cherrypikkins · 11 months
in light of the intensifying war between adblock and youtube, here are the settings I use on NoScript for an ad free experience.
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Goddamnit. Staff combined the Tumblr Live URL with the main one, so now NoScript can't block it at the top of my dash. Booooooo.
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sudoscience · 1 year
Hi there - just wanted to warn you, my NoScript got triggered on your tumblr page about a suspicious re-direct. The redirect looked similar to tumblr's, but had an 'x' in it. You may want to check your tumblr theme's code to make sure nothing strange got in there. Oh, and just in case you want to test it yourself: NoScript is an addon for Firefox that blocks suspicious scripts from executing. Please have a good night!
I'm not totally sure what the txmblr.com domain is for, but it appears to be legitimate. A Whois lookup shows that it's owned by Automattic (Tumblr's parent company), and it's been in use since 2009. Dunno why NoScript would freak out about it now. Maybe something changed and staff ought to take a look at it? Might be worth opening a support ticket. At the very least, they might be able to say what it does.
But I've seen that domain listed as a traffic source on my YouTube analytics before, so it's probably just something to do with the YouTube video currently on the first page of my blog. And looking at the message that NoScript give, that seems to be it exactly.
So, ultimately just a false alarm, but thanks for letting me know anyway! I'd hate for there to actually be something malicious on my blog.
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tonyfahkry · 1 year
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rosebarks · 1 year
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ailurinae · 1 year
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Evidently we now have to allow sascdn.com if we want our CSS Z index to be correct for reblogs and new post? (otherwise those boxes pop up behind the rest of the dashboard, where you can't see/use them)
Except for sometimes for a few hours it works fine without it, before going back to not working?
Anyway... @staff @support stop putting fundamental fragments of the CSS on completely different and new domains!
Also, more generally, "modern" web dev with React and all that kind of shit is a sin. This would never happen if web dev was still sane and not inventing complexity for the sake of complexity.
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So today i learned something fun.
Apparently if use custom filters with NoScript it makes firefox start eating processing power like crazy, keeping CPU usage at 40-50% even while idling.
Love troubleshooting random pc issues /s, at least now i can watch a video without my cpu bursting into flames
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estradasphere · 4 months
I figured out how to make it load a random image on refresh I am a fucking genius (read: i stole the code from sadgrl. Still makes me feel smart though considering how little I know about website stuff) I'm so happy
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themysterioust · 1 year
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buggy are you seriously judging my taste in media you big comfy couch ass lookin motherfucker
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mostlygibberish · 8 months
It took me like 3 hours to set up pi hole on the pi zero 2 w I bought the other day.
Not that the setup process is complicated: I just couldn't download anything because of what I finally worked out was a time syncing issue caused by the OS's GUI not actually saving the DNS I was typing into it.
Everything is always a goddamn struggle with linux, huh?
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vellengeful · 11 months
straight up havent seen the "please disable your adblockers" on youtube yet and i legit have no clue why at this point. i disabled all my shit (minus ublock) but the popup Still didnt show up
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scentedluminarysoul · 2 years
Most people DON'T use the YouTube Enhancer (for desktop browsers) or YouTube Vanced (for smartphones) ??? Or AdBlock???
How do you live!!!
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elkian · 2 months
I like that if you put a private comment on an attack, and the defender responds, their response will have a "reply" button that. does not work.
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Pictured: a button with no function.
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faggotry-enjoyer · 9 months
haaretz i loved your reporting so much please fix your website so i can read it again
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xipe-slayground · 1 year
I have an anonymous Instagram account and a relatively new Android phone and Threads doesn't even want to be on my phone. Maybe that's a good thing?
Reels is already annoying enough. Fuck Meta and their stupid Skinner box TikTok retread full of weird fake dietitians and conspiracy theorists and sketchy videos about mental health preying on undiagnosed people. I don't want more of the same behavior from a Twitter clone.
Edit: Play Store does have Threads now but you know what? Nah. I'm not gonna be an early adopter of a data mining shit app that will be deader than Google Plus in six months.
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archvillain · 1 year
i refuse to use carrd. not because of the stigma it has with me (although that too) but because noscript makes them look goofy as hell and borderline unreadable. they're like poetry to me.
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