#No red meat because that is the favorite food of werewolves!!
ludoka · 8 months
*Gasp* Henry Jekyll from Monster High became a monster to escape the suffocating human society!
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wolvesbaned · 3 years
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Werewolf/Vampire Hybrids based on this one ask I got! Please click through each panel for details, and let me know which is your favorite! :D
(ID and bonus OC under the Read More!)
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There is a column of four panels. Each panel has a digital drawing of a werewolf/vampire hybrid, along with blocks of text describing the creature.
First Panel: A crouching purpley-grey werewolf with batlike features is in the right corner. Top left, there's a 3/4ths view of a man with tan skin, dark brown hair, small wolf ears, and grey-brown stubble. Near the bottom-middle of the page is a white and tan werewolf with batlike features. The text reads:
Offspring of Werewolf mother and Vampire father, or when a Werewolf mother is bitten by Vampire during pregnancy. Though smaller than most werewolves, its heightened senses and intelligence make just as dangerous. “Human” form resembles a somewhat furry Vampire, or quasi-shifted Lycan. White Vampire Bat color variation, know as the “Rouge the Bat” pelt (this text is next to the white werebat). Reduced weakness to silver and wolfsbane. Astute and lethal ambush predators Able to inject vampiric venom.
Second Panel: A black, angular werewolf on four legs, with one of its clawed hands pointing up. It's maw and claws are dripping with dark red blood. It has two bite marks on its neck. Its eyes have beady dots of red, and its fangs are yellow. To the right of the page are two smaller busts of two canine creatures. The first is a profile of the same type of werewolf, black with red eyes. The second is a hellhound with a glowing red chest and a fiery mane, curved ears and fully red eyes. Underneath the busts are three circular swatches (left to right: white, black, and dark rusty red). Text reads:
Result of Werewolf bitten by Vampire. Given that the Werewolf survives, it will develop a frenzied craving for fresh blood and will no longer consume meat of prey. Extremely dangerous during the Full Moon. Features angle after infection sets in. Vampire bite marks do not heal. NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH HELLHOUNDS. Only three color variations. Must sleep in a Werewolf-sized coffin in case of transformation during Slumber.
Third Panel: A huge tan werebat. The underside of its wings are dark brown. It has a pointed pink noise. There is a closeup of its open mouth and vampire bat fangs. There are also two different posed wings drawn on the left side of the panel. They are drawn small as a diagram example of how a wing can look turned in our stretched out. There is also a tiny doodle of a cartoon werebat face with X's over its eyes. Text reads:
Result of Vampire bitten by Werewolf; if the Vampire survives, it will transform into a Werebat the next Blood Moon. Vampires who do not reverse the curse by the Blood Moon will transform into a Werebat every following Full Moon. Victims often beheaded for access to more blood. As the vampire ages, werebat form balds. Does not howl, but shrieks and clicks to echolocate. Relies on sensitive hearing to hunt.
Fourth Panel: This is split between two types of monster. To the left, a cream-colored furred vampire with reddish brown hair and yellow eyes. He is tall and thin, with arms too long to be humanoid, wearing blue fannel, skinny black jeans, and a purple coffee mug. He wears silver bands around his wrists, and he also has fangs and long pointy ears. His feet are paws. A small neck-up bust of his werewolf form is to his left. The werewolf has cream and brown fur, yellow eyes, and long vampire fangs. Text reads:
Offspring of Vampire father and Batwolf mother. Werewolf form retains Vampire intelligence and sensibilities. Food substitutes can work to abate craving for fresh blood. Often sleeps in coffins because "It's just comfier". No weakness to silver. Not undead, but often anemic. Since a werewolf curse is not lifted across generations, a Furred Vampire still transforms under a Full Moon, but has a reduced appetite and a more anthropomorphic appearance.
To the left, a lanky cool grey werewolf with pitch black eyes, a flared purple-black nose, and vampiric fangs. Her human form is pictured with two headshots, one with a beanie and mask on, another with a grey shirt. Her human form has tan skin, dark eyes, and vampire fangs and ears. Text reads:
Offspring of Werebat and Werewolf. Werewolf form closely resembles a regular werewolf, with exception to facial features. Completely black eyes, reduced night vision. Flared nostrils. Fang placement to the front of top jaw. Human form easily disguised. No necessity or craving for fresh human blood. Sometimes prone to dormant garlic allergy.
Fifth panel, under the cut: A cool grey anthro wolf with a black and cool blue vampire cape stands looking profile. He has a white neck collar with a moonstone in the center. Text reads:
Extremely polite Werevamp* (except during Full Moons, when he goes apeshit)
Loves Shakespeare
Prefers anthro form.
Moonstone allows him to shift at-will
Snooty bitch <3
*A werevamp is the general term for any werewolf/vampire hybrid. Sometimes, “werevamp” refers to a vampwolf that remains in anthro wolf form between Full Moons to abate the bloodlust of vampirism.
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greatbigbellies · 2 years
Favorite monster pregnancy trope?
Mine is "lycanthrope pregnancy causes the belly to double or even triple in size under a full moon, and the pups get really active"
👀👀👀 THAT'S a good one! For werewolves specifically I like the idea of really strange, red meat heavy cravings that get stronger as the moon waxes.
pregnant with werewolves: "Rare, no extra rare, actually just hand me the steak as it is,"
server: "I... but we have to cook it it's FDA requirements,"
But like, more broadly speaking, I like it when carriers picks up temporary traits of the monster(s) they're pregnant with. Like...
Insectoids: Nails and hair get really hard as keratin mixes with chitin, resulting in finger and toenails that are really hard to clip without weapons grade clippers, and hair that's hard to work with and difficult to cut. Flowers smell amazing and the carrier actually gives off faint pheromones when near birth.
Werewolves: Extra moody during the full moon, much thicker hair, and nesting instinct is insane. Also, again, red meat cravings.
Psychic Oozes: REALLY hard to deal with because not only does the carrier develop temporary psychic projections, but the baby slime(s) pick up on and magnify them, which results in moodswings that deal area damage. On the plus side, someone around the carrier a lot kinda picks up on the signals, and eventually they can get stuff for the carrier before they even have to ask for it. Craving foods and footrubs happen as soon as they think about them.
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freefallingup13 · 4 years
Kicked (Jaren’s Puppy)
This one has some more descriptions of where Toni and Jaren live, and the coven they live with. There’s some pretty vulgar stuff going on, you’ve been warned. Jaren is not a nice man.
Taglist: @emreads
Summary: Jaren, the leader of a wild, warmongering vampire coven, likes to keep a few werewolves as attack dogs. Some of the  werewolves the coven keeps - like his favorite “Puppy” Toni - are his personal pets.
CW: This is a pet whump/slavery fic, if I continue to post more of this story there will be dubcon. This piece in particular has non-con touching (non-sexual), implied non-con, implied murder, blood mention, alcohol mention, fire mention, human trafficking (as livestock) mention, dehumanization, head injury, Whumpee is a girl, and the Whumper is called “Master”. (Also for anybody squicked by this specific trope, a second lady whumpee is held in a man’s lap as he taunts her and eventually injures her as he throws her away.)
The party was loud, as they always were. Toni focused on trying to keep her eyes closed, trying to ignore the whooping and hollering. The smell of alcohol was overwhelming.
On the bright side, she could focus on the smells more than the screams.
Beyond the stairs she laid herself on was a large dirt clearing in the middle of camp. All around were tents, ramshackle huts of leather and stone, cages made from tied-together dungeon doors. The other wolves were restless, pacing back and forth. Some of them were half-shifted, stuck in between human and wolf form; most of them preferred to be in their wolf form. It was easier to take the abuse that way. 
The huts belonged to the troops. Most of them were empty, thanks to the celebration. The half-open huts near the clearing seemed to be the only ones that were occupied. (She tried to forget that the outer huts would have people within.) The vampires screamed into the night like wild animals as blood and alcohol dribbled down from their chins. Well - “dribbled” was a polite way of saying how messy they were.
In the clearing was a large bonfire, towering to the sky. The ground below it was always charred to black, even on a normal day. Some of the younger vampires were being dared to jump over it, to run through the flames. Some of them took up the dare, coming out with sooty marks and charred clothes. They would throw their fists in the air with a cry of victory before being swept away in the cheering crowd.
They were all so immature. They were out of control.
But that was the way Master liked it.
Morale was high, there was a feast to be had. The coven whose territory they had taken over this week had hidden a town, hidden a quiet trade of prey. Of course Master had opened it up to his troops once the health of the humans had been verified.
She scrunched her eyes tightly. That was as far as she would think about it. Humans were only livestock here. Nothing else. There was no need to think any further - there was no need to listen.
A frustrated shout to her side made her whimper, cowering onto the stone steps. At the end of the clearing, on top of a hill covered with stolen stone steps, was her Master’s throne. A mishmash of leather, stone, antler and bone, it was an intimidating, chaotic sight. He sat on it now, on layers of animal hides, with another girl in his lap.
“Come on,” Jaren cooed as he wrenched her hands away from him. “Don’t you think it’s nice? Everyone’s happy.”
“No!” the girl shrieked, struggling to get away from him. He only had one arm around her waist, but as a human against a vampire, she had no chance of getting away. “You’re killing them, you’re killing us-!”
“Oh, I’m not doing a thing,” Jaren laughed, grabbing her face roughly. He turned her gaze to the crowd by the fire, the writhing and screams that were a mix of torture and excitement. “You think they didn’t do that to you? You think that family didn’t have their fun, with every single one of you that disappeared?”
The girl hissed, shutting her eyes to avoid the sight, squirming to cover her ears. Jaren wouldn’t let her - he knew her wrists were starting to bruise in his hand, the way she yanked at them so hard. “The Calates protected us!” she yelled. “They kept us safe! The sacrifices were for all our good!”
Jaren couldn’t help but throw his head back and laugh, crossing one ankle to his knee and pulling the girl closer. “That’s so fucking cute,” he chuckled as he grabbed her hair, pulling her face close to his. “You meant nothing to them. You were just food. Compliant food, at that. Your village made it so easy for them…”
The girl tried to hide it, but it was overwhelming. The frustrated shriek that broke through her clenched teeth as she tried to hit him only made him grin.
Toni winced, curling up to the side of her Master’s throne. She tried to keep her eye on the fire, fire was nice. Fire flickered, always changed. It would eat everything weak that it was given, then sputter out when there was nothing left to consume. She watched now as pieces of the Calate estate were thrown in. They’d looted paintings, furniture, architecture. The sight of wardrobes full of clothes being emptied onto the fire made her look away.
She didn’t want any reminders that people had been living. They were gone now. They were all dead. They didn’t matter.
A sigh escaped her as she tried to rub at her eyes. It was too much. She’d been good, staying chained up next to Master the entire night so far. This, though, she couldn’t take any more of it. The screaming, the burning, the blood. Worst of all was knowing what people were doing to their prey in the huts on the outside of camp, trying to get their privacy as they-
She shook her head roughly. Don’t think of the dead. They would all be dead, they didn’t matter.
Toni just wanted to go to bed.
Suppressing a whine, she got to her knees, peeking over the armrest of his throne. “M… Master?”
“Huh?” He’d been in the middle of taunting, his hands steadfast on the girl’s hands. Those hands were surely broken by now, with how purpled they were from bruising. “What is it, Pup?”
“Can- Can I-”
She didn’t get to finish.
In one, desperate lash, the girl kicked out while Jaren was distracted, trying to twist away. She was on his lap, it wasn’t her fault that she was lined up so perfectly. Her slippered foot hit Toni in the head with all the girl’s strength in her fight for freedom, all her fear.
The explosion of pain made Toni cry out, though she wasn’t sure if she could hear it or not. All she knew was there was some thud, her head shook, everything was falling. She was falling, rolling down the steps until the chain around her neck tugged taut. Her yelping was cut off with a choke as she was forced to a stop, and she gasped for air. 
Somewhere she heard shouting as she tried to claw at the chain around her neck. A distant scream, closer than the others. She saw a blurry shape through her tears, vaguely human, blood and deep wounds covering the front as it was thrown down the steps to the fire.
Cold hands cupped her face, made her look up. There was something warm and sticky on one of them. It felt comforting to feel something warm. She tried to open her eyes, but she shut them again with a long whine. Everything was too bright, too much.
“Fucking christ, get the vet!” Master. That was Master. He sounded like he was shouting, but everything sounded so quiet and foggy. 
The chain was unwrapped from her neck, and she took as many deep breaths as she could. Somebody was holding her close, keeping her head still with one hand - she could tell the familiar smell of her Master anywhere. She tried to bury her face into his shirt, tried to beg for comfort. Speaking was impossible, with the thud echoing in her head.
There was a commotion of voices around her, though it was only her and her Master there. No- a third hand, turning her face away from her Master. This hand was gentle, opened her eyes with their fingers, patted her cheek when she whined. She was the one who was in Master’s lap now, getting checked by a doctor-
No, no. A veterinarian. Vampires didn’t need doctors. Pets and humans did. 
“She’s a little out of it, it’s possible she’s gotten a concussion,” the voice was saying, much clearer to her Master than to her. “She’s going to need rest, plenty of water. Give her more meat and fish with her meals, it’ll take a little over a week for her to get better - she’ll be pretty confused for a while.”
“That dumb human bitch,” Jaren seethed under his breath, holding Toni tighter to him. “Not a single mark on my Puppy, and one fucking human comes around trying to kill her like an animal.”
“Well, she’ll get bruises from the chain, too, from the looks of it,” the “vet” said, pointing at her neck. Pale blond hair fell over carefully cleaned clothes as she leaned closer to the pair. “I can already see the marks. She fell pretty hard?”
“The little bitch kicked her as hard as she could,” Jaren snarled, starting to stand up. “Rest and more food, you said?”
“Yes. She might have trouble with lights and sounds, as well. And like I said, she’ll be rather-”
“She’ll be confused for days, I know,” Jaren groaned, propping Toni up so her head rested against his chest. “I’ll be taking extra good care of my Puppy, then.”
“Nothing too rough. Preferably, nothing at all.”
“Are you joking?” Jaren scoffed, turning to look at the girl in front of him. “She’s perfect as she is, you think I want her to go mad and ruin it all? I don’t want her head hurt. Of course I won’t do anything.”
Bored red eyes stared back at him as the girl brushed her hair behind her ears, then crossed her arms. “Agreed, Sire,” she said simply. “Go on, I’ll make sure the party doesn’t wear anyone out too much.”
“You play second-in-command too often, Cora,” Jaren growled as he turned to his home, an abandoned castle, repurposed for the wild coven he ran. “Let them have their fun. Why don’t you do the same?”
“Because your drunk troops get my doctors drunk, too. And they attack the dogs,” Cora said, her chin tilting up. “If I didn’t stay sober, there’d be no one to treat them.”
Rolling his eyes, Jaren began walking to the castle doors. “Whatever you say, you boring girl,” he called over his shoulder. “Lighten up a little.”
“You brought me to the darkness yourself, Sire,” Cora called back as she headed back down to the steps. “So you’re stuck with me there as it is.”
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koolcatkenma · 5 years
Tsukkiyama. Tsukki is a vampire and Yamaguchi is his favorite snack. Yamaguchi is down with feeding his bed friend but is normally scared of other vampires. What happens when another vampire also tries to go after Yamaguchi?
btw none of these are beta’d!! so forgive any spelling/grammar mistakes :)
Yamaguchi was quite familiar with the fables in stories that were read to him at a young age. Fairies and werewolves and vampires. But what he didn’t know was that they actually existed, living in the same neighborhoods and attending the same schools. Apparently, there was a set of rules that kept them from showing their true selves to regular humans. But after years of being shielded from this world, he was finally sat down at his own kitchen table, on his 18th birthday, and told that his mother had been a fairy, something akin to a witch. She had magic powers and could fly, but lived a short life after succumbing to human sickness. But that was so long ago.
And the reason he was told this was because they had hoped their son would be born without the magic from his mother. But alas, he was gifted with the power of sight and low-level magic. Human blood coursed through his veins, thanks to his father. But he could see the fable world and control some things thanks to his mother.
Soon after this talk, after it had finally sunk in, Yamaguchi saw things that he hadn’t before. And it was always at night. Shadows too big to be just dogs, smoke that couldn’t be from a fire, sounds that weren’t human. It was about two weeks after this that Yamaguchi finally caved and while sitting on his friend’s bed, everything came spilling out.
After his rant, Tsukkishima just stared at him, silent. The freckled boy worried that he came off as crazy, and he was about to lose a close friend. But before he could open his mouth to apologize, Tsukki leaned toward him and lowered the collar of his shirt. Two small dots decorated his otherwise clean, white skin. And then it suddenly clicked. His best friend, who he had known since he was young, was apart of the world he had just learned about. How could he have missed this?
So many questions came spilling out, his mouth moving faster than his brain. Tsukki just smiled and chuckled.
“How could you not have known? I never tire or sleep at away matches, and I never made any effort to actually cover the bite.”
“But...you age.”
“Vampires now aren’t like the ones in stories. Over the generations, our kind has evolved to age with the humans we surround ourselves with. Recluses and vampire exclusive communities don’t age, but my family has chosen to live amongst humans.” He explained it like it was common knowledge as if Yamaguchi should have known this already. 
He sat back, leaning into the pillows behind him. Tsukki acted as if this was just a regular conversation, returning to the homework splayed out in front of them. But the boy had one more question.
“Do you...do you drink blood?” The words rushed out of his mouth, and he immediately regretted the question. He didn’t want to know the answer.
But again, his friend took it in stride. “We have to, at least once a week. Preferably every day, but the blood supply isn’t always full. We can eat some human foods, such as red meat. But blood gives us the most nutrients.” He turned to Yamaguchi once more.
“But I’ve never drunk straight from a warm body.”
For the rest of the night and most of the week, those words stuck to Yama. They hung in the air. He watched the other people who hung around his friend in class. He could clearly see that they were also vampires. They didn’t try to hide the bite because normal people could not see them anyway. But Yamaguchi did.
Their third year passed by quickly, Yamaguchi being deemed captain and Tsukki becoming the best middle blocker on the team. The pair grew closer as Yama learned more of the world that had opened up to him and always went to Tsukkishima with any questions. By the time University rolled around, the two were close to inseparable. Nobody knew why.
