#No more junk food but plenty of fruit and eggs
kariachi · 5 months
Some commission fic for a @thenixkat!! Team Skull stays together, gets a more community-oriented future, and more approval than they ever dreamed.
There was nothing that made Po Town the closest thing to paradise quite like the scent you woke up to in the morning. Those rich bastards they’d driven off had known how to pick a spot for their little gated community, where the salty smell of the ocean came from all around you alongside the aroma of the fruits and flowers of the jungle. Better than coffee, better than breakfast, with an undercurrent of flotsam that most of the others would never appreciate like those who’d gone through the trouble of Wimpod did. Not enough to wake you up, but to push any troubles away as you got your feet back under you.
Between that and waking up in a pile of his bug-types, everyone but Masquerain sharing the role of pillow with each other, even at his worst Guzma had never been able to hold a temper for the first hour of the morning.
Never in his life had he been the first person awake, and everyone else had adapted around him such that when he finally made his way downstairs, pokemon fanning out like a security team, there was food and coffee still waiting in the empty kitchen. Plumeria’s work, of course- he had no idea how a Crobat owner could get up so early in the morning- and he couldn’t help a small, expectant smile as he went around getting his team fed. Only ever once they were set did he grab his own meal out of the oven, leaning back against a counter to dig in. It wasn’t the best ever served on Ula-Ula- eggs made overcooked by the time waiting, a canned hash that needed some more pepper and maybe a bit of radish - but good enough to start a morning on. Especially with a warm mug of coffee. Plumeria made a mean coffee, and he didn’t know what beans it was she grabbed but a cup took you by the hair and slammed you into wakefulness like your face against a countertop.
Needless to say, by the time he’d drained the mug, rubbery eggs or no, he was usually ready to knock the day into submission.
Golisopod was ready almost before he was, those Wimpod ‘eat fast or die’ instincts never quite going away, and Guzma waited with arms crossed for the others to finish up as well. Even a year after the whole mess with the wormholes there were plenty of people in Alola who would’ve quailed to see him looming like that, but his pokemon merely looked up to assure it was just the lot of them there and continued with their meal like it was nothing. Of them Pinsir always took the longest by far, happy to kick back and savor the food in front of it for ages given the chance. Guzma just rolled his eyes at it, like every morning since it’s capture, safe in the knowledge they all knew it wasn’t serious, and patted it between the horns before snatching up Golisopod, Scizor, and Masquerain’s bowls. The days of pressing it to finish up were long past, it would catch up with them later.
“A’ight, you know the drill! Go get some work done!” He waved Scizor and Masquerain off towards the door, an order they followed with pleasant buzzing, not even bothering with Golisopod. It would, as always, wait for him to toss all the dishes in the sink before following him out into the morning sunshine like a shadow.
He hated to admit it, but Po Town did look better anymore. Patches of wildflowers, ferns, and little saplings were popping up in the lawns now that the junk that’d covered them had been scrapped, portions of the town’s walls torn down. Cleared streets and hosed buildings let the graffiti pop harder than it had since they’d first arrived. That was pretty much the only reason for the cobblestones anymore was to display their work, otherwise he’d have probably torn them up by then too. Really the worst part was they were all happier for it. That those kids had been right when they’d suggested they might feel better if they weren’t living in squalor. Two of his crew at that very moment were strewn out on the left lawn, chatting at each other, and somebody was using a flashlight to navigate the next house on the right. Meanwhile another pair were practicing their battling on the field they’d built in the right yard- Haunter vs Fomantis.
“Morning Boss,” one of the lounging pair called, both throwing grins his way. The battlers, Guzma noted with pride, kept their attention on their battle, no longer tending towards distraction. He threw a wave and something between a smile and a smirk the first pair’s way, not even bothering to point out that he technically wasn’t their boss anymore. It was a habit they refused to break, insisting that even if they technically weren't a gang, he was still in charge. They also had insisted, now that they weren’t ‘Team Skull’, on being called the Skull Grunts instead- giving the too earnest and amusing explanation that everyone called them that as a collective anyway so why not continue to wear it like the badge of honor it was.
There’d been no arguing the idea. Not and winning at least.
“Garish, there’s dishes in the sink, get ‘em before you head out.”  With a nod the youth climbed to his feet, throwing Guzma and Golisopod both salutes as their paths crossed on the walkway.
“On it, Boss! Mess won’t know what hit it!” Guzma couldn’t help his smirk sliding into a small grin.
“Damn right it won’t!” The other grunt- Peni- flashed a wider grin as well as they passed, digging through a bag as man and pokemon both made their way down the long walk to the road, one eye on the battlers. They weren’t doing bad, and probably somebody- probably him- was unfortunately going to have to thank Hala for their lessons. It was worse than having to thank Nanu for helping Chie with her ‘Pickup team of Meowth’ plan. At least he just let stuff like that lie, didn’t try to make it a whole thing. But some matters couldn’t be helped, he'd learned.
Guzma didn’t even flinch as a Golbat flashed by him in a blur just before he could step onto the road proper, leaving his Skull emblem swinging and a manapua in his hand as if he hadn’t literally just eaten. The occurrence had become more common the more stable their situation had gotten. Before that it had been normal for him to work himself into a frenzy, forget his meals. Even when he did remember, they didn’t always have enough to all eat their fill, and it was his responsibility more than anyone’s to make sure the grunts were taken care of.
The Champion kid had used some foreign term once, said it meant something about ‘those with power gotta help those without’, and it had felt about right. As much as he wanted a good life for himself, he wanted it for Plumeria and the grunts too. If that had meant maybe skipping a few meals so the younger set got bigger shares, well, it hadn’t been that much of a loss. He was a big man, he could go find something for himself. Lesser things, normally, but still. And there had only been so much even Plumeria could argue, when funds were low and they struggled to even make meals at times. As boss and as cook more often than not, his word on the matter had been law.
Then, as time had gone by, the grunts had been able to get more funds together. After everything that had happened with the Aether Foundation and the wormholes- fuck did he still shiver to think about that damn wormhole- people had vouched for them. Vouched for Guzma and Plumeria and everybody. Not many, no, but enough and with enough clout that so long as she didn’t start too much shit Plumeria could go out and get as many profits in as her team could have battles in a day. The others could go out and get part-time work. They’d even been able to sell off shit from around Po Town that nobody was using without getting people breathing down their necks. They’d been able to get better generators they could fuel with Charjabug power rather than gas, fix up some of the less decorative and more structural issues with some of the buildings, get one of Okazaki’s cousins out to handle some plumbing problems none of them had known how to fix.
It was somewhere between that last one and the decision to demolish the two houses next to the Pokecenter they’d started sneaking Guzma food. Well, not so much sneaking as alternating between insisting on making (comparatively) big meals for the group where he just so happened to get a large serving and just shoving food items at him and running. He’d been incredibly confused, and incredibly concerned, and Plumeria still laughed at him for having to be told the grunts were paying him back. For giving them a place to stay, a family they could rely on, confidence and acknowledgement, for taking care of them as best he was able, failures and all.
There’d been no way he could tell them to their faces that he appreciated it, that they were giving him more than he deserved, no matter how many times Hala tried to talk him through his issues. But, he’d stopped pushing back when he realized, never refused an offer of food, and gone up a few pant sizes for it. It seemed to be enough for them, always grinning when he cleaned his plate and complimenting his new clothes despite their cutting into the still-tight budget.
