sparring-spirals · 2 years
Fearne tells Delilah "we made a promise, bitch", because she brushed the hair out of Laudna's face and told her she was sorry, and that they'd find a way back for her, and she meant it. Honesty and lies and promises are a little different, to her. (to fey). Fearne lies, often and easy and for fun, but she made a promise, and she meant it. Fearne came into this haunted Whitestone and admired its beauty, complimented the flora. Fearne went "Oh, I see." looking up at the shape of a tree that haunts Laudna's past.
Fearne looked at this immense, majestic tree, trapping Laudna away. Watched it catch ablaze, and did everything in her power to finish burning it to the ground. She made a promise. She's keeping it.
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kurosstuff · 2 years
PLeAse! oh hi.
Everyone ignored this request idk why bUT
Okay, we are one and only maid at Beneviento and we are in love obviously. Somehow an assasin or sorts tried to kill Donna, but we prevented it. And now every lord thinks we are a traitor. Some tragedy, some drama, some torture if you will.
I love this request so much?? I didn't add Salvatore cause idk how to write him- at all so- sorry about that! And I may have forgotten Heisenberg until I reread this- SO um sorry!
Sorry this took so long to write
SO REREADING THE REQUEST I FORGOT YOU SAID MAID- IM SORRY. If you want me to rewrite it tell me
Warning(s): failed assassination(is that a warning idk); torture methods- gore- fluff then angst. Some hints/thoughts of su***de- BUT never actually talked about just hinted!! Slightly detailed leading up to death?. Noose mentioning
Y/N used
Donna Beneviento x Reader: Bad Choices
Every month during a big commission- Donna will stay in her workshop. Working herself dry- until she passes out from hunger or exhaustion. Or both. She'd kick Angie out to make sure there's no distractions. So she can do her work in peace.
That's where you came in
"Donna love" you called out knocking on the door "please come rest" Donna smiled softly putting her almost finished doll down.
Stubborn as she is she can't help but agree- she wouldn't want you to grow concerned for her during this time. Placing the paintbrush down she set the doll on a shelf to dry- grabbing a Towel she whipped her hands before turning towards you. Smiling softly her face full of devotion and love- walking towards you she linked her arm with yours
"I believe a nap would do wonders on my mind my dear" Donna spoke softly- Angie running about in the small distance like a toddler would on a playground- but more wild.
"I can't help but agree"
It took three minutes to get Angie to take a nap- the last one minute ended with a bribe. Bake cookies and watch whatever movie she picks out- can the doll eat? No. Does that stop her? Also no. If Angie could she'd currently be drooling in her bed at the thought of the cookies- even though she can't taste it.
Another three minutes spent taking the time to get ready for the nap. Taking turns brushing the others hair while giggling about whatever was on your minds. That all ended in bed- Donna curled into your side her arm stretched out to wrap you into a warm embrace
"I love you"
"I love you more dear"
A noise woke the dollmaker up. A creaking sound down the hall- the light sleeper she's known for any noise would awaken her. Yawning softly Donna carefully pulled herself away from your arms. Stopping to make sure you didn't wake up.
Angie must have gotten up again.
Standing up Donna stretched her back popped in a satisfying way before grabbing heryour jacket zipping it up she rubbed her face sleepily. Out of habit grabbing her veil to a wear without a thought. Walking out of the bedroom she started down the hall to the kitchen- only place Angie could be at this hour.
Donna stopped before she turned the corner- even mostly asleep she still felt something off about tonight. She turned to look interesting living room in deep thought. A slow chill swept over her as she did. Her eye caught the window still open- the current blowing gently from the wind. Huffing she walked over closing and locking it
"Can't believe we forgot to clo-" she stopped. No one's been in this room since yesterday. Her heart pounded harshly against her chest. Before she could even yell a fist collided into the side of her head- blinking she couldn't do anything but fall- looking up her ears rang- burned in pain. She looked terrified at the man infront of her- standing up wobbly from the shock and hit to the head- Donna blinked her mind racing. Thinking quickly she screamed out loud- bloody murder in hopes to wake you up- her dolls slowly waking up to come to her rescue.
She only hoped you'd be safe
Slamming into Donna the man didn't give her anymore time to think as he pulled his knife out to stab her- almost successfully doing so if you didn't yank him off sending a punch his way. Donna screamed her dolls finally flying off from where they peacefully laid stabbing the man in his legs and back. Blood was spilled only driving him to even more violence- slashing infront of him wildly he caught your stomach gaining mad once you back up holding your stomach bleeding out.
Donna sobbed grabbing her scissors to hopefully to scare him off. He barely budged when the shears dug into his shoulder. "Fucking freak" he barked out rushing forward yanking Donna's by her veil pulling it off. He grimaced disgusted by what he saw. An imperfection. Before he grinned. He saw the look of horror in her face when he saw her- the real her.
"You really are a freak ain't ya? Fucking disgusting" pulling his knife from his side out he whipped it on his bloodied shirt. "Here. I'll be nice. Don't wanna look? Don't have to if your blind" cackling to himself Donna cried begging him to let go. Reaching his hand up he struck down missing by just a kick- his aim landing onto Donna's side causing her to scream wildly. Her anxiety spiking- your vision blurred you sprung forward yelling.
Everything became a mush of blood and yelling. You weren't sure what was happening exactly just aware you were fighting him off still. Everything became woozy from the blood loss before everything became black. You fell with a thud.
The last thing you heard was a scream
Waking up your body was sore. Everything hurt- like you were thrown into something hard. You shivered- it took a moment before everything cleared up. Blinking you looked around confused. A cell. A cold wet cell. You were in a cell. Sitting up you hissed in pain- looking down you took note of the bloodied shirt cut up showing stabbed wounds from the fight with the-
Footsteps came down the hall- clicking of heels. The only one you could think of that owned these types of cells. Lady Dimitrescu. Bending down she entered the cell. One look at her face and you knew.
She was pissed
"W-wait what happened to Donn-" "Don't you dare say her name" your face stung. You looked up at Lady Dimitrescu in confusion before realizing. She slapped you grabbing you by your hair she dragged you out of the cell.
"Ow-" a glare sent your way you thought it would be wise to keep silent.
"How dare you. Use her in such a way. Made her believe-" sucking in her breath. The tall lady yanked you up throwing you into a chair. "You disgust me. She loved you."
"I lov-"
"Don't fucking lie to me. I saw it. The blood all around her. The knife in your hand." Blinking tearfully you recalled the events. The knife in your hand...? Oh god
"No you've got it wrong I- I'd never hurt her-"
"But she is."
Your blood ran cold. "Sh- she is? Will she be ok?" Lady Dimitrescu scuffed in disgust but other wise didn't say anything nor did she give you any comfort by ramming you into anything she could possibly pass in the halls. Each corner burned as the gashes on you opened again- bleeding badly.
The cold wet tiles under you did nothing to help you- the broken glass from whatever used to be there didn't either. Just added to your current injury. As you were being dragged off you thought. Why was she behaving like you did something? Like you hurt Donna? You'd never do such a thing.
Not her.
Never her.
"Mother Miranda wants to see you" Lady Dimitrescu spoke her voice full of disgust. Sending a glare your way to warn you of any speaking out of turn. "If it were up to me if feed you to those annoying pests out there. But unluckily for you Mother Miranda wants to see you for what you did."
A door opened and the next thing you knew you were tossed into the room Mother Miranda stood her back towards you. Dread filled you. Something bad was about to happen and you had no idea what it could be. Lady Dimitrescu stood directly behind you pushing you to kneel aggressively. She waited until your gaze fell to the ground.
"Mother Miranda i have brought the... traitor" she spoke clearing her throat. Her voice boomed unlike the usual calm almost respectful she spoke with venom. Venom laced in her voice because it was spoken about you. To Mother Miranda of all people.
Looking up was a mistake
Finally turned around, Mother Miranda stared into your eyes. Cold eyes stared into yours through her mask. You couldn't exactly make out what she could be feeling given her mask but. You could tell she wasn't happy. She was pissed.
"Y/N." Mother Miranda spoke after a while of just staring silently. "What do you have to say for yourself." It was no question. But a demand. When you didn't speak, Lady Dimitrescu grabbed you - her nails dug into your shoulders harshly. Yanking you forward towards Mother Miranda. You still sat kneeled infront of her
"Are you aware of the accusations placed upon you? By Lady Dimitrescu herself. The proof." That you did it left unsaid, but you were more than aware of what she left out. Mother Miranda clicked her tongue in annoyance. It became silent. No noise, even from behind you. She stepped forward. Her heels clicking as she goes towards you. Stopping in front of you, Mother Miranda leaned down close to your ear
"No one hurts my child and gets away with it. Not when I have anything to say about it." You froze in fear. Pissing the Lord's off is one thing - terrifying in its own right but making Mother Miranda mad? You'd much rather deal with anything else than whatever horrors you'll face.
"Time to make an example of you."
The rare sleep - if you weren't getting hit. Punched. Choked - it was painful. The only relief of it was when you were knocked out during it all. But waking up bloodied and in pain? The worst type of pain
"Come on. Get up" a harsh hit to your bloodied stomach woke you from your sleep. Looking up you looked at Lady Dimitrescu silently too tired to ask- and knowing better then doing so.
"It's time," she smirked her face dark. "How I've waited for this day." Yanking you up without a word, she dragged you down the hall. Only difference was that she was being careful. Too careful- it sent a shiver down your spine at what she could be planning now. Blinking your face hit the floor. Looking up you saw yet again Mother Miranda sitting in a chair this time infront of you.
You stayed silent
"I've been thinking. Long and hard about a fitting punishment for you, " like the treatment you were being given wasn't even a punishment. Humming she mumbled to herself. Standing up Mother Miranda cleared her thoat
Missing what she said, you let yourself be carried away - unsure of what was happening. No one was telling you anything. No one was believing you. The cold stares of disgust in everyone's face made you want to vomit. What happened to Donna? Why did they think it was you.
Everything went black. Everything was muffled. The voices around you talked yet you couldn't figure out what anyone was saying- hands roughly yanking you up causing you to hiss at the pain. Your body hurt. Everything hurt.
"What better yet to make sure this won't happen again then.. to make it public?"
"What?" Donna froze, staring at Alcina- her face paled at what she just said - at the realization. "they didn't do this."
The two of them sat in silence after you left. Mother Miranda moved to sit in her chair again. Rubbing her forehead in exhaustion. "Seeing them brings me great pain from what they've done to my daughter." She spoke "my daughter. She hurt them"
With a buff from her cigarette holder, Lady Dimitrescu looked over. "They deserve what's coming to them. Tricking poor Donna only to betray her.. it's sick" they both agreed silently that it was sick- the thought of gaining trust- making the person fall in love- waiting until their guard was down to attempt murder-? What a sick thought.
Footsteps echoed down the hall rushing towards the door they were in. Mother Miranda stood in attempt to compose herself. A maid rushed in before anyone could ask she hurriedly panted out
"Lady Beneviento is awake!"
Without a word, they rushed out of the room to the one down the hall- opening it there laid Donna covered in bandages- laying their looking more refeshed than when she was brought in practically on deaths doorstep. Looking up she smiled at them
"Donna!" Rushing to her, they started checking her over, ensuring her injuries were better than before - and to their delight they were, they both spoke at the same time unable to keep up Donna let them continue for a couple minutes more glancing at the door every now and again
"My dear sweet daughter-" Mother Miranda spoke reaching over she cradling her face gently to look her in the eye.
"Are you feeling alright?"
"Yes mother"
"Did you get enough rest?"
"Yes mother"
"You can get more- you only slept for about 3 weeks"
"No m- wait." Donna stopped, causing the two to look at her - actually look at her. They noticed how drained she looked while looking refreshed - how she kept looking at the door
"Don't worry. The one who hurt you will not be coming back" Alcina spoke reassuringly. Nodding towards her Donna looked at the door.
"That's not who I'm wondering about.." seeing their confused faces- it cause worry to sink in.
".. where's Y/N?" The room became silent. Mother Miranda hummed at the fleeting thought of what was to come to them. She cleared it up
"We took that traitor in"
Donna looked over, confused - Alcina cleared her throat. "After they failed at killing you, I took them to my celler," she attempted to clear it up.
Silence filled the room. The two lords stared in silence- Mother Miranda stood frozen for another time. Guilt filled them. Terror of what would eventually come. The signs pointed at you being the one who attempted to kill her- Donna.
"What did you do."
But it was wrong
They were wrong.
They just hoped they can make it in time. Before it's too late.
The three of them raced down the hall as fast as they could. Alcina barked out orders for any passing by maids. "GET OUT OF THE WAY OR YOU'LL BE THE NEXT WINE" is a threat no one wants to hear from their lady nonetheless. Everyone hurried out of their way if they didn't Want to be crushed.
Throwing the doors open, the three of them raced down the stairs and to the town - it was a shock to the townspeople to see two Lords running wildly like they were fearful much less their own Goddess. One look at Mother Miranda and everyone decided it'd be best to stay out of this. But the look on her face sent fear into their hearts.
Panting from the run, Donna looked around helplessly, with no sign of you anywhere until she heard cheering. Looking to the left of her down the side between the bakery and some random house stood a crowd. A cheering crowd. A weird feeling crept into Donna's stomach and up her throat - like the feeling of throwing up but not.
She didn't know why she felt that way until she heard what they were saying exactly
The three of them pushed through the crowd, who became quiet upon seeing them. Donna gasped. There, in the middle of the crowd, sat a small stage. One used for plays - entertainment. This was no normal entertainment. It was a sick form of one. A sick, twisted thought of entertainment. A sick punishment.
A public execution.
There you stood. On a chair. Arms tied behind your back. They at least gave you the privacy of covering your face. A noose wrapped around your neck. It dawned on them on what was about to happen
"I ORDER YOU TO STOP," Mother Miranda yelled out. Everything froze like time slowed down. Donna caught sight of the one holding the rope let go.
They were too slow.
With a loud sickening crack, everything became silent. No words were spoken. No one moved. Then the cheering began- they rid the town of the one who dared harm their Lord.
The assassin failed to kill Donna themself. But where they failed- the lords and Mother Miranda helped. They unknowingly helped destroy Donna's will to live. Her spirit from what they've done to the one person who loved her what she was. Who she was.
Donna stood frozen - unsure of what she saw was real. Was it real? The pain in her chest felt real. The wettness on her cheek felt too real to be a nightmare. The realization kicked in- her lip quivered. Falling to her knees in a sob- a broken sob. Her breath hiccuping from her loud sobs- her screams of pain holding herself. Donna pushed into the ground- the words she spoke muffled from her sobs and ground. It was the loudest anyone's ever heard her.
They killed Donna in the worst way- a fate worse then death.
They took away her heart- her will to keep going. Donna lived for you- and now you're gone.
There's nothing anyone can do
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Chispas Does a Meta, Pt. I
and it doesn’t even mention Daario*...I know, right?
Sometimes I live in the country,
Sometimes I live in the town;
Sometimes I get a great notion
To jump into the river … and drown - Lead Belly
(Above quote used for no reason whatsoever)
Chapters in Question
Daenerys X AGOT
I will also be pulling a few quotes from Daenerys IX AGOT & Daenerys I ACOK. For funsies.
Why these chapters? Fire & Blood sacrifices, baby.
Let’s meet our sacrificial lambs
Daenerys X, AGOT
Bound hand and foot, Mirri Maz Duur watched from the dust with disquiet in her black eyes. “It is not enough to kill a horse,” she told Dany. “By itself, the blood is nothing. You do not have the words to make a spell, nor the wisdom to find them. Do you think bloodmagic is a game for children? You call me maegi as if it were a curse, but all it means is wise. You are a child, with a child’s ignorance. Whatever you mean to do, it will not work. Loose me from these bonds and I will help you.”
Get it? Mirri is Lhazareen...who the Dothraki call Lamb men...lamb...sacrificial la— oh never mind.
“I am tired of the maegi’s braying,” Dany told Jhogo. He took his whip to her, and after that the godswife kept silent.
(above quote used and in bold for no reason whatsoever)
They brought forth the King-Beyond-the-Wall with his hands bound by hempen rope and a noose around his neck.
The Ghost of Christmas future is blowing in to remind everyone who only watched the show, or forgot everything that happened in ADWD, that it’s actually Rattleshirt who is sacrificed, glamored to look like our boy Mance...for reasons.
Speaking of reasons…
CHISPAS….Why ARE WE DOING HUMAN SACRIFICE? Isn’t that like...a crime against humanity**?
We can’t only gaslight and gatekeep our way into being girlbosses, okay? Sometimes we need to do a little murder. Still, for those of you who have forgotten what the context is for these two parallel sacrifices, let me bring you up to speed.
Daenerys X, AGOT is the very last chapter of book I. Dany just lost her baby, her warmongering baby daddy, and all of his warriors and riches (all the slaves worth any $$), because of 300 years of incest and some blood magic gone wrong (thanks Jorah). Despite Dany knowing who to blame (see exhibit A), Mirri had to open her mouth and go all sassy pants with her “liberator” (see exhibit B), so when Dany decides to try a little blood magic of her own, it’s the woman who pays (because for a fantasy, this series has quite a bit of unbearable realism).
Exhibit A:
Ser Jorah had killed her son, Dany knew. He had done what he did for love and loyalty, yet he had carried her into a place no living man should go and fed her baby to the darkness. He knew it too; the grey face, the hollow eyes, the limp. - Daenerys IX, AGOT
Exhibit B:
“You knew,” Dany said when they were gone. She ached, inside and out, but her fury gave her strength. “You knew what I was buying, and you knew the price, and yet you let me pay it.”
“It was wrong of them to burn my temple,” the heavy, flat-nosed woman said placidly. “That angered the Great Shepherd.”
“This was no god’s work,” Dany said coldly. If I look back I am lost. “You cheated me. You murdered my child within me.”
“The stallion who mounts the world will burn no cities now. His khalasar shall trample no nations into dust.”
“I spoke for you,” she said, anguished. “I saved you.”
“Saved me?” The Lhazareen woman spat. “Three riders had taken me, not as a man takes a woman but from behind, as a dog takes a bitch. The fourth was in me when you rode past. How then did you save me? I saw my god’s house burn, where I had healed good men beyond counting. My home they burned as well, and in the street I saw piles of heads. I saw the head of a baker who made my bread. I saw the head of a boy I had saved from deadeye fever, only three moons past. I heard children crying as the riders drove them off with their whips. Tell me again what you saved.”
“Your life.” 
Mirri Maz Duur laughed cruelly. “Look to your khal and see what life is worth, when all the rest is gone.”
Goodnight Irene, goodnight Irene, I'll see you in my dreams...Chispas has nothing to say about the above quote. Mirri does a bang-up job of explaining herself.
Where were we now? A yes. The King-beyond-the-Wall of it all.
Approximately one thousand years ago, in A Storm of Swords, when the Wall was under siege by Mance Rayder and his merry horde of wildings, Stannis “epitome of middle child syndrome” Baratheon showed up out of the BLUE to save the Night’s Watch while Jon “most conflicted boi in the North” Snow was supposed to be assassinating Mance. Instead, during the ensuing battle beneath the Wall, Jon guards Mance's tent while his wife, Dalla, gives birth...and dies. Look at Jon:  protecting babies, while Jorah...unwittingly murders them. I digress. This is not a meta about Jon and Jorah. 
After the battle Jon goes through it. He is imprisoned, released, offered Winterfell and a wilding wife, turns that down, and ends up 998th Commander of the Night’s Watch. Can I get a woop woop for Samwell Tarly?
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More importantly for my very important ramblings, during the battle beneath the Wall, Mance is captured by the forces of Stannis Baratheon, along with a bunch of the wildings who weren’t strong enough to escape; a.k.a. the women, children, his baby, elderly, sickly, & injured (this is important later).
Stannis parks his ass at Castle Black and he and Jon Snow set themselves up for a real Chandler/Joey roommate situation in the upcoming A Dance with Dragons.
Gods...that was so much exposition. Can we get back to the murder, already?
Not yet...because I’m tired of typing. On the next episode of Chispas Does a Meta, look forward to “Murder Pyre Assembly for Dummies” & “Dueling Maid-of-Honor Speeches...if your Wedding is actually a Murder, and your guests are literal captives”
*Daario, you blue-bearded rogue - Part II is fourthcoming (as in it will arrive in approximately four years)
**For Planetos legal inquiries, please contact….literally anyone else.
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taylorswiftandx · 2 years
Taylor Swift and Something
'Taylor Swift'
Cold As You: So I start a fight 'cause I need to feel something
Our Song: I look around, turn the radio down, he says, "Baby, is something wrong?"
Our Song: Waited for something to come along that was as good as our song
'Fearless (Taylor's Version)'
Fearless: There's something 'bout the way the street looks when it's just rained
Fearless: It's the first kiss, it's flawless, really something, it's fearless
You Belong With Me: She's going off about something that you said
Forever And Always: I believe it was a Tuesday when I caught you eye and we caught on to something
Forever And Always: Was I out of line, did I say something way too honest?
Change: But there's something in your eyes says we can beat this
Don't You: I've tried, but that's just something I can't do
'Speak Now (Taylor’s Version)'
Sparks Fly: Give me something that'll haunt me when you're not around
Sparks Fly: You touch me once and it's really something
Haunted: Something's made your eyes go cold
Haunted: Something's gone terribly wrong, you're all I wanted
Haunted: Something keeps me holding on to nothing
Haunted: Something's gone terribly wrong, won't finish what you started
Last Kiss: All that I know is I don't know how to be something you miss
Last Kiss: How you kissed me when I was in the middle of saying something
Last Kiss: And something reminds you, you wish you had stayed
Superman: Something in his deep brown eyes has me saying he's not all bad like his reputation
I Can See You: And we kept everything professional but something’s changed, it’s something I, I like
Foolish One: Wishful thoughts forget to mention when something’s really not right
Foolish One: And maybe someday when we’re older this is something we’ll laugh about
Timeless: Down the block there’s an antique shop and something in my head said stop, so I walked in
Timeless: Time stood still like something in this old shop
'Red (Taylor's Version)'
State Of Grace: This is the golden age of something good and right and real
All Too Well: But something 'bout it felt like home somehow
Holy Ground: And for the first time I had something to lose
Everything Has Changed: All I knew this morning when I woke is I know something now, know something now I didn't before
The Moment I Knew: But your close friends always seem to know when there's something really wrong
'1989 (Taylor’s Version)'
Welcome To New York: Everybody here wanted something more
I Know Places: Something happens when everybody finds out
Wonderland: You search the world for something else to make you feel like what we had
Is It Over Now?: You search in every maiden’s bed for something greater, baby
Is It Over Now?: I think about jumping off of very tall somethings
Is It Over Now?: You search in every model’s bed for something greater, baby
Sweeter Than Fiction: You hit the ground running and now you're onto something
End Game: After the storm, something was born on the 4th of July
I Did Something Bad: They say I did something bad, then why's it feel so good?
