#Now it;s like 20$ or something due to Economy
prolibytherium · 3 months
I wish they'd make nut mixes that aren't like 80% almonds, the shittiest most garbage nut
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ink-flavoured-tea · 2 years
One D&D
So after watching the announcement and reading the new Unearthed Arcana for One D&D (*cough* 5.5e) I thought I’d share my thoughts on this next evolution of D&D: 
What I like about One D&D & it’s Unearthed Arcana: 
Backwards compatible with 5e, so even if you don’t like it you can always stick with 5e
Most of the changes are stuff which everyone either wanted/was doing in game anyway
ARDLINGS. Egyptian mythology themed character, heck yeah!
Races have been buffed (humans actually have features now) and you can now customise your characters further due to the ‘Children of different humanoid kinds’ rules/guidelines (which is super cool because I’ve always wanted to play as a Tanarukk :D) 
Spells have been divided into Arcane, Primal and Divine, instead of having a specific spell list per class, making picking out spells more customisable for classes
Backgrounds determine ability score improvements (which makes more sense that having it based on race) 
You can make custom backgrounds for your characters (basically doing what wotc have been doing with races with the whole pick two languages, two skills and choose two stats to increase by +2/+1  since Ravenloft, Witchlight, Fizban’s, etc) 
Inspiration (non-bardic) has better rulings and is a core part of the system
Nat 20’s now auto-succeed in skill checks and reward inspiration, so even if you don’t learn/do anything from your roll you still gain something so the roll isn’t wasted 
Improvements made to DnD beyond including virtual minis and tabletop for players who can’t game in person
What I’m not too keen on:
DM’s can’t crit on attack rolls, which does make the game easier for players but also takes away the fun/unpredictable natute of the game
The term ‘D20 Test’ is going to take some getting used to (not a major issue just a personal thing) 
Things I’m hoping they include:
Playable plant race
Better Monster Manual that is easier to use/plan encounters and takes into account turn economy 
Some spells lose the concentration tag
More new unique races or revisited races from earlier editions
More help/tools for DM’s to use for running a module or creating their own campaign
Buffed boss monsters/better mechanics for a singular boss vs entire party fight
Final Thoughts:
All in all, I’m really impressed and optimistic about One D&D so far! Wizards of the Coast has really listened to their audience and made tons of changes in the UA that I hope sticks around for the next Player’s handbook :D 
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kyonoc · 3 months
cw; charoc, cms and random lore posting
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Ok, I mean, $20 goes a long way in our economy. Spend it wisely and you got yourself a whole month worth of food, but. But. But. But please stop undercharging yourself artists out there 😭😭😭 I also struggled with the same thing when I first started doing cms, but your time are definitely worth more than that!
fyi i did leave a tip but I still feel bad for the artist nevertheless, my next mission is to befriend them and convince them to rise their prices.
Also I'm dropping Sumire's lore here bc my notes are a jumbled mess rn and it's a pain to look through them everytime I need to check something.
Sumire is a descendant from one of Teyvat's primitive life forms - a race existed so long ago that barely anyone know about them. Is Slime's ancestor and distant cousin of Whopperflowers (?) (No one is sure because all of the relevant documents are either lost, destroyed, non existent in the first place, or became so detached from reality that they can only serve as folklore/urban legends or fairytales). They are native to the land now known as Inazuma, along with Tanuki before Kitsune emerged.
Her race would be classified as elemental life forms if there were still documents/records about it. They are made of pure, highly concentrated elemental energy (like slimes and hypostases). They will die of insufficient elemental energy (like what lost of blood do to human) and dissolve into nearby leylines.
Her vessel, body, human form, whatever you call it, is simply a container to hold her elemental energy together. Unlike slimes that are condensed elemental beings and able to maintain their forms due to it, or hypostases that are primitive structure of pure energy (p/s: the wiki page called them life forms but the dev insight 1 called them structures TT); Sumire's race is a distinctive life form, a living being of highly concentrated (and rich in) elemental energy. As they are made of nothing but pure elements, they were frail it was easy for them to die. To prevent this, they evolved the mechanism to copy the forms/structures of other living beings to hold themselves together. They do this by mimicking the elemental bonds that exist in living bodies.
It is of note that despite being highly intelligence creatures (enough to even pick suitable vessel in response to their current living conditions, they are also capable of communicating with their own species and even think like human), Sumire's race does not participate in reproducing and mating. Since they are considered nearly immortal with no natural enemy in their habitat, as well as they cant really die except for die of hunger (or rather, lack of elemental energy), they don't have the primal instinct to reproduce or tend to their youngs. Maybe, this is Teyvat's way of balancing their own eco system.
Sumire is capable of mimicking human bodies, but she is not capable of mimicking the human's sophisticated way of thinking and living. She does not understand "feelings", despite being deeply intrigued by it. It's a biological wall that neither she or Haitham will ever be able to pass. However, she is a curious creature by nature, and often feel satisfaction from getting her enquiries answered Sumire associate and consider this to be the equivalent of "happiness" that human experiences.
Sumire cannot consume normal human's meal. Or to be precise, she can, but that would do more harm than good for her survival as living beings. Just like slimes, she prefer to consume "foods" that are rich in elemental energy - specifically, whopperflowers, elemental flowers, slimes, and so on.
She can wield elemental power without the need of a vision, so her vision is kind of useless to her. However, Sumire obtained one regardless.
Since Sumire doesn't experience emotions like fear and anxiety how human does, she is kind of dense, and careless. She can pick up on regular patterns and the contexts if pointed out to her, eg, red cheeks is oftern associated with embarrassment, and other physical tells. However, for those that wear a poker face or is deceitful, its almost impossible for her to tell.
She does not have a concept of risk management either, and therefore is often described as reckless. Sumire is aware of things that can kill her and is cautious of it, but not for situations that pose no direct threat to her life. Like willing to drink a poison that would normally kill a grown man, for (theoretically) the toxins cannot mess with her elemental flow.
Sumire always seems to he rather cheerful, calm and positive. But thats simply a result of her emptiness of an emotion void - she feels not emotions, save for curiosity and the satisfaction from it. Only the contentment from learning enabled her to be "happy".
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retphienix · 9 months
Interestingly, TCG2's retroachievements include some "gimmicky" challenges against the ghost decks, and considering the two I've been trying for, they can be rough lol
Got one today!
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The Magician's deck is extremely interesting in some of the tedious plans he has in store for you lol
It primarily revolves around Alakazam's damage swap ability, but he throws in some additional tedium to earn his deck's title of "The Immortal Pokemon Deck".
Namely, he uses that high damage stalling Mr. Mime that I love/hate (love to use, hate to fight against) as a mini-stall against any high damaging attacks, along with the weakness nullifying pokemon power Mr. Mime so that stalling with Normal types won't do too well against him.
And I'm not gonna lie, and TCG players can scoff at my ignorance, but my exposure to actually playing the pokemon TCG is isolated to these 2 gameboy games- I have never fought against someone who used the cowardice Tentacool like this and it's EFFECTIVE and ANNOYING lol
Cowardice Tentacool is a 30 HP weak card who can retreat for free and the pokemon power allows them to scoop up Tentacool for free at any time on their turn.
That coupled with Alakazam means you can heal a ton each turn for free with just 1 in rotation.
Now, his AI is "Good" at utilizing this strategy, but he doesn't max/min his moves every turn, meaning he is more than happy to leave like a 10 HP Scyther in the mix on the bench despite having his Alakazam/Tentacool combo rolling because he kinda tunnel visions himself to making that combo clean his active pokemon completely.
Or maybe I lucked out, because Cowardice DOES have some text on it- he can effectively only heal 40 each turn "for free" if Tenta was already in play, but still, oof.
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You must face this deck with no damage higher than 20 the whole way through.
This means you can't nullify his strategy via one shotting his Abra / Weakness Nullify Mime / Scyther OR EVEN his 30 HP Tentacool- You HAVE to play into his strategy and give him the advantage to clean his field of damage whenever he likes.
The only benefit, unintended as it is, is that his wall Mime is meaningless now because you're always hitting under his damage threshold.
But man.
This achievement made Tentacool the entire focus of the fight.
I had to trick him into leaving it with 20HP and then swap to something that could do 20HP as well as gust him in.
AND THEN he has multiple discard recycling cards to get Tenta back in the mix.
This was fun :)
The other achievement I'm going for currently is less fun due to the cards I've been using but this was fun lol
I ended up getting it first try, but we were grind gaming the entire time- we got to the final few cards and I had to avoid using draw cards for that exact reason.
I went with a semi-stall gust deck, using Lickitung for consistent 10 HP para attacks and as a wall, and using Pigeotto whirlwinds and twisters to either keep his pokemon rotating or ruin his energy economy.
It definitely wasn't a primo strategy, I needed more "controlled" or "bench" oriented damage, but some gust of winds ironed out the kinks well enough.
DEFINITELY would have been nice to have some bench damage to more directly kill his tentacool without gust, but here we are.
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Other oddball toss ins for this first attempt were the pokemon power Wigglytuff that can cleanse party members and has a 20 damage move, and Fearow almost entirely for a 20 damage move that also dodges (agility). I didn't come into this fight expecting Tentacool at all- I came in expecting Mime and Alakazam because I've already nuked this guy's deck a few times using a normal deck and those were the "problem" cards.
I never would have thought slowing things down would make Tenta the MVP lol
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donovanmose · 2 years
Jagex. According to A RuneScape Wiki
If the new Golden Party Hats gain value similar to the older ones, they'll be worth billions of gold someday.
RuneScape player 120King says (opens in a new tab) they began cooking sailfish at 6:40 a.m. on Monday. After cooking 4,000 sailfish it took them four hours to collect one of the eight shards that are required to get the Golden Party Hat. This piece of gear grants no stat benefits and gives its wearer zero stats. They have until 3 January to get the remaining seven shards needed to get the hat, which does nothing, but may someday make them RuneScape wealthy.
Party Hats were last available for purchase around 20 years ago. The original ones, which grant wearers absolutely nothing and are now worth billions of gold, making them RuneScape's most valuable items.
It's a classic illustration of the logic of the videogame economy The original Party Hats are worth their weight in gold because they're useless. When the "partyhat" items were first released during 2001's Christmas event they were "intended to be worthless and disposable," says RuneScape developer Jagex. There was no benefit to wearing them other than looking festive-they are similar to the paper crowns that you find in Christmas crackers (opens in new tab)-and lots of players trashed them after the event.
Jagex did not issue the hats again the next year, or for that matter ever again. As time passed, certain players who wore their Party Hats stopped playing, thus reducing the number of hats available. The hats were a sign of one's status as an older player or, since they were so rare and expensive, as a rich one.
"The hats are now playing an important role in the RuneScape economy as cash placements, investments staked items, collectibles," says Jagex. Mining In Runescape Servers According to a RuneScape Wiki, Party Hats actually go for more than 2.1 billion gold. That's only their listed price since it's the maximum for a single transaction on RuneScape's Grand Exchange. (A player told me that the blue ones could be worth more than 100 billion.
The 2021 Party Hats differ from the 2001 party caps. These are Golden Party Hats, whereas the original ones were only available in blue, white red, green purple, and yellow. (Correction: Actually they were pink and not purple, as an account from a player says, but the color was changed due to a glitch in duplication.) The Golden Party Hat will be a symbol of a player's participation in RuneScape's 20th anniversary celebration, or something to trade, although they won't automatically be as valuable as the originals. Each player will only be able to earn one Golden Party Hat during the event, so they will remain rare however, players aren't likely to toss their hats out this time.
To earn the Golden Party Hat, players must accumulate eight Golden Party Hat Shards and have an active RuneScape membership, which is $11 per month, or less if players commit to 12 months of Premier Club membership. Bonds can be used to purchase membership. They can be traded in game items such as EVE Online's Plex. You can acquire shards by accomplishing specific tasks like the 'Once Upon a time in Gielinoranniversary quest' or by purchasing one for 30,000,000 gold. Others are random drops that occur when players are learning new skills or engaged in another activity.
Jagex states that the "bad luck protection" system will stop anyone playing RuneScape from being left hatless until January 3.
"As you continue to improve a skill or complete clue scrolls, the chance of getting a shard grows exponentially," says the developer. "Essentially, it's our intent that players actively participating throughout the event will be able to create their own hat without much hassle."
Some players haven't been able to stop trying to grind Shard drops as quickly as they can, like making breakfast and cooking thousands on thousands of sailfish. Another participant on the RuneScape forum claimed to have killed "2,000 abyssal demons" without having an Combat Shard drop, while another player reported that they received the Combat Shard after fighting dark creatures for six hours. We all have our own ways.
- (opens in a new tab) (opens in new tab)
Tyler was raised in Silicon Valley with Microsoft and Apple playing Zork and Arkanoid games on the first personal computers his parents brought home. Later, he was captivated later by SimCity and Civilization, Command & Conquer and Bushido Blade (yes, he had Bleem! ), and all the shooters they call "boomer shooters" currently. In 2006, Tyler wrote his first professional review of a game: Super Dragon Ball Z for the PS2. He thought it was ok. In 2011 He joined PC Gamer, and today he's focusing on the site's coverage of news. He trains in boxing at night and completes his 1,200 hours of Rocket League.
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travllingbunny · 3 years
Tribes of Europa, season 1 - thoughts
I finished season 1 of German post-apocalyptic Netflix drama Tribes of Europa a couple of days ago, and I have... lots of thoughts and mixed feelings.
It's a standard post-apocalyptic show with all the usual tropes, but mostly well done, and has potential. I ended up liking it better than I expected, mostly because one of the storylines (Kiano’s) turned out to be pretty good/interesting.
The main problem of the show is that most characters, so far, don't have a lot of depth. An exception is a female villain who has proven to be quite complex and interesting. On the other hand, while  I loved seeing Oliver Masucci, in a role completely different from Ulrich Nielsen, and he's great and charismatic, I feel like I've seen the exact same lovable rogue-turned-mentor character a dozen times in various shows and movies. The main trio of young protagonists have the potential for interesting character development, but it remains to be seen what saason 2 does with it.
At least there's one thing that makes the show different than most post-apocalyptic shows I'm aware of - I can't think of any others that take place on the European continent? Usually it's North America, Australia, or UK. So, that's interesting... But then, after I finished it, I started thinking a bit more about some of the elements of the worldbuilding, which are a bit... questionable? I'm reserving judgment till these things are explained.
Spoilers under the cut.
In the first episode, the show did the GoT thing of introducing us to a likable family and then having siblings separated by fate and trying to get back together, while having different storylines. But they should've spent a bit more time with them together and explaining their history.
The show also does that thing where the siblings look nothing like each other and are played by actors of different ethnic origins, so I was waiting to hear they were half-siblings or some other explanation, but there was none. Well, OK then.
One thing I wasn't crazy about is that Kiano had a girlfriend we saw for about 20 seconds and then she apparently got killed for no particular reason. I can't say it's even fridging, since he never even mentions her afterwards and he has a lot of other reasons to hate the Crows.
But Kiano's storyline turned out to be the most interesting , and most disturbing, the kind that can make or break the show, depending on how it deals with issues like slavery, rape, trauma. So far, the show has dealt with it well, which made me like the show more than I thought. (It definitely beats The 100 - a show it was the 100 in the Netflix promo campaign - in that respect. I was already scared it would do something similar to The 100, which really dropped the ball when it touched on such issues in a really clumsy way in season 3.)
Lord Varvara has turned out to be the most interesting and compelling character, and excellently played by Melika Foroutan. (I wish I could say the same about the Crows’ big boss, Yvar - but whether it is mostly due to the OTT costume and makeup or the similarly OTT acting, I had a hard time taking this guy seriously.) She is not exactly morally grey - she is definitely a villain, slaver rapist and murderer, but her role as a former slave - a victim of abuse turned abuser, and someone who upholds the ideas of Social Darwinism - makes her role very interesting and ambiguous. I think that (especially based on some hints) that she used to be a sex slave, too, and if she was also made to be a Crow by her former slave master, that would probably mean Yvar used to be her master. That could lead to some interesting tension and conflicts, as she probably hates this guy deep inside, but still has to vie for his approval, even now that she has “made it”.  And she sees to see something in Kiano that makes her think they are similar, that he is 'strong' like she thinks she is (on the other hand, she despised her other slave who had a huge Stockholm Syndrome for her).
I'm curious how they deal with Kiano's character development next season, and how far into moral greyness or darkness it will be willing to go with him. Varvara is a blueprint of what he could become.  He didn't exactly show much concern for the lives of other slaves, except his father.  
Liv's storyline was also pretty interesting. with her navigating the political issues of the Crimsons. I liked that the Crimsons as a whole turned out to be more morally grey than I initially expected - with their strict military discipline to the point of authorianism and lack of tolerance for dissent. 
I don't know if the show expected me to side with the general (aka "Father") or think his views were right, as Liv did? I did not.. "Let's make peace and unity with slavers"? No, dude. But I’ll go with the idea that we are not necessarily supposed to side with him rather than David just because Liv did; or that a third option may be found (such as causing a rebellion among the Crows themselves, which would be my preferred direction of that storyline). 
(I also rolled my eyes whenever he started going on about "old European dream" or whatever he called it. No, my dude, you need to brush up on your history. Your plan is nothing like the EU, unless your plan is to go and deliver a bunch of demands to the Crows:  "Unless you guys: abolish slavery; ensure human rights for everyone; install a viable non-slavery based economy etc.. - we're not letting you into our new unified Europe!" He also may needed to be reminded EU was formed after Axis powers were defeated.)
I've heard that a lot of people didn't like Elja's storyline because they found it the least interesting, and sure, it wasn't very emotional and didn't have much character development, but I'm very curious about the mystery of the Black December, the Atlantians etc. so I liked it.  And I liked the fact that Elja wasn't a naive kid and could deceive people and keep secrets when he needed to.
