snufkinsnogger · 1 year
{{OKay so Tumblr wasn't processing the post so I copy and pasted it into Google docs then copy pasted from docs to here and I didn't realize it was only HALF OF THE POST. The first half of this is missing now. Fucking Tumblr wtf. Anyway, I rewrote some of it to give context so it's not so random and sudden but yeah. That's what I get for not starting in Docs and transferring to Tumblr after.}} This isn't a fluffy, soft fic. It's a small snippet of life for Snufkin after returning to Moominvalley from the south.
Glass -----------------------------
When Moomin entered the kitchen he found his mother at the sink doing the evening dishes. “Hello, Mamma” he greeted as he took two glasses down from the cabinet. “Hello dear,” she returned without looking up, “How’s Snufkin?” Moomin was quiet as he poured lemonade into the glasses, half focusing on that and half mulling over his words before he spoke them. “He’s-” he began, fully intending to avoid the topic but it occurred to him that she wouldn’t have asked if she didn’t already know. She had spoken with Snufkin earlier that day, almost every day since he got back from the south, and he had maintained a facade of ease and calm, but mothers could always tell when there were secrets afoot. “Different.” he finished a bit quietly.
Moomin stared into the carafe as if embarassed to acknowledge it. When he lifted his gaze to his mother, she had stopped washing the dish and was looking at him with a knit brow.
"I know dear." She said quietly.
"But I don't know why. I want to know why. I want to help him but I can't if I don't know what happened to him."
Moominmamma left the sink, drying her paws on her apron, and she approached Moomin. She took his paws into his and said,
"He will tell you when he's ready. But he might not. What's important is that you're there for him either way. And you know, dear, a lot of things are out of our control. That doesn't mean it's not worth supporting him however we can anyway. Sometimes the best thing we *can* do is just be ready."
"But, what if I can do something and all I need is to know what it is I can help with?"
Moominmama gave his paws a squeeze, her expression became slightly more stern, "He'll let you know if he thinks you can. Until then, let him do things his way."
She let go of his paws and turned to go back to her task but her gaze lingered. Moomin sighed, frustrated, and grabbed the glasses.
Once back out on the veranda, he stood for a second and scanned the face of his friend who was leaned up against a corner post with his arms crossed and his eyes cast to some distant thought above the tree line.
Before when he was looking at nothing in particular, he would have a dreamy, relaxed look on his face. It was as though he were recalling a whimsical dream spun on his own curiosities. Now though, it was as though he were witnessing something troublesome from a distance yet ready to react if need be. Moomin wasn't sure if it was from the sun or something else, but his eyes seemed older, tired and always betraying whatever carefree façade he put on.
He set his own glass down on the table and held the other out to Snufkin. "Mamma made it fresh this morning." Began in as much of an optimistic tone as he could manage.
Snufkins gaze shifted a hair as he broke from his trance then he looked from Moomin to the glass.
"Oh, thank you." was all he said before giving it a disinterested sip.
Moomin shifted a bit uncomfortably and he searched his mind for anything to say. He knew Snufkin wasn't intentionally being distant, but it still made him uncomfortable.
"Snufkin." Moomin began softly. He noticed the way Snufkin's focus lifted to the empty space in front of him and the way his jaw tightened in anticipation for what Moomin was going to say. It made Moomin self conscious knowing that the entire point of what he was going to say was already known to his friend who quietly waited anyway.
"Listen," he continued, "You don't have to tell me anything, but-"
He managed to say before there was a distant boom. Normally it wouldn't have made Moomin so much as blink but Snufkin's reaction made him jump.
He immediately stood straight up, his attention snapped in the direction of the sound and his right hand reflexively swung down to his hip where a pistol had normally been for the past several years. In the process, the glass of lemonade had fallen to the porch and a large, triangular piece burst from it while the drink splashed over Moomins paws.
Of course, there was no pistol. Snufkin had slowly weened himself away from it since returning to the valley but it was always there in his mind.
