#Norths p5 Aus
hand-painted-5tars · 4 months
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Roleswap AU. Akechi thinks he might kill this guy before he has the chance to save Joker
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symphonic-scream · 9 months
Here's a post about my first au of 2024
P4 parents of P5 au (this needs a shorter title goddamn)
So it's. The Phantom Thieves are raised by the Investigation Team. Simple as that
Yu and Yosuke adopt Akira at age 5, after his parents give him up for being too much trouble. He loves his aunt Nanako, and uncle Teddie, and will eventually inherit the Narukami Family Secret; the rizz.
Chie and Yukiko end up raising two thieves, Ann and Ryuji. Ryuji's father is in jail for killing his mom, and originally the Takamaki's adopted him. Then, they got too busy with work. Chie and Yukiko fostered the two together for a year before officially adopting them at 3. They know they're not related but they're still brother and sister, and Ryuji dyes his hair this time to match his sister, after other Inaba kids make comments about her "foreigner hair"
Kanji is with Naoki in this one. You know, Saki's brother. The King's of the shopping district foster little Haru after her father is caught in an insider trading scandal, and she's adopted officially at 4 after 2 years. She's always got the cutest little dresses, which Kanji makes for her all the time. And, Naoki with his curly hair making sure Haru's curls are well cared for
Then. I had this in another au but. Naoto and Rise adopt baby Makoto, which is the incident that sparks the mass child acquiring among their friends. Sae visits from the city where she's studying, but yeah.
And, Wakaba and Sojiro? They run away before Wakaba is killed. They bring little Futaba to Inaba, move when she's like, 4, and find little orphan Yusuke along the way. They take in Goro after finding out he's Futaba's half brother when he's 12, so they've got the most Thieves Per Household (TPH)
It's got so many good little bits for it. Childhood Friends phantom thieves, the IT watching their kids grow up and be besties too, and. EVERYONE HAVING GOOD FAMILYS DAMNIT THEY DESERVE TO HAVE A GOOD HOME TO RETURN TO EACH NIGHT
Now, some little things I have for this au
Ryuji and Makoto were on the same youth soccer team in elementary school. Chie would pick Makoto up and Rise would drop Ryuji off after, and it starts the life long Jock Friends thing they have going. When they're at Yasogami, after sports clubs they go up to the roof and ramble about their gay crushes together
Haru and Akira are both part timers at Leblanc, which opens in the shopping district in one of the empty lots in the North end. Kanji and Naoki were betting about which of their shops she'd want to work at and both lost
Ann joining the Yasogami drama club, crushing on Shiho and so upset that she's in Ryuji's class instead of Ann's, being unafraid to tell her parents about liking girls because. They're lesbians, Harold
Goro, newly adopted, emo twelve year old, and. Futaba (10) and Yusuke (11) stare at him and decide that despite him being the oldest, they will call him Little Brother. Cause. He's the newest.
Sleepovers at the Inn, playing down by the Samegawa, just. So many good things. Comfort au.
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duck-that-does-stuff · 7 months
Ok, I’ve had a Persona 5 X Shining Nikki AU rattling around in my head for a while now.
If you are interested In my ramblings continue onwards, otherwise I hope y’all have a good day/night!
The only reason this AU exists is because I think P5 and SN’s stories are surprisingly similar in theme. Just with the “let’s believe in humanity and save it while using powers that come from a place between reality and myth” thing going on. Also, I’m not super into angst or lore in this AU. I could conjure up some if people are interested, but most of this is fluff headcannonimg. Also Also this is a chaotic mess of a post, so apologies for very disjointed thoughts at times, but I couldn’t care more for organization right now.
In my own personal head cannon of SN, the way I describe how styling power works is that, stylists can use and or make their own Designer Reflections freely, however they cannot use other people’s. (Ex: Nikki can use her own, but she can’t use Momo DR). The only person who can use DR made by another stylist is the player. (My player is named Lily Kayla so that is what I will be referring to her as!). Nikki simply has more styling power than most people and Lily Kayla is the one who channels other DRs for Nikki to use.
Now, I don’t particularly care whether Nikki, Lily Kayla, and Momo go to the P5 universe, or if the Phantom Thieves go the SN universe. I have ideas for both which I will now ramble about. SN in P5 is here if you scroll down a bit.
Phantom Thieves in the Shining Nikki Universe
If the PTs go to the SN universe, I think they would be considered stylists and their Persona would transfer over into having a main style. Here’s a list that I will makeup on the spot now along with which nation style they would best fit into!
Joker: cool, north or apple
Mona: cool or cute, apple
Skull: fresh, apple
Panther: Sexy or cute, apple
Fox: elegant, cloud
Queen: cool or sexy, north
Oracle: cool, wasteland or ruin
Noir: cute, pigeon or Ninir
Crow: elegant and then cool, Ninir change to north
Violet: elegant or cute, Ninir or pigeon
There’s a lot of “cool” in there I know, but I just think it fits.
And now jumping into character interactions because that’s the main reason why I like crossover stuff in the first place.
I think Lily Kayla would totally show the ark off to the PTs. She would also show off a lot of DRs which she has acquired. Sorika (SN’s version of the gentlewoman thief) would definitely be on the list to show off. I think Lily would also show off or meet up with Ai, simply for Futaba’s sake. I could also see possibly something coming up the Justiciars and the PTs could go and meet Zoey’s crew. Maybe Zoey could show Ann more ways to use her whip along with general gun skills. I’d like to think that Nikki would surprise them with how good her gun skills are, or something of the sort.
Lily Kayla, Nikki, and Momo would definitely take the PTs on like, a small tour or something (I have no idea how big Miraland actually is). Yusuke would definitely get lost looking at something and I think he would just have a good time in general. I also want the cat not cats to talk to each other. See how that conversation would go or something. I think Futaba would also freak out at the prospect of Ruin Island until the Phantom Thieves come to find out what happened.
The entire Glow arc along side Modric having the ability the remove people memories with music could definitely be connected with Maruki’s entire thing. The PTs and the Shining Gang would have some interesting topics that they could convene on.
