#No matter the funny discourse 😂
princesssszzzz · 3 months
I don’t know why people keep trying to come up with justifications for why they ignore Baela and Rhaena as main characters. Your stanning characters that haven’t appeared on screen yet so I’m not sure why pretend that screentime matters. No one has to stan any character so I’m trying to understand why lie and keep making excuses for it 😂 like?? Just don’t stan them then if you don’t want to 😂😂
“Baela and Rhaena aren’t the same as the book counterparts”
So because they don’t have word for word the exact life and portrayal that people got from a historical book, then they forever have to be investigated and compared on screen? All the discourse strays away from what was on screen and the attention put on what wasn’t on screen, which is why people have convinced themselves that Rhaena had literally no lines in S1 even though she did. No other character from the show is the same as their book counterpart so why is this only applied to them.
“They don’t appear different from each other, I don’t know their personality”
Even with the multitude of shit writing from the writing team, they are very clearly two different characters and tbh even if they weren’t it wouldn’t matter. Why? Same as my other reasoning. They aren’t the only characters missing development on screen but they are the only characters people just can’t fill in the gaps with apparently. 80% of the discourse surrounding other characters are literally headcanons people made up out of their ass or from the book😂 Like at what point have people seen Rhaena pick up a crossbow or Baela touch a dragon egg and want it to hatch. Please bffr. It also reminds me a lot of the fandom kept intentionally incorrectly portraying Baela as a rough and tough butch lesbian in fics and fan art and getting offended because that’s not how she’s portrayed on screen. All the while ignoring the fight scenes she has btw which lets me know that even if she was portrayed similar to book Baela, they would still be pretending like they don’t see that.
It’s so funny and the same with the Jace/Baela CANON ship. They suddenly can’t see chemistry unless they fuck on screen and profess their love for each other every time they talk, but with everyone else all they have to do is stand in the same room together and the fandom starts writing ship headcanons. It’s so funny and unserious when I hear these talking points.
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onepiece-polls · 7 months
One Piece Crack Ship War - Submission post!
Welcome to the One Piece Ship War - crack edition!
What is a crack ship?
A crack ship is a (in this case romantic/sexual) ship that has little to no basis in canon.
When will my ship qualify for this tournament?
They will automatically qualify (after having been submitted) when:
The characters involved have NO canon interaction*, and are not part of the same crew (no matter how popular the ship is).
The characters involved have 1 short canon interaction and less than 10 fics for them on AO3 (as a side pairing counts too)
They might qualify if:**
They have no canon interaction but are part of the same crew or organisation.
They have 1 short canon interaction but more than 10 fics on AO3
They have 1 long canon interactions or 2/3 short ones and less than 10 fics on AO3
They have multiple canon interactions but NO fics on AO3
It's an incredibly funny ship (but you gotta convince me it's crack!)
These ships will not qualify on principal:
ANY ship between Strawhats (honorary Strawhats don't count if they haven't met a certain Strawhat - examples: BrookNami does not qualify, SanjiVivi does not qualify, but BrookVivi would qualify)
The top 25 ships (or something, be sensible) on AO3.
*canon interactions include fillers, cover stories, specials, and movies (though I haven't seen the last 2 yet and I don't remember much of the other ones, so these might slip through, but I'm counting on you to honor this rule). Also, I won't know nor check interactions in the manga (that haven't been animated yet), so something might slip through there as well. Just honor the rules, please.
**Any ships in the 'might qualify' category will be judged on crackyness by me first, and when I'm in doubt, I will put them up for a vote - so expect a few polls for this.
All characters must be from One Piece (no OCs).
Must be a crack ship according to above guidelines.
Ships that were in the previous shipping war tournament are allowed in this one too, as long as they follow the previous rule.
No moral limitations. These are fictional characters, not real people. Go wild. (But be prepared for 'problematic' ships to be voted out in round 1 or 2.) I will not start discourse/moral discussions about any ships! (messages about morally questionable ship are likely to be ignored and deleted)
Poly ships are allowed! I will cap them at 5 characters, however, and at least 1 character should follow the interaction rules stated above. (examples: JinbeRobinBrook or KidLawLu are not allowed. RobinNamiKiller would be allowed, on grounds of Killer having no interactions with the other 2 (I think? 😂)) Again, be sensible here.
All characters involved have to be humanoid. No concepts, objects, or full animals (fishmen/merfolk, minks, and Chopper are allowed).