Someday, it was on a list somewhere in his room, he was going to find a way to let them know exactly how proud he was of them. Not that day, but it would happen. For now, they would have to make do with nods, smiles, and pats on the head from Scizor and Golisopod.
Scizor and Golisopod had given out so many pats in the last year.
The latter gave a gurgling chitter as they turned for the nearest building on their left. Out of all the buildings in Po Town, this one was the smallest- focused more on yard space than maximizing useless rooms, probably some sort of guesthouse before they showed up. So, no one so far had felt any guilt for not tearing it down like the ones between itself and the Pokecenter. Utility buildings were always good to have- or so Nanu had suggested, not that Guzma had let anyone know it had been the Kahuna’s idea first- and they’d since converted it into a nursery and storage.
“Yo,” Guzma called around a mouth full of Finneon and sweet potato as he stepped in, leaving Golisopod outside. There was no answer, which meant Kaleo was probably out working on getting that fence he and his Drowzee’d torn down put back up out in the jungle. With full acceptance that he and his pokemon could take care of themselves, Guzma took a quick walk through the front rooms. Tables worth of chilis, melons, and daikon were sprouting in the kitchen, healthy looking so far. A homemade trough in what used to be a dining room was still loaded down with Paras eggs and mushroom spawn. He hadn’t kept track of what species they were mixing them with, had hardly managed to keep up with Taro’s ramblings when the kid had rushed back from running deliveries for restaurants on Akala.
He’d heard ‘edible mushrooms’, ‘Paras’, and ‘Boss we have to try’, looked into those earnest eyes, and just announced that the test would be coming out of Taro’s pocket money and that if it failed the Paras were his problem. The kid had whooped, thanked Guzma profusely, and ever since had spent his afternoons helping in the nursery.
Trusting that the kids had everything under control there, and giving a pleased nod to see little, tiny mushrooms poking out of the substrate, Guzma turned toward the living room, stepping over the gate with a whistle and a smirk.
“How you little monsters doin’?” The entire room had been turned over to what he would with a massive grin call a small army of Charjabug. Well, fifteen Charjabug. And only four Grubbin. They still didn’t know exactly what had happened to Bonecruncher, but they were pretty sure he’d set up in the walls of the house across the street. Nobody’d been able to lure him back out yet, and probably wouldn’t until he’d brought it tumbling down on top of himself. The rest of the army though, at least the ones that weren’t dragging their little nubbins about evolving, it didn’t matter that they didn’t look up when addressed, or really make any sign that they knew about anything but the big pile of compost they were chewing on.
Those fifteen Charjabug carried the electrical needs of Po Town on their backs. Didn’t even struggle with it. Guzma’d never thought he could love bug pokemon more, but they’d proven him wrong, as the type always did. Two Charjabug a day could keep the generators that kept the lights on in the big house, the nursery, and Pokecenter going well enough. At least, as long as they didn’t leave lights on when they didn’t need them, or use too many electronics in one day. There’d be more wriggle room as their army expanded, but for the time being they managed well enough. Certainly better than they had before, though the bar was pretty damn low.
Squatting, he munched away at his second breakfast, watching them feast fondly, checking for signs of illness with a well-trained eye and happily finding none. One of the Grubbin finally noticed him, receiving a little chunk of manapua and an affectionate pat as it abandoned the pile to inspect his leg, nibble at his shoes. It was the only one to so much as look his way from squatting to standing back up, wiping his hands on his pants, and in reward came another gentle pat before, with a final once over, he turned away.
Stepping back out into the Alolan sunshine to the cheery sound of Golisopod at work checking over the berries they’d planted in the yard, Guzma took a deep breath, looked back over at the training ground. Over the row of untouched houses still sat across the street- they still hadn’t decided what they were going to do with them yet besides use as storage. All the way to the Pokecenter at the end of the lane and the pile of debris just passed it from the two buildings they’d torn down. They’d made for good sources of materials for everything from replacing the broken window in the big house with a big glass door to building crap they needed around the place to replacing busted pipes. Left a damn good chunk of empty space to work with once he, Golisopod, and Pinsir had gotten the foundations torn up too. It’d been good work, the kind of destruction that let other shit grow, like he’s always really wanted, and with a rough scratch of Golisopod’s head, he turned to what’d been their big project since.
Guzma couldn’t have told you what had happened to lead him from tearing up hedges and overgrown flower beds in an attempt to do something with his wild emotions that wouldn’t scare his crew- that baker’s dozen who through family, faith, and nowhere to go had refused to abandon him, even if ordered (“Whether we’re Team Skull or not, this our home”)- to gardening. He’d never really been interested before. But the sight of those once perfect hedges, carefully manufactured flowerbeds, had pressed on him, especially after Lusamine. The bare, empty dirt left behind had pressed even harder. There’d been no leaving the place like that, and when the idea of Charjabug generators had put composting on the to-do list…
He supposed it had just felt like what he should do. Something had to go in those spots, especially after two whole mansions had come down and left their own bare mess behind. The least it could do was feed his family. Didn’t make as many calories as the Chansey and shit Kaleo kept talking about going out and finding one day, but seeds at least were cheap and easy to find, even enough to fill out the space they had.
Besides, you didn’t even need a watering set-up when you had a Golisopod and a Masquerain.
Speaking of, even as he and his ace made their way through the berry trees the smaller bug was hard at work. Masquerain hadn’t hit the vegetables, waiting until the rest of the team had gone through and handled any work that might need doing, but the row of fruit trees along the back was getting a thorough watering via a relearned Water Sport. Scizor had a big basket on one arm and was going around the place with the air of a dedicated student, carefully clipping away any unhealthy leaves and produce it could safely manage. They went in the basket- after all, it was too early to harvest larger, sturdier crops, and the beans, peppers, and herbs were left to Guzma’s comparatively nimble human hands- alongside any stray victims of the mass of webbing just inside the treeline.
Other gardeners had scareow to keep the pests from their harvest, he had an Ariados. One that chittered a sleepy good morning as he came into view, climbing down just far enough that he could stride over and scratch under it’s chin.
“You’re a real killer aren’t you,” he said, grinning wide as it nibbled at his wrist. “Keep up the good work and we’ll be eating like kings here soon.”
And they would be. He had so much more faith in that than before. As Ariados went to bed, as he turned and looked at what felt like vast gardens of vegetables, of young trees. Looked out at the houses, the graffiti. Listened to the battle in the background. There’d been a pride in building Team Skull, in making something, a place and a group where all these kids being failed by Alola could find safety, security, and confidence in each other. But this? This was a new level. Just a year before, he, Plumeria, all of them had felt like they’d reached as high as they could. No hope for better, clinging to what they had and defending it like gold, pumping themselves up with talk of how perfect it all was. Hit or miss power, hit or miss plumbing, iffy meals, but they’d had each other and a roof over their heads and told themselves that was enough.
Now there was power they could count on, plumbing Ami was learning to do herself, fresh food out of the garden with more promised as everything got established. They had money coming in, space and time and the ability to engage in proper hobbies, bugs haunting walls. The undercurrent of hurt, forced confidence, and nihilism was slowly melting away in the face of a future none of them had ever expected to look bright. Even Guzma himself had never really expected to make things any better than he already had, failure eating away at his gut through victory and loss the same. And here he was, watching his pokemon help in the garden that fed his crew. Leading projects to shape the area to fit their needs. Taking them all from a small gang to a small community. The best one in all the islands of Alola, no bias and no bet. There was nothing for it but to grin out over it all in those moments before rolling up his sleeves, soak in the sun and the scent and the sound of the tolling bell-
There was nothing to grab Guzma’s attention like an undercurrent of distress in the voice of his grunts, muscles going taut and eyes narrowing as he turned toward the sound. In the garden, his pokemon followed suit, Masquerain zipping forward to put itself between Ami and whatever had driven her from the Pokecenter.