I Did Something Bad: Oh, they say I did something bad, why's it feel so good, good?
Don't Blame Me: Something happened for the first time in the darkest little paradise
I Forgot That You Existed: But then something happened one magical night
Cornelia Street: We were in the backseat, drunk on something stronger than the drinks in the bar
London Boy: But something happened, I heard him laughing
Afterglow: Put you in jail for something you didn't do
It's Nice To Have A Friend: Something gave you the nerve to touch my hand
The 1: But we were something, don't you think so?
Invisible String: Something wrapped all of my past mistakes in barbed wire
Mad Woman: And you find something to wrap your noose around
Epiphany: Something med school did not cover, someone's daughter, someone's mother
Coney Island: Did I close my first around something delicate, did I shatter you?
You’re On Your Own, Kid: Something different bloomed, writing in my room
You’re On Your Own, Kid: And I saw something they can’t take away
Question...?: We had one thing going on, I swear that it was something
Question...?: But you were on something, it was one drink after another
Sweet Nothing: They said the end is coming, everyone’s up to something
The Great War: It turned into something bigger, somewhere in the haze got a sense I’d been betrayed
You’re Losing Me: And I’m fading thinking, “Do something, babe, say something, lose something, babe, risk something”
You’re Losing Me: Choose something, babe, I got nothing to believe unless you’re choosing me
Other Songs written by Taylor
Beautiful Ghosts: At least you have something, something to cling to
Beautiful Ghosts: With them, I have something, something to cling to
Christmas Must Be Something More: You'd see that today holds something special, something holy, not superficial
Christmas Must Be Something More: It's something we all try to ignore and put a wreath up on your door
Christmas Must Be Something More: So here's something you should know that is for sure, Christmas must be something more
Christmas Must Be Something More: Then I think there is something we all forgot
Christmas Must Be Something More: Is that the day holds something special, something holy, not superficial
Christmases When You Were Mine: Merry Christmas everybody, that'll have to be something I just say this year
Crazier: You showed me something that I couldn't see
Eyes Open: But you've got something they don't, yeah, you've got something they don't
I Don't Wanna Live Forever: Give me something, oh, but you say nothing
I Don't Wanna Live Forever: I gave you something, but you gave me nothing
I Heart ?: They said love was complicated but it's something I just fell into
The Alcott: Writing something about someone who used to be me
The Alcott: I had to do something to break into your golden thinking
Two Is Better Than One: You came into my life and I thought, hey, you know this could be something
Official Alternate Releases
(no something)
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bonny-kookoo · 4 years
Lost Boy (K.TH x Reader) ☁️(💜)🎀
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Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Angst, a bit of fluff ‘n romance, Good Girl AU
Warnings: swearing, a lot of swearing, Traffic Accident, injuries, confused Tae, it’s a mess okay, smol tough girl reader, kind of idiots to lovers lmao, did I mention they swear? Kinda fluffy? Also a sprinkle of comedy, best boy Yeontan, just read it it’s a mess
Summary: He already knew that time wasn’t playing in his favor, every day being a new possibility for you to find someone better than him, making all of his efforts go to waste and his sweet little game end- yet somehow the world just seemed to have given him a wake up slap in the face. Maybe he needed to stop playing. Maybe he needed to face the truth. Even if it would hurt more than he liked. But hey; at least he’s not alone in the waiting room of this goddamn hospital.
This is a spin-off to Good Girl; congrats if you smelled that coming from reading the Taehyung and Jungkook scene in Brave Girl!
Taglist: @ggukkieland @taetaes-aegi
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The fact that he knew so little of you should scare him. It really should, because even though he only knew of your secret obsession with anything soft and cute, and the fact that you wore chokers like it was the most normal thing in the universe, he was whipped. This wasn't just something he felt like he could get over by simply fucking you- no, this felt way worse. This was something more serious than that, and he already saw Jungkook laughing at his face and reaching his hand out for winning his bet with Taehyung that he'd eventually fall for someone. Taehyung had been sure he'd win that bet for sure, very much satisfied with what he had, but eventually you had walzed into his life, in your full small and angry glory.
He'd been annoyed with you at first, really. The way you seemed so fucking grumpy at everything, your sarcasm basically your main language at this point, yet you always looked so disgustingly adorable with your arms crossed and eyes sharp looking at him, as if you could stare him down to ashes if you tried hard enough. He really hated how much he loved the way you never let someone belittle you- how you always had a sassy comeback ready to be thrown out, how you made heads turn just by simply existing in a room. He hated how he found himself looking at you when you weren't paying attention, too worried he might come off creepy if you found him staring. He hated how much you hated him.
Even if he wanted to actually ask you out on a date, all of that had been buried anyways after your last fight. And you were right; he really was just a mean old soul trapped in a young mans body. And that was another thing he despised about you. He hated how you were right.
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Kim Taehyung was fucked. Whatever plans for the future he'd made prior, he'd noticed already that he could surely throw them into the next fire he'd encounter.
Everyone else would've ran over to the hospital mentioned instantly, not caring about anything, but he found himself lowering his phone painfully slow, almost as if he had to take a minute to grasp what just happened. This wasn't real. He closed his eyes and began to count. Typically, this helped him to get himself out of any dream he would find himself trapped in, but when he got to ten, he began to accept that this was actually reality.
Would you even want him there? Maybe you'd just kick him out, considering that your last conversation had been anything but friendly. You weren't friends, you weren't fucking each other, hell, you weren't even enemies or anything alike; you had made that quite clear with him. But why was he suddenly walking to his car keys, ushering Yeontan to stay before he walked outside, calmly driving to you?
He didn't know, but he also didn't think about it. The entire way he grew more and more uneasy, his entire being tensing up the closer he got, as if he had to take his final exams again. But this time he couldn't cheat his way out of things. This time, this wasn't something he could slip his head out of before the noose could be tied. Because for the first time he had to face reality.
How was he supposed to face you? You both have had radio silence for two days straight, he didn't even know why the hell he had been contacted-
It was a good thing he had been parking already, because his eyes suddenly widened comically.
'You've been marked in her phone as an emergency contact, so we thought we should inform you.'
Now why the fuck would you set him as an emergency contact, him of all people?!
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"Yeontan would be happy to meet you. He loves grumpy people." He said, smiling at you teasingly, yet you could still spot how tired he actually was deep down. You furrowed your brows, rolling your eyes at him. It was a gesture never meant to be cute, but he couldn't help but lean his cheek on his hand, looking at you with almost fond eyes.
"I still can't believe that a person like you has such a cute dog." You exclaimed, reaching for the cup of water on the small plastic table. "Such a waste." You said, yelping in an offended matter when he took the cup from you, calmly, yet still without a frown or a pout as you'd expected.
"He could be yours too, you know?" He said, slight smile ever so present as he dipped the plastic straw into the cup, giving it back to you. He knew he wouldn't be able to hold it for you, he had to give you at least some sort of feeling that you were still independent and didn't need his help, even though you did. It surprised him and yourself a little how he seemed to remember that about you.
"That sounds like you're selling me your dog." You mumbled, chuckling a bit at that before taking a sip. Taehyung watched you carefully, making sure you didn't overdo it like the nurse had told you to. He grabbed his chest playfully, and you smiled again.
"Now, I would never do that!" He exclaimed, mirroring your smile before he yawned, stretching a bit to get his muscles to stop cramping up. "I meant, you know-" But you started to inhale, ready to tell him you sadly knew exactly what he wanted, but his face turned a little grim again, seriousness evident in his tone. "No, not like that." He said, rubbing his hands over his face as if that would help him. "Not to screw you, I don't want to fuck you anymore-" He said, and groaned at you and your raised eyebrows, an offended but amused glint in your eyes at seeing him struggle. "God, no, I still really wanne fuck you- wait I don't mean it like that- shit." He said, leaning back a bit too forceful, hearing the plastic chair creak a bit. "Jesus why is this shit so difficult?" He said, letting his head fall back, the mask he'd pulled down covering the underside of his chin, making his face appear less sharp than you usually saw.
"Its fine" You said, putting the cup down, and leaning back against the pillows again. "I know what you mean." You said, thinking about what he had just implied. But was that really a good idea? Getting close to someone had always been dangerous, but giving yourself to a man like Taehyung? That was pure bullshit and plain boring suicide. But maybe you didn't mind that much. His next words however, made the tips of your ears turn pink.
"Why did you put me as an emergency contact?" He said, actually serious. His voice was low, calm, and he didn't look at you, simply to give you a bit of space, to not pressurize you into answering a specific way. This had been bothering him ever since he reached the hospital, ever since he had to get up every morning at eight to be there for you when you got breakfast. Not that he minded though.
You shrugged. "To be honest, I just wanted to see what you would do in a case like this." Your explanation made him pay more attention to you than ever. "I did it when I noticed the busdriver had skipped our scheduled break. I kinda had a feeling something would go wrong when he started yawning like, every thirty seconds." You said, watching the blanket over your legs. Your fingers played with the fabric, simply to give you something to do and to keep you from looking to your side, where you could practically feel the readheads eyes on you like a red laser dot of a sharpshooter, ready to pull the trigger.
"What did you think I would be doing?" He asked, wondering.
Again, you simply shrugged it off. "I wanted to know if you would actually be there." You said. I wanted to know if you cared enough to face something like this with me. That was what you wanted to say, but you refrained from doing so, knowing he would maybe understand what you said. He scratched the back of his head, before he crossed one leg over the other. His eyes widened at your next words. "Thank you." You said, grabbing the cup again to try and cover up the embarrassment in those words. He stood up with a smile, taking the cup away from you, his face painfully close to yours. Yet he only smiled, and he looked so young suddenly that you couldn't help but stare a bit dumbfounded.
A hand ran over your head playfully, before he grabbed his keys. "I'm gonna go shower. I'll be back for dinner. Don't choke on that!" He said tipping his head in the direction of your water cup, and you spoke up before he could go out the door.
"Taehyung!" You said, and he looked at you over his shoulder. "I uhm.. tell the dog I'm gonna get on his nerves for a bit. They're letting me go on friday after 12." You tried to casually imply. "Oh and I like chinese food. But I guess pizza does the job too."
Taehyung took a bit, facial features confused until his entire being realized what you just said. "I- YES! I mean-" He cleared his throat, answering you a bit more serious. "Yeah sure, I'll get shit ready, uh, yes. Yes.!" He said, suddenly walking way faster than he did before. He poked his head in after some seconds, returning, making you tilt your head at him. "I- uh... forgot to say bye. Bye!" He said, practically running out of the hospital, his facemask thankfully hiding how red his face actually was.
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The third trashbag had found its way out of his apartment and next to the garbage bins outside, as he took in a deep breath of air- cold and crisp, waking him up a bit. He'd been cleaning for the entire time after he'd spend a bit of time with you at the hospital during dinner time, practically forcing the plain hospital food down your throat, since you'd refused to eat several times. It wasn't like his apartment was an entire bombing site- he never let any food go bad or leave it laying around. But he had been living alone for so long, never really having visitors over at all, that he'd just stopped caring after a while. Yet for the first time when he came home, he actually saw the chaos of empty plastic containers and old opened mail and newspaper lying around. He saw his apartment for what it had actually become; not a home, but a snailsshell. It had become almost a prison, a pure reminder that he was unable to be alone. But things changed. His windows were open when he returned inside, washing machine in his bathroom buzzing away with his blankets inside, another load of laundry waiting for its turn next to it. Yeontan had been running around excited, interested in his owners change of mind concerning their home- and suddenly Taehyung saw traces of his Shell actually becoming a home. It smelled less stuffy, his laminated floor looking almost unrecognizable to him after he'd vacuumed. Sure, some empty boxes were still sitting in the corner, and the dishes in the kitchen were still waiting to be cleaned, but he'd do that tomorrow.
He knew that maybe he was just caught in that little bit of hope, that tiny string of rope you'd tossed him to grab onto, but he knew it would be worth it. He didn't know why, but at some point, he really did develop honest feelings for you, far away from just plain sexual desire. Sure, you were an absolute treat to look at, and he still honestly thought about what you would look like underneath him- but there were different fantasies now as well. What would it feel like holding you? Would you be okay with him holding you while you both slept next to each other? Did you move much in your sleep? Did you eat breakfast in the mornings, or not? He started to wonder if you'd let him put his hand against yours like in those cheesy movies just to relish in the size difference. He wanted to do these absolute weird things like kiss you when you just woke up even if you had morning breath, he wanted to be confused as shit buying you items for your period, he wanted to take care of you when you were sick even though he hated germs with a passion- he wanted everything, the good and the bad. Was this what falling in love was like? He couldn't tell anymore.
The last time he'd been in love ended in the love being blown out like a match in the wind, burning passion slowly becoming dull and pressurizing. It still was a painful memory to think of, but it had gotten better; he knew they both had made the right decision to end things before they become toxic, starting a new life without the other in different places. Taehyung himself had not tried searching afterwards, content with the attention he got whenever he wanted to; yet always reminding anyone that he wasn't going to turn into a boyfriend- he just craved sexual pleasure, nothing more, nothing less. He never brought anyone home to his place however- his own apartment a sacred place it seemed, yet the real reason had actually been his mess- and the intimacy it would portray for him. He didn't kiss much, always getting straight to the point right away, quiet and fast, as he liked to call it. Those were nights he loved, yet al of this had stopped when your words had reached him.
"You're really fucking lonely, aren't you?"
Well yeah, he was, he couldn't really deny it. But he wanted to change that, and with your help, he maybe would be able to.
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"Taehyung really, I could've carried that!" You whined, and he couldn't help but laugh a little, actually enjoying the way you couldn't stop bantering even with your pink crutches next to you on your hospital bed, dressed in black leggings, fuzzy socks, and a plain oversized black shirt. He simply grinned, giving you your crutches before throwing the last bag over his shoulder, waiting for you to hobble after him. He was being considerate, pressing the elevator buttons for you, and holding doors- making the nurses swoon a bit at his gestures, yet you only rolled your eyes at his over the top gentlemanism. Inside you actually liked it, found it adorable how he was being so utterly desperate, but you rather ate another hospital meal instead of saying that openly.
His old 2004 Santa Fe was a little high for you to just slip in, so he made sure to help you inside the passenger seat, before you turned around quickly, spotting the excited puppy in the back. "Oh my- FUCK are you TINY!" You squealed just as excited, reaching for the puppy in the back, making Taehyung chuckle as he closed your door, getting into the drivers seat himself. "What the hell Kim Taehyung! How can you own a dog like that, this is ridiculous!" You said, face in absolute happiness as you ruffled the dogs fur, making him smile. He simply put his hand on your shoulder, silently asking you to sit properly so he could drive, and your ears turned a bit red at the warmth of his hand on your skin. "Sorry." You mumbled, looking outside the window, watching cars and buildings pass by. You wouldn't say it out loud as usual, but you actually liked Taehyungs car, even though people always told him to get a new one. It was homey, felt comfortable, and with him behind the steering wheel you actually felt quite safe. Even though you could spot a few candy wrappers in the car door, some hair probably belonging to the panting dog in the bag, and the windows werent really squeaky clean, you liked it. Because it felt honest.
"Alright, start thinking about what'cha wanna eat." He said, and you noticed how he set his indicators to the left, where a Burger King sign was brightly shining above the cars parked underneath. Your eyes widened, already searching for your wallet, when he clicked his tongue. "I'm paying, no buts. I'm taking a burger, some fries, and a shake. You?" He said, not looking at you but paying attention to the road, making you swallow as your eyes suddenly decided to lock onto his hands, rings clicking against the material of the steering wheel as he turned to the left, entering the drive thru. Did you ever have these moments where your brain just decided to randomly reboot, forcing you to stare at a spot without being able to look away? Yeah well fuck, it seemed like yours decided the delicate silver band around his pinky finger had been the perfect spot. Taehyung chuckled, flicking your forehead gently before smiling at you.
You shook your head, simply scrambling out what you always ate, and he nodded, repeating it to the microphone next to his car, elbow leaning on his opened window. If he wasn't such an asshole you could totally see him as a perfect guy- he was actually a nice person to have around, he had the looks too, only his attitude had always been a problem for you; him being an absolute manwhore in your eyes was just too much of a wall to overcome. Yet it seemed like he had been trying to take this wall down for you, brick by brick, and as much as you hated to admit it, it seemed to be working. The more time you spent with the actual Kim Taehyung instead of Taehyung the one who flirted with everything that had a pulse, you had less and less to complain about. Even worse, things that had been annoying before suddenly became normal or even kind of cute in your eyes; the best example being his bright boxy smile. It had been something that had made you roll your eyes previously, now you found yourself laughing along a bit, finding it charming if you were honest. This was fucking stupid.
You were falling for Kim Taehyung, the guy you fucking hated. Just great.
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"Did you actually clean up?" You asked, wobbling into his apartment after he'd helped you slip off your shoes, looking at his living room, eyes falling onto the couch. "Damn. Screw those monthly subscription boxes, you're more surprise than I could ever get." You mumbled, and he grinned a bit, crouching down in front of his couch before pulling something out. "A sleeping couch too? Neat." You grinned, as he made quick work of making a bed out of it. You found yourself actually starting to smile in a fond manner as he took so much care into what he did- making sure the pillows were properly placed, pulling the table a bit further away so you'd have enough space, and more. He suddenly looked up before becoming a bit shy.
"I uh.. The couch is bigger than my bed so, I guessed it was better to let you sleep here." He said, putting his hands into the pockets of his pants. "Jungkook slept over once I think. Said it was comfortable so, hopefully he didn't lie." You nodded, thanking him, before he helped you sit down, huffing surprised when you pulled on his arms, making him almost fall ontop of you, face only centimeters away from yours. You looked at him for a bit before placing a kiss onto his cheek- and he felt like he was back in school, receiving the first gesture of kindness from a classmate. He'd fucked six ways till sunday and back, yet he was frozen in shock by that small kiss, and it wasn't even on his lips. His eyes looked at you, confused, and he got even more scrambled up in the head when you ran a hand trough his hair, smiling contently.
"Hm.. You should stop bleaching it. Makes it feel weird after a while, like I'm touching one of those cheap fake fur coats my mom used to have." You mumbled, before tapping his nose. "I'm eating your fries by the way!" You sang, already crawling towards the paper bags hiding the delicious food inside. Taehyung sat down in front of the couch, hands leaning on the fabric of it, head falling ontop of his arms.
"Don't play with me." He mumbled, and you stopped fumbling around with the bag to look at him. "I know I.. "He raised his head, and you could see how serious he looked. "I know I've fucked up big time but Y/n." He said, looking at you with a pained expression. "I've never once toyed with you, never. Don't do this to me. Please." He said, before trying to get up. You moved towards him, throwing your own principles out the window as you grabbed his neck, kissing him. He pulled away after a moment, eyes closed as if he was in pain. "If you don't mean it sto-" He said, before you kissed him again, more urgently, wincing as you sat weirdly on your leg, making him pull you down onto his own, his large hands reaching for the sides of your face, loosing himself in the feeling of your lips against his. This was everything and more to him, a feeling so uplifting he thought he might get dizzy, the faint salt on your tongue left from the few fries you'd already stolen in the car, everything made him feel high. His senses felt like they were sparking pure electricity, his breathing heavy, as he forced himself to calm down. You did too, resting your forehead against his, as he suddenly chuckled. "Please tell me this isn't just because you pity me." He whispered, and you shook your head, grinning.
"Please tell me you won't fuck this up Tae." You said in an equally quiet tone of voice, and he sighed.
"I wont. Please say my name again like that." He pleaded, and you happily complied.
"Taetae." You mumbled, and his voice made a pleased hum inside his throat.
"Again." He asked, his hands wrapping around your back.
"Tae." You answered, chuckling a bit as his grin widened.
"Again." He said with a laugh cutting him almost off.
"I like you Tae." You said. "I really like you." Slowly leaning your head on his shoulder, he pulled you closer.
"I know." He said, chuckling when you playfully hit his chest. "I really like you too."
And for the first time he didn't mind being immature. He didn't mind as long as it was with you.
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"I'm not letting you sleep on the couch with me though."
"Fair enough young lady, I'm gonna go to bed now."
"Goodnight then."
"...Taehyung, can Yeontan sleep on the couch with me though?"
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Taglist: @ggukkieland @taetaes-aegi
177 notes · View notes
softjeon · 4 years
Falling for you | Pt. 2
• Pairing: Jimin x Namjoon • Genre: fluff, nsfw-content | Rating: Mature | Christmas!AU / Curse!AU • Words: 12k | AO3 • Disclaimer: mentioning of blood, accidents, alcohol
written with @cassiavioletblue​
↳  Everyone told him that love was the highest aim, that it was what completes you and made you happy…but he was never lucky like that. It just took a piece of him and left scars on his heart every time. He was done with that. He had given up on love a long time ago so he should stick to it or else not only he would be affected.
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His eyes were narrowed as he watched him with intent.
“You shouldn’t mess with the occult.” He didn’t even ask, before taking a seat right in front of the stranger, teacup still in hand, while he let his fingers drum against the porcelain in a melodic rhythm. Leaning his head aside, a smile pulled at the corner of his lips. “It usually backfires when you’re a mere human.”
Namjoon startled when the stranger sat down at his table, talking before Namjoon even had time to realize that the other was talking to him. He quickly shut the book, placing it cover down on the table so the other couldn’t read the title even though the vague comment suggested that he already knew what kind of book Namjoon was reading.
“Ah, I’m just reading this for fun, of course I don’t believe in it!” His cheeks heated and he felt strangely caught in the act even though he didn’t need to explain himself to some stranger. 
“Sure, you don’t. That’s what all of them say and then they regret calling for a demon.” He leaned a little more over the table, eyeing the man a little more thoroughly. He was tall, handsome, dark hair falling into his face and he wondered what a man like him could want. “Will you tell me yourself or do I need to tickle it out of you?” Yoongi teased the man, taking another sip from his tea. “Maybe I can help with what you’re looking for.” 
“Demon? I’d never… they don’t exist! And even if why would I risk something like that!” How he wished there were a better solution, a real one that didn’t have him grasping at straws. His life was falling apart, slowly but surely and if he didn’t do something then he would be bankrupt and lost by the end of the months. There was nothing left to do but worse of all...he was alone. He was desperately, utterly alone. The pain seared through him again at the thought of his boyfriend - ex-boyfriend - who had left him there, in the hallway, giving back the ring they had worn for months. Of course, Namjoon hadn’t really thought that they would marry after he had given him that ring, it was just a symbol, just a tiny gesture that he loved him, with all his heart, that he wanted to stay with him, bind his live to him… he stopped his thoughts before the well-known feeling of his throat constricting and his eyes burning would take over and he would started to cry in front of that stranger that had decided coming up to him and talking nonsense was a good idea.
