#No the actors do not condone murder
amysgiantbees · 5 months
Dead Boy Detectives Cat King Spoilers
I ADORE the Cat King and I'm really fascinated by him and I just love how detailed everything about him is.
A few thoughts on him...
I love that he's living at Empire fish company to harken to his royal status.
I adore the head-cannon that he's Desire's child. With his golden eyes that remain no matter his form. Desire's actor even tweeted about it!
He asked which boy put the spell on his cat. Also, the cat's comment in the murder house ep that "the Cat king won't like this" and the implied rest of that sentence I feel is "when he finds out, when we report back." But at the end of the Dragons ep we can see the cat's eyes glow, implying he's magically looking through them. I know I'm assuming a lot but he seems to let the cats do their thing most of the time and report to him if they feel like it. It might even be a two way thing where they allow him to look through their eyes, he can't force it. I just think it's interesting what powers he has. Also it's interesting how his relationship with the cats work. Knowing cats, they have to want to report back. They don't just do it out of obligation. So, I'd like to think he's a pretty decent ruler. Or even my head-cannon that he doesn't really rule them more protects and acts as their go between, between themselves and other creatures.
His powers so far: Personal resurrection. Teleportation (but maybe just to pocket dimensions). Shapeshifting. Binding spells or just magic in general much like Edwin can practice magic from books. All very indirect kinds of magic which really suit his trickster spirit vibes.
I love that his loneliness is tied in to almost every interaction he has with Edwin. From insisting that he likes to keep things consensual then putting a spell that forces them to be closer. To watching out for/stalking Edwin with his cats. To forcing him to tell the truth but only a little bit in a kind of desperate attempt to get Edwin to see he cares about him and embraces him for who he is. Edwin calling him lonely really doesn't come from nowhere to humanize him which I love. It's great that even the minor character's motivations are well thought through in the show.
I feel like he took to Edwin so quick possibly just out of pure desire. But also people love to say animals are great judges of character, especially cats, they're discerning. So I love the idea that even if Thomas was repressing the fact that he is lonely a part of him knew it and recognized that loneliness in Edwin. As well as what his actor's mentioned in interviews that Thomas is so free and has so few inhibitions and thus just enjoys messing with stuffy old Edwin so much.
Me enjoying Thomas' moral greyness does not mean I'm condoning his behaivour. But it certainly doesn't bother me for multiple reasons. Firstly, his actor is SO charismatic. It really does make a difference that he's just SO fun to watch. Also, not that I've never been harassed by a queer guy before, but him being not straight does help beat the creep vibes in my mind. Also, the way that he will push a boundary but say or do something that softens what he's done helps. Like ranting and raving in the woods that Edwin will regret this but instead continuing to try to protect him from Esther. I think he clearly cares enough about Edwin that if Edwin was REALLY that uninterested in him and uncomfortable he would of just have given him a different punishment. Also, it's a fair punishment. He binds Edwin just like Edwin bound that cat. He's an ambiguous trickster fantasy creature, I'm willing to let a lot slide due to the fact that he clearly has an important role in the story and people's lives as a disrupting and mischievous influence.
I also am not particularly bothered by any potential creepiness from the Cat King as the way in interviews everyone talks about him is that he had a very specific role to play. He was made to be Edwin's sexual awakening. Yes he could have just been a guy that like always seems to be obliviously shirtless going on runs or something like that and it would have been less problematic. But, for one, I'm sure Edwin's seen that before and just looks away when it happens. Two, Edwin is SO repressed I think it makes a lot of narrative sense that he needs someone SO pushy and desperate in return to wake him up. And also he then contrasts against the purity and sweetness of Edwin's love for Charles. I don't see this as condoning this behaivour because real people aren't deeply repressed Edwardian ghosts that couldn't access therapy even if they wanted to on account of being dead.
Furthermore, as I'm sure many people have seen in recent popular discourses media does not need to be morally pure. I don't think that should be a get out of jail free card though. Or that creatives should be allowed to make whatever offensive shit they want and then say but "it's art" or "it's satire". Context matters. It's important how you frame something. And sure the Cat King is not punished for his bad behaivour but he is framed in such a way that I feel like he is not supported for it either. He doesn't get "rewarded" with Edwin in the end. He's not even guaranteed to have his company in even a platonic way since they're heading back to London and he, presumably, has to stay in his kingdom (he calls himself A cat king so I'm assuming there's others elsewhere so he probably can't go to London and intrude on another's territory. Or maybe he's A cat king in that there's just one at a time but there's a history of them).
Also, I've seen some people be uncomfortable at the age gap between Edwin and the Cat King, but to quote one of my favourite YouTubers Kennie J.D. "They're brooding hot 25 year old teenagers". They're both actors in their 20's. They could both theoretically be playing immortals frozen in their teens. I get that Thomas looks older but none of them look like teens. Edwin's actor has a 5 o'clock shadow. The most info we get about Thomas' age that he's meant to be appearing as is that he says "he's not a daddy type" according to him. Admittedly his actor says that when he was imagining a backstory for him part it was that he thought he and Esther were ex's. So that does lend to the idea of him being frozen as an adult. So I'd definitely say it's a grey area. But also people arguing it's not weird because they're all kind of ageless anyway, I do disagree with. As a TikToker, Babbity Kate, I like pointed out just because Edward is over 100 years old doesn't mean Bella dating him isn't less weird than her dating Carlisle. There's a difference, it matter's a person's maturity.
