#Note 1: this is supposed to be lighthearted so i tried to stick mostly with what i'm familiar with
Mankai Therapy Company
tsumugi vc you guys need so much therapy on god
It started, like it always did, with extortion. 
Or rather, it started at a company meeting. 
“I,” Tsumugi announced, “have great news.”
“You’re getting married?” Citron all but yelled. Tsumugi choked. 
“I didn’t hear Tasuku say anything,” Itaru muttered without looking up from his handheld gaming device, still managing to be heard by everyone in the room.
“I’m not getting married!” He closed his eyes and inhaled slowly before opening them. “I - we-” he gestured towards the Director- “called everyone in here to tell you that I was able to contact one of my old colleague’s practices, and they said they’d be willing to do business with our company at a reduced price.”
“Practice?” Muku echoed in confusion.
“He’s telling us to see a shrink.” Yuki said flatly.
“Only if you feel comfortable doing so,” Tsumugi curled his fists to keep himself from wringing his hands together. It was best not to show nerves in these situations. “I acknowledge that it is a personal choice and I won’t force anyone into this. However, if you do decide to take this opportunity, it’s now arranged so that the company will pay for your sessions in full.”
“Am I dreaming?” Tsuzuru blinked. “Did you just say free health insurance?”
“Holy shit, are you crying?”
“No!” He rubbed his eyes quickly. Kazunari patted him on the arm. 
“There, there, Tsuzuroon.” 
Sakyo cleared his throat. “I have a question.”
“Yes?” Tsumugi did his best to make his expression open and nonjudgmental. 
“Or a concern. Where in the company’s budget have these funds been allocated?”
Tsumugi’s smile was unchanging, not flickering or wavering in the slightest. “Sorry, let me rephrase that. Anyone who works for Mankai Company who wants to see a therapist, counselor, psychiatrist, or any mental health professional now can, free of charge, with any copayments covered in full. Is that understood?”
Izumi had to hand it to Tsumugi, the soft-spoken man could be downright scary when he wanted to be. Why was it always the nice ones? 
“I’ll be reviewing this on next month’s budget.”
“Great!” Tsumugi hummed. “Does anyone else have a question?”
“Yeah,” Taichi raised his hand, “why are you telling us to go to therapy? Isn’t that for, like, divorced couples and depressed shut-ins and stuff? I mean, none of us qualify for that, right?”
Tsumugi’s eye twitched. He couldn’t help it. 
“Hey, Tsumugi!” 
Tsumugi looked up from the script he’d been reading on the sofa, politely greeting Taichi in return as the boy opened the fridge and grabbed a soda. He frowned slightly. 
“Nanao, don’t you have school tomorrow?”
“Yep!” Taichi nodded as he popped the soda cap off and took a swig. “Uh, why? Is there something else happening tomorrow?”
“No, I just-” he looked pointedly towards the soda. “Are you sure it’s a good idea to drink so much caffeine before bed? Won’t you have trouble going to sleep?”
“Oh, this?” Taichi laughed and rubbed his neck. “It - okay, this might sound fake, but I swear soda and caffeine actually make me sleepier! Weird, right?”
“That’s certainly…interesting.” 
“Azuma, my dear, my camellia that blossoms in the moonlight,” Homare paused. “Were you, perchance, the one that moved my tea bags?”
“Hm? No. Why, are you missing some?”
“No.” Homare closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening them. “I…apologize for the accusation. Thank you.” He turned around to leave before-
“Oh crap,” was all Tasuku could manage before Homare accosted him. “Tasuku, my Adonis, you wouldn’t happen to have moved my tea bags this morning, would you?”
“Uh, yeah?” He blinked. “They were in front of the cereal. I didn’t take any, though, if you’re missing some.”
“I’m not!” Homare reassured him. “I simply woke up to find the lavender and chai had switched places, and the lemon much farther to the left than it should be, which as you can imagine is quite a distressing predicament to find oneself in.”
“I…I really can’t imagine that, no.”
He hummed. “Well, if you do find yourself moving my teas again, please ascertain that they are relocated back to their original positions, would you?”
Tasuku didn’t have the energy to argue. “Okay, sure.”
Azuma chuckled. “Classic Homare.”
Tsumugi bit his lip. 
“Ah, Tenma,” Tsumugi slid a sheet of paper across the table and tapped on it. “This kanji is backwards.”
“Huh?” Tenma snatched up the paper and stared at it, blinking hard. “Oh…oh, yeah, you’re right. Sorry.” He winced. 
“It’s no problem,” Tsumugi smiled gently. “Let’s just correct it and move on, shall we?” 
“Yeah,” Tenma’s ears were still flushed, “yeah, okay.”
“I’ve got it!” Tsuzuru slammed open the door forcefully and marched in like a knight on a mission. A pale, scrawny, sickly looking knight with unwashed hair and dark eyebags. “I’ve got the new script!” He grinned maniacally. 
Itaru looked up. “Five.”
“That’s great, Tsuzuru!” Izumi smiled and took the packet, still warm from the printer. “I’ll read through this tonight and have my notes ready by tomorrow.”
“Are you okay?” Tsumugi asked. 
“I’m fine. I’m great! I’m wonderful!” Tsuzuru said, a little forcefully. 
Citron stood. “Four.” 
“When was the last time you slept?”
“I can’t just sleep, Tsukioka, what if I forget a line or piece of dialogue?” 
“Wouldn’t want that to happen,” Chikage muttered. “Three.”
“Still - sorry, what are you counting for?”
Sakuya just shrugged, half-smiling apologetically. “It’s just easier to coordinate this way. Two.”
“Coordinate what?”
Tsuzuru collapsed face first into Masumi’s arms. “...One.” 
“Taichi’s right, I don’t think any of us need that therapy crap. ‘Cept for Hyodo, maybe someone’ll find out why he’s so chronically annoying.”
Juza elbowed Banri in the ribs. He retaliated by punching his shoulder. 
“It’s a scam anyway.” Yuki spoke up before the fight could escalate further. “Therapy’s just a pseudoscience made to make normal people feel good about themselves by talking to a stranger. No offense.”
Tsumugi steepled his fingers. “None taken. On a related note, how many of you have actually been to therapy?”
Yuki looked away, muttering something about school counselors and zero tolerance policies. Nobody else seemed willing to speak up. 
“I have!” Misumi raised his hand. Tsumugi blinked, trying not to look surprised. 
“Mhmm! I think?” Misumi leaned back on the sofa. “I was really young.”
“What…how was it?”
“They gave me some toys to play with and asked Gramps a lot of questions,” he shrugged. “Don’t remember much else.”
“I…see.” Tsumugi said slowly. “That’s very…enlightening. Thank you.” He coughed. “Still, I have a stack of business cards here, so I would like all of you to take one.”
Banri glared at his card like its existence offended him. Kazunari flipped his over and shoved it into his pocket when he was sure nobody was looking. Misumi also put his in his pocket, but only after forcing the edges down to make a triangle fold. 
Tsumugi prayed that he made the right decision to be so upfront about this. Then again, it wasn’t like anyone else was going to make the first move. 
He had almost forgotten about it, a month later, when Banri stormed into his room and practically threw the business card at him. “Rurikawa was right, therapy’s a total scam. I want a refund and I didn’t even pay anything.”
Secretly Tsumugi was pleased that Banri had relented into going for a few sessions, but he forced those feelings down. “It’s normal to feel upset after a session. But if you feel like you’re being treated unfairly, you can always ask for another therapist.”
“Yeah, I’m being ‘treated unfairly’.” Banri rolled his eyes and sat down on the floor, right in front of him. “You still have your license, right? Why can’t you be our therapist?”
“That’d be an extreme conflict of interest and highly illegal.”
“Didn’t know we cared about the law,” Banri muttered under his breath. 
“If you want to talk, though, I always can as a friend.”
“Right, so,” he waved his hand flippantly. “I was just telling this chick about Hyodo eating my pudding with my name on it, and in the middle she looks me right in the eyes and says Oh, wow, you must really like this Hyodo person to talk about them so much!”
“Oh. Wow.”
“As if! I was just telling you how much he pissed me off, seriously, how dense do you have to be to NOT understand that?”
Tsumugi bit back several comments. “I can’t imagine.”
“Ugh. Anyways. This sucks.”
“Sometimes it does,” he said sympathetically. 
He barely had time to blink before Homare’s fingers had interlaced with his, a quick kiss pressed to his temple. “Hello, Angel!”
“Hello, Homare,” he smiled, more than used to these random bouts of affection. “How are you?”
Homare glanced down the hallway quickly before leaning in close to his ear. “Actually, I do have a topic I wanted to discuss with you. Your knowledge on the subject would provide valuable insight on the matter.”
Tsumugi felt the back of his neck prickle. “What is it?”
“Do you think I’m on the spectrum?”
“There’s...a lot of spectrums, Homare.”
He tsked. “True. I- I initially assumed my therapist said I might be on the artistic spectrum, and I told them that I was a renowned poet on the literary arts spectrum, but-” he sighed dramatically, “they simply laughed and gave me a pamphlet to ‘read over’.”
“I see,” Tsumugi squeezed his hand. “And you read it?”
“I…I did, yes.”
Thank god, FINALLY, Tsumugi wanted to say. Instead, he very tactfully asked, “What did you think?”
“I am,” Homare frowned slightly. “Not sure. I’m afraid I must deliberate on the matter further before drawing forth any hasty conclusions.”
“Well,” Tsumugi kissed his cheek. “There’s no rush.”
Hisoka looked left, then right, then cautiously reached for the doorknob before-
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” Chikage snapped, crossing his arms.
“There’s a pop-up sweets shop in the next town,” he yawned plainly. “I want to see it.”
Chikage narrowed his eyes. “I thought you were expressly forbidden from driving.”
“It’s only a few minutes,” he shrugged. 
Chikage’s lip curled. “Are those Tasuku’s keys?”
“He’s out jogging.” Hisoka answered. It was getting harder and harder to stay-
He felt somebody shaking him. “I hope you were planning on asking your boyfriend to drive you.”
“I can drive myself,” Hisoka felt a twinge of annoyance. “It’s fine.”
“Right,” Chikage closed his eyes. “Get in Chigasaki’s car before you do anything stupid.” He shook his head and muttered, “Of all the reckless…I can’t believe you fell asleep in the MRI machine-”
Tsumugi watched the door slam shut on Hisoka’s smirking face. 
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lvllns · 3 years
it don't matter to me (wherever we are is where i wanna be)
the wayhaven chronicles. felix hauville x kincaid anderson (nb detective). teen and up rating for language. established relationship, mostly fluff with some angst. 1300+ words. — let's take our chances and roll the dice, chapter 1 of 3.
notes: this is just an excuse to write felix meeting the people kincaid considers family. i’m taking some liberties with the detective’s backstory but listen, i made a 6′5 cowboy, i’m gonna exploit the cowboy part of it.