It had happened at the week-long training camp. The third years spent all their time teaching and training younger players from different schools, spending from the crack of dawn until late at night out of the court. The lot was bone-tired, shuffling to their beds and most of them passing out as soon as their head hit the pillow. Yamaguchi knew Tsukki was going to be spending the night reading up for the maths exams next week. He turned to face him and say goodnight when he noticed the beads of sweat on his forehead and the panicked expression on his face. Not wanting to stir the rest of the team, he reached out to him, whispering his worries. Tsukki motioned to the door and they quickly and quietly got up, heading out.
The taller boy ducked into the first closet he saw and pulled his friend in with him. When the door was locked behind them, he turned to Yama, looking more desperate than ever, the worst he had ever seen him.
“I...I need blood.” He panted. The fact that it had been more than a week since his last fill and they had spent every day working out took a toll on the vampire’s body. Yama knew that his friend wouldn’t last the bus ride home tomorrow without any; he knew what he had to do.
He removed his shirt, gripping it tightly. He tilted his head, exposing tanned, freckled flesh. 
“U-use me.” He mumbled, averting his eyes. Without another word, Tsukki’s instincts overtook him. Fangs became visible and Yamaguchi only got a glimpse of them before they were sunk into his neck. He had expected unbearable pain and burning, but it was nothing like that. When his skin broke, it felt like two small pricks, and instead of a burn, it was warmth; steadily growing warmth. Yamaguchi sighed into the feeling, unconsciously dropping his shirt and clutching to Tsukki’s waist for support. His mind went cloudy, the bite feeling good, pleasurable for him almost. And then it happened. After several minutes of feeling this way, his body betrayed him.
He moaned.
Tsukki pulled his fangs out, wiping away stray blood with the back of his hand. Yama cried out at the loss of warmth. Tsukki’s eyes were clouded, but he wasn’t as far gone as Yamaguchi, who gripped him even tighter than before, leaning in to gain just a little bit of the lost warmth back. He was pushed against the door, his friend ushering him into his shirt and out the door, into the dim hallway. The captain stumbled, still trying to attach himself to Tsukki. Eventually, after almost falling face-first into the floor, Tsukki lifted him easily and carried him back to their beds. 
After that night, Tsukki feeding off of his friend became a common occurrence. Before school, before and after matches, when they were in either’s room, alone. Yamaguchi was Tsukki’s favorite snack and his only. College came and they ended up attending the same university, rooming together as well. The feedings eventually included fevered kisses, desperate and full of need. Yamaguchi blamed it on the feeling that came with every bite, and the two never discussed it outside the feedings. 
That was until Tsukki got caught up in class, which left Yamaguchi to walk to their dorm alone. It was close to ten at night, the sky dark and cloudy, threatening rain. He shivered and pulled his jacket tighter around him. He thought he saw shadows out of the corner of his eye, following him, but chalked it up to wind. But of course, it wasn’t. 
The first vampire came up behind him, wrapping one arm around his neck and placing his other hand on his mouth. The second appeared in front of him from the fog, baring his fangs.
Yama couldn’t cry out, couldn’t scream for help. He was powerless against these supernatural beings. And when the first set of fangs sunk into him, he nearly passed out. 
“So sweet, just like how you smelled. Only better.” The man sucked harder, ripping more skin and bruising the surrounding area. This wasn’t the warmth Tsukki gave him.
Before the attacker could take too much, he was ripped from his neck and thrown to the ground in front of him. The vampire behind Yamaguchi released the boy and tried to run, but a flash of blonde hair stopped him, tossing him into the woods like he was just a baseball. Yama crumpled to the ground, drained. Tsukki picked him up, speaking to him but none of the words made sense. He could feel his blood trickling down his neck, and watched it stain Tsukki’s shirt. His fingers went to the spot and looked up.
“Sorry, Tsukki.” He muttered before closing his eyes and succumbing to the dark.
 He woke up in his room, in his own bed. It was still dark outside and the room was quiet. He would have thought he was alone if it wasn’t for the person standing at the side of the bed. And when he shifted, hands went to his face. Worried eyes met his own, scanning his face.
“You scared me, Yamaguchi. I didn’t think you’d come back.” Tsukki engulfed him in his arms, tucking his face into the side of his neck that wasn’t wrapped in gauze. The boy immediately felt relaxed, arms reaching out to return the embrace. They stayed like this for a while, Tsukki eventually climbing into bed with him to make the boy more comfortable. Before sleep could pull him back under, Yamaguchi looked up.
“Tsukki...I-I love you.”
The blond placed a kiss on his forehead.
“I love you too.”
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saxxxology · 6 years
After getting bitten by a werewolf, Sam finds himself trying to adapt to a brand new lifestyle that brings him closer to the girl he loves, but threatens to tear him apart from his family for good.
PAIRING: Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader
WARNINGS: non-consensual werewolf bite (not sexual), a/b/o dynamics: heat/rut, knotting, claiming, breeding kink, angst, time hop (season 9 to 12), and more.
NOTE: Edited by @kayteonline and @kittenofdoomage - please heed all warnings and enjoy! This is NOT intended to be a dark fic, but if you read something that bothers you, it is your responsibility to stop reading, keep scrolling past it, or contact me for content clarification.
Buy Sam’s scent from my Etsy shop
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Sam was facing a difficult decision. Not that he wasn’t always facing difficult decisions, but this one was probably the hardest he’d ever had to make.
Garth was a werewolf. One of his best friends and a fellow hunter had been turned. He should have wanted to put the scrawny man down right there, and then put bullets in the rest of the pack, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. Because you were in the pack too, and if Sam killed everyone else, he would have no choice but to put you down too.
Sam hadn’t intended to fall in love with you, but he guessed love was just one of those things that he couldn’t help.
He’d always been like that.
From Jess to Sarah to Madison to Ruby (that particular love had been the biggest mistake of his entire life) to Amelia, he never learned that him falling in love always resulted in tragedy and grief. But from the moment he’d seen you in the hallway at Garth’s house, he knew that you were special. You had this kind of magic about you that he couldn’t figure out how to distract himself from, and that night at the motel, while he’d tossed and turned, he’d finally accepted with a pang of self-hatred that he was in love.
Again. With another monster he was supposed to loathe and kill.
He was just leaving Garth’s house as you pulled up in your forest green Datsun, windows down, Antigone Rising blaring from the speakers. You were so damn beautiful, singing along to lyrics he’d never heard before, skin glowing in the afternoon sun. His heart jumped when you drummed your hands on the steering wheel, tossing your head back as you finished the final lyric.
You could smell him as you pulled up to the driveway and parked. He was sweet and musky, and something reminded you of the hazelnut coffee. His heartbeat was fluid and strong, echoing in your ears like a drum. He’d make one hell of an Alpha if he was a werewolf. He didn’t read as a Beta, and there was no way in hell that he was an Omega, like you.
Something about him just screamed Alpha.
When you saw him standing on the porch, you grinned and waved at him as you got out, pulling three full-to-the-brim grocery bags from the front seat.
“Hey,” you exclaimed, shifting the bags in both arms. “Didn’t expect to see you still here, I thought you and your brother would be long gone.”
“Without saying goodbye?” Sam chuckled and watched you trot up the stairs and onto the porch, shoulders sagging with the weight of the grocery bags. “Here, let me—” he opened the screen door for you and followed you back inside and into the kitchen.
“Thanks.” You grunted as you heaved bags onto the counter.
“No problem,” Sam smiled warmly at you as you tucked a few locks of hair behind your ear. He peered into one of the bags as you started unpacking. It was filled with almost all meat products, except for a couple bags of carrots and a large bag of mixed greens.
“Chickens, steaks, bacon, pretty much every kind of meat I could find at the market.” You replied, stacking three plastic-wrapped chickens in the back of the refrigerator. “Gotta keep the pack fed, and when we’re not gorging on animal hearts once a month, we eat normal meat, like humans, just more of it. We cook veggies too, try to get a balance in.”
“Yeah.” Sam felt that just standing there watching you put the groceries away was a bit rude, so he started pulling out Styrofoam cartons of thick, red steaks. “Hey, I want to ask you about something, if that’s okay.”
You accepted the cartons from him and stacked them on the top shelf. “Depends on what that something is, but go on.”
Sam continued handing you food and cleared his throat. “What’s it like, living here?”
“It’s…” you tilted your head, a pack of thick-cut bacon in one hand. “It’s not easy, I mean hunters can come for us at any time, but we’re careful. We suppress our urges, our natural instincts to go after humans. We love each other, like we’re a family, we take anyone who gets bit so they don’t run off and kill an innocent person.”
Sam nodded. “You guys seem like a tight family. How long have you been here?”
“Since I was about five.” You smiled up at him and kept stacking food. “I’m a pureblood, I was born into it. My parents were killed by hunters, I managed to hide in our basement until they left. The Reverend adopted me into the pack, raised me to be a good person. We’re a support system, not a group of killers like a lot of hunters think.”
Sam looked around the kitchen, at the four-burner stove, steel oven, linoleum floor, dining table covered with a white tablecloth. It was the perfect picture of a normal house. The only difference were the individuals who lived in it.
“What are holidays like?” He asked.
You shrugged. “We’re not very celebratory, but every holiday we make a fruit pie of some kind, cook a little special, it’s stupid, but it works for us. Anyway, why do you want to know all this?”
Sam shoved his hands in his pockets as you dumped the contents of the other bag onto the counter. “Just curious.” His cheeks flushed pink, and he bowed his head, biting his lip. “I, uh… I was actually wondering if I could stay a few days, I want to get to know you guys a little better.”
You raised your eyebrows and shoved the last package of sausage into the fridge before standing and closing the door. “And why would a hunter want to chill out with a pack of werewolves? Aren’t you scared I’d eat you in your sleep?”
He shook his head and brushed a lock of hair behind his ear. “No, I trust that you’re…”
“Civilized?” You scoffed and folded your arms. “Don’t worry, Sam, I don’t bite unless you want me to, and even then you’ve gotta be ready for consequences.”
Sam chuckled and ran his fingers over his two-day stubble. “You said ‘I,’ not ‘we.’ Do you not live here?”
You smiled. “I live next door. I like to be close to the pack, but I need my own space, you know what I mean?”
“Ah.” Sam nodded. “You like bein’ alone too, huh?”
“I find it easier,” you replied. “I’ve got a pull-out couch for you to sleep on, I’m not gonna make you sleep on the floor.”
Sam laughed quietly. “So I can stay?”
“As long as you need to, or want to, whichever one it is.” You picked up the remaining bag and walked past him. “C’mon, I’ll show you around.”
That night, Sam joined you, Garth, Bess, and the rest of the pack for dinner. Dean, who wasn’t bothering to hide his discomfort, took off and decided to go into town for his own meal.
While Dean’s dismissal stung slightly, both you and Garth were intent on making the evening as comfortable for Sam as possible, so you decided to forgo raw chicken hearts, instead grilling steaks on the barbecue outside. Bess steamed carrots and broccoli to go along with the meat, much to the disappointment of Russ and Joba, who remained silent through the entire meal.
After washing the dishes and saying goodnight to the married couple, you and Sam walked next door to your house. Sam knew the general layout of your house from what you’d showed him earlier, and his backpack sat on the edge of the soft, slightly over-plush couch.
“So,” Sam gestured towards the couch, “Bedtime, or…?”
You shrugged. “If you’re tired you can sleep, I’ll make the bed up for you.”
“It’s fine, Y/N, I can do it.” Sam made to help, but you shook your head.
“Nope, you’re my guest, you let me fix this up.” You pointed to the kitchen. “Go get a beer, make yourself at home.”
Sam obliged. When he returned from the kitchen, ice cold beer in hand, you had already stripped the seat cushions from the couch and were carrying an armload of sheets and a brown comforter into the living room.
“Okay, you gotta let me help with this part.” Sam set his beer on the table and walked over to help you. Together, you stretched the fitted sheet over the mattress and threw the top sheet and comforter over it. You packed two spare pillows into mismatched pillowcases and tossed them at the top of the couch.
“There,” you grinned up at him and stepped out of your boots. “All nice and cozy.”
“Thanks.” Sam nodded his appreciation and stepped out of his own shoes. “Hey, mind if we stay up, talk for a little?”
“Not at all,” you grinned, “I’m not tired.”
You made hot chocolate as Sam changed into a pair of black sweats and a snug-fitting gray shirt, and left him to fill his cup with marshmallows as you ran off to change as well. You changed into a baggy shirt and yoga pants, leaving your silver bullet necklace on the bedside table. When you entered the kitchen, you swore Sam had a hard time yanking his eyes away from your ass.
Once you and Sam were comfortably situated on the makeshift bed, you struck up a conversation. “So, what do you want to talk about?”
Sam shrugged, his lips curving into a second-long frown. “Considering I’m currently staying under your roof, why don’t we get to know each other a little better?”
You sat back, getting comfortable with your mug of cocoa. “Not much to know about me. Kinda just what I told you this afternoon.”
“I mean silly things, like what’s your favorite color?” Sam explained.
“I like green,” you replied, “not that electric stuff, but like my car, all forest-y. What about you?”
Sam grinned. “I like green too, but there’re some shades of blue that I can deal with.”
You blew on the creamy brown surface of your drink. “Should we just go for twenty questions?”
Sam’s heart flared as he watched your lips purse, clouded slightly by steam. “Yeah… yeah, why not?”
“Alrighty then,” you replied, “How old are you?”
Sam’s cheeks flushed. “Thirty-one. You?”
“Twenty.” You giggled nervously. Say hello to age difference.
“Okay…” Sam seemed a little taken aback by the decade-long age gap as well, but shook it off.
The game continued for at least another hour. By the time you were done, it was past eleven and both of you were exhausted from laughing. Finally, Sam cleared his throat and set his empty mug on the coffee table.
“Hey,” he said. “I gotta ask you a serious question, and I need an honest answer.”
You tilted your head. “Yeah, anything.”
He swallowed. “If… if someone—a human—asked you to turn them, would you do it?”
You shifted anxiously. “I don’t understand…”
Sam folded his hands in his lap. “If someone asked you to bite them, turn them into a werewolf, would you?”
You shifted in your seat. “I don’t… I’ve never thought about it. There’s no reversal, if someone wanted to be turned, they’d have to be insane or have a death wish. You’re not as safe as you are as a human, Sam, hunters come looking around all the time, and if they find a pack, they won’t hesitate to wipe out every single one, even babies. It’s not always family dinners and singin’ together on Sunday mornings, it’s hard. Most of us can’t find jobs because we’re scared of hurting people and getting killed as a result.”
Sam nodded. “But if someone wanted to join the pack… if they thought it was their best chance at something, would you turn them?”
You shook your head. “No. Not in a million years.”
Sam bit his lip and looked down at his hands, apparently mollified by your firm response. “How do relationships work? I mean, Garth and Bess look really happy and I never thought werewolves could actually marry.”
You felt your cheeks flush. “It’s… a little different than a human partnership. Like humans, we find our mates and form a strong bond, but that bond forms during…”
“During…?” Sam motioned for you to continue.
“Sex.” You swallowed, cheeks turning warm. “We have a kind of hierarchy, it’s hard to explain.”
Sam stretched his legs out in front of him. “Come on, now I’m curious.”
“Because I said sex?” You asked.
Sam shook his head. “Just the whole relationship thing, I wanna know.”
Carefully, you explained almost everything you knew. From Alpha to Omega and their individual characteristics to the basic treatment of werewolves based on their status within their own society. Sam flinched a little when you explained the whole ‘knotting’ thing, but he absorbed that piece of information regardless.
“Wow…” he stated when your voice trailed off. “So that’s werewolf society.”
You shrugged. “It’s not much, but it’s what happens… I guess we’ve just held onto our fundamental instincts, haven’t tried to suppress them or anything.”
Sam nodded. “So… do you have a partner, an Alpha, or whatever?”
You shook your head and felt yourself blush. “No… I’ve been with a couple Betas, and a human, but nothing’s ever been true. So no mate for me, at least not now.”
Sam’s heart skipped a beat. Single. Good. “Would you ever… you know, ‘mate’ with a human?”
You sighed. “I’ve tried. It’s just not in our nature. Why?”
“Just…” Sam bit his words, hardly believing the words that were about to come out of his mouth. “Okay, this is gonna sound super weird and awkward and you’re totally free to kick me out, but,” he took a breath, “I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and the only reason I’m sticking around is because of you. I… y’know, I want to get to know you better.”
You blushed harder than ever, and Sam’s eyes darted anxiously between your face and the wall behind you. “I mean, I get if you don’t want to, or if you just can’t…” He bit his lower lip and looked down at his lap. “Damn it, I shouldn’t’ve said anything.”
“Sam, it doesn’t bother me,” you replied, “come here.”
Sam practically froze in place as you crawled over to him, leaning forward on your hands and knees. He held his breath as you leaned in and pressed your lips to his cheek. Without waiting, he slowly tilted his head towards yours, tilting it back a little so he could kiss you.
One of those large, perfect hands came up to cup your cheek. His fingers slid into your hair, holding your face to his as he waited for you to deepen the kiss. When you didn’t, he took the lead, parting his lips and pulling you closer. You braced a hand against his chest, slung a leg over one of his thighs. He was so big and warm and firm, you could just lose yourself in every inch of his body.
He pulled back, his eyes half-closed. “Yeah, I… God, I know…”
You sat back, one leg still draped over his thigh. “It’s okay, I just… I don’t want you to get pulled into this. You’re a hunter, I’m a werewolf, we can’t get involved.”
“Why?” Sam hadn’t intended the word to come out as a plea. He kept his eyes on you even as his heart raced inside his chest.
You pressed your lips together. “I don’t wanna hurt you.”
The same words Madison had uttered almost seven years previously as she’d pressed a gun into his palm.
“Y/N, you wouldn’t—”
“Sam, you don’t know what it’s been like trying to restrain these… these urges all my life. I’ve almost hurt people before, I nearly turned a fifteen-year-old girl when I tried going to high school, I could have killed her—” you swallowed the lump in your throat, “—I can hear your heartbeat so loudly, so clearly. I can smell your blood, but I have enough self-control to not bite you right here, right now. If you stay, it’s dangerous for both of us.”
Sam reached out, took one of your hands. “You wouldn’t hurt me, and I sure as hell wouldn’t let anyone hurt you.”
You looked back at him as tears fell down your face. “But your brother would. I can practically smell how much he hates us. If Garth wasn’t here, this entire pack would be dead by now.”
“I wouldn’t let him hurt you.” Sam stated. “You’re important to me. I don’t care what you are, all I care about is that you’re safe.”
“Then…” you swallowed and ran the back of your free hand across your eyes. “Then go. When you want to leave, just leave, and don’t come back. Forget about me.”