I just hope we get a Season 2 and the Cat King sticks around for it. Hope Edwin misses him XD
Other people with great takes on him: https://www.tumblr.com/weareinastormoffuck/749853517024559104?source=share
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sharkboy-starmites · 3 months
Hate when people are mean to real life people because if a fictional character they like. Dude ESPECIALLY in the hazbin fandom. Like how is your favorite character gonna be alastor (a murderer who owns people and is a cannibal) but then go and hate on people for liking valentino (a murderer who owns souls and assults people) or thinking he's interesting. Like both are characters who do crime and violence to others and show no remorse whatsoever but one is okay to like and the other isnt??? Like as long as your not saying what a evil fictional character is doing is okay there is no issue with liking them. One of my favorite mha characters is shigaraki, does that mean I condone what he's done? NO obviously not. I swear the critical thinking is so down these days. And people were harassing valentinos voice actor. Leave him out of your hate for a character he's the voice not the guy. Sorry for this out of the blue rant but jeez man this really bugs me. Like whatever character you want just don't try and say their evil actions are okay, in short, use your brain. I would also like to say, this post is not a defense of valentino. He's the worst. Just saying you can like his character without liking him as a person.
TLDR: fandom weird about evil fictional characters being liked.
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summertrynnacope · 4 months
CW: Nazism, TribeTwelve.
I do not support or glorify Nazis and I do not condone the atrocious things they've done. I am telling the truth and I have no reason to fabricate this, I swear on my granny's grave. If you've been following me on Instagram, you know this. Also I do not support Adam Rosner.
To everyone I have hurt and made angry because of my latest posts, (which I deleted) I'm sorry. It was insensitive of me and I should have realized that sooner and thought twice before posting such stuff. I hope that this post will help calm things down, if not completely resolve them. I am not asking for any forgiveness, I just want you to understand and realize that those posts do not reflect who I am as a person, and I want to explain everything and clarify that those posts were not supposed to glorify, romanticize or sexualize Nazism, they were only meant to show the (atleast original) lore of one particular character in this fandom.
HABIT's character and the Slenderverse/WW2 lore connection:
The Slenderverse lore is heavily connected to WW2, at least in EMH, T12 and DH00. I admit I knew the EMH creators debunked/retconned the HABIT/Nazi lore before, but I totally forgot about it since I hadn't been active in this fandom for a while and I can't remember everything. But either way, it was still part of the lore anyway and many people still consider it canon. Hear me out. The whole point of HABIT's character is that he's not just some silly, sexy, evil murder wolf demon (or whatever the fuck he is), he's an irredeemable monster, a literal embodiment of mankind’s evil actions, which (atleast originally) included Nazism aswell. If you've seen Steph's Canyouseetheworld blog, you know exactly what I'm talking about and the horrendous, inhumane things he's capable of doing and saying.
The Brandit post: (or whatever the ship is called)
You can skip this part, if you’ve watched TribeTwelve.
(((I admit I do ship HABIT x Firebrand/Noah, but I am also aware that all HABIT ships are toxic, abusive, and ridiculous, let's be honest.. However, I think this ship is one of the least toxic, not only because HABIT helped Firebrand escape from The Collective, but also because Noah is one of the few, if not the only person, HABIT didn't want to kill, which is unusual for him. And also the patience and huge amount of nerves HABIT has towards Noah is intriguing. We know what Noah’s like, how stubborn and stupid he is and sometimes you want to punch him in the face, which miraculously HABIT haven't done. And we never got to know the reason or motivation behind HABIT's actions of helping Noah/Firebrand but I guess we will never know.. Either way, I do not ship them romantically, that would be ridiculous.)))
Anyway, let's talk about the post where HABIT said to Firebrand, and I quote: ''LET'S FUCK AND PISS OFF OUR ANCESTORS.'' With Firebrand's response: ''HABIT, what the actual fuck, ya absolute disgrace.''
I admit, this was really horrid and I understand why people were so angry over this. Drawing the little symbols next to them was fucked up and insensitive and made it look like I was sexualizing a Jew with a Nazi, also with a mention of the past (WW2), which was very disrespectful towards the Holocaust and the actors as well. But. That was not my intention or the point of it. It was not meant to be sexualized. The point was to show HABIT’s natural fucked up behavior and sick humor. That's it. And the post was not meant to be taken seriously anyway. No? HABIT wouldn't fuck Firebrand, whether he's Jewish or not. It was meant to be a joke, a very bad one, but I'm aware of it now. Perhaps my humor is just broken sometimes. I hope it's all clear now. I should have realized this sooner, added a CW and explanation, or rather not posted it at all. Again, I am sorry for all of this and I hope we can all move on. I will be more mindful and responsible in the future.
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lixxen · 5 months
hello dear beloved mutual. WHAT the fuck is happening in iasip?????? i thought it was wholesome like mr rodger's neighborhood or smth?????
IASIP is NOT wholesome at all, I'm sorry I've misguided you
It is genuinely a show about horrible people doing bad things. It's a completely satire show and you're not supposed to condone these fuckers at all. They ruin pretty much everyone who interacts with them's lives (besides a trans lady!! Shout out to Carmen)
Like. It's genuinely a great show because one minute you're like "man they're just silly guys" then they open their mouth and you're sitting there with your mouth open or head in hands
The main characters are: an unchecked autistic guy who is illiterate and a stalker, a BPD guy with a god complex who is a possible psychopath and hinted at could be a serial killer, a gay man who has daddy issues and Catholic guilt that's so bad he is homophobic half of the time and is basically in a relationship with the possible murderous psychopath (they're the definition of codependency), Danny DeVito <3 (who is manipulative as FUCK), and then a woman who is the twin to the possible murderous psychopath and could be a decent person if she wasn't around the rest and tried
It's the longest lasting sitcom and is pretty well written and as long as you acknowledge the show is satire and VERY reflective of the time it was airing per episode, you'll have a fun time. Like. It should have awards. It's impressive in many ways. And the creators ARE the actors. I'm not kidding. One of the guys gains and loses 60lbs for a single season and it's dedication. They also ship the two codependent fuckers openly. There's 16 seasons and there's another coming soon
But yeah. A ton of sensitive content happens so it's not for everyone. There's a few episodes removed from streaming for certain content
Here's the first season episode list:
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I'm in season 9 still. I literally can write essays about these fuckasses.