You can submit multiple ships, but use a new form for each ship.
Do not hate on other ships, just support your own.
You are allowed and encouraged to submit fanart! As a lot of these ship won't have official art with all characters in it, it will come down to fanart for the most of it ((bad) edits are also very much allowed). However, it needs to be your own or you need permission from the artist before submitting it! However, if you haven't gotten permission yet when submitting, you can always send me a link to the fanart later. Without picture submitted, there might be a chance your ship will have to compete without a picture.
Keep the main images SFW and spoiler free. Propaganda can contain nsfw stuff and manga spoilers, as long as it's announced up front (eg: [Spoilers ahead]/[nsfw ahead])
Submit only through the google form below. Submisions through asks or reblogs will not be accepted.
Read the rules? Go ahead and submit those ships! (<you can click on that)
Oh yeah, and in case you're wondering... All submitted ships that pass the crack ship bar will make it into the tournament! No limitation on how many contestants there will be or how many submissions a ship needs. I want this to be an opportunity for all to discover new fun and silly ships!
Closing date is april 8 at 10AM CET.
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syscourse-confessions · 10 months
Honestly my way of dunking on endos when i coin alter terms or system related things is not with crazy discourse or putting them on my dni and ranting about how harmful they are, it's by not leaving room on my posts for the non-disordered ones to worm their way in.
Coining stuff that doesn't use the word system or plural but specifically did/osdd/udd/etc, mentioning trauma in each definition and specifically ignoring their cry baby asks like "are your terms endo friendly? 🥺🥺🥺", "Are you inclusive of all systems? 🥺🥺🥺" And " Can you coin *something specifically endo related and usually mildly ableist towards cdds*?🥺🥺🥺".
Its just kinda funny watching them search for validation in everyone cause they can't find it in themselves and being so whiny and frustrated that I won't answer them and make them feel better. Even if I do count as a "sneaky anti-endos all over the place who are trying to hurt you!!", i dont have to take a syscourse stance to coin things for my mental disorder. Im not coining to make you feel better about your lack of my mental disorder, sometimes... Just sometimes! And i know this is swuper scawy! Not everything is about endos and your feelings! Ahhh!! Boo!! I know it's so scary when it's not centered on yoooou!!! 😂😂
(seriously though, did/osdd/system coining blogs aren't bigots for not catering to endo feelings or not acknowledging endos existence because they dont matter in those spaces, those things just arnt for you and it's sad that your bullying is so prevalent, so many young systems feel forced to take a stance on things they dont know or understand just to exist in spaces where their mental disorder is being constantly questioned by, what might as well be in the context of endos, Twitter users and wiki-know it alls.)
DISCLAIMER: Posts may or may not reflect accurate information. More info here: https://www.tumblr.com/syscourse-confessions/728819621058232320/disclaimer-treat-posts-here-like-you-would-any
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11x13kyle · 1 year
in another universe where mattrey aren’t who they are this special has the potential to be funny and subversive. but that is not the universe we live in, so instead we’ll get 40 or so minutes of “race bending weird! we’re white men in our 50s and our opinion on this matters 😂😂🤣🤣.” they’ll be serving “there are too many minorities in my water park” but like unironically.
they’re capable of way more creativity than this ancient discourse!
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thelonesomequeen · 1 year
I'm sorry but it's Chris's house. Why does it matter if there's a candle there or not?? Seriously a candle!?
I hope one day Chris talks about the harassment his fandom has caused him because it's ridiculous man (This isn't directed at you lonesome)
Has any actor ever been this badly harassed ever?
Honestly the discourse around whether it’s normal or not to have a candle lit in the middle of the day has kind of been funny to watch. I personally usually light a candle before anyone comes to my house. I also just like the scent and ambiance of them, so I’ve always got candles going myself…and a stock pile of 56 of them in the closet. Not joking, it’s a problem. 😂
But to answer the meat of your question, it sounds like the Sebastian Stan fandom has been similar in nature to what we’re seeing with Chris now. Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston have also had fans that treat them terribly. Straight up to the point where they’re still screaming that their wives and children are made up for PR, too. And that would be among the polite things they unfortunately say about those women. I’m sure there are plenty of others as well 🦎
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The usual disclaimer (needed for some people) that friendships are amazing and I wish I could find a friend like that etc etc
But this is very funny funny / extremely cute when we know how they also met and became friends ✨
If you want some inspiration for your fics 😂
Those "some people" are not welcome to follow me, I don't want to have this kind of discourse again 😅. Been there, done that, I'm too old for this shit and I just want to have fun. Also it's not a safe space for radfems and their ideas, no matter if someone spreads them unconsciously or not.