[ao3 link]
Kincaid throws his truck into park with a sigh, but when Felix glances over, concerned, he only finds him smiling so wide his dimples are visible.
The ranch sprawls out in front of them, an endless sea of grass broken up by various buildings. Felix thinks he can see the barn from here, tucked to the right behind the house. A few cattle lift their heads, ears flicking forward with momentary curiosity before they return to grazing. He inhales. Deep. Lets the air fill his lungs and yeah, it smells like cows mostly. Little bit sweet from the grass, and a whole lot of just dirt.
It smells like cows and dirt.
He startles when Kincaid reaches over and takes his hand, bringing his knuckles to his lips for a brief kiss as he murmurs, “Thank you for agreein’ to come,” against his skin.
Felix shrugs, eyes darting from Kincaid to the land around them. “Why wouldn’t I?” He tilts his head, eyebrows knitting together as he focuses on Kincaid once more. “You’re important to me and they’re all important to you. I’d have to meet them eventually.”
Kincaid pulls his head back, thumb rubbing over the bumps of Felix’s knuckles. There’s something in his eyes Felix can’t place. Soft, tender. The bright green of them mellowing as the corner of his mouth lifts. “Extenuating circumstances and all that.” Kincaid shifts. Felix thinks about how this wasn’t supposed to happen. How Adam brought up a laundry list of issues surrounding the both of them going all the way out here for two days. What about food? I’m not trying to stop you two from doing this, but you need to be realistic about the situation. “I’ve...never actually brought anyone else here,” he says with a soft laugh. “Never really wanted to if I’m bein’ honest.”
“I’m special then?” Felix means it to be a lighthearted quip. A way to snap the tension in the cab of the truck, and he is caught off-guard by how earnest Kincaid’s expression becomes.
His hand is raised to Kincaid’s mouth again. Another soft kiss, another sentence whispered against his knuckles even as those moss bright eyes steadily hold his gaze. “You are...so special to me Felix.” He swallows around the sudden lump in his throat, watching as Kincaid lowers his hand once more. “You have no idea.”
Words stick at the back of his tongue. He means to say them, he does, but a woman comes hurrying out of the house hollering Kincaid’s name and the moment is gone.
A feather on the wind.
Kincaid tosses him a soft smile and throws his door open. “Stephanie!”
Felix slips from the car, his door shutting with a soft thunk, and he watches the two of them quietly.
She’s a good foot shorter than Kincaid, brown hair streaked with grey, but her dark eyes are sharp and clear. She—Stephanie—whacks Kincaid on the chest with the towel she’s holding and Felix watches as his giant of a partner shrinks in on himself, cheeks going red.
“Kincaid Everett Anderson, you don’t call for weeks and then you just show up!” Felix half expects her to swat at him again but she pulls him in for a hug. A kiss on his cheek. “We’ve missed you terribly.”
“I’ve been textin’ Jase, if he ain’t—”
Kincaid clears his throat. Glances at Felix, but all he can do is try to stifle his laughter. When it becomes clear he’s not going to be any help, Kincaid continues. “Right, sorry ma’am. If he hasn’t been telling you, that’s not—”
“How hard would it be to send me a text, hm?” She pinches his ear, a fond smile on her face, and Kincaid bats at her hand half-heartedly. “It’s calving season, Jason can hardly remember what day it is.” Felix snorts and regrets it immediately when that keen gaze is trained on him. Kincaid gets whacked in the chest with the towel. Again. “Who’d you bring with you?” Stephanie’s voice is much softer now, the corners of her eyes gentling. Felix tries not to think about I’ve never brought anybody here before and fails.
“Steph, this is Felix. Felix, Stephanie.” He watches Kincaid toe at the dirt with his boot, shoulders curling forward just a little bit more. “He’s my boyfriend. We’re dating.”
There’s a beat and Felix almost expects this to go sideways immediately but he finds himself wrapped in a monster of a hug by this tiny woman and oh, she is much stronger than he expected. Iron bands for arms as she squeezes him tight. He reacts out of instinct, hugging her back, and then it’s over. Her hands rest on his shoulders as she looks him up and down before nodding.
“It is about time you brought somebody out here Kincaid.” She grins. “It’s lovely to meet you, Felix.”
His head hurts a little bit. This is a lot. He takes a second to settle himself before flashing the most charming smile he can. “You as well.”
Stephanie pats his arm absently. “Everyone is inside, but I suppose you’ll be heading to the barn to drop your stuff off.”
Felix senses Kincaid scoot closer and closer until their arms are brushing, fingers knocking together. “We’re sleeping in the barn?” He quirks a brow. Looks up at Kincaid who chuckles.
“There’s an apartment above, like a second story.” Felix nods as he looks beyond the house to what he assumes in the barn.
“It’s where Kincaid slept most nights as a kid,” Stephanie says, voice fond and faraway. She shakes her head. “Anyway, go.” The towel is now aimed at both of them, flicking their direction. Felix laughs as he dances away. “I’ll tell everyone else you’re here, I expect y’all will be riding before long.”
Kincaid grins and it’s bright. Blinding. A flash of white teeth and metal. He suffers another hit with the towel before they finally break away and head back to the truck. Felix leans against the door as he watches Kincaid grab the single backpack they shoved all their stuff in. Not much for one single night, a change of clothes and toothbrushes mostly. He takes another deep breath (Remember Felix, you need to at least try to breathe regularly.) and taps his fingers together. It’s so quiet. Which is fine, mostly. It’s just, Felix is so used to activity and the constant moving from case to case, and it’s so weird to be able to shut down. To stop running. To sit down and soak in the peace of the countryside.
“Fee?” He doesn’t startle but it’s a near thing, head twisting to find Kincaid looking at him carefully. Concerned. “Ya okay?”
His accent is getting thicker, he thinks. Felix nods. “Fine. It’s just quiet out here.”
Kincaid hums. Wraps his arm around Felix’s shoulders and steps close. He drops a kiss to the top of his head. His temple. “If you wanna go back tonight—”
“No!” He tips his head up, eyes narrowing. “It’s just not something I’m used to, how still and silent it is. I’ll be okay.”
“Ya sure?” Felix nods. Kincaid kisses his cheek. “‘Kay, but you tell me if you need anything?”
“Right, if it’s too quiet I’ll ask you about your motorcycle.”
Kincaid snorts. “Hey, you said it.” Felix rolls his eyes, unable to mask the smile that splits his face.
Another kiss to his cheek and then Kincaid finally, finally, kisses him properly. He leans up as Kincaid leans down and it’s so good. It always is. His lips are a little chapped, but Felix doesn’t care. He wraps his arms around Kincaid. Pulls him closer until they’re seamed together from chest to hips. He could do this all day and all night. Really. It’s not like he needs to—
Kincaid pulls away to take a deep breath and it’s gratifying how flushed he is. Cheeks pink, the color mixing with the freckles that cover his skin. His eyes are blown black, only the thinnest ring of green visible. He clears his throat before, “We should, uh, our stuff.”
Felix takes pity on him. Backs away and takes his hand, lacing their fingers together. “Come on cowboy, show me around.”
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catgirlxox · 5 years
Omg! I just watched the B10:AF ep “Veeedle, Vreedle” and I now see what your talking about with Julie! I mean, I always believed you, but now I am seeing it with my own eyes! I haven’t watched Ben 10 in some, just recently started to rewatch it (found you blog and I love it!), and I always remembered feeling weird about their (Ben & Julie) relationship. I didn’t remember this ep I rewatched it and I notices something. (1) when the Vreedles come to repo, Ship is on the offensive & starts morphing
into weapons. Julie tells Ship “I don’t want them to see how valuable you are” and instead calls Ben(who comes with in seconds!!) (2) when with Gwen and Kevin, they find out the court order is legit, Ben says “somebody can use him [Ship] as a weapon” Gwen: “AND you DON’T want Julie to LOSE her pet EITHER, right BEN?” Ben passively says he agrees and Julie calls him out on it not being sincere 
(3) Julie ask Gwen would Ben care if Ship was “just a dog, my [Julie] dog” (4) When Ben & Kevin comes back from court Julie is happy b/c Ben went “halfway across the galaxy” for her. But when Ben tells her that he feels, in light of all of this, that Julie is putting a lot of pressure on their relationship, Kevin tells him “it’s just a dog”. Like people Ship is not a dog! Ship is a sentient Mechamorph! You perceive it to act like a dog! Is there even dogs in space?!
Julie starts the episode saying that Ship is powerful, latter saying the same thing to Gwen, but once Ben says the exact same thing that she says, all of a sudden it’s wrong. I’m with Ben, that thing can kill you, your family, or anyone at any given time! Ship, though friendly, it’s not a toy or pet. Ship is like owning a gun; it’s cool and you can take it to the shooting range for “fun” BUT it doesn’t take away how deadly it is.
Gwen & Kevin might be so relaxed b/c they have seen and can handle things like this. But Julie hasn’t, she literally had to call Ben for help b/c she couldn’t protect herself! And what if he couldn’t answer his phone?! But lucky for Julie he comes on time to help, but after that Julie questions if Ben cares about ship. Girl, he cares about you and Ship on two different levels. Even if Ship was a dog, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t go out his way unless it was important.
Julie is important to Ben & Ship is important to Julie, therefore Ship is important to Ben. But again you can’t ignore how dangerous Ship is, or the potential to be. But the worst thing is Ben opened the conversation about what he feels in the relationship, but Julie looks offended and Kevin dismisses Ben. If anyone says they feel pressure in a relationship, THATS SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT! Your partner should feel safe & comfortable with you not pressure.
His grievances are dismissed but when Julie got a problem, she’ll raise hell for Ben. And note that this is in the beginning of their relationship and latter Ben doesn’t start these types of conversations anymore, he is mostly reacting or apologizing (to my memory, still rewatching). And I’m surprise that Gwen, of all people, doesn’t have Ben’s back more often. In OS when Kai was first introduced, I remember Gwen sticking up for Ben when he was treated unfairly. Seeing this, I personally think Ben stayed in the relationship b/c he’s lonely & wants intimacy with someone. It used to be Grandpa Max & Gwen, but they now have lives and responsibilities outside of Ben. Often times people who are lonely overindulge in intimacy, i.e always wanting to be around people no matter how long & if it’s good or bad . Some who are quick to romantic relations often do it b/c it’s a quick way to companionship.
I’m not saying Ben doesn’t love Julie, I’m saying is that he emotionally needs Julie more that what she knows and what she can give him. It’s funny how in OV when Rook and Ben become friends, girls start throwing themselves at Ben but he doesn’t care. Julie is traveling and he doesn’t freak out, instead believes the best and let her do her thing. Why? B/c he has Rook, he has a friend that will never leave his side. He finally gets that companion & intimacy he wanted. 