But there are certain problems I have with the show’s world-building... which, at its worse, may end up being just as problematic as The 100′s was.
While I like the idea of a post-apocalyptic show set in continental Europe, and with languages other than English - almost all of the characters are only speaking German or English (the latter, I guess, for the same reason it's widespread today - people speak it as a second language and use it to communicate). We should really see more people who speak other languages. So far, that’s only happened sporadically - but my problem is more with the fact that the most villainous tribe, Crows (murderous, slave-owning Eurotrash-like villains with very Social Darwinist views) -  even though they speak German or English 99% of the time - very notably use certain words from Slavic languages - and only for specific terms like "lubovnik" ('lover' - actually sex slave), "boi" (fight/battle), "svobodnik" (free man?). These were very recognizable. I have no idea what "Bozie" means, but I read somewhere it comes from Russian. What's supposed to be the backtory behind that? Sure, I am for more language diversity, but did a German show have to give the kind of barbaric-version-of-fascist villains these questionable Slavic references?  That would be uncomfortable in so many ways.... It's not just Slavs, because another notable Crow character, Grieta at some point used Romanian (and the actress is Romanian), but I hope they're not going with the Evil Barbaric Eastern Europeans here. To be fair, many Crows were clearly slaves at the beginning, which complicates things... but Varvara says her real name - slave name - was Sophia, which could be anything - while her Crow names is Varvara - which definitely sounds Russian or Bulgarian (or, I guess, it could be Greek).
On the other side, opposed to the Crows, we have the more “civilized” tribe/army of former Eurocorps, whose members have so far only been heard speaking English, German and, at one point, Dutch - curiously called Red Crimson Army (!), I have so many questions...
Another questionable thing, pointed by the host of the Culture Cave YouTube podcast, who did an overall favorable review of the show, howeverpointed out that the Crows - the villains - are the only ones who don't conform to gender roles? And the males who are the most 'effeminate' looking are baddies. I didn’t even think of that initially, but thinking about it... yes, it has been like that so far, hasn’t it?
I’m reserving judgment till next season, but I only used to give The 100 the benefit of doubt with its questionable world-building, and we know how that turned out.
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comrade-meow · 3 years
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[‘Assignment to Slave Labour’, Auschwitz, Poland, c.1940. US Holocaust Memorial Museum.]
Menstruation and the Holocaust
Periods are a fact of life, but little talked about. How did women in the concentration camps cope with the private being made public in the most dire and extreme circumstances?
Menstruation is rarely a topic that comes to mind when we think about the Holocaust and has been largely avoided as an area of historical research. This is regrettable, as periods are a central part of women’s experience. Oral testimonies and memoirs show that women felt ashamed discussing menstruation during their time in the concentration camps, but, at the same time, they kept bringing the subject up, overcoming the stigma that is attached to them.
Typically, menstruation has been seen as a medical problem to be overcome rather than as a natural occurrence and a part of life. Medical historians, for example, have explored the forced experiments in sterilisation that were conducted in Auschwitz. Sabine Hildebrandt examined the research of the pathologist Hermann Stieve, who experimented on female political prisoners awaiting execution in Plötzensee. Stieve looked at the effect stress had on the reproductive system. Similarly, Anna Hájková has written about the Jewish Theresienstadt prisoner and physician František Bass’ research on amenorrhoea, the loss of menstruation, which focused on how it was caused by the shock of incarceration. Interestingly, however, almost all this research discussed ovulation (and its lack) rather than menstruation, even though both are part of the same biological function.
Periods impacted on the lives of female Holocaust victims in a variety of ways: for many, menstruation was linked to the shame of bleeding in public and the discomfort of dealing with it. Periods also saved some women from being sexually assaulted. Equally, amenorrhoea could be a source of anxiety: about fertility, the implications for their lives after the camps and about having children in the future.
A much-cited argument in Holocaust scholarship, made by Hannah Arendt, is that the totalitarian regime of the camps broke human solidarity, making them a very isolating place to be. But, contrary to this view, periods could provide moments of bonding and solidarity among prisoners: many older women gave help to teenagers, who experienced their first period alone after their families had been murdered. When we look for it, many survivors talk with great openness about their periods. Having or not having a period could shape daily experience of the camps.
What is a woman?
After deportation to camps and ghettos, due to malnutrition and shock, a significant number of female Holocaust victims of reproductive age stopped menstruating. Many were afraid that they would be left infertile after their bodies were forced to their limits, making the intrinsic link between periods and fertility apparent and increasingly central to their lives. Gerda Weissman, originally from Bielsko in Poland and 15 years old during her incarceration, later reflected that a key reason she wanted to survive was because she wanted to have children. She described it as ‘an obsession’. Similarly, the French publicist, resistance fighter and Auschwitz survivor Charlotte Delbo mentions a discussion that took place among a room full of women:
“It’s upsetting not to go through those unclean period … You begin to feel like an old woman. Timidly, Big Irene asked: ‘And what if they never come back afterwards?’ At her words a ripple of horror swept over us … Catholics crossed over themselves, others recited the Shema; everyone tried to exorcise this curse the German were holding over us: sterility. How could one sleep after that?”
These reactions reflected both religious and cultural diversity, showing that regardless of faith, culture or nationality, it was a worry all could relate to. The historian of Holocaust literature S. Lillian Kremer argued that, in addition to the fear of becoming infertile, the prisoners’ uncertainty over whether their fertility would return if they survived made the loss of menstruation a ‘dual psychological assault’ on female identity.
Upon entry into the camp, prisoners were given shapeless clothing and had their heads shaved. They lost weight, including from their hips and breasts, two areas commonly associated with femininity. Oral testimonies and memoirs show that all of these changes compelled them to question their identities. When reflecting on her time in Auschwitz, Erna Rubinstein, a Polish Jew who was 17 when in the camps, asked in her memoir, The Survivor in Us All: Four Young Sisters in the Holocaust (1986): ‘What is a woman without her glory on her head, without hair? A woman who doesn’t menstruate?’
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[Untitled drawing by Nina Jirsíková, 1941. Remembrance and Memorial Ravensbrück/SBG, V780 E1.]
It is only due to the commercialisation of a natural physical occurrence that we now have resources such as pads and tampons that are specifically geared towards easing the ‘inconvenience’ of menstruation. Terms such as ‘sanitary equipment’ show that menstruation is treated as a health and hygiene concern - something to be sanitised. The reality of the camps, however, meant that menstruation was hard to avoid or hide. Its suddenly public nature took many women by surprise and made them feel alienated. An additional obstacle was the lack of rags and the lack of opportunities to wash. Trude Levi, a Jewish-Hungarian nursery teacher, then aged 20, later recalled: ‘We had no water to wash ourselves, we had no underwear. We could go nowhere. Everything was sticking to us, and for me, that was perhaps the most dehumanising thing of everything.’ Many women have talked about how menstruating with no access to supplies made them feel subhuman. It is the specific ‘dirt’ of menstruation more than any other dirt, and the fact that their menstrual blood marked them as female, that made these women feel as though they were the lowest level of humanity.
The humiliation was furthered by the struggle of finding rags. Julia Lentini, a 17-year-old Romani from Biedenkopf in Germany, spent her summer months travelling through the country with her parents and 14 siblings. She was placed on kitchen detail during her time in Auschwitz-Birkenau and later Schlieben. She discusses in her testimony how women had to learn tricks for survival when it came to menstruation in the camps. ‘You took the undergarment slip they gave you, ripped it and made little rags, and guarded those little rags like they were gold … you rinsed them out a little bit, put them under the mattress and dried them, then nobody else could steal the little rags.’ Rags were precious and, being so, they were not immune to theft. Some people compensated by using other materials. Gerda Weissman recalls: ‘It was a hard thing because you had no supplies you know. You had to find little pieces of paper and some things from under the loos.’
Rags could almost be considered to have their own micro-economy. As well as being stolen, they were given away, borrowed and traded. Elizabeth Feldman de Jong’s testimony highlights the value of second-hand rags. Not long after she arrived at Auschwitz, her periods disappeared. Her sister, however, continued to menstruate every month. Experiments involving injections in the womb were common, but if a woman was on her period doctors often avoided operating, finding it too messy. One day, Elizabeth was called to have an operation. There were no clean clothes as opportunities to wash were limited, so Elizabeth put her sister’s underwear on and showed the doctor, telling him that she had her period. He refused to operate. Elizabeth realised she could use her sister’s situation to save herself from experimentation and did so another three times at Auschwitz.
Shame and salvation
Livia Jackson, barely old enough to menstruate, felt repulsion at seeing blood flowing down the legs of another girl during roll call: ‘I would rather die than have blood flowing down my legs.’ Her reaction conveys a common attitude: although the lack of access to supplies to stem their menstrual flow was not their fault, many women still felt ashamed.
Scholar Breanne Fahs argues that women’s bodies are viewed as ‘leaky and troublesome’ and their bodily functions are seen as inconvenient, distasteful and unhygienic. Men, on the other hand, tend to receive praise for their secretions: urine, flatulence and semen can be seen as humorous, even sexy. Yet the very notion that periods are repulsive could save women during the Holocaust from being raped. Doris Bergen’s classic discussion of sexual violence in the Holocaust includes an interesting example of two Polish-Jewish women assaulted by Wehrmacht soldiers:
On 18 February 1940 in Petrikau, two sentries … abducted the Jewess Machmanowic (age eighteen) and the Jewess Santowska (age seventeen) at gunpoint from their parents’ homes. The soldiers took the girls to the Polish cemetery; there they raped one of them. The other was having a period at the time. The men told her to come back in a few days and promised her five zlotys.
Similarly, Lucille Eichengreen, a young German-Jewish prisoner, recalled in her memoir that during her imprisonment in a Neuengamme satellite camp in the winter of 1944-5, she had found a scarf and was thrilled: she planned to use it to cover her shorn head. Worried that she would be punished for owning a prohibited object, Eichengreen hid the scarf between her legs. Later, a German guard took her aside and, while attempting to rape her, groped her between her legs and felt the scarf. The man exclaimed: ‘You dirty useless whore! Phooey! You’re bleeding!’ His error protected Lucille from rape. In discussing these stories, we must discern the irony at hand: it is rape that should be viewed as disgusting and menstruation as natural and acceptable.
Camp families
Some teenagers experienced their first period in the camps alone, separated from their families or orphaned. In such cases, older prisoners provided help and advice. Tania Kauppila, a Ukrainian in Mühldorf concentration camp, was 13 when she started her periods. She did not know what was happening and shed many tears. She was scared that she was going to die and did not know what to do. Older women in the camp taught her and others in the same position about periods. The girls were taught how to handle it and what they needed to do in order to cope with the blood flow. It was a different learning process than they would have had at home: ‘You tried to steal a piece of brown paper, you know, from the bags and do the best you can’, recalled Kauppila. This story reoccurs across numerous oral testimonies. Many orphaned survivors who had just started mentioned the help of older women, who took on both a sisterly and motherly role in helping these young girls, before they experienced potential amenorrhoea; older women usually lost their period within the first two or three months of imprisonment.
Feminist scholars such as Sibyl Milton have pointed out the female ‘camp families’ that formed. It is striking, however, that the sisterhood of menstruation has not been written about. As Lentini highlights, if a girl got her period and did not know who to talk to, an older woman would usually ‘explain it very simply’. Twenty-year-old Hungarian Vera Federman spent time in Auschwitz and the Allendorf. She and a friend were able to get work in the kitchen, a precious job. Eating extra potatoes caused their periods to come back and then both girls stole rags from the female guards. This theft, of course, put them in great danger (not to mention the threat of losing their job), but Federman stressed the solidarity with her friend as they teamed up to help each other. In the often violent world of the camps, older women were willing to help educate unknown young girls, expecting nothing in return.
Gendered social networks of support and help developed in the camps. Arendt wrote that ‘the camps are meant not only to exterminate people and degrade human beings, but also serve the ghastly experiment of eliminating, under scientifically controlled conditions, spontaneity itself as an expression of human behaviour’. The female solidarity brought about by the shared experience of menstruation, however, tells another story.
After the liberation, the majority of those who suffered amenorrhoea during their time in the concentration camps eventually started menstruating again. The return of periods was a joyous occasion for many. London-born Amy Zahl Gottlieb was, at 24, the youngest member of the first Jewish Relief Unit ever posted overseas. While discussing her work with liberated camp members in her interview with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Gottlieb described how women began to lead normal lives and started to menstruate again; they were thrilled to be able to start having children. Menstruation became a symbol of their freedom. One survivor spoke of it as ‘my womanhood returning’.
The study of menstruation, a topic that has until now been perceived as irrelevant, or even disgusting, gives us a far more nuanced view of women’s experience of the Holocaust. We can see how notions of menstruation, rape, sterility and sisterhood changed in the camps. It seems that periods, a long-stigmatised topic, became, sometimes in the space of only months, a legitimate topic for women in camps.
Following the recent turns to cultural history, the history of the senses and the history of the body, we also need to recognise menstruation as valid and as defining victims’ experiences during the Holocaust.
European Network of Migrant Women
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zoe-dinh · 3 years
Shameless Media: A Start-up's Guide To Digital Stakeholder Engagement
Today’s businesses exist in a world where everything is rapidly changing. How organisations communicate with stakeholders, and vice versa, have been transformed by the digital age.
Not only are stakeholders powerful and tech-savvy, thanks to digital media, they now also have direct contact with companies and organisations 24/7 (Ozer 2020).
Companies therefore are much more accountable for their conduct and value (Tench & Yeomans 2017). This can either play to their advantage, or hinder it in a critical way.
As such, businesses need to foster relationships with stakeholders by leveraging the power of digital media. The goal is to have a community of people who support the organisation, who resonates with the brand’s value and message.
An example of modern organisations championing this is Shameless Media. Utilising digital media, Shameless engages with their stakeholders through strategic branding and content marketing.
How can we capture people’s hearts and minds in an attention economy? Let’s learn from this millennial start-up.
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Shameless Media (SM) is a millennial gen Z’s destination for all things digital content. Operated in Melbourne by a team of five young women, the company was founded in 2019 by writers Zara McDonald and Michelle Andrews.
Although relatively young, the podcast venture has accumulated a consumer base of over 20 million listeners, plus a growing community of 220,000+ followers across Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. SM also recently created a brand-new agency for content creators and influencers, The Sana Agency.
Since its inception, the podcast has not had a single episode that has not been sponsored (Forbes 2021). More notably, Shameless listenership is overwhelmingly 94.7% women in their 20s (Gillezeau 2021).
SM's key stakeholder groups thus include:
1. Consumers: audiences, readers, listeners; and
2. Sponsors: collaborators, business partners.
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Current digital operations
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1. Podcast
At first glance: Eye-catching cover. Good tag line (“The pop culture podcast for smart people who love dumb stuff”). Almost always seen in the Top Charts.
My thoughts: I was surprised to discover how new the podcast is. Its popularity, large growing number of listeners and content quality make Shameless seem a lot more established.
Open and honest, the hosts are not afraid to let audience knows where they stand on critical issues (feminism, politics, climate change etc.). New episodes are regularly scheduled which is good for audience retention.
As a consumer, I am drawn to the show/company for their seeming authenticity and relatability. Not to mention the well-balanced research that allows audience to form their own opinions without being spoon-fed. 10/10 recommend.
2. Website
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At first glance: Layout is easy to look at. Visually appealing. All relevant info seems to be there.
My thoughts: Nice design, but not as much interactivity as I would have liked. When I tried looking for more information on the founders and organisation, something like an About Us section for example, there was none. Neither was there any resource or material on the business side of things (annual reports or data analytics or anything of the sorts).
One may excuse this considering the age of the organisation. However, I believe SM might benefit from a website update or revamp. It will certainly be helpful for those like me who are curious, who do research on the firm and would therefore like more access to information.
3. Instagram
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At first glance: Quite large following. Relatively high audience engagement. Content layout not my personal taste, but appealing overall.
My thoughts: Shameless has great social media presence, especially on Instagram. The company made good efforts in interacting with followers. There are the ‘Your say Fridays’, polls and Q&A every other day on Stories. Users regularly comment on posts (memes, podcast updates & announcement), and many get replies from admin.
Overall, Shameless is doing very well with social media engagement and audience interactions.
4. Facebook
At first glance: Not much to see/do as this is a private group. Nice cover image though.
My thoughts: Large community of readers of nearly 34,000 members. The group has been active since 2019. While discussion threads cannot be publicly viewed, those interested in the content can find related episodes on the Shameless podcast.
Over on Instagram, there are links in bio to the book-selling site for each month’s pick. Makes me wonder whether or not these are affiliate links.
5. LinkedIn
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At first glance: Small-to-medium sized following. Appealing visuals, though not too much information.
My thoughts: I have seen the Shameless LinkedIn profile before, but has only started following them recently. The account is not too active, the latest post was from a few months ago. Perhaps this is because the content that circulates on LinkedIn often revolves around business culture, not the usual focus by SM. Most of the posts thus far are general announcement and job openings.
In the future, SM might be benefit from a more active LinkedIn page, so as to not only attract new audience and potential talents, but also to establish their presence more firmly among competitors in the corporate world.
The corporate brand is constantly being co-created by organisation with their stakeholders. Dialogical communication is said to enhance this along with corporate reputation (Gundolf et al. 2018; Ozer 2020; Rosenberg & Seager 2017).
In reality, what might this look like?
From tactics to dialogic communication in digital media, let’s look at how SM has been engaging with stakeholders.
Dialogical communication in digital media
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Potential areas of improvement
Lack of strategy
Upscaling the business
Other types of content, especially video
So far, leveraging social media has helped Shameless achieve their goal and stay true to their brand. “Win their niche, core audience, nurture specific community of mostly young working women” (Gillezeau 2021).
The company’s success is in no small way thanks to the relationship they have with their audience. SM has intimate understandings of what the audience wants, and are able to deliver it.