After a moment, Snufkin realized it was only fireworks and he exhaled in such a way it seemed he was angry with himself. When he opened his eyes he saw Moomin staring back at him with concern and surprise, both paws clutching his glass. They both looked down between their feet at the glass and lemonade pooling around them.
"Moomin, I'm sorry-" Snufkin began as he bent to pick up the glass. "You didn't get cut, did you?"
Moomin knelt as well after he set his glass down and he took the shards out of Snufkins hand. "I'm fine, Snufkin. It's you I'm worried about."
Snufkin quickly averted his gaze and searched the puddle for any more stray pieces of glass which he put into the surviving portion of the drinkware.
"Don't worry about me." He said without looking at the other.
"You always say that." Moomin pointed out as he stood. "You always tell us not to worry about you but how can we not? We all love you, Snufkin. Nobody wants to say anything but we're all worried. You're...not the same anymore and it's a bit scary."
Snufkin stood too and for a moment, Moomin thought he might actually raise his voice back at him, but he didn't. He looked at the broken glass in his hand and muttered. "You have no idea."
Snufkin held the glass out to Moomin, practically shoving it into his paws, and he quickly moved past him and down the steps. As he descended the hill, the fireworks persisted and his hurried walk turned into an urgent sprint.
Moomin could do nothing but watch his dear friend vanish into his tent without so much as turning the lantern on. They had insisted that he stay in Moominhouse, enjoy the comforts of a home now that he was back, and secretly so that he'd also be surrounded by people who could keep an eye on him, but he wouldn't hear it. Moomin now feared he'd move his camp altogether and vanish for who knows how long.
The door opened again and Moominmamma poked out,
"What happened, I heard glass breaking?"
Moomin turned to his mother with paws cradling a mess of glass but no words. She noticed that Snufkin was gone and she looked down the hill at his tent.
"You were right, Mamma."
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lewishamledger · 6 years
Guest post: Catford Curious exhibition this Sunday will look at life in SE6
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By Hugh Farmar 
Can Catford change yet stay the same? This is the question that the long-awaited regeneration of the town centre prompts. In other words, can we replace or tart up the bits we don’t like, but retain the essence of Catford? The place has its rough edges but that is part of its charm – it’s not clear whether, if we knock them off, it will still be the same.
My Catford is different to yours, and my “we” is not your “we”. Catford people come from a complex mix of ethnic, religious, generational and socioeconomic backgrounds. And we mostly all seem to rub along together fine.
Given the differences, how do we define the essence of Catford? As it changes, what will be lost, will it matter, and who will it matter to?
These are the questions underpinning the Catford Curious – Every Object tells a Story exhibition at the Ninth Life pub on Rushey Green this weekend. 
Through 15 objects donated by local people, the exhibition, curated by local resident Ana Plasencia Ferrer, tells a story of what Catford means to them. 
These are both people who have lived in Catford for many decades and newer arrivals whose lives here are just beginning. With these objects and their words, they tell the story of their Catford.
Their stories, and the objects they have chosen, give a picture of Catford, how it has changed over the decades and continues to change, how memories of bygone days have lasted but are fading, and how new memories are being created all the time.
Old Catford is shedding its skin, to make way for a new Catford. Some of the changes will be inevitable, some avoidable, while others will bring regret at the same time as welcome change. In the midst of it all, as shown by Catford Curious, the cycle of human life continues.
The Catford Curious – Every Object tells a Story exhibition takes place at the Ninth Life pub on Sunday March 3 from 12-5pm. Admission is free. Pub quiz at 4pm.
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ddreamingbig · 3 years
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@lookupathestarstforme @saleh2332-blog @gbrookedw-blog @ronjatjernmoen @glamorazzi--i @sendresse @bloodhellalright @klingas-blog @vaninesa369 @l-lina @esraa-bukhari @samie11 @loveisbeautifu @bymdeannaoxr @ninthlife-blog @seethingsfromotherpointsofface @abbahernadi @dream-fucking-away 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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Favorite Doctor Who fics masterpost
Primarily 9, 10, and academy era, with some 8/time war thrown in. Lots of angst and hurt/comfort stuff. 
