in his empty head decided to align so well this time, he could have a genius idea “I’ve got an idea, Mr TV, but you have to listen to my instructions”
It had been a bit since last night 1, 2, 3, 4 and Saiko talked. Everyone was awake, preparing for their mission. Although 3 and 4 were a bit sore from the couch. It really wasn’t made for sleeping. 
“So…what’s the plan?” 2 asked.
“Well uh…” 4 thought for a bit.
3 took a bomb out of his pocket.
“Can I?” he asked with a silly little smile.
“No” 4 said bluntly. He didn’t give a shit.
3 sulked a bit.
“Well, we know it has to do with the Godbox so… we have to go in, prepared to fight it”
“I guess the best we can do is go in and hope?” 4 sounded unsure of himself.
“Get yourself together, 4. I know you can be a coward but now is not the time” Saiko commented, making everyone look “Now is not the time to question your power to stop this, our friends are on the line here… Melony” the last part from her was rather quiet. She always tried to look out for her when she could so knowing this happened right under her nose filled her with a different kind of fury.
“I say we go in and kick ass” she finished her statement.
“Kicking TV ass does sound good” 3 added with a sly smirk on his face.
“Let’s get going then, shall we?” 1 said as he then led everyone out
It was quite the trip. Almost felt like a little road trip. 3 and 4 fell asleep along it, considering they didn’t exactly get the best sleep then.
Saiko was beside them, kind of trying to ignore them. She might have been a bit jealous. She wasn’t able to see any of the girls for a while now. Kind of hard to live like her, standoffish yet lover of touch.
She slowly got used to it. 
“Oh, they fell asleep?” 2 looked back, while 1 was driving.
“Yeah… I guess they didn’t sleep well last night?”
“Probably the couch being uncomfortable to sleep on” 2 rubbed his chin, as if he was thinking strongly about it.
“If it was anything else I’m kicking their asses, I’ll tell you that” 1 added on quietly. 2 giggled while Saiko facepalmed.
They got there, to the wretched studio, which was covered in black goop. Not fully but there was definitely a place where there was a lot more.
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dr4cking · 3 years
dude fr i was searching for hp fics and i saw ur profile come up and i was like 'omg that's such a pretty name?" i had an inkling you were asian TRS BENER?? seneng bngt ketemu writer indo, beneran pertama kali.. i also wanted to ask if u had any marauders fic recs lol my tumblr kering bngt jir 😭
awww pretty name 😫 thank you so much babe that was sweet 😫😫😚😚💖💖 AAA KAMU INDO JUGA 😍 kota mana nicc 😋 here check out some indo writers too @weaselbrownie @carnationbasement @wrathspoet @certifiedhorny
also my fav marauders writers are @wolfstar-lb @griffxnnage @itsmentalillness @sarahisslytherin @reggiesvalentine so check our their masterlists <33
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Do you ever find your shitpost mindset leaking into your schoolwork mindset or vice versa? Like you start writing a paper as a shitpost before realizing your mistake
god i wish
but my shitpost mindset does sometimes leak into my fanfics, which is why that fic was titled Nicc dicc succ and in it i used the word thrussy unironically
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gaydy-of-the-lake · 7 years
Prompt fic - ‘Drunk’
Lena Luthor ignored the buzzing of her phone. Her Mandarin was a little rusty, and the last thing she needed was to mess up an email to a company L-Corp wanted to collaborate with. After giving the message a cursory once-over, she pressed send and went to check her texts.
Kara Danvers: Lenaaaaa, come drink with meee 
Kara Danvers: They have shhots and drinkks and more shots
Lena looked at the time in the corner of her laptop - 11:01pm.
Kara, where are you?
Picking up her coat and purse, Lena scoured her office for her discarded heels and hopped as she slipped them on. She scurried past Jess’ long empty desk and into the elevator. Lena was texting her driver to meet her downstairs as Kara’s reply came in multiple bursts.
Kara Danvers: Totallly awesome bar.
Kara Danvers: They have alien drinnks hree too and alienss. Ltos of aliens.
