#Nines will kick down my door and kill me tonight and so will you I won't resist I deserved that
fountainpenguin · 1 year
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"He has more than nine lives, so he picks himself up and keeps climbing for the prize... again."
Summary: If Cody's wheelchair falls off the Dock of Shame into the lake and only Chris and Heather are around, does anyone care?
"Sunk Too Deep"
Read on dA || Read on FFN || Read on AO3
[ Warning for canon bear mauling injuries ]
Originally posted on dA - July 8th, 2015! Happy 8 years!
Well, I'm not planning to repost all my Total Drama 'fics on AO3, but "Sunk Too Deep" was always the fan-favorite of my gallery, so I want to add it for preservation reasons <3
Apparently the OG has 19.3k views, and I know they're inflated by dA's weird search system but... dang. Congrats to 2015 me.
If there are other favorites people would be interested in me porting over to AO3, let me know! :)
(First 1000 words under the cut)
I dragged Cody's wheelchair to the confessional instead of pushing it. The rubber wheels snagged in the untrimmed grass and sometimes made the whole thing tip onto one side, but I'd stopped caring. I had more than enough time to kill tonight. Leshawna had holed herself up in the bathrooms with Beth and Lindsay for the last hour, scrubbing out the paintball splatters until their skin turned red and lumpy. When I'd last checked, she'd been about to start on their hair.
"Well, here we are, dork." I righted Cody's chair again and parked it outside the confessional door. "You really think you're up for this?"
Cody nodded. He said something too, but the words died out behind his mask of bandages. I hoped that if he made any attempt to get me eliminated from the island tonight, Chris would drop his vote on the grounds that it was unintelligible.
"Courtney, are you still in there?" I gave the outhouse a swift kick, regretting it instantly when splinters jabbed my uncovered toes. "Your team didn't even lose the challenge. What could you possibly need to go on about for half an hour straight?"
"Okay, Heather, one minute! Just let me wrap up. What was I saying again? I was saying something. Oh, and I had to stare up his nostrils for twenty minutes as we struggled back to camp. And he made me walk backwards. I fell into the stream! Twice! And his pits reeked like sweaty socks dunked in split pea soup and left to molder. But that wasn't even the worst of it. Not three minutes in, he said to me…"
I sat down against the wall and emptied my shoes of pebbles as Courtney's complaints trailed into background noise. Wearing high-heel wedges to camp? Definitely not among the top ten decisions I'd ever made in my life. I should have expected Chris would lie about the five-star resort. Cody made muffled noises for a few minutes, and when I finally looked around for him, his chair had edged several meters down the slope. He fell over when one wheel sunk into uneven ground. I entertained myself by watching him squirm beneath his seatbelt, visible only by strips of gauze and tufts of brown hair. When he twisted just right, I could make out the purple around his swollen eye too.
The door opened. Courtney stepped out, her tan face flushed a deep pink that I could see even in the twilight. Between that and the way her fingernails were stuck in the wood, I took a wild guess and concluded that if I hadn't called for her to get out, she would have stayed in the outhouse listing slights against Duncan all night.
"There. It's all yours. Happy voting, Heather." A frown shot across her face. "Are you okay? Your eye is all red and puffy. That one, right there." She wrenched her nails from the door so she could point, in case I didn't know which one she meant. "And you still have paint in your hair."
I placed the back of one palm against my eye. "Yeah, well, I can't deny that I'm impressed with Leshawna's aim. Who knew those shampoo bottles could squirt all the way from the sinks to the door? I thought for sure that enormous backside of hers would knock her off balance."
A tiny smile twitched at one end of Courtney's mouth. "That's not very funny," she started to say, and then her eyes strayed past my shoulder. "Hey, is that Cody? He could be hurt!"
"Not more than he is already," I said, but Courtney bolted past me anyway. She pulled him from the ground, checked to be sure he was securely buckled in, and then turned a few puzzled circles.
"He's with me." I got to my feet and stretched. "Chris still wants him to make his vote tonight. Or give a valiant and hilarious try, anyway. I volunteered to keep him out of trouble."
Cody spat something beneath his bandages, shooting me a razor-edged glare as Courtney pushed him back up the slope.
"What's your problem, bear-bait? It's not my fault you fell down. That can't have hurt worse than your mauling."
Cody made a fair attempt at shaking his head.
Courtney pulled Cody's chair inside the confessional, even climbing on top of the toilet seat so she could ease him into position. His elbow knocked the camera from its straps on the door. I picked it up, silently cursing myself for not grabbing the opportunity to deliver my vote and take off while Courtney had been rescuing him. I was not looking forward to dragging him out of there.
"There. Nice and snug." Courtney squeezed around Cody's chair and stood back to admire her handiwork. "I'll leave you to it then. Good-bye, Cody. You never would have made it to the finals anyway, but it's awful to see you go out like this. Get well soon." She gave him a very gentle hug around the neck brace before heading off towards the Bass cabin. Cody made strangled noises like he was trying to call after her.
I furrowed my brow. Wait a minute.
I took my hand from the door and it swung shut behind me. "Are you- ? … Oh. Oh. You can still speak, can't you? Well, duh, of course you can still speak. I heard you trying for an hour. Er… do you want those off now?"
Cody rolled his eyes. A fly landed on his nose and started to rub its forelegs together.
In hindsight, the question was stupid. I don't know why I'd assumed that a bandaged face had left him without a working tongue. But I had. So it wasn't really the question that was stupid, it was me. At that thought, I bit hard into my lower lip.
"Here." I flicked out my nails. The gauze was tied in the back, so I twisted myself awkwardly behind his chair. A few slits, a couple of tugs, and I lifted the strips away and wrapped them around my wrist. Cody started coughing. Heaving. Breathing. I slipped off the toilet seat, expecting that his first words were going to be, "That's a relief," or "Sweet, sweet air," or something else along those lines. Even, "Thanks, Heather". But instead, he surprised me.
"Dude, why did Courtney tell me good-bye? We haven't even had the elimination ceremony yet."
I pushed open the confessional door, righting the camera as it swayed again. "Maybe because she knows you just rendered yourself useless in all upcoming challenges and it's clear that- Aaugh!"
I'd made the mistake of turning around, putting myself nose-to-nose with Cody's unbandaged face for the first time. Cody blinked at me for a moment, sending a fly on his eyelid into the air, then lowered his gaze to his lap.
"That bad, huh?"
[Cnt'd on dA / FFN / AO3 - Links at top]
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My Fish Dawn! My Fish!
This is so stupid but I love Anders and was so upset when Ty killed his fish. I also love the platonic relationship between Anders and Dawn. @deanobingo
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Platonic Anders and Dawn
Warnings: Drunk Anders and dead fish pets
Words: 1648
Anders drunkenly calls Dawn over and she tucks him into bed.
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Tonight, however, was not one of those careful nights he was out parting or softening up a new client.
After a day of Frigg hunting that turned out to be a major bust, finding Thor who was as mad as the hatter, a date with a goddess that left him high and dry and a fight that left him in the bad books with his grandfather for breaking his surfboard and with a swollen and bloody nose that made his head pound every time he breathed, he figured he could use a drink. A strong one.
After a day of Frigg hunting that turned out to be a major bust, finding Thor who was as mad as the hatter, a date with a goddess that left him high and dry and a fight that left him in the bad books with his grandfather for breaking his surfboard and with a swollen and bloody nose that made his head pound every time he breathed, he figured he could use a drink. A strong one.
His rotten day got even worse when he finally made it home, went to grasp the handle of his fridge to grab a beer, only to find it wasn’t there.
Honestly at that stage he wanted to give up and go to bed, and he would have, if he hadn’t glanced at his fish tank and spotted not only that his fish were gone, but they had been replaced with a packet a fish fingers.
He couldn’t help the tears of frustration and exhaustion that welled in his eyes and the sob that broke through his throat. Letting out a horse yell that would probably mean a noise complaint from his neighbors in the morning, he kicked off his shoes and dove into the first bottle of alcohol he could find.
Not even an hour later and he found himself sat on his couch with nine different empty bottles scattered on the table in front of him, still in a foul mood. Admittedly, not all of the bottles had been full when he found them, but some of them definitely had been, and he jumped six feet in the air when knocking came from his door.
Anders squinted his eyes at the sound and looked about his apartment, his mind long gone and his vision spinning. When the knocking sounded again, he stumbled to the sink to peer down the drain determined that was where the sound was coming from.
“Hellooo,” he called out snickering as his voice bounced down the piping, “Why are you banging?”
Someone shouted his name this time and leaving his sink be, he once again stumbled around trying to find the source. When he finally made it to his door, his fingers hit the intercom hard enough to make the screen glitch.
“Identify yourself,” he growled, his speech slurring and his brows frowning. He really didn’t want to deal with people right now.
“It’s Dwan? You called me? Told me to get here right away?”
He didn’t remember calling Dwan but the sound of her voice made him grin, his mood improving instantly knowing that his favorite mortal was here, even if she was a sick in the mud at parties.
“I’ts Dawwwwwwwnsyyyy! Hello Dwansy,” he sung, opening the door with a grin.
“Yes, hello Anders. What did you need that was so important?”
“Important?” he echoed with a nod of his head, linking his fingers with hers and pulling her into his apartment lightly, “Oh yes, very important,”
“Yes Anders, what is important?” she urged him on, slightly concerned at his strange behavior, “You said I needed to get here right away or you would fire me,”
“Fire you? The fuck would I fire you for? Dwansy is awesome, and cool and a lot nicer that surfboards or brothers,”
Dwan blinked as she watched her boss sway around his living room. She took in how disarranged he looked compared to his usual self at the office, his hair messy, his shirt untucked and lines of dried blood ran down the front of his shirt that she assumed was from the same thing that caused the painful looking busing on the bridge of his nose. He had empty bottles scattered around the room and a packet of fish fingers scattered across the floor, the carpet around them darkened by the damp puddles of water they laid in.
“Anders?” she questioned again, her voice softer this time and laced in concern, “Ander are you ok? What’s going on?”
“Brothers are bastards and my nose hurts,” he pouted, reminding her of a child who had missed their nap, “And the sink keeps knocking on my door,”
“Your sink keeps- what?”
“There’s someone in my sink Dwan and they want to steel my chips,” he declared gesturing to the scattered fish fingers laying on his carpet.
She had to cover her mouth with both hands to stop from losing herself in laughter, “Anders how much have you had to drink tonight?”
He gave her a sheepish grin, “Just a little bit, but there’s some left here if you want some, I’m good at sharing, especially with pretty ladies,”
“And there we go,” she sighed at his flirty behavior, “lets get you to bed hmm? I think you might feel better in the morning,”
He stopped glaring down the sink and sent her a scandalized look, “Dwansy, so forward, didn’t think you had it in you. Well done!”
With an irritable groan, she took a step towards him, stopping short at the small white mini fridge that stood in place of his usually fridge, groaning again at the realization that Ty had not replaced his fridge as he had promised, instead using the opportunity to mess with his brother instead. As much as she wanted to side with Ty however, the sight of Anders stumbling around his apartment in a dunked daze made her soft.
She wrapped her hands around her boss’s shoulders and slowly lead him to his bedroom, soothing him like he was a wild animal that would take off at any second if spooked. Anders had started mumbling to himself again, a frown on his face as she sat him at the end of his bed and untucked the covers.
“Dawwwwwnsyyyy,” he sung again with a giggle that she would forever blackmail him with, “Dawwnsyy what are you doooooooooing?”
“Putting you to bed you silly thing,” she huffed, slapping his hands away and undoing the buttons of his ruined shirt. Anders held a breath and leaned away from her, a worried look on his face.
“No, no wait. I love you Dwansy but I don’t- we can’t- I don’t screw crew Dwan,”
“What are you talking about?” she muttered, pushing him down and pinning him to the mattress to stop his squirming.
“Dwan, really!” he pulled away again, his blue eyes wide, “Please, you’re my best friend. I don’t wanna ruin that with a quick one nighter,”
“I’m not trying to fuck you Anders!” she huffed, ripping the rest of the buttons open and peeling it from his torso, blushing despite herself at the sight of his soft tummy and course blond hair that covered his chest and thickening where it disappeared into his pants.
“Oh,” he stared blankly at his ceiling, his body instantly relaxing under her touch and lifting his arms over his head to help her get the material off, “that’s good then I suppose,”
Dwan sighed again and maneuvered him up to his pillows, tucking him under his covers and watching as he snuggled down into them. It took a moment before she thought about what he had just said.
“Do you really see me as your best friend Anders?’
“Hmm? Oh, yeah I guess.” He nodded, his voice becoming shy compared to the usual cocky and arrogant attitude he wore, “I’m a bit of a dick sometimes you know, but you never want to hurt me for it. Your one of the few people I can really trust,”
Dawn couldn’t help the way her eyes watered at the way his voice sounded soft and defenseless, his striking blue eyes staring up at her like a lost puppy.
“Oh you silly, silly man,”
“Dwan?” he questioned, tears filling his eyes and making her heart clench painfully in her chest, “Dwan, my fish are dead,”
“Oh Anders,” she sniffled, sitting down next to him and running her fingers through his hair affectionately, “I’m so sorry,”
There was a pause before Anders wiggled his way towards her and laid his head in her lap.
“I really loved my fish Dawn,”
“I know,”
“There was this orange one, I called him orange,”
She hummed still stroking his curls, not even surprise at the obvious name.
“And there was this other one, a really pretty blue one, I called him Sir Edward Armond Snicket the third,”
“Oh why am I not recording this?” she chuckled to herself as he continued to drunkenly list and name the silly little guppies from his tank. He listed them all, not missing one, and as he rambled on about the next thing his intoxicated mind attached itself too his voice began to slur and slow down. Soon enough he was letting out soft snores as he snuggled deeper into her lap, dead to the world.
She gave him one last glance over, lifting him and slipping out of his sleeping grasp, before sneaking out of his bedroom.
He was her boss, and a dick. But past all of that he was a soft and gentle soul. A little lost, but overall kind, protective and fragile.
She flicked off the lights and left his apartment with a smile, a plan to head down to the pet shop in the morning to buy him a surprise.  
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hmspogueobx · 1 year
Everything to me (Paul Lahote)
Chapter Twelve: Fighting newborn vampires for dummies
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After a few all-nighters observing Jasper's 'Fighting newborn vampires for dummies' lessons, the pack is all squished around Sam and Emily's kitchen table for a pre-battle strategy meeting. Sam goes into full alpha mode as he goes over the plan.
"Jacob is already up in the mountain with Edward and Bella. They're going to stay up there through the battle to keep Bella away from the action. They made a trail with Bella's scent leading to the clearing to the northeast of the park. That's where the battle will happen. Seth will relieve Jacob at first light and Jake will come fight with us. Seth, your job is to help Edward protect Bella, should any of them get past us." Seth nods firmly like he's never taken any task more seriously in his life. Sam goes on.
"When the newborns come, we will be hidden in the tree line and surprise attack when they're in an optimal position. I will take the lead, with Jared and Paul on my flank. Everyone else follows in V formation and fan out. Make sure none of them get into the tree line. From there it's simple... Kill them before they kill you. Any questions?"
The group is quiet but buzzing with anticipation.
"This is going to be a piece of cake guys. There's nine of us and six Cullen's. Alright let's go. We sleep in the woods tonight!" Sam calls over his shoulder, he stops to give Emily a tender kiss, and marches out the door. Emily looks terrified, so I give her hand a squeeze as I pass her and whisper "I'll see you for lunch tomorrow cuz." and with a wink, I'm out the door.
We sleep in shifts on the hard forest floor until the sun comes up. We're arranged in our V formation, tucked away just out of sight for now. It's dead quiet as we all strain our ears for the sound of the oncoming horde of hungry angry newborns. We start to hear pounding feet and snarls, that gradually increase in volume. They're in the field now, we hear the Cullen's commence their attack, which cues Sam, Paul and Jared to dart forward, the rest of us seconds behind. I rush into the clearing and make an amazing leap over the boulder we were hidden behind.
There's vampires everywhere. They swarm the field like angry wasps but their moves are so predictable. I see one coming right at me and duck to the right at the last second, snapping my jaw sideways and pulling it's head from its body. Using the momentum from that, I whip my muzzle to the left and send another one flying into a tree on the edge of the space. I see Esme struggling to keep one's arms from wrapping around her and dive towards them. I use my front paws to kick the newborn off of her, so she can then finish it off herself. Another one throws himself at Esme and she grabs him and sends him soaring into the air. I take the opportunity and leap up, grabbing him between my teeth.
Just then, Jacob comes bounding through the trees, ripping into two newborns on his way, and stopping another from leaping onto Emmett. The odd sound of crunching glass surrounds us, which I've learned is the sound of vampires meeting their bitter end.
Across the field I see that a few newborns have crawled onto Paul's back and my heart leaps into my throat. But before I can panic too much, Emmet is there tearing them off.
At this point we're almost done, when we see through Seth's mind that Victoria and Riley are up in the mountains with them.
"You got this Seth. Follow your gut. Help Edward keep Bella safe." Sam orders.
We've just finished off the last of the newborns down here, Sam was right, piece of cake. Now we all wait and watch as Seth leaps out of his hiding spot and grabs Riley in his jaw.
"Yes Seth!" I congratulate him. Seth drags him away and starts to tear him to pieces. We can hear the shuffling of a fight over the ridge and it sounds like a pretty even fight. It's not until Seth climbs back over the ridge and sees Edward standing over Victoria's beheaded body that we all relax.
We've done it. We've won.
Thick purple smoke swirls all around us as we stand in the field victorious. I have shifted back into my human form in order to translate, telling them of what we saw happen in the mountains before Bella and Edward appear next to us.
Suddenly Leah perks up at the sight of a newborn missed.
"Leah don't!" I scream as she charges at the newborn. They roll around, and he almost gets her, but Jacob storms in and knocks him off. It's not long before the sound of crunching bones sends shivers down my spine.
"Jacob!" Bella yells and we all rush forward, Paul and Sam taking care of the newborn.
He's rolling on the ground, a silent scream on his face. The doctor says something about his bones but I'm not really listening. I'm sat on the grass in shock. Not being able to wrap my head around the fact that one of us actually got hurt... and bad. My mind flashes back to a rolling car. The sound of crunching metal and bone. My focus flickers between the agonized look on Jacob's face and my last look at Chantelle's. I don't even notice the tears pouring down my face. The boys bend down and gather Jacob as gently as they can, disappearing into the tree line with him focused on nothing but getting him home. I'm still sitting shocked in the grass when I'm yanked into a standing position by a cold hand.
"It's too late for her to get away now, they're almost here. They'd see her. Better for her to stay human and stand with us." Someone whispers hardly behind me.
As if out of nowhere, five hooded figures appear. I don't look up. I'm still stuck in my own mind. I do hear a small voice break the silence though.
"Impressive. I've never seen a coven escape an assault of this magnitude intact."
"We were lucky." Carlisle answers.
"I doubt that."
They continue their conversation, the sound of the little girl's voice putting me on edge. I finally peek up and around Emmett who was apparently standing in front of me to hide me from the strangers view. And my heart stops at the sight of the fifth woman, standing silently in the back. Black cloak thrown over her shoulders. Long brown waves tied up in a tight bun. Skin a chalky russet color.
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levi-da · 2 years
Teaching Professor Braun
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Pairing: Levi Ackerman/Reiner Braun, Eren Yeager/Mikasa Ackerman (for like 3 lines)
Tags: Domming From The Bottom, Bottom!Levi, Top!Reiner, Teacher!AU, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Drunk Sex, Office Sex
Summary: Prof. Ackerman and Prof. Braun have an ongoing rivalry between the English and math departments of Shiganshina High. A night out with some other professors leads them to relieving some tension together.
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: Here's my first post! I hope you enjoy :)) This took me WAY longer than it should have.
Read on AO3
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The bell rings as laptops and textbooks are shoved into bags.
“This class sucks, man. Why’s Professor Ackerman always up our asses?”
“I dunno, dude. Professor Braun never makes us do anything like this.”
The class clears out as the day ends, leaving Levi alone in the room. He’s halfway through grading the students’ most recent essay when a knock sounds out against the door.
“What the hell are you doing to these kids to make them so miserable? You got a stick up your ass or something?”
Levi rolled his eyes and looked up from the paper he was grading. He let out a sigh before he asked, “Making them use their brains. You should try it sometime.”
Reiner clenches his jaw. “Whatever, just remember that Hanji is forcing everyone to go out for drinks tonight. I know you’d much rather read a dictionary, but they’ll kill you if you don’t show up tonight.”
“What’s so special about tonight?”
“They won’t say. Just make sure you’re there at nine.”
Levi waves his hand towards the door dismissively. “Fine, just get out of my classroom and stop distracting me.”
Reiner quietly leaves the room, though Levi’s eyes follow him every step of the way. How that man got anything done, he could never guess. Levi shakes his head, clearing his thoughts before returning back to his work.
The music of the club rattles through Levi’s skull. Already annoyed with the circumstances, he looks for his gaggle of idiots. Scanning the room, he finds most of them grouped together at a table.
“Look who finally decided to show up! Fashionably late, too, might I add.” Hanji slurs, slipping her arm around his neck. He wasn’t the biggest fan of contact, but trying to stop Hanji from touching would require more energy than it’s worth.
“I made it,” Levi says, a smirk sneaking up on his face. He slips onto the chair next to Hanji.
“Wow, you actually made it,” Connie says from across the table. “Never thought I’d actually see you here.”
“Even Levi has to destress once in a while,” Jean exclaims, pouring Levi a shot. Feeling the migraine already kicking in, Levi takes the shot, feeling the burn the whole way down. He immediately starts coughing.
“Can’t even take a shot, huh?” Reiner snorts, walking over to the table with Armin, more drinks in their hands.
Armin hands a glass of whiskey to Levi. He takes the glass gingerly before leaning against the table and glaring sharply at Reiner.
Reiner rolls his eyes, putting down the rest of the drinks. “This is why the kids hate being in your class. You’re such a dick.”
“Where’s Eren and Mikasa?” Sasha asks, interrupting Reiner.
Armin sighs, sitting down next to Jean, “Who knows at this point, I don’t question it anymore.” Hanji giggles, stumbling off the stool to get another drink.
“They’re probably fucking in the bathroom or something,” Annie says, downing her fourth drink of the night.
“Are you sure that’s a smart choice, Leonhart? Don’t you have midterms to finish grading this weekend?” Levi lets out against the rim of his glass.
“Fuck off,” Annie says, then lays her head flat on the tabletop.
Apparently, Levi can’t catch a break since he feels someone looming over him. With a sigh, Levi spins around on his stool. He looks up at the person towering over him.
“What is it now?” Levi asks.
Reiner slots himself in the gap between Levi’s legs. “Are you just going to sit around all night? Get up and dance.”
“I’m here. Shouldn’t that satisfy you?”
“You’re not here to be a lameass. Let’s go.” Reiner grabs Levi’s wrist, dragging him to the dance floor.
Where had this man gained the balls to act towards Levi like that? Though, Reiner may have a point. He should just enjoy himself for once. He could do with letting loose a bit. Just a bit.
The grip of Reiner’s fingers around Levi’s wrist pulls him from his thoughts as they move throughout the club. As they arrive upon the dance floor, Reiner tightened his grip on Levi.
“Stay close to me, yeah?”
Levi’s body presses close to Reiner as they work their way through the crowd of people. Once they settle on a spot in the middle, Reiner pulls Levi close and releases his wrist.
A random bump from behind has the two pressed together, chest to chest. The lack of space between the two causes Levi to feel Reiner’s body heat across every inch of his skin. Reiner’s skin felt like a fucking furnace, practically burning Levi with each point of contact. Reiner’s hands graze over Levi’s hips and he wonders how it would feel if they actually made contact; if Reiner actually held on to him… The music consumes them, and they dance, as if they don’t pick a fight with one another every time they interact.