“Hey,” Guzma said as she reached him, a hand falling on her shoulder both to calm and in case he needed to shove her behind him. “Hey, what’s fucking with you?”
“Boss-” She looked over her shoulder, licked her lips, then up at him with wide eyes. “Boss, you’ve got to see this.” In the background he became aware that the battle had stopped. A bad sign. Squaring his shoulders, Guzma stormed across the garden, strides lengthening to avoid stepping on anything important, Ami trailing a good distance after. There were many reasons he wasn’t holding down a job or off fighting battles with Plume, and one of them was this right here. Nothing was going to cause trouble for his people, certainly nothing was going to give them trouble in his own damn town. Head held high, he turned down the road towards the Pokecenter and froze.
Beside him Golisopod seemed to shrink into itself.
Fucking hell…
No! Nothing meant nothing! Not even a Tapu!
Pulling himself back up, resisting the urge to swat himself, Guzma started down toward Tapu Bulu, floating there at the end of the road, his shoulders back and muscles tight. Yes, it was a Tapu, yes, it had a Golisopod the size of the damn nursery with it, but this was his town and he wasn’t going to quail under anything. Whatever business they had, they could clear it passed him or get-
His past Trial Captain attempts finally hit Guzma like a brick about halfway down.
Golisopod didn’t get that big.
Normal Golisopod didn’t get that big.
That was the island’s fucking Tapu, bringing a Golisopod that was whole sizes too large to Po Town.
He froze again, watching now with narrowed eyes and crinkled brow.
Tapu Bulu didn’t seem too concerned about things, just floating and watching as the Golisopod wandered about the end of the lane. As it looked at the nearest house, the Pokecenter. It wasn’t going to care about either of them, Guzma knew as soon as the situation hit him. No, they weren’t places a Golisopod would want, would give two shits about. He could have sworn Tapu Bulu spared him a glance as he thought it, as the Golisopod walked slowly to the pile of junk they hadn’t yet gotten rid of. Poked, prodded, adjusted various items, slowly working it’s way deeper and deeper until it was clear from view. The Tapu gave a lowing call and he could just make out in the silence that had overtaken Po Town the chittering response. A pleased call from a new Totem Pokemon.
Something twisted in his gut, dark and bright in turn. Tapu Bulu just lowed again, bobbed in what might have been some sort of approval. Then, as if there was nothing left of interest now it’s charge was in place, turned and made it’s way back down the road, bell ringing as it did. Guzma reached back to scratch at his own Golisopod’s shell- knowing without looking it was eyeing the fresh-made lair like the creature inside might eat them- and watched warily as the Tapu went. Waited, forcing himself to breathe, until it vanished around a corner.
It's disappearance from sight seemed to break some sort of spell over the town, and almost before he could blink Guzma found himself surrounded by grunts.
“Boss, what the fuck was that?”
“Why would Tapu Bulu be here?”
“Did you see that bug?!”
“Quiet!” The grunts’ mouths snapped shut as Guzma ran an eye more critical than he meant over them. “Ruki, go with Ami and shut down that generator, we’re not wasting electricity and we’re not using it again today if we don’t have to. Sota, go get Kaleo and bring him back to the house. All of you stay inside until I say otherwise.” They all nodded, those named rushing off to do their jobs and the rest heading for the big house, only one lingering back along enough for a quick
“Boss, are you-”
“I,” Guzma said before he could finish, fishing his phone from his pocket with a scowl and a glare, “am calling our Kahuna to learn what the flying fuck’s going on.” And Nanu better have had answer for him, after his homies just nearly had heart attacks, after he nearly had a heart attack.
He’d never heard of a Tapu personally escorting a new Totem Pokemon before…
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anangelkatia · 6 months
katarina’s lifestyle/diet tips
this is for those who need a guide, who are lost, who are struggling mentally, i’m giving you the real talk.🎀
(here’s one of my faves- you’re welcome💋)
no matter how far you are from your goals, no one deserves to put themselves down or abuse themselves. it’s not needed to achieve your dream. all you need to do is focus on the nutrition and exercise, by putting your attention to the quality of the food your eating, and eating real foods. by what I mean “real”- food an animal would consider food. forget the diet soda’s, junk protein bars, and tasteless depressing rice cakes. no fit and happy person eats like this. nourish your body with foods like this: good quality meats for protein (beef, chicken, turkey), healthy fats (eggs, greek yoghurt, quality cheeses, plain or just salted nuts) and fiber (fruits and veggies in season, organic is best) and also real loaves of bread (not the packaged sugary junk on the selves) and quality pasta’s, potatoes etc. this food with NOURISH and HEAL your body. this is the optimal human diet- plenty of variety and balance and all so good for you. you know that feeling in summer where you have that first sip of water and feel 10x better? yeah, your body will thank you the same way when you start eating real food <3
okay, once we have nutrition down, now we have exercise!
something you can be relieved over: immense tiring cardio won’t give you that fit toned look, because you’re not building any muscle. some lighter cardio, even walking, aerobics, sports, is excellent for your health and fitness, but it can’t tone you up the same as: STRENGTH TRAINING 🎀
This will be your new best friend, do some research on your own to find out your favorite type etc but generally you need to build some muscle to get that toned look of your dreams! A solid plan is this-
• 3 nourishing meals a day (general nice rule is to eat until you’re just full, u could eat a little more but you’re absolutely content. nothing to feel bad about!)
• 3/4x a week strength training- full body weighted (dumbbells!) 30-45mins
• some cardio you like, maybe aerobics, running, sports, anything!
some fun tips for the end:
-average gal needs about 6/7 cups of water a day, you don’t need to drink soooo much!
-it’s one of the most important things in life, sleeping. the most beautiful models sleep a lot, you need it.
-being kind to yourself with words, self-hate might temporarily motivate you but over time you’ll become your own bully </3
i hope someone out there resonates with this and if you wanna talk reach out! 🌸 -katarina xoxo (tags are for exposure)
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bonesoflou · 11 months
so tired of things not working
i've been binging/overeating or just not sticking to my plan the past couple of weeks, and i can't i have to lose more weight before my friends birthday. but oh well, my fat a$$ can't stop eating.
so to correct this, i started a water fast for 5 days and failed it. like from the first day because i never fasted before. i only fast 12-16 hours every day so it was hard for me. but at the same time i realized that there are plenty of things i have to fix to stick to my plan and to lose weight fast. while not forgetting that i must study (like hard) for the entirety of this year.
also i realized that eating junk food is not gonna help me even if it fits my cal limit. so i'm going back to being an orth0dex like i used to be at the beginning of my ana. at the same time the meals are going to be simple and fast. like bowl of fruit or boiled eggs. also while reducing salt, no sugar, no bread,pasta,etc. maybe just plain white rice.
maybe if i stick to this and my plan, i'll be aple to do long fasts and not failing them right away.
here's my plan:
4 days 8643 diet, not 8642 because i cant eat less than 300 cals or i'll stop focusing.