This is in large part due to the founders being in the same demographics as their audience. As McDonald put it, “[W]e wanted to tap into a younger demographic that we thought were generally being ignored by mainstream media” (Forbes 2021), which explains the company slogan.
“We make content for ourselves, our mates, and you”.
Branding and content wise, SM is doing a good job capitalising on the trends, particularly with interactive content, content marketing, and online content communities (Clark-Keane 2021; Thomson 2019).
Yet, it is also important to note the fortunate position SM finds themselves in. As a millennial start-up, they are already advantaged by having skills in digital media and technologies.
Nonetheless, through forces of strategic digital communication, Shameless Media has been successfully engaging with their stakeholders through a combination of clever branding and content marketing.
Clark-Keane, C. 2021, ‘7 Content Marketing Trends to Watch in 2021’, Wordstream, https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2020/11/23/content-marketing-trends
Forbes, T. 2021, ‘How I Do It: Shameless Media’s Zara McDonald and Michelle Andrews on building their empire’, Fashion Journal, https://fashionjournal.com.au/life/how-i-do-it-shameless-media/
Gillezeau, N. 2021, ‘Shameless Media: The podcast start-up that’s rejecting big offers’, Australian Financial Review, https://www.afr.com/companies/media-and-marketing/how-they-built-it-shameless-media-20210330-p57fbu
Gundolf, K., Jaouen, A. & Gast, J. 2018, ‘Motives for strategic alliances in cultural and creative industries’, Creative Innovation Management, vol. 27, pp. 148-160, DOI: 10.1111/caim.12255
Johnston, J. & Rowney, K. 2019, ‘Social networks’, Media Strategies: Managing Content, Platforms and Relationships, Taylor & Francis, Sydney, pp. 75-103.
Kim, K. 2021, ‘How to make sure you’re marketing to Gen Z the right way’, Sprout Social, https://sproutsocial.com/insights/marketing-to-gen-z/
Ozer, D. 2020, ‘Organisations’ use of social media from the perspective of dialogical communications and marketing-oriented public relations’, In B.O. Aydin, S. Gurbuz & O, Dugan (eds.), Public Relations in the Networked Publics, Peter Lang, Frankfurt, pp. 211-235.
Rosenberg, M. & Seager, P. H. 2017, ‘The Big Picture: Four Trend that Change Everything’, Managing Media Businesses, Retrieved from ProQuest EBook Central, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-52021-6_1
Smart Insights 2020, ‘7 ways to reach and influence millennials using social media marketing’, https://www.smartinsights.com/social-media-marketing/social-media-strategy/7-ways-to-reach-millennials-through-social-media-marketing/
Tench, R. & Yeomans, L. 2017, ‘Exploring Public Relations’, Global Strategic Communication, Pearson Education, Harlow, Available from: ProQuest EBook Central (14 August 2021).
Thomson, C. 2019, ‘Top Marketing Trends For 2020’, Forbes, https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2019/10/03/top-marketing-trends-for-2020/#6889ba113d5d
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theliberaltony · 3 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
Welcome to FiveThirtyEight’s politics chat. The transcript below has been lightly edited.
sarah (Sarah Frostenson, politics editor): Georgia’s new voting law has captured headlines for all the ways in which it makes voting harder. It’s also not the only state considering these kinds of laws; there are nearly 20 states in which voting restrictions have already passed at least one step of the legislative process. More than 300 voting restriction bills, according to an analysis by FiveThirtyEight, have been introduced in state legislatures this year following months of fraudulent claims from former President Trump and his supporters that the 2020 presidential election was rigged. (Sixty percent of Republican voters still say the election “was stolen” from Trump.)
But understanding the effects of laws like Georgia’s is complicated. There’s not really solid evidence one way or the other that this law will hurt Democrats or help Republicans. It’s also a point that elides a more fundamental one: If one party increasingly supports anti-democratic measures, does anything else outweigh that?
Public opinion on voting laws isn’t clear-cut either — provisions like a ban on giving voters food and water (something the Georgia law did) are unpopular, but voter ID laws are broadly popular. So let’s address the politics, public opinion and research on voting laws to better understand the contours of this debate, tackling this chat in two parts:
First, how much does it matter that Republicans’ election security push is precipitated on a lie? That is, as there has been no evidence the 2020 election actually experienced wide-scale fraud, does that undermine Republicans’ argument?
And second, how much do Americans care about voting rights as an issue?
OK, first up — The argument from Republicans supporting these new laws. What do they want in the push for more “election security”? And how much does it matter, at this point, that there wasn’t actually wide-scale voter fraud in 2020?
nrakich (Nathaniel Rakich, elections analyst): IMO, the “Big Lie” is the key to understanding Republicans’ motivations. Everyone can agree that elections should be secure. But …
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… the specific methods of voting being targeted by Republicans (almost half of the voting restrictions that have been introduced regulate absentee voting), the states in which they are targeting them (disproportionately swing states), and the timing of that targeting (after Republicans lost the 2020 election) all suggest that they are only passing these restrictions because they think they will help the GOP win future elections.
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alex (Alex Samuels, politics reporter): But to your second question, Sarah, this is the narrative conservative lawmakers and many of their voters have bought into, right? That the 2020 election was supposedly stolen from Trump?
There was never — and still is no — evidence of massive voter fraud that Trump and his allies stated as fact. But because it was repeated so many times and with such certainty, large parts of the GOP electorate came to believe it. 
As long as the “Big Lie” continues to be pervasive, we’re going to keep seeing these efforts to get these restrictions passed, as Nathaniel notes.
nrakich: Alex, it’s an interesting question whether these Republican legislators actually believe that rampant voter fraud cost Trump the election or they are just going along with it because it’s politically convenient. But I’m also not sure it matters. Either way, they are making policy based on a conspiracy theory.  
sarah: Right, setting aside the question as to what extent Republican politicians buy the “Big Lie,” it is pervasive among Republican voters: In a March 30-31 Reuters poll, 6 in 10 Republicans said they still believed the election “was stolen” from Trump “due to widespread voter fraud.”
nrakich: And rank-and-file Republicans are correspondingly willing to make voting harder in order to get their desired outcome. According to the Pew Research Center, only 28 percent of Republicans now say “everything possible should be done to make it easy for every citizen to vote,” down from 48 percent in 2018.
alex: Republican politicians also seem to acknowledge that it’s likely they won’t win future elections without some sort of changes to the voting system. Sen. Lindsey Graham told Fox News that “mail-in balloting is a nightmare for us,” even though it wasn’t controversial before this past year. I think these changes are more about preserving power than about “voter fraud.”
And to Nathaniel’s earlier point, few Republicans lawmakers are doing anything to stop these bills from passing. Even the ones who don’t necessarily think there was fraud.
julia_azari (Julia Azari, political science professor at Marquette University and FiveThirtyEight contributor): The argument about election security boils down to an argument that people voted who shouldn’t have, right? That there were questionable votes. 
And so reforms based on the “Big Lie” hinge on the 2020 election having those kinds of irregularities. People might not come out and say it was because people of the wrong skin color voted — they might say, well, people should have been ineligible because of changes to early voting rules or whatever. But in the context of both the history of disenfranchisement of African Americans and more recent fears about people living in the country illegally voting, the implication is pretty clear. When the solution is to tighten up the voting rules, you have implied that the problem is the wrong people voting.
nrakich: Yeah, Julia, you see this in how surgically targeted some of these provisions are. For example, legislators in Georgia originally proposed banning early voting on Sundays, which would end the “Souls to the Polls” initiatives that are so popular at Black churches. That provision did not end up passing, but one that did — prohibiting food and water be handed to voters in line — will disproportionately affect urban areas, where there are both more lines and more voters of color.
alex: Myrna Pérez from the Brennan Center told us something similar, Julia. The bills we’re seeing now reflect “a real fear over the browning of America, and folks trying to protect what they have and keep the power for themselves.”
sarah: And as you all are saying, sometimes it’s hard to see that this is what these restrictions intend to do, because some of the more draconian measures don’t end up passing and the exact language of the measures that do pass isn’t quite so explicit (i.e., “This voting measure intends to disenfranchise Black Americans.”).
The New York Times’s Jamelle Bouie argued this in his essay on how it’s not an exaggeration to compare the current voting restriction push to the Jim Crow era. That is, a lot of the ramifications and larger purposes behind these bills weren’t immediately clear until all the pieces fell into line. “[T]he thing about Jim Crow is that it wasn’t ‘Jim Crow’ until, one day, it was,” writes Bouie.
At this point, though, do Republicans need the “Big Lie” to push through this agenda? 
That is, it feels like there is a shift at play here with Republicans increasingly distancing themselves from the election being stolen in 2020 and more so focusing on scoring points against how Democrats are now characterizing the laws (i.e., Jim Crow 2.0).
In fact, we’ve already seen some of this reframing in how Republican politicians criticized Major League Baseball’s decision to pull its All-Star Game out of Georgia over the new voting law, with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell warning CEOs to “stay out of politics.”
What’s Republicans’ long-term strategy? 
nrakich: Many of the new arguments that Republicans are pushing are in bad faith, though. For example, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp has claimed that Georgia’s new law actually expands voting rights because it allows for more early voting. But that completely ignores the many more objective restrictions in the law, such as less time to request an absentee ballot and the need for absentee voters to provide voter ID — not to mention arguably the most concerning part of the law, the part that gives the state elections board the ability to remove local election officials.
alex: I agree. Republicans’ motivation, long term, seems to be anti-democratic. Even Trump dismissed proposals to make voting easier last year. So now the post-Trump strategy seems to be focused on how best to win elections, and even though Republicans have maybe not explicitly said they don’t think they can do that without overhauling the current system(s) in place, that seems to be what’s happening.
nrakich: McConnell’s request for corporations to “stay out of politics” is also pretty funny — he sounds like Bernie Sanders! What McConnell means, of course, is that he wants corporations to stop disagreeing with him politically. (Corporations have been intimately involved in politics for hundreds of years.)
sarah: It is a difficult position for a party that is traditionally pro-business to adopt this stance, too.
nrakich: Exactly, Sarah; it’s disingenuous. Republicans have historically wanted corporations to be more involved in politics — e.g., when they’ve defended corporations’ right to give money to political campaigns.
julia_azari: I mean, part of the founding ethos of the Republican Party was about creating a strong national economy based on free (as opposed to slave) labor. Nineteenth-century Republicans saw the purpose of government as being able to help American business grow strong.
So I read McConnell’s statement as “stay out of politics that challenge existing power arrangements.”
alex: Isn’t Republicans’ argument with MLB, though, that it’s overstating what Georgia’s law does?
nrakich: What do you mean, Alex?
alex: Maybe my Texas bias is showing, but Gov. Greg Abbott said yesterday that he wouldn’t throw out the first pitch at the Texas Rangers’ home opener after MLB adopted “what has turned out to be a false narrative about Georgia’s election law reforms.” (That’s straight from his statement.)
sarah: Right, Republicans are now attacking Democrats for overplaying their hand in how they’re describing what the laws actually do. But Nathaniel hit on this earlier — while there might technically be a longer early voting period in Georgia now, there is less time to request an absentee ballot and it’s harder to cast an absentee ballot because a voter must provide voter ID.
julia_azari: The inconsistency of the arguments the GOP has been using to defend their position is wild.
nrakich: Yes, Julia, it’s so bizarre! If you truly believe that “voting shouldn’t be easy” is a defensible position, you should make that argument (e.g., on security grounds). 
But instead many Republicans are insisting that they are the party expanding voting rights, which suggests that they agree with the premise that restricting voting is the wrong side of the debate to be on.  
julia_azari: I think this reveals a key asymmetry (or at least a potential one). Democrats can overplay their hand by stoking outrage in their supporters and end up being lambasted for being wrong or exaggerating. Republicans, on the other hand, don’t seem to suffer repercussions for changing up the logic of their arguments; instead, they seem to have found a strategy in attacking “cancel culture” whenever under scrutiny.
sarah: What’s also so hard to disentangle in laws like Georgia’s is there are really two things happening at once. First, there are actual changes to the voting process, but then there are also changes that affect how elections are administered, and in the case of Georgia, make it easier for politicians to interfere. 
Nathaniel mentioned it earlier, but take the part of Georgia’s law that now allows the Republican-appointed state elections board to remove local election officials and essentially remove the secretary of state’s role in ensuring the election was conducted fairly.
We know that in the 2020 presidential election, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger refused to kowtow to Trump’s demand that he find “11,780 votes,” but now that guardrail is gone.
A lot of what we’re talking about here is moot, though, if Democrats are able to push through their sweeping voting reform bill, H.R.1.
julia_azari: I’m on team “nothing else matters” once we’ve passed a certain anti-democratic threshold. And the provisions on election administration in Georgia’s law are worthy of a lot of attention — even if it’s not clear what they’ll mean in practice. 
The period between the 2020 election and the inauguration featured a lot of attempts to mess with the Electoral College votes. There was real drama over certification in Michigan, for instance. You’re seeing a move — even if it’s slight — toward the direction that people shouldn’t actually get to choose their slate of electors or that state legislatures can have a stronger hand in that process. This is like early 19th century stuff.
sarah: Is voting rights something Americans care about, though?
alex: Considering this is something some people fought for the right to do for decades, I’d say yes. Others might have a different answer, though, because not everyone votes.
nrakich: Historically, voting rights hasn’t been an issue that has motivated many voters; it barely cracks the list of the most important problems facing the country, per Gallup polling. It’s hard to get people worked up about wonky provisions like whether people should be able to register to vote on Election Day or sometime before, or whether there should be one week of early voting versus two. 
But I think framing these wonky issues as questions of rights and the health of our democracy has the potential to be very motivating. Especially if some voters (i.e., people of color) feel that their rights are being abridged.
alex: And I think that’s what Democrats have been doing so far: framing what’s happening in Georgia and other states as a “Jim Crow 2.0.”
That’s also probably easier to understand — and more motivating — than explaining the nitty-gritty measures in each individual bill.
nrakich: Look at what happened in North Dakota in 2018. The state passed a law that required voter IDs with residential addresses on them — something many Native Americans who live on reservations didn’t have. But the law appears to have backfired; Native Americans were highly motivated to exercise their right to vote in spite of the law, and Native American turnout skyrocketed.
julia_azari: Yeah, this is a pretty well-documented phenomenon. I want to make sure we clarify, though, that we are using this as an illustration of how important voting rights are to people, and not in the sense of “these laws are OK because there’s always countermobilization!” The latter caused so much angst on Twitter over the weekend in response to The New York Times’s Nate Cohn’s analysis of Georgia’s law.
alex: I’m torn on the countermobilization argument, because I’ve seen the same logic used to talk about Black voters (i.e., efforts to make it harder to vote will motivate more people and backfire against Republicans). But people shouldn’t have to surmount unconstitutional hurdles to vote!
I’m not saying you’re making that argument, Nathaniel, I’m just saying I’ve seen a few people argue that voter suppression isn’t real because a turnout gap didn’t/doesn’t materialize as expected.
nrakich: Agreed 100 percent, with both you and Julia. Even if a law doesn’t deter a single person from voting, it might still be restrictive if it imposes additional hardships on existing voters.
For example, even if people are willing to wait hours in line to make sure their vote gets cast, that inconvenience can have non-voting-related consequences, such as having to pay extra for child care or losing out on wages at your hourly job.
sarah: For sure, the most important thing is that people have the right to vote without it being a burden. But I also want to return to this question of electoral impact, because the research is really mixed on it. 
Some studies have suggested that absentee voting didn’t help Democrats’ margin in 2020, or as Cohn’s analysis of Georgia’s law suggests — it’s really hard to know whether this will impact turnout negatively in elections moving forward. But something we found in the research for our 2020 forecast was that if we account for changes in how easy it is to vote in each state based on a cost of voting index researchers have put together, states with higher barriers to voting tend to produce better results for Republican candidates while states with fewer barriers tend to lean more toward Democrats.
nrakich: I think a lot of nuance is called for when attempting to answer this question of electoral impacts. Discussions like these often lump different types of voting restrictions (or expansions) together, but not every voting reform is created equal. 
For instance, I am persuaded by the studies that show that changes to absentee voting laws are unlikely to change the outcome of an election. But political scientists have found that things like banning/instituting same-day voter registration actually can have significant effects! This thread from political scientist Charlotte Hill was very instructive in that regard:
The idea that making voting easier *won't* improve turnout is one of political science's worst takes. (And to be clear, many political scientists don't buy it.) In this thread, I'll explain why. Buckle up. https://t.co/NH1HH0YYuZ
— Charlotte Hill (@hill_charlotte) April 3, 2021
sarah: It also seems as if making voting easier is becoming an increasingly polarized issue, with far more Republicans now unwilling to say that “everything possible” should be done to make voting easier.
julia_azari: Yeah, on the question of polarization, this debate isn’t necessarily always going to be directly related to which laws help which parties, but rather how voters understand those laws in relation to their own partisan motivations — what they dislike about the other party, how their own identity motivates their partisanship. 
This thread from political psychologist Christopher Federico linking support for restrictions to racial attitudes is also useful.
Been digging into the new 2020 ANES release this week, and I got curious as to what might predict negative attitudes toward increasing ballot access. So, I took a look at the ANES items on early voting, voter ID, and felon disenfranchisement. (1/n)
— Christopher Federico (@ChrisPolPsych) April 2, 2021
sarah: Where do you all think the fight over voting rights heads next?
alex: Whether Democrats can actually agree on something and get H.R. 1 passed is a big open question. But there’s also how many of these restrictive bills actually pass and where that leaves Republicans two years down the line. 
If Republicans only pass a few dozen of these bills, do they continue pushing for them in future legislative sessions? (I would bet the answer is yes, but I’m curious to see how this progresses over time.)
julia_azari: A couple of questions I have been thinking about: One is the degree to which Trumpism within the Republican Party is about winning elections without winning majorities of the multiethnic electorate, and another is where standard political hardball ends and being anti-democratic begins. 