“You know lying to me won’t help when I see right through you. You’re hurt.” Yoongi pinpointed right away, “Awfully hurt and you’re desperate enough to look for an out. I guess nothing else helped. No one else there to share money. So…” He clicked his tongue, leaning his chin on his hands that he folded together, gazing into Namjoon’s eyes. “How can a witch like me help you.”
“Okay, that’s enough, I won’t let you talk to me like th…” His voice died out, his anger fading until it only left a mixture of wariness and hope. “Did you say witch? What do you mean by that? Are you telling me you’re going to read the cards for me? Or wave some pendulum and everything will get better?” He didn't dare to ask the other if he had actual magic powers but anything in him wanted to believe that exactly that was the case that the strange man in front of him could wipe away his pain and sorrow by flicking a magic wand.
“I could do that, yeah...” Yoongi hummed, “But I don’t exactly think you were looking for that so… tell me, what is it I can help you with…” His eyes never left Namjoon’s who suddenly had gotten a glint in them that told Yoongi that he had found a desperate human, ready to give everything.
“Okay, let’s just pretend for a second that you could help me - what exactly would you do? I don’t think you would lend me money and fix my problems for free. What would be in it for you?” He fixated the other who did not look like he was some magical being. His hair had an unnatural color, and he wore strange clothes and jewelry but with a bit of hair day and a shopping trip at hot topic anyone could make themselves look like that.
“That actually depends on what you need. Every spell, every deal or potion is different, just as individual as the one asking for it. So, you need to be clear of what you want. The more I know, the more I can help you.” He put his tea back down, pursing his lips as he noticed it being empty already. Hovering a finger over the empty cup, Yoongi began to swirl it around and slowly with every swirl the tea filled itself up again. “And of course, nothing is for free. There’s always a crux of the matter, but it depends if you’re willing to pay the price.”
“Oh, of course, I should have thought of that, so how much is it if..” Yoongi Swirled his fingers and Namjoon forgot what he had wanted to say. His mind went totally blank when he saw the cup filing itself. His first instinct was that this was a trick, that this was some scam to get people’s money but there was something in that stranger's face, a spark in his eyes that told him everything he needed to know. This was magic! The real deal. Everything he had ever dared to hope for was suddenly within reach. Wild, unadulterated joy filled his heart and he let himself imagine how it would feel to be free of that pain, free of his sorrows, free of everything that had weighted him down these last few weeks and made him feel like there was a noose around his neck pulling tighter and tighter. “I want you to fix my life!” He whispered breathlessly, “I want you to fix everything - and I’ll pay whatever it costs.”
“Everything? Oh,” Yoongi chuckled, “I can’t fix everything. There’s always a loss, so you have to be detailed with me. Do you want money? Luck? Love? What is it exactly that you’re seeking?” Tipping his chin, he studied Namjoon again, “I told you, I need to know more…so spill it, human.”
Namjoon shook his head. “Not love. I’m done with that. Everyone tells you that love is the highest aim, that it’s what completes you and makes you happy… but I was never lucky like that. It just took a piece of me and left scars on my heart every time. And after the last time... I’m just finished. I want to concentrate on myself for once. My rent for next month is due next week and I haven’t even paid it for this one simply because I don’t have any! I will lose the apartment if I don’t get some money soon, because I’ve ignored a letter too many about how ‘this is the last warning’. I have no food left, no friends or family to help because I moved here for my partner and put all my time and energy in the relationship. I’ve gotten none of the jobs I applied for and to be honest I don’t even want to get them because it’s not what I want to do with my life. I have ideas, lots of them, but neither the contacts nor the money to do anything about it. So, I don’t know what exactly it would take to do something about it but if your magic can help then I’m all up for it.”
A smirk appeared on Yoongi’s lips. “Oh, that makes it a lot easier. Fortune, money, knowledge and a little bit of luck is that I can give to you just for one little thing in return.” He licked the remains of tea off his spoon and took his time, before finishing his sentence. “Everyone you love, you truly deeply love, will get hurt. One way or another. But if you’re not up for love anymore, you shouldn’t care about that little, small detail. It shouldn’t bother you.” Yoongi got up, pushing the chair back in place, stretching himself just a little before he walked ahead. He stopped, peeking over his shoulder. “What do you say, Kim Namjoon. Do we have a deal?” 
Namjoon furrowed his brows. “That’s the strangest deal I’ve ever heard of! Shouldn’t you want like… a piece of my soul or my first born or something like that? I’m not in love with anyone right now and if it’s up to me I won’t fall in love ever again. Because I’m sick of ending up lost and betrayed and hurting every time. So even if I might fall in love against my will I dont mind if its them hurting for once. We have a deal, witch!” He held out his hand and the other gripped it with his delicate hand. Yoongi’s grip was strong and relentless and Namjoon swallowed hard when a rush of heat went through his palm, travelling up his arm. For a second fear crept up inside of him as he wondered if he’d made the wrong decision, but he calmed down quickly. This was the best deal he had ever made! He would get what he wanted - without having to pay anything in return. Nothing that really counted for him anyways…
Jimin blew a string of hair out of his face, looking down at the small mountain of laundry he had collected and was trying to push into the washing machine. He was actually kind of proud how he was holding up so far and Namjoon had shown himself as a kindhearted man - at least when he was around. Usually when Jimin was in his apartment the other was either out working or on his phone, locking himself in his office again. He pushed the button, smiling when the machine began to swirl the dirty laundry and so he turned around with a satisfied sigh.
Jimin yawned tiredly, grabbing his jacket to pull it halfway over his frame when he saw Namjoon's back. The other was still wearing his suit, all dressed up as he usually did. It was no surprise seeing him like that and Jimin wondered if he'd ever seen Namjoon wear anything else but suits at home. The first thing he did was switching his jeans for sweatpants the moment he was home. Did Namjoon sleep in a suit as well?
"Wait for me, please!" He called out, quickening his steps.
Quickly Namjoon reached out to stop the door from closing. “Oh, I didn't know that you were here.” He had needed to get something from his office and because it had been so quiet, and the lights went on and off automatically he had thought that he was here alone. “Did you finish for today?” He asked the younger with a polite smile.
“I was in the laundry room.” Jimin nodded, mimicking his smile as he came to a halt right next to Namjoon. The other was way taller and broader than him and now that he stood right by his side it was even more evident how small he was. “But I’m finished now, so i’m heading home.” His eyes wandered down to where the shirt was straining against Namjoon’s chest. “And you? Are you off to get some drinks...with friends or…?” He didn’t really finish his question, not really sure if Namjoon liked personal questions - but Jimin was actually curious. He hadn’t seen any hints of a lover, nor really any friends. 
“Oh, I’m not finished yet I just needed some papers. “ He couldn’t remember the last time he went out for drinks for fun. He went occasionally with business partners or to discuss ideas if someone preferred to meet in such a location but even then did he only drink what he had to so that his head would be clear enough to still talk business. Work had become his life and he wouldn’t have it any other way! Just sometimes on very rare occasions (like now) could he feel a dull ache in his chest as if he might be missing out on something. However, he knew that he wasn’t.
This was the better version of his life.
Jimin chuckled, “You’re really a workaholic, aren’t you? It’s half past ten and you’re on your way to your office.” He shook his head in amusement. “Hayoung told me how much you’re working but…you’re like…always working… I should kidnap you and take you to a bar.” Jimin winked teasingly at the other, giggling softly as he looked up at the numbers changing on the board showing which level they were.
“Honestly, I’d rather spend my time doing something important than wasting it on small talk and alcohol.” He answered curtly. “One hour at the office can bring me closer to my goals but one hour out drinking can only bring me headaches and a loss of money.”
“Oh, sure, yeah…” Jimin bit his lip, feeling his cheeks blush again. He felt stupid for teasing, for trying to be quirky and ask Namjoon something so personal, when the other so obviously didn’t want to talk to him. “I guess that’s how you’ve got all of this. You seem really focused and that’s good. I’m sorry for my inconsiderate question. I guess, I just wanted to tease a smile from you.”
Namjoon was honestly surprised. “Why would you want that?” Before he could think about Jimin’ strange statement there was a small jolt, and the elevator came to a halt. Automatically Namjoon reached out to open the door when he saw the number that indicated that they hadn’t arrived at their destination yet. It flickered - and then the lights went out.
Jimin let out a scream, jumping aside and right against Namjoon who he couldn’t see in the dark. He was halfway stumbling, falling into Namjoons arms and out of instinct, his fingers digged deep into his arm, holding onto the only thing that was close enough in the dark. The darkness only lasted a second before the lights were back up.
“That’s the emergency generator. There must have been an issue with the electricity.” He swallowed hard, trying to concentrate on anything but Jimin’s body pressed against his. The younger was holding onto him for dear life as if he was afraid the elevator might fall at any second. “We’re safe, nothing will happen. It’s just a technical thing, don’t worry.” His arm started to hurt from how tightly Jimin gripped it, but he didn’t mention it.
Jimin loosened his hold but didn’t let go entirely. “W-what do you mean? We’re stuck?” He sucked in a sharp breath, trying to keep control over his breathing but he failed miserably. Jimin’s eyes flickered to the buttons. “Can we call someone? Oh god…” The panic began to settle in. 
“Jimin?” He could feel the boy starting to tremble and so he took both of Jimin’s hands in his, trying to make the other focus on him instead of his panic. “There is no need to be afraid. I have an automatic security system; someone has already been notified that we’re stuck in here. It might take them a little while to arrive and I’m sure you can think of a better way to spend your free time, but you don’t have to be afraid, really. Why don’t we talk about something nice until they arrive? Would that make you feel better?”
“Y-yes?” Jimin looked up, trying to hide his nervousness behind a strained smile. “I’m sorry…I’m still holding onto you, right.” He wanted to pull his hands away, but Namjoon took them in his and Jimin held his breath. It felt as if the air was getting thinner and the metal box seemed to get only smaller, but his eyes were only on Namjoon. He trusted him. “Something nice, please…” Jimin whispered, “Y-you start.”
Namjoon blinked. His mind was empty. Something nice… something Jimin might enjoy… why couldn’t he think of something outside of work? When Jimin started to worry his lip and look all panicked again he blurted out the first thing that came to his mind. “I don’t like mint ice cream because I think it’s the worst combination of flavors ever combined, and mint rather belongs in toothpaste than into sweets.”
Jimin just blinked at Namjoon for a moment, before snorting, “That’s…not something nice, Namjoon.” He shook his head fondly, breathing felt a little easier now. “I love sunflowers. Especially wild ones when they grow as tall as…as you.” Jimin took a deep breath, slowly breathing out again. 
“Oh, really? I actually know a field about half an hour from here. They don’t all grow that tall because it’s a field where you can buy and cut them but if you visit there late the ones that are left will be the tallest.” He could easily picture it, him and Jimin driving there and taking a walk between the flowers. It would be a sunny day and maybe they could get dinner after...
A sudden jolt of the elevator made Jimin forget everything and wrap his arms around Namjoon without any second thought. Squeezing his eyes shut, he held onto him for dear life, thinking that the elevator was finally free falling – but it didn’t move. Instead, he could feel his knees giving in, wobbling like jelly as he tried to find his grounding again. 
“Maybe we should sit down while we wait?” Namjoon’s throat felt a little dry but he knew he needed to do something before his body reacted to the way Jimin was pressed up against him. He was embarrassingly responsive when it came to soft skin and the hard planes of muscle Jimin combined.
“O-okay,” Jimin didn’t move away, but only let Namjoon guide him down to sit, where he could still stay close by his side. “I’m sorry,” He mumbled, slowly taking his hands off Namjoon, where he had still held on to his arm like the scaredy cat he was. “Again…” Jimin sighed, leaning his head back against the cool wall. “Being locked in like that scares me…”
“There is no need to apologize. You’re doing fine!” He leaned in a little to whisper conspiratorially to him, “I’m only so calm because this has happened before. I was totally freaked out the first time, including some really embarrassing moments where I tried to open the elevator door with my bare hands or tried to open the emergency hatch above us by throwing my shoe at it. It didn’t work by the way.”
It was easier to breathe with Namjoon next to him. Something about him, his voice, and the way he leaned against him, made Jimin feel a lot safer. "It never happened to me before. I have to walk up the fifth floor to my apartment every time." Jimin spoke quietly, relaxing a little more, his shoulder leaning against Namjoons. He could feel the warmth come from him and Jimin had to fight the urge to lean in just a little more. " Can I tell you a secret?" Jimin turned to look at Namjoon, a little smile pulling at his lips, "Dont take it the wrong way, please. I kind of imagined you... differently."
Namjoon hummed in acknowledgement. That’s where the other got his firm ass from, walking all those stairs at least twice every day. It was cozy like this, with Jimin leaning against him as if they were friends. Namjoon wished they were. Or not ...friends, more than that…
He chuckled at the other’s confession. “How did you expect me to be then? Older? Wearing fancy shoes and lots of rings every day?” People were mostly surprised by his age, that’s why he was working so hard. To make up for it. And for the way he had gotten here.
"No, I knew you were kind and.... very structured. Hayoung told me a lot about you." There was a light blush on Jimin’s cheeks, when he thought of the many times Hayoung had tried to tell him how amazing the other was, or how cute they would be together. Jimin had smiled, waving it off as a daydream. No one like Namjoon would be interested in someone normal like him. And still, the moment she had asked for his help to take over for her vacation Jimin hadn't even hesitated. Not for the money per se, but because he was curious. "I didn't think you'd be so..." Jimin bit his lip, "There's only Jungkook and Hayoung... I've never seen anyone else around you. You're always by yourself. I never see you wear sweatpants or anything else but a suit. You're always working, Namjoon. Don't you feel lonely sometimes? What about Christmas? Will you visit your family? " 
Namjoon cocked his head. “So, what you are saying is that you think I’m lonely and unable to relax? And you also don’t like my suits?” He gave the younger an amused look, “Do you really think it’s smart to insult your boss while you’re locked in with him?” He had hoped that Jimin would just let it go but the other’s worried gaze didn’t change and so he sighed and shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know what I’m doing on Christmas, actually. We will have an office party a few days prior if you want to come. The food is delicious and Jungkookie always chooses the best decoration.” Or so he had heard.
“No, I didn’t mean it like that...I was just wondering about...you...your life,” Jimin said, turning a little more towards Namjoon. “It’s probably not smart either to wonder about if your boss is happy.” He let his gaze linger on him a little longer, feeling his own heartbeat quicken. “Are you inviting me to a party, Mr. Kim?” Jimin winked teasingly, nudging Namjoon’s side. “If you’ll be there, then I’ll come if you want me to. Will there be mulled wine?” 
“Oh, uhm, yes, of course, as an employee of mine you should totally be there. “Hopefully, he could get to Jungkook before the other told Jimin that he normally never went to the Christmas parties. “Yeah, I will be there.” For Jimin he would put up with Christmas music and fairy lights and glitter and everything else. It couldn’t hurt to talk to him and eat nice food, right? “I’m positive that there will be mulled wine but I can make sure to order some extra so you will definitely get some.”
“I’m just a substitute. That’s not really an employee right? Also, I’m working for you personally, not your office. I’ll be gone after Christmas again and maybe, except for my flowers you’ll have to miss me then.” Jimin laughed softly, liking how easy they were talking. “A Christmas party sounds nice, though you’ll be the only one I know then. I hope you know that means you have to show me around. I’m entirely dependent on you.” He leaned a little more into Namjoon. “Will you let me invite you in return?”
“You’ll get along quickly with the others and you’ve seen Jungkook. I think he’s around your age so you two should get along nicely. However, if there’s really no one that you can talk to I promise I’ll make your stay worthwhile and stick by your side, personally. Deal?” His breath hitched when Jimin talked about inviting him in return. Inside of the building or even under the pretense of a company celebration he could function perfectly but outside, with only Jimin and him and no more pretense? Could he do that? “What... what kind of invitation are we talking about?” He asked breathlessly.
“Nothing big,” Jimin shrugged his shoulders, “But I’m usually working until late afternoon on Christmas and…normally, I go home and watch some movie, make myself some dinner.” Blinking up at Namjoon, he tried to hide the shy smile. “You said you’re at home yourself, right? It’s better not to be alone on Christmas. I’m a pretty good cook.”
“You want to invite me into your home on Christmas and cook for me because …I said I don’t have plans myself?” He was torn between saying yes immediately because he absolutely wanted to be with Jimin on Christmas and have a nice dinner - but he was also scared. Utterly, horribly scared. He hadn’t done this ‘dating’ thing in forever and there was also that thing with the price of his ‘magical help’.. though that should be fine as long as he didn’t fall in love, right? He could like Jimin all he wanted as long as he didn’t lose his heart they would both be fine. “If you really want to spend that night with your boss instead of… wait, so you don’t have any family either that you’ll visit? Please tell me you don’t stay behind to cook for your boss out of pity while your family all meet somewhere else!”
“Actually, I would have invited myself over to your apartment.” Jimin grinned, “My oven isn’t really in the best shape…it takes ages and…I don’t think you’d like my middle class apartment. It’s not really as pretty as yours, though…” He proudly pointed one finger, “I own a lamp designed by you. I got it from a yard sale.” Jimin reached out for Namjoon, laying his hand on his thigh to calm him. “I’m just as alone as you on Christmas night. And you can’t really call yourself my boss anymore on Christmas anyways. We can make a mess for Hayoung to clean then.”
“That might actually be a better idea, there’s lots of space and we could use some of the kitchen utensils that have rested in their drawers since I moved in. They’ll be happy to be used by someone with cooking talent.” It wasn’t like he didn’t want to cook it was just that after a long day at work he wanted something quick and simple - or if he didn’t have the energy to cook at all he ordered food. Jimin being in his kitchen and preparing them food was a nice thought, however he didn’t want to miss out on getting to see how Jimin lived either. “A…a yard sale?” Namjoon placed a hand over his heart as if he’d been lethally wounded. “My precious designs ending up in a yard sale, that hurts! Which one is it?” 
"I was surprised, too but I don't think they knew the value of your designs. I paid two bucks." He giggled when Namjoon pretended to be even more offended now. They were close, sitting next to one another and Jimin still had his hand on his thigh but it didn't feel wrong. His heart began to beat a little faster again when he pulled his hand away slowly. "I mean it though..." Jimin's voice was sounding a little more timid, as if he was afraid Namjoon could see right through his defenses. "Christmas, I mean... That you and me... It's not a big deal, right?" What the hell was he doing? Jimin felt anxious out of sudden. Did he really think Namjoon wanted to invite him somewhere and spend Christmas with him? Someone he only knew from small talk and because he cleaned his home? Jimin wanted to slap himself. Namjoon had been joking around, being a kind boss to invite him and he had to overstep all boundaries again. 
But there was something about him. Something Jimin wanted to know about. A pull, a feeling that the man in front of him was more than he showed on the surface.  
“Hm, please send me a picture of your lamp, will you?” If Jimin really liked his designs then he could get him something nice for Christmas. As a gift for dinner. There was nothing strange about bringing gifts to a Christmas dinner… 
He smiled, “I’d really like to come. Or invite you to cook for me, however you prefer, it’s your choice.”
“You do?” Jimin couldn’t keep from smiling. He liked the idea of having somewhere to go on Christmas eve. For once he wouldn’t be alone. And he wouldn’t interpret anything into this, Jimin promised himself. Just dinner between two lonely people.
There was another jolt and Jimin instinctively reached out for Namjoon, when out of a sudden the lights switched back on and the elevator seemed to move again. 
Namjoon sighed, “Ah, finally!” But he was actually a little bit disappointed that the technician had gotten the elevator to work again so quickly. He would have liked to stay a little longer in here with Jimin sitting so close besides him. Now it would go back to work for him, Jimin would go home and they would go back to being employees and employers, not two people talking about how they would spend Christmas together.
Offering his hand, Namjoon easily pulled the younger up as they finally arrived at level one. It felt awkward to suddenly part again, so Jimin hesitated when the door opened. “I…I guess, I see you tomorrow?” He took a step out of the elevator, turning around to Namjoon as if he were waiting for a definite answer, when it wasn’t really a question that needed one. So, before he could regret it and his mind could follow, Jimin leaned in and got on his tiptoes to place a chaste kiss on Namjoon’s cheeks. 
Namjoon panicked when Jimin leaned in. This was totally what he wanted - but he shouldn’t engage in something like that with Jimin! Not now and not ever! Christmas dinners were fine and talking in elevators was fine too, but he was really, really bad at not developing feelings when he got physical intimacy from someone he liked. He froze up and luckily Jimin didn’t expect him to return the gesture because he felt like he was rooted on the spot.
Jimin quickly turned around, trying to hide his blush and the embarrassment as he hurried out of the building.
“It’s working perfectly fine again…” A man behind him spoke up, wearing a technicians uniform and a hat that covered half of his face. Only when he looked up, Namjoon could see the smirk that was on the man’s lips. “Oh, that was a quick goodbye. I wanted to apologize for the delay…”
“It’s… it’s fine. Thank you for coming here.” Namjoon replied quickly, brushing down his suit to calm himself.  
Taking off his cap, the man cocked his head aside at Namjoon’s quick glance and his nervous behavior. “Ah right, it’s been...what? A couple of months? A year? I guess this uniform makes me look older.” He shivered, turning around swiftly and within a blink of an eye his beige uniform had changed. The beige turned into a black, the uniform into a long winter’s cloak when Yoongi brushed off invisible dust of his arms. “How have you been, Namjoon?” 
Namjoon visibly startled. He had been too busy to look after Jimin to actually look at the other man’s shadowed face but now that he had taken off the cap it hit Namjoon like a ton of bricks. “Yoongi?!” He gasped in surprise when the other so casually changed his appearance right in front of him. Even though he knew that the other had used his magic to help him with his company it still shocked him every time to see it’s effect for real. Some nights he had even managed to convince himself that he hadn’t made a deal with some magical being, that he had drank too much and imagined or dreamed up things - though Yoongi liked to remind him that he was not, showing up like once or twice a year to remind him that he existed.  
“What are you doing here?” At Yoongi’s frown he quickly remembered his manners. “I’m great, thanks for asking. How are you? I doubt that electricity is your new passion. Did you come here for something else then? Or did you just want to take a look at the company?” 
