#Not even chapters 87 or 66 are match for it to me
kyouka-supremacy · 11 months
More thoughts about Kyouka and Akutagawa since I have. A Lot. Most of this was initially rambles that were to go in the tags but got too long to fit
In the end Akutagawa likes Kyouka so much and is fond of her because he subconsciously admires how she found the courage to get out of the environment that was severely hurting her and actually call out her abusive mentor for the pain he inflicted her, whereas Akutagawa is aware that he never was and never will be able to do the same. It's only subconscious, because Akutagawa couldn't ever stand admitting it to himself- because to him that would mean admitting being in pain is his fault too, as well as second guessing every single choice he's ever made. But the admiration is still there. Akutagawa is always complimenting Kyouka, and it's kind of heartwarming‚ kind of heartbreaking when you take in that that's just what he always wanted his own mentor to do to him. Akutagawa's character is so tragic...
Also, in my opinion Kyouka never really feared Akutagawa the way Akutagawa fears Dazai. She feared being hurt as long as she stayed in an hostile enviroment, in great disadvantage and with no chance to get out on her own, but as soon as her chains were broken she really... Doesn't falter in front of Akutagawa. She threatens him with a gun the day after having left the pm- and she doesn't falter, doesn't hesitate; she almost blows him up seconds later; she's not afraid of him as they fight during the cannibalism arc; in Dead Apple, she isn't troubled by the idea of being left alone with him, because she's confident in her abilities and knows she can perfectly stand up for herself. None of this could be said for Akutagawa and Dazai. Partially because Akutagawa was much more vulnerable than Kyouka when Dazai picked him up (despite them being the same age; but Kyouka was raised lovingly and had a perception of what being treated with dignity was like, while Akutagawa lacked that), partially because Dazai is way better at manipulating people than Akutagawa could ever be, who really sucks at it. Akutagawa is terrified of Dazai and still very much subject to him: God, he didn't hesitate one second to throw himself from a balcony just to catch a repetitor for a slight chance to talk to him. He begged him to allow him to prove his power although he was beaten and exhausted and every muscle in his body hurt like hell. He didn't object to being teamed up with the person he hates the most in the whole world just because it was Dazai who asked. After four years after having been abandoned, Dazai called, and Akutagawa immediately ran to him- with that desperate look in his eyes. But the list is so long, I could go on forever; every single thing Akutagawa does (or, almost every single... ), he does for Dazai. Kyouka would never do ANY of this for Akutagawa (thank goodness). Akutagawa fears Dazai, Kyouka doesn't fear Akutagawa.
It's also sorta fun how Kyouka didn't particularly try to hide her dislike for Akutagawa even while she was still in the pm. Seriously, Kyouka is so fearless and brave. I wholly believe her being so blunt about her animosity towards him contributes to Akutagawa having a liking for her, be it self-loathing, be it having the courage to do what he himself could never. (And it's also fun to remember how Akutagawa has it in him to hate Dazai. There's a whole alternative universe where he deeply loathes him from the first to the last page).
Really, Kyouka and Akutagawa are some of my favorite foils and I'll never get tired of them. Both of them are kind of ruthless. Both have a deep bond with their siblings, who bring out the best of them. For both joining their respective organizations is seen as salvation. The way they're both very pragmatic and oftentimes even cynical. The way they were perfectly on the same page in Dead Apple, to the point Kyouka deemed it the best choice in that moment to go with Akutagawa rather than stay with Atushi. The real difference lays in how Kyouka found it in herself to rebel where Akutagawa couldn't. But that's not really a difference by itself as much as it was consequence of the environment they grew up in: Kyouka was raised in early childhood with love and support, and was able to tell that what was being done to her in the pm was wrong. Akutagawa, on the other hand, never knew what love is, so he couldn't perceive the lack of thereof.
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Fluffy Fridays—Chapter 156: A Man After Midnight
Fluffy Fridays—Chapter 156: A Man After Midnight
Pairing:  Captain Swan
Summary:   A series of unrelated, fluffy one shots featuring Killian Jones and   Emma Swan and the relationship that makes us all swoon. Will contain   both canon and AU stories. My contribution to Operation Rainbow Kisses   and Unicorn Stickers (aka, my attempt to drown out the season 4 finale   angst with ridiculous levels of fluff.)
Other Chapters: ( 1) (2)  ( 3) ( 4) ( 5) (6) ( 7) ( 8) ( 9) ( 10) ( 11) ( 12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) (67) (68) (69) (70) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (76) (77) (78) (79) (80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) (86) (87) (88) (89) (90) (91) (92) (93) (94) (95) (96) (97) (98) (99) (100) (101) (102) (103) (104) (105) (106) (107) (108) (109) (110) (111) (112) (113) (114) (115) (116) (117) (118) (119) (120) (121) (122) (123) (124) (125) (126) (127) (128) (129) (130) (131) (132) (133) (134) (135) (136) (137) (138) (139) (140) (141) (142) (143) (144) (145) (146) (147) (148) (149) (150) (151) (152) (153) (154) (155) (157) (158) (159) (160) (161) (162) (163) (164) (165) (166) (167) (168) (169) (170) (171) (172) (173) (174)
(ao3) (ff.net)
Is there a man out there?
Someone to hear my prayer?
Gimme, gimme, gimme a man after midnight.
Won’t somebody help me chase the shadows away?
 Killian Jones grinned to himself as he heard the music blare through the windows of his third floor apartment.  He glanced across the alley and found it was better than he’d hoped.
This was going to be entertaining.
Pouring himself a shot of rum, he settled on his couch and took in the show.
The first time he saw her was the evening after he moved in three weeks ago.  It was a beautiful, if unseasonably warm, early spring day, and he decided to throw open the windows of his brand new flat as he unpacked boxes and decided on the proper placement of his furniture.
Killian had heard feminine laughing and curiously glanced out his window He’d learned two things in that moment.
First, his apartment building was so close to the one next door that he could see directly into his neighbor’s living room window.
Second, said neighbor was the most stunningly gorgeous blonde he’d ever in his life beheld.  She was dressed to kill in a short, tight red sleeveless dress with matching stilettos that made her shapely legs look as though they went on for miles.
He’d stood stock still, mouth almost comically hanging open as she moved through her apartment, cell phone to her ear.
“Duh!” she’d said.  “Have you ever even met me, Ruby?  Of course I was successful.  The perp didn’t even have a chance.”
She’d kicked off her heels and bent down to pet the little black dog who’d greeted her entrance as though he hadn’t seen her in years, overcome with paroxysms of canine joy.
Killian smiled to himself as she continued her conversation with Ruby, whoever that might be, and first fed her dog and then set about feeding herself.  She pulled a take out carton from her fridge, sniffed the contents, and then, apparently finding it acceptable, tossed it into her microwave.
She turned toward her window then, and Killian hastily pulled back, not wanting to give his brand new neighbor the impression he was some manner of stalker.
But that evening had solidified it for him.  He’d not only made the right decision to move to the town of Storybrooke, he’d most assuredly made the right decision in renting this particular flat.
With any luck he’d soon meet the luscious blonde and then...well, he’d had many, many ideas about what might ensue next.
A bark had pulled his attention from his neighbor and back to his own home.
“Aye, Mr. Smee,” he’d said giving his golden retriever an affectionate pat on the head, “I’m well aware that your dinner is past due.”
Indeed, Killian had hoped meeting his lovely neighbor was an imminent event.  After all, their buildings were so close he could nearly reach out and touch her front window. (He had no idea what architect had the brilliant idea to construct their buildings such that their picture windows looked out on...another apartment building, but given the circumstances, he was far from complaining.)