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psych3-delic · 6 months
Hi, I'm a og Sebaciel who mostly stopped following the fandom happenings after R!Ciel reveal. I still remember the old Kuro forum with its wonderful metas. I just returned to Tumblr and it is completely filled with hate for the ship now. Did something happen? Back then people mostly let others ship in peace. I'm just very surprised at the general animosity.
haha I'm perhaps the wrong person to ask. I quit reading wayy before you (Green Witch arc) and just came back to the fandom a few months ago. Surprised me too. Back then, if you're into Kuroshitsuji, you are into SebasCiel. No question.
My best guess is that these ppl are born from the sjw wave, which gave birth to the puriteen movement. They assign moral values to contents they consume and vice versa, making consuming contents their only personality trait. In other words, they believe if you condone something in fiction, you must condone it in real life as well. (In which case, they should just smell their own backside cos Kuroshitsuji is a dark fantasy and literally had a demon committing mass murders by a 13yo kid's order 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I guess murder is cute to these people).
Fandom ethics has also gotten worse. People felt entitled to dictate other's opinions. They have this unhealthy parasocial relationship with characters, idols, actors... and demand those idols/author to comply with their own moral codes. Else they boycott. Else they doxx. They're even advocating for the removal of fanfictions they deemed "morally corrupted". Most of them are Westerners too, applying Western logic and moral values on a story that is inherently Japanese by a Japanese author. These people do not know the history of fandom, how it got where it is today and what older generations have overcome. They feel entitled to not learning how to co-exist with one another.
On a final note, I'll tell you that the Asian fandom are doing just fine :)) we remain somewhat the same and the Japanese fans especially don't give a shit about these proship-antiship discord. To them anything is fair game. I much prefer staying on that side of things than going to the trenches with these immature imps tbh :))
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queenvhagar · 2 months
Is it just me or does anyone ever think that TB fans and most T4rg stans refuse to see that characters can be grey. They only want good and evil and sadly they think that they are stanning the good ones? Idk but it seems as though the characters they like can never do wrong and they believe that it is for the greater cause or something
It's this weird thing of virtue signaling that's been going on with media lately. Like being a fan of or supporting a morally right or good character somehow says something about who someone is as a person in real life and the opposite being true for those supporting morally gray or wrong characters.
In this, you can have people supporting Rhaenyra and her side who can feel like they're actually good people and true feminists specifically for doing so while at the same calling Alicent a cunt unironically and arguing she is the scum of the earth for literally trying to survive.
And then they can look at Team Green or Aegon stans and accuse them of being real life advocates and supporters of the harmful things those characters do, with fans and actors alike being accused of being rape apologists and condoning sexual assault and the like and therefore being evil, bad people in real life.
These fans fail to see the difference between fiction and real life in that the two are not directly correlated and there is truly no meaning behind supporting certain characters (and it certainly doesn't say anything about someone's actual character).
They also have a hard time breaking away from black and white thinking, because then they would have to admit that people are not just all good or all evil and they might have to reckon with the fact that everyone has good and bad qualities. They would prefer to view themselves as all good, just as they view characters they want to root for as all good.
Unfortunately I feel like a lot of these fans are also ones who believe that fiction should not portray bad things like murder or assault because it somehow endorses that these things happens, instead of fiction actually just being a way to explore that these real things happen in life and look to tell stories about how these real things affect real people.
It's a loss for media literacy for sure and a sign that people are not willing to think deeply or critically about what they see in fiction and how it actually relates to real life.
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sylvies-chen · 8 months
listen it’s been a while since I’ve really flexed my procedural drama muscles and I’ve been out of touch with the dick wolf universe but I am being very serious when I say I want everyone tonight to either use your critical thinking skills to watch this latest episode of law & order and observe the writing decisions or else to not watch it at all.
I say this after having seen it and the completely biased way in which they portray the war in gaza. the writers made active and telling choices. they chose to make the professor in support of palestine a child groomer and brainwasher. that all palestine supporters are planting antisemitic ideas into the minds of children. they are not. (see: my current professor who vehemently supports palestine and is jewish, working for an organization of jewish people asking zionists to not commit these acts in the name of judaism.) they write that palestinian supporters condone murder and violence. they do not. the show positions antisemitism as the epicentre of the war. it is not. this war is not about religious views or antisemitism. it is about a decades long land occupation. it is about mass genocide and apartheid and forced displacement.
what was especially interesting was the arab actress character in the episode who was essentially a vapid pain in their ass by using her platform to “spew hateful nonsense” when in real life this would never happen. in fact, actors and celebrities who are supporting palestine are being fired from major projects and cut from their agencies.
so please keep an open mind and be extremely critical of the way they choose to portray each side in this episode. media representation has always been skewed in many ways. just be mindful.
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Important Stuff
Hi, this is Bugsy, I run @violetcottontail, and this is the official sideblog, which is funny because that blog is also a sideblog. You will never locate my main muahahaha!
It's @catarimint, I'm just being silly.
Anyway, this blog is where writing drabbles and other stuff will be posted. If it's canon, it will be tagged as such. All of the writing drabbles will be focused around the current and future cast of that blog.
