chicoterra · 2 months
OAB-AM Suspende imediatamente inscrição de Advogado Condenado por Crimes de Estupro
A Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil – Seccional Amazonas (OAB-AM) anuncia a suspensão imediata da inscrição do advogado Luiz Felipe da Luz de Queiroz, condenado a 48 anos de prisão por crimes de estupro contra sua sobrinha de 8 anos. A decisão foi efetuada sob a liderança do presidente da OAB-AM, Jean Cleuter Mendonça, após a condenação ter sido confirmada pela 1ª Vara de Crimes Contra a Dignidade…
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oajuricabaamazonas · 11 months
OAB-AM destaca a importância de aprimoramentos na reforma tributária em relação às sociedades profissionais
Nota técnica elaborada pela OAB-AM recomenda ajustes na PEC 45/2019 para garantir a segurança jurídica e a efetividade da reforma tributária Nesta segunda-feira, dia 10 de julho, a Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil Seccional Amazonas (OAB-AM), por meio da Comissão de Direito Tributário, publicou uma nota técnica que ressalta a necessidade de aprimoramentos na reforma tributária, especialmente em…
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xceanlynx · 2 years
I've seen the 1899 plagiarism accusations on Twitter and thankfully being a brazilian lawyer has helped me understand the claims better... Twitter can be too rageful and reddit too cynical.
While the imagery is very similar (pyramid, close up on triangle pupils), I cannot say that these symbols are rare in science fiction. Honestly, I could find a black pyramid on History Channel right now.
The plots seem to be very different. The comic is sci fi from the front, is about exploring a new planet, and does not touch much on the "reality" aspect the same way that 1899 does. The only things that could be claimed are common sci fi/mistery tropes (people dying, people going insane and others). It could get similar depending on how season 2 would expand the backstory, but I doubt they'd do similar plot bits after this scandal.
In truth, the comic author can try to sue, but I don't think it'll be fruitful. Plagiarism cases are very difficult to prove and brazilian law does not have much set in stone either (at least from what I've studied as a lawyer), especially in a case that involves people from different countries. If I base my opinion only around brazilian law, best case scenario would be winning in court, getting credited and being compensated financially (alongside a nice fraction of the money the series make). Worst case scenario would be losing in court and getting to pay fees or more. The more realistic scenario, imo: nothing judicial happening. Definitely a note from Netflix. Maybe a settlement. Something like "inspired by so and so", and a small cut of the money *if* they're lucky.
That said, it pains me that some few people are trying to flip this story and are being rude/xenophobic to the comic author. I do not claim to know their ulterior motives for the accusation (or even if there are ulterior motives to begin with), but it could be shocking to see such similar designs of a unknown brazilian comic novel in a Netflix production.
Alas, I just hope that we get a season 2 at this point. The stories are not the same plotwise and it's not a case of just choosing to keep up through the comic. It would be a shame to not keep the series because of marketing desicions.
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sunshinechay · 6 months
You know I’m very rarely the “this character has never done anything wrong ever uwu” person because narratively speaking every character fucks up at some point in the story but come on.
Every single character in this show is upset at the guy with abandonment issues, which they are all aware of to different extents, got angry that one of his best friends left the business they started together in a really shitty way and then isn’t forgive him immediately and gets upset when people try to force him to forgive him.
Shin deserves to be allowed to be angry with Guy, to not forgive him and to be upset when others try to act like his feelings don’t matter.
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mine-curse · 2 years
The answer is that i still cannot deal with it. I am sorry everyone
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shikiswife · 1 year
I am nauseous for several days and vomited twice when I didn't deviate from my diet?
COULD be that I made the med switch too drastic last week.
OR this is now an excuse to finally buy a fucking CO detector
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amazoniaonline · 1 year
Hapvida comete crime contra Pessoas com Deficiência no Amazonas, dispara Joana Darc
A Hapvida também foi acusada de mau atendimento à pacientes com Deficiência Física e com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA). #HAPVIDA #Amazonas #OAB-AM #OAB
Os relatos desesperados de mães de Pessoas com Deficiência, que são clientes da Operadora de Saúde Hapvida, foram ouvidos com atenção pela deputada estadual Joana Darc (União Brasil), durante Audiência Pública realizada na noite desta segunda-feira (9), na sede da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil- Seccional Amazonas (OAB-AM), localizada na Av. Jornalista Umberto Calderaro Filho. Segundo Roseane…
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respectthepetty · 7 months
The lust of my life is back on my screen in Bake Me Please, and he is a Blue Boy!
