#Now Angel just needs to take Nifty to work with him and Val will never fuck with him again
doodle-empress66 · 8 months
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He is lucky Niffty just took part of his fur collar.
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myntrose · 7 months
ೃ⁀➷partners in crime ︻デ═一
ft: Alastor x gn! reader
summary: It's another night at the hotel. Everyone is lounging around the shared space, or sitting at the bar. With a boost of confidence (and a few drinks) Angel finally asks the burning question everyone had : How did you and Alastor meet?
cw: demi! Alastor, established relationship(married), Alastor and reader meet when they were alive, reader is an assassin , killing and mild gore (it's alastor yall), a lot of petnames, no use of y/n, no beta we die like men
a/n: it's the way alastor got me smiling and kicking my feet. he got me to break my 1 year hiatus LMAO. also, I am aware that he's ace. I myself am somewhere along the demi spectrum, so this fic is purely for comfort n coping. if you don't like it, pls ignore :,D
wc: 1.5 k (1,469 words)
The hotel common was filled with low gentle music and idle chatter. Vaggie and Charlie were on the couch, talking about everything and nothing. Nifty was running around chasing some poor roach. Even Cherri was here, with Sir Pentious attempting to flirt with her once again.
Husk was behind the bar, in ordinary fashion. Although he was mostly listening and doing his job, he would occasionally chide into the conversation the other two residents at the hotel were having. Angel was in the middle of telling you about how much of a headache Val was, while you gave him you condolences. It seemed like the only person missing was the radio demon himself, who was probably in his tower, making a new broadcast.
"Speakin of which..." Angel, who noticed Alastor's lack of presence, noted "I got a question for ya toots. How is it that tall, red and creepy managed to bag you as a partner? You're sweet and all, I get that. But how did you even meet-"
The loud slam of drinks caused the peace within the hotel to halt . Husk shoots a stern glare towards Angel, almost to warn him, be cautious about asking question's about Alastor and his darling, you never know if he's listening.
"It's alright, Husk" You send him a sincere smile. While he would never trust your husband, he can't help but believe your words.
"Well, Angel, let's start with this. If you've ever wondered why I'm down here in the first place, it's because of the occupation I had when I was alive. That's actually how I met Alastor."
Oh, maybe you were a thief and were trying to steal something from Alastor. Or maybe a detective that was on the case to solve his murders. Or maybe-
"I was hired to assassinate one of his targets."
You couldn't help but laugh at Angels' reaction. Sure, you were kind to those in the hotel, and definitely not as threatening as most overlords. He, and most people you met in Hell, just assumed you committed some mundane crime and got the unfortunate eternal punishment .
Taking a small sip of your drink, you start to recollect the unforgettable night that would define your current relationship.
It was supposed to be like any other job that you were given. Your employer would hand you a file, you would find the target, and get paid in return. Maybe it wasn't the most ethical way to make money, but hey, you knew how to kill so you made it work.
You had followed your target into the bar, while waiting away in the corner. Though your eyes were focused on them the entire night, you couldn't help but feel another pair of eyes on you.
It was probably some random patron in the bar, you guessed. It wasn't for another hour when you noticed that your target had left the vicinity.
The streets were dark, with the occasional street light every block or so. It was perfect place to finish your job. All you needed was for your target to turn into some alleyway, and as quietly as you followed him, you'd quietly go for the kill-
Quietly. Hold on, why was it so quite?
Looking up the street, you noticed that what was once where your target stood was now empty. There was no way he outran you, given that you would have heard his footsteps. To the right of you were the woods, maybe he took a detour?
No, everything felt wrong. Every single thought in your brain was screaming to run, to grab your gun that was hidden beneath your coat, to get out of here-
"Careful my dear, we wouldn't want you getting hurt now, would we?"
A cold blade found its way to your neck. Two very disturbing facts became known to you. First, was the fact that the blade was already stained red. And second, you were about to be the second kill of the night.
A million thoughts ran through your mind. Was this how you were going to die? How fast could you grab your gun? Would your employer be pissed off that you died in the job? With your eyes shut closed, you waited for the knife to make contact.
"Now now, there's no need to be so scared my dear! My, you look like a deer in headlights!"
Opening your eyes, you're met with the mysterious man who just had his weapon on you seconds ago. He seemed vaguely familiar, probably having seen him at the bar you frequent.
"It seems that I've caused you quite a scare. Do know that wasn't my intention. I just wanted to see for myself this new assassin I've heard so much about! You've caused quite the gossip, my dear. Makes good conservation."
You continued to stand in silence, with the initial shock of almost dying wearing off now. As mad as you were that you got caught, you were equally confused on just who this man was. With some more listening to his voice, the answer popped into your mind.
"You- you're that new radio host! Alastor, was it?"
Alastor's smile grew at the acknowledgment. "Indeed I am! Glad to know you've heard about me."'
Had anyone walked into the conversation you two were having, they would have assumed it was one between new acquaintances. In which one has a knife in their hand, while the other has a gun.
"You see, my dear, I've heard quite a bit about your line if work. While I am more than capable of... dealing with others, I propose that we work out some sort of deal. One where you can finally stop working for that employer of yours, and actually make a profit off your talents."
Alastor put out a hand, waiting, watching to see how you'd respond. It's been a long night for you, and you had a feeling that this wouldn't be the last time you saw. Plus, if working with him meant you'd finally have to stop answering to your boss, then why the hell not. You take his hand, before agreeing to this proposition.
"...and since then, we've been business partners. Our relationship kind of just happened after a few moths."
It was nice to look back to when you first met your now-husband. Looking around the bar, you noticed that you weren't just talking to Angel. At some point, unbeknownst to you, everyone at the hotel had come over to listen to your story time.
"Well toots, I figured you had to be some sort of crazy to date smiles, but I guess it takes one to know one." Angels says while taking a shot, still reeling with that fact that someone as kind as you was a killer. Head nods and murmurs of agreement spread within the group.
Before you could say anything, a pool of dark clouds appeared to your side. From the shadows, the very man you were taking about stood before you.
"Hey, Al."
He faces you with his signature grin, before turning to the rest of the residents.
"It seems that I've became the topic of conversion while I was gone! It's quite interesting to see how interested you all are in with me and my dear's meeting."
The hint of annoyance in his voice was entertaining, to say the least. You place a hand on his shoulder, barely hovering above it.
"Aww, come of Al! They just wanted to hear how we first met! Besides, it's a fun story to tell."
"If "fun" means almost killing ya for the first time, I'd hate to know what you guys did when you started dating-" "Shut up Angel!"
You answer a few questions that were asked before everyone eventually returned back to their previous endeavors. Husk and Angel eventually sit around with the others in the common room, leaving just you and Alastor at the bar.
"It's kinda funny, now that I look back at it."
Alastor doesn't say anything, promoting you to continue.
"That night, I almost turned down that job. I was painfully tired, and all I wanted to do was go home. It's crazy to think that we wouldn't have met had I not pushed myself to take the job."
Anyone who knew Alastor would know that him asking for a partnership was simply outlandish. Hell, Alastor himself questioned why he was seeking you out in the first place.
No, underneath he knew. He knew from the first time he saw you. It was a different time from when you both officially met. When he saw you, someone so seemingly innocent, skillfully take down a man twice your size, he knew that he had to meet you.
"Well, mon chéri, it's good that you did."
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mollymauk-teafleak · 7 months
Do you have any huskerdust headcanons? Either related to being dads or just in general?
Oh I Always have huskerdust head canons, don't you worry! And thank you for asking!
Sorry to start off with angst but Angel Dust has always had nightmares, especially if he's sleeping sober. And when he's expecting and after the kids are born, suddenly his nights become full of images of Exterminations with his twins in the firing line, of Val getting his hands on them, of Heaven taking them away and suddenly the kids hate him and don't want anything to do with them. He jerks awake, panting and struggling to get his breath, unable to remember whats real and what isn't. But now he has Husk right there, holding him and promising him that he's safe, their kids are just down the hall, everything's okay. Sometimes if he's really rattled, Husk will wrap him up in his robe and take him to quietly look in on the kids so he can see they're tucked up and dreaming.
Husk hasn't done much magic in a long time but Angel loves his old Vegas stories, all the scrapes he used to get into and how he got out of them by the skin of his teeth. And Angel presses him for more about his act and suddenly Husk is showing him some of his tricks, making Angel laugh and teasing him gently by not explaining how they work (not that Angel really wants him too, he likes the mystery). And of course when Husk mentions that he used to play the saxophone, Angel asks to hear him play but Husk gets shy and awkward. He hasn't played in so long, he doesn't even know if he can with his paws. Angel won't push it but that night, he's in his room and he hears this soft, emotional saxophone music coming from Husk's balcony. He listens for hours and hours and it's the most beautiful thing he's ever heard
Husk helps Angel Dust with his addictions but it works the other way too. Knowing he still feels that pull towards gambling, Angel will start playing with him on the bar but they stake things other than money, things like kisses or who gets to top or Angel wearing a certain lingerie set that really gets Husk going (he might possibly have lost that one deliberately)
This one is straight from @minky-for-short but one of my favourite things is Husk being quite old fashioned, given the time he's from and his age when he died. So even after everything they've been through together, he still wants to court Angel properly so he shows up in one of his old overlord suits with a bouquet of flowers to take Angel on a real date. And Angel has never gotten to be romanced before so he's just overjoyed by it all. He loves dressing up nice for their dates, he loves Husk putting a flower behind his ear, he’s in heaven
I love the idea of Cherri Bomb getting to give Husk a shovel talk. Because of course she knows he makes her best friend happy and takes care of him and is good to him but she still needs to tell him that if he ever breaks Angie’s heart, she’ll neuter him with two bricks
Angel has to get used to being with a guy who isn’t a possessive, jealous asshole. Like one night he comes home from the studio but Husk is out for one reason or another. Seeing he needs some putting back together, Charlie says oh! Well the girls were going to have a movie night in our room, isn’t that right, Vaggie? And of course they’d love for you to join them! And Vaggie just sighs and starts rounding up Cherri and Nifty. But they do end up having a great time, a proper little sleepover but when Husk gets back and comes to check on Angel, Angel jumps up apologetically, saying he’s sorry, he’ll come with him. Husk just blinks, realising and reminding him gently that it’s completely fine, you stay and have fun with the girls, just come find him when you’re done? Angel has such a huge, soft smile on his face as he sits back down and cuddles against Charlie, getting to remember that he doesn’t need to be afraid anymore
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cakerybakery · 3 months
It would be neat if Hazbin was just a mortal hotel.
