#Nico di Angelo skull ring
No fucking way Nico would never give Will that skull ring it’s a family heirloom it’s probably more special to Nico and his family than that aviator jacket he would never let anybody touch that ring except Hazel and he wouldn’t even let Hazel have the ring until he died because Hazels his family and she’s the next heir of that ring. He would never let Will touch it no matter how much he loves him because Wills not blood he’s an in law. Nico would never give that ring to anybody but Hazel and not even until he died. no fucking way.
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solisaureus · 1 year
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using my ability to pass as a 15 year old boy for good
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glitteringstardust · 8 months
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🖤 💀 🖤 | 💀 🖤 💀 | 🖤 💀 🖤
nico di angelo stimboard
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Nico: What's your favorite bone?
Will: Ah, so you're that weird friend
Nico: So, do you not have a favorite bone..?
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nightshade-anura · 1 year
anyways fiddling with jewellery is a common autistic trait. isnt it nico im sure you know that
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zielshindo · 2 years
i found the perfect nico ring and the seller said '' your hands are too small for this and yea she didn't sell it so here i am waiting to have a free day to make a skull ring from clay
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coirinthyurilo · 25 days
Just a thought of mine.
Will: Since you're the prince of the underworld. But ALSO the Ghost King. What does that make you?
Will: A prince or a king?
Nico: Both.
Will: And if I'm getting married to you in the future, what does that make me?
Nico: Mine.
Will: *Confused and flustered noises*
But it would be really a cool concept. Will being probably both a prince and king\queen when he gets married to Nico.
He definitely has many privileges that most demi-gods don't.
1. Gets married to the one and only Nico Di Angelo. Duh.
2. The amount of pick up rides he gets by Nico's zombie chauffeur.
3. The privilege to walk into Persephone's garden without harm done to him. (I HC that they get along very well, due to Will knowing a lot about plants for medicine, and Persephone being a plantita.)
4. The possibility that he gets to LIVE in Hades' palace. He probably even has a seperate room unless he and Nico share Nico's. (Or they go to Elysium either way.)
5. Will probably be highly respected by the dead and living? (He saves people's lives, and he's the spouse of literally the son of the dead.)
6. If monsters hear that he's Nico husband. They will have second thoughts of going after him. Like the hesitation of finding some blonde healer alone in the woods all because you find a skull ring on his finger. And he just so happens to be Nico's husband. Like you know you can't get close to that fothermucker.
7. I HC that he has higher power over the dead or the souls of the living technically. They may be different but their powers work incredibly well together.
8. He's loved by the underworld too, they respect and would treat him nicely.
9. He's loved by many, if he dies. The underworld would riot. The living would go insane. And Hades will have double the amount of paperwork to do. (Probably also one of the many reasons he tries to keep Will alive as long as possible.) Nico might throw the Olympians, of course.
10. Since he's married to Nico, I think in a sense he has some resistance to the underworld's affects on him. And would avoid dropping dead while walking in there.
11. Death\Thanatos is definitely chill with him and won't take his soul away, and allows him to die of old age.
I think there's more perks and privileges, but you can tell me more in the reply section I would love to hear more from ya'll. :D
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curseofdelos · 9 days
Hi my name is Nico Dark'ness Dementia Raven Di Angelo and I have long ebony black hair (that's how I got my name) and dark eyes like broken glass and a lot of people tell me I look like Gerard Way (AN: if u don't know who he is get da hades out of here!). I have pale olive skin. I'm also a demigod, and I go to a magic summer camp called Camp Half-Blood in North America where I have two camp beads (I'm fifteen). I'm a goth/emo/punk (in case you couldn't tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I steal all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a brown aviator jacket, black skinny jeans, a silver skull ring, and black combat boots. I was wearing a custom black camp t-shirt with a skeletal pegasus on it. I was walking outside Camp Half-Blood. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of demigods in orange t-shirts stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
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mediumgayitalian · 8 months
When Nico asks him out, there is vomit on his scrubs. His hair is disgusting. The bags under his eyes are actually the size of Texas, and he was born there so he says it in good confidence.
Also, it goes right over his head.
“Gods, yeah,” Will sighs, relieved. “Yeah, I could —” He laughs, a little hysterically, scrubbing his hand over his face and trying to blink the sudden onslaught of dizzy away. “I’m starving. I am — tired of this stupid room. I could use dinner out.”
“Great,” Nico says, rocking back on his heels. He twists his skull ring around his finger, like he does when he’s nervous, but there’s a tiny twitch at the corner of his mouth that Will has learned, in the past few weeks of his help in the infirmary, is a smile. “I’ll — um, I’ll pick you up at seven?”
Will glances down at the rapidly-drying splatter of vomit spreading from his right shoulder all the way down to his belly button. The nasty brown-yellow colour of it clashes so violently with the mint-green of his scrubs that it might be a felony, actually. The one whole spaghetti noodle smack in the middle of it does not help.
“Yeah, I’ll need at least that long in the shower.”
Nico’s face goes through a very complicated string of emotions. “I think you look nice,” he offers.
