#Ninjago Kai x you
lulu-tutu · 1 year
Oopsie 💕 Kai (Ninjago)
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A/N: first actual post in a while and it’s something I made like,, a year or so ago lol Ninjago has infected my brain again so expect more of these for the next few months, and yes, I’ve seen all the requests in my inbox and I promise you all, I will get to them! It just takes time to get motivated but I swear I’ll get them all out eventually. For now, enjoy this little read (and if you have more Ninjago requests - please send them I beg 🙏)
Desperate need for Ninjago mutuals 😭 Dragons Rising has me hooked all over again.
Pairing(s): Kai x Fem!Reader
Warning(s): mild language, fluff overdose, pretty tame and somewhat short and sweet.
Word Count: 868
🔥🔥🔥 🐉🐉🐉🔥🔥🔥🐉🐉🐉
"Are you absolutely sure it's on?"
It was a sunny Sunday, and thankfully the theives in Ninjago City seem to be non-existent, giving the Ninja a day to finally kick back and relax with their loved ones.
A few moments ago, you had your little girl in your arms, swaying her side to side as you tickled her stomach. As her laughter slowed down, she started to gurgle and you were shocked at the fact that she was trying to speak.
Recently she had turned the age of two, which excited both her parents. Soon, she would be saying her first words, which she was close to.
You had the magnificent idea of making your daughters first words her favourite animal, frog. Wanting that moment to be special and remembered, you got your husband, Kai to film the event.
"Yes, (Y/n)! It's rolling! See! The red light is on!" Kai leans away from the camera slightly to point at the glowing red light.
"Okay, good. We don't want to miss a single detail." Biting your lip in excitement, you motioned to the lounge area. "She's playing right now, come on."
As you lead Kai to the lounge, you could finally see your daughter on camera. In one hand was a pink tea cup and in the other was a Kermit toy.
"Amaya, darling." You coo and kneel down in front of the young girl. Amaya glances up from her tea party, her eyes widening now that you were here in front of her.
Amaya was a gorgous girl and Kai always said that she was going to break every guys heart when she grows up. While that was his opinion, he was most likely right, if she was anything like her father. She had her fathers hair, attitude and his freckles from when he was a child. You hoped that the freckles would be permanent, unlike how Kai only had his as a kid.
She also had your eyes, nose and curiosity. She was almost always up to mischief, which sometimes gave you and Kai heart attacks.
"Sweetheart," You start and grab her chubby hands as she reaches out for you, "Mama heard that you could almost talk!"
Amaya lets out a giggle and nods her head, most likely not even knowing exactly what you said.
"Can you try again? How about you try saying 'frog'. Can you say that?" You made sure to say each word slowly, wanting Amaya to understand what you needed her to say.
"F-F..." The small girls fumbles with the first letter, her eyes downcast as she concentrates.
While you stared at your girl in adoration, Kai made sure to zoom in to your loving gaze then over to Amaya, watching as she touched her own lips. He had to choke down a chuckle.
"That's it! F-r-o-g." You tried to help her by saying each letter slowly and a bit slurred. Amaya stared at you for a moment, her eyes trained on your lips as you say each letter.
You watch as she gasps, almost like she had had the greatest idea in the entire world. She bounced on her feet a little, her eyes wide as she opened her mouth, "F-fuck!"
"Maya!" You shriek as a hand comes up to clasp your agape mouth, your face having shock and horror all over it.
While you stared mortified at your daughter, Kai was laughing himself dead on the other side of the camera, a free hand on his stomach as he laughs.
"W-Who taught you that!?" You look down to your daughter who was laughing as well at her father.
While little giggles leave her lips, she points a finger to her father. "Fuck!" She laughs out and ends up falling down on her rear end.
With wide eyes and a scowl, your head turns slowly towards your husband, "Kai Smith! Look at what you did to our daughter! Her first words! This is-"
"Hilarious!" Kai snorts out and with shaky hands, he zooms the camera in to capture the look of horror and pure rage on your face.
"You're so dead!" You yell out before standing up from your crouching posistion and sprinting at the laughing man.
Kai immediately halts his laughing, "Oh crap." He curses before sprinting off and away from the hands of his blood thirsty wife, the camera recording every bit of the situation.
While the two lovebirds fought in the kitchen, Amaya went back to playing with her frog. She picked him up and hugged him close to her chest, "Kermy." She mumbles with a giggle.
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moxielynx · 28 days
copy pasted from twitter but thinking about a headcanon i saw that when elemental masters die they get reincarnated as a dragon and the wind dragon that kai saved in hunted was morro. ive been unstable ever since reading it
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azarsucks · 4 months
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hope you like it <3
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greenunoreversecard · 3 months
Kai general and Romantic headcanons
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A/N:sorry if I got any of the characters wrong, I was using a combo of wiki/Google translate as I don't speak any of the languages mentioned. Pls let me know if I got any info wrong, i will gladly go in and change it to make it right.