Like Lucifer use to work for some government agency and went under cover with the mafia. Where he turned dirty after meeting and falling for the bosses daughter, Lilith. Lucifer quits his old life and becomes the mob boss and the hotel is for money laundering but Charlie is trying to run it honestly and keeps getting swept in shit from her parent’s past. It was either that or the mayor and that sounded boring.
Adam and Lucifer were partners and now Adam runs the department. But he wasn’t as clean as people thought. To avoid prison he tracks down his old partner. It’s the end of the line for him. The last possible person to crawl to for protection. He’s willing to make any deal with the devil to keep his neck out of the gallows.
Lilith ran off with the pool boy now that daddy’s dead and she doesn’t have to keep pretending she liked her life. She sussed out Lucifer quickly in the beginning and set him up. Daddy would either kill him, which no skin off her nose if a fed dies, or daddy would take a shine to Lucifer and treat him like the son he always wanted. He only had Lilith and thought, as a girl she was too weak and had no stomach to take over for him. She could do the job, she just didn’t want to. She certainly killed enough of her nanny’s growing up when they thought they could lay a hand on her to not care about the blood.
She had Charlie cause her birth control failed. She doesn’t hate the kid. She likes her well enough. But she’s all grown up and doesn’t need her mommy anymore. Charlie does, Lilith was just so neglected she can’t fathom the idea that Charlie… loves her? And wants to be around her? Lilith never even thought Lucifer loved her. She figured he was using her like she was using him.
Charlie is trying her best to revitalize the hotel and show her dad and the feds that it’s a legitimate business. She wants her dad to go straight before he ends up in prison or the bottom of a lake.
Vaggie is an ex agent that found out about Adam’s dealings and when she wouldn’t plant evidence on someone was attacked and left for dead. She ended up collapsing out back of the hotel and Charlie found her. When Vaggie realizes who Charlie was she was too scared to say who she was.
Alastor works for the family, acting as the manager role for Charlie. He and Lucifer don’t get along. Alastor was in the running for Lilith’s hand. Not out of love of course, but to be taken under the late boss’s wing as heir. So Lucifer sent him to keep an eye on Charlie and do the money laundering to keep him out of the way. He has an old connection to Vox he doesn’t talk about. At least not without the story always changing.
Nifty is his unhinged companion. She cleans. Rooms in the hotel, blood stains from those Alastor gets rid of, compulsively. It’s why Alastor keeps her around. She cleans up his messes.
Husk was brought in to work the hotel bar. Alastor pays off his gambling debts and he owes too much and knows too much to be able to run and not be hunted down by Alastor.
Angel is their only guest and is a long term guest. He’s too addicted to really leave Val, but living at the hotel is his escape from him. Charlie doesn’t actually charge him. She just wishes she could do more to help.
All the overlords are under Lucifer. Most want to get rid of him. Take his place. But it’s like play chess with a pigeon for him. If you don’t follow the rules and try to shit on the board he will not hesitate to shoot you. Lilith was the only one who could beat him at chess.
The feds are breathing down Charlie’s neck because of the mob connection. She has to fend off a pimp who keeps trying to send johns to Angel. Her mom is living on some island with shitty cell service. And her dad seems to be dealing with the stress of his wife leaving him by fucking his old partner.
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chaifootsteps · 8 months
I felt nothing in the huge climax. from Pens confession, to Angel and husks conversation, down to the final kill to Adam. nothing felt earned. lucifers bond with Charlie, Charlie bonds with hell, the goals they wanted to reach. i felt nothing other than just a hunger for when this all would make sense. for a reason to nod my head and agree that it all makes sense. that there are still answers to questions. but the reason for this all is that there wasn't anything that gave me that reason to feel what the characters felt. we don't get to know them. we don't get to see them at their worst and work up to their best. everyone has something to work towards and that whole idea to see what it was, who they were before, and what that goal they each wanted to make their efforts matter fell flat. went mute. went unseen, uncared for. why do i care that they care about the hotel? we don't see any of Charlie's hard work pay off. we just skip to 5 months later with characters having no change to themselves other than being told that they have. we don't see Angel taking better means of handling himself, husk being easier on the patrons, or pen finding better confidence in his approaches. we see nothing of the sort being worked on. where these characters have their own episodes to explore these human sides of themselves that still beat in them if they just listen for it. we just get told they did it. When these moments of care we need to feel come at us, I ask, why should i care? when you pull the same move of "but why, why can't you do this, let me egg you on till you turn around with tears in your eyes, rendering me shocked" twice, once with Angel and once with Lucifer only a few episodes apart, why should I care? you did it once already, and now you do it again nearly in the same vein. when watching them smile, putting things back together, pressing F to pentious [im going to save him], and just being sunny side up. i just felt anger. it wasn't earned. nothing was earned. no one did anything to earn this joy. charlie did nothing to earn this. lucifer did nothing to earn this, no one did anything to earn this ending because we saw no work to this. Just Angel being abused was the worst of a demon and his abuser. we don't see anyone else suffer the fate of being in hell. not pentious with why hes there. not nifty with why she's there. not even husk with his deal with AL and the only time was when he bad-mouthed him behind his back. but we dont see the gravity of his own deal. just angels and it happens twice , once for literally no reason other than to just give people the reminder of how big and mean val is and how meek and easy to attack Angel is for vivs pleasure. nothing was earned at the end. no one won anything and nothing has changed. if i am to be corrected, i remember one of the trailers did show there would be a season 2 on the Twitter i think? i may be wrong. the show was just an unearned nothing sammich. also, Al's swearing rots my soul. why is he swearing so much. i held better standards than for Al to swear as much as they made him. it takes away whatever charm, behavior, and manners, are left with him. I'm not saying the man isn't allowed one potty word, in certain instances, I feel like him letting out a swift "damn it to hell." would work if he was in hot water. but him just swearing like angel or husk. "oo im gonna fuckin kill you." doesn't scare me. or put that fear I should have or expect others to have in me. as Al just has tentacles and gets a growth spurt. I won't lie, his demon form is very boring. just long limbs, big horns, and black gunk coming out your back. very boring indeed.
I like that, a hunger for when this all would make sense. That sums up Viv's work in a nutshell, and that moment never comes.
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thoughtsbydorian · 5 months
Random Hazbin HCs cause I can’t sleep
- The cannibals don’t have eyes because they eat them after they regenerate. Cannibal town works so well because no one actually dies they just take turns being eaten before regenerating. Cannibals are NOT hellborn, rather most of them are victorian folks who indulged in the mummy craze.
- Molly died before angel dust, i think she died in a shooting because of the mafia when they were teens/young adults. Hence why Molly was never really involved in the family business and I think it could also account for Angel’s turn to illicit substances.
- Angel and Husk knew each other in life, maybe even hooked up briefly. Husk is actually the younger of the two but not by a lot.
- Charlie used to have another group of sinner friends but they were all killed in the first extermination.
- Angel and Alastor are the only ones of the main crew who were never married in life.
- Nifty got married her senior year of high school and did her best to be the perfect wife. She had some fertility issues and had mental breakdown, causing her husband and family to have her institutionalized. After a while she escaped and took out her rage on her husband and her older cousin who he was cheating on her with. She ended up setting the house on fire and causing a small explosion in which she lost an eye. However she tried to continue her rampage, going to her parents where her father was the one who shot her down.
- Vaggie was never alive. Rather she was created to care for children souls in heaven before she was recruited to be an exorcist. Part of the reason she became an exorcist was to protect the kids. She was under the impression that all children went to heaven. Though when she went to kill the cannibal kid, she realized she was wrong and the system was far more flawed than she realized.
- Angel was a an overlord under his father for the first few years he was in hell (leaving after he realized that he didn’t need to pretend he wasn’t gay anymore)
- Every so often Charlie locks her self away to cry about the idea of losing all here friends
- Alastor has a very strict moral code when it comes to who he kills. He only kills those who take advantage or abuse of others. Which is why he didn’t kill Husk when he could’ve.
- Nifty and Alastor would tag team Valentino so hard
- Part of the reason Vaggie didn’t put together that Angelic weapons could harm angels is because she thought she had already fallen before her eye was cut out. She thought the mere thought of questioning the system made her fall.
- Valentino has a major superiority complex, so he thinks he’s the one in charge of the Vees when in reality he’s the last person to be consulted on big decisions.
- Vox was a small local news reporter with dreams of going national. Unfortunately that never happened as he was killed by a falling set piece on live, making him more famous in his death than in his life.
- Sir Pentious had two sons when he was alive. One lived well into adulthood, the other died when he was barely a teen from typhoid or some other old timey disease. It’d be the same disease the Pent ends up dying from. Though not before he starts obsessing over how to cure it, his other son continues his work and ends up discovering the vaccine for it.