Sam cupped your face in both hands, his thumbs running over your cheeks. “Hey, look at me.” He waited until your eyes were locked with his. “I’m not leaving you for some other hunter to kill. I trust you.”
“But I’m a monster, Sam,” you choked, “I’m a monster and I’m always gonna be this way. If I hurt someone, what would you think?”
Sam shook his head and swallowed. “I’d want to help you. Everyone makes mistakes, Y/N. If something happened, I’d help you fix it. I’d help you make it right.” He pulled you into a hug, wrapping his arms around you. “I care about you.”
You buried your face in the crook of his neck. “I know you do, but you have to let me face responsibility for my actions if that ever happens. I don’t want you to care this much.”
“Too frickin’ bad, because I do.” Sam chuckled and grazed his stubble over your cheek before claiming your lips in a soft, gentle kiss that made the Omega in you quiver. “Come on, wipe those eyes and get some rest.”
If you want to see chapter 2, reblog and leave a comment! Feedback is my fuel!
Forever tags: @atc74 @becaamm @bamby0304 @crispychrissy @crashdevlin @curly-haired-disaster @emoryhemsworth @ellen-reincarnated1967 @kittenofdoomage @kayteonline @kdfrqqg @littlegreenplasticsoldier @lunarsaturn88 @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @manawhaat @mereka18 @mrswhozeewhatsis @meganwinchester1999 @oneshoeshort @percussiongirl2017 @serpentbaby @spnwoman @smallgirlbigpersonality @shaelyn102 @thelittleredwhocould @winchesterprincessbride @winecatsandpizza @zombiewerewolfqueen @85natalie @81mysteriouslyme
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tnffc · 6 years
Steter with 21? I love your writing so much btw!!
Ok so, I hope I used the right propt post, which would mean this was “best friend’s sibling au”
It took me quite some time to come up with a version here that worked for me but I am finally done!
So have some very alternative steter:
Stiles grinned when he saw the beautiful house in the woods come into view.
And he grinned even wider when he saw his best friend Derek step out onto the front porch as he parked his old jeep next to the two other cars.
He got out and Derek shook his head with a smile.
“I can’t believe you are still driving that old thing, it’s a miracle it hasn’t broken apart right underneath your butt yet.”
Stiles patted roscoe’s hood.
“Don’t listen baby, he couldn’t understand the bond we share.”
That made the werewolf raise his eyebrows in the trademark Hale way.
“Should I be jealous?”
After Stiles got his duffle back out of the trunk he jogged up the stairs and went right in for a bear hug with Derek.
“Don’t worry dude, you’ll always be my number one best friend.”
He felt the warm, throaty laugh from Derek rumbling through both their chests and a reassuring hand in the middle of his back.
“I am glad to know that. Now come in dumbass, dinner is almost ready.”
Catching up with Derek and eating home made burgers was awesome and Stiles just then realized how much he had missed being able to do that while both of them had been away for college.
Time had flown by so fast and before they knew it it had almost been two years since they last had had physical contact.
Of course they had texted and skyped now and then, but it just wasn’t the same as hanging out and spending some quality time.
Derek had gotten even taller and broader it seemed, but Stiles realized he himself had grown as well, because now he was almost Derek’s height, although nowhere near his general size.
And of course werewolf physique meant the guy was able to maintain his muscled appearance just by being.
But Stiles had long stopped envying that. He was doing alright himself, college had taught him that much.
“You got really good at preparing food dude, I was worried all you might eat in college was raw meat from animals you hunted yourself or something.”
Derek grinned.
“I had a short ramen noodle phase, but then I met Braeden and she introduced me to the passion of preparing food, especially for others.”
Stiles smiled as his friend talked about the woman he loved and at the same time really wished he had somebody who made him smile that way.
“Man, you have to introduce her to me while I am visiting. I want to get to know the person that has you grinning like that. She must be amazing.”
Derek kept grinning and his cheeks turned a little red “She really is.”
Stiles took a gulp from his soda before putting it back down.
“I am so glad you got someone, you deserve all the happiness in the world.”
And Derek looked down onto his plate with a soft smile.
“Thank you, Stiles.”
“Only the truth buddy.”
They were sitting in the living room and playing video games like back in school. Normally A werewolf would easily beat a human, but Stiles’ mother had been the pack’s emissary before she died and Stiles had inherited her magical powers, so he always used a little bit of magic to level the playing field.
It was only fair.
Derek said “Someone just arrived” and moments later the front door opened and not long after someone walked into the living room.
“Derek, who is parking in my usu-”
Peter Hale, looking just as delicious as Stiles remembered, wearing a white v-neck, leather jacket and skinny jeans looked down at Stiles.
Stiles, who was ungracefully sitting on the floor with the controller in hand like a goblin with a treasure and the chewed up lid of his bottle of soda between his teeth.
Derek cleared his throat.
“Peter, you remember Stiles? My best friend from school?”
Peter smirked.
“Oh right, the fact you are chewing on plastic should have reminded me. Even though I was mostly away in college during Derbear’s high school years.”
Derek rolled his eyes.
“Don’t call me that. You were mostly away partying if anything. Just in case your memory is as bad as his, this is Peter my quasi big brother.”
Stiles nodded.
“Yeah I remember. He is actually your uncle, but only six years older than you and you grew up like siblings. And if I remember correctly you were studying to become a lawyer. right?”
Peter and Derek both gave him the Hale eyebrows of curiosity.
Derek with a side of judgement, Peter with a side of- something…
“Yes.” Peter confirmed then “You are correct. I’m actually on a good way to becoming county attorney.”
At that Derek pretended to fall asleep and snored loudly.
“Go brag somewhere else asshole, we want to continue playing the game.”
Peter shrugged “I have work to do anyway.” and then turned on the spot to go upstairs.
Stiles looked at his back -and ass- as he left.
When he was certain Peter was upstairs and would not hear him whispering he looked up to his friend.
“So since he’s still living here, Peter hasn’t chosen a mate yet?”
Derek made a face at the question.
“Ewww Stiles, please tell me you aren’t thinking about boning my brother.”
Stiles tilted his head.
“Yeah I guess that would be weird huh?”
For a moment Derek just stared into nothing and then he sighed deeply.
“No…I get why you would…you two would actually kind of fit together…it’s just…he is not the type to settle down and I really don’t want to get caught in the crossfire when it ends badly.”
“I get what you mean, but nothing could ever change the friendship we have. And I am not looking to settle down either. What I find fascinating is the fact you aren’t at all doubting he would be into me.”
Derek snorted.
“You are Hale catnip Stiles. Have you forgotten Cora, Laura and my cousin Anthony? Mum would probably consider you her favorite child if that was socially acceptable and we have been best friends since first day of kindergarten. Of course Peter would be into you.”
Yes Stiles remembered how obsessed the entire Hale family was with him. He had actually considered Peter a bit of an exception because the guy had never given him as much as a second glance.
“Huh…” he said non-committal and then turned back to the game.
“My turn, I chose rainbow road.”
Derek groaned and let his head fall back onto the couch cushions.
“You really are just as much of an asshole as Peter…”
When it was 3am Stiles and Derek both decided it was time to head to bed.
The days of pulling all-nighters just for fun were behind them it seemed.
But it had still been a great day and Stiles was looking forward to the next two days.
He also slept in the guest room this time, mostly because he didn’t want to bother them get out a mattress and bedding and shove all that into Derek’s room when there was a perfectly ok bed to sleep in.
He didn’t need the high school experience that badly.
They wished each other goodnight and Stiles went to unpack what he needed for the night.
A sniff at his shirt then told him he really should take a shower before bed.
He wouldn’t want to insult anybody’s sensitive nose after all.
In his boxers and with a towel he made his way to the bathroom only to find Peter in his pajama pants already waiting in front of it.
The door was locked and there was the noise of the running shower coming from the inside.
He rubbed his neck.
“So Derek beat us to it I assume, shouldn’t take long…”
Peter shook his head.
“It’s Laura, she apparently decided to sleep over since she has a case here. Even though her office would definitely pay for a hotel.”
You could hear the frustration in the guy’s voice and Stiles tilted his head.
“You don’t like your sister staying over?”
Stiles got a thickly sweet smile back, he knew Peter probably used it with difficult people at work all the time.
“She has the habit to take forever and to use up all the warm water.”
Yeah ok, that was a bit annoying.
“I see.”
They stood there for a while in silence.
Then finally Stiles decided that was getting too awkward.
He tried to come up with a harmless conversation starter.
Unfortunately the first thing that came to mind while looking at Peter was maybe not the best question for that.
He apparently had stared too long because Peter caught his eyes and gave him a sly smile.
“Take a picture darling, I am very photogenic.”
“I thought werewolf eyes ruin the shot…”
There was a soft chuckle.
“You can learn to control it. I can’t be a public figure and all my pictures turn out bad.”
That made sense.
“Smart. I was actually kind of wondering where your pack tattoo is…but I feel like that might be an insensitive question.”
Peter seemed to consider his response while staring at Stiles.
“Most werewolves put it on a relatively good visible spot so they can be identified as part of their respective pack. I prefer to keep my cards a bit closer. It is on the inside of my left thigh. I-”
Before Peter could say whatever he had wanted to say next the door of the bathroom flew open.
“Oh my god Peter, I swear if you offer Stiles to show him your tattoo I am going to barf. I can smell both of your interest through the fucking door.”
Peter glared at her.
“Is there warm water left?”
She gave him a mean grin “Maybe a little, have fun asshole. Good night Stiles, great to see you again. And if you let Peter fuck you I’ll be disappointed.”
And with that she left both of them.
They gave each other a glance and Peter went to see if the water still ran hot.
“She didn’t lie. Maybe you should go first Stiles, I will survive taking a cold shower.”
Wow, considering what Derek and the others usually said about Peter that was uncharacteristically considerate.
The man seemed to read his thoughts.
“Don’t take all they say at face value Stiles. I can be very nice if I think somebody deserves it.”
Stiles was a bit confused.
“And I do?”
Peter came closer and grinned.
“You haven’t given me a reason to think otherwise. Now take the offer or leave it before I decide I’m an unredeemable asshole after all.”
His thoughts were running fast to come to a decision and suddenly he had a terrible, aweful, delightful idea.
He gave Peter a sly grin himself and stepped into the man’s space.
“We could always just share. Might be a good opportunity to show me that tattoo.”
Peter did not step back and instead licked his lips.
“What about Derek? Or Laura’s disapproval?”
Stiles made another step and their bodies touched, chest to chest, face to face.
“Derek said we would be a good fit and who says I have to be the one getting fucked. Unless you aren’t up for it.”
Peter’s eyes were full of mischievous joy.
“I am up alright.”
“Then let’s get clean.”
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i4z-0892-il · 6 years
Author: Jena @i4z-0892-il
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Summary: The Reader suffering from amnesia has been trying to figure out how to function in a world she doesn’t quite fit into, and remember a past she just can’t recall. Until someone almost familiar steps into her life.
Word Count: 4,773
Warnings: Emotional distress, physical aggression
A/N: This one is probably only going to be 2 or 3 parts, kind of depends how much I wind up cramming into each chapter.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
You tapped wine red fingernails against the countertop absentmindedly staring into space. It was a slow day, the second the sun went down the bar would be packed, and you’d have plenty to do to pass the time, but as it was there wasn’t a soul around. That was just the lunch shift though, on occasion there’d be a random who’d stumble in, order a beer maybe a burger, but usually it was just you and Benny, the owner and cook, until the evening shift began.
“Hey, Y/n, you wanna quit daydreamin’ and slice up some lemons for me?” Benny called with a thick cajun drawl through a small square window from the kitchen at the end of the bar. You didn’t move from your spot, or break your focus which was on nothing in particular when you answered him.
“They’re already done and in the fridge Benny. Top shelf.” You dropped your chin into the palm of your hand as you leaned over the bartop, your mind on another planet entirely. You found yourself gazing off into la-la-land more often than not, visions of another life playing through your head so vividly you could almost smell them and taste them. So vivid it could have been real, but the subject of your daydreams and nightmares was so far fetched there was no explaining them other than an overactive imagination. You’d had them since you could remember- though the joke there was that you couldn’t remember very far back as it were.
What you did remember was waking up in a sterile white room, tubes and IV’s everywhere and a Doctor and Nurse standing over you with their eyes wide like they’d seen a miracle happen. They weren’t wrong.
“Miss, do you know where you are?” The Doctor asked, her eyes kind and sympathetic.
“A hospital?” When you answered your own voice seemed foreign and hoarse with disuse.
“Do you know what year it is?”
“Do you know how you got here?”
“Do you remember your name?”
“No…” Your voice was little more than a whisper, and their questions drew nothing but empty space in your memory where answers should have been. The nothingness that their questions drew from you began to fill up with panic, the panic of not knowing. You couldn’t remember your own name, you had to have one. You knew things, words, colors, shapes, sounds. You could tell faces apart, and gauge where you were, but around that there was a gray fog where you should have been able to pluck details out of.
The Doctor and her Nurse exchanged pitiful glances, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to hear what they had to say, what they knew but you didn’t. Then she told you that you’d been in an accident, and were lucky to have survived. Broken leg, broken arm, dislocated jaw, punctured lung, and you’d been nearly ripped to shreds to the point that the surgeons basically had to Frankenstein you back together. The real kicker was when she told you that you’d been in a coma for the last two months, and had been kept on life support for the first three weeks of your residency. It felt like the wind had been knocked out of you, and you couldn’t process any of it through the sensory overload.
“An accident? Coma? I- I don’t understand.” You stated sharply. Saying the words out loud made less sense than they did hearing them. You could understand why you couldn’t remember, or how you couldn’t remember. They hadn’t expected you to come off life-support, let alone wake up, hopes for the Jane Doe on floor 4 room 437 were grim. The fact that you were missing memory wasn’t as surprising to them as it was to you. “Who am I?”
“We were hoping you might be able to tell us. The gentlemen who brought you in said your name was Y/n, no last name, they couldn’t tell us anything else.”
“Gentlemen? You mean like friends? Family?”
“They said they saw your car flip over, and that you told them your name before you passed out, then they brought you here. They came back to check on you a few times, but that’s been a while ago now. You came in without any identification. ”
“Did… was anyone looking for me? Did I have family come see me?”
“I’m sorry… The Police searched missing persons but couldn’t find anything.”
The next couple of weeks following that were filled with more Doctors, Physical Therapy, counselors and other Specialists to help you remember who you were, and how to fit into life not knowing who you are. The whole process moved too far too fast, you were bounced out of care as quickly as possible, and once you’d regained strength enough to walk and function like a more-or-less normal human being they kicked you to the curb and left you to fend for yourself.
The hardest part wasn’t learning how to walk again, or the cognitive tests- it was the foreign face you saw when you looked in the mirror. The first time you looked you scoffed, you weren’t what you had expected. Not that you’d necessarily expected someone else, but the girl in your reflection seemed as strange and distant to you as everyone else. It felt like being trapped in the skin of someone else. It was a face that you’d never get used to, no matter how hard you tried, uncomfortable in your own skin on such a primal level. You couldn’t complain so much, you were beautiful in your own right, and folks took notice of that fact. But their eyes were invasive, and you’d have preferred to blend into the background.
That’s when you found yourself working at the bar, nothing but a first name that you couldn’t even guarantee was yours, no last name, no memories, and no professional skills that you were aware of. Benny didn’t ask too many questions, and while he was salty with everyone else he had a soft spot for you, he liked you, he liked your unfiltered mouth and how aloof you were. Most people were kinder to you after they found out you couldn’t remember 98% of your life, well mostly they pitied you, treated you like some broken, fragile thing. Or like you were like you were stupid. But you weren’t dumb, at least you didn’t think so. What if you’d been a lawyer before the accident? Or a Doctor, or Teacher? What if you’d written a best-seller? Or maybe you were a promising Botanist. Or a Nuclear Physicist perhaps. The further you fell down the rabbit hole the harder it was to bring yourself out of it.
The fact was that whoever you were before the accident didn’t matter anymore, regardless of how curious you were. Answers to your questions were going to remain elusive til the day you died probably. No family was looking for you that you knew of, you hadn’t had any visitors besides the two guys who were kind enough to bring you into the hospital, but not invested enough to stick around for long. The fact that you seemed to belong to no one was easily the most heartbreaking aspect of the whole ordeal. You had no one, no one to hold you hand while you were hooked up to machines that were breathing for you. No one to whisper stories to you in hopes to bring you out of your coma. No one who cared, no one who was looking for you, no one who wanted you. Maybe it meant that you were just a horrible person before the accident, maybe you were lonesome, maybe you didn’t have anyone anyway. The maybe’s drove you crazy, because it was just like staring into nothing and looking for answers.
Being at the bar and having something to do to take your mind off of it helped, you found yourself glaring at your own reflection less, less pissed at yourself for just not being able to remember. Eventually you began to feel less dumb for not being able to recall things either. While your frustration at yourself began to ebb you found yourself off in your own little world more and more and more, finding it nearly impossible to drag yourself from. The visions you had there were just more fantastic and captivating, and vivid, so vivid you could smell the iron in blood, and feel the cold spots that would make your whole body shudder. It was your personal escape as well as nightmare. The things you saw in your head should have terrified you, literal monsters: ghosts, witches and werewolves. It should have scared you, most normal people would have been horrified being plagued by them night after night, day after day. But not you. It wasn’t that you were unbothered entirely, because the tingle up your spine, and the way your heart would race you knew it was fear, but you didn’t feel afraid. You took them on and came out victorious time and time again, more often than not you weren’t facing them alone either.
You could never see their faces always clouded, or just out of the corner of your eye. You knew there were two of them, you could feel them around you. When they were present in your fantasies all doubt, all fear, all apprehension slipped away. Every so often you could feel one of them wrap arms around you, protecting and tender, and you’d catch the scent of leather, coffee and sandalwood. Sometimes though on nights you were lucky, when the witching hour muffled the sounds of the world around you deathly silent you could hear him speak your name. That was your favorite part, his voice was low and rough, but there was a sweetness to it when he spoke to you. On nights when his voice wasn’t there to lull you to sleep your world seemed emptier, sadder.
People came and went, ordering drinks and food, small talk, flirting, and you just went through the motions your head stuck in the clouds, not really there. You heard the way they talked about you though, when they thought you weren’t listening. How you’d just magically appeared one day two months ago  which meant you were fresh meat, and how fascinating you were because of your amnesia, you couldn’t have been more in the center of attention if you’d painted a target on your back. You were shiny and new, mysterious and uninterested in the world around you which meant that you were a challenge, and if you knew nothing else- it was that men loved a challenge.