Update: Additional mod!
Hi! This is @killamortis. You can follow my blog but I don’t run the blog the blog runs me (there is no blog).
Update 2: Third mod!
Hello! This is @princessragdoll, but you can call me Daggers (or Eldritch but only Bugsy calls me that lol) I also run the blog @bunnyclawsllc which is by some miracle canon to the Bugsyverse and features my characters Fembit and Evelyn. Please enjoy!
Posts written by Bugsy will be tagged #bugsy drabble or #bugsy speakin
Posts written by Killa will be tagged #killa drabble or #killa speakin
Posts written by Daggers will be tagged #daggers drabble or #daggers speakin
Good news: We take requests! If you want to hear about which Habit has the biggest god complex, or which one would chill with you on a rainy day, go ahead and ask about it! We'll write it :D
Rules for requests:
Don't be an ass. Being an ass is defined as: Harassing other people over requests, harassing us over our writing, doing that twitter shit where apparently if we write bad things it means we support them??? We don't support cannibalism but we'll write it, so chill.
Don't come at us for being ooc. Look man, Bugsy made like- 12 different Habits from DIFFERENT ITERATIONS. They're not gonna be perfect to canon because... THEY'RE NOT CANON LOL
YES. WE KNOW CANON HABIT IS NOT DOWN TO BONE. THESE ARE NOT THE CANON HABITS. We're just silly little tumblr users, don't like something? Block us bro, we will not be offended, and you will not have to see our stuff.
IF SOMETHING IS LABELED "DEAD DOVE, DON'T EAT", IT MEANS WHATEVER IS LISTED AT THE TOP IS INCLUDED IN THE DRABBLE. If you don't want to read a certain topic, PLEASE check what we've labelled the fic with at the top. We'll do our best to write any possible trigger warnings, if we miss any, let us know nicely please!
WE DO NOT CONDONE HARASSMENT OF THE REAL ACTORS FROM EVERYMANHYBRID. None of what we write is directed at the real people behind EverymanHYBRID. We are writing for THE CHARACTERS. NOT. THE. REAL. PEOPLE. Seriously, do not be weird about this, we're just writing for fun here.
Current cast list and Allowed Requests:
Loathesome and Evan - The main pair on the blog (All requests allowed)
The Forgotten - A fucked up man out for revenge (All requests allowed)
Centralia - A little arsonist (No 18+ requests)
Stephbit - Miss Big Dick Energy (All requests allowed)
Fairmount - Local stalker and artist (All requests allowed)
Northstar - The father figure (All requests allowed)
McHabit and McEvan - Local depressed cashier and clown bitch (All requests allowed)
Evbit - Buzzfeed Unsolved but with real murder (All requests allowed)
Deepbit - The only Habit who can swim (All requests allowed)
Jeffbit - Not a fan of barbeque (All requests allowed)
Boardbit - When he's bored, he plays board games (All requests allowed)
Showbit - Loves himself a little too much (All requests allowed)
Evan Corenthal - Therapy ain't cheap, but Habit's get it free (All requests allowed)
Evan Gallows - He's a rockstar, but a Gwar type star (All requests allowed)
Stygianbit - The depths of space have no mercy (All requests allowed)
Voyeurbit - Local bastard gets inHabited (All requests allowed)
Octantis - The Southern Star (All requests allowed)
Alternaria - It's not his fault you can't breathe... Or is it? (All requests allowed)
Marburg - It's not her time of the month, but she's all red (All requests allowed)
Vaquero - This cowboy will not save you a horse (All requests allowed)
The Doctor - The bringer of all daddy issues (All requests allowed)
Xerox - He’s just a poor boy nobody loves him (No 18+ requests)
Shellshock - PTSD, but make it sassy (All requests allowed)
Starlet - Vinnie better watch out, a star is in town (All requests allowed)
Bittybit - A hamster sized being of pure rage (All requests allowed, but keep in mind he's TINY)
Grimmwolf- Fairytale villain turned confused old man (All requests allowed)
Fembit- The queen of all girlbosses (All requests allowed)
Evelyn- Peak gen Z energy, full of caffeine and trauma (All requests allowed)
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slashingdisneypasta · 11 months
So my Dad always tells this story that at the last 'haunted house' he went to (Which had to be before I was born so over 2 decades ago) there was a guy dressed up as Freddy Krueger wandering about scaring people, and my Dad, being the 'funny man' he is- goes right up to this guy and takes the blades in hand- and shakes it (Like sir how do you do?).
And, uh, I think this means that Freddy has my Dads blessing for my hand in marriage, yes?? Am I wrong?? 🤣🤣
(*i feel the need to also say I do not condone him touching the actor (: Please leave your scare actors alone. Do the polite thing- scream bloody murder, curse, laugh and move on)
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satansluckycigarette · 3 months
Dear Cis Straight Atheist “Allies:”
Allyship does not look like inviting the NIFB pastor who praised the Pulse Nightclub shooter onto your show, allowing him to refer to us as sodomites; homosexuals; queers; and f-slurs repeatedly without stopping him; allowing him to condone the murder of gay people, allowing him to say that parents should be allowed to murder queer children once they turn 15, allowing him to deny the Holocaust, allowing him to deny Sandy Hook and to refer to bereaved parents as crisis actors, and allowing him to refer to all gay people as pedophiles: all without criticism. Doing this- especially during Pride month- is the opposite of allyship actually.
Allyship looks like Dave Van Ronk seeing a friend get punched by a cop at Stonewall and- without any other context than that- putting that motherfucker in the hospital, it taking three officers to detain him, and him waking up strapped to a radiator next to a lesbian who tells him what happened then proceeding to vocally and unapologetically defend the people he’d been detained with.
