#Noah?? kindest sweetie
isaacsdevil4108 · 9 months
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Charm Battle | My Life With The Walter Boys | Netflix
Noah LaLonde and Ashby Gentry featuring a very confused and flustered Nikki Rodriguez.
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kendelias · 3 years
🎬 + Gus
how they’d be introduced: gus is introduced in the first episode as farkle's twin
who the fandom ships them with: zay for sure, but also charlie and lucas
why the fandom loves them: gus is SUCH a sweetie; he's one of the kindest people on the show, and he provides a very real and vulnerable side to the friend group. he's also a very honest portrayal of anxiety in children, as well as gay representation disney was definitely lacking in!
why the fandom hates them: honestly i think a lot of people would think he's a. unnecessary to plot and b. an echo of other characters (maya's an artist, riley's kind, farkle's smart, etc.)
what the cast relationship would be like: NOAH (gus) AND COREY (farkle) BESTIES WHENNNNN. truly though i think noah and ceci (smackle) would have gotten along super well, and him and rowan (riley)! honestly noah's an angel and probably would have gotten along with everyone. but like there's definitely a cast group chat that he started with sabrina (maya).
what was their audition scene: GUS'S COMING OUT SCENE NOT A DOUBT IN MY MIND XOXO
dependent upon the fandom, who they’d be on a press tour/at comic con with: DEFINITELY corey, and probably tack on peyton (lucas) to that bc they were the og boys. he'd probably do a few interviews with amir (zay) too.
if they spoil things: i have a feeling he absolutely would have dropped hints about the gus/zay thing just to watch the world burn but nothing serious
if the show/movie has ended, are they happy with their character’s ending and the ending at large: i think noah would be kind of disappointed that the show ended early, bc there was more to do with gus - while his ending was good, it could have been exceptional. but alas! otherwise, he's chillin.
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send me 🎬 + an oc for if they were canon!
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imagineyourself · 5 years
The Interview- Noah Centineo
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A/N I know it’s been forever since I’ve posted. Sorry Junior year kicked my ASS. But it’s all good now I’ve been writing this imagine for a while and finally finished it. I hope y’all like it. Let me know if you want a part 2. 
Word count: 1515
Summary: Noah decides to admit he isn’t single anymore and shit hits the fan a bit
Warnings: Swearing (obvi) but other than that nothing bad lots of cute fluff 
*Noah’s POV* 
I sat down, waiting for the interview to begin. My phone buzzed in my pocket, but I resisted the urge to check. I know it’s Y/N texting me good luck before the interview. She has no idea what I’m about to do. I hope she doesn’t get mad, I just love her so much and hiding her doesn’t feel right. 
“Noah! My man, how are you?” Jimmy Fallon asks and pulls me in for a bro-hug. 
“I’m good, been busy!” 
“I can imagine I mean you have had like what 3 movies come out this year that you star in???”
“Yeah I know. It’s crazy.”
“You went from small child actor to big time teen heart-throb in nothing flat. So how has that changed your home life?”
“I have to work really hard on checking in with my mom. She is so proud of me, but that doesn’t stop her from worrying about me forgetting to eat and stuff. Otherwise, nothing has changed I still talk to them a ton! My family and hometown friends keep me and my ego in check which is so important for someone young like me. Couldn’t be more grateful for them.”
“Wow it’s so great that you recognize their importance! But, and you know I have to ask for all of the teenage girls out there, is the infamous Noah Centineo single?” 
This question comes up all of the time. I hated lying about Y/N and saying I was single, and now is my chance to stop the secrets. I want to show her off and be able to take her out for proper dates.
“No, actually I am not.”
*Y/N’s POV*
I was watching Noah’s interview casually eating popcorn on our couch when the relationship question was asked. I was used to him having to publicly deny our relationship, I liked my privacy and it made him more attractive and therefore more successful.  
But then he shocked me by saying he wasn’t single. He stated he was taken. Off the market. Unavailable. Mine. 
“WHAT THE FUCK????” I jumped off of my couch screaming. He didn’t tell me he was doing this. I am not ready to handle this. I figured he would consult ME on this before telling the world, but apparently not. I couldn’t even listen to the rest of the interview as my panic spiralled.
My phone started going off instantly, from tweets and instagram follow requests. I called Y/B/F/N crying.
“Hey babe, woah wait what’s up?” She said noticing my tears.
“What happened? Did y’all break up? I will fucking kill him.”
“No, no. An interview.” I mustered all the air I could to try and explain what happened.
“I am on my way over. I’ll be there in 10.”
*Noah’s POV*
“Really?? So who’s the lucky lady?”
“Yes really. Her name is Y/N and she is smart, funny, and beautiful. I love her so much.”
“How long have you two been together?”
“A year and 2 months.” I smile thinking about how it has been such a long time.