The same group of guys almost every time you worked all hovering over the same three tables night after night, it was a small town, and they all worked at the factory just a few miles down the road. They were friendly enough initially, welcoming you to town, asking you questions you couldn’t give answers to. Hell at first you’d even venture to say they were nice, they tipped well, and a few of them seemed to go out of their way trying to make you feel at home. Until word got out about your little condition. You weren’t sure who spilled the beans, it was something you’d kept tight lipped about. You kept to yourself, answered only questions you had a solid response to and just glossed over the rest with a charming smile and dismissive “Oh- you know…” But once word got out that you were broken, that you were vulnerable, and had no one in life who cared about you enough to find you, things changed. Suddenly you were a piece of meat, and each one of those men wanted a bite.
The change in the air was so abrupt it was almost suffocating, you knew they had been flirty in the beginning but now they were downright barbaric in the chase. Unrelenting and unabashedly forward, you could feel their eyes burning into you everywhere you walked. Cat calls, and filthy whispers when they thought you couldn’t hear them.
“Oh I’d give her something to remember.”
“Maybe I could jog her memory.”
“I’d do things to her she’d never forget.”
It sent chills up your spine every time something came out of their mouths, and it took every fiber of your being not to smash a beer bottle over Parker Delaney’s head when he grabbed you by the arm and pulled you into his lap one night. His foul breath reeking of beer and hot wings, greasy fingers digging into your hips hard enough he might leave bruises. That was it, that was when something in you snapped and you shot you an elbow connecting with his nose, leaving it black and blue and disfigured, and he was pissed. Thankfully Benny stepped in keeping Parker’s rage at bay, but none of them ever looked at you quite the same after that. Now they looked at you not only like they wanted you, but like they also wanted to hurt you.
“We shouldn’t be here.” Sam said, his leg bouncing anxious and shaking the entire car  as he shifted in the seat of the Impala. He knew how difficult this was for Dean, but it’d happened for a reason, and he’d been against the decision from day one but his brother had his mind made. There was no arguing with him after that, but this didn’t sit right with him, this wasn’t something to flip-flop over. “You know what Cas said: don’t go poking at it.”
“I know what Cas said  Sam. Just give me ten minutes, one beer, okay?” Dean shot back, irritated by his brothers audacity to remind him of the harsh truth he was already more than aware of. Sam’s face stiffened, he knew it was a bad idea, it wouldn’t be just one beer, or just ten minutes, but the pleading look on Dean’s face, the pain in his eyes, he just couldn’t refuse. It’d been months and against his own better judgment he couldn’t keep himself away anymore. There was a job in the next town and both Sam and Bobby said that someone else should pick it up and take care of it, but he was insistent. They knew the real reason he was so hellbent on working the case, and it wasn’t because of the thing snatching people in the woods, it was her.
“Alright, fine. One beer, but we keep our distance.”
“Got it, here to observe only.” That was all he needed as he slid out of the car a little too quickly, his nerves getting to him, making him jittery. He walked up to the door of the bar his hand resting on the handle but unable to open it. Doubt crept into his mind fogging his previously solid plan. He’d been so sure, just one look, just to peek in and make sure she was alright and that would be enough for him. He’d be satisfied and never come back. But now that only a solid wooden door stood in his way he wasn’t so sure anymore. Sam stood behind him patiently awaiting a decision, not wanting to steer him one way or the other but they couldn’t stand at the door forever; he cleared his throat and Dean jumped back to reality, pulling the door open.
They slipped through the crowd of people finding a hightop in the corner, Dean’s eyes searching for one familiar face in the sea of locals.
“Maybe she’s not here tonight.” Sam offered, trying to soften the blow when Dean disheartened, couldn’t seem to find her.
“No, she’s here.”
“Well how do you know that? She’s gotta go home sometime right? Can’t work all the time.”
“I just know.”
“It’s not like it came from a reliable source. I mean Jackson Cleveland? The guy can barely spell his own name.”
“So… He told us he saw someone who might be her here more than three months ago. Even if it was her there’s nothing saying she’d still be here now.”
“Might is good enough for me.”
“Look, Dean I know you feel guilty about what happened, and I know you care about her-”
“Then you know why I have to make sure she’s okay.” Dean cut him off flatly and finishing the conversation. Sam pursed his lips and leaned back in his seat, knowing that nothing he could say would change a damn thing. Barely a minute had passed, but damn if it didn’t feel like a fucking eternity, each second ticking by agonizingly slow. Dean ran his palm over his face trying to wipe away the anxiety, and nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard a voice come from behind him.
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“Hey there guys, I’m Y/n, can I start you off with something to drink?” You asked, a chipper smile on your face, as you laid down napkins, when you turned to look over your table you were stunned by the two gods who’d just sat in your section. You might have been more excited had the one with the perfectly pouty lips not been staring at you like he’d seen a ghost. The one with long dark hair cleared his throat snapping the other out of his trance.
“Yeah, thanks, two beers, and he’ll take a double of whiskey.” Sam answered quickly.
“Okay, coming right up.” You said, walking away quickly. You’d had a few strange encounters now but that one was going to stick with you. You walked to the bar and tapped Amber, another waitress on the shoulder and asked if you had something on your face. She shrugged and shook her head as she handed you your order. All the while you could feel his eyes on you, but it wasn’t the starving hungry gaze that Parker and his buddies gave you. This was something else.
“Dude, you’re gonna freak her out, fix you damn face.” Sam demanded leaning forward and swatting Dean in the arm. He jerked away from you and turned his focus back on Sam, knowing he was right. But he couldn’t help it. He’d played this moment over in his head hundreds of times, what he’d say to you, how he’d say it. He’d rehearsed this in his head until he’d played out every possibility, but when you were standing there smiling at him it was different. And it was absolutely heartbreaking knowing that you didn’t recognize him, a part of him had hoped, but it was for the best. After what happened, he didn’t think he could forgive himself, but you didn’t have to continue to suffer, you could have something normal, something safe.
“I know, I can’t help it.”
“Well figure it out, we’re supposed to be keeping our distance, and this is way too close.”
“Alright guys,” you announced, as you set two beer bottle down and a shot glass in front of Dean. You shifted eyes between them locking on to olive green and your heart flipped in your chest making you weak in the knees. You ripped your eyes away finding it so much harder than it should have been for a random face in the crowd, albeit a very handsome one. “Can I get you anything else?”
“No, we’re good.” Dean finally answered, you nodded and turned to walk away. “Thanks Y/n.”
Everything froze in place, your whole body going completely solid, as an aching knot wrapped itself tight in your very core. You swallowed hard trying to force down panic, elation? You weren’t even sure how you felt it seemed the full spectrum of emotion had solidified right in the center of your chest. You knew that voice. You turned your head cautious and fully aware that you might have been standing at the edge of something monumental.
“Sorry, what was that?” You were begging him to say your name again, to confirm what you already knew.
“I said thanks… Y/n.” He answered carefully, the look in your eye alerting him to dangerous territory. Breath caught in your chest when he spoke your name again. It was his voice, the same voice that had felt more like home to you than anything else in the last six months. The same voice that made you feel safe when you were alone at night. It was a voice that you were daring to hope about, maybe…
‘Do-Do I know you?” You asked hopeful, your heart swelling and threatening to take over. Sam’s face screwed up as he glared across the table at his brother, wordlessly, and in shock. Dean was taken aback and everything in his mind fizzled out all at once as he laughed and shook his head trying to form words again, but his brain simply would not work short-circuiting in panic.
“What? No! No, I’ve never seen you before in my life. I‘ve never been here before. This is the first time I’ve even been to Aurora, Minnesota.” Dean stammered with a nervous laugh, wincing when Sam kicked him in the leg shooting a face that could only be described as “what the actual fuck?” He gave you an awkward smile before continuing. “Sorry, just got one of those faces I guess.”
It tore him to shreds from the inside out to watch you face when his words landed on you. A little bit light in your eyes flickered and died out right in front of him, and it was his fault. He watched your shoulders drop, and your face fall you whispered a quick “Oh, sorry, my mistake,” before you turned and walked back to the bar to get your next order. All he wanted to do was to hold you, and wrap you up in his arms again, the last six months had been hell on Earth. He told himself it was better this way, your life would be better, you’d have a chance to live normally. No monsters, no worries, no fear of what went bump in the night.
“Dean what the hell was that, you lie professionally and that’s the best you could come up with? Have you lost your mind?”
“What? What did you want me to say?”Dean defended as he threw back his whiskey.
“Man, I told you we shouldn’t have come here.”
“Well good for you Sam, you want a medal or something?”
Trudging to the back you’d intended  to pick up food for table seven, but you were in your head again, stuck there replaying his voice in your head over and over. You were certain, you’d know that voice anywhere, and it crushed you that you were wrong. There was a split second of hope that maybe he did know you, maybe he could tell you something about yourself that you didn’t know. Shed some kind of light on the empty fog that clouded your mind.
“Hey, Earth to Y/n. What’s got you makin’ that face for?” Benny called, waving a hand in front of your face until you snapped back to reality.
“I’m not making a face.” You frowned.
“Well ya look awful pensive, more so than usual.”
“Nothing, I just thought I might have remembered something- but I guess I was wrong.” You shrugged trying to brush it off like it wasn’t a colossal deal. Scooping up the food for your table, you turned on heel and left before he could say anything else. Benny always knew when you were lying, you thought you were pretty good at it but apparently he had a better bullshit detector than most people.
You dropped Parker’s plate of hot wings in from of him unceremoniously, you weren’t happy that he was even allowed to come back after last time. But he swore he was just drunk, and didn’t know what he was doing, and it was the only bar in town.
“Hey Y/n, got any plans after work?” Parker said practically drooling down your shirt. Sneering you recoiled in disgust as the potent smell of beer, stale cigarettes and weed hit your nose.
“Yeah Parker, I’m going home and I’m going to bed.”
“Y’know, it’s just not right that you’re all on your own at night. S’dangerous for a woman to be by herself, y’never know who’s out there lurkin’ in the shadows. I’d be happy to keep you company.”
“Yeah I’m sure you would.” You stated abrupt, not willing to play into him tonight. A chill went down your back when his hand wrapped around your wrist as your tried to leave.
“I would, you know that. Y/n I’ve been watchin’ you for months now, I tip you real good, I even apologized real nice for our little domestic spat. What more does a man have to do to get your attention?”
“Let go of me.” You hushed your eyes frozen on a single spot on the table, you didn’t like to be touched. Least of all by Parker Delaney.
“C’mon now Y/n, just let me take you home, give me a chance, I’m sure I could make you real happy, then you ain’t gotta be afraid of what’s out there anymore.”
“The only thing I’m afraid of, Parker, is losing my job if you don’t let go of me- because I’m gonna break you fucking nose again.” You seethed your eyes darting from the table back to him, ready for blood. He smirked at you and gripped your wrist tighter, twisting it in an unnatural way and forcing you closer into his proximity.
“You watch your fuckin’ mouth when you talk to me, bitch. I own this town.” His voice was low, and threatening and there was a very real fear creeping up your spine.
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“The lady said let her go.” Dean snarled, stepping behind you and towering over your frame so small compared to his. He’d watched too much of that interaction to stay in his seat, the second Parker put his hands on you he saw red. Fuck the distance he was supposed to be keeping, there was no way in hell he’d let you be manhandled by some hick who clearly didn’t understand the word “no.” Parker eyed him up and down, Dean was taller, and though he was sure pretty, he was much more menacing. He’d seen enough, and spilled enough blood that it was nice and obvious he was someone not to be crossed in a dark alley. And Parker wasn’t quite that stupid, but he wasn’t all that bright either.
“The lady and I were talking, now mind your own.”
“I will, as soon as you let her go.”
“Fine.” Parker said, a light bulb going off in his head, he shoved you into Dean’s chest who wrapped an arm around your shoulders and held you firm to him, as Parker and his crew got up and left.“Y/n, I’ll see you later.”
It felt more like a threat than anything else, but it was quickly washed away with the familiar scent of leather, coffee and sandalwood. His arms felt like home and safety. Dean turned green eyes down to you a tenderness there that was previously nothing but murder.
“Are you alright?” He asked as he stepped back. He wanted to keep you there, to protect you and feel you against him more than anything in the world. He’d give up just about anything to spend one more night with you, but he wasn’t willing to give up your happiness for it. So he pulled himself away from you, every piece of him cracking as he did.
Nodding wordlessly you tried to pull yourself together but you couldn’t tear your eyes away from him, trying to study his face willing it to reveal something to you.that hole in your chest growing and threatening to swallow you whole, because you knew there was something about him. You knew it, he was important, you heard his voice for the last several months soothing you to sleep, you felt the warmth and his scent radiating from him to you. He cringed under your gaze heartbreaking and lost. Sam patted him on the shoulder, a wordless conversation exchanged and then he left. He left you standing there in the middle of a crowded bar more lost and desolate than you had felt before. If he turned and looked back at you his resolve would crumble like a house of cards, he couldn’t see your face like that. He’d already gotten too close.
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moretomhardy · 6 years
Another random sterek AU because why not
Fandom: Teen Wolf
 Pairing: Derek/Stiles 
Words: 1,974 
Rating: General/Teen 
Content Notes: TW for self-harm, since werewolves are careless with their bodies
Summary: The Hales host a bi-annual gathering of supernatural creatures at their home. This is the first times Stiles shows up.
“Derek, sweetheart, we’ve just had a family of kelpies arrive -- you don’t happen to have any seafood in here, do you?” Mom burst through the door and swung open the fridge door, shuffling through the contents.
“Mom, relax.” Derek nudged her out of the fridge and shut it. “Kelpies tend to eat everything and usually have a preference for turf over surf. Did anyone ask them what they wanted?”
“That’s a relief,” Mom sighed, leaning back against the counter. “Laura’s talking to them now, she should be down any minute with specifics. I was afraid we were going to horribly offend them by not having fish on the menu.”
“I bought some salmon in case of emergency,” Derek returned to stirring the pot of sauce he was reducing, “but the water sprites are the only creatures that I know of in our area that will demand fish, and I have their minnows ready to go.”
“Good, okay.” Mom took a deep breath and let the tension bleed out of her shoulders.
“This isn’t my first rodeo, Mama.” Derek stood on his toes to peck a kiss to the top of her head. “Now get out of here, people are going to start missing you.”
Mom wrinkled her nose. “Are you sure I can’t stay down here with you? It’s so quiet and peaceful.”
Derek barked a short laugh. “I can give you something to chop if you want, but don’t fool yourself into thinking you won’t be terribly bored in less than five minutes.”
“Sometimes I hate that I raised intelligent children,” Mom sighed. “Fine, I’ll get out of your hair.” She reached out and rubbed a hand over Derek’s neck and shoulder. “Let me know if you need any help and I’ll send Cora back.”
“I’m fine for now, but I’ll let you know.”
Mom nodded and swept her hair out of her face before sweeping herself out through the swinging kitchen doors.
Derek pulled out the fifteenth head of cabbage for the afternoon and started chopping.
Laura charged through the doors maybe twenty minutes later, eyes bleeding red around the pupil.
Derek dropped his knife and wiped his blood-smudged hands on a towel before reaching for Laura. She met him halfway, pulling him into her chest and rubbing her cheek along Derek’s face.
“Sorry,” she murmured, hands squeezing bruises into Derek’s torso. “Just met my first vampire and I’m having this powerful urge to run him out of our territory.”
“It’s okay.” Derek pressed himself closer to Laura and let her tuck his head under her chin, even though it was awkward position now that he was taller than her. “He wouldn’t come to a peaceful gathering to try and start something.”
“I know that.” Laura buried her face in the crook of Derek’s neck and took a deep, bracing breath. “He feels too settled here, like he’s trying to claim the land. It pisses off my alpha side.”
“He is allowed to live here, and even claim territory as long as it’s not within the preserve.”
“I never claimed it was a reasonable urge,” Laura grumbled. “I just have to get used to him. I made Cora go talk to him so that I wouldn’t start a turf war.”
“That was a good idea.”
“Yeah, whatever.” Laura loosened her grip on Derek. “I think your sauce is starting to burn.”
“It’s definitely burnt.” Derek rubbed his cheek against her collarbone one last time before pulling away. He wrinkled his nose as he pulled the burning sauce off of the stove and dumped it down the sink. Cora pushed her way through the doors as Derek was rinsing out the pot to start over.
“Laura’s vampire said he’s good with a steak as rare as you can get it while still making it look cooked, plus any root vegetables you might have on hand.”
“That’s doable.” Derek stepped over to the fridge to see what he could find in the way of the vegetables. “Did he say where he was from? I didn’t know we had any vampires in the area.”
“He said he had moved back home to Beacon Hills recently. I kinda got the feeling that he was turned against his wishes while he was away.”
Derek frowned as he started chopping the handful of beets and new potatoes he had found. “Do you know how long ago?”
Cora shrugged. “He said he grew up here, left for college, and had to stay away until he got a handle on the new lifestyle. I didn’t want to push too hard on the details.”
“If he grew up here, that explains why he has such a strong connection to the land,” Laura said. “That’s a relief, I thought we were going to have some trouble on our hands.”
“Just because he grew up here doesn’t mean he isn’t going to start trouble.” Derek drizzled some olive oil and spices on the diced vegetables before throwing them into a skillet.
“Yeah, and just because he makes Laura’s alpha senses tingle doesn’t mean he is going to start trouble, either,” Cora snorted.
Derek frowned at Cora and then at the flatiron steak he had pulled out of the refrigerator. “You think I should season it?” he asked.
“How should we know,” Cora rolled her eyes, “you’re the big fancy chef.”
Derek scowled at her before turning to Laura, who shrugged.
“I’m seasoning it,” he decided. “If he doesn’t like it he can send it back.”
“That’s the spirit,” Laura chuckled while Derek rifled through the spice drawer. He had never intentionally tried to enhance the flavor of blood in a steak, so that was something new; he rubbed in the spices and threw the steak into a hot cast iron skillet.
Derek stirred the vegetables while watching the steak. He flipped it after a minute or so. The other side got the same treatment, then Derek popped his claws to hold the hot steak vertically and get a sear on all of the edges. After that, he deemed the meat done and set in on a covered plate to rest while he finished up the vegetables.
Cora had drifted away while the steak was still cooking, bored with the situation. Derek looked over at Laura while he finished up the vegetables and got everything on a plate.
