darknadaworld · 2 months
Hello everyone uh uh I hope y'all don't mind me posting some selfshipping stuff here (not as if you can tell me what to post lol but yk). Feeling better about posting these here at last
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I need to talk about my sonas more omg . And I will... Eventually
💥Characters In order 💥
-Trek &Nos4a2
-Taz & Chameleon
-Costar &AKU
-Sunny & Skrawl
Each panel separated under cut
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I'm gonna explode everytime I love at those aaAaaaaaa (I'll draw more 💥)
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televisiongifs · 6 months
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NOS4A2 (2019–2020) 1.02 ∙ The Graveyard of What Might Be
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autumn2art · 3 months
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Hooray, I've made a background I actually like.
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forlovewithyou · 5 months
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“Something’s not right with bumblebee.”
“Wellwell, it looks like we have new friends I guess I should thank you for finding me more delicious energy, little helper.”
New trouble:
About energy vampires
About one of the capabilities of Nos-4A2——
Mind Control: By biting a robot or a machine (or using energy on machines or robots he has already bitten) NOS-4-A2 can simultaneously drain it and hack into its systems, installing a mind control program that enables him to command it in any way he pleases.(from BLoSC wiki)
Thanks for the question box!
Also, I’m a little excited about crossovers lately, so maybe I’ll continue drawing them!😋
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myrablurple · 13 days
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Art trade with @pumpkin-fr0g!!! Two people who don't know wtf they are feeling
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dylanoteforever · 17 days
Oh boy
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Yeah you guys have fun with these
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emononbinarybat · 1 month
For @onyxonline
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Benny Bat has two drsigns so which one is your favorite be honest fr
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assortedvillainvault · 5 months
Hi, if it’s possible can I have a little one shot of NOS4A2 x villain!reader? Like them having their first meet cute while they’re both stealing from the same place and it ends in a sweet kiss??? (This is very self indulgent I know)
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WELP Sky and Anon I'm SO sorry for the wait but please, take this humble offering - I decided to combine these asks so I hope you don't mind!! Also we love self indulgence here, that shit rocks.
NOS4A2 x Electromancer Villain!Reader
- It’s a Classic Situation. Mood lighting, delicate ambiance, privacy. A night on the prowl, An unexpected touch of hands, galaxy class security over an item he’d very much like to steal…
- HOW you didn’t notice each-other until you both reached for the priceless diamond in question is a mystery, he has no idea how you didn’t show up on his heat or energy sensors-! But despite how lovely you look when startled, darling…
- “While it’s always a pleasure to make like minded acquaintances-” he purrs, monocle eye narrowing at your look of shocked recognition. “- you should run along little morsel.” He scrapes his claws scraping over the diamond (and parts of your soft little fingers) in question. “This is my steal tonight. Get your own.”
- and really, that should have been it.
- Until you try to electrocute him and he goes from 30% battery to 120% in the space of a nanoclick.
- Oh darling darling darling! Helllooooo nurse he’s going to swoon-! He IS Swooning! He’s-
- (He’s managing to stumble-swing-float like a baked atom into every high security measure you both slipped past so elegantly before, giggling like crazy)
- In panic - as every security guard in this quadrant suddenly starts crashing toward you both and alarms scream through the halls – you make the executive decision to grab half a ton of punch drunk robot vampire and bolt. NOS takes this moment to coo appreciatively at whatever parts of you he can reach, babbling incoherently.
- Oh! Oh good looks and a meal he didn’t even have to pay for! Darling if you’d told him this would be a date he’d have put in a little more effort-! OW! Don’t pinch his wires, that’s mean :( oh but if you LIKE that then he can, he can- aww, no fun...:(
- Later, after you've thrown him onto your ship and made a sneaky getaway - He makes an effort to...reclaim at least some dignity.
- Since that was presumably your first villain rodeo – really darling its quite obvious stop squinting – he has decided to take pity on you and show you the ropes, as it were! In exchange for keeping him topped up, of course. A lovely mutually beneficial relationship, wouldn’t you say?
- No, do not get flustered, don’t do it- fuck.
- Don’t get me wrong. NOS4A2 is charming. He’s competent and knowledgeable and very very good at the villainy he was essentially ‘born’ into (when he’s not overcharged and drunk).
- He’s also frantically space-googling romantic lighting and space engagement rings and planning where he’s going to propose because by week three you’re pirouetting through the night sky together and adding lightning to your dramatic entrances and trading absolutely awful puns as you flee from star command and little sweetling he’s obsessed, absolutely enthralled. Little spark plug, his adorable storm cloud, his pet names come thick and fast and in front of ALL audiences.
- You’re going to become star command’s biggest headache because now that he has a free portable lunchbox NOS4A2’s previous corpse trails have gone cold. You two could literally be anywhere. Nebula is tearing out his moustache as we speak.
-XR has requested two years of paid shore leave as part of his trauma counselling - which would be fine if he hadn't also requested a nucelar bunker and half the sectors weapons to be requisitioned for his vampire-b-gone bermuda galaxy stay-away-vacation.
- Zurg, on the other hand, is frantically trying to figure out how to turn the entirely of his empire into a vegan plant based supply chain as it’s quite literally the only thing you two can’t fuck up. He receives a space nobel prize for sustainable advances in technology and uses it to turn every plant in the Gamma Quadrant carnivorous as a weekend project.
-the first time you kiss NOS in the middle of the thunderstorm he gets so high he blacks out. Turns out he's a sleep cuddler.
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gabsternaut · 7 months
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NOS4A2 was the perfect book to kick off spooky season.
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sweetywreck · 5 months
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thefoilguy · 8 months
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Wirewolf from Buzz Lightyear of Star Command - Aluminum Foil Sculpture
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darknadaworld · 2 months
for people who followed me for a specific fandom, y'all gotta wait lol i'll be doodling selfships for a while i guess cuz uh gotta cope with lotta things but anyways aaAAAAAAA
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y'all have no idea how much this bastard changed my brain chimestry forever since uhhhh i think 2009????? idk tbh if ANYTHING that's the ultimate comfort character alongside Antasma for me so rghfjdfjhgbv Trek x nos real y'all i am the captain now lol
on another note Costar lore but i wont elaborate wooohooo(*pulls papers* ok well technically what breaking the rules once does to a loser/pos)
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and Rosetasma stuff cuz of course i would add that randomly here
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televisiongifs · 10 months
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NOS4A2 (2019–2020) 1.01 ∙ The Shorter Way
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autumn2art · 8 months
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raurquiz · 3 days
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#HappyBirthday @zacharyquinto #zacharyquinto #Actor #spock #startrek #intodarkness #StarTrekBeyond #heroes #americanhorrostory #margincall #thebansheechapter #hitman #agent47 #snowden #hotelartemis #highflyingbird #hewentthatway #NOS4A2 #startrek57 @startrek @startrekonpplus @streammaxla
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myrablurple · 12 days
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Another batch of color palettes, featuring a lot more BLOSC OCs this time around, especially fan kids, and Nos lmfao
I'm actually close to finishing this color palette sheet since it's way smaller than the last one so I'll eventually come back with the last 7 of these.
OC roll call in order:
Rasalas belongs to me and @sweetywreck
Sam Parsec belongs to @silentspacenstuff
Mr. Arcardius Umbra belongs to @msmileena
Voluminitine belongs to @herbalwolves
Peturs belongs to @sweetywreck
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