#Not to mention. Why just his head? Just floo your whole body to grimmauld you idiot. Then you’re in London and you can run down the street
nettedtangible · 9 months
Thinking about the fact that Sirius definitely had the mirror in his pocket when he was looking after Buckbeak and Harry was using the fire like an idiot. 😭😭😭😭
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sirrriusblack · 5 years
A Good Kind Of Pain
tw for mentions of child abuse
* * *
Sirius was in the living room. His hands were grasped around a cup of tea, cold and no longer fresh. Mr and Mrs Potter had gone out to get more medicine for Sirius, and James was writing to Pete. So I figured now was as good of a time as any. Sirius was paler than I’d ever seen him, his eyes wide as he stared at the empty fireplace. 
“Sirius?” I whispered, hoping not to startle him. He didn’t stir, didn’t even blink. I stepped forward and took the mug from him. He only linked his hands together, grasping so tight his knuckles were white. I swallowed past the dryness in my throat. “Padfoot?” I took the seat next to him, a small distance away just in case. I sat there silently for a while, processing it all. I pieced together what James had written in the letter he’d sent with what he’d told me when I’d gotten here. Sirius had shown up in the fireplace, bleeding and barely standing, right in the middle of the Potter’s dinner. He hadn’t said anything except for ‘sorry’. Then he’d passed out. He’d woken up just twenty minutes before I’d arrived, at 1:30, and he hadn’t said a word since. It was nearly two in the morning now. I reached my hands out and began threading a few strands of his hair between my fingers. Sirius tensed and I let his hair fall back down to his face and leaned away from him.
“Remus?” he turned his head to me and I cursed myself for the shudder that went down my spine. His right eye was swollen as all hell, and dried up blood flaked off it every time he blinked. More bruises littered his jaw, as if his right side had taken most of the damage. Damage from the cruciatus curse, if Mrs Potter was right. I smiled weakly at him. “Did James write you?” His voice was low and husky, like he’d been screaming. I could only imagine. I nodded. Sirius blinked slowly and turned back to the fireplace.
“Are you alright Sirius?” It was a stupid question. A really fucking stupid question. Of course he wasn’t alright. His mother had just used an unforgivable on him to the point he’d had to run away from home, bruised and bleeding. I opened my mouth to apologise, to fix it, the pain he was feeling, to do something. But then a sob escaped his mouth. Shit. “Padfoot, hey, come here,” I said, pulling him closer. Sirius jumped—actually jumped—up from the couch and stood up, running his hands through his hair. Shit. Shit. Shit. 
“Oh fuck, I’m sorry Remus I—“ he cut himself off with a heaving sob, one that took everything form me and left me feeling cold and empty and useless. I stood up too, inching closer, slowly. 
“Sirius, never ever apologise to me for shit like that. You don’t need to be sorry,” I said, slowly lifting my arm up. I waited for him to take my hand. All his rings were gone, except for one. The ring I’d gotten him for his birthday, the moon phases circling his finger. He linked his hand with mine and fell back onto the couch. I sat next him and waited. I waited for his breathing to slow to a sniffle, for his grip on my hand to slowly relax. He dropped his head into his hands, his blood-flaked hair falling around his face. “Sirius, I’m here for you, okay? Always.” He lifted his head up, to lock grey eyes with mine. “Whether you want me to sit here and hold your hand or listen, or try and utterly fail to make you laugh, I will, okay? I’ll do anything you want me to.” I reached out and wiped the tears from his cheeks, ignoring the blood that came off with them. Sirius kept his hand linked in mine for a while longer.
“I think I want a shower,” he croaked out. I circled my thumb across the back of his hand. I nodded.
“Okay, come on.”
* * *
We walked past James’ linen cupboard and I pulled out the biggest, fluffiest towel I could find, still keeping my hands linked with Sirius’. When we got to the bathroom, I turned the shower on and turned to Sirius.
“You going to be alright?” I asked, handing him the towel. He looked up at me and I almost crumbled at the pain in his silver eyes. “Sirius...” he looked away and nodded, taking the towel and turning his back to me. He started peeling his shirt off. I slid out of the bathroom door and sat on the floor beside it, just in case. I’d seen Sirius’ scars before. Many times. During Summer when we’d all come here and spent the whole day in and out of the lake, when he would walk around the dorm room, shirtless, when he’d shown them to me after I was freaking out about mine. But I’d never seen him hurt. Not like that. Not so vulnerable, so in pain. I hated every second of this, hated everything inside me that wanted to floo right to Grimmauld Place and kill his whole family. 