Sadly, it had not worked out that way.  Killian had no idea what his neighbor did for a living, but she clearly kept far different hours than he did.  Not once in the three weeks since he’d moved in had he happened upon her as they left their buildings.  Not once had he seen her around town.  Not once had he even had occasion to learn her name.
And so, he’d gone about his life.
Truth be told, acquaintance with the gorgeous blonde or not, he was simply thankful to have his life back.  It had been a rough few months, to say the least.
Six months ago, he’d lost his brother, Liam to a naval training accident. After their mother had died and then their father had left while the brothers were still quite young, Liam was all he’d had left.  It had been the Jones boys against the world for years, and though it had been hard, it had been good.
Which made Liam’s sudden death so very devastating.  Killian’s entire world had been shattered in an instant.
Killian had tried to stick it out there in the city where he and Liam had lived, but within months, it became clear it was simply too painful, and so he’d pulled out his map and randomly chosen the first town he’d found that was on the sea.
Storybrooke, Maine.  Quaint name for a quaint little town.
He’d searched out an apartment to let, and with lodgings secured, he’d set his mind to finding himself a means of employment.
As it happened, said means was fairly dropped in his lap.  Liam had always been fascinated with sailing.  He’d spent years researching old ships, the history of sailing, and 18th century piracy.  The culmination of all his efforts was the building of a magnificent brig, a perfect replica of one that might have been sailed during the golden age of piracy.
Liam had jokingly named her the Jolly Roger, and she was a beauty.
Upon Liam’s untimely death, Killian had inherited her.
Killian had been advised to sell his brother’s ship, but that had never been an option.  There was no way in seven hells he’d get rid of the project that had been his beloved brother’s baby.
Instead, he spent a few weeks sailing the old girl and trying to figure out just how he could best honor Liam’s legacy.
One morning, upon returning to port after a sunrise sail, Killian had come across a family watching him dock the Jolly.  The little boy of the family had watched with eyes round as saucers.  
“Is that a real pirate ship, Mister?” the boy had asked in awe.
Killian had laughed with the parents, but the question had stuck with him.
The fact is, the Jolly Roger had been built to be a pirate ship, so what better way to honor Liam than to use her as such?
Not to commit actual piracy, of course, but if the little boy was fascinated with the Jolly Roger, how many other people might be?  What if he offered sailing tours upon her, marketed her as a genuine pirate ship, turned her into a living museum of sorts?
And so Jolly Roger Tours had been born.  Killian had gone the whole nine yards, going so far as purchasing a pirate “uniform” for himself, complete with black leather pants, a blousy black shirt, and a long, heavy black leather coat.  The effect was complete with heavy eye-liner and artfully tousled hair.
To his gratification, Jolly Roger Tours had really taken off.  He was never at a loss for customers.
Aye, his life was going well, and never was he more aware of that fact than he was tonight as he settled on his couch and glanced over at his blonde neighbor as she moved and swayed and sang along to the music of Abba at the top of her voice.
It appeared that the lass was doing some sort of exercise routine, and Killian’s grin only grew as he watched her energetically dance her way through the upbeat music.  
Beautiful she might be, but she seemed utterly uncoordinated.  She laughed with wild abandon as she attempted the complex moves and nearly tripped over herself.  At her feet, her small dog cocked his head up at her in obvious confusion.  Killian chuckled to himself as the pup grabbed a toy and dropped it at the woman’s feet.  It seemed the dog had no better idea what she was doing than she did herself.
She laughed again, and Killian was utterly enchanted. 
He got to his feet, coming to a sudden decision.  He had to meet his lovely neighbor.  If fate wasn’t going to throw them together, perhaps it was time he gave fate a little push.
Not even bothering to change out of his pirate regalia, Killian headed out his front door.
It was the work of but a moment to determine his neighbor’s apartment number.  He knew the floor, after all, her apartment was level with his own.  All he needed to do was search out the apartments on that particular floor.  Glancing over the names on the apartments mailboxes, he found the most likely candidate belonged to one Emma Swan in apartment 3a.
Before he had a chance to talk himself out of the bold plan, Killian took the elevator to the third floor, walked purposely down the hall, and knocked briskly on 3a.
A moment later, Emma Swan opened the door, hair pulled up in a high ponytail, and sweat glistening against her skin from her workout.
“Good news, love,” he said with a cheeky grin.  “There is indeed a man out there who heard your prayer.  It may not be after midnight, but I am most assuredly a man, and I’m at your disposal.”
--Happy Friday!  Today’s story is inspired by real life (sort of.  I wish I could tell you a hot pirate showed up at my door, but such was not the case, lol).  Yesterday I had the morning off, so I decided to try out a dance exercise workout video on YouTube to the music from Mamma Mia.  I learned several things through this experience: 1. Working out is 1000x more fun with the music of Abba. 2. For someone who’s musical, I have absolutely no rhythm or coordination. 3. My decision to rethink my start-exercising plan and look for something I’d find fun rather than just something I wouldn’t find horrible, has been wildly successful so far. 4. My dog, Bear (who Emma’s dog was modeled on), gets really confused when I exercise and kept bringing me his Kong to toss for him.
And most importantly of all: 5. This experience, like nearly everything else on earth, can, of course, be turned into a CS au.
--Up next: Next Friday is my birthday, and I’ve decided to gift myself with the end of this story! (It would be even better if someone else could download my idea from my head and write it for me, but alas, such technology doesn’t exist.)  We’ll get Emma’s POV, and see her reaction to a full-blown (hot) pirate showing up at her door and being all cheeky.  Should be fun.  Let’s just hope these two adorable idiots can figure things out and end up falling in love.
In case you’re curious, here are a couple pictures of my Bear, so you have an idea what Emma’s dog looks like:
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                                                                               NEXT CHAPTER-->
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thecrenellations · 4 years
Return of the Thief Notes, Part One: The Book of Pheris, Volume I
Notes from my first read, October 2020. (Part Two | Part Three | TaT)
Contents:  "So, so, so” watch, Costis watch, swearing, trashing the king’s attendants, being objectively wrong, boundless enthusiasm and love 
I promise I’ve had more developed thoughts since these often incoherent ones, but I’ve enjoyed having these notes to refer to - for sentimental reasons and for  entertainment, so here they are, for others who enjoy liveblogs and/or being whisked back in time to their first read of this wonderful book.
Format: Page number. My thoughts (Context?)
Dedication, Table of Contents, Exordium:
There it is – to Sounis
Exordium – vocab #1
Interregnum?!? Alyta?
Yeah I love him from the first page
A new level of unreliable narrator
Moira, messages of Gods, Pheris, messages of __
Wtf is going on in this study? A zoo?
high king vs great king vs annux?
okie dokie dude
Chapter 1
1. Susa – Costis
2. Infirmity – who gets to be hero/tell story (I started reading right after the book launch, in which mwt spent some time talking about her writing influences and decisions connect to this question - Pheris isn’t her first disabled protagonist and storyteller, of course, but it was lovely to meet him properly directly after hearing her talk about it. Book launch foreshadowing part 1...)
Is this why he wasn’t taught to read?
3. Always the summer
4. Hunting cat… hm…
Ok … shrine … 😬
5. Once again we start with a disaster or having to flee
Which Eugenides precipitated
Little monster :(
6. Falling…
7. :( :( :(
His purpose? D:
Chapter 2
9. Hello there! (Gen!)
Massive chair?
10. CRACKED WATER JUG (amphora motif???)
11. Triangle from seal!
Gen that’s rude to Pheris :( (“He will fit in very well with my attendants”)
Wait. This must have happened before ACoK! (nope)
12. :(
Xikander … never made an impression before
How old is Pheris? (lol)
13. Philologos come thru!
Royal closet reappears!