And at the risk of sounding stupid because I know these things are so intertwined at this point, I also wonder how to think about what’s about partisanship versus what’s about race. A really cynical take would suggest that elite Republicans are taking advantage of the salience of these demographic issues in order to produce institutional changes to consolidate power.
nrakich: I just think voting rights is an extremely nuanced issue that requires people to acknowledge a ton of realities all at once.
Some voting restrictions probably don’t affect turnout or who wins.
But others might.
But backlash/countereffects can scramble that calculus too.
But electoral impacts are only one small part of why these laws matter.
They matter in how they affect the convenience of voting too.
Regardless of impact, intent is important (e.g., it matters that Republicans are pushing voting restrictions shortly after losing a major election and crying “voter fraud” about it).
It matters normatively that it has become the position of one of the two main political parties that it should be harder to vote.
Regardless of impact, context is important (e.g., this is not the first time that a state like Georgia has tried to make it hard for certain people to vote).
It’s important to acknowledge the racial impacts/motivations of these laws.
“Voting restrictions” (or “voting expansions”) is an extremely broad term that encompasses a ton of more specific proposals, which should probably be judged on their own merits because they each have different impacts and are just or unjust to varying degrees.
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nootropicsaustralia · 3 years
What does Fairtrade mean?
Everyone has seen the term Fairtrade on so many products. It immediately brings coffee, chocolate, tea and even bananas to mind. You may have seen it on the packaging of certain products or heard about it on their social media or website. You will probably recognise the logo for Fairtrade, and you'll know Fairtrade products are probably a good choice, and they do something right for people and the environment... but do you really know what it means.
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With so many labels on products now, it’s hard to know when a symbol really means something. Fairtrade means something. It is not a marketing gimmick for companies to increase prices. Instead, Fairtrade is precisely what these two words promise. It is fairness, in a tradeable product.
However, fairness for whom? It is fairness for the producers, the manufacturers and YOU - the consumer.
This post will spill the beans about Fair trade and provide FIVE reasons why we all should support Fairtrade products.
But first, let’s make sure we’re on the same page with what Fairtrade actually means...
Fairtrade seems like a bit of a no brainer. It covers responsibly sourced products. Who wouldn't enjoy their coffee a little bit more knowing the farmers that grew it, and the people that roasted it were fairly treated! Fairtrade certification means that products have gone through a rigorous test to ensure they have followed the Fairtrade standards. The Fairtrade movement initially began in the 1950's and has been developing and improving since that time.
The Fairtrade standards encourage social, economic and environmental development for farmers and workers. Moreover, worker rights are ensured with the prohibition of forced labour and child labour. These standards fulfil six of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:
No poverty
Gender equality
Clean water and sanitation
Decent work and economic growth
Responsible consumption and production
Life above water (1)
In fact, Fairtrade may be larger than you think. Fairtrade producers operate in 75 countries and territories! There are 30, 000 available Fairtrade products and 1.7 million farmers and workers involved in Fairtrade around the world. (2)
Producers of Fairtrade products are paid a Fairtrade Minimum Price and Fairtrade Premium sums. The Fairtrade Minimum Price is the lowest amount of money that Producers can be paid for their products and remain the same even when market prices drop. They can also get the local market price if this is higher than the Fairtrade Minimum Price.
The Fairtrade Premium is an extra sum of money which farmers and workers use to invest in the improvement of their businesses and communities. This sum can be used to build a hospital, purchase better farming equipment and even transition to organic farming! (3)
Okay - and now for the given reasons you should care about Fairtrade and make the switch...
1. Empowerment of producers and workers
Fairtrade empowers producers to have a voice to ensure that their needs are addressed and prevent exploitation.
Fairtrade organisations aim to eliminate poverty which closely aligns with the first goal of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Workers can form a committee, participate in the board of directors and act as consultants so they can influence Fairtrade’s strategy, standards, prices and premiums. Fairtrade places the worker and consumer at the heart of its core values. Workers are protected from the worst effects of market volatility and have access to capital which they can use to improve the quality of their lives. They can even use their Fairtrade Premium pay to receive financial advice on contracts.
Some of the core elements of the Fairtrade standards are training opportunities, non-discriminatory employment practices, adequate occupational safety and health conditions, and sufficient facilities for the workforce.
Moreover, the Fairtrade Standards is slowly fulfilling the sixth goal in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - clean water and sanitation for all individuals. The Fairtrade standards stipulate that working environments and facilities must have accessible clean water and adequate sanitation facilities. These facilities must be provided if the worker’s housing is provided by the employer.
2. Equality across genders and generations
The Fairtrade standards contain explicit requirements for workplace policies around sexual harassment and discrimination. All workers must receive equal pay and representation in the leadership and decision making power regarding the investment of Community Development Funds.
Example 1 (4)
Koperasi Kopi Wanita Gayo (KKWG) coffee farming organisation is the first all-women coffee cooperation in South East Asia and Fairtrade certified. Most members found that they were able to express their voices and concerns more freely in KKWG than in other cooperatives dominated by male members or working beside their husbands.
KKWG is composed of 470 members and sold more than 13 metric tonnes of coffee on the Fairtrade market in 2015. Previous to KKWG’s establishment in 2014, the members knew nothing about coffee roasting nor how to improve cultivation. Now, these women are being empowered to develop new skills. They spent their first Fairtrade Premium on cupping training and education on how to increase soil fertility.
Members attribute to their rising sales due to their Fairtrade certification and combined with their good connections in the industry, KKWG will continue to prosper.
Example 2 (5)
Wendy Rodriguez is the voice and face of Acopagro, a Fairtrade and organic cocoa cooperative. For more than 20 years, Acopagro has been helping its farmers to make their own way out of poverty in Northern Peru. Due to Fairtrade, farmers have electric lighting but running water is still on the agenda and is dependent on enough Fairtrade Sales. Prior to the founding of Acopagro, there was no cocoa and only cocaine. Farming families suffered from illegal drug trafficking, violence and threats. Wendy’s father worked in a bank where drug-trafficking money was laundered and killed after a militia raided her family’s home. However, Acopagro has helped to transform this formerly violent and drug-ridden community in Northern Peru. Last year, 1600 members of Acopagro took eyesight tests and 950 women participated in a health campaign for the prevention of uterine cancer.
Example 3 (6, 7)
Women in Business Development empowers village economies to honour tradition and yet combine with modern technology while promoting fairtrade. This organisation works in 183 Samoan villages and incubates certified organic farming enterprises to improve the lives of individuals in this community. For instance, WIB supports women in Samoa to plan for the future of their daughters and their own. Coconut products are intergenerational businesses as they take six to ten years to start fruiting and peak production occurs at least 15 years. By developing a sustainable and Fairtrade business, these individuals are able to maintain a long-lasting and secure livelihood.
In essence, Fairly traded products enable women to earn equal amounts of pay from their male counterparts and access more financial opportunities.
3. Environmental impact
Fairtrade certified producers must follow environmentally sound agriculture practices. They must have minimised and safe use of agrochemicals, proper and safe management of waste, maintenance of soil fertility and water resources, AND no use of genetically modified organisms.(8)
Producers do not need to be organically certified but the Fairtrade organisations promote organic production and there is a higher Fairtrade Minimum Price for organically grown products. The Fairtrade Minimum Price helps to cover the costs of sustainable production and reduce the financial strain on producers.
4. Market opportunity for manufacturers
Fairtrade products are the most recognised ethical label in the world. There is an increasing trend of consumers and businesses seeking out sustainable sourced products. Moreover, consumers have a more positive opinion of a product solely due to the label Fairtrade. According to 2015 GlobeScan research, eight in ten consumers say the Fairtrade mark has a position impact on their prescription of the brand. Moreover, Fairtrade has a global network of marketing organisations that can extend a manufacturer’s reach.
Stable trading partnerships can be formed between the supplier and the manufacturer. Long-term business relationships can be facilitated as there is a mutually beneficial positive trade exchanged between these two parties.
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Fairtrade Theory of Change
Image credit: Fairtrade USA's Theory of Change (9)
5. Consumer
Fairtrade is a smarter and ethical choice. Consumers can be assured that the workers and producers are not exploited in the manufacture of this product. Some businesses reduce the wages of workers to competitively compete in the market. Fairtrade certification prevents this unsavoury business practice. Moreover, consumers will be supporting social, economic and environmental change through their purchase of Fairtrade product(s). Fairtrade manufacturers must ensure a sustainable transparent production of a service/product.
In essence, Fairtrade products allow investment for the future. Producers can improve their livelihood and quality of life through the Fairtrade Premium wage.
Savvy Beverage’s Mental Performance Coffee pods is an Australian Fairtrade product that provides longer lasting energy, boosts mood and reduces stress! The coffee beans are sourced from Fairtrade, sustainable and ecological farms.
Savvy is a proud supporter of Fairtrade, and of our farmers. We ensure that our product is socially responsible.
Consumers can rest assured that the workers and producers can receive an adequate and fair price for their goods (i.e. Fairtrade Minimum Price). Fairtrade standards promote social justice, equality and human rights.
Now you've learned the importance of Fairtrade, so please look out for the logo and choose Fairtrade.
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me in 2012/2013 reading the first hunger games book because it was popular bc of the movie: ooh seems cool but super political so that’s not cool bc political stuff is boring and stupid and not something that i’ll ever have to understand. plus all katniss does is fucking whinge. she’s so whiny. it’s annoying. guess i won’t read the rest of the books or watch the other movies.
me now, in my mid 20s having finally watched all the hunger games movies, having read the first two HG books in full and still reading mockingjay, all because suzanne collins was like “oh hey here’s a new book about president snow!” and also thinking about how the world is practically in ruins by 2020: yknow what? suzy has a fucking point! of course katniss is whiny, teenage me, she comes from the poorest district in the whole of Panem; where wealth is basically non existent except for those who live in shops. the capitol loves to watch 24 kids die each year while they live in extreme comfort and fancy, whereas every district from 2 down to 12 are all slaves to the capitol: even if they have some better off people in the districts, that work for the army (district 2) or run the electronics factories in district 3 or whatever else in the other districts. besides the motto of Panem’s capitol being “breads and circuses” which are provided by the districts; which katniss and peeta meet in Catching Fire, at the party for their state media orchestrated wedding (Y I K E S™️ am i right?) where octavia (one of katniss’ stylists) invites both katniss and peeta to use some funny concoction to make themselves throw up in the bathroom to fit more of the overly decadent capitol food dishes into their stomachs. talk about “waste not, want not” somewhere else away from katniss; because she’s literally almost starved to death and seen others starve to death countless times in district 12. and surely you could’ve recognised the reference to “bread and circuses” at least, after fucking studying ancient rome for two whole fucking terms in year 11, teenage me????
in addition to the above, the victors of the hunger games are forever terrorised by the government via various means; and especially so if they’ve defied the capitol like katniss & peeta or even haymitch (though that isn’t partly revealed til halfway through catching fire and wholly revealed through haymitch in mockingjay). they torture peeta to insanity, basically and then seemingly “deliver” him back to katniss in district 13 programmed to kill her!!!! they parade the tributes like beauty pageant contestants and animals for slaughter at a cattle show in district 10; right after training them as killing machines for the arena, where they’ll exhibit their newly honed murdering skills before an entire nation each day. like girl!!!! there’s so much to relate to the real world in this text!!! but you’re just going to brush it off because it’s “too political” and because “katniss is a whiny bitch!!!”??? like of course she’s whiny! she’s 16/17!!! just like you!!! but you’re just an asshole. learn to empathise with other fictional characters that A R E N T harry potter and the cast of characters in that series, for fucks sake. or alternatively, learn to empathise with characters that A R E N T ellie linton and her friends in the tomorrow series doing their guerilla fighting during a war in australia. because by Mockingjay, katniss is as much a guerilla fighter as ellie is a rebel fighter against the enemy country that invades australia in the tomorrow series. like yes, the tomorrow series isn’t set in a futuristic american post-apocalyptic hellscape like Panem. but that doesn’t mean that the state war that’s fully raging in mockingjay and breaking out in catching fire, due to the quarter quell and the former tributes being recruited again to go through the Murder Olympics™️/Hunger Games again as a form of state sanctioned terrorisation on their psyches, and those victors becoming enemies of Panem due to them voicing their feelings of injustice about being forced to compete in the arena again during their interviews...... is not the same as ellie in normal but war-torn 1990s australia; where ellie and her crew of friends basically become state enemies because of their large scale guerilla activities like blowing up enemy ships and airfields. just like how katniss and gale blow up bombing airships from the capitol in district 8 with their bomb loaded arrows or blow up the military base with rebel army fighters in district 2 in mockingjay. but yeah. just learn to empathise and connect with/relate to characters outside of your incredibly limited reading palate.
moreover, 7-8 years into the future in 2020, the world is in political turmoil, believe it or not. maybe you’ll relate to katniss as you grow more tired of the aussie government forever penalising the younger generations by taking away penalty rates on weekend and public holiday shifts in an already terrifyingly precarious job market that’s become highly casualised/part-time based, which is pricing them out of the property market also, due to lower wages/earnings bc part-time/casual roles don’t pay very well. then on top of that, having a generation defining pandemic. then thirdly, also having the worst set of bushfires in 2019 and earlier this year, that saw like 55million native animals die and millions upon millions of hectares of bushland be burnt to the ground. finally, they’ve made your dream arts degree basically unobtainable due to raising the fees by 113% to $43,500 instead of the $23,000 that it was when i graduated from that degree in 2018. also if you fail they want you to pay your fees upfront instead of relying on hecs to cover it all. all because it’s apparently for “saving the aussie economy.” are you pissed now, teenage me?
across the seas in america, however, donald trump is leading the country as president and he’s turning the country you bizarrely loved more than your home country (due to all the american docos and teen shows you watched/were watching) into a fascist shitshow which is killing millions of people. like i won’t be surprised if donald trump (or even scott morrison/scommo/scummo) if he/they get/s another term in office, and tries to introduce a hunger games style olympic games or something all so the poorest classes learn their place after rioting for most of this year over BASIC FUCKING HUMAN RIGHTS FOR BLACK LIVES MATTER (even here in australia too); because the police are turning into the brutal peacekeepers of Panem, but on a worldwide scale.
like if they introduced some type of HG style murder olympics, they’d do it just to prove that they may have actually read something other than their own stupid self-aggrandising and country/state-destroying twitter rants before they post them.
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things2mustdo · 3 years
Recently there’s been a lot of talk about whether or not the media has our best interests at heart, and with more and more men awakening from the feminist matrix, it seems that the mainstream media is going the way of the dinosaur.
Donald Trump has been urging the public not to trust the mainstream media, but I’m sure that if you’re a reader of Return Of Kings, you don’t need him to tell you that. The modern mainstream media is basically the same thing as the Church was in the 1200’s—they control the flow of information, and they don’t like it when people disagree with them. In fact, if someone who disagrees with them gets popular enough, they often times resort to smear campaigns (see: smearing Roosh as a manipulative pickup artist, and Milo as a pedophile apologist).
Now, I know what you’re thinking—“I know the media doesn’t report on things, Jon, but fake news? That’s, like, intentionally lying and manipulating information, isn’t it?” Yes, sir, it is—and this is what the mainstream media, particularly CNN, has been doing ever since television became popular.
Here’s 5 examples of how CNN is, in fact, “fake news”:
1. Kicking Bernie Sanders Off-Air
Bernie Sanders, the unofficial leader of the socialist movement in America, recently called CNN “fake news,” before being kicked off the air. CNN tried to play this off as a “connection issue,” but anyone with a grain of common sense knows better.
Bernie: “…who is the head of Russia, and now we’re learning that there may have been discussions between Flynn and the Russians, about sanctions, before this administration took power. So this is very, very troubling, and I think the president is going to have to tell us what he’s gonna do about it.”
CNN Anchor: “So far he hasn’t said much…he was asked about Flynn on his flight to Mar-a-Lago late today…here’s how he responded:
[plays clip of Donald Trump denying obvious lie directed towards him]
CNN Anchor: “He says he hasn’t seen any of these reports. Is that a problem?”
Bernie: “Well, I don’t know, maybe he was watching CNN Fake News, what do you think?”
Bernie: [sees her offended look] “It was a joke.”
CNN Anchor: “You don’t buy what he said, obviously?”
Bernie: “Erin?”
Bernie: “Kevin, I’m not—are we on?”
CNN Anchor: “Umm, it looks like we’ve lost connection with Senator Sanders…”
Right, of course. You just happened to “lose connection,” with Senator Sanders conveniently right after he called you fake news.
2. “Racism” Is Why Adele Won Grammy
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After Adele won the song of the year, record of the year, and best solo pop performance awards, it wasn’t long before CNN charged in to proclaim that “racism,” was the cause. CNN “reports”:
…”but with its racial themes and imagery, some are questioning if the project was “just too black” for Grammy voters. Kevin Powell, author of the memoir “The Education of Kevin Powell” and a forthcoming biography on rapper Tupac Shakur, thinks so. He told CNN “Beyonce’s ‘Lemonade’ made a lot of people uncomfortable, because it is so political, so spiritual, so unapologetically black, and so brutally honest about love, self-love, trust, betrayal.”
Right, because apparently Beyonce, despite being nominated for 62 Grammy awards, and winning a whopping 22 Grammy awards, is being discriminated against. In the Leftist’s delusional reality, any time a white person succeeds, it’s due to “racism,” yet any time a black person succeeds, it’s due to “overcoming insurmountable odds.”
Give me a break. Adele won the Grammy, because the panel thought her songs were better, period. This has nothing to do with racism, but apparently CNN still thinks it’s a good idea to race-bait the hell out of current events in 2017. I don’t see this changing anytime soon, either.