I'm also gray-asexual, so friendships are in no way lesser than relationships to me (in fact I've had better friendships actually, because I didn't have to worry about conventional romantic behavior that I personally dislike a lot and the whole romantic culture is not for me). Anyway,
it seems subtitles are "work in progress", so I could only watch the beginning. I love it how Bojan doesn't speak of any certain kind of appearance that attracts him, but instead talks about the eyes and genuine laughter. Indeed, Käärijä could fit that description in a fanfic 😂. Though I don't think he's the kind of a person who cares if his laughter is awkward or not, but he definitely is a humble person!
I'll try to write something (maybe soon?). I want to do so many things at once and end up doing nothing, my brain just fails me, sorry 🤣
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karebear923 · 26 days
Vice Versa rewatch ep 6
I’m back on my nonsense! Let’s gooo!!
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Episode 6 is Fire Yellow! Yellow can stand for happiness and hope, but also caution and cowardice. Talay wears yellow for the first half of the episode and Puen wears it for the second half.
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Yeah sorry Puen, Talay did it better 🤭😍
Also, it’s kinda funny to call him Puen now since I completely forgot his real name the first time I watched (in my defense they never say it again until the big reveal!) and just called him Tun in my mind and Brad Pitt out loud (see previous posts for the origin of that nickname 😅)
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Ohhh I forgot it was just an imagined scenario!! 😩 I was newly shook!!
I love Tess’s friends!! They really noticed he was feeling down and stayed with him all night to be there for him but didn’t push him to talk since they knew he didn’t want to 🥹 and Kita my beloved giving the best advice every 👏🏽 single 👏🏽 time! 👏🏽 Don’t be afraid to fall in love Talay!!
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WAAA THE ROMANCE OF IT ALL!!! 😭😭😭 SUCH AN ICONIC MOMENT!!! This is why I love this show so much!!! Talay singing the love song Puen wanted to hear!!! Him saying all the minutes he missed Puen because he counted them!!! And Puen responding with how many seconds that was without hesitation because he was counting too!!! 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️
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Oh I missed these besties so much!!! They’re such great friends too!! This whole show is full of the best besties!!
I love how this show has such romantic moments like Puen being smooth and saying the sound of the sea (talay) will help him fall asleep 🥰 but then it turns funny cause Talay literally makes loud ‘shhhh’ wave sounds in Puen’s ear! 😂
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I remember loving this detail of having the true Tess and Tun (Ohm and Nanon) show up in the Polaroid! Cause we’ve spent so much time with Talay and Puen’s faces (Sea and Jimmy) and this was a little visual reminder that as much as they’ve assimilated into this new world, they are still very much living someone else’s life.
(shh we’re ignoring the fact that they looked like actual Puen and Talay in Puen’s cellphone selfie shh)
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P’Joob’s death hit me so hard the first time around! I really did not see it coming. She was always kind and positive and she’s literally wearing a bright happy hopeful yellow this whole episode! I got emotional watching it again 😢 and seeing P’Dol regret never telling her how he felt really hit Talay hard. Life is so uncertain and all we have is the here and now.
And it showed another major plot point! That if the person you swapped with dies, then so do you! Talay is so scared of being alone and now that’s another fear added to his list 😔 he’s not just afraid that Puen might switch back without him, but now either of them could unexpectedly die! But Puen reassured him at the end of the episode that he’ll always be with him no matter what! 🥹
I’m not good with words nor am I good with dissecting shows and finding hidden meanings or anything like that. I love reading the tumblr discourse that others write cause it’s stuff I would’ve never figured out on my own or stuff I wouldn’t be able to properly phrase myself. So that being said I’m back to writing these posts with just my thoughts and feelings as I watch this show. I do think Talay was more cautious yellow in the beginning of the episode but he leaned more towards the hopeful yellow by the end. He’s still cautious but he’s letting go and trusting Puen more.
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f0point5 · 7 months
couldn’t be a wag purely to the fact I have really bad resting bitch face 😂 // I have a very good resting bitch face since I am from Eastern Europe and bc of that I would get as much hate if I was a wag (which will never happen bc eww). I can already imagine all the mean comments of the obsessive fan, eg to give contact men tell me that I am a cold beauty (eg they say bc I have no emotion on my face) which still idk what that means. But basically, with a bitch face the comments will be about not showing my emotions, that I don’t like the driver or f1 and bla-bla-bla I feel no matter what if you are a wag you will be hated. Good resting bitch face or not.