14. Hello weird secondhand scene!
He is Eugenides
15. Petrus? GALEN? OH SHIT! 
Is this why Galen was called? (nope)
16. Hell yea Petrus
Miras’ golden balls oh no
All these previously unnamed sucky attendants!
17. Ula – goddess of hearth and healing
Ok … Galen … or a god? Eugenides????? (why did these options occur to me before Mr. Shows Up At Your Bedside At Night himself)
18. Finally the attendant floor plans I crave + hunting scenes!
19. EXCUSE ME he slept through Sounis + Eddis wedding!!!
Again – high king!
20. So Ion is beautiful … hmm.
Yeah … Sejanus has facets. I like it.
21. Clearly no one would know what king would do … lol
Don’t mind me just sorting the attendants on a spectrum of awfulness!!!
22. SO SO SO – ION!!!!!
How many fucking attendants are there and how many are on my hit list!
Is “the necessaries” bathrooms or like … him stealing? (just the bathrooms ... the Gen-Pheris parallels were really getting to me at this point)
Also … frogs. Frogs.
24. Big day for Gen huh
Definitely an aura of Something as he writes about Gen
26. Sorry Kamet, Pheris does the physical descriptions better. They’re beautiful
I’m blacking out at Eddis and Sounis
27. Jesus Christ. The bear.
Cousin time!
Under the table is the new up on the roof!
Uh… twin imagery ….
Gen’s feet!
Jesus. The matching
28. Cleon … wtf? A cousin?
A trial for Sophos?
Show! Us! Sophos’s! Shoes!
29. If u throw things out the air shaft you might hit the king
Was it a chicken?
Lol nvm the guy at night is Gen. That is … very sweet
- Showing up at night
- Accent
- Complaining about Petrus
- Swearing
- One hand
I am judging Costis and Sophos for not describing the paneling in Gen’s room!
Chapter 3
30. Was it a chicken?
An earring huh, good hand huh
31. Literally screaming “NO!” at Gen. Don’t joke about dying! I am killed by Gen on annux day. This is. My boy. Yes he is perfect. Yes he will refuse to get up. I love him. I died on page 31
Philologos is still the best of them
32. Dancing bear indeed
Always the powdered gold
Ruby!!!!! <3
Aww a smile!!! <3
Pheris he likes you!
33. They both love invisibility and lost it … I cry
Erupt like the sacred mountain excuse me!
OR WORSE return to bed! Lol
34. He’s Eugenides when he’s talking to Attolia
Ouch hero talk
! from Irene!
My queen!
Hey Phresine!
They way we do <3 he’s hating it but he’s so comfortable with her
Sister and bro mention! C’mon!
I love them
35. Honestly that’s a yes (“I have no idea what you mean, my queen”)
It’s so cute they hang out in the morning … like how long was it even since they’ve seen each other lol
:( tough walk for Pheris
Is it prophecy time?
Lol how long does this construction take?!
Also … she’s pregnant, huh? but no one knows (nope)
Is befriending someone weaponized as a prank count for Gen’s enemies to friends list?
Also SHOW ME the magus. I know he’s here!
36. Pheris excuse me, why not recreate this!
Lol cast off language of history indeed
Feel the thrum of the goddess!
EXCUSE ME… a minor goddess? Mystery goddess? Or Philia?
Oh Gen
37. Well, Gen, someone is having a worse day than you.
Damn, how far we come.
Aww Sounis, babe, I love you and so does Gen
[drawing of the four of them sitting in a row]
38. Artadorus???? Pomegranate?
39. HEIRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A friend! Also lol. Two smiles, for Pheris and Heiro..
40. Yesss Melheret joke in action.
Costis has left tho right?
Jesus, Melheret
SHE GAVE HIM A HORSE (I COULD NOT DEAL with this entire conversation, but then again I could not deal with this whole book.)
41. I love them all so much
“on that horse, you will look like a king” I can’t with her sense of humor
He sure did say that
I feel like I’m missing something with the fight on foot thing … remembering battles?
Helen called him Gen!
Sophos stop talking about yourself and bringing apricots into everything lol
Lol these bystanders don’t know how lucky they are. Nor does Pheris, yet
42. She’s protecting him
Also … Gen … you didn’t want to be a soldier.
43. Guards have capes
2 startled men … hm …
Oh Gen. The fucking brutal echoes…
44. :( :( :(
Gen tell your wife you’re sick!
The attendants are so dumb
45. So, so, so :(
Tell who? Petrus?
46. Bleeding! Salt! Lemon! Heck no! What is he, a piece of meat?
47. “savoring each bite as if it were my last” ... Same … but with this book
Hmm… Alyta! Goddess of the gentle rain! (despite this “hmm,” I did not put the pieces together)
48. Oh no Teleus! And someone?
Aw he realized <3 lemon water
49. Gen eat your broth lol
50. I love them.
Ion’s really trying to make up for what he did that one time
51. Without the approval of the great goddess HAHAHA
I love them. Cousin time! Growl?
Idk whether or not to be reassured, Gen.
Wow Cleon I do not like that. Also didn’t he die? (...)
Comma (“I am not, Eddis”)
Go smack him!
52. Gen I love you.
Helen I love you.
He’s so bad at self care but I love him
Chapter 4
55. love that our narrator just disappears and reappears
56. Attolia’s brother’s bedroom? Yikes. Ominous. A detail in a story we’ve already gotten, different every time <3
57. fucking attendants. 3 good ones. Medander you were beneath Costis’s notice before but I hate you. Costis didn’t have time for you or Xikos or Xikander and nor do I
58. interesting pawn talk!!!
59. <3 Pheris :(
The Gen comparisons though
:( :( :( :(
60. flamboyance <3
Cemphora bush
61. I love him
62. I love them
Also lol “Your majesty?”
63. Name … hm … (“I have deliberately omitted [my tutor’s] name here”)
64. more twin imagery I swear
WAIT … it was his birthday! Not just Annux day?!! Gen was born in late summer???
Attendant list thank you
65. laying it all out there, huh … (that one Gen quote)
Lol they’re the same but Pheris likes horses
66. Insellia! Hello nice to meet you
67. Gen that’s mean. (“He is hardly even half of one.”)
68. Coleus leves???
“I am Eugenides.” <3
Gen why
69. Gold cups???? Hmmmmm. Also lioness. Def invoking Costis. (they’re probably not the cups, but STILL)
70. Moira! Hi!!! Rainbow shawl!
Like a rabbit!
I’m … very sad he uses his Attolian accent with Helen
71. Aaah so good
Moira knows another messenger?
Does he think he can’t die in battle?
72. hmm are they WRANGLING?! (Galen and Petrus and my Fire and Hemlock word association)
Kill that pastry Irene I love you
morning training with his … guard? (Is that the whole guard or a guard? Costis senses tingling once again.)
73. Oh gen.
Ouch! (“to send people to their deaths and not risk my own is contemptible”)
Is she implying he’s paying Therespides?
74. Interesting Cleon plan. So many doubles
OUCH. (“Only if he comes back from the dead.” I assumed Lader had died in the war; it’s a different ouch now. I love that they both accidentally say things to each other that poke old wounds, and it’s not a big deal but it’s also not dismissed! Their relationship has come so far, and I love them so much.)
75. Verimius – Lavia – Celia??? Somebody is queer in there!
This scene confuses me. Xortix? Layteres? Aris! but dice thing is less political … so maybe? (just wait....)
76. So many reasons to hate Medander
Hey Costis! You exist! KoA happened!
Gen is just … still so uncomfortable and miserable. He chose, he has people, but still.
RIP Clopius also WHAT
77. Lol Hilarion’s grand statements
78. Yorn Fordad Hello!
Luxurious mustache
The mighty Pents?