Unless indicated, smut-free.  * indicates the story is still updating chapters. 
Academy era:
*Freedom of Thought, by DancerInTheShadows. The Doctor grows up disabled in a society that doesn’t tolerate anomalies. By far, one of my favorite fics. 
Nightmare Protocol, by somekindaspacecadet. Very fluffy:)
Lux Lucis Quod Sanus, by Clocketpatch. The Doctor and Master grow up. The Doctor is nearly blind, while the Master sees better than anyone around him.
How Not to Make a Child, by JulisCaesar. Fluff. Theta Sigma and company loom a child. 
Time War:
Ice Like Centuries. A glimpse of what the Time War looked at. A planet’s history is unwritten and waves of time alter the present. 
Remind Me of This, by ninthlife. The Doctor decides to use the Moment.
Doctor Who and The Time War, by Russell T Davies. Is it really a fanfic if it’s by the person who created the Time War? (No, it isn’t. It’s clearly canon.)
Regeneration/pre-Rose 9:
Spring Cleaning, by infiniteviking. The Doctor remembers how to be a person again. 
Fallen, by V762CAS. Regeneration from 8 into 9, grim/gorey but fitting
Leather and Iron, by RockyMountainRattlesnake. 9 wants to avoid war but ends up on a sinking U-boat.
Cold Open, written by Billy Treacy. Audio drama with Pete Walsh as 9. Immediately post-time war, some people stumble on a remnant of the Time War and the Doctor stumbles on them. Does a good job with the cruelty and horror of the Time War and the beings that fought it. 
And So He Goes, by V762CAS. Immediately post-regeneration, The Doctor lands at the Brigadier’s house and puts himself back together. Ends with Rose joining the Doctor on the Tardis. Another series hopefully to follow, because this is just brilliant.
Exhausted Supplies. Audio drama with Pete Walsh as 9 (He’s so good!!) and 12. A planet where no one dies, and a planet with an economy consisting solely of undertakers. 
9 Traveling with Rose &/or Jack
        Longer stories: 
A Wretched Ark, by RockyMountainRattlesnake. Ugh, this one is so good. I’m not over it. Donna, 10, 9, Jack, and Rose on an abandoned medship with aggressive virtual reality machines.  
*Polyergus, by RockyMountainRattlesnake. Still updating. The Doctor, Jack, and Rose end up trapped in a colony controlled by a hive-mind that uses telepaths as slaves to tend the colony. 
Occam’s Razor, by texaspeach. Human Nature/The Family of Blood, but with 9 and Rose in Missouri.
Love, Laugh, Die, by Randomcat1832. The Doctor and Rose are trapped on a cruise ship with passengers mysteriously disappearing.
        Shorter stories: 
Of More Value Than Many Sparrows, by icebluenothing. Oneshot. Post Father’s Day, the Doctor takes Rose to New York in September, 2002. 
Summer Is Icumen In, by Raven (singlecrow). Fluffy. Rose prepares for her A levels with the Doctor and Jack.
Learning,  by Cleo_Calliope. Post Unquiet Dead. Rose learns a little bit more of what it means to be a Time Lord.
Where You Tend a Rose, a Thistle Cannot Grow, by sapphire_child. The Doctor thinks about quiet moments with Rose.
What Isn't Said, by panavatar. Hurt/comfort. “Rose is learning the value of silence.”
White Noise, by vailkagami. “Jack doesn't quite believe that Time Lords are anything other than a myth.”
Regenerating into 10: 
No Splendid Phoenix Wings by 100indecisions. 9 regenerates into 10.