Yeah, I know the vibe lol. The gossip blogs would be like “she’s just using him, she clearly doesn’t even like him, just here for the money” because you’re not licking the ground he walks on 😂 it’s funny how they lambast the wags who aren’t always around as unsupportive, but the ones who are around are just following their bf’s everywhere. Also please explain to me why anyone expects them to turn up to races if they’re not interested…it’s their boyfriend’s workplace. Maybe they don’t even like F1?
Wag discourse is really bizarre.
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higheldertala · 10 months
wild blue yonder commentary
okay im done being dramatic about this episode, it was fine i guess
the isaac newton scene was very random. sure the joke was funny but does the scene have a point? idk, does it matter if there’s a point, is it fine just being a joke? im over thinking this
‘he’s got a time machine which means he can blame me for all eternity’ 😂
‘isaac newton that you above all others can appreciate the gravity of the situation’ theyre so unserious 😂 i love them
‘is it knackered?’ i love how british that was
i love how we got rid of the sonic for the episode! 🎉🎉🎉 slay
the green screen is very noticeable unfortunately
doctor companion arguing!! we love to see actual conflict again
hand kiss!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 this is my roman empire. there’s something so tender about it, i love it so much. can david tennant kiss my hand like that?
‘once spent three years in orbit’ is this a reference to something? bc nothing is coming to mind
i didn’t say this out loud so you’ll just have to trust me but i called it that donna named the robot jimbo
‘can you still hear me? no.’ i love their banter. no other doctor companion duo banters like they do
‘it’s okay, im here, i’ve got you’ 🥺🥺🥺 i love how doctor actually cares about his companions (side eyes a certain era)
when the ‘non-things’ have the warped body parts i don’t see this is as body horror more just goofy to me. not that dw can’t be goofy i suppose
but it’s good to know they used at least some practical effects rather than just wholly cgi
the bit where both doctor and donna go into different rooms is clever directing, definitely keeps the audience guessing who’s who
i don’t like the idea that donna saw the past ‘15 years’ of the doctor. as it would implies there’s a constant link between them as the doctordonna which just seems unnecessary to me. and if she just forgets it anyway what’s the point?
not sure how i feel about rtd referencing the timeless child and flux arcs. (from a writing perspective) the emotional impact should really have been 13’s and not 14’s and so in a way feels unearned. anytime this gets mentioned by russell really just highlights how chibnall never addressed/ emotionally completed these arcs. i feel like rtd should focus on 14’s arc escpecially since we only have a few episodes with them. it shouldn’t be rtd’s responsibility to mop up the mess from the chibnall era and i wouldn’t hold it against him for not bringing it up again. i suppose russell has more fondness for his friend’s work than i do lol
but from an in universe perspective it’s a good emotional scene for the doctor i guess
‘it destroy half the universe because of me’ so the universe WAS destroyed and not repaired from the flux? i don’t want to do this discourse again 😭 please russell don’t make me think about flux again, haven’t we suffered enough?
‘donna is that you? all those years. i missed you’ 🥺🥺🥺 so cruel for the doctor to be baited by the non-thing as he so desperately wants that comfort from donna 🥺
i fear the ‘who’s who’ gimmick gets a tad repetitive
‘i look quite good’ war flashbacks to moffat selfcest jokes 😭🤮
i appreciate the comedy of the revolving door with the doctor and donna thinking they’re safe for it to immediately rotate back around
i fear this has very chibnall-esque the doctor just tells us the solution rather than the audience being shown :/
i don’t understand why slowness confuses the ‘non things’ but sure
you always look goofy running on a green screen im sorry
i’ve never heard the wild blue yonder song before so the tardis appearing all ethereal playing it is so random to me
catherine tate always brings out her best acting for doctor who
i never believed she was gonna be left there and die though, i don’t know why people thought this?? was it just a stressful episode for people?
hug!! 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
there’s nothing better than the doctor kissing donna on the head. this is how i always want the doctor to be 🥹🥹🥹
WILF!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 it’s so lovely to see him and the dedication to bernard cribbins at the end
‘now i feel better, now nothing is wrong, nothing in the whole wide world’ 😭😭😭
the heavy breathing in the end theme tune is awful, who added this in? 😭😭😭 i beg they get rid of this for ncuti’s era.
