spirk-trek · 1 month
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KaleidoScope Fanzine | Deeb, 1993-94
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nipuni · 5 months
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Some quick Doctor and Master sketches I had to get out of my system!!
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scarapanna · 4 months
This animatic has finally been finished!!
The quality took a big hit thanks to kinemaster's gigantic watermark, but at least that annoying thing is gone hsndfdb
Oh well, I guess it adds to the aestetic/silly
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le-abdollen · 4 months
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the three hunters pins came in the mail today!!!
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venompinks · 10 months
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SOMI ✴︎ game plan red ver. scan
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peachphernalia · 4 months
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click for higher quality
can you imagine being This doomed by the narrative . like actually. i think about it so often .
the color balance might be a bit off if you arent on pc :-[ sorry
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fuumiku · 5 months
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Peepaw has a break from work while his daughters have fun. He takes them to a nice field to chill and lets them go feral.
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Flertom: AAAAAAAAH Chilchuck: inner peace… inner peace…….
I think Chil taught his daughters how to make flower crowns. It’s a good exercise for hand dexterity.
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quinttyz · 6 months
artificial demon
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bearlytolerant · 4 days
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especiallyhaytham · 9 months
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" It was a frightening gaze that he had; his eyes were clear as summer rain, yet thrust upon their target with the cold severity of a steel blade. If they betrayed anything of him, it was never affection. "
Jason Isaacs as Haytham Kenway ☩
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petorahs · 1 year
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"that's all, folks!"
–the strongest duo
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ccarrot · 1 year
Asagiri likes to base his characters off of the protagonists of the literary works by the authors they're respectively inspired by. Ex. Fitzgerald shares Gatsby's charisma, wealth, dubious business ventures, and overwhelming desperation to create the ideal life for his loved ones. In Anne of Green Gables, kindhearted orphan protagonist Anne has a combative relationship with her primary love interest Gilbert, and her stubbornness and pride leads her to frequently beating him up and giving him the cold shoulder. This is most likely the source of our kindhearted orphan protagonist, Atsushi's, relationship with his primary love interest, the stubborn and prideful Lucy.
Another aspect of the way Asagiri writes characters is Dazai. He is undoubtedly Asagiri's favoritest boy, so there's a sizable chunk of the cast that is actually constructed to be a foil to Dazai.
Why'd I mention that? It's because That is a precursor to who I actually wanted talk about, FYODOR! Fyodor Dostoevsky was created to be the ULTIMATE foil to Dazai, his very anthesis. The reason being Crime and Punishment.
C&P follows Raskolnikov, a down on his luck and VERY unstable resident of St Petersburg. Fyodor from BSD is definitely based on him.
Raskolnikov has an ubermensch complex. He sees himself as the dealer of divine justice, a servant of God. Sound familiar?
Raskolnikov believes the pain and suffering in his city being caused by the corrupt pawnbroker. Fyodor thinks that all the sin in the world of bsd is caused by ability user. They both draw a false conclusion. Perceiving the evil in the world is rooted in something that's only a small contributing factor.
They both take. DRASTIC action. Raskolnikov commits murder. Fyodor.... starts an international terrorist organization i guess.
Crime and Punishment is divided into two very distinct parts: The crime - the Murder Raskolnikov commits, and the Punishment, everything he has to deal with afterwords.
Raskolnikov is also! suicidal. it's a notable part of C&P. He frequently thinks about ending things, and wants to drown himself in the river, but then ends up disgusted by the notion when he witnesses someone else attempt.
Basically Raskolnikov is suicidal. Yozo from No Longer Human is suicidal. These are the characters that Fyodor and Dazai are based off, and it can't be a coincidence
Important to note that Both Raskolnikov AND Yozo end up living to an old age by the end of their respective novels.
Dazai and Fyodor are REALLY similar, but their differences are very very striking. Dazai likes people, when he dies he wants it to be a suicide that doesn't inconvenience anyone, he doesn't believe he belongs with humanity. Fyodor believes himself as a man on God's mission, we've only ever seen his ability kill ordinary people, AND he wants all ability users to not exist anymore. But, doesn't killing all ability users include himself?
Basically, I have a theory that Fyodor's ultimate goal with the Book is really an elaborate suicide plan. Because Fyodor doesn't have a GOD complex, he has an UBERMENSCH complex, he sees himself not as the ruler of humans but a CHAMPION of humanity. He's using his belief that ability users are the Root of All Evil as grounds to eliminate them all and himself. He thinks he's taking one for the team. Not only does he want to die, he wants to drag the world down WITH him.
But BSD is about people finding a purpose in life, key word: LIFE! Dazai WILL NOT die because he hasn't found what he's looking for. Fyodor's plan WILL fail. After that what's in store? He'll have to face his punishment, right?
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casey-seal0 · 3 months
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decided to draw him today morning✨
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prudentfolly · 4 months
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Oh, Captain.
Prudence spends nearly a year on the first while she waits for Odette to show up. A lot can happen in a year.
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This is a very casual relationship, used for stress relief and companionship. Prudence is very attracted to competence and the fact that Lyna can be a little stern and all business, come on. She does everything in her power to be a nuisance.
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folklore-girl · 3 months
best trope has to be the guy getting everything he wants except. that. one. girl.
and she keeps fucking up his head on purpose.
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fujoshigirl7 · 1 year
Ep 9 really made me see why ppl are interested in plantcest...Their relationship is really so complex
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I love how this is symbolic to their relationship. Vash is the anomaly in his rhythm, he's annoyed with his behaviour yet he does nothing about it and let's him be as he can't bring himself to push Vash away
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And the smile over here.... I'll forever be in confusion as to what it means. Is he reminiscing and hence smiling? Or he is playing just like Vash and he used to play together and is smiling cause ppl will never understand what they both can create when together ? Also love how that shot signifies the distance between knives and humans. He's something unreachable, unapproachable.
(Warning: adorable kicked puppy ahead!)
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Ah his expressions with Vash say so much that he doesn't even need words.
Vash: what are you planning?
Nai: Heh, i thought you'd never ask Vash. Glad to see you're finally getting interested in what I've planned for us. Now let me just get my ppt of 100 slides t-
Nai: Not now lady! I was just going to show him my ppt. Has anyone told you you've terrible timing?!
(lol this conversation was just a joke. Although i do think he becomes very expressive with Vash)
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Oh he's pissed, he's damn pissed. His own brother would never side with him just because some humans manipulated him and he's just so tired of it happening again and again. I'm loving the possessiveness of that statement!
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Another one for the possessiveness 😋. Also the expression! The shock that he'd point a gun at Him, the hurt and then the masking in hysteria it's just beautiful! Even the VA did a great job of portraying the tremble in his voice to transitioning it into laughter but with the underlying tremble still present
Loved this episode!
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