Oh! Nikki and Lily Kayla would definitely dress the PTs up with their extensive wardrobe. I actually have a picture I drew of the PTs in casual outfits, but I won’t add it here because I’m not even halfway through and I could still keep going. I also think Lily would like to show off their models guns and swords which they own for the purpose of ✨fashion✨. That’s mostly the gist of this half of the au. There’s definitely more that I’ve thought of, but I’ll cut this part short before it turns into a small fanfiction.
Shining Nikki in the Persona 5 Universe
I think that Nikki and Lily Kayla would be in the P5 universe thanks to one of Aeon’s experiments. They would initially end up in Momentos, and whether they met the PTs while they were in Momentos or after they escape from it, I don’t really care. I’m just kinda open to anything really.
Because Lily Kayla is the only one who has access to multiple DRs, I think she would be placed in the wildcard/velvet attendant spot. Specifically, I think she would be Nikki’s velvet attendant and Nikki would be considered the wild card. I think that upon first arrival that Justine and Caroline would throw her in a jail cell and Joker would have to bargain with them (maybe a plea deal or something) to get her out. From then on Lily doesn’t go near the Velvet Room anymore. (I also have a drawing of Lily in an attendant outfit, but as stated before, unless someone asks for it I’ll leave it for a different post). (I should also make Nikki a PT outfit!!).
DRs would change from having style elements to Metaverse Elements. Here are a few outfits I think would get used often and what element I think they would have. (Btw, I’m going off of my own personal collection, so if there’s a better DR which would fit an element that I don’t have, that’s why I didn’t mention it! :)) (also please keep in mind that I’ve never actually played P5 or P5R, I’ve just watched RTgame play it on twitch/youtube)
Zoey•Bloodthirsty Queen: Gun/Physical
Caprico•Cold Flame: Nuke/Electric
Yunikina•Song of Dawn: Ice
Erinka•Banquet of Passion: Fire
Qin Yi•Phoenix out of Palace: Fire
Yuntan•Fleeting Dream: Wind
Mercury•Elves’ Prayer: Bless/Light
Nikki•Guides of Star: Bless/Light
Sorika•Night Camouflage: Curse/Dark
Ai•Virtual Adventure: Electric
Aeon•Sea Mist: Psychic
Etc. I think you get the idea because I could list DR and what metaverse element I think they could be forever, but I’m going to stop myself here. I think Lily Kayla would often switch who she’s using just to get a feel for who’s good for what.
But, general overview, most of Zoey’s DR are gonna by gun/physical, Caprico’s or anyone from Ruin is gonna be Nuke or Electric, Lilith’s Curse/Dark, Nikki, Stars, and Light elves are Bless/Light, etc. etc. (if you want to know more then ask and I’ll respond!)
MOVING ON!!! —->
I think Lily Kayla in the real world (outside of Momentos) would be incorporeal. Kinda like Morgana where unless you’ve seen them in the Metaverse or know that they exist, they’ll be a ghost or Phantom (haha) otherwise.
Speaking of Lily Kayla!! Because she is basically my OC at this point I have some extra points I’d like to bring up. She’d probably make the connection from the Velvet Room to the Ark and talk to either Justine and Caroline or Joker about the Sea of Souls vs the Ocean of Memories. I think Lily Kayla would rope Nikki into telling the PTs about how they defeated the Goddess of Desire from their world sometime after the PTs explain how Momentos and Palaces work. Also, she’d be absolutely horrified by the fusions. Perhaps ever traumatized. Lily’s way of summoning DR in this world is through her mirror thing. As long as she has that, I kinda think it would work like a compendium of sorts.
When the DRs get summoned in Momentos, Lily and Nikki can control what elements from the outfit and the memory get summoned. Key word can. Most of the time I think they would just summon the whole outfit and memory to save the trouble, but I do think in certain times that specific parts of an outfit could be summoned at a time. (Ex: like only summoning Zoey’s Gun, Netga’s Mech or any other accessory to an outfit. With only summoning memories, it’d only be so that Lily or Nikki could talk to them or get advice from them).
Now for outside stuff that could happen!! Maybe once Lily Kayla becomes more physical (or maybe not I’m not picky) she and Nikki would probably just hang around the PTs and maybe crash at someone’s place. (Probably Haru’s). Joker (I’m calling P5 Protag Joker because I don’t have a preference on his name) would make them curry and I know that Nikki would fall in love with it. She’d probably want to cook with Joker sometime, but Lily Kayla would stop her before she could make something that even Yexiao couldn’t swallow.
Depending on how you interpret NG+, Nikki and Joker could get along with being tortured time travel buddies. Joker and Lily could get along we being the receptive “wildcard” of their group too. Lily would still probably introduce the thieves to a few of their friends from back home by summoning their memories.
Okay!! This post is long enough, I’m definitely cutting myself off here!! If even one person asks more about this insane crossover, then I’d be happy to write more about it, but for now this will satisfy me! If anyone gets to the bottom of this post, congrats! I’m glad you found me and my very niche demographic of P5 and SN fan who also happens to like fluffy crossover stuff! I hope to see you again soon!
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auncyen · 6 months
10, 14, 17, and 18 for the ask meme?
10. I'm kind of surprised the act 5 au that still doesn't have a better title than "Act 5 (alternate scene)" has gotten as much interest as it has. alternatively there was a shipfic that initially DID get a positive response but quickly died off compared to other fic, which is different than what I'd usually expect (although, actually, that might not be unusual for MY shipfic. I am just now realizing that while shipfic usually seems very popular my shipfic has never seemed that popular compared to other fics I've done since like. BD? I wouldn't say the shipfic does horribly but. hm)
14. if I could pick one fic for visual medium adaptation. ...I think I gotta go with Stall and Crash I would love to see the safe room transformation.
17. Something I've learned while doing research for a fic: I gotta admit I did the most research when I was writing for Shadow Hearts, which is anachronistic like wild but still technically set in Europe/Asia/later North & South America in the early 20th century. I have tried researching for p5 but sometimes things get confusing with trying to look into Japan's justice system, but it was interesting to see how age of majority/when you're considered an adult and when you're not has been changing in Japan in recent years (VERY recent actually: 2022 saw the voting age lowered to 18 from what I've read).