“No, in fact scrying is my new passion.” He said nonchalantly, as he caught up to Namjoon, “You know ‘seeing’ or like you normal boring people like to say: ‘fortune telling’. Though that sounds too funfair-ish to me. I’m sorry I haven’t been around for a long time, but seeing things and Christmas, with all those lovey-dovey people everywhere (he made a gagging sound) made me think of you.” He pointed at Namjoon’s chest, with a big grin on his face as his eyes flickered over to the shadow of the man that had quickly ran away from Namjoon and was now outside the building, waving his hand, already soaking wet from the rain, trying to get a taxi. “Who is that?” 
Namjoon was pretty sure he should be offended by that, but he didn’t want to anger someone who could probably turn him into a poodle with the flick of his wrist. “That’s no one, just someone who works for me.” He answered quickly, hoping that it would keep Yoongi from showing any more interest in Jimin. Maybe he could even crush on Jimin, just a little and it wouldn’t have any consequences if Yoongi didn’t notice. That would be really nice… 
“No one, I see…” The witch hummed, watching how Jimin hurried to seek shelter under a bus station right across the street. “Well,...it’s late, I guess. And I had an inkling that you needed me. Good thing I was there. God knows what could have happened if you’d be stuck there together any longer.” Yoongi chuckled, patting Namjoon’s shoulder, before a sigh left his lips, eyeing the raindrops that were hitting the side of the glass front heavily. Shivering heavily, Yoongi frowned as they walked up to the entrance. “The next bus is coming in an hour,” He looked down at his watch, tapping it once or twice but it didn’t seem like the pointers were moving anymore, showing a different time. “Good thing I have my broom with me!” At Namjoons wide-eyed expression, Yoongi only laughed and stepped out into the dark of the night. He turned around with a grin, waving him goodbye before walking ahead with no raindrop every touching him as it simply dodged him.   
Namjoon shook his head, trying to shake off the strange feeling that Yoongi left whenever they met. He called his driver and then hurried outside to Jimin, trying his best not to get soaked. “Jimin? Please, come back inside! You might drown out here before the bus arrives!”
Jimin startled a little, when Namjoon suddenly stood in front of him again and he immediately jumped up. He giggled, when Namjoon tried to cover him with his jacket, but failed miserably at his attempt. “I’m okay, it’s just rain I’m not made out of sugar…,” His teeth clattered and Jimin wrapped his arm around himself, a little glad that he was back in the warmth of the foyer though. “C-can I wait here? If it doesn’t bother you of course.” It was a stupid question – why else had Namjoon called him in?
“You don’t have to wait here for the bus, I called a driver, he can get you home as well. I don’t want you to catch a cold out there or wait alone in here. Do you live far from here?” They had talked about Jimin’s apartment but not where he actually lived. Not that it mattered, the driver was part of the company, he would drive an extra hour without complaint if he had to.
“Oh…,” Jimin blinked in surprise, “I…eh live a little further downtown. It’s not too far.” His clothes were dripping wet and there was a puddle forming at his feet from the rain. “But I’ll dirty your car with my clothes. I mean…I can clean it tomorrow? I don’t mind.”
“You want to clean my car?” Namjoon blinked at him. “That’s really kind of you to suggest but you don’t have to worry about it, the driver can take care of that and I have more than one car to my service.” He leaned in as if he were about to tell him a secret. “I’m not sure if you noticed but I own a really big company which makes me actually pretty rich and therefore you can relax, lay back and enjoy some luxury once in a while. How does that sound?”
“The driver,…of course,” Jimin mumbled, always forgetting how rich Namjoon actually was now that he knew a little more about him, how all of his furniture, the appearance could fool a person into thinking he had it all. “I just need a hot shower.” Jimin answered with a smile. The shiver that had run down his spine was definitely not because of the cold, but the way Namjoon had breathed against his neck. He really needed to get a hold of himself. 
“You certainly do. You’re shivering already.” Namjoon slipped out of his coat and placed it around Jimin’s shoulders. “You’ll be home in a bit.” As if on cue Namjoons phone chimed that the driver arrived and was waiting for him right outside.
Jimin smiled, pulling the coat a little more over his shoulders, feeling the warmth of Namjoon’s heat warming him up immediately. When the other turned around to open the door of the car for him, his eyes fell onto his white shirt though and Jimin almost stumbled. The shirt was almost see through, sticking against Namjoon’s chest on it’s wet parts and Jimin quickly crawled into the backseat, trying to hide the blush on his cheeks, hoping the other hadn’t seen him stare. 
Namjoon went into the car besides Jimin, informing the driver that they had to make a little detour first to get Jimin home. He turned to ask Jimin to tell the driver his address when he found the other staring at his chest. He looked down only to find that the wetness had turned his shirt into something vaguely suggestive. His face turned hot immediately as he cleared his throat in an attempt to find the right words to apologize but he couldn’t think of any so he just sat back, trying to cover himself up as well as he could by drawing his shoulders up. “Sorry.” He muttered under his breath, looking out of the window to not meet Jimi’s gaze.
“Don’t be. I’m the one who made you wet.” The words were out, before Jimin could realize how they sounded. “I mean…because of me you’re wet. The rain…you took me…I’m making it worse, don’t I?” Jimin laughed, hiding the blush of embarrassment behind his hands. Taking a deep breath, he finally found the right words, “You don’t have to feel ashamed though. You’re still looking good, Mr. Kim.” 
Namjoon choked and only calmed down when he realized that Jimin was just as embarrassed as he was. The other’s words left his skin hot under the wet shirt and he wondered when had been the last time that he had undressed in front of someone - or even wanted to do so. He felt even hotter when he looked over to Jimin again and it hit him that even though he was embarrassed right now he wouldn’t say no if he had the chance. What would Jimin look like without his clothes? Would he look as soft as his face? Did he have any scars or tattoos? He felt the urge to ask, to get to know about whatever had left its mark on Jimin’s skin, to find out how life had formed him so far. 
It was a silent drive, where both of them were a little too embarrassed to say something again. But Jimin didn’t mind. He liked Namjoon’s presence either way.
“Thank you,” He carefully put the coat down on the seat again when they arrived at his apartment complex. It was still raining but Jimin just needed to run up the stairs quick enough to be under the roof of the entrance. “It was really kind of you to take me home.” He opened the door, but before he headed out, Jimin turned back to Namjoon. “Please don’t work for too long anymore.” With a swift motion, Jimin jumped out of the car, waving Namjoon goodbye as he hurried up the stairs.
It had been an eventful evening and Jimin was glad to be home – or almost. At the top of the stairs, Jimin slipped, letting out a loud squeal when he barely caught himself as he fell forward.
Namjoon looked after Jimin to make sure he got home safely, not because he actually thought that something could harm Jimin on the short distance from the car to his door. Surprisingly Jimin managed to injure himself, nonetheless.
“Please wait here for us!” He instructed the driver and then got out of the car to hurry over to Jimin. HIs pant leg was ripped at the shin where he had fallen against the edge of the stairs and he was visibly in pain. “If you wanted my company for the evening there would have been nicer ways to ensure it,” He joked just to tease a smile out of Jimin before he helped the younger up carefully.
Jimin cursed when the pain shot through his leg again, as he got up with Namjoon’s assistance. He could barely walk right now, limping up the last stair with the other’s help. “I didn’t mean to. The stairs are slippery from the rain.” He whined, looking up at the other. “I live on the fifth floor…and there’s no elevator. I swear I didn’t do this on purpose.”
“Hm, sure, you just want me to carry you over the doorstep!” Namjoon would have enjoyed this a lot if it wasn’t for Jimin being in pain. His arm around the younger’s waist held him close and steady - and gave him a feel of Jimin’s small and firm waist. He could easily hold the other in place if he used both hands...
Namjoon swallowed drily, trying to focus on the task at hand which was a little difficult with Jimin’s body pressed against his and the breathy moans that slipped past Jimin’s lips whenever the pain hit him.
It took them a while until they were at his apartment door. Namjoon was stronger than he led on and the way he had almost carried him all the way, made Jimin forget the pain and think about all kinds of different things. “I swear I'm not that clumsy,” He mumbled, as he limped his way in, holding onto Namjoon as he tried to not put too much pressure on his shin again. “It’s like a bad luck streak at the moment.” Jimin tried to explain, sighing when he finally sat down on his couch. His clothes were still sticking to his body, his fingers trembling from the cold. “I’m so sorry about the elevator. It was probably my fault, too.” He giggled, looking up at Namjoon with a soft expression. “If I hadn’t run up to it, you would have probably been at your office already.”
Namjoon laughed. “Good to know! I’ll make sure to stay away from you when I have an important meeting to not catch your bad luck again.” He took the coat from Jimin’s shoulders to put it away and then rolled up his sleeves before he kneeled down to take a better look at Jimin’s knee. “Do you have a first aid kit or something? I could get it while you try to change into something dry and warm without falling and then we’ll meet at the couch again, okay?” He could barely refrain from asking ‘or do you want me to help you get changed’. Somehow he felt like the idea of it was lingering between them anyways.
“You better,” He winked teasingly, pushing himself up again to limp towards his bedroom. “You can look in the bathroom over there but i’m not sure if I really have anything… it’s just a scratch anyways…” Jimin closed the door behind him, easily letting himself fall into bed where he reached for his sweatsuit that he usually wore to sleep and felt like the only thing that was cozy enough to warm himself up right now. He threw his wet clothes onto a towel, wrapping it up before placing it aside to remember to wash it later before he jumped back on one leg. He was still cold, shivering heavily when Namjoon kneeled down in front of him to pull up the leg of his sweatpants. “You really don’t have to do this. Your driver…” 
Namjoon wasn’t prepared for the sight of Jimin in a fluffy sweatshirt with matching pants in a soft pastel color. He looked so soft that Namjoon wanted to pet him. He blamed his dumb reaction on his brain short circuiting because of it when Jimin was talking to him. “My driver? You want my driver to help you?” Jimin looked at him as dumbfoundedly as Namjoon felt before it clicked. “Oh! You mean because he’s waiting! Don’t worry about him, I told him to park, he’s used to it, he always waits for me during meetings and all the other places I have to go outside of the company. It’s his job. He won’t mind it.”
"You've already done so much today." Jimin wrapped his arms tightly around himself, hiding a little more in the oversized sweater. "It's just a scratch and I'll be fine tomorrow. It's just hurting a lot right now." Jimin leaned back nonetheless, letting Namjoon look at the wound that already turned blue. When Namjoon reached out for his cold leg, Jimin’s eyes widened and he immediately sat up again, grabbing Namjoon's hand. "How can you be still so warm?" Without another thought wasted, Jimin took his hand and held it against his cheek, seeking the warmth he was missing right now so badly. 
Namjoon didn’t dare to move when Jimin took his hand, frozen stiff by insecurity and the looming consequences. It all melted away when Jimin leaned into his hand like he had been waiting to be touched by him and he realized that they had long crossed the line of ‘strictly professional’. Carefully he turned his hand until he could caress Jimin’s cheek, just lightly to not spook the other and disrupt their intimacy.
"You're so warm." Jimin inched forward almost slipping from the couch as he yearned for all of his warmth. His eyes were closed, shivering from the sensation. Jimin always had a habit to be a little too touchy with people but Namjoon seemed not to mind as he let him dwell in his warmth a little longer and Jimin loved how soft his hands felt. 
Namjoon’s finger’s automatically trailed where his eyes were, and they were fixated on Jimin’s lips. The other had opened them slightly as he had sighed in contentment. Namjoon carefully brushed his thumb over Jimin’s bottom lip, feeling how soft and plush it was. 
Slowly, Jimin opened his eyes again when he felt Namjoon’s touch on his lips. He didn’t move away, but stayed right where he was, searching for the other’s gaze. Maybe there had been some truth to what Hayoung had said about Namjoon being a good match for him. “D-do you want to…stay?” Jimin asked in a breathy whisper, trying to keep as quiet as he could, as if he could interrupt this moment otherwise. “I still have some Christmas tea I haven’t tried…we could…” His own fingers wrapped around Namjoon’s wrist softly, “Watch a movie, maybe?”
“Why would I watch a movie if I can’t get enough of watching you?” Namjoon answered, low and breathy. He wouldn’t hide the fact that he was mesmerized by Jimin any longer, not if Jimin basically asked him to stay the night. 
“Y-you do?” He sounded unsure, as if all the signs he had given him weren’t enough. Namjoon was flirting right back. His cheeks began to blush in a rosy color, finally gaining some heat back. “Then maybe you should hold me, make sure I’m getting warm and then you can look at me all you want.” He giggled, the pain in his leg long forgotten. 
“Is that all you want or can I... kiss you as well?” Jimin might just be teasing him but Namjoon wanted all that Jimin would be willing to give. He was starved for intimacy and contact, and it looked like Jimin felt the same.
Jimin held his breath, suddenly feeling hot all over. He wasn’t sure what Namjoon was searching for. If this was just a quick thing for him, or something he was really interested in, because Jimin was ready to invest all of his heart. It was almost embarrassing how easy Namjoon had taken a place inside it. He licked over his lips nervously and nodded his head. 
It was easy, the way he sat back onto the couch and pulled Jimin’s towards him. Their lips met in the middle as if they’d done that a hundred times and Namjoon felt so utterly content that for a moment he was sure he was stuck in a dream. But then Jimin moved his lips against his and he knew not even a dream could be that sweet. It was a heavenly kiss and Jimin fell against him easily, letting Namjoon pull him on his lap so he could take as much warmth as he needed from him. He deepened the kiss a little more and it stole his breath away entirely when he let his fingers dip into the collar of Namjoon’s shirt. 
Only now did Namjoon remember that his shirt was clinging wet and uncomfortable against his skin. “Do you mind if I take that off?” He asked, popping open the first button while looking at Jimin’s eyes for permission.
“Oh, let me help you with that,” Jimin’s face was heated from their passionate kiss, replacing Namjoon’s hands with his own as he opened the buttons one by one until they revealed all of his sculpted chest to him. With soft hands, Jimin soothed over his skin, his muscles down to his stomach. With a little push, Jimin pulled the suit jacket and shirt down his shoulders, admiring Namjoon’s arms even more. Slowly, he leaned in to kiss him on the tip of his shoulder, all the way down to his neck. “You’re so god damn warm.” Jimin whispered, slowly coming up and hovering over Namjoon’s lips. There was a slight hesitation, something telling him that they shouldn’t be doing this, that they might regret it the next morning but Jimin didn’t care to listen. With one swift motion, he had pulled the sweater over his head and threw it aside somewhere with a smile. 
“Is that your trick hm? Telling people that you’re cold because you know they’ll warm you up?” He teased him, leaning back to be able to take a better look at Jimin’s body. He was beautiful. Not in the airbrushed, smooth, and unnatural way one could see on magazine covers but in a way that reached something inside Namjoon’s chest and tugged, hard. He reached out to touch Jimin’s skin and brush over his shoulder, his chest, his waist. Jimin felt perfect against his fingertips, as if their contact was filling a hole inside of him that he had long forgotten was there. He wanted him so much it hurt. “You’ll have to tell me to stop because if you don’t I’ll try to seduce you, Jimin.” He confessed with a whisper.
“Then I won’t say a thing anymore,” He leaned in, humming the words against his skin as he left a trail of kisses behind. His heart was hammering against his chest, as he pulled Namjoon more over him, the pain in his leg long forgotten, while Namjoon had made perfectly sure to keep him distracted. His head laid on a cushion of his couch as he looked up at the businessman that had him wrapped around his finger, a smile playing on his lips. “You don’t really have to try, Namjoon.”
Namjoon swallowed hard as Jimin laid his head back, signaling him that he was allowed to touch, to kiss, to do what he hadn’t even dared to dream of. He took it slow, peppering Jimin’s skin with kisses until the other had closed his eyes, anything else forgotten but the sensation of Namjoon’s warm lips against his no longer cool skin. Namjoon kept a hand at Jimin’s waist, just to feel him closer, to guide him towards him when he leaned into kiss Jimin’s sweet mouth again and their bodies touched for the first time. He rolled his hips against Jimin’s, teasing a gasp from the younger that he swallowed down greedily in their kiss.
Jimin dug his fingers deep into Namjoon’s waist, pulling him against him, wanting to feel more of him. He couldn’t get enough of the way he tasted. It was almost sweet and more than addicting. It was shutting down the voice inside of him effectively, that told him that they might regret this. That it wasn’t right to sleep with his boss. 
A little greedily, Jimin pushed his hands down to Namjoon’s pants, opening up his button and zipper effortlessly to slip his hand in. He wanted to tease, to make him moan just as beautifully.
Namjoon broke the kiss, chuckling at Jimin’s eagerness. So much for going slow... “You want me just as much, don’t you?” He whispered in Jimin’s ear, placing a kiss on his neck while he was there. A part of him wanted to mark Jimin up so that everyone would see what had happened, but he pulled away before he could leave a hickey. He was pretty sure Jimin wasn’t keen on wearing a scarf during work.
“How can I resist you?” Jimin licked over his lip slowly, pushing his hand a little deeper so he could feel the length. He almost gasped, when he realized how packed Namjoon was and his cheeks were getting a rosy color. He wanted him! And he wanted him now! 
Namjoon’s breath hitched when Jimin wrapped his hand fully around his cock, making it harden in his grip. He hadn’t expected for Jimin to go for what he wanted like that, but he liked it. Without interrupting Jimin he pushed his pants further down his thighs to give the other more room - and to give him the pleasure of seeing Jimin’s small, soft hand wrapped around him. 
Jimin’s eyes were full of lust, the desire burning in his veins. He began to stroke him as they kissed again, a little more needily this time. With each gasp he tore from Namjoon, the harder he got himself, feeling the need pulsate. Wanting more of him, Jimin pushed down Namjoon’s pants entirely, feeling up his thighs, scraping his nails against the delicate skin until he could wrap his fingers around his cock again.  
Namjoon groaned low in his throat when Jimin teased him like that, stroking him as if he was set on making him lose his mind right away. He had to take a hold of Jimin’s wrist before the other would go too far, placing it securely besides Jimin’s head. “Let me return the favor before I’m too hard to concentrate on anything but how I’m going to sink into your pretty little body.” He leaned down, kissing Jimin’s stomach while getting him out of his pants. It would have been easy to touch him with the sweatpants still on but Namjoon wanted to see as much of him as he could.  
Biting his lip, Jimin’s eyes flickered up to Namjoon who was teasing him while playing with the hem of his pants. He wasn’t as broad as Namjoon, nor as muscle-y and his small frame was sometimes something that made him feel insecure. He shifted a little nervously underneath him. “That's not already all you can think about?” Jimin sounded breathless, when Namjoon pulled the pants entirely off him.  
Namjoon grinned, “I can think of a lot more to do to you then just that.” He stroked along the backside of Jimin's thighs before taking a hold of his hips and pulling him closer without warning. Jimin’s thighs fell open naturally and Namjoon’s face was close enough to the younger’s crotch to place a kiss on the tip of Jimin’s cock. “Will you let me?”
He nodded softly, his breath hitching when Namjoon’s fingertips soothed over his skin delicately, making a shiver run down his spine. His own hands wandered up to Namjoon’s shoulders and over his neck so he could run his fingers through his hair. It was a beautiful sight to see him like that, ready to devour him whole. Namjoon teased him with his fingertips first, to test out how sensitive Jimin was. He waited until Jimin had closed his eyes before he used his mouth to touch him again, letting his lips wander over his length before he swallowed him down.
A moan slipped right from him and Jimin’s fingers digged deeper into Namjoon’s shoulder. The other knew what he was doing and for a moment, the insecurity creeped back in. Did Namjoon have a lot of lovers? Was he used to this? Trying to shake off the thoughts, Jimin opened his eyes again, searching for Namjoon’s warm gaze. 
He was concentrating completely on Jimin’s body, so he felt it right away when the other’s muscles tensed in a way that had nothing to do with desire. He pulled off, meeting Jimin’s gaze. “You know you can tell me to stop anytime. And if you’re afraid that I’ll use my position against you...” He bit his lip, only now realizing that Jimin was risking way more than he, “You don’t think I’d do that, do you? Force you into something you don’t want because I’m your boss?”
Jimin shook his head immediately, apologizing quietly when Namjoon hovered over him with worry written all over his face. “You’re not. I want this, more than you can imagine…” Jimin blushed, letting his hand soothe down Namjoon’s back. “You’re just my boss for one more week, Namjoon.” He winked teasingly, trying to lift the mood a little more but the other still seemed a bit too worried. “Sometimes I get insecure,” Jimin shied away from his gaze, his voice a little quieter. “But I want you. A lot.”
Namjoon cocked his head. He had noticed that Jimin could get insecure pretty quickly he just didn’t know why, and he felt like it wasn’t his place to ask him something so personal. Not...here, like this. He would ask him again over some coffee or tea maybe if Jimin would be up for something like that after what they were doing. He kissed Jimin’s cheek, a gesture that held pure fondness. “You don’t have to be. You can trust me. And you can tell me whenever you need reassurance.”
Jimin took Namjoon’s face in his hands, holding his gaze for a moment. Namjoon was unlike everything he thought he was and much more than he wanted him to be. He had easily managed to let him form a crush on the businessman. Without preparation, Jimin rolled his hips against Namjoon’s, repeating the motion a couple of times as he stole a deep kiss from him. “I trust you.”
“Thank you.” His voice was shaky because Jimin’s movement had caught him by surprise. The other had amazing control over his own body and Namjoon couldn’t wait for Jimin to move like that when he would be inside of him and able to feel him so much closer.
The couch didn’t give them much space, but it was enough to turn around underneath Namjoon’s hold who looked a little confused, when Jimin reached for his small coffee table. While he was opening the drawer, he was perfectly presenting his ass for him, moving a little just to tease Namjoon before he took the lube and condoms. “You want me to turn back around or…?” Jimin looked over his shoulder with a smirk, “Rather want me to stay like this?” 
“Both please! Let me have this side of you while I prep you because you have a damn cute ass but after you can turn around. I’d like to be able to see your face while I fuck you.” He answered honestly, stealing both lube and condoms from Jimin. The bottle had been used before and he wondered what Jimin had used it for. Without the condoms he would have guessed he liked to use it when watching porn on the couch but what did he need the condoms for. He quickly got rid of those thoughts before they could take roots. Jimin could do whatever he wanted with whomever he chose, he had absolutely no right to any part of Jimin.
Jimin’s heated cheeks told Namjoon enough about how excited he was, how he was yearning for his touch. He waited impatiently for Namjoon to get some lube on his hand, the other soothing over the dip on his back over his plump ass softly. To make it a little easier, he propped himself up a little more, letting Namjoon enjoy the view. 