- Pentious was a snake’s oil salesman for most of his life.
- Nifty had a lobotomy in life
- If others hadn’t been there, the val and charlie would’ve ended much differently(she was ready to kill him before angie stopped her)
- Charlie has tried to cut her hair short(like pixie) multiple times but whenever she loses control of her powers it just grows back, the only loophole for some reason being and undercut or side cut. as long as the hair on the crown of her head is long it’s fine.
- Alastor’s mom was a teen mom; my brain says 13 or 14. Her parents kicked her out after they found out she was pregnant forcing her to become fully dependent on her (now) husband. They had a shotgun wedding and a really tumultuous marriage. His dad left them both when he was 5 or 6. He also isn’t an only child though i’m not sure if he has a younger sibling or older. probably younger.
- Husk’s actual name is Jack, it’s part of his deal with Alastor that his old name was sold to Alastor. Him and anyone who knew him as Jack have completely forgotten it, they know his past but think he’s always been Husk. I’d like to think if he or anyone else rediscovers his name the deal would broken, kind rumplstisken vibes.
- Quite a lot of the sinners had kids in life, most of them assume that their kids ended up in heaven.
- Sir Pentious’ sons did end up in heaven and recognized him instantly and was elated to see his dad after so long.
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The next day and I am given a wholesome idea of the very brutal one I originally had
Instead of Alastor giving Vox a doll to take care of, it’s Charlie because she thinks it can help him! [got this idea from knowing that dolls are used in therapeutic settings typically for dementia patients.]
Both as a coping mechanism or a way to distract him. If things get heated between Vox and another guest, Charlie may slip in and go “Vox, I think Sarah needs you right now! She’s fussy.” Vox takes a little bit to process this but eventually takes the doll from Charlie to “care” for it.
This only if he remembers his family at all though - while talking him out of not hurting somebody. Charlie is the only one with that patience.
Alastor pays no mind to it, he finds it slightly amusing if not slightly annoying because Vox will be “too busy taking care of his daughter” to do a task he was given. The rest of the hotel guests may be a little creeped out until they truly figure out that Vox really isn’t up there anymore. Maybe they’ll play along out of pity, mostly to keep the peace.
Nifty, she’d probably enjoy the doll. Given how she and Vox mostly get along.
Of course the doll doesn’t always work, especially on days when Vox is trying to crawl his way into remembering what happened to him. “That’s just a doll! Get that thing away from me I don’t want it!” Hell, the very idea of a stranger knowing the name of one of his children may spook him into anger.
I think Valentino & Velvette may be a little freaked out at this behavior too [little off topic headcanon that certain types of dolls always creeped Velvette out] but then they realize that anytime Vox takes care of the doll he is calmer and easier to speak with.
It is odd to say the least, Vox wasn’t a good parent when he was alive - but to the doll he is somewhat decent [when he’s not forgetting where he last placed the doll] He comes across as being quite doting, and that stems from multiple factors. Vox naturally liking the feeling of being needed/wanted, his self absorbed nature bleeding in a way that makes him believe he’s the best father ever and will continue to be, genuine affection towards his youngest child, or simply parts of himself that feel the tiniest twinge of guilt as he tries to “make up for lost time.”
I don’t know if this would be very in-character for Vox in the state he’s in, but it’s interesting to think about how his human life bleeds into his interactions. :]
tl;dr Vox is a girl dad [JOKE]
- 🐚
Yeah, on a subconscious level, a lot of the delusions regarding his kids do stem from regret. Vox never actually accepted that he was a bad father, but since he died so suddenly, he always felt like he had unfinished business with his children. He thought he was going to get to see them grow up, that they'd have more time together (and that he'd eventually get around to spending more time with them), but that all vanished before he even had time to process what had happened, all because of some faulty electrical equipment. When he was in his right mind, he just tried not to think about it (there was nothing he could do to change it and ruminating on the past would just hold him back), but with his orientation in time so messed up, they're a subject he circles back to a lot.
Angel Dust would loathe having to witness something like this. He hates the fact that he actually pities Vox now, despite the fact that he happily enabled Val's abuse of Angel for decades. Witnessing him be so immersed in such a humanizing delusion would be agonizing.
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glitchtrapfan · 3 years
Je vous aime (a Hazbin hotel story.)
Angel dust was the bar with husk and Alastor, Alastor has his grin as always as angel ramble on about how much he like his job, how much fun it wss to get with boy and more that Alastor didn’t care for. He then had a idea.
Alastor: Angel since you love to describe your disgusting things in fancy words why don’t I tell you a word and you must figure it out.
Angel: Sounds fun, what word you got for me smiles~~?
Alastor: Je vous aime.
Angel eye brows raise a bit and was visibly confused.
Alastor: Have fun figuring it out, don’t try to ask anybody here.
Alastor walks off grinning satisfyingly, angel look to husk and husk shrug his shoulders.
Angel: He never told you or Nifty?
Husk: He tells us important stuff not stupid shit I could care less about.
Angel: Well do you know what I can do to help find out the meaning?
Husk: We got a library don’t we, go read a book about French words.
Angel: Thanks husky~
Angel kiss his cheek and goes to the library thinking it be easy but when he open the door to the library it was huge.
Angel: Holy....
Charlie: Hey angel, I see it your first time coming to the library. Me and Alastor wanting The place to be big so we can have all the books from Hell, you be surprised with how much there is.
Angel: Yeah...say do you know where I can find anything related to France?
Charlie: Alastor would know^^
Angel: He making me find out a word from that language so he won’t help me.
Charlie: Oh, I can try helping you find it if you want.
Angel: Nah it’s fine, I just need to look like it’s a needle in a heystack.
Charlie: Alright But If you having trouble me and Vaggie will always help.
Charlie leaves and angel sighs heavily, he knew this was going to take forever but he decided he was going to find it even if it was a dumb word. It took him 4 hours of searching row after row of books and even finding the books he needed none of them so far contained the word he needed.
Angel: (why am I doing this to myself and now it was time for me to head to work.)
Angel was about to get up and leave but then he saw a book with a rose on it, it had no tilted so he didn’t even think to look at it until he got to see the front, he open it, skimming through pages until he saw the word, the dialogue he look at was about a girl and boy talking about something.
Angel: Finally I found it, i can’t wait to show that smiling ass who the real master of learning fancy words.
Angel read the page, he look at it all and then he drop the book.
Angel: ...wait maybe I’m reading this wrong.
Nifty: Angel, look at the mess you made!
Nifty says seeing lots of books all over the floor, she cleans them up but notice angel looking at the book, she peaks her head at it and saw the page.
Nifty: Je vous aime which means I love you, This was my favorite book to read and I didn’t tell anybody I read such cute romantic stories, Alastor might think I’m embarrassing.
Angel: ....what?
Angel gets up and walks out the library, he was thinking of it all when Alastor was walking pass grinning happy and angel notice him.
Angel: You think this is some funny joke!?
Alastor: So you found the word, congratulations on finding it especially since I hid the book well.
Angel says with a very mad tone and Alastor looks at him.
Alastor: I thought you like being call that by boys.
Angel: Oh you think I like being call that by Val, so should I love that fucker back.
Angel tone was sharp and he look very piss, Alastor realize he needed to fix this or else this will be similar to there last talk.
Alastor: Look I’m.
Angel: Your just like him...your just like val!
Charlie and Vaggie hear them talking, they mouth a gasp hearing that, Alastor eyes open a bit which was rare, Alastor eyes Change to diels and static can be heard.
Angel: Your piss now, go on then, I ain’t going to move.
Charlie: Please no!
Charlie said getting out of the corner with Vaggie holding her hand and spare in the other hand in case things got bad, Alastor leaves suddenly and angel looks to Charlie.
Angel: stay out of this princess.
Charlie: Please he gone and also...you can’t say that.
Angel: So am I in the wrong for him saying he loves me and saying it okay because all the people that hurt me say the same thing.
Vaggie: He was joking.
Angel: ...what?
Charlie: He would not say something awful like that, he a overlord but he trying his best.
Vaggie: What you said was awful to say angel is what Charlie is saying.
Angel look at them and his eyes wide.
Angel: ....what a good person I really have become huh...
Charlie: Angel don’t say.
Angel push past them and walks to the roof, the roof was empty but soon will have a garden since Charlie loved the idea of that. Angel walks until he sits down near the edge of the roof, he tears up thinking of how much of a jerk he felt like now since he just compare Alastor to the monster that was Valentino, angel cried more until he heard footsteps.
Alastor: Well it seems I may you cry again, I’m not very good with talking with you without seeing you cry.
Alastor says as he sit down next to him, he took out a red napkin and hand it to angel which he took hesitantly.
Angel: Why...why you still looking out for me, did you not hear what I call you!
Alastor: I did but I know you didn’t mean it and...I deserve to apologize for my awful joke.
Angel: It was really awful, not even funny awful.
Alastor: ....I do understand if you do see me as him....I can act out of line sometimes.
Angel: ...don’t say that, your more of a good person then that monster, besides I should apologize for getting mad over nothing....I’m sorry.
Alastor: Looks like we both want to apologize Hehehehe....
Angel: Why though...if it was a joke then why actually you give me that word?
Alastor: Because I want to tell you that Everyone here loves you, even if you act behind that persona of yours and do disgusting stuff People really enjoy having you here, your kind, make tasty food, you care about your pet so much it sweet and most important your like a beam of sunshine when your happy, Charlie happy but she always busy with work so having you around helps a lot to keep sprites up around here, people love you and I just wanted to tell you that your loved by me and everyone here.