Eren and Mikasa emerge from the depths of the crowd, drinks in hand. They each hand off a drink to Levi and Reiner, then venture off, likely to do some dancing of their own. Not a word was said, just a knowing look in the couple’s gaze.
The pair knock back their drinks and leave the glasses on a nearby surface. Not wanting to stop dancing, Levi drags Reiner back to the dance floor.
“Look at you. Who knew you could be so outgoing?” Reiner whisper-screams over the music.
“Don’t push your luck. I just decided to do something different for once.”
A hint of mischief in his eyes, Reiner pushes, “Your perfect decisions finally starting to bore you?”
“Shut the fuck up,” Levi says, as he pulls Reiner closer, by the same wrist that had grabbed on to him. Reiner stumbles a half step, caught off guard from the sudden pull. His hands reach for something to support his slip up and it’s Levi. He grabs Levi’s hips for balance, tipping them back.
They still, breathing against each other's lips.
“Shit. Sorry.” Reiner goes to release Levi, but smaller hands are grabbing his and holding them down before he even gets the chance to pull away.
“Don’t apologize.”
Frozen in the moment, Reiner’s eyes glance down at Levi. Their eyes lock and, in that moment, it’s just them. Levi’s shoulders relax, his eyes softening as he gazes back up at Reiner.
That’s all Reiner needs to decide they’ve spent enough time in this club. Maybe it’s the drinks making the decision, but that’s an issue for a later time. He just wants Levi now. His fingers slip around Levi’s wrist as Reiner pulls him through the crowd again. Shouts from the others follow them but are ignored entirely once they’re out the club.
Outside, Reiner pulls out his phone and calls a cab. He slips his phone away and looks back towards Levi.
Levi, who looks devastatingly handsome in his loose button down and fitted slacks. Levi, who’s staring at him like he wants to devour him. And Reiner can’t get enough.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Reiner hand cups Levi’s cheek, pulling him closer, closer, closer. Levi pulls him in just as much, his back hits the brick of the building as Reiner closes in on Levi.
Their breaths overlap, mix, and then lips graze one another.
“Just fucking kiss me already.” Levi’s hands are tugging his hair at the nape of his neck. Then their lips are finally pressing against one another.
They kiss and kiss and kiss, nipping each other’s lips in retaliation.
Just when Reiner’s hands start drifting under Levi’s shirt, a honk interrupts the pair. They part, resituate themselves, then crawl together into the back seat of the car.
“Whose place are we going to?” Reiner mumbles, lips against Levi’s jaw.
“Mine, I don’t trust that yours is clean enough for me,” Levi lets out, voice breathy as his eyes roll shut.
Unable to argue with that logic, Reiner gives the driver directions to Levi’s place. The drive being 20 minutes long is apparently too long for them, as the pair are unable to keep their hands off each other. The cab driver must be sneaking looks through the rearview mirror since there’s a blush spread lightly across her cheeks.
Levi’s hands can’t stop touching. From Reiner’s knee, to his inner thigh, it’s all just Levi. Reiner is breathing slowly through his nose, trying to will himself some control, but once Levi starts brushing his fingertips over his zipper, his restraint all but vanishes.
Reiner rips the last two buttons on Levi’s shirt open as the cab slows to a stop outside Levi’s apartment. Levi hastily shoves a bunch of bills into the driver's hand with a quick thank you, pulling Reiner’s hand.
They make it all the way to the elevator before clinging to one another again. They could’ve only been a few inches from each other, but it takes everything in Reiner to not reach out to Levi.
Blood rushing in his ears and trying not to pant, Reiner sneaks a look at Levi pressed against the wall beside him. Levi’s already looking up at him, pinning him down just with his stare.
How the fuck did he end up here? Nothing could have prepared him for sleeping with Levi of all people. Not that he was going to complain.
The elevator dings, letting them know they’re that much closer to what they’ve been chasing.
Levi slides out as soon as the doors open, leading the way down the hall. He stops right in front of a door, fumbling with the key.
Reiner presses right up against him, “Need help with that?”
Levi stills, feeling the heat of Reiner fully pressed behind him. The hardness pressed against his ass only spurs him to unlock the door faster, get that dick inside him faster.
As soon as the door opens, it slams shut against his back. Reiner slides his hands under Levi’s thighs, grip tight as he lifts him up. Without a thought, Levi locks his legs around Reiner’s waist.
Reiner’s lips trail down his neck. Faint marks litter the column of Levi’s throat. Levi fists Reiner’s hair and pulls his lips close. Their lips crash against one another. Levi’s hands travel everywhere, tugging Reiner’s shirt off and throwing it on the floor. 
Levi kisses Reiner like his air has been stolen and the only way to breathe is to steal it back.
Clearly Levi wants Reiner’s dick in him yesterday, lacking any regard for cleanliness at this point if he’s chucking shirts. Reiner shoves Levi’s shirt off his shoulders, buttons already gone.
He thumbs over Levi’s nipples.
Levi moans into the kiss. “Can you fucking be any slower?”
Reiner huffs a laugh and shoves his pants just past his ass, pulling Levi’s slacks off entirely. Levi’s boxers are gone too, leaving a trail of clothing across the room.
“Do you have any lube?”
Levi tilts his head. “In my office.”
Reiner just carries Levi, hands squeezing his ass as he walks into the office. He plops Levi on the desk, scouring the drawers for the bottle.
“Check the bottom drawer.”
Fingers wrap around the bottle and he slams the drawer shut. Instantly, he’s back on Levi. He kneels between his legs, kissing and marking up Levi’s inner thighs.
Levi, in all of his short glory, already looks properly fucked out spread on his desk. Face and chest flushed, slightly dazed eyes, and a heavy stare.
“Just fucking look at you.”
Levi rolls his eyes. “Hurry up already. How many times do I have to repeat myself?”
With a hand on each knee, Reiner forces Levi’s legs open. He slicks a finger with lube and traces around Levi’s hole. A moan rips itself from Levi’s throat as Reiner slips his finger down to the second knuckle. He sneaks a second one beside the first, curling once inside.
Levi lets out a broken moan at that. “Fuck.”
Reiner kisses his way back up Levi’s body, stretching out his hole.
“Any fucking day now. Seriously, just fucking put it in me already. I can take it.” Levi hooks his foot around Reiner’s shoulder, urging him closer.
“I’m just trying to find the stick that’s up here.”
“Very funny.”
Reiner slides his fingers out, “Yeah, I’m fucking hilarious.”
Whatever Levi planned to say gets cut off by Reiner pressing his tip to the rim. Levi’s legs slide down to wrap around his waist. Broken moans fall from Levi’s lips as Reiner slides in fully, pelvis to pelvis. Maybe it’s the booze talking, but Levi looks practically holy. His hair splayed out, head tilted back and moans filling the room. Offhandedly, he hopes the neighbors won’t wake up.
Hands tug on his hair, pulling him from his thoughts and pressing his lips down to meet with Levi’s. Reiner grips his hips, thumbs digging into hip bones. They move together, timing their thrusts with one another. Their pace picks up as they get closer to their release.
“Fuck, I’m close,” Reiner breathes out between their barely pressed lips. He wraps his fingers around Levi’s cock, bringing him closer to the edge.
Reiner wants Levi to finish first, so he whispers out, “Come on baby, cum for me.”
That’s all Levi needs before the tension snaps and he’s spilling into Reiner’s hand. He’s not too far behind either because with a few more thrusts, Reiner is filling up Levi.
Their breaths are loud in comparison to the sudden silence of the room. A few minutes pass with them in silence before Reiner slowly slides out and leaves the room.
When he comes back, it’s with a damp washcloth. His pants are buttoned again and he’s slightly less rumpled. He gently wipes the cum and some sweat off Levi’s boneless body. Reiner scoops him up and carries him to bed, crawling under the covers and pulling him closer as the two fall asleep.
Levi wakes up to sunlight peering through the window directly in his eyes. Details of the night before slowly start to piece together as rustling was heard from beside him.
“Morning Sunshine,” Reiner says, his voice rough from sleep. He smirks at Levi.
“Shut the fuck up.”
Reiner lets out a snicker as he slides up behind Levi, hooking an arm around his waist. His heat spread out along Levi’s backside, settling a chill he didn’t realize was there. 
“Not a morning person?”
“Not at,” he glanced over at the clock, “6:30 A.M.”
Reiner’s hand slides over his stomach, pausing in the middle. “You could go back to sleep.”
“What, and leave you to mess around my apartment alone? Absolutely not.”
Despite not wanting to wake up, Levi made no effort to get out of bed. In actuality, Levi was hiding deeper under the covers. He pushed back against Reiner, seeking out his warmth.
Reiner’s breath is hot against his neck as they slot together. Levi can feel Reiner’s hardness pressing against his bare ass.
“You‘ve got to be kidding me. The sun is barely out and you’re hard already?”
A nip at the back of his neck is all he gets as a response.
“Is this how you always are? So desperate to fuck a hole, disregarding the world around you?”
The lips trailing across his neck still as Reiner takes in what exactly Levi just said. He lets out a huff.
“I shouldn’t be so surprised you could be so bossy in bed. You were so pretty last night under me that I didn't even think about you on top.”
Levi rolls his eyes at that. He pushes his hips back, drawing a hiss from Reiner.
“Lay on your back. I’m getting back at you for the bruises.”
Not waiting for Reiner to move, Levi shoves him onto his back. Reiner is left stunned, earning him a lapful of Levi. He grips Levi’s thighs.
Levi leans over Reiner, going for the bedside table to grab lube. He pours some lube over his fingers and starts to open himself. Muffled moans slip out as Levi tips forward, catching himself on Reiner’s chest.
“Fuck, you look so perfect like this.”
“Shut up.”
His thighs tighten around Reiner’s hips as he lowers himself down, Reiner’s thickness filling his hole. Levi fully plants himself on Reiner’s cock, feeling the veins against his walls.
“Is this what you wanted? Just to fuck a hole?” Levi lifts himself from Reiner’s lap, just to drop himself back down. The pair let out a moan at this. The tip of Reiner’s cock barely brushes over Levi’s prostate, leaving him seeing stars. 
Reiner’s grip tightens on Levi’s hips as he thrusts up. “Maybe it is. Doesn’t seem to be an issue.”
His hands are shoved off Levi and pinned above his head faster than he can register. Levi slips his hips back down, leaving Reiner feeling too close too quickly. With Reiner’s hands trapped above his head, there’s not much stopping Levi from taking what he wants from him.
“If you keep going like this, I’m gonna–”
“I’m not finished with you.” Levi’s lips are harsh against his throat, giving him matching dark marks.
With his lack of control, Reiner thrusts up as best as he can, matching Levi grinding down in his lap. His nails dug into Reiner’s wrist as he slams down for the last time, cumming between them. Levi loosening his grip is the opening Reiner needs to grab Levi’s hips and snap them together swiftly. Within a few thrusts, Reiner’s finishing inside.
Levi collapses on his chest. Reiner pauses to catch his breath as Levi begins to still against his chest.
“Fucking bastard,” Reiner mumbles, wrapping his arms around Levi, joining him in his slumber.
Levi wakes up with the feeling of sweat and cum stuck to his skin. Feeling disgusted with himself, he slowly goes to sit up, ready to shower. Just as he’s about to crawl out of the blankets, his phone rings.
“Hiya, Levi. How’s your morning been?” Hanji’s cheery voice rings out from his speaker.
He flinches at the volume. “Fine until you called me. What do you need so early in the morning?”
“It’s already eleven, it’s not that early. Besides, I had to make sure you got home safe, considering you left so soon without telling anyone.”
A beat passes. “Okay?”
“You know, the whole reason I wanted us to go out is because I thought you needed to get laid. You’ve been extra grumpy lately. What I didn’t expect was you going home with Reiner of all people, but honestly I should’ve seen that coming.”
Reiner lets out a snicker behind him.
“Shit happens I guess.”
“Well, considering Eren and Mikasa have been dating for years without Administration finding out, you guys would probably be fine as long as it doesn’t affect your work.” The smile in their voice is evident.
Levi glances over at Reiner. “It’s not going to be a recurring event. We don’t need to worry about all that.”
“If you say so. I’m gonna go now, have fun! But not too much fun.”
With a click, the call ends and it’s just Reiner and Levi in the silence of the bedroom.
Reiner gaze locks on the comforter. “Did you mean that?”
A flash of confusion spreads across Levi’s face. “I mean, we were drunk. I figured this was going to be the end of it.”
“We weren’t drunk earlier.”
A moment of consideration sits between them before Reiner speaks again. “It doesn’t have to be just this one time.”
Levi feels Reiner’s eyes finally look up at him. “No, I guess it doesn’t. But don’t expect much from me.”
The two finally look at one another.
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
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[cw; a graphic depiction of self harm, dehumanization, and abuse]
A dark enough room is both infinitely large and suffocatingly small. Until light claws its way in, ruining the mystery. Those nostalgic words floated into my mind as the greenhouse shed’s door drifted shut behind me. Before I knew it, I could feel my hand sliding across the still-healing cuts on my arm. The sensation soothed me, even as it stung. It helped me remember— no, it made me remember. As long as I have these, I will never forget them. My brothers and sisters.
I reluctantly pull my fingertips away, the tips of my nails dyed crimson. It’s not time yet. Wait until tonight, okay everyone?
—Six Years Ago—
A sudden clanging startled me awake, accompanied by an adult’s shouting.
“Wake up, Zero-Nine. You have your first test today!”
“Test?” I asked, staring up at him. The harsh light from the hallway illuminated my room, but it was too bright to see his face. My bed suddenly jolted backwards— the man kicked it. A year ago, I would have cried just from the sight of him. Now, not even this was enough to shake me.
He spit at me. That was enough of an answer for him. It was enough for me, too. He turned and left the room; I was expected to follow. So I did. He suddenly stopped, then gestured at an open door ahead of us. ‘Go’, it meant.
So I did. As the metal panels slid shut behind me, I heard his voice again.
“Hopefully this one kicks it.”
The new room was big, smooth, and grey. A table sat in the middle, a small box on top of it. And standing on the opposite side of the room was one of my siblings— my brother, Zero-Eight. He was older and taller than me, but I wasn’t sure by how much.
A voice boomed throughout the room. “Subjects Zero-Eight and Zero-Nine, approach the table in front of you.” We both complied, stopping on opposite sides of the table. He had a sad look on his face.
“Brother? Is everything—“ I began to ask, but was interrupted by the voice.
“Subject Zero-Nine. No talking.”
I nodded.
“Subject Zero-Eight. Open the box on top of the table and retrieve its contents.”
He nodded, still wearing that same look. Slowly, carefully, he opened the box and lifted an object out of it. Its long, slender shape glinted in the room’s white light— a knife.
“Subjects Zero-Eight and Zero-Nine. Your test objective is as follows: One of you must kill the other. If this objective is not met within ten minutes, then you will both die. Your time starts now.”
I lock eyes with Zero-Eight. He looks down at the knife in his hands, then back at me. Time slowed to a crawl. I felt each beat of my heart. In the lulls between, I could swear I felt his, too.
A minute passed. Neither of us moved. Another minute. I couldn’t bear the silence any longer.
“Are you going to kill me, big brother?”
He opened his mouth, only to be silenced by the voice again.
“Zero-Eight. Zero-Nine. Do not speak to each other.”
Without a word, he stepped around the table. I matched each step, backing away until I hit the wall. He leaned forward, slamming his fist into the spot just beside my head. I shrank. He’s going to kill me.
I’m going to die.
“Nine,” he whispered, barely audible even to me, “take the knife from me. Use it on me, and live.”
I closed my eyes. My hands wrapped around the handle, which he thrust into my hands. I don’t know what happened next. My hands were hot, and when I opened my eyes, the blade was buried in his chest. He smiled at me. “Remember me, Nine.”
I nodded, then let go of the knife. My hands were still warm with the proof of Zero-Eight’s love. He slumped down to the ground, and the voice spoke again.
“Test Beta-One has concluded. Retrieve Subject Zero-Nine and confirm Zero-Eight’s death.”
The doors slid open. The man from before came in, stopping before us. He looked down at Zero-Eight, his pure-white jumpsuit splattered with a crimson mosaic.
“Pathetic,” he said, then looked to me. “Subject Zero-Nine. Come.”
I nodded, and followed.
“Sir, may I… ask a question?”
He glared at me, but nodded.
“What was I supposed to kick?”
He laughed.
—Six Years Later—
Slowly, carefully, I remove the knife from its sheath. It’s a memento. An important treasure that I have to keep with me, so I can remember. I run the smooth side across my wounds. These, too, are a memento. The still-healing cuts, the new scars, the old scars. All of these are precious treasures, mementos of those who love me.
I can never forget them.
I turn my arm over. The scars here are some of the oldest, fading slightly. This won’t do. I pour alcohol over them, letting it soak into my skin. I’m ready to remember, now.
The blade presses against my skin. The flesh dips under the pressure, doing its best to resist, until the blade rips into it. Crimson warmth pours out as the blade drags through me, engraving me with the proof of their lives.
“Zero-Eight,” I say. I lift the blade, move it along my arm, then go again.
“Zero-Six. Zero-Five. Zero-Four. Zero-Three. Zero-Two.”
Blood drips down my arm, into the empty flower pot below. It’s burning hot, but I’m not finished.
I have to remember.
“Zero-One,” I say, laying the final mark into my arm. I let out a sigh of relief.
“I didn’t forget. I remember all of you.” This searing pain is proof. Proof of your lives. Proof of your love.
0 notes
fandom-necromancer · 4 years
1165. Part 3
This was prompted by an awesome anon, the lovely @aurea-b and the amazing @rufina72! Please heed the warnings. This chapter isn’t nice, but I promise, the next part will be super fluffy! I will try to finish it today too, so it will come anytime in the night (at least for my timezone). If you don’t want to read this part because of the warnings, you can skip it and still read the next one!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (Warnings: violence, kidnapping, graphic description of android dismantling, mentions of physical and mental abuse) [Part1]   [Part2]   [Part4]
‘No, no, please, no! No! Ahhhhh!’ Gavin was awake, but that static scream jolted him from unconsciousness in mere milliseconds. His sight was still hazy, but a small red light smeared over his vision as he rolled his head from one shoulder to the next. Everything was turning around him and refused to stay still, there was a weird cheeping sound and he felt like he might throw up. The hit to his head must have done some damage, but despite all of this, his detective senses told him the situation was bad. He was still alive, that had to be good? But it was so dark, and his head felt like a cannon ball on a toothpick. Phck.
He heard the buzz of electric motors and soon there was the scream again. Right. Little red circle, robot sounds… Nines? The damn toaster had been run into by a car. The memories were coming back one after the next. And with it his vision. Two thugs stood a few metres away from him and towered above him. But they had their backs to him and were working on something. He frowned and tried to focus. He was sitting, hands bound behind him and back leaned against a pillar. He leaned to one side and his nausea got worse, but he could spy through their legs. There was a lot of blue. Blue liquid flowing down on a white surface. It dripped to the ground and gathered in a puddle. Gavin tried hard to piece it all together, but a great percentage of his will was focussed on not vomiting all over himself.
The thugs helped him assess the situation as they stepped back in a laughing fit. It gave the bound man a better view on the other figure on the ground: A human shape, naked, completely white, bleeding blue from a circular hole. Red lights pulsing through the armour plates and panicked, pleading grey eyes darting around. Dirty human hands on a cylinder that looked about the same size as the hole. What did it mean, what did this shit mean? The one time Gavin needed his braincell and it was unavailable.
The weird white human opened his mouth, the blue liquid flowing from it. There should have been words coming out, but it sounded more like a radio without connection. It was pained and it was loud, earning him a kick to his chest that let him fall to his side.
‘Come on, stick it back in, we don’t know if the boss needs it’, one of the thugs said. It. Suddenly it clicked. He had been with Nines when he was hit unconscious. It made sense he would wake up with him. But… was this really the android? Gavin had never seen him without skin. But there on the ground, this had to be him, hadn’t it? He tried to will his brain to function and focussed on the android’s face. Shit. It was Nines. No doubt. ‘Urgh, fine. But let’s be real, what would she want with a fucking android, huh? She’ll kill it anyways.’ ‘Yeah, then let her do it. Wouldn’t want to get in any trouble. Stick it back and let’s go.’ The other man seemed to be hesitant, but then kneeled down to slam the thirium regulator back into its socket. Nines pulled his eyes and mouth wide open, but it was a silent scream this time.
When the thugs took their leave, Gavin pretended to still be out cold. It wasn’t that difficult, with a headache that made thinking unbearable. He heard the door slam and lifted his head again. Motions still made him feel sick, but at least he had recovered enough that they were possible now. Nines laid on his side remaining in the position the two men had kicked him into and staring straight ahead. Gavin would have thought the android had shut down if it weren’t for the slow red flash of his lights. He had never seen the android in such distress and that counted in the times he had threatened the thing. He didn’t like the RK900. He hated him. He hated the whole of androidkind. But to his own surprise seeing the ever uptight, nose-in-the-sky android like this brought him no satisfaction. He didn’t know what he could do in his bound position, so he just sat there, staring at the oddly calming red pulse of Nines’ body.
When he finally snapped out of it, he tried to move his hands. They were bound behind his body, but not too tight. Maybe he could work the knot loose. He knew pulling would only fasten it more, so he felt with his fingers for the knot and fumbled with the strands of rope they used. It wasn’t the most efficient way, but it showed slow progress in widening the loop. With time he maybe could get his hands free.
He worked on his confines while he was watching the android. Thirium still dripped from the regulator and his mouth. Maybe the thing wasn’t fully connected, Gavin mused, or maybe them slamming it back in broke it. No matter what the cause was though, it didn’t look too good. He was nearly sure he could get free in the next minutes, as he froze. There were voices outside.
‘…with them?’ ‘Ugh fine, have some fun. But don’t touch the pig. We have no use for the bot, but the guy could be useful as a hostage. I’ll be out for today. See you tomorrow.’ A door outside slammed shut and a few moments later the door to this room opened. Gavin again mimed the unconscious man, watching in silence how they pulled Nines back up. Upon touch the android’s LED blinked faster, but other than that there was no sign he was still alive. One of the thugs snapped his fingers in front of him and as that didn’t work, took a pipe from the ground and hit him with it. Nines’ head flew to the side, but he remained silent.
‘Let’s try this next.’ The second man announced and knelt down. Something blinked in his hands, then Gavin identified it as a pocketknife he pushed in between two plates on the android’s chest and angled upwards. The plate resisted, then gave in and fell to the ground. ‘Please, stop, I didn’t-‘ He was interrupted by the same knife hastily slammed in between the plates over his heart. ‘Please, don’t. Stop!’ The next plate fell to the ground with a dull plastic sound and light flooded the ground. Gavin got a good look of the fast beating pump glowing red in his chest and the surrounding Thirium pipes. There were a lot of air bubbles in the liquid and the lights were stuttering. ‘And why should we?’, one of the thugs asked, adding an ugly laugh afterwards and prying the next one off. Expecting another plea, they stood there waiting as the android remained silent. ‘What? No more begging, huh? Come on, we want to hear your beautiful voice, tin-can!’
They worked the knife between the next plates, as Nines eyelids fell half shut not unlike with a broken doll. ‘This unit is damaged severely. Please contact Cyberlife for repairs.’ ‘Oh, that’s good, that’s good!’, one of the thugs exclaimed excitedly. ‘I nether managed to push deviants back into their machine routines! Didn’t even knew they still had them in them!’ ‘Did this unit fail its mission?’, Nines asked, not answering to the thug’s discovery. His voice was completely level and void of any emotion. Gavin had never heard him like this. It didn’t even sound like the android he knew anymore. ‘Guess so.’ The android nodded as if understanding. ‘Is this correcting this unit’s errors?’ ‘Heh, yeah, it is.’ ‘Registering failure and correction in mechanics log. Please continue.’