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I am deeply in lust with Guide, and this time around he is playing Peach, a baker.
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He loves his grandmother (NOTHING BETTER HAPPEN TO HER!)
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And he even has the color-coded phone.
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In fact, there is a lot of blue (and white) in this show, and it's coming from Oab's family. Note: The guy playing Atom will be the lead in 7 Days Before Valentine which also airs this week.
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Then we have the baker boys, Guy and Shin. Guy makes the pies, and Shin bakes the cakes.
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Shin is definitely an introverted Black Brooder with a tragic past and a color-coded phone. He is also allergic to nuts.
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Peach will be the light to his dark.
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Regardless if he wants it or not.
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Guy already likes Peach.
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But I'm gonna go out on a limb and claim Oab likes Guy.
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And has liked his best friend for awhile, which is the only reason he opened a shop called Temptation with the land he inherited from his mother.
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Make my second couple dreams come true!
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You've only got six episode.
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And I'll be here for every single one of 'em!
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bunnakit · 5 months
bake me please finale thoughts, feelings, etc.
normally i only break down whole eps for last twilight but this finale sure is. a finale. definitely is one of those.
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this shit with the social media feels very dramatic for some cakes. like??? listen, i work in social media for a small company, this year we had something VERY major fuck up one of our shipments, but even with that huge fuck up no one responded even close to this lmao. this is ridiculous and overly dramatic - which like, i know the show has been, but this just felt dumb.
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well that's not true, you just had a whole fit last episode about how Sweetheart managed to rip off your recipe, so like... someone is definitely making that cake, bud. i don't get his obsession with the torta caprese, you are not the only one capable of making it. make a fucking croquembouche and then i'll be impressed.
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and once again Peach saves the fucking day. how did any of you live without him? like honestly, the amount of physical and emotional labor Peach takes on is INSANE. why is he the most well adjusted person in a group of 5 adult men? i'm begging you all to pass the singular brain cell you share around.
not that Peach is perfect, because he then lies to Guy, says he has the flu, and expects Guy not to show up and try to take care of him? buddy Guy is besotted with you, he cried because you were crying, of course he's going to try and come take care of you.
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so here's something i liked about this conversation - that there was a conversation. Guy found out Peach lied, Peach apologized, and they talked it through. not all of Guy's responses were perfect but he listened and he didn't shout or lash out. he took time to hear Peach and understand what was going on.
and instead of shouting, he tells Peach to go.
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so there's absolutely a parallel here to draw between Shin telling Guy not to come back and Guy telling Peach not to come back - just like Shin, Guy is hurting. he doesn't want Peach to go, doesn't want to say goodbye, but he knows that's what Peach wants and he's willing to let him go. the difference comes in that this is very likely also the perfect opportunity for Guy to seek some distance. he's recently been rejected by Peach and knows there's no place for his feelings with Peach, so it would be better for them both if they can have that space.
he communicates it in a way that's better than Shin, without the shouting and the hurt and the insult, just a quiet resignation. and you see Peach isn't that upset, not even half as upset as Guy was when Shin said the very same thing to him - because Sweetheart isn't where Peach wants to be and both he and Guy know that.
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WELL THIS WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE INFORMATION TO HAVE IN EPISODE 1. so Shin, Oab, and Guy started Temptation together and were all shareholders, which is both pretty impressive and makes Guy leaving all the more tragic. i can get why Shin was so hurt, but Guy's hurt is amplified as well because he went into a business with his friends and was sidelined, essentially.
i am so glad to see him come home, though. what Guy shows us is sometimes you need space and time to gather your thoughts, feelings, and gain perspective on what matters most to you. after everything Guy still came back because this place and these people are his home.
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"My ego is not as important as this shop and all our efforts."
wow what a mature thing to say, amazing. what a concept. Why the fuck wasn't Guy our main.