1 day liquid fast
7 days 500 cals
1 day liquid fast
1 metabolism day
1 day liquid fast
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Nutrition Tips for Moms Facing High Risk Pregnancy
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A high-risk pregnancy requires extra care, particularly when it comes to nutrition. Proper nourishment can support both the mother and baby, reducing potential complications. If you are facing a high-risk pregnancy, consult the best high risk pregnancy doctor in Indore for personalized care. Meanwhile, here are some essential nutrition tips to help you stay healthy. 1. Focus on Protein-Rich Foods
Protein is critical for the development of your baby’s organs and tissues. Aim to include lean meats, fish, eggs, beans, and legumes in your diet. These foods help in promoting fetal growth and provide energy to support your body’s increased demands. Your best gynecologist in Indore can guide you on the right amount of protein needed based on your specific condition. 2. Iron and Folate Are Essential
Iron deficiency can lead to anemia, which is more common in high-risk pregnancies. Foods rich in iron, such as spinach, lentils, and red meat, should be a part of your diet. Folate, or folic acid, helps prevent neural tube defects in the baby. Consuming leafy greens, fortified cereals, and citrus fruits can boost your folate intake. In some cases, your doctor may recommend supplements to ensure you meet these essential nutrient requirements. 3. Stay Hydrated
Staying hydrated is especially important during a high-risk pregnancy. Dehydration can increase the risk of preterm labor, which is why you should drink plenty of water throughout the day. Aim for at least 8-10 glasses of water, and consult your best high risk pregnancy doctor in Indore for advice if you experience swelling or other complications. 4. Limit Processed and Sugary Foods
Processed foods, high in sugars and unhealthy fats, can exacerbate complications like gestational diabetes or excessive weight gain. It’s important to avoid junk foods and sugary snacks. Opt for whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts to ensure steady blood sugar levels and balanced nutrition. 5. Don’t Skip Your Prenatal Vitamins
In addition to a balanced diet, prenatal vitamins are crucial in a high-risk pregnancy. They provide additional nutrients like calcium, iron, and DHA, which may not be sufficient through diet alone. Always consult the best gynecologist in Indore before starting any supplements to ensure they align with your health needs.
By following these nutrition tips, you can ensure better outcomes for both you and your baby. Always work closely with your healthcare provider to tailor these guidelines to your specific situation.
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Pregnancy Symptoms: What to Expect
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Pregnancy is an incredible journey where a baby grows inside a mother’s womb. Typically, pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, or around nine months. When a woman becomes pregnant, her body goes through many changes as a new life begins to develop. Let's explore how you can tell if you're pregnant, what the stages of pregnancy are, and how to take care of yourself during this special time.
How Does a Baby Start to Grow?
A baby starts to grow when a sperm from the father meets an egg from the mother. This usually happens in a place inside the mother called the ovary. The egg becomes fertilized when it comes into contact with the sperm and travels to the uterus, where it adheres to the wall. This tiny fertilized egg, called a zygote, divides and grows, eventually becoming an embryo.
Stages of Pregnancy
Each of the three trimesters, or phases of pregnancy, has distinct changes of its own:
First Trimester (0-12 weeks):
The organs of the baby, including the heart, brain, and spine, start to form during this time.
The baby is still tiny, and the mother might not feel much different, but her body is already working hard to support the new life.
Second Trimester (13-28 weeks):
The baby starts to grow bigger, and you can see its arms, legs, and face more clearly. The mother may start to feel the baby move inside her. Ultrasound is a common tool used by doctors to monitor a baby's progress, but it is unlawful in India to reveal the gender of the child.
Third Trimester (29-40 weeks):
The baby grows rapidly and gets ready for birth. Its bones harden, and it often turns its head downward in preparation for delivery. The mother may feel tired and heavy as the baby takes up more space.
Common Pregnancy Symptoms
If you think you might be pregnant, here are some signs to look for:
Missed Period: This is often the first clue that you could be pregnant. A test is advised because missing a period on its own is insufficient.
Morning Sickness: Feeling nauseous and vomiting, especially in the morning, is common in early pregnancy.
Headaches and Dizziness: Hormone changes might cause headaches or make you feel lightheaded.
Breast Changes: Your breasts might become sore, swollen, or more sensitive as they prepare for feeding the baby.
Tiredness: Feeling very tired is common, especially in the early and late stages of pregnancy.
Increased Discharge: A white or milky discharge from the vagina is normal during pregnancy and helps keep the area clean.
Mood Swings: Hormonal changes can cause you to feel happy one moment and sad the next.
Taking Care of Yourself
Taking care of yourself during pregnancy is essential for both you and your baby. Here are some tips:
Eat Well: Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains in your diet. Avoid junk food and stay hydrated.
Exercise: Gentle exercises like walking, swimming, or pregnancy yoga can help keep you fit and relieve stress.
Regular Check-ups: Visit your doctor regularly for check-ups to ensure everything is progressing smoothly.
Rest: Make sure you receive enough rest and sleep. As your body works hard to grow a baby, rest becomes even more important.
Handling Stress During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a joyful time, but it can also bring stress. It’s important to stay positive and find ways to relax:
Positive Thinking: Try to focus on the happiness your baby will bring.
Support from Loved Ones: Lean on your family and friends for help and encouragement.
Relaxation: Activities like meditation, deep breathing, and hobbies can help reduce stress.
Pregnancy is a unique journey, full of changes and new experiences. By understanding the signs and taking care of yourself, you can make this journey a healthy and happy one.
For more detailed information in Marathi, you can visit Pregnancy Symptoms in Marathi.
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cible-unlimited · 4 months
The Kind Of Diet TWICE Nayeon Follows When Her Schedule Is Busy
The Kind Of Diet TWICE Nayeon Follows When Her Schedule Is Busy by Cible Unlimited
Nayeon (임나연), a member of the popular K-pop girl group TWICE (트와이스), follows a diet that caters to the demanding nature of her schedule. As with many K-pop idols, maintaining a balanced diet is crucial for sustaining energy levels and staying healthy. Here’s a general outline of what Nayeon (임나연)’s diet might look like when she has a packed schedule: Balanced and Nutritious Meals Nayeon (임나연) focuses on eating balanced meals that include a variety of nutrients. This typically involves: - Breakfast: A healthy and filling breakfast is essential. This might include foods like oatmeal, fruits, yogurt, or a protein-rich meal such as eggs and vegetables. - Lunch and Dinner: These meals are to include a good balance of protein, vegetables, and carbohydrates. For example, she might have grilled chicken or fish with a side of steamed vegetables and brown rice or quinoa. cibleunlimited.com/blogs/entertainment/the-kind-of-diet-t... Snacks To keep her energy levels up throughout the day, Nayeon (임나연) includes healthy snacks between meals. These could be: - Fresh fruits or vegetables - Nuts and seeds - Yogurt or cheese sticks - Whole grain crackers Hydration Staying hydrated is crucial, especially with the physical demands of rehearsals and performances. Nayeon (임나연) probably drinks plenty of water throughout the day and might include other hydrating beverages like herbal teas or coconut water. Avoiding Junk Food Given the emphasis on health and fitness in the K-pop industry, Nayeon (임나연) avoids junk food and sugary snacks, instead opting for more nutritious options that provide sustained energy without the crash. Portion Control Even with a packed schedule, portion control is important. Eating smaller, more frequent meals can help maintain energy levels without feeling too full or sluggish. Dietary Supplements To ensure she’s getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals, Nayeon (임나연) might also take dietary supplements, especially when her diet alone might not suffice due to her hectic schedule. Special Considerations When preparing for comebacks or performances, Nayeon (임나연) might have a more tailored diet plan to maintain her best physical shape. This could involve consultation with nutritionists or dietitians who specialize in working with performers. Flexibility and Moderation While maintaining a strict diet is important, flexibility is also crucial. Nayeon (임나연) might allow herself occasional treats or cheat meals, recognizing the importance of moderation and not being overly restrictive. Nayeon (임나연)’s diet during a packed schedule is well-balanced, focusing on nutrition, hydration, and energy-sustaining foods. She probably avoids unhealthy foods, practices portion control, and may include dietary supplements to ensure she’s meeting her nutritional needs. This balanced approach helps her maintain the energy and health necessary for her demanding career as a K-pop idol.