Besin Quedue – she’s coming 4 you watch out
79. RIP Baron Hippias
Chapter 5
80. Spring! Plays! Cenna!
81. Oh dear
Oh dear
At least they said he was pretty
83. ?!? :( wine
Uh oh. Stockpiling
85. What even.
86. Omg Irene. Hissing. I love her.
Also … Gen’s the viper
Also this scene was written by Pheris.
87. oh no.
What better man
She fucking quoted Howl. I love them.
Also, bees (this scene killed me)
90. Falling?
Oh shit
Also … Juridius and Pheris, Susa and Costis (comparing demands for information)
93. oh my god (IT’S THE WINDOW SCENE)
Oh my god
94. She! Called! Him! Gen!
I love this and it scares me
Lol Chloe
Irene you learned from her though
95. D:
96. :(
97. water stuff
98. what the heck
OH NO (Quedue scene)
100. yikes
102. yikes yikes YIKES
103. a blade has protruded from his chest (tbt to The Thief)
106. shit
Did Gen hit him?
108. lol Phresine
109. lol
I want genuinely every character’s reaction to this shit
Chapter 6
111. what the heck Gen.
112. like a god [crown doodle]
114. Perma?
116. Gen. Gen. Gen. Do not.
117. AAAA (god intervention)
122. Juridius to Dite
124. bye Iolanthe and Ileia! Tell us about Caeta and Silla.
125. did not expect so much Ion
Chapter 7
127. Fryst god of winter
She laughed!
They’re so married
128. OH SHIT (Costis ship is sighted and I remember what’s about to happen next)
Interesting timing
He rode the horse home?
131. Beauty and good, beauty and kind
134. The gods’ goodwill
Keep them safe <3
135. Is that his MOM?!! Wtf (it was!)
Pheris steal those earrings!!!
137. AMPHORA EARRINGS (and flowers)
138. I love Phresine
139. Why do I feel like all the game birds are pigeons
140. meanwhile Gen’s been hanging out with Kamet. Shit. I cannot.
141. lethium soup! The reversal
Safe for you
142. of course he knew <3
143. Kamet time! I love him. We get to see Kamet!!!
Also … echo of Gen’s notes on Mede
145. very handsome. … gaycostis vindication (referring to @costis’s url at the time and this post. Little did I know what else was to come in the next chapter and then a few months later with the adaptation news...)
Do you know who I am?
Chapter 8
147. Of course he’s a cartographer
A favorite huh
148. of course she didn’t tell us his age!
149. the angsty window staring I crave
151. adventure, huh
I do have a soft spot for Melheret
152. concerned about amphora gift
153. Glad they can be well and united in spite!! (Gen and Melheret)
154. Pheris loves math and I love him
155. Hello Teleus. Hello olives
Lol Relius is not into math
156. pigeons. Inkpot!
157. yeah honestly. He tortures people. He was NOT tortured by the king
159. lol (“I have noted the elective nature of certain behaviors” ... I love Relius and Pheris.)
160. The Invitation! I <3 it
FOLKS HERE WE ARE (I cannot overstate how wonderful it was to read this page. I did not know who the poem was from, and “Someone loves me very much, even with all my faults” is even sweeter to reread, but it’s just ... his confidence is so different from the tentative consideration of a new philosophy of trust and love we see in KoA. And there is subtextual queerness in the books before this one, some more apparent and some more subtle (and what is obvious to one reader may be subtle or invisible to another, in these books especially), and there is the attendant love triangle a few chapters back, but HERE - here, Pheris acknowledges the real feeling and love in Legarus’s disastrous relationship and tells us directly that his lover was a man, here he seamlessly makes it clear how bi and poly Relius is, and he quietly ties these relationships and realities to his growing understanding of the world. It’s not subtext. And there’s a lot more to come, but this page really hit me, and sort of promised the “more to come” while assuring me that what had come before, more subtly, was there. I used to have heteronormative readings of both these books and myself, and when Thick as Thieves brought them crashing back into my heart after years away, I knew better about myself, and I saw that - or the possibility of that reading -  reflected in the new book, and it was such a good surprise. It meant a lot, and this page meant a lot, and that is why I’m writing a small essay to accompany this note.) 
Lol wow
162. Where are you traveling, man (this question remains)
163. Fuck you, Orutus
164. Stole an inkpot!
165. the map!!! (Kamet’s)
166. I love them!
167. The Math Master hmm
Am I an oracle (Nope! :) )
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cambrand · 4 years
(tbh this started out as a list of angel beats/heartbreak cure comparisons so that’ll probably be obvious here)
-plays in trees -"not dead yet" (66) -runs at mist like olaf -"sorry i'm late" (68) MY HEART -"nothing i ever did was good enough for him" runeard is kimito -"the goofy boy who can barely manage not to fall out of a tree" (87) gdflsjkfg;jslfdgklfgd -"your voice is like an angel's" (92) -you're such a moron (96) -"I leapt to my feet and ran over to her, taking her injured hand in mine" (97) -"It's not a waste of time. ... Not to me anyway. ... Because I get to spend it with you." 🥺 -bro that almost kiss on page 100!!! it's so TPS chapters 17 and 36 <3 -wtf Johan sounds hot -like I kinda like him already but I hope I don't get Hans'd by him. Plus he's six years older than Iduna but very enthusiastic to see her and doesn't like Agnarr apparently?? sounds like romantic rivalry which is... hm. -(106) ok damn 180 mood swing Johan is definitely kinda sus for taking credit (108) -SHADDUP JOHAN -Iduna has....  fab gymnastic skills (110) -overly dramatic swooning motion just like her daughter! (111) -(about Agnarr's mom) "This woman's eyes looked unbearably sad. As if she held a terrible secret." (116) DID SHE THO?? -damn, Elsa knows that feel bro (117) -HELP I'M SO USED TO MY OWN SLOWBURN I'M NOT READY FOR AGNARR'S CONFESSION (119) AAAAAAAAAAHHHH -IT'S THE MIDDLE OF THE BOOK AND THEY'VE ALREADY KISSED THIS IS GONNA HUUUUURT -Agnarr obviously doesn't end up with Runa so I wonder how her life turns out? -Okay if Blodget (strong IF) knew Iduna's fake parents wouldn't she know they didn't have a kid? -Johan for GALE'S SAKE DUDE SHE'S SIXTEEN MF YOU HIRED HER WHEN SHE WAS FIFTEEN BRO -I KNEW IT I KNEW HE WAS GONNA HANS ME (131) -I hate him I hate him so much he's a big ol Hans-Gaston-Kinchan -And she's such a Yuri (not letting him see her cry) ("I have always taken care of myself") (138) -ok what really is going on with the purple sheep (150) -I feel like Peterssen must have a connection with the Northuldra... I just remembered he was there when the dam was being constructed but is it deeper than that? (152) -Agnarr: "...imagining every shadow was an evil presence, lurking and waiting to take me away, too." (153) NAOI? -(image: the DID YOU F__ MY MOTHER SANTA" meme except "WAS AGNARR'S MOM MAGIC, FROZEN?") -IDUNA MET YOUNG OAKEN (171) -Okay Zain is so right about this ice harvester woman being Kristoff's mother but also I want to know the tune she sang to get the trolls to talk to her. (173) -"I don't want to remember him!" (176) HEARTBREAK CURE HEARTBREAK CURE AHH! -"Who would want their memories wiped?" (178) The Programmer, Yuri, probably you... -Rita gives me such Makishi Hejjiguchi vibes. Or the Ayame Naoi who didn't stay. (182) -they even clash like Naoi and Yuri! And Iduna has Yuri's indignation (190-191) -Question... could Johan be at all behind these attacks? For "Iduna's own good"? (194) -She sings songs about reindeer! She and Kristoff would get along so well (198) -"You are your own person, Iduna. You always have been. It's one of the million qualities I love about you." (207) -"[Agnarr's mother] was such a sweet soul. So smart, creative. When she laughed, you couldn't help but laugh with her." "He tried to give her everything, but she wanted nothing. Nothing except the one thing she could never have. Freedom." (215) I literally can't decide if this is Ayame, Makishi, or The Girl. (also what if it meant freedom to use her powers?) -(218) Brownish-redhaired girl, wearing a searing blue dress that matches her eyes, doing whatever she wants?? Sounds familiar. -I'm so glad Runa apparently accepted Agnarr's rejection. I was (well, still am) a little suspicious that the king of Vassar arranged this attack so that Agnarr would need to marry into his family. Hoping Runa's at least not involved in it? (239) -THIS BOOK REALLY IS ABOUT TO PULL A HEARTBREAK CURE (242) -OMG I KNEW IT WAS VASSAR (269) -GO RUNA. (278) -I wish Runa could be like an aunt to Elsa and Anna, and tell them what their parents were like. (280) Imagine if she was Rapunzel's mom? -IDUNA PROPOSED THE NORTHULDRA WAY OMG (283) -"'Do you ... have magic?' he asked slowly." (326) Iduna says no magic runs through her veins BUT WHAT ABOUT RITA? -"The girl you grew up with, the one you married? She was always me. The real me. And my love for you? That's always been real too. I love you more than anything in the world, and I always will." (327) NAYURI AFTER THE OG CONCERT. -Agnarr: "I would go to the ends of the earth to help her." Tia Dalma: 👀 (330) -"There is no other life on earth I would rather have lived." (335) 😭 -Oh my God Iduna really got to see Free Elsa and Queen Anna I just got chills (337) -In her last moments she sings her siren cry, oh my lord that's literally haunting, that's probably exactly what Elsa hears.