“Wow, that’s a long time. How has she reacted to the spike in your career?”
“She has been nothing but supportive! Since we kept our relationship private, I couldn’t bring her to set, but we host a cast dinner at our apartment. She adores Lana, they are like best friends.” 
“So you guys live together?”
“Haha yup, we moved in together about 6 months ago.” I can’t wipe the smile off of my face. I finally get to talk about Y/N and I love talking about her because I am so proud of her!
“So what does she do? How did you meet?”
“She’s a lawyer for several casting agencies in hollywood, and she ended up drafting my contract for SPF-18.”
“Wow, that’s great! I am so happy for you! Now back to promoting your new movie!” Jimmy puts us on track despite getting an exclusive scoop.
*Y/N’s POV*
I opened the door to let Y/B/F/N in despite giving her a key. I finally gained enough composure to explain what happened.
“So he finally told the world he was taken?”
“And he didn’t tell you he was going to say anything?” 
“Not a word.”
“Okay, um, what the fuck. Isn’t that supposed to be a joint decision because your privacy is at stake here.”
“Yeah, I mean I’m both relieved and upset. I’m glad I don’t have to hide anymore, but also teenage girls can be so rude and I don’t know if I’m ready to face their scrutiny. In their minds, I took their man.”
“Okay, ms. lawyer, take it down a notch. Who knows they might be supportive?” She hugged me tight and tried her best to make me look at the bright side.
“You could be right.” 
“Damn right, now let’s get you changed and in bed. I’m staying the night to make sure you’re okay.” She helped me up off of the couch and led me to Noah and I’s room to change into new pjs. 
Before I fell asleep I texted Noah, telling him I saw the interview and we needed to talk about it.
Later that night, I woke up to a slight rumble happening in the living room. I got up when I recognized Noah and Y/B/F/N’s voices. They were whisper-shouting at each other clearly in some heated argument. 
“Sorry, Noah, but you can’t just tell the whole goddamn world you have a girlfriend without telling her first. She called me freaking the hell out because teenage girls are ruthless, and honestly I don’t think she can handle it. I don’t think I can handle it, because you aren’t always here and when you aren’t here she calls me. I hate seeing her upset and I know you do too, but you really should have talked to her about it first. It’s her privacy and her life that is at risk.”
“I know. I know I should have talked to her first, but I just couldn’t take one more interview of lying to the world. I love her more than anything and I want to show her to the world.”
“Yeah I get that, but did you ever consider if she was ready for that? What if she doesn’t want that?” 
There was a lull in the conversation as Noah took the time to think about what I wanted. 
“I love both of you, like a lot,” I say as I step out from behind the bedroom door. “But I think it’s better to talk about what I want with me there to actually tell you what I want.”
“I’m so sorry babe. I know I should have talked to you before I did it.” Noah came closer to me giving me a hug. 
“I’m not mad, I’m just scared witless. I love the romantic gesture, I really do, but not everything is going to be better. Not for me, at least.”
“What do you mean?”
“She means that people will start to send her hate, threats, stalking her, and it could possibly affect her job.” Y/B/F/N piped up.
“My phone has been blowing up non-stop since you said my name and my job on national tv. It got to the point where I turned my notifications off. The comments that I saw were not the kindest. I don’t want to get in between you and your fans, and they seem really mad that we’re together.” I look at Noah with tears in my eyes, and he looks at me with a similarly somber expression. 
“You know that hurting you or putting you in harms way was never, and will never be, my intention, right? I’ll post about us officially and say that any hate comments or threats or anything of the kind will receive an automatic block. I will protect you from harm if it’s the last thing I do.”
“I just don’t want things to change between us, you know?”
“Y/N, sweetie, nothing will change. He’ll still come home after filming and annoy the crap out of you, and I’ll still be a 10 minute drive away to help you through everything. We are your support system forever and always.” Y/B/F/N said giving you a hug. 
“She’s right. And I promise that I won’t do anything that reckless without talking to you first.” Noah says joining the hug. 
“Can I get that in writing?” We all break apart from laughter. 
“Okay, Ms. Lawyer, whatever you want.” 
“I can draft the statement in the morning, let’s get some sleep.” Noah and I went to our room and Y/B/F/N went back to hers. 
“I love you so much.” Noah said as we crawled into bed. 
“I love you too, but please talk to me next time.” I whisper as I cuddle into his chest. 
“Of course, baby girl.” He kissed the top of my head and we fell asleep. 
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End of the Line (Pre-Serum Alpha!Steve and Pregnant Omega!Bucky Modern Bus Trip A/B/O AU)
By the third movie, Bucky and Steve were the only ones watching the Pixar film. Heads huddled close together to watch on the tablet's screen and sharing a pack of travel tissues. With Maisie sleeping soundly on Steve, and Noah snoring on top of Bucky, the adults sniffled at the sentimental animated movie. That company never ceased in tearing Bucky apart, and the pregnancy hormones sure weren't helping.