Angel looks at Alastor for a long time before he tears up.
Angel: Your not bullshiting right?
Alastor nods his head and angel holds him tight, Alastor hated being touch this much but he let angel continue so he felt happy.
Angel: I love you too smiles~
Alastor: We should get off the roof, if Charlie sees us she might have a heartattack XD
Angel giggles and Alastor gets up to leave.
Angel: Anthony..
Alastor: Hm?
Angel: My Names Anthony, I just call myself angel dust because it the drug that kill me..
Alastor: Honestly a beautiful name, you should keep it, helps show more of you as yourself.
Alastor grins and leaves, angel smiles and head to his room where fat Nuggets await.
Anthony: Hey fat Nuggets, daddy’s has finally got someone else to help me through this.
Anthony says holding fat Nuggets in his arms and smiling cute.
(Sorry if this not the best story out there but I wanted to write this and even if it not big it here so it can help me a bit through problems I’m having)
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sevensstories · 5 years
A Bottle of Courvoisier
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Characters: Angel Dust, Alastor Ships: Radiodust Updates: One-shot, y’all! Warnings: Alcohol mention, soft gore mention, mature language
Follow the link to read it on AO3, or just read it under the cut!
Alastor liked cognac.
Alastor liked fucking cognac.
Angel Dust would have never in a million years guessed that as Alastor's drink of choice. The blood of the innocent maybe, but not cognac. Not alcohol period. He was always so composed, so cold and calculated, that when he stumbled upon the radio demon nursing an empty bottle of Courvoisier at the hotel bar he was too shocked to even comment. Husker was nowhere to be seen, and Alastor was…
Well, to put it lightly, Alastor was plastered.
He didn't realize that at first, though. Alastor had his arms up on the bar and his face nestled in the crook of his elbow, like he was trying to take a nap. Angel Dust really just wanted to keep walking, but something stopped him. Something wasn't right.
"Al?" No response. "Hey, Alastor. You alright there, pal?"
Alastor made a sound that was a mix between a hum and radio static. Well, at least it was a response. Angel Dust leaned against the bar and tried to peek at Alastor's face, making sure to keep his distance. He didn't need to lose an arm just because he was caught being soft and doing something stupid. Really, really stupid.
"Alastor? Heh, you're not nappin' on the job, are you? Cause I don't think Charlie would-- WHOA!"
Angel Dust yelped as a lanky arm was thrown over his shoulders, Alastor pulling him down so their cheeks were pressed together. "Angel Dust, my good man! I was wondering when you would saunter my way!"
"You, uh, ya were…?" Angel Dust did not miss the flush in Alastor's cheeks and the scent of alcohol on his breath.
"Well of course I was! I've been starved of your company!" Alastor nuzzled his cheek, voice crackling with uncontrolled static. "That was quite cruel of you, my fellow, quite cruel indeed."
"You. Wanted to spend time with me." Angel Dust's tone was as dry as the bottom of Alastor's bottle. "Okay, now I know you're wasted. Why don't we, uh, why don't we get you to your room, yeah? Before anyone sees you like this and you murder me when you sober up."
"Oh, buy my dear Angel Dust, why would I ever do that?" Alastor looked at him with laughable innocence.
Angel Dust grabbed Alastor around the waist and hoisted him out of his chair. Luckily having extra arms made guiding drunk murder machines all the easier. "Uh, 'cause ya hate me? 'Cause I'm too flirty, and ya think I'm gross, and the only reason ya haven't killed me yet is it would be a PR nightmare for the hotel?"
Much to Angel Dust’s surprise, Alastor didn’t even hesitate to lean against him. The warmth radiating from the radio demon should have been concerning, but Angel Dust had never really gotten close enough to him to know whether or not this was normal. For right now it was probably best to just ignore it. Luckily, Alastor’s room was just down the hall so he wouldn’t have to risk his hide for too long. He started walking, Alastor’s stumbling footsteps sounding beside his.
Alastor’s smile faded a bit, though not completely. In truth, Angel Dust had never seen him without it. “Oh that’s not true, not true at all! I quite like you, you know.”
Angel Dust snorted. Yeah, Alastor was definitely drunk off his ass. “Oh yeah? Since when?”
“Since…” Alastor paused, pursing his lips a bit. “Well, since never I suppose.” The grin came back full force, and he looked up at Angel Dust with a level of enthusiasm usually reserved for schemes and carnage. “But I like you very much right now! What a wonderful friend you are, braving the spinning hallways just to get me to my room!”
“They’re only spinning for you, pal.” Angel Dust stopped at Alastor’s door. “Speaking of your room, we’re here so I’ll just leave you to i--”
“Oh nonsense!” Alastor shoved the door open and dragged Angel Dust inside with a strength that would have been very useful during the walk over. “Come in, come in! I could use the company you know.”
Angel Dust did his best to stop himself from being dragged into the room, but Alastor was stronger than he expected. Well, at least he had tried. “I mean, if you insist I guess.” He glanced around the room, taking note of the red and black decor. Not many surprises there. It was simpler than he expected, his only furniture being a wardrobe, dresser, bed, and nightstand. A small, old-timey radio sat on the dresser and a lamp rested on the nightstand. But the bed, oh the bed, it made even Angel Dust jealous. Black pillows, a black, plush comforter, and red sheets. Were those silk? If they were… well, that had implications.
He briefly wondered how painful his death would be tomorrow when Alastor was sobered up.
“Oh but I do!” The garbled static pulled Angel Dust from his thoughts. “Why don’t you have a seat?”
Angel Dust glanced around the room once again. “Yeah, Al, I don’t know if ya noticed, but you don’t got any chairs.”
“No, but the bed will do just fine.” As if to emphasize his point, Alastor sat on the edge of the bed and patted the spot next to him.
“Ah-ha, ya know, I’m not sure that’s such a good idea,” Angel Dust said with a nervous smile, taking a small step backwards. He liked keeping his arms on his body, and he was sure he’d have more than enough to answer for in the morning as it was. That was, if Alastor even remembered this. He was pretty toasted. “I think I’m gonna head back ta my room, but thanks for the invite. Really.”
Angel Dust was not at all prepared for what came next.
Alastor’s smile faded. In its entirety. He looked horribly disappointed, so much so that his ears actually pressed back. Angel Dust had never seen them move before, he was almost convinced they weren’t actually ears but just immobile tufts of hair. Alastor glanced down, his disappointment reflecting in his tone in a way that made Angel Dust’s heart ache. “Ah, yes, I… I suppose this is awfully imposing. Expecting you to stay when I’m sure you have somewhere else to be, and I have been less than kind to you in the past.”
“Exactly!” Angel Dust said, a tad too eagerly. “So I should probably go, and I…” He trailed off, taking in the heartbreaking expression on Alastor’s face. A demon famous for carnage should not be able to pull off puppy eyes. “...oh God damn it. Fine.”
Angel Dust didn’t miss the way Alastor perked up when he sat next to him, both sets of arms crossed. “But I want booze, ya hear me? I’m not doing this sober.”
“Oh but of course!” The grin was back, a glimmer of excitement lighting up Alastor’s eyes. “What’s your poison? I’m sure I can come up with something that’s to your liking.”
“I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say somethin’ sweet is a bit much for ya right now,” Angel Dust mused. He considered a moment before speaking again. “Ya know what? I’ll take whisky. It’ll be like old times.”
Alastor snapped and Angel Dust was holding a bottle of Whisky. Well, wasn’t that just nifty. “Old times, you say? Was this your drink of choice?”
“Choice is a strong word.” Angel Dust uncapped the bottle and took a swig, the liquor burning his throat like a trail of fire.
Alastor’s smile turned inquisitive. “If you don’t like it, then why do you drink it?”
Angel Dust shrugged, taking another sip. Damn that was strong. “Habit. Ya gotta look tough when you’re in the mafia, ya know? Tough guys don’t drink frou-frou stuff.”
Alastor’s brows arched in surprise. “The mafia? You?”
Angel Dust sighed. This motherfucker. “I swear, you gotta be the one person in hell who don’t know. Yeah, I was a mobster before I died. That was my whole schtick. Just ‘cause Val don’t let me out on jobs doesn’t mean I don’t still got it.”
“The mafia…” Alastor mused, vacant stare drawn to his empty bottle. “I suppose, then, you have quite the body count.”
“What?” Angel Dust glanced over, taken off guard by the question. “Uh… yeah, I mean, I’ve killed people. Why?”
Alastor hummed, taking a sip from the now not empty bottle. When did that happen? “I supposed I just never pegged you for the type is all.”
“Not sure if I should be flattered or offended,” Angel Dust snorted.
“Probably both.” Alastor’s smile had a hint of fondness that Angel Dust wasn’t ready for. “Honestly, it’s an appealing thought.”
Angel Dust cocked a brow. “What, me killin’ people?”
Alastor nodded. “Quite. It was my specialty, after all.”
“Oh yeah?” Angel Dust took another swig, this one a bit longer. The soft haze of intoxication was beginning to mask the bitter tang of his drink. “Vaggie told me ya caused a lot of demons a lot of trouble. Blood and carnage and all that.”
“No no, not here,” Alastor waved him off, then paused. “...well, yes here, but that’s not what I was talking about. In life, I mean.”
Angel Dust froze mid-drink. In life? He put the bottle down and swallowed, glancing over at Alastor’s thoughtful expression. He could be wrong, but that one little tidbit of information was probably more than anyone else in the history of hell had ever gotten from the infamous radio demon. He was “shrouded in mystery”, as Vaggie had told him several times. “That, uh… that so?”