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okay, I know I'm on my Guy soapbox, I'll get off it soon, but just - Guy being the one to take Peach back to Shin? what the FUCK. it hurts. it hurts so bad. he literally takes Peach by the hand and leads him back to Shin so they can reconcile. from his earlier talk with Shin he knows he feels bad, he knows he misses Peach, and from Peach's rejection he knows Peach misses Shin. he puts all of his own love and feelings aside to bring them back together. i know he did some shady and petty shit but he really is the Guy (lol) of all time.
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the fact that Shin apologizes better to Guy than to Peach drives me up a wall. Shin talks to Peach about not being firm enough and being impatient or whatever and it's like CAN YOU JUST SAY YOU'RE SORRY? i'm begging you to apologize for not listening, for calling his dream stupid, etc. NOT FOR NOT BEING FIRM ENOUGH WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?
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their reconciliation just felt so weird, like Shin never apologizes for FUCKING CALLING PEACH'S DREAM STUPID like??? hello? i would not be able to move past that, myself. dreams are all we have in this shitty difficult world and then you're gonna insult someone's dream? get fucked.
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okay i'll admit i did REALLY like the parallels of these two scenes, this was very sweet and well done. and that sassy look between Guy and Oab - i'll be a GuyPeach bitch until i die but it was very cute and very suggestive.
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i am not buying this for an instant though, from Guy or Oab. i think they both loved Peach and Shin very much, but saying this might make moving on easier for them both. i don't know what world Guy lives in but crying because Peach is crying? that's not something you do for a simple crush. rushing to his house because you heard he was sick? not crush behavior. but whatever makes it easier to move on babes.
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having the family reunited after all of this feels so fucking good, though. i'm going to talk about this a lot more later but they're my comfort idiots, your honor.
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alright since this is basically the end i'm just going to talk about the things i liked and didn't like about this show and the ending. i haven't read anyone else's posts because i really didn't want to be influenced and i'm glad i sat with my thoughts for a bit.
what i really enjoyed about Bake Me Please is the warmth of it all and the aesthetics. there are so many beautiful shots in this show it's almost like a work of art. they do so much with light, framing, the food, etc. it really is a delight to watch. the plot was fine, a little rushed at times but that's to be expected with 6 episodes, it wasn't anything special and it wasn't terrible - it just was. i think @mikuni14 really said it the best that one of the most charming things about Bake Me Please is that each character feels like a real person you could come across in your day to day life and this is both for better or for worse, because sometimes people are so frustrating. they don't feel like characters or caricatures but actual fleshed out people and i love that, because i would sometimes forget i was watching a show.
another thing i loved from BMP is Atom and Oab's relationship. it's so easy for shows to make brothers rivals, to pit them against each other, but Atom and Oab have so much love and support for each other and it was so refreshing to see. Atom doesn't want to work at a bakery but he does it for Oab because he loves him and wants to help him - and Oab knows he doesn't want to work there and is doing it in part because of their mother and promises to help and support Atom when he does find his dream. i could watch an entire show just about the two of them, i really fell in love with their love for each other.
i also very much appreciated the reunion and the way they all came back together as a family. they're a collection of broken pieces and i suppose Peach has become to glue to hold them together (though i wish he didn't have to be.) the atmosphere of the bakery is completely changed, there's palpable joy in the environment, and hopefully they can continue this feeling.
now what didn't i like? Shin and Peach's entire relationship feels like such an emotional weight thrust onto Peach's shoulders. at every turn it's up to Peach to draw Shin out of his shell, to mend missteps, to learn how to navigate around Shin, and it feels like Peach dancing with a brick wall rather than the two of them waltzing together. i didn't really find them getting together all that satisfying, especially not once they'd slept with each other. i will say, all of this did put an spotlight on how important communication is in relationships, so for nothing else i suppose there is that.
i guess it's not just Peach either, though. the emotional weight of Shin and his attitude and hang ups is really put on everyone else and very, very, VERY fucking rarely does Shin ever take any PROPER responsibility for that. he says a few sorries, not as many as he should imo, and everyone just moves on.
this isn't just me shitting on Shin, though. i really didn't like the constant referring to Shin as heartless. like, fuck, those are your friends!! the people you went into business with!! ouch!! so i can get why he was a dick sometimes but you cannot go through your whole ass adult life acting like that to everyone. and we do see he has a few wake up calls, especially when encountering Oab's mom.