Gavin didn’t believe what he just heard. He wasn’t able to think through what he was about to do, it just happened: ‘Nines! Nines, what the hell?’, he shouted from his position, gathering the attention of the two thugs. ‘Oh, so the pig is finally awake? Missed one hell of a show, buddy!’ ‘Show? What the hell are you assholes doing…’ Just then Gavin realised he hadn’t only had the full attention of the criminals. Nines looked at him and he seemed to be more afraid than he had been at any point in this torture. Even in his utterly damaged, panicked state, he tried to get away from him.
‘Gavin!’ His voice was wavering. ‘What are you doing here, this isn’t possible. Only Cyberlife personal is allowed in here. Please. This unit doesn’t need repairs just yet, Gavin. This unit is still functioning! This unit can complete the tests! Please, Gavin, don’t do this to me!’
The two thugs looked at each other in confusion, but Gavin tried to ignore their conversation about what this meant. He was too occupied being shocked. He got that the android was delirious from depleting Thirium levels and the pain. But he couldn’t understand why he was afraid of him of all people. Yes, he had been a bit rough with him from time to time, but that wasn’t enough for him to be afraid of him, right? But when he thought back to these occasions now, Nines had always been afraid of him, hadn’t he?
The two thugs seemed to come to the conclusion, that it didn’t matter. They shrugged and continued with their cruel work. Gavin couldn’t see the android, but he could hear his pleas over the clunk of hull pieces falling to the floor and thirium dripping down. He had gone back to talking about himself as “I” and his intonation had come back, but that didn’t make things any better.
‘No, Gavin, please! Don’t do this to me! What did I do to you? I-I never told anyone, please! I never told anyone what you did to me! I know I’m not what you want me to be. I know I’m not enough for you. But please, I didn’t do anything! I just tried to be your friend, please, stop. Gavin. No! You are killing me. Stop. Please.’
‘Goddamnit, this thing is creepy as hell! I think we should leave it alone’, one of the thugs said and the other nodded, taking a step back. ‘I agree. It’s gonna deactivate soon anyways. Let’s just get out of here.’
Gavin would have joined them, if that was possible. He was rightfully mortified, watching his work partner hanging in his confines, whispering the words over and over again, static thick in his voice: ‘I never told anyone. I didn’t do anything. Gavin. I never told anyone. Please. Stop. I didn’t do anything.’
But it wasn’t his place to run. His hands were free for a long time now, he only had to find the strength to stand up. His knees were weak from the realisation that this android had been afraid of him for as long as they had worked together, and it had needed criminals torturing the tin-can for him to realise that. He owed the android, if only because he had ignored his warnings and let him run into this trap blindly.
In a soupçon of determination, he wiggled free and stood up. He scurried over to the android and let himself fall on his knees next to him. He used the knife the thugs had left behind to cut the rope, all the while muttering: ‘Everything will be fine, Nines, listen. Everything is fine. See? It stopped. I’ll get you out of here. Just hold on. Stay with me, okay? We’ll get out of here.’ He got more and more desperate to cut the thick rope. They had done a far better job on binding the android than him. But Gavin was thankful for that mistake. ‘Nines, it will be fine, you hear me? It will be alright again, stay with me. I will change, okay? I don’t know what has you so scared but shit, I will try to be better. I promise you. We’ll get out of here and then you will kick my ass for being such an asshole, okay? We’ll get you back in order, I swear. I phcking swear!’
Finally, the rope gave in and the android plopped to the ground. Apparently, that had pulled him from his trance and the android was lucid for a few moments. He looked up at Gavin, pain evident on his face. His LLED was impossibly dark, near to no colour left in it. ‘Don’t… Touch… Me…’, he struggled to whisper just before he deactivated.
Gavin winced at the words cutting deep. But still he looked at the lifeless android. ‘No can do, tin-can. I’ll get you out of here.’
[>next part]
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lgwifey · 2 years
Tumblr media
noel gallagher x fem!reader
90s!damon albarn x fem!reader
summary : Y/n's life was nothing short of ordinary. She left her friends and family behind for her dad's job but soon made new ones.
warning : n/a
She was nineteen when she left Manchester. It wasn't even like she only moved to Blackpool or something, no her dad just had to get a job in Whitechappel !
Y/n waved goodbye from the brand new Ford's passenger seat, the boxes and bags of luggage taking up both the boot and the back seats. Her friends all waved back, the rotten group of council estate kids she been sibling tight with since as far back as she could remember, the rotten kids she'd been apart of her whole life. There was only one person missing.
"Ready to go ?"
The voice hid the pain. Three months ago you wouldn't think that this would be happening, nothing out of the ordinary would seem to be happening.
Her voice was pulled out to be more steady after her start of words,
"Yeah let's get goin' ."
Her bitten hands pulled the grey seatbelt over her torso and clicked it into the red buttoned slot.
He wasn't there when she needed him. The past few years that had been happening way to often.
So she got driven away. She left with her eyes locked on the pair of matching ice blue eyes as his younger brother waved her off.
The room echoed, a thud filling y/n's head. She rushed her way through the clusters of sweaty and drunk adolesence.
If it wasn't for it being Jess' party there would be no way in hell that she'd be here right now. She had been struggling to keep down stomach acid all week and the slightest bit of noise freaked her brain into acting as if someone was playing the drums in her head. Yet here she was, dolled up to the nines in the tightest and shortest dress she owned with a full face of makeup and her hair done. Her shoes where casual blue and white adidas.
Well, casual blue and white, vomit splattered adidas now.
Thats how Jessica found her, bent over next to the front garden gate throwing up onto Hazel's bloomed petunias.
"Oh y/n/n ! My mum's gonna kill me."
When the brunette twenty year old finally pulled her friend out of the flowers she scouldered her, only then did more yellow stomach acid poor itself on the other set of golden flower's Hazel had just finished planting the other week.
"I'm dead !"
By the time everyone had been kicked out of the house by the youngest Albarn it was just passed two am.
She threw herself on her single bed, y/n following after.
"Hey, if you wanna look on the brightside, you can always just blame it on Damon ?"
Jess pushed herself up to balance on her elbows, so she was able to glare at her friend.
"I'm next to positive that he's in London, why d'you think I held it tonight."
Y/n gave a groan, straightening her head to stare up at the popcorn ceiling again.
The entire of downstairs was covered in post-teen chaos residue. The girls had had the genius idea to put one of y/n's little brother's baby gates on the stairs which had somehow kept all the drunk idiots they called friends away.
"When d'your folks get in ?"
"Eight twenty."
Her brain wasn't ready to do maths yet but she was near positive that her body wouldn't be up by then if she felt asleep now.
So, y/n reluctantly pushed herself off of the duvet and back down the stairs, muttering to Jess that she can stay in bed and that she'll sort out the mess.
It took about two more hours to fully tidy the house and y/n was sure that the Albarn's neighbours where going to kill the twenty three year old for turning the hoover on at 4:30 am.
As she was about to lock the front door, the handle slid down and the white plastic cracked open. She felt her body jump out of it's skin but took a breath smothered in relief when a blonde haired twenty four year old peaked through.
He fully emerged when he found the lights to be on.
"What time d'ya call this young man ?"
The y/h/c girl gave a mocking tut after Damon had shut the door and was slipping his coat of.
He mustn't of noticed she was there because his body stumbled backwards and nearly onto the floor upon finding her standing in the open door's frame.
"Oh, right. Just you."
Damon picked himself up, scowling at the grinning woman.
"Don't you have your own house to get to ?"
"Aren't you a fully grown man sneaking into his parent's house at half four ? By the way, your mum and dad aren't back intill eight."
He gave a hum in reply, moving to the livingroom to sit down. His bag was thrown on the couch and he soon followed. It took Damon a minute before he looked around the room in confusion.
"It's tidy."
He gave y/n a bizzare look.
She followed his actions and flopped onto the same couch, falling into his side whilst he threw an arm over her shoulders.
"Pity, s'always fun to see Jess in a panic."
Y/n smacked his chest, a contrast from her other action where she nudged her head into the partition between his shoulder and neck.
"Don't be mean Albarn."
" 'm not being mean."
There was a wave of comfortable silence, the pair relaxing into each other as y/n's smudged eyelinered eyes fluttered shut. The moment ceased when she felt a callus finger drift over her cheek, waking her up a bit.
She was still half asleep and had completely forgotten she needed to change out of her clinging dress.
"You okay ? You're looking a bit peaky."
"Just tired."
Damon gave a laugh, he always loved when she was tired, her accent always came out thick.
One of the things he loved about her, her peculiar accent. Before she moved a few doors down four years ago, he'd never noticed how cute a manchester accent can be. She'd quickly faided it after living in Whitechappel for a year so he barely got to hear it, but when she was tired it always reappeared.
Y/n gave a disgruntled groan when she felt the body beside her move and ended up falling into the arm of the couch.
"Come on, bed."
She refused to move, throwing her legs up onto the rear of the seat and curling up into a ball, drifting off. Before she knew it, she was in Damon's arms and being carried up the stairs, having been dropped onto the floor for a moment as the man wrestled with the baby gate.
They sat together again, y/n crushed against Damon's side as she finished tidying up from another of Jessica Albarn's house parties.
"Coping 's my favourate still."
Their indepth, no out of limit chats at three in the morning. They happened for often than they used to, even though Damon was away more often and y/n was struggling with the life of an ordinary adult in England.
"Really ?"
She gave a hum at his question, turning so she was able to look in his eyes whilst they spoke. Damon dropped his hands so they relaxed around her hips and she opened her mouth to reply.
"It's lyrics are real, they're not a stor-"
The conversation was cut off by the front door opening.
Hazel appeared in the livingroom soon after and immediatly caught sight of the two mid-twenty year olds looking like deers caught in headlights.
Y/n pulled up her pyjama top which was dropping down and Damon slowly retracted his hand from it's resting spot of y/n's hip.
Before she could further her shock, Keith appeared in the doorframe, soon growing an equally as shocked expression.
His son with his daughter's best friend.
His son with the northen girl from down the road. Not that he had anything against y/n being from the North, but he wouldn't be overly-estatic if she were to date Damon.
"Urm, hello darling,"
Hazel tryed to disguise the shock she was dealing with at the moment,
"Where's Jess ?"
"Oh, she's upstairs. She got tired after the third movie."
"Oh, okay."
"Shouldn't you two be sleeping ?"
At Keith's question, Damon gave a scoff. Sometimes they forgot he was twenty six. Plus, he only got to visit home every few weeks, why would he spend the time sleeping.
"Yeah whatever. Come on tweedle dumb."
Damon found himself dragging the half asleep y/n up the stairs, her polka dot pyjama bottoms straping against the carpet as she stumbled behind him.
The next morning, well afternoon, y/n found herself doing a walk of shame down the road to her house. Three doors to pass and a handfull of parenys giving her dirty looks as they walked their children home from school and crossed paths with the pyjama clad twenty five year old who was walking barefoot.
As she clicked open the ocean blue painted front door, she found two pairs of unfamiliar shoes on the white carpet, next to her little brother's baby sized reeboks.
"Dad ! Sarah! I'm home."
Her shouts dragged out in a questioing tone and face was the perfect picture of utter confusion but her question was answered immediatly once she entered the living room.
Upon stepping past the silver line which sat awkwardly on the floor of the doorframe, y/n found two faces sat on the double couch. Two face which she hadn't seen in five or six years.
She let out a scream before running over to them, falling over the brothers as she tryed to hug them both. Y/n let go and Noel shifted over so she could sit between them.
"You didn't tell me they where coming !"
The woman scowled at her dad who was sat in the armchair across the room with a grin plastered on his face.
"If i'd of known, I could've delayed Jess' party last night so you can meet all me mates."
"Nice pyjamas by the way."
Y/n elbowed Liam after his comment causing the younger man to break out into laughter and Noel to grow a smile.
"Well they already-"
Y/n shot a discrete glare to her dad as he began to speak. Everyone knew you didn't bring Oasis and Blur up to the other band's members. You especially don't let on to the Gallagher brothers that the lead singer of Blur lives a few houses down from where they're sat.
"They're already familiar with what you look like in pyjamas, could barely ever get you home when we lived in Burnage."
He turned to look at Sarah after his juttery cover up,
"The boys lived on the same street and I think the sleepovers where endless."
"You cut me off me sleepover extravaganzers when I was fourteen."
Y/n rolled her eyes, complaining.
After about an hour of random conversation, catching up on each others lives since y/n left the estate and on the Burnage gossip, Sarah had to leave to go and do her shift at the local hospital and y/n's dad had to leave to go and visit her step-grandparents. Mikey, y/n's little brother, was sat on Liam's lap whilst the toddler attacked a small tub of playdoh. They had to look after him seeing how he couldn't go to work with his mum and his had a fear of his grandparent's boxer dog, understandable seeing how it bit him when he was one.
The kid had attatched himself to Liam after loosing his awkward shyness aroud the stangers who had suddenly appeared at his house. Y/n had her suspicions of it being because the twenty two year old was wearing a similar top to him.
When the parents left, y/n put a Billy Joel cd on as background music, much to Liam's distates.
"Y'know, down south's drove you soft y/n/n."
She rolled her eyes at him, Noel relaxing and throwing an arm over the girl's shoulder.
"Why, cause I ain't nickin' bikes from corner shops with yeh."
"Y'know what I mean."
"Drop it Liam."
Noel sent a glare over y/n's shoulder from his position relaxed against the couch back.
"Just saying."
Liam threw his hands up in defence, Mikey joining the conversation with a pouting lip.
"Y/n. I'm hungry !"
Her eyes flickered over to a clock which was dustily sat on the fireplace's white mantlepiece.
It made sence, it was three in the afternoon and he hadn't had anything to eat since breakfast seeing how the brothers turned up just before lunch, so she'd been told.
"Y' want beans an' toast ?"
A grin littered the three year old's face as he nodded enthusiastically at the suggestion, jumping off Liam's knee and dragging the man to follow his sister, who was heading in the direction of the kitchen. Noel followed after his brother, feeling awkward staying by himself.
The y/l/n's kitchen and dining room where connected so whilst y/n dashed in and out of kitchen cupboards to get the things needed for Mikey, Liam was dragged to sit at the six-seater table. Noel sauntered in behind his brother and leant against the counter, watching his friend quickly cook up the fine british cuisine for her little brother.
Mikey had started on his interigation question to Liam. He had finally come out of his shell and y/n was cringing at every mouth he spoke, begging the toaster to hurry up so she could find something to shut him up.
"So, how do you know y/n ?"
"Well, we grew up together in Manchester."
Mikey mimicked Liam's accent before laughing.
"I've been to Manchester before."
"Have you ?"
"Yeah. My daddy took me to go and watch City against Liverpool."
The Gallagher boys gave grins at the mention on their football team, but before either could strike up conversation, Mikey was onto his next question.
"Are you dating my sister ?"
Y/n nearly choked on Mikey's question, which was directed at Noel. Said manucunian had a uncomfortable expression on his face when Liam shifted to look at their reactions.
Y/n pratically threw the plate down infront of the toddler, handing him a set of green plastic cultery.
"Why don't you eat your food before it goes cold."
Mikey gave a nod and started eating the heinz beans in the center of his plate. The silence unfortunatly didn't last long.
"Because you where hugging before, and you had your arm over her."
"We're just friends."
Liam let out a snort, quickly apologising insencerly with laughter taking over him.
Soon y/n had re-distracted her brother with food and playdoh, giving her time to converse with her friends.
"Just friends ?!"
That was the first scoff off of Liam when Mikey had ran out of the room to go and grab one of his colouring books and felt tips.
"Couldn't prize youse two off of each other."
"Aight, well that where when we were kids Liam."
The conversation was immediatly ended when a scream was heard front near the front door.
In a panic, y/n ran towards where it sounded like Mikey was, she heard two sets of feet behind her as she dashed through the doorways.
He heart faltered in it's heavy pounding when she found the blonde vocalist who lived down the road in the doorway of the front door. Mikey was up in his arms, dramatically gesturing about something or the other.
Y/n assumed that the Gallagher brothers hadn't appeared behind her yet seeing how an outrage had occured.
"Dames ? Urm, what are you doing here ?"
The older man gave her a smile before pointing to the pair of bright white reeboks.
"Got them cleaned for you after last night."
She returned the smile, pulling him in for a quick hug and giving him a quick kiss whilst taking Mikey out of his arms and discretely opening the door. Her current task was to get rid of Damon before Liam and Noel saw or heard him, which she was surprised hadn't happen yet.
"Well i'll see yeh later Dames."
Before Damon could reply, the confused twenty six year old was push out onto the other side of the now closed, dark blue door.
Mikey had disappeared back into the livingroom when y/n turned back around. Noel was slouched against the doorframe, she looked to him, giving a soft smile to him.
Before she knew it, y/n was hugging Noel in a fashion which would suggest that they'd never lost contact.
"I'm realy sorry that I miss you leaving. Y'know that right ?"
The woman pulled herself against him more, resting her head on his shoulder whilst her arms where hidden by his black jacket he kept on at all times
Her responce was a hum before he let her go, turning her to face him.
"Look, the whole reason I came, other than feeling band 'cause i'm an arse who left y'. Look, we're goin' to the Brits next month and I know it's short notice, but I also know that you've always wanted t' go. So wanna go with us ?"
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better--oblivions · 2 years
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I GOTTA GIVE IT TO YOU (You Give Me Problems)
You've been friends with Eddie for a while now, and you've made your mind up to do something about it. You were willing to play nice, too, but then Eddie leaves you hanging too long after a Hellfire session. You have no choice but to make your displeasure known - and your pleasure felt.
18+ only, porn with exceedingly minimal plot, sub!Eddie MunsonxReader, 4.5k words(ish) Huge shout-out to @eravanaaaah for this stunninggggg header and for listening to me ramble before I actually wrote this. I owe you my life. Check out this song for vibes.
October, 1985
You know it’s impractical. You were aiming for an outfit that proclaimed Debbie Harry cool-girl chic, but Midwestern winters make no allowances for fashion. So now you’re forced to wrap your arms across your chest, hands stuck gracelessly under your armpits. You stamp the ground like an irritated pony, and then kick the van wheel for good measure. Eddie promised he’d be done with D&D by nine. It’s quarter past. Ordinarily, you’d cut your losses and go home. You never wait for a boy for more than fifteen minutes. But you’ve gone to the effort tonight, crimped your hair and sacrificed warmth for a short dress better suited to summer, torn tights and military boots. 
You could always skip out on Eddie. You could try your luck with a fake ID, go to a bar and let someone’s older brother buy you a beer. That’s what you were doing the first time you heard Corroded Coffin play, the wailing guitars and insistent drum spurring you on long after the amps had been packed away. Then, Eddie had the frontman glow that made him seem just on the border of unobtainable. It was that challenge which made you seek him out and tell him that, despite being the opener, his band was your favourite. Your forthright nature had collided head-on with his cocky attitude, and you left halfway through the next band’s set after Eddie called you a groupie. Alright, so it was a weird beginning to a friendship. And you’re about to make things a whole lot weirder, just as soon as Eddie meets you at his van, like he promised. 
“Shit, dude, I am so sorry!” 
Eddie even makes a show of jogging over to you, ducking his head as he reaches the van. Your eyebrow arches, mouth turned down in an expression of severe displeasure. 
“How sorry?”
“Uh, double pepperoni pizza sorry? Large, with jalapeños.” 
Even the mention of your pizza order, and the implied promise of free food, doesn’t change the fact you can’t feel your own nose right now. You sniff, as if to make this point.  “Your treachery goes beyond pizza, Munson. Way, way beyond.” 
“Aw, come on, don’t bitch me out, I swear it’s not my fault.”
“If this excuse includes the words paladin, nat 20, or dice, I will kill you here and now.”
Eddie has the decency to look apologetic, at least, rubbing his hand over the back of his neck and shrugging at you. There’s a pause, where you’re looking at him while he looks at the space by your shoulder, and you wonder how long you can keep up torturing him. But the wind sends leaves skittering over the ground like animals, and your skirt flutters against your legs. You take a presumptive step towards the passenger side of the van, and look back at Eddie over your shoulder. 
“The pizza place closes in, like, twenty minutes. You better put your foot to the metal if you’re planning on getting me my apology.”
Back at Eddie’s trailer, you sit on the couch with your legs stretched out. It’s largely a tactical decision, because the dress you’re wearing turned out to be more of a standing up outfit than a sitting down one, and you’re conscious of the way it rides up your thighs. The fiery bravado with which you’d tugged on torn tights and summer dress earlier in the evening has now spluttered into more of a kindling of defiance, and even that is growing dim. Eddie kicks the door shut behind him, arms full of pizza and bottles of coke and a tub of ice-cream. 
“Y’know, I’m not sure that being twenty minutes late is worth this much food,” he calls out as he tries to slide the load onto the already crowded counter. 
“You’re right,” you’re leaning your neck back against the couch, so roll your head slightly to the side to make sure he’s in your view when you open your eyes. “It’s definitely deserving of greater penance.” 
“Get off my ass, already!” The famous Munson temper rears its head, Eddie’s voice rising as he grips the counter. The sudden change in volume makes you jump, your limbs jerking like a puppet after its strings are cut. It’s embarrassing, and worse, it makes Eddie slump forward on his arms with a hang-dog expression. 
“Sorry. I’m sorry. Fuck, I’m such an asshole.” He tugs his hand through his hair, and you grit your teeth. This is part of your friendship; there’s the shared music taste and the in-jokes and the stupid nicknames, but then there’s the moodswings, the arguments. You wish, sometimes, that there wasn’t. But the truth is that you’re friends with each other because nobody else in this dumb little town is as impulsive, as excited, as interesting. So what if you’re both motormouths who get on each other’s nerves? At least you understand that about each other, which is more than you can say for everyone else in Hawkins. 
“Me too. Alright, so we’re assholes together. Cancels out, right? It’s, uh, algebra. Or chemistry.” You stand from the couch and make your way to the counter. Eddie’s still half bent over the pizza boxes, and you bump into him with your shoulder. “If I find one of your hairs in my pizza, I’ll give you a buzz cut. Again.”
He tries to form a smile. You watch as he does his best to pull himself back into place, to be the court jester and not the sad boy. You both hate raised voices; it reminds you of fuck-up fathers and short-tempered lovers. Of course, that doesn’t stop either of you from resorting to yelling. You rest your palm against his forearm, knowing that beneath his leather jacket the muscles will be coiled tight. 
“Hey, come on. Stop being a sad sack of shit and pick a movie. I had to flirt with Steve Harrington to get him to rent me three tapes at once. They’re like goddamn Kommandants at Family Video, I swear to God.” 
Eddie seems as tense as a strung bow, holding himself still for a moment longer before relenting. He doesn’t shrug off your touch, but you release him anyway, so he can check out the VHS tapes you’ve been lugging around in your bag all evening. 
“Sure, what’s the selection tonight?”
“For your pleasure and delectation, Master Munson -” you suck in a breath as his eyes flick over you. It’s only after you start tugging at your skirt that you feel like an idiot, and then revert to smoothing it down with your palms. “We have your first contender: a film straight from London, starring Timothy Dalton and Twiggy. It’s got Victorian British people, it’s got grave robbing, it’s got a perfectly acceptable run-time of one hour and thirty-three minutes.” 
“Alright, alright. Grave-robbing Brits. What else?”
“If Burke and Hare don’t tickle your fancy, we’ve got - actually great question, what have we got?” You cross the space between the kitchen and the living room and drop to your knees, pulling the second video out of your bag and flipping it so you can read the back. “Charley Brewster is a normal, average teenager living with his divorced mother in the suburbs. One evening, Charley looks out his window and sees his new neighbors moving in the next door who appear to be carrying what looks like a coffin.”  You look up from the synopsis on the back of the tape, waiting for Eddie’s reaction. 
“Vampires, classic. Okay. And the final option?”
You set aside the Fright Night video and reach into your bag for the last of your picks, holding it up for Eddie to see. “Xtro.”
“Xtro.” He repeats. 
