#Nikolaj Romanov
cgvijesti · 1 year
Širio glasine da korona ne postoji, pa osuđen na sedam godina zatvora
Foto: Twitter Bivši ruski pravoslavni monah, koji je negirao postojanje korona virusa i prkosio Kremlju, osuđen je u petak na sedmogodišnju zatvorsku kaznu. Nikolaj Romanov, 67, koji je bio poznat kao “otac Sergij” do njegovog ekskomunikacije od strane Ruske pravoslavne crkve, pozvao je svoje sljedbenike da ne poštuju mjere karantina ruske vlade i širio teorije zavjere o globalnoj zavjeri za…
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forislynx · 3 months
De [tsarparet] tycket om att lyssna till berättelserna om hans vandringar. I dem fick "andra människor" liv, fria från bördan av rang och pengar. Det var berättelser om Gud och naturen: hur solen gick upp över fälten, nattläger i gräset under bar himmel – allt det som tsaren, som älskade långa fotvandringar och en enkel tillvaro, bara kunde drömma om.
Edvard Radzinskij, Rasputin - Rysslands svarte eminens
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thosedaysthatwill · 1 year
Rules: share seven wip lines/parts.
Thanks @caixxa for the tag!
i haven't been working on these lately, but I should be. They're fun.
"Give me your wallet and you won't get hurt." 
Kimmo did all he could not to laugh. He didn't know who was behind him, but he heard the shake in his voice, he was clearly a junkie, and desperate. That's the only thing that could have brought him to point a gun at a man wearing an expensive suit and walking down a dark alley in the middle of the night.
I am trying SO hard to finish this thing. 5k words and still going!
2. Mikko doesn't want to cover the tattoo, he has to. 
The tattoo is on his chest, and sometimes even with a shirt and suit jacket on, it feels like the tattoo is completely visible to everyone, that his secret is on a flag waving above his head. So he's made the decision to pick a shop that has the reputation of doing anything asked without question, and he's going to have the tattoo covered. He needs to make a completely clean break, especially after his last slip up, and this is how he's going to do it.
I don't even remember writing this.
3. From a young age, Mason learned he had to forge his own course. 
His father played in a way to make enemies of everyone around him, but that was normal to Young Mason. He thought, for a while, that's how hockey is supposed to be played, because his father was never apologetic about all the people he hurt. Of course sometimes the league would force him to make a mea culpa statement, but he made sure Young Mason knew that he was doing it to get his suspension reduced. That was the <i>only</i> reason to apologize, he told him, because if they couldn't take a hit, that was their fault. He always told him it wasn't his fault they didn't like him, it was theirs for not taking a good hit. There was a time that Mason believed that. 
I don't know if I'll ever finish this one, considering.
4. Twelve is much too young, even in Denmark. 
But Nikolaj had been following around his oldest brother since he could walk, and he's discovered that everything that ten-years-older Peter did was fascinating and Nikolaj couldn't stop asking questions. Sometimes Peter answered them, sometimes he didn't. When he was rebuffed, Nikolaj learned how to stay very quiet and small and listen. It wasn't difficult to find places to hide, he'd been promised he'd hit a growth spurt someday, but that day hadn't come yet. He'd listen and learn, whether it was allowed or not. And most of the time it was <i>not</i>. 
Eventually I will get to this one. It goes with Hannah's tattoo fic.
5. "We're not asking him." 
"We don't have a choice." 
"There has to be some other way." 
"Come up with one, then." 
".... I can't." 
"So we're asking him."
"We're not asking him."
This one would be fun to do. Eventually. It's completely based on the fact Mason's eyes glow in the dark.
6.  Something Sebastian said had stuck with him and he couldn't shake it. He had never killed with his bare hands. He was right about that. But rather than be shamed by the comment, like he knew he was supposed to be, it got him thinking. 
This is old, I really should go back to this, it's Mafia Miro's story and it would go in a direction no one (except Hannah) would expect.
7. About six months after they got back from Denmark, Jesse decided he wanted to get out. 
He knew that it wasn't actually possible, but he wanted to do it anyway. He wouldn't have been the first of them that tried to do something that wasn't possible to do. 
That is literally all there is to this fic.