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aislinceivun · 4 years
Table of contents with summaries for The Cat and His Boy.
The summaries may include spoilers, so I don’t recommend first-time readers to check this out. I wrote this up more as a guide for those who want to re-read just specific parts of the fic rather than go over all 100 chapters again :’D 
which includes me, even I can’t always tell which chapter title goes with which event, and on AO3 you can only skim through the chapter titles really xD
1. EASY – As Natsume sleeps, Madara studies the Book of Friends.
2. PLEASANT – This new body of his has some interesting reactions.
3. SIGHT – If Natsume lost the ability to see them, what would Madara do? inspired by ch10 / 1x08
4. DELICIOUS – Youkai don’t necessarily need to eat, but they can still hunger.
5. ROUTINE – Madara has a daily routine, now.
6. NIGHTMARES I – Natsume’s nightmares are not about ayakashi.
7. CLAIMED – The mid-ranks apparently noticed that Natsume smells a bit different.
8. FAMILY I – The Fujiwaras clearly adore Natsume. So why does he still have doubts?
9. SCENT – Natsume’s scent wraps around him the same way his own scent clings to the boy’s skin.
10. REPLACED – Madara can’t believe Natsume replaced him. inspired by 1x11 (which is based on special #3, though this particular moment was anime-only)
11. WARNING – The horse-faced bastard has “concerns”.
12. PROMISES – Madara may have forgotten about an old deal.
13. STRANGE – Madara isn’t familiar enough with the reproductive habits of humans to know what this means.
14. DEAL – How Madara really got that sealing mirror. inspired by ch18 / 2x07
15. UNFAMILIAR – Arguments are familiar. These other moments are… not.
16. DOWNPOUR – Madara doubles as a rain shelter.
17. CONNECTION – Madara and Tanuma share a moment.
18. BEAUTIFUL – Reiko was beautiful, Madara objectively knows as much.
19. RAGE – Red rage and bloodlust. inspired by ch26 / 3x07
20. CONCERN – Even when healing, the prospect of Natsume hurt wakes him in the night. inspired by ch27 / 3x09
21. DENIAL – Hinoe is wrong. (She isn’t.)
22. NIGHTMARES II – These days, Natsume’s nightmares are about his precious people getting hurt.
23. CHASTISED – Natori, chastised by a brat. What a sight.
24. FROZEN – Madara is immobilized by a talisman. It brings back unpleasant memories.
25. EMBARRASSING – Curse that damned squirrel!
26. LIES – They share words they both understand to be lies. inspired by the anime version of ch36 / 4x02
27. PHOTO – A familiar stranger. inspired by ch44 / 4x11
28. BRAIDS – Madara did not sign up for this.
29. APPEARANCES I – Madara briefly considers his humanoid youkai form. inspired by ch51 / 4x06
30. STUDYING – Madara didn’t want this getting out. But—surprisingly—they don’t make a big deal out of it.
31. MUSINGS – Perhaps, in another universe, Natsume Reiko and Natsume Takashi exist at the same time.
32. FAMILY II – After a run-in with a kemono resembling Madara.
33. HIGH – Natsume inhales a bit too much youkai incense.
34. WEAK – The Chuukyuu pair laments on how weak humans are. inspired by special #12 / 5x11
35. CHOICE – Madara didn’t really think about it when he went for Natsume instead of the Book. Somehow, that just makes it worse.
36. CALL – He intended to ignore her call, but… it’s been a while. Well before Reiko’s time. Why not?
37. QUESTIONS – Humans find acquiring long-term mates important, and Natsume is afraid of being left alone. So he should be looking for one, shouldn’t he?
38. UNEXPECTED – Madara finds Natsume dozing against Hinoe’s shoulder. They’re wearing matching flower crowns
39. SHIFT – “It was quiet without you.” inspired by ch70 / OVA “Party of Fun & Games”
40. STUCK – Madara is stuck in his true form for a week.
41. REASONS – Madara was waiting for Natori to say something. inspired by ch73 / 6x11
42. CRUSH – Shibata keeps stealing glances at Natsume with pink cheeks. Madara finds it incredibly amusing. inspired by ch74 / 6x03
43. BIRTHDAY – Last summer, Madara saw how the Fujiwaras celebrated, and he didn’t care.
44. MEMORY I – Many summers ago.
45. INTRODUCTION – Apparently, Natsume’s recklessness has been rubbing off on Tanuma.
46. BOUND – Even without his memories, the boy seems to be able to hear the things Madara is not saying. inspired by ch78 / 6x01