“You have no idea how delicious you look like this”, Namjoon told him in awe. Jimin was rounded and curved in all the best places and getting a good grip of his ass just made him harder. Before he could indulge himself too much he concentrated back on what he was about to do, opening Jimin up for him. He placed a hand on the small of Jimin’s back to steady him while he let the other play with Jimin’s entrance until he felt that Jimin would let him in. His finger sank in easily and Jimin quickly relaxed around him so he could set a faster pace than expected. The younger barely needed time whenever he added a new finger, relaxing into the sensation right away. So Namjoon got a little more daring, pushing deeper and stretching him a little more until he could curl his fingers and reach Jimin’s sweet spot. 
Moan after moan was leaving Jimin’s lips, as he moved his hips just lightly to get a little more of the feeling. His thighs were shaking each time Namjoon stroked him just right. “I need you,” His voice was breathy, pushing back against his fingers as he dwelled in the pleasure that he brought him. Namjoon knew exactly how to play him. 
Jimin’s sweet begging went straight to his groin and Namjoon bit his lip. He was ready to make Jimin beg like this again, just with his cock inside of him. He pulled out carefully, wiping his fingers on the blanket that covered the couch before he reached for the condom. He had almost forgotten it so desperately did he want to sink inside of Jimin to feel him inside and out. When Namjoon had prepared himself, he turned him around swiftly, making Jimin gasp how easily it was for him to manhandle him. But before Namjoon could worry again, he rested his hand on Namjoon’s chest, eyes flickering up to meet his. “You can be rougher with me, I don’t mind…I…I like that, actually,” Jimin confessed quietly, trying to hide the smile as he bit his lip. “Please don’t hold back.”
At first his eyes widened at the younger’s request but then he realized that it meant that he could let lose a little and that Jimin would still be able to take it. It had been a while since he’s had sex with someone he wanted like that, someone that could make his heart stop with just a smile or turn him on by telling him his needs. “As you wish”, he answered with a smirk. Yet, he went slow at first, giving Jimin time to adjust because his cock was still wider than his fingers. It felt so good to sink into him that he lost his breath for a moment, his senses filled to the brim with the sweet bliss that Jimin offered.
“Oh god,” It was all Jimin could utter, when Namjoon pushed in, stretching his hole, and making him see stars for a moment. Leaning his head back, Jimin moaned at the feel of the stretch alone, wrapping his legs tightly around the other’s waist. His hands were soothing down Namjoon’s back, nails scratching over his skin lightly. 
“You ready?” Namjoon asked, waiting for Jimin’s nod before he started moving. He pushed out slowly, just to snap his hips hard and sink back in deeply. Jimin gasped in a way that was addictive and so he did it again and again, harder to make Jimin gasp more, to feel him clenching and trembling around him. Jimin was pliant and yet deliciously responsive. He wasn’t loud but he was vocal, through gasps and soft moans and the short, desperate whines whenever Namjoon pushed in especially hard. Jimin hadn’t lied when he had told him that he liked to be handled roughly and so Namjoon did exactly that, gripping Jimin’s waist tight in a way that he knew must border on pleasure-pain, fucking him hard and quick whenever Jimin showed him that he had found a sensitive spot, one that made him twitched and whimper so nicely. 
It was pure heaven, and it was easy for Jimin to let himself fall and Namjoon to take over control of his body. It was as if they fitted together perfectly and he knew exactly what he needed. Jimin held on tightly to him, teasing Namjoon a little more as he tensed up, tightening his hole around his cock with a teasing smirk. He could feel where his fingers were pushing deep into him, holding him tight and Jimin didn’t mind it. He was awaiting the bruises, a way to let him know that this night had really happened and Namjoon’s driver was still waiting for him. 
It was so easy to forget everything around them, nothing but Jimin’s body under him and the younger’s sweet voice mattered as he indulged himself in those pleasures. He dragged his thumb along Jimin’s plump bottom lip to open his mouth before he kissed him hard and dirty, he teased Jimin’s cock until it was red and swollen and he gripped his plump ass to knead it and feel him up as much as he could. 
Jimin spread his legs a little wider, letting Namjoon push in deeper and making himself moan loudly from the sensation. He couldn’t get enough, kissing everywhere he could reach. Jimin wanted to explore Namjoon’s body even more but he couldn’t, needing something to hold onto while his thrusts were getting harder, making Jimin bounce on his cock. Namjoon had to let go of Jimin to find more leverage on the backrest of the couch but it didn't matter because Jimin was still clinging to him, keeping their bodies closely together. When Jimin’s cock twitched at a particularly harsh thrust Namjoon made sure to keep that angle, thrusting into Jimin over and over to hit that spot.
He couldn’t hold it much longer. His whines and moans turning desperate as he felt the heat coil up inside of him, precum leaking from his tip. “I can’t…, I’m going to come.” Jimin moaned low, leaning his head back when the pleasure hit him hard again, closing his eyes in the sweet sensation. 
“That’s kind of the point, sweetheart.” Namjoon’s sounded low and raspy but still amused as he snapped his hips against Jimin’s in a quick pace. His muscles were straining from the pressure they were under of keeping his weight up and working against the force of his thrusts, but he knew he wouldn’t have to keep going for long now. “You want me to touch you or do you prefer to finish yourself off?”
Jimin was panting, looking up at Namjoon as he pushed in deep with every thrust making him feel all of him. “I want to come with you.” He threw his head back, holding onto Namjoon tightly. “You, please.” Jimin didn’t understand how Namjoon could still smirk at him and talk dirtily, while he was overwhelmed from the pleasure.
“Then you need to hold out a little bit more...” Despite his answer he kept abusing Jimin’s sweet spot without mercy, never slowing down until the younger’s body shook with the force of his thrusts. He was close now too, but he kept himself focused to draw it out just a little bit, just so he could enjoy Jimin’s body for a few more minutes.
Jimin whimpered, the only sound that was coming from him as he tried to hold out a little longer. His thighs began to tremble, and he bit his lip hard. His nails scratched over Namjoon’s chest, leaving marks behind as he closed his eyes, while his hole was tensing around his cock. He was close, really close. And Jimin wasn’t sure if he could hold it any longer. 
Jimin was so sweet like that, whimpering and lost in pleasure, because of him, because of his cock and Namjoon groaned low, starting to lose the grip on his self-control as well. Jimin clenching around him like that made it impossible to keep going like this so he slowed down a little, drew it out until the very last moment before he reached out between them to stroke Jimin to completion. The younger cursed under him, moaning when Namjoon stroked him, giving him no chance to hold out any longer. He was shaking apart under his touch, his lips parted from a silent moan. Jimin could see stars blinking in front of his eyes, feeling dizzy from the pleasure that rippled through him, making him scream out and arch his back beautifully. 
Namjoon’s arms gave out when the pleasure hit him hard and he barely caught himself before dropping his weight on Jimin. He rode out his orgasm while Jimin’s body still quivered and so he shamelessly rolled his hips until the younger was shaking not from his high but from the overstimulation, unable to keep his soft little whines in whenever Namjoon pushed into his sensitive spot again. 
Jimin gasped, whining quietly as he nuzzled his face closer into Namjoon’s neck leaving wet little kisses behind. Feeling Namjoon’s body on him was a dream, something he hadn’t even imagined to happen, especially not tonight. But they had been drawn together. Jimin didn’t regret it, a smile forming on his lips as he leaned his head back that only got interrupted by another whine when Namjoon rolled his hips one last time. 
He carefully pulled out when he was fully spent, leaving the warmth and comfort of Jimin’s body with a sigh. He tied off the condom, placing it a bit awkwardly down where his clothes were because he didn’t know where to discard it - and he didn’t want to get up because he knew he couldn’t just get back to this post-coital intimacy. Now he could still kiss Jimin and hold him close and it would just count as ‘being cuddly after sex’ without risking to be told off for it. He lied back down on the couch, pulling Jimin back into his arms and kissed the younger’s neck. Jimin had his eyes barely open, probably half ways falling asleep already and so Namjoon dared to bury his nose in Jimin’s neck to breathe him in, hoping it would be okay.
“Mhm, still dirty,” Jimin whispered, leaning his head back a little more so Namjoon could reach his neck. He didn’t care, when he wrapped his arms around the other a little more, not wanting to think about consequences as he felt blissfully sated and happy right now. He didn’t want to think about what would be tomorrow.
“Yes, you are - I’m almost clean,” He lowered his voice a little, more whispering his confession against Jimin’s skin than saying it out loud, “Still if it wouldn’t be too risky I would have loved to skip the condom and come inside of you.” Jimin’s breathing was slowing and he was cuddling into him like he was ready to fall asleep in his arms. Namjoon’s heart felt a little funny at the thought of having Jimin fall asleep next to him, maybe even in a proper bed if... if there would be a next time?
Leaning against the car, his air formed foggy vapors in the air as he breathed out. The driver’s hat was pulled deeper into his face, as his arms were crossed in front of his chest, a way to keep him warm. It left Namjoon wondering if he’d ever seen his driver smoke before, or why the other was even waiting in the cold, while he could have rested inside the warm car. He hadn’t anticipated to be gone for this long, leaving him waiting but the driver didn’t seem to mind, when he bowed his head, opening the door of the car. 
“Where do we go next, Namjoon?” One could hear the smile on the driver’s lips as he held the door open, waiting while he looked up to the man who had stopped fixing his tie and instead was staring back at him with wide eyes. 
Namjoon startled. That voice did definitely not belong to his driver. When he looked up Yoongi was smirking back at him and Namjoon had to reach out for his car to steady himself. “What are you doing here... again?” There was a surge of fear flashing through him when he remembered the way he had kissed Jimin goodbye right before leaving. It had been a little too fond for a one-time-thing - but Yoongi couldn’t have seen that or know what he had just done right?
“I was walking by and I saw the driver falling asleep and thought no one could drive someone home like that – so I stepped in.” He proudly pulled at his uniform’s collar, standing tall. “And when I saw that it was you, I knew it was fate or…whatever you like to call it.” Yoongi grinned, “How about you?” He raised his eyebrows in interest, leaning in. “What is a busy man like you doing in a place like this?” Turning over his shoulder, he let his gaze wander over the apartment buildings.
“Thank you, that was really.. considerate of you.” He didn’t believe for one second that the other had walked past Jimin’s place solely by accident. “I followed your advice to get my employee safely home.” He answered courtly, not elaborating any further why he’d been inside the building and for how long he’d been there. He even tried to not think of what he had done there because he wasn’t sure if the other couldn’t read minds or creepy stuff like that. Hopefully Yoongi couldn’t because he failed miserably at trying to keep Jimin’s naked beauty out of his mind. “I assume you’ll be the one driving me then?” He quickly got in the car hoping the conversation would be finished at that.
“Oh, right, my advice.” Yoongi’s lips curled into a smile. “I give great advice.” He patted his right shoulder, before slipping into the driver’s seat.
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A/N: Oh oh....now you know about the curse ;) 
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thelordstears · 4 years
Oh look, more fuckin’ writing, who woulda thunk it????
"There's no heroes nor villains in this shattered mind of mine. Just phantoms that dance in my headspace and leave a haunting echo of what never was.” - Elijah Vanders
“ These fires creep up my skin and leave me horrified of all the burns I've endured, but alas, they are no scald marks of the body, but of the mind.” - Elijah Vanders
“ I miss everything I've lost, everything I used to be.” - Elijah Vanders
“ This world was never for the broken, because people condemn what they might never understand, they tell you it's all in your head, and that's the issue. It is all in my head, and I wish it wasn't, because I'd rather face reality baring my teeth to the sky and bleeding from the lip then face the things I do on the daily.” - Elijah Vanders
“ I could look up at the stars and ask them "Why oh why am I a broken vagabond of this shattered world?" And all they'd do is blink out.” - Darkin Vagabond
“ I must confess, I feel like a monster, and all I can do really is hide from myself.” - Darkin Vagabond
“ Here I am, yearning for a better tomorrow, but all I do is sink into my blankets and know, there is no better tomorrow if I don't fight for it. And so I sleep the night away, fearing what it is the day shalt bring.” - Darkin Vagabond
“ How can I run from all this pain if it's apart of me? How could I possibly escape myself?” - Darkin Vagabond
"We condemn what we do not understand, and thus, we can never learn. Perhaps if the village folk within Salem would've learned more if they had questioned the falsely accused instead of burn them at the stake, they would never howl answers, only pain.” - Ferdinand Lawlor
“ Perhaps we have damned ourselves, but oh well, this is a world damned to Hell, so what is a damned man in a world that's already on fire?” - Ferdinand Lawlor
“ I've learned Heaven is a right, and we've lost it.” - Ferdinand Lawlor
"The end of a rope can either be a saving grace or the thing that kills a man. I've been on both sides of the spectrum, swinging from the gallows of my own sin and pulled to shore by people who care to forgive me.” - Eduardo Villifex
“ I'm not a good man, anymore. I used to be, as most did, but my heart twisted black and pain is all I know these days. But not because I'm in it, because I cause it.” - Eduardo Villifex
"Dis is a long bloody road I walk, dere ain't no end fo' me, just my enemies. So beware me pale red truck and 'eart filled with a desire fo' vengeance, because on dis road dere's corpses litterin' da highway and ain't none'a em gon' be me.” - Randall Lancaster
“I went through da stages'a grief, but dey forgot ta mention da last fokin' one. Anger.” - Randall Lancaster
“ I'm cold as ice, but me 'eart burns wif'a flame so fierce it puts Hell ta shame.” - Randall Lancaster
"I'm on a stage, the audience claps and cheers, but only for my death. I swing from gallows made up of the pain I've faced, I'm choking on my past, kicking air beneath me in a desperate attempt to save myself from this noose. And yet here I am, sputtering up all this darkness in my history.” - Hermann Pastel
“ I am a man, I have never been Pinocchio, and I never needed Jipedo or the Blue fairy to make me a real boy. So oh Mister Kalarook, you are not the whale who swallowed me whole, you are no puppet master, you are a man, and thus you will bleed like one.” - Hermann Pastel
"In a town of wolves, crying wolf will only get you torn to pieces.” - Sav Gothenburg
“ I am no killer, and so I shalt not use this blade for sheep, but instead it shall remain clean until the wolf who tore into me is in front of me with his empty eyes and bloodstained smile.” - Sav Gothenburg
“ I know what he did in the dark, I know what he made in the dark, after all, he made his undoing.” - Sav Gothenburg
“ This world is not so fond of those who're different, I've watched as my father cut men and women down for defying his belief, and though I have escaped him, I have not escaped the memory, of him. I can still see his empty eyes and his bloodstained blade. I will never be whole, because the hauntings of him still plague me.” - Victoria Vaxwington
“ New York is a graveyard of those who committed the crime of being themselves.” - Victoria Vaxwington
“ I have learned sometimes angels must fall so devils no longer fly, sacrifices must be made so the enemy is put at a disadvantage that will lead to their demise in the future, but I do not play a game of chess, I do not put forth my pawns to become Queen's Gambit. I'd much rather call Stalemate then let someone who fights for me, die for me.” - Victor Da Ville
“ This world is full of devils who want to watch angels be torn from the sky on bloodied wings, and so I bare these teeth of mine and scowl at the sky, because in a world of devils, one must become the leviathan.” - Victor Da Ville
“ I am a man of justice, karma to those who have spilt innocent blood, I am a devil to all those who seek hellfire, and refuge for all who seek warmth.” - Victor Da Ville
"When you love someone so much, you know when you have to let them go. Even if only for a small while, it still pains you to do so. My darling Lizbeth, oh how it pained her to see me slink into the night with the stars, but when I returned to her, as the sun always does when it sinks, we danced under the rays of sunshine that slathered across our beautiful dance of shared love.” - Corrie Vendowoft
“ She's beautiful in all her broken pieces, we've both lead lives that left us shattered, but together we molded this glass into a wonderful puzzle that painted a picture of us, and us alone.” - Corrie Vendowoft
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"I could say my life is almost like a photograph, frame by frame I see the beauty through the lenses of love. Snapshots of this love I have force the pain out of my smile, all I know these days is a fiery passion for the woman I stride underneath the sun with, in her arms I feel so complete, so loved in a world that tried to make me hate.” - Lizbeth Samwick
“ I love Corrie, it's not just something I feel in my heart or my mind, but something that trickles down to my very soul and redefines who I am. I fought my desire for so long, I said to myself "She can't be yours, by God she can't." But when she smiled and ran a hand through my hair I knew, by God she's mine. “ - Lizbeth Samwick
“ I would dance underneath the stars with that woman, follow her to the ends of the Earth and charge into a burning building if it mean saving her.” - Lizbeth Samwick
"We yearn for an answer to existence, but I think it's a simple one. To exist is to simply breathe, but the meaning to life is to love the world, as it has always loved you.” - Sabu Thorn
“ Nature has never been sinful, everything in nature has a reason to be there, the cycle of kill or be killed is only relevant for predators, and we were never wolves.” - Sabu Thorn
“ This world was never cruel, we just blame it for it's naturalities, you can not blame a wolf for snatching it's prey, and you can not blame nature for its defense mechanisms.” - Sabu Thorn
"I find that condemning love will only condemn he who damns it. Something so Heavenly and divine could never be sinful, why damn something as beautiful and complex as love? How much hate must you hold in your heart to despise something that never had to do with you?” - Abby Malroodge
“ The only one who can change me, is me.” - Abby Malroodge
“ Where would you pull your strength from if you've never had to be strong? Where would you pull your bravery from if you never knew what it was to be scared? Ya can't truly know what it is to live without a little bit of struggle.” - Abby Malroodge
“ Life isn't awful, moments are, remember this, because it might save you when all seems lost.” - Abby Malroodge
“ We're stars, shimmering in the dead of night, so twinkle on my friend, twinkle on. The world was made for you, so shine." - Abby Malroodge
"I'm not strong because of my past, I'm strong because of my choices, I am not strong because people hurt me, I'm strong because I rose up despite what they did.” - Morgan Mittel
“ I'd rather trek forward than look back, the future is where I'm headed, so why dwell on the past?” - Morgan Mittel
"The only things that've kept me alive are hope, and myself.” - Obi Zenton
“ I've been through plen'y, can't really kill my spirit, because it's always ragin' with some sort of flame that fuels me. Love, hate, anger. All of these things keep me goin', I spose I'm a mix of different emotions that keep my heart beatin'.” - Obi Zenton
“ I'm not just gonna lie down and die quietly, I'm a fighter, a survivor, always have been, and nuffin's gonna change that, nuffin'.” - Obi Zenton
“ I've already faced the world, so what makes you think I can't face you?” - Obi Zenton
“ I look up to the Heavens and pray, "Lord, please save me, we're all damned these days, save me." But all I've been hearing is the dying cries of men fighting for no real purpose.” - Zelene Clifforde
“ We are not wolves, we're human, why don't we act as such?” - Zelene Clifforde
“Savages with bloodstained smiles haunt me.” - Zelene Clifforde
“ People just don't understand, get in the way of history, you become it.” - Richmond Venwokbridge
“ The hounds of Hell could chase me down and I'd face them with a bloodstained blade and sins painted the color red on my sleeve.” - Richmond Venwokbridge
“ I have blood on my name, I'm practically a death omen.” - Richmond Venwokbridge
“ You can't tear my roots from this wicked family tree, because they'll wrap around your throat and swing you from the gallows of my dynasty.” - Richmond Venwokbridge
“ I prayed to the Heavens that she'd come back, she had to be alive. But as I looked to the sky the only answer I ever got was clouds shifting and the sun baring down on me. My mother was my hero, and they say we mimic our heroes, so might I one day bleed like her?” - Ariella Soro
“ If God was real why would he shatter a believer such as I? I used to say Amen, I used to get on my knees and pray. But all that ever got me was the rubble of my crumbled faith asphyxiating me.” - Ariella Soro
"I've dragged buried truths from the dark into the light kicking and screaming, but who ever knew the truth had claws and would tear into me like a lion feasting on a gazelle? How was I to possibly fathom the truth ripping into me just as karma rips into those who've done wrong?” - Lana Peixoto
“ I've always brandished this heart of mine and a pen. They say the pen is mightier than the sword, so why does blood spill while I write of tragedy?” - Lana Peixoto
“This world has stabbed so many knives in my back, and somedays I wonder how I haven't bled out, but the blood trickling down my jacket blends in with the black leather. Because I suppose in a world where the truth is a crime, telling the truth makes you villainous.” - Lana Peixoto
“A man I knew once told me we're all strong in our own right, its what we do with the strength that matters. But how am I to be strong when all it ever got me was beaten into pavement and whipped with the scars of a thousand bloodstained lies?” - Alaina Crossbellow
“Fear the woman with everything left to lose, because she'll fight like hell to keep it that way.” - Alaina Crossbellow
"If love is a battlefield, I'll grab my rifle and go to war. After all, I'd do anything for the woman I love, I'd catch bullets or sling em, I'd kick ass or get my ass kicked, if you love someone, you fight for them, it's as simple as that, really.” - Rachel Vandemann
“ Isn't it beautiful, to be so masterfully intertwined with another that their heartbeat becomes a melody and their smile a song?” - Rachel Vandemann
“ I stare into bloodshot eyes, alvawys vondering how zese hands are my own, zey have spilt so much blood, vatched men go down in spurts of red from zis Tommy gun I sling over my shoulder.” - Sanders Krauss
“ Zis blood on my hands haunts me, zere iz trouble in my daydreams and vickedness in my nightmares.” - Sanders Krauss
“ I shook hands vith ze devil, vith his hatchet shimmering red under ze starless night sky.” - Sanders Krauss
"I'd rather be the final bullet in a chamber than the ones that were fired off in rage.” - Carlita Hellslinger
“ I'm not the best woman in the world, but at least I'm good enough to end you.” - Carlita Hellslinger
“ He holds my heart, this battered scarred heart is his, because I found in all my loneliness, in all my solitude, in all my anger, he loved me. He loved the ugliest parts of me, and he called them beautiful.” - Carlita Hellslinger
“ I've lived in the dark my whole life, what makes you think I don't know what lurks?” - Carlita Hellslinger
"Somedays all I can hear is the echo of my past. But I suppose the sirens of love are louder. I must confess, these scars bleed, and somedays they define me, by God do they define me. But then I remember, it's only a memory, and you have a future to live, girl, so live it.” - Sage Caesar
“ A woman showed me what it is to love, Rosie in all her beautiful strength, showed me that love is no game, there's no losers nor winners, only people in love.” - Sage Caesar
“ This world will tell you you're not worth it, you don't deserve the space you fill, but it tells lies, nasty, vile lies that poison your mind with falsehoods.” - Sage Caesar
“ Fight on, fighter, you're worth the struggle, I promise." - Sage Caesar
"I'm the scary story monsters tell their children to keep em in bed. Beware, beware, sinners of the witching hours, the Midnight Dove soars with bloodstained talons, and her prey cackles underneath a bloodstained blade.” - Elsa Todd
“ May those you've harmed whisper your deeds, may you meet me in the dead of night while my pistol is clean and my aim is true.” - Elsa Todd
“ No sinner deserves grace, so don't beg at my feet, it won't fucking save you.” - Elsa Todd
"I don't believe in normal, I don't believe in a concrete definition to humanity. Because we're all unique, in our own beautiful ways. It's ridiculous, to shackle humanity to a definition, we're all our own people, so how could we possibly define what it means to be yourself?” - Hannah
“ I'd rather be an outcast then someone I'm not.” - Hannah
“ Watchin' your own son fall from grace is tough, 'specially when you raised him ta be strong.” - Betsie Werdelstein
“ Her smile ain't like nuthin' I've ever see, I could compare her ta the sun, or a garden'a daisies and daffodils, but she weren't never just somethin' beautiful ta look at.” - Betsie Werdelstein
“ I's seen what it is, ta be so in pain, that all ya can really do is weep and hope fo' a better tomorra', but sometimes that hope is the very bullet that lodges inta your heart.” - Betsie Werdelstein