which brings me to my next gripe - i hope that woman explodes. they showed us quite a bit of her and her shitty attitude and all of that led nowhere. i'm not saying i needed some great sob story of her realizing all the pressure she was putting on her kids, etc. i just wish we'd seen.. more, i guess. even if it wasn't resolved or there was no happy ending. generational trauma is such a hot topic these days and Asian families arguably suffer from it more than others. it would have been nice to see some of that explored and seen Oab be less of a doormat - or at least take steps in that direction.
i also wish we'd seen more development between Guy and Oab rather than just these little crumbs at the end. i can't help but feel like they were two consolation prizes just coming together because why not? and it's like, i don't know, i'd rather see something form slowly over time and maybe before the finale - like simultaneous with them dealing with their feelings for Shin and Peach maybe they also struggle with some burgeoning feelings for each other. i think that's the only reason i can't get into them too much, there's just nothing there for me to really latch onto emotionally.
finally, i'm disappointed Peach's dream is never addressed. sure, they sell his grandma's cakes in the shop now - but those are the cakes that inspired SHIN. everything is once again about SHIN. how is Shin supporting Peach? what is Peach's current trajectory towards his dream? it's giving woman with high aspirations gets married and becomes a house wife while her husband gets all the glory. yuckers.
sometimes the show also just kind of felt like one big excuse to make their music videos. the videos are good! i listened to Poom's on repeat today, but idk. i just wonder why this show was made. what message were they trying to convey? i get not all media has to be this big, deep thing but i just really feel like i missed the why here. maybe it was just to enjoy the aesthetics, the music, and have something short and low key? and if that's the case it did really nail it!
all in all, i'm not upset i watched it, Chef Guy will always have an incredibly special place in my blorbo heart, and i would recommend it for anyone who might want a short, casual palatte cleanser show between heavier shows (i know it has been a great break in my week between all the heavy shows airing right now)
i think we can all agree Poom was the best thing to come out of this show and it was a great way to showcase his exceptional acting skills and put him on our radar. i cannot wait to see more of him in the future.
i hope you guys have enjoyed the gifsets and my rambling, i'm smooching you all, and have a happy holidays!
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meta tag loves: @callipigio
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Genuine question for Ludwig (And Topper): do you have any struggles, dealing with bladder issues while also taking a performance class? I mean, I assume that it can be difficult to manage during a concert.
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Ludwig: "I actually haven't had any problems in all my years in choir! Everybody there knows about my incontinence, so I don't ever feel like I have to hide it. I can ask for help or get pads or whatever without issue! They get it. In normal class, I'm free to just get up and go to the restroom—No questions asked—Whenever I need to. And although I obviously can't do that during a concert, those things aren't ever very long. I just make sure to go before they start, and I'm fine. Very interesting question, by the way!!"
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Topper: "Shit... Fuck... What am I going to do???" *Panicking* "How do I... What if... Oh god... Joining choir was a horrible idea!! This is all going to blow up in my face!!! Fuck fuck fuck..."
Ludwig: "Oh yeah- Topper doesn't know this, but before he joined, while I was telling everyone about him, I did happen to mention his "issues." Not in detail, of course... That'll be fun when he discovers his OAB privileges!!" :D
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chicoterra · 2 years
NOTA DE REPÚDIO E SOLIDARIEDADE: Aos povos indígenas da etnia Kanamari, do Vale do Javari
NOTA DE REPÚDIO E SOLIDARIEDADE: Aos povos indígenas da etnia Kanamari, do Vale do Javari
A Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil – Seccional Amazonas, por meio da Comissão de Amparo e Defesa dos Direitos dos Povos Indígenas e da Comissão da Mulher Advogada, manifesta solidariedade aos povos indígenas da etnia Kanamari, do Vale do Javari, vítimas das recorrentes ameaças em razão da pesca e caça ilegal na região. No último dia 9 de novembro, uma indígena fora ameaçada de morte por três…
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heretherebedork · 6 months
Bake Me Please really said Shin is gonna be controlling, Peach is gonna lie, Oab is gonna be a Nice Guy and Guy gets to be a bitch as a little treat.
... Only Atom has done no wrong.