Lena couldn’t help the audible sigh that escaped her lips then. Ever since Mon-El had been sent away, she had been expecting something. If Lena was honest, she was more leaning towards a tearful Kara showing up in her office or an angry Kara telling her that she blamed Lena for making the device that sent her boyfriend away forever.
Instead she had seen stoic Kara, who hid behind broken imitations of her sunny smiles and locked all her emotions away. It was worse than either scenario Lena had dreamed up.
But, it seemed that the dam had finally given way.
Now the question was whether to hack into Kara’s phone and find out where she was, or call her and try to find out that way?
Kara Danvers: Lenna, people are soo nicce heree. I got frree drinks from a nicce man.
Lena was calling her before she finished reading.
“Lena!” Kara shouted exuberantly. It was more emotion than Lena had heard in any of their lunches. “Lena, come and meet mee!”
Lena chuckled. “Okay Kara, what’s the bar called? Where is it?”
“Errr… The Zion? It’s near that noodle place we went to that time? Oooh Lee remember the noodles?” Lena gave the directions to Thomas as she listened to Kara’s ode to noodles with a grin on her face.
The car pulled up in an area which was dilapidated enough that Thomas offered to escort Lena into the bar. She declined politely, and kept her ear to the phone as Kara continued on.
The Zion was shabby on the outside, but pushing past the beaded curtain at the entrance revealed a lively and modern decor. The white circular bar took up the centre of the room, with surrounding booths of low tables and comfy looking sofas. There was a small dance floor which was filled with a few patrons jumping and swaying to something Lena wasn’t familiar with.
Lena was grateful for her black dress and heels as she strode through the crowd, since the dress code of the humans and, yes, aliens was typical of a club. She felt a few looks of recognition being shot her way and straightened her back, chin high in the air.
Kara’s voice pulled her out of her assessment of the room. “Oh! I see you!”
Lena felt her friend, before she saw her. Strong arms came around her middle, and Lena hoped that the stutter of her heart at the contact wasn’t obvious.
Kara, it seemed, had come straight from work to the bar. A signature cardigan hung off of an arm, leaving her in a polka dot dress with a purse slung over a defined shoulder. Lena shook herself, and tried not to stare at her arms. Now was not the time.
“Lee we can have so much fun now! We should get a drink, what do you want?” Kara pulled at Lena’s hand and looked so care free in that moment, that she was powerless to resist.
She sent a text to Thomas to go home for the night.
This was a bad idea. Lena had sat down on the stool next to Kara’s at the bar and already she had a number of shots in front of her with a half-finished scotch in her hand.
“Kara, are you sure this is a good idea?” Lena began, hesitantly.
Kara placed a finger on Lena’s lips and she quietened. She still wasn’t used to Kara’s tactile friendship, with the hugging and brushing of arms. Lena had grown up to firm handshakes and air kisses next to cheeks. But lips? This was new.
And unhelpful to the minor crush she harboured for her friend.
“Shush Lee.” Lena wasn’t sure when she had garnered this nickname, but it made her smile to think that she’d earned one when the world couldn’t seem to separate her last name from her first.
Kara’s grin widened. “We’re going to play never have I ever.” Lena laughed.
A number of shots in and the world was a little hazy around the edges. Lena was laughing hard, hair in disarray from twisting her fingers through it over and over. It turned out that drunken Kara was a lot more daring than she had previously thought.
“Noooo don’t laugh!” Kara’s hands covered her face, strands of hair falling from the careful braids atop her head. “I genuinely thought I’d get you with that one!”
Still chuckling, Lena responded, “Well I certainly am learning new things about you today… a public beach Kara?”
“Yeah… the sand got everywhere. Friction burns. Never again.” The pair both paused at the admission, and promptly burst into hysterics.
As their breathing got under control, Kara turned to Lena. “Thank you, for coming tonight.”
Kara was looking down at one of her ‘special’ shots which she had forbidden Lena to touch, something about it having strawberries in which Lena was allergic to.
Lena took Kara’s hand in her own. “Of course. Any time you need.”
She got a squeeze of thanks and smile for her efforts. Lena pushed the fluttering in her stomach aside.
“Lena, I think I’m forgetting to miss him.” The voice was so small, that Lena almost missed it. “I went the whole of today without thinking about him and then when I realised I felt so guilty.”