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swagfanland · 1 year
Top 20 Best Weight Loss Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle
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There can be a lot of reasons for weight loss in today’s world, like any problem, a medical condition, or just the fact one needs to adapt to a healthy lifestyle. And they all are valid. And in this journey, you are not alone. Most common reasons for weight gain include stress, overreacting, and more, but you can take some important steps to overcome this stage of your life as well. If you’re looking for weight loss tips for a healthy lifestyle, then you are at the right place.
Following, you’ll find the best lifestyle tips for weight loss! Remember that you shouldn’t solely focus on weight loss, but on making sustainable lifestyle choices that will get you to healthy well-being. It is recommended to consult with your dietitian before using any new things in your daily schedule. Now, let’s get to the top lifestyle tips for weight loss!
Best Weight Loss Tips –
Drink Plenty of Water
It is recommended by doctors to drink eight- nine glasses of water a day by an average human. This is said so because drinking water can help one stay hydrated. If there is a lack of it, then one can suffer from dehydration and other problems. Among the best lifestyle tips for weight loss would be to interchange other beverages like alcohol, soda, etc. with water as a more productive item.
Do not skip meals
Skipping meals can help in weight loss is a myth. Many people do it because they think it will help them in the process by ending up hurting their bodies. Since one doesn’t eat proper timely meals or skip breakfast, they will later overeat during the day which will not only disturb the body systems but also slow down the metabolism making the body not lose weight but gain and slow down the process of shedding weight.
Get enough sleep
It is seen that an average human being should get at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night for a healthy lifestyle. If they sleep less than this amount, then it can affect their hormones, and metabolism, and affect the body more badly. It can also lead to cravings for unhealthy foods.
Include fruits and vegetables in your diet
One of the healthiest and most nutritious foods in the world includes fruits and vegetables. Both are low in calories and fulfilling for the stomach side by side. One of the most common lifestyle tips for weight loss would be to include them in your meals or eat them as a snack. They make great additions to most of the diet plans that dietitians create for their patients.
Eating high-fiber-filled food
Fiber is important for the body, and it can be found in oats, and bananas, it can help the person feel full. When a person feels they are not hungry, it will then reduce the overall calorie intake.
Do regular exercise
There are a lot of exercises like running, swimming, etc. that a person can choose from and add to their workout schedule. Regular exercises can help in boosting the metabolism, which helps in losing weight.
Find a workout friend(s)
This is a subpart of regular exercise. You can try to add a friend or family member to your workout schedule because it not only makes the whole experience of doing the exercise interesting but helps motivate you in your journey of leading a healthy lifestyle
Avoid intake of processed foods
In today’s world, it is quite difficult to totally cut processed and junk food in our fast and active life, but we can try our best to avoid them as much as we can and eat them only once in a while. These food items are high in calories and fat, while containing a very small quotient of nutrients. Many people recommend these lifestyle tips for weight loss to include whole foods in your diet instead.
Eat more protein
Proteins are just as important as other nutrients for the body. Eating proteins like eggs, chicken, etc. is not only good for the body, but it can help maintain muscle mass when you are losing weight. They are part of a balanced diet and keep a person full for a long period.
Reduce the alcohol intake
It is seen that Alcoholic beverages taken daily are not harmful to health like for kidneys, digestive system, and other parts but are often high in calories that can get between your process of shedding weight. Thus, take these drinks once in a while, if necessary, even then.
Plan your meals and advice from professionals
Have a proper appointment with your dietitian as every person’s body type is different and thus, taking a professional’s opinion and diet chart and following that will help in the process of losing weight. After following the chart, you can plan your meals according to that and in advance if you want to save time and also, avoid impulse eating.
Control portion sizes
It is recommended by a lot of people that one should have a small plate of food and small portion sizes in their meals as it helps in decreasing the chances of overeating. Lifestyle tips for weight loss would be to make food and meals at home so that you can control your portion and utensil sizes yourself.
Having a healthy breakfast
Breakfast is said to be the most important meal of the day, as it readies you for the whole day. Eat a nutritional breakfast that includes oats, proteins, fibers, fruits, etc. that help kick-start your day. Adding these food items can help in making you feel full throughout the day.
Avoid food items with added sugars
This can also be seen as a subpart of avoiding junk food as added sugars products like different desserts, pastries, and more have a high chance of contributing to health problems like gaining weight, feeling heavy, sleepiness, and more.
Join some offline or online fitness communities
Once you join these communities, you’ll meet similar people who are on the journey of a healthy lifestyle and are looking for lifestyle tips for weight loss as well, this will provide you with extra support for overall healthy growth.
Try to track your progress
Nowadays, keeping a gratitude or daily account of your activities has been seen to help calm the person. You can track your progress and write thoughts through the use of a notebook, journal, an app, or any other way that makes you feel the most comfortable expressing your feelings.
Avoid midnight snacking
Midnight snacking or Late-night snacking means after midnight after you’ve had dinner. Even if people have found healthy alternatives for this time, you should try to avoid this as midnight eating does not only come between one’s sleep schedule but adds unnecessary calories to their lifestyle.
Snack on healthy options
Have healthy snacks ready in your homes and other places where you usually have a snack at. Popular healthy snacks include fruits, nuts, and more. If you have these snacks ready at a time, then you will be able to avoid other options of unhealthy snacking
Avoid phones and TVs while eating
It is said that if you eat while using any electronic device or watching TV, you may eat more than what you want as they are distracting. Pay attention to your food and avoid these distractions, as you may overeat. This practice is called Mindful eating.
Transform to healthy lifestyle changes
Though we’ve talked about a healthy lifestyle and in terms of losing weight specifically, you must keep in mind that it won’t happen if you also don’t make other lifestyle changes that affect your overall well-being. Other processes of having a balanced diet, doing regular exercise, and other activities are just as important. Follow these Healthy lifestyle choices for weight loss, that can go a long way and improve health.
Just remember that following a healthy lifestyle may sound like a lot and requires a lot of input from the person, but it is not impossible, and it can help you today and in the future. With enough water, sleep, a balanced diet, and support from friends and family, anyone can follow a healthy lifestyle and lose weight.
These were the top 20 Best Weight Loss Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle. Save and bookmark this list, or share with your family and friends this list and follow us for more information and interesting lists and articles.
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dranikajain · 1 year
Tips to Increase Chances of Normal Delivery
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In today’s world normal birth is seldom talked about. The constant struggles and stressful lifestyle makes normal birth poorly understated. Also working women in their lifestyle do not prefer normal delivery. However normal birth delivery offers many perks such as the mother is able to recover faster thus being able to care for her child sooner and the baby also when going through the birth canal takes up bacteria that help build immunity in life. Here we offer some tips for normal delivery.