concluding thoughts: upon a rewatch, the episode is fine, but i don’t think it’s anything groundbreaking. why they made a big deal of keeping this episode secret is puzzling. perhaps intentional marketing to cause hype/ speculation? i think it would work better if this was just a standard episode in the middle of a season but i don’t really understand how this fits in with the anniversary celebrations. as always the doctor and donna are great and i love their dynamic, with all the emotional beats and banter. i enjoyed the star beast more, perhaps it had more of a novelty to david tennant as the doctor and donna returning and the star beast works as a somewhat call back to the franchise. maybe the horror aspect didn’t land for me like it did for other people. i wouldn’t say it was bad overall but rather just okay it’s get 6/10. and maybe for an anniversary special i wanted something with a bit more oomph. and yes maybe i would be partial to a bit of fan servicey cameos i won’t deny it, but i recognise im not entitled to as a fan so we’ll take the L. i hope the giggle will deliver on the oomph but we shall see.
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champagnepodiums · 2 years
those unfollowers havent been here long enough to knw that the debates in ur ask box only happen once a month at most.. with different topics.. and are a recent(ish) thing. i mean were they not here for the (pure) statistics or was that only a tool to further their ego/justification on some drivers...
i remember thinking i mistakenly followed a brf acc when u and ur followers started talking abt them and i just went ?? did they post on the wrong sideblog?? 😅 its cool that ure interacting more w/ ur followers and yeah a part of that is gonna be discourse so idk why ppl be butthurt abt it..
yeah -- I have always been pretty clear that my blog can be a safe place for discussions/debates and it doesn't matter the topic. during the offseason, it's definitely tended to get more off-topic but I feel like it's either off-topic things OR we just repeat the same conversations over and over (I have ADHD, i will choose the novelty every time, no matter the repercussions)
I do try my best to tag everything but sometimes I'm multitasking and/or i just forget lolol but i do try hard! at this point, it's kind of funny. like idk, i try to have a good attitude about all of the fuckery that comes with having a blog like this because otherwise, I would definitely have deleted the blog by now 😂😂😂😂
sorry you thought i was a brf account, i try not to talk about them but if there's a compelling enough anon, i cant help myself 😭😭😭😭
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custom-emojis · 2 years
genq do you ever wonder if it’s like. worth it. bc if i were y’all id have deleted my entire social media presence 12x over by now
Oh every fucking day. Y’all have no idea 😂 like I don’t wanna complain or seem all woe is me. But i have considered burning this blog to the ground multiple times and especially lately it really does kinda take a toll on me. Here’s a list of various things I deal with due to this blog AND it’s associated discord;
I cannot talk about any of my interests or opinions lest be ripped apart and have my income demolished
People purposely going out of their way to trigger me? For some reason
Blatant transphobia and misgendering ? For some reason?
Death threats????? For some reason???????
Directly being told I deserved and likely enjoyed my abuse
Having my content stolen, reuploaded and edited near constantly
Having said stolen content made into stickers and sold on websites like Aliexpress where I can’t get them taken down
People making literal hate videos about me because I… expressed my sexuality?
This is lesser but. A lot of people just fucking demand content straight up? No thanks, no please. Not even context. I get a lot of asks that are just ‘x emoji’ or just a single word of what they want with no explanation.
People coming into my DMs and just venting and traumadumping to me COMPLETELY unprompted when I’d never talked to them in my life because I’m ‘popular’ and I guess that’s just acceptable to them?
People entirely only interacting with me with the intentions of boosting their own shit / getting stuff out of it ?? Which like idk I don’t mind helping people out but I would prefer if ppl also like. Interacted outside of that
People going out of their way to just straight up ask my discourse opinions? Or just straight up telling me theirs! No matter how many times I say it’s a trigger and that I want no part in it. Similarly, people just fucking assigning a discourse opinion to me that they feel fits best and spreading that as if it’s fact when I’ve not said anything about it.
People just. Straight up thinking I’m their best friend? Or even being actively affectionate or even romantic towards me when we’ve never interacted before?