(But, seriously, Guy so upset that Shin declared their friendship over when he left isn't exactly meshing with Guy smirking about convincing Peach to lie to him. And Shin trying to draw boundaries on who Peach could be friends with as well as ignoring him talking about his dreams and insulting them? Just the icks all around for almost everybody. Peach is lower on my ick but the lying is still a bad look.)
Am I supposed to like anyone here?
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 6 months
shin: and oab would kill you so i am keeping you save here
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diaperedemt · 1 year
It’s taken me a long time to finally post something. So here goes. A little background about me. I am a 42 year old male who is happily married, father to a teenage daughter, and has a great career as a EMS provider. I wouldn’t classify myself not so much as a little but more of a diaper lover as I’ve been in an out of diapers since I was 14, either by choice or for medical reasons.
When I was 14 I randomly started setting the bed and would take baby diapers and pull-ups from my younger siblings to prevent cleanup and hide if from my parents. That was until my siblings all grew out of diapers. I was classified as lazy and disgusting once I was caught wetting the bed. I was sent to numerous doctors who all said the same. Oh he will grow out of it. The only problem is, I didn’t. My previous wife (my daughter’s mother) had a bed wetting issue. So I introduced her to diapers for sanitary reasons. Initially it was great and we had a lot of fun with it but the glamour wore off and she refused to wear and chastised me for wanting to wear them. Again I was labeled gross and weird.
I never really had daytime issues and was mostly dry at night until about 4 years ago. I was working a 24 hour shift on an ambulance and while asleep I wet the bed. I was horrified. I now had to clean the bed that is shared with 2 other shifts and hide my wet clothes. (I always had a spare uniform with me on shift. You never know what kind of bodily fluids you can get on your clothes during a medical emergency.) My current wife was made aware of my issues early in our relationship and was accepting. We even had diapers at home in case I found the need to wear or have been drinking. After that incident it work the very next night I wet the bed at home. So I started wear diapers again at night. Mattresses aren’t very cheap.
I made an appointment with my primary care and was referred to a urologist. The urologist did all these different tests and couldn’t find out why I was leaking. She ended up prescribing me with an OAB med to try and limit urine production at night. As for work I immediately put in for a position in the office setting and was awarded a 911 dispatch shift at nights.
So for the past year I’ve been diapered at night where ever I sleep. It wasn’t so bad until about 6 months ago when while doing CPR on a patient I completely wet myself in the ER. Everyone was so apologetic but meanwhile I was completely embarrassed. To make matters worse I was brought a pair of paper pants and a pull-up to wear by the ER staff, “Just in case.” When I got home from my shift I went to take my pull-up off and noticed it was quite wet and didn’t recall actually using it. I wrote it off as maybe I forgot and just peed it. So I changed out of my uniform and into regular clothes. While sitting on the couch watching tv my wife came in and told said, “Uh honey, You’re wet.” I reached down and sure enough I was soaked along with the couch. I went to the bathroom to change and was provided a diaper and sweatpants by my wife. I love this woman. She is so accepting of me and wouldn’t know what to do without her.
Anyways. I fought for months to keep from wearing during the day and would have frequent accidents. She wouldn’t say anything but I could tell she was getting frustrated. I didn’t want to wear a diaper all day at 42 years old. Then one night when working I completely wet myself while in dispatch. Being that our dispatch center is recorded I had to break down and tell my director about my accident. She was also very supportive and offered any help she could.
Another call to another urologist ended in a different test. This time a biofeedback was completed and during the test I started leaking at approx 68.2mls. This is way lower than the typical capacity of an adult of 2-400mls. As he couldn’t see any reason why I was still leaking. He thinks it was a birth defect and my bladder has atrophied so much that I’ve outgrown it. During an IV dye test and MRI he also noticed my sphincters don’t operate properly. I was given a diagnosis of Urinary Incontinence secondary to Bladder Atrophy and Intrinsic Sphincter Deficiency.
I am having a hard time accepting this especially with my career as I still work on ambulance from time to time and am a active volunteer firefighter for my community. Just know that each and everyone that I follow helps me accept this a little more. It makes me happy that at least there are people out there who enjoy diapers and help try to normalize something that is so taboo. Thank you each and everyone of you.