More pissed off folk singers and less “friendly” atheists please.
Note: This is in response to the Friendly Atheist Podcast episode 537: A Chat With Two Christian Hate-Preachers
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braveclementine · 3 months
Newspaper Articles 4
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Warnings: None, Readers under 18 can read this book.
Copyright: My OCs are Coach Yonce, Emma, Ila, Tempus, and Itty Bitty. I own these characters. I do not condone any copying of this.
June 17, 2015
Donald Trump, 69-years old Real Estate agent and large contender in the Russo Trial, announces his intent to run for the 2016 President election. In a closing statement, Mr. Trump said this, 'We've had politicians in office for a long time. And looks what has happened! Children being taken from their beds and forced to play in killing games while politicians fund it. We don't need another politician in office. We need someone who actually cares about the American people, kids and all."
December 5, 2016
Following Donald Trumps miraculous win against Democrat Chelsea Clinton, Hollywood- along with several other large fund companies and enterprises- announce that their employees can either retire, keep their political opinions to themselves, or if they post anything in the light of pro-Trump opinions, they can be fired. So far, nothing much as come of this declaration, though there has been a dramatic decrease in Republicans buying movies or going to the movie theater to see Hollywood movies.
December 7, 2016
Robert Downey Jr. made a public announcement after Hollywood's decree about anti-Trump comments. He said this in a news interview last night, "I find it funny that Hollywood is full of such ungrateful idiots. Us Marvel actors especially are more aware than most what President Trump has done for us. He made sure that the criminals for murdering those children in the HYDRA experiment were put behind bars, helping with funds for their parents, and supplying lawyers for the trial. Because of them, Sebastian and Y/N Stan are both safe. So is Miss Lo. I think people need to rethink their ideas. Sure, he's not a politician, that's true. But he's doing a hell lot more than any of these Politicians ever did. I say if Hollywood doesn't change their mind, I'll be retiring after my last movie. Half of the other Marvel cast feel the same. Hollywood- you've been warned." 
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thephantomcasebook · 1 year
These fans are mad that the writers are lame af because ain't no way they've never imagined they wouldn't do characters dirty for no reason before lol
In all honesty ...
I've never seen anyone or anything get so goddamn feral, so quickly, in my life, than the HOTD fandom did.
We all sort of eased back into the franchise at first after being incredibly let down and betrayed. Then from 1x03-1x05 it was like being a part of the GOT fandom again with funny memes and joking around. People slowly falling in love with Alicent and kinda liking young Rhaenyra. All of us agreeing that Matt Smith is a great actor.
Then, around 1x06 to current day, everyone just lost their goddamn mind.
Suddenly there's this weird cult like hate or adoration of Alicent. Fucking Rhaenyra stans out here screaming the condoning for the murder of children and the need for it. You can't even praise Jaehaera - a sweet and innocent little girl - and wish that she get better treatment without some creepy losers shitting themselves in anger over it.
I was on discord earlier and I was showing them the kind of deranged asks that people send into my inbox and it was a large topic of conversation between people - some who may or may not work on HOTD in some capacity or another - about the level of vitriol and rage that cropped up out of absolutely nowhere.
Reddit is a hive of buzzing angry hornets at the best of times, but the level of hatred and anger in the ASoIaF fandom is just unreal and everyone who is a fan and even people who work on the show are noticing it.
I've got this major fucking loser we were making fun of today who is so fucking pissed off because I have a pet theory of A+C=D and they're so angry and offended by it that they hate read my blog and act like one of those sad pathetic "Reply guys" on twitter at every post.
There's also this person who we tracked down and whose blog we all had a good laugh at reading, who sends absolute vitriolic asks because they refuse to believe that Jessica Brown Findlay was originally cast to play Alys Rivers. There is all sorts of evidence from both Olivia Cooke and Phia Saban following her on Instagram, to the head costume designer and several directors from season 2 following her on instagram, to her even liking several instagram posts from the Costume Designer about cast fittings before someone on twitter noticed and she unliked everything.
But still, this person truly believes that if she "Stans" the replacement actress for Alys, that she's somehow a good and righteous person that can claim internet points for being the first stan.
And I think that's the weird part about this whole thing with fandom that we were talking about.
There's people in this fandom, on Twitter and Reddit, that somehow equate their favs to be linked to some sort of real life virtue. That there some sort of moral equivalency test to liking an aspect or character of this goddamn show. And if you fail it or don't line up you're not just against the tribe, you're all and all evil.
And it's so fucking wild how a fandom went from fun crank theories about Varys being a Mermaid to being evil and awful, because, you talked to someone who was around the volume for Pre-viz who heard something at lunch and you relay what they heard to someone who asked what the word is in the gossip mills these days.
Even when you preface and epilogue the post with it being a rumor and probably not true, they still gnash their teeth and post on Twitter and Reddit trying to get a hate mob together to come after your blog.
Mutha'fucker, I'm a 33 year old man who has been shot at and been in life or death fist fights with dudes twice my size.
All I have to do to kick your ass is ignore an app for a few days while I finish a chapter and watch retro anime and Downton Abbey.
Either way, it's crazy out here, Nonny.
Get strapped and stay vigilante, the hoard of rage zombies are out in force.