18. I'm honestly super bad at just. one-liners I think so here's a small snippet I really like:
"I didn’t yank him. Just pulled.” Ren pantomimes the action, raising a hand in the air and pulling it back toward him, the same way he’s done dozens of times since that night, trying to pinpoint if he actually did do something wrong, if there was anything he could have done differently besides just leaving her the way some people think he should have. Sakamoto watches and gives a nod, following along. “But this guy is so drunk he trips over his own feet just turning and falls, hits the guard rail by the side of the road, gashes up his forehead. Flips the fuck out."
why I like this: 1) I really like my h/c that Ren pre-game/very early-game does wonder a lot if he did something "wrong" that night, not the way most people are telling him, but if he could have somehow handled it better; 2) I like how Ren can drop a swear (though I'm forgetting what the swear was atm) in the flashback and basically I just really like the idea that while he is usually polite, when the situation calls for it, he'll swear, just in a very curt "blink and miss it" way.
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stonesparrow · 2 years
So I was going over my dcst Persona 5 au for funsies and I was trying to come up with a better codename for Taiju since Ox was meant to be a placeholder while I thought of something else (don’t like how it also has an x like Codex), and I came up with the idea of basing his Phantom Thief design off of a bear mask to go with Little John’s sort of foresty vibes. Also because bears are protective of their young and super sturdy and Taiju is at heart a sweet teddy bear as opposed to a scary grizzly.
And then I was like hmmm okay so...Bear? Forest? But then also what if Senku’s codename was Polaris, like the North Star (a guiding light as the Navigator). But Forest doesn’t seem like something they’d go for based off of the costume and I also didn’t like how “Polaris” and “Forest” sounded together because of the r sounds near the end, so I was like eeeeh...
Codex isn’t that bad though, but Bear sounds rather simplistic and it doesn’t seem to ring the same way that say, Fox and Panther did in P5. Although it does kind of remind me of how Skull sounds in an odd way - a single syllable without a hard consonant at the end.
I also kind of wanted the Childhood Friends Trio to sound good together so I ended up workshopping a bunch, with Yuzuriha’s potential codenames being Tailor and Ribbon.
Anyway what do you guys feel is the best sounding combination?
Senku: Polaris, Codex, Cardinal, Astral
Taiju: Bear, Ursus, Ursin, Ranger, Forest
Yuzuriha: Tailor, Ribbon, Seamstress, Weaver
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willowsrain · 3 years
20 Questions
20 Questions tag~
Tagged by @deadlyglacier! Thank you! <3 
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
In total? I’ve written for three. Rockman.EXE/Megaman NT Warrior when I was younger and on FF.Net, Persona 5 (that I deleted from AO3), and FMA
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Well I only have five, so that’s easy at least! 
Aureate - Roy is a sap disaster when it comes to Ed. Contains lots of references to the color ‘gold’, copious amounts of schmoop, and some NSFW in the form of consensual somnophilia. 
The Waning Moon - Ed is dying from ALS. This was inspired by my work as a nursing assistant in an Assisted Living home, after I found that so, so many medical fics disregard the most ugly parts of dying. So I set out to make this as accurate and ugly as I possibly could. 
Floo-ke Encounters of the Magical Variety - The obligatory HP/FMA fusion set in the FMA-verse. Ed’s a wizard going to Hogwarts with a time turner and after a problem with the Floo, he comes out of Roy’s office fireplace when he’s supposed to be on a mission in South City. Whoops.
En Garde - The college tour-guide AU that I couldn’t actually bear to write as a tour-guide AU, so I wrote about Ed and Roy being on the fencing team. There’s a horrible amount of fencing innuendos, courtesy of Roy - and Ed threatening to shove Roy’s foil up his ass. I had way too much fun with this one. 
Dance with Books - An Ed/Al drabble that I wrote with two excellent prompt one liners. 
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to? But I kinda suck at it... I’ll get better at it, I swear! And comments make me scream happily. 
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
The Waning Moon. I gave the fic two different endings, with the ‘bad’ ending being the ‘true’ ending that I had in mind when I wrote it. In it, Ed offers what remains of his life to Truth in order to return Roy’s vision to him, and so that Ed no longer has to suffer with his disease. 
A snippet of the end of the 2nd chapter: 
He buried his face in his hands, covering his wretched eyes in the process. Edward might have given him his sight back, but now everything he saw was forever tainted with death.
Which was, Roy mused, a fate most befitting for the Flame Alchemist.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Hm... Aureate, probably? It’s a sappy fic that you need to make sure you brush your teeth after reading, because it’ll give you cavities otherwise. It ends with the two of them saying ‘I love you’, so I’m not sure it gets much happier than that!
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Yes! The Harry Potter one is the only one I’ve posted so far, but I’m currently planning out one for Persona 5 based in the FMA verse, where Roy and his team all have personas and the ability to enter the cognitive world. Roy and Ed are together, and Roy starts to have the nagging sensation that Ed might be suffering from a palace - and it turns out he’s right. 
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Thankfully no! But I also avoid FF.Net like the plague, so... that might have something to do with it. I also try to be very clear about anything that may be triggering, such as the pairings I write for, or any sensitive topics. So far, the haters have stayed away from my fics, phew! I hope it stays that way!
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I mean, I wrote Aureate, so... yes? I struggle a lot with it, but I plan to keep writing to hopefully get better at it. But consensual smut is a must. 
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thank goodness no! 
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Also no! 
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I’m working with someone right now to write an ABO-verse FMA fic. More details to come when we finish it :3 
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
RoyEd. Preferably with Ed being aged up into adult age. There’s something about having two characters who both understand the demons that the other suffers from, and they can exist (and thrive) in each others’ worlds and minds that I absolutely adore. They’re also amazing foils for each other that cover each other’s weaknesses beautifully.  