“The same Xtro we watched three weeks ago and which you got so stoned during that you fell asleep and left me to sit through alone?”
You glance between Eddie and the tape in your hand. “Huh. No wonder it looked familiar.” 
“Christ sake, sugar, this whole movie thing was meant to improve your taste, not pollute mine with campy horror and shitty sci-fi.” 
“You like sci-fi!” Indignation forces your voice up an octave, and you gesture with the video to emphasise your point. 
“I like good sci-fi, not this shit!” 
You’re back to bickering over the merits of your choices, which means that Eddie is back to normal and your evening is back on track. You breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that Eddie will interpret it as part of your current debate, and relax into the familiar routine. 
You’re halfway through Fright Night, (“A compromise,” Eddie said, somehow still attractive despite sneering at the video), when you notice it. The majority of the plot has escaped you, because Eddie skinned up a joint during the opening credits and you demanded he share. Blanketed in the soft, cozy high, with pizza boxes abandoned in front of you and the smell of Eddie’s cologne seeping into your thoughts, while his arm rests casually over the back of the sofa, you’re aware that right now you’re almost painfully close to his warm skin. You lean against him, your full weight, allowing your eyes to shut for a moment. Before he can complain at being left to watch a movie alone, you force yourself upright and grab the remote to press pause. 
“Hey, what’re you doing? You kidding me?” Even the sound of his irritation doesn’t phase you. 
“You don’t even like this movie, shut up.” And then, because you can feel him building up to a rant about how you smoke too much and get too high, you carry on. “You know something, Eddie? You’re cute. How come we’ve been friends for so long and you never made a move on me?” Your hands trail over his chest as you pull back to look at him. He’s sitting very, very still. 
“Sugar, you’re high-” 
“I said, shut up.” You tug on his hair to emphasise your point, because so what if you’re high? So is he. 
“You asked me a question.”
“You got an answer?” You watch as he bites his lip, your focus entirely on his mouth as heat slowly grows between your legs. This is the real reason you dressed like Debbie Harry tonight, and the reason you waited for him to finish his D&D session, and the reason you couldn’t finish the pizza you ordered. Because you promised yourself that tonight, you’d tell Eddie how you felt. You just needed a little green courage beforehand. 
“Because we’re friends. I’m not just trying to get into your pants. Gimme some credit, I can be friends with girls without trying to score.” 
“What if a girl was trying to score with you?”
Eddie meets your gaze, and you’re delighted by the pink blush spreading across his features. You watch as his gaze dips down to your mouth and back up to your eyes, a smile slowly pulling at your lips. 
“Are you?” His voice is all uncertainty; raspy and whispered. It doesn’t matter if his pupils are blown wide from the weed or the moment, because he looks so fucking pretty. It’s this thought that orchestrates your next move, along with the haze cloaking your brain in warmth, and the fact that you’ve been imagining variations of this since you met Eddie. You slide into his lap, steadying yourself with your hands on his shoulders. Through the thin fabric of his Hellfire tee, you can feel the muscles roll under his skin as his hands cover your waist. 
“Okay, this is happening,” he mumbles it to himself, and you feel your smile growing. At this angle, he’s forced to look up at you for once, and you enjoy the sight. You enjoy it so much that you can feel your arousal growing already, half of your consciousness pulled down towards the slick sensation between your legs. 
He’s worrying at his lip again, and you reach out, swiping your thumb over his lower lip and stopping him before he makes it bleed. With the pad of your thumb pressed up against his mouth, you can feel the shaky breath he releases before he nods. 
“Good.” Before, with boyfriends, you accepted their disjointed fumbles. You’d lie on your back and stare at their popcorn ceiling while they pressed insistently at the flesh of your thigh, sticking their tongue into your mouth. Here, perched in Eddie’s lap with his lips slowly parting around your thumb, you feel a prickle climb up your spine which is utterly new and which wipes clean any lingering doubt from your mind.
When you lean down and replace your thumb with your mouth, you feel Eddie press up against you. His hands grip the divot of your waist, his chin tilted up to get the best angle. You can feel him adjusting how he’s sitting beneath you, and you tense your legs against him. Kissing Eddie is like everything you imagined it would be, right down to the way you tuck his hair behind his ears and tangle your fingers in the curls by the nape of his neck. A noise catches in his throat, and you pull back from the kiss. You hadn’t really planned past the point where you got your lips on his, impulsive as ever, but now he reaches up and pulls you down to deepen the kiss again. His tongue flicks behind your teeth and you imagine it over the shell of your ear, your neck, between your breasts and lower still. It makes you grind down against him, the fabric of his jeans rough against your tights. In response, he matches your rhythm. He groans into your open mouth and you smile around the sound, finally pulling away. 
He breathes out your name, reaching up to caress your cheek, but you grab his hand and tangle your fingers together, forcing him to lower his arm. He tilts his head, and you squeeze your thighs against him. 
“I didn’t figure this was how you liked to do it.”
“And, fuck.” He stops himself, eyes fluttering shut while you rock against the hard length under his jeans. 
“We could.”
You’re not sure whose idea it was, but you’re glad to lose your tights. Eddie is still beneath you, lying on the floor of the trailer’s living room while you straddle him. He presses his lips to the inside of your thigh, and you feel yourself pulsing in answer. Even though his face is obscured by the skirt of your dress, you can picture the self-satisfied look on his face and it makes you buck your hips in anticipation. That, and the fact you can feel his hot breath creeping up towards your panties.  His hands cradle your ass as you try to slide your knees apart, eager to feel his mouth on you. When it finally comes, you feel him pressing open-mouthed, desperate kisses through the material of your underwear. 
“So goddamn wet,” he mumbles against you, and you know he’s pleased. You could reach back and palm him through his jeans, but you don’t want to. This is your victory, and you’re claiming it. You’re going to claim it all night long. This isn’t like kissing Eddie, which was exactly as you planned and as delicious as you envisioned. This is off-script, this is hedonistic, this is all warm fire in your veins and ice sliding down your spine. You don’t care that you’re squirming on Eddie’s face on the floor of his uncle’s trailer, you don’t mind the half-formed noises that are escaping your mouth. 
In fact, you’re pretty sure Eddie is enjoying the moans tumbling past your lips. Because he swirls his tongue over your clit, through your underwear, and then laps against you with flat, broad strokes. Each time he flicks past your clit, it sends another jolt of pleasure through your body, and you tangle your hands into his hair to keep him in place as you circle your hips. When he pulls away, the cold air mingles with the wetness and makes you shiver. He flips up your skirt, peering up at you to ask for permission as his hands play with the waistband of your panties. In a wordless reply, you pull your dress over your head. 
“Fuck, no bra? Slut.” 
“Bold words from the man with his face in my cunt,” you parry. 
“Technically, my face is in your panties, sugar. But your wish is my command.”
“Then take them off.” You look down at him while he quirks an eyebrow, his quick, calloused fingers tugging at the waistband. “With your teeth,” you clarify. 
There’s a pause where you think he might not, but then he wiggles his shoulders and returns his hands to your ass to get the angle right. The nip of his teeth against your skin as he gains purchase against the flimsy fabric sends another surge of arousal through you. You take over yourself, pulling them off and shoving them away before pushing him back down. 
Without the barrier between his tongue and your skin, the sensations are greater. Each time he presses against your clit, you shudder. He looks devoted, staring up at you as you move against his mouth, his rhythm switching up at the perfect moment to urge you onward. First, he’s slow, kissing your clit and delicately flicking his tongue to taste inside, but he picks up the pace and coaxes you onwards with insistence. There’s a pressure growing at the base of your skull, your thoughts completely blank, all your focus centring on the warmth of his mouth against you. The movement of your hips becomes erratic, and you’re worried about hurting him but not enough to stop. As if reading your mind, he grips you with firm hands and pulls you down into his touch, the press of his tongue tipping you into climax. When you cum, it’s like stars burst behind your vision. He doesn’t stop as your hips slow, but he matches your rhythm as you climb down from the blank slate of pleasure he brought you to. The sight of him, with wetness and spit smeared over his mouth and chin, his eyes impossibly dark, makes you throb. 
By the time you actually make it to his bedroom, he’s finally shed his clothes and you’re aching to feel him inside you. Naked and sweaty despite the growing chill in the trailer, he pulls you towards him. 
“We don’t have to  - like, I can spend the rest of the night with you riding my face and I’ll be fucking grateful. If you’d prefer.” 
You trail your nails against his skin, over his erect nipples and down towards his cock. You follow the trail of hair, watching as he twitches in anticipation. You pause for just a second before you take him in your hand, tightening your grip and swiping your thumb over the head of his cock. He hisses, eyes narrowing. 
“I’d prefer you inside me.”
The bones in your hand jump as he twitches again, but he makes no move towards the bed. You meet his gaze and realise, with shock and pleasure, that he’s waiting for you to order him. You’ve dated boys who liked it the other way; they’d tell you to get on your knees, or to open wide, thrusting into you with haphazard, selfish strokes. You never considered turning the tables so completely. But why not? You started this, after all, and Eddie’s been happy enough to follow your lead. Is it really such a shock that he’s bending to your will now? A smile grows on your mouth and you release him from your grip, only to push him roughly to the mattress. 
“You’re going to lie down, and I’m gonna ride you,” you inform him. 
“Please.” You’re not sure if he meant it to come out like a whine, but it does and you like it. 
“But first I want to watch you.” You stand in his room, in a halo of trailer park lights seeping through the blinds, and it would be surreal if not for the very real sound of his mattress creaking as he angles himself. He’s pressed up against the wall, one hand loosely around his cock, his eyes still on you. 
“You think about me?” 
He nods. 
“You think about doing this with me?”
He nods again. 
“Say it.” 
“I think about doing this with you.”
“Good. Show me what you do when you think about doing this with me.”
He starts slow, his eyes still on you as he strokes up and down the length of his shaft. He angles his hips upwards, the sheen of sweat over his skin making him look like something otherworldly. The low light accentuates the shadows of his jaw, his nose, the space where his hips stand out sharp against the flat plains of his body. The dark mound of hair that spreads out over his thighs and across his torso are in sharp contrast with his pale skin and the freckles you know are littered across his arms and shoulders. As he speeds up, his whines become open-mouthed, breathy moans. You want to hear that sound in your ear. You want him under you, inside you,  you want to crowd his senses and hear him sighing out your name. The sound of his arousal goes straight to your core, and you lose patience.
“Put a condom on.”
“Condom. Now.” 
He scrambles for the bedside table, pulling out a condom and sliding it over his cock as you finally approach the bed. It’s not just the sight and sound of him; it’s the knowledge that he’s thought about this too. He’s imagined you, and you’ve imagined him imagining you. Distantly, you’re aware of the desire to know how many times, how often, what exactly he pictures when he touches himself. But those are questions for later. Right now, he’s waiting for you to ride him. 
When you slide down on him, he chokes out a curse that you can’t make out. It’s half swallowed as he fists the bedsheets., his brow furrowing. You stroke his cheek, slowly adjusting to the feeling of him. He’s stretching you out in the most sublime way, you can feel him pressing into you and you know he’s doing his best to hold back from moving while you settle against his length. 
“You’re so good, Eddie,” you croon at him and he looks at you with hopeful, agonised eyes. “So good. You’re perfect.” 
“Yeah?” He breathes the question out as you tilt forward, pressing a hungry kiss to his mouth. You can still taste yourself on his lips and tongue, and you want to lick every last part from him. You fantasise that you can taste his eagerness, his pleasure, mixed with the physical proof of your own. As you do, you start to rock against him. It’s like when you made out on the coach but now you can feel the velvety heat of his cock inside you, his skin pressing against yours. His hands are on your shoulders as you writhe on top of him, experimenting to find the best rhythm. As you slot against each other, he bends his knees and grants you better access. The angle is transcendent, and you move now with certainty. He follows your lead, copying your rhythm as you pull pleasure with every movement of your hips. You don’t care about the animal sounds coming out of your mouth, but you’re getting close to the edge with the noises Eddie makes. He sighs and groans, muttering half-words and curses. 
“Let me hear you.”
He increases the volume, his moans deep and panting. You tighten your muscles in response, and it urges him on, louder. Every time his breath catches and he shudders against you, you echo him with your own encouraging sounds. The way he smiles is charming, even now while he’s trying not to cum and swallowing down his own gasps. You grip his chin in your hand, kissing him hard enough to bruise as your hips slam together. And then you trail kisses and bites past his mouth and to his jaw, down the column of his neck and onto the skin of his shoulder. The hickey that you leave is a raw, royal purple, and you clench at the sight of it when you pull away. 
“I’m gonna cum,” Eddie sounds hoarse as he says it, and you slow your pace slightly. “Please don’t stop, fuck, goddamn, please.” 
“Cum for me, Eddie.” There’s a hallucinatory edge to the pleasure that’s been building, and you know that you’re close too. “I want you to cum for me and I want to hear you say it’s for me. Say it. Say it for me.” 
“I’m cumming for you,” Eddie stutters out between gritted teeth as his hips jacknife upwards. You press back down against him, losing yourself into the depth of the feeling as you both chase your climaxes. When he comes, he makes a strangled noise that urges you towards your peak. You yelp as it cuts through you, hot and cold and fierce and shaking as your muscles tighten and relax in rapid succession. Eddie holds you as you shudder out the end of your orgasm, peppering your slick skin with delicate kisses. 
Afterwards, you’re lying in a tangle of limbs and bemoaning the cold pizza you left on the other side of the trailer. 
“There’s no pleasing you,” Eddie groans, dragging a hand over his face. 
“That’s not true. I was very, very happy just now.” You say it because it’s true, and also to watch the pink glow climb from Eddie’s chest to the tips of his ears. 
“Yeah, well. That’s what happens when you’re in charge, I guess.” He flips onto his side, one calloused finger mapping the freckles and scars and stretch marks over your skin. “You know, I always knew you were fuckin’ bossy, but I never thought you’d be like it in the sack. I should’ve known. You’re a straight-up ball buster.” 
“And you liked it, so what does that say about you, bitch boy?” 
“That I’m your bitch boy?” 
You’re not sure how he makes it a question, or how he can call himself a bitch while looking devilishly delighted at the prospect. But you dig your nails into his muscular arm and pull him closer, claiming his mouth with yours while he hovers over you. 
“That’s fuckin’ right,” you grin. “You’re mine.”
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transias · 3 years
Hello!! I saw your taking requests and I was wondering if you could write a johnny x reader where the reader is related to kreese maybe he's their uncle or godfather anyways one day kreese has the reader there with him to show them off and johnny connect's dots that there related , Its okay if you dont wanna write it I love your writing btw💕
An Unexpected Surprise.
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Pairings: Johnny Lawrence x Godchild Kreese!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death
A/N: Thank you so much, y'all are so sweet oml! will always be more than happy to write for all of you, so don't even worry about it <3
My parents had died about two weeks ago. Everything happened so quickly, I barely had time to process it.
It wasn't like I could put my life on pause for a moment. If my parents were here I know they would probably say something like, "(Y/n), keep going. You got this, life goes on no matter what happens. What matters is that you're brave enough to fight back and continue."
And that's what I was planning to do.
"(Y/n)?" A voice called out, pulling me away from my thoughts.
I look up and smile softly, "Kreese, it's so nice to see you!"
"Hey kiddo." He greets, "I haven't seen you in forever, you've grown up so much!" Kreese ruffles my hair, "I'm so sorry about your parents, how are you feeling?"
I shrug, "I don't know. I'm still processing it but i'm fine, it'll all be okay. Right?"
He nods, a smile curling onto his lips, "It will. Now come on, we have a drive ahead of us." He places his hand on my back, guiding me out to the car.
Kreese and I talked about settling into California, what I liked to do, and his job as a Karate Sensei.
"You know, (y/n). We could use someone as strong and wise like you in Cobra kai." He says.
I furrow my eyebrows, "You really think so?"
Kreese nods, "Yes. My students are all brawn but no brain, well maybe except one of them." He chuckles, "He's my best student, I think you'll get along with him."
I think about it for a moment. Me? Karate? A minute of silence goes by before I sigh, "Alright, i'll join you."
Kreese smiles widely before ruffling my hair, "'Attakid."
The next morning we went out for breakfast, got enrolled at a nearby school, bought a couple of things I needed, and basically helping me settle into California.
It was not a little late in the afternoon and I sigh, looking out the window. "How would you describe the kids here?"
Kreese looks up from the television then back to me, "Annoying."
I scoff a little, "Well that's helpful."
"I don't know, (y/n). I'm old! It's not like I can roll up to the skate park and just say, "how do you do, fellow kids?"" Kreese replies.
I chuckle and shake my head, "Fair enough. Plus you're a Sensei so i'm sure being in charge of a bunch of kids and teenagers isn't so much fun."
He nods before looking at the time, "You know what? There's this place that all my students go to hang out in. Golf n' Stuff, I think it's called? Anyways, why don't you go over there and try and get acquainted with some of the kids?"
"Yeah! That'd be awesome!" I stand up, grabbing my jacket and a bit of money I had saved up.
"You need me to give you a ride there?" Kreese asks. I shake my head, "I'll take my bike so I can also try and get familiar with the streets." I smile at him.
"Alright, just make sure to be back home by 10:30!" He added. I nod, "Got it, see ya!"
I lock down my bicycle at the racks, taking a deep breath before walking into the place.
Loud noises from chattering and machines filled my ear, I was somewhat regretting this already but screw it, I had nothing to lose.
Grabbing some tokens for a few of the arcade machines, I step up to the Donkey Kong machine. I quickly start tapping on the controls and avoiding the barrels he'd throw at my character.
"Shit!" I mumble, losing the game. I turn around and see a boy with blonde hair, staring at me along with two of his friends.
I furrow my eyebrows before making my way off to another game, I can still feel their eyes staring at me and before I knew it, the blonde boy was next to me, a smirk on his lips.
"Hey i've never seen you around here before, are you new?" He asks, leaning on the wall. I nod, "Yeah, I just moved here yesterday to live with my Godfather." I reply, "The name's (y/n) (y/l/n). Nice to meet you...?"
"Oh, i'm Johnny Lawrence!" He replies, "(Y/n), that's a lovely name for a lovely person like you."
I chuckle and I can feel my cheeks warm up, "Is that something you say to all of the people you flirt with?"
Johnny shakes his head, "Nope, only with majestic people such as yourself."
"You flatter me, Lawrence."
"Well, I assume you're here alone. Would you like to hang out with me?" He offers. I nod, "Yes, please! That would be lovely."
The entire night is incredible, Johnny and I played on the arcade games, mini golf, and he even tried winning me a stuffed animal from the crane machine but unfortunately fails.
"Let me try!" I step up onto the machine.
"I don't know, babe. It's a little difficult."
I aim for a giraffe stuffed animal and successfully winning the animal, I lean down to reach for my prize and look over at Johnny who looks amazed.
"Here, a little prize as a thank you for being so kind to me, tonight." I hand it over to him.
He chuckles softly and shakes his head, "You're incredible."
I look over at the time and it's 10:21, my eyes widen and I quickly walk outside with Johnny.
I begin to unlock my bike, "I'm so sorry! I have to be home in nine minutes! But thank you for tonight, it was so lovely."
"Wait!" Johnny exclaims, placing a kiss on my cheek, "I hope to see you again, (y/n)."
There goes that not so familiar yet wonderful feeling fluttering in my stomach. "See you around, Lawrence!" I wave goodbye at him, quickly biking back home and making it a minute before my curfew.
Monday rolls around and so does school and my first lesson at Cobra Kai.
I'm grabbing my books out of the locker when all of a sudden I feel a pair of hands on my shoulder, "Nice to see you again, stranger." A familiar voice rings.
I turn around and see a smiley Johnny, "Johnny, hey! I didn't know you also went here." I smile at him.
"It's a small world, isn't it?" He raises his eyebrow, "So, I realized that I never got your number! This weekend was a little torturing since you were on my mind the entire time but I couldn't call and hear you sweet voice."
I chuckle, "Smooth, Lawrence. And fine, you can have my number." I pull out a piece of paper and write my number on it, handing it to him.
The bell rings and soon everyone is leaving, "I'll call you, see you later!" He waves, I wave goodbye before trying to find my first class.
Later on, I grab my bike and make my way to Cobra Kai earlier than most of the students.
I push the door and see Kreese, practicing a few moves before I clear my throat and catch his attention. "(Y/n), welcome to Cobra Kai! I have something for you."
I remove my shoes before walking onto the mat and closer to him, he pulls out something white and I gently take it from his hands, "This is my uniform, right?" I ask. "It's called a Gi. You will wear this during class so make sure you always bring it, got it?" He crosses his arms.
I nod, "Yes!"
"Yes what?"
"Sir?" I furrow my eyebrows.
"It's Sensei, not sir, not Kreese. Sensei."
"Yes Sensei!"
I change into the Gi and walk outside to see a group of teenagers gathered around the mat.
A familiar face catches my attention and I wave over at him, "Johnny, hey!" I smile.
He excuses himself from his friends and walks over to me, "Hey! What are you doing here?" He asks.
"Oh, my Godfather asked me to join Cobra Kai. I'm not looking forward to getting my ass kicked though." I chuckle.
Johnny nods, "Don't worry, i'll help you out."
"Lawrence! I see you've met my Godchild." Kreese exclaims, walking over to us.
Johnny furrows his eyebrows before finally realizing, "Oh- yes, Sensei, I did!"
A nervous look forms on Johnny's face and Kreese walks closer to us, "Everything okay?"
Johnny gulps, "Yeah! This is just an unexpected surprise. That's it."
"Everyone! This is my Godchild, (y/n). They will start training with us and I expect you to treat them as one of your own. Is that clear?" Kreese announces.
"Yes Sensei!" The class replies.
"So, that was quite unexpected." I hear Johnny state.
I nod, "Yeah, i'm guessing you're that 'best student' he mentioned to me."
"Oh jeez, this complicates things a little. Do you think Sensei will kill me if I ask you out on a date?"
I pause and look over at him, "You were gonna ask me out?"
Johnny nods, "I'm still planning on it." He smirks and walks closer to me, "I think you're worth the risk."
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bowdownbucky · 3 years
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part 2 <3
summary: you have an encounter with your best friend’s brother bucky!
pairing: innocent! reader x college! bucky
warnings: cursing, asshole! steve rogers, kissing, drug use, oral (female receiving) fingering.
your heart began to beat heavily, bucky didn’t care that his sister was outside of the door but you started to feel guilty. this was so wrong of you and you didn’t even want to look at yourself. “you better answer her sweethear, she’s not gonna leave.” bucky taunts you, he hand trails your stomach, groping your breasts hard. “uh-im almost finished, i h-had to ohhh.” you slap you hand over your mouth, bucky smirks as he pinches you nipple again.
“what?” rebecca moved closer to the door. “are you okay? i’m coming in.” your eyes widens, you pushed bucky away and slowly cracked the door. “i’m f-fine, the um…pizza! the pizza went down the wrong hatch.” you lie. rebecca’s face screws up. “ew i did not need to know that y/n” you watch as she walks into her room. you close the door, leaning your head back onto the wooden frame.
you closed your eyes and hoped that this was all a dream, that you didn’t actually kiss your best friends brother. you slowly open your eyes only to meet a pair of blue eyes, bucky laughs at you. “went down the wrong hatch? seriously?” you cross your arms in front of your chest. “well what was i supposed to say, sorry can’t talk now i’m making out with your brother. she’s kill me!” you exclaim, you ran your hands down your face in an irrational manner. this was too much for you and bucky didn’t see anything wrong with it.
“would you chill out? here take a hit, it will make you feel better.” bucky offers the small bud once more, you smack it out of his hand. “do you always solve your problems with weed!” you hiss. his eyes were low, he watched as the joint flew onto the ground. you hitch your breath realizing what you did, you see his tongue rub his lower lip. you almost melt at the sight.