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warcats-cat · 9 months
You say people can tell you about hyperfixations so be prepared to hear about 1964-1966 Addams Family tv show >:3
First: common misconceptions about the Addams Family-
“They like murder” they don’t! They do not condone violence, or anything non-consensual in their house. They may enjoy certain torture devices to relax, and the kids can chase each other around, but if someone doesn’t like it, it has to stop, and they don’t condone violence against monsters being presented as heroic, as seen in episode one
“They hate normal people!” Incorrect, they simply believe that they, as Addamses, are the epitome of normalcy, and that they seem to have a habit of running into “odd” people, like Mr Hilliard (a reoccurring character who is terrified of the Addams’). In fact, they happen to try their best with every “normal” person they meet, though it often fails comedically
“Gomez and Fester are brothers” no!!! That became cannon in the 90s! In the 60s Fester was Morticia’s uncle, and the twin brother of her mother, Hester Frump. Of course this makes Fester not an Addams, but his actual surname is unknown
“Wednesday is an outcast in her family and out” I genuinely have no clue how this came to be. Wednesday was the most Addams of the kids. While Pugsly was still very distinctly Addamsy, he had tendencies that lent more to the normal side. He was the blond haired, bright eyed kid of the Addams, and even in one episode went through a “normal” phase (joining the Boy Scouts, adopting a puppy, calling his parents mom and dad instead of mother and father, etc). Wednesday, however, is extremely Addams
Now, onto fun factssssssss
The actor for Lurch (Ted Cassidy) also was the primary actor for Thing! He only let someone else do it if Thing and Lurch were in a scene together.
Cassidy actually switched from left to right for Thing, to see if anyone would notice, so now there’s inconsistency between episodes.
Morticia and Gomez met when they were in their twenties, as their mothers were arranging a marriage between Gomez and Morticia’s older sister, Ophelia. Gomez was a sickly, cowardly man at this point, and Morticia wasn’t exactly taking the lead role we see her in for the rest of the show. They brought out the best in each other :3
Morticia’s iconic dress is her wedding dress!
Wednesday has a black widow that she named Homer, for its tendency to roam and explore
Pugsly has an octopus named Aristotle (though, in 2019 the animated movie renamed it Socrates for unknown reasons)
Unlike more recent adaptations, Wednesday was the youngest, at 6 years old, and Pugsly’s age was very inconsistent, but fluctuated between 8 and 10.
Their eccentric house decor was based of off the apartment of Addams family creator, Charles Addams
That is all for now :3 thank you ^-^
How did you know I love the Addams Family? This is delightful 😍😍😍
I remember watching the TV show with my dad when I was younger and just being in love with it. Even now, when I run tours at the store I work at, I have a couple of Addams Family themed jokes. (It's this place called Jungle Jim's, it's a massive eccentric international grocery store. We have a case for "exotic meats" and occasionally we do actually sell Yak burgers. I have not tried one though, because I don't like the texture of ground meat...)
I knew a few of these, but I have to say I'm really surprised that people thought Wednesday was an outcast?? I would never assume that???
Have you seen the Addams Family musical? 😍😍 That is sort of about Wednesday *feeling* like an outcast because she's fallen in love with a very "normal" boy from a "normal" family. Now the info about that misconception makes me wonder how the script writers came up with the show 👀👀
Also having twins named Hester and Fester had to be terrible if someone in the house had a cold and couldn't hear right 🤣 I'm already terrible with names, I'd never keep them straight.
Thank you for all the info 😍😍😍 I love it all!
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warningsine · 1 year
Cannibalism is considered the most inhumane of activities. In the last year, however, films and TV shows like Bones And All, Fresh, Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story, House of Hammer, and Yellowjackets have forced viewers to grapple with the trope by digging into the metaphorical, social and political themes it may represent beyond all that body horror. What they’ve discovered is just how delicious cannibalistic themes can be when digging into capitalism, patriarchy, human connection and autonomy for those at the bottom of the food chain. 
In Luca Guadagnino’s Bones and All, based on Camille DeAngelis’s 2015 novel, two cannibal lovers face tragedy. In the final scene, Lee (Timothée Chalamet) is dying from a punctured lung and he’s not willing to let his partner Maren (Taylor Russell) do anything to help save him. Their lives thus far have been defined by marginalisation, abandonment, shame, violence and trauma with only romantic love between the two of them offering any sort of true solace. With his final breaths, Lee urges Maren to eat him, "bones and all." We’re told in an earlier speech it is the ultimate, cathartic cannibalistic feeding experience. And so, through tears and after initial reluctance, she does. Two disenfranchised people finding connection in the most tragic of circumstances.
Now if your takeaway from this ending is that it condones literal cannibalistic love, then screenwriter David Kajganich would like to interject. "If I felt we had somehow pointed an impressionable audience in the direction of ‘this is a beautiful vision of how love should work’ I would have not gotten my laptop out," he tells Mashable. "I think what's important isn't why Maren finally eats Lee, it's why Lee gives up." The teen maneater’s fatal injuries were incurred while killing Sully (Mark Rylance) an elder cannibal. It’s not the first time Lee’s killed; it started with his father’s death and ever since it's been the predominant means by which he secured human flesh to eat. "In his case, the specific trauma of murdering his father is a repeat cycle that even love can't break," says Kajganich. "The ending is less about cannibalism and more about Lee's character deciding, 'I don't want to be here anymore. I don't want to live even for this relationship.'" Living on the outskirts with his trauma, the guilt and the shame of his murderous cannibalistic secret is ultimately too much for Lee to bear.
A nuanced understanding is required when regarding the cannibalism trope employed in the novel and its 2022 screen adaptation, as several other social and cultural themes, such as class and gender, overlap and are presented through this taboo prism. But neither book nor film are alone in this resurgence of cannibalistic narrative exploration. Sebastian Stan raised red flags in Mimi Cave’s 2022 poppy rom-com horror Fresh as a hunky human flesh connoisseur using meat-cutes (spelling intended) to source female bodies to the highest bidder. Factual television series like House of Hammer and true crime drama Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story have been readily consumed by audiences with a taste for sordid exploitation. But, as audiences, are we missing the memo that directors are trying to send us through this series and movies? 