Lena squeezed her friend’s hand between her own, moving closer so she could hear her over the noise of the bar. Kara looked up. “I’m afraid that so many people have left that I’m not even fazed by it anymore.”
Tears sprung in Kara’s eyes and Lena’s locked with them. “It’s okay to move on with your life Kara. Anyone who really cared about you would want you to live and be happy and be loved, because you, Kara Danvers, are one of the greatest people I know and you deserve all of the love in the world.”
Kara’s muffled sob as she hugged Lena as tightly as she dared was all Lena needed to know to get her home.
Kara’s head was on Lena’s shoulder the whole cab ride back to Lena’s apartment. Kara had looked up at her with the saddest bluest eyes she had ever seen and asked if she could stay at Lena’s. Lena had always been a sucker for a pretty girl.
Wait, what?
Lena attempted to shake the alcoholic fog from her mind. She was comforting her friend, her best friend, who was hurting and… drooling adorably on her shoulder.
It’s official. She’s whipped.
Coaxing a sleepy Kara awake was as difficult as expected. Thankfully, she had an elevator that led directly into her apartment.
Lena helped Kara take off her shoes and sat her on the couch with a bottle of water. She managed to get her to drink most of it before she began fidgeting.
“Leeeennnaaa, ‘m uncomfy.” Lena poked her head out from the bathroom to find her friend with her dress stuck above her head, one arm half pulled out of it and the other stuck at an odd angle within the fabric of the dress.
Lena, the unflappable, Luthor stuttered her response at the sight of Kara in her underwear and trapped in a dress.
Whipped. Completely whipped.
And how was it fair that Kara got abs after eating the way that she did?
Coming to her senses, Lena found an old MIT t-shirt and some leggings for her friend. Then unzipped the dress that was causing her so much trouble.
It took 30 minutes in the middle of the kitchen and Lena’s face in several shades of red before Kara was presentable again.
The next obstacle presented itself when Lena went to take off Kara’s glasses. “No! I don’t want to miss anything.”
“Kara, you’ll be asleep?”
“No, you’re so pretty that I need to see you as much as I can!”
Lena didn’t want to get into that one, she wasn’t sober enough for this.
Lena helped Kara take off her makeup, with difficulty around the glasses, and tucked her into her own king sized bed. She should have thought better before taking the spot next to her, because if Kara was tactile in her waking hours a sleeping Kara was something else.
It was the early hours of the morning, and the covers were nowhere to be seen. Lena had woken to find Kara sharing her pillow and facing her, a long leg hooked between hers and her hands! One was at her hip, the other arm was bent between them, palm just over her chest.
Lena tensed immediately, and Kara only snuggled closer, her head resting beneath Lena’s chin.
Oh God.
There was a buzzing noise and Lena saw Kara’s phone lighting up on the night stand – someone was calling her. The phone went quiet for a second, before renewing again.
“Kara?” she whispered, gently placing her hand on the top of an arm. “Kara, your phone is ringing.”
A crinkle of a brow. “Shh… it’s early.”
“I know,” A head buried deeper under her chin, and Lena had to remind herself to breathe. “but Kara, it’s been ringing for a while. It might be important.”
Work was unlikely, as it was a Saturday morning. But Kara had a habit of receiving important phone calls that required immediate action.
Kara offered a groan of protest as Lena moved to reach over Kara and grab her phone. ‘Alex’ flashed on the screen.
“Kara, it’s your sister. She’s called a few times.”
Try over 20.
Lena looked down at Kara, who was sleeping soundly once more. She would want her sister to know that she’s safe right?
She clicked the answer button.
“Kara!? Oh thank God, you’re okay! You’re okay right? You missed game night and everyone has been looking for you but you had your GPS off and you-. Do you know how worried I’ve been? It’s been hours! We’ve not slept-“
Lena had to interrupt her, it was getting overwhelming. “Agent Danvers, this is Lena?” The line went quiet. “Kara’s fine, she text me last night from a bar and she’s now safely sleeping it off in my apartment.”
“Your apartment?” The implication is there, Lena can feel it and the idea that her crush hasn’t been as subtle to the older Danvers sister as Lena would have liked rears its ugly head.