“You and I have very different definitions of ‘nice’, di Angelo,” Will snorts. He gestures behind him. “Bye, Nico. I’ll see you in a few hours?”
“Right. Bye, Will.”
“Hey, first name status!”
“Shut up, Solace. Go change your shirt.”
Will snickers, jogging down the Big House stairs with a backwards wave. He hustles past campers jogging towards their daily activities, ducking into the Apollo cabin before someone can ask him for something.
It’s been a busy few weeks.
The Giant War was…well. It’s over, now, is the point, but it was not without casualties, and it was not without injury, and injury, and injury. Plus the flu that just had to hit right before the Romans were about to head back to California. Will has spent more nights in the infirmary in the last few weeks than he ever has, including after the Titan War. Understaffed does not begin to cover it. He had to beg Cecil for his secret Redbull stash after his third straight day on his feet, praying to his father, his aunt, and any other god who was listening to keep his hands from shaking. Without Nico’s help — well, he doesn’t want to think about how things would have gone without Nico’s help.
He’d slept through his promised three days in the infirmary. Will had restitched his werewolf scratching (—his werewolf scratches his fucking werewolf scratches his fucking shitting goddamn werewolf scratches that he stitched with sewing thread and left for gods know how many days and Will is going to quit his job, he is, he is going to live in a hut in the Florida Everglades and chase questers away with a fucking broom—) as he slept on the first day, then spent the next days glaring at him in seething jealousy.
He had wanted to sleep. He had wanted to sleep so godsdamn badly. And yet. He was plastering salve on the translucent fingers of a dumbass who pushed himself too hard.
“You can’t tell me what to do,” Will had mocked, ignoring the yelled you’re losing it, Willy! from Kayla as she passed by. “Nyeh nyeh nyeh. I can shadow travel wherever I want. Nyeh nyeh nyeh. Catch me I’m about to pass out. Nyeh nyeh nyeh.”
“I never asked you to catch me,” muttered Nico, groggily, and Will had screamed.
Not his best moment.
Luckily, his string of colourful cursing had killed any idea that Will was scared of him, or something, and the list of chores he’d doled out the second he made sure Nico could walk had put the idea in the grave.
He still can’t quite believe that Nico actually, like…listened. But he’s a good bandage cutter (very accurate) and, as a super fun bonus, the Romans were all scared of him, so when they tried to get out of their cots while their limbs were literally hanging onto them by a thread, Will just had Nico stand behind him and glare at them until they sat their asses back down.
(“You are without a doubt the best nurse I’ve ever had,” Will had grumbled, sticking his tongue out at Austin, who lazily tried to trip him. Nico had rolled his eyes, huffing as if he thought Will was joking.)
“Wow,” says Cecil, sitting in Will’s bed for some reason. He rakes his eyes up and down his body, whistling appreciatively at the towel around his waist. Will rolls his eyes and starts digging through his dresser drawers. “Look at you! So human-like! No zombie eyebags to be seen!”
“Showers don’t erase eyebags, dick for brains.”
“True, but you’re so hot when you’re not covered in blood and vomit that I can overlook them.”
“Kiss my ass, Cecil.”
“Really? Is that permission?”
Will laughs, admitting defeat. He tugs on a pair of boxers, then tosses a few clothing options on his bed.
“Yeah, yeah. It’s good to be out, Zeus’ beard. Nico’s taking me to dinner; d’you know if it’s cold in the city? And I should probably wear real shoes, right, Annabeth mentioned something about New York bacteria —”
“Woah, woah, hold on, William, pause there for a second.”
Will looks up, frowning. “What?”
“Nico’s taking you to dinner?”
Cecil’s eyes are wide. Reflexively, Will pats his chin, paranoid he’s got something on his face.
“…Yes? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Nothing! Nothing, nothing.” Quickly, Cecil schools his face back to its usual smirk, leaning casually against the bedpost. (He misses. Mercifully, Will decides to let it slide and wait for him to straighten himself. He’s a good friend, like that.)
“Well, obviously something.”
“Nope! I’m just —” He softens. “I’m glad you’re taking a break, Willy. We’ve been worried about you. Remind me to send him a lock pick set.”
“Most people send fruit,” Will suggests gently. He cuffs Cecil playfully on the jaw, rolling his eyes when Cecil catches his hand and presses a loudly exaggerated kiss to it. “Or flowers. Also, don’t call me Willy.”
“Sorry, Willy.”
“Gods, you’re infuriating.”
“Mhm. And yet you adore me. Oou, wear the grey plaid shirt, it makes your eyes look bluer. And for the love of Hermes, do not wear shorts.”
At seven o’clock sharp, there’s a knock on the doorframe.
“Uh, hi?”
“Nico!” Will says brightly. “Hi! You don’t have to wait by the door, dorkus. Come in.”
With a second of hesitation, Nico steps in. The usually creaky floorboards are silent under his black Chucks. Will chooses to believe that’s on purpose, because it’s cooler.
“You can sit if you want! Unless we gotta leave right away. I wasn’t actually sure, are we just going to McDonald’s or something? Also, I told Cecil he couldn’t come, I figured three would make it a party or something but lemme know if we’re bringing friends along and —”
“We’re not,” Nico interrupts.