I have a TON of notes that aren't even fics yet (like the Romanov AU that needs to be written). But these are the most recent seven that are actually fics. This was fun! Thanks for asking!
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maythropp · 5 years
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Nikolaj with Tatiana and Alexei
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bookloversofbath · 2 years
The Sunset of the Romanov Dynasty :: Mikhail Iroshnikov, Liudmila Protsai & Yuri Shelayev
The Sunset of the Romanov Dynasty :: Mikhail Iroshnikov, Liudmila Protsai & Yuri Shelayev
The Sunset of the Romanov Dynasty :: Mikhail Iroshnikov, Liudmila Protsai & Yuri Shelayev soon to be presented for sale on the first-class BookLovers of Bath web site! Mosco: Terra, 1990, Hardback in dust wrapper. Includes: Black & white photographs; List of sources; 2-column text (in part); From the cover: This book represents the first attempt in post-revolutionary Russia to create a…
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rcmvncv · 2 years
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                                                    THE GRAND DUKE OF FAR EASTERN RUSSIA
                                           NIKITA KURAKIN
“ we owe it to ourselves to never stop seeking the truth of life. whether it is found in humility, in love, or perhaps in hatred, we must continue. the world is too vast for our telling of the truth to ever be nothing but an incomplete lie. ”
The grand duchy of Far Eastern Russia is easily forgotten: it is far away from Saint Petersburg, it is far away form Moscow — it is simply on the other side of the globe from the very heart of Russia. Far away and calm, those two things make the grand duchy nearly invisible to the Russian court. It is as much a blessing as it is a curse, and only one man can take credit for it: Grand Duke Nikita Kurakin.
Nikita Kurakin leads with an iron fist. His dukes and duchesses do not step out of line and the problems that arise in his grand duchy get taken care of swiftly and quietly — sometimes they never even reach the curious ears of Saint Petersburg. Kurakin is first and foremost a general. His chest is heavy with  medals and ribbons. His shoulders are adorned with stripes. Kurakin is steadfast and reliable, he’s an easy man to trust. He speaks candidly but politely. He has made directness into an artform. Far Eastern Russia is his little kingdom and anyone who challenges his leadership gets a slap on the wrist. He isn’t necessarily liked but he is respected and never feared. 
Kurakin is one of the most important Russian figures when it comes to East Asian politics — he leads most of the bigger diplomatic missions to neighbouring countries, and usually when Kurakin is the one doing the talking, the mission is a successful. 
He did not always have the freedom he does now. He started out as a regular, fairly insignificant duke of Khabarovsk, a medium sized duchy that most people could not name. It was his home, it was his family’s pride, it was his very heart. Steadfastness was a trait that the Romanovs appreciated in a person. His honesty wasn’t a bad thing either... and then his brother married into the Czar’s family. Kurakin somehow became a close family friend of the Romanovs. His youthful naivety disappeared little by little, the world became smaller as he traveled more. Eventually he understood that things operated differently in Saint Petersburg, social capital had proper use in the west — and somehow, by chance, he was a rich man.
He was named the Grand duke of Far Eastern Russia seven years ago. Some said he was too young to have such power. Some were glad to have someone reliable looking after the regions. The Romanovs were relieved to have a trustworthy man reigning the largest grand duchy in Russia. Kurakin grew into the role quickly and without faltering. The ones that doubted him eventually closed their mouths.
Now he has a new mission, he’s crawling out of his cave, making a debut. He has stayed quiet about the war in the west — it has not touched him, he would have never let it, but he has begun to think that the Romanovs have lost their vision for the country. Where was the peace and prosperity Czar Alexei promised when he ascended the throne? Who was this family of war mongrels whose greed had begun to seem insatiable? Kurakin believes his presence around the Romanovs will make a difference, and most importantly he has decided to answer the call of an old friend: princess Lixue of China has a proposition for him that he is not in position to simply overlook. 
he’s a reliable fairly nice guy who’s looking after far eastern russia
a war general
his brother is married to princess irina romanova, the sister of the czar
he is family friends with the romanovs
has begun to question their actions though
is close friends with lixue of china and plans on supporting her in her plans
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“Romanov able to keep it in”
“Trying to stuff it home 10.5” in”
"I don't know how he found the 5 hole there"
"The puck squirts free"(edited)
"McDavid slides it over to Hallebuyck"
"Jets a man up as Kassian goes for hooking."