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taylortruther · 1 year
Can I ask everybody about the peeing stuff before and during the concert? I have social anxiety so if I get the tickets I will go to the first ever concert in my life, but I'm so anxious in general that I have to pee all the time. What would be your advice?
first of all, good luck on getting tickets, eras would be such an amazing first concert experience eeee!!
i am an anxious peer as well, and what i learned is that you can like... train your bladder. basically whenever you feel like you need to pee (even though you have gone recently), you can use strategies to distract yourself until, over time, you are in the habit of peeing less often or it becomes less triggered.
here are some tips (@thepelvicdancefloor under her highlight called oab/urge ui) that i found really helpful - not just for eras but in my life in general. that doctor explains what can cause an overactive bladder, and strategies to distract yourself when you feel the urge to go (like dancing, which will be great during eras! or contracting certain muscles.)
i hope this helps! also, if you avoid alcohol, carbonated drinks, and pee right before her set, you will hopefully be okay. i had a white claw throughout the show and i did have to pee after, but it was fine otherwise.
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thechronicpaingame · 10 months
Dealing with an OAB following a UTI (Mictoryl no longer works, urology referral pending) – I used to study microbiology and would love to know more about how you found out that you have embedded/chronic UTI. Also how treatment is going ☺️
I'm so so sorry this is so late! I don't check here neatly as often as I should.
I did biomed! I'll explain as best I can but honestly my brain isn't what it used to be these days.
I think the simple science of it is that the bladder isn't sterile, despite what's been said before. Some of the bacteria in there can be helpful, neutral, and some, in the case of embedded UTI, causative of symptoms. I know micro says it has to be above I think it's like 10/100K to be a UTI (culture wise, I can't remember the actual units) but it's been shown that bacteria below the standardised threshold can also be problematic to some / causative of symptoms!). Which is a problem when people are having "negative" dipsticks & cultures - because the UTI diagnosing methods are so so so outdated.
The clinic I go to here, in England, they do a fresh urine sample and count the cells immediately. They track this with each visit, but alongside this they have a very structured symptom report as well. So diagnosis and treatment is based on the entire picture.
The belief is that a standard 3-5 day course of antibiotics when you initially have your first UTI / symptoms, actually is absolutely not long enough to effectively treat it. So you can feel better, and then it happens again a month or however long down the line, and think you're getting repeated infections & repeated utis, when actually it's highly likely it is the same initial infection repeatedly rearing up!
I know the doctor who works on embedded infections in the US uses a microgen test to see which bacteria to treat, but the uk clinic (as I mentioned earlier, believe it's not really helpful as you can't truly pinpoint the bacteria which are causing symptoms). So the UK clinic will try broad spectrum to begin with, and as you go on with them they tweak and work out which antibiotic is most effective for you.
Treatment is obviously incredibly harsh, high dose long term antibiotics, but it's much safer resistance wise than lots and lots of short courses. We're also obviously recommended to look after our gut and flora whilst in treatment (thrush being my main side effect personally). I did have a skin reaction to one of the antibiotics we tried. But it really is trial and error.
I will have been with the clinic coming up 2 years next month. Personally I haven't seen a change, but I'm just about to try a new combination of antibiotics and a lot of people I speak to tend to say it was around 2 years they start to see real change / improvement. I guess if you think I got my first UTI at 22 and I'm now 34 - not so quick or simple to treat (I am actually now considered a "hard to treat" patient but I also have several other health issues which make things confusing) but I know there's plenty of patients who do amazingly like straight off the bat.
I was incredibly "lucky" in that my urologist when I was younger knew about this clinic and research and she initially referred me. Me being young and naive didn't stick with the programme and left the NHS clinic (I kick myself every day for that, but I was young and wanted to believe I'd be fine). So now I go to their private clinic as was impossible to get back to the NHS one. But I consider it an investment into myself.
I'm sorry this is so long! I just want to try and make sure I cover as much as I can remember to because I really want people to know this who get diagnosed with IC and OAB that it could possibly be an embedded UTI and that there COULD be treatment to rid it. I know how awful it is to live with, and honestly I've been in some dark places because of my overall health and impact it has on my life. If I'd been told I had IC and treatment didn't work and to just live with it, I'm not sure I would've done. So I really want people to know there could be another option.
If there's anything else please do ask!!! I can likely get more scientific info from my letters (I'm just writing this now from my bed before I sleep!)
Good luck with everything! I hope you find some comfort no matter what happens and which way you go with everything ♥️
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