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
My P5-like rewrite of Brotherhood. Sigh. I want to. It’s one that incorporates the social aspect of P5 into FMA for Ed. IE - for each ‘rank up’ of each person that he bonds with, he grows his knowledge of alchemy, and gathers different talents that Truth gives him as he grows. 
For example, Truth is represented by the Fool arcana, and at first Rank with it - Ed gains the ability to read the intention behind any array that he sees. As he hits rank 2 with Truth, Truth has the ability to speak to Ed without being in Truth’s realm. 
With the other arcana, as he maxes out the social rank with each person, he gains knowledge of an array that he’ll need in order to fight Father on the Promised Day. But Maes dies before Ed can complete his social rank, SO WHAT IS HE GONNA DO?! :3
What are your writing strengths?
Uh, I’m not sure? I like to think that I channel the character whose POV I’m writing through pretty well. And I like showing their thoughts and attitudes through the story itself. 
As an example from En Garde - 
“Alright! Let’s get started, everyone! Sabres to the north, Foils with me in the center, and Epees to the south!” Roy called out, his voice projecting without making his voice sound any less attractive.
Holy fuck, Ed was already in over his head. He was screwed. Dead. Done. Double done. Absolutely and utterly fucked. And judging from Roy’s flirting, potentially actually fucked.
And with that lovely thought, practice started.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I get bored, especially if there’s a part of the story that I’m extremely excited to write. I either start to skimp out on the details of the part of the story prior to it, or I’ll just skip right to the part that I *want* to write, which can sometimes make it read a bit awkwardly when I go back and try to connect it. 
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Eh. I find it pretty distracting, unless the words/titles are ones that are well known in the fandom. But if I have to scroll to the beginning or end of the chapter to get a translation, I’m not really going to enjoy it. If you *really* want to write in another language (which I’m not at all against), just put the english dialogue in a different type/font to show it’s in a different language. 
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Megaman NT Warrior (Rockman.EXE). God I loved that show so much when I was younger. I used to carry around notebooks and whenever I had to go to appointments, or I was on the bus, I would jot down ideas and write out stories. But holy shit I was *awful* at it! 
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Floo-ke Encounters. It was so much fun to write from start to finish. Roy singing into a stapler and dancing around his office (And can I just say that I am beyond disappointed that NO ONE noticed that he was singing “The Ring of Fire” from Johnny Cash. DISSAPOINT.), Roy having a more or less panic attack as he realized that there were, in fact, TWO Edward Elrics existing at the same time, and Ed’s sheer glee in tormenting Roy. I love it! 
Tagging: @kylermalloy @konekowrites @kugisaki-nobara-rights
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princessonionelsa · 4 years
When Joy Gets Serious P5
C5) Baby Teeth and Cavities Author's Note: I can't believe I never posted this but here it is. So, have at it. Tooth's turn. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Tooth had gone on an emergency run and left Baby Tooth in charge until she got back. In truth, she had forgotten about Jack's promise to visit. So she flew off and tried to find the source of the emergency and was shocked to find three of her fairies caught inside small jars with holes in the lids.
Anger pulsed inside and she quickly freed her fairies, smiling in relief when they flew up around her and hugged her limbs like very tiny koalas.
Heading back to the Palace, she was shocked to find that all of her fairies had settled down in some way. There were still those that needed to work, but she found some of them lying on little cushions around the palace floors and she wondered who put them there.
Looking around, her eyes widened when she found Jack standing off to the side, a chart of sorts in either hand while Baby Tooth helped direct the traffic of sorts.
"Second Molar in Sector 7! Don't forget the coin! Oh! Incisors in Sectors 8 and 3!"
She had never seen Jack so concentrated and she didn't know he knew his teeth by names.
"Bicuspid in Sector 5! AH! Two?! Baby Tooth we may need to send several to this next one, it's a doozy!"
Giggling softly, Tooth neared and hovered near Jack's arm to look at the charts. "Where'd you find these?"
He didn't flinch or jump in surprise. Instead he looked at her with a grin. "Jamie let me borrow them and I enchanted the papers to show where the necessary information about what, who and when the teeth are hidden-!" he stopped and flipped the paper, eyes reading quickly before he pointed to the left. "Fairies! We've got a slumber party in Sector B! Eight teeth, all girls and mostly Central Incisors!"
There was a sharp set of chirps and the small fairies saluted Jack before flying off like small bullets. Tooth laughed and shook her head. "You sound like me! You could almost be their father the way you order them so kindly."
A laugh escaped Jack and he looked to Baby Tooth as she neared to settle on his shoulder. "I guess. I don't think I'd make a very good father though. Too much child in this body that looks barely older than 18. I died young."
Tooth turned sharply to look at him wide eyed. "What did you say?"
Jack blinked in confusion. "I turned young. Manny changed me when I was still young so the children would symphethize with me."
Nodding slowly, Tooth looked around as the fairies flew back and forth. "I see. It really is no wonder then. But Jack, you are more than a child now. You have things weighing down those small shoulders of yours. Children will depend on you now more than ever. Believing isn't the same as seeing for the four of us elder Guardians, but for you, seeing is tha same. You have a physical presence and it calms those that have fear."
"Calms those that have fear..." Jack repeated softly before he smiled and nodded. "Yeah. That's a good thought. A happy thought."
The Fairy Queen nodded and they both set to work keeping track of the teeth that came in.
Tooth sat on the edge of the bed in Santoff Clausen. She was hugging a blanket over her body, which was naked unlike the usually thickly feathered form. Her wings looked sad, bent and hurt.
"Don't know, Tooth," North admitted, frowning and gently lowering the hurting wing he was holding against her back. "Might need help for next few days until mites stop. You will need dress until then."
"But North, what about the children?"
There was a laugh and the pair looked to the door to find Jack standing there, one hand on hip and the other clutching his crook tightly. "I can handle it," he announced and looked to the fairies hovering around him like they usually did their mistress, "The teeth will be collected and taken care of. I promise."
Biting her lip, Tooth watched him before murmuring, "Jack it is not an easy job. Collecting teeth is one thing, but to also put them away is another! How do you plan to do something that took me centuries to figure out?"