“ I could present the truth on a silver fucking platter, and people would say, "Oh how marvelous, but we prefer the lies crammed down our throats." - Marston Calinfranz
“ I must ask the question, why do people fear the truth? Lies are often sugarcoated, but dare you follow the sugar crumbs that lead to a poisoned cube of sugar? You're ants, to the powerful, being led to a poisoned demise disguised as your salvation.” - Marston Calinfranz
"They say home is where the heart is. And so my heart resides in a pitch black forest of wolves. They snarl, they howl, but to them, I am the moon.” - Haymitch Viers
“ I sympathize for the devils of this world, everyone seeks to understand them, but must realize, it is impossible. You must become him, to understand him. Walk a a thousand miles in his shoes, and see why it was that he spilt blood as if it were commonplace.” - Haymitch Viers
”A bow and arrow only draws back in preparation to fling forward. So remember, when you’re being pushed back, soon you’ll be hurtling forward at full speed.” - Cynthia Layden
“ We're all our own, beautiful in all of our uniqueness, fuck anyone who says you shouldn't be you, they don't know your mind, or your heart, so how the fuck can they judge you?” - Cynthia Layden
“ We're all our own Queens and Kings, we rule the castle of our mind and sometimes, your thoughts, the subjects, they want to swing you from the gallows, don't let them man, don't let them.” - Cynthia Layden
"In a kill or be killed world, I will never die.” - Gilderoy Vinefroker
“I made friends with my demons, they wouldn't dare bite the hand that feeds them, but to all those around them that left them starving, they have a feast.” - Gilderoy Vinefroker
“ You can not, and will not, fucking kill me.” - Gilderoy Vinefroker
“ This world was never cruel, but I am.” - Gilderoy Vinefroker
“ In life, there are no winners, no losers, just men willing to get to the end, and those who are left on the board to rot." - Gilderoy Vinefroker
“ How am I to grieve what did happen, if I always ponder, on what didn't?” - Jill Smithens
“ This heart of mine is broken, I could glug down gallons of gin an tonic, inject this poison into me, but it'll never heal my heart.” - Jill Smithens
“ I've given so many life changing advice, as a therapist I know the signs, the warnings, and what someone should do in the circumstance their mind is working against them. But if only, I could take my own advice.” - Jill Smithens
“ Ya know, they say the past is just that, but then why is it always engraved in my mind as a hieroglyphic is in a Pharaoh of old's tomb?” - Shirley Honeybadger
“ They say, to slay a monster, you too, must become one, but I believe it wouldn't be sinful if the rabbits fought back against the coyotes.” - Solstice Moone
“ I am a warrior of the sun, bounding in the pawprints of wolves with crimson claws as to follow them to their cave of slaughter, so one day they might be slain for their wickedness.” - Solstice Moone
“ We are not a bloodstained race, but history paints us as such. We waged war to gain independence, and they call us savages.” - Solstice Moone
“ Sometimes we must raise our blades, instead of our voices.” - Solstice Moone
“ I guess life isn't always gonna be perfect, because what would we do with a perfect world but ruin it?” - June Northutt
“ I spose we're all ghosts of who we were, snapshots of younger versions of ourselves, perhaps who we were is proud of who we are.” - June Northutt
“ I took Thituna's beauty and turned it into darkness, Vialdir's gifts and turned them into curses, but hail me! Hail me! I am a stature of greatness and sinful divinity!” - Destallo Starrend
“ This wicked magic, oh how dark it is, I can see it, the black glow in my veins, the dark blood that flows when I am cut in battle. But I care not, I've been corrupted, and my intention is not to turn back.” - Destallo Starrend
“ The night sky flows through my veins and the stars no longer sparkle, for they imploded and left the nebula in my ribcage.” - Destallo Starrend
“ 'Ow am I ever to know peace, if I don't know if my son, knows peace? I'm terrified of the unknown, because I have no clue what it could hold, does it perhaps hold every single truth I need ta know? Is it where my son resides, or is he in a shallow fucking grave?” - Barbara Alastair
“ I guess all I really got are my memories and the spark of a cigarette, only warmth I feel these days, is in my damn lungs, burnin' me alive from the inside. Only light I could ever reach kills me. I'm like the moth, drawn toward the flickers of fires set to burn me, but because I'm self destructive, I follow the sparks and flickers anyhow.” - Barbara Alastair
“ We have to remember, we were given life, so why not appreciate this gift we've got, huh? I'm a fixer upper, we all are, really, workin' with what we got. Our little flaws, our little quirks that make us who we are, always wonderin' if who we are is who we oughta be. But you know what? Build a castle made of of the hurt, and embrace that you survived it man, you survived it.” - Lydia Hobkins
“ This world is cruel, hellbent on breaking this soul of mine in half, but you don't break the woman with her heart on her sleeve, you don't break me, I only learn.” - Allie Jekylhead
“ This world was never meant for cruel men, people like to think we're all beasts, vying for a throne, but we're people, trying to fucking live.” - Allie Jekylhead
“ I am no barking dog, when I bark, it's a fucking warning.” - Allie Jekylhead
"I'm paralyzed by a feelin', cause all I got these days are memories that poison my bloodstream and leave me as the aftermath of Chernobyl. How am I ta be healthy, when even my heart is got damn poisoned?” - Vector Beckenheimer
“ It's hard, fearin' for the life of the woman you love cuz her mind is ill. But I guess, all I can do is fight for her, cuz she ain't never been allowed ta fight for herself.” - Vector Beckenheimer
“ Alcohol is a poison, and I'm in chronic condition these days, sippin' on poison as if it would fucking save me.” - Vector Beckenheimer
“ I'm sorry, for feeling this way. Is it perhaps demented, to be not okay? Am I a woman sinful to the core, because I have demons in my mind?” - Friella Beckenheimer
“ Life doesn't seem to treat me right, and neither does my mind.” - Friella Beckenheimer
“ My children.. I'm sorry. But I'm a bad influence, I smoke cigarettes to choke on the smoke and down pills to spit up my remaining life span.” - Friella Beckenheimer
“ I'm not much a woman, these days. Just a lost ember in the wind, and one of these days I'll snuff out. I'm the dying spark amidst ash, the last shred of a pencil used over the years and the girl no one can save, because I can't even save myself.” - Friella Beckenheimer
“ I bleed forevermore, what a shame it is, that I hold the bloodied razor and the glossy regret." - Friella Beckenheimer
“ This world is out'a fokes, but I can't be.” - Kiley Swinton
“ I've found just how demented this world is, followin' the shadows of the pine and the regrets'a the wolves. I found a cave of sinfulness, the sirens sang and beckoned me ta the ocean side where they drowned my sense of innocence, and out rose a vengeful beast by the name'a Kiley fuckin' Swinton.” - Kiley Swinton
“ Karma is fair, Karma is just, she always pays her fuckin' dues.” - Kiley Swinton
“ The birds hum, the sun rises, just not fo' me.” - Kiley Swinton
“ I used ta rule the world, at least, my own little world I could call home. But some people don't care, they'll rip the walls asunder just to reach your heart and cut it.” - Beverly Jackins
“ I've been broken, but this tiara of rust and this throne of love will never topple. My kingdom of isolation, may one day become a kingdom of two. All I need ta build an empire is my daughter, even if it's one of pillows and blankets draped over cardboard." - Beverly Jackins
“ Broken and damned, they call me. But you'd be telling the truth if you just called me, broken.” - Warren Shanaghost
“ I am a damned man in the eyes of the public, they think I tormented two young girls I knew. I'm damned if I did, damned if I didn't I suppose.” - Warren Shanaghost
“ I saw that shadowy figure, I saw that beast dressed as nothing more than a child's fantasy. What a damned creature, drunk off the light of the moon and sinning just because.” - Warren Shanaghost
“ I've done some dumb shit, sure, but haven't we all? I mean, come on, if we ain't a little wild are we really living? The answer is no, if ya were unaware. You can't just live in the boxes they've created, you gotta burst out of that box and rip it the fuck up.” - Promise Ryder
“ The world isn't against you, honestly, the world doesn't care about any of us, it's the people on Earth that do. So look around, someone loves you, someone cares. Just hold onto the little moments, cause those are the ones that really count.” - Promise Ryder
“ I've watched angels fall from blinding heights, but I went with them on burning wings, I am a circus act, forced into the cold shadows of the night.” - Jenscella Harburkens
“ Those who are different are not loved by society, they'd tie me to a stake and burn me, if they so could.” - Jenscella Harburkens
“ Psycho! They say, psycho! But I'm just a lost girl with haunted memories, why damn me when you could damn my abuser? But no, the story of the boy who cried wolf is always told, but seldom told is the tale of Jenscella, the girl who told the truth, but was never believed.” - Jenscella Harburkens
“ I'm a fool for her, I'd dance underneath a stage collapsing, or hold her hand in a battlefield.” - Zoey Shurrick
“ Just because my memories reflect pain, does not mean that is my future.” - Zoey Shurrick
“ My sister is a superhero, in my eyes. She doesn't shoot lasers from her eyes or wear a cape. She wears a suit she hates and a smile despite her past.” - Zoey Shurrick
"Way over yonder I would'a looked at my torn wings and think, by God, how far have I fallen? But now, I sit here in the tatters of my wings and realize, not every plummet ends with death.” - Connor O’Day
“ My nightmares haunt me, my sins plague me, but my love saved me.” - Connor O’Day
“ She's a soldier, and I'd say she's mine, but I think what's beautiful about her is, she's her own.” - Connor O’Day
“ I used ta be ruled by my trigger and how fast I could pull it, but nowadays, I'm defined by love, not my past, not my future. But love.” - Connor O’Day
“ So sisters, brothers and none of the above in arms, won't you join me, on this journey home? We're all so lost, and yet found by each other. We found sanctuary in each other's hearts and home in the storms of love. We are no beasts, no sinners, no saints. Just men, women and everything in-between, lookin' for a purpose on the wind, knowin' it was always family and each other." - Connor O'Day
"Life is like a painting, it gets a little messy and mistakes are made along the way, but who ever said one wrong sway of the brush ruined the piece? We're not perfect creatures, so why pretend to be?” - Jane Van Steenburg
“ I know these days sinners play as saints, but I find once you learn to differentiate the two, the wolf's smile flickers.” - Jane Van Steenburg
“ I'm a black stallion gallopin' on a path'a cobble and thorns, follow me or don't, but this world need heroes, so lets be the heroes we deserve. I don't got no cape, just my twin revolvers and some rebellious bones.” - Granville Van Steenburg
“ I got my guns, and I got my name, and I've learned that's all it takes ta survive. That and a little bit of hope.” - Granville Van Steenburg
"The sun don't shine on da soldiers, and so we learn ta accept da moon. We twist and turn, twirlin' in da moonlight in an ungraceful dance dat burns us wif' our sins. But ey, sinnin' hurts, but so does bein' da hero.” - Winfield Coleman
“Me bones are wicked, can'tcha see? I'm a cold shadow'a the man I used ta fokin' be, ever since I stepped inta the fires'a war, I knew what it was ta die, mate. You hear the story'a the boy who went ta war whole, but came out strong. But seldom told is the tale'a da soldier who walked out wif' rage in 'is eyes and a snarl on 'is lip. War is Hell, dey say, but Hell is Hell, war is war.” - Winfield Coleman
“ We're all damned nowadays, we're all sinners, and so I took it ta the highest degree. Murder'a the conscience." - Winfield Coleman
"I suppose in a world of mystery, we too are unsolved cases, and we must find who we are and search for the clues inside our hearts.” - Carlita Lorenz
“ I'm always going to stay on this road that leads to nowhere, because with those two women, I don't need a destination, just them. I believe in myself and my loves, and I'll always be a star, shining on if only to light up the night sky, to help the moon in her lovely presence." - Carlita Lorenz
“ I'm on a highway of red lights, a path of broken glass, but why not keep this dance in my stride and pride in my smile?” - Hailey Courtney
“ She's my hero, even if she feels like nothing more than a villain. I love her, she's taught me everything, to be strong, to be me, to laugh and enjoy what I have. She doesn't have a cape, she just has a chipped smile and an old tattered sweater.” - Hailey Courtney
“ I'm always gonna face the world with a smile, because if I can face a nightmare smiling, who can stop me, really?” - Hailey Courtney
"The world's a scary place, and sadly, with me in it, it's even more so.” - Keaton Devoncross
“ I'm both the cat and the dog, chasing my tail and running up a tree in cowardice, I'm not a good man, filled with such sins that they could kill any normal man, he'd jump off a cliff side, knowing what I do.” - Keaton Devoncross
“ I worry about things I shouldn't, always been an anxious child, scared of the world and scared of myself.” - Keaton Devoncross
“ Oh how wicked we are, with our claws of iron and rows of needles that prod our gums.” - Keaton Devoncross
“ We made a mockery of these commandments, thou shalt not kill, so instead we killed the mind. Thou shalt not steal, so instead we stole memories and joy. We are thieves of happiness, we stole the stars and let them blink out.” - Keaton Devoncross
“ We have destroyed the meaning of humanity, because these days we're monsters, tearing into whatever's left.” - Keaton Devoncross
"Step into the ring! You'll find here we all share one very similar trait! We wear sins on our sleeves and scars on our hearts! And here, the only way to find purpose, is to fight for it. You might die in the process, but it is a price you must be willing to pay! You are gladiators and gladiatrix's, fight, fight! Fight or die! Kill or be killed!” - Jorovany Ringmaster
“ I am Jorovany Ringmaster! Sinner of the highest degree! I wear both horns and halos, because too trick the saint, I must act like him.” - Jorovany Ringmaster
“ Blood stains the walls, ghosts fill the halls, and a mad man runs the show! You can not escape the arena, for it's always in your memory.” - Jorovany Ringmaster
“ Always was I born to be a beast of bloodied fang and crimson talon, but my heart does beat for someone, but it does not beat for the fool who dares trample the wolf. Adraina makes me feel such curious things, she protects me and says my damning acts are not so damning. She calls me fallen angel, but damned I am, and if she is by my side, damned is she.” - Maya Van Hunters
“ I do not regret what I have done, it doesn't seem to be in my bloodstream, my family tree is made up of rotten bark and branches with gallows our enemies swing from.” - Maya Van Hunters
“ Living is such a damning act, we were born so cold, so bloody. So it seems I never escaped the cycle of cruelty, and I suppose I never shall.” - Maya Van Hunters
“ As I have seen it, this bloodline ends with me, because I bare no child to continue our sinful ways. The wicked roots of my history shall fester and rot, the world will remember the Van Hunters name as a wicked one filled with sinful desires and love for a singular woman.” - Maya Van Hunters
“ I've hit rock bottom a thousand times, but I suppose all it takes to find the top is to climb.” - Rayford Gold
“ My brothers are good men, Robert and Crawford, stuck by me in my darkest times, it's hard to find people like them, who you can laugh and cry with. Some people love you only when it's light, but the ones who're true, love you even in the night. I have found so much, in this world. Money doesn't buy happiness, only friendship and love can do such a thing.” - Rayford Gold
“ I am not a bad man, just one who's made some bad choices.” - Rayford Gold
“ She saved Crawford's life, but her smile saved mine.” - Rayford Gold
“ Don't you dare damn me without knowin' my broken and hellbent past, vengeance is the only thing that drives me nowadays, I'm a broken creature of broken tusk and dented armor.” - Julie Forkroad
“ I got bullets with their names on it, Tilda, Maya, you best watch out, the monster you created is chargin', and her horns will skewer you, choke you on the blood you've spilt.” - Julie Forkroad
“ This future of mine is bloodstained, because my past is bloodstained. I can't escape all this pain because those ghostly women haunt me, their memory is damning, their existence is frightening. But I suppose, on this damned path, I became a reflection of them.” - Julie Forkroad
“ All I have left is my gun and a few empty prayers.” - Julie Forkroad
"It ain't the hatred spread that's remembered, I've learned. Yes, wicked deeds lay on the pages of history, but it's the actions that rid us of the dark, that lay in our hearts.” - Joyce Huffelsburg
“ I have saved so many little boys and girls from a life of trauma and the high risk of finding them swinging from the end of a rope for the sins of their mothers and fathers.” - Joyce Huffelsburg
“ Help people and put other's above yourself, and people will remember you as a hero, but that was never the point. It was always just to do the right thing, wasn't it?" - Joyce Hufflesburg
“ We're all fighting our own battles, whether they be physical or mental, and we gotta attain victory, or we'll never make it.” - Levanna Scorchton
“ I could make an explosion with a single match and an ocean with a single drop of water. That's just how deeply I love, if I couldn't love, I think I'd be driven to hate.” - Levanna Scorchton
"All the money in the world doesn't make one rich, but love? It'll make you the richest person in the world.” - Moriah Castelonia
“ Words can teach so much, but seldom do people speak them in meaningful ways.” - Moriah Castelonia
“ She was just another homeless woman to the world, but when I saw her, shivering on that street, flecks of snow in her golden hair, I knew I had to do something. Everyone passed her by, but if I had, I never would've been found in such a beautiful dance. She's my golden star, wise and lovely. She's taught me so much, we lived in separate worlds, I grew up with silver platters and everything I thought I needed to be happy, while she grew up with nothing but her hope and grit to carry through. Our worlds collided, and now they're so beautifully intertwined.” - Moriah Castelonia
"The question must be asked, is a church steeple dripping with the blood of the fallen still a holy scene? Or has it been scorched by the devil's flame?” - Father Goriah Thorell
“ If we're all sinful, is it such a stretch to say none of us are forgiven? Either God is forgiving and loving, or he's hateful and unforgiving.” - Father Goriah Thorell
“ There's blood on my Bible and sins sitting on the pew.” - Father Goriah Thorell
“ Such damned, and unholy things we are. Sinning with cause, and without it.” - Father Goriah Thorell
"Super heroes only exist in comics and action movies, the real heroes wear cowboy hats, flannels and are no different from you and me. Anyone can be a hero, all it takes is a little bit of will power.” - Mike Pennington
“ I never expected fatherhood to be pushed on me, so suddenly. But.. when my sister left this world.. I had to take care of her daughter, I had to take care of little Dalia. She's a smart kid, made me really proud, ya know? Some people only want her because she's smart, but I love her because she's goofy and fun, full of spirit and wisdom ain't no one ever see coming. She'll blow you away, man, she really will. With all her snark and love, she's a cute kid, and might I one day find her again.” - Mike Pennington
“ I'm no superhero, just a man who's willing to fight.” - Mike Pennington
"To a rich man, the heart is of little value, but to a poor one, it's all he has.” - Dornstecker
“ I've found New York is rampant with corruption and a darkness so smothering I sputter up the air I breathe.” - Dornstecker
“ You can send your thoughts and prayers to those who died, but it won't change a damn thing, all we can truly do is raise our voices and fight against this injustice. Staying silent to such evil only tolerates it, and I won't stand for it. I am a simple goblin, I clock into the bank at seven thirty, I do my job and hope no poor sod comes in with a gun, I clock out and feed my cat and sleep at nine o'clock sharp.” - Dornstecker
“ I have learned we're all paying the Devil's price and he is no pitch forked wielding entity, he's our politicians and our leaders hiding the blood behind their teeth with a pearly white smile. Despicable wolves, every last one of them. Hiding behind their suits and ties, with their large fancy estates.” - Dornstecker
“ We are many, and so why do we stay silent in the midst of horror? Are we to gobsmacked to do anything? Get over the shock of the situation and do something for God's sake.” - Dornstecker
"I think I need to raise my rifle ta fate and say screw you, you've been an asshole, I'm taking matters inta my own hands. Yeah, shoot fate in the heart, it ain't never been very fond of me anyway." - Church Godsel
"My misery overpowers my joy, these days." - Dale Markus
"I play with fire, but it is not I who burns." - Javier Cross
"I used ta say God is always watching, he's by you, he's by you! But now I sit and ponder, where was he when his son bled?" - Nestor Bevelricks
"We will fight until we are dead and buried, and when we are buried we will be remembered by the one's we call family, because family never forgets, friend." - Titus Hawley
"My regret is deafening, I imagine it's the only thing keeping me from hearing the cries of those I've wronged." - Simon Drogace
"He's a fool to trust me, and his family will pay dearly for his mistake."- Quentin Satchel
"If the truth is a sin, call me holy." - Quentin Satchel
"In a world with men like me peace can't exist." - Elton Seaderfault
"My sins crash on me and bury me underneath the wicked soil of my history." - Sean Gale
"So come on, call me a bad man, call me crazy, but I think, you're the crazy one, because you just pissed off Saul mother fucking Northutt, and your life span, has abruptly been cut short."  - Saul Northutt
"I battled my demons, they wore plastic grins, and wielded empty promises." - Saul Northutt
"I'm a bad, bad man, walking through the fires of hell, runnin' through these pages wonderin', when the fuck do I run out of pages to tear the fuck out mercilessly?" - Saul Northutt
"We've taken five hundred steps back in this harsh dance with the darkness." - Alonzo Graves
"You trust a man with your life and you've dug your own grave." - Clayton W. Scarrberry
"Don't mistake your scars for weakness, they built you. Be proud of the strength it took to bare them without turning them on other's." - Rando Ballsy
"If my regret caught up to me vengeance would never be an option." - Dallas Lightsworth
"I see my grave error, I became a monster when my people, and most importantly my daughter needed a man they could look up too." - Bardzimi Talos
"Bob fucking Weathers, well I think that'll look real nice etched onto a tombstone." - Alastair Riseman
"How can God judge me for my sins when his sins can't be fucking counted?" - Roxane Vanderburg
"Do not speak of death as if it has seeped through your rotten skin." - Fandelhimer Bewitchasphere
"The world's filled with killers and vagabonds of Hell, guess I gotta make due with what I got and keep my pistol close." - Espifanio Vanderhoof
"These sins are heavy for those that trust me." - Michael Blomquist
"If I am ta be damned, may I burn Jasper with my fury." - Lileen Nallmorker
"The worst place I've ever resided is my memories." - Lucretia Covington
"Mother, father, forgive me. I never wanted to become a ghost haunting your memory." - Lucretia Covington
"My heart is buried in the pitch black forests in a pinewood box." - Belle Nalroma
"My troubled mind seldom brings me peace. Spose it's a wayfarin' stranger on a desolate road." - Gary Heartlock
"No one sympathizes for the devil it would seem." - Ruby Vollstale
"Revenge is a no man wins game, so here I am, losing." - Cole Milwood
"These sins at my back tell the tale of a lawful man forced to break it." - Aristead Solace
"The world has never favored the man who fights, have you ever noticed it's easier to give up than raise your fists? Easier to stay silent, than speak your mind?" - Timotheus Naziger
"The world cares not for the girl with her ferocious bark and fierce bite. And so the dog learns to become cold just as those who shied away from it." - Abaddon Whilsteila
"Fear never got me anywhere, being feared however did." - Abaddon Whilsteila
"You can not trust the wolf not to devour the lamb. So why put me in a field of peacemakers and expect me to come out without bloodstained hands?" - Caldwell Ramirez
"The world was never in your favor, ask the stars a question and you'll get howls." - Caldwell Ramirez
"The world is bathed in a wicked desire for no other reason than to dominate and conquer. These days we're repeating history and expecting a different result." - Nial Morranann
"Devils ain't wearin' no horns, brother, they got pearly white smiles and share your qualities." - Simon Rossburg
"Cold world we live in, spose all the flowers were kilt and all we're left with is the withered daffodils." - Morton Strawbellow
"Here I am, in a Hell of my own making, cause all I do is hurt myself, and Hell is repeated pain, so here I am, making my life Hell." - Ash Caesar
"People listen to words written on paper as if they were truth, they do not need to see to believe, and so all they'll ever do is ignore the truths that are spoken from the tongues of the people. You can not know truth, if all you breathe in is a lie." - Romanez Callowitz
"My mind is a prison of memories, I've lost hope to see my sunshine again, I begged the world not to take her away, she was my one and only. The star in a night sky that felt dark, but she blinked out, and all I'm left with is a photo album that depicts the memories before my daughter became a snapshot of a memory." - Darlita Romilez
"Chivalry dies when it finds war." - Joe Paquil
"I'm cursed with this never ending affliction to burn for my sins. But I spose a father's duty is to keep on fightin', if only to see his kids grow." - Marrows Redshaw
"Ain't the hate, that made me. But the love and the heart." - Samuel Bones
"I've been chasin' down my dreams since I could walk. Does Justice really think he can twist em into nightmares?" - Rodrick Taywillow
Carry on, they say, carry on. But this storm is not so merciful." - Ebenezer Vanderholt
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morganaofcamelot · 4 years
Robin Hood BBC Commentary/Rant - Season 1, Episode 1 - “Will You Tolerate This?”