Error 404: Translation Unavailable, by cassieoh. Great story by someone who’s into linguistics. The neural implosion that the Doctor sustains when regenerating into 10 leaves him unable to speak anything other than Gallifreyan. Rose works on communication, and they solve an alien problem together.
Liquid Realities, by idrilhadhafang. Non-linear character study of the Doctor and the Master that takes place during the Year that Never Happened and academy eras. I think there’s some stuff with Lucy, but I don’t remember (I skim over that kind of stuff)
Time v.3.0 by Teyke. After the Year that Never Happened, Martha struggles to deal with being older and not at the same time. The Doctor mentions understanding the feeling.
Calluses, by Elialys. This one’s got smut, but has a really neat depiction of what Tentoo and Rose would be going through after ending up in Pete’s World
*Chasing the Aurora, by Elialys. AU where Rose refuses to go back to Pete’s world. Donna does not lose her memories. Lots of angst as everyone works out their feelings. Fabulous communication drama. This one has just started to have smut.
Regenerating into 11: 
Fairy Dust, by Elialys. AU where 10 gets to see Rose in Pete’s world before regenerating
13 (Gah, I just love 13. Can’t wait until I actually get to see this season)
Demons, by acatalepsy  The Doctor goes through a panic attack after the events in Demons of the Punjab.
The Trolley Problem: Redux, byacatalepsy The Doctor reacts strongly to fireworks (starting to see a trend here)
Guide You Out of the Dark by acatalepsy. Aftermath of the Tsuranga conundrum
Ghost Story by wreckageofstars. After an incident on the edge of the time lock, one of her companions almost dies and the Doctor’s hit with a relic from the war. She tries to fix the aftermath but it’s hard when your timeline’s unraveling in from of you. 
Sleep Paralysis by hetzi_clutch. Something’s wrong with Yasmin Khan. The Doctor’s no stranger to unnatural things, but Yaz keeps changing. Time War stuff.
Things She Thought While Falling, by Chris Chibnall. What goes through the Doctor’s head while falling. 
(in summary, I love 13 but feel like they’re holding off on letting her be in pain or be candid about anything in her history. Thus, these are all essentially about the Doctor being in pain, the Time War, or both.)
@elialys  @icedragondreams @bjorn--ironside 
(Sorry, I don’t know the tumblrs to tag for the rest of these. I found them as I browsed literally every page AO3 had on Ninth Doctor gen fic, and then some by looking up just Ninth Doctor. If you do, let me know and I’ll update!)
ETA some shorter fics that I really enjoyed
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tidustargaryen · 5 years
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Daenerys by NinthLife
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katherynhudsongifs · 7 years
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Red hot in #ninthlife#katykatgloss by me x @covergirl for my hot date with @stellamccartney last night 💋 
Katy via Instagram |01.17.2018|
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katyperryaccess · 7 years
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@katyperry: Red hot in #ninthlife #katykatgloss by me x @covergirl for my hot date with @stellamccartney last night 💋
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ao3feed-ninexrose · 5 years
by ninthlife
Nine, a puzzle box, and the Bad Wolf girl.
Words: 2005, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Doctor Who, Doctor Who (2005)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler | Bad Wolf
Relationships: Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler | Bad Wolf
Additional Tags: Gallifrey, Gallifrey Falls No More, Episode: The Day of the Doctor, references to Tralfamadore
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ao3feed-doctorxrose · 5 years
Remind Me of This
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IPNtMn
by ninthlife
Nine, a puzzle box, and the Bad Wolf girl.
Words: 2005, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Doctor Who, Doctor Who (2005)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler | Bad Wolf
Relationships: Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler | Bad Wolf
Additional Tags: Gallifrey, Gallifrey Falls No More, Episode: The Day of the Doctor, references to Tralfamadore
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IPNtMn
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ao3feed-doctorwho · 5 years
Remind Me of This
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IPNtMn
by ninthlife
Nine, a puzzle box, and the Bad Wolf girl.