"Are you up to seeing the vampire again?" he asked.
Laura hesitated, chewing on her lip.
"Don't worry about it," Derek said, "I'll take it up to him."
"That would probably be for the best," Laura allowed. "He gets my hackles up for some reason."
"No need to take an unnecessary risk."
They both cocked their heads toward the door as Mom called for Laura upstairs.
"I'd better go see what that's about." Laura hurried out of the kitchen and Derek pulled some cutlery and a napkin out of a drawer. He thought about bringing up a glass of water to go with the food, then thought he could offer the vampire something he might find a little more appetizing. Derek grabbed an empty glass and made his way upstairs and out to the backyard where the guests were seated.
He looked around the yard, feeling a little stupid that he hadn't gotten at least a description of the vampire from Laura before she left. Then his eyes caught on an unfamiliar, pale young man sitting alone at a table on the edge of the lawn and figured he might have found the vampire anyways. He wasn’t able to pick out the sound of any heartbeat as he walked over, which was a point in favor of his theory. He stopped at the edge of the table and the man looked up at him, smiling slightly.
Derek realized he was also missing the vampire's name, something else he should have gotten from Laura before coming up. "You're the vampire?"
The man grinned. "That's me. I usually go by Stiles, though."
Derek grunted and set the plate down in front of Stiles, keeping a hold of the glass for now. "Cora said you wanted a rare steak and some root vegetables, so I did my best. I haven't cooked for a vampire before, so I'm not sure what your stance on seasoning your food is. If you don't like it I can take it back and do it again plain."
"This looks great," Stiles's smile had widened during Derek's speech. "Beets are my favorite vegetable, actually."
"I figured a vampire would like beets. Red, rich, vaguely fleshy texture."
Stiles snorted. "Well, thanks, dude."
"It's Derek. And." Derek slammed the glass down on the table before he lost his nerve, keeping his hand over the top of the glass and turning the inside of his wrist towards Stiles. "If you want, I could offer you something to drink."
Stiles looked up at him with wide eyes.
"Chef special," Derek added when Stiles stayed frozen. He hoped he hadn't offended him.
A giggle slipped out of Stiles' mouth. "Oh my god, dude, Derek, are you just casually offering me your blood?"
Derek shrugged. "I've got some to spare."
"This is -- okay." Stiles took a deep breath. "That sounds delicious, thank you, Derek."
Derek nodded and popped the claws on the hand not covering the glass. Stiles watched with fascination as Derek dug two claws into his arm and dragged upwards, opening up a good-sized gash in his arm that bled freely for several seconds. Stiles' glass was only a third full when Derek's body mended itself so Derek repeated the cut, going a little deeper and longer than before. That slice got the glass pretty close to full by the time it healed. Derek was about to wipe his fingers and forearm on the towel he still had slung over his shoulder when Stiles make an abortive motion and asked,
"Can I... clean you off?"
Derek frowned and looked between Stiles and his bloody arm, where Stiles' attention was fixed. "You want to lick me?" Derek asked.
"In so many ways, yes."
Derek felt his face flame into a blush. "Um." He looked down at his bloody hands.
"Sorry," Stiles said when the silence between them started to stretch. "That's probably super inappropriate. Forget I said anything, please."
"That's, um." Derek cleared his throat and pulled his towel off of his shoulder, slowly wiping off his hand and forearm. "Maybe another time, somewhere less public."
"What, really?" Stiles asked. His eyes were wide when Derek chanced a glance over at him.
"Yes," Derek decided. Laura was always telling him he needed to take more chances, after all.
"That's -- wow, uh, can I give you my phone number?" Stiles scrambled to pull his phone out of his pocket.
"How about I give you mine." Derek plucked Stiles' phone out of his hands as soon as he had it unlocked and made a new contact for himself. He smiled as he handed the phone back to Stiles.
"Awesome." Stiles took his phone back. "You'll definitely be hearing from me."
"Are you gonna try it?" Derek gestured at Stiles' plate.
"Yes, definitely." Stiles picked up the glass of blood and closed his eyes as he took a deep breath over the mouth of the glass. He took a long sip and groaned in satisfaction as he swallowed.
Derek stared at Stiles as he opened his eyes and grinned up at him. "Delicious," Stiles said, blood staining the crevices between his teeth.
"That's --" Derek swallowed hard and crossed his hands in front of his hips as his blood started rushing south. "That's not what I meant."
"No?" Stiles' grin widened.
"Um, I've got to get back to the kitchen." Derek turned tail and fled before he could make a fool of himself any further, the sound of Stiles' laughter following after him.
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OC Creation Day Celebration Week: Aesthetics
Ah, my favorite thing about storytelling: aesteticc. Yes, I did spell that with two c’s. Yes, the last one is bolded. Because you have to place extra emphasis at the end of the word to do it justice. Anyway. Here’s some Noah Signore aestheticcs
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold.grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green.
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. mist. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. magic. anti-magic.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. wrinkles. burns.spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. piercing. tattoos. lithe.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. pyre. teeth. rifles.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood.porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. poppies.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. wolves. eagles. owls. bears.falcons. hawks. swans. stag. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. crickets. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. rats. livestock. foxes.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. french fries. ambrosia.
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. reading. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. comic books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. running. exploring.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. sweater. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. duster. trenchcoat. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. ties. uniform.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. kisses. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. revenge(?).
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pinknerdpanda · 7 years
The Grinch
Word Count: 2360 (including lyrics - italicized below) Characters: Sam x reader, Dean Warnings: canon-level violence/gore Requested by: @roxyspearing
A/N: This is a full blown fic and I’m not sorry about it. I had this idea before I got Roxy’s request and so I was glad to get to write it. I hope you don’t mind I veered slightly. This was written for my Merry Manda’s Panda Presents celebration. Beta’d by @hannahindie & @wheresthekillswitch
Merry Manda’s Christmas Masterlist
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The Grinch
“I think I’m gonna throw up.”
“Oh come on. Don’t be such a drama queen,” I smirked up at Dean Winchester to find his face tinged a shade of green that manages to clash with his eyes. He clamps a hand over his mouth and turns away. I look back at Sam, his eyes sparkling in the morning sun as he forces down a grin. The local badge tends to get suspicious when they see a federal agent with a smile on their face.
He clears his throat. “Ok, so, fifth body in three days. All with their hearts ripped clean out of their chests.”
I prod at a pulpy red glob of heart meat with the end of my pencil.”I don’t know if ‘clean’ is the word I would use.” I scowl and lower my voice. “So what are we thinking, werewolf?”
Sam cocks his head to the side, his hair falling over the shoulder of his navy suit. His gaze roams over the bloodied remains of vic number five. He shakes his head. “I dunno. Maybe not. Werewolves usually eat the heart. Not leave it in pieces all over the ground.” He places his hands on his knees, pushing to a stand as he glances around.
A small crowd has begun to gather in the few hours since the body was discovered by a runner in the early morning light. A bewildered and exhausted looking deputy is trying to keep the onlookers from disturbing the crime scene. Dean strides across the clearing, one hand in the pocket of his suit pants and the other rubbing anxiously at his jaw.
“Talked to Paul Blart over there, and the coroner’s report came back just as they got the call for…” he gestures vaguely at the ground without looking at it. “Anyway, turns out that they were able to piece back about 87% of victim number one’s heart and the thing was three times the size of a normal human heart. What does that?”
Sam sighs and pushes a hand absently through his hair. It’s distracting as hell, but I do my best to keep my mind on the task. “I don’t know, man. I can check the lore, maybe call around and see if anyone has any ideas. One of you two should go talk to the family and maybe the other can scope out the home? See if anything seems a little off?”
I nod and look at Dean. “I’ll take interviews and you do the snooping?”
“Sounds good to me. We’ll regroup back at the motel?”
Everyone agrees and we head in the direction of our assumed tasks.
Three hours later
“Seriously, Dean, can you turn that down, please?” Sam’s voice is muffled as I approach the door of the motel. Of course Dean made it back before I did. I really shouldn’t have given him the easy job, but I felt bad for the guy.
“Honey, I’m home,” I drone, pushing the door open and stepping inside. Sam is bowed over three open books and a tablet, with his fingers jammed into his ears trying to concentrate. Dean is sprawled across one of the beds behind Sam, shoes and jacket off and his tie loose around his neck. He’d folded his shirt sleeves up to his elbows and his hands are folded across his stomach. The sound of the television all but drowning out his light snores. I toss my purse on the seat across from Sam, startling him. “Sorry, Sam.” I shrug out of my jacket and step out of my fed shoes.
“It’s fine,” his lips are pressed together, forming a perfectly shaped frown as he glances up at me.
The music from the TV is familiar and I start humming along.
You're a foul one, Mr. Grinch, You have termites in your smile, You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Grinch, Given a choice between the two of you'd take the seasick crocodile!
The sight of Dean, fast asleep watching How the Grinch Stole Christmas twice as loud as necessary makes me chuckle. I pad over to the television and turn the volume down. Sam looks up as I move to sit in the chair beside him, relieved and grateful.
“Find anything yet?”
“No. I’ve looked through every book and database and there’s nothing. Every hunter I called is clueless.” He sighs and pushes the books back toward the middle of the table. He sits back, slumping low in the chair and pinching the bridge of his nose. “How about you?”
“Well besides the fact that apparently all of them hated Christmas, no, not really. Nothing connecting any of the vics besides the MO.”
Sam frowns. “Hated Christmas?”
“Yeah, according to their friends and family they were real Scrooge McHumbugs this time of year.”
Sam stares thoughtfully at nothing, his eyes flicking back and forth.
“Talk to me, Moose. What’s goin’ on inside that head of yours?”
Sam rolls his eyes almost imperceptibly, but his dimples deceive him. “Well, it’s just,” he starts and stops again. “Dean found one of these buried in shopping bags at the three of the vic’s houses and two of their cars.” Sam passes over a crumpled fast food bag, a large greasy spot taking over one of its sides.
I give Sam an incredulous look before opening it. Inside, five round Christmas ornaments lay nestled in the bottom of the bag, each one red with intricate gold detailing. I remove one, holding it carefully in the palm of my hand. Sam continues.
“If they all hated Christmas so much, why were they hiding these?”
I tilt my head from one side and then the other, looking at it from all sides. I don’t know what makes me do it, but after a few long seconds, I pick it up and shake it tentatively. At first there’s no sound of anything inside, but I shake it once more, this time closer to my ear. There’s the faintest hint of something moving around inside.
I stand abruptly, and, slipping on my Fed shoes again, fling the door open and step outside, silently. As Sam follows me out the door, I toss the ornament on the pavement. It shatters immediately and Sam starts to protest, but his words are cut off as we both see the small leather pouch now covered in shards of glass.
I kneel down, pick it up and unwrap it. “Looks like a peppermint, a piece of tinsel, a leaf of some sort and a tooth?” I hold my palm out, letting Sam examine the contents.
“I think...is that…?” He plucks the leaf from my palm, taking a cursory sniff. “It is. It’s mistletoe. What the hell?”
“It looks like a very festive hexbag,” I offer, surprised when Sam’s eyes widen, the gears all clicking into place.
“It’s a witch.”
“I friggin’ hate these places,” I moan, desperately trying to dig in my heels as Sam ushers me across the parking lot.
“You were the one who insisted we play rock paper scissors to decide who plays decoy,” Sam’s voice is low.
“Right!” I snarl, whirling around to face him.  “This is because I didn’t catch the fact that they all had the same dentist. I said I was sorry.”
He smiles, placing his hands on my shoulders and giving me one of those looks that makes my insides feel like they are trying to become my outsides. “You know that’s not it. I wouldn’t have thought to check that.” He’s lying through his gorgeously perfect teeth, but I appreciate the effort. “This is the only other thing connecting the five victims. You can do this. I’ll be in the waiting room, Dean is pulled around back. We just have to play spot the witch and we can gank it and be done. Okay?”
I sigh and nod, allowing him to turn me around. For good measure, I clutch at my jaw and moan softly in pain as Sam throws open the door and we step inside. The waiting area is small and sterile with a few neat chairs lining one wall. In one corner stands an exquisitely decorated Christmas tree, each branch almost shimmering in the glow of the Christmas lights.  A woman with a square face and large, coke bottle glasses peeks up from behind the reception desk.
“How may I help you?”
“Hi, I called earlier,” Sam lays on the charm. “My girlfriend thinks she’s broken a tooth. We have an appointment for Luwho. Cindy Luwho.”
She clicks and taps for a few seconds. “Ah, yes I see. We have some paperwork to complete…”
“I’ll take care of it,” Sam interrupts. She looks put off by his insistence, so he smiles extra broadly at her. “I just hate watching my girl suffer, so if I can get her back to see the doc pretty quickly, that would be great.”
Fifteen minutes later, I’m settled as comfortably as possible in the awkward half sitting, half lying down chair when the door behinds me creaks open. A petite, but handsome man comes into view. His smile is whiter than the snow I keep waiting to fall and there’s a faint tinkling of bells that I can only assume is coming from the brightly colored festive Christmas sweater covering his narrow chest.
“Hello, I’m Ted,” his voice is warm and friendly and reminds me faintly of music. “I’m gonna get your pearly whites all shiny and ready for the doc to come in and have a look!”
I force a smile and lie back, allowing him to poke and prod to his little festive heart’s desire.
“Are you all ready for Christmas?” His eyes glitter with excitement as he presses the electric toothbrush to a molar. I shrug and his face darkens faintly. “Oh come now, don’t tell me you’re a big ol’ fun hater!” He frowns in a mocking way and I resist the urge to punch him in his perfectly straight nose. I try to respond, forgetting for a second that Ted’s gloved hands are nearly wrist deep in my mouth. I end up sounding vaguely of a wookie.
“Well, Christmas is just my favorite. All the jingle bells and Christmas cheer?” His smile is back and has a leering quality to it. He sets down the toothbrush and begins rinsing my mouth and sucking the extra liquid with an uncomfortable squelching sound from the sucker tube.  “It’s just to die for!”
A knock on the door halts my response. A beautiful, young female in a pair of blue scrubs sweeps in, smiling. Ted stands, bumping me in the head with a hip as he moves to the door.
“Hello, Cindy. I am Doctor Suze. Let’s have a look at those chompers, shall we?”
I cringe as she places the metal instruments in my mouth. Examining every nook and cranny, she checks each tooth silently, she sits back, her eyebrows creased in consideration of the facts presented to her.
“Everything looks good, Cindy. I don’t see any kind of breakage. You may have just bitten down wrong. If it keeps hurting you can come back in a week.” The door creaks open again just as she moves to stand. “I’ll make sure Ted here gets your goodies. It’s pretty standard, a toothbrush, some toothpaste, mouthwash. Oh and, Mr. Merry Christmas himself has made a slew of handmade ornaments to give to all the patients!” She smiles brightly just before she disappears from view.
I stand abruptly as Ted’s face comes into view, his smile a little too merry for my liking.
“Actually, you know what, Ted? I think I’m good, I’ll just be on my way…” I push past him and practically run out the door. Before I can make it three steps into the hallway, a hand grips tightly onto my hair, yanking me backwards.
“You think I don’t know why you’re here?” Ted’s toothy grin is unsettling as he shoves me back in the room, slamming the door closed. “I can spot a hunter a mile away.”
I scream as loud as my lungs will allow and he slaps a hand over my mouth. I jerk my elbow back, aiming for the spot just under his ribs and kick behind me, hard, landing the heel of my boot squarely on his kneecap.
He cries out in pain, releasing his grip and crumpling to the floor. I pull my gun from where it’s holstered under my left arm. He sneers and chokes out a laugh between anguished moans.
“Oh honey. You think that’s gonna work on me?”
“I mean, it’s worked on every other witch I’ve killed,” I shrug. “Witch killing bullets and all. So what’s the deal. Why are you killing these people?”
He hesitates, and I can see him weighing his options. Finally, he sighs. “I miss the good old days, ya know? It used to be, people looked forward all year to Christmas. There was a magic to it. And now, it’s like the magic is gone. I mean the commercialism is bad enough, but so many people just hate Christmas. It makes me sick. Santa always said the times were changing, but I never listened.”
“Santa?” I scoff. “Like ho, ho, ho. Big fat man in a suit…”
“You hold your tongue. People like you don’t deserve to have his name in your mouth. You can’t imagine the turmoil he’s experienced all these years. The number of people who believe are at an all time low, and that’s why elves like me are getting laid off, left and right.”
“Wait, so you expect me to believe that, not only is Santa real, you used to work for him as an elf? And what? You get laid off and take up a new hobby? Witchcraft.” I can’t help but laugh. The whole things sounds so absurd. This must be how people feel when Sam gives them his “monsters are real” spiel.
He senses the distraction and raises a hand. However, I’m quicker and I plant two shots in his chest.
“Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal.”