47. WISTFUL – An ayakashi has been following Natsume around.
48. SOFTENED – Natsume has affected more than he knows.
49. WARMTH – He really has no business teasing Misuzu about going soft. inspired by ch82
50. FAMILY III – These people are not his, not like Natsume is… but Madara claimed them anyway.
51. GUEST – The moment the door slides open and he smells the guest, Madara knows. inspired by ch97
52. NOSTALGIA – Madara picks up a scent he wasn’t expecting to find on Natori.
53. APPEARANCES II – Tsk. Fancy, posh bastards who only accept kemono youkai when they appear civilized.
54. BRIBES – Taki drags Madara-as-Reiko on a shopping spree.
55. TREASURE I – A truth forcibly pulled into the light.
56. TREASURE II – It’s not the Book.
57. BELONGING – Ayakashi have no place in busy cities.
58. PAST – Madara will not apologize for who he is.
59. TROUBLESOME – Why does Natsume have to have youkai and exorcist friends, again?
60. ALMOST – “Oi,” he grunts, strangely unsettled.
61. NIGHTMARES III – For him, it’s a first.
62. FEAR – Madara has realized two things.
63. MINEFIELD – A familiar faraway expression.
64. KISS – “I didn’t like it,” Natsume whispers.
65. HELPFUL – It’s not that Madara is nice. He just appreciates her culinary skills.
66. HILARIOUS – “Run that by me again?”
67. THIEF – Madara wanted those damn macarons.
68. TENDER – “I knew you cared,” he says, all soft and smiley.
69. NAMES – Names have power.
70. TEASING – Takashi only has himself to blame.
71. SEALED I – An exorcist sets her eyes on Madara.
72. SEALED II – It’s dark and tight and even worse than he remembered.
73. SHAKEN – Madara didn’t take it this bad the last time.
74. VOW – Rather than stiffening at finding Madara like this, he just frowns. “Nyanko-sensei…?”
75. STORIES – The kids chatter about their post-high school plans.
76. PICKLE – “Oh! Who’s this?”
77. STRENGTH  – Apparently, some ayakashi believe him to be weak now.
78. STARSTRUCK – “It’s never occurred to either of you to tell me?”
79. SPEECHLESS – “Sensei! Are you okay?!”
80. SACRIFICE – His mind screeches to a halt.
81. GRIEF – Madara’s heart is all twisted up.
82. COMFORT – Tanuma and Taki spend the afternoon huddled up on the porch with Takashi.
83. GUILT – Madara is painfully aware that this is the result of his failure.
84. WORRY – Takashi is struggling, and all they can do is watch.
85. FAMILY IV – Watching them, Madara feels equal parts achy and warm.
86. CONDOLENCES – Matoba manages to shock them.
87. ONWARD – Life goes on.
88. SOARING – Madara could stay in the air with him forever.
89. NIGHTS – These days, nights are better. (Mornings are even more so.)
90. PLANS – “Let’s go on a trip together.”
91. FOOLS – Circumstances bring the four of them together for a night.
92. FRIENDS – Madara is fond of Takashi’s friends. Even if he’ll never say as much out loud.
93. PRESENT – Madara takes Takashi to a place he hasn’t visited in a long time.
94. CELEBRATION – “We heard you can finally drink alcohol!”
95. NOTEBOOK  – Madara snoops around and reads Takashi’s first short story.
96. VISION – Another name gone. Another memory received.
97. MEMORY II – Family? He had no answers for her. Not back then.
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tigerxfox · 6 years
ZoSan colored panels
Made this ‘cause I have no life and also ‘cause I already had the panels for a gift I was making for a friend of mine
Largely helped by  stillarium’s ship manifesto 
This probably has been done to death but I was bored so here it is
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First up we have Sanji confused by Zoro’s determination (chapter 52)
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Then, he remembers what Zoro said before and desperately shouts his thoughts about Zoro’s match with Mihawk, which eventually will inspire him to also pursue his own dream I guess. Zoro is someone he just met but he’s clearly worried, also I think Zoro’s dedication to his dream makes Sanji feel bad for shuting down his own. Sanji before Zoro: “Just throw your ambition away”. Sanji after Zoro: talking about All Blue with a smile and joining Luffy’s crew to pursue his dream no matter what. (chapter 52)
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Here we have him remebering Zoro’s (and Luffy’s) determination and his own lack of it (chapter 66)
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First fight and also Sanji calling him Roronoa Zoro (chapter 76)
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Here Sanji teases Zoro about his loss, even though he was pretty worried about him at the time (chapter 76)
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Power couple (chapter 84)
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Sanji is worrying about Zoro during his fight and even his enemy comments on that (chapter 84)
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Zoro’s wound finally knocks him down and Sanji worries (chapter 84)
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He receives a punch from his enemy because, again, he was paying more attention on Zoro than on his own fight (chapter 84)
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He protects Zoro (chapter 85)
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He puts himself in a very dangerous situation in place of Zoro (chapter 87)
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Zoro covers for him (chapter 88)
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Chilling after the fight is over (chapter 95)
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Sanji casually asking Zoro if he believes in god (chapter 99)
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They showing how similar they are (much like UsoNami) (chapter 102)
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It’s funny ‘cause they switch places (chapter 103)
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Sanji asks Zoro to bring him some meat and... (chapter 115)
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The giants seem to relate to them (also being the best of friends and super competitive) (chapter 128)
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Fighting over the size of their dicks hunts (chapter 128)
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Celebrating together... (chapter 154)
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...Until they’re bickering again (chapter 154)
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Sanji overreacting to Zoro’s insult (chapter 158)
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Supporting their son, Chopper (chapter 167)
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And Zoro calling Sanji Prince <3 (chapter 168)
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Zoro complaining about Sanji posing too much, even though he was pretty impressed (chapter 175)
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And this scene (chapter 175)
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Petnames (chapter 179)
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Sanji making fun of Zoro’s lack of cleverness (chapter 183)
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SYNC (chapter 200)
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Serving real badass teamwork (chapter 200)
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Sanji worrying about Zoro and...pretending he never worried at all (chapter 207)
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Zoro half on Sanji’s bed while he sleeps on the floor... (chapter 212)
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Their faces :> (chapter 213)
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Completing each other’s sentences (chapter 221)
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I love when Sanji agrees with him pt1 (chapter 222)
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Their reaction (chapter 222)
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Doing that thing with Chopper + Bickering (chapter 237)
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Obeying the chef (chapter 253)
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Eating together (253)
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When Zoro decides who bottoms is the ball (chapter 309)
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Love their annouciation together as a duo (chapter 310)
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Zoro calling him handsome :> (chapter 310)
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Prince of idiots is a classic (Wasn’t it prince of aho kingdom?) (chapter 310)
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More bickeringm of course, and I love that they’re both fighting with their legs (chapter 310)
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Sanji getting distracted by Zoro (chapter 310)
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I don’t need you. (Even though we’ve teamed up lots of times before and had no problem with that) (chapter 311)
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Finally they quit being stubborn iditos (well, for now I mean) (chapter 311)
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Best sandwich ever (and classic nicknames) (chapter 312)
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Best combo ever (chapter 312)
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Back to being stubborn I guess (chapter 313)
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Zoro is totally NOT worried about Sanji. (chapter 367)
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Poor Sanji, I can’t stop laughing tho (chapter 436)
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Their faces :> (chapter 447)
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Some teasing after Perona’s negative hollow of course (chapter 448)
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I love when Sanji agrees with him pt2 (chapter 449)
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Their shadows’ only memory (besides women and kenjutsu) is fighting with each other (chapter 468)
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Sanji protecting Zoro (very similar to when he did it in Arlong Park) (chapter 484)
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This to me is very different than when Zoro takes Luffy’s place, because he said it was the only way to protect the whole crew and because Luffy is the captain. Even though Sanji and Zoro are nakama and supposed to be equals, Sanji literally thinks Zoro’s dream is more important than his. Zoro’s life is more important than his own. (chapter 485)
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First thing on his mind: Zoro of course (even with his precious ladies being injured) (chapter 485)
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Just...this (chapter 485)
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I just love how tormented he looks on this and him thinking bout Zoro and keeping his wish. (chapter 486)
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Brook talking about how they *moved him* and assuring Sanji he was great too (some fans should learn that actually) (chapter 486)
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One of the scenes that makes me laugh the most (also pretty sure Sanji calls him Zoro-kun) (chapter 497)
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Sanji tells Luffy not to worry about Zoro, even though he himself is worrying about him (chapter 510)
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I don’t need your concern, baka (chapter 511)
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Well, too bad for you Zoro ‘cause Sanji worries A LOT about you (chapter 511)
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He leaves Nami to go after Zoro (even though he swore to protect her with his life and said only the ladies were worthy of his protection) (chapter 512)
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Being a self-sacrificing idiot (512)
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Carrying around Zoro’s bounty poster. “He a friend of yours?” “Boyfriend” (chapter 599)
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Not that I care, OF COURSE (chapter 599)
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Of course I’m not hanging around with you ‘cause I want to. Nope. (chapter 600)
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Bickering after so long (chapter 600)
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Sanji pretending Zoro is dumb (chapter 601)
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Awesome combo (chapter 601)
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I love this panel (chapter 601)
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That lovely nickname and Zoro basically saying he would eat anything Sanji served him (chapter 653)
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Also I hate this scene and Zoro represents me jealous as usual (chapter 653)
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Bickering. Also, “The one idiot I can’t even share this happiness with” is there any point pretending Zoro’s straight by now? (chapter 665)
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Cover art as The Tortoise and the Hare (Ch 672)
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Sanji knows all about Marimo’s soft side (chapter 687)
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Sanji going after his lost husbando (chapters 702 and 703)
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Jealous marimo (chapter 703)
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Damn it I lost my husbando the marimo. Also, he sure gets envy of the couples just as he loses his pair, doesn’t he? (chapter 703)
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Jealousy reeks. (chapter 722)
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Uchi no kokku = my cook or our cook Chapter (735)
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Their last panel together ): I love that it’s Zoro’s thinking about him (chapter 723)
Bonus p&b (coincidentally the color stops when they are apart) EDIT: now with colour!