“—tell them.” Will blinks at him, then smiles. “Just you and me, then.”
Nico clears his throat. “Yeah.” He glances up at Will, and away again, like he can’t hold his gaze for too long. He looks a little flushed. “You, uh. You braided your hair.”
“What? Oh!” Will touches the French braids on either side of his head, smiling. “Yeah, I finally had the time. Keeps my hair back better than much else. Hey, Nico, you good? You looked flushed, maybe you should —”
Nico catches his hand. He smiles.
“I’m fine, Solace. You just look nice, is all.”
Will snorts. “No kidding. Anything’s better than the vomit shirt.”
Nico refuses to answer any of his questions about where they’re going.
Or, well. Will asks him and endless string of questions and receives only hums or nods in response, except for the odd huff of laughter when Will pouts.
“C’mon! Can’t I just know where we’re going?”
“You’re about to.”
“I mean now, Death Breath.”
“Well, now I’m definitely not telling you.”
Nico places a fleeting hand on his elbow as they reach the base of Half-Blood Hill, stalling him.
Will pauses, listening. His heartbeat picks up. Monster? Monsters?
He glances over at Nico, noticing the tension in his face, the twist to his mouth, the —
Oh, no he doesn’t.
“Hold it, Gerard Way!”
Nico startles.
“I know that face! You are not shadow-travelling us to the city, no way, no how, do you want to dissolve —”
“Will,” Nico interrupts, laughing softly, “Will, trust me for a second. Do you trust me?”
Nico blinks. Will flushes.
“That was fast.”
“Well! Well.”
“I’m not shadow-travelling,” Nico promises, changing the subject when it’s clear Will has nothing to say. “I’m just summoning our ride. I promise it won’t drain me.”
Rolling his eyes fondly, Nico screws up his face again. The tiny freckles on the bridge of his nose are more obvious when he wrinkles it. Will has to shove his hands in his pockets to keep from touching them.
One moment, there’s nothing but empty road in front of them. The next, there’s a massive fucking limo, driven by what Will can only describe as a ghoul.
“There,” Nico says happily. “Our ride!”
He jogs over to the sleek black limo, leaving Will gaping. With a quick hand to keep the driver from getting up, he opens the back door, gesturing broadly.
“C’mon, Sunshine.”
Will recovers quickly. He’s never been in a limo before — hell, he’s hardly ever been in cars. He slides into the black leather seats, gaping, barely noticing Nico ducking in and closing the door behind him.
“Cleveland and Merrick, please, Jules-Albert.”
Limos are crazy.
If hotel mini bars were, like, physical places rather than tiny bottles in mini fridges, they would look like limos. The windows are tinted, so the interior is dark, illuminated a softly glowing red by strips of LEDs. There is an actual TV screen, although it’s not on. Will feels like James Bond.
“Gift from my dad,” Nico explains. “He knows he can’t always be there to drive me around, so he got Jules-Albert to take me places. He’s cool. He even answers to me, technically, and not my dad, so if anything happens back here he won’t snitch.” Nico gets so violently red he damn near goes invisible under the LEDs. “Not that — I mean, it’s more like —”
“That is so cool,” Will breathes. “Oh my gods, Nico, you are literally the coolest demigod in the world.”
“Hah,” says Nico weakly. The limo (!!) slows to a stop. “We are — here, let’s go!”
Nico practically throws himself out of the limo. Will takes one last look, thanks Jules-Albert, and hurries out after him.
“You gotta be kidding me.”
“What?” Nico looks at him defensively. The corner of his mouth twitches. “I thought it was pretty funny.”
Apollo Restaurant Diner, reads the garish, flashing yellow sign. Seniors half-off!
Will nudges Nico’s side as they walk in. “You should ask for the discount.”
“Keep it up and you’re paying for yourself, Solace.”
Nico guides them into a booth by the window before he can say anything. In seconds, a server is strolling up to them, popping their bubblegum and grinning.
“Welcome to Apollo’s, where if we don’t predict your order, it’s free! I’ll get you guys some sodas, and…hm. Fries to share, I think.”
They’re off, ponytail bouncing, before either of them can say anything.
“Well,” says Nico after a moment. “I guess we’re having fries.”
Will snorts. “You love fries. You love anything fried and battered, because there is nothing you love more than poor decision making.”
“Caught me, Solace.”
“Aw. I thought —”
Their server pops back in with their sodas, nodding as they thank them.
“— I thought I was bumped up to first name status! You called me Will earlier.”
Nico slurps obnoxiously at his cherry coke.
“No, I didn’t.”
“Did too!”
“Not a jury in the world will believe you, Solace.”
Will blows his straw wrapper at him. Nico barely dodges, laughing — a real, open laugh, where some of the guard drops from his shoulders, where his smile is wide enough to show his teeth, where his dark eyes cringe near shut.
“You’re so lame. Get your stupid straw wrapper away from me.”
Will feels like he doesn’t respond for ages, mesmerized by the crooked curve of Nico’s smile. There’s mischief in that smile, and oddly it makes shyness bloom in Will’s chest, it makes the tips of his ears red, makes him duck his head.