Like what you see? Want more? My Masterlist is here. Thanks for reading! :)
My Forever Tags - Stay weird. I love y’all: @wheresthekillswitch @pretty-fortune @arryn-nyxx @emilywritesaboutdean @fandommaniacx @cookie-dough-lova @impandagrl @maddieburcham1 @trexrambling @beachballsizeladyballs @hannahindie @rosie-winchester @winchesterprincessbride @that-writer-one @deansdirtyduchess @fandomismyspiritanimal @angelsandwinchesters @cfordwrites @zenia3 @charliebradbury1104 @9769997118 @mogaruke @luulaachops @supernaturaldean67  @barbedwireandbubblegum @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @muliermalefici @galaxy-jellyfish-queen @canadianjelly @kathaswings @almusanzug @feelmyroarrrr @captainradicalpassion @bethbabybaby @thinkwritexpress-official @akshi8278 @hexparker @emoryhemsworth @boxywrites @atc74 @anticipate1003 @super100012 @lovesj2m  @easelweasel @masksandtruths @ellen-reincarnated1967 @growningupgeek @there-must-be-a-lock @sylverminx @mrswhozeewhatsis @amanda-teaches @cassieraider @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @its-my-perky-nipples @squirrel-moose-winchester @carryonmyswansong @sandlee44
Christmas Drabbles Tags: @sillesworldofwriting
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myinspirationisgone · 7 years
1 to 500 😁
Oh jesus christ. This is such karma 😭 but challenge accepted…. 😏
1) A book you read for a movie: I hope I get that question right but I only did that once and it was with the Maze runner.2) A favorite adapted movie: Uh Harry Potter I guess?3) A guilty pleasure: Binge watching my fav tv series4) A movie from your favorite director you didn’t like: Hmm I don’t really have a fav but I do like Tim Burton a lot and from the movies I’ve seen there’s never been one I didn’t like. They’re all super original5) A movie that was better than the book: Usually all the books are better than the movies. Have yet to encounter the opposite 6) A movie that you know is bad but you can’t help but love it: There’s one movie, forgot the title, but it was like this B horror movie that I just loved even though the effects and make up was so bad. Even the acting was bad. But it was about this werewolf’s life and how he fell in love with this girl and well yeah romance always sucks me in 😂 7) A movie you watched mainly for an actor: Sweeney Todd, I watched that one mainly because of Johnny Depp and also because it interested me 8) Age: 20 🎉9) Any piercings that you want?: I want a few piercings still. In my ear, a dermal and belly button piercing once I have the bod for it 10) Any tattoos you want?: I do want tattoos but aside from a few personal things (🐱) I don’t know what (yet, I guess)11) Anyone you’re giving up on?: No one12) Are relationships ever worth it?: Usually they are. If it’s real and natural, something that just fulfills you and makes you happy. Makes you a better person the hell yes. They’re not worth it when it’s overall wrong13) Are you a forgiving person?: I am very much so. Not always a good thing though14) Are you a heavy sleeper?: Fuck yes I am. My mom always says that I’d sleep through an earthquake or bomb15) Are you a jealous person?: God…. Love wise, yes. Definitely yes. But I become a crazy bitch then 🙂16) Are you a social or an antisocial person?: Forever asocial asf17) Are you allergic to anything?: Not that I know of. Certain skin products and a sensitive stomach but that’s it 18) Are you currently in a relationship?: Nope19) Are you dating the last person you talked to?: Sadly enough not….. yet20) Are you due sometime this year for a doctor’s visit?: I hope not21) Are you easy to get along with?: As long as it stays superficial then sure. The ones closest to me have their hands full with me22) Are you going out of town soon?: No 😭23) Are you good at hiding your feelings?: Depends but sometimes I am24) Are you good at math?: God no, the worst at that. 35% on an exam kinda bad 25) Are you happy with the person you’ve become?: No I’m not. I do hope to be happy with who I am trying to become26) Are you lonely?: I often am27) Are you mad at someone right now?: Yes I am28) Are you nice to everyone?: As long as they deserve it then yes 29) Are you outgoing or shy?: Shy, verrrrrrry shy30) Are you over your past?: Not yet but one day I will be31) Are you someone’s best friend?: I’m not32) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?: As I am now then no, as I hope to be then yes33) Are you tired right now?: Very tired, always am34) Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?: Not today35) Are you wearing socks right now?: No hahaha I’m in bed so36) Are your toenails painted pink?: No they’re not37) Basic question: what’s your favorite color/colors?: Green/black/grey/red/beige38) Baths or showers?: Depends on my mood but lately mostly showers39) Best friend(s): No one40) Biggest age gap between you and someone you’ve dated: Never really dated anyone so don’t have an answer41) Birthday: 17/0242) Can insanity bring on more creativity?: Oh hell yes, the insane created creativity43) Can you commit to one person?: I can and always will 44) Can you drive a stick shift?: I can45) Can you drive? If so do you like, why?: I can drive and love speeding the most but it also gives me anxiety so.. I end up not driving46) Can you hold your breath under water without using your hand?: Obviously yes47) Can you live a day without TV?: TV yes, Netflix no 😂😂48) Can you tie a bow-tie? A regular tie? If yes, how and when did you learn?: I can’t……49) Coke or Pepsi?: Neither ew50) Currently wanting to see anyone?: Yes, my poopsie51) Dark, milk, or white chocolate?: Milk chocolate ftw but never much cause nausea52) Deadpool is the greatest; discuss: Deadpool is just overall the funniest. He doesn’t give a fuck about anything but still does good. He’s original53) Define: Art: Art is anything that can touch the soul whether that is in the form of a song, book, poem or even a Van Gogh. I believe even the human body is a piece of art. Nature is art54) Describe your best friend, personality and looks: ///55) Describe your favorite food. Who makes it?: My fav food is this pasta my mom makes with a cream cheese tomato sauce just fuck yes 56) Describe your physical “ideal mate”: My physical ideal mate… Hmmm someone that has muscled arms with sleeve tattoos. Veiny hands 😍 dark hair, a stubble and beautiful green eyes. Looks good in joggers, a suit or anything inbetween 57) Did you have a dream last night?: Don’t remember58) Did you have a good day yesterday?: Yesterday was overall a pretty good day actually59) Did you wake up cranky?: I didn’t 60) Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?: In most cases people deserve a 2nd chance. It just really depends on what they’ve done. Some things can’t be forgiven or fixed61) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?: I believe in both ghosts and aliens 62) Do you believe in karma?: Oh for sure, even experienced it myself63) Do you believe in love?: I do believe in love64) Do you believe in luck?: I believe people can get lucky. But actual luck, not sure 65) Do you believe in magic?: A part of me wants to believe that magic is real but rational me doesn’t66) Do you believe in soul mates?: I do hahaha67) Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?: I think everyone has a person they’re meant to be with 68) Do you care if people talk badly about you?: I care more than I’d like to admit and it affects me too which sucks69) Do you chew on your straws?: Oh god I do, I can’t stop once I’ve started hahahahah70) Do you collect anything?: I don’t anymore71) Do you cry easily?: Too easily 😢72) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?: I don’t drive but I have almost crashed twice so73) Do you eat meat?: I do eat meat but also meat replacements74) Do you ever wanna get married?: I’d love to get married at some point75) Do you fall for people easily?: Not at all76) Do you get a lot of colds?: I used to but thankfully not anymore77) Do you get butterflies around the person you like?: I’m not physically around the person I like but he gives me butterflies from a distance so78) Do you hate anyone?: I do but wish I didn’t have to79) Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?: Nope, actually love him so80) Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? If not, do you want one?: I don’t and at some point I do want a bf, when I’m ready and a better person81) Do you have a collection of anything?: I have a collection of a few things. One that comes to mind is Me to You bears 82) Do you have a crush?: I do but it’s also more than that, way more83) Do you have a tan? Is it fake or real?: I’m as white as milk 🍼84) Do you have any body modifications?: No85) Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?: No86) Do you have any nicknames?: Nuno and mie/mieke87) Do you have any obsessions right now?: Uh tv series I guess88) Do you have any pictures on your Facebook?: I do yes89) Do you have any piercings?: A few in my ears and a nose piercing which I actually completely forgot I had hahahha 90) Do you have any relatives in jail?: Not that I know of 😂91) Do you have any strange phobias?: Hm the dark isn’t that strange but maybe the idea that werewolves are real92) Do you have any tattoos?: Unfortunately not93) Do you have many toys? What are your favorites?: I have 094) Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?: I do, he’s also the only one I tell anything and everything to 95) Do you have someone you can be your complete self around?: My mom, brother and CJ96) Do you have trust issues?: It sucks but I do97) Do you like anime?: I don’t think I ever watched anime 98) Do you like true crime?: I love it. I’m very fascinated by it 99) Do you like deep conversations?: I do but suck at starting one myself100) Do you like hot sauce?: Love it101) Do you like it when people play with your hair?: Only the person I love102) Do you like sports? Which ones?: I love a good marathon….. a movie marathon103) Do you like the climate you live in? What do you like or would change?: Don’t like it, it’s 4 seasons in a day. I’d like more stability 104) Do you like to wear any jewelry? Bracelets? Necklaces?: Only the bracelet my mom got me105) Do you like watching scary movies?: They’re my fav so yes106) Do you like your neighbors?: Ew no107) Do you miss anyone right now?: Hm not really108) Do you need to do laundry?: Always hahaha109) Do you plan on moving out within the next year?: Nope110) Do you play video games? What are your favorites?: I don’t anymore but my favs were Spyro, Crash, Mario and Assassin’s Creed or Far Cry. Idk COD is cool too111) Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: Video chatting but only with close ones112) Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: Always behind113) Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys?: Neither114) Do you prefer to text or call your friends?: Texting ftw 115) Do you replay things that have happened in your head?: All the time 😕116) Do you save money or spend it?: Depends but usually save117) Do you secretly like someone?: It’s not a secret so118) Do you sleep with or without clothes on?: With119) Do you sleep with the door open or closed?: Almost closed120) Do you still talk to the first person that you kissed?: No121) Do you think someone has feelings for you?: I do122) Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?: No hahaha123) Do you think the person you have feelings for is protective of you?: Oh very much so 124) Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?: I can last a lifetime without cheating so 125) Do you think you like someone?: I know I like someone 😂😂126) Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?: Nope127) Do you think you’re a strong person?: I’m far from a strong person, I’m rather weak128) Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2014?: My life did change dramatically before 2014. If it will by next year, who knows129) Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?: When I’m ready for a bf, then I do want one130) Do you want any piercings? Where?: I would like a dermal between my boobs, more piercings in my ears and a belly button piercing once I have the bod for it 131) Do you want children? How many and what would you name them?: At this point it’s not something I can answer132) Do you want tattoos? What of?: I do want tattoos, only 2 I am sure of 🐱🌛133) Do you want to try any drugs? Acid? Shrooms? Ecstasy?: LSD x Weed134) Do you want your tongue pierced?: Ew no 😝135) Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?: Both136) Do you wear jeans or sweats more?: Sweats ftw137) Do you work out?: Yes by getting out of bed in the morning138) Does anyone hate you?: Who knows hahahaha probably139) Does anyone like you?: I think so140) Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?: Not regularly but enough141) Dogs or Cats? Why?: Both cause both are freaking awesome duh 🐶🐱142) Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive?: The most attractive143) Draw a selfie: Too lazy and no talent 144) Ever been in a physical fight?: Yes 😂145) Ever been in love?: Yes and still am 146) Ever been on a plane?: Yes147) Ever been suspended or expelled? what for?: No I was a good, boring student 148) Ever go to camp?: Pony camp hahahaha149) Ever had a poem or song written about you?: Yes 🙄150) Ever had a rumor spread about you?: Hm yes151) Ever had a terrible breakup?: No152) Ever kissed under fireworks?: No153) Eye colour: Just brown 154) Favourite actors: Hmmm fav actors. Probably Morgan Freeman, Johnny Depp, Jonah Hill, Dylan O'Brien, … 155) Favourite actresses: Fav actresses: Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston, Emma stone, Meryl Streep, …156) Favourite animals: All animals (dogs, cats, birds, chameleons, dolphins, turtles, lions …) xxx157) Favourite bands: Uh Kodaline and Papa Roach are he only ones I can come up with hahaha 158) Favourite cartoons: Hmm avatar159) Favourite color: Red, green, grey and black. Beige too160) Favourite Comedy: Jesus tough one uhm The Hangover probably 161) Favourite comic book movie: I think hmm Deadpool 162) Favourite day of the year: Don’t have a fav day 163) Favourite Disney Movie: Beauty and the Beast but Mulan, the Lion King, The Little Mermaid etc come close too 164) Favourite drink: Ice tea 🙂 no idk alcohol wise it just depends on my mood165) Favourite Fantasy: Uh idk tbh, I have so many166) Favourite feature on yourself: My eyelashes or my kindness, not sure what kinda feature hahahah167) Favourite fictional character: Ron Weasley168) Favourite film: V for Vendetta169) Favourite food: Kebab170) Favourite food for munchies?: Salty snacks171) Favourite hobbies or things to do after smoking?: I don’t smoke? 172) Favourite ice cream?: Banana (coconut, lemon, vanilla)173) Favourite Love Story: Ruth and Ira from The Longest Ride174) Favourite Movie Soundtrack: Banks - waiting game175) Favourite movies?: Before I wake, The best of me, The lights between oceans, Mr and Mrs Smith, Charlie’s Angels, …176) Favourite movie remake: Nightmare on Elm street177) Favourite Musical: Beauty and the Beast178) Favourite mythical creature and why?: Tough one.. A dragon 179) Favourite number?: 17180) Favourite person?: Poopsie181) Favourite quote from a movie: “I love you so much. I just want you to be happy. Even if that happiness no longer includes me”182) Favourite quote from a song: “It’s holding on, though the road’s long. And seeing light in the darkest things. And when you stare at your reflection. Finally knowing who it is”183) Favourite quotes in general?: “But who prays for Satan? Who in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most.”184) Favourite Science Fiction movie: Uh idk actually185) Favourite season and why?: Spring because the blossoms are appearing, people feel more alive again186) Favourite singer?: Demi Lovato 😍187) Favourite song: Kesha - Praying188) Favourite stage show?: No idea189) Favourite store to shop in?: A grocery store190) Favourite subject?: Personality psychology191) Favourite things to do: Just chilling and watching a tv series. Going on a trip and taking pictures. Writing. Spending time with loved ones192) Favourite TV show?: Overall probably Teen Wolf but I have many favs193) Fears?: Being abandoned, not being good enough and the dark194) First thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word: food?: Idk this table full of food I love 😂😂195) First thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word: love?: Poopsie196) Get the book closest to you, open to page fifty. What’s the first line?: “They both looked surly and unhappy, and the girl had clearly been crying.”197) Girls love it when boyfriends cry; correct?: That’s a very odd thing. I love when a guy is able to show emotions. I don’t love it when they cry cause it’s sad obviously198) Girls…. (finish the sentence); Boys…. (finish the sentence): Girls are all beautiful and unique, so are guys 🙂199) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word: heart: A shitload of songs about heartbreak 200) Hair Color?: Light brown 201) Hair Length?: Pretty freaking long. Doesn’t reach my ass yet202) Has anybody ever given you butterflies?: Oh for sure 😍🦋203) Has anyone of your friends ever seen you cry?: Only 2 of my friends204) Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?: They have205) Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it?: Yes, my poopsie206) Have you been to a gig in the past month?: A concert of Oscar and the wolf207) Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?: No208) Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?: No209) Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?: Thank god not, only 24 hours210) Have you ever been called a tease?: Uhm yes211) Have you ever been in a physical fight?: Yes212) Have you ever been in love?: Yes and still am213) Have you ever caught a butterfly?: No, they aren’t made to be caught214) Have you ever cried over a guy?: Uh obviously 215) Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?: Yes at McDonald’s 216) Have you ever eaten a crayon?: No? 😂217) Have you ever fallen for your ex’s best friend?: No ew also don’t have an ex218) Have you ever felt replaced?: Yes, often219) Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like them?: Always, fear of rejection220) Have you ever had your heart broken?: Yes 221) Have you ever kissed a Chris?: Not yet 🙂🙂🙂222) Have you ever kissed a Sophie?: No223) Have you ever kissed someone older than you?: Yes224) Ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘A’?: No225) Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex?: I have226) Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the same sex?: I haven’t 227) Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?: Yes 😂228) Have you ever liked someone who didn’t like you back?: Yes229) Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?: Hm yes 230) Have you ever thrown up in the car?: Thank god not, that’s gross231) Have you ever told someone you loved them?: I have 232) Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?: I guess yes233) Have you ever wanted something you couldn’t have?: Yes more than once 234) Have you had any real Tumblr crushes?: Yes, one 235) Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?: No 236) Have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘J’?: No237) Have your pants ever fallen down in public?: No, that’s weird…..238) Have your parents ever caught you doing something you wish they hadn’t?: Not in the moment but after yes239) Height: 1m70, or something at least240) How are you?: I’m fine 241) How are you really?: Who the fuck knows, I don’t so242) How do you like your eggs?: Omelet243) How do you look on a night out?: Boring, dark clothes usually. A bit of mascara, hair straight and loose 244) How do you look right now?: Oh god you don’t wanna know. Horrible, awful, disgrace hahahahaha245) How do you vent your anger?: By writing, exploding or smashing doors 246) How is your best friend?: No idea, also don’t really have one247) How late did you stay up last night and why?: 3.30, watched a movie. Texted with poopsie and did the first part of these questions and then KO'ed 248) How long can you hold your breath for?: 40 seconds maybe. Tested it once but forgot and was many years ago249) How long does it take you to bath?: Like 40 mins hahahaha250) How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?: Depends on how much time I have. Can be from 25 mins to 1h30251) How long does it take you to get ready for a night out?: 1h30, with showering and everything252) How long does it take you to shower?: 12 mins to 35 253) How many kids do you want to have?: I don’t know254) How many TRUE friends do you have?: Like 2 probably255) How mature are you?: Depends. I can be very mature but when emotions are involved I become a childish mess256) How much do you weigh?: None of your damn business Tumblr257) How much do you want to weigh?: 62 kg258) How often do you bathe?: Depends on how I feel but 3 times a week usually259) How often do you go to see live music?: Oh almost never, it’s very rare260) How often do you listen to music?: Daily261) How old are you?: 20 years old 262) How old were you when you got your first boy/girlfriend: Well no idea since I never had one263) How old were you when you had your first kiss: Like 9 for a kiss on the mouth and more was 17264) How tall are you?: 1m70, this is quite repetitive tbh265) How tall is your crush?: I think taller than 1m80266) How’s your heart?: All over the place267) Ice cream or cake? Why?: Hmmm depends on my mood and the weather 268/269) If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you do? If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?: I’d be upset, having a bunch of mental breakdowns. Be absolutely devastated and just feel like there’s no point in anything anymore. Isolate myself from everything and everyone. But I’d wish him the best and tell him all I’ve ever wanted is for him to be happy. If she makes him happy then that’s all that matters. I’d also still wanna be in his life. Don’t wanna lose him, ever270) If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?: That can quickly escalate from talking and laughing to something else, right? 🙂271) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?: “Be more accepting of one another”272) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?: Going to class273) If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: Everything 🙂274) If you could change your eye color, would you?: A few years ago I would’ve said yes but thanks to a special person, no thanks I like my eyes 275) If you could have one wish, what would it be?: For my mom to not be in pain and for her leg to heal completely276) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: I don’t have a desire to meet anyone really.  