Therefore, no longer NEEDING to hold onto or pursue romantic relations. Instead he’s free to get a gf when he wants one. It’s sad b/c Ben is a empathetic guy, he is so open hearted, kind, forgiving, lighthearted, & trustworthy but people see that as a flaw. Ben will fight for you however you need it, at any cost, but rarely is it returned. He can’t afford to feel bad, to be anything less than Ben 10/10. 
I personally think, within story, Ben deserved better romantic partners or should just stay single. The girls say they given more than they get, but they should know who they’re dating. He couldn’t stop being a hero if he tried, b/c it’s who he is! He’s not dumb, he’ll make “gf time”, but he also needs “me time”. He’ll do what they want, but to do what he wants they’re reluctant or wants something out of it *cough* the D *cough*. It seems like they all are in love with
Yes!! I’m so glad people are noticing!
First, the “dog” situation…SHIP IS NOT A DOG. Just because he is seemingly programmed to mimic an earth dog, doesn’t make him any less a weapon. It’s the equivalent of having a machine gun painted pink. Cute, but still deadly.
Ben is right to see Ship for what he is, and in doing so, it proves that he cares about Julie because he cares that she’s in possession of what could be highly dangerous alien weaponry.
Why does he need to go half way across the universe for her to see that??
Is he supposed to just agree with her delusion? Okay, “delusion” might be a little harsh, but he’s had so much experience with dangerous alien technology, even being able to become a Galvanic Mechamorph himself because of the potentially dangerous alien technology literally on his wrist, that he would know what he’s talking about. She doesn’t even know the half of it at this point!
Why does she not care that he’s looking out for her?? How does that make him a bad boyfriend? Just because he disagrees with her?
Who wouldn't feel under pressure when this is a problem very early into your relationship?
Part of me just thinks that they’re reading him wrong. Maybe it should be obvious that Ben saying “I think Ship could be used as a weapon” would translate to “I care about Julie’s safety”, but to her it seems to not have been so clear, unfortunately. 
Similarly, I hear a lot of people talk about how much of a problem Ben’s “attitude” is when debating things in relation to this pairing. Although this is probably more common when discussing Ultimate Alien. 
But honestly? If you don’t like someone’s attitude, why would you stay in a relationship with them?
Are relationships for changing your partner to suit your own preferences? And if their own opinions and perspectives don’t line up with yours, even if they’re right, does that make them a bad partner? 
Flaws are subjective. Clearly what these characters thought was ‘bad’ about Ben, we see the good in. 
Tumblr media
He is not fundamentally a terrible boyfriend. 
It’s interesting that you say Ben chose to stay in the relationship due to feelings of loneliness and longing for intimacy that he was lacking. I have my own particular issues with Rook, but, for the most part, I’m willing to slightly overlook those flaws because I’m glad he was there for Ben when he needed someone during the beginning of Omniverse. But that really makes it clear why he stuck around.
I hate when people argue that he was neglectful and ignorant towards her, which is what made her leave. Or, more accurately, “ghost him.” 
I don’t recall anyone in “Rules of Engagement” ever definitively saying that it had been months between the last time Ben and Julie spoke. 
Ben is sixteen in both Ultimate Alien and Omniverse, apparently. If that is true, SO MUCH HAPPENS THAT YEAR! He gains fame, takes down his childhood hero (Captain Nemesis), deals with Ultimate Kevin and Aggregor, deals with the Forever Knights becoming increasingly more violent, defeats Vilgax and Dagon with Ascalon, loses his old team, becomes friends with Rook. deals with Khyber hunting him down, has old wounds ripped open and faces off Malware, gets kicked off the planet while the Incuseans enslave Earth before coming back to save everyone…and that’s not even the whole show! 
They had a falling out between Ben defeating Vilgax and Dagon, and the frog war. Compared to how many events can fit into a year of his life. that couldn’t have been an extremely long time. Two months, maximum. 
But more importantly, he must have been so overwhelmed. It’s so unfortunate that he feels like he can’t express that in fear of people not seeing him as the strong, unbreakable hero he is always expected to be. 
Overall, I definitely agree that he deserved better than what he got. And I could be petty and plug my own self insert oc who I ship with him (and do it right lol) but I’ll save it. Thank you for letting me know my words make a difference!
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turkleader · 5 years
Drinks and Old Rumors
Part 1 of 7 Written for FFVII Halloween Week 2019.
Prompt: October 26th - Scary Stories [ghost stories, old legends, tales of the supernatural, creepypasta]
Summary: It's Halloween week and the Turks are shooting the shit at 7th Heaven when an old rumor about Tseng rises from its uneasy grave.
Description: This is the first piece in a multi-part story that follows Tseng (and those he encounters) over the course of seven days. I took inspiration mostly from the "old legends" and "tales of the supernatural" parts of this prompt, but tried to make it a more lighthearted experience to start the week off with. I hope you enjoy this little piece, and happy Samhain and Halloween to all who celebrate!
A note before we begin: In case anyone is unfamiliar with the official names given to the Before Crisis Turks, I’ve included them here at the beginning of the story for reference. I hope this helps!
Rod (Male) - Alvis Crisis Gun (Female) - Emma (Elena’s older sister) Two Guns (Male) - Ruluf Shotgun (Female) - Freyra Martial Arts (Male) - Maur
Enjoy the story!
“I bet you Elena could take your ass three out of five times, at least, easy.”
The redhead scoffed, laughing. “Yo, I ain't about t'take a bet like that.”
“Come on!” the light-haired brunette goaded. Her thick ponytail almost fell into her drink as she leaned forward across the counter of the 7th Heaven bar, grinning past comrades new and old. “Why not?”
“Yeah,” Elena chimed in, a cunning smirk spreading across her face as she repositioned to face Reno. “Why not?”
“Rigged,” a dark-haired man with sharp bangs muttered.
The bald man beside him nodded.
“Oh, you're absolutely no fun, Ruluf!” the ponytailed woman pouted. “And neither are you, Rude!”
“I mean, it doesn't make sense for him to take an unfair bet, Freyra,” a large, well-built man with short brown hair spoke up.
“There it is,” Ruluf said, pointing at Maur.
“Since when does the Reno of the Turks turn down a challenge?!” Freyra exclaimed, jaw slack and brow raised in an attractive taunt.
“Oh, it's a challenge now?” Reno shot back. “An' who's footing the bill if I win?”
“If...” Rude emphasized quietly.
Ruluf sighed and laid his face down on the bar.
“Sounds like Reno's buying me my next drink if he knows what's good for him,” Elena said, her expression smug.
“And he shouldn't be the only one,” Freyra declared with a giggle, tossing back her drink.
“I'm beginnin' t'remember why I don't make bets with you, yo,” Reno said, flipping off Elena and Freyra as he turned away to flag down the bartender.
“Don't put your mouth where you're not ready to put your gil,” Freyra winked.
“Wait, you guys are serious?” the bartender interrupted, setting down another drink for the ladies. Her intense ruby eyes flickered between Freyra and Elena as she hurriedly lifted a hand in apology. “No offense meant, Elena, but I didn't know you had that kind of reputation in the Turks.”
Elena opened her mouth to respond but a new arrival cut her off.
“Are we discussing our win-loss records?”
A blonde woman with a stunning resemblance to Elena took a seat at the bar, giving Tifa a knowing smile as she motioned for her regular.
“Emma!” a scattered chorus rang out from the gathered Turks.
“Big sis!” Elena exclaimed with warmer surprise than she used to bear her elder sibling.
“Hey guys. Hey sis,” Emma greeted as Tifa playfully rolled her eyes and went to grab her drink. “So? What mischief are we getting up to tonight?”
“Trading drinks for bets,” Maur supplied with a wave, a shrug, and a smile.
“So is Ruluf winning or losing?” Emma asked with a slight smile, thanking Tifa for her drink and using the fresh glass to indicate the dual gunner with his face planted against the countertop.
“Losing,” Tifa put in with a half-amused, half-exasperated smile.
“How was I supposed to know the rookie had a black belt or whatever and was hand-raised by Tseng?!”
“Really?!” Tifa exclaimed, looking at Elena with a new respect.
“An' this is why our slumdog lost almost every bet he took,” Reno declared and stole Ruluf's drink, tossing back a swig.
“You really should know better than to underestimate a Turk,” Freyra chipped in as Rude nodded.
“Especially my sister,” Emma joined the discussion, shaking her head.
“You'd think he'd get the hint after betting against me five times.” Elena shot a withering glare at Ruluf.
“...wait,” Emma began.
“Yep!” Reno added brightly, finishing off Ruluf's drink. “He finally made the right choice the sixth time!”
Ruluf lifted his head, forehead and nose red from where they'd pressed against the counter. “Again, how was I supposed to know?!” he demanded, irritated.
“Tseng wasn't the only one looking out for her,” Rude said.
“She had our undivided attention after you all went dark.” Reno puffed out his chest, looking proud.
“Hey, I aced all my intro and advanced training, and all my exams but one, and that was without your help!” Elena reminded, flushing at the attention despite her best efforts.
“Yeah, well— I don't think anyone'll question yer commitment to seeing the mission through t'the end these days,” Reno said. His voice sounded strange, but every member of the Turks—retired and active—knew what he meant.
A thick silence settled upon the group.
Concerned stares glanced their way. Hushed voices began to brew between the patrons. They didn't need to hear the conversations to know what was being said— 'Hellhounds of Shinra. Death dealers. Murderers.'
Some people had begun to forgive them.
...but it was all too soon to forget.
“Alright Em,” Freyra spoke up at last, pushing past the heaviness that had pulled them each into their own familiar hell. “Who's the one Turk you wouldn't want to go up against?”
Emma didn't hesitate.
“Tseng,” she said.
“Aw, c'mon Em!” Reno groaned.
“What!” she said, raising her voice slightly to be heard above the sudden influx of bar patrons coming in after the dinner hour. “Would any of you want to fight him?”
“It's no fun choosing the immortal,” Ruluf said, nodding his thanks to Barret's daughter as she brought him a refill on his drink while Tifa was busy with the new crowd.
“Immortal?” Marlene asked, brown eyes sparkling with curiosity as she paused in the middle of taking away the Turks' empty glasses.
“Don't tease Marlene like that,” Elena chastised.
“It's not that much of a stretch,” Reno said, shrugging. “He should've been dead how many times?”
“For all we knew... he was dead—dead more times than any person has the right to come back from,” Ruluf stated, ire lost from his voice.
“Maybe it's true then,” Freyra confided, eyes shining.
“Oh boy,” Elena sighed.
“Not this again, Frey,” Maur protested gently.