“Yes, she asked to stay here.” Lena swallowed, and glanced to the sleeping girl in question who had both arms wrapped around Lena’s middle and her face pressed in the dip of her waist. “You’re welcome to come by, but she probably won’t be awake for a few more hours.”
“I’ll be there in 20.” And the line went dead.
Lena looked down at her friend and worked on extracting herself before going to take a shower.
She really wished she’d given the apartment a once-over before letting Alex walk in.
“Luthor, there had better be a good reason why my sister’s bra is on your kitchen counter!”
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imbellarosa · 7 years
Hey there, it's your secret santa for the hogwartshousesnet secret santa! How are you today in the very first day of christmas?? I was wondering if you had any preference as to what you wanted as a gift? like, an specific pairing and/or situation?? I'll be sending you messages from time to time if that's all right? It would be nice to know what you would like to read on those messages, this is the first time I'm doing something like this, have a nicce day sweetie
OMG THIS MADE MY DAY!! ❤️❤️❤️ I would love a piece of art or a fic if you could, and my fav pair to read about in the hp world is definitely James/Lily! I would love to get messages from time to time it would make me so happy!
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34saveme34 · 3 months
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(this is angst, I'm killing him)
the crew imprisoned Puzzles for a while now, and everyone decided maybe it would be good to kill him for good if he didn't die yet. 3 gets chosen to do it. He thought it'd be an easy job
word count: 1421
It was a dark cabin where he was. Restrained. Only the wind made soft noise outside. His own odd sounds he found out to be his own breathing. He forgot how loud it can be when he doesn’t have a show running in his head. The silence was deafening but so was the fate that was coming for him. As a light source, all he had was his screen, also making humming noises. He would sometimes turn it off as the noise was slowly driving him mad. At least that gave him a sort of variety he wouldn’t have otherwise. At least it gave him a lot of time to think. For better or for worse.
On a fateful day, the door to where he was sealed away opened, the light feeling like the blinding lights of heaven. He even would’ve believed he died if he wasn’t so sure that he wouldn’t go there. He missed his chance.
“Hi, freak” 3 came in, not closing the door after himself.
“SMG3…” something felt solemn about his voice. The tone kind of frightened 3 but he tried his best to hide it.
“You don’t have to say my name like that, sheesh” 
“What do you want me to say?”
“Nothing, preferably”
Puzzles chuckled.
“I’ve been doing that so I’d prefer not to”
“What you do or don’t prefer is irrelevant right now”
“Uhuh… Why are you here anyways?”
“Well, I was the one picked to check on you”
“Check on me? No one ever did that for me” there was such an uncomfortable genuine vibe dripping off of Puzzles’s words, 3 couldn’t reply for a while, making awkward silence between them. 
“Nevertheless… Check on me for what?” Puzzles tried to break the silence that felt ever so concerningly familiar to him at this point.
“...To see if you’re dead… and that if you’re not, I have…” as 3 spoke, he slowly raised a gun he brought.
“So you came to kill me?”
“Yes” he pointed the gun at Puzzles.
Puzzles sighed, which was once again a reaction 3 wasn’t used to. He was used to people trembling in fear when he threatened them. Not fucking sighing. It was pretty visible how his hand with the gun lightly lowered.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” 3 asked, now his voice giving away just how much Puzzles’s odd behaviour was affecting him.
“Well, for one, I was put in a closed space with no light for several days. Sure wonder who is responsible for that”
“You deserve as much for what you did”
“I… I guess…”
3 once again raised his gun at Puzzles.
“Hey… SMG3?”
Once again that tone that scared 3 so much for some reason. He whipped the gun away from Puzzles’s direction. 
“Fucking what?? Can’t I just do what I was asked to and go??”
Puzzles ignored his words.
“I heard something about how you used to be a villain”
“Yes… your point?”
“I just… when I see someone like me, I can feel it.”
3 looked at him confused, his heart felt invaded in a way he thought nobody could. Like intimately pushing in a dagger that doesn’t kill but puts you on the edge regardless.
“I’m nothing like you”
“Really?... You flinched pretty hard when I mentioned being lonely. Were you lonely before as well?”
3 didn’t reply, the gun shaking his hand.