But I do wanna be with poopsie irl277) If you could move somewhere else, would you?: I sure as hell would278).If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?: N.279) If you had to delete one day of your life completely, which would it be?: The day I first got confronted with trust issues280) If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?: The year I had met him281) If you were drunk, who would you want to take care of you?: The guy I love, however it’s not his responsibility282) If you’re being extremely quiet what does that mean?: Sunken in my own world, overthinking and sad283) If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?: My first true love is still and will always be in my life284) In a relationship?: Nope, single pringle 285) In the next 48 hours, will you hang out with a girl?: No286) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?: Trust, honesty, communication and being head over heels with eachother 287) Is cheating ever okay?: N E V E R288) Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?: Fucking adorable when the guy you love does that. I mean never had that actually but I think I’d love it289) Is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for?: 2 actually, my brother and the one I love290) Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to?: Yes 291) Is there anyone you want to tell EVERYTHING to?: Yes292) Is there anyone you know with the name Michael?: Nope, I don’t know many people in general293) Is there anything pink on you?: No, only purple294) Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?: Yes, small papers to note stuff on295) Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?: Yes hahahaha296) Is there someone you will never forget?: Yes297) Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?: Unfortunately yeah298) Is your life anything like it was one year ago?: Nothing like it299) Is your life anything like it was two years ago?: No, it changed dramatically300) JFK: conspiracy or not?: Honestly no idea but knowing America, probably 301) Last book you read?: I can’t remember actually. I think Fifty Shades of Grey, by Grey but never finished it302) Last food that you ate?: Pastry 303) Last gig you went to?: Oscar and the Wolf, their concert304) Last movie you watched?: IT 😂🙄305) Last person you cried in front of?: I don’t know, my mom I think306) Last person you talked to?: My mom, just now, 2 seconds ago307) Last person you talked to for over an hour?: Poopsie308) Last person’s house you were in?: My dad’s 309) Last place you were?: My house? 😂310) Last play you saw?: God uhm no idea, been too long311) Last prank call you remember doing?: Never prank called anyone and my mom doesn’t count312) Last show you watched?: Riverdale 313) Last show you watched with a friend?: Hannibal, but he’s not really a friend so no idea if it counts314) Last song you listened to?: Ruelle - Recover315) Last song you sang?: Ruelle - Recover316) Last sport you played?: I haven’t played sports in ages but kick boxing I guess317) Last thing that made you cry?: An argument318) Last time you cried?: An hour ago319) Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?: Never!!!!!320) Last time you hung out with anyone?: A month ago I think? It’s been long321) Last time you hung out with a group?: Well 2 people are a group to me so also a month322) Last time you kissed someone?: 4 years ago, something like that323) Last time you took a shower?: The day before yesterday324) Last time you were insulted and what was it?: The day before yesterday, “fuckhead”325) Least favorite sport?: Running, jogging, moving 326) Least favourite animals: I don’t have any so327) List 5 movies that you love: Hey I already kinda did this but ok, I’ll just give more. Harry Potter, Zootopia, Tangled, The Incredibles and hmmm National Treasure 328) List all the countries you’ve been to. Write a comment on each of them. Or some, if you can’t be bothered: Hungary: just beautiful. One of my fav countries, the little towns are great and the lake is just 😍 Rhodos (island): so many friendly people, found one of our cats there, beautiful ocean and amazing food. Italy: just wow. The most beautiful cities, friendly and open people, the pizza is just 👏🏻👌🏻 329) Location: Belgium.330/331) Loud music or soft?: Both, but mostly loud332) Meaning behind your url: Something that symbolizes a relationship/kink that is important to me 333) Most adventurous place you’ve smoked?: I’ve never smoked 334) Most attractive celebrity of the opposite gender?: Uh no idea.. Hm 🤔 Scott Eastwood is attractive and Johnny Depp in his 20s335) Most attractive celebrity of the same gender as you?: Angelina Jolie, Demi Lovato and Emeraude Toubia. Can’t choose 🙂336) Name: Nina R.337) Name of the person you first kissed: Asshole.338) Name something you dislike about the day you’re having: My headache and the argument339) Name something you’re happy about the day you’re having: Talking with poopsie340) Name something you have to do tomorrow?: Chores and grocery store341) Name something you’re glad you don’t have to do tomorrow?: Go to class342) Name three things you like about yourself: I can be nice I guess but yeah no, don’t like much about myself.343) Next trip you are going to take?: Nothing planned344) Nickname: Nuno/Mie/Mieke345) One movie you can watch everyday of your life?: I’d get bored so none but as a kid probably Charlie’s Angels 346) One must have?: My phone347) One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?: Get the fuck out of there obviously? Probably scream idk. No honestly I’d probably hide under my blankets and freeze348) One thing you would say to a person who hurt you?: “Did I ever mean anything to you?”349) Opinions on dating people older than you:  All good, as long as it’s not like a minor with someone much older. Aside from that people can do whatever. My age limit is 26 I think350) Opinions on dating people younger than you: I’d never date anyone younger than me cause lack of maturity most of the time. And I don’t want a boy but a man351) People you want to smoke with? Whether they actually smoke or not?: I don’t smoke wtf but Poopsie 352) Pick something from your immediate surroundings and tell the story behind the item: My bottle of ice tea. I love ice tea  353) Pick up the nearest printed material in your first language and copy out a random paragraph: None of your business tumblr. It’s a bill354) Place you want to visit?: New Zealand355) Place you’d want to smoke most?: Seriously?356) Places you’d like to visit?: Dubai, Peru, Mexi357) Post a picture of yourself: Too ugly358) Put on shuffle, what came on and what are your favorite lyrics?: Kesha - Learn to let go, “You don’t gotta be a victim. Life ain’t always fair, but hell is living in resentment. Choose redemption, your happy ending’s up to you”359) Put your music playlist on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up: Anne-Marie with Ciao Adios, Foxes - Devil Side, Fergie - You already know, Beyoncé - If I were a boy, Ruelle - Monsters, Foxes - Scar 360) Reading or watching: Watching 361) Relationship status: Complicated362) Sexual orientation: Straight 363) Smell the air. What do you smell?: Home364) So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?: Hell no, fucker is gonna get slapped365) Something you miss?: Taking pictures366) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm: The table, my dog367) Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do: Don’t have an ex so nothing 368) The last time you noticed you’d put a piece of clothing on incorrectly, i.e. backwards/inside out/etc?: Probably my pjs and in the morning so no biggie369) The reason I joined Tumblr?: It was very popular back then and it seemed fun, a platform where you didn’t have to pretend370) The relationship between you and the person you last texted?: Hmm… Pretty complicated. Close but also at risk of ending. Could be something great if I continue to go in the right direction371) The Zodiac Killer is…?: Who knows372) Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship?: No373) Think back 12 months ago; were you in a relationship?: No 374) Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?: I do yes375) Three names you go by..: Nina, Nuno and Mie?376) Top 5 actors: Hmm… Johnny Depp, Andrew Garfield, Tom Holland, Morgan Freeman, Seth Rogan377) Top 5 actresses: Helen Mirren, Katherine Heigl, Emma Watson, Catherine Zeta Jones, Chloë Moretz 378) Top 5 directors: ///379) Top 5 favorite blogs on Tumblr: @eagerforpower and the ones I reblog often from, you guys know who you are380) Top 5 movies: Not again381) Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?: Both hahahaha I can’t possibly choose 382) Turn offs?:  Bad breath, asshole, no hygiene, disrespecting, childish383) Turn ons?: Respectful, mature, amazing smell, being sweet etc384) Wearing any bracelets?: Not now385) Were you happy with the person you liked in March?: At that point, no 386) Were you in a relationship in January? How was it going?: Nope387) Were you single over the last summer?: Yes388) What are you actually gonna do for a career?: Hopefully become a psychologist389) What are you listening to right now?: Nothing390) What ARE you looking forward to?: Uhm idl nothing really 391) What are you NOT looking forward to?: Class/exams392) What are you sitting on right now?: A desk chair393) What are you supposed to be doing right now?: Nothing, I think 394/395) What are you wearing right now?/What are you wearing?: pjs396) What are your fears?: Being abandoned, the dark and not being good enough397) What are your plans for tonight?: Finding a new tv series to watch398) What brought you to Tumblr?: A friend who told me about it 399) What color bottoms are you wearing?: Grey, striped. Dark and light400/401) What color is your shirt? What color shirt are you wearing?: Purple402) What color underwear are you wearing?: Grey403) What do you do/what do you want to do when you grow up: Become a psychologist who actually helps people. While also enjoying my own life and seeing what the world has to offer404) What do you think about most?: Life, what to change and just my daily worries405) What do you think about tattoos and piercings?: I think they’re great, they are art that cover a blank page. Beautiful even406) What do you want to know about the future?: Honestly nothing, I’m already busy enough with it407) What does your last text message say?: “Dude some questions come back like 10 times”408) What does your latest text message from someone else say?: “And don’t answer them then”409) What exactly are you wearing right now?: Dude pjs 410) What gender do you identify as?: Female, also born that way411) What has been the biggest moment in your life so far?: Hm nothing 412) What is a typical breakfast for you?: Bread413) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?: Fighting for someone I love 414) What is your all-time favorite romance movie?: Hmmm the best of me415) What is your current mood? Write and/or draw: Just neutral 416) What is your current screen saver?: The sky417) What is your favorite animal?: A dog I think. I love all though 418) What is your favorite word?: Schnitzel419) What kind of people are you attracted to?: People who are open minded, honest and just who they are. With humor of course420) What makes you laugh no matter what?: My dogs421) What should you be doing right now?: Nothingggggg finishing these damn questions422) What size shoes do you where?: 40 usually423) What song are you listening to right now?:  None424) What tabs do you have open right now?: Tumblr, my notes and kik425) What was the last book you read?: 🙄426) What was the last lie you told?: Not sure actually.. It’s pretty blurry427) What was the last movie you watched in theaters?: Spiderman Homecoming428) What was the last thing you had to drink?: Ice tea429) What were you doing at 12AM last night?: Watching a movie/texting 430) What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?: There’s nothing I’m afraid to be honest about I think. “Did you ever doubt letting him go?”, this comes close though 431) What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?: Stereos - Cupid432) What’s a song that always makes you sad when you hear it?: Sleeping at last - Already gone433) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?: I hate tinnitus sounds and I love his voice 434) What’s the first thing you notice in the opposite sex: The smile/eyes435) What’s the last sporting event you watched?: Eh soccer a few years ago 436) What’s the last thing you purchased?: Food 😭😭😭437) What’s the last thing you put in your mouth?: Excuse me? Pastry hahahaha438) What’s the meaning behind your url?: A relationship, something personal439) What’s the relationship between you and the last person you texted?: Already answered this I DON’T NEED TO RUB IN HOW COMPLICATED IT IS, DO I TUMBLR?????440) What’s the worst place you have ever been to?: Police office 441) What’s your biggest “what if”?: What if he never did what he did?442) What’s your current problem?: Learning how to change and be better443) What’s your dream job?: Psychologist 🙂444) When did your last hug take place?: Yesterday evening with my mom 445) When is the last time you ran?: Probably when I was about to miss the bus. I don’t run otherwise 446) When is the last time you went to the mall?: Over a month ago447) When was the last time you cried?: A little bit ago.. 448) When was the last time you drove out of town?: Well my town is small asf so a few days ago to go to the grocery store in another town449) When was the last time you smiled?: A few mins ago when I laughed at him laughing at me450) When was the last time you told someone you loved them?: Yesterday451) When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?: I am disappointed in myself 24/7 but a few days ago it was extreme452) When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?: I don’t remember453) Where do you go when you’re sad?: Wherever my tv series brings me to454) Where is the shirt you are wearing from?: De Zeeman idk  455) Where is your best friend?: No idea and also don’t have one. Way to make someone feel lonely, Tumblr456) Where were you 3 hours ago?: Same chair, answering these questions 😂😂457) Where were you last week at this time?: At home458) Where were you yesterday?: At home459) Who are you in love with?: Poopsie 😍💜460) Who are your best friends?: No one 461) Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?: Poopsie, always him 462) Who do you have texts from?: My mom and poopsie, a few friends too463) Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?: Uh I hope no one?464) Who is the biggest gossiper you know?: Oh shit no idea hahahaha me? No idk I share a lot but don’t gossip465) Who is your celebrity crush?: Demi Lovato hahaha, a queen 😭466) Who is your favourite Beatle?: Lennon467) Who was the first person you talked to today?: Poopsie 468) Who was the last person you drove with?: My mom469) Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?: Hmm… Poopsie 😂😂470) Who was the last person you held hands with?: My mom 471) Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?: My mom 472) Who was the last person you talked to?: Poopsie 473) Who was the last person you took a picture of?: Holy cow I’m not sure, Max of Oscar and the Wolf I think 🎶474) Who was the last person you were on the phone with?: My mom475) Who was your first crush?: Asshole. 476) Who’s in your profile picture with you?: It’s a middle finger so no one, not even me 😂477) Will you be in a relationship in 2 months?: No478) Will you get married?: At some point hopefully yes479) Will your next kiss be a mistake?: No 🙂😏480) Worst injury you’ve ever had?: Concussion or broken finger, either481) Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?: No I wouldn’t 482) Would you ever smile at a stranger?: Yes483) Would you rather be hot or cold?: Cold, you have blankets to keep you warm but cooling off is a whole lot harder + I feel uncomfortable then484) Would you survive a zombie apocalypse?: I like to think I would and that I’d be as badass as Milla Jovovich but eh idk485) Write a 6 word story: She never looked back, it was over (7 words fy)486) Write an autograph version of your URL: How even?487) Write your URL in some writing that you thought were super cool when you were younger. Eg, bubble letters, digital clock letters, letters with lots of embellishments, or letters with smiley faces in them: No too lazy488) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?: Being invisible for sure. So many abilities with that. Get on planes unseen, robbing banks etc489) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?: I wouldn’t tell anyone because I don’t want to be treated differently nor do I want people to be scared or sad the time I have left. I’d spend as much time as possible with my loved ones and do the things I love most while I still can. I’d be scared yes. Scared I hadn’t done enough. Scared my loved ones would be left broken490) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?: Fire me motherfucker. Not gonna let that cutie drown 😗🐶491) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?: That night.492) You can only have one of these things: trust or love: Trust, without trust there can be nothing493) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?: This moment that I had built a fort for me and my brother, we had no idea about the bad of the world yet and laughed endlessly. I was allowed to move the couches, use blankets and pillows. We would stack snacks there and go on missions 494) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?: Ew no one495) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?: Hmm not sure but New Zealand or Thailand 496) Your best friend likes you, what do you do?: Tell them I don’t like them and that we can continue as friends but again I don’t have that problem cause I don’t have best friends497) Your best friend wants to do something you really don’t want to do. What do you do?: Not do it? 498) Your dream vacation?: Just full on relaxing but with enough adventure. Discovering places and food. Taking many pictures and just being happy to be alive. If it’s with someone I love then go on cute dates there too499) Your thoughts of long distance relationships?: They can definitely work and they’re as real as other relationships. They just require a lot of commitment and trust, from both sides 500) Your zodiac sign?: Aquarius ♒
Thank you for the hours and hours of entertainment 😂😗
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nastyukulele · 7 years
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Brigid Callaghan
Appearance -
Gender: Female Race: Human (Fianna Kinfolk) Height: 7’3” Eye Color: Gray Hair Color: Red
The Facts -
Name Day: September 21st, 1387. Occupation: Hunter. High Ranking Knight of the Vigil. Sexual identification: Asexual. Romantic identification: Aromantic. Alignment: Lawful good (more law than good). Criminal History: None by human laws. Relationship Status: Widowed.
Favorites – Favorite food: Roast meat and veggies. Favorite drink: Ale, maybe whiskey. Favorite artist: She doesn’t know any. Favorite scents: Fur and burning peat. Favorite person(s): The rest of the Vigil. She has especially started to become fond of the new members she was assigned to.
Ten facts about your muse: ⚫ In her youth she dreamed and wished to fight alongside the Ahroun warriors of her tribe. While her size and strength meant she was a natural warrior, and she was trained by her tribe to fight, she wasn’t allowed to join the garou warriors. Instead she was tasked with overseeing the defense of the village. ⚫ Although she was married and had three children, she did so more out of a sense of duty. She has no interest in romance or sex. ⚫ She’s an ambitious woman and hopes to one day be First Hunter of the Vigil. She hopes to lead the organization in a campaign against evil vampires and Black Spiral Dancers. ⚫ Her tribe was mostly destroyed by Black Spiral Dancers. She and her children were captured, but she was able to escape with her eldest child. She doesn’t know the fate of her other children. This past encounter fuels her hatred of the Dancers, and was the event that saw her join the Vigil. ⚫ She is very proud of her heritage. She is the first Callaghan to join the Vigil, and serves the order loyally. Her family line contains other garou heroes, and she feels it’s her right and destiny to join them in the annals of history. ⚫ After she escaped the captivity of the Black Spiral Dancers, she fled Ireland. She took on the guise of the Mysterious Knight when she joined the Vigil and hid her identity. Although the Vigil was greatly inclusive, the few instances of sexism she encountered reminded her of the treatment she received as a human among garou. Since she was able to hide being a woman under armor and silence, she did so. ⚫ Brigid sees the new members of the Vigil she works with as being almost family. She feels it’s her duty to protect them and guide them because she sees them as the next generation of the Vigil and the best hope to fight for humanity. Despite being poor at showing it, she’s very proud of them. ⚫ In an Aidan Callaghan story there was a reference to him being the descendant of giants. Brigid is the giant referenced. ⚫ Despite her serious demeanor, she greatly enjoys having free time. Revelry is something to remind her of home, and though it often leads to painful memories, she still enjoys the happiness that comes with it. ⚫ The trauma of escaping the Black Spiral Dancers still haunts her in dreams that twist the events of what happened into nightmarish scenarios where she was unable to escape and everyone died. Likely a symptom of PTSD, she deals with this in the totally healthy manner of leaping into battle against BSD werewolves and also not opening up about her past.
Five Things -
Things they like: - Drinking. - Dancing (even though she’s bad at it). - Fighting evil. - Seeing women who are warriors. - The Vigil.
Things they dislike: - Sexists. - Vampires. - Black Spiral Dancers. - Cowards. - Cheese. - British Imperialism.
Good habits: - Loyal. - Honorable. - Intelligent. - Observant. - Determined.
Bad Habits: - Prideful. - Vengeful. - Holds onto grudges. - Quick to anger. - Judgmental.
Personalities they gravitate toward: - People who are kind. - People that are willing to fight evil. - People with a strong sense of honor. - People who are loyal. - People who are selfless.
Personality types they avoid: - People who are arrogant. - People who are cruel. - Dismissive people. - Treacherous people. - People who value profit over people.
Fears: - That all her work will be for naught and that evil will win. That the Vigil will not survive to continue, or that it will become corrupted in purpose and end up being the very thing she fights.
Tagged by @kaczence. I’ll probably do more of these for other characters because it’s fun.
Tagging anyone who hasn’t been tagged. Art by Hanonaut.