Trying not to jostle his pup too much, Bucky angled himself away from Steve and wiped the tears from his face. Not wanting to stare at Steve, he chose to glance out the window. Noting how dark the sky had gotten and that it was snowing, Bucky sat a little straighter as he exclaimed, "Oh!"
Steve looked over at Bucky to ask him if everything was okay, but before the words could actually get past his lips, Bucky pointed out the window. Redirecting his attention outside, Steve also sat a little straighter as he worriedly watched the flurries. Everything was white. The ground, the forest, the buildings. Snow covered everything.
As Bucky worried his lower lip, the bus speakers cracked to life and the driver announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform that due to the weather, we will be stopping for the night. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you and are currently making accommodations."
"Oh no," Bucky's breath hitched, feeling the tears already building in his eyes. Sure, being in Tennessee was far enough away from Brock, he supposed. But something in his gut told him that he wouldn't be safe until he was in Becca's apartment drinking a big mug of hot cocoa while wrapped in one of the soft blankets their bubbe knitted them.
"It's okay," Steve reassured, placing his hand over Bucky's and giving it a comforting squeeze. Casually swiping his scent gland along the back of Bucky's hand as he offered, "We can, um… We can… share a room… if you'd li--"
"Yes," Bucky eagerly agreed. Blushing at his quick response, he averted his gaze and amended, "Yes, thank you. That's very kind of you."
"Of course," Steve smiled, completely unaware of how much it meant to Bucky.
The pair sat there with the sleeping pups on their chests and their hands linked together until the bus pulled off the interstate, and then pulled into the hotel parking lot. The parking lot had been plowed as best as it could be with the current blizzard, and the driver expertly maneuvered around snow piles and other cars before stopping at the main entrance.
Deciding that they had to wake the pups to get their coats on, Bucky kissed Noah's temple and rubbed his back as he quietly urged, "Wake up, baby. We gotta wake up."
"Uh uh," Noah whined, burying his face further into Bucky's neck.
"C'mon, sweet girl," Steve said to Maisie.
Biting back his grin at the alpha's term of endearment, Bucky watched as the other passengers rose from their seats. Sighing, Bucky stood too, jostling Noah as he did so. Bargaining with the pup, "As soon as we put your coat on, you can sleep some more. I promise."
"Are we there?" Maisie asked, rubbing at her eyes while she remained resting on Steve's chest.
"No, sweetie, not yet," Bucky confessed, setting Noah down in the seat. Grabbing the coats from the seats across the aisle, he handed the bright pink one to Steve and started pulling the vibrant blue one on Noah. Tugging on his own winter jacket before sliding on his diaper bag, he told his kids, "It's snowing, so we have to stay at a hotel for the night."
"What's a hotel?" Maisie asked around a yawn.
"It's a building with lots of rooms where people sleep when they're away from their homes," Bucky explained, hefting Noah back into his arms and nearly doubling over when another bout of Braxton Hicks raked over Bucky's body.
"You alright?" Steve asked, pulling on his own coat and grabbing his backpack.
"Yeah," Bucky lied, taking Maisie's hand and leading the way down the aisle towards the exit. Accepting the bus driver's help as he steadied Maisie and Bucky once they were on the ground. Bucky nodded in his gratitude as he followed Steve towards the assistant driver.
Steve took the bags offered to him and told the man, "Thank you."
"Of course," the beta man replied with a kind smile as he ducked his head to hide his face in his scarf from the harsh breeze that blew the snow flurries around them.
"Daddy, 's cold," Noah complained, shuttering in Bucky's arms.
"I know, honey, it's snowing," Bucky soothed, hurrying them into the hotel lobby as fast as he could as an unsteady pregnant omega walking on a patch of ice with a daughter asking, "Snow's cold?"
"Welcome!" An entirely too peppy hotel worker loudly greeted Bucky and Steve. Ignoring their stunned expressions, the beta woman gestured towards the concession stand and informed, "Please, feel free to help yourselves to a warm beverage while you wait for a room."
"Thank you," Steve fixed a small smile on his face before ushering Bucky and the pups over to the display. Maisie immediately stood on her tiptoes in hopes of getting one of the complimentary cookies, and Steve handed her one before she could make a mess while also handing one to Noah as well. As he began pouring himself some coffee, he looked over at Bucky and asked, "Would you like some?"
"No, I'm good," Bucky assured, shifting Noah, so his weight was more evenly distributed.
Keeping his gaze on his coffee as he stirred the sugar into it, a blush colored his cheeks as he told Bucky, "I'll go get a room."