“your gonna regret the doll.” he seethes into your ear. he pushes you against the door, you let out a yelp but he covers your mouth. “i know a way you can make it up to me, and you are gonna make it up to me. you know why baby?” you shake your head. “because you don’t want to get on my bad side. i would hate to ruin that innocence of yours.” he whisperers, he hands managed to find their way to you ass, giving it a light squeeze before letting you go.
you move from the door and he exits the bathroom, leaving you alone with your thoughts. you could barely comprehend what happened let along what he meant by his bad side. you grabbed the nail polish remover and walk back to rebecca room. “finally! you took forever.” you mumble a small sorry and sat on her bed, she lends you her hand and you get to work on her nails, she chose a peach color and wanted you to add a french tip, such a classic.
as you continue painting her nails she squeals making you mess up the curved line. “becca! your nails!” you groan. “i don’t care! why didn’t you tell me?” you tilt your head confusingly. “you and steve hooked up and you didn’t tel me?!” you eyes go wide. “what! no! where did you get that from?” you ask her. she huffs. “no, no, no, no don’t try to act all innocent! you and chris did it and there is evidence on your neck. i rest my case.” you rush off the bed and check your neck, you internally face palm seeing dark purple marks all over your neck.
“i had no idea steve was like that. i guess i have to stop making fun of him now.” she chuckles. “just taking me home my ass! so how was it? was he big? why arent you giving me details.” rebecca whines, kicking her feet in her bed. you ignored her and attempted to kneed out the hickies. as you run the marks you notice bucky staring at you from his room door, you could practically feel his smirk as you watched his reflection go back to his room. you heart raced as you tried to come up with an excuse.
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“it’s no big deal i just burnt myself with a straightener.” you curse to yourself knowing she wouldn’t fall for that. “fine don’t tell me! i’m going to sleep, all this secrecy has made me tired.” rebecca yawns, you hoped she wouldn’t ask you about the hickey again because lying was never your forte. you lie in the large bed, clouded in your own thoughts.
did he like you? was he just messing with you? you had so many assumptions of why he kissed you, what bothered you the most was that you had steve. steve was a jock and you were an outcast, you didn’t know how it would work. even though you and steve hadn’t officially said you were together, you still respected him and wanted to be faithful.
the next morning at school, you kept your head down and didn’t talk to anyone for the most part. no one really seems to notice because you were kind of a nobody. you sat in your forensics class, jotting down notes here and there. you stop writing when you feel a hand creep up your thigh. you turn your head toward steve, he kept a straight face and didn’t acknowledge how unamused you were.
“what are you doing?” you whisper. steve’s hand tries to travel up your skirt but you close your legs firmly. “steve!” he turns to you. “we’re in the middle of class.” you point out. “i’m sorry you know i can’t resist you baby. let me make it up to you but taking you out after homecoming.” you hault yourself as you almost roll your eyes at him. steve could be pushy sometimes especially when it came to losing your virginity to him. you hated that rebecca told him that, now he wouldn’t leave you alone.
“oh really.” you say pretending to be intrigued. “the guys and i bought hotel rooms for tonight and we get to bring a special girl along. and you know since your my favorite girl, i thought we could go together and have fun. go swimming, watch movies, kiss, cuddle, the whole nine and maybe some other stuff if you want.” you remove his hand from your thigh and continue writing notes. “i told you steve i’m not ready for that stuff yet.”
steve huffs, returning back to the lesson. your virginity wasn’t something that you kept sacred but you wanted you first time to be meaningful and steve hadn’t even asked you to be his girlfriend yet so your answer would always be no if he asked. when school ended you took the bus home, you quickly packed a bag full of makeup, hair supplies and your clothes for homecoming. you checked the time, almost cursing yourself seeing how you were going to be late to rebecca’s house.
you ran as fast as you could to the barnes’ house, you could practically feel the lecture rebecca was going to give you. luckily, you live a few blocks down from the barnes so it wouldn’t be too long of a walk/run. when you arrived at the barnes’ you quickly rang the doorbell. the door opens’ revealing a shirtless bucky who looked like he just got out of the shower. “can i help you?” he smirks looking down on you.
“becca t-told m-me to come, for homecoming.” you gulped attempting to maintain eye contact. his couldn’t help but peek at his glistened abs, you really hoped he didn’t catch on to you checking him out. before he could let out a snarky comment rebecca came gritting down the stairs with curlers in her hair. “there you are! y/n your late and we only have three hours to get ready.” you pushed pass bucky and ran up the stairs.
bucky watched at how nervous you were, it was like the fuel he ran on. rebecca closed her door and pushes you onto her vanity chair. “please tell me i have creative freedom tonight!” rebecca pleads with her big blue eyes staring at you. you sigh and nod. she kisses your forehead before beginning your makeup.
after a few hours of prodding, poking, blending, and brushing, rebecca finally finished your makeup and hair. normally you wouldn’t wear makeup because you didn’t know how to do it very well but when you did have it on you truly looked like a princess. “now carefully get into your dress y/n, i swear to god if you mess up an eyelash i will kill you.” she threatens you with her high pitched voice. you removed your jeans and shirt revealing your body, you quickly unzipped the dress as you start to compare your body to rebecca’s. becca was tall and slim while you were a little curvy. you had a small tummy with stretchmarks and she had a flat tummy with a slender waist. your best friend was beautiful and you didn’t want to see mom jealous, so you put up a front and delt with it.
you and rebecca were finally dressed, rebecca looked stunning in her white and pink dress. with the help of rebecca and mrs.barnes, you had pick a pale green dress, the curve of the dress fit you like a glove. the creases on the dress made you look more mature and sexier. you were never use to being sexy so the look on your face made rebecca freak out. “you totally hate it, i knew we should’ve gone with the black dress.” you shake your head. “n-no! it looks…great. thank you becks.” the door opens, your heart quickens when you meet a pair of bright eyes. you noticed bucky had put on a shirt, a part of you were bummed out. “would it kill you to knock! we’re girls who need privacy!” rebecca yells. bucky didn’t give his sister the time of day, his eyes were fixated on you. you felt self conscious as he stared at you long and hard. “mom and dad are going to a banquet dinner in manhattan. they won’t be back until tomorrow.” he tells rebecca. she crossed her arms in confusion. “what? no! i was supposed to have the car tonight. how the hell are we supposed to get to hoco?” rebecca flings her arms up dramatically.
bucky chuckles at his sister’s agony. “wait!” you spoke up as bucky was about to walk away. “c-can y-ou drive us?” you ask quietly. rebecca pulled your arm. “are you crazy? do you know what people say if we shows up to homecoming in a pickup truck?” rebecca vocalized. you couldn’t care less what people had to say, you just wanted and excuse to be see bucky. “becca this is important to you and even you said yourself we had to be there under any circumstances.”
rebecca whines. “fine but you’re dropping us off a block away. i need to retouch my hair, you’ve made me stress away the curls.” you watched as she pushes past bucky, leaving the two of you. you stare at him for a second then turn around, attempting to act uninterested. “you know you should skip this whole homecoming thing altogether.” bucky told you. “what! no, this is important to becca and i promised her i’d be there.” you felt his presence behind you, your back was pressed to his front. “come on doll, you never seemed like the type to be into this stuff anyway. i have a few places we could go instead. wouldn’t that be way more fun.” he was baiting you and hell, you were falling for it very hard. he pushed your hair to the side, laying a kiss on your shoulder. his hand cupped your waist, pulling you as close as you could get.
his pressed more kisses up your neck, he liked testing you, he would make you beg for it if you gave him the chance. “c’mom dollface, don’t you wanna have fun with me?” you almost gave him a nod but refrained. “i should go help rebecca, see you in a few james.” you walk away smiling to yourself, you won this round of the game but best believe, bucky was going to win the next level.
you sat in between bucky and rebecca once more, y’all were currently picking up nathan and steve, your dates for the evening. “you look beautiful beck.” nathan smiles at his girlfriend. rebecca left you in the front with bucky so she could kiss her boyfriend more. steve walks to the front car door but bucky locks him out. “hey man, open the door.” steve groans. the two had seem to have history and now you were going to be in between it. “you know the rules big guy, no douches in the front seat.” bucky smirks. “then why are you sitting up here asshole?” steve sarcastically jokes. rebecca huffed from the back, leaning in the front of the seat. “hey dickheads, we don’t have time for this, have your cat fight after hoco. let’s go!” she demands. steve huffs, taking a seat next to the couple who had no problem with pda.
the ride to the school was pretty silent except for the rock music playing from the radio. you stared out of the window, you could tell bucky was mad because of how tight he was holding the steering wheel, his knuckles were almost white from the tight grip. suddenly, his hand was on your thigh. your eyes widened, you quickly look back to make sure no one saw what was happening. “what are you doing?” you whisper. he doesn’t say anything to you, his hand stays on your thigh and his eyes stay on the road but you could still see the smirk on his face. you tried to push his his hand away but he only moves it higher, almost touching your core. you didn’t want to play games anymore, you were never built for them, you open your legs up more, instead of doing what you wanted, he removed his hand. “alright guys, have a good night.” rebecca and nathan were the first ones to leave the truck. steve exits the truck and stands by youre window. “you coming?” you nod to him. “i’ll be out in a second.” steve walks away from the window, bucky bursts out into laughter.
you throw a punch at his arm but he doesn’t flinch at you. “thats not funny! you’re so mean.” you pout. “no what’s funny is you actually going out with steve.” you eye him in confusion. steve was a good guy, he could be a little pushy but that was just high school boys. “he’s nice and he asked me to go with him. i really don’t see what’s funny bucky.”
“you think just because the guy asked you to a dance, he suddenly changes his player ways. i think you forgot i use to be one of those guys. guys like that don’t fal for girls like you” he pauses. “all he wants is to get you under him and then he’s gonna hop to the next willing participant. god you’re so naive.” you crossed your arms. “you’re such a jerk james! at least he has the decency to not play with my feelings! you’re sister was right! you’re nothing but a-an…asshole.” you yell, leaving the truck with a slam of the door. you surprised yourself at how you went off on him, what did he know about steve. you knew being involved with bucky was bad but now you officially got your sign to stay away from him.
you walked into the school looking for steve. you pushed pass people grinding and dancing on each other. when you find steve you see he’s not alone, he was dancing with lila miller. the two were close together, you turn you back in disgust once you catch the two of them share a very tongue-filled kiss. you sit at the table in annoyance. of course bucky would be right about steve, you hated the fact that he was right.
it took an hour and a half for steve to find you sitting at the table, watching everyone have fun. “hey y/n sorry i was waiting for you but then the guys wanted to go take some shots in the bathroom.” steve leans over to kiss your lips but you dodge him. he looks at you with a confused face. “come on let’s go dance.” he offers you his hand, you play with the fork that was covered in strawberry cake. “i’m good, maybe you should go dance with lila instead.” you say. steve sits back down in the chair, he cleared his throat. “you saw that? i didn’t think you’d be mad, it’s not like we’re together or anything.”
you roll your eyes, pushing your plate away from you. you get up and begin walking to the double doors. as you enters the hallways you ignore steve calling your name. “y/n! can you just wait a minute!” he yells, pulling your arm back causing you to hault. “it was just a dance, i was being nice. you can’t just get mad at me like that, i asked you to be my girlfriend more than once and you said no.”
“because all you want from me is sex which is not ready to give to you. you don’t think i hear about you hooking up with girls in the gym closet. i don’t want to be the next dumb girl who becomes a play thing for you.” you snap on him. “oh come on, sex is just sex, why do you make such a bug deal over this?” he groans.
“it’s not just sex steve, i want it to be meaningful and memorable. i’m sorry if i don’t want to hook up in a sleezy hotel.” you yell, your faces were extremely close. “and you think barnes is gonna make it special? god you’re so naive.” you furrow your brows, what did bucky have to do with this situation. “he has nothing to do with this steve! you asked me to come to this dance with you only for you to dance with another girl and make me look dumb sitting there waiting for you. you can’t take your hotel invite and shove it up your ass.” you walk away from steve, this time he didn’t bother calling your name. after he heard you curse at him he knew you guys were not going to work this out
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you sit on the stairs of the school, tears slowly slid from your eyes. you felt so stupid and used, you knew steve was right but it still hurt. you two weren’t together and if he wanted to take another girl to the hotel he could because you weren’t together. you cringe at how bucky was right about steve, you wanted to be angry at him but he did warn you.
you decide to head home, walking alone the lonesome streets of brooklynn. you were wet due to the copious amount of rain fall, you shiver once more and continue to walk to your house. you noticed a familiar truck driving beside you. bucky rolls down his window. “get in.” he tells you. you continue walking, deciding to ignore the older boy. “come on doll it’s raining. a pretty girl like you shouldn’t be walking alone.” you couldn’t believe he as trying to flirt with you right now. you were hurt by his words and you were standing your ground, well that was until you heard a loud crack of lightning. you quickly rushed into the truck, slamming the door behind you.
before bucky could speak you began to talk. “just because i’m sitting in here with you, doesn’t mean i forgive you.” you seethed. bucky nods at you. “okay.” you angrily slap his arm. “okay? are you serious right now? how about a sorry for being a jerk!” you yell at him. bucky doesn’t acknowledge you, he starts looking for something in his truck. “god! boys are stupid! all you do is crave sex and hurt girls!” you rant, arms crossed over your chest. once you finished your rant you peek over at bucky holding two blunts. “wanna get high?”
you later found yourself in bucky’s room, high as a kite. you didn’t know what effect he had on you but you gave into his temptation. you sat on his bed, letting him shotgun smoke onto your mouth. “god you’re so hot.” bucky kisses your right shoulder. you softly hum in response, he trails his kisses to your exposed neck. you knew this was wrong on so many level but it felt so right.
“kiss me.” you whisper against him. the drugs in your system had your hormones at an all time high, you needed him to touch you. bucky locks his lips with yours, tongue roaming each other’s mouth in such a sensual way. bucky’s hand roams your body, cupping your breasts then your neck. you moan as he applies pressure to your throat.
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he slides down you dress straps, with every kiss and touch you felt your dress being pulled lower and lower. bucky lifts you up on his lap, helping you out of the green champagne dress. you were fully exposed to him, his large hands grope your ass. he slaps the soft skin sending your lower half to grind against his tight jeans. bucky groans, pulling you closer to his bottom half. you felt the jean material rub against your clothes clit, your body shakes at the new feeling. “god you have no idea what you do to me princess.” he moans into your neck. his right hand unhooks your bra, you let the bra fall off of you. bucky eyes your bare chest, his blue eyes darken filling with lust.
he pulls your breast into his mouth, twirling his tongue around your swollen nipple. you grip onto his shirt, when moves your ass back and forth on his pants. “p-please bucky.” you whine, your body was aching for him to touch you. “what do you want doll?” you grab his, guiding him to your clothed cunt. you slip his hand under you, allowing his to grope your pussy. your mouth gapes open when bucky slowly rubs your clit back and forth.
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when he notices you like the feeling of him touching you, it sends him into a deep lustful trance. he flips you over, bucky’ dog tags dangle over you. he kisses between your breast, trailing down to your stomach then he comes in contact with your laced white panties.
you can feel his breath on your wet core. he inhales you, moaning as if your cunt was the drug he was addicted to. he removed your panties from your body, bucky’s cock hardens once he caught a look at your pussy, your cunt was glistening from how wet it was, it took everything in bucky not to dive right in. “your so wet for me baby, and i haven’t even touched you yet. your pussy is begging for me to devour it.” bucky taunts. he slips one finger in your folds, your back arches at the finger passes your clit.
“bucky…please. i’ll do anything.” you beg. bucky perks an eyebrow at you. “anything?” you nod vigorously. “you’re going to cum for me three times. understand?” you nod your head. bucky licks a stride up your cunt. he moans at the taste of you. bucky wraps his pink lips around your clit, your legs spread wide as you beg for him to devour you. your back arches more, his hands pin your waist down to keep you steady, you screw your eyes shut as he sucks your clit into his mouth softly.
you moan out in pleasure, letting your hands grip his soft brown hair. you tug on his roots, attempting to push him closer to you. bucky pulls away earring a whine from you, he slips his middle finger into your core. at first his movements were slowly, he was preparing before adding his ring finger. you rode his fingers, moaning as he pumped you. you watch as he spits on your core, watching his saliva mix in with your cunt. you felt your stomach tighten, bucky felt your pussy clench around his fingers, imagining you around his cock.
he wastes no time, diving into your pussy. his tongue rapidly worked your clit, his fingers pumping you at a fast pace. your body was overwhelmed by all the stimulation. “bucky!” you scream at the top of your lungs. you were now grinding against his face, he didn’t tease you anymore, now he was on a mission to give you your orgasm. your legs shake, you cry out for bucky, your toes curled and your back arches to its full extent. bucky slows his movements as you come down from your high.
you collapse on his bed, you shiver as you feel bucky remove his hand from your pussy. you try to catch your breath, bucky hovers over you. “who knew my babydoll had that in you.”
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generalfoolish · 2 years
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Part Ten: Allergic To WASPs
Part Ten Summary: In which you head to the reader baby shower.
Pairing: Vigilante (Adrian Chase) x F!Reader
Warnings: *All of my works are M for mature so 18+ please; language, language, language, canon typical violence, sexual themes, canon-typical violence,
Word Count: 1.5K
A/N: Two updates this week! Hope you guys are having a great June <3
Master List | Tag List | Series Master List | Adrian Chase Master List | Part Nine | Part Eleven
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The next three days are torture. You keep yourself busy enough that you barely have energy to make it home, let alone think endlessly about whether or not Adrian would be caught–and if you’d be popped as an accessory to the crime.
He had assured you, and reassured you after that, that he would be fine. His record was clean, scrubbed apparently, and he was positive this would yield the same results as his other crimes. He’d be completely fine, and so would you. You weren’t as convinced. It’s not like you doubted him, or his friends, but you knew there was at least a possibility that he would be traced back to the murders, and then linked to Vigilante.
You’re fixing a chamomile tea with shaky hands when there’s a knock at the door. It’s late enough that you’re immediately concerned. With your stomach doing backflips, and your heart in your throat, you pull the door open and reveal a man in blue.
Except, it’s your man in blue. The red visor tilts to the side as he takes you in, and your eyes drop over him. Half expecting him to be bleeding out, but tonight he’s holding a take out bag, and has a backpack strapped on his back. 
“Adrian?” You manage to squeak out, and you hear an annoyed sigh slip from behind the mask. His free hand snakes up to cover your mouth and he moves into the room swiftly, kicking the door closed with his foot.
“You can’t call me that while I’m in my suit, babe!” He complains, before setting the food down and removing his mask.
“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting you.” You manage to mutter, your eyes dancing warily back to the door.
“Why not? We have your thing tomorrow? That is tomorrow right? I packed an overnight bag.” He rambles, eyebrows pinched together.
“That’s right, sorry. I’ve been…” You trail off, not knowing what to say. Busy doubting you? Concerned you were in prison? Certain I was about to be dragged away for murder?
“This again? Babe, don’t even worry. Economos got it declared a murder-suicide. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.” It’s your turn to bunch your face in confusion.
“So, it’s over?”
“As of…” he looks at his wrist, like he’s wearing a watch on the outside of his Vigilante suit, “An hour ago!” He slips his glasses on, and moves to put the takeout bag down.
“I’m going to get changed, feel free to dig in, I ate my fries on the way over. I got you that veggie burger you like, no mayo, right? And that strawberry shake. Those things are so thick! I might take a shower.” He explains, pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek, before thinking better of it and pressing a quick peck to your lips. “You taste good!” He calls over his shoulder, already shrugging the bag off his shoulders. 
You stare blankly at the door he’s pulled mostly shut behind him, and you can hear his loud humming over the start of the shower. It’s over, then. You should feel relieved, but guilt sinks deep in your stomach. You wonder if this is the burden you have to carry now, overwhelming joy that your partner is safe matched only in intensity with the guilt that threatens to buckle your knees over the families those men left behind. They’ll never know the truth. 
You want to scream. You’ve been so hot and cold. You’re in too deep with Adrian, and you’ve reconciled with how you actually feel regarding his second job. He kills criminals, a fact which he is staunchly proud of, and if you get off your fucking high horse about it, you are too. He’s taking matters into his own hands, and that takes more guts than you’ve ever had in your life. 
He’s proven his luck isn’t up yet, and while you’re not sure you’ll ever be completely at ease with his potential apprehension, you can at least admit that you’re over yourself about the murder thing. You have to be. 
You walk to the bag and grab the to-go container, and breathe a deep, restorative sigh. You’re facing an ever bigger foe than the Evergreen Detectives tomorrow–your mother.
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“I’m so excited to meet your parents!” Adrian exclaimed, hopping into the passenger seat, carefully holding the gift bag you had handed him. It was some baby thing from the registry, whatever was cheapest. You could have sprung for better, but you were pissed to be going at all.
“Really?” You slid your eyes to him, watching his face for any hint of sarcasm before remembering who the fuck you were talking to.
“Yes, really. They must be amazing, since you’re so awesome.” You groaned at his upbeat attitude, and briefly considered calling the whole thing off. You changed your mind at the last moment and threw the car in drive.
“Do you really think that?” You asked, genuinely curious, all the while knowing that your family sucked ass.
“I’m trying, anyway. Like, my dad just pretended to be gay to get away from me, and my brother is shitty, so your family must be nice!” You eyed him curiously. He had mentioned that before, but you supposed warning him about your shitty family took precedence this time.
“They aren’t.” You told him, sullen. You were already preparing for the wholesale, absolute beating you were about to take. Your entire ass family would be in attendance. Your insufferable mother, your drunk father, your uppity brother and his shitty family, and that’s before you even thought about your aunts and uncles and cousins. 
“Oh, well, I’m still excited about the baby. Weird, we have to watch it take a shower.” You blinked slowly, before chancing a glance at him. He was serious. 
“That’s not what’s happening. She’s still pregnant.” You told him, tearing your eyes off of him and back to the road.
“Oh, wow. You think she’ll tell me about it?” He asked, and you could feel the excitement rolling off of him.
“Being pregnant?” You asked, not understanding where the conversation was heading.
“Yeah, I think I would really enjoy the experience of motherhood.” He explained wistfully, and you snuck a peek at him. It was endearing in a way you couldn’t explain. 
“She might, actually. She isn’t as WASPy as my actual family.” You agreed, shrugging.
“What the fuck? I’m super fucking allergic to wasps, babe! Why didn’t you warn me? I don’t have my epi-pen!” You rubbed your eyes behind your glasses, and fiddled with the air vent to your left. 
“They’re just white Anglo-Saxon protestants, dude. It’s just a way to describe upper-crust, usually shitty people.” You interpreted, wondering if he actually knew people who were part insect.
“So, they aren’t…” He wondered, trailing off, waiting for you to finish for him.
“No, they aren’t literally wasps.” You assured him, wondering how this was the same man who knew exactly how to please you.
“Good. Because I am allergic.” He guaranteed, as if you thought he was joking. 
“I believed you.” You settled, checking the GPS. You were headed to some super-chic vineyard, though you weren’t sure you’d ever heard of a wine from Washington. 
“Anything I should know, though?” Adrian asked suddenly, pulling your attention back to your family.
“Nah, they’re just how they are. Don’t let what they say get to you.” You warned, hoping beyond hope that they would play nice and not eat him alive.
“I don’t really get bothered by stuff like that, because I don’t really do emotions like everyone else.” He assured you, and you nodded. You knew what he meant, but it didn’t stop you from worrying about how the interaction might make him feel. 
“If they get to be too much we can leave, though.” You decided, patting his thigh. He captured your hand with his own, and brought it to his lips. The intimacy caught you by surprise, bringing a heat up your neck.
“I’m worried about you. You’re super tense. You only came like six times last night, that’s not a lot, for you.” You coughed in surprise, his voice gentle despite the content.
“I’m fine, Adrian. Really. Just…seeing my mother puts me on edge. Honestly, the build up is the worst part.” You explained, tightening your grip on the steering wheel. You were only seven minutes from your destination now, and you could feel your hands begin to get clammy, and the sweat drip down your back.