Will’s saved from trying to come up with a comment by the massive — truly gigantic — platter of fries set between them.
“Holy shit,” breathes Will, alarmed.
“Holy shit,” breathes Nico, eyes wide. The smile grows wider. “Holy shit!”
Will’s stomach growls. He’s reminded how truly hungry he is, and without another word, the two of them dig in.
They end up ordering another platter. Will theorizes that, in total, they eat at least seven whole potatoes.
“How many fries do you think is in one potato?”
“A yukon?” says Will. “Like, twenty-five, at least. Wait, hold on, pass me your napkin, lemme do the math.”
“Gods, you are such a nerd.”
Will loses count of how many times they refill their sodas. Too many. Camp food is usually very healthy — as head medic, Will has to set an example, but it’s just Nico, here. Will eats himself into a minor food coma and relishes in it. When Nico asks if he wants to order one of the giant milkshakes, he doesn’t hesitate.
“Duh. Strawberry.”
“Gross, Solace. Vanilla or nothing.”
“Basic ass bitch.”
“At least I’m not vying for strawberry!”
By the time Nico gets up to go get their bill, the sun has long since set. Will realises he forgot to put his watch back on after his shower, and has no idea what time it actually is.
“Nine-thirty ish,” Nico says, opening the limo door for him. “We’ll be back at camp at ten.”
Will grimaces. “Fuck. Will Jules-Albert chill overnight? If we try to go back to our cabins, the curfew harpies are gonna eat us.”
“Scared, Solace?”
Nico’s eyes are bright and teasing. Will wonders how the hell other campers find him so frightening — the little twitches of his mouth are so obvious. Some people are just oblivious.
“Of course I’m scared, you dickhead. What am I gonna do, sing a hymn until they go away?”
Nico snorts. “You worry too much. They’re afraid of me, you know. They’ll steer clear.”
“You have a lot of confidence in how much you scare people, which is crazy for someone who’s five eight.”
“Oh, piss off.”
Will grins. “Never.”
The drive back to camp feels shorter than it is. The limo’s seats are stupid comfortable, and Nico is a warm presence beside him, and more than anything, Will is exhausted. Last time he slept was — Thursday? He’s pretty sure? He definitely slept on Wednesday, and he’s pretty sure Kayla locked him in the back office with a pillow on Thursday. But maybe that was this morning.
“Will, hey.” A cool, calloused hand brushes over his forehead, and he leans into it, humming. “Get up, you loser. We’re here.”
Will groans. “Five more minutes.”
The soft, gravelly chuckles are the most musical things he’s ever heard. “Up you get, Sunshine, or I’ll let the harpies eat you.”
That gets Will up fast. He shoves Nico away, who’s still snickering at him, grumbling as he crawls out of the limo.
“It’s like you want me to die of stress.”
They wave goodbye to Jules-Albert, who disappears in a blink. Halfway up the hill, a hand closes around his. Will glances over to Nico in surprise, but he looks resolutely ahead.
“I can feel you freaking out.” He clears his throat. “I told you, Solace. I’ll protect you.”
“That’s not what you said,” Will grumbles, but it’s hard to get his attitude across when his cheeks ache from smiling.
Nico ends up being right — the harpies steer clear of them. He looks very smug about being right, smirking all the way up to the Apollo Cabin door. He walks him up the creaking steps, pausing at the door. He lets go of Will’s hand, which is kind of a bummer. Will had liked holding his hand — physical proof that Nico was becoming more comfortable with him.
“So,” Nico says, rocking back and forth on his heels.
“So,” Will parrots, grinning. He grins wider at Nico’s scowl, gently illuminated by the soft glow of the Apollo cabin. “I had fun tonight, Nico. I needed that.”
Nico’s whole face softens. “Yeah?”
“Yes.” Will smiles at him again. “Thank you.”
For a second, Nico’s slight smile melts into a more serious expression. Will finds himself lingering, searching Nico’s face. Waiting.
Quick as a dart, Nico leans up and presses a kiss to Will’s cheek.
“Oh,” Will breathes, eyes wide. His fingers come up and brush the spot Nico kissed, skin tingling.
Nico looks at him nervously. “Was that okay?”
It takes Will a solid few seconds to answer. Even then, it’s not any recognizable words — more of an embarrassing hnnnnngh wha.
Nico grins. “Goodnight, Sunshine.”
“Nico — wait.”
“Harpies, Sunshine.”
Will could swear he sees Nico’s shoulders shaking with laughter as he walks away. Which — huh! Pardon! Excuse.
“Nico! Was! Was this a date!”
“I’ll see you in the morning, Will.”
Nico disappears down the bend without answering. Will manages to catch the curve of his smile before he goes.
He doesn’t sleep a wink.
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shortnotsweet · 6 months
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Give me one more sigh to the top of the mountain—baby, roll those eyes to the top of the mountain. Close your eyes, be patient, it's coming! All my dreams have been weighing me down, like an anchor to my bed.
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It’s only a second—a split second—but in that moment Jason wonders who has dreamt up Nico Di Angelo before.