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Trusts the cook (chapter 805)
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Then he looks a little bitter...almost betraid (notice his trademark “I don’t care about him” pose) (chapter 814)
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Funny how he never listens to anyones stories (he slept over Nami’s backtory and Law’s explanation of their plan) but went there specifically to listen to this one. But nope. He’s not worried. Not at all. But the captain knows it all ;) (chapter 815)
Anxiously waiting for their reunion <3
EDIT: It's been years since I made this post do I'm very very happy that now, in the future, we got such a nice reunion 💓 I'll try to update the panels whenever I can
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Content crumbs from WCI, Zoro’s food in the bento he made while thinking about the crew and him nagging in Sanji’s memory just before “I want to go back to the Sunny” (Ch 850 and 856)
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Sanji thinking about dear mosshead (Chapter 903)
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This fed us so well while their reunion didn't come...fellas, is it gay to dream about your nakama? (Chapter 920's cover)
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And now...*drumroll*
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The moment we waited 5 whole years for (chapter 943)7
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I think you mispelled boyfriend!
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That time zosan adopted a child
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jelly sanji (chapter 944)
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and again XD 
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I love his impressed look (chapter 955)
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53 chapters anticipating this teasing! (chapter 959)
In 2021 we had more ZS than all the previous recent years combined T_T Later I'll update the colored version, but, for now, b&w:
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Exactly what says on the tin. Love that Zoro is just taking a nap, unaware (Ch 1011)
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Protecting their son (Ch 1015)
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Unconscious, dead to the world...still finds a way to argue with Sanji (Ch 1015)
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I don’t usually do color spreads here but 2021 had some cute zs ones! (Ch 1011, 1019, 1081
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Life changing stuff (Ch 1022)
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They both share one single braincell and it is completely devoted to their captain (Ch 1022)
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Zoro immediately notices, asks about it and protects him (Ch 1023)
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Back to back (Ch 1026)
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I have so many questions... Remember the last time they spoke on the den den mushi and it was Zoro being worried af about Sanji??? And now...wow... (Ch 1031)
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If I’m not myself anymore will you help me? Oda COOKED with this one...then pretended he never did. But it’s okay, the I trust you with my life and the safety of our family is enough for me. (Ch 1031)
+BONUS: Shougeki no Sanji is a spin-off written by the creators of Shokugeki no Souma and published in WJS just like One Piece. The chapters were later compiled into a single volume.
Chapter 2 reads exactly like a classic pre-ts zs dj and it is a wet dream for anyone who’s a fan of this ship, god bless:
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i-am-grell · 6 years
Here’s My Top 100 For 2018 From Spotify
And me trying to justify them! (Look, some are WIP-related, others are jams, some I really can’t explain I just got back into Glee for like a month at one point this year...) Here’s the playlist
1. From a Mountain In The Middle Of The Cabins - Panic! At The Disco
Look, I just love the bouncy piano and the tuba. You can never have a bad tuba.
2. The End. - My Chemical Romance
Goes along with Chapter 8 of my WIP, Interlude, because I’m mean
3. Blank Space - I Prevail
This also goes along with Interlude from Chapter 1 - 5
4. If It Means A Lot To You - A Day To Remember
This one goes with my WIP Blood Bound (This one isn’t posted anywhere) (specifically, book 5)
5. Disloyal Order of Water Buffaloes - Fall Out Boy
Another Blood Bound one (Book 7)
6. This Could Be Anywhere In The World - Alexisonfire
7. The Curse of Curves - Cute is What We Aim For
This was going to be Interlude-related but got replaced. Still a banger
8. Disturbia - The Cab
The theme song of Dreavyn from my WIP Aaron Being Normal and if anyone has any tips on how to control a chaotic bisexual OC please let me know
9. Jumpsuit - Twenty One Pilots
Funky bass
10. MakeDamnSure - Taking Back Sunday
A theme for Trace from Aaron Being Normal (Won’t be extremely relevant until book 3 (also this was supposed to be a standalone...))
11. Miss Murder - AFI
Funky bass part 2
12. Fences - Paramore
Interlude again - A Selena Walton Theme Song.
13. The Sharpest Lives - My Chemical Romance
Interlude - A Morgan/Selena/Mostly Selena Theme. (Also, a banger)
14. Camisado - Panic! At The Disco
Interlude - How many hospital scenes can I fit into 1 WIP about depressed teens? (Turns out three; maybe four, technically)
15. My Heart I Surrender - I Prevail
Cole’s character song (Interlude) (Also romantic AF)
16. I Don’t Care - Fall Out Boy
Interlude. Also a Mood
17. Holiday/Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
Partially Interlude, partially because Holiday fucking slaps and BoBD is a classic
18. Ocean Avenue - Yellowcard
1/2 Interlude, 1/2 a Mood
19. I Don’t Wanna Be In Love (Dance Floor Anthem) - Good Charlotte
Dare I say, an aro-ace mood?
20. Check Yes, Juliet - We The Kings
I feel like half this playlist is just gonna be songs from the Interlude playlist...
21. Problematique - Hot Chelle Rae
Some funky bass, call and response, and fast rhyming - an ultimate jam
22. Postcards - Amber Pacific
Interlude playlist
23. Nico and The Niners - Twenty One Pilots
Look, I just really like Trench; it’s a good album
24. Demolition Lovers - My Chemical Romance
This is on the Interlude playlist but there’s such a Bonnie and Clyde feel to it, man...
25. Do You Know What I’m Seeing? - Panic! At The Disco
No. I don’t. Good song to dissociate to, though. I’m not good at instruments but good guitar/ukulele/whatever it is. Pleasant mood.
26. Rough Hands - Alexisonfire
Look, I’m trying to learn how to properly sing unclean parts (screamo parts) which will be absolutely shocking coming from a 5′2″ blonde girl; I need songs to practice to...
27. The Irony of Choking on a Lifesaver - All Time Low
Theme song to the Netflix adaptation of Interlude that plays in my head on repeat. Now if only I could actually finish writing the goddamn book...
28. Fat Lip - Sum 41
Interlude playlist, also listen to it and tell me you don’t hate everybody and this town
29. Say Anything (Else) - Cartel
I like singing the intro/chorus as sort of a vocal warm up...
30. Oh Well, Oh Well - Mayday Parade
Just a fucking MOOD my dudes
31. Whatever Happened To Saturday Night? - Glee Cast Version
No offense to Meat Loaf....but John Stamos... (Also Interlude (Travis) inspo) (Also I was really into Glee again earlier this year... Still haven’t actually watched past season 3...)
32. The Anthem - Good Charlotte
What I listen to when I consider dropping out and becoming a bog witch, but, like, a punk bog witch
33. Thunder - Boys Like Girls
Aaron Being Normal Inspo. The band’s name is ironic considering how Gay I make it...