The hunter folded her arms and leaned across the bar counter, a mischievous curve to her lips as she beckoned Marlene into her confidence.
“There's an old, old rumor that Tseng made a deal with Death—a deal Death couldn't refuse,” Freyra whispered ominously.
“Yeah, the same one Veld did,” Reno scoffed.
“I heard it happened before he joined Shinra,” Emma remarked. “That he swore an oath to one of Wutai's deities so he could cross the ocean to get to Midgar.”
“And that's why he can't die?” Marlene inquired, brows furrowed as she puzzled over each suggestion, empty glasses forgotten.
“It's all just rumors and supposition,” Maur assured the young girl, but even he sounded doubtful.
“Isn't he able to pull that shit off 'cause of the Full Cure materia Veld gave him back when he was a rookie?” Ruluf questioned.
“Nah, there were times he didn't get the chance to use it and still survived,” Reno dismissed.
“The Temple,” Rude clarified, tone solemn.
“Shit,” Ruluf cursed under his breath. “Forgot about that.”
Elena bit her lip and suddenly grew very interested in her drink.
“It's not all that unusual for the Turks to have those experiences though,” Emma noted, trying to steer the conversation away from the sensitive topic. “Remember when Alvis fell into a coma only to wake up three years later?”
“Yeah, and Freyra almost put him back into it when she nearly hugged him to death,” Reno taunted.
“You're just mad 'cause I got to mess with him before you did,” she retorted, sticking out her tongue at him.
“I think it was the one-two punch of Cissnei and then you right afterwards that really got him,” Emma observed, trying to suppress a smile.
“What about Vincent?” Marlene suggested, catching the group's attention. “He used to be a Turk. My dad told me when they found him he had been asleep for decades. And Cloud says because of the experiments that were done to him that he might never grow old or die.”
“Shit,” Ruluf laughed, more out of surprise than humor.
Rude cracked a small smile. “Someone's got us all figured out.”
Marlene wasn't deterred.
“Did they do experiments on Tseng, too?” she asked. “Is that why you guys keep coming up with stories to cover up the truth?”
“S'far as I know, he's a hundred percent real human being, untampered,” Reno said.
“Tseng was out for a while too after what happened in the Temple,” Elena said, finally finding her voice again.
“That wouldn't explain everything that he'd miraculously survived before then,” Maur said.
“A'ight, Rude,” Reno interrupted, turning to his partner. “This might be a long shot, but d'ya think it might be his other materia that's gotten him through all that shit?”
“What materia?” Maur asked, confused but curious.
“Ohhh we're getting into those goodies now?!” Freyra exclaimed. “I thought that was just talk!”
“Nah, it's real,” Reno confirmed. “At least, the materia is. I dunno if what they say about it and Tseng's true though.”
“What materia?” Maur repeated. “This is the first I've heard of it.”
“Tseng wields an Enemy Skill materia,” Rude said.
“Mastered,” Reno revealed.
“Holy...!” Maur uttered.
“Yep, there it is!” Freyra exclaimed.
“What the shit?” Ruluf scoffed. “First of all, how is that possible? Don't some of the enemy abilities you need to learn to master that materia kill the person upon casting?”
“Yep,” Reno said.
“Then it's not possible,” Ruluf decided.
“...unless he's ~immortal~,” Freyra sang from her end of the bar, grinning.
“Actually, there is an enemy skill that can be gained through use of the Manipulate materia that prevents Death magic from having any effect on the user,” Maur informed. “Perhaps this is how he's been able to master the materia and escape from so many fatal situations?”
“Maur!” Freyra shouted. “You are seriously the worst! Stop ruining my fun with your facts!”
“A mastered Enemy Skill would go a long way in helping someone to stay alive,” Emma considered.
“Maybe the bastard's just lucky,” Ruluf declared and took a long swig from his glass.
“Is this someone I should know about?” a new voice suddenly broke through the group's discussion.
Turning, they found the devil himself had arrived, amusement warming his grey gaze as he joined them. But before anyone could respond, Marlene planted a hand on the counter and stared the Turk down.
“Are you an immortal?” she asked him matter-of-factly.
Tseng raised a brow as his Turks looked between him and his interrogator.
“Not that I'm aware of,” he answered, approaching the bar.
“So you didn't make any blood oaths to any demons or gods?” Marlene pressed.
The warmth in his eyes flickered. The beginnings of a smile edged across the corner of his lips, but there was no joy in it.
“No, though sometimes it feels that way,” he confessed.
Marlene nodded, considering his answers. She lifted a finger.
“One more question,” she said.
The gathered Turks held their breaths, waiting.
“Do you guys wanna join our Halloween movie marathon night tomorrow?”
The disappointment was explosive.
Tseng laughed as his coworkers fell into grumbled and mirthful exclamations.
Marlene threw them a look, and then continued as though nothing had interrupted her. “We're hosting one all day tomorrow here in 7th Heaven, and I think you guys should come. It'll be fun!”
Tseng inclined his head in gratitude, a true smile crossing his features.
“I have a few things to handle for work tomorrow, but I will try to be there,” he said.
“I'm sure you'll make it,” Marlene said and promptly headed into the kitchen.
Tseng looked after her before turning away, shaking his head softly.
“Yo, bossman! You're late so you're buying the next round!” Reno shouted.
“Whoohoo! Drinks on Tseng!” Freyra cheered.
“To the immortal, lying bastard!” Ruluf joined in.
“Cheers!” the Turks toasted him.
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cyanmnemosyne · 7 years
Yuletide Letter (2017)
Dear Yuletide Writer,
First of all, thank you for taking the time to write me a fic!  This is my third year participating in Yuletide, and I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with. :D
If you have matched with me on one of these small fandoms, I figure chances are pretty good that we share some tastes as well. :D So while I’ve tried to provide at least a bit of commentary for each one, please feel free to ignore all my meandering suggestions if your inspiration takes you in a different direction.  :)  I feel certain I’ll love whatever you write, either way. <3
I also have no preferences as regards length, tense, or POV -- feel free to write the story however it works best. :)
AO3 name: darkcyan
Requested fandoms:
Mouretsu Pirates | Bodacious Space Pirates
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
Machineries of Empire Series - Yoon Ha Lee  
[ hiding the rest under the cut, because as usual, it got long. :) ]
General Preferences:
Yes, Please:
fluff, found family, deep friendships, established relationships, brand new relationships where everyone’s trying to feel their way through, drama if it’s not gratuitous or inspired only by misunderstandings, hopeless pining, hopeless pining that turns out to be reciprocated.  People already trusting each other, people coming to slowly trust each other.
basically if it’s emotionally warm, I will probably love it
and if it hurts but resolves in an emotionally warm place, I will love it while crying
AUs.  canon-fork or otherwise.  I like it best when the characters still feel “true” to their canon personalities, as filtered and changed through the different lens of how the AU differs from canon.  For AUs that involve significant worldbuilding (e.g. sci fi AU), feel free to spend as much time as you want on the worldbuilding in addition to the characters.
Actually worldbuilding in general is great if that’s your thing.
Missing scene / other POV / canon continuation fic are also great. (I think what I’m trying to say is I like basically all kinds of fic?)
time travel. is a guilty pleasure of mine.  Primarily when used as an excuse to abuse one’s future knowledge to help put the past on a better track (though of course, it wouldn’t be as fun if the changes didn’t start piling up eventually. ;) ) Time travel paradoxes are an interesting thought experiment, but in my fic-reading I’ve got a strong preference for the “eh, changing the past forks the future, don’t worry about it too much” mode of time travel.
Female characters being their awesome selves.
Happy endings.  (Bittersweet is fine too :) )
Shipping is great, queerplatonic relationships are great, deep friendship is great.  Relationships are great! (I’ve called out my preferences or lack thereof on a fandom-by-fandom basis below in case it helps.  Anywhere I say “relationship”, feel free to assume that I’d be just as thrilled by anywhere in the spectrum from “really good friends” through “queerplatonic” to “romantic”)
Humor is good too! I’m usually not terribly interested in true crackfic, but the occasional lighthearted fic – or a dash of humor in something otherwise dramatic to lighten the mood – is great.
I feel certain I’m missing a lot, so let’s just say that anything that’s not otherwise called out in my maybe/no lists is fair game :D
issuefic (which seems to include things like alternate sexuality / gender headcanons? not 100% sure on the preferred terminology here?) I like my issues to feel organically part of the story rather than being a transparent soapbox, but other than that, I think that sort of story can be really interesting :D  This is in the ‘maybe’ category mostly because I guess there’s a risk that we might not happen to agree on said issue?? But if it’s the sort of fic you love to write, go for it! :)
Kidfic.  Haven’t really encountered much that interested me, but if you want to, go for it. :)
Please, no:
Onscreen sex. Fade to black or references are fine if you feel it’s critical to the characterization / plot, but if we’ve gotten to the point where we’re talking about limb positions, my reaction is almost certain to be somewhere between bored and extremely uncomfortable.  
(but honestly I’d prefer no sex at all. comes of being both asexual and a prude *shrug*)
Even if it’s not explicit or onscreen, please no rape / noncon / dubcon. *eyes list* Do I need to call out “no incest”? I don’t think so? But just in case: no incest either please. :)
Not a huge fan of drug / addiction plots either
Relationships, romantic or otherwise, where there’s a significant power imbalance (especially if it’s abused) really bother me, especially if it’s played as acceptable.[1]  (If the story shows it as deeply problematic and works through the implications, I’ve been known to have an intellectual appreciation for it, but it’s still not something I really want to read about.)
Most significant age difference fic falls into this bucket for me.  
I also feel pretty strongly about free will and freedom to choose, so “I’m taking away your choices by hiding things from you / doing things behind your back For Your Own Good” narratives mostly just make me want to punch things, no matter how good the supposed justification is on the part of the person doing it. So. I’d recommend avoidance. :)
… Emotional manipulation in general, to be honest.  Especially, again, if it’s played as acceptable.
Cheating and other forms of deliberate, sustained dishonesty within a relationship.  If the characters are lying to each other, they’d better have a really good reason, and chances are I still won’t like them quite as much after.  [2]
Gratuitous drama.  If the drama could be resolved by the characters just sitting down for five minutes and talking to each other, and the only reason they don’t is ~*~reasons~*~, then I start getting really annoyed, really quickly
Plots revolving around jealousy.  It’s a human emotion, but I hate it when characters let it eliminate their capacity for rational thought
Anything that uses “they couldn’t help themselves” as an excuse for making bad decisions. Like. I’m sure there are exceptions.  (Actual mind-control?) But in general my response to that excuse is “You’re an adult.  Act like it.“
Character bashing. Even the characters I hate are the heroes of their own stories.  