1. Keep doing light exercise during your pregnancy period
Some research suggests that during the first stage of labor walking and staying upright may lessen the time required for first stage to complete. It also lessens the chance that you need caesarean or episiotomy. You can also try very light exercise with help of birth mats, bean bags, birth balls or grab rails.
2. Try relaxation and breathing methods early on
By trying relaxation and breathing methods you get the time to know more about your own body and know where the most tension is felt. Some relaxation methods allow you to release the muscle tension and rigidness as well as mental calmness is achieved. These ways can also help you deal with your contractions
3. Get enough sleep
Getting 8 to 10 hours of sleep is important as it gives your body and mind calmness and time to repair itself and remove stress, tiredness and fatigue incurred during the day. It is also better to ditch caffeine containing products 2 hours before going to bed.
4. Drink enough water
You should drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water daily in order to avoid dehydration and it also prevents  urinary tract infections and swelling (edema) during your pregnancy period.
5. Healthy diet
Healthy diet plays a very important role as enough nourishment should be available for your baby. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables along with protein. Good source of protein include pulses, beans, soyabean, lentils, eggs, meat etc.Make sure the food you eat is cooked thoroughly before being eaten and also washing it before you start cooking it, as uncooked food can increase your risk of bacterial and other infections. Avoid junk food or foods that are too much oily in nature.
6. Have a support system
It is necessary that you have a strong support system in the forms of your partner, friends or family who all can banish your fears and increase your morale about normal pregnancy. The emotional support you get from your family members and friends also helps to release your stress and worries thus making delivery process easier.
7. Stress is your enemy
Stress and anxiety can play havoc with your body as they also increase cortisol which if increased beyond a safe limit can cause Cushing’s syndrome. Here are some tips to fight off your stress
Talk to your family members, partner, or your close friends
Try relaxation techniques such as meditation or reading a book or listening to calming music
Avoid situations and people who might invoke negative feelings in you
Normal Pregnancy Course
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curedcare · 2 years
5 Tips for a Healthy Hair Growth
Here 5 Tips for Hair Growth
Hair is one of the most visible parts of our body and its health is crucial. If you want healthy hair, you need to take care of it. Here are five tips to help you achieve healthy hair growth: 1. Eat a balanced diet. 2. Get enough protein. 3. Avoid using harsh chemicals on your hair. 4. Avoid stress and tension. 5. Get enough sleep. By following these tips, you will be on your way to healthy hair growth. Thanks for reading!
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Hair growth is a process.
The first and foremost thing you need to remember when it comes to hair growth is that it's a process. Yes, you may see rapid hair growth in the early stages, but it's important to remember that hair growth is a slow process.
The good news is that there are a number of things you can do to help speed up the process and help your hair grow in the right direction. Here are five of the best hair growth tips:
Eat a balanced diet.
A healthy diet is essential for healthy hair growth. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet.
Avoid wearing tight clothing.
Tight clothes can cut off the circulation to your hair and scalp, which can impede hair growth. When you wear tight clothes, it's important to allow your scalp some breathing room. Go for clothes that fit comfortably but are not too tight.
Get enough sleep.
Getting enough sleep is essential for a healthy hair growth cycle. Studies have shown that people who get more sleep have thicker hair.
Exercising can help promote hair growth in a number of ways. Not only will it help you lose weight, but it can also help improve circulation to your hair and scalp.
Use a hair growth supplement.
If you're looking for a way to boost your hair growth rates, consider using a hair growth supplement. Supplements can help to speed up the hair growth process and provide you with the extra support you need to see results.
Consume enough protein.
Protein is essential for hair growth. It helps to build new hair follicles and keep existing ones healthy. Hair growth begins in the scalp and protein helps to build new hair follicles. When you eat enough protein, you'll also boost your metabolism and help to rid your body of toxins. Some great sources of protein include meat, poultry, eggs, legumes, soy products, and nuts. Be sure to combine protein with fiber to get the most out of it. Fiber helps to keep you full and prevents constipation, two things that can inhibit hair growth.
Take supplements for hair growth.
Hair growth is a process that happens over time. While there are many things you can do to speed up the process, such as taking supplements, there are also a few things you can do to help ensure a healthy hair growth.
One of the best ways to promote hair growth is by consuming a healthy diet. While you may think that eating junk food will help promote hair growth, this is not the case. In fact, eating junk food can actually lead to a number of health problems, including weight gain, heart disease, and even acne.
Instead, focus on eating foods that are high in antioxidants. These foods include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Additionally, make sure to include plenty of protein in your diet. This will help to promote muscle growth and healthy hair growth.
Lastly, make sure to get enough sleep. Not getting enough sleep can lead to a number of problems, including poor hair growth. In fact, one study found that people who slept for less than six hours per night had almost double the chances of experiencing hair loss compared to those who slept for more than eight hours per night.
Use hair growth oils.
Hair growth oils can be a great addition to your hair growth arsenal. Not only do they help promote hair growth, but they can also help prevent hair loss, give you shine and keep your hair healthy.
Hair growth oils come in a variety of forms, including topical lotions, shampoos, conditioners, and hair masks. You can also use them on your scalp directly or apply them to your hair after you've washed it.
To maximize their effects, choose hair growth oils that are rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Some of the best hair growth oils include argan oil, coconut oil, and jojoba oil.
Get a good night’s sleep.
Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the best ways to promote healthy hair growth. When you get enough rest your body functions properly and you’re able to produce more hormones and enzymes. One of the best ways to ensure you get a good night’s sleep is by avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bed. These substances can disrupt your sleep and cause you to wake up feeling exhausted. Instead, try to relax before bed by reading a book or taking a hot bath. And finally, avoid stress by practicing some relaxation techniques before bed.
Many people want healthy hair, but they don't know where to start. Lucky for you, we are here to provide you with the best hair growth tips possible. We will cover everything from scalp care to hair growth supplements. By following our tips, you will be on your way to having healthy hair that will last you a lifetime. Thank you for reading, and we hope that our tips help you achieve the healthy hair you desire
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adamfinchley · 2 years
What will we remember you for?
All of us dream of leaving something worthwhile when we die, but few of us do. An American writer said that all men should at some time in their life, plant a great tree, such as an oak. He should write a successful published book. And he should father a son, to continue his lineage. I'm only quoting the above, so don't blame me for not including the feminine equivalent. We can also dream of having a Eureka moment. The word was cried out by the Greek mathematician as he got into his bath. He had just discovered that as he had stepped into the bath, the water level rose and he realised that the amount of volume displaced was the same as his body volume. The excitement was so great that he ran naked, dripping with water, through the town. My favourite example of such a moment happened one day at the beginning of the eighteenth century. An unknown cloth merchant in Delft, Holland, wanted to get a closer view of some cloth. So he locked himself away for a year or two and made a microscope. As you do. There had been very crude versions before but his was not only twice as powerful as the latest, but he ground the glass to give a clarity unseen before. The result astonished him and all his friends. The weaving in the cloth was crystal clear, but the Eureka moment was yet to come. In his local bar he bought a beer for an old man with rotten teeth. Scraping the gunge off his teeth, he put it under the microscope and was astonished to see 'small animals' and became the first man to see bacteria. Three hundred years later and we now know that bacteria, occupies our digestive tract by the trillion. We also know there are specific ones that are needed to help complete the release of nutrients into our blood. These nutrients are carried all around the body to where they are needed. And in addition, we understand the great importance of eating the right food to feed the bacteria with prebiotics, and add good bacteria with probiotics. The right healthy diet should keep the system flowing well. But junk food helps create problems from constipation to obesity. Introducing an oxygen boost is known to help and Colosan is one of the most popular.