"So Darnell, do you like the end to end action?"
“Nikolaj Ehlers is salivating on that back door”
“We got on their D well” -Nolan Patrick
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guardianasdelrpg · 3 years
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Natasha Romanov busca a su padre, el físico es nikolaj coster-waldau. Si por un casual la trama llama pero el pb no, se aceptan cambios de físico hablando con Natasha. Al igual que el nombre también se puede cambiar.
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kaleidoscopic-soul · 7 years
Nikolaj I and Nikolaj II
You know how it is a great responsibility to bear the same name as a great monarch of the past? Let’s think about Queen Elizabeth II, compared to the other Elizabeth. Bearing the same name as one the greatest europeans monarch can’t be easy. I hope there will never be an english queen named Victoria II (poor baby). In a russian context the same example could be applied to Peter the Great. There are a Peter II and Peter III but they are scarsely remembered. But that’s not the point I want to make in this post. 
I find it incredibly interesting that Nikolj I and Nikolaj II are, in a sense, complete opposites. I mean, for young Nikolaj II it could’t be easy having the same name as one of the most famous and, maybe not dark, but definitely controversial tzars in russian history. Nikolaj I was known for his strong grip on his country, he transformed Russia into a military society, where everything was to be in order and to be controlled. He was such an autocratic monarch, maybe not a positive figure, but he knew how to control his country and how to keep his power. And his namesake is the one that “lost” Russia. Nikolaj II was the last tzar, and through his actions (his abdication, mainly) the Romanovs lost the power that Nikolaj I secured. 
It’s funny how two monarchs with the same name meant two different things for Russia. The first was the one that controlled Russia, the second was the one that lost Russia. Same name, different destinies. 
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drsfoto-blog · 7 years
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Belgrade Serbia
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femkelotte · 5 years
i started watching the last czars on netflix adn even though i know what happens to the romanovs, i’m like nikolaj pls dont make those fkn stupid decisions
ps. i dont recommend this show to anyone, the acted scenes are ok but too dramatical and idk, they rn’t emotional bc they r so extra. they should have given the historians more screen time bc the documentary part of the episodes is 10x more interesting
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jgmail · 2 years
Condenaron al higúmeno Sergij, el rebelde de los Urales
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Moscú (AsiaNews) – El tribunal del distrito moscovita de Izmailovo condenó a tres años y medio de prisión al ex "skhiigumen" (archiabad) Sergij, nacido Nikolaj Romanov, y ex superior del monasterio femenino de Sredneuralsk, cerca de Ekaterimburgo, la ciudad más importante de los Urales. Según la sentencia de los jueces, el monje -ahora reducido al estado laical- es culpable de incitación al suicidio, abuso de poder y obstrucción de las celebraciones litúrgicas ortodoxas.
Las autoridades habían detenido a Sergij hace un año, tras el desalojo forzoso del monasterio, donde el "starets" (guía religioso) de los negacionistas detractores del Covid, los antivacunas y renuentes a toda directiva eclesiástica o civil se había encerrado con monjas leales a él y un centenar de seguidores acérrimos. Frente al tribunal, bajo los copos de nieve y el gélido viento del invierno moscovita, un grupo de discípulos de Sergij esperó la sentencia. Sus seguidores exhibieron iconos, crucifijos y rosarios junto a carteles con la imagen del santón, e improvisaron una vigilia de oración "por la salvación de Rusia".
La hija espiritual más conocida del higúmeno, la diputada y ex fiscal de Crimea Natalia Poklonskaya, no pudo asistir a la vigilia de protesta porque fue enviada a Cabo Verde como embajadora. El traslado es una medida para frenar la publicidad que la política daba al líder de los ortodoxos más extremistas. Al frente de los manifestantes estaba otra conocida activista, Elena Rokhlina, hija del legendario general Lev Rokhlin, héroe de muchas guerras soviéticas y rusas, que fue asesinado en 1988 en circunstancias misteriosas.