Not a huge fan of relentless grimness / Crapsack Worlds.  I enjoy some grim sometimes, but I prefer at least an occasional dose of hope with my grimness. I need to have some faith that the ending will be a happy one, or at least cathartically bittersweet.
Related: If I wanted to hear about awful people being awful all the time and how awful everything is as a result, I’d go watch the news. (... Someday I would like this statement to be less true than it was the previous year, instead of more. ;___;) There can be awful people, they can do awful things, but I’d really prefer they not be either the majority or the focus of the story.
[1] BDSM in which said power relationship has been consensually agreed on ahead of time is entirely different, of course. :)
… But it’s also not generally really my thing. :P
[2] For the record, I do not count poly relationships in this bucket at all.  All I ask is that everyone who’s involved is aware of and reasonably happy with what’s going on.
Requested character(s): Miyamori Aoi, Yano Erika
Spoiler notes: I’ve watched the show and read the first several chapters of the prequel manga
Preferred pairing(s): gen or Erika/Aoi (side relationships between whatever set of the characters that suits your fancy are fine too - aside from my soft spot for Erika/Aoi I don’t have any strong ship feelings.)
THIS SHOW.  I love it to pieces. When I first started watching it, I was in the middle of a bit of a professional crisis of my own (trying to decide whether to change jobs), so this show hit basically all my “I love this” buttons, from laughing and crying about how well it depicted how hard it is to get a lot of creative people to work together (I’m a programmer, not an animator, but the similarities are pretty scary), to laughing and crying at its depiction of writer’s block, to adoring all the little in-jokes it slipped in about anime as a whole (I wish I could remember the name of that harem show …), to loving all the insights into how making an anime actually works, to empathizing like no one’s business with Aoi’s insecurity about whether she was “enough” for the job and whether it was okay to not have everything figure out yet, to Ema’s struggles with imposter syndrome, to Misa’s angst about whether she should stick with a stable job she knows or try for something more like what she really wanted, to …
I re-watched it last year and was struck all over again by how much I love Erika’s casual mentorship of Aoi; she’s one of my favorite characters, and I’m always sorry to see her disappear and I always cheer when she comes back.  
So what I’d really like to see this time is a story that focuses on their relationship.  A scenario where Erika helps point Aoi in the right direction?  When Aoi realizes Erika needs some support?
During that long gap when Erika is away caring for her father, do she and Aoi still stay in contact?  Does Aoi ever come visit?  
I’d just love to see more of these characters and their friendship.  
(Note: I do low-key ship Erika/Aoi, but I also am pretty iffy about workplace romance, especially in such a small workplace, and Erika especially seems like the sort to be level-headed about that sort of thing.  
So if you want to take things in a shippy direction, I’d like to request that it either stays at mutual pining or -- if they decide to make a go of an actual relationship -- actually addresses the workplace romance issue. One of them moves to a different company? idk.
But I’d also be 100% happy to see a fic that is completely gen, if that’s what you’d prefer. :) )
(And one final note: Hiraoka. I’m not sure I like him, exactly, but I’ve been uncomfortably close to where he is emotionally, so he gives me lots of complicated feelings.  So, if you choose to include him, please be kind?
And if you, too, have dealt with burnout - Erika and Hiraoka had a very interesting conversation at one point that made me think that Erika’s also uncomfortably familiar with it, but has just stabilized in a healthier place. If you wrote a story centered on that I’d probably love you forever, but I’m not sure it’s one even I’d be willing to attempt …)
Mouretsu Pirates | Bodacious Space Pirates
Requested character(s): Lynn Lambretta, Jenny Dolittle
Spoiler notes: I’ve watched the show and the movie.
Preferred pairings: Lynn/Jenny
… Yeah, no, I’m not even going to pretend that I’d be happy with gen when this is an actual canon relationship that is one of the most adorable things I’ve ever seen.
(… Like, my high-pitched yelling about this pairing almost reaches the level of Uranus/Neptune back in my peak Sailor Moon fan years.  … … And that’s a lot. XD)
I meannnnn you can do gen if you reallllllly want to. :D I’m sure I’ll still enjoy it.  <3
But yeah, insofar as I have OTPs anymore, these two are definitely one of them. XD (And I’m hoping that if you’re offering these two characters, it’s because you ship them too. XD)
Ahem. Where was I?  
I really enjoy this show in general - it’s just so refreshingly, unabashedly fun; a lovely warm show about a bunch of ridiculous, adorable, and really damn competent girls being their awesome selves. (With a handful of fond, long-suffering adults on the side.) (And also piracy.)
And I love Jenny and Lynn in particular because even though they’re secondary characters, they exemplify this - every interaction Marika has with them, they’re being their competent, awesome selves, and it’s a true treat to watch.  
So please give me these two characters being being their badass competent selves.  Or give me something adorably fluffy with the two of them doing nothing in particular.  Give me them working together and sometimes having to remind each other to take a break and eat or sleep - or give me that year they spent separate, and their wistful pining, wishing they could reach each other through their holographic displays.  
(Okay, ngl, I have a special category of high-pitched yelling reserved for that phone conversation!! When Jenny is giving Lynn advice on being president!! And Lynn’s wistful-but-fond smile as she hangs up!!!)
In summary, please give me more of these adorable canon lesbians. <3
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time
Requested character(s): Nel Zelpher, Clair Lasbard
Spoiler notes: I’ve played the game and am ~ halfway through the manga and seriously wtf did you do to my favorite character less blushing more badassery for Apris’ sake!
Preferred pairings: Nel/Clair
Speaking of high-pitched yelling on the scale of Uranus/Neptune, I am fairly certain that Nel was my official first ever video game crush. This was a bit difficult for me to explain to myself, as I was convinced I was ~straight at the time, but she was so cool that I didn't bother to think about it in too much detail.
And when we are introduced to Clair as her partner, and every single scene in which the two appear makes it clear how strong their bond is -- it was a foregone conclusion that I would start to ship them as well. And Adray's obnoxious insistence on trying to find a husband for Clair just made me even more determined to headcanon them as lovers (or at the very least secretly pining for each other) in addition to partners.
As I said above with Lynn/Jenny -- if you don't ship them romantically, but just think they're great platonic partners, I'm sure I'll still enjoy it whatever you come up with. But in case there’s any doubt, I also very much ship them. :D <3
And either way, I just love their dynamic -- these two strong-willed, intelligent, fiercely competent women, working towards a shared goal that they both believe is more important than themselves. How deep and unshakeable their trust is -- and how even though it clearly tears Clair apart to send Nel out into a situation that they both know may not be survivable, she'll do it anyway. And Nel will go.
I don't have any specific prompts in mind -- if you want to write about a mission Clair has to send Nel off on, and the tension between their fear for and their trust in each other (and the knowledge hanging over both of them that they're doing something that they see as more important than them both), great! Want to just do fluffy interactions during a brief break from the action (do they get vacation? How many people do they have to bribe to get vacation at the same time?), or after the war is done and things are a bit more settled, go for it. In the narrative path where Nel goes with the party into space, does she think of Clair and all the stories she's going to tell once she gets back (if she gets back)?  What does Clair think, being left so much farther behind this time than any other time before?  What stories does Nel tell when they're reunited?
Got an idea that's burning in your mind and has nothing to do with any of these? I'm sure I'll enjoy whatever you come up with. :)
Machineries of Empire Series - Yoon Ha Lee 
Requested character(s): Kel Cheris, Shuos Alaia
Spoiler notes: I’ve read both Ninefox Gambit and Raven Stratagem, and a decent number of the other vignettes/short stories in the world.  If you want to check whether I’ve read a specific story, feel free to shoot me an anon ask. :)
Preferred pairings: Cheris/Alaia
Ah, these books. Ninefox Gambit is one of my favorite books I've read this year, and its sequel, Raven Stratagem, was an entirely worthy follow-up. I'm really looking forwards to how the trilogy concludes in Revenant Gun, but in the meantime: fanfic! :D
I debated what I wanted to request, since there's a lot about this series that I like -- the fact that pretty much all of the characters are competent and Done With Your Shit, the way it sets up a horribly broken system and then doesn't flinch away from both how broken it is, and how the vast majority of people have just ... accustomed themselves to the situation, and make do while tolerating the horrible. It makes the system feel sustainable enough to have lasted this long, while still making it very clear why multiple someones would have gone to so much effort to try and tear it down. And yet, it also doesn't flinch from the consequences of the actions that the various characters take to try and tear it down, either. (One of the many reasons I'm looking forward to Revenant Gun -- I'm very curious to see what the consequences arise from the events in Raven Strategem.)
I really enjoy how many characters are queer (including trans!!), and how casually the narrative treats this fact. And the way that many characters' families are factored into their thoughts, even if they're not on the page, in a way that felt very true, but that I feel like doesn't often come up in other novels that aren't explicitly about something family-related.
The casual inclusion of dyscalculia and ADHD is also pretty great -- how it’s clearly an aspect of the characters that have shaped them, while even more clearly not being all their character is.
... So what do I decide to request this year?
Cheris and that one ex-girlfriend of hers who shows up for, like, a paragraph of flashback in Ninefox Gambit. XD
I just ... really liked that little bit of insight we got into Cheris’ history, and would love to see more.  How did they meet? Why did they break up?  What was the actual most ridiculous drama they watched, and how late did they stay up making fun of it?
Feel free to go in a more serious direction as well (what sort of training incident gave Alaia her nervous tic? what is being Shuos like to someone who didn’t go the flashy assassin route? How did being Kel and Shuos inform their interactions with each other, and the world around them).
And, as always, feel free to ignore my prompts entirely if there’s something you’d rather do instead. :D
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Happy Birthday, Sam!
Characters: Sam, Little sister!reader, Dean, Jess, John [mentioned]
Words: 2600+
A/N: So I started writing this today, without any idea in mind at all, because I completely forgot it was May 2nd today (yes it’s been a lot lately haha. In my head it’s like a month left to May, but apparently not). I just finished writing this and it’s getting kinda late, so I apologize if there’s any errors and stuff. Also, the first two parts are flashbacks, kind of. Hopefully it’ll make sense.
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You love birthdays. Always had, ever since you were a kid. And although it was fun to have your own birthday, you mostly meant other people’s birthdays. You just loved seeing smiles on their faces as you tried your best to make their special day, just that, special. It surely was something magical about that.
”(Y/N)?” Dean whispered, as his hands gently shook your narrow shoulders to awake you.
You tiredly rubbed your eyes with your fists, blinking hard to regain your vision, wanting to return to the dreamland with blue skies, funny-shaped cotton candy-like clouds and all kinds of pretty, colorful animals including unicorns with rainbow mane and tails.
”Come on,” Dean whispered again, helping you sit up in the bed. ”We gotta surprise Sammy!”
You remembered, and instantly you were wide awake and alert. Sammy’s birthday.