3. Venezuela Bans CNN For Lies
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According to Fox News World, the president of Venezuela actually asked CNN to leave:
“CNN, do not get into the affairs of Venezuelans. I want CNN well away from here—outside of Venezuela. Do not put your nose in Venezuela.” -Nicolas Maduro
…and can you blame him? CNN has repeatedly shown how ridiculously biased they are, and they’ve shown how willing to lie they are, for the past year after running a gigantic smear campaign against Donald Trump.
Didn’t CNN claim that The Donald had a 3% chance of being elected president? What did they do, just poll the gender studies department at UC Berkeley? I wouldn’t be surprised if they did, because nobody in their right mind would ever accidentally come to the conclusion that our current president had a 3% chance of winning.
In fact, other independent journalists such as Mike Cernovich actually predicted that Donald would win months before the election day in November—how? Because they saw the trends. They saw that men were tired of being emasculated and having their lives ruined, they saw that we’re tired of being shamed for our whiteness, and they saw that the people of America were starting to wake up from their NWO conditioning.
4. “Our Job Is To Control Exactly What People Think.”
Yeah, yeah—I know this one isn’t CNN, but they’re all the same to me. MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and even Fox News to an extent…they’re all just different heads on the same globalist-controlled hydra. Buckle in though, boys, because this one’s pretty bad…and it just happened days ago.
Mika Brzezinski, whose name should automatically create suspicion in the wary citizen, recently stated on MSNBC that it’s “our job,” to “control exactly what people think.” I honestly couldn’t even make this stuff up, but if you don’t believe me, you can watch it in the video above.
Mika Brzezinski: “Well, I think the dangerous edges here are that he’s trying to undermine the media, trying to make up his own facts, and it could be that while unemployment and the economy worsens, he could have undermined the messaging so much that he could control exactly what people think…and that is our job.”
No, Mika, that isn’t your job. Your job is to report the facts and let THE PEOPLE decide what to think, but if you can’t get that through your thick skull I guess we’ll just stop watching your crappy network.
5. Donald Trump Calls CNN “Fake News”
Ah, I saved the best for last—I do love me some Donald burns. After a CNN “news reporter” tried to aggressively ask Donald a question for some odd 20 seconds, repeatedly interrupting him and interjecting his way into the conversation, Donald lost it and called him “fake news.”
And who could blame him? They spent the last 8 months doing absolutely everything within their power to completely ruin Donald Trump’s chances at winning…and yet, by the grace of God, and by the memes of Pepe, lord of Keks, the Trump train smashed its way through the entire god damn establishment…and won.
Trump: [to other reporter] “Go ahead.”
Trump: [to CNN] “No.”
Trump: [to other reporter]: “Go ahead.”
Trump: [to CNN] “No, not you.”
Trump: [to other reporter] “Go ahead.”
Trump: [to CNN] “Not you.”
Trump: [to CNN] “Your organization’s terrible.”
Trump: [to CNN] “Your organization’s terrible.”
Trump: [to CNN] “Quiet.”
This goes on for literally 25 seconds, before Trump finally becomes visibly angry and proclaims:
Trump: [to CNN] “You are fake news.”
If the President of the United States of America thinks that CNN is fake news, I think they’re probably fake news.
In conclusion, if you still watch the mainstream media, don’t. Get your news from real news sites, like Return Of Kings, Info Wars, Gateway Pundit, Drudge Report, and Cernovich. The MSM has shown us multiple times in the past that they’re globalist whores, selling out the American public to fatten their own pockets.
I recently bought an Info Wars shirt to start wearing around in public, and the results have restored my faith in America. Everywhere I wear it, I’ve gotten complements—it’s not that often, but you’d be surprised how many men are awake, but just don’t broadcast it.
The MSM would have you believe that 99% of the American public hates Trump, but it’s really only something like 10% who hate him, and maybe 25% more who dislike him.
I usually wear Info Wars, Breitbart, and Trump apparel to the gym, because most guys who have a shredded six pack from lifting heavy ass weights are strong and masculine, and are therefore not subject to stupid social pressures that the media uses to influence you.
Do your part in spreading the good gospel of the manosphere, the alt-news, and the resurgence of America, and we’ll reclaim our country for sure. Let’s all make America great again.
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Journalists are supposed to follow a set of rules and values called deontology. These rules say journalists should strive to be impartial, objective, and to inform their readers. We know well this is not the true nature of their activity.
Most MSM journalists today if not all are spinsters. They cherry-pick their facts and craft narratives around to steer people towards an untold yet ever-present agenda. They make up stereotypes while attacking other stereotypes, they make up ideas while attacking other ideas, as it suits the editorial line of their employer.
In the name of information, journalists create and fulfill an artificially constructed consciousness. They are paid to do so. They believe what they’re doing is normal or cool, just like the Ministry of Truth in Orwell’s 1984, where officers burn archives then forget they just destroyed records (soon to be rewritten); your average leftist journalist spins all the time, follows all the time, yet doesn’t even know he spins and follows.
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A little bit of history
If you lend an ear to leftist historians, up to perhaps to age of discoveries, the West didn’t know much. Everybody were locked into their own towns and fields. Well, this is not true. Europeans had known about the Silk Road from time immemorial. Kings and the clergy had their messengers, their events, their gatherings. Individuals like Saint Bernard or Saint Thomas of Aquino were quite familiar with communicating at a distance.
It was just much slower than today—and quite of a luxury as well. Common folk had to rely on minstrels, travelers, and on their own travels. Most communication was done orally. Academics today love to point out how unreliable the bush telegraph is, but at least this communication is done naturally between common people rather than top-down from a shadowy agenda.
Also, as slow as this word-to-mouth communication was, people then did not need more: they could make a living on their own, with the insurance that they could consume it themselves or sell it. Markets tended to be stable, and whether you were a field-tiller or a craftsman, you didn’t need to know about the latest fad not to be left behind. People were also much less bored and in need of diversions. Didn’t have newspapers, didn’t need them.
Then came the printing press. What had been done by scribes secluded in monasteries became partly automatized and multiplied. Bibles were printed. Then pamphlets. By the time, Protestantism had well developed, clever princes tried to use it to their advantage, and the Catholic church counter-attacked by launching one of the most manipulative orders ever created.
More power to independent people meant chaos. Printing outside of the rigid hierarchy of the Church meant a never-ending contest of ideas, systems, tastes, experiences, and egos. The hypocritical journalists of now who chide “trolls” while sniffing their own written farts should remember that trolling appeared as a side-effect of the printing press, as it became possible to say anything remotely instead of being necessarily confrontable. Plus, trolling helps to think of things to talk about with a girl.
Nevertheless, printing what you wanted was not that simple. First, literacy was still the hallmark of a comfortable upbringing, and second, you had to be able to print. You had to know a printer, had to make a deal with him and pay him. Not to mention the dissemination of your lovely printed book. It was always possible to print in a country with virtually no censorship, then smuggle books, but who was to receive them and share them?
No matter what you had to say, you always needed to address a noble-bourgeois audience, which meant catering to fashionable topics or debates. Otherwise, your material would be simply ignored. Authors who weren’t too well-known had to rely on booksellers who conspired to arrange a discrete monopoly on over-the-counter books. Yep, the world of “culture” has always been murky, and its members believe this is a sign of their superior intelligence.
As “culture” developed, with its train of noise, untold rivalries and social parasitism, periodic journals were printed at an ever-faster pace. Eighteenth century bi-annuals were replaced by daily or weekly newspapers. Which meant a great need, not for amateur gentlemen, but for people who could write constantly. Such people would be called journalists.
The modern journalist plant
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If you believe journalism is about informing the public, forget it immediately. There is no such thing as an automatic progress which just makes happen what seems desirable. If an unbiased, all-objective information seems desirable, that does not mean someone will pay for it or even manage to get it. Even the CIA Factbook was made in the first place because objective information would benefit the CIA itself, not “enlighten the masses” or whatever a leftist salesman would say.
A journalist is basically someone who is paid to write on particular issues, in a well-defined format, as his boss sees fit. A journal belongs to someone—no matter if the owner is public or private—who usually has its own aims. Whether the newspaper has to simply sell or shape the opinion, it always aims at something else than merely informing.
(Even ROK has an agenda, and I’m fine with it, because I believe it is sound and fair, but I’d never pretend I write for the sole love of truth or as if I was a disembodied soul with no consciousness of its own. Any writer having such pretenses is a hypocrite or a liar.)
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Back to the nineteenth century. Newspapers were just like factories. As plant workers had to churn tangible products, journalists had to churn out impressions. They were like paid artists for the ephemeral, creating appearances that would sell, or satisfy, or infuriate—anything as long as it suited the editorial line of their employer. Journalists did not become whores. They were paid employees, to put it politely, from day one. But at least the blue collar workers had to pretense to say the truth or illuminate or whatever BS that sells.
Let’s say you were born with a high verbal IQ, a knack for writing, and some ideas. What could you do? You may consider writing books, become an intellectual, but book writing takes time and often doesn’t pay. If you can’t live like an annuitant, you must be an employee.
If you choose the written words, you have to conform to a preexisting editorial line, to a particular milieu that already existed before you did, in hope of being granted a job. Creating a journal demanded not only experience but capital as well. Can you pay a printer? Would a banker trust you if you asked him for a loan so you can start a journal?
As the nineteenth century was an epoch of exceptional growth, some people had this capital or trust, and many independent journals were formed. Many, though, were bought off, or chased away, or censored. The elite does not want you to become an influencer, unless, of course, you remain a perpetual servant of their agenda.
This is why mild conservatives are accepted as a stooge opposition, along with the alt lite, whereas those who really want to save civilization and its creators are reviled. The elites want to destroy civilization, so, their journalists, who all depend on them socially and financially, foster their agenda while lying to themselves on the nature of what they do.
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So-called investigators are paid by Darth Soros to “investigate” on convenient targets while turning a blind eye on other things, like mass immigration, or upholding a mandatory narrative which rests not on truth but on pure social conformism—muh minorities r always good, muh white males r always wrong.
Perhaps the “fake news” offensive has been crafted, not only to maintain the masses into the blue pill matrix, but also to reassure the frail employees that they are serving truth and progress. Which is already dubious, as worshiping an arbitrary strand of “progress” has nothing to do with objectivity, just as the contemporary humanities are rather a Hollywood for nerds than a place of real knowledge, but you can’t ask vapid girls to get to this level.
No one writes for the sake of truth alone. Independent writers or journalists also speak of what they think relevant. They will mention XYZ facts because these are important, or, at least, ensure a modicum of success. Just like men tend to read Miyamoto Musashi quotes, not merely because he existed, but because he’s interesting.
Mainstream journalists are courtiers. They are paid by global elites to do their bidding. They work in cities just like filmmakers work in grand obscure studios—because their activity lies in creating perceptions, in shaping fashions, ideas, mottos, norms. The difference between a marketer, a journalist and a filmmaker is only of scale and means. The aim, and the bottom, is the same.
We are different, because we are bottom-up. When mainstream journalists sold their souls, we are upholding ours. The problem with this is that we’re ill-paid. The globalists and the boomers tend to concentrate all the money, and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to witness that the non-mainstream outlets tend to all lack money. Such is the price of independence.
We ought to have our own money elsewhere, and have a lot of independent journalists around, so that autonomous individuals from our side can work or investigate and help masculine men to shape their own consciousness.
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recentanimenews · 4 years
IN-DEPTH: Neon Godzilla Evangelion, The Horrors of Hideaki Anno
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  "Something broken or deficient comes more naturally to me. Sometimes that thing is the mind. Sometimes it is the body."
                                                               -Hideaki Anno, creator of Neon Genesis Evangelion
  "Monsters are tragic beings; they are born too tall, too strong, too heavy, they are not evil by choice. That is their tragedy."
                                                                - Ishiro Honda, director of Godzilla
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  Image via Amazon Prime Video
  Horror is born of trauma. The pop-culture monsters we fear and are fascinated by tend to reflect our very real anxieties. Frankenstein tells the story of scientific progress so explosive that it risks leaving humanity behind. It Follows creates a nightmare vision of looming intimacy and the potential for unknowable disease. Leatherface, hooting at the dinner table with his brothers in rural Texas, was the child of economic angst, the crimes of Ed Gein, and of President Nixon's threat of a "silent majority" forcing Americans to reconsider whether or not they really knew their neighbors. 
  And Godzilla? Well, Godzilla is a metaphor for a bomb. A bunch of bombs, actually. But more important than that, he represents loss — the loss of structure, of prosperity, of control. Godzilla is our own hubris returning to haunt us, the idea that in the end, we are helpless in the face of nature, disaster, and even our own mistakes. We, as a species, woke him up and now we have to deal with him, no matter how unprepared we are.
  Hideaki Anno understands this.
  In 1993, he began work on Neon Genesis Evangelion, a mecha series profound in not just its depiction of a science fiction world but in its treatment of depression and mental illness. It is a seminal work in the medium of anime, a "must-watch," and it would turn Anno into a legend, though his relationship to his magnum opus remains continuous and, at best, complicated. It is endlessly fascinating, often because Anno seems endlessly fascinated by it. 
  In 2017, he would win the Japanese Academy Film Prize for Director of the Year for Shin Godzilla, a film that also won Picture of the Year, scored five other awards, and landed 11 nominations in total. Shin Godzilla was the highest-grossing live-action Japanese film of 2016, scoring 8.25 billion yen and beating out big-name imports like Disney's Zootopia. In comparison, the previous Godzilla film, Final Wars, earned 1.26 billion. Shin Godzilla captured the public's attention in a way that most modern films in the franchise had not, returning the King of the Monsters to his terrifying (and culturally relevant roots).
  So how did he do it? How did Anno, a titan of the anime industry famous for his extremely singular creations, take a monster that had practically become a ubiquitous mascot of Japanese pop culture and successfully reboot him for the masses? How did Godzilla and Neon Genesis Evangelion align in a way that now there are video games, attractions, and promotions that feature the two franchises cohabitating? The answer is a little more complex than, "Well, they're both pretty big, I guess."
  To figure that out, we have to go back to two dates: 1954 and 1993. Though nearly 40 years apart, both find Japan on the tail end of disaster.
  Part 1: 1954 and 1993
  On August 6th and August 9th 1945, two atomic bombs were dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, respectively. These would kill hundreds of thousands of people, serving as tragic codas to the massive air raids already inflicted on the island nation. Six days after the bombing of Nagasaki, Japan would surrender to the Allied forces and World War II would officially end. But the fear would not. 
  Within a year, the South Pacific would become home to many United States-conducted nuclear tests, just a few thousand miles from Japan. And though centered around the Marshall Islands, the chance of an accident was fairly high. And on March 1, 1954, one such accident happened, with the Lucky Dragon #5 fishing boat getting caught in the fallout from a hydrogen bomb test. The crew would suffer from radiation-related illnesses, and radioman Kuboyama Aikichi would die due to an infection during treatment. For many around the world, it was a small vessel in the wrong place at the wrong time. For Japan, it was a reminder that even a decade after their decimation from countless bombs, atomic terror still loomed far too close to home.
  Godzilla emerged from this climate. Films about giant monsters had become popular, with The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms and a 1952 re-release of King Kong smashing their way through the box office, and producer Tomoyuki Tanaka wanted to combine aspects of these with something that would comment on anti-nuclear themes. Handed to former soldier and Toho Studios company man Ishiro Honda for direction and tokusatsu wizard Eiji Tsubaraya for special effects, Godzilla took form and would be released a mere eight months after the Lucky Dragon incident. 
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  Image via Amazon Prime Video
  It was a success, coming in eighth in the box office for the year and it would lead to dozens of sequels that would see Godzilla go from atomic nightmare to lizard superhero (and then back and forth a few times). America, sensing profits, bought the rights, edited it heavily, inserted Rear Window star Raymond Burr as an American audience surrogate, and released it as Godzilla: King of the Monsters! It was also very profitable, and for the next 20 years, every Japanese Godzilla film got a dubbed American version following soon in its wake.
  Years went by. Japan would recover from World War II and the following Allied Occupation and become an economic powerhouse. But in the late '80s, troubling signs began to emerge. An asset price bubble, based on the current economy's success and optimism about the future, was growing. And despite the Bank of Japan's desperate attempts to buy themselves some time, the bubble burst and the stock market plummeted. In 1991, a lengthy, devastating recession now known as the "Lost Decade" started. And the resulting ennui was not just economic but cultural.
  The suicide rate rose sharply. Young people, formerly on the cusp of what seemed to be promising careers as "salarymen," found themselves listless and without direction. Disillusionment set in, both with the government and society itself, something still found in Japan today. And though people refusing to engage with the norms of modern culture and instead retreating from it is nothing new in any nation, the demographic that we now know as "Hikikomori" appeared. And among these youths desperate to find something better amid the rubble of a once-booming economy was animator Hideaki Anno.
  A co-founder of the anime production company Gainax, Anno was no stranger to depression, having grappled with it his entire life. Dealing with his own mental illness and haunted by the failure of important past projects, Anno made a deal that would allow for increased creative control, and in 1993, began work on Neon Genesis Evangelion. Combining aspects of the popular mech genre with a plot and themes that explored the psyche of a world and characters on the brink of ruin, NGE would become extremely popular, despite a less than smooth production.
  The series would concern Shinji Ikari, a fourteen-year-old boy who suffers from depression and anxiety in a broken and terrifying world. Forced to pilot an EVA unit by his mysterious and domineering father, Shinji's story and his relationships with others are equal parts tragic and desperate, and the series provides little solace for its players. Anno would become more interested in psychology as the production of the series went on, and the last handful of episodes reflect this heavily. 
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  Image via Netflix
  After the original ending inspired derision and rage from fans, Anno and Gainax would follow it up with two sequel projects (Death & Rebirth and The End of Evangelion), and NGE's place in the pantheon of "classic" anime was set. Paste Magazine recently named it the third-best anime series of all time. IGN has it placed at #8 and the British Film Insititute included End of Evangelion on their list of 50 key anime films. The exciting, thoughtful, and heart-breaking story of Shinji Ikari, Asuka, Minato, and the rest has gone down in history as one of the best stories ever told.