En declaraciones a RusNews, Rokhlina comentó la sentencia y dijo: "es ridículo considerar las homilías como una incitación al suicidio, la verdad es que con las vacunas y los códigos QR [el Green Pass] quieren encerrarnos a todos en un gran campo de concentración. Es una pena que los liberales estén todos callados, debería ser su tema: la libertad de expresión y de opinión".
La sesión del tribunal no fue transmitida. Los periodistas no cubrieron la noticia porque se les negó el acceso a la sala, aduciendo las medidas de precaución sanitaria, ya que Rusia sigue en plena pandemia de Covid-19.  El propio Sergij había llamado a la revuelta contra el "chipping" (la inserción de microchips con la vacuna) impuesto por el "poder -secular y eclesiástico- de los que niegan a Dios,, que quiere cerrar las iglesias por la pseudo pandemia".
El Patriarca de Moscú, Kirill (Gundjaev), se anticipó a la sentencia del tribunal el mes pasado: dirigiéndose al ex higúmeno, dijo que "lo importante es que nuestra Iglesia se vacuna contra todas estas payasadas, contra estas distorsiones de la vida eclesiástica... hemos superado cismas y divisiones, estamos unidos y firmes en la fe". El Patriarca recordó que "este tipo de personas aparecen de vez en cuando en el horizonte, poseídas por delirios de grandeza, con eslóganes rimbombantes que exaltan su carisma en las almas débiles, para proponer experiencias que inevitablemente caen en formas de totalitarismo".
Una de las monjas devotas de Sergij, Elena Zhukova, que había tomado el nombre de Sergina, declaró como testigo ante el tribunal. Intentó defender a su director espiritual: "El padre no nos animaba a hacer nada extremo, eran sólo conversaciones con sus discípulos... se entregaba totalmente a sus ellos, con gran energía espiritual y jamás escatimaba en nada. Nos animó a acoger a los peregrinos y a los enfermos, incluso a los más graves, que a menudo salían curados, o al menos recuperaban el ánimo en el espíritu”.
Tras la lectura de la sentencia, el ex higúmeno reaccionó con estas palabras "Doy mi vida por ustedes y por toda Rusia", según informaron algunos testigos.
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personal-reporter · 3 years
Nicola II, ultimo zar russo
Nicola II, ultimo zar russo
Un uomo dal carattere buono e pacifico, che vide la fine dell’impero russo nei primi del Novecento… Nikolaj Aleksandrovič Romanov nacque a Carskoe Selo il 6 maggio 1868, primogenito dallo zar Alessandro III Marija Fëdorovna. A San Pietroburgo, Nicola seguì gli studi universitari di scienze politiche ed economiche e, allo stesso tempo, quelli militari presso l’Accademia. Nel novembre 1894, alla…
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maythropp · 5 years
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Nikolaj, Olga Alexandrovna, Tatiana Nikolaevna and Nicholas Rodionov
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entheosedizioni · 4 years
Aleksandra Fëdorovna Romanova
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Il racconto di Aleksandra, ovvero la fine dei Romanov. Avrei potuto essere una persona molto fortunata: ho avuto tantissimo da Dio e dalla vita. Nobilissimi natali, ricchezza, bellezza, un grande amore, dei figli meravigliosi. Decisamente tanti doni. Ma io sono Aleksandra Fëdorovna Romanova, ultima imperatrice russa e, a fronte di così grandi fortune, ho avuto una vita triste, difficile e dolorosa.