A small grin spread on your face as you glanced over at the other side of the bed, where you spotted Sam’s messy brown curls sticking up from underneath the covers.
You looked over at Dean, excitement written across your young features. Dean wore a similar expression, his green eyes gleaming.
You tried to get out of the bed you shared with Sam, but you were all tangled up in those same covers and almost face planted on the floor, if it hadn’t been for Dean, who caught you.
”Woah, easy there, tiger. We don’t want no nosebleeds here. Not today.” He teased you and you huffed, but not loud enough to wake Sam, who both you and Dean knew could be a light sleeper.
However, Dean took your hand in his bigger one, and led you to the table where he had placed the wrapped present, the one that you and he had bought yesterday after getting some cash from Dad.  It wasn’t a whole lot — it wasn’t like you could buy the nicest thing out there, but it was enough to get Sam something at least, so you were happy.
Now, Dean handed you the present. ”Here.”
”You want me to give it to him?” You asked, eyes round as you looked up at Dean.
Dean nodded, gently turning you around by grabbing your shoulders. ”Now, let’s go.”
You did as you were told, and waddled over to the bed, careful not to wake Sam. The present was clutched in your hands, because, you didn’t want to mess this up by dropping it or something like that.
Once you reached the bed, you crawled on top of it, inching closer to Sam. Dean did the same. You looked at each other through the dim lightning of the motel room and solemnly nodded at each other. And then you started poking at Sam, waking him up.
”Happy birthday Sammy!” You exclaimed happily, as your second to oldest brother tiredly opened his eyes, looking confused for a second.
Sam began sitting up in the bed, resting against the headboard, and meanwhile Dean reached over to turn on the light on the bedside table, enabling in you all to see each other better.  
You threw your arms around Sam’s neck, startling him with the hug. He laughed and you giggled, as he wrapped his arms around your back in response. Once you finished hugging, Dean reached over to ruffle his hair.
”Seven years, huh? How does it feel, little brother?” Dean grinned.
”Good. But maybe I’m a bit too old to be called little brother now, don’t you think?” Sam responded, looking at his freckled-faced older brother expectantly.
Dean only snickered. ”You’re always going to be my little brother, Sammy.”
Sam rolled his eyes.
Now, you took the opportunity and placed the present in Sam’s hands.
”This is for you Sammy. From me and Deanie.” You stated proudly, and watched how Sam’s eyes lit up as he laid eyes on the wrapped object in front of him.
”Open it!” Dean urged him, breaking Sam’s trance.
Sam ripped open the wrapping paper — that happened to be newspaper — and it revealed a notebook alongside with a pen. Both of them were the nicest of their kind as you and Dean could afford with Dad’s money. You were very happy with the present, since both of you knew how Sam liked to write, take notes or just scribble.
Sam looked up at you, stunned. ”Thank you, Dean. Thank you (Y/N). This is great!”
”You’re welcome!” You smiled at him.
”Now, Dad should be home soon, and we were thinking that we could go out and eat lunch when he gets back. Sounds good?” Dean asked, looking at Sam with raised eyebrows and a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
Sam grinned back, showing his pearly teeth, before pulling you both into a hug. ”Perfect.”
It was almost midnight, about to be the 2nd of May; Sam’s birthday. His 20th. The only problem — and the reason that you were up and in your car right now — was that Sam was currently in Palo Alto because he was going to Stanford. A place that currently felt like thousands upon thousands of miles away.
You sighed and gripped the steering wheel of your car tightly. You had just gotten it from Dad and Dean, and it was kind of crappy and kind of old. And not old enough to be cool, like the Impala, but it was your first car and that meant something to you. And the impending drive you were about to make actually had you a bit nervous. Firstly, because this is the furthest you had ever driven on your own, considering that your driver’s license was fairly new. You also knew that Dad was going to be angry with you.
But, last year was still fresh in your mind. The year when you for the first time weren’t there to celebrate with Sam, and you had never felt more guilty. Truth be told, you had really tried to get Dad to drive to Stanford. Asked, argued, begged, whined, reasoned, bribed and even threatened. Dean tried to help you as well. But despite that, it didn’t work.
And that happy birthday voicemail you left him from a forgotten payphone in some small town made you feel so sad.
This year it would be different though, you promised yourself, as you started the car. This year you would be there, no matter if Dad, Dean or even Sam wanted you too. Family traditions were important to you, this was one of them and no one was standing in your way — no, Dad was nowhere to be seen.
And maybe you were a little bit thrilled as well, doing something you weren’t supposed to do. Maybe breaking Dad’s rules sparked a bit of excitement in your chest. Must’ve gotten that from Sammy, you concluded before stepping on the gas.
After a long night’s drive you made it to Palo Alto. Soon you found Sam’s apartment, and after a quick shaking off the nerves-dance and a deep breath, you rung the bell. Opened the door did a tall blonde, who looked at you with confused blue eyes. You must have worn about the same look as well, but soon enough it clicked for you. This must be Jess. Sam talked about her the last time you spoke on the phone, but that was a while ago. By the time you had realized, she was smiling at you.
”You’re Sam’s little sister, aren’t you?”
You nodded and grinned back at her, and before you knew it she had dragged you inside. She informed you that Sam wasn’t home but would be soon, that she had a cake prepared, and that she was planning on hiding and then surprising him when he entered the apartment. You excitedly agreed although you still felt a sting in your chest. You never had been able to do so much for Sam’s (or Dean’s) birthdays, with your limited resources all throughout your childhood, and well, now too. You shook the feeling off though.
Soon enough, the door opened and you and Jess jumped out of your hiding spots. Sam let out a yelp that made you laugh. And it was that laugh that got Sam’s attention and his eyes drew to you, and you alone. When your eyes met your heart clutched in longing since it’s been so long you actually met, and bliss to finally reunite. Your eyes almost watered and you almost cursed (because why are you so dang emotional?) but then you realized that his did too. It was okay.
”(Y/N)?” He asked in disbelief, hazel eyes wide. ”You’re here…”
Before you even could answer, he was making his way over to you, and soon his arms were wrapped around you, his chin on top of your head. The hug was almost suffocating, but it felt amazing. Finally, you were able to hug Sam, your big brother and role model that you were so proud of, again. You only wished that the rest of your family were here.
Soon, Sam released his grip ever so slightly, just enough so that he could look at you.
”Hey, have you gotten taller?” He questioned, one eyebrow raised as a grin played on his face.
”Oh, come on Sam, that’s such a grandma question.” You responded, playfully giving him a shove in the side. He just laughed.
”Okay, but, seriously. How did you get here?” Sam then wondered, sincerely looking confused, as he acknowledge the absence of Dean and Dad.
You almost didn’t noticed that slightly disappointed look when he definitely saw that his older brother and his father weren’t hiding behind the couch or curtain like you and Jess had, they just weren’t here at all.
”I drove.” You answered rather quickly, with a lighthearted tone, to bring Sam back from his thoughts.
”You drove?”
”I drove.”
When Sam only stared at you, you reached into the pocket of your jacket and pulled out your wallet, in which you had your fresh license.
”Wow,” Sam blurted out once you had shown it to him. ”You’re getting old.”
”Says the guy that’s more than 3 years older than me,” you retorted smugly.
Sam gave you the bitch-face and you laughed. It always had, and always would crack you up.
”So, how long was the drive? Don’t tell me you were driving all night.”
So, you remained quiet. Sam quickly caught on.
”Aw, (Y/N)!” He exclaimed in a disagreeing tone, his eyebrows curling upwards. ”You shouldn’t have done that. It’s hard driving that far, for such a long time, and you’ve just gotten you license, and what if you had, ah, gotten into an accident…”
”Sam—” you interrupted, a small smile on your lips, as you grabbed his hand. ”I’m here and I’m fine. Quit worrying. I wanted to be here. It was my choice.”
”Fine.” He nodded, bangs falling into his eyes. ”But, let me guess, Dean and Dad don’t know you’re here.”
”No,” you admitted. Sam sighed. ”They’re hunting.”
”And why aren’t you with them?” He then asked, knowingly.
He really could read you like a book, couldn’t he?
”(Y/N)?” Sam pressed.
You rolled your eyes, and lifted your shirt, just enough to reveal the white gauze pads taped onto your stomach.
”Wait, no…” Sam’s eyes went wide.
”Sam!” You caught his attention. ”It’s almost healed, promise. I’m supposed to join them on their next hunt.”
Sam stared at you with round eyes, still. ”You’re crazy.”
”So are you.” You smiled.
Sam rolled his eyes, just like you had done a moment before. But then he cracked and ruffled your hair, your smile rubbing of on him.
Both of you turned your heads to where the sound had come from, and there was Jess, polaroid camera at the ready in one hand, and a developing picture in the other. You hadn’t even noticed her leaving and coming back with the camera.
”Got you!” She grinned contently at you and Sam.
Sam looked at you and laughed. You did too.
”Hey,” you said, removing Sam’s arm from your shoulders, ”do you want me to take a picture of you two?”
”Yeah,” Jess nodded and smiled as she handed over the camera to you. ”That would be nice.”
As Jess walked over to Sam, you adjusted the camera, looking through the viewfinder at the happy couple. You smiled at the sight, they were so cute and seeing your brother so content was the best thing ever, you were so happy for them.
”Okay, ready?” You called out to them.
”Yes!” Both of them beamed.
”One, two, three, cheese!”
Three tired Winchester siblings walked down the stairs to the bunker. You all had been beaten up pretty badly this hunt, and moved rather slowly, muscles aching, wounds pounding in pain. You all were beyond tired. That didn't change the fact that it was Sam’s birthday, though.
Most of it had been spent in the car. And no matter how old you were, that kind of sucked. You knew, because a few of yours had ended up looked like that as well.
You felt bad. Because you had planned something else than this. You had been thinking about taking him to a beach to just relax, or to the mountains to hike, or even to some museum if that’s what he wanted, as Sam always seemed to thirst for knowledge. Or, a movie night at the bunker didn’t sound too wrong either.
But no, always, always something came up. You three had devoted your lives to hunting and sometimes it just felt it took every last good moment away from you. You couldn’t just have one calm day to yourselves.
So, here you were back in the bunker, with another birthday lost to the hunt. You sighed inwardly.
Sam sat down at the table of the large hall of the bunker. Meanwhile, you gestured to Dean to follow you into the kitchen. Once reaching the room, you searched the cabinets and cupboards for anything remotely festive, but there really wasn’t anything besides a few beers, that Dean picked up.
”Seems like this is it.” He looked at the bottles in his hands, and then at you.
You nodded disappointedly. ”Yeah, seems like it.”
Then you both made your way back to the hall and Sam, who despite everything smiled when Dean handed him the glass bottle.
”Happy birthday, man.”