A whole slew of the weird and absolutely absurd shit ppl send to me on anon. If you’ve followed me for any amount of time you’ve surely seen some
People like. Obsessing and idolizing my relationships? Like it gets really creepy sometimes how much ppl get rly into my dating life. ^^;
And like. That’s just what I thought up on the fly with my husband. And sure to an extent some of this is just tumblr being tumblr. Or people being shitty. But the fact all this happens and revolves around an emoji blog is a little wild. Don’t get me wrong- I love running this blog. And I will continue to. I definitely think the pros outweigh the cons. But I also think a lot of ppl don’t quite realize how much comes from it bc I really don’t post as much abt the bad as I used to. Ppl… complained abt it lol ppl complained abt me answering anon hate and complained that I posted negative content at all, so I just stopped unless I feel it’s
Funny or I can make fun of them
Something I need to set a hard boundary on.
Anyways I didn’t rly expect to go on such a rant. I’ve just been super burnt out and thinking abt this a lot lately. I don’t plan to stop doing it anytime soon but I’ve been trying to kinda. Be a bit more stern on shit and hold my ground a bit more. Thanks for the ask honestly, gave me a reason to sit down and explain some of this.
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ladyhindsight · 3 years
Boy oh boy, I discovered your blog in at a really weird time, eh? I asked the most random thing about Simon and then realized there's a whole Discourse going on 🙈🙈🙈
I'm sorry but I'm just laughing at that anon throwing a tantrum to defend CC 😂😂😂
Firs they accuse others of spreading "LIES!" but then say "Alec was an adult!"
Lmao no, he wasn't? Age of consent doesn't mean you're an adult. Alec was still a minor until he turned 18 (in the State of NY, yes?)
Anon, it's good that you cite the law in the US for those who don't know it (I'm Italian), but saying that other people are spreading lies and then lying yourself is just 😂😅
I honestly don't know if Malec is legally pedophilia or not. As someone mentioned, sexual offences against minors would be considered pedophilic by the legal system no matter the specific age of the victim, and the adult would be considered a pedophilic sex offender. I don't know how age of consent factors in this 🤷🏽‍♀️ because we are talking about offences and not consensual acts anyway. So I believe that even if you're over the age of consent, an offence would be considered pedophilic?
I don't know.
Legal terms are used so arbitrarily and in such a different way than common use, that it's too confusing for me lol
What I do know is that it's disgraceful that CC's writing causes these issues to arise in the first place🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
Is it that hard to write a YA where pedophilia and predatory behavior (and incest!) are NEVER an issue and fandom doesn't have to bring them up? Is it, CC?!
You don't have to publish this, your blog is already so full of this stuff lol I just think it's funny how CC fans will spin facts to support their own arguments no matter what, even contradicting themselves in the process 😂😂
Welcome, even in the middle of on-going discourses. 😵‍💫
How I've understood it, minor is a term that is applied in context of different laws so minor in some case wouldn’t mean minor in some other. Like minor in context of age of consent would be someone below the age that is set in the law of the country, and a minor in context of alcohol laws would be someone under the minimum age to legally consume alcohol, again depending on the country, and so on.
Either way, you’ve pointed out the very core of this issue, or any issue surrounding the series for that matter:
What I do know is that it's disgraceful that CC's writing causes these issues to arise in the first place
This is really it. We can keep on going, cite the law to understand it better, forever keep talking about why these problems are problems in the first place, when in the end it all comes down to this: shitty writing, shitty world-building, shitty thinking, and even shittier execution.
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jkbabies · 3 years
"𝗝𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗞𝗶𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗶𝗻 𝗶𝘀 𝗮 𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗲 𝗴𝘂𝘆 𝘄𝗵𝗼'𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗮 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝗼𝗴𝘆𝗻𝗶𝘀𝘁."
"𝗛𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝘀𝗲𝗲𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗸𝗮𝘀𝗮 𝗮𝘀 𝗮𝗻 𝗼𝗯𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗶𝗿𝗲."
"𝗝𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗮 𝗺𝗼𝗺 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗠𝗶𝗸𝗮𝘀𝗮."
"𝗝𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀 𝗠𝗶𝗸𝗮𝘀𝗮 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗮𝗶𝗿. 𝗛𝗲 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲𝘀 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗯𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿, 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗣𝗶𝗲𝗰𝗸 (𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝘀𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝘀𝗵𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗵𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝘂𝘄𝘂)."
"𝗝𝗲𝗮𝗻𝗞𝗮𝘀𝗮 𝗦𝗵𝗶𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮 𝗰𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘁 𝗠𝗶𝗸𝗮𝘀𝗮."