Eat the rich
There’s something of the American Psycho about House of Hammer, which details not just actor Armie Hammer’s public downfall – following allegations of sexual abuse. The documentary examines Hammer's expression of cannibalistic fantasies in DMs and shows a backdrop of context by also looking at the alleged criminal legacy left by the powerful men in his super wealthy family. Patrick Bateman, the eponymous psycho in Bret Easton Ellis’ 1991 book and Mary Harron’s 2000 film adaptation, like Hammer, has the power, the wealth, the looks, and the cis white male privilege to have whatever he wants – so why not human flesh too? He’s the ultimate consumer but the bodies of his victims tell a bigger story about his immorality. "When Bateman’s seeking the service of sex workers they think it’s for sex that they're going to provide but he ends up cannibalising them," says Mary Wild, Freudian psychoanalyst, cinephile, and co-host of The Projections Podcast. "What he's lacking is humanity. He sees it in people just trying to make a living and he needs to take that away from them." In these contexts, cannibalism runs parallel to extreme wealth and privilege within a capitalist system, in which wealth often comes at the expense and exploitation of other less privileged humans. 
"But it is important to differentiate those who have cannibalistic sexual fantasies and those who literally act on. Although these two sometimes intersect, this seems to be the exception and not the rule," says Victoria Hartmann, Ph.D., an extreme pornography and paraphilia researcher and executive director at Erotic Heritage Museum Las Vegas. "I strongly believe it remains vital to carefully consider the chasm between those who are disordered in such a way they would cause harm to another human being in real life without a shred of empathy, and those who have unusual (which can also be considered extreme) sexual interests."
Texts attributed to Hammer suggest he has been "kink-shamed" for his sexual fetish which is commonly known as vorarephilia (vore). Vore is characterised as "the erotic desire to consume or be consumed by another person or creature," specifically being swallowed or swallowing someone whole which is a tad different to the allegations against Hammer. Many of the women claim they were coerced and manipulated into his so-called vore situations which left them feeling physically and emotionally damaged. In the vast majority of cases – because eating people is a horrific crime, of course – vorarephiles, whether they imagine themselves as predator or prey, mostly enjoy this kink in a fantasy realm reinforced through images, texts or video games shared online through websites like Eka’s Portal. "Research continues to indicate, and this has been reproduced in study after study (including my own studies from 2012-2014), that paraphilias (also known as fetishes) are not usually indicators of abusive tendencies," adds Hartmann. 
For some, however, the focus on cannibalism in this conversation says a lot about our social acceptance of certain heinous acts compared to others. "Sexuality scares us; it is a place where we as human beings are deeply vulnerable, both physically and emotionally," Hartmann tells Mashable. "Now add to that something of an ‘extreme’ nature (such as a cannibalism kink) and this creates even more fear — both existential and real….we are forced to ask ourselves why some people would be drawn to the idea of sexualising death, it’s process and its aftermath."
Death has never been an easy discussion topic let alone when overlapped with desire – unless vampires are thrown into the mix. "Most people cannot fathom even for a moment how those two could ever come together," says Hartmann. It’s disturbing and disgusting and yet, no less harrowing than assault, abuse and sexual violence, which is far more commonplace and continues to be. "We only have to look at the low incidence of convictions for these very real crimes to understand how little value we give to survivors of these forms of violence," she adds. And certainly in the case of Armie Hammer, those accusations were deemed less shocking than the claims relating to cannibalism.
What’s important to remember, says Hartmann, is that a person's cannibalistic desires may not be the root cause for their "impetus to harm others in a non-consensual manner." "Generally, it stems from a co-morbid set of personality disorders; it’s just that some happen to have a co-existing paraphilia(s)."
Consumptive love and desire
The serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer is a prime example of this sort of overlap. In the opening episode of Ryan Murphy’s Dahmer series, starring Evan Peters as the titular serial killer, he rests his head on the bare chest of Tracy Edwards (Shaun J. Brown), the man he has lured to his apartment in order to murder. "I wanna hear your heart," Jeff tells the scared Tracy as he pushes him back on a bloodstained bed, strokes his chest and breathes heavily. "'Cause I’m gonna eat it."
After Tracy’s escape and the serial killer’s arrest, we learn that he had been murdering, carving up and eating his victims while keeping some bones as keepsakes – a habit psychologically influenced by the perceived abandonment by his mother. This could be seen as a way of preventing his victims of "love" from ever truly leaving. 
"Cannibalism is the consumption of someone else so, as a Freudian psychoanalyst, I see that as a longing for intimacy, a longing for psychological or emotional closeness, that is actually taking the form of a physical reunion or keeping that person as close to you as possible," says Wild. "Physical intimacy in terms of intercourse, that's not going to do it. You actually need to ingest them, you need to metabolise that person."
In fictional works the cannibal trope can provide fertile metaphorical ground to explore consumptive behaviours involving romance, intimacy and desire, especially for female writers and/or female characters, as with Fresh and Bones and All. "The mere concept of pleasure, especially tied to feminine pleasure, has been considered taboo or worthy of derision, not just in art but society in general," says Kayleigh Donaldson, critic and pop culture writer for Pajiba. "In its most basic form, romantic fiction can be a great way to bust those taboos and dig deeper into our desires. It's a safe space, so to speak, and genre fiction can be a great way to dissect those trickier areas, if it's done well."