”Thanks,” Sam looked up at Dean from where he was sitting, taking off the cap with his bare hands.
Dean did the same to his bottle before he sat down next to where you had. Then he grabbed your bottle and did the same, knowing that you weren’t too good at that trick.
You briefly smiled at him as a thanks, before turning back to Sam.
”Happy birthday, Sammy. I’m sorry it turned out this way.”
”Firstly, it’s okay, but it’s also not either of you guys’ fault.” Sam objected, his hazel gaze meeting first Dean’s and then yours as he reassured you of his words.
”But—” you stared, never getting further.
”Really, it’s okay. Because, we are alive. We are here. You guys are here, by my side. We’re about as happy as our kind of people gets. At least, I’m happy with this. Right now, this is all I want. Us together, alive.”
You didn’t even realize that Sam’s words had you tearing up until you felt something rolling down your face, tickling your cheeks.
Trying not to wince, hiding the pain from your expression, your rose to your feet, and walked over to where Sam was seated. From behind you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, giving him a warm, loving hug.
”Sam, you’re amazing. I don’t say that enough. You one of the absolute best to ever walk this planet, I’m telling you.”
You couldn’t see Sam from straight ahead, but the dimples shoving on his cheeks, revealed that he was smiling.
You looked over at Dean, who smiled at you and Sam, before nodding at you, once.
”We, Dean and I, are proud of you. And we love you. Happy birthday, Sam. You’re the best. Don’t ever doubt that.”
Tags: @winchesters-favorite-girl​, @27bmm​, @jensen-jarpad​, @straightasdeanwinchester​ 
@daughters-and-winsisters​ @evyiione​ @samanddeanshotsis​ @darkestgrungeuniverse​ @fabulouslycassie​ @delessapeace-blog​ @mariairwin666 @1amluke @saveprettydays @cookee50 @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @infamati--et--obliterati @stillcooli0 @sammysbeanie @jamric @deepbreathssammy
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yahooben · 8 years
'Mass Effect: Andromeda' review: A sprawling space drama that struggles to stay on target
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‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’ invites you to strap in for another space opera.
“Space is big,” beloved author and interdimensional traveler Douglass Adams noted in his seminal towel-seller, “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.” “You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big,” he wrote, hammering home the point that when it comes to bigness, even our new president has nothing on the universe.
That size presents quite a challenge to game makers, but few have hacked away at the quandary with as much gusto as developer Bioware. The team behind the blockbuster “Mass Effect” trilogy managed to capture the epic scope of the big unknown while keeping our eyes trained on the intimate interactions between characters, a space opera in its truest — and, in terms of video games, among its best — form. So when they announced a return to their beautifully realized universe with “Mass Effect: Andromeda” ($60 for Xbox One, PS4, PC), we all got very excited indeed.
But a great deal has happened since 2012’s “Mass Effect 3” simultaneously wowed and enraged gamers; namely, “The Witcher 3,” “Fallout 4,” Bioware’s own “Dragon Age: Inquisition” and a host of other genre-blending RPGs (you could arguably toss recent greats “Horizon: Zero Dawn” and “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” into that mix, too). Big-budget role-playing games have blossomed in the past five years.
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‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’ has the makings of a great game, but misses the mark with a number of missteps.
And unfortunately, “Mass Effect: Andromeda” picked up some unwelcome visitors on its long journey to your gaming machine. Though it has some stellar moments, “Andromeda” tries to cram too many ideas into one package, turning its obsession with the bigness of space into a crutch for uncharacteristically shoddy workmanship.
The (next) final frontier
To answer your most obvious question: no, you do not need to have played the prior “Mass Effect” games to understand what the hell is happening here. “Andromeda” tells a self-contained story featuring entirely new characters, planets and star systems, though references to elements from the original trilogy (the Citadel, the Geth, Spectre, etc.) do occasionally pop up.
The game is set roughly 600 years after the events of the original trilogy. Just as things were heating up in the Milky Way (around the “Mass Effect 2” timeframe), several giant Ark ships were launched towards the faraway heart of the Andromeda galaxy. Snuggled in cryo beds and dreaming of a new life, the adventurous souls aboard these vessels were hoping to discover habitable new worlds and plant some flags.
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‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’ sees you exploring the Andromeda galaxy for a new home. But – spoiler alert – things go very wrong.
Naturally, things go sideways. You play as either Scott or Sara Ryder, a twin thrust into the role of ‘Pathfinder’ and tasked with guiding a ragtag group of aliens in a quest to find a new home. It’s all pretty standard sci-fi stuff — a bite of “Star Trek,” a nibble of “Battlestar” — but Bioware crafts a well-told tale that rises above its derivative vibe to keep you, um, engaged throughout.
Mostly, that’s done though a tweaked version of the branching narrative structure Bioware is known for. Conversation options have expanded beyond the binary Paragon/Renegade of prior games, adding flexibility and giving you a bit more agency over your particular Ryder. Despite some nasty bad guys and extremely high stakes, it’s also significantly more lighthearted than the trilogy’s dour doomsday scenario. Regardless of how you play Ryder, he (or she) is quick to joke and seems intent on keeping the joy of discovery intact.
The dialogue system isn’t as thrilling as it used to be, however. Other franchises have taken the cue and built branching narratives with greater emotional value. “The Witcher 3,” “Life is Strange” — heck, the entire Telltale Games catalog (whose Season 1 of “The Walking Dead” bested “Mass Effect 3” in most 2012 Game of the Year Awards) have pushed the envelope of branching narrative design, making each choice feel impactful. Though your tone changes based on your responses in “Andromeda,” Ryder’s playful, at time snarky attitude takes some of the gravitas out of the decision-making. You rarely break a sweat.
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‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’s’ dialogue system lacks the kind of gravitas that makes games like ‘The Witcher 3’ so addictive and powerful.
Still, developing relationships, opening/closing paths, trying to get busy with a blue lady — it’s all here, and thanks to an interesting story, likable characters and great voicework by both male and female Ryders, “Andromeda” does a convincing job of turning you into Captain Kirk.
A downright uncanny job, you might say.
Valley of the Dolls
Unless you’ve been avoiding the internet for the last week, you’ve likely caught wind that gamers are, to put it mildly, displeased with the “Andromeda’s” animations, particularly its facial close-ups. And, well, yeah, the facial animations aren’t great. The game doesn’t just glide over the uncanny valley, it builds a big space house and moves right in.
I typically don’t put too much stock in this; plenty of outstanding games are kind of ugly up close (I’m looking into your lifeless eyes, “Fallout 4”). What makes it so rough here is the amount of time you spend staring at close-ups. A good third of the game is spent chatting with people and developing relationships, but when they look like broken robots, it breaks the spell. About halfway through the game, my Ryder inexplicably developed two wicked lazy eyes that lasted for a good 10 hours.
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‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’s’ human characters look like dead-eyed androids.
Perhaps the increased power of modern consoles/PCs (I played on PS4) is the culprit — as the theory goes, the closer you get to reality, the deeper the valley. But as ugly as it gets for humankind, the power leads to some amazing aliens. The brutish, dinosaur-like Krogans have never looked better, and jittery eyes and smooth skin give the amphibious Salerians incredible life. I relished every chance to chat with non-humans, both to bask in Bioware’s great work and as a respite from the mannequin onslaught.
This sort of uneven delivery extends to the rest of the game’s graphics. The art design is triumphant – Issac Asimov would commend the look and feel of the game’s colorful terrain, sweeping interstellar views and massive starships – but technical glitches abound. Flickering textures are common, load times are excessive and occasional pop-in mars the stunning planetside vistas. These sorts of glitches aren’t game-breaking, but they speak to a project struggling to bear its own weight.
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Humans might not look good in ‘Mass Effect: Andromeda,’ but the aliens are gorgeous.
Galaxy quest
And make no mistake: “Andromeda’s” scope is massive.
Much of the game takes place on explorable planets that are significantly bigger than the regions found in “Dragon Age: Inquisition.” You can spend hours scouring the nooks and crannies of each location from the comfort of your Nomad rover. And as you find ways to make life more hospitable, the areas open up even further.  
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‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’s’ worlds are vast and beautiful.
A star map gives you free reign to explore the Heleus cluster of the Andromeda galaxy. You can only land on and explore a handful of planets, but you rarely feel hemmed in, and the desire to build outposts pushes you to approach Andromeda like a real pioneer. It’s a good hook.
But this goal is quickly buried beneath a ridiculous number of less essential Things to Do. Some are classic “Mass Effect” – your shipmates have needs, and if you want to unlock their highest-level abilities or get them into bed (perv), you’ll need to attend to those — but you pick up other, seemingly unwanted side quests with alarming ease.
Checking in on an outpost? Be careful who you talk to, because apparently every single life form in the galaxy is incapable of handling their own business. Even if they don’t have a gigantic exclamation point on their head, they’ll probably ask you to shuttle something somewhere or look into a mild, pointless drama. And you’ll feel pressed to track down every one, because you never know which insignificant-sounding rabbit hole will yield some legit XP or loot.
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‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’ piles on the quests like every other RPG, but organizes them poorly.
This is fairly common to RPGs, but “Andromeda’s” flood of quests is compounded by terrible quest tracking. A Journal ostensibly keeps tabs on them, but inexplicably lists them based on where you picked them up rather than where they are located in the world. It’s a crazy way to organize quests; land on a planet and you’ll have to either scour dots on the map or rummage through your Journal to figure out what, if anything, you’re supposed to do there.  
This alone drove me nuts. I may be a real-world organizational disaster (I am a writer, after all) but this is definitely a trait I don’t want to carry into my sci-fi power fantasy.
Laser tag
On the other hand, I did get to carry lots of guns. And this is one area where “Andromeda” really fixes something.
The game does a fine job of improving and even amping up “Mass Effect’s” combat. Jump jets and a handy dash make you far more maneuverable, which is a boon since you contend with enemies in open-world locations. Skills and proficiencies can totally alter the way you play. Focus on Combat to be a Rambo, invest in Biotics to be a Jedi, stick with Tech to hurl fire and ice, or spread the wealth and be a bit of each. Deep but approachable, the system serves as a solid backend for the on-the-field action.
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If there’s one thing Bioware improved for ‘Mass Effect: Andromeda’ it’s the game’s combat.
I forgot exactly how shooty “Mass Effect” was, and once you get used to the fact that you’re not playing a game quite as refined as the “Halos” and “Horizons” it attempts to ape, it falls into a pleasant rhythm. Nice touches abound, like jumping and pausing in the air for a few seconds while aiming down your sights. Experimenting with different abilities is also a snap thanks to a handy respec option, quelling the FOMO that rules most games that force to to stick with one class. It’s flexible and fun.  Bioware upped their game here, for sure.