Half Indian and half Chinese.
His and nya's last name is 鄭 (Zheng), but he says it's Smith bc when they where younger he got in the habit of lying about his name so he Didnt have to deal with CPS.
His ma is from Visakhapatnam in Andhra Pradesh, and was a practicing Hindu. Ray is from the 云南 (yunnan) province, and was a practicing theravida Buddhist. Ray is ethnically from the 傣族 (dai people, also spelt Tai in english)
Before his parents dissapearances, they both brought him to their hometowns, and actively taught him both cultures and religions, which he continued to learn about and even teach Nya about after their dissapearances.
When he was 14 he bought a small boat and him and Nya rode it across the costal line, and he promised Nya one day when he was older he'd bring the both of them to their parents hometowns.
He's a Buddhist.
He speaks so many languages.
Like so many
He's fluent in Thai, mandarin and cantonese chinese, telugu, urdu, hindi, Punjabi, arabic and ninjago-ian(idk whatever language ninjago speaks)
Also trying to learn Indonesian.
He also knows yunnan dialect bc his dad would speak in it more often than not
Absorbes info like a sponge
He likes to quilt
He always wears a golden bracelet He got from his moms jewelry box after she left.
Likes to draw but is bad at it, so he colors coloring books
He may act all confident, but he really isn't. super insecure
Soooo good with hair
Like, has all the stops. 10 step hair care routine
rivals Zanes cooking skills.
When working out focuses on building rather than lean muscle.
Mother friend
has dragged all of his friends into the water splashing festival.
Fatal flaw is loyalty and kind of hubris (it's conflicting, ik with the insecure and extreme pride, but like- it makes sense in my head. Inferiority/maybe superiority complex.)(it makes sense bc this is such me behavior. Imagine hating yourself but thinking ur the baddest bitch alive)
Likes to stare at fire
If he can't sleep he'll make a small bonfire to stare at and think
Chronic cigarette smoker
Hes more show than tell
Def acts of service (me frfr)
Although, he is very cuddly.
Not in public, though. Maybe infront of the other ninja if it was a rough day
Loves to rock you gently from side to side when yall are hug
loves to give you temple kisses
He's very gentle with you, treats you like glass
You wil prolly say ily first, and he'll go;"🧍‍♂️...cool?"
He has mommy and daddy issues, but HEAVY on the mommy issues. Have fun with this hyper-independant fuck who can't accept help without feeling like a failure even though they need it (I'm not projecting you are)
Goes all out for holidays and anniversaries.
Doberman/German Shepard vibes tbh
When it's just you two he doesn't feel the need to fill the air with meaningless chatter, so if he feels safe enough to just share air without talking feel honoured and cherish it bc that means he actually trusts you.
A little rough around the edges, but will remember that thing you said 5years ago on ur first date
Most dates are chill inside and take a nap
But sometimes if he can he takes you on the town or someplace fancy
Also likes to show you his favorite childhood spots
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reveseke · 8 months
Masc! Reader with a cat who has really violent zoomies at times (to the point of possibly knocking the furniture down or making heavy furniture sway) & a confused, and very much scared of the said cat, character just chilling as the said cat starts and the reader just goes about life like nothing's happening at all. While the character anxiously stays by their sides, investigates or possibly gets surprise attack spooked by the said cat.
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ninjautistic · 6 months
I've been seeing people fight for lava and geode debating which one is better (mainly on tiktok and Twitter)
But whats stopping anyone from making them polyamorous 🤨
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Why can't cole have two gay boyfriends..😔🏳️‍🌈
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colesluvr · 10 months
Can I please request m!reader X the ninja where the reader runs up to the ninja to hug them and then starts spinning them around in a hug
Have a nice day 💖
CATCH ME! | All Ninja x Male Reader
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hello!! this post is saying im not dead, just reeeeaallly tired and want a break heheheheee. sry if you wanted nya, i just needed post something so yall know i'm alive :(
you normally run up to him like that when a mission was claimed successful. other times you do it just to see his reaction, and it always makes you laugh. sometimes you just hug him, but other times you just start spinning. although he's a ninja and has trained to be imune to sneak attacks, you always make him scream when you randomly jump at him and spin him around.
your a giggling mess when he spins faster, but not fast enough to do spinjitzu.
he's noticed you do this whenever your really happy, so he knows when your unhappy because you won't hug him and spin him around like your always did.