“If it’s too much, we’ll leave.” He agreed, squeezing your hand tightly, despite how gross it must feel. You wonder if he’s judging you. He literally took on aliens, and now he’s having to talk you out of a panic attack because you have to see your mom. But you know he’s not judging you, you know with each little rhythmic squeeze that he isn’t even thinking about himself. You’re throwing him to the wolves, but he’s concerned about you. You breathe deeply, and make the last turn into the vineyard. The drive up the dirt path is slow, and you feel your heartbeat quicken when the full lot comes into view. 
“Alright, babe! Operation: Baby Shower, let’s go!” Adrian exclaims, in an attempt, you think, to pump you up or get you out of your own head. It works for a second, and then you see her–your mother–and she’s already frowning.
tagged: @michi-reads @likedovesinthewnd @strawberriesandknives @uncle-eggy @fictionlandslanddreams @uwiuwi @grippleback-galaxy @lostinwinderland314 @kidd3ath @aprilfire18 @zekegorilla @hypnoash @greenxtea0 @myguiltypleasures21 @goblynnrockz @racetrackheart
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krreader · 4 years
seven sins | chapter nine.
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pairing: bts x reader ; kim namjoon x reader fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; historical!au ; princes!bts ; concubine!reader ; sex ; impregnation kink (they all have that at this point lol) genre: smut ; fluff ; angst word count: 2.4k+ previous: 1 ; 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 ; 7 ; 8
summary: even in times such as yours, you still led a privileged life with nothing to ask for. that is until first your father, then your mother died and you were left to care for your two younger sisters. the position for royal physician seemed to be open and with your father having been a general and your mother having been a maid for the queen, you thought you might be able to get it.. little did you know that your visit to the palace would put a completely different offer on the table.
a/n: it’s getting teeeeeense here!
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The secret you've been trying to hide from the queen so desperately, exposed by one of the princes and so... casually. You were staring at Namjoon with shock and that seemed to amuse him more than anything.
“Don't worry. I won't tell, I know you've been taking them so that my big brother can be the one to impregnate you,” Namjoon said and you instantly let out a sigh of relief, that you quickly hid by gulping down. That wasn't at all what you were taking it for, but you'd rather have him believe this than know the truth, “And I think it's good, it let’s my brothers have their share and feel special.”
“But then why even bring this up?”
“It's not common knowledge that these herbs prevent pregnancies. I only know about it because I've buried my nose in books all my life. So that makes me wonder... how do you know?”
Would this be your chance to finally tell him about it? The fact that you were not actually a concubine, but a physician? Would this finally be over? But if you told him the truth, what would happen? What if he didn’t like it and then, if worse came to worse, killed you for treason? 
You knew your time was running out and you had to finally come clean... to somebody. But would Namjoon really be the right choice?
“Well... my mother and father, they...-
But without knocking, someone slid open the door and your instincts kicked in, too afraid that whoever this was had heard what you had said and would then force you to go on.
This wasn’t something the wrong person should hear. 
So you grabbed Namjoon's shirt and pulled him towards you, kissing him deeply.
“Oh.. I'm... sorry,” another physician instantly bowed a few times, but Namjoon was already gone, immediately kissing you back.
False alarm, but by the time she was gone, you realized that you had already pushed Namjoon over the edge, his eyes full of lust. 
Not really what you had in mind....
“We'll have this discussion later... promise me,” he whispered against your lips and you nodded, but inside, you shook your head.
He wasn’t the right one for this. Prince Namjoon was the smartest of the princes, but he was also one of the most intimidating ones. You had such a heard time reading him, no idea how he would react to the news once he heard it.
So, it was still only prince Seokjin or the king himself.
You knew you could use his lust to your advantage and make him forget about what you had just said for now, pulled him between your legs on the mattress that was on the floor and grinned.
There wasn't much foreplay involved, despite you having thought that he'd be one of the few that would actually like it, but maybe he was just too excited now, because when he pulled down his pants, his dick immediately sprang up.
“Are you sure?” still, stuff like this made you happy. He probably meant because of what happened earlier with the queen, but you felt safe with him now, when he didn’t know your secrets.
Namjoon still leaned down and kissed you, a lot more gentle than what you had expected. His dick was sliding through your folds, entering you effortlessly within minutes because of how wet you got.
But then again... this man looked like a god on top of you. Who could blame you for that?
“How hard do you want me to go?” he whispered against your lips, only moving ever so slightly on top of you.
“You're the prince,” you brushed your hand through his hair, the other you grabbed his butt with, “Take me in whatever way you want.”
In a different situation he maybe would have taken his time, but Namjoon was so ready to do just that, that he got up on his knees and pushed your legs back, beginning to fuck you mercilessly.
The duality. 
His eyes never left yours though, if he had seen just a slight flicker of discomfort, he would have stopped.
All he could see, however, was you biting down on your lip, trying not to scream from pleasure when he pushed your legs further back and hit the spot inside you, that made you see stars.
So that was a good sign.
He let go of your legs, only so that he could lean down and whisper in your ear once more.
“These herbs are great, you know?” he chuckled, his next thrust so deep that you did scream, “But I read that they don't always work...”
You were breathing heavily when he looked at you, confusion written all over your face.
“I can't help but wonder.. what it would be like.. to see you carrying my child.”
You didn't know what kind of books he read, but that was the moment that you realized that you indeed were smarter than him. Thankfully. 
You grinned, “Why don't you try?”
Namjoon licked his lips and immediately pulled out, turning you around and then your ass towards him, so that you were now on all fours.
He fucked you from behind, as hard as before, his fingers digging into the skin of your hips.
Despite you knowing that his plan would fail, you didn't complain, not when he once again found that spot within you that made you scream unintentionally. 
And to your surprise, when you screamed your final scream, so did Namjoon. He timed it perfectly and spilled himself inside you, filled you to the brim just like he wanted to. And he really made sure that not a single drip of his seed left your body. 
Once he was convinced, he gently pushed your upper body down and pulled out of you.
“Stay like this for a few minutes. You'll be with my child soon, beautiful.”
Damn, you really needed to become the royal physician... who the heck told him that this would work?
“Of course, my prince,” you said nevertheless, needing to get on the prince’s good side no matter what. 
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The king was having dinner with his family later that night, pushing his food around on his plate, before finally looking up at his sons, more specifically at Hoseok, “I heard your concubine gave birth to a girl. Why not a boy?”
“His seed just isn't good quality,” Namjoon joked, making Hoseok get up and ready to fight him, but Jimin instantly pulled his big brother back down.
“What about you, then? Heard you fucked our favorite concubine today? One of the guards said you wanted to get her pregnant.”
That made the room turn quiet instantly, the king narrowing his eyes at Namjoon, “(Y/N)?”
Namjoon became smaller and smaller, but then he said: “Yoongi hyung, Jimin and Taehyung tried too!”
“Hey!” all three of them instantly started arguing that that was not true, in the meantime, Seokjin was sitting at the other end of the table, looking miserable as he forced himself to eat.
The king noticed, but didn't say anything for now. He let his boys argue this out and then disappeared relatively soon, only to ask for his oldest son in his chambers later on.
“You wanted to see me, father?” Seokjin bowed, then knelt down before his father.
“Am I under the right impression that all six of your brothers have had their share with this concubine (Y/N)... all but you?”
Seokjin lowered his head, but then he nodded, “I wanted them to spend time with her first. Since I'm going to be... you know.”
“The father of the future heir that she will have.”
Ah, great. All his responsibilities summed up in one sentence.
“Yes,” he said simply.
“Well, all six of them have had their fun. Now it's time for you to do your duties. I've arranged for her to come to your room tonight. I want you to finally do what you're supposed to do and give this kingdom a prince that will eventually become king.”
“Tonight?” Seokjin stuttered, “But... but Namjoon and her, they..-”
“Tonight, Seokjin. Every day you waste is another day less that this kingdom has a new heir.”
“But father, I don't think that we should..-”
“You dare to talk back to me?” with the way his voice got louder, Seokjin immediately flinched and shook his head, getting up and bowing a few times, way too afraid of his father to say anything else that would undermine his authority.
“I will do what is required of me. I promise you.”
But the moment he was out in the hallway, he felt like crying.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever
~chapter nine rewritten~
Pairing: Peter Parker x Venom!Reader
Synopsis: you are Peters greatest love and Spider-Man’s greatest enemy
Series Masterlist
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You were quiet in the cab ride home. Peter was talking a mile a minute and all you gave him were small smiles and fake laughs every now and then so he wouldn’t suspect anything was wrong. He was too happy about how well the evening had gone to notice.
“Do you want to come back to my apartment? You can sleep over if you want.” Peter asked with a shy smile when you got to your floor. You didn’t want to lie in bed all night with Peter when you were literally lying to Peter, so you faked a yawn and stretched a little.
“Not tonight, babe. I’m a little tired.” You lied. “I’ll see you tomorrow, okay Pete?”
Peter looked a little disappointed but you knew he understood.
“Okay, darling. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He went to kiss your lips but you turned so he only got your cheek. You pretended not to see the confusion and hurt in Peters eyes at your actions. You went into your apartment and went out the window immediately, needing to blow off some steam as Venom.
It didn’t take long to find crime, or for crime to find you. You soon heard the shrill cries of a panicked woman.
“Someone help me! He’s got my son!” She screamed. You immediately morphed into Venom and followed the sound of her voice. You climbed to the top of a tall building and scanned the city. Your eyes landed on a man running away with a small child struggling in his grasp. You jumped from the building and ran after the man at full speed. You caught up to him easily and blocked his path. You shot a web at the child and yanked him out of the mans grasp. At that moment, Spider-Man jumped down from the sky and landed between you and the man.
“Hold this.” You demanded and handed the child to Spider-Man. Spider-Man took the child and looked at you, the eyes on his mask squinting in confusion.
“What are you gonna do?” He asked as he bounced the child on his hip.
“Eat.” Venom said simply before bolting after the kidnapper who had took off running.
“Find the mom and get him to safety.” Venom called back to Spider-Man.
When you tracked the man down, you snatched the man up and suspended him in the air. Venom quickly swallowed him whole and fled the scene.
You found the mother just in time to see Spider-Man reuniting her with her child.
“Here you go ma’am.” He said kindly. The mother took her child and smiled at him gratefully.
“Thank you Spider-Man. I don’t know how you do it. You’re a hero.” The mom praised. Spider-Man laughed softly.
“I do my best. Stay safe.” Spider-Man waved kindly. The mother thanked him again and left with her son. Spider-Man turned to walk away as well but you stopped him.
“What the hell was that?” You roared. “You just took all the credit for saving that kid. You didn’t even do anything. We saved the kid, we killed the man, you were just the delivery boy. Why didn’t you tell the mom that we helped?” Spider-Man looked as taken aback as a man in a mask could look. Granted, your Y/n was showing. You were speaking in your Venom voice but it was really you talking, and Spider-Man seemed to notice the difference.
“Oh. I’m-I’m sorry. It’s just, you’re kinda scary and the kid was already super freaked out. I didn’t want to make it worse by him seeing you.” Spider-Man answered. He didn’t mean to offend you but his words hurt.
“We’re not scary. We saved that boy.” You said in defense.
“Yeah but, you’re honestly terrifying man.” Spider man laughed awkwardly. “Even I’m scared. A little kid wouldn’t want to see a hideous monster right after nearly being kidnapped. No offense.”
It almost seemed like he was trying to compliment you. Venom was much more hurt by his words than you were. At the end of the day, you could look like a regular person while Venom was stuck looking like a “hideous monster.”
“Don’t talk about her like that.” You shouted in your own voice. Spider-Man looked around for who the new voice came from. 
“Did that come from you?” He asked.
“It came from us.” You said, back to the low Venom growl.
“See it’s things like that that make you terrifying.” Spiderman continued. “That kid would’ve wet his pants if he saw you. I’m a nice, friendly face that people can trust. Really, no offense dude, but no one wants to see your face.”
You took a menacing step towards him and roared. He backed up instantly and held up his arms in defense.
“Woah woah woah please don’t put your eggs in me!” He shrieked. “I’m just stating the facts. You will never be a hero, if that what’s you’re going for. New York isn’t going to feel safe with a monster like you on the streets. If I told that mom that you were the one to save her kid, she would’ve ran straight to the cops. It might be better if you just went back to the planet you came from.”
He was trying something new. He knew he couldn’t physically beat Venom in a fight, so he tried using his words instead. His girlfriend was so good with words and he wanted to make her proud. All he knew was, he needed Venom out of the city.
“You’re wrong. We’re not a monster.” Venom growled. You just stayed silent.
“Fine. Monster. Alien. Whatever you want to be called, it doesn’t matter.” Spiderman waved his hand. “Because all anyone will call you is dangerous, scary, and a threat. You’re better off leaving earth and never coming back.”
“We’re not leaving.” Venom snarled.
“What’s with the we? Who else is in there?” Spider-Man asked. He reached out to touch you and you threw him against a building.
“Don’t touch us. Our host is in here.” Venom growled. Spider-Man tilted his head.
“Host? So you’re like a parasite?” He asked innocently. Innocent or not, it was the wrong question to ask. Venom picked Spider-Man up by his neck again and dangled him in the air. Spider-Man kicked his legs and tried to break free but couldn’t.
“First, you take credit for our work, then you insult us, and now you call us a parasite? We are not a parasite. We are Venom. And you are dead.” Venom sneered. Venom was too angry to listen to what Mr. Stark said about not eating Spider-Man. He had pushed you too far.
Venom ripped Spider-Mans mask off, wanting to see his identity before you killed him. To your devastating surprise, your terrified boyfriends face stared back at you. He had a bloody nose from being thrown against the wall and his face was red from lack of oxygen. He whispered pleas for mercy as his eyes begged you to let him go. You gasped and immediately dropped Peter onto the ground, looking around frantically for what to do next. He coughed and sputtered for a while while he rubbed his aching neck.
When he looked up, Venom was handing him his mask back with an apologetic look on your big white eyes. Peter shakily took the mask and nodded in thanks. You nodded back and ran as fast as you could back to your apartment. You climbed into your window, transformed back into yourself, and went to throw up in the bathroom.
Peter was Spider-Man. Peter was Spider-Man. And you were Venom. How could it be? How could fate be so cruel? And yet, it made perfect sense. He fit the description. College student from New York who traveled to Washington D.C. at the time of the elevator incident. It explained everything, from the first aid kit on Peters desk, to the constant phone calls, to Ned asking if you knew about Peter, and of course, Mr. Stark. The Stark Internship was being Spider-Man. You should’ve known. The signs were all there. But a part of you just wanted something good for once. Something that the rest of the world couldn’t touch. That something had been Peter. And now, you had to give him up.
You ignored Peters calls and texts for the next six days. You gave him a lame excuse about needed to stay focused on your Cletus Kasady article and so you couldn’t be on your phone. You had a week to tell him you were Venom, according to Mr. Stark. That week was almost up and you had spent it successfully avoiding Peter. You stayed in your apartment as often as you could and only left out the window when you had to go somewhere. Peters texts increasingly got harder and harder to ignore. You didn’t want to ignore his sweet good morning and goodnight texts or science puns, but you couldn’t face him. You just wanted to shake him and ask him why he kept something so big a secret from you. But alas, you said nothing.
On the sixth day of avoiding Peter, you knew you had to go out. You didn’t want to use the front door but you desperately needed to check your mail and it was pouring rain outside. You peered out your peephole and saw no signs of Peter. You quickly opened your door and didn’t even make it two steps before you heard the sound of Peters door opening. Running would be a bad option, right? You slowly turned around and gave Peter and awkward smile. He didn’t smile back.
“You’re avoiding me.” He stated. His voice wasn’t it’s usually happy tone. He sounded hurt and confused. You knew he had every reason to be, but you were hurt and confused too.
“I’m not. I told you I had to write my article.” You lied through your teeth. He didn’t buy it.
“Bullshit.” He scoffed. “I know you haven’t had your final interview with him. It’s in two days, right? How could you be finishing your article when you’re not even done with the interviews?”
You gulped. He saw right through your lies.
“Are you mad at me?” His tone changed as his voice weakened. “Did I do something wrong?”
Your heart broke. You wanted to hug him and tell him he didn’t do anything wrong, but you couldn’t. He’d been lying to you as long as you knew him. You couldn’t just forgive him and pretend you didn’t know he was Spider-Man.
“No.” You said quietly, suddenly taking extreme interest in your shoes. “No, Petey, I’m not mad.”
“Then why won’t you talk to me?” His voice cracked and your heart cracked with it. You looked down and shook your head, wishing you had an answer to give him. You looked around before stepping forward and pulling him into a tearful kiss. You let in longer in case it was the last kiss you ever shared with him He kissed you back but you felt his hesitation. His guard was up and you knew why.
“I’m sorry.” You breathed once you pulled away. “I can’t explain. I have to go, Peter. I’m sorry.”
You hated yourself for saying it, he deserved so much better. Peter looked like he was about to cry, confusion clouding his brown eyes. You turned away from him, unable to watch his heart breaking in front of you.
“Is this it?” His voice was quiet. “Are we over?”
“I think we are.” You said without turning around.
“Why the hell did you say that?” You thought. It’s not what you meant. You looked at Peter over your shoulder in time to see a tear run down his cheek. You went to turn back around but Peter grabbed your hand suddenly and pulled you towards the stairs. You didn’t resist and let him tug you, feeling like you owed him as much. You find it slightly ironic know that you knew why he was so strong.
Peter pulled you all the way to the roof, back to the very spot you once referred to as “ours.” He let go of your hand and pointed to the ledge, looking at you with weary eyes.
“Tell me it was all fake. Tell me it was all in my head and we weren’t happy together on that ledge. Tell me I made it all up and you were never as into me as I was into you. Tell me our first kiss, our first time, our first conversation meant nothing to you. Tell me you hate me and feel nothing for me.” He shouted before quieting down. “Because unless you tell me that, I won’t let you end this without giving me a reason. I won’t let you just walk away. Please, don’t end what we have just because you’re scared. You don’t have to be afraid. Not of me.”
“I know.” You whispered. “But you should be afraid of me. In fact, you already are.”
“What?” Peter furrowed his eyebrows. “Afraid—what?”
“I’m not afraid of you, Peter. Or of this. Of us. That’s not it.” You told him truthfully. “I’m afraid of what will happen when you find out I’m not who you think I am. I’m far worse.”
“What are you talking about? I do know you.” He insisted.
“You don’t.” You shook your head as tears fell from your eyes. “You do but you don’t.”
“Then who are you?”
“I’m a monster. We-“ you were cut off by the sounds of people screaming from the street below. Peter looked at you before running to the edge to peer down.
“Something’s attacking the city.” He called back to you. “It looks like a red version of Venom.”
“A red symbiote?” ,you thought, “how can that be?”
Peter turned and looked at you, not wanting to pull out his Spider-Man suit in front of you. Of course, he didn’t know that you were already well aware of his secret.
With the city under attack, your fight with Peter was going to wait. You wiped the tears from your face and walked past Peter, your shoulders brushing as you moved past him. You stared over the edge at the commotion, knowing you were the only one who could give the symbiote a fair fight. Your heart pounded in your chest as you looked over your shoulder at Peter, giving him a silent apology.
“I love you, Peter.” You said suddenly, never breaking eye contact. “I love you.”
With that, you jumped off the roof and turned into Venom in mid air. You landed on the ground below and roared at the red symbiote. You knew you had to focus on the fight, but your mind was goign a million miles an hour.
It was the first time you’d ever said those words to Peter, despite feeling them from the moment you met. He was the second boy you ever said those words to, but the first boy where you actually meant it.
You shook your head to free yourself from your thoughts and let out another roar.
“Venom!” The red symbiote smiled. “So glad you could make it! Where’s your friend huh? Is she too scared to come out and say hello to Carnage?”
“Carnage?” You wondered. Since when was there another symbiote on earth and more importantly, how did it know who you were?
You wasted no time in launching yourself at Carnage and attacking. You two wrestled for dominance for a while until Carnage ultimately won. He began to pull Venom off your body and you felt your face became uncovered. Carnage raised his razor sharp fingernails and prepared to slit your throat with his long nails.
“Heads up!” Spider-Man came swinging down and kicked Carnage off of you before he could harm you. You quickly bonded back with Venom and stood up, just in time to see Carnage throwing Peter across the street. You ran to him and helped him up.
“Shoot your web at the same time we do, okay?” You said and held out your wrist. Peter did the same and you both shot a web at the fast approaching Carnage. The combination of your webs was enough to capture Carnage and send him crashing to the floor. He soon broke out of his webbing and began running towards you again.
“Karen! Web grenade!” Peter yelled. He threw a web ball at Carnage and it blew up in the red symbiotes face. While he was distracted, you pulled the symbiote from its host by the ankles. Enough skin of the host was showing for you to take a bite. Carnage yelled in pain and turned to his closest attacker, which happened to be Peter. He picked Peter up and repeatedly slammed him into the pavement. To stop this, you tackled Carnage and spit acid spit in his eyes. Carnage howled and began to run away.
“I’ll be back, Venom.” He snarled. “And when I return, there’s gonna be Carnage.”
You ignored his threat and quickly ran to your unconscious boyfriend, kneeling down beside him. After checking to see that no one was around, you took off his mask and accessed his injuries. His face was beaten pretty badly and his pulse was weak. You transformed back into yourself and took off your hoodie and shirt, leaving you in a sports bra and leggings. You ran your hands over Peters body until you found a way to take the suit off, it was by pressing the spider on the chest. You tore up your shirt and pressed it to the large wound on Peters chest to stop the bleeding. You suddenly got an idea and pressed a hand to his chest, letting Venom go inside him and move around. Venoms healing abilities made the cuts on Peters chest disappear, but he was still knocked out. You pulled your hand away and slipped the hoodie around his body before picking him up with ease. He was adorably light. You quickly ran into the apartment building and went to his room before anyone could see you.
Peter came to about a half hour later just as you were finishing up healing his cuts. You had managed to bathe him and get him into a fresh pair of comfy clothes while his body healed.
Peter slowly woke up and noticed you were straddling his lap. After nearly a week of no contact with you, it felt nice. He missed the way your skin felt on his. He almost jumped out of his seat when he saw his Spider-Man suit hanging up in the closet where you could easily see it.
“Relax. I already know you’re Spider-Man.” You cooed as you put some Neosporin on his busted eyebrow. Peter relaxed under you for a moment as he took in his situation.
“And you’re not mad?” He asked quietly. You were surprisingly calm considering the circumstances.
“I’m not mad.” You smiled softly at him. “Venom is a little offended that you called her ugly though.”
“You’re Venom.” Peter said as he remembered seeing you jump off the building and transforming into the alien before his eyes. It made sense. The “We” was in reference to you. And you had saved his life the first night you met when Venom wanted to eat him. He just couldn’t believe his girlfriend was his arch nemesis this whole time.
“I am. Well, we are. Venom, say hi.” You turned to your left and watched as Venom shyly came out in her snake-like form to greet
“Hi.” Venom hissed.
“Hey.” Peter said back with a tiny bit a fear. He looked at you for reassurance and you nodded.
“You’re no panty dropper yourself, by the way.” Venom grumbled.
“Hey! Be nice or go back inside.” You scolded. Venom chose the later and went back inside.
“Are you mad?” You asked timidly, making him think about it.
“Not mad. Just confused.” He decided. “Is this why you were avoiding me? Because you saw my identity the night we ate dinner with Mr. Stark?”
“Yeah.” You admitted with guilt. “He told me I had a week to tell you. Today’s only day six so he’s gonna be thrilled.”
“He knows?” Peters eyes widened in surprise.
“Yes.” You confessed. “But he knew I was Venom before he knew I was your girlfriend.”
“That’s great news. Then I don’t have to explain anything to him.” Peter looked on the bright side. “Plus, he loves you. Speaking of love…”
Peter put his hand on the back of your neck and pulled you into a passionate, tear filled kiss. You wrapped your hand around his wrist and kissed him deeply, one last time. You slowly pulled apart and you bit your quivering lip.