“Oh yes.” Alastor took another sip, wavering a bit. A responsible drinking partner would have taken his Courvoisier away and given him some water by now, as he was clearly drunk enough. Good thing he was with Angel Dust. “I was quite the prolific serial killer in my day. Sooo many bodies…”
Angel Dust found himself frozen, transfixed by the information he was being given and silently praying for Alastor to continue. Any insight to the enigma that was the radio demon was more than welcome. “That uh… that so?”
“Oh yes.” Alastor traced the pad of his thumb around the rim of his bottle, lost in his own thoughts. “Especially in the 20s. You know, you can read all the anatomy books you’d like, but nothing will ever teach you so much as having a corpse right in front of you.”
“...oh yeah?” Angel Dust was now wondering if he should have drank more to prepare for this conversation, because if Alastor admitted he was a necrophiliac he was going to lose his shit.
Alastor took another sip out of his bottle before nodding. “Believe me, I would know. For example, did you know that the eyes don’t close on their own, and if you attempt to force them they just open again? Or that the blood will pool to whatever side you leave the body on?” A dangerous smile played on his lips at the memories. “Or that the dead can sit straight up due to a misfire of nerves, very much startling the poor, unsuspecting serial killer chopping them to bits?”
Angel Dust felt himself relax a bit. Okay, not a necrophiliac, just a psycho. He could work with that. “Huh. I knew the eye thing, but not the other stuff. Got any other weird shit to share?”
Alastor looked up at him, absolutely delighted at his interest. “Oh, I most certainly do! I do hope you don’t have anywhere to be, because I could talk about this all night.”
Angel Dust let out a light laugh, setting his bottle down. No, he wanted to be sober for this. Or, at least as sober as he could be with what he already had. Alastor getting excited about someone listening to his weird-ass anatomy facts was oddly adorable, which was not something Angel Dust ever thought he would ever use to describe Alastor. “Go ahead, lay it on me.”
When Alastor said all night, he wasn’t kidding. Angel Dust glanced at the pocket watch Alastor had discarded onto the nightstand some time before. He groaned when he saw that it was just after four in the morning. Knowing Charlie, she was going to be getting him up bright and early. That would give him maybe a few hours of sleep, if he was lucky and could actually fall asleep fairly quickly.
That was, if he could even make it to his room.
Alastor had slumped over and passed out a few moments prior. That in of itself wasn’t all that strange, he had been more that drunk enough to pass out. If anything, with how many times Angel Dust suspected he had refilled that bottle of Courvoisier, he should have been out much sooner. No, the predicament Angel Dust found himself in had to do with where Alastor had passed out. Angel Dust was currently trapped, with Alastor clinging to his waist and nuzzling his shoulder. He wasn’t sure how exactly he should handle this. The smart thing to do would probably be to gently wake Alastor up, get him off, and pray that he didn’t remember any of it in the morning as he made his way to his own room. However, Alastor was surprisingly warm, and oh so comfortable…
A soft murmur caught his attention and Angel Dust looked down, just in time to catch Alastor mumbling in his sleep and a faint, genuine smile playing across his lips. Whatever he was dreaming about, one thing was for sure. He was damn adorable, and Angel Dust would hate to disturb him.
Well, shit. It looked like his mind was made up for him.
Angel Dust carefully lowered both of them so they were lying down, thanking any deity above that he had somehow managed to do so without waking Alastor. He shifted just a moment to get comfortable before relaxing a soft sigh. Yeah, okay, this was nice. Angel Dust closed his eyes, and let himself bask in this temporary moment of bliss.
He could worry about the consequences later. For now, for this moment, it was worth it.
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Awesome, Helpless
((Sequel to this and based off of the Addict music video. Buckle up, this is a long bitch it gets heavy at points because that video was heavy as fuck and this is how I cope-))
After sweeping up the last dollar bill into his hands, Angel stood up straight, making sure to trail his fingers up his thighs with the motion. Then he turned on his heels, walked up the catwalk and to the main part of the stage. He shot the crowd one last seductive look before the curtains closed and the stage lights went out.
“Well, I can’t say that was really my taste in entertainment,” Alastor spoke up from his seat at the table, “But he did certainly put on a performance. Brava!~”
Husk slammed his glass down on the table with a muffled thunk against the table cloth.
“Yer jus’ glad it’s over, aincha?” the winged feline piped up.
“Even with his voice, I still get his gender confused. Why does he do that with his chest floof?” Nifty added.
“Because his audience is gross and he knows it,” Vaggie said flatly.
Charlie was immediately scanning around the scrambling crowd for the spider demon.
Yes, she was aware that he’d need to get dressed after his show, but she wanted to be able to spot him as soon as he came back.
Soon enough, there she spotted him, emerging by the stage. It wasn’t hard to notice him, he was nine feet tall and almost pure white. He was practically a beacon.
“Come on, guys! Let’s go congratulate him!” the blonde said, immediately standing up.
The princess rushed off with the sinners in towe. 
It didn’t take long for Angel to take notice of the approaching group and grin. He walked towards them in wide strides
As the space between them closed, Charlie’s nose twitched and wrinkled a bit. Her sensitive nose had picked up something rather sickly sweet coming off of Angel. It was a scent that already subtly wafted in the establishment enough that no one else would notice, but it smelt more concentrated off of the pornstar. Like perfume. But it wasn’t his usual perfume, that was for sure.
At the very least his sweat dulled down the scent some…
“What’s with the face, toots?” Angel prodded as soon as he and the group stopped in front of each other.
“You smell funny,” she answered without thinking.
Alastor chuckled behind her, clearly amused.
“Well, yeah,” Angel said with a snort, “I jus’ got finished dancin’ a storm up there, baby. ‘Course I’m gonna be smellin’ a bit rank.”
Charlie opened her mouth to reply to that, but decided against it. Instead, she smiled wide and grabbed him by the hand excitedly.
“You were terrific out there!”
“You certainly know your audience. I’ll give you that,” Vaggie added, a hand on her hip and a half smile on her face, “I guess I can see why you’re popular now.”
“I knew you were fluffy, but I didn’t realize you were this fluffy!” Nifty added.
Angel gave an amused and cocky grin.
“Thanks, gals~” he rang before his mismatched eyes trailed up to the men of the group, “And you...?~”
Husk rolled his eyes.
“It was fine, I guess.”
Alastor, meanwhile, chose not to comment, favoring just tilting his head to the side instead.
The spider demon merely shrugged.
“Eh, I’ll take those as compliments~”
The Radio Demon’s neck then straightened, eyes flicking past Angel.
Charlie’s sensitive black nose crinkled again. That same sweet smell from Angel. But much much more potent. And coming right towards them. That prompted her to turn her head to the source, the rest following suit.
Angel pulled away from her, the grin and pep all but fading.
A blue skinned moth demon, nearly a foot taller than Angel and wearing a bright red fluffy coat and hat, was walking towards the group. Rose tinted heart shaped shades glinted against the light of the club, and a golden tooth gleamed in that wide grin among the otherwise pink teeth. Accompanying him were two scantily clad demonesses, one cat like, and the other may or may not be an imp. Her eyes weren’t glowing in the dim lighting, so she may not have been.
“Angel cakes~” a rich, velvety voice greeted from the tall moth’s lips, “Do ya have my money?”
“Yes boss…” Angel muttered as he began digging around in his pillowy “cleavage”.
Ah. Boss. So this was Angel’s employer, then. Made sense.
The blue demon then looked at the others.
“I definitely recognize the Radio Demon, and one looks vaguely familiar. New friends of yours, sugar?”
Angel tensed up a bit at that but handed him the stack.
“No sir. They just work at the hotel I’m stayin’ at now,” he explained, “They’re more landlords than anything.”
Vaggie could only cock a brow at that.
“Sir”? This is the first time she’d ever heard Angel say that… unironically that is. So formal and polite… And yeah, this is his boss, but still. With how he behaved usually, she expected him to be bratty, or at least casual. It was… surreal…
Charlie extended a hand to shake, even despite the overwhelming scent assaulting her senses.
“I’m Charlie, the founder and owner of the Happy Hotel.”
Angel’s boss stared for a moment, gears turning in his head. Then, he started laughing. Low and slow for a moment, and then building it’s way up up up, all the way to gut busting. Even the two women with him started giggling.
The demon princess lowered her hand slightly, a tad discouraged now.
Vaggie, however, was more miffed than anything.
“What’s so funny?!” she growled.
“Holy shit, I remember now!” he blurted out, “You’re the princess from that interview! God, I haven’t laughed as hard as I have when I watched that shitshow in ages!”
“Well, at least we can both agree that it was quite entertaining,” Alastor chimed, “Don’t get used to that, however.”
The silver haired demoness looked about ready to blow a gasket. What stopped her from going around her girlfriend to punch this fucker in the face was a hand on her shoulder. Angel’s hand.
She looked up to see said spider demon looking down at her and shaking his head from side to side slowly.
She’d… never seen him look so… serious…! What the fuck!?
Charlie was about to completely lower her hand in defeat, but the laughter suddenly stopped, and one of the man’s own hand shot for hers, partially grabbing her wrist when he’d caught it in his grip.
“You can call me Valentino, baby doll~” he said cordially.
Charlie didn’t even have time to express any discomfort at the pet name before she was suddenly pulled closer to the pimp.
“Charmed!~” he added, his voice breathy.
At the “charmed”, bright red smoke rushed out of his mouth and into Charlie’s face. They saw it a few times during Angel’s show, but neither Charlie nor Vaggie knew where it came from. They just figured it was part of the show with how it interacted with Angel. At least until now.