‘Tis the second time I’m watching the series. During my initial viewing, there were a lot of things I’ve missed, and frankly, I ignored. So I will take it step-by-step, focusing on the four main characters of the show - Robin, Marian, Guy & the Sheriff - as well as their interactions with the others. You must forgive my english, I am afraid, as it is not my first language and some things may get lost in the translation. I won’t go into much of a technical issues (camera angles, unneeded slow-mo’s, not period appropriate costumes etc, but I will mention some that caught my eye. And, expect memes and references thrown in there, cause if my life is a joke, then I will make jokes of others’ lives, too.
Fair warning: some slight cussing, I guess. Thirst over Guy of Gisborne, some distain for Marian. The usual. Enjoy, under the cut!
Oh, almost forgot! @maxkiki @antigonemorris
1.       Robin makes his heroic entrace, saving Allan A Dale. This first scene sets the tone of the series - Allan is poaching, the guardsmen are relentless and want to punish him, clever Robin has conjured a plan of smoke and mirrors. The guards actually believe that there are more than two people surrounding them. A plan that goes well, until Much opens his mouth. (I loved Much btw, but I think they sidelined him later on).
2.       Their escape and the business at the barn(?). Here, we get a better glimpse of the kind of man Robin is, the irresistible womanizer that he is, the dashing rogue! What we learn for Much is that he likes food. The daughter of the man that offered them food for labor, is taken straight out of a dance-pop music video (again, I will not go into detail, but I just had to say it, because it almost made me stop watching the first time). As Robin snogs the girl, Sarah, her father explains to Much (and us) that there’s a new sheriff in town and he is BAD. The father sees them, and goes to fight for his daughter’s honor, and Robin showcases his agility and finesse (the sword fight is silly, to say the least) and his love for flair and flirt.
3.       Locksley, at last. Sentimental Robin walks around the village, sees that the villagers are frightened. Dan Scarlett is the only one who isn’t afraid. He explains the situation even more – that Guy of Gisborne runs Robin’s estates, that he works for the sheriff, and that the punishments have been harsh for anyone stepping out of line.
4.       Fabulous Gisborne enters the scene. Nothing short of a diva, Guy of Gisborne rides into the village, inquiring about stolen flour. Now, this is where it gets interesting. Gisborne is “quiet menace” incarnate. He talks quietly, but threateningly all the same. He asks for the perpetrators, and when no one comes forth, he gives the order to take the one he had already caught back to Nottingham. This is where Robin steps in, there’s a hint that he and Gisborne know each other, but nothing more. When Robin reveals his identity, Gisborne takes it like a champ, even though he is humiliated in front of the peasants.
5.       The manor. Robin tells us that Much is a free man now. Gisborne enters the manor and welcomes Robin, saying that he ran the estate at the behest of the sheriff. Robin, for reasons unbeknownst to us, acts like a prick. Then Guy asks him about the Holy Land, and Robin replies the good old “oh, show me an argument that was ever settled with blood” and Gisborne calls him out on his bullshit, as he should. But Gisborne isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, and lets slip that he has seen Robin fight, and Robin wonders ‘where?’ Where, indeed, sir Guy? Don’t stress over it, we will learn about it somewhere further down the line. Gisborne informs Robin of the sheriff’s feast, and Robin decides to lord it over Guy, saying that he will demand the prisoners to be released. Guy says, ‘I don’t get paid enough to deal with your bullshit, take it to the sheriff’ and thus ends the confrontation.
6.       ‘She’s still unmarried’. So. Robin tells Much that he will pay a visit to the old sheriff, Much wants to get some rest, although out of obligation and love towards Robin, he concedes. Robin offers the food of the feast his servants were preparing to the villagers of Locksley, to Much’s dismay. Now, Edward of Knighton, seems like a man that has lost his mind, he doesn’t recognize Robin and behold! Marian, with a bow and arrow and ringless fingers (as Robin will comment later), telling them to go to hell. Robin tries to work his charm on her – seemingly it doesn’t work. Then it’s the ‘bless you Robin for feeding us’ scene, which is kind of wholesome and cute and I don’t mind it.
7.       They’re taking the hobbits to Isengard They’re taking the sons to Nottingham.: Sorry, I couldn’t resist the joke. Remember Dan Scarlett? His sons have been arrested for stealing that flour Gisborne made a fuss about, and so they were taken to Nottingham, to await the sheriff’s judgement. Nottingham is a shitty place, by the looks of it. Robin promises he will plead their case.
8.       The BIG BAD. My boy Gisborne is pacing around the room, frustrated. The sheriff pulls a Shredder on us for a little while (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles reference, because I got range) and laughs in his face because Gisborne didn’t force his claim on the manor, besides having 24 men and Robin only had Much. It’s safe to assume most of the peasants wouldn’t get involved in the fight. See, Guy is taking the high ground here. The sheriff assures him that the manor will be Gisborne’s by the end of the month. (Keith Allen is a scene stealer and he is phenomenal in this role, I love him.) The way he plays the next scene, which is the meeting of the lords of Nottinghamshire, is marvelous. He mocks them in their faces, and nobody bats an eye. Robin makes his entrance, Marian and her father are present, they exchange some ‘pleasantries’, and then Robin throws shade at the Pope (not present), and asks to abolish the taxation policies in favor of free market capitalist schemes (yes, I went there). The sheriff, being an old-fashioned chap, is pro-feudalism, and I imagine him that in modern-day, he would be a Brexit enthusiast/Trump supporter.
9.       The birds. The sheriff is upset and goes to his birds to find some peace. Oh, I thought, he loves animals, there’s a redeeming quality! Oops, he accidentally crushed a bird. Nevermind
10.   Marian & Robin creep me out, part I: Marian asks Robin to drop by her house after midnight, because the house is being ‘watched’. Robin goes into insta-flirting mode, hitting on her, which she likes, despite what she says. (and question: Robin was gone for five years (Marian tells us), the betrothal happened when Marian was sixteen, but people say she is supposed to be nineteen at the start of the series(!) Was Marian fourteen when she got betrothed to Robin, and Robin was like, twenty-five, I guess? Not creepy at all.)
11.   Honey, you’ve got a big storm coming: Robin interviews the flour thieves. We learn that the punishment is for them to hang. Allan A Dale lied to get an audience with Robin, only to learn that his lies would lead him to the hangman’s noose.
12.   The Sheriff owns Robin. Oh, the shade! The sheriff is a straight up savage, one of the original gangsta’s of medieval England. My boy Gisborne is in the back, doing what Gisborne does best; looking hot in leather. Marian walks in and smirking, my boy Gisborne steals her away.
13.   Grow up, Robin. Alright, next scene. (Obviously one of those shot into broad daylight, but made it look like nighttime) Robin and Much visit Knighton and Marian tells them to step in, because they will be seen. Robin decides to be a snarky, jealous bitch. Edward of Knighton explains how the new sheriff got in power, and begs him to play the long game, which we know that Robin won’t do, because Robin is, as Robin does. But he thinks on it.
14.   The hanging #1. Robin walks amongst the peasants, inconsolable. The sheriff and Gisborne come to the courtyard, and commence with the hanging. The sheriff has Much, to prevent Robin interfering with the punishment. A “clergyman” asks for the prisoners to be released and let join the Church. Robin smirks, which means it is his plan. The sheriff’s not buying it. The drum rolls…and the stools gets kicked. Robin goes into Avatar state and starts kicking butt, freeing the prisoners, whilst the whole castle watches and does nothing, before the prisoners are free. Silly battle ensues, Robin saves Much by throwing his sword. A bowman is aiming at Robin, but doesn’t fire. Marian does her ninja trick, saving Robin’s life. My boy Gisborne relishes the fact that the manor will now belong to him.
15.   The gang escapes and makes it into Sherwood where they are ambushed by Little John and his twenty men, who in later episodes disappear.
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ciderlikethedrink · 4 years
nate “reviews” albums: razzmatazz
it’s finally here.
it’s razzmatazz day.
i’m gonna do an album “review” of it.
review in quotation marks because it’s mostly just gonna be me gushing about how good this album is.
so i’ve been waiting for this album for a while, and it was very much worth the wait. a lot of the melodies in this album are so nice to listen to and some of them even make me feel nostalgic in a way. even the first time i heard them. dallon seems to be really good at that because i had a similar thing with “too weird to live, to rare to die” and a lot of the songs on “vices & virtues” (both albums that dallon wrote a lot of) so i guess dallon weekes is just really good at writing melodies. something else i like about razzmatazz is that all of the songs have similar sounds so you can tell they’re all from the same album, but they don’t sound the same and you can still differentiate between songs easily. like- they all have the same synths.
Leave Me Alone: i remember being very excited when this song came out because it was the first things we’d gotten from idkhow in a while. something i want to point out is that there are a lot of references to,,,, hanging in this album. (”go fly a kite until you’re tangled in the hanging tree”) i also adore the sound of the bridge and how it comes full circle after the line “and when the sun comes up, you’ll find a brand. new. GOD.” it’s just so cool and a great way to start things off.
Mad IQs: ABSOLUTE BOP!! back at it again with the hanging references. (”i’ll watch you tighten the noose”) this song is such a vibe and sounds pretty similar to “leave me alone” but like- more dance-y. it makes sense because lyric wise, they both seem to be about dallon’s “hollywood life” according to genius lyrics.
Nobody Like The Opening Band: I WAS SO HAPPY WHEN I FOUND OUT THIS WAS GONNA BE ON RAZZMATAZZ!! this song was my favorite idkhow song for a while and i adore it. i love the lyrics and how it mention that opening bands are trying their best just as much as the headlining band. also the way dallon says “end” dfsjlkasakslfsdkl his vocal performance is so amazing in this song. and the last part!!! aaaaaaa!!1! you aren’t sure if he’s gonna do the high note or not, but then when he does it it’s just SO GOOD. and i love the notes he hits as he goes down (i don’t know anything about singing, i play the guitar, but that’s really nice) 
New Invention: thebassthebassthebassthebassssss the way dallon says “bad dreams” he’s just so talented =‘)) this song seems to be about a not-so-good relationship that brings out the worst in the narrator but doesn’t want to leave. or at least that’s how i’m interpreting it. another bop
From the Gallows: 2nd new song. it seems kinda like new invention pt. 2 possibly about the same person because dallon once again mentions someone being beautiful and evil at the same time. i love the piano in this song and the way it sounds like a generic slow love song, when it’s actually a little bit dark. also, is that the fred voice? as in fitter, happier voice? i’m almost certain it is. i don’t have a mac, so i don’t know, but it sounds like fitter, happier voice.
Clusterhug: this song sorta reminds me of some of the stuff dallon did with panic! and maybe even the brobecks. i feel like it could’ve been a vice & virtues bonus track and i wouldn’t question it. oh i just looked it up and apparently it was written during too weird era. so that explains it. the chorus in this song is just so pretty and dallon is once again going crazy with those high notes. it’s very ironic that dallon wrote the line “holy quarantine” before 2020.
Sugar Pills: “could it be that it’s only in my hhhheeeeeeEEEEEAAAAAAAAADD?” i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again, i’m in love with dallon’s voice. that funky musical interlude is so cool. this is one of the songs where the synth-y noises make me feel nostalgic in a way. not that i’ve heard them before, but like you could’ve told me this song was a hit in the early 2000′s and i’d believe you. this is probably one of my favorites.
Kiss Goodnight: i love this song,,, a lot. this is a really sweet love song, it makes me feel like i have a crush on someone even though i don’t. i also love the line “believe i’ll be a gentleman or you can show me the door”  because it’s foreshadowing to a later song on the album. i feel like i would hear this song in like- a cool mall. it’s so sweet and i love the pretty lyrics and aaaaaa it’s so beautiful!!!!! did i mention i love dallon’s voice???? i think this might be another one of my favorites, but i could honestly say that about every song on here.
Lights Go Down: this is another one with that nostalgic synth noise. the instrumentals honestly remind of lemon demon, maybe it’s just me, but that those funky noises just radiate lemon demon energy. this song makes me feel like i’m in a car late at night in a big city where all the pretty lights are out and the car smells like air freshener. that makes no sense, but it just does. such amazing vibes. the drums in this song are also very epic. cool saxaphone.
Need You Here: i feel bad because i almost forgot about this song. and it’s about dallon’s kidsssss~!!! that’s so cute. amelie did such a good job. i remember when i first listened to this, i was like “wait is this about his kids?” and it is. i didn’t know amelie could sing so well, i honestly thought they got some other artist to sing there. the high note GOD I LOVE DALLON’S VOICE.
Door: i’ll be honest, i cried like a little baby the first time i heard this one. sorta reminds me of how i am with my friends. just always suggesting that they leave me because i don’t feel like i’m good enough for them. it really do be like that sometimes. “promise the next time you take my hand is to show me the door” that line- oh god- that line gets me every time, dude. my sensitive little baby brain can’t handle that much emotion.
Razzmatazz: i think it’s really cool how they ended the album with the title track. i think this one is my favorite idkhow song. the chorus is so lovely and it makes me nostalgic as hecc. and apparently i’m not the only one because when i commented it about it one the music video some people seemed to agree. the way dallon says “cast all your spells” makes me smile whenever i hear it BECAUSE I LOVE HIS VOICE. that chorus is my life support, i adore it with my entire heart. i’ll never get tired of hearing this one because whenever i hear it, it feels like i’m hearing it for the first time again. “let’s go paint the town on our way home.”
if i had a physical copy of this album, i would give it a hug and kiss every night before i go to bed, i adore it. 10/10, great album, i love everything about it. i also feel like the track listing is perfect. ending it with razzmatazz was an amazing idea because i brings everything together after door. and starting off the leave me alone? that was a genius move. a wonderful listen from start to end, i’m so excited to see what my boys dallon and ryan do next because i was not expecting an album this great. i’ve already listened to it 2 and half times and it just got released today. absolutely worth the wait.
and that’s all i had to say about razzmatazz, in all honestly, it was the only reason i wanted to get up this morning.
ok thanks for listening
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thanksjro · 4 years
Spotlight: Orion Pax - Because Hasbro was Getting Antsy About Their Golden Boy Having Faffed Off into Space
Oho, you thought we were done with Optimus Prime, did you?
You fools.
This is Transformers- we’re legally obligated to have Optimus Prime in some form or fashion running around at all times. This is just Hasbro catching up.
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Fun fact: this was published on December 12th, 2012!
Our issue opens up with Orion Pax strapped to the top of a shuttle that’s careening towards a city.
But that’s the hook, so we won’t get to see what that’s all about just yet. No, first we’ve got to see just what all led to this point.
Earlier in the day, Orion Pax got refitted with a hot new bod, courtesy of Wheeljack, and now he’s showing off his new look to historical constant Rung and Kaput, who are here to assist in acclimation.
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This is Kaput’s first appearance in the comics, but it’s not his first entry into the IDW continuity. He was introduced in the  Last Stand of the Wreckers prose story Bullets, where he diagnosed Ironfist with dead, in so many words. Kaput’s here currently because he specializes in sparks, and he’s going to make sure that Orion’s doesn’t explode in his chest thanks to the frame change. No word on whether the wheel was something he came into the world with or a modification.
But enough medical nonsense, let’s see the star of the show.
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That’s not how reflections work!
Orion’s first point of contention is the fact that his lucky faceplate is missing. Wheeljack replaced it with a proper face, because that’s the new hotness right now. I guess when you’re a race of space robots who can change their bodies the way humans change their clothes, fashion is a lot more work. I wonder if faces out out of vogue in the present- there’s a lot of guys without one on the Lost Light.
Rung offers Orion some reading materials to help him cope with the sudden change, but it isn’t necessary. Orion fully intends to switch back to his old bod after his mission is over.
If you couldn’t tell by this point, this whole “frame change” thing is a plot contrivance to explain away some of the design clashing between comics set during this time period.
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This is Zeta.  
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Yes, really, they’re the same guy. I don’t think Senator Shockwave would have had him modified for Matrix carrying if he’d known how tacky he was going to be about it.
Zeta Prime seems to think that haute couture is exploding a Galapagos turtle and then strapping the smoking remains to your back.
Zeta leads Orion over to where Nightbeat’s waiting with a slideshow he spent hours on. Nightbeat, at the time of this story, is a hostage negotiator, and today his mission, as well as Orion’s, is to retrieve our beloved Ratchet from a Decepticon terrorist cell hiding somewhere in the Rust Spot. The Rust Spot’s some heavy duty danger, hence the reformat for Orion.
They’ll also be bringing on Alpha Trion, #1 Rust Spot navigator, philosopher, polymath, polyglot, historian, and all-around grandpa.
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His beard gets a D+, however.
Note the quotation marks on “he” here; it looks like even Roberts was sick of the Furmanism that is “genderless robots that all appear to be male”. We’ll get more into that sticky situation later on. What I want to focus on right now is our artist for the issue, Steve Kurth.
Kurth is from Wisconsin, and doesn’t have a ton of pencil credits to his name in the Transformers franchise. He mostly does work for Marvel, and while it appears his art blog hasn’t been updated in a few years, the publishing company still has a tag for him. He’s done the Avengers, if that’s your thing.
Anyway, so nobody knows who’s in the back.
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I gotta say, Alpha Trion, you got some brass fucking balls to insinuate that the cops forgot to put the hostage tradeoff in the trailer, in front of said cops.
The fellas transform and roll out, Orion pulling the trailer because anything else would be blasphemy, as Alpha Trion guides them to the meet up point. As they drive, the old man regales the young whippersnappers with his tales of friendship and adventure alongside Metroplex the Titan. They were, like, best friends. Seriously.
Storytime gets interrupted however, as our heroes are attacked from beyond the mists.
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You know, when I was a kid, my mom had a car that looked exactly like Nightbeat here, paint job and all.
Alpha Trion got so wrapped up in blathering away, he forgot to mention that they were in Slicer territory, and might want to be on the lookout. Thanks, Alpha, way to be a pal.
Nightbeat refers to the creatures as “throwbacks”, something that’s never elaborated on, but I’m going to guess it means something along the lines of being primitive, or perhaps animalistic.
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Holy fucking shit, that’s terrifying.
These awful things start swarming Orion, Nightbeat, and Alpha Trion, who all start punching and shooting with wild abandon, making short work of the mass. Orion gets a few paper cuts for his troubles, but they’re all more or less alright.
The trailer can’t say quite the same though; the door’s popped off, and the contents have either escaped or never existed in the first place.
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Schrodinger wept.
Alpha Trion pulls the prisoner out of the fog… and then so does Nightbeat.
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It’s a two-for-one sale at the Hostage Emporium.
Rack and Ruin haven’t really done anything to warrant being worth a whole entire Ratchet, so Orion decides to have a little chat and see what’s up.
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Oh, that’s what Nightbeat meant by Ruin being the ugly one.
Orion’s chat reveals these two chumps to be even bigger losers than they first appeared to be- their only talent seems to be instantaneous conversion, which involves shutting off all the safety protocols for one’s transformation cog for a faster switch.
Orion switches trains of thought, asking about the Decepticon cause and its whole deal. This is a bit after the events of the heist, so the rhetoric has become a bit more violent by this time, and he wants to know what the hell happened.
But there’s no time for philosophic musing, because that’s when the Decepticons show up. Thundercracker escorts our group to the hideout to meet Bludgeon, and the exchange is made, albeit with a pro bono thrown in.