“We have to break up.” You whispered before pulling your hands away from him.
“What? Why?” Peter asked in shock.
“Look at us Peter. Look what’s become of us.” Your voice wavered. “How can we ever be together when you’re Spider-Man and I’m Venom? We didn’t tell each other these huge things about our lives and we hurt each other because of it. Tell me, do you honestly think I’d ever lay a hand on you?”
“No.” Peter answered. He knew you didn’t have a malicious bone in your body.
“Exactly. I wouldn’t. And yet, I beat you to the point where you couldn’t even stand.” You began to cry from shame. “I should be protecting you, not hurting you.”
“But you didn’t know it was me.” Peter pointed out.
“Exactly Peter! I didn’t know it was you because you didn’t tell me!” You exclaimed. “Do you not trust me?”
“Of course I trust you. But in my defense, I’ve never told anyone I was Spider-Man. May, Ned, Mr. Stark, they all found out on their own. You were the first person I was actually going to tell willingly. I just hadn’t gotten around to it yet.” He sighed, and you believed him. “And what about you? You didn’t tell me you were Venom.” .
“It’s different, Peter.” You shook your head. “Venom isn’t a friendly neighborhood superhero. People see you and the run to you for help. But Peter, I’m what they’re running from. You said it yourself. I’m a hideous monster. I had a reason to hide who I was.”
Peter looked hurt at his own words. He cringed at the memory of insulting you so many times. He couldn’t imagine how it felt to hear that from your own boyfriend.
“You’re the most beautiful girl in the world. I said that about Venom, not you. I never would’ve said it if I had known.” Peter said softly, while reaching up to stroke your cheek. You wanted nothing more than to lean into his touch and forget the whole thing.
“That’s the point.” You moved his hand away. “We both would’ve done things differently if we had known. But we didn’t. And that’s why we need to breakup. Before we hurt each other any more.”
“Y/n, please.” Peter’s lips began to tremble. You couldn’t even look at him, not when you knew how much you were hurting him. You knew you’d take one took at his tear filled eyes and run right back into his arms. You had to be strong. You got up off his lap and headed towards the door before you lost your nerve.
“I’m sorry, Peter.” You said with your back to him. “We’re just on different paths. I’m so sorry.”
“Well what if I give up being Spider-Man?” Peter bartered. You looked at him over your shoulder in bewilderment.
“You’d give that up for me?”
“Anything for you.” He said confidently.
“I can’t ask you to do that. And what about Mr. Stark? You’re just gonna give up your mentor to be with me?” You asked him, hoping to knock some sense into him.
“Nothing means anything if I don’t have you.” Peter shot back. He was making it so difficult. You couldn’t help but to roll your eyes at him for how he was acting.
“You’re not throwing your life away for me.” You shook your head sternly. “I won’t allow it.”
“Well what if you give up Venom?” He suggested.
Venom jumped out and growled at Peter. He stumbled back and you held Venom back like a dog on a leash.
“She would never choose you over us, Spider-Man.” Venom snarled. “We’ve been with Y/n much longer than you have. We’ve dried her tears. We’ve kept her safe. What have you done? Y/n and I are inseparable by choice. I’m inside her. She’s mine.”
“Yea, well, I’ve been inside her too.” Peter shot back with faltering confidence. Your eyes widened at the two of them.
“Both of you, stop it.” You commanded. “This argument is over. I’m sorry, Peter. I’ll never be sorry enough. But I have to go.”
“Where are you going?” He panicked as you went for the door again.
“Home.” you answered, avoiding his gaze. 
“This is your home.” He protested. “Here, with me.”
“Not anymore.” You finally looked at him. “I’m going back to San Francisco. I booked the flight while you were knocked out and it leaves in the morning. I can’t be here anymore, Peter. I can’t see you everyday and not want to be with you.”
“Then be with me.” Peter practically yelled.
“We can’t be together. I knew it from the start.” You wiped your face when you remembered your breakdown in your car that one day.
“Y/n, please.” Peter gently took your arm, making you look at him. “Don’t go. I need you. You never even gave me a chance to say it back.”
In the midst of all the chaos and drama, you’d forgotten that you told Peter you loved him. A part of you was glad you finally got to say it, but the bigger part of you ached knowing you’d never hear it back.
“Don’t say it.” You put a half over his mouth for a moment. “Please, just, don’t say it. It’ll be too painful for the both of us. Just let me go. It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay. You and I not being together will never be okay.” Peter cried, leaving his sweet brown eyes a miserable red.
“Peter…” you breathed, hardly able to take it.
“Please don’t leave me. Everyone else has left me. And you’ve never been like everyone else.” Peter gave one last attempt to make you stay. You looked at him in his entirety. You took him all in. His wavy hair, his doe eyes, his slightly crooked nose and his eyebrow that stood all the way up. All the things you first fell in love with that day you knocked on his door to give him his mail. That seemed that a million years back but it was really only a few months. Your heart broke at the sight of Peter, as beautiful as ever, standing before with a broken heart. And even worse, you were the one that broke it.
“Stay.” His voice was barely above a whisper but he could see you beginning to weaken. He took his opportunity to beg to reconsider. A little gleam of hope bubbled in Peters chest. You stood up straighter, cleared your throat, and tore your eyes away from your ex-boyfriend.
“Peter Parker, I will love you until my lungs are empty. But I cannot stay.” You said firmly. Just like that, his hope was gone. Before he could say anything else, you ran out his bedroom door, through his kitchen, and out the front door. You locked your door behind you and climbed into bed, crying at the loss of your teenage love. You knew Peter could hear every tear that fell with his heightened hearing, so you whispered heartfelt apologies and hoped he’d find a way to forgive you.
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yelena-bellova · 3 years
Fault Line: Steve Rogers x F!Enhanced Reader - Chapter Eight
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chapter seven - Chapter Eight: Deception - chapter nine
Plot: A year and a half after their first date, Y/n and Steve are happily dating. When Steve is sent on mission with Natasha and Y/n is sent to New York to investigate a S.H.I.E.L.D robbery, their kingdom begins to crumble.
Series Masterlist
Warnings: language, violence, guns
Word Count: 6.4k
A/N: Little longer than I thought I'd go without posting but here we are! I'm really excited to take this story to some really fun and hopefully unexpected places. Enjoy!
Someone was in my apartment.
Without making a sound, I slipped out of my bed and held my hands out, forming a ball of electricity. I waited and listened to where the intruder was moving towards. It sounded like he was inside the kitchen. Steadying myself, I teleported out into the front room and prepared to hurl the ball at the idiot who’d decided to break into the home of a S.H.I.E.L.D agent.
“Whoa! At ease!”
The idiot was my boyfriend.
“Y’know, we’ve been dating for a year and a half. Might be time for you to get used to me using that key you gave me…”
I quickly absorbed the electricity back into my palms and lowered them to my sides. “In my defense, you typically call before you come over.”
Steve didn’t cease whatever he was doing in my kitchen, moving around as easily as if it was his own. It might as well have been. “I guess I shouldn’t deviate from that,” he replied with a small smile, “Clearly my life depends on it.”
I came around the bar to place a kiss on his lips and set off to make coffee for us while Steve plated whatever he’d gotten for us to eat. Breakfast with him was one of my favorite long standing traditions. It happened inconsistently what with being on missions so often, but one we enjoyed whenever it happened.
“So what are the chances of getting you to go running with me?” Steve asked, sucking something off his finger. “You’re adorable,” I said, coming to squeeze both of his jacked arms, “If Nat’s not banging on my door, this ass is going to be planted on the couch for once.”
Steve laughed and I went to open the glass sliding door to my balcony, a cool summer breeze blowing through my home. There weren’t many mornings that I was excited to be up at sunrise, but I’d rise at any hour for the thoughtful man in my kitchen. Steve carried out the plates that contained a breakfast sandwich on each one as I headed back inside to grab the coffee. Carefully carrying out the full mugs, I took my seat at the small table across from Steve. “So that’s where that shirt went to,” Steve said as he sat back in his chair.
I looked down to see the shirt I was wearing was one of Steve’s he’d mentioned he was missing last time I’d been over at his apartment. “You signed a non-verbal contract when we started dating; your shirts are now our shirts.”
“So what I’m hearing,” he said after a sip of his coffee, “Is that I’m going to spend more money on replacing the things you steal from me than I do on our actual dates.” I smiled over the edge of my mug, “It’s a good thing we both make good money.” Steve shook his head at me with a grin, I loved being the person that could make him smile. “So what’s on your agenda for the day?” he asked, diving into his sandwich after.
“Nothing,” I answered happily, “I’ve got to turn in a report for Fury tomorrow but other than that, free as a bird. Please tell me for once we both have the same day off.” “I wish,” Steve replied with a small frown, “Fury needs that debrief from the Belgium mission yesterday. After a run, I’ve gotta head in. But I’m free tonight. How about chinese and Casablanca?” If there was anything I loved more than our breakfast dates, it was our movie nights. “Kill me if I ever say no to that,” I said.
“I think we established after this morning,” Steve said, finishing the last bite of his sandwich, “You’ll be the one doing the killing in this relationship.” I laughed and kicked him lightly in the shin, he grabbed my feet after and placed them in his lap. There were some times where I didn’t know what to do with myself when Steve looked at me. There was so much adoration in his ocean blue eyes that I wondered how it was possible to love someone so much. Yet every day I found myself falling a little more for Steve Rogers.
“You know I hate to cut this short,” Steve wiped his mouth with a napkin and patted my leg, “But Fury needs me in by 9.” “Of course,” I chuckled, still holding onto my mug, “6 tonight?” Steve dropped my feet back to the ground and came around to softly kiss my lips, “6.”
I reached out and squeezed his hand, watching as he disappeared into my apartment and out the front door.
On my own, I turned my attention to watching the sun rise on D.C, gorgeous as always. It was almost enough to make me consider catching up to Steve so I could witness it in all it’s glory. Almost…
A year and a half after our first date and Steve and I were as happy as we’d been when we first started dating. We’d agreed to take things as slow as each of us wanted, both of us not wanting to mess anything up by moving too fast. We’d exchanged keys early on out of practicality but the first ‘I love you’ hadn’t come for six months. There hadn’t been any talk of moving in together, yet we spent so much time together that we both kept a hefty amount of belongings at each other’s apartments. We didn’t exactly have experience to draw from so we made it up as we went along. It worked for us. Steve and I were content and that was all that mattered.
The Avengers had yet to reunite, though that didn’t mean that the individual members weren’t a part of of my life. Natasha was still living in D.C and still my and Steve’s go-to mission partner. Her and Steve had gotten to be better friends since we’d arrived which made me happy.
Clint was still a part of S.H.I.E.L.D, handling missions with me and Natasha mainly. Though since New York, he’d been utilized less than normal. Whether that was his request or someone else’s, I wasn’t sure. Thor was off world most of the time, but occasionally he paid Steve a visit when he came to visit his girlfriend, Jane Foster. Bruce was fairly removed from the group, mainly taking to spending time with Tony and staying in New York.
And Tony? Tony had become a bigger part of my life than I’d ever expected him to. The two of us would meet up whenever I was in New York or vice versa when he was in D.C. If anyone would have told me after our first meeting that Tony Stark and I would end up being friends, I’d have laughed them out of the room. Yet here I was, two years after New York, counting him as one of the few people I genuinely cared about.
The public had been dying for the Avengers to get back together, though I wondered if they remembered that for that to happen, there’d have to be a threat of giant proportions. Though that wasn’t to say that we hadn’t needed to cater to people’s desire to have a piece of us. Steve had done a series of videos for the public school system, they were cheesy as hell and I’d tried to contain my laughter as I watched him film them. Tony, of course, did plenty of interviews for both Stark Industries and speaking on the Avengers. Nat and I had even done a magazine cover or two and talked about the challenges of being women in our field. It had taken a long time to start to get comfortable with the limelight and even after two years, I still wasn’t at total ease about it. The only redeemable part of it was when little kids would come up to me and ask ‘Voltage’ for an autograph. With the gleam of hope in their eyes, it was impossible to turn them down. Then, and only then, did I feel comfortable with being a public figure.
Two years. Was that all it had taken to change my life entirely? Looking back, it seemed like it had all happened in the blink of an eye. But I was finally in a place where I could look around and mean it when I said I was happy with exactly how things were.
The sun had risen fully by then, alerting me that it was time to truly begin my day. I could hear my phone buzzing from inside and walked over to the couch to retrieve it, seeing Steve’s name across the screen.
Steve: Natasha just picked me up, emergency mission. Looks like I won’t be back till tomorrow. I’m sorry.
As disappointed as I was to miss out on time with him, it wasn’t like I didn’t get the predicament. We lived the same type of life which allowed for understanding that wouldn’t be found dating anyone else. Me: Don’t worry about it, just be safe. Watch each other’s backs. Love you.
Steve: I love you too.
No sooner than when my phone hit the couch did a knock hit the door. I headed towards it and looked through the peephole, not recognizing the person waiting to be let in. A woman waited, her hair was tied in a tight bun, her posture straight as a pencil and she was dressed in a business casual pantsuit. I carefully opened the door, “Can I help you?” “Miss Y/L/N?” she asked.
“Yeah?” She reached down to the grey metallic case next to her and extended the handle, offering it to me. “Mr. Stark asked that this be personally delivered to you.”
“Ah,” I relaxed, reaching out to take the handle, “Thank you.” The woman nodded and headed on her way, leaving me in the doorway confused. Tony hadn’t mentioned anything the last time we’d spoken about a package, but I knew him well enough to know that he always had something up his sleeve. I rolled the case to my couch and hoisted it up, searching and successfully locating the thumbprint scanner that triggered the latch. Lifting the lid, I discovered the very thing I had told Tony I didn’t need and the same thing he insisted I did.
A new suit.
I’d told him at least a dozen times that I liked my standard S.H.I.E.L.D suit, but Tony had argued that I was the only one without a signature suit. Even Natasha had modified hers to include her Widow’s Bite cuffs and a belt with her symbol. Tony had even said one day he was going to make me one and not tell me, I should have known well enough that he’d do it. There was even a note resting on top of the delivery filled with the Stark snark I appreciated, only when it was directed at others.
When you’re ready to admit you were wrong, and that I could make it as a fashion designer, call me and I’ll walk you through the features. - T. S.
I chuckled and set the note aside. I picked up the suit and admired Tony’s handiwork, set on never telling him that it looked like a pretty great piece of armor. The fabric was the same as my tact suit, but the color had been switched for a bright white, paired fingerless gloves with some sort of Stark technology similar to Tony’s repulsers in the palms. There was a belt where weaponry could be stored and I found a set of grenades on the second layer of the case, along with another note.
Still not ready to admit I was right? - T. S.
“Never,” I whispered with a smirk as I crumpled the paper and sent it flying a random direction. Knowing that if I tried it on, I’d be too intrigued by the features to stop myself from calling him, I set the case aside neatly and headed to my bedroom to put on pants and start my day.
It was a busy Tuesday morning at the Triskelion. I navigated my way through a couple clusters of employees as I tried to get to the elevators. As always, there were a trail of whispers as I passed by.
‘Oh my gosh, that’s Voltage.’
‘Are you sure that’s her?’
‘I can’t believe she’s just there.’
I ignored any mention of my alias and pressed the button that would summon the elevator. The sooner I met with Fury, the sooner I could leave. As the elevator doors opened, they revealed Steve standing on the other side.
“Hey,” I said, growing excited until I saw the look in his eyes, “What’s wrong?”
I hopped inside the car and closed the doors, pressing my button afterwards. As we began to rise, Steve embraced me. We hadn’t spoken since the morning before, not even him assuring me that he’d gotten back from his mission safely. When I received no answer to my question and he tightened his arms around me, I knew that he needed me more than I needed to know what was going on. After a few seconds we broke apart.
“Fury lied to me about the mission,” he explained, his hands still resting on my waist, “He was sending Nat in to retrieve S.H.I.E.L.D information. Didn’t feel it was important enough to tell me.” I shut my eyes and thinned my lips into a frown, sometimes I forgot that Steve hadn’t worked for S.H.I.E.L.D as long as I had. I was used to Fury’s compartmentalization of most things, annoying as it was. But Steve had more of a conscious than anyone else that walked the planet. Of course he’d be pissed with Fury withholding information from him. What was worse was when I had to withhold information Steve.
“Then he took me to see this…thing,” he further explained, “This project. It’s wrong but no one’s gonna make him see that.” I hung my head, “Steve, I’m sorry. Fury never gives all the details. As far as Project Insight goes-“ “Wait, you knew about it?”
I bit my lip, knowing I’d just fucked up. “Yes,” I answered, “Fury told me about it. I didn’t vote for its creation or anything-“ “But do you think it’s right?” Steve asked, his voice filled with conviction. I hesitated to tell him what I truly thought. “I…it sounds good on paper. It’s flawed, but it does mean that we’d be keeping a lot of people safe.” “Y/n, it’s killing people,” my boyfriend urged, his hands dropping from my waist, “Before they even have the chance to change their minds. How can you be okay with that?” “I didn’t say I was in favor of it, Steve,” I quickly followed up with, “But I do understand why Fury would push for something like it.”
The elevator dinged, alerting us to our arrival on Fury’s floor. The conversation ended just as we’d gotten to the meat of it. Steve and I both sighed, dropping our heads.
“I need to go,” I said softly, raising my hands to his chest, “Can we talk later?” Steve nodded and pressed a quick kiss to my lips before I parted from him, clutching the manila folder in my hands tightly. I was practically crumpling it in my grip.
I marched towards Fury’s desk, the man himself standing in front of his massive window. I slammed the folder down on his desk, “Why the hell did you tell Steve about Insight?” “I thought he needed a wake up call,” he answered, not facing me yet.
“Then you should have gotten him a latte,” I quipped, “Did you honestly expect him to be on board?” “Your boyfriend,” he finally turned to face me, “Needs to understand that we’re not living in the good ol’ days anymore. Wishful thinking is futile in our line of work, I shouldn’t have to explain that to you.” I crossed my arms and continued my argument, “You clearly don’t know Steve if you think he’s going to agree with this.” Fury waited a beat, “I’m guessing he wasn’t too happy that you already knew about it.”
The two of us had gone at it enough that even the slightest falter was detectable. Typically I had a stellar poker face, but not when it came to Steve. My eyes flicked down quickly before meeting Fury’s glare once again, already giving him the ammunition to end the argument.
“Then don’t come in here picking bones with me until you figure out who you’re really mad at,” he said, landing the punch perfectly. I knew Steve and I had different philosophies when it came to our work and I hated each time we disagreed. Steve didn’t understand the changing times and I wished I could be as idealistic as him. Both those things equalled rarely ever seeing eye to eye.
Fury stepped away from the ring to stand behind his desk, picking up a different folder than the one I’d just given him. “There was a break-in at our main storage facility up in New York this morning,” he explained, “Broad daylight. Whoever did it disabled the security cameras so we’ve got no footage. I need you to go and interview the witnesses, see if you can find out anything. You leave immediately.” “Are you kidding?” I raised an eyebrow, “That’s our most secure facility, you practically need to give three samples of DNA just to get into the parking lot. Only an employee could have even gotten close to…” Fury gave me a knowing look, waiting for me to come to the same conclusion as him. “Like I said, you leave right away,” he slid the folder across his desk, I stopped it telekinetically just as it was about to fall, “There’s a picture in there in case you’ve forgotten what it looks like.”
My stomach twisted as I took the manila folder, if Nick and I were on the right trail…then something awful could have already been set in motion. I sealed my day’s plans with a nod and turned on my heel to head for the elevator. A sobering thought caused me to stop and turn back to my boss.
“Look, I’m not giving my signature of approval on Project Insight, but can you promise me that if there’s any red flags, you’ll press pause on it?”
Nick and I had worked closely with each other for long enough that I could read him without ever having to step into his mind. Others might not have seen any difference in his posture and facial expression, but I could tell. There were tiny creases of worry around his eyes, his shoulders were slightly raised, and the frown he wore told me that he was already on the save wavelength as me. “What do you think I’m on my way to do right now?”
The Smithsonian was a place that up until a few months ago, I had loved to visit. Once the Captain America exhibit had opened, save for the opening day where Steve and I had been present, we’d avoided the hordes of people who would no doubt ambush Steve. That was until a few weeks ago when Steve confessed to me that sometimes when he was feeling lost, he’d go and stare at his story brought to life. The mementos, his old uniform, the mentions of Bucky, all of it created a haven for him to go when he couldn’t figure things out.
With a baseball cap as my ill-thought out disguise, I walked through the exhibit room floor with my head down. I knew he typically hid out in the screening room. There a video played with interviews from those who knew Steve throughout his life. As I slipped into the back of the room, I spotted my boyfriend hunched over at one of the benches. I came around to him, seeing that he was staring at his compass rather than at the screen. As he registered my presence, he quickly flipped the compass shut and slipped it back into his jacket pocket. I sunk down next him and placed a hand on his leg, rubbing gently as I waited for him to start speaking. I knew there was more on his mind than on mine.
“For as long as I can remember, all I wanted to do was serve. To do what was right. After New York, when Fury offered me the position at S.H.I.E.L.D, I thought it would be easy. I could slip right back into it like I’d never stopped. Today showed me that…” Steve sighed, “Things will never be like they used to. It’s just not as simple as it used to be, I guess I wasn’t ready to find that out. It makes me wonder if…” “If?” “If maybe this life just isn’t for me anymore.” Even with Steve struggling to understand how the world worked in the 21st century, I hadn’t thought he’d ever consider getting out of the game so early. Truth be told, I couldn’t stomach the thought of fighting without him at my sight after doing it for so long. “Are you serious?” I asked, confusedly.
Steve looked down at his feet, “I don’t know.” “I’ve got no right to tell you what to do,” I began, trying to think up the right words, “But I know you. You can’t walk away from a fight, even if I try to get you to,” I elected a snort out of him, easing a few of my nerves, “Look, whatever you choose, you’ve got my full support. Just don’t make any decisions unless you’re 100% sure.” “Of course,” he nodded, looking over at me, his baby blues shining even in the dark room. I moved my hand to the back of his neck and scratched lightly at the hairs there, Steve closed his eyes at the contact.
“I believe in you, Steve Rogers or Captain America,” I whispered, wanting him to know that even though if I wanted him to stay, he had my love no matter what.
“You gonna tell me what’s in the folder?” Steve asked, nodding towards my other hand.
I sighed and removed my hand from Steve’s body, scooching closer to him and opening up the manila folder. “I won’t invoke his name, but the almighty one-eyed man is sending me to New York. Break-in at one of our facilities, needs me to interview the witnesses. I’m on my way there now, hopefully I’ll be back tonight.” “Okay, promise me you’ll be safe,” Steve said, lightly taking my free hand into both of his. Separate missions weren’t favored by either of us.
“I promise,” I smiled, watching him raise the back of my hand to his lips, “Maybe we can have that chinese and Casablana when I get back?” “Sounds like a plan.” Slipping my baseball cap off momentarily to place a kiss on Steve’s lips, I parted sadly from my boyfriend, peeked at the picture of the facility and disappeared into thin air.
I landed in the parking lot of the storage facility, marching towards the front entrance where an agent awaited me.
“Agent Y/L/N, pleasure to meet you,” he greeted me, extending and shaking my hand, “Agent Marshall.” “Give me the rundown,” I ordered, cutting straight to business. This was a puzzle I wanted to solve as quick as I could. “This morning, the facility was ambushed by a group of armed adversaries. Staff were detained, blinded and gagged specifically, before the group entered the storage rooms,” Agent Marshall explained as he walked me through the building. “Somehow, they reprogrammed our entry system and were able to get access to the whole thing. They disabled the security cameras so we’ve got no footage.”