A dark look came to Jack's face and North paled while Tooth blinked in surprise. The boy neared, wagging his finger at her. She cowered slightly at the angered, thunderous look a parent may have for their child. "You listen here, young lady! I will not have you throwing yourself to the wolves because of a little fear! You need believers and the only way for that to happen is for someone who can handle the fairies in somewhat the same way as you to take over. Those mites have eaten your only hope of travel besides the sleigh and I FORBID-" he shouted, looking at North a moment and watching the man nod sharply, before he looked back at Tooth, "-ANY flying. Until you have gotten better, I will look after things. Baby Tooth and I will make sure your job is completed. No matter what."
Tooth stared at Jack before she nodded and hugged the blanket tighter around her in slight confusion. Why was Jack so strong? That thunderous look was kinda like an angry father chastising his son for something or his daughter for sneaking out.
The dark look vanished and Jack smiled before reaching out and patting her shoulder. "Get some rest and hold out until then. Only when I hear the mites have gone from North or Sandy will I allow them to let you out. Am I clear?"
"Yes sir," Tooth murmured, eyes wide before Jack glared at North and the man bowed with a sharp, "Yessir!"
It was a week before Tooth began to get better. But it was three more before Jack got word and let her fly.
So, heading back to the Tooth Palace, she found everything in order and each of her fairies greeted her happily before heading back to do work.
Jack was found once again in the Tooth room, organizing the teeth as well as ordering the fairies around with ease that had taken her years to perfect.
And the funny thing was, out of all the time she was gone, Jack had not come across a single cavity.
Author's note:             Tooth works so hard and she doesn't realize how amazing she is. Without her, memories would have no place in this world.             Jack sees it and has learned a few tricks through the years to push this forward. Even Mama Tooth needs to be babied every once in a while.             Aaaaaand I support the idea of Jack going completely off at the idea of her being hurt. He treated Tooth a bit more gently and put the men in charge because if you look at where Jack has been, the things he has seen, he knows that the truth is that Tooth could kill all of them then herself if anything happened to him.             Kids gloves? Nah. A gentle swat? Yep. He would pull Bunny's ear if he could, he proved he was stronger than North and could probably beat him in an arm-wrestling competition, Sandy saw that Jack gives his all just to help all of them at the cost of his own sanity, and now he has shown that he has decency in belief toward women, especially the one he cares for(as a mother or lover? Who knows in this AU?).  Kind words, a gentle heart and a kick in the butt are just what Tooth needs to realize her importance in Jack's book.
In the last installment, a battle of tea. Or rather, the end of a fight and why Jack does not spill tea!
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callunavulgari · 5 years
TOP 25 FICS OF 2019
1. these roads will take you into your own country by @notbecauseofvictories | American Gods | Laura Moon/Mad Sweeney | WIP | 33k
Here’s a joke for you: a Muslim, a zombie, and a leprechaun walk into a bar in Misery, Indiana. No one stares, because no one in the puckered, shitty asshole of Misery, Indiana gives a fuck. The Colts are playing.
Heather Says: So. It’s funny that another of @notbecauseofvictories‘s stories is at the top of my list again this year. Keep in mind this list is sorted by when the fic was read rather than favorites (because that would get real complicated real quick). Clearly there must be something about January. There’s just something about the writing that is easy to slip into, be it a Star Wars fic or a Labyrinth fic or even a fic about Johnny and the Devil. This was lovely and I can’t wait until it’s finished.
2. eighteen wheels on an uphill climb by @honkforhankcon | Detroit: Become Human | Hank/Connor | 91k
Hank is going to die. He’s going to die right here in Kentucky, 53 years old, halfway to broke, and tragically sober. Survived only by a nine-year-old St. Bernard and the 31-year-old twink who delivered the fatal blow.
Heather Says: I don’t think that this is the first DBH fic that I sought out after beating the game, but it is the first that I loved enough to make it to this list. I didn’t think that I would go for a modern au for this fandom, certainly not a modern au wihere Hank is a truck driver and Connor is a sex worker (albeit briefly?) but here I am.
3. Fuck pride (pride only hurts, it never helps) by ImogenGotDrunk | Detroit: Become Human | RK900/Gavin Reed | 41k
After the android uprising, Connor becomes a permanent fixture in the DPD. That’s fine. Gavin can accept that. The dipshit’s more human than he used to be, and a decent detective to boot. Gavin can deal with him being around. What Gavin cannot deal with is Connor’s replica; two inches taller, blue-eyed, and with a mouth that Gavin doesn’t know whether to punch or take between his teeth. The RK900 model has been assigned as his partner for the foreseeable future.
Heather Says: I also never thought that I’d like a fic with Gavin in it. But I got curious about all the Reed900, and well, this fic really won me over. The writing is fantastic, and it softens Gavin while still keeping him believable. Also, well, I like the enemies to lovers thing.
4. Almost Cool by @blacktofade | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 30k
While filming the Yuma Territorial Prison episode, Shane gets bitten by what he thinks is a bat. Spoiler alert: it's not.
Heather Says: This is actually the first thing that I read for this fandom. In fact, this is the fic that got me into Buzzfeed Unsolved in the first place. I’d seen a lot of art and gifs and fics pass my way, but I was only ever slightly interested in what I saw until this fic came through my inbox and piqued my curiosity. 
5. Pride by @astolat | Game of Thrones | Jaime/Brienne/Cersei | 22k
Jaime didn’t understand why Cersei suddenly insisted on trimming his hair and shaving his beard, but he also didn’t care to fight her on it, even though he’d just as soon have kept the beard: it was bitterly cold in the small tower room with its arrow-slits. 
Heather Says: Wowza. This fic was intense. I’ve always loved Jaime and Brienne. I’ve loved them since the second book, which was read at least a few years before I started loving them in the show. Adding Cersei to their dynamic would have probably been almost impossible to pull off if it was anyone else, but @astolat lives to surpass my expectations.