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1000-directions · 7 years
i almost forgot that @heartdevouring tagged me in a thing!! which is sad because i was so excited to get tagged <3
RULES : ANSWER all questions, ADD one question of your own and then TAG as many people as there are questions whoever i want cause i don’t even know 50 people on tumblr :)
i’m gonna tag at the top, because this is long. tagging people makes me so nervous, thanks anxiety!! feel free to ignore altogether. @akai-coat @bigbrotherlouis @jiksax @busy-nothings @alligatornyc @magicalrocketships @rickshawala @flora-flauna @gretawhy
live session or studio session? this is off to a bad start because i legitimately don’t understand what this question is asking! like a live recording or a studio recording of a song? i only enjoy live recordings like...while i’m there listening to it. i hate watching concert videos on youtube or whatever, and i never take photos or video at shows. i’ve been to around 80 live shows for various artists, so i love me some live music, but i still prefer to listen to the meticulously mixed and balanced music that comes from a studio session. IF THAT’S EVEN WHAT THIS IS ASKING?
coke or pepsi? i can’t drink soda because it hurts my mouth, and i don’t like fluids that much in general :( :( on the one hand, i’ve never even tasted pepsi? but i had coke exactly once and i hated it. so, neither.
disney or dreamworks? i guess disney but in a super casual “maybe i’ll watch ‘cinderella’ one more time someday” way and not like “i wanna get married at disney AND go there for my honeymoon AND go back every single year and never visit anywhere else ever disney disney disney” way.
coffee or tea? i love them both so much in so many varieties. if i had to choose, i would choose coffee, but i wouldn’t turn down either. i’ve been drinking a lot of taro milk tea lately and it’s fucking amazing.
books or movies? lol i’m one of those jerks who’s like “i’m too busy to read a book!!!!!!!!” but i have no problem getting through a 100k fic in one weekend. okay actually, i feel like these days i don’t super love books OR movies, i just love fanfic and tv shows, and that’s because both of them give you sooooooo much backstory and characterization, and you get to spend so much time living with them in a way you don’t get from a movie. that being said, when i was a kid i used to stay up reading in the bathroom with a flashlight until 3am like every night. i am a lapsed book lover.
windows or mac? mac
dc or marvel? ugh i love the old campy batman show, it was an important part of my childhood and my weird relationship with my father. and i LOVED “lois and clark: the new adventures of superman.” so i love that sort of nostalgia feeling i get from dc. actually you know what, i was gonna hedge and say dc for old stuff and marvel for new stuff, but i’m going dc regardless, because i’m not super into all the new marvel properties anyway. dc, final answer. batgirl could get it.
xbox or playstation? the last game system i played was a super nintendo, but i was always more of a sega genesis gal tbh
night owl or early riser? because of my schedule and my shitty decision-making, it ends up being both. i sleep like four hours each night :/
cards or chess? i’ll go cards, but i am probably garbage at both
chocolate or vanilla? like, you can’t ruin anything by adding a really beautiful freshly scraped vanilla bean to it, whereas there is a lot of extremely shitty chocolate in the world. or, i guess mostly in america, we’re pretty shit at chocolate :(
vans or converse? converse. i have like seven pairs of chucks right now, though most of them are falling apart.
star wars or star trek? star trek: the next generation. omg it’s on netflix??? i’m gonna marathon the hell out of that 🙃
one episode per week or marathoning? MARATHON. my attention span is too short to keep up with something i only see once a week.
gandalf or obi-wan? i literally don’t care at all
heroes or villains? i don’t know, just be nice?
john williams or hans zimmer? i have no opinion about this
disneyland/disney world or six flags? i kind of hate all theme parks, but i really especially hate disney theme parks because i think it’s a huge scam. it’s expensive as shit, and there’s this creepy mythology around it where we brainwash kids into wanting to go there before they even understand wtf it is, and you’re not a good parent if you don’t take your kids there, and it’s EXPENSIVE AS SHIT, and you wait in lines for ten million hours, unless you hire a kid in a wheelchair to pretend to be your kid so you can cut lines (this is a real thing, people are fucking monsters). it’s just extremely unappealing to me, but the corporation seems to be doing okay without my support. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
forest or sea? i like hiking and i don’t like swimming, so let’s go forest. however, i love birds, but i REALLY love fucking weird deep sea creatures, so this is tough. i don’t wanna go for a swim or anything, but i would get in some kind of boat and look at weird fucking rays and anemonefish and shit like that.
flying or reading minds? when i was a kid, i legitimately thought people could read my mind, and it was The Worst, so let’s go with flying. so i can hang out with birds :)
twin peaks or northern exposure? never seen northern exposure, so twin peaks
harry potter or lord of the rings? i really liked the lotr books and really did not care about the lotr movies. i am not super passionate about harry potter books or movies, but i fucking love one direction harry potter AUs, so let’s go potter. i found out today that my patronus is a chow dog.
cake or pie? both both both but if i have to choose i would pick pie but also both both both
you are banished to a desert island, which benedict cumberbatch character would you choose to take with you? THIS IS MY FAVORITE QUESTION IN THE WHOLE THING. BECAUSE. THIS MEANS I GET TO BE ON AN ISLAND WITH VICTORIAN SCIENTIST JOSEPH FUCKING HOOKER. DARWIN’S BEST FRIEND!!!!!!! he could teach me about plants, and then we could gossip about darwin and huxley!!!!! omg i want it so bad
train or cruise ship? i would rather drive, but i guess a train is fine.
brian cox or neil degrasse-tyson?  neil. he can be Too Much, but i like that he’s actively trying to defend science in a mainstream, accessible way.
wizard of oz or alice in wonderland? i’ve never made it all the way through wizard of oz because i was too scared of the flying monkeys :(
fanfiction or fanart? i am more into fic personally but good on you for creating something whatever it is <3
the hunger games - books or movies? books
be able to see the future or travel into the past? fuck the future, i wanna hang out with dinosaurs and/or victorian scientists
han solo or luke skywalker? yeah i don’t care. princess leia.
lilacs or sunflowers? omg don’t get me started on plants, i love em!!! turning sunlight into food, little legends :’)
spring or autumn? spring is good but it only lasts for about 14 seconds around here. we pretty much go from “ahhhhh it’s too cold!!!” straight into “ahhhhh it’s too hot!!!!”
campfire or fireplace? campfire 🔥🔥
french fries or onion rings? fries
truth or dare? truth. i’m pretty open about most things, but i ain’t doing shit and you can’t make me :) :)
winter or summer? i kinda hate them both. summer is too hot for me. but in winter, you have snow, which is the worst. and then you bundle up to go outside but when you get inside the heat is BLASTING and you’re overdressed for it, so winter ends up being too hot for me, too :( i’m always too hot :( :(
vampires or werewolves? vampire tv shows, werewolf one direction aus
red or blue? GREEN
eyes or lips? idk i mean they both serve an important purpose, i’d like to keep both
burgers or sandwiches? i don’t eat meat so let’s go sandwiches
friends-to-lovers or enemies-to-lovers trope? i guess friends to lovers but as long as louis is loved and cherished and gets everything he wants then i don’t care how it started
pizza or pasta? eating pasta right now :)
ancient rome or ancient greece? omg don’t make me choose. classical languages and civilizations and mythology, my first ever academic passion <3 guess who’s read the odyssey in three languages THIS GUY (guess who doesn’t remember any language except for english anymore, also this guy)
foxes or wolves? FOXES!! fennec foxes!! darwin’s foxes!! arctic foxes!! all the lil foxes 
mermaids or dragons? MERMAIDS. EXTREMELY MERMAIDS. the only reason i even started liking louis tomlinson is because i read a fic where he was a mermaid, but that’s a story for another day.
sci-fi or fantasy? ahhhhh don’t make me choose. gimme all the dystopian societies
watch a film in theaters or at home? going to the theater sounds exhausting, i’m good right here
fireproof or no more sad songs? fireproof, on account of louis tomlinson rolling and rolling until he changes his luck, which is basically my mantra
bands or individual singers? individual singers within bands
sweet or salty? if i only get one, i’ll choose salty, but i want both. both together!! salted caramel!!! cheese and caramel popcorn mixed in a bag together!! chocolate covered pretzels!!!!
monotype corsiva or comic sans? both of these make me itchy. BUT. i’m gonna go with the dreaded comic sans BUT ONLY BECAUSE i read a thing once that people with dyslexia have an easier time reading it, and i’m on board with it from an accessibility standpoint ONLY.
my question: turtles or frogs? i know this is tough because they are both so awesome <3
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frappislazuli · 7 years
RULES: Tag 10 people you want to know better
Relationship Status: currently dating @zachmyers1994​ (a loser tbh)
Favorite colours: Blues and greens, usually, with the occasional purple.
Pets: none right now
Last song I listened to: Whatever was playing in @bronnie-shipping-on-ebay​’s car, which idk what it was honestly
First fandom: …..it miiiiight be Sonic the Hedgehog, although I guess it depends on what level of “fandom” we’re talking about here
Hobbies: Video games, the internet (if… that’s a hobby…), doodling, music (sometimes; it’s complicated)
Favorite book: Probably one of the Harry Potter books.  Yeah that’s boring, but I don’t read much
Worst thing I’ve eaten: I tried some type of goat cheese and the texture was like.... almost fuzzy or something.
Favorite place: Maybe home?
1. Are you named after someone? My aunt
2. When is the last time you cried? Uhhhhh probably within the last week to a month, but I couldn’t tell you when exactly or why
3. Do you like your handwriting? I don’t mind it; it’s everyone else who has to suffer
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? Roast beef or salami are always good
5. Do you have kids? NOPE
6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Hahahahahahahahahhaha… probably not
7. Do you use sarcasm? A lot, yeah
8. Do you still have your tonsils? Yup.
9. Would you bungee jump? Maybe? I’d lean towards “no.”
10. What is your favorite kind of cereal? Reese’s Puffs, probably
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No I’m lazy
12. Do you think you’re a strong person? Ehh? I can carry things I guess? Emotionally, I’m just… there.
13. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? All… of…. Them… Okay but seriously if it has like chocolate or caramel in it I’m probably down.
14. What is the first thing you notice about people? Probably hair.  My hair’s “weird” so I compare a lot.
15: Red or pink? red
16. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? Probably my weight in general.  I’m not “fat” per se, but I feel like I’d look better if I were skinnier.
17. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? No shoes; green, white, and red plaid sleep pants
18. What was the last thing you ate? McDonald’s egg McMuffin and a Caramel Frappe (classy, I know)
19. What are you listening to right now? The sound of the fan going.
20. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Blue
21. Favorite smell? Brownies baking is always good.
22. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh………….. Probably one of my parents or Zach.  I never actually TALK on the phone, just texting and messaging.
23. Favorite sport to watch? I don’t do the sports thing, man
24. Hair color? Dark brown
25. Eye color? Brown
26. Do wear contacts? Nope.
27. Favorite food to eat? Maybe macaroni and cheese, or cookies, or ice cream. I like food a lot.  Cheese is good, and chocolate is good.
28. Scary movies or comedy? Comedy, but only because nobody I hang out with is really THAT into watching scary movies.
29: Last movie you watched? Star Wars Episode IV
30. What color shirt are you wearing? Black
31. Summer or winter? Winter, fight me on this
32. Hugs or kisses? Hugs, from friends and family
33. What book are you currently reading? None.  I’m not a huge fan of reading books anymore.
34. Who do you miss right now? Maybe Zach or one of my old high school friends who I haven’t seen or talked to in forever.
35. What is on your mouse pad? I don’t use a mousepad regularly, actually
36. What is the last tv program you watched? Something on Food Network.  Probably Chopped.
37. What is the best sound? As far as non-musical sounds go, I like trains.  
38. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? I’m more familiar with The Beatles, so them I guess
39. What is the furthest you have ever traveled?  Florida (from Indiana).
40. Do you have a special talent? I can make those microwave cups of mac and cheese without looking at the directions most of the time. I get ALL the girls, yo
41. Where were you born? Indiana (it’s stupid here and I’m sorry we suck)
42. People you expect to participate in this survey? Probably @bronnie-shipping-on-ebay and/or @smoll-but-mighty but idk
Tagged by @squanch-loser with the following questions:
Do you wear socks to bed? Sometimes, but I usually take them off     before I actually go to sleep, even if it’s cold.
TV shows or movies? Honestly? I prefer Youtube to both at this point, so it’s kinda hard to decide.  I’m more likely to start a TV show because you can stop whenever you want, but movies are nice because you can just watch one and be done with it because it’s all one unit.
A fictional setting you’d like to live in: Okay this is kinda lame, but Stark Tower from the Marvel MCU would be kinda cool I think.
Vampires or werewolves? Vampires, but like Marceline from     Adventure Time and not Twilight vampires.
How many languages do you speak? One: English.  I took Spanish in high school and I WISH I could be better at it, but I’m lazy and tired and don’t have a lot of motivating factors to keep learning it.  I don’t know a lot of people IRL that speak Spanish (and a lot of the ones I’ve known also speak English and would probably be more comfortable with me speaking English since I’m white/black).
What’s your favorite band/music artist? I’m bad at this question, but I usually default to Paramore or Green Day.
What’s your dream job? Honestly my dream job would be no job…. But     working on music for games would be cool, I guess.
What’s the weirdest dream you ever had? Okay tmi I suppose but let’s just say some of the weird ones are generally nsfw soo… we’ll leave it at that and I won’t go into details haha
An unpopular opinion: I don’t like when the culture is like, “mean” to people with “nerd”  hobbies who are gamers or watch anime or whatever.  Like yeah, there’s a lot of annoying  people who do those things, but there’s a lot of annoying people with ANY  hobby or whatever.  Plus there’s ALL sorts of different people with these “nerd” hobbies.  You’re not just making fun of the cishet white dude who only eats Cheetos, lives in his parents’ basement until he’s in his 40s, and fetishizes Asian girls because of his “waifu.”  You’re also making fun of minorities, women,     the LGBT community, etc, who like “nerd” things.  Like, you can joke about gamers a little and it’s fun, or you can point out problems with the gaming community (while also understanding that every community has its problems), but some people take it too far and it’s just like… being mean to people with hobbies for no reason and making dumb assumptions. It’s so minor, but I find it annoying sometimes because I’m a dumb nerd lol
Do you wear glasses? Yup.
Coffee or tea? Both, but coffee is better.
What’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten? (or a really cool one)
Can you burp on command?
What’s your favorite physical thing you like about yourself?
What do you usually default to when you’re mindlessly drawing?
What do you like most about the place you live in currently?
Do you have siblings?
Where’s your favorite restaurant to eat?
Do you wear makeup regularly?
What’s your typing speed?
Do you believe in astrology?
What’s your favorite type of sandwich?
(these are lame omg sorry)
I tag @bronnie-shipping-on-ebay, @smoll-but-mighty, @zachmyers1994, @beandonflowers, …. And anyone else who sees this and wants to do it (basically I tagged mutuals who I don’t think have done it yet lol)
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Tagged by: @lazy-sarcasm and @furious-sirenn and maybe another person too XD My memory is shit tonight.
Tagging: anyone who hasn’t yet and wants to. I’m always the last person to do this X”D
BOLD any which apply to your muse!
[ COLOURS ] RED. BROWN. ORANGE. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. BLACK. WHITE. teal. silver. GOLD (heh pirate joke). grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. violet. navy blue. CRIMSON. cream. mint green. bubblegum pink. sky blue. pale jade. SCARLET. (added this one because it’s my favorite~! Plus He’s probably a scarlet guy anyways xD)
[ ELEMENTS ] FIRE. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. SUN. HEAT. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. DUSK. twilight. MIDNIGHT. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. TEETH. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. neck. SHOULDERS. legs.freckles. bruises. canine. SCARS. scratches. WOUNDS. burns. fingernails. spikes. feathers. webs.eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall.  NORMAL HEIGHT. muscular. piercing. TATTOOS! athletic. hair. fur.
[ WEAPONS ] FISTS. legs. SWORD. dagger. spear. bow & arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whip. knives. throwing knives. sai. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staves. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls.claws. teeth. stealth. strategy. FLAIL. (had to add this one too.)
[ MATERIALS ] GOLD. silver. copper. platinum. titanium. ROSE GOLD. DIAMONDS. PEARLS. RUBIES. SAPPHIRES. EMERALDS. AMETHYST. metal. iron.rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper .wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble.dust. glitter. BLOOD. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. ribbon.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. sunflowers. tulips. lavender. petals. THORNS. seeds. hay. SAND. rocks. roots. flowers. fungi. OCEAN. river. frozen lake. meadow. valley. FOREST. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. caves. UNDERWATER. CORAL REEF. BEACH. WAVES. space. clouds. mountains. snow. mist. pond.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. TIGERS. wolves. foxes. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. SNAKES. turtles.ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. WHALES. DOLPHINS. FISH. SHARKS.  horses. CATS. DOGS. bunnies.penguins.praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. Pegasus. dragons. bears. butterflies.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ]SUGAR. salt. candy. bubblegum. WINE. champagne.HARD LIQUOR. VODKA. beer. coffee. sake. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. peach. VEGETABLES. FRUITS. MEAT. FISH. PIES. DESSERTS. CHOCOLATE. cream. caramel. berries. nuts.cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. cheese steak. ambrosia. eggs. MILK. bird.
[ HOBBIES ] MUSIC. ART. watercolors. gardening. smiting. sculpting. painting.SKETCHING. FIGHTING. writing. composing. cooking. baking.sewing. TRAINING. dancing. acting. singing. MARTIAL ARTS. SELF DEFENSE. WAR TACTICS. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. BOOKS. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. strings. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. flute. bells. exploring. playing cards (against humanity). POKER CHIPS. chess .dice. motorcycle riding. eating. SLEEPING. climbing. running. jogging. parkour. studying.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. leotard. tunic. vest. shirt. BOOTS. ankle boots. heels.  leggings. TROUSERS. JEANS. skirt. JEWLERY. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. beanie hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. BELT. SASH. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. mittens. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sun glasses. straw hat. visor. eye contacts. makeup. ribbons. hoodie. sweater. converses. tennis shoes. boxers. briefs. boxer briefs. shorts. CARGO. cropped pants. crop top. cuffed pants.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. CITYSCAPE. light. DARK. CANDLES. growth. decay. WAR. peace. MONEY. .power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary.journal. fairy lights.madness.sanity.sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. FRIENDS. clan. assistants. CO-WORKERS. enemies. LOYALTY. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. kisses.spring. SUMMER. autumn. winter. farmland. country side. suburban. VILLAGE. 
Jan 09th 2017
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