That overly sweet scent again. But much more concentrated. Powerful. Overwhelmingly so. It blocked out all other scents, violently assaulting her senses. It was dizzying. She normally loved sweet smells, but there was such a thing as too fucking sweet! Too fucking much! And it was already too sweet in the air, and too much coming off of Angel. Even more so from Valentino. This. This just made her feel ill. Made her want to retch.
All the while, Angel was deathly stiff as he watched, his grip on the by now furious moth demoness much tighter. He had no idea what to do, what to say, all he could do was internally freak out-
Shit shit shit shit shit- Val, no! Not her! Don’t fuckin’ do this to her!
“Hey, what the hell!?” Vaggie snapped at her fellow moth.
She didn’t know what he was doing or why, but damn was she itching to bring out her spear-
Husk, Nifty, and Alastor exchanged knowing glances before, with a swish of the chimera demon’s large wings, the red smoke was fanned away and towards the two women with Valentino. Both of whom gladly inhaled it. The two then stared at each other, eyes half lidded.
Valentino’s smile ebbed slightly.
Huh… He was sure she inhaled at least some of it… and yet...
“Hasn’t anyone ever told you that blowing smoke in someone’s face is rude?” Nifty chastised from below, “Shame!”
Alastor gently pulled Charlie away and out of the pimp’s grip by the shoulder in a casual motion.
“Then again, can’t expect any manners from someone who associates with Vox of all people.~”
Valentino’s attention was pulled away from the princess and onto the Radio Demon behind her. That let Angel relax enough to finally release Vaggie, who promptly moved to gently hold her girlfriend by the arms.
“Are you alright, Charlie?”
The blonde could only nod, still reeling from the assault on her senses.
Fuck, she could still taste it in the back of her throat. It was like being force fed cups and cups of nothing but pure honey. It stung!
“Speakin’ of Voxy, a shame he already left. He would have loved to have seen you, dear~” the pimp said.
“Rather fortunate that he did leave, because I do not share such sentiments,” Alastor responded rather curtly as he released Charlie’s shoulder once he was certain she was safe from anything further from Valentino.
“What does bring ya here anyways, baby?” the red clad moth continued, “I thought this wasn’t your scene. Didja finally decide to have some real fun?~”
“I would hardly consider this my definition of ‘real fun’,” the radio host scoffed, “I only came by Charlie’s insistence.”
Valentino snorted at that.
“I’m sure ya did, sweetheart…~”
The deer’s red eyes narrowed, his grin sharpening.
“You find yourself quite fortunate that I am temporarily sworn off of non self defense violence for the sake of my entertainment, or I would have made certain that you are no longer able to make such disgusting innuendos.”
After all, what sane person would check in if they felt the people working there were dangerous?
“Awwww… Learn to have fun…~” Valentino teased.
“Big Veeeeee…” the feline demoness whined, “Can we go back to the studio?~”
“Yes, daddy, I want to play, and there’s no good place to do so here~” the other agreed.
“Awh, you bitches needy?~ Alright, alright, we’ll head back…~”
The pimp’s attention finally returned to Angel.
“Angel baby, come on now.”
“W-Wait a minute,” Charlie spoke up without thinking, “Didn’t you get your money already? Shouldn’t he come back home with us now that he’s done?”
Valentino cocked his head to the side at her, his mostly pink grin quirked in amusement.
“Awh honey, donchu know how this works?~” he asked, his tone condescending, “I need to make sure that he has given me it all… Can’t have a sneaky lil’ whore tryna siphon more than their earnings off of me, you know~”
Angel hesitated, looking between the group and Valentino.
“Can’t you just count your money here?” Vaggie piped up, “It shouldn’t take that long, should it?”
Red eyes narrowed from behind heart shaped rose tinted lenses. He seemed to be struggling to keep his grin up.
“Didja not hear my bitches, sweetie? They wanna go now,” his face then softened when he looked at the spider demon, “Besides, we need to talk about his upcomin’ shoots. Don’t we, sugar?”
“... Yes mista Valentino,” Angel sighed out.
“We’ll have him back to your little joke- I mean hotel once we’re done with our business, ‘kay?”
He tucked away his stack of bills before wrapping his lower set of arms around the waists of the girls and using one of his top hands to make a beckoning motion with his finger.
“Come along, baby~” he cooed.
Before either of the girls could protest this further, Angel obediently followed after him, looking over his shoulder with an… unreadable expression.
“Well, see ya fuckas late-a, I guess.”
Once the four were gone, Charlie looked at the others anxiously. Something rubbed her the wrong way, and she couldn’t put her finger on what.
“Well! I think it’s about time we made ourselves scarce as well, wouldn’t you say!?” Alastor suddenly exclaimed.
Before anyone could respond, he ushered the group out the exit. 
They didn’t have to wait in the night long before the limo pulled up. Out of the front seat Dazzle emerged, floating to the door to open it and allow them inside. Everyone crawled in to find their places. Charlie and Vaggie sat in the back seats while Alastor and his little crew sat across from them. Nifty was seated in the lap of Husk, who had to position his large wings awkwardly to fit in his seat.
Onces everyone was seated, the red goat shut the door. Moments later, the limo started moving.
The ride was quiet for a while, everyone trying to process the encounter after the show.
Then, the silence was broken.
“Charlie…” came Alastor’s voice, his tone uncharacteristically sober.
That was enough to pull her and the others out of their thoughts and bring their eyes to him.
His usual smile was still there, but he was leaning forward, eyes hard focused on the princess across from him.
“I need you to answer me something, and I need you to do so honestly… Could you do that for me, darling…?”
Charlie nodded slowly, a brow raised. Where was this coming from?
“Are you feeling an unexplainable warmth? Perhaps some sort of strange craving?”
That only confused her more.
“N… No…?”
The Radio Demon hummed in thought for a moment.
“Are you feeling anything else, then…? Anything out of the ordinary…?”
“... I’m still having trouble getting that taste and smell out.”
Alastor raised a brow.
“Smell and taste…? From that smoke?”
“Yeah…” she said with a nod, “I don’t know how strong it is for you guys, but...”
“Charlie’s nose is really sensitive,” Vaggie explained, “While we may smell something subtle, it’s a lot stronger to her. And she can pretty easily pick up scents we probably would not be able to smell.”
“It… got my throat stinging…” the princess added.
Husk nodded.
“I have a pretty good sense of smell too. One of the only useful things of bein’ a giant fuckin’ cat…” Husk mumbled, “I ain’t still got it stuck in my nose or mouth, nor got my throat stingin’. Then again, I also didn’t get shit blown in my face.”
“... I see…” Alastor finally said softly.
There was another moment of silence before Alastor snapped back into his normal postured, the jovial lit in his voice returning.
“In that case, I know the best cure for this! Who’s up for gumbo!?”
“We already ate dinner in that club, Alastor…” Husk groaned.
The Radio Demon scoffed.
“Like that bushwa they serve can compare to what I cook! What a joke!”
A laugh track punctuated Alastor’s sentence.
When we get home, everyone is getting a bowl!~”
Charlie refused to go to bed tonight. Not until she was ensured that Angel was back.
Every hour she would leave her office to check the lobby. And when she didn’t see him there, she would go back to her office and busy herself to keep herself awake. She had given instructions to Husk at the bar that if he ever returned in between those times, he was to give her a shout.
It was five in the morning when she went to check again. Husk had been dead asleep three hours ago, and she didn’t have the heart to wake him up.
When she drew closer to the lobby, she could hear… singing… Soft, sad singing...
And when she emerged out into the lobby, what she saw… surprised her…
Angel at the bar, singing at a sleeping Husk.
In one his hands was a cigarette. It was strange, though. It was producing that same red smoke that she’d seen at the club they came back from.
“I’m addicted…
“To the sorrow…”
Angel was startled, nearly startled out of his melancholy song, when feeling a hand on his shoulder. He swatted at it briefly in irritation, nearly slapping it off of him. He only missed because the hand moved off of him just in time. He glared over his shoulder at the source to see…
… Charlie…
Son of a bitch she moved quietly!
… He was too tired to care enough to feel guilt for the look of hurt on her face. Just… too damn tired… So yes, he was giving her that fuck off look as she stared at him. He was in no mood for her happy sappy shit. None of it! And no amount of that kicked puppy look was going to change that.
Plus… he still had one of Val’s little… “gifts” with him. A brand new pack as thanks for… showing him a good time…
And he still wasn’t entirely sure it was safe around her. Nor did he want to take that chance. That is heart attack inducing, god dammit.
So he walked off, regarding her one last time with a glare and a middle finger as he made his exit.
The sweet smelling smoke and his voice trailed down the hallway with his pace.
“When the buzz ends…
“By tomorrow…”
And all she could do was just… stare after his retreating form and watch it steadily disappear until the only trace of him left was the fading red trail of smoke...
“What’d I miss…?” came a groggy gruff voice, pulling her out of her thoughts.
Charlie looked over at Husk to see, yup, he’s awake now.
She rubbed her face to relax the muscles before smiling at him.
“Angel just came back home…” she said gently, “Go back to sleep, alright…?”
Husk mumbled something or other before drifting back off to slumber, right on top of the puddle of drool he made in his sleep previously.
With that, she made her way back to her office. She could go to her own bed, but that was about the same direction he went, and she didn’t want to come off like she was following him. It was… clear he wanted his space...
… Why did Angel react to her like that…? Did… did she do something wrong…? She thought that… going to his show would bring his trust in them up, but… He’s shut her out more than ever… It was like she had taken one step forward and then jumped ten steps back. He wasn’t even holding her at arm’s length at this point, he was pushing her away. Far far away from him.