“I mean… I understand. Loneliness can do some scary things to your brain… I do wish sometimes I could just turn back time and do things right. But I do also wonder if there would even have been a right way… I mean, doesn’t it sometimes feel like life can just… force you to be lonely forever?”
Puzzles laughed at himself as 3 raised his gun, tearing up.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!” he cried.
“Oh… I hit a nerve? Sorry, SMG3… I didn’t know… we could’ve been so… similar”
“We are NOT the same”
“We aren't”
“Shoot me then. What is stopping you?”
3 stopped, his head becoming way too loud.
He leaned against the doorway, trying to keep himself together. Why didn’t he kill him already? What was holding him back at this point? This man hurt him and his friends badly. Even his best friend… They all lost so much because of him… So then, why?
“Hey, SMG3” Puzzles’s voice was weirdly comforting “It’s okay if you relate. No one will hate you for it”
“I already said, I’m nothing like you” 3 was full blown crying at this point.
“This is starting to get dumb… relating to me doesn’t make you me”
3 looked at him still angry but his expression softened on Puzzles regardless if he wanted it to or not.
“It just shows we have similar roots… But unlike me, you were given a chance for redemption”
3 didn’t reply, looking away from Puzzles, still staying silent.
“You… don’t need to give it to me” Puzzles said “I don’t want to… manipulate you into letting me go.”
“Then what the hell is your goal??” 3 asked, trying to be menacing but that kind of rage was gone from him at this point. He broke. 
“Me? Having a goal at this point? Don’t joke… I’m just talking at this point. Talking as long as I can”
“Why aren’t you trying to make me trick you into keeping you alive?”
“Like you would keep me alive! Besides… even if I did, I don’t know if I could get into a normal life. Being a villain like me… does have its drawbacks”
“I… I thought that too” 3 fully turned away from Puzzles, looking out the door “I was sent to the Internet Graveyard as my punishment. and I… learned there. It took a while but I… managed to make a life for myself that I could enjoy, even with all its quirks” he chuckled, thinking about it.
“I’m glad you were given a chance, SMG3”
“I… I am too. I’m… kind of happy with where I am right now” 3 never found himself talking so genuinely to someone before as he did then. It felt odd but he relaxed a lot more now, being able to think easier. He still found the situation absurd though.
A weird silence rested between them. 3 didn’t know what to do anymore.
“Sometimes I wish I could’ve been happy too but… I missed out”
“Are you sure you’re not trying to manipulate me?”
“I’m just speaking my mind… You know, I’ve gotta if I’m bound to die soon enough.”
3 teared up. He was starting to wish this wouldn’t end.
“What… What if I… hypothetically… didn’t want to kill you anymore?”
Puzzles looked at him confused.
“What? But I hurt all your friends. It’s only fair. I know… even the fans feel that way”
“I… I hurt 4 too and… I’m still here”
“You don’t have to forgive me”
3 looked at him kind of upset.
“Why don’t you want anything?? Am I not offering you what you wanted all along?? Freedom??”
3 put down the gun and untied Puzzles.
“Fucking THERE! You can run away now and never look back. And then no one will have to know. I’ll just lie that I did it so that they don’t search for you.”
But Puzzles didn’t move. 
“You’re too kind, SMG3”
“Fucking MOVE” 3 flipped Puzzles off the chair, but he could only flop down on the ground. “BE FREE FUCKING DAMN IT” he cried.
“Why? I mean… what did I do to deserve… anything”
“I just- I just want to give you a chance, like how I got one myself- I know- I KNOW people can change” 
Puzzles sighed as he grabbed the gun but 3 took it away from him.
“No! I said leave! Not life, just this god damn prison! GO!!”
Puzzles grabbed onto 3’s hand with which he held the gun. He turned it back to himself.
3 froze, never did he meet someone so willing to die. He really didn’t know what to do.
“I didn’t think I would die to someone like this but hey!” Puzzles showed a weak smile to 3 “I’m glad it was you”
3 looked away, as soon as he noticed the trigger being pulled. He didn’t want to witness this. He didn’t want to believe anything that just happened. He shut his eyes, running out of the place, never looking back. At least it was done.
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