But it isn’t perfect. The wide-open universe only yields a handful of enemy types, and none of them are particularly exciting. You have little control over your two fellow squadmates, and the weak enemy A.I. means you never need to think strategically when deciding which companions to bring into battle. I mostly stuck with the Krogan warrior because he looks cool. A baffling “auto” cover system claims that you just need to move close to an object with your gun drawn to hide behind it, but it doesn’t work very well. It just ends up getting you shot a lot, even when you think you’re safe.
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You want jump jets? You’ve got jump jets.
Systems overload
“Andromeda” just doesn’t know when to quit, layering on screen after screen and system after system to make even the simplest task, like equipping a hot new weapon, painstaking.
Find a gun? You’ll need to head back up to your ship or find a “forward station” to switch your loadout, because, well, who knows. Tiny, uniform iconography turns inventory management into a slog. You know the thrill of finding and ogling a gorgeous, exciting new rifle in “Destiny?” That ain’t here.
Scanning planets for resources takes forever due to pretty but infuriatingly slow pans and zooms. Tracking down a specific resource to, for instance, craft a new helmet, is a total crapshoot. Bioware’s focus on the big picture has left a surprising number of holes in its basic RPG foundation.
They even tossed in co-op multiplayer, because it’s 2017 and I think that’s required by law now. “Mass Effect 3” toyed with this and it returns largely unchanged, as you and some pals clear out waves of increasingly stubborn baddies. It’s got its own progression system and offers a decent break from the RPG slog, though considering the core game could take a good 80 hours to complete, I’m not sure anyone needs it.
So do they need “Mass Effect: Andromeda” at all? That’s a tough call. A cool game is buried beneath “Andromeda’s” issues. When the guns are on point and you’ve exploded a Biotic combo, or when the ramifications of some difficult choice made hours ago comes back to haunt you, “Mass Effect: Andromeda” scratches that old space itch. But getting past the technical gaffes and unfriendly interface requires a great deal of patience. Space is big, indeed, but it’s supposed to be fun, too.
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Platform reviewed: PS4
What’s hot: Cool story; outpost settling is a good hook; improved maneuverability; deep combat options
What’s not: Technical issues; aggravating interface; seriously uncanny valley; quest quantity over quality; dated feel
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Ben Silverman is on Twitter at ben_silverman.
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Adventures in Louisiana (pt. 1/?)
Eric Northman x Reader
Word Count: 1,749
Warnings: Some swearing, but not much else really. This is mostly story building here before I get to the good stuff in the next chapter.
Summary: You end up finding yourself in the small town of Bon Temps Louisiana, thinking it’s just a nowhere town. But really, you find yourself at home with all these strange things. 
A/N: So this is supposed to kinda glance over stuff on purpose cuz it’s mostly just background for the real plot that’s gonna come next. I do have mild alluding to the reader having high sensitivity/psychic power. Not sure if that’s gonna develop later on or not. We’ll see. Hope you like it!
The day vampires crawled out of their coffins and showed themselves to the world had been a strange day for you. It was the day you had left your hometown to go explore the world, and it was your first night out on your own. To know that immortal, blood drinking beings from old legends were ACTUALLY real scared you. And now you were out and about with them, completely alone. Granted you were also out and about with human serial killers every day, or so you tried to rationalize with yourself. You had told yourself that it was simply something you were going to have to get used to, even if it was mildly terrifying.
And you did. Vampires became a common occurrence for you over the next couple of years, and, just like regular people, there were some you could get along with and some that you absolutely despised. However, Eric Northman was the kind of vampire that would be in one category for a moment only to switch into the other the next.
You had met Eric completely by accident on your adventures into Louisiana. In fact, you stumbled into Bon Temps by chance as well, if you would call a blown transmission as “chance”.
And that night in Merlotte’s is where we start this story.
You thanked the tow truck driver outside the bar as he parked your car in the lot. “You sure you want me to leave you here? I can get you to Shreveport if you want,” he offered. He seemed like a genuine man, though a little hard to remain in a cramped cab too long with, considering the body odor.
You shook your head “I’m okay, thank you. I’m sure I can get someone to help me out here. Plus I’m starving,” you joked lightly. “Alright, well have a nice night Miss,” he said before driving off.
Turning towards the bar, you stared at the neon sign for a moment. Was it just you or did it feel like something was drawing you in to Bon Temps? You shook the thought away as you headed inside, it must just be you.
Walking in, the smell of burgers and beer wafted into your nose and felt almost comforting, as it was a smell that you had gotten accustomed to over the last two years. From the window to the kitchen you heard a female voice call out to you “Go ahead and find a seat! I’ll be there in a second!” “Okay!” you called back, before finding a booth along the wall and taking a seat.
Moments later, a pony tailed blonde with a smile across her lightly angled face came up to you. “You must be new around here, I’m Sookie and I’ll be servin’ ya. Can I get you something to drink?” she asked you, and you noted how kind her voice and demeanor were.
“Just a sweet tea please,” you responded, returning a smile to her.
“Alright, I’ll be right back,” she said, practically bouncing away, which you thought was a little weird but hey, better to have a chipper waitress than a dull one. It didn’t take you long to decide that you wanted a simple burger and fries, so you looked around the bar to survey the people around you; a habit you picked up over time. You noticed that most of the people in here seemed to know each other, so either they all frequented the bar, or it was just that small of a town. Possibly both. You heard names bounce around the room like balloons. Names like Sam, Tara, Jason, Arlene, etc. Eventually you were able to match names to people; like Jason was the dirty blonde hunk of a guy that was trying to flirt with whatever walked, Tara was the bartender with a quickfire mouth, Lafayette was the cook on the other side of the kitchen window, Sam must’ve been the owner of the place, Arlene was the redheaded waitress, and so on and so forth. Of course you couldn’t pick out everyone in the small crowd, but at least it gave you something to do. However, Sookie’s voice snapped you back into the real world
“Sorry that took so long sweetheart, what can I get you to eat?” she asked, setting your glass of tea down in front of you.
“Just a burger please, and some fries. Also, do you know of any motels around here? I seem to be without a ride out for tonight.” you asked
“Oh, yeah, but you’re not gonna want to stay there, it’s kinda… sketchy to say the least,” she said with a light chuckle. “I can let you have my couch for the night, if you like,” she offered, of which you gave her an incredulous look.
“You’d let a complete stranger stay in your home?” you asked. Was she crazy?
“I know, crazy, but my Nana taught me to help those in need, and that us girls gotta stick together. If you’re willing to stay until I get off work, then the couch is all yours,” she replied with a smile.
“Well, thank you so much. I would be nice to not have to worry about bed bugs for once,” you chuckled, receiving a small laugh in reply. “My name’s Y/N by the way.”
“Nice to meet you Y/N. I’ll go put in your order for ya,” she said before going back to the kitchen.
The rest on the night was a small bustle of people coming up to meet you, and you guessed that Sookie must’ve said something about letting a stranger stay the night, and people got concerned enough to want to check you out and make sure you weren’t a serial killer or a thief. This amused you a little, and also warmed your heart knowing that little Bon Temps was such a close-knit community. It was when a dark haired vampire with high cheekbones walked into the bar, only to sit across from you that you felt slightly uncomfortable.
“Can I help you?” you asked the man, eyeing him with suspicion.
“Who are you?” he asked, ignoring your question.
“I’m sorry?”
“Who are you?” he repeated.
“Y/N. Who the fuck are you?” you asked, starting to get defensive.
“Bill, what’re you doing? Stop trying to interrogate her!” Sookie said, obviously upset at his sudden and unprovoked barrage of questions.
You waved her down “It’s okay, I’m fine,” you said to her before looking back at Bill “I’m assuming you’re trying to make sure I’m not a murderer like everyone else has? Well I’m not, if that helps any.”
Bill seemed to regain his composure “I apologize, that was... uncouth of me,” he said, his tone very ‘old southerner proper’.
You shook your head “Nothing to apologize for. Though if I’d known staying in Bon Temps for the night was gonna be so tedious, I’d have taken the tow truck driver’s offer and gone to Shreveport,” you joked with a smile.
“Oh hush now. Come on Y/N, my shift’s over so let’s go,” Sookie said with a roll of her eyes.
Over the next few days, while your car was getting fixed, you had decided that maybe you would stick around for a while longer even after the transmission was back into running shape again. Sookie and yourself had become pretty good friends since that night, and you even came to like Bill. After insisting to Sookie that you had overstayed your welcome at her house, you were able to rent one of the tiny houses from Sam; your down payment being that you cleaned the house yourself since he didn’t exactly have time to. Soon a week or two stretched into a month, and Sam even offered you a job at Merlotte’s. It was good, and you felt like you finally found your little niche in the world.
It didn’t take you long to figure out about Sookie’s Telepathy, what with her always seeming to know stuff about you that you didn’t remember ever saying out loud. And Sam being a shifter was out of the bag when you were at the bar late one night finishing up when he came in through the back as a dog and then shifted back to himself in the middle of the kitchen, not knowing you were still there. Basically, you you caught up on most supernatural things at this point, though in reality it all seemed shoved on you at once.
One day, you and Sookie decided on a girl’s day out in Shreveport, enjoying a nice summer day in the sun. However, that wonderful day seemed to go by faster than expected.
“Oh man, what time is it? I could’ve sworn it was noon just a few minutes ago,” you joked, seeing that the sun had gone down and that night was setting in. Sookie checked her phone
“It’s nearly 8,” she replied “We better get going,” she said, not quite as lighthearted as yourself. You gave her a look.
“Is everything okay? You seem-” you started, but were cut off by a gust of air hitting your face.
“I had a sneaking suspicion you were in Shreveport, Sookie,” said a gravelly voice as you turned to look at who it belonged to. “Who’s your friend?” asked the blonde. Jesus, you expected a handsome voice to pair with an equally handsome face, but you were still surprised when you saw him. Sharp jawline, piercing blue eyes, and a “I’m the best person in the vicinity” smirk.
Sook was visibly annoyed. “Go the fuck away Eric,” she grumbled.
“Aren’t you going to answer my question? That’s awfully rude of you Sookie,” he said, thick with sarcasm.
“Or, you know, you could just ask me like a normal person? The name’s Y/N,” you butted in with a roll of your eyes. He smirked at your chutzpah.
“Well it’s nice to meet you, Y/N.”
“And I gather you’re Eric “The Asshole” Northman?” you asked sassily. Eric grinned and looked over at Sookie.
“Aww, you’ve been talking about me, Sookie? I’m flattered.”
“Go to hell.”
He sighed “Tsk. You’re no fun. Alright I see I interrupted your fun, but-” he turned to look at you “I’ll be seeing you later,” he said with a wink before another gust of wind told you he left.
“The hell was that about?” You asked and Sookie shrugged.
“I dunno, but it can’t be good.”
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