  So what would combine the two and bring Godzilla's massive presence under the influence of Anno's masterful hand? As is a miserable trend here, that particular film would also be spawned from catastrophe.
  Part 2: 2011
  "There was no storm to sail out of: The earth was spasming beneath our feet, and we were pretty much vulnerable as long as we were touching it," said Carin Nakanishi in an interview with The Guardian. The spasm she was referring to? The 2011 Tohoku earthquake, the most powerful earthquake in the history of Japan. Its after-effects would include a tsunami and the meltdown of three reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The death toll was in the tens of thousands. The property destruction seemed limitless. The environmental impact was shocking. Naoto Kan, the Japanese Prime Minister at the time, called it the worst crisis for Japan since World War II.
  It took years to figure out the full extent of the damage. Four years after, in 2015, 229,000 people still remained displaced from their ruined homes. The radiation in the water was so severe that fisheries were forced to avoid it. The cultivation of local agriculture was driven to a halt, with farmland being abandoned for most of the decade. And though the direct effects of it varied depending on how far away you lived, one symptom remained consistent: The inability to trust those who'd been sworn in to help.
  "No useful information was being offered by the government or the media," Nakanishi said. Many voiced a fear that the government had not done its decontamination job properly or would not continue to help them if they returned to their former homes near Fukushima. Some felt the people making decisions were far too distant to truly understand what was going on. Many thought that the government had underestimated the danger. In a survey taken after the Fukushima meltdown, "only 16 percent of respondents ... expressed trust in government institutions." In most of these stories, citizens stepped in to help, feeling as if they had no other choice. Eventually, his approval ratings dropped to only 10 percent and Naoto Kan stepped down from his role as Prime Minister. 
  And what of Godzilla and Anno at the time? Well, the former lay dormant, having been given a 10-year hiatus from the big screen by Toho after the release of 2004's Godzilla: Final Wars. And though he'd show up in a short sequence in Toho's 2007 film Always Zoku Sanchome no Yuhi, they kept good on their promise. But Godzilla fans did not have to worry about a drought of Godzilla news. American film production company Legendary Pictures was busy formulating their own take on him, having acquired the rights a year before.
  Meanwhile, Anno's post Evangelion life consisted of ... a lot more Evangelion. Though he'd direct some live-action films, his most newsworthy project was a series of Rebuild of Evangelion titles, anime films built with different aims (and created with a different mindset) than the original series. Departing Gainax in 2007, these would be created under his newly founded studio, Studio Khara.
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  Image via Netflix
  And while it's obvious from the contents of Evangelion that Anno is interested in giant monsters and giant beings in general (Evangelion is pretty chockful of them), this fascination would only become more open. In 2013, he'd curate a tokusatsu exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo, one that showcased miniatures from Mothra to Ultraman to Godzilla himself. About the exhibit, Anno would write:
  "As children we grew up watching tokusatsu and anime programs. We were immediately riveted to the sci-fi images and worlds they portrayed. They put us in awe, and made us feel such suspense and excitement. (...) I think our hearts were deeply moved by the grown-ups' earnest efforts working at the sets that dwelled deep behind the images. (...) The emotions and sensations from those cherished moments have lead us to become who we are today."
  For the presentation, he'd also produce a short film called A Giant Warrior Descends on Tokyo, with the monster based on a creature from Hayao Miyazaki's — his old boss and an inspiration to Anno, along with the man that Anno would accompany on a trip to the Iwata prefecture to show support for communities wrecked by the Tohoku earthquake — Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind manga. It was directed by Shinji Higuchi, an old collaborator of Anno's at Gainax who had served as Special Effects Director for Shusuke Kaneko's stellar Gamera trilogy in the '90s.
  And though Higuchi would shortly go on to direct two Attack on Titan live-action films, their partnership would continue. Because in 2015, Toho announced they would team up to co-direct Godzilla 2016.
  Part 3: 2016
  Hideaki Anno has often thought of the apocalypse.
  In an interview with Yahoo! News in 2014, he'd tell the interviewer he "sincerely thought that the world would end in the 20th Century," and that his fear of a nuclear arms race and the Cold War had heavily influenced Evangelion. However, his creative process isn't just permeated by man-made threats. "Japan is a country where a lot of typhoons and earthquakes strike ... It's a country where merciless destruction happens naturally. It gives you a strong sense that God exists out there."
  This focus on earthly intervention by a divine presence is definitely a theme in Evangelion, but it also applies to Godzilla, a borderline invincible behemoth that was created to remind man of its mistakes. It's this kind of provoking thoughtfulness (among other things) that might have alerted Toho Studios of Higuchi and Anno's potential proficiency in re-igniting the slumbering Godzilla franchise. "[W]e looked into Japanese creators who were the most knowledgeable and had the most passion for Godzilla ...Their drive to take on such new challenges was exactly what we all had been inspired by," Toho would say of the pair.
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  Image via Amazon Prime Video
  It was a few years in the making, though. After the creation of Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, Anno fell into depression, causing him to turn down Toho's 2013 offer of the Godzilla project. But thanks to the support of Toho and Higuchi, Anno decided to eventually take them up on it. However, he did not want to repeat how he felt past filmmakers had been "careless" with Godzilla, stating that Godzilla "exists in a world of science fiction, not only of dreams and hopes, but he's a caricature of reality, a satire, a mirror image." Higuchi was also passionate about the project, saying, "I give unending thanks to Fate for this opportunity; so next year, I'll give you the greatest, worst nightmare."
  Rounding out the NGE reunion with Shin Godzilla would be Mahiro Maeda, a character designer who would provide the look of Godzilla, and Evangelion composer Shiro Sagisu. Sagisu's music often includes motifs from Evangelion and the work of Akira Ifukube — who scored many classic Godzilla films — and is a great match for the monster. It's powerful stuff. 
    Anno's main concern was rivaling the first Godzilla, a film that remains effective to this day. So, in order to "come close even a little," he "would have to do the same thing." Thus, after over 60 years of monster adventures, Shin Godzilla became Godzilla's first real Japanese reboot, following a long line of films that were either direct sequels or had ignored the sequels to become direct sequels to the original. It would carry many of the same beats — monster arrives, people struggle to figure out how to stop it, they eventually do. The end. But unlike many Godzilla films, in which bureaucratic operations took a backseat to the scientists that would eventually figure out how to stop (or help) the Big G, they were front and center here.
  And the depiction was often less than kind.
  Instead of confident and sacrificial, the politicians found in Shin Godzilla are ludicrous in their archaic behavior, seemingly more concerned with what boardroom they're in than the unstoppable progress of the beast destroying their city. Most of their actions are played for comic relief, a tonal clash with the stark backdrop of the 400-foot-tall disaster walking just outside their offices. Multiple references are made to the Tohoku earthquake, the tsunami, and the Fukushima meltdown — including the waves that follow Godzilla as he comes ashore and the worry over the radiation Godzilla leaks into the land he travels across. One plot point even includes Japan grappling with the potential use of an atomic bomb on Godzilla from the United States, showing that over seventy years after the end of WWII, nuclear annihilation remains a terrifying prospect. 
  In the end, only a team organized by a young upstart that's mostly free from the processes of his slower, befuddled elders can save the day. That said, "save" isn't really the right word. Echoing Anno's statement that Japan is "a country where merciless destruction happens naturally," Godzilla is only frozen in place, standing still in the middle of the city, a monstrous question left to be solved. Whether it's Godzilla or a disaster like Godzilla, it is a problem that you must deal with, prepare for, and rebuild after. It will always be there.
  That said, the film isn't just a parody of quivering government employees out of their depth in the face of a cataclysm (distrust in the goodwill of authority figures is a theme also omnipresent in Evangelion). It's also a really, really rad monster movie. Godzilla is a scarred, seemingly wounded creature, his skin ruptured and his limbs distorted. He is not action-figure ready, even as he evolves into forms more befitting of total annihilation. As the Japanese military increasingly throws weaponry at him, he transforms to defend himself, emitting purple atomic beams from his mouth, his back, and finally his tail. Higuchi and Anno's direction is often awe-inspiring, whether the camera is tilted up to capture Godzilla from a street-level view, or panning around a building to face him head-on. Godzilla feels huge. 
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  Image via Amazon Prime Video
  Its this combination of ideas and execution that would cause Shin Godzilla to sweep the Japanese Academy Awards in 2017, and, excuse my pun, absolutely crush it at the box office. But an incredible movie wouldn't be the end of it. In fact, while Shin Godzilla was a successful Anno creation, it hadn't yet gone to battle with Anno's other most successful creation.
  Not yet anyway.
  Part 4: 2018
  A few months before Shin Godzilla's release, Toho announced a "maximum collaboration" between Godzilla and Neon Genesis Evangelion, a team-up that first manifested itself in art and crossover merchandise. Art with the logo for NERV (the anti-Angel organization from Evangelion), with the fig leaf replaced by Godzilla's trademark spines showed up on a subsite for the Shin Godzilla film.
  Meanwhile, video game developers Granzella and publisher Bandai Namco worked on City Shrouded In Shadow, a game where you played as a human trying to survive attacks from various giant beings, including some from the Godzilla universe and some from Evangelion. And though this wasn't specifically tied to Shin Godzilla — Godzilla looks much more like his design in the '90s series of movies, a monster style that was the go-to branding look for years after — it did make the idea of the two franchises co-existing in similar spaces a little less alien.
  The big one came in 2018 when Universal Studios Japan declared that the following summer, it would be home to a meeting of the two titans in "Godzilla vs Evangelion: The Real 4-D." This ride/theater experience would give audiences a firsthand look at a clash between the EVA units and Godzilla. However, just as the horror of the original Godzilla had been diluted through various sequels that saw him becoming Japan's protective older brother, and just as the crushing melancholy of Evangelion feels a little less sad when you see Rei posing on the side of a pachinko machine, this ride would also be a reframing experience.
  Godzilla is a threat, at first, as the Evangelion units zip around, blast him, and try to drop-kick him. But then, out of space, Godzilla's old three-headed foe King Ghidorah emerges. The golden space dragon provides a common enemy for the group and they work together to eliminate it. Godzilla, seemingly forgetting why he showed up to the ride in the first place, trudges back into the sea. He is now a hero, his spot as Earth's Public Enemy #1 seemingly neutered. 
  To this day, news of theme park attractions that bear the Shin Godzilla design consistently pop up, including one ride where you can zip line into Godzilla's steaming open mouth! But Toho doesn't seem open to a live-action sequel that many see as the obvious next step (though they would produce a trilogy of anime films that take place in a different monster timeline). Instead, they opted for beginning a kind of Godzilla shared universe, like the extremely popular Marvel Cinematic Universe. And Anno and Higuchi have moved on to their next revitalizing effort: a reboot of Ultraman. 
  Wes Craven, the director of A Nightmare on Elm Street once said, "You don't enter the theater and pay your money to be afraid. You enter the theater and pay your money to have the fears that are already in you when you go into a theater dealt with and put into a narrative ... Stories and narratives are one of the most powerful things in humanity. They're devices for dealing with the chaotic danger of existence." The creators at Toho certainly gave people that with Godzilla, just as Anno did with Neon Genesis Evangelion.
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  Image via Amazon Prime Video
  But horror films are also entertainment, and soon these monsters are sequel-ized and commodified, losing their edge to the point that new minds are brought in to reboot them and help them move forward. It's a process we've repeated since people began telling stories to one another thousands and thousands of years ago. They help us confront the worst aspects of ourselves and of our worlds. It's what makes them vital. We need them. Like the next evolution of monsters sprouting from Godzilla's tail in the final frame of Shin Godzilla, the horror genre reaches out, grasping for fears that we have and fears that will one day come.  
  For more Crunchyroll Deep Dives, check out Licensing of the Monsters: How Pokemon Ignited An Anime Arms Race and The Life And Death Of Dragonball Evolution.
    Daniel Dockery is a Senior Staff Writer for Crunchyroll. Follow him on Twitter!
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Brandy Jutte We are just worried about the spread of this virus to the US The CDC is saying it s not a matter of if but when What kind of policies and steps are being put into place to protect the American people I m sure you and your administration is doing a great job when it comes to dealing with this virus but that doesn t help to settle our fears about this spreading like the plague Emily Troy I don’t believe this I believe this was started chemically to try andstop our Presidents good economy so people will think that Pres Trump caused this That’s what they want you to think It is done by countries who want to hurt the economy and is The Dems want us to take a shot to make us sick or kill us No Way no shot will I be taking Marcia Wilson Thank you very much for your heart felt response concerning our country Thank you for you determination in continuing to take the correct actions as you have been blessed with such discernment over MANY situations and and Leading our country back ont Xem thêm Marilyn Folz Mr President we know the dems Most of America loves you Rural America loves you because you have brought back jobs We can rebuild our small towns with some more help We need you We have your back TRUMP 2020 Doug Milliken We know you will provide the best possible protection for our great country Thank you Your doing the right thing and a great job of it Gina Mac Yes and the 15 in the US are reported to be concerned about lost luggage aka they are doing well and the hype surrounding this is being blown out of proportion Doing a great job Mr president Gregg W Jones I know you cannot read every comment but I still want to say that you and your Administration are doing a great job period Thank you for your leadership and for your service You sacrificed so much to be our President and you and your family has been in the target view of the Dems since your one Keep up the excellent work Sir This DAV is proud and thankful Shawn Stroh Bernie said you can’t predict when the virus will end but they have predicted when the world would end due to climate change 1000 times and were wrong every time TRUMP 2020 Firras Garada So are we going to ignore the CDC s warning today I m a doctor here in Michigan and believe the coronavirus is coming to wreak havoc in America Both for businesses and an overall health crisis Great job Mr President keep making this Country great The fact is just like the hurricanes and all the other emergencies we have had you have done your very best to take care of it and keep things at a minimal Through your Presidency you have absolutely done the best job possible in taking care of Americans And look at all the trolls on here Heather Lynn DeAnna President Trump you and your administration are excellent Nobody believes the liars on the other side This is a horrible disease that may cause harm but you have done your job Thank you Beth Jenks Thank you Mr President I don’t care what party what color young or old people we need to just believe Trump the CDC and let him make the decisions You better here me the Dems could have let that crap in here So don’t panic Trumps proved everything hes done on this Damn Dems wanted to let them all in Trump 2020 When you came to India we liked it very much But now after you leave there seems to be something deserted here Because my sister also lived there Good luck on reaching your country Rajkumar sahiba Raja Bhaiya State Genral Secretary LJP Uttar Pradesh INDIA Rem Rem Keep on doing what you do best running the country The dem debates tonight are a laughing stock A complete clown show LMAO They will always blame you It’s all they have but we know better they’re the do nothing dems just like you’ve said all along Kristin Valencia Aguiar Keep up the great work president Trump The Chinese government isn t being forthcoming and honest with this virus Put our best doctors and scientist on this to formulate a vaccine This looks like an orchestrated attack to bring our booming and prosperous economy to a halt Let s not let it happen Kimberley Reasor I trust you 2 do what you need 2 do You are doing a wonderful job in trying 2 keep this country which is should be your number one concern in both keeping us safe healthy Keep up the good work Trump2020 Travis Spada Not one death in the US What are the dems talking about Beat Trump that is their platform even if he made the right decision they are going to do the opposite Looks like an old folks home up there Tamara Stolzenthaler You are not communicating the truth You only care about stocks staying high so you can win the election Plus you need to be in quartentine after your travels David Brown I generally don t mind political gamesmanship but honestly this is the time to just come together and shut the borders till we get a handle on this before we end up like Italy Allen Stewart CV is a joke Spoke to a doctor who said it does not even compare to the Flu 30 000 affected in China So what There are 1 386 Billion people in China 20 30 cases in US 315 Million people in US Pure sensationalism Carol Hartford Howard You said it President Trump The DemoRATS complain criticize no matter what you do but I don’t see them coming up w any plan at all much less a better one IIn fact this is the party that supports open borders and sanctuary cities Hey Dems if you’re not part of the solution shut your pie hole stop the criticism Carol Hartford Howard You said it President Trump The DemoRATS complain criticize no matter what you do but I don’t see them coming up w any plan at all much less a better one IIn fact this is the party that supports open borders and sanctuary cities Hey Dems if you’re not part of the solution shut your pie hole stop the criticism Lauren Smith Nothing you do will please some of these people Just do the best you can most of us appreciate you and the efforts you make By what we have seen we have an idea of what you have to deal with to get anything done No one knows the shoes you walk in except you Trump2020 Judith Lacari I do not care about parties now my concern is the health and safety of US Citizens I trust you will add funding to the CDC and put additional medical staff to come up with a vaccine or preventive measures just in case the Corona virus spreads into the US Closing boarders is one measure we need medical prevention Kristie Newby Please consider an address to the nation to calm everyone down Everybody is panicking and the stock market shows their irrational fears A public address on what you are doing to protect us will reassure them Thank you for all that you do President Trump Donna Fell 8 200 people in the US died from the flu last year and millions fell ill The CDC told us to wash our hands stay away from those who are ill and that the flu is deadly and spreading Cody Buck So the CDC it’s basically saying that there is no solution for this coronavirus but to wash your hands several times a day and do not touch your face or nose And if you’re sick stay at home Period Damn all these new news updates give me anxiety I think I’m just going to stay away from people and enjoy my animals company Constance Williams The minute they announced Chelsea Clinton was on the board of WHO The World Health Organization Then Chuck Schumer said this administration wasn’t doing enough about the virus Joey Scott My daughter