“Can’t believe she fucking did that to him.” James sat next me and pulled his knees up to his chest. I nodded.
“You sent the letter?” James nodded too. “You think he’s going to be okay?” I asked, whispering even though he couldn’t hear me. James shrugged and took his glasses off.
“I reckon he’ll be the best he can be, as long as he’s here, with his family. Something constricted in my throat at that, that I’d have to go back home, leave Sirius behind, transform without the three of them. I knew he’d be alright with James—better than alright, actually—but I didn’t want to leave his side, didn’t want to ever let go of his hand ever again. “Don’t be like that, I mean you, too. And Peter. We’re all family, yeah?” James nudged me with his shoulder I smiled weakly. “He will. Be okay, I mean.” He put his glasses back and looked me right in the eyes. I gulped.
“Yeah?” I fiddled with the cuff of my sleeve. James nodded.
“Yeah. We all will,” he promised. Merlin, did I hope he was right.
“Remus?” a croaky, desperate voice broke the silence, followed by a loud sob. I looked at James and he stood up, motioning toward the door. I stood too, and James walked back to his room. “Remus?” Holding my breath, I opened the door. Sirius was still in the shower, curled up on the floor, tears mixing in with the water—which was running red with blood. “Remus,” he whispered again.
“Shit, yeah?” Sirius gripped at his hair and his lips pulled back as he shuddered with silent sobs. I moved forward, so I was on the edge of the shower door and the bathroom floor, and grabbed both of his hands, pulling them away from his hair. Sirius bit his lip and blinked up at the water.
“I can’t—“ he gulped for air and I cringed slightly, hating seeing him like this, in such raw pain. “I can’t do anything,” he cried. I understood and gripped his shoulders, turning his back to me. His whole body was shaking as he tried to keep the tears down.
“Do you remember,” I started, squeezing some shampoo into my hands and massaging it through Sirius’ hair. “The first day of school, when we got assigned to our dorms?” The bubbles were stained pink from the blood. I pushed Sirius’ head forward, gently, and rinsed his hair under the hot water. Too hot, I realised. I reached up to change the temperature, but Sirius grabbed my arm. 
“I—need it. It’s... a good kind of pain.” A kind of pain he could control. I didn’t say anything, only picked up the conditioner.
“I remember, I walked into the room and you three were all there. I was late because Dumbledore wanted to talk to me about the whole shrieking shack situation.” I threaded the conditioner through his hair, untangling it with my fingers at the same time. I saw Sirius close his eyes over his shoulder. “I walked in and James ran at me, grinning with every single tooth in his mouth. He still grins like that actually,” I mused. Sirius snorted softly, before sniffling a little. I stopped playing with his hair to massage his neck and shoulders, careful not to touch any of his cuts or bruises. He groaned and slumped his shoulders. “Pete had gone silent and peeked over your shoulder and I had to go up to him and introduce myself. He offered me some of his chocolate and honestly he’s been my favourite ever since.” Sirius spun around to jab me in the side, but the sudden movement did something to him and he winced in pain. “Shit, are—“ Sirius inhaled. Exhaled.
“I’m fine, Moony,” he rolled his shoulders back, motioning for me to keep going. I was glad he couldn’t see my eye roll. He most definitely was not fine. “And me? What did I do?” I moved my hands up to his scalp and started massaging again. I knew he remembered the day, but I decided to amuse him anyway.
“I saw you and your silver eyes and your stupid jaw, and I immediately thought you were a pretentious asshole.” Sirius tapped his fingers against the tiled shower floor. 
“You weren’t wrong.” He bit his lip. I shook my head.
“I was so, utterly wrong in every way, but that’s not my point. You held your hand out to me and looked me in the eye and shook my hand, like I was some fancy relative at some fancy ball. And I hated it. Because I figured that if you were surrounded by pretentious assholes growing up, you would become one.” Sirius snorted. I bit my lip. “That night I was lying in my bed, and I was so happy, because I’d made friends. I was at Hogwarts, and I had friends and everything was good in the world. Except for you.” Sirius tensed. I pushed his head forward again, rinsing his hair. “You pulled back the curtain of my bed after everyone had fallen asleep. And I was waiting. I was waiting for you to ask me a rude question, make fun of my scars, make fun of my crappy, second-hand clothes, because I was beneath you. But instead, you climbed under my blanket with me, and stared at the roof of the bed. My heart was racing and I had no idea what was happening, and then you turned to face me.” I stood for a moment and picked up the bar of soap from the soap dish. “Then you whispered—”
“I’ve got scars too.” I sat back down at the edge of the shower and traced my hands over those scars. Long deep gashes, small scratches, all and every sort.