It’s not strange for godly children to be granted prophetic visions, or omniscient images from a greater force not buoyed by themselves—Fate, a god, the recesses of their own trauma, what have you. But—no. Jason wonders who else has dreamt of Nico, not as a distant figure blotted out in the plotted landscape of some prospective quest, or as an omen of all things foreboding and unknown, but really dreamt. A real dream.
The Nico in front of him—for this split second, mind you, and isn’t this second stretching longer than any second before—has his face upturned to the wind, and his eyes closed to the sound below them. The city sprawl, honking and screaming and polluting the air with its babble. Jason can barely hear it now, can only observe with a sudden micro-awareness the thinness of his fingers and the delicate bones of his wrist as he extends them. The skull ring glints there, the darkness of the band cutting into the pale of his skin like a shadow cast, and Jason remembers, dumbly, Oh, yeah. Summoning the dead. There’s a lot of that in Chicago.
Jason doesn’t care about scrape of skeleton bones clawing themselves out of asphalt or the lingering of unresolved souls. Instead, it’s the feathering of Nico’s lashes against his own cheek, the downward slope of his mouth, sharp jut of his jaw belaying a quiet softness to his face that was easy to miss. For someone as unsubtle as Nico, it seems that it’s easy for a lot of people to miss crucial things such as this. By the time Jason had started noticing, he just couldn’t stop.
Nico exists, sometimes, as if he is not entirely of this world. It’s not a stretch for some godly children, a child of Death especially, but with Nico it has become increasingly more evident in the little moments, the subtle gestures. Maybe it’s Jason’s own godly genes—he can almost feel the texture of the wind against Nico’s skin as it kisses his cheek, the inhale of air—or maybe it’s just Jason. Freakishly detail oriented Jason, who stares at his ceiling at night, awake, but doesn’t dare toss and turn, who pours over blueprints and Lego models in his spare time and fixates on this kind of thing.
That’s the kind of thing Jason sees in his dreams, the image that flickers under his eyelids between memories of a life half lost to him and a visage of what comes next.
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puffins-studio · 1 year
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Nico Di Angelo 💀 Will Solace ☀️
You don’t know how happy I was at the news of their solo book! I been off and on Percy Jackson because doctor who but it been on my back burner. And I found the release date of the book before my bad finals and I just had to act as if I didn’t see if so I could focus , problem is my adhd made me completely forget about the book until the pretty cover came on my to my feed and i dropped everything to read it.
I love them💕 I Want to do an embroidery for them too but I think I might listen to the book again as I can’t pick a favorite line to do. I might also do the other main character and add my headcannon ideas as I feel so proud of these came out!
Percy & Annabeth
If you want to read my headcannons about their outfits, then it under the cut as I have many ideas.
[ID: The picture is a felt doll that is the shape of a gingerbread man with a big circle head Nico Di Angelo and Will solace. Nico have light color felt for skin, very dark brown hair that is to his shoulders and have a bit of a curl. He have black ties shoes, dark grey rip pants, a black and grey shirt with the skull on it. He have on a sliver studded belt, with beads for the studs, and a chain coming off of it. He have his ad jacket with a Italy flag patch in the right side and a sun patch in the left side. He have Bracelet on the hand with the sun patch sleeves. It a rainbow beaded one and a yellow and black twist. On this other wrist he have a black, read, and blue sparky thread one, a ace flags: black, grey,white, purple. And he have a beaded disability flag colors are black, green, blue, white,yellow, reddish pick, black. Will has light color felt for skin, short yellow blonde. He has ears and a little bit of black felt is peaking out for hearing aids.he have a blue shirt and a fort pocket, a little coco puff is in the pocket, he have on cargo shorts, a yellow orange sweatshirt around his waist, he I have on one blue sock and one read with cream shoes that have on the left one embroidery purple hyacinthus, a lyre and in the other side is a bow and arrow and the symbol of healing that have the single snake. He have camp bead and a sliver bead for the ring on the chain. On this left wrist he have a rainbow bracelet, and a random color one that is blue, light purple and light gray. On his other wrist is a bi flag one pink, purple, blue. And the last one is a matching one with Nico that is black and yellow.:ID]
Headcannons for Will
Star Wars
-I was going for like Star Wars socks, as this boy is either in flip flops or cowboy boots, he rarely wear anything else so he have fun socks to show off when he does
-(Maybe not the first time but maybe one of the first few time Nico said he love Will. Will make the Star Wars reference with Hans saying ‘I know’ and Nico is slightly confused. But then imagining his reaction when he all invested in the movie and then Hans say the line and Nico just stops and is like WILL! And will just start laughing “I couldn’t help it!”)