Words: 2005, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Doctor Who, Doctor Who (2005)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Rose Tyler | Bad Wolf
Relationships: Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler | Bad Wolf
Additional Tags: Gallifrey, Gallifrey Falls No More, Episode: The Day of the Doctor, references to Tralfamadore
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2IPNtMn
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ddreamingbig · 3 years
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@lookupathestarstforme @saleh2332-blog @gbrookedw-blog @ronjatjernmoen @glamorazzi--i @sendresse @bloodhellalright @klingas-blog @vaninesa369 @l-lina @esraa-bukhari @samie11 @loveisbeautifu @bymdeannaoxr @ninthlife-blog @seethingsfromotherpointsofface @abbahernadi @dream-fucking-away 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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Favorite Time War Fics Masterpost
When I think of the Time War, I’m thinking of the “End of Time” time war, where the “war turned into hell” and drove the Time Lords to the point where they were willing to end the universe to win. I am not thinking of Day of the Doctor(DotD), though there’s one fic here that sort of follows that. This is a war fought forward and backward in time and across realities. It happened all over the universe. The only way to stop it was using a Time Lock, something to contain the loops of fighting and re-fighting, dying and rebirth, aging and un-aging, and all of the horrors that followed the paradoxes and broken laws of time; this was an act that cut the Doctor off from his people and resulted in their deaths.* Let’s not forget: both the Time Lords with their Final Sanction and the Daleks with their Reality Bomb were prepared to destroy the universe to survive, because there wasn’t any way to actually win the war except destroy the opposition. 
I won’t be focusing on fics that depict the Doctor’s state of mind through the Time War and afterwards in this post, though because that’s my favorite thing to read about, I’ll probably post about those later. Most of these are in the updated version of my Favorite Doctor Who Fics Masterpost. 
Using the Moment:
Remind Me of This, by ninthlife. The Doctor decides to use the Moment. Less “red button” than DotD, and the Doctor and Moment have a less than linear relationship. This depicts what it would mean for someone who’s given up on the scruples of ethical time travel would do to prevent enemies from turning into enemies rather than defeat them in some sort of combat. 
Doctor Who and The Time War, by Russell T Davies. Is it really a fanfic if it’s by the person who created the Time War? (No, it isn’t. It’s clearly canon and I will love it forever).
Of All Her Pictures, The Finest of His Mistress by kaffyr (kaffyrutsky), kaffyrutsky, rutsky (kaffyrutsky) Back and forth between the present and the last moments of madness before the Doctor used the Moment to end the war.
A Slight Change of Plan by kaffyrutsky. “He’d been promised a tabula rasa,” or how ending the war was supposed to go, and how it did. 
Weapons and Methods (what makes it a Time War, not “Star Wars with clocks” in the immortal words of Remind Me of This.)
Time v.3.0 by Teyke. The penultimate Time War fic. After the Year that Never Happened, Martha struggles to deal with being older and not, with a year of un-happened memories. The Doctor mentions understanding the feeling. This looks at the ability of Time Lords to manipulate reality in order to pick a favorable outcome, and all the ways this was used and abused in the time war, plus how it would the time war would feel to a time- and reality-aware being. This is probably the most brilliant Time War fiction I’ve ever read in terms of what a Time War would look like, hinting at the toll and why it was necessary to end it, and overall characterization—of course it would be Martha who has this conversation. I loved being in the Doctor’s head for the truth under what he was saying and the things he kept back. 
From this Day to the Ending of the World by icebluenothing. AH! I finally found this after months of searching. “The last shot in the Time War has fired. The Doctor has to deal with the last thing he expected or wanted -- he survived.” After the last shot of the Time War, the Doctor crash lands on a planet, unwriting its history. How do you move on when you’ve watched everything burn, and no one else is even aware of carnage?
Ice Like Centuries  A planet’s history is unwritten and waves of time alter the present, and that changing wave of history affects the non-Time Lords fighting. 