"is that really as fast as you can go?" kai grinned as you spun both of you around. that statement ended with you both falling on the ground after 50x spins in a row.
loves it when you hug him and spin him around. it's got him smiling ear to ear and giggling left and right. your arms are normally wrapped around his neck whiles his are wrapped around your waist as you both spin. sometimes your legs are wrapped around his torso, but thats only when you know jay will just randomly let go of you for fun..one time leading you tumbling to the floor and banged your head on the table. big trust issues were lost that day.
"want to go faster?" jay grinned as he locked eyes with you. a wicked smiled formed on your face as jay spun, a blue tornado surrounded your vision. yours and his laugher were heard from the tornado as nya and cole walked by.
this is a normal thing you both do now.
when you first did this, cole was scared. he didn't know you were going to randomly start spinning and accdiently did spinjitzu. you cried his name out as you held onto him for dear life. he noticed you started doing this more when you were happy or a mission was successful.
all he's nervous about is that your going to be to extreme and cause you both to fall over, him landing ontopnof you because your the one spinning him.
other then that he's all for this now. he'll even join in one the spinning whne he's in the mood and lift you into the air.
he just lets you spin him around. assuming your running at him for a hug, he opens his arms with a smile, but he's caught off guard when you jump at him and spin on your heels.
he yelps as he grabs onto you as you both spin full cricle multiple times. your laughter fills the room, zane's following soon after.
he questions you about your sudden out burst, and you reply with your tounge poking out.
he finds this cute and nevr gets upset when you randomly do it now and again.
he thought this would be a normal hug. so when you suddenly lift him off the ground and start spinning he let out a scream while gripping your shoulders for support.
he laughs out your name as you continue to spin. once you placed him down you give a playful kiss on the lips and waved him off.
he was left in a dizzy, goofy smile mess.
he tried to do the same thing to you to get you dizzy, have a taste of your own medicene. however, to his surprise you laughed and allowed himto keep spinning you.
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fhhvuh0 · 2 months
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Вот и задавайтесь вопросом, кто же его так любит... 😌
So you wonder who loves him so much... 😌
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queenpiranhadon · 2 months
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A/N: It makes me unnaturally happy to finally see my Rocky boy get some attention. Big thanks to @rainbow-flavoured-skittles for beta reading this!! Here's my masterlist!
Warning(s): This takes place after the fight with the Overlord, I haven't watched Dragons Rising nor do I plan to so it's only really cannon to Crystalize and prior, it IS Cole x reader but I did world build a little lol, reader is the Ninja of Nature (maybe related to Bolobo idk), reader is GN but is written with F!reader in mind, reader is called Blossom, reader calls Cole Rocky (Mister Dangerbuff supremacy)
Pairing(s): Cole Brookstone x Master of Nature!Reader
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After you fought the Overlord, it was quiet. 
Not in the sense of volume, but it was calm. Usually, you'd be restless, aching for a fight to keep the adrenaline pumping, but right now? 
You were happy to have a break. 
Especially with Cole. After months of figuring out feelings and sending mixed signals to each other (Cole had once thought you were in love with Jay — even though he was one, dating Nya, and two, you were asking the electricity ninja for tips on how to get Cole to like you back in the first place), he had confessed to you shyly and asked you out on a date. He took you to a coffee shop, and you guys just clicked. He made you happy, made you laugh, made you feel loved. And you loved him all the same.  
Seven months after dating, he asked you to move in with him, as if you didn't practically live with him from the amount of time you spent at his home. Moving in with him was seamless, it was like nothing changed, except now you woke up with an adorable, snoring Adonis of a man, and went to bed with a giant teddy bear who basically melted in your embrace. 
After you fought the Overlord, it was normal.  
It was like nothing happened, adjusting to your new lives immediately. Obviously, you and your fellow ninja were celebrities all over Ninjago - you all were probably asked to give autographs five times a day, minimum. Meeting up with your friends was a frequent occurrence, all going to Chen’s Noodle House and enjoying Skylar’s amazing cooking while catching up with the others.  
It was routine now, everything refreshingly the same, down to where you sat. You and Cole would take one of the booth seats, with Jay and Nya across from the two of you. Pixal sat down next to Nya, and Zane sat next to Cole, Lloyd and Kai at the head of the table (painfully single- much to Skylar and the rest of the ninja's annoyance).  
All of you had surprisingly adjusted to normal life without fighting opponents twenty-four -seven very easily, though some had more difficulty than others. 
 Jay worked as a event host at his local comic shop, organizing mini conventions and trivia nights for fellow geeks such as himself.  
Kai returned to the dojo he used to have, teaching children how to defend themselves so that they wouldn’t be as defenseless as he was when he lost his powers.  