-He only have one pair of sneakers and I was trying to think of something to Blightten up his outfit, and thought the Apollo cabin can’t leave anything plain. So Apollo theme shoe (dark idea is that they belonged to one of his older brothers who painted them and died and Will wanted to bring something that reminded him of his family into the underworld with him)
Coco puff
-Little coco puff in Will’s pocket I can’t decide if the little puff is attached to Will because it a deamon that Will actually helps Nico fight or the puffs are attached to anyone who have the same deamons so like if the little one is bad self confidence, then Will also have to work on his bad self confidence
-Enough beads for him to have gotten to camp one year before Percy. So he had two good years with his siblings before the wars. Just so he also have a family when his mom is on tour. But I do also think he has a lot of hidden Apollo kid power that he doesn’t know about so he think he weak with a randomly strong small. Like that is until Apollo learns where he went and is like how are you alive. Will “power of love… and really bad nicknames”
-I tried to give him hearing aids, they enup being hidden in his hair, I was trying to think of a color that would stand out against the yellow hair as I also thought he would pick a noticeable color, and I wanted with black. Just him going into the underworld with so many extra batteries, but also him and Nico do a bit of asl or just come up with little hand signals.
-Rainbow one, bi vone, matching one with Nico, and a random one from a sibling
Headcannon Nico
-Nico has bracelets as during craft time some of the younger Apollo kids were make some and they all like to make Will some. At the time Nico was there making their matching ones at the time and will was making one for Nico. And then one little kid come up and whispers something to Will he grins. Nico look up because the silences and Will just nods to Nico, then the little kid goes over to Nico and holds up the bracelet and said they made it for him. Will fills in that they want to give it to him and so Nico just like ‘yeah sure’ and hold out his wrist and the kid tie it on before running happyly back to their table. Will leans over like ‘now you can’t take it off’ Nico just looks at him and Will is just ‘how did you think I get so many.” And then the younger kids even some from other cabins make Nico bracelets and he feels honored,
-Random one that is supposed to be the one the kids made him but also slightly Star Wars theme, I was trying to make it with the dark sparkly thread as I can imagine that how a kid see Nico. The other one is beads for the disability pride flag. Either Will makes if for him and he have one too if something with the flag as I love deaf Will and disabled Nico. Or another little kid make it for Nico who also have a disability and that help Nico acc his. I had to add a asexual one too, I can’t help it. Beads so he can mess with them when on edge
-And I love the idea that nico some how get the camp beads either he steal one each year as he wanted to be apart but hey keep them in a box some place and then after will saying something like he always had a fear of Nico leaving, and to show him he acc camp as home, the next morning Nico walked out of his cabin with the beads. Or Will just keep saving beads for Nico. Like it started as Will keep going around asking about Nico and got upset when he was told he left already, maybe he ask Percy and Percy tell him something like Nico doesn’t like camp. But Will meet Nico in the small window when Nico was at camp before he first ran away and got a little crush that his siblings notice, and then when Michael was giving the beads to his cabin, he give two to will, and just held a finger to his mouth before Will could say anything and say something like ���you need to hold onto Nico’s bead, in case he comes back.” And so when Will was head he keep asking for an extra one to save for Nico. And he gives them to him at one point, maybe even just leave them by his bed during the 3 days.
-Nico get a over size jacket so Will can steal it sometimes. He had a Italy flag patch, maybe Chiara got it from him because they are both Italian. And then sun patch maybe as a slight joke that the Apollo kids got him as he is always with them. And then I tried to do it so it look like he sewed them in himself. Pockets are totally full of chocolate and random rocks he finds, that he offers to Will and younger campers.
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devils-little-sista · 9 months
It would be really cool if Hades would enchant Nicos skull ring to have all the powers of the helm of darkness. That way Nico could shadow travel all the time as much as he wants to anywhere in the world without having to worry about being exhausting himself. (Will and Piper are not apart of this I’m sorry.
And Hades does this right after the war with Gea when Nico is still fading. Hades doesn’t ever want something like that happening to his son again. And he would have enchanted the ring sooner but he was so busy with the whole split personality disorder with Pluto. The only problem is he doesn’t think to tell Nico that he’s taking the ring for a little while to enchant it.
So Nico wakes up one morning a couple days after the war and he just feels wrong. Something about his hands feels unleveled. He wiggles his fingers and reaches for the ring that he was in the habit of twisting around his finger. It’s not there. Gone. Family heirloom and last gift from Bianca and/or his father is just gone. Oh the tragedy. Oh the despair.
He thinks it might have fell off while he was sleeping which has never happened before but well he has lost some weight maybe his finger just got a little too thin and the ring slipped off. So he turns the entire Hades cabin upside down looking for this ring because he knows he had it when he went to bed last night. He vividly remembers fidgeting with the ring as he was about to fall asleep so it’s gotta be somewhere in this dam cabin.
Hazel woke up to Nico scuttling around on the floor and quietly hissing “where is iiiiiiiiiittt. where is iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittt!” His bed was overturned and blankets were thrown across the cabin. Everything was out of its place. Ugh. She had to get the Roman’s all packed up and ready to leave before noon, she did not need to be dealing with her insane brothers antics and shenanigans this morning.
Nico goes insane for several days fretting over this ring. Hazel and Reyna help him look as much as they can but they’re very busy with the Roman’s and soon they leave. Jason helps him look after that but they find nothing.
In a fit of despair Nico decides he’s looked everywhere literally everywhere even the places where it cannot possibly be and he decides to take a trip to the underworld and apologetically explain to his father that he lost the ring because Maybe Hades can help find it.