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Ritratto di Aleksandra Fëdorovna Romanova. Credit: @Pinterest Mia madre, la granduchessa d’Assia, morì quando ero una bambina di pochi anni. Sono cresciuta nel Granducato d’Assia con mio padre e i miei fratelli. Fin da piccolissima tutti mi ripetevano quanto io fossi immensamente bella, come se a me interessasse qualcosa. Piccole sfortune mi capitavano già da ragazzina: la più eclatante, una corsa sulla neve che mi costò un dolore costante a una gamba (per cui a volte ho una leggera andatura claudicante), di cui non mi sono mai sbarazzata. Mia nonna materna era la Regina Vittoria d’Inghilterra, cui ho cercato sempre di ribellarmi pur se le volevo un gran bene. Volevo un matrimonio d’amore: era la sola cosa di cui fossi certa. Non mi interessava sposarmi a tutti i costi. Crescevo e mia nonna, i miei fratelli, i miei parenti si preoccupavano io restassi zitella. La Regina Vittoria desiderava io mi sposassi il futuro Re d’Inghilterra, suo figlio il principe Alberto. Non lo sposai: mio cugino morì anche precocemente. Mi sono chiesta se la mia vita sarebbe andata in modo differente in caso mi fossi sposata con lui. Mi sarei risparmiata le tragedie familiari? Resta questa una domanda oziosa: cosa può accadere facendo scelte diverse durante la vita, non è dato sapere. La sventura mi perseguita: forse avrei portato la stessa malasorte anche in Inghilterra. Ma non importa il saperlo. Ho scelto l’amore della mia vita. Ho combattuto per averlo: perché il mio amore era (ed è) Nikolaj Aleksandrovič Romanov, il figlio dello Zar di Russia, l’ormai compianto Aleksandr III. Nikolaj ed io ci siamo amati con gli sguardi, con le parole, con la sintonia di due anime che sanno di dover stare insieme. Per me o sposavo Nikolaj oppure nessuno, con buona pace di tutti i miei parenti o amici.
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Ritratto di Nikolaj Aleksandrovič Romanov e Aleksandra Fëdorovna Romanova Credits: @Wikiquote Non volevo sposare Nikolaj per l’ambizione di diventare Zarina di Russia: come ho detto, sarei potuta diventare la Regina d’Inghilterra, titolo ugualmente prestigioso. Nikolaj ed io ci amavamo. Questo scrisse sul suo diario personale: “Il mio sogno è di sposare un giorno Alix H. Io l'ho amata per lungo tempo, ma più profondamente e intensamente dal 1889, quando lei trascorse sei settimane a Pietroburgo. Per lungo tempo mi sono opposto al sentimento che il mio più caro sogno diventasse realtà.” (Fonte Wikipedia) Nikolaj Aleksandrovič mi piaceva fin da quando ero bambina. Forse per la sua profonda serietà e riservatezza, caratteristiche che ritrovo in me stessa. Abbiamo sempre parlato tantissimo di tutto. Non posso dire che fossimo sempre d’accordo su tutto: ma di sicuro i nostri principi sono gli stessi. Abbiamo combattuto per il nostro amore osteggiato molto da suo padre, lo zar e da sua madre, la zarina. Certo ora quei tempi sembrano lontani. Sarebbe bello poter ancora avere come unico problema il cercare di sposarsi a ogni costo. Riuscimmo a sposarci: non fui però mai compresa dal popolo russo. Un popolo che sento mio: che ho amato da subito. Morto mio suocero, la vita a corte si è complicata molto per me. Marjia Fëdorovna, la zarina, è entrata in competizione con me fin da subito. Non le piacevo e godeva nel vedere la mia fatica ad essere accettata nel grande impero russo. Mi spiace dirlo, ma davvero sembrava odiarmi. Più cercavo di piacere e più tutti mi detestavano. Non tutti, questo è inesatto. Mio marito mi ha sempre amato, ma ho avuto anche tante amiche fidate. Una delle mie sorelle vive in Russia. Ma certo è difficile essere la donna più importante della Russia e percepire tanto odio. Percepire è la parola esatta: perché pur dispiacendomi della situazione, non me ne sono mai curata più di tanto. Non per superficialità ma perché ritengo ci siano cose più importanti nella vita. Di sicuro le mie meravigliose figlie e il mio unicoamatissimo figlio maschio. Un figlio molto desiderato perché se sei una zarina devi avere un maschio per la successione. Ho avuto quattro figlie femmine prima di lui: e per quanto mi riguarda, maschi o femmine, i figli sono una benedizione. Ma in un impero il figlio maschio è tutto: anche se il mio bellissimo Aleksej è emofiliaco, il che vuol dire che qualunque ferita rischia di farlo morire. Ho viziato il mio bambino, ormai adolescente? Sicuramente. Ma il mio ultimogenito è nato con tanti problemi, sicuramente il primo era che non si sapeva se sarebbe sopravvissuto a lungo. L’emofilia deriva dalla mia reale famiglia inglese, sfortunatamente. La Regina Vittoria era una portatrice sana: mia madre era emofiliaca anche lei. Il rischio che un maschio fosse emofiliaco era alto. Ma il Signore l’ha protetto, grazie anche all’aiuto del mio caro Rasputin. Mi è stato riferito che molti pensano che Rasputin sia stato un ciarlatano, un poco di buono. Ma per me e per tutta a mia famiglia, lui è soltanto un sant’uomo. Ha protetto me, le mie figlie e, soprattutto Alioša da pericoli e da morte. Le sue preghiere ci hanno sempre aiutato. Da quando è morto mi sento persa, anche se so che continua a vegliare su di noi in questi terribili giorni in cui il tempo sembra sospeso, in cui tutto ci è stato tolto. Viviamo prigionieri come se fossimo dei criminali e avessimo fatto chissà quali nefandezze.