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Logically, the cleaner the lining of the intestines, the better and greater the absorption of those nutrients. If the movement is just a little too sluggish, toxic waste can limit this process.
Supplements such as this may be described as the start of a detox regime. No matter what detox you may be considering, these supplements can be taken alongside. Sometimes a nutrient rich diet will also help. This means more fruit and veg, whole grains, probiotic products and proteins such as lean meat, poultry, eggs and seafood. All with plenty of fresh water.
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cassidypro · 2 years
5 Weight Loss Tips to Help You Slim Down Fast
If you’re trying to lose weight and get in shape, but you don’t know where to begin, then this article will help. It’s packed with 5 simple weight loss tips to help you slim down fast and feel great!
1) Cut Out processed Foods Processed foods are full of unhealthy ingredients that can lead to weight gain. Cutting them out of your diet and replacing them with more fresh foods will help you lose weight. Replace processed foods   . Eat 5-6 Small Meals a Day: Eating regularly helps keep hunger pangs at bay, so it's easier to control portion sizes. But be careful not to overeat or graze on junk food between meals, as this could have the opposite effect. Keep Healthy Snacks Handy: There's no harm in indulging every now and then, but having healthy snacks on hand is an important part of sticking to a healthy eating plan. Click here to learn more info.
2) Eat more protein and fiber 1. Start your day off with a protein-rich breakfast. Try eggs, whole-wheat toast, or high-fiber cereal topped with fruit for a healthy, filling meal. Protein will keep you feeling fuller longer so you'll be less likely to eat more than you need later in the day. 2. Cut out processed foods from your diet and replace them with fresh produce and whole grains.  Click here to learn more info.
3) Drink lots of water Drink lots of water. Drink more water than you think you should. Drinking plenty of water not only flushes out toxins in your body, but also helps your body absorb nutrients better, keeping you fuller longer. Aim for at least eight glasses of filtered water a day and see the pounds melt away! Replace high calorie drinks with low-calorie versions: Replace high calorie drinks with low-calorie versions. Drinks such as juice or soda can be loaded with calories that add up quickly. Swap them out for lower-calorie alternatives such as iced tea or sparkling water so you can stay slim without sacrificing flavor. Make vegetables the main event: Make vegetables the main event! Click here to learn more info.  
4) Avoid sugary drinks One of the easiest ways to lose weight is to avoid sugary drinks. Sugary drinks are loaded with calories, and drinking them often can lead to weight gain. If you want a refreshing drink, try iced tea, fruit juice, or water with lemon. Keep track of your daily calorie intake: An easy way to see how much food you’re eating is by keeping track of your daily calorie intake. Tracking helps because it takes the guesswork out and makes it easier for you to cut down on foods that may be hurting your weight loss efforts. Eat breakfast: People who eat breakfast are more likely to have better diets and consume fewer calories throughout the day than people who skip this important meal.  Click here to learn more info.
5) Exercise regularly Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to lose weight and stay healthy. When you exercise, your body burns calories and fat. That means that the more you exercise, the more weight you will lose. Make sure that you are exercising at a moderate intensity for at least 30 minutes a day on most days of the week. And don't forget about strength training - it can help you keep your muscle mass as well as increase bone density. Stay hydrated: Being dehydrated makes it much harder for your body to burn calories because it needs water to regulate its temperature, transport nutrients and flush out waste products.  Click here to learn more info.
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writer59january13 · 2 years
Chief garbage taster as fifth grade Halloween gag
at Henry Kline Boyer Elementary School
interestingly enough landed me a grubhub grab bag.
I rooted thru poetry anthology of mine,
and came across an unpublished poem
by one obscure poet (me), whose trademark
wit and wisdom hallmark
cardinal characteristics
of posthumous fame and fortune
largesse most likely
tabby bestowed upon grand kittens -
appended courtesy Facebook
since none of my two (both
twenty something aged) darling daughters
opted to be fruitful and multiply.
Courtesy brainchild of dear old dad
(actually when alive
and in his prime, he happened to be spunky
as an overgrown lad),
unanimous assent between him and mother
(she also when young, his junior by a tad)
both agreed their quiet natured son
(yours truly plus younger sister)
best be outfitted as rubbish.
Anyway, as a Halloween costume,
one year during early grade school,
my father got the brilliant idea
for his sole son to be dressed
with one of a kind getup.
Missus Shaner – long since gone to dust
(the talon clawed, shriveled
relic of a dinosaur,
who taught fifth grade)
gave me first prize,
and subsequently felt so convinced
about authenticity of this kid
being “privileged white trash”,
she notified another kid
dressed as a janitor
to dispense with me
in the school dumpster.
The sanitation disposal company
drove me (and subsequently
dumped yours truly
among the real rubbish
in the dumpster)
to nearest landfill
loaded with all kinds of junk
such as food scraps, recyclables,
and soiled diapers.
Over a short span of time,
the detritus commingled
into one noxious brew
of a despicable fly haven,
whereby jiggling lifelike maggots,
jumpstarted, lunched, and nursed putrescence
re: reeking and teeming vibrantly
with yum zuck for a swamp thing,
I seemed to be metamorphosed
into sewer rat as if by some cruel hoax.
Nothing prepared, neither sickened
nor violated senses
of smell, sight, taste, and touch
to the maximum factor
intolerant of odoriferous odious stench.
Each pestilential assault
issued an appalling refrain
courtesy Fiona Apple's:
The Idler Wheel Is Wiser
than the Driver of the Screw
and Whipping Cords Will Serve You
More than Ropes Will Ever Do.
Before mine myopic bespectacled eyes
(smarting from constant comet drubbing irritants
(which glasses – rather bifocals –
caked with smudge good as naught),
stayed wide shut from inundation
of said corrosive gaseous shaped
oxbow lake comprising wreath like wisps.
Liberty vis a vis in sight
envisioned visibly threatened offshoots
of tendril spikes; snaking sneakily,
sordidly slithering silently,
yet straightaway as a scene
from some spooky sideshow
or “haunted house”.
This ugly slop
splashed upon mine formerly
pristine academic uniform
appeared near identical
to the grub hub (the lunch lady served)
splattered sundry speckles
sans sundry detritus,
which found me writhing with nausea.
Thee nasty muck and mire
found this formerly introverted boy
transformed into a sponge bobbing
squarely panting creature
from the black lagoon,
whose skinny sea legs
sought semi-solid surface
to stand upright position amidst
variegated flotsam and jetsam.
Dishabille appearance acquired
a fresh splattered coat of rancid slimy
green eggs and ham with bacon
covered gangly arms
(among other bit pieces of moldy clothes,
food and iconic library oddment)
ricocheted unpredictably as trash truck
violently shook up and down
all night long en route on this highway to hell
found me thunderstruck
(before being buried alive in Moyer’s Dump),
which toxic brew would be declared
a SuperFund Site
and shuttered in the near future.
Once Robert Hall wardrobe
affixed with a capital one fancy feast
of grateful dead roadkill,
kickstarter from some automotive contraption,
and plenti of fish heads
(with thine spongy bobbing square pants
trimmed with lovely bones),
I felt indistinguishable
from regular riffraff riding shotgun.