6. Skin and Scales by Ernmark | The Penumbra Podcast | Lord Arum/Sir Damien/Rilla | 18k
The man glares, and this time, Damien is certain it isn’t a trick of the light: those eyes are violet as amethyst. He wears disdain like a second skin–- or, perhaps, like the scales that he is missing. “Lord Arum?”
Heather Says: I was one of those people who skipped through all of the Second Citadel episodes during my first listen through of Penumbra. The stories were good, but the pull of Juno was too great. A couple months after I finished, I went back and listened to everything I didn’t. And let me tell you. Lizard monster. Honorable knight. Bookish girlfriend. Poly. It hit every single button I had and then some. This fic really hit the spot when I ran out of story.
7. someone you like by caela | She-Ra | Adora/Catra | 5k
catwithabat u think ur so hipster but u just look like a lesbian 27m she_ra @catwithabat bc… i’m a lesbian. lmao 5m
Heather Says: Noooot usually a big fan of high school fics. Namely because I’m not in high school anymore and well, after you read so many in your teenage years they sort of lose their luster. This one was phenomenal enough to change my mind.
8. Sands of Time by @tirsynni | Legend of Zelda | Ganondorf/Link | WIP | 98k
Link awakens in the desert with no idea how he got there, to encounter his worst enemy...except it was the King of the Gerudo, not the King of Evil, he faced.
Heather Says: I have seen a lot of really good Link/Ganondorf art over the years, but never really stumbled across a fic that didn’t have judicious amount of non-con involved. But the Breath of the Wild 2 trailer happened, and everybody started drawing really pretty art, so I went looking. And lo and behold, @tirsynni saved the day with this gorgeous time travel/fix-it fic. 
9. killed with kindness by veterization | Persona 5 | Akechi/Akira | 52k
Goro can't quite figure out why so many people keep acting like they're his friend. (Or: the one where the Phantom Thieves decide to know thy enemy, befriend thy enemy, love thy enemy, crush on thy enemy).
Heather Says: I’ve read a couple of veterization’s fics over the years, and to date they have never disappointed me. They published this in June, and I think I clicked on it mostly because I was bored and hadn’t read any good P5 fic yet. This was basically just what the doctor ordered, and I was really happy to find something where Akechi’s story went ever so slightly different.
10. paper thin by @ebonybow | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane/Sara | 9k
Shane’s new neighbors are a morning-sex kind of couple.
Heather Says: So I went into this one knowing very little about how Sara fit into things. I didn’t know she was Shane’s girlfriend. I’d never even seen her, but I clicked because I like poly and I trust the author. I was 100% not disappointed. There’s also another fic with a very similar dynamic here, which is also aces.
11. damn.nation, now available on itunes by @kaikamahine | Good Omens | Aziraphale/Crowley | 11k
When lowly tempt-pusher Amphora (formerly of Stairwell 7B North, before she Fell,) gets the notice that end times are nigh, she gleefully quits her job and cancels her Netflix subscription and takes her place among the legions of hell. This, it turns out, was a bad plan.
Heather Says: Elizabeth may have only written one fic this year, but she made it a damn good one. I’ve always loved her OCs especially, so I was pretty tickled that this is 10k+ of outsider pov. Also, demons! Demons are great! This demon is great! I want like 9 seasons and a movie about Amphora, just saying.
12. The Dragon and Her Wolves by hapakitsune | Game of Thrones | Jon/Sansa/Daenarys | 60k
When the truth of Jon's birthright is revealed, control of the North and Daenerys's claim to the Iron Throne are both called into question. To preserve their tenuous alliance and secure her rule, Daenerys puts aside her personal feelings to arrange a marriage of political convenience between Jon and Sansa Stark.
Heather Says: What do you mean season 8 didn’t exist and the show totally ended with a three way relationship between the two most powerful women in Westeros and Jon Snow? Never been a big fan of Jon/Sansa before this, but this is another of those writers that I would literally trust if they wrote a fic about a fork and a spoon.
13. never tell me the odds by @wildehacked | Wolf 359 | Eiffel/Hera | 9k
“I tried Star Wars," he says, adjusting the phone under his neck, "and it was way underwhelming.”
A shaky breath from her end. “Well, where did you start?”
Heather Says: I don’t remember which of @wildehacked‘s fandoms I started reading first. Most recently it’s been The Magnus Archives (more on this later). The point is, they’d written Wolf 359 fic and it had Hera and Eiffel and it was literally everything that I’ve been looking for since the series ended.
14. Find Me Somebody by raiining | Good Omens | Warlock/Adam Young | 11k
“You left me,” he said. “You both left me, for him. And I can’t even blame you, because I’d have left me for him too.”
Heather Says: There was an Art. The art was lovely. So I went looking, because that’s what I do when faced with beautiful art depicting a rare pairing. And I found the holy grail. Like, possibly my favorite Good Omens fic? Ever? 
15. flirting with fire by @brawlite | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | WIP | 7k
Steve's a cop, Billy's a firefighter. It's not a grudge, it's just a regular old small town rivalry.
Heather Says: Okay so brawlite has written a lot of great stuff this year (more on that later), but I read this in bed at the beach house this August while I was reeling from both a horrible sunburn and like seven hours of mild to moderate day-drinking while everyone else was still throwing back shots right outside my bedroom door. Jaws was playing on the tv and I wasn’t even paying attention to it, because THIS. Long story short, I’ve been thirsty for more ever since.
16. gold, when you find me by mmtion | The Flash | Iris/Barry | 53k
It's not that Iris hates The Flash, per say - more that she hates writing about The Streak in a weekly, pun-heavy comic based on The Flash.
Heather Says: I never would have thought that a canon pairing would make it to my Top 25 list, but here we are. I like Iris/Barry a lot better when they don’t grow up together and spend a lot of time playing the Superman game, apparently. Also, this was really well-written, and sexual tension has never been something I’ve felt from Barry and Iris, but I felt it in this fic. Just. Damn.
17. never gets old by @brawlite & @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger| Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 78k
Falling in love with a cam boy named KingSteve isn't the smartest thing Billy Hargrove has ever done, nor is it the most healthy -- but the good choice is rarely ever the fun choice, and Billy is all about living life fast and loose.