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Rasputin Credits: @MetropolitanMagazine Il popolo non mi amava: mi chiamava la cagna tedesca. Mentre io adoro il popolo russo e non riesco a capire cosa ci succederà: se riusciremo a scappare in Europa dai miei parenti inglesi. I miei figli così giovani e con tutta la vita davanti cercano di distrarsi facendo musica, scrivendo, giocando a scacchi e pregando. Per fortuna siamo tutti insieme: Nikolaj ha abdicato e così ci hanno rinchiusi tutti insieme nella nostra tenuta di Ekaterinburg. Altrimenti ci avrebbero strappato Aleksej. Il nuovo governo bolscevico ci disprezza. Nikolaj teme per le nostre vite. Io continuo a sperare e a pregare che qualcuno venga a salvarci. Le speranze sono sempre più flebili. Mi domando il perché di tanto sprezzo: Nikolaj, al contrario di suo padre, è stato un sovrano illuminato. Io mi sono prodigata per il mio popolo. Abbiamo dato assistenza, io con le mie figlie, alle vittime di questa terribile guerra che sembra non finire mai. Eppure sembra che ci vogliano annientare. Io la mia vita l’ho vissuta: ho avuto tante preoccupazioni, ma anche tanta felicità grazie all’amore e grazie ai miei figli. Ma loro, così belli e così giovani perché dovrebbero morire? Non hanno fatto del male a nessuno. Mentre ci stanno portando in un sotterraneo, i miei ultimi pensieri vanno a loro e a Dio.
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La famiglia Romanov Credits:@VanillaMagazine Nota autore: I Romanov furono sterminati nella notte tra il 16 e il 17 luglio 1917. Il principe Aleksej aveva solo 14 anni. Aleksandra cercò di piacere al popolo russo a ogni costo: ma qualunque cosa facesse veniva interpretata in maniera sbagliata. Se da una parte lei non sembrava rendersi davvero conto di questo, dall’altra pativa il fatto di non essere simpatica ai russi. Nel 2000 tutta la famiglia reale venne canonizzata dalla Chiesa ortodossa russa. Fonti: Carolly Erickson: La Zarina Alessandra (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore) Vanilla Magazine Madre Russia     Roberta Jannetti Read the full article
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(nikolaj coster-waldau , 49, he/him ) silence! can you not see his majesty, ivan romanov , has arrived? It seems the king of russia is willing to compromise for peace, which makes sense when everyone calls them the altruist. have you tried approaching them? i heard they can be rather guarded + proud, but their staff say that they’re resilient + loyal.
Hey Guys! I’m Isa and I have honestly been looking for a group I like for a couple weeks now, and I keep coming back to this one. I finally decided to look more into thecrownshq and really wanted to join and so I did. After an hour of deciding I finally decided on this guy. After talking to ra for a while I finally decided on the details. So let’s get into some background.
The son of a Duke, Ivan was taught to be strong by his father, because of this Ivan puts up a front around others.
Being the son of a noble house Ivan was forced to go to many parties and gathering, meeting Tatyana at one in passing.
Not long after it was announced they were to be married.
Ivan wasn’t exactly pleased.
After time he began to care for her.
He fell in love with her before she him.
He acts tough but is actually a big sap.
He tries to stay strong for those he cares about.
He usually gets called out for it by his wife.
He tell her he loves her often.
I can’t think of anything else right now because I’m too tired, but if you want to plot just message me.
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