My mind worked rapidly as Agent Marshall took us into a back room, an elevator waiting at the end of the hall to take us to the guts of the building. “If the whole system is still down, there’s no way to see if an ID was used to gain entry.” “Exactly,” he replied, the two of us walking into the elevator and him pushing the button, “We’ve got a team coming out to see if they can get it back online, but Director Fury mentioned that you had experience with electrical work…” I rolled my eyes and Agent Marshall stifled a chuckle at the joke, “I’ll see if I can get it back up. First I’d like to interview the witnesses. Let me know when the team gets here though. How many were here at the time of the break-in?” The elevator doors opened and revealed a large group of at least 300 S.H.I.E.L.D employees waiting for me. The day had just gotten much longer than I’d expected…
I’d gotten to the Triskelion at 10AM, visited the Smithsonian at 11AM and been in New York by 11:30AM.
It was now 1:30AM and I was cursing the unknown name of whoever had broken into the storage facility and robbed me of sleep.
I had finally gotten through the last interview, which was really more of a formality considering I simply read the mind of whoever was sitting in front of me and assured myself that they had no part in the crime. Inside the makeshift interrogation room they’d set up for me, I leaned on the table and rubbed at my eyes. No one had gotten a clear look at the faces of the robbers, all they could tell was they were definitely men who knew their way around. They’d been thorough, the type of thoroughness that had been bred into every S.H.I.E.L.D agent, only adding to my suspicion that it was an inside job. I wasn’t going to call Fury with hunches, I had to wait until I had hard evidence.
I kicked my feet up and stood up, collecting myself and heading out the door. The tech team was working tirelessly trying to get our system back online to no avail. Agent Marshall, somehow still miraculously awake, was talking to a few witnesses who had stuck around to try and help. I made my way over to the large metal doors that led into the warehouse. There was no sign of gunfire, meaning whoever broke in simply strolled in. The only person who could have done that would be one of our own. With each piece of the puzzle I assembled, my stomach began to feel a little sicker.
“Any progress?” I asked the techies.
“No, ma’am,” one reported, “We might need to call in a specialist from D.C. since we can’t-“
“Oh, look,” I said, my voice monotone as I tiredly pushed the young man aside, “Your specialist from D.C. is here.” I walked towards the doors and telekinetically began ripping it from its hinges, creating an entryway for the soldiers and agents waiting to get in and see what the thieves had stolen.
“Um, agent Y/L/N, you know that we’re going to have to rebuild the door,” a nervous agent said from behind me.
“Put it on my tab,” I said, too exhausted to care, “I believe I just solved one of our problems.”
Me and the soldiers headed in first with Agent Marshall following, we set off in different directions to take stock of what was missing. The warehouse was massive, it would easily take us another two hours to search through every shelf. As I searched, I couldn’t see any openings where something of value may have laid. The longer I searched, the less sense things made. Eventually when I hit the end of another row, I leaned against a wall and slid down to the ground, shutting my eyes and settling into my mind. S.H.I.E.L.D personnel breaking in, full access to a crap ton of agency secrets. If given the opportunity, what would they steal? What had so much value that it could drive someone to risk it all for a shot at getting their hands on it? My eyes opened. “Shit.”
I rose and teleported to one of the agents standing by and overseeing the work being done. “Tell your men to look for Loki’s scepter,” I ordered.
The man nodded and repeated my directions into his earpiece, I took off down a few unstarched aisles with a new energy in my step. I wanted to be wrong, desperately, but I had a feeling that I wasn’t. Once the scepter had been checked out, it had been brought to the facility and I had been one of the ones who had guarded it as it arrived. Why? Too valuable and too high a chance that someone would want it for themselves.
“N-14, N-14,” I mumbled to myself as I searched for the corresponding row I knew it lay in, my boots clicking against the floor as I ran. When I got where I needed to be, I saw exactly what I’d dreaded I might.
An empty space.
We were in trouble.
I transported back to the front of the room. “It’s not here,” I announced, Agent Marshall having arrived back from his round of searches, “This changes everything. I’ll try my hand at the log but somebody needs to contact Director Fury immediately.” “Yes ma’am,” he replied, pulling out his phone, “I’ll make the call now.” I jogged back under the door and stopped at the data pad again, “Any luck?” “They completely scrambled the wiring, but we think we were able to rewire it back to its original settings. Problem is we don’t have anything strong enough to send a charge to power it back u-“ Without thinking, I sent a blast of electricity into the panel through my hands and saw the screen light up. The men moved out of my way as I came to stand in front of it, placing my handprint on the scanner and gaining the access needed. Once I got through, I pressed a few buttons and found the entry log, the last good thing I found.
Wolfgang Von Strucker.
S.H.I.E.L.D personnel.
I swallowed hard as all my suspicions became truth. The Baron had stolen the scepter for his own doing. Surrounded by people waiting for an answer from me, I quickly went down the trail of thought. If Strucker had broken in, there were accomplices. If there were accomplices, that meant there were double agents. I’d scanned through the brains of nearly everybody in the room, but not all of them. There was a fairly good chance that there were traitors in our midst. Thus, precautions needed to be taken. I carefully erased the log, feeling the breath of everyone down my neck, and turning to face them all. “Whoever did this was good, they erased the entry log,” I explained, spinning it to only a half lie, “I wish I could be of more help but I don’t see anything else I can do. I’ll report back to Director Fury and make him aware of what’s gone on.” “You’ve already been more than helpful, Agent Y/L/N,” Agent Marshall stepped forward, “May I speak to you before you go?” Marshall and I walked towards the elevator, waiting for it to arrive. He leaned in close enough so that only I would hear what he had to say.
“It’s just been announced…” he paused as we stepped into the elevator and the doors shut on us, “Director Fury was shot and killed.” Very few times had I ever felt the world freeze, but this was one of them.
“I called HQ to tell them about the scepter and they told me,” he explained further, “It happened an hour or two ago, I guess.” As I had been searching the halls of the warehouse and interrogating innocent employees, Nick had lay somewhere in D.C. bleeding out. I wanted to fall to my knees and never rise.
“There’s no information on the shooter?” I asked, my voice threatening to waver. “No ma’am,” he said as we stepped out of the elevator and into the empty lobby of the facility, “I’m sure there’ll be more news soon.”
My thoughts spun faster than I could even try and control, but I was still coherent enough to think to check Agent Marshall’s mind. I entered and dug around, not having to look very hard to find what I wished I hadn’t seen.
He was a traitor. “Something wrong, agent?” he asked, playing innocent as if he didn’t know who he really was under the nice guy act.
I dug around more, staring at him blankly as I searched for answers. What I found made me almost wish I’d never questioned him to begin with. It was so much worse than I thought…
Two words rang through his head.
After a second long pause, I formed a ball of electricity and launched it at him. It sent him flying backwards into the wall of the lobby. As he tried to run towards me, I telekinetically dropped him and slid him across the slick tile floor into one of the floor to ceiling windows. The whole thing shattered and rained down on him. He miraculously rose, pissed off and stalking towards me with his gun aimed at me. I threw up a force field around myself and dodged each bullet he fired. When he ran out of bullets I teleported behind him and twisted the arm with the gun behind him. He cried out and I kicked him in the groin, silencing his noises before sweeping his legs and pinning him with one foot on his back.
“Cut off one head,” he panted with an unsettling smile, “Two more shall take its place.” “Oh, shut up,” I groaned, grabbing his fun and hitting him in the head with the butt. He’d be out for a while. Unfortunately, that meant the next time somebody came upstairs, they’d know I attacked him. I had to get somewhere that was guaranteed to be safe.
Avengers Tower.
I teleported and landed in the living room of my floor, praying that Tony had fixed the glitch in J.A.R.V.I.S' facial recognition system that triggered the security system last time I arrived. With no blaring alarms going off, I took it as a sign that I could move undetected.
“Hey, JARVIS,” I called to the empty room, wanting to collapse from shock and exhaustion.
“Welcome, Miss Y/L/N,” the calming AI announced its presence, “Shall I alert Mr. Stark of your arrival?” “No, that’s alright,” I replied, running my hands through my hair, “Can you run a private call to Captain Rogers?” “Of course.” With no burner phone on me, there was no safe way to contact Steve. JARVIS, however, however had a program that allowed him to make untraceable calls. As a blue holographic log appeared in front of me, I waited anxiously for an answer. Steve wouldn’t have been anywhere near Fury, but maybe he’d have information on his death that wasn’t given to the public. Oh, and the small fact of needing to tell him that HYDRA had somehow found their way into S.H.I.E.L.D.
“There is no answer, ma’am,” JARVIS announced the obvious. “Shit,” I whispered, trying to think up a plan B, “Try Agent Romanoff.”
The call rang and rang, once again, going unanswered.
“Agent Romanoff is-“ “Okay, try Steve again,” I interrupted, growing more and more anxious by the second. When the long beeps finally ended once again and all I heard was Steve’s voicemail, I growled in frustration and telekinetically threw a book I’d left open last time I’d been there off the coffee table. I threw myself on the couch and put my head in my hands. Was it too dangerous for me to zip back to D.C? Or was I supposed to figure out a solution from a distance? Without Fury, knowing I couldn’t depend on S.H.I.E.L.D for any resources and unable to contact Steve or Natasha, all my obvious options were gone.
Well, except one.
“JARVIS,” I stood to my feet, “Is Pepper with Tony?” “Miss Potts is currently conducting business in California, Agent Y/L/N. Does this have anything to do with alerting Mr. Stark to your presence?”
“Yes,” I marched out of the room, “I’d care about waking up Pepper.” A short elevator ride later and I was racing through Tony’s floor trying to locate his bedroom. Eventually I got tired of trying to find it and grabbed two pots from his kitchen stove and started banging them together.
“UP!” I yelled above the noise.
After a few seconds, Tony came out with a single repulsor from his Iron Man suit attached to his hand. Upon seeing me, he dropped it.
“Was JARVIS too subtle of an alert system for you?” he asked, rubbing an eye sleepily.
“He’s always too subtle for my taste,” I replied, setting the pans down, “I need your help.” “Relationship troubles? Cap having trouble with the little soldier?” he asked as he headed for the fridge, “Can’t say I’ve ever had that problem but-“ “Fury’s dead, Tony,” I interrupted the disgusting thought, there was no time for joking.
Tony shut the door to the fridge and turned to me, lips parted and eyes widened. “I don’t know how,” I continued my story, “But I can’t get a hold of Steve or Nat and S.H.I.E.L.D’s compromised. This was the first place I thought to come.”
“I’m sorry…” he rounded the bar in between us to stand in front of me, “S.H.I.E.L.D. is what?”
“HYDRA. I don’t know how, I don’t know…" I paused to take a breath, trying to collect my thoughts, "But I had a fucking S.H.I.E.L.D agent trying to kill me me ten minutes ago and he had HYDRA in his head. Somebody stole Loki’s scepter, it was an inside job. There were several of them who broke in, there’s no telling who else might have known about it. Point is, my gut instinct says to not trust anyone.” “Except me.” “Except you.” Tony turned away from me and rubbed a hand over his face, “What do you need from me?” “You broke into S.H.I.E.L.D’s system back on the helicarrier, right?” “Right,” he nodded. “And how hard was that?” I asked.
“JARVIS did most of the heavy lifting, so not very hard for me.” I raised two hopeful eyebrows, “Think you could do it remotely?”
He thought it over, no doubt running the equations and data in his oversized brain. “Put on a pot of coffee, it’s gonna be a long night.”
A/N: I'm super excited to go through CATWS. I have so many things and surprises planned! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and let me know if you'd like to be tagged!
Fault Line Taglist: @superbookishhufflepuff @narcissism-iskey @fangirl-swagg @oopsiedoopsie23
Steve Rogers Taglist: @x-judyjude-x @dindjarinsspouse @justreadingficsdontmindme
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dynyamight · 3 years
“ I’ve killed people for less. “ and drinks their drink
owo 👀💙
send me an interaction ask bonus + action
“I’ve killed people for less.” + drinks their drink
The local news is like the thrift store, for Midoriya. Sometimes, you find the most fascinating stories, begging to be delved further. Murder cases. Lawsuits. Activist movements. Protests.
But, other times-- read, the majority of the time-- it’s overwhelmingly flooded with completely mundane stories. Pet findings. New pop up store. Celebrity sightings. An anniversary of a statue that no one ever cares about.
And, with every stack of newspapers he scans through, Midoriya begins to realize that tonight was one of those dead end nights. Unfortunately.
Aizawa’s going to have a field day yelling at him tomorrow afternoon. The newspaper company is itching for a new story, and Midoriya coming in, empty handed, is only going to upset everyone else, too.
So here Midoriya was, inside a bar, a couple of miles away from where he lived. Hoping running away from his workspace would bring peace.
Originally, Midoriya had been walking down the bustling streets of Shibuya aimlessly, unsure where he was headed. All he knew was that he needed at least the rest of the night by himself, or that’s how long Midoriya planned to stay out. To freshen his mind. Clear it.
But, from the way his fingers began to turn numb, Midoriya knew he couldn't stay out any longer.
What caught his attention was the jazzy music that came from a bar, illuminated by it's red neon, wide cursive label. As he neared it, the aroma of strong liquor stung his nostrils, but by no means stopped him from wanting to enter.
First, he stands waiting outside the closed doors, rubbing his hands vigorously to stay warm. However, the longer he stood, shivering worse and worse, no employee ever came out. Unable to stand outside, Midoriya pushes through the doors, and hopes he isn’t intruding.
Even though not many were seated inside the place, Midoriya already began to feel uncomfortable, especially with how active and loud everything was, from the way the music swung in the air and the way the blaring conversations seemed obnoxious. The noises boomed in his ears, and it only made his heart race.
Embarrassment fills Midoriya's cheeks as he tries to scooch in between table after table, in hopes of reaching to the bar stools. Every ‘excuse me’ is left unheard.
When Midoriya takes his seat by the bar, he finally exhales his held breath, more at ease with the environment. The music didn’t reach as well in this particular spot and no one else really lingered around here. Which meant, it was perfect for Midoriya.
“Well, aren't you a new, pretty face.”
Midoriya turns to meet the bartender, a tall, buff man, with a sultry red gaze, which did no good to Midoriya’s heart. His breath heavily smelled like tonic and smoke and his grumbling voice screamed slum raised.
“Um, greetings.” Midoriya mumbles politely, bowing albeit.
“Hey, good lookin’.” The bartender smirks, “S’rare to see someone I haven’t met, before.”
“Not many people come here?”
“Quite the contrary,” the blonde brawn admits, heaving a loud huff. “It’s just tonight’s boss night, which means sole business. And, it's easy to spot and kick out the new rats like you ‘round here.”
Forcing himself not to grimace, Midoriya offers a weak smile. “Sorry about that. Didn't mean to disturb the place.”
“Nah, I ain't bothered.” The bartender chuckles, “If anyone would be distressed by a new customer, it'd be the last one on that list.”
"Um, you sure are rather kind, mister."
He leans over the counter, harshly whispering close to Midoriya's ear. “Be thankful, I’m in a good fuckin’ mood welcomin' strangers, tonight.”
A shiver creeps up his spine from the sudden closeness. Leaning away from the stench of smoke and hard liquor, Midoriya quickly nods in affirmation. “Yeah, isn't that a blessing. Uh, could I get whiskey, by any chance? That would be nice.” he rambles out, in hopes for a bit of space.
As the bartender moves away, back turned to his stash of drinks, Midoriya lets out a sigh of relief.
Once the bartender faces back around, with two glasses of whiskey in hand, Midoriya blinks. “I- Um, I only wanted one.”
A shake of the head, the guy snickers. He offers one over to Midoriya. “One’s for me, idiot. Unless you're in a mood to forget.”
“Ah, right..” Midoriya reaches for the outreached glass. Their fingers graze each other’s, sending a jolt shamelessly through Midoriya.
Scanning through the bar, Midoriya notices the entire bar was wearing formal wear; tuxedos, suits, ties, coats. They were all dressed to the nines, puffing out big cigars, and downing bottles with ease.
“What’s a boss night?” Midoriya inquiries.
Surprisingly, the bartender narrows his red eyes into a glare. “That’s weasel talk.”
Whatever that meant, Midoriya can only assume it was an insult. “I-I’m not a weasel!” He squawks.
That eases the tension off the man’s face. And instead, a toothy grin appears. “Then, don’t say that shit ‘round here. Or else, I’d have to blow your head.”
Midoriya’s mind thinks of the worst, and the feeling of burning cheeks erupt his face. “You shouldn’t say stuff like that. Things that can easily be misconstrued.”
“What if I want my shit misconstrued?” The bartender snickers, “Hell, what if I want to miscon-screw you?”
“Y-You don’t even know my name, mister.” Midoriya stutters.
“Yeah, you’re definitely a new rat.” Finally, lifting the whiskey glass to his lips, the smile still stretches. “We don’t give names here. That shit is confidential.”
“O-Oh. Well, then, um, just call me Izuku.” Midoriya mumbles, “It’s my alias.”
It’s his real name. But, the bartender obviously doesn’t know that.
The man’s gaze squints. “What the hell? Deku?”
Midoriya blanches. “No, I said-”
“Just call me Katsu, and we won’t have any problems, Deku.”
Midoriya purses his lips. “Okay, well, I have a problem. And, if I’m paying 2,000 yen for a drink, I politely suggest you say my name right.”
Regardless, Katsu shrugs, with a shining glint in his eyes. “I’ve killed people for less.”
And, just like that, he downs his whiskey in one gulp.
Tentatively, with a sudden chill beating his heart faster, Midoriya sips his drink.
He has to go. He shouldn’t be here. Why did this man joke about death? Killing another person? No, it had to be a joke. A tease. The man has been teasing him the moment he sat down. It just had to be a small jab. That’s all.
Yet, the thought still rattled his mind.
Midoriya coughs, “Um, is that a company policy?”
Katsu hums, tilting his head. “What is?”
“Names. Is it like for, I don’t know, feeling like we’re secret agents? Is that the vibe this bar is trying to give?”
That makes the bartender laugh loud and smack a hard hand on the counter, causing the entire place to look at the two. When they notice the guffawing is from the bar, more specifically the bartender, they all simply turn away. Back to their normal conversations.
While Midoriya’s feeling winded from the sudden attention, the man breathes out an airy chuckle. “It’s a ‘for-life’ policy. Say your name, and you’re a fucking goner.”
Katsu leans in close, eying the side of Midoriya's face, "And, with a cute face like yours, it'd be a fuckin' shame to see it ruined."
Midoriya is strucken with an overload of goosebumps. Whatever this place is, he most definitely doesn’t belong here.
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ezrasarm · 3 years
Morning Coffee
Pairing: Javier Peña x gn!reader
Summary: In which we pretend you’re a morning person
Word count: 1.2K
Warnings: one swear word? Subtle implications of sex but not necessarily with reader, fluff
A/n: I’m back babyyyyyy! I’ve had this kicking around in my WIPs for ages and I figured it was finally time to polish it off. It’s been a looooong while since I’ve written for Javi and I’m not exactly certain what brought this on but I hope you enjoy it!
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Javier was still fast asleep when you sat yourself down on the edge of the bed next to him. “Morning sleepyhead,” You hum, although you’re still only met with soft snores and shallow breathing. It makes you smile for a moment. It’s not often that you get to see him this relaxed. He certainly wasn’t last night when he came barging up to your apartment in the wee hours of the morning livid about something Steve had done that could’ve gotten them both killed on their stakeout.
He felt bad the moment you threw the door open, half asleep, hair frazzled and in your pjs. He’d woken you up. He hadn’t even been thinking when he came over. All he knew was that he had to see you. There had been a pause when he finally processed what he’d done, throwing a thumb over his shoulder awkwardly and going to excuse himself to leave.
You caught his wrist and dragged him inside before he even had a chance. You’d managed to keep your eyes open long enough for him to apologize for waking you up and to hear at least the start of his rant on what an awful day he had but eventually your eyelids grew heavy and dropped into your line of sight. Before you knew it it was eight in the morning, blinding sunlight was pouring in through a crack in the curtains and there was a cat peering down at you waiting for food.
“Javier,” you murmur, pushing his bed frazzled hair off of his forehead so you could press a kiss to it. You don’t get much more than a groan in return when he shifts underneath you. “Javier, you're gonna be late if you don’t get up soon.” You say, pressing a kiss to his lips this time instead.
You’re almost convinced he’s still asleep until just as you’re shifting to pull away and reassess your human alarm options he leans up and catches your lips with his. “What about the alarm?”
“You came in so late last night I turned it off when I got up cause I knew you needed the extra sleep.” You explained, brushing your fingers through his hair again.
“What time is it?”
“Nine fifteen.”
“I still have time.” He grumbles, settling back into his pillow more when you feel the telltale squeeze of his arm around your waist. Just as he’s about to tug you down beside him you let out a squeal.
“Coffee! Hot coffee in my hand, don’t you fucking dare!” At that, he finally cracks an eye open. Figures, coffee would get his attention.
“You brought me coffee?” He asks softly and you nod. There’s something in his eye, foreign to the drowsy squint from the sunlight and hazy croak of his morning voice. Surprise?
“How long have you been up?”
“An hour or so. The cat needed feeding.”
“Stupid cat,”
“You know you like him.” You tease and you manage to catch the slight quirk to his lips at that.
“He could be worse.” He shrugs, finally shuffling over in the bed to take the mug from your hand as you squeeze in beside him, folding your legs over his and leaning over to reach for your own mug on the nightstand.
“I could get used to this.” He sighed after his first sip. There was something about being brought coffee in bed that warmed the heart and made him feel so incredibly cared for in a way that felt completely alien to him. He swore it tasted better like this.
“Yeah well this is the kind of treatment you get when you bother to stick around in the morning.” You tease.
“I stick around in the morning!” He squeaks out defensively. You don’t think you’ve ever heard his voice that high and it almost makes you lose your coffee when you fail to suppress a laugh.
“Mhmm? For five minutes,”
“It’s more than I can say for…” he cuts himself off and you roll your eyes.
“I know, Javi.” You weren’t oblivious.
“I haven’t- since things between you and I have started getting more serious, I haven’t… y’know, wanted to.” His tone has evened out again, a lower whisper as though he’s almost afraid to say it out loud.
“More serious,” you hum “Is that what we are now?” You smile but you knew he was right. He’d come over last night with no ulterior motives than to sleep next to you instead of in his own empty bed and for Javier Peña that’s about as serious it had gotten since Lorraine.
You finish your coffees in relative silence, the odd remark about your plans for the day and an exclamation when the cat decides Javi is the chosen one this morning and curls up in the most awkward position possible on his ankle. An odd sense of dread grips your heart when he finally shifts to start getting ready to go to work but you manage to force it down until you’re at the door bidding him a good day and forcing the set of keys he’d almost forgotten on your nightstand into his hand.
“No letting Murphy drag you around sketchy areas tonight. I don’t need you taking a bullet for his stupidity.”
“It was the heat of the moment, he didn’t even know where he was going.”
“That’s exactly what I mean Javi, I need you back in one piece.” And suddenly you’re the one feeling like you’ve said too much. Being a little caught off guard he decides to side step the implications of that sentiment for just a moment. Javier had never been one for relationships, but with you they didn’t seem so bad after all.
“I’m riding the desk today anyway. Gotta do a proper debrief over last night.” He assures you, dropping his hands from where they had been running up and down your upper arms so he can open the door.
“I’ll see you tonight, yeah?” He says and you nod, leaning into him so you can press a quick kiss to his lips.
“I’ll see you tonight.” You smile and with that he’s contented as you shut the door behind him. It’s not until he makes it down to his car that he notices something on his key ring. He almost thinks you’d given him yours by accident until he takes a moment for further inspection. It’s an extra key that you’ve wrapped a sticky note around. In your own messy scrawl are the words “so you don’t have to feel bad about waking me up next time.”
Next time. He thinks to himself, a proud half smile as he keyed into his car and one that remained the entire drive into work and loomed in the back of his mind for the whole day to follow.
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