“Yeah. ‘I’ve got scars too. I’m not going to tell you why, because I don’t like talking about it, but I just wanted to let you know you’re not alone and that you should be proud of your scars. They’re proof that you survived the worst.’ I didn’t know what to say, and—and then you climbed out of the bed and back into yours and I’d never felt so—warm inside. I’d never felt so, okay about my scars.” I rubbed the soap across his back and shoulders, wincing at his every hiss of soap running over a cut. 
“So you’re trying to tell me I’m not alone?” he asked. I stopped cleaning his back.
“No. Well, yes, obviously, but I’m trying to say... You’re always going to hate your scars, whether you can see them or whether they’re in your head. But, Sirius, one day, hopefully you’ll look at those scars and you will glow with pride, because you have gone through so much. And here you are.” Sirius scoffed.
“Yeah, here I am, getting bathed by my boyfriend because I’m too pathetic to—“ I cut him off.
“And here you are, despite all the bad things, despite all the odds, you have friends, you have a boyfriend, you have stupid muggle music and leather jackets and you have The Marauders okay? You have a family, even if they aren’t blood.” I handed the soap to Sirius and stood up. He caught my hand, his brows furrowed.
“Is that what you tell yourself?” He asked. Something melted in me at the sight of his grey eyes. I smiled and nodded. “Maybe minus the music and leather jacket.”
Sirius considered this for a moment. “Are you proud of your scars?” I squeezed Sirius’ hand.
“No. Not yet. But maybe... hopefully one day,” I answered. Sirius nodded. I turned to grab his towel as Sirius finished showering and turned the water off. He stepped onto the bath mat and I wrapped the towel around him. I searched for the pain in his grey eyes, the sadness and hurt and hate, but it wasn’t there. No, as Sirius looked up at me, his right eye black and red and purple, all that was there was love.
“I hope so too,” he croaked out. I placed my hands on his waist and pulled him closer to me. “I hope, one day, we’re both proud of our scars.” I fought back the burning in my eyes and leaned in to kiss him. “Thank you,” he whispered as we broke apart. I knew he wasn’t talking about the kiss. I nodded. There was a knock at the door, and I reached over Sirius to unlock it. James was standing in the doorway, biting his lip and holding a bottle of liquid. I furrowed my brows.
“You alright, James?” he took a deep breath and nodded.
“Yeah, it’s just,” he turned to Sirius. “Mum says you’ve got to drink this, Pads, it’ll help with the pain.” He handed the bottle over, and Sirius frowned at it.
“Why do you look constipated then?” I asked, turning to face him fully. He ran his hands through his hair.
“Well, because I understand that now is really not the time to laugh at you, but that shit tastes like cat’s ass,” he explained. I opened my mouth, confused, before Sirius moved next to me. He was— laughing, I realised. I cracked a smile at James and he lost it. He absolutely lost his shit and so did Sirius and we were all on the bathroom floor, laughing our asses off. Mrs Potter stood at the doorway, shaking her head. 
“You boys are going to be the death of me,” she said, but there was a hint of a smirk on her face. “Come on Sirius, drink up.” She held her arm out for him and he trailed to the kitchen behind her. When they got to the stairs, just before he took the steps down, Sirius threw a nervous look over his shoulder and James and I lost it again.
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slytherinfaith · 8 years
Drarry and Teddy at the Zoo
Prompt: Harry gets Draco to help him babysit in the muggle world and Draco is adapting to the new muggle items around him.
Draco -
"Dray I promise it won't be as bad as you're making it out to be," Harry begs giving me these big, sad eyes.
"But why do we have to do this? Why can't someone else watch that mut," Harry gasp giving em a glare.
"Oh hush your mouth. That's my godson you talking about."
I roll my eyes turning back to the Daily Prophet. I can feel Harry's eyes on me, but I refuse to break.
"Dragon," he says sweetly wrapping his arms around my shoulders pulling me back into his chest.
"Lion," I reply harshly trying to not let the small smile forming on my lips show.
"Will you please come with to watch Teddy with me?"