Lloyd helped his mom and Master Wu reopen their tea shop from so long ago, working the cash register and making people’s lives a little happier with a bright smile every day.  
Nya worked as a mechanic in her free time, opening a garage and surrounding herself with what she did best: building. Jay stopped by on occasion, helping her with certain projects, but also joining her in tinkering with some spare 
parts sometimes. Zane and Pixal had the most difficulty adjusting, their different appearances making them stand out like sore thumbs. But eventually, they found their home giving lectures at schools with a different perspective on certain topics, enjoying the ability to share 
their infinite knowledge with others. And then there was Cole and yourself. Being a ninja of Nature, you worked at the local florist, finding it refreshing to be surrounded by so many plants whenever you could. You worked your magic with them, keeping the plants fresh and ending up owning the store yourself once the previous owner retired.  
Cole worked as a barista at the local coffee shop, and you stopped by to get food and give him some company on your breaks. It was nice, you think, to spend some time together with him after years of constantly fighting who knows what.  
You greet him, opening the door with a jingle, and walk up to him, as he was closing up.  
"Hey, Rocky," you hum, leaning against one of the tables as he sets his broom down. 
 He walks over to you, hugging you close by the waist and resting his chin on top of your head, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.  
"Hi, Blossom," he murmurs into your hair, and you take the time to just admire him. The curve of his nose, the small tilt of the corners of his mouth, showing that he was happy, the apples of his cheeks, the stubble that littered across his impeccable jawline. He smelled like the earth just after it rained, and ground coffee, one of the many things you love about him. His hair was artfully mussed, black tresses tucked underneath his visor, and you take it off his head, running your fingers through his hair. 
 It was just the two of you, standing inside the cafe in the light pf golden hour, drinking up each other’s warmth and love, together.  
After you fought the Overlord, it was nice.  
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Taglist: @tinadablackthorn
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so in my head in if jay were to end up dating both nya and kai they would implement a rule that he has to kiss someone else between kissing them
so like he just kissed kai and now wants to kiss nya, well pucker up cole because its time to kiss the homies good night
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lulu-tutu · 1 year
Incorrect Quotes #1 (Ninjago)
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Lloyd: Can I be frank with you guys?
Y/n: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Kai: Can I still be Kai?
Jay: Shh, let Frank speak.
Kai: *Gently taps table*
Y/n: *Taps back*
Nya: What are they doing?
Zane: Morse code.
Kai: *Aggressively taps table*
Y/n: *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
Lloyd, Y/n, and Cole are sitting on a bench.
Jay: Why do you guys look so sad?
Lloyd: Sit down with us so we can tell you.
*Jay sits down*
Y/n: The bench is freshly painted.
Jay: *Screams*
Y/n: *Screams louder to establish dominance*
Zane: Should we do something?
Kai: No, I want to see who wins.
Lloyd: How did none of you hear what I just said?
Y/n: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Kai: I got distracted about halfway through.
Jay: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
Kai: Y/n isn’t answering their phone.
Cole: I’ll call.
Kai: Jay and I have both tried six times each, what makes you thi-
Y/n: Hello?
Zane: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Kai?
Kai: … No.
Y/n: I do!
Zane: I know, Y/n.
Y/n: I’m sad!
Zane: I know, Y/n.
On my Ninjago fixation again, for the millionth time. Send help.
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thepajamamen · 3 months
Ray and Maya have autism and ADHD respectively and their kids each have both . Goodnight
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numberonepartyboy · 2 months
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stuff from my ninjago pmd au... everyone else is coming as soon as i can figure out their designs. no fullbody bc i would perish i think
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kai-cole · 5 months
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Some fun little ninjago scrapbook pages because why not :3
Y'all wanna see the rest of the book so far?
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greenunoreversecard · 3 months
Ninjago Masterlist
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Lloyd, The Greenest and Geekest mf. ->General and romantic headcanons
Lloyd x strong! Reader headcanons
Sugar and spice-> Gn! Reader->multiple character hcs
Wait for it
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Sugar and spice-> Gn! Reader-> Multiple character hcs
General and Romantic headcanons
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Sugar and spice-> Gn! Reader!-> Multiple Character hcs
General and Romantic headcanons
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thelegofamilyau · 1 month
Hey guys. With the announcement of season 2 of dreamzzz coming out, I have out everything on hold to put out the frist fic "Sorry we had to leave you in another universe".
And it should be published late Monday night or early Tuesday morning.
Now, because of the time crunch, I have brought on help in the form a very close friend of mine @poly-ninja
They are amazing, and they have helped the story sound way better! They will be credited as my co-author when the fic is published on AO3.
We are currently at 19,800 words with more to come!
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