Heather Says: Told you I’d come back to it. brawlite and toastranger are a fantastic team. last year was cherry pie and under the covers, this year it’s camboys and cop/firefighter dynamics. Also, I have a really strange fascination with fics where a character has an instragram. It’s really, incredibly strange. Also also, every time I see this fic title I get that one Discovery Channel song stuck in my head. And no, it probably isn’t the one you’re thinking.
18. ways to save the world by @wildehacked | The Magnus Archives | Martin Blackwood/Jon Sims | 19k
“I left you,” Martin says softly.
Heather Says: And we’re back at wildehacked too! The Magnus Archives was a thing that happened to me. This is I think the first fic I read for it while listening, and it was so very close to what we got in canon. I think when it comes down to it though, I still prefer this fic, even if the ending of this season was pretty fantastic.
19. The Denial Twist by beethechange | Buzzfeed Unsolved | Ryan/Shane | 35k
“This is kind of surreal,” Shane says, taking a sip of his tea. It’s piping hot and delicious, except it tastes like hot chocolate and not like tea at all. “Sort of—Wonka-esque, right? Or Alice in Wonderland.”
Heather Says: While the vampire one is my favorite both because it is excellent and because it was my first, this one was bizarre and sexy and also I read it like only a month or so ago! The dancing was my favorite part, but having dreams to work with made this story fantastically interesting and I loved every second of it.
20. silver in our lungs by taywen | Spinning Silver | Miryem/The Staryk Lord | 4k
The marks had been with Miryem for as long as she could remember. There were a number of them, all the same shade, following one after the other around her left wrist. They were pale as old scars, though they felt no different from the rest of her skin, and her mother claimed that Miryem had been born with them.
Heather Says: I really like soulmate aus. There’s so many different ways to twist them and the way they can sometimes change the dynamic entirely and other times not change them at all is just fascinating. I’ve been hoping there would be more Spinning Silver content on ao3 and running into this while I was trying to decide what I wanted to do for yuletide was a real treat.
21. you got me begging, begging, i'm on my knees by plalligator | The Queen’s Thief | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 5k
Costis has a particularly enlightening evening. (or, that struggle when you're a guard who's in love with your rulers and it turns out you would kind of like it if they bossed you around a little)
Heather Says: I accidentally re-read the King of Attolia and it made me consider ships I had perhaps not previously considered. This was really lovely and just steamy enough.
22. something more alive than silence by pageleaf | The Queen’s Thief | Attolia/Eugenides/Costis | 21k
It was a good thing that six months after the king had promised to halve the guard, he still hadn’t done it, because since then, there had been two attempts on the king’s life.
Heather Says: I want to only type the words AGONIZED NOISES to describe this fic because that’s basically my headspace when I get 21k of a shiny new ot3, but I mean. Really. This is super good and maybe my favorite yet? Why didn’t I start reading this fandom when I first read the books?
23. Timing it Right by DragonBandit | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 14k
The dragon chooses, Mark knows that as well as any boy born in a weyr. He'd never considered what that would mean if the dragon picked someone you hated. He's starting to think that was a mistake.
Damien's gold rises at Whitney. Mark tries to make things right.
Heather Says: This should actually be somewhere back in March, but I apparently closed out of the tab at some point. I never really got into Pern much. I have the first three books, but got most of the way through the first one a long time ago and then never picked it back up. I didn’t think I would like this, mostly because of the fact that I hadn’t gotten into the books, but was surprised to find that I absolutely loved it.
24. Keep It In Your Sights Now by LuckyDiceKirby | Shades of Magic | Lila/Kell/Holland | 9k
Holland travels with Lila and Kell. Somewhere along the way, they reach an equilibrium.
Heather Says: I love the new things I’ve discovered during my yuletide trompings. I don’t think I ever actually considered this pairing when I first read the books, but I am just so enamored with the idea of the three of them together. Like, why did I not realize that potential back then? This was lovely, and I loved it, and I want so much more out of this pairing than what ao3 has to offer me.
25. Charioteer by petrichoral | The Queen’s Thief | Gen & Costis | 13k
Captured in battle and stuck in the Mede capital, Costis has given up all hope of seeing his country again. But Eugenides has a habit of turning up where he's least expected.
Heather Says: Technically this shouldn’t be on here because I only read it today, but it was really wonderful and so canon typical. Gen and Costis were perfect in it, Irene was perfect in it. Everyone was perfect and nothing hurts.
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fatedpersonae-a · 5 years
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Just a note, until Royal comes out in North America (Tragically, March) I will not be interacting with any Royal specific characters or blogs. I already know that rping in this fandom I won’t be able to avoid spoilers, and this is just my way of cutting down on them even more. 
I’m sorry!
This is a little hypocritical since I’m working on a highly au Kasumi blog as we speak, but also she’s not technically based around royal, and is based more around vanilla p5. 
That’s up to everyone else’s judgement tho I guess. sdfjksdf
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ladymacbethsspot · 7 years
Questions for AO3 writers:
I was tagged by @erurink and @kaguneko , thank you both (this is long but I’ll do my best to not make it unreadable).
I’m going to tag @zedsdead1001 @ackbang and @erurifluff .
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
It’s a literary allusion from Shakespeare’s Macbeth . Because I’m a dork. Lady Macbeth has a famous line, “Out, damn’d spot! Out, I say”. When she says this she’s basically being way too insightful for her own good.
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos)
A Place Up North has the most hits/bookmarks/kudos at 601 / 7 / 47 - unsurprising as this is very traditional porn. But the highest hits/kudos ratio is Everyone’s Wingman. The most subs is my ficlet/drabble thing, with 5 (but it’s my only “multichap” work).
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
It’s the same as my Tumblr icon. It’s a little bit from a Takashi Murakami painting that I just really love. His art style is wild and shocking.
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
I don’t think so? If I do I’m so sorry that I haven’t figured it out yet.
