#Nikki talks
halsteadsass · 27 days
“you will never know how much I appreciate the kindness you’ve shown me and I will spend the rest of my life trying to pay it back in whatever small doses you allow.”
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energeticwarrior · 5 months
Going to start posting like there’s a threat of a tumblr tag video upon us so I start to act normal
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skyfall8600 · 7 months
Hello again
I want to start off by saying I apologise for the long absence. 2023 has been a year filled of many challenges for myself and I felt like I had no time to breathe let alone continue my stories.
I seemed to be riddled with bad luck and had injury after injury for almost 4 months straight.
I struggled to divide my time between full time study and work for the first time in my life.
I emotionally struggled with the tolls of teaching on my own for the first time.
I craved the freedom that came with finally finishing off my degree this last week.
And more recently I have been guilty for using my newly found freedom to be on the other side of the story. Reading stories and books again has made me feel like my old self.
Whilst I can’t guarantee my current works will be updated or continued, I hope to bring new stories for other characters forward and slowly fall back in love with writing. With time that will transform into picking up where I left off with some current fics.
I’m sorry and I missed you all. Especially my friends: @taeddybearkim @gothvamp1973 @loving-and-dreaming @olipratton
- Nikki
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Yesterday's Dream or Dream of Yesterday. A track from C-Music Professional Library that was featured in Episode 44 of 90s Sailor Moon. The scene where Queen Serenity dies
Theres a couple of covers on Yotutube playing it by ear but this is the official track played in the episode.
Heres the Two covers I've Heard: cover 1 ; cover 2
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spacenerdevans · 2 years
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dispelna · 6 months
this is where i’d put my intro. tag list maybe. idk. if i felt like writing it. come back later!!!
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i cant believe i’m already a day late for mabel week but!! here we go!! first time participating in one of these and the first time i’m posting my poetry publicly.
 thank you to @andromerot for the prompt! (and thank you to @mabelpodcast for the podcast) I kinda took it and ran but well, c’est la vie.
I might make another post about the inspiration for this poem if i feel up for it later :P
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nikki-ships · 1 year
Recently seen these going around and, well,,, you can give it a shot if you like
Create a Nikki Ships F/O Ranking Tier List - TierMaker
I know and understand that I have a l o t of f/os, though haha
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yumeinikki · 2 years
I have a special place in my heart for productions of Aladdin that cast Iago as skewing slightly younger. Cause i just live for this idea of flamboyant, unapologetically queer Jafar showing a slightly more still learning Iago the ropes of the queer lifestyle okay
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fadingfireworks · 4 months
sometimes, i wonder if you're ok and then i remember i'm the one who stayed behind
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halsteadsass · 2 months
Tim did everything he could not to let anyone else get involved. He took the actions to let the sole responsibility be his. The second he showed up on Lucy's doorstep after self isolating for all those days, when she told him to leave, he saw the way he already could not save her from his self destruction. The pieces of his self worth were already starting to chip. Tim was already spiraling without anything to grasp onto. When it all came to a head in that fight, Lucy only gave him the option to tell her what was going on. She willingly took on the risk. She understood what it meant for her, for them, to step into the mess together. And it is damn messy. I don't think Lucy ever expected for the level of brokenness that Tim is experiencing. Tim is a shell of himself right now and being rational isn't exactly going to be at the forefront of his actions. He despises himself and how he feels like poison to those he loves. He openly admitted to Lucy that he feels worthless and should not be loved the way she loves him. Do you actually think that if two of the people he loved most in the world were not involved, he would have still lied? Hell no. He would have told the truth because it would have been his penance. He would have wanted that punishment. Losing everything would only be a sliver of what he feels like he deserves right now. He only lied to protect them. The quality we always praised him for. The "fierce protector" and now that he's doing it in a way that hurts, you got a problem? It's ugly and that's okay. Let it be ugly. The road to self love and forgiveness is not meant to be easy. It's not meant to be smooth. It will be beautiful though when Tim finally learns making mistakes doesn't mean he isn't worth the effort. He's going to claw his way out of this and they'll find their way back to each other as they always have. That love is a forever love, period.
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nikkiitalks · 1 year
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emmaspolaroid · 1 year
he’s soo swEEET I got overwhelmed and frustrated and eventually just started crying and he wiped my face with his sleeves (uhm hello are you trying to romance me bc consider me flirted with) and has tried thrice to feed me and now we’re home and now I feel like a person again
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crystalbehindthescenes · 10 months
北の空から Kita no Sora Kara From the Northern Sky
Another track from CMusic! this time for Sailor Moon R! This track is found in Episode 61 of the series Usagi Devastated: Mamoru Declares a Break-Up. None other than the song form the infamous Break Up scene! (infamous if you dont like the arc.)
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Personally not my favorite arc for this season but this scene really does hit hard outside of it, and the music they chose fits so well.
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spacenerdevans · 1 year
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teehee guess who finally got to meet a certain someone!!!!!!
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not-safe-for-nikki · 1 year
I need to get back in a writing mood,,, I've had this concept for an nsft drhdr aikawa smut one-shot that was gonna be x s/i but I figured I might as well make it x reader cuz there's practically nothin out there for the guy, and Ive had this idea for m o n t h s but the inspiration just never hits me lol
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