is a nurse and it’s not even a fear at their hospital 14 000 people have died in the United States from the flu this year is that a pandemic Is everyone running scared We’re all still working still living our daily lives and society I Xem thêm Paul Cochran Thank you President Trump but I see the Socialist Democrats and Biased Socialist Media turning this situation into another very UGLY ATTACK ON YOU I say stay strong and keep the heat on because scare tactics by the left will not work Stephanie Coleman People please This is just a cold on steroids Lysol has a list of pathogens it kills on the can Coronavirus is one of them This is not new Get a freaking grip If Trump cured cancer y’all would find something to complain about Steve Boyd Mr President I know you’re doing everything thing that can be done to protect the United States of America because you love the country The Dems lie I wish everyone had ears to hear them حسين عماد شنان I find it ironic that we have a drug pandemic in this country from drugs flooding this country through open borders yet the DEMS ARE DOING NOTHING TO HELP THIS I also find it interesting how they are pushing this flu causing panic They did this with the bird flu swine flu ebola virus etc and here we are during an election they must be running out of crap to blame you for Bonnie Kennington We have third world conditions in our Democratic run cities causing disease we have thousands of people dying from drugs we have thousands dying for lack of health care and we lose thousands to the flu every year even with vaccines think this new vi Xem thêm Wendy Clayton Hall You made great decisions closing the border and keeping Americans safe Keep on making good decisions and use your power of ignore with people who don’t agree with the good decisions you make for our country Trump2020 cant wait to vote Lauren Hartnett Thank you for cutting their budget funds last year and this year It should put us in a great position to beat this horrible virus Great job Vivian Warner The Dems will never like you their whole platform is based on hate Trump And they say conservatives are haters You can’t change the mind of someone running on passion and not facts David Rodriguez This country has a huge infrastructure of researchers physicians and professionals whose sole purpose is to protect Americans from situations like this There is little any one person even the president can do about it other than speak to the people Those who criticize the president are either ignorant or terribly misinformed or maybe both Carrie Crawford CDC needs to be held accountable for all the unsafe vaccines Please let Robert Kennedy Jr Start up the safety program to actually test vaccines Since 1986 they have not tested them 1out of 35 kids has Autism It’s not a coincidence vaccines sho Xem thêm Eutana Evans No matter what you say or do will never be acknowledged as being good for our country according to the Democrats They have their own agenda which is all about getting rid of you Period Keep up with what you are doing for us By the way I AM AN EX DEMOCRAT Jennifer Hastings So I have a family member currently in china and from what we ve been told everyone there is quarantined in their homes they are only allowed to leave to buy food and home supplies children are doing school from home online and they cost of flying in a Xem thêm Salam Raed You cut the funds on CDC to pay for the wall and now you blame the Dems Instead of stupid tweets try to find why medical face masks are out of stock almost everywhere Linda Sears The schizophrenia of the Dems First they say the President’s plan is DOA THEN they say he has no plan What it really is is the DEMS have no plan and no plan to have a plan except they don’t like Trump’s plan Bill Roudabush President Trump you’re first priority is to the safety of the American people You’re doing great Democrats and their Democrat activist journalists will condemn you know matter what you do Ignore them you have the majority of Americans behind you Cynthia Besson Fergusson We trust your doing an awesome job and protecting us We know you have our best interest at heart The Dems are just ruining it by whinning about everything and then we will believe nothing As Bill O Reilly noticed Biden just said 150 million people have been killed by gun violence Nobody says a word Insane Or did I hear it wrong My thoughts as a professional nurse He makes so many gAfs I really get worried for his mental well being Like him saying recently he was running for the US Senate or not identifying the correct name of a state he was in And many others My concern is does he have eArly dementia Voncile Stone The dems would much rather the virus take over the country if that made Trump look bad People dyeing means nithing to Schumer or Pelosi Trashing Trump is much more important they are truly mentially Ill Marilyn Demby Caulder You are doing a great job we don’t believe one word that comes out of the mouth of those lying Democrats the debate tonight was more like a circus They are scared of you that’s for sure and they better be afraid very afraid Trump 2020 Mike Perry The Democratic party actually loves the prospect of a pandemic that effectively destroys the economic prosperity of every country in the WORLD these people have NO limitations of who ever needs to Die for their agenda to be put into place and fo Xem thêm Michael Stovall On the Democrat Debate Stage tonight all the Circus Clowns said you President are not doing enough to protect the United States from the Coronavirus I am sure the Fake News Media will be repeating what the Debate Clowns said Jeremy Church It just occurred to me The fact that we don t live in a third world communist country where we are forced to work relentlessly for little to no pay That we have access to healthcare The fact that our government doesn t view us as subjects Kathy Doering Leyba LOVE YOU BIG D Dems need to stop using the COVID 19 to further their political gains Shameful Real Americans know how to help themselves Stop whining and get your house straight for a bumpy ride thru this potentially difficult journey Snowflakes Kay Chaney America Thanks You Mr President and the majority of it is very pleased with You as our Commander Chief We all are very aware of the Dems their fake media every one of their crooked schemes Where by they are nailing their own feet to the floor Laura Murphy Taylor Americans always know when you do the right thing by the level of outrage the Democrats have So if their faces are melting and their hair is in fire We know you did it right Janice Smith You can do no right in the Dems eyes but who cares Your Patriots have your back Jennifer Bishop And I don’t care if a DEMOCRAT’S post negative crap on my post Anyone that thinks the way Sander’s Boomer Obama Clinton and all them think is ok then there is definitely some screws missing BobDebra Lee Thank you Sir Thank you for the continued success off the wall and thank you for closing the gates to those coming in that could possibly be exposed Democrats are just really unhappy people They would crucify Jesus again if he were here Amazingly sad Frances Willden got to be 5 steps ahead the dems must be all on crack or your hitting to close to home or their pockets what both I do why ahead where does it hurt your ready to face it on meaning a storm comes flash lights generators if it dont work propane and m Xem thêm Matthew Perry Thank you President Trump for protecting our boarders and health The Dems will never give you a fair evaluation You do what is right for the American people and we all know it Richard Griswold By the way Mr President Rod Rosenstein’s sister Nancy Messonnier is trying to instill fear chaos with press releases to the public Scott Kimrey Unfortunately it only takes one self actualized individual who gets the chance to skirt quarantine and start infecting what is now a national and global community Odds are in favor of the virus spreading here and again unfortunately the Dems are sit Xem thêm Richard Shallenberg all americans know we at CDC have a handle on what we have been allowed too handle but just like WHO was a weel late on knowing nothing we were already ahead of them and china but the dems don’t care about world health they are a bunch of abortionists’ the more deaths the better they just want there money Rhonda Schneider Thank u Mr president if the dems had it their way we the american people would b suffering greatly they don’t care about us the lower hard working class like me needs someone to help us we can’t continue living with such low wages high price of living n expensive health care Lindy Frady The Dems keep fighting among themselves So much BS going on had to turn it off It s ok the more they talk the more votes we get People are coming to the light side daily They have lost there minds and it keeps getting worse No the lead candidate is a socialist Winning Trump 2020 Claire Fish Yes it is a boo hoo for Democrats because they didnt take the virus seriously They only care about trying to ruin Trump more than the people of this Country Congress voted against closing a part of the border It was the smart thing to do Allicyn Raymond Your the biggest reason I have faith this planet wont capsize into a big ball of fire into space Thank you for never letting the nay sayers break you down The dems and any other politician could learn a thing or two from your administration Thank you for your selfless service You got my vote for the rest of history please save our vaping industry as well please Kristofor Gullickson The Dems are just tryin’ to get the last bit of their investments from just before Obamacare It is likely any Republicans are not in Government anymore or sold their shares long ago Mary Schmidt Kern Steyer wants reparations for slavery for those who never experienced It Wtf the Republican Party was started to end slavery and somehow the dems are twisting it because red voters believe in making your own living and not depending on the government for handouts unless you really need it Uhhhg Carole Tewell what about the man you just appointed who knows absolutely nothing you can really pick them and the wonderful betsy devoss who also know nothing about education were her donations worth childrens education as long as you can fill a spot with one of your wealthy friends it doesnt matter you have to pay them back for their support Jerry Aggson Keep it up Mr President you’re doing a great job There’s only one thing more ignorant than a democrat poo pooing a good thing Someone voting for that democrat Never the less we love the job you are doing and couldn’t be more proud of the man that Xem thêm Eliz Ann Maybe you should reasure the American people that you are working with CDC because as usual the Dems are saying you are doing nothing about the corona virus William M LeBleu It doesn t matter what you do Mr President the media and the Democrats will try to twist it to try to make a negative out of it Just remember Sir when it comes to these clowns that is all they have to offer America a big NEGATIVE They have run Xem thêm Jill Lanpher Those who vote for Bernie Sanders are voting for socialism leading to communism think money grows on trees that student debt should be paid by tax payers support open borders and sanctuary cities free Medicare for all feel nothing is wrong with Xem thêm Curt Green Most of us know your level of commitment and appreciate it Wouldn’t even be surprised at all if the Dems manufactured yet another crisis simply to affect an election Wouldn’t be the first time they sacrificed American lives for their cause Desperate times call for desperate measures Go ahead shoot holes in it if you can but it doesn’t matter because even if it were true it will never be reported Vincent Anthony One sign that the Dems were serious about this is that they would not politicize the situation As it is they have positioned themselves for victory only as American bodies pile up DISGUSTING Kathy Ream Just saw the demo debate None of them would shut up when their time was done Birney wouldn’t shut up even when it was some one else turn It was a mess up there on stage I can’t imagine ANY of them as President They all have a plan but never say what it is Trump2020 Adam Lindley Dems just throw money at something to fix it Still not working Throw more money at it That s their way Trump doesn t give enough money and they throw him under the bus The democrat way Sandra Bates The dems are trying to use this now as a political tool We know you have a handle on this situation Please keep us informed Some of the media are trying to put fear into America Fake News Really Fake News and definitely biased news to say the least They don’t know how to report real news anymore Your administration is doing a great job Deslor Emberga Vanhees Why will American vote for Democratic they all ready show how they are in 3 years nothing they ve done but to Harass their own President it should be nothing but President Trump 2020 GoD Bless America in Jesus name we trust not the Democrat Atlas Holduup Just registered to vote for trump didnt like the iran situation but other then that hes proven himself worthy of presidency and I swore id never vote until a candidate presented himself worthy of my vote Michael Davis Every Demoncrat is a sore loser Most are clueless to the fact that the globalists want to control their very lives by tyrannical rule Trump is our last hope I for one have confidence in you and your Administration Mr President Also I am fed up with the Dems who would not be happy with any thing you do Thank goodness we the people know them well And if anyone out there is not sure just go look at the behavior of Nancy Pelosi and her dressed in white clan s behavior during our President s SOTU address That behavior Is the worst that I have EVER seen from elected leaders I felt terrible discomfort knowing that that behavior was being seen all over the world Just think about that Let that sink in people please God help this country if THOSE people ever make up the majority of our Leaders Carmelo Consiglio Trumps been cutting funding for the CDC since taking office If there’s not an outbreak in the USA it will be a miracle Hell today he’s trying to put a bunch of patients in a condemned building in the OC instead of a FEMA facility Maxx Alexander It’s ok nobody with a decent brain and a clue has missed the media being completely negative and dishonestly so No better President we could ever ask for than you Especially when times are challenging Christine Ward Roe I think the media isn’t helping by blowing this up in the news remember China delayed by 6 weeks and let the virus spread but the US has acted very quickly to contain it especially by Trump imposing travel restrictions and quarantines otherwise we would look like Italy but the dumbard Dems are upset with the his travel ban what the heck Trash Animal Wtf Wine Tasting Friends Vintage T Shirt
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anonymoustalks · 4 years
They also didn't want me to speak Korean outside of the house because "in America you speak only English."
(6-17-20) You both like Politics.
You: hi
Stranger: Hello
You: What is something important to you?
Stranger: My job.
You: Mhm how so?
Stranger: Because otherwise I wouldn't have been able to buy a house, save money, and have dinner every night.
You: Very reasonable
You: and grounded
Stranger: Considering that I grew up low-income, it only makes sense that I skimp and save.
You: ah yeah, that helps gives perspective for sure
Stranger: All I can really say is not having food every day isn't fun.
You: Mhm did you grow up not being able to eat every day?
Stranger: Yes.
You: What was that like?
Stranger: Hell.
You: Yeah I can imagine
Stranger: The savior was USDA subsidized cheese.
You: are you us-based?
Stranger: I was. I relocated to South Korea in 2007.
You: mhm was the food insecurity in the SU or south korea?
Stranger: The US.
You: where were you specifically, if you don't mind me asking?
Stranger: Detroit until I was 8, Denver from 8-22.
You: mhm
Stranger: You couldn't pay me to move back to the US, in spite of the fact that my parents always insisted that it was better than Korea.
You: Mhm I'd love to hear anything that you're willing to share
Stranger: Well, what do you want to hear?
You: well, everything lol
You: but I guess we don't have time lol
Stranger: What parts do you want to hear?
You: I never personally experienced food insecurity
You: or the circumstances around that
You: and what your family did
You: and I guess why you moved
Stranger: Food insecurity is hell. My parents simply lived with it and ignored it.
You: as context, I'm guessing your family were immigrants?
Stranger: I moved for job security and so I wouldn't face discrimination in the US. Yes, they immigrated from Korea.
You: mhm
You: I'm not really that familiar with detroit and things, but I feel like the naive question I'm sure you get is what about food banks?
You: or other stuff
Stranger: Not a thing back in 1980s/90s Detroit outside of churches, which my parents stayed away from.
You: ahh I didn't know
You: so I'm guessing subsidized school lunches probably also weren't a thing?
Stranger: Those were, but my parents didn't apply for those until we moved to Denver.
You: sounds really rough
Stranger: They didn't apply mostly for fear of deportation
You: undocumented?
Stranger: They were documented, the documentation wasn't always fully valid.
You: ah..
You: student visa?
Stranger: Green cards.
You: mhm I guess it's just so different it's hard for me to imagine
Stranger: Needless to say, people who work on private railyards don't make much.
You: my goodness
Stranger: About 50 cents an hour back in the 80s and 90s.
You: yeah... I just can't imagine
You: how did your family end up moving to denver?
Stranger: My father's job at the railyard was replaced by a sensor and they were concerned that Detroit was becoming too unsafe.
You: mhm this was the big crime era too?
Stranger: Yes. And we lived in a housing project that was effectively where you went to buy drugs or die.
You: buy drugs or die?
Stranger: Lot of dealers, criminals, and bait apartments in there.
You: okay, was just slightly confused about the wording if they made you buy or something
Stranger: The people in the apartment next to us were dealers.
You: mhm
Stranger: The Detroit PD raided the wrong unit, not theirs.
You: .......
Stranger: And that's why I don't respect the Detroit PD.
You: yeah that's terrible
Stranger: We did get money from them after it was found that they broke the most expensive thing in the apartment.
You: it's just so hard for me to imagine what your parents went through
You: coming to the US
You: and all of this
Stranger: I can provide some more insight if you'd like.
You: anything you want to share is good
Stranger: They had this twisted perspective on American customs and holidays.
You: meaning?
Stranger: They didn't get any of them per-se "right."
You: huh
Stranger: Xmas? Get up at 5 AM and eat a pack of Twinkies. "We're going to work."
Stranger: New year's? Get up at 5 AM and eat nothing. "We're going to work"
Stranger: They also told me to not get good grades, because "Americans don't"
You: huh that's unexpected to me...
Stranger: I got all A+s on the report cards, and even skipped a lot of grades after moving to Denver.
You: mhm good for you!
Stranger: They also didn't want me to speak Korean outside of the house because "in America you speak only English."
You: I'm trying to imagine things through their eyes
Stranger: What are you effectively seeing?
You: uhh very poor, desperate, scared
Stranger: That about summed them up.
You: yeah.
Stranger: Even now, they refuse help from me.
You: mhm... that sounds kinda vaguely asian
You: are they still in the us?
Stranger: Yes.
Stranger: Still living in Denver, too.
You: what did they do in denver?
Stranger: My mother is a cashier at a Wal-Mart, and my father is a gun salesman, since he became a citizen in 2012.
You: mhm
Stranger: They did let me pay off their mortgage in 2011, though.
You: oh that's good
You: I can imagine your parents being very proud of you
You: are you an only child or with siblings?
Stranger: I'm an only child.
Stranger: I doubt they could ever afford a second.
You: right
Stranger: Hell, they were still paying down the bill from my birth until I was 10.
You: yeah asian-american poverty is just something I'm so removed from it's just I don't even know what to say
Stranger: That was back when Koreans were below Hispanics on the social ladder
You: right... I didn't realize detroit or denver had any kind of korean population
Stranger: Not really, they just ended up in those places because there were jobs.
You: mhm
You: so you went through school in denver, graduated, did college, and then moved to korea?
Stranger: I went through high school in Denver, graduated, college fast-tracked from age 14, medical school from 16-22. Then got the hell out of the US.
You: oh my goodness that's incredible
Stranger: I started high school at age 8 due to the district insisting on testing me.
You: yeah um I didn't even realize that kind of thing was possible
Stranger: It is, and its just not common
Stranger: I learned a lot from the books my parents had around the apartment.
You: yeah
Stranger: Since all that they had were my father's textbooks from college and a few legal help books.
Stranger: And operating manuals, and legal documentation.
You: mhm it just sounds like such a whirlwind of stuff to go through
You: anyhow what brings you to the politics tag?
Stranger: I like politics, always have.
You: on omegle? haha ^^
Stranger: I like most politics.
You: ^^ I guess I would have imagined that most ordinary ppl who like politics would be on reddit I guess or something
You: unless they have something strange going for them lol
Stranger: I have nothing going for me politics-wise.
You: hm, but other things?
You: sorry if I'm prying
Stranger: In the medical field, yes.
You: huh?
Stranger: I'm a general practitioner, and a tenured one at that, so I'm among the ~150 important people at the KCDC.