"Only if I get some cuddles later," I sigh.
His face breaks into an ear to ear grin before plopping on my lap and wrapping me in a hug.
"Now let's so get into get into our muggle clothes. I told Remus we would be there for 9," I turn and look at the clock seeing it is already 8:30.
"Thanks for the heads up. It is ever so deeply appreciated," I tease before getting up and walking to our bedroom.
I hear 8uio0p plrt5oltgptlggbehind me before Harry finally speaks up, "You know you're going to have to wear muggle clothes, right?"
"No Harry, I just thought I was going to waltz around the muggle world in my robes and be completely casually about the whole thing. Yes you buffon, of course I know to wear muggle clothes," Harry's cluelessness never seems to fail him.
I do not own much muggle clothing, but out of the stuff I do own looks pretty damn amazing on me. I slip on a pair of black "skinny jeans" followed by a green "T-Shirt." If I am going to go muggle I might as well stick to my old school colors. School ended almost a year ago, but eh green suits me. I make my way into our bathroom grabbing a comb to flatten out my hair before I gel it back.
"Draco we have to leave," I hear Harry call from the living room.
I finish doing my hair before walking over to him. He reaches his arm out to me, which I graciously accept before we apparate to 12 Grimmauld Place.
"Uncle Hawwy! Uncle Dwaco!" Teddy exclaims.
Harry rushes over to his godson wrapping him into a tight hug. I smile at the two looking up to see Remus giving them the same affectionate look.
"Sirius hurry your lazy arse up! Harry and Draco are here," Remus screams as a frantic Sirius comes bolting down the stairs.  
"Thank you guys for watching him. We should be back sometime in the late afternoon," Sirius says giving me a pat on the shoulder and a small smile.
They two turn to their son who is only a little older than two years old to bid their goodbyes. They soon floo out of the house leaving the three of us in the large home all alone.
"So what do you want to do today?" Harry ask Teddy.
"Can we go to the zoo?" he responds.
"What the hell is a zoo?" I question at the two before they burst out into a fit of giggles.
"It's where you get to see a bunch of wild muggle animals," Harry says casually.
"What is the purpose?"
"For visitors to see these animals first-hand and to help animals that may die off," he explains.
I still do not see the full purpose, but I find it better if I stop with the questions.
"Why don't we take the muggle bus?" Harry suggest with a buzzing Teddy in his arms.
Muggle busses are disgusting. They are filled with absolutely filthy people who smell like they were raised by a bunch of hippogriffs. Do not get me wrong, all muggles are not horrible. Just the majority of them lack any sort of common sense and act like children.
We make our way out of the house to the stop across the street. I sit on the abandoned bench, Teddy takes this opportunity to crawl onto my lap. Despite my constant cold shoulder act, I do truly care about the kid. The bus shortly pulls in front of us and I snatch Teddy into my arms while Harry gives the driver muggle money.  We make our way to the back of the bus pushing through the rows or crowded people.
Teddy wiggles out of my grasp sitting in between Harry and I. Almost everyone on the train cannot keep their eyes off of Teddy. His personality is captivating. When he was younger we would worry about him changing his hair or eye color in front of the muggles, but we finally found a glamour strong enough to stop it from happening when in public.
Old ladies continue to wave at him while he giggles loving the attention. Harry on the other hand looks slightly annoyed. I  guess being the savior and constantly having people looking at you, expecting things from you, you tend to become annoyed.
The bus comes to a halt and Teddy waves goodbye to everyone causing them to coo before we make our exit. Harry takes my hand into his while I hold Teddy lightly on my hip. In front of me is a tan building with several giggling kids bouncing around waiting to go inside. Teddy's excitement matches the others as he tries to get out of my grasp. Harry leads the way going through the gates and I can feel my eyes widen at the sight in front of me. We begin making towards these pink birds walking around in a light pit of water. As we get closer I the air begins to fill with the most appalling oder. My nose scrunches and I turn to Harry who burst into a fit of giggles. He grabs my arm pulling me away from the disgusting beast walking down a jungle like path.
"Hawwy can we go see the giwaffes?" Teddy ask giving his godfather his best puppy dog eyes.
I have to say they are quite convincing considering who his parents are.
"Of course they are my favorite," Harry exclaims.
"Hm I would have guessed the lions would be your favorite," I tease sending him a sloppy grin.
"Close second," he pipes back.