He explains this to Jason and promises he’ll be back within a weeks time (because he might want to stay for dinner and rest before the long trip back and might want to say hello to a couple friends down there). Jason insists on going with him. Nico reluctantly obliged.
So they go to the underworld. Nico is a total mess. You’d think he did something actually awful and genuinely regretted it by the way he was acting instead of loosing a ring. He tells Hades what happened and apologizes profusely. Jason is just kinda standing there next to him the whole time.
Hades is confused why his son is acting this way at first but then apologizes for taking the ring without warning and explains that he was enchanting it to replicate the helms powers and was going to give it back as soon as it was done.
Nico collapses on the floor of the throne room and rolls around and cries in relief. The ring is safe. The family heirloom is not lost. The last gift from Bianca and his father is in trusted hands. His loving father who meant well just had a moment of stupidity and forgot to tell him.
And Jason breathes a sigh of relief as well and sits down on the floor as Nico rolls around and has his little tantrum.
Afterwards Hades invites them both to dinner and they eat all their favorite foods and Hades offers to let them stay in Nico’s room for as long as they like or until the ring is finished or they could go back to camp now and Hades will send the ring up when it’s done.
They choose to hang out in the underworld until the ring is done. Hades sends a few cadavers up to the mortal to get food groceries for Jason and bring them back down there cause Jason can’t eat underworld food.
They have a great time playing in Nico’s giant apartment. There’s a trampoline and a hot tub and a pool and a game room and a ping pong table and air hockey and video games and movies. They just have a good old time.
And when the ring is done Hades literally brings it to Nico on a silver platter. He puts the ring on and discovers it also has healing properties. He no longer feels fatigued at all. Not a single part of him is the least bit shadowy. But the shadows still cling to him and are easier to control. He basically has all the power of a god with this ring now. But everyone knows they can’t really say that out loud or else you know who will be mad.
Nico and Jason decide to stay for one last dinner with Hades and Persephone. They have a great time. Jason unexpectedly gets along great with Hades. And Persephone is kinda quiet but there are no arguments as there sometimes are. They say goodbye to Hades and Nicos first yeast run of the ring is from the palace kitchen to Camp Half-Blood. It works like a charm. Happily ever after.
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thaliasthunder · 1 year
yeah sex is cool but have you ever thought about how we're gonna see nico- nico di angelo. the man himself. the son of hades. the ghost king and the heir of the underworld, make big power moves on screen like raising an army of skeletons from the earth, close ups to him twisting his skull ring, angrily yelling at percy, showing up in a carriot w hades and persephone and more
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bagerfluff · 8 months
Ti Amo
Nico di Angelo x Male Half-Blood Reader
Prompt - Ti Amo
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You sat on a hill near the far right side of Camp Half-Blood.
You had finished dinner but you didn’t feel like going back to your cabin so you decided that you were going to watch the sun set. The oranges, yellows, and pinks that swirled together calmed you as you breathed in the smell of the strawberries and heard the commotion from the mess hall.
You were sitting with your legs out in front of you and you were leaning on your hands. You were peacefully minding your business when you felt something. Suddenly the air got colder, the grass wilted and the shadows near and under the trees seemed to grow.
“Hey Nico”, you said. Turning your head to the right to see Nico standing next to you. Looking down at you. His hair was pulled back into a small low ponytail
He had on his classic aviator jacket with a black shirt under it, and he had black ripped jeans. Nico was playing with his skull ring as you two looked at each other. You should be creeped out by this, if this wasn’t a regular occurrence.
Ever since Gaia was defeated you had slowly become friends with the Ghost King. Nico didn’t really have a lot of friends and neither did you so you started to hang out with him. Nico was wary at first but he’s warmed up to you. Not you and Nico could be seen hanging out together and talking to each other.
You never knew why people seemed to dislike Nico, he was nice once you got to know him. You stopped looking at Nico, you were sure you were going to blush if you kept looking at him. That might be another reason you wanted to be friends with Nico.
You might have a crush on him.
Nico looked good.
His shaggy black hair, that looked too good in a ponytail. His dark eyes that still manage to light up when he smiled or laughed. It was rare but you loved Nico’s smile and laugh. You could watch Nico smile and hear him laugh for hours.
You shook your head.
You glanced over at Nico to see him moving to sit next to you. Nico pulled his knees to his chest and rested his head on them, wrapping his arms around his legs too. You looked away from Nico and stared at the sun set.
The sun was almost fully set now and you could no longer hear the commotion from the mess hall. You looked over at the mess hall to see only a few people left. Everyone else probably went back to their cabins. You should probably do the same.
You leaned forward and pushed yourself up and off the ground and started to walk back to the camp. You wished you could spend more time with Nico before you left but you could always see him tomorrow.
You turned to say goodbye to Nico when he beat you to it. “Ti amo”, Nico said before he got up and shadow traveled out. You furrowed your brows. That wasn’t the first time Nico spoke Italian to you. He started saying that about six months after you two became friends. You never knew what it meant.