Cannibalism in this context can be seen as an expression of female desire and autonomy in a patriarchal world that suppresses and oppresses. "We're taught to walk this literal and figurative thin line of femininity," Chelsea G. Summer, author of cannibalistic body horror novel A Certain Hunger, tells Mashable. "You have to be desirable, but not too desiring. It’s a test that female humans are set up to fail."
Unrealistic feminine standards continue to cause body image issues and eating disorders for women and girls. While not solely female conditions, female cannibal characters like Bones and All’s Maren can provide a "diagnostic criteria," says Wild. "It’s a type of eating that is done in secret, that is shunned by the rest of society and that's seen as abnormal, or, taboo, or sinister. It's representing on a screen this total, emotional spiralling and falling into an eating habit that is shameful. And cannibals themselves will express shame."
Outsiders in a discriminatory world
The desire for self-expression in a still discriminatory world has meant cannibal stories — like Raw, Yellowjackets, and Hannibal — have also been embraced by members of the queer and LGBTQ community. Not in the Dahmer sense of a gay man who racially fetishized many of his gay victims. But in the keen sense of disenfranchisement and societal shame where cannibalism is a substitute for a marginalised queer identity. "It isn't hard to imagine anyone in the LGBTQ community who has ever felt targeted intuitively understanding this metaphor," Kajganich adds. "Cannibalism is such a taboo of the civilized world, such an emblem of what is considered immoral and contemptible outside of holy communion, of course." 
"Horror is often such an amplification of everyday anxieties. Why shouldn't those two things combine for those of us in the LGBTQ community as a great language for expressing how it feels when your completely natural way of being intimate is judged as morally violent and socially destructive?"
And yet, when writers, artists or filmmakers employ such cannibalistic themes, characterisations or narratives, an angry online mob is sure to follow. From right-wing groups to QAnon conspiracy theorists, pro-cannibalism accusations have been levied at varied marginalised creators and groups to justify discrimination and fascist politics. And it’s nothing new. "Cannibalism is a charge deployed by colonising people throughout the globe throughout history," Summers points out. "When [Christopher] Columbus hit the Americas he said [the indigenous people were] cannibals therefore we need to change that." 
"Now there's this whole network of far right fascist media saying things like, ‘The New York Times is promoting cannibalism, this author is saying everybody should be cannibals and that is why we need to assume control of the West.' It is a fascistic way of implementing control. Cannibalism is the thing we hold up for being inhuman; not murder, not rape, and certainly not colonising. It's cannibalism."
Cannibalism in film and TV is proving to be a nourishing narrative tool to embrace and exemplify the disenfranchised. As well as forcing readers and viewers to negotiate their own awareness and sensitives to morally-challenging stories that don’t serve up clear answers on a platter. "If the element of cannibalism in the film isn't testing your empathy with the characters," adds Kajganich. "If it isn't forcing you to continue to re-up your contract with them in terms of just being open to their lives, then we failed, right?"
And that’s the power of this storytelling tool. By using cannibalism to ask questions of societal power structures, the patriarchy as well as the shame and fear associated with marginalised identity, it forces the audience to seek answers inside themselves. Is cannibalism the problem – or are we? Food for thought. 
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factorydefaultlu · 2 years
Ok so just a small rant, I hope it’s okay. I think you are literally #1 when it comes to contributing to the Aegon-fandom here lol, which is why I have to ask.
I’m so tired of getting literal hate for simping over Aegon. Tom is clearly a pretty man, but imo much better dirty, miserable and terrible as Aegon. Even if it was another actor, I would still love how bad and broken Aegon is. I am not arguing that Aegon is a good & morally righteous guy, and would (very obviously) not condone rape IRL, same as I don’t condone non-fictional murder and incest. I just feel like anyone liking any of the greens that are not Aemond/Helaena gets hate. Tumblr makes it bearable but TikTok is a literal shitshow, people are insulting real human beings for enjoying 100% fictional characters.
Do you get hate/judgement for writing for Aegon and how do you deal with it? I’m soooo tired.
I just ignore it honestly. I've been in fandom since I was 11. I've witnessed Hetalia, Homestuck, and all other messy fandoms. I don't condone irl rape, incest, abuse or war but as a human I enjoy conflict and consuming media that gives me an outlet is better than me going out and experiencing that conflict for myself.
I just ignore the people that are on their Christian fundamentalist coded high horse.
People that hate on others for what they like can suck my cock.
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At this point I'm convinced that those weirdly performative billy hargrove antis really have nothing better to do with their time. I get not liking him in general, he's rude and angry and violent and that's really not everybody's cup of tea when it comes to fictional characters but like...I swear some of y'all need to go outside. I can't tell you how many little tiktok velocity edits I've seen of the guy where the comments are all people complaining that if you find billy hot, you're condoning his shitty actions.
Huh?? If I find henry creel hot do I condone child murder? If I find Anakin Skywalker hot do I condone genocide and spousal abuse? Obviously fucking not, but they still feel the need to pull up in the comment section like "Hey, just letting you know it's actually really problematic to like billy so maybe just say you find dacre attractive instead 🥰"
But I don't. Not that dacre's a bad looking guy, but a lot of what I find attractive about him as billy is the hair, the jewelry, the clothes... What do you want me to say in that case? "Wow, I find the character of Billy Hargrove [Portrayed by Australian actor Dacre Montgomery in Seasons 2, 3 & 4 of the hit Netflix TV series Stranger Things, Dir. by Matt and Ross Duffer] to be objectively attractive."
If I see content of a character I don't like... I just scroll. Maybe, at most, I block the person so I don't keep seeing that content. What I don't do is take it upon myself to be the goddamn fictional character morality police.
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