You: oh what I meant is that I'm just surprised someone like you would be on omegle that's all haha ^^
You: since we're pretty trashy here haha
Stranger: Nowhere near as trashy as other people I've encountered
You: mhm maybe
Stranger: Namely the Detroit police department SWAT team
You: >.<
You: so do you have a list of political issues you care about the most?
Stranger: Yeah, mostly not defunding the KCDC.
You: do you get a lot of koreans on omegle?
Stranger: No, I've never encountered another Korean.
You: oh okay
You: yeah I don't think I've ever run into anyone from east asia
You: many from india though
Stranger: In case you're wondering, the KCDC is basically Korea's healthcare provider, and disease/drug regulator.
You: yeah I googled it
You: I thought korea did very well with coronavirus testing
Stranger: We did.
You: why are they trying to defund you?
Stranger: Because they want to stop covering things that many Koreans rely on, such as vision coverage (I benefit from it), as well as coverage of OTC drugs in hospitals.
You: hmm how is there not popular backlash?
You: I thought there was a general political adage that it's easy to give benefits, but hard to repeal them
Stranger: They've kept it under wraps by putting funding changes in fine print.
You: funding charges as in...?
Stranger: Funneling the money into reserves.
You: oh okay, it might be a bit over my head ^^
Stranger: Basically, the KCDC is funded in USD, so we can buy equipment without exchange rate issues, and they view the USD as a finite recourse. Its not, since saving it depreciates the value for us long-term.
You: huuh I didn't know that at all
Stranger: Meanwhile, I have to fight with a government-paid vision provider to get my new glasses.
You: btw why did your parents dislike korea so much?
Stranger: Korea was different in the 70s and 80s. The leaders were totalitarians mostly installed by the US. The economy was garbage, and it was impossible to get a stable job outside of manufacturing or the armed forces.
You: ah okay, thanks for the summary
Stranger: They were middle class in Korea, too. And they left that all for the US.
You: yeah... I didn't realize the exchange rate was so steep back then too
Stranger: Most of the reason they were poor in the US was because of their limited English.
You: Ah okay
You: What kind of conversations do you normally get into here on omegle?
Stranger: Usually something that ends with "the US owns Korea."
You: what?
Stranger: The Republicans in the US have this twisted idea that America owns Korea.
You: huh
You: and you enjoy talking to people like that?
Stranger: No, but I like trying to talk sense into them.
You: ^^;; it sounds like quite an argument
Stranger: And its hilarious to me.
You: ah yeah, I guess people do like the amusement
Stranger: I have spat out coffee laughing at their stupidity.
You: I think people come from very different places ^^
Stranger: To some of them its a foreign concept that people can make more money in countries other than the US.
You: I think it depends in part on people's skill sets
Stranger: They also don't understand how foreign currency works, since, sometimes if they ask about my pay, I give it to them in KRW.
You: lol
Stranger: They think I'm lying because the number in KRW exceeds 350 billion
Stranger: KRW is counted in a strange manner.
You: hm? how so?
Stranger: 1,000 KRW= 1 USD (one cheap meal). 100 KRW= 10 cents (which is the same cost as a burger here), 10 KRW= 1 cent (half a bottle of cola).
Stranger: You have to know it to recognize it on site.
You: huh...
Stranger: We make western money but don't pay western prices.
You: I'm just slightly confused basically
Stranger: McDonald's is expensive here, with a meal being $8.
Stranger: McDonald's is expensive here, with a meal being $8.
Stranger: The only things that really cost western prices are, well... western things.
You: mhm right
You: I feel like cost-of-living in different places is always a little hard for me to grasp
Stranger: I find it amazing that Coke is considered the cheap beverage here and in the US
You: I have a suspicion that in many circumstances people are just buying the bottle
Stranger: Still, I have always viewed it as expensive.
You: I mean if you look at the price of a 2L bottle versus a small bottle?
Stranger: Yes, but, still, too pricey when I was young.
You: the drink itself must be inexpensive to manufacture
You: but the retail price is elevated substantially
Stranger: My parents always viewed it as "why spend a buck on a 2L when Faygo is 75 cents, we can barely afford it as is"
Stranger: Which ingrained it as being a luxury product in my mind
You: lol
You: idk it's cheaper than milk, juice... so many things
You: I feel like it must be bad for public health
Stranger: Faygo is and always has been cheaper
Stranger: Probably because of competition
You: oh we don't have them here
Stranger: Faygo is highly regionalized to Detroit.
You: not distributed in my area
Stranger: In fairness, it helps the cost when its bottled a few blocks from the grocer.
You: I guess that's true
You: but there are always discount soft drink brands too
You: although I was never pressed enough at cash to really look very hard at the difference between a dollar or like 90 cents...
Stranger: My parents had to look carefully at those prices
You: yeah
Stranger: What would be 45 minutes in the grocer for a person who can grab-and-go items would be 1-2 hours for us.
You: mhm
Stranger: Which is why I buy the same three things at the grocer, so I don't need to price compare
You: mhm I feel spoiled because I don't really do much coupon shopping
Stranger: For what its worth, they did get the one symbol of wealth that Korean-Americans viewed as a symbol of wealth at the time.
You: which was?
Stranger: Color television set.
You: oh
You: I think you are around a decade older than me so it's hard for me to compare and contrast
Stranger: I'm 35.
You: yup
Stranger: So, I have faint memories of the 1980s.
You: I was born int he 90's
Stranger: The 90s were a good time.
You: I have faint memories of the 90's lol ^^
Stranger: That was when we got a computer
You: sounds about right
Stranger: My uncle imported KDS systems to the US, so we got that for free.
You: huh
Stranger: KDS became Emachines, a company you might have heard of
You: nope!
Stranger: Your household probably didn't have to buy whatever the cheapest system at Wal-Mart was.
You: uhh I think our first computer was some form of macintosh
Stranger: Which are systems for the wealthy next to Korean imports.
You: yeah it's really interesting to look back at this stuff
Stranger: I sometimes wish I could go back in time, but then I realize that'd effectively be starting from scratch.
You: uh yeah, that doesn't sound very fun
Stranger: There's no real reason to look back on the past for me.
You: yeah I don't really look back this far normally either
You: do you still speak much english in everyday life btw?
Stranger: Yes, on a daily basis. To the point where I still sound American when I speak it.
You: Oh I didn't know that
Stranger: I have no issues with speaking either language, luckily.
You: mhm that really helps
You: how is your social life?
Stranger: Basically zero friends in Korea.
You: aww...
You: is there like a barrier?
You: being foreign or something?
Stranger: No, since I am not foreign in the eyes of either the Korean government nor the people.
You: ah, so you're just saying it's just you? ^^
Stranger: Yes.
You: introverted?
Stranger: Yes.
You: mhm I wish you the best!
Stranger: My parents weren't too hot on the idea of me ever having friends.
You: oh...
You: you're not around them anymroe!
You: seriously, are you doing okay?
Stranger: I'm doing fine.
You: okay ^^
You: I think it's different to be happy and introverted vs. unhappy and introverted, if you know what I mean
Stranger: Not to mention, after I moved to Denver, it became harder to make friends.
You: hm, why?
Stranger: I was 8 and in high school. Take a guess.
You: ah...
You: yeah that threw me for a loop
You: ordinarily I thought most school systems didn't allow their kids to skip too far for well... I guess social reasons?
You: idk if things changed or how things happen on way or another
Stranger: And being Korean in a majority hispanic school didn't help, either.
You: mhm
Stranger: Since that was basically right after the LA riots, which made Koreans and hispanics hate each other.
You: right...
Stranger: I did get bullied for that.
You: :c
Stranger: Metal lunch trays don't feel too good in the back of the head
You: that's terrible
Stranger: And neither does getting tied to a chair with an extension cord
You: I just can't imagine
You: people just...
Stranger: You'd think they'd show mercy on someone effectively half their age and size.
You: yeah
You: also for some reason I thought of denver as kind of like a progressive white place
You: but idk if that's just more recently
Stranger: That's modern Denver.
You: yeah
Stranger: Back then it was a rougher place.
You: mhm
You: I think you have so much in your past
You: it's a lot
Stranger: A lot of people do.
You: mhm
Stranger: Not everyone can have a pretty story filled with bubblegum and rainbows.
You: yeah...
You: it's just sad
You: or well, so many things that America turns a blind eye too
You: even now
You: a kind of semi-willful ignorance
You: in favor of narratives I guess
Stranger: It would've been nice if I didn't have to carry a revolver everywhere.
You: huh you were licensed to carry as a kid?
Stranger: From when I was 18.
You: mhm
Stranger: My parents made me get licensed out of pure fear.
You: mhm
You: idk if it's your generation, your family's socioeconomic status, location, or all of the above, but your story is just so much more raw and dramatic than those of other asian americans I've heard
Stranger: Probably a mix.
Stranger: My experiences are in-line with your average LA Korean in the early 90s.
You: right
You: I just didn't know the differences could be so stark through one or two generations
Stranger: Well, remember, a riot happened that moved the Koreans up the ladder.
You: yeah
You: or maybe there's a rift between asian americans who were hear longer versus the large influx that came in the 90s
Stranger: Probably that, since not a lot came in the 80s.
You: yeah
Stranger: I remember the first time I visited Korea, it was like a different planet.
You: mhm
You: (not that I have any idea lol XD)
Stranger: My uncle took me to Seoul in 1995, which was when I realized that Korea wasn't what my parents made it out to be (they made it out to effectively be a 3rd world country).
You: mhm
Stranger: I'd say it was that visit that made me want to leave the US
You: you went through a lot
Stranger: I do consider some of it to be a lot.
You: have you ever thought about writing it up?
You: idk assembling it into a narrative of some kind?
Stranger: I have, but I'm not comfortable with it being on paper beyond legal documents.
You: mhm okay yeah
Stranger: For example, in the file cabinet next to me I have every single even slightly legal document from when I was born until I was 30.
You: mhm... I should do a better job of getting my paperwork together
Stranger: Just opening it, there's three folders of medical papers.
You: hospital?
Stranger: No, at home. The folders even include every payment on every medical bill from back then.
You: ah I meant, you were hospitalized often?
Stranger: No. Mostly just payments from my birth, as well as vision.
You: mhm
Stranger: The vision papers are expansive.
You: right
Stranger: Considering that I've needed to wear glasses since I was 2.
You: what??
Stranger: Effectively, my vision is garbage, and has been ever since.
You: so it's getting really late for me, but I wanted to thank you for sharing everything that you did ^^
Stranger: Have a nice night.
You: thank you!
You: best of luck with everything and I hope you're able to make more friends!
Stranger has disconnected.
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sirjustice330-blog · 4 years
Many nations now making airplane
scratched fish scales makes coins of any nation once a sample or samples are placed while white guava mixture with the same makes even notes as well as red guava solution mixed with the former solution while white guava makes even coins as ground-nut brown outer peel, most of boiled 1, makes notes when inserted in milk or inserted in red guava solution and with coin in white guava solution 1 as well as with ripe mango solution dude.
Reasons why people love earthly things and many a family know not is having tetanus virus in ya head bone musles with if treated/removed and vacine employed, u refute being rude and became soft with life as loving being alone in an enclosed space and reduces the likes of earthly things as stated above. We can get many in a limbo yet we know not the above hidden truth explained above, reasons why even most white people infuse the same virus on people when lkids to move the world business a head as if u got that virus it makes u love earthly things more and u relent not as u got the rearing to go spirit in you. U can use break fluid mix with much water to inject into ya system b4 u resort to the vacine to make u hate life and even women as many know not of the above truth but now its handy u got it.
Some1 on me, cause a woman he thinks he can not win, he can win by dismissing my ways as tinting my name/image. Stop dude, too grown up 4 that, educate ya kid, if he cant continue with high school, save that cash u use to take him to school and help him start business early as what u think he can make now we know how to make and he is now a hoot to us as u walk with him that the only thing he misses to make such as in the link above in large life which u u cant afford but must get it from people. Stop anger dude, chorea story ya difu, u stupid braggart, come out we fight, stop acting like a rodent, u silly crazy animal of pretense of helping people yet know nothing. U will be shot like with helicopter story, as we locate such people dude, wanting from some1 as if their manhood belonged to ya, eblotongi, those tricks surface not 4 ya advice, Jinga hii. Innovation is 1 man guitar not a tribe, i don’t see a tribe claiming the same below.
Airplane made in S-sudan and Sudan images in the link below
When u conceptualize the ideas explained in tumblr a/c sirjustice50, u see Uganda and Tanzania capital well ahead out of Kenyan capital as they got no import from Kenya as Kenya out of huge population imports cooking oil, sugar, milk from Uganda as maize floor from Tanzania, the only thing both import is wheat as in the link below which makes even Ethiopia well ahead of Kenya after knowing how to make their own machines as they got huge wheat volume set aside 4 export, the Kenyan 1 just saves the country exports as out of continued population growth, needs import to meet the created deficit
Wheat has less use as compared to maize, as wheat flakes grows 1 bald so fellows desist from the same and resort to corn/maize flakes.
What u say they refute and stand up as u say something out of hand pleasing them not as they want u to do their own shit bro, the kikuyu blooded, still u got things on store which if u be good many people will cling to ya so u dismantle with ya dubious acts. Dude style up bro!!!!
Get a glimpse of Burundi made airplane, bobona, in the below link
Ablogoyi gi lungu nyako ni as in the link below, Kikuyu where are u, fell off drone to down crust, 4 ya information if u did not know, ablogoyo cianda ne motimo chieth no, Minaj and magdalin jaluth, chwado gi rabber band to aweyo kata arido skat tii, to achwado gi oleng mar ywech
Somalia but Sudan made airplane, Comoros, Seychelles and cape Verde in the link below
Tryna give my message to the world the best way i can in the song link below
New machines in the link below as well as Kenyan Made E-tuk tuk
Putin sending folks to stub my eye this time round, gotten unto ya hadi hewa yako yamwisho will i never sit with u in 1 table as its point black am not hooligan now good as his plans stopped as am above ya in thinking and mind, don’t wait 4 dubious ways to be 1st as in the link below
They get into drones get up high and land in foreign lands as the same can be stopped using digital telescope mounted on TV to see the intruder up high not as opposed to the normal 1 u see via ya own eye like with binoculars as in the link below as well in shadow SA movie the white man grabbed on a tie up high a lofty skyscraper building.
When involved in diagnosis u can use the microscope in the link below 4 accurate results
U can employ the above explained technologies on ya border line with every nation to monitor intruders using drones to get to to ya land to commit crimes as the same captured images can be placed on skype 4 the public to see or on a Tv channel station designed for that purpose as with all sectors like ports, police stations, govt offices, state house to be blurred to discourage many from such post who like privacy and comapnies dude.
The kikuyu likes have deviated from the main thing, where are we headed when all the nations have learnt the dubious ways of making chemicals, machines and disinfectants we use daily as u know blocking ya sale of such to them as they know as well, making u only to sell in domestic markets, and allocating some cash to send to like Tz is useless as they are alerting u to stop as with the newly built E-train truck which the electric lines that gives it power can be removed and alternator generator placed on the touching wires to make it still operate and the E-vehicles it has made. Cant tell ya directly, so stop and eat ya money instead of wanting other food, question is where now are u taking ya money, Nairobi and get it dude Nairobi or Kenya can never be more than any large wheat growing nation or sugar producing nation as when all have learnt the explained above as u got less production of the above u will import from them lest u control birth in 10 years to reduce population to meet the same and even a nation like Cameroon, Nigeria or Congo that has much food crops u will never compete with in ya mind we got E-fuel free drone to ship the same as artificial of wheat, sugar or the food crops named above destroys the teeth and that the reason many will opt 4 such. With maize u can do as the artificial mixed with real 1 denatures the teeth not but, people having the removing from the cob maize machine and milling will buying still on the firm as same left to dry to be finished in buying- the only loop hole remaining 4 the dubious people if some few people in the economy cant afford the above out of long distances from production site or lack of sufficient cash to buy the same.
Wanting their kids to stay with people early when still kids while another taught his kids and was disabled not as them sane even wanting to break war with those they want favor with whose grave they have exhumed and eaten. Do the same when ya kid finish junior high school or just high school not straight from birth as we still have the wife to the deceased above they claim the shit above as the mother child DNA to solve the dispute yet dilly dally as wants to burn the mother or kidnap 4 good 4 the truth to end to be saying the above endlessly no-matter what as planned if other nations did not know how to make gadgets same as them to sub-due them.
Don’t say am Moses as in the bible the jew never got it as i have said me aint Moses and u got it, that u got had back, that u could do when Russia alone was controlling the world as previous not now even them are in fear. Russia was using trick as their land big and of plenty but in reproach to make them get their to investigate and resort to the way of reproach to remove the old thinking that is only poor people not relaxed in life as with them also they claim they are reach yet in reproach though poor as they want not their corpse eating way not be known as now is known so tries to align it with good thing as if u eat such u became innovative to avoid shame but alas dude, all overtaken by time bro and that’s it homey. Still tuned to white man as superior that u, burst in anger if 1 talks of them bad that u r with them yet oblivious of their character and defeat as m,any nations have learnt their dubious ways, then u r pretenders u wanna form alliance and take their lands u of little understanding dude. Going to like SA or Russia but in pretense, Kikuyu stop me, u will be finished bro!!!!
If we know how to make internet we kill him as well as with Pay-tv or Passenger airplane, google per country how many nations have made the same b4 them, so we be jew as he can tell many nation to flop our deal yet unknowingly on pintrest or Instagram a/c he finds still logged in not his but 4 others he knows not had sent the same 1st hand to every nation news tv station, just a matter of time b4 they launch the same is when like 2 months after the above send to Kenyan tribes as his defeat method. Dude if u don’t get this stop dude!!!! What machine again u wanna make that can sell like hot cake to repeat the pattern below we know? Ha ha ha ha dude, high speed gear box from china as in the link below, cheap cheap cheap dude
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