You had asked Nico what it meant but he just avoided the question. Eventually he just started shadow traveling after he said it so you couldn’t question him. Nico always blushed when he said it and he never made eye contact when he said it either.
You were sick of it, you wanted to know what that word meant. Your eyes widened as you got an idea. You were going to learn Italian. It might take a bit and be hard but it was worth it. If Nico wasn’t going to tell you what he was saying then you were going to learn yourself.
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You sat near the docks of Camp Half-Blood. You had just finished teaching some sword fighting techniques to some new campers and you needed a rest. So your sword laid beside you as you breathed in the calming smell of the sea.
But this saddened you too.
You had been learning Italian for a couple of months now but Nico never told you those words again. Maybe he knew that you were learning Italian but he never said it. Nico still hung out with you and talked with you. Just a couple days ago you had shown Nico a movie in his cabin
You sighed and brought your knees to your chest. That’s when you heard footsteps and felt something. You smiled but you didn’t look back. You felt and heard someone sitting next to you but you already knew who it was.
“Hey Neeks”, you said. Turning your head to look at Nico. He wore the same thing he did every day but this time he ditched his jacket for a long sleeve black shirt with a skull on it. “Hey Y/n”, Nico said back, looking at the sea.
But you still looked at Nico.
You could see a faint blush appear on Nico’s face while you were looking at him. You turned your gaze away from Nico and looked at the sea. You and Nico sat there in silence like you two normally do when you two hang out.
You and Nico never needed to talk to enjoy each other's company. But were about to say something when you heard yelling. You turned around to see some of the campers you were teaching fighting each other or trying to fight each other.
You sighed, you had to stop that before someone got hurt.
You got up and started to walk away. “Ti amo”, Nico said and that stopped you in your tracks. That’s what Nico’s been saying. You smiled and stopped walking. “I love you too”, you spoke with a smirk. You turned around to see Nico looking at you with a look of shock on his face.
You walked back to Nico.
Picking up your sword from beside him and leaning down closer to his face. Nico looked down at the dock, the blush in his face more red now. You moved one of your hands under his chin and made Nico look at you.
“I guess this it a good time to tell you that I speak Italian”, you smirked. You leaned down and kissed Nico briefly before pulling away.
You would have liked to kiss Nico longer but you had to make sure that none of the new campers were going to kiss themselves or someone else. “Well talk about this later”, you pressed one kiss to Nico’s forehead before walking away. Screaming at the kids to stop.
Leaving Nico a blushing mess.
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lostlosersclub · 5 months
So. Nico Di Angelo HCs :>
be prepared for so much projection
ok so:
• nico is trans, and came out to bianca during the lotus casino. she helped him cut his hair afterwards
• he is also autistic and had a special interest in mythomagic for a long time
• part of why hes not great at interacting with others is the autism
• oh right just bc i say so he also has ocd, ptsd, anxiety, panic disorder, and depression
• hades was always very accepting. i just feel like he would give nico a binder while he was on his own
• binds for way too long. will (who is also trans btw) lectures him on binder safety daily
• he is also physically disabled from his powers. i hc him as using mobility aids. i also hc him as having a hellhound service dog when hes older
• he is often described as twisting his skull ring in the books, so i say that its him fidgeting and stimming discreetly
• favorite fruit is pomegranate
• had an especially hard time grasping the fact that hes gay because he felt guilty for being trans
• when he was outed, cupid also outed him as trans. when jason was the only one who knew, jason would pull him aside to check that he was binding safely
• listens to emo music but less like mcr and stuff hes more of a midwest emo listener
• always wears tons of jewelry like rings and necklaces because he likes fidgeting with them
• wears headphones around his neck for sensory issues, but also to block out the voices of the dead
• has very light freckles and a mole right under his right eye
• goes nonverbal when super stressed out and is prone to panic attacks
• get sunburnt very easily
• lets his hair grow out a bit to around shoulder length once he’s older
• got his ears pierced when he was little, and kept them in to this day
• got more piercings as he got older
• got a star tattoo to match will
sorry this is so long im very passionate about my boy
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nightshade-anura · 1 year
since ive got the occasional ask about nico di angelo being autistic, im gonna go through it now:
in ttc, he talks non stop- especially about mythomagic- without realising that no one else really cares. he is literally infodumping about his special interest
similiarly, it's also hinted at that he used to be obsessed with pirates, which could've been a previous special interest
he stims regularly. the most obvious example is the fact that hes often described to be twisting his skull ring
he has a very complicated relationship with touch, with not being comfortable with most people touching him. the only exceptions to this rule (that i can think of) are bianca, will and jason, all of whom he very clearly trusts and cares about deeply
he straight up fucking leaves whenever it gets too much for him
he always wears black, with the exception of ttc, where hes wearing school uniform, so doesnt have a choice
he gets on better with deities and mythological beings than demigods and mortals, because of the different social standards and cues. yeah, some of this is self imposed and some is the whole "people making assumptions because hes the son of hades" thing, but it very much still applies. as proven, theres already multiple reasons for it
he (appears) to be extremely empathetic, if the cases of bob the titan and hestia are worth anything
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