Her thoughts drifted back to Valentino, the reason he wasn’t home immediately…
What happened…? Should she have fought harder to ensure he immediately went home with them…?
Maybe she could ask for advice on how to help? But who could she ask? Her first thought was Vaggie, but she had the feeling that said demoness would go off on him if she mentioned the slight hostility he demonstrated. And that was the last thing he needed on top of… whatever he was going through right now... She doubted Alastor would give all that great advice. Husk was a tad… apathetic to be of much help here… And Nifty… she wasn’t sure about Nifty’s qualifications on that front either.
… She can talk to him in the morning… Not about what’s wrong if he doesn’t want to, but something to make him feel better? Maybe???
Charlie woke up on her desk the next morning.
… Or… well… Afternoon. It was already past lunch time.
The blonde stood up and headed out of her office and to the lobby.
… No Angel yet… And Husk has confirmed that he hasn’t come down for a drink yet. So maybe he was still sleeping… or healing… or both…
So she decided to wait on the couch, occasionally seeing Nifty zip by on her duties.
She’d passed the time texting Vaggie, occasionally glancing up to see if he was here yet.
[TEXT]: Hey love. I just woke up. Afternoon. <3
Apple of my Eye <3 [TEXT]: Hey, sleeping beauty. How did you sleep?
Probably shouldn’t mention that she slept in her office…
[TEXT]: I slept fine, thank you. <3
Apple of my Eye <3 [Text]: Did you see Angel come back to the hotel?
Apple of my Eye <3 [TEXT]: What time, if you did?
Charlie’s thumbs hovered over the keypad, hesitating.
[TEXT]: About 5am.
Apple of my Eye <3 [TEXT]: Was he okay? Something about him going back with that sleazeball of a pimp did not sit well with me.
More, longer hesitation.
That’s the thing. She didn’t know. She wasn’t entirely sure. He was in a significantly sour mood, that was for damn sure. And before he knew she was even there, he sounded so… sad… Looked so, too… But she couldn’t wrap her head around what could have possibly happened between leaving with Valentino and coming back to the hotel. And that… scared her…
Little to say, she… didn’t know how to answer that.
She swallowed before typing.
[TEXT]: All I know is that he was a bit cranky… I’m sorry… I’m hoping to catch him in the lobby so I could talk with him about it.
Again, she’d rather not bring up him slightly lashing out at her. No need to make things worse for him. She just hoped Vaggie didn’t figure that out.
Thankfully, she didn’t.
Apple of my Eye <3 [TEXT]: I guess that’s to be expected…
Apple of my Eye <3 [TEXT]: Did you notice how he was behaving with that Valentino douche? It was almost creepy how his attitude just shifted like that.
[TEXT]: I noticed that too. It’s kind of scary…
Apple of my Eye <3 [TEXT] And I thought Alastor had the most punchable face in Hell.
[TEXT]: Vaggie, no! We do not solve our issues with violence! >=0
Apple of my Eye [TEXT]: Hey now, I never -said- I would. I just said that he just has one of those faces that would be fun to punch. [smug side eye emoji]
Charlie laughed lightly despite herself.
[TEXT]: So what did I miss anyways?
Apple of my Eye <3 [TEXT]: Nothing much. I decided to ask Razzle and Dazzle to take some of your paperwork out of your office so they and I could get to working on them. Figured it would keep us from falling behind.
[TEXT]: Oh my gosh, I am so sorry, Vaggie! I didn’t mean to put that on you! D:>
Apple of my Eye <3 [TEXT]: Hun, it’s fine. You were up trying to make sure Angel was back home safe, and you needed your sleep. Any one that tries to fault you for that is a dick.
Then, the clacking of big boots against the hardwood floor. Charlie looked up to see Angel heading to the bar.
Alright… There he is…
[TEXT]: G2G, Vaggie! Angel’s here! I’ll get to my paperwork afterwards!
Apple of my Eye <3 [TEXT]: Alright, Charlie. Good luck.
Angel plopped himself on one of the stools, propping his head up on his elbow.
“Hey, Husk…”
The feline raised a brow. Huh. Lacking the usual pep. The smile looked tired, forced. He thought he could see bags under the pornstar’s mismatched eyes. His features in general seemed to… sag… like he was somewhat deflated…
“... What’ll it be, bud…?”
“I’m thinkin’...”
He heard a weight plop down on the stool next to his. It took one glance to see…
Oh boy… Charlie…
This was awkward.
He was starting to wonder if she was a cat or something with how she just kept sneaking up on him like that.
His eyes went back to staring out in front of him.
“... Some wine…”
Dammit, he was hoping to get some of the harder shit!
“What kind?”
Angel waved at that.
“Don’ matta, babe. Ain’t picky right now.”
“Rosè it is.”
Angel chuckled weakly as Husk grabbed a wine glass and poured the wine in.
“It’s ‘cuzza the pink, innit...?”
“Yup,” Husk said simply as he handed it to the pornstar.
“Well thanks…~”
Golden eyes then looked over at the princess, who’d just been sitting there quietly, patiently.
“Didn’t know ya drink, blondie.”
“Oh, no no, I’m not here for a drink. I mean, unless you have any-”
“-Virgin drinks?” the winged cat finished, “What kinda fuckin’ bartender would I be if I didn’t know how to make ‘em. Gimme a sec…”
Silence permeated the air for a second, aside from the clinking of glass of Husk doing his work and Angel occasionally sipping from his glass.
Charlie glanced up at him.
He wasn’t even looking at her. Just staring straight ahead…
It felt like an eternity before Husk handed her her drink.
“Hope ya like er whatever. Figured ya were probably sick of sweet shit from last night, so figured somethin’ more citrusy would be more to yer likin’ right now.”
Angel stiffened slightly but said nothing.
The blonde smiled gently as she took it.
“That’s very thoughtful, Husk. Thank you.”
“Don’t fuckin’ get used to it.” he huffed as he grabbed for his bottle and took to drinking from it.
… More silence, this time without much to fill it other than the occasional sipping of drinks from one of the three. The silence would have been deafening otherwise.
He still wasn’t looking at her.
… Maybe if they were alone…
Husk should know morse, right?
Gently, she knocked on the surface of the bar, looking up to see his ears twitching with each beat.
Husk straightened up, folding his bright scarlet wings on his back before moving out from behind the bar.
“Gotta go grab a snack… be right back…”
Angel’s grip on his wine glass tightened at that.
Wait yor jus’ going to leave me alone with her?!
He couldn’t come up with a natural excuse fast enough to either keep Husk here or follow him before the feline had left towards the kitchen.
… More awkward silence… More Angel refusing to look at her…
The blonde gently drummed her knuckles against the bar’s surface as she tried to think of what to say.
“... Ya in a percussionist mood today or something?” he asked, still not looking at her.
Charlie scratched her cheek awkwardly.
“I guess you can say that… Yooouuuu know me.”
The spider demon snorted slightly.
“Yeah, you live yor life in a fuckin’ musical.”
… A bad habit that seems to have rubbed off on him a bit…
Charlie laughed softly.
There was a moment’s hesitation before she looked up at him.
“... Uhm… You have a beautiful singing voice by the way…”
… Son of a bitch, speak of the devil. Or devil’s daughter- wait didn’t she say her dad wasn’t the- Ah fuck it.
Okay, but to be fair, he was singing during his performance last night too. He’d give her the benefit of the doubt and assume that that’s what she meant.
“... Thanks, toots…”
More silence. Charlie stared down at her hands before deciding to speak again.
“... Soooo…” she started, hoping it sounded casual, “How did you sleep…?”
“Fine,” the spider demon responded.
She smiled gently.
“That’s good. You seemed like you had a rough night, so…”
Angel just sighed.
“I was jus’ fuckin’ tired toots. It was nothin’ personal.”
And apparently that’s all he had to say on that. Fair enough. At least he said that much.
“No, it’s okay, I get that. I’m not upset about that. Honest. Just… worried…”
… Yor worried…?
He finally glanced down at her for the first time since she took the seat beside him.
… He had to know…
“... ‘Nuff ‘bout me, though, sweetheart. I wanna ask you somethin’.”
The princess perked at that.
He took a sip of his wine as he tried to think of how best to ask his question.
“So how are you feelin’? Ya got any headaches, or feelin’ weaka? Maybe feelin’ any shakiness or anything like that?”
Charlie seemed to grow more and more confused the more he spoke.
“N… No…? I’m fine… Why…?”
First Alastor, now Angel. What was up with asking how she felt?
And just like that, Angel felt the tension melt away from his relief.
Thank god!
He had a love… mostly hate relationship with Val’s shit. On one hand, damn did it feel good. It was a hell of a high. Practically like you were floating. Made getting it up easier and more fun, made you more sensitive… Hell, even the smell and taste grew on you after a while, became delicious. It just gave an overall liberating feeling.
On the other hand, the liberating feeling it gave was a facade, a trap. It was a highly addictive substance. One full hit, and it was over. Your body would want more. More more more more- and it was never enough! And god were the withdrawals awful. Your body would be convinced it would fucking die without it. It was quite possible it would. It made you desperate for more. It made you reliant on the provider. Made you come back to them. Gave you no choice but to stay with them. It was a never ending cycle, a whirlpool you’d have no chance of escaping except to concede and drown.
He would know. He’s tried. He’s tried to quit it. One day and he was desperate to satiate that craving his body demanded. He’s actively trying to figure out how to wane it. No such luck so far. And going clean has not been helping.