Ghost Story by wreckageofstars. After an incident on the edge of the time lock, one of her companions almost dies and the Doctor’s hit with a relic from the war. She tries to fix the aftermath but it’s hard when your timeline’s unraveling in from of you. I love the idea that when your enemies can go back in time and undo your actions, the solution is to damage their personal timeline so they’re unable to keep fighting. I also appreciated that the destruction of Gallifrey and the creation of the Time Lock were separate actions believed to be taken at once: In this version, Gallifrey survives as per DotD, but the war is still time-locked and terrifying--there’s fear it could bleed through. So it allows the emotional arc the Doctor experiences in Death in Heaven and Heaven Sent to occur, but keeps the terror of the Time war alive.  
Sleep Paralysis by hetzi_clutch. “Something’s wrong with Yasmin Khan. The Doctor’s no stranger to unnatural things, but Yaz keeps changing.” I liked how different realities can seep through, and the ending’s rather ‘timey wimey’
Cold Open, written by Billy Treacy. Audio drama with Pete Walsh as 9. Immediately post-time war, some people stumble on a remnant of the Time War and the Doctor stumbles on them. Does a good job with the cruelty and horror of the Time War, the beings that fought it, and the weapons they created to win it.
Fighting the Time War (takes place during the time war, rather than being about the way it was fought)
Battle in the Sky, by bubblygal92. 8/Rose. This one isn’t necessarily that innovative in how the Time War is fought, but is unique in that it’s kind of a Day of the Doctor Fix-it and looks at the war if 8 fought it and the moment was used. I usually avoid 11 like the plague due to personal preferences, but here he seemed in character but in a way I liked and understood. (E on ao3 for one NSFW smut chapter (it’s labelled, so you can skip it if you’re like me and don’t do that), and for depictions of violence)
Off this Burning Planet by vailkagami. “On Gallifrey the last battle of the Time War is fought and the Master has other plans than throwing his life away for nothing.”
Time War Team, by MissAppropriation. Interesting fic where the Master is restored in the body of a child following the events of the TV movie. Doctor & Master father/son relationship. A look at Rassilon and his role in the war.  There is a !wild war doctor in its natural habitat! (but I ignore it as I can still see 8 refusing to use his title)
Interim by Clocketpatch. “They thought he was dead, so they buried him.” Ace and the Doctor. 
Feel free to suggest more! I would love for this list to grow. 
*I’m not opposed to Gallifrey existing now, but I also back “Dalek” 100%. The Doctor did destroy his people as an act of mercy on behalf of a dying universe. Some stories attempt to bridge the messy canon of the time war, and that’s okay with me, but I just love the RTD’s depiction of the end and the way it burns in Nine’s eyes in “Dalek.”
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ddreamingbig · 3 years
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@lookupathestarstforme @saleh2332-blog @gbrookedw-blog @ronjatjernmoen @glamorazzi--i @sendresse @bloodhellalright @klingas-blog @vaninesa369 @l-lina @esraa-bukhari @samie11 @loveisbeautifu @bymdeannaoxr @ninthlife-blog @seethingsfromotherpointsofface @abbahernadi @dream-fucking-away 
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froggyluvr · 12 years
thejoyfulpsycho asked you: would it be insensitive if i said i want your blog if you die
thejoyfulpsycho asked you: don't die though
thejoyfulpsycho asked you: that would be bad
well you can't have it hA
mostly because cassie has the password and i promised it to char~
but okay i will not die
    ninthlife asked you: Adios! Hope you don't die! : )
  ah thank you~ always good to know that people don't want me dead lol c:
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Does being 18 feel like you thought it would when you were younger? I tried to think of something halfway decent. : )
not really.  i haven't really don't anything special that you can do once you turn 18.  i don't smoke, i haven't gone to a strip club or bought porn or anything.  i go out past juvenile curfew though.  thats pretty much it.
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