34. Don’t You Know Who I Think I Am? - Fall Out Boy
I like singing this one when I’m drunk
35. I Don’t Love You - My Chemical Romance
Blood Bound (Book 2)
36. This Is Gospel - Panic! At The Disco
Blood Bound (Book 3)
37. Silver Bullet - Hawthorne Heights
Interlude Playlist
38. Weightless - All Time Low
MAYBE IT’S NOT MY WEEKEND BUT IT’S GONNA BE MY YEAR I scream to myself on a Tuesday
39. Who Do You Love - Marianas Trench
Have you ever looked up an a capella version of this one? Cuz yeah
40. Let The Flames Begin - Paramore
Anti-Depression, yet still Depressed Mood
41. Red Sam - Flyleaf
Depression Mood - also Interlude playlist
42. Jamie All Over - Mayday Parade
Interlude Playlist, and I think the Dreavyn playlist too... Look, it’s just a jam
43. Savior - Rise Against
Interlude Theme
44. Kiss Me, Kill Me - Mest
Another Interlude thing also a really good Selena x Morgan song
45. Hot To The Touch, Cold On The Inside - Fall Out Boy
Aaron Being Normal song also it’s about a hot pocket
46. Newport Living - Cute is What We Aim For
Interlude song that causes drama
47. Meant To Live - Switchfoot
Selena song - Interlude
48. Kill All Your Friends - My Chemical Romance
This is on the Interlude playlist purely because I’m Evil
49. You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid - The Offspring
On the Interlude playlist, also highly recommend blaring this through the hallways of your Catholic High School during lunch
50. Lights And Sounds - Yellowcard
Interlude Playlist also a banger
51. Angel With A Shotgun - The Cab
If this ain’t romantic as shit... Also it will make you wanna declare war on God Himself what a Mood
52. Somebody Told Me - The Killers
I’m not justifying why The Killer’s is on here I’m just shocked and appalled that Mr. Brightside has yet to make an appearance Spotify
53. Alright - Hot Chelle Rae
The English major inside of me wants to correct it to “all right” also Interlude epilogue Mood.
54. Changing - Saosin
Interlude Playlist
55. Bring Me To Life (Synthesis) - Evanescence
The Synthesis version is far superior and allows me to Properly showcase my Amy Lee impression
56. Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown On A Bad Bed - Fall Out Boy
Along with J. Michael Tatum, Patrick Stump’s voice is My Religion - the first 23 seconds > The Beatles
57. Pas De Cheval - Panic! At The Disco
Sounds gallop-y
58. Be My Escape - Relient K
Interlude Mood/Theme
59. Science Fiction Double Feature - Glee Cast
Look, all Rocky Horror versions are great, even the Glee one...
60. Dear Maria, Count Me In - All Time Low
I like to sing this one when drunk
61. Stand - Flyleaf
Blood Bound (Final Book. End. Roll credits.)
62. I’d Do Anything - Simple Plan
A jam
63. Sweetness - Jimmy Eat World
The call-response, the spastic drums, damn boi, they’ve got it all
64. Say You Like Me - We The Kings
Catchy song, little fuckboi-ish if you really listen to the lyrics, but it’s not Baby It’s Cold Outside-bad???
65. AMBULANCE - My Chemical Romance
*Choir Ah-ing*, also an Interlude mood considering there are like 2 separate confirmed ambulance parts anyway...
66. crushcrushcrush - Paramore
Look me dead in the eye and tell me Hayley Williams didn’t put everything into her lyrics/singing here
67. Stay - Mayday Parade
Songs for when you’re heartbroken but to the point of dissociating while it rains outside, starting to storm, it starts out with just the grey pattering of a sheet of raindrops and soon the thunder starts to rumble with growing intensity and lightning splits the sky
68. There’s A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven’t Thought Of It Yet - Panic! At The Disco
I am the victim of Dreavyn Hawthorne from my WIP Aaron Being Normal seriously if anyone can help me control a chaotic theatre bisexual...
69. Lyrical Lies - Cute is What We Aim For
This band’s lyrics are so fucking poetic it is Shakespeare to a guitar, y’all
70. Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) - Fall Out Boy
I always get like a falling slowly down one of those psychedelic tubes greenscreened into the background feeling at the intro but just like totally at peace falling, like kinda like listening to Ride by 21P type mood but then the chorus comes and it’s a jam
71. Backseat Serenade - All Time Low
Just a banger
72. My Own Worst Enemy - Lit
Look I don’t party too hard but when I do we go hard I was at a party on a Thursday night that didn’t end until the next morning no shit one guy I know did a kegstand before going to his English class
73. Come As You Are - Nirvana
Damn Kurt we miss you but you turned out some jams that no one can match
74. Traitor - Flyleaf
Blood Bound (Book 3)
75. Sadie Hawkins Dance - Relient K
The lyrics are so stupid but damn I love it
76. Poetically Pathetic - Amber Pacific
Did you mean literally 90% of my male OCs?
77. Saviour - LIGHTS
The first LIGHTS song I ever heard and I will defend my favourite singer until the day I die she’s Canadian like me, her family is ADORABLE, SHE is ADORABLE and I love her the end
78. Jersey - Mayday Parade
This goes with every WIP I’ve ever conceived and literally none of them are set in Jersey
79. The Middle - Jimmy Eat World
I feel like this song is just a universal mood but no one can explain exactly why
80. C’mon - Panic! At The Disco
81. Sunshine Riptide - Fall Out Boy
Interlude Playlist - I imagine Morgan singing it and that might end up happening in canon but idk yet...
82. Sweet Caroline - Neil Diamond
Easily in the top 3 Neil Diamond songs if not the top, fight me.
83. First Date - blink-182
Literally just such an adorable song, blink-182 is the best
84. Last Hope - Paramore
Mostly a Selena song (Interlude) but idk I’ve destroyed many OCs wills to live so
85. Black Sheep - Metric
@spotify please put the Brie Larson version from Scott Pilgrim vs. The World on your streaming service I’m begging you - a very gay
86. When You Were Young - The Killers
Good song, real jam, where’s Mr. Brightside, spotify, where is it????
87. Broken Hearts Parade - Good Charlotte
A certified bop
88. All I Want - A Day To Remember
A song for my greedier OCs who just want to stop being tortured but yknow what children life aint fair
89. The Kids From Yesterday - My Chemical Romance
Put this in any of my WIPs really...
90. Threshold - Sex Bob-Omb
Try to tell me the Scott Pilgrim vs. The World soundtrack isn’t lit
91. Sorrow - Flyleaf
Blood Bound (Book 3)
92. Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea - Fall Out Boy
You know when you’re writing intense battles or going to get a tattoo and need a playlist of War Songs? This is like the first one on my War Songs playlist
93. Jesus Of Suburbia - Green Day
A staple in the punk rock genre
94. Neon Gravestones - Twenty One Pilots
Ngl I sobbed when I first heard this one so
95. Pressure - Paramore
Very vocal on the Interlude playlist
96. Starlight - Muse
I first got into Muse because it fueled Twilight but yknow what they’re still a damn good group and Supermassive Black Hole carried the baseball scene which was an astounding piece of cinema so
97. Sleepless in Phoenix - blessthefall
It’s literally just my favourite blessthefall song, fight me
98. Kids In The Dark - All Time Low
My mood for when my dad tells me “you’re 20 you should be able to figure it out” like excuse me for not learning how the entire world works the second I turned 18...
99. Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time - Panic! At The Disco
Refer to My Own Worst Enemy. Add drugs. I’ve never done drugs but..
100. Feeling This - blink-182
*screams I’m Feeling This at regular intervals* (I have no explanation it’s just a BOP)
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