And fuck did Val take advantage of it. Of course he did. Why wouldn’t he? It made business good for him. All he had to do was pay them the bare minimum and a hit from him or drugs laced with it, and that would be enough for them. Sometimes to make a job go by smoother, he’d give it to them to make them nice and ready. He could do anything he wanted to anyone hooked on his shit, and they would never be able to do shit about it…
So little to say, Angel was glad. He was glad Val didn’t manage to pull this one in. He wouldn’t wish this on anyone. Let alone…
“... That’s all I wanted to know…”
Charlie looked up at him, inching a hand to one of his arms before pausing.
… After his reaction last night… probably not a good idea…
She pulled her hand away before finishing off her drink.
“Well, you should probably go get you something to eat. I don’t think you’ve had anything since lunchtime yesterday. There might still be gombo left.”
He looked at her, a brow raised.
“Since when did we have gumbo yestaday?”
“Since we came back after your show. Al’s idea.”
Ah… made sense…
Charlie then stood up from the stool.
“... And.. hey… if you ever need to talk about something… anything at all… I’m here, okay…?”
Oh yikes-
Angel had to keep from rolling his eyes. Instead, he took a sip from his wine.
Wow she just went straight for that, didn’t she?
“A-And I mean anything at all. When you’re ready. I want to be here for you anyway I can… If you’re not ready yet… if we’re not there yet… that’s fine… there’s plenty of time… But I just want you to know… anytime… okay…?”
“... I’ll keep that in mind, sweetheart…” he said, noncommittal.
If it would get her to shut up. Not that he was thinking of ever considering it.
Charlie gave a hopeful smile at that.
“Now go feed yourself! I’ll be in the office area. Uh… Just uh… Just in case you need something… something maybe not as heavy like… Like to borrow a CD or something.”
He huffed out a small laugh at that.
And with that, she bounded to the office area.
Yes, there was absolutely no commitment to him saying he would keep it in mind. She would have to be blind to not notice that. But the seed was still planted. She won’t expect him to talk about whatever he’s going through today, tomorrow, next week, or even next year. But that’s fine. They had all the time in the world for him to feel ready to open up. And when he was, she’d be right here waiting for him.
Angel sat there and watched her leave before standing up, still holding what remained of his wine in one hand as he made his way to the kitchen.
God this bitch just keeps getting weirder and weirder. Yeah, let’s divulge all the gorey details of his afterlife. That’ll be fun for everyone. The sentiments were nice for sure, but she knew nothing about him. And a large chunk of him was convinced it was better that way. This isn’t a fairytale. This was reality. Ugly, brutal reality-
We want to help you.
… Then again, this wouldn’t be the first time Charlie has tried to give the metaphorical finger to reality. That’s exactly what this hotel was, after all. Not out of the ordinary for her, really.
… Silly...
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glitchtrapfan · 3 years
Charlie: Angel you in your room, me and Vaggie needs lots of help and we thought.
Angel open the door to his room, he look miserable and tired.
Charlie: Oh...well I’m glad your out of your room but now I’m concerned, you Alright?
Angel: Never been better...
Vaggie: Charlie he won’t help, he just going to stay in his room again like he did all week.
Vaggie said having her hand over Charlie shoulder, charlie felt bad for angel and had one idea to maybe help him.
Charlie: If you can’t help today can you try maybe getting a drink at husks bar, it might help to get rid of the stress you might have.
Angel: Stress, don’t worry baby I’m perfect fine, just tired from fat nuggies staying up all the time.
Angel lied, he was up due to another awful night at work and having dreams of his worst fear.
Charlie: Please angel...I worry for you and I think maybe having a talk with people at the bar and getting drinks could help.
Angel: Talking, I’m good at talking so I could try.
Angel didn’t want to today but he didn’t want Charlie to be worry, she was one of the few people in hell that deserve so much especially with all the work she doing to make hell at least a somewhat better place.
Charlie: Thanks angel, I can make sure to check on you later^^
Charlie and Vaggie head back to more work and angel heads to the bar, he saw husk was there and nifty cleaning dust all over the floor.
Angel: (Okay, I can do this, just act like yourself and just drink, it be okay)
Nifty: Angel can you move a bit?
Angel looks down awakening from his thoughts, nifty needed to get some dust that was on angel boots.
Angel: Oh Sorry shorty.
Angel head to the bar and sits down.
Husk: Well this is almost a shock to see you here, you been “tired” for almost the whole week.
Angel: Yeah sorry, you know a pornstar needs there beauty sleep once a month hehehe.
Husk: Yeah, how many drinks you want if your here?
Angel: Give me anything, I just need something since drinking water gets real boring to drink for being in my room for almost a week.
Husk: I give you some whiskey and you make it sound you been in your room for all week when I know it not true.
Angel: How so?
Husk: I see you leave your room at night with a pink furry coat, I’m going to guess for work.
Angel: no I just needed to head out and grab some stuff.
Husk: Well from your water remake I say that drinks was not one of your priorities.
Angel: Yeah, they had no good drinks at the shop I go to, the shop keeper there though was pretty hot~~
Angel giggles, husk was not laughing and he can see angel was trying to cover him things but decided to not speak more, he gives him his drinks and takes out his own bottle to drink from, for the next hour or 2 Angel was drinking with husk and they talk about silly stuff like how nifty would sometimes have to clean in people room while they sleep and angel joke she probably stalked them like a owl, after a bit husk as pass out and angel was sober from all the drinks.
Angel: (I think I need to head back, it getting late)
Angel was going to leave but then Alastor came to sit down at the bar, it made angel jump seeing someone still awake since it was close to 10 PM but then again it was Alastor, the guy almost never sleeps.
Alastor: Hey angel, don’t mind I just be out your hair for a sec, need to get myself some drink for some papers I need to work on for my boss.
Angel: Oh no it’s fine, I was about to leave but now I do feel like talking more to someone, it was with husk but..
Alastor: Husker is an funny person to talk with if you both take drinks with each other and laugh your butts off, I don’t really drink much but when someone does drink with husk it almost comical to laugh at it.
Angel: Yeah he funny Hehehehe, well Alastor did you want me to leave, I can if you like.
Alastor would have gladly said yes but angel tone was off, like something was missing.
Alastor: Angel I like to talk more, could you ask me how was your day?
Angel: Oh well I sleep again, had Charlie ask me to come down to the bar to relax a bit and had fun with husk.
Alastor: I see, did you do anything else.
Angel: No from what I can think of, actually I did play with fat nuggets for a bit, he such a cute pig when he wants to play with me Hehehehe, how about you?
Alastor: Well I’m doing good as usual, paper work, the killing if need to and having some talk with Charlie.
Angel: That sounds kind of boring, the paper work part I mean Hehehehe.
Alastor: ...Who are you?
Angel: Uh, Alastor you have not drink and you seem drunk as hell already.
Alastor: I mean who are you angel, first you always seem the same, horny jokes, talking about wanting to fuck all types of boys and doing dumb things, now here we are all alone with nobody and your acting like your not in character.
Angel: Not in character, I’m not acting, I’m just not saying as much sex stuff, so what?
Alastor: Not even the sex stuff, I mean your personality change, you seem a lot more like yourself.
Angel: Like myself...PFFT!
Angel burst out laughing, Alastor look over more with serious eyes, his hands together and his mouth grinning still but a little more out of how interesting angel has gotten, he thought he was just some asshole who just wanted to be annoying but now he was like almost a different person.
Angel: Alastor that was probably the best joke you made, I almost died laughing Hehehehe.
Alastor: Angel, I know you not much into listening much and what I might say you won’t care for but...why don’t you act like this more often, instead of always acting like your pornstar self why don’t you act like yourself.
Angel eyes wide and then he grit his teeth.
Angel: okay now I’m starting to get mad, you thinking I’m acting like a slut is uncalled for, I’m like that all the time and just because I act like this once means fuck all al.
Alastor: I’m not trying to be rude, if you want to act like this and ignore me go right ahead but from what this conversation we had today tells me, it says a lot about how life been to you, you been working at a job you hate, been force to play this role and now always act like all your life is like a play when you should be yourself, the person who was in hell from the start, so please stop..
Alastor didn’t get to finish his sentence as Angel then did something unexpected. He pull a gun on Alastor head, al didn’t look like he care.
Angel eyes were furious and had tears coming down them, his hands shake under how mad he was at Alastor.
Alastor: ....if you shoot me, you know I have to kill you for the sake of everyone here....and I’m sorry....
Angel shakes more, holding the gun to his knees, he got on his knees looking at the gun, Alastor took it and Angel tears up more.
Alastor: I know everything seems hopeless but it’s not and I know whoever in your life that was taking away from you would be still cheering you on.
Angel: ....my mom would not if she saw what I become....I’m just...I.
Alastor looks on and feeling sorry for angel, angel started to cry, a lot more loud which made Charlie hear it since she was working and husk woke up.
Husk: What the...what the hell happen Alastor?!
Charlie: ANGEL!?
Charlie came running and got close to angel was just balling his eyes out, Charlie and husk try calming him, Alastor then left, he not sure how to feel about if he made things worse for angel or help.
Angel: Charlie I...I’m sorry.
Charlie: For what?
Angel: I’m sorry I lied to you and I’m sorry..”hicc” I been awful..
Charlie: You have not been awful....you more better then most down here, it be okay angel.
Husk: (what the hell did Alastor say to this kid!?)
Angel cried more for what felt like hours and then without him even realizing, he blackout.
(Hope you enjoy the story, this is my first time trying to write a more serious story with Hazbin and not have it be all sunshine and rainbows, it more a vent story due to life problems I been having as of late)
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