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
Audacity by Shoi (amazing)
Perfect Fit by Zeds_Dead (porn haha)
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
None. I’m subbed to 5 authors though and I read pretty much anything they write.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
Modern AU, non-reincarnation. I love canonverse for drabbles and ficlets though, the emotions are really raw.
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
4 user subs, 6 other subs, 23 bookmarks - it’s not that exciting really.
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
HAHAHAHA, no. Everything I write is embarrassing, I have no shame. I’ve got a tentacle thing in the works. So, yeah, fight me.
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
Everything? Is that an answer? Other than that I’d love to write something that is a real multichap instead of long oneshots.
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
So far I only write Eruri, so popular ships. I’ve been thinking about Akira/Ryuji from p5 though...maybe.
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
Things I’m actively working on: 3. Things I have like a paragraph and and outline for: 2. Things I have a vague idea for...many- 15?
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
Yes. I like to let ideas stew in my head for a while but I tend to write down key parts as I figure them out. Other than that, I’m very intense about outlining once I have an idea set.
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
No, I think it would be difficult but a fun challenge.
16. How did you discover AO3?
I got back into reading fanfiction when I started shipping Eruri, and AO3 is the place. I think I may have discovered it while trying to understand wth omegaverse is (kids these days). In sum: I’m old and gross and I don’t care.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
Again, HAHAHAHA, no. I just started writing maybe 1.5 months ago. I’m really very new at it all. But I’m having fun, both with writing and exploring the fandom, so I’m quite pleased with it either way.
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
Is this a thing?
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
Ahem, (kaguneko), ahem. Their style is so unique- it’s nothing like my own, but it’s a joy to read and got me thinking that I could probably write things too since they didn’t need to be this huge many-chapter commitment to be fun. Honestly though, the Eruri fandom has a lot of amazing writers and I have a particular soft spot for writers with a sense of humor (Asexual_ravioli and RatFlavored for instance), so they all inspire me constantly.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
Doooooo it. Do the thing. 
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
I outline a lot, even with porn. Especially with porn. I’m kind of obsessive about getting the visual in my head conveyed faithfully. Figuring things out as I go along is fine for shorter stuff though, anything under 2k words I tend to do that way.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
Not yet. Honestly, I can’t imagine why anyone would care enough to leave a bad comment on my works. It would be admitting that you read them (haha).
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
I’m most comfortable with silly banter and porn, so things like action I haven’t even attempted yet.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
Tentacle stuff. Also, something more ambitious that I don’t want to talk about.
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
Yes. Doesn’t everyone? There are a lot of fun ideas, how could I possibly stick to just one?
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
No, but I probably should. I’m a real life adult so I write when I can.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
Again, I just started writing so it’s hard to make an assessment. However, I do feel like it’s easier to get into the swing of it than when I first started and I’m getting a little quicker and less indecisive.
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
I don’t know, I like all the drabbles/ficlets best, honestly. I like the ficlet entitled Meet Ugly: 1 Star Review which is buried in my multichapter ficlet/drabble thing.
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
I don’t dwell on these things, so just pick whatever porn of mine you hated most- that’s my least favorite.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
I honestly have no idea if I’ll still be writing in 5 years, but it would be fun and I’d hope to have grown in that amount of time as a writer. If I’m still writing I hope future-me has written something longer than 40k words (with chapters)!
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
Getting ideas for more porn.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Accepting that said porn is no longer hot once you’ve stared at it for hours.
33. Why do you write?
I haven’t really had a creative outlet for about ten years, so I write for myself. It’s a fun stress reliever and it gets me thinking in a very different way than my work does. I’ve also got lots of wild ideas for the frick frack, so that’s probably my ulterior motive.
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hand-painted-5tars · 4 months
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Goro cannot afford the nice pair of gloves with his first paycheck but he takes his mom the overpriced trendy cafe she always stares at but never goes in. its a kinder timeline.
Arcana Shuffle AU NG+ au where (some) adults remember.
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hand-painted-5tars · 4 months
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Sketchs of an Arcane AU
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hand-painted-5tars · 4 months
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HermitFaith Arcana swap AU.
Goro as shut in hacker and Joker as Athete following the worse advice given in therapy
or, Sumitabas your Shuake but they both remember.
Their memories unlocked right after the creation of the Phantom thieves. Goro took the tec at his disposition to research and take notes of everything Ren tried to write everything he could remember on his journal. his first instinct was to look for the thieves but from first instance it was clear they didnt remember so once he saw Sumire he realized.
Also realized when he went back home that he has sports practice and a guilt and grief that feel both his and not his. Thing he knew how to do sometimes just slip hes biting back insecurity that wasnt there before, and if he looks to much in the mirror the reflection isnt his unknown twin but its joker bold smirk he cant seem to match this time around.
And Goro, goro researchs everything and when he is set to go and find joker himself he finds his hands and legs give in at every attempt at actually leaving his room, it knocks his air out, skin crawling. when he actually leaves the apartment everythings painfully loud and overwhelming, he can just contact him on the phone for now, Ren doesnt need to know Akechi thinks Ren doesn't need to know that he collapses from strain and overwhelm when he returns home from facing crowds.
Ren thinks Akechi doesn't need to know he keeps fucking everything he does, that he takes pills for depression to keep himself functional to a fault.
And even in this they both think its the closest thing they will to to meeting years earlier with untainted hands and fates so
Also Joker has braces, and Goro has freckles. And they both wear real glasses now. Goro is annoyed at finding the worse closet he has seen.
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hand-painted-5tars · 1 month
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"He clearly trusts us enough for simpler injuries, or dire situations, but for his eye specifically, he simply refuses. He only trusts you ,Captain Joker"
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hand-painted-5tars · 1 month
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toss a coin to your witcher (goro and joker as witchers)
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hand-painted-5tars · 2 months
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"Crown the Pawn" some of my Roleswap AU for #shuakeweek2024 Pawn promotion occurs when a pawn reaches the farthest rank from its original square—the eighth rank for White and first rank for Black. When this happens, the player can replace the pawn for a queen, a rook, a bishop, or a knight. In Spanish this move is called a "Pawn's Coronation"
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