When random trucker parked and stopped,
the awful bin laden made ready
to empty contents within the mountain
of olfactory noxious material.
A thought occurred,
that now might be the golden
(or rather gook steeped) opportunity
to extricate myself
from morass of mish mashed,
spud nicked mine
linkedin kindled juggernaut,
icky first class bric a brac.
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haleakalasunrise · 2 years
Hawaiian Sunset Tips: How to Enjoy a Perfect Day on the Island
If you're looking for a perfect day on the island, you'll want to check out Haleakala Sunset. This resource provides helpful tips and advice on how to enjoy a perfect day in the islands. From getting up early to enjoying the sun, we've got everything you need to make the most of your visit.
What to Do When the Sun Goes down.
When the sun goes down, many activities on the island become available for free or cheap. This includes enjoying a sunset stroll, taking a dip in the ocean, eating dinner at a local restaurant, checking out an art exhibit early in the evening, and more.
What to Do when the Sun Goes Down
If you want to experience a perfect Hawaiian sunset, make sure to get up early and prepare for the best views. Start by getting ready for bed by putting together some breakfast items like eggs and bacon or oatmeal with milk and honey. After that, set your alarm to wake up before sunrise so you have plenty of time to enjoy the start of the day without any traffic or interruptions.
What to Do if You miss the Sunrise
If you are unable to get up early enough for a perfect Hawaiian sunset, there are other ways you can enjoy beautiful sunsets late into the night on the island. One option is catching a movie at one of Hawaii’s several theaters after dark. Another option is exploring one of Honolulu’s many beaches during twilight hours for some peace and quiet before heading back home for dinner.
How to Enjoy A Perfect Day on the Island.
Some of the things you might want to do on your trip to the Hawaiian Islands include visiting the beaches, snorkelling, swimming, and hiking. If you have time, also consider exploring the islands’ volcanoes and rain forests. Be sure to pack plenty of sunscreen, water, snacks, and hats when you leave for your vacation – the sun will be baking hot on the mainland!
Follow the Directions on the Map
When you're traveling in a group, it's important to be able to follow someone's directions properly. Make sure everyone has a map of where they're going and knows where they need to go in order to reach their destination. This will help prevent any confusion or accidents while touring around town or exploring new areas.
Listen to the Music
On top of enjoying your vacation by yourself, it can be great to listen to some good music as you relax on your porch or beachside chair under the stars. Head over to YouTube and check out some fun Hawaiian sunset videos for inspiration!
Get a Better Sleep on the Island.
If you want to enjoy a perfect day on the island, it’s best to avoid the crowds. Hawaiian sunsets are often jam-packed with people, so if you want a peace and relaxation experience, try to stay away from the sun.
Get a Good Diet
Your diet should be hitter for healthy Hawaiian island food. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, choose low-fat or vegetable-free items, and avoid processed foods and sugary drinks.
Take a Break from the Sun
Take some time for yourself every day to escape the sun and relax in your own environment—try spending time outside in nature or taking a walk in a park. By taking short breaks from the sun each day, you’ll be able to enjoy the island’s natural beauty while still getting enough sleep.
Enjoying a perfect day on an island can be difficult, but there are some things you can do to make it easier. Make a list of things to do and follow the directions on the map. Listen to the music and avoid the crowds. Get a good sleep and take a break from the sun. Avoid eating junk food or eating in greasy restaurants because that's not what islanders eat! Finally, get a better understanding of the Island's culture by reading about it online before arriving.
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sicklexclaws · 2 years
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One of Oscar’s lesser known abilities is his ability to read body language. Growing up around a volatile father with a penchant for throwing bottles and fists makes hostile signals very obvious; the pinching of eyebrows, the narrowed eyes - all these and more are as subtle as a firework show to Oscar’s keen bird-like gaze and his ability to determine somebody’s feelings through sight alone is what makes him an effective Marine Lieutenant, scoping out the most hostile and likely threats before dealing with less experienced, more hesitant foes.
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saint-ambrosef · 3 years
how????? how do you eat three meals on less than $3 a day?? please share your secrets
I shop at Aldi (it’s even cheaper than Walmart), don’t buy junk food, eat less meat, and cook a lot from scratch. i’m also a 125lb fairly inactive female, so i only eat maybe 1800kcal/day.
here’s an example of what my receipt typically looks like ($19.92 total): 1lb asparagus (1.39), 1lb strawberries (1.59), 8oz mushrooms (1.19), cilantro (0.45), cabbage (0.97), 2lb onions (1.49), two roma tomatoes (0.40), an avocado (0.55), big 16oz box cereal (1.29), 1.25lb ground beef (3.25), two yogurt cups (0.64), fresh spinach (0.95), two 8oz cans tomatoes (0.52), 1lb pork sausage (1.89), 12ct eggs (1.06), 16oz canned beans (0.55), frozen peas (0.79), 1lb rice (0.95).
i buy produce according to what’s on sale. this week it was asparagus and strawberries, next week it may be avocados and squash. there are certain staples i get regardless of price-- like ricotta cheese, potatoes, spinach, etc. and the list changes depending on what i need (for instance, this week i still had plenty of dairy/grain products at home but i was low in fruit/veg and meat). once in a while i have to restock lesser-used but pricier items like my parmesean block ($3).
i usually have light breakfasts of an egg on toast or cereal, then eat leftovers for lunch. i almost always cook a fresh dinner. favorites w/ price per serving include lentil dahl (0.75), creamy sausage & spinach pasta (0.80), fried rice (0.60), cottage pie (1.30), scratch mac and cheese (1.00), and verde enchiladas (1.50). 
i don’t buy snack food. on occasion i might get a bag of pretzels or chewy bars, but snack food is pricey for how much you get, and i tend to gobble it quickly. when i feel snack-ish i’ll eat cheap fruit like bananas or just pick at leftovers. sometimes i’ll treat myself to a half gallon of ice cream.
i’m a good cook, so i know what i like to have on hand and that makes shopping easier. i’ll plan my list ahead of time; it prevents me from accidentally buying more than $20, and helps me narrow down what stuff i actually need and-- if i have some extra dollars after the staples-- what “extra” goods i want that week (ex: hard cheese, bagels, sandwich meat, etc). my roommate and i sometimes split staples like rice or potatoes, and we all split oil/butter/spices. i’ll sometimes make my own tortillas rather than buy pre-made ones.
honestly a lot of it is just shopping smart, but that does take time/effort that not everyone is willing to put in. i spend probably half an hour every week just planning my grocery list. but it’s worth it to me.
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on the left is what my roommate bought for $17, on the right is what i bought for the same amount at the same store (we split the carrots and rice). she tends to buy more expensive stuff like oatmilk, cage free eggs, and kombucha (each about $3), lots of avocados, etc. i buy the most economical food i can.
hope that helps clear up the secrets!~
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thin--lettuce · 3 years
I don't get it,,, i've been working on eating around 1200 cals/day recently and i've been so tired and hungry, i go to sleep hungry i wake up hungry, it's awful
I'm not very tall and i have a healthy bmi, stay at home all day and don't workout excessively, so 1200 doesn't make a very large deficit for me
Also i don't eat junk food, i eat plenty of unprocessed food with vegetables/fruit, beans, fish, eggs, ham (trying to have more protein)
So i don't know why i feel so hungry and crappy most of the time, i'm often tempted to binge tho i'm not starved enough to give in Anyway, if anyone has any idea as to why i feel like shit (aside from clinical depression lol) please let me know!
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