"We'll be here," Bucky smirked, feeling his own cheeks redden as a montage of previous alphas saying that exact statement briefly ran through his mind. Tommy O'Shea who wanted to rebel junior year by bleaching his naturally dark brown locks and ending up with unintentionally lemon yellow hair. Dot Henderson looking as gorgeous as ever with her blonde hair expertly pinned back and decorated with tiny blue flowers that matched her Cinderella-esque dress on senior prom night. Gilmore Hodge with his cocky grin and suggestive brows, making Bucky want to lick every inch of his sultry sweaty body the summer before college. Dylan Anderson, a bridesmaid to Bucky's sister-in-law who came on to him by saying he was cuter than the groom, to which Bucky informed was his brother, and who had the softest blonde curls that Bucky had ever tangled his fingers in.
And now, Steve who was the kindest alpha that Bucky had ever met outside of his family. Steve, who had the brightest blue eyes that he had ever had the pleasure of gazing into. Steve, who had taken one look at Bucky and his pups and decided to take care of them. Steve, who would make anyone he mated the luckiest son-of-a-bitch alive.
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chocodeedee · 7 years
More things that(almost) no one asked for?(@trashy-hamiton thank you for giving me a reason for this)
Smosh Hogwarts Au?
Smosh Hogwarts AU
I honestly had a really hard time figuring out who went where, but I gave it a shot and let me know how I did?
This girl is described as fearless on many occasions(the one I’m thinking of is the video where she learns to ride a bike)
I think of her as an adventurer and risk taker 
She camps and climbs mountains and does so many adventurous things
At Hogwarts, she’d 100% play Quidditch and kick everyone’s ass as a Keeper
Like Mari, he is an adventurer
He’s also got this sense of fearlessness about him 
He would go adventure into the Forbidden Forest just because he could
It would be his go to relaxation/meditation place
He’s also an animagus, because it sounded cool
Hear me out, this girl will throw down
She’s not afraid to stand up for what she believes in/someone who needs it
She’s not brave in the Mari or Flitz sense, but in her willingness to defend what she believes in 
She would get into a ton of fights just because someone looked at her friends wrong
Was almost a Hufflepuff, but I imagine that she’d ask to be in Gryffindor
He’s not the level of crazy fearless that Mari and Flitz are
He’s a more subtle fearless
He’d be a leader when trying new things
He lets his actions speak for themselves, and encourages others to get out there
Also, he’s definitely on the Quddditch team as a Chaser
This man has all the drive and ambition of a Slytherin
His ideas just never work out
He tries and tries again in the face of defeat and humiliation
His Jovenrage would be known and feared throughout the entire school
Have you met this man?
Have you seen him in Maricraft?
He uses what he needs to achieve his goals, simple as that
He would be the Muggleborn that runs an underground pen shop for everyone who’s sick of quills
Hear me out; he’s willing to do what he needs to in order to win
He pretended to whip it out when Smosh Squad played Hot Seat
He acts like he’s chill but will destroy you if he needs to 
Could be a Hufflepuff, but he might just be really loyal to Noah
He’s adorable first off
He loves his friends and family
He’s a little sweetie and has unwavering loyalty to what he loves(i.e KEITH)
He’s a Muggleborn and Keith is constantly trying to get him to try new foods
When he does try new foods, there’s a PIIMM-like show and hype about the occasion
He’s quirky and sweet 
He’s just kind, loving and all around a good guy
Could be in Gryffindor but values loyalty to his friends first
She’s quirky and loyal too
She’s one of the kindest and comforting members of the squad(or at least I think so)
She’s so supportive of everyone too
She’s also a giant Quidditch fan and no one will tell me otherwise
She and Olivia 100% cheer for everyone 
Wes was definitely a hatstall
The hat couldn’t decide whether he belonged in Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, and that was after taking a few minutes to contemplate the other houses
He’s obviously very intelligent and could hone his skills in Ravenclaw
He literally has a genius IQ 
Was definitely headboy of his year
He makes one hell of a Seeker too
Sohinki is a strategist and full of untapped potential 
I feel like he has the ability to be so much more but just steps to the sidelines sometimes
The sorting hat would 100% see this and put him in Ravenclaw to realize how great he could be
He’d surprise everyone by being put in Ravenclaw and he’d prove to them that he belongs there
She’s like the Luna figure of the group 
People just don’t get her, but that doesn’t mean she’s not witty and intelligent
She and Courtney encourage each other to grow and flourish 
While a lot of people don’t get her, they get that she has a lot to offer and is a good friend
Ok! That was actually really hard to do and it expelled everything from my brain at the moment.  Maybe later I’ll post some headcannons if anyones wants any?  Also, what houses do you think everyone should be in?  Some of these were really hard, and I feel like a lot of them could belong in many houses.  Let me know what you think!
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