"𝗠𝗶𝗸𝗮𝘀𝗮 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗮𝗹𝘄𝗮𝘆𝘀 𝗯𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝘆𝗮𝗹 𝘁𝗼 𝗘𝗿𝗲𝗻. 𝗦𝗵𝗲 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 𝗺𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗱 𝗝𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝘁𝗼 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗿𝗲𝗻. 𝗦𝗵𝗲 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀𝗻'𝘁 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝗵𝗶𝗺."
*𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗴𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗻*
(In which I will defend Jean Kirstein from fanon fuckboy jean enthusiasts and Mikasa Ackerman from the eternal love bullshit enthusiasts.)
First of all, Jean and Mikasa are two fictional characters who are well-loved pre-139 and post-139, but alas, the incel-ness and misogyny in the fandom has also reached its peak during the same time. Which brings us to this never-ending discourse of "I wanna find fault in Mikasa's husband even though I don't believe he's her husband I'm just making sure he's ruined before the second part of the final season starts because I'm a bitter stan who can't swallow the pill of maturity and acceptance". Like bro, seriously. Jean is a textbook nice guy that's really a misogynist?😂 Has a mother kink for Mika?😭 Could not differentiate between taste in hair and taste in personality for more than, idk, ten years?🤢 It's just so funny because...because these takes are something you lot should've addressed before the extra pages if IF they were issues in the first place. But alas, Mikasa has found peace and chose to move on with someone who's not a dead man (how surprising) so of course, the natural course of action would be to attack them instead of be happy for them! 😁 Mind you, I don't believe the husband is Jean but I'm gonna nitpick his whole existence anyway. Oh, wow, look at that dream, he's a drunkard! (And now everyone is analyzing every bit of the first panels of 127 but when jk shippers pointed it out, none of them batted an eye because it was just a "harmless dream" amidst a battle between life and death.) Look at that, people were reasonable back then! Don't I miss those times🥺. Does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes?😔 For example, people before acknowledged Jean's admiration for Mikasa as either not important to the plot or very respectful and dignified. But now, oh 𝑓𝑢𝑐𝑘, his long-standing crush (if you could call a decade-long feelings for someone that) is something shallow😲! We've broken the code! It's been a shallow crush all along! That's the meaning of the dream! Screw him! Pair him with Pieck so he gets to be with someone that we are absolutely not using as a shipping tool! We're not like the jeankasas who self-insert on Mikasa! They hate her, you know?! They absolutely do! Oh, those vile pieces of shit, we should trash their fanarts and harass their authors and artists, stalk their twitters and send weird asks on their CCs! It's the only way to go about this! We shall disturb their peace every single day because God knows what our purpose in life would be if we weren't constantly making disturbingly stupid takes about Attack on My Ship, I mean Attack on Titan!! (This is how y'all sound, and I sadly do not have the mindset that would get me 3k likes on Twitter because I'm not an em shipper and therefore cannot be excused no matter what I say 😔.)
Point of the matter is, there's really no reason to suddenly trash a character simply because of the threat that he somehow ended up with the main girl character of the show. None of you who trash him even believe it's him anyway, so what's the catch? If Jean's not the husband, then why do you feel the need to create threads addressed to "delusional jk shippers" and find fault in shippy tweets as if that would suddenly raise Eren from the dead and tell you you're doing a good job of mischaracterising two of the most important people in his life? I promise you, there's no harm in imagining Mikasa as a full-fletched woman who's steering life in the direction she chooses, and if that's marriage, then fucking support her. If that's being with a family, then don't fucking reverse psychology your definition of feminism and say that she's not actually happy. Are people in AOT really that monotonous? You can't continue visiting an important person's grave while also finding purpose and peace in your life? (Cuz I sure fucking hope Kakashi does not feel this way, but I digress). Just let us ship them in peace, and go ship em like you've always done. You don't need to always wage war with other ships to feel dignified. (Aside from the "jk shippers" who always feel the need to trash on em without any basis, comment on em fanarts, and send unnecessary hate to your fandom, then of course, you can all duel to the death idc 😑.) Let's all rest this case. Romance is not the point of AOT (or so I fucking thought, anyway), so we should not even be having any of these love fights over 2d (and well-loved) characters.
(Speech ends; rage subsides. Thank you for listening to my rant.)