We turn down several pathways stopping and looking at all kinds of animals from tortoises to elephants. I have never seen a giraffe up close before. I know I read about one in one of my muggle studies books, but honestly they seem terrifying. I stop walking seeing me are now on a little bridge in front of the large creatures walking around eating leaves out of the toy trees.
"Do you want to feed him?" Harry ask me with a small smirk.
He puts some strange cord like substance into my hand gesturing for me to outstretch it to the animals. I reach my shaky arm out with an open palm look at the to giraffes who are suddenly extremely aware of our presence.  They stalk over to us in what seems like slow motion before stopping directly in front of me. He dips his head down letting his obnoxiously long tongue swipe down taking the food into his mouth. My body cringes feeling the rough, wet texture trying not to pull away. Teddy and Harry are doubling over in laughter watching my uncomfortable state. The giraffe then unexpectedly rubs it face on the side of mine before walking back to his original place.
After a few more moments Teddy begins to whine that he is hungry so we start head in the direction of the the center of the zoo where there are is a gift shop and food carts. On the way there Harry spots the reptile exhibit and begs to go in. Despite his hungry state, Teddy cannot argue at the site of Harry's own version of the puppy dog eyes.
He pulls us into the deep filled room seeing dozens of animals from lizards to snakes. I see a beautiful green tree python relaxing in a small tree. I walk over to the glass with Teddy in my arms seeing the snakes head slightly perking up at the sight of us. Before I can even say anything to Teddy, a voice cuts me off causing me to jump.
"Seethaaasssshathehhhhathehhhayaeeh," Harry speaks in a low voive trying to ensure none of the muggles hear him.
Teddy and I both watch in awe as the two begin to have a conversation as if they are old friends. Harry turns back to the two of us and we both stare waiting for him to explain.
"Her name is Kendra and she told me about her past and I told her about you two. By they may, she mention how your looks are quite captivating Draco," I blush slightly at the compliment shooting a wink to the snake.
Harry counties to make small talk with the snakes we see on the way out until we reach the end of the hall. We exit the building only to be meet with the blinding light from the outside.  Teddy walks slightly in front of Harry and I giving me the opportunity to lock our hands together while we walk in a comfortable silence.
"Teddy what do you want to eat?" I ask him and he stops in his tracks putting on a very concentrated face.
"Animal Crackers and hmmm..." his eyes suddenly shouts, "A JUICE BOX."
Harry and I both chuckle at his outburst, but my laughter soon turns to confusion as I realize I do not know what either of those foods are. Harry obviously does because he walks over to a guy not much older than us getting what I would assume to be whatever Teddy asked for. Teddy and I sit at an empty table that was an umbrella connected to the top. Harry walks back over with three square boxes along with 3 plastic bags.
Teddy immediately takes one of each from Harry's hands saying a quick thank you. He places a set in front me we and I just stare at the two not know how to approach them.
"Draco,have you never had a juice box?" I sheepishly shake my head back at him in response.
He grabs the small yellow box ripping some plastic contraption off the front. I soon realize it was a straw that he pops right into the top of the box before pushing it back over in my direction.
"Drink" he simply says turning to his own juice.
I take the box in more both hands bringing it to my lips. I slowly begin to drink it watching Harry for approval the whole time and he keeps nodding with encouragement.
"Can you open my animal crackers?" Teddy ask Harry handing him his bag.
Without a response Harry does the task turning back to me bursting to a fit of giggles.
"Awh you drink it with two hands, you're so cute."
"Shut up," I mumble putting the straw back into my mouth.
Harry continues to tease me endlessly about the damn juice box as we get up walking towards the exit of the zoo. I would love to spend a few more hours here, but somewhere along the way we lost track of time seeing that the sun is starting to set. Teddy is now extremely tired struggling to keep his eyes open while Harry is holding him close to his chest. The afternoon bus just so happens to arrive as we get to the stop. We settle in with a now sleeping Teddy as all sorts of people with just as tired children join us leaving the zoo.
After several stops we arrive in front of Sirius and Remus' place thanking the driver before entering the quiet home. Harry goes to lay Teddy down into his room while I cuddle into the arm of the couch. Harry returns plopping down onto my lap causing a low groan to leave my lips. I shift getting comfortable wrapping my arms around his waist.
"Today was amazing" I mumble into his hair before kissing his head.
"Yeah, it was," he says turning his head pulling me into a soft kiss.
This was a quick one shot, but there will be more on my wattpad (@/faitheeere).
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