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maybe-theres-hope · 2 years
Brooke, your answers to the last ask (001-003) have me cracking up! 😂 Oh my gosh. That link to the Tarlos is endgame tweet? GENIUS. Shipping Paul/more screen time? You and me both 🤝 lol. I love your sense of humor! Plus all of your answers were on point.👌🏽
I have a few questions from the Happy Fic Writer Ask Game, if no one else has sent them in:
2. Talk about a favorite comment you received.
7. What do you love most about being a fic writer for your fandom?
11. Who is your favorite character(s) to write about and why?
12. What is your favorite theme/subject matter/trope/ship to write about? Why?
14. Share a snippet. (Tarlos True Blood AU perhaps??? If you wish?? I can't wait for that one.)
Thank you ahhh I'm sorry I'm only answering this now sorry for making you wait :)
2. Okay so...there are many comments that touched my heart over my... *checks notes* 14 years writing fic. However, there was one story I wrote (a WWII au for Malec) where people in the reviews were leaving stories about their loved ones in war/hard times and it was just the most beautiful thing. I've since deleted the story bc it was a LONG time ago and I had gotten rid of all my Malec fic bc I left the fandom, but it was so nice to read through those. Still remember some of them :)
7. So I'm gonna list both fandoms I'm actively writing for: for Captive Prince, I just....love how mostly anything goes. There's no drama, no discourse, no one tells people to kill themselves over who they write as the bottom, etc. It's just...wholesome (at least my corner of it is) and I find that extremely funny considering the source material LOL. For Tarlos/911LS, I love the support everyone gives each other! Everyone is nice (again, in the corner I choose to lurk in) and not necessarily to me but to each other/everyone. Like, I love reading people's tags on other people's things. So supportive :)
11. Hmmmmmmmmmmm yeah I'm gonna have to say TK. He's easiest for me to write about bc we share a lot in common. I feel like I'm on his wavelength. Carlos is soooo hard for me to get right. Also I'm ALWAYS afraid of angering Carlos stans with an 'incorrect' interpretation of him :/
12. Okay so I absolutely LOVE enemies to lovers, but also I find it super hard to WRITE, lol. I love reading it tho. However, to write, I LOOOOOOVE aus. Like. I will take Tarlos for instance and put them in ten thousand different aus bc I love how they find each other in every life, and how their love is always strong, no matter how I twist up their story. love love love. All the aus lol. I'm way better at writing them than I am with canon-compliant stuff lol.
14. Tarlos TrueBlood AU snippet, as you wish my dear:
Carlos rolled his whole body up into TK, friction and heat and oh god he wasn’t going to last. “How do you want to…I mean…how far do you want to go with this?”
“Well, I was kind of hoping to actually ride you, but if you don’t…if you’re not comfortable with that—“
“Yes, yes, that’s…that would be…fine.” Carlos winced at his ineloquence but TK just smiled indulgently.
“Just fine? I can make it better than fine, cowboy.” He raised an eyebrow as he ground down again and this time it was Carlos’ turn to moan out loud, TK’s fingers digging into the muscle of his chest and using it as leverage to continue the motion a few more times before Carlos dropped his hips back down to the floor with a sigh. “What?”
“Lube. It’s upstairs.” He cursed himself for having to stop this for one moment. 
“Bedside table, left side.”
In the blink of an eye, he felt a rush of air against his heated skin, cooled with sweat, and not two seconds later TK was kneeling back down to straddle him, half empty bottle in hand. 
“Wow.” Carlos could maybe get used to that kind of instant gratification.
“Mm,” TK answered as he popped the cap. “Not that I snooped or anything but…that particular drawer held some treasures I wouldn’t mind trying sometime.”
Carlos blushed all the way down his chest at the thought of what TK could be referring to. He had a vibrating prostate massager and a pretty large dildo in there, among other things. If the other man was up for experimenting with those, Carlos might be a bit in over his head here. 
Not that he cared about that in the slightest. 
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athenagrantnash · 3 years
I'd be willing to send in my asks non-anonymously if I thought it'd make a difference but considering the discourse of those who raise this topic I doubt it would matter... Anyway, thanks for putting up with *gestures around broadly* and keeping us entertained with your insights and fangirling.
Aww thanks anon! I appreciate it! ❤️️❤️️
But I do want to say that nobody EVER needs to feel the need to ask me stuff off anon. I honestly don't care if people think I'm just talking to myself, because accusations like that are legitimately at best disingenuous in nature. Plus they're really funny 😂
Plus? If I wanted people to send in asks non-anonymously, I'd just turn anon off.
And of course! I love talking with y'all, and I'm eternally grateful that you enjoy talking with me too ❤️️❤️️❤️️
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