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Well, shit.
This was why the Decepticons wanted to meet in the Rust Spot; because they knew only Alpha Trion would be able to guide the cops to the tradeoff point. But what are they going to do with robot grandpa? Why, use him to find Metroplex, of course!
There’s a rumor that Titans have the capabilities to create space bridges inside them- we as the reader know this to be true thanks to the 2012 MTMTE Annual, but let’s not tell Bludgeon about all that, yes?
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Orion, please, this is hardly the time.
Luckily for Alpha Trion, Orion stuffed some guns into the bottom of the trailer, as is made apparent when he starts throwing them to his buddies. Why he and Nightbeat weren’t carrying any weapons on their person isn’t addressed, but at least the idea here is kind of cool.
Alpha Trion  easily escapes his bonds, because a noose isn’t really worth much to a species that doesn’t breathe and can literally survive not having a head.
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We are just laying it on THICK today, aren’t we?
Rack and Ruin lead the other not-Decepticons into the tunnels towards safety- not sure how exactly, considering they’ve got their sensory deprivation helmets back on- as Orion Pax is dogpiled into submission.
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Bludgeon might need a hobby. Might I suggest jigsaw puzzles?
Orion’s about to hit the loop that was created by the first page of this issue, so he tries to stall for time to think of a way out of all this. He halfway succeeds, in that he gets a little more time, but doesn’t come up with anything. Down on the ground, all his friends watch the shuttle shoot into the sky, probably wondering what all that’s about.
Bludgeon was aiming for this shuttle to hit a populated area, but it would appear that he’s an idiot and overshot by a wide margin. Cool beans.
Ah wait, we still have another three pages of story to this.
Hey, y’all remember Hoist’s tragic backstory, where he wandered the Rust Spot alone until he almost died of exhaustion?
Yeah, that was Orion’s fault.
The Fault of Our Star, if you will.
(I’ve never read anything written by John Green, what the hell am I doing?)
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Because he just bounced off the underside of Hoist’s shuttlecraft, Orion’s hurtling towards the downtown section of Iacon, which is absolutely a populated area and exactly what Bludgeon was going for. Orion’s going to have to think fast if he’s going to get out of this one. Good thing Rack and Ruin told him their super secret transformation technique.
Thinking quickly, Orion transforms into a truck, breaks his bonds, somehow manages to not fly off the side of the shuttle due to wind pressure, transforms back to root mode, shuts off the autopilot, slams into a wide open field just outside of town, and survives well enough to be more concerned about Wheeljack being mad he scuffed up his new body than his own safety. Good on you, Orion! You saved the day!
To celebrate, he takes an old hubcap or something and shoves it over his face, because I guess only he gets to know how he’s feeling.
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Don’t look at me like that, it’s not my fault the story just kind of ends here.
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justjessame · 4 years
Double Shot Chapter 23
To say I wasn’t tempted by the idea of doing a drive-by instead of a inside tour of my mom’s house would be a fucking lie. There was a HUGE part of me, even with the confidence having Clay by my side gave me, that wanted to drive by as fast as possible with a nod of my head toward the house and then fuck all the way off, but that wouldn’t do. Facing it, getting it out of the way, and then deciding what to do with the house was the best course of action. At least that’s the mantra I kept repeating to myself throughout the morning, while I also prepared for the celebratory dinner at Enzo’s.
Carrie was in the office when I called and she nearly squealed at the idea of a party being held. I wanted to cancel, just from the glee that she seemed to be oozing, but then I shrugged. Small tourist town on the coast, we didn’t get much excitement, I guess. We talked over how to make it work, without alienating Enzo’s regulars, and discussed something that I hadn’t wanted to mention to Keli.
“If I make it, can I bring it in without Joey getting pissed?” Joey was Enzo’s pastry chef, a territorial Italian who was known to lose his shit if he overheard a muttered complaint about the tiramisu.
Carrie snorted. “Joey will be fine as long as I promise him that you aren’t stealing his job. He keeps hearing glowing reviews of the pastries you make over at the Drip, he doesn’t KNOW it’s you, but he suspects.” Takes a baker to know one, I thought. “I’ll handle his overabundance of testosterone, you take care of the cake.”
I chose Saturday night. I hoped that Davey and George would come, and I thought I’d ask Clay to invite his team. It felt right, somehow to have all of us together for a night of celebration. Plus, with all of us in one spot, maybe I wouldn’t worry about the knife hanging over our heads.
Clay came in around lunchtime, and I smiled as I shifted control to Keli. While I did it almost daily when I made a run to the bank, this time we both knew, as did the girls I left in her hands, was different. She wished us well for our chore, since I told her what we were planning, and Clay’s eyes widened when she didn’t look murderous while she offered it.
I was chuckling as we walked to my car. “Keli’s my new manager,” I offered as I beeped the car unlocked so we could get in. “I think she’s taking well to her new role.” His eyes met mine when we got inside the car and I smiled. “You told me I should start delegating more.”
His answering smile nearly made me forget why we were in the car. “I know this isn’t easy for you,” I was still thinking about Keli, but he went on. “I’m right here, Char, if it gets too hard-” Oh, I blinked, he meant the house. Right, the whole point of the day. Shit.
“I know,” now, I added, starting the car and pulling onto the street. And I hoped he knew how much I loved having him with me. The house I grew up in looked more like a doll house than my memory bank allowed it to. In fact, if someone asked me to describe it prior to us pulling up in front, I might have created a word image that was a cross between the Addam’s family house and Dracula’s castle. Good times, good times.
In reality, it was white with pale blue trim. The scalloped framework of the wrap around porch, the white picket fence, the perfect lawn all belied the darker memories that took place inside. I shook my head when I took in the matching dollhouse mailbox.
“I forgot she added that,” I muttered, touching the wood with a fingertip. “She tried so hard to make everything picture perfect.” Clay was looking around, and I knew he was wondering if I had the key. “It’s here,” I held up the keyring that held all the keys I used daily. “Habit,” I murmured, thinking that it made little sense to have kept it with me, but I had.
“Are you ready?” His voice was quiet as we walked through the gate, up the floral lined pathway. I nodded, thinking it was all surreal. The last time I- Shaking it off, I took the steps onto the porch carefully, smiling at the care that Davey had paid for to keep up the house no one ever went inside.
I unlocked the door and took a deep breath. Opening it, I was pleasantly surprised to find that the air wasn’t stale. Then again, Davey and George probably had someone come in and air it out regularly, not to mention keep the dust at bay. What I wasn’t prepared for, as I stepped over a threshold I hadn’t touched since I was ten years old, was the fact that it was still completely furnished just like the last time I was inside.
Looking around, without moving further than the entry hall, it felt like if I stood still I’d hear her call out. That my mom would come through the doorway from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her apron and admonishing me for staying at the cafe too late. Or from the living room, a book in her hand and her reading glasses perched on her nose, eyes tight with worry and anxiety, asking me if I’d eaten or if I wanted her to make me a sandwich.
“Char?” Clay’s voice startled me, so lost in the past that I’d forgotten him. “Sweetheart?”
“I’m fine.” My voice was barely a whisper, I felt scared that I’d pop the bubble of nostalgia, the feeling that she was still here, still just out of sight felt so real to me.
I’d forgotten how light she’d kept the colors inside the house too, my memories of those years so clouded by the pain she was coiled in. Pale walls, pale wood, pale patterns. I started moving, knowing that she wasn’t here, not really. Her book, or the one she’d been reading last was still by the chair she always sat in near the fireplace in the library. Her glasses on top of it. I was surprised the cup she used for her tea wasn’t next to it on its matching saucer, but the housekeeper had probably washed and put it away.
It felt surreal, how light and airy the house actually felt, versus how I remembered feeling living inside of it. As I climbed the stairs, wondering what room she’d done it in, if there would be a sign of it, I saw that all the bedroom doors were open. So were the bathrooms. Mom would have had a coronary, I thought with a sad smile. My feet took me to my old bedroom and I held my breath at the sight of the room filled with everything from a childhood that I tried to block out.
The bed, so big for the tiny girl I’d been the last time I slept in it, had four huge white posts and a set of steps to help me get into it. The bed clothes, were they always lavender colored? I vaguely remembered the dollhouse, another replica of the house I stood in, filled with miniature versions of the furnishings and even the people. Or at least there had been, at one time all of them. I walked to it, feeling Clay watching from the doorway and bent down.
The house, like the one I was inside of, was immaculate. The little girl was in the kitchen, baking with a man who looked like George. A woman was in the library in Mom’s chair with a tiny book and a cup on the table beside her, a man who looked like Davey on the sofa. Tilting my head, and twisting the house on it’s rotating base, I smiled as the front came into view. There, hanging from the gingerbread trim of the front porch, from a noose I’d fashioned out of dental floss was the doll that looked like Walter. Happy that no one had removed at least the one thing that proved I’d actually fucking lived in this perfect house, I stood up and turned to see Clay staring at me, his eyes flashed to the dollhouse and I waited for him to gasp or his eyes to widened but he just grinned.
“Takes talent to make a functioning noose out of floss, Char,” he came further into the room and took a look around. “This house is something else.”
“This house is a lie,” I amended. “It’s gorgeous, it just doesn’t-” I sighed. Did I want it?
Clay wrapped himself around me, tucking my head under his chin. “You don’t have to make a decision today, or tomorrow.” I smiled as I snuggled into his chest. “It is a beautiful house though.” I couldn’t deny that. “Want to make at least ONE more good memory here?”
I tipped my head back and raised an eyebrow. His head lowered to mine and as his mouth met mine I smiled into his kiss thinking, perhaps, just perhaps, the house wasn’t ALL bad.
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jflashandclash · 4 years
Tales From Mount Othrys
This story comes soon after the Roman ambush on Alabaster’s laboratory. After the Pax brothers and Alabaster defend the lab until reinforcements show up, the question hangs in the air: who revealed the location of Alabaster’s lab? The Spy Master is assigned to find out or, at least, find a scapegoat.
 Mercedes: Interrogation Letdown
           If you asked Mercedes, she would say that she didn’t drink coffee. Her hijab always smelled of the robust aroma, one that wafted memories of her mother, of her mother’s lips as they pressed Mercedes’s forehead in a morning goodbye. Another day of work. Another disposable cup of coffee. Another hour to torment her brothers as Mercedes corralled them ready for school.
         There were few personal items in her Camp Othrys cabin, but two of her most valuable were a rug (for when she went to “tend to the Hecate garden” in the chapel) and a small French press.
         Few were awake early enough to witness her trek from Fajr prayer to the Spy Wing. There, she dumped some coffee beans and hot water into the glass container. After capping it, she would lean over the golden lid to inhale the fumes. Normally, the French press, accompanying mug, and coffee were all cleaned and away before anyone came in.
         Today, she set her coffee mug in the center of the interrogation table. Steam curled up between her and Pax. She tapped her pen against her Othrys notebook. She hoped her irritation was prominent enough to cover up her worry. Pax didn’t need to know she was worried about him. It would get into his head, inflate it, and he’d become the next astronaut to circumnavigate the world and her anger.
         This silence was one of her and Pax’s many games: invite him into the spy wing, give him no clear instructions, then ignore him for thirty minutes. At the end of his twitching, squirming, and sprawling across the table, she would ask him which three suspicious activities she had done. She would ask for the exact timestamp for each.
There weren’t always three. Sometimes there were none. Sometimes there were eleven. She wanted him to question her authority, and she wanted him to use his brain, something many people found abhorrent, she knew. At least Pax could be bribed into it.
         Today was not one of those exercises. However, she didn’t correct his assumption that it was. She enjoyed his rapt attention and silence.
         At the top of the page, as she did in every page of this notebook, she scrawled, “To me, death is nothing but happiness, and living under tyrants nothing but living in a hell” and “The end justifies the means.”
         Pax, as suspected, broke first. “Are you going to drink that?”
         “No,” she said, “It’s there for the aesthetic.”
As per usual, Pax couldn’t tell if she was serious or sarcastic. That’s exactly where she liked him. His face scrunched up in his I’m Over-Thinking expression. Mercedes loved it. Pax’s unending chatter put her at ease. Ever since he went to Tartarus, his liar’s tells had become obvious. If she waited long enough, he’d rat himself out.
That’s why she left Pax’s interview for the end. He was uncomplicated and comforting after the morning’s slog.
Underneath her paper’s quotes, she wrote, Suspects.
“Did you decide it wise to tell someone about Alabaster’s super secret layer before its defenses were activated?” With others, she couldn’t be so direct. With Pax? If he thought he was at fault, he would crumble to guilt.
Instead of falling apart, he fell onto the table. The coffee mug jerked, the brown liquid sloshing against the white, ceramic sides. She forced herself not to grab for it, to maintain her composure as cool and collected.
“Oh! Mercedes! Do I have to answer more questions about this?” He peaked at her through his fingers, his amber and black eyes glistening. “Axel and I didn’t know the location until we got there! We were just told we’d be Alabaster’s pack mules for the day and we’d do less of a half-assed job that the empousas would.”
From the information she’d collected, this was correct. Mostly. Alabaster verified it: he hadn’t told the Pax brothers anything until moving day.
However, Axel, after several rounds of questioning and clearing his throat, admitted that Alabaster had given him a rough approximation about the plans and location. This either meant Alabaster was willing to lie for one of his “meat shields” or that he had forgotten that detail. Alabaster had come to their interview with a stack of papers meticulously chronicling each time he’d mentioned the lab project over the last three months. If he had forgotten, Mercedes was a Zeus fangirl.
Mercedes had checked his records and found that Alabaster had altered them. He probably thought she wouldn’t notice, but….
But Mercedes knew Alabaster. She knew all of them. It was her job. She knew that Alabaster rubbed the upper left corner of pages when he was thinking. Several pages from his records had unmarred corners. The penmanship was sloppier on those pages. (He forgot to dot an “i;” an atrocity in Alabster’s book of How to be a Hard Ass.) The margins were five millimeters wider than the other pages, something he would balk as being a behemoth waste of space. He likely rewrote those pages, omitting that he told Axel anything. And he thought he adjustments were small enough that she’d overlook them.
From Pax’s reaction, neither Axel nor Alabaster had told him.
“Pax Two, you’re—”
“I know, I know.” He sighed, slumping back into his chair. “I’m excreting salacious facial sweat onto your interrogation table.”
She forced her lips not to twitch. “Sebaceous,” she corrected and immediately regretted it. It brought her joy to envision adult Pax on a CSI crime scene, taking fingerprint samples and discussing how “salacious” or “lustful” the evidence was to the appall of all of his coworkers, all left to theorize about his sex life.
Mercedes was always pleasantly surprised by how carefully Pax listened to her and remembered what she said, even if he did mispronounce a word way out of their grade’s reading level.
“How did you detect the Romans?” she asked. Part of her wanted to be proud of him: he was her trainee, after all and he thwarted the Romans with his snooping.
“One of them shot Sphinx.” The playfulness was gone. He stared at the coffee mug’s rising steam.
Mercedes set the pencil down. Her instincts said to touch his hand or give him a hug.
Impartial, she reminded herself, tracing quotes in her notebook. I’m supposed to remain impartial. Not to think about Lou Ellen crying when she went to the lab, where Sphinx used to live. Not to notice Pax shamefully avoid his best friend’s gaze, horrified Lou Ellen might blame him for not saving Sphinx.
I’m as impartial as a campaign poster.
Mercedes often caught herself daydreaming about ending this war without any deaths. This was the problem with being a spymaster: you had friends on both sides of the war. Little divided you other than a sense of loyalty or cultish idealism. When most Romans defected from Camp Jupiter, they left everything and everyone. But, Mercedes was the spymaster. She needed contacts. She could never truly leave either camp.
No one had won this fight, though New Rome definitely lost. Alabaster no longer had his lab, half-a-decade’s worth of priceless magical artifacts, and one of his spell books. The full death toll wasn’t in on the Roman side, but they had lost a lot of people. Mercedes still needed to verify the death of their prisoner. Rumor said that he had consumed a suicide pill during Jack and Flynn’s “questioning.” Lucille and Mercedes normally did the interrogation. They kept the interrogation humane. Jack and Flynn didn’t.
Mercedes shivered. She didn’t like Flynn and Jack doing interrogations. She didn’t like that Jack’s mind was waning alongside Luke’s.
On top of that, rumors swept the Roman legion of a new monster, this creature that had awaited the legionnaires in the Mist of the Witch’s Layer. No doubt, this was a rumor started to preserve some soldier’s honor, to make the Pax brothers and Alabaster seem an insurmountable foe instead of three panicked kids. From the way Pax retold the story now, he had no idea about the impression they had made.
Pax was retelling the events—enumerating the soldiers, recalling their location, their armament, their words—when he choked. “I couldn’t kill her, Mercedes. Is that bad?” He puffed up his cheeks and popped them. His eyes were glassy. He had been talking about a soldier that he’d caught in a noose. “Good thing to know I’ll always go for the high five. I’ll never leave you hanging there.” The last words broke with a hiccupped sob.
Impartial. You’re impartial.
Mercedes gripped the handle of the mug. The warmth was fading from the ceramic. She lifted it. What was left of the heat and the scent of tangy undertones—she exhaled, shuddering. How would she get through this talk without hugging Pax?
He shouldn’t have been at this fight. He ought to have been failing out of middle school. Really, he ought to be playing with a pegasus at Camp Half-Blood. She tried not to consider how their relationship would differ if he was.
She set the mug back on the center of the table. “No. A propensity for murder isn’t a skill I value and… and the availability of a compassionate heart is a rare delicacy on this ship, despite what Luke and Kronos preach.”
Pax’s watery eyes went wide. He sniffled. His gaze shot around the room before resting back on her. “You don’t like Luke very much, do you?”
Mercedes scowled. “That is a dangerous accusation, Pax Two. I feel for him the same way I feel for my father.”
Irresponsible. Power-mad.
Luke had made her exchange her fear of one monster for another.
She did not always see eye-to-eye with Axel; she’d been to one of his cage matches and was unfond of the sensationalized violence he so easily exhumed. However, she’d never been more relieved than the day he stood between Annabeth—a bound and gagged, thirteen-year-old girl—and her would-be molester. That changed her mind about Luke forever.
This was not a conversation to have aboard the ship.
“I made you something,” the words exploded from Pax. It startled Mercedes and reminded her of the time that Pax smuggled thirty containers of pudding from the cafeteria in Matthias’ spandex boxers. The seams ripped, much like Pax had sputtered these words: clumsy and a little too excited to escape.
Trust Pax to easily dodge a conversation and to make you think about someone’s underpants.
He withdrew something from his jacket pocket. A bulge had inhabited that it since he’d returned from Tartarus, though she’d assumed it was some kind of safety blanket. Knowing Pax, it could have been a preserved piece of skin that hadn’t properly reattached to Lou Ellen’s hand.
When he unfolded the brown silk, Mercedes stopped breathing. While scrunched up and crinkled, the embroidery was still beautiful: all pink and gold thread. It swirled in an elegant floral pattern along the square’s edges. He made this?
“And—I—I made you a magnet pin to hold it together so you don’t need to be worried about piercing the material…”
When he fumbled in his pocket again, Mercedes could feel her lip trembling. Before he looked up, she shut her jaw and dabbed her cheeks with the back of her hand. By the time he had set the items on the table, she managed her expression into a neutral one. She added Practice Facial Expressions to her list of spy exercises for his training. Vitally important if he ever had the karma of training a mini-him later down the road.
“I made a different one and ruined it when I practiced pinning it. Can you show me how to put one on right? The fabric slides and goes everywhere so I can’t test it properly. You won’t tell us when your birthday is, and I’ve been wanting to make you one for awhile, and this is one of the many things I wanted to do to make it up to you...”
His voice trailed off. Although he tried to keep his eyes sheepishly on the table, they kept flicking up to check her reaction. His information cataloguing demeanor was so obvious: wide-eyed excitement, the hint of a smile curling his lip, a slight lean forward.
Mercedes couldn’t keep her hand from shaking when she reached for the fabric and magnets. He would notice the weakness; she had taught him to notice.
Both sides of the magnets were decorated, one a subtle brown that matched the hijab and another with bold gold and pink paint to match the embroidery, presumably to either blend or use as an accessory. Both were coated in a smooth gloss, likely for comfort. From what she could see, there was no trick or prank attached. Just a small, thinner section, where he must have fiddled with the fabric when talking to her.
This was one of the nicest things someone had done for her since she got to Camp Othrys.
His words echoed in her head. I wanted to make it up to you. To make up for lying and going to Tartarus.
         “This is an acceptable start, Pax Two,” she said, “This does not mean you’ve dissuaded my wrath. Continue to grovel and do not expect any items in return.” If he thought she was mad, he was less likely to do something so stupid again. Mercedes almost swore. Technically, Pax was younger than her, even if by less than a year. She ought to give him something, even if it was a few pennies, for Eid al-Fitr. He better not look at that as an apology acceptance.
         Pax’s conniving smile broke into a goofy grin. “Gifts are not gifts if you’re expecting something in return.” He sounded like he was quoting a childhood mantra, adding in a little jingle.
         “Then they’re transaction pieces,” she agreed absently. Mercedes folded the fabric and attached the magnet to assure she didn’t lose it. She shoved the gift out of sight, under the table. If she looked at it for too long, he’d catch her smiling. She was furious that some part of her wanted to be somewhere private, so she could examine the embroidery in detail.
         She began again, “The investigation—”
         Pax whined and sank right back onto the table.
         Mercedes waited until he quieted his whining. “Did you notice anything suspicious? Oh competent assistant of mine? Or were you too busy examining Alabaster’s assets.” She flipped her notebook to a previous page, one with two columns of names that were subdivided into tables. “This is my list of people who found out or were told. Who would you find most suspicious? Who do you think can’t keep a secret and to whom would they relieve the secret’s burden?”
         She read it aloud from a second copy before he could point out that he couldn’t read:
 Involved in the planning process: Alabaster, Matthias, Lou Ellen, Hecate, Prometheus.
Involved in construction: Matthias, Alabaster, a rotation of blind-folded minions under Matthias (see back)
Knew the location: Alabaster, Matthias
Found out the location: Flynn, Jack, Luke/Kronos, Phil, Pax One, Pax Two, Mercedes, Morpheus
Two days of constant interviews had taken its toll. Tension clenched her jaw, something she didn’t notice until Paxton forced her to relax. Had she had water since before Wudu? Her mouth felt dry.
         Paxton began to babble, “Matthias is a great secret keeper. I still don’t know how he shaved an underwear pattern into Phil’s—”
“Pax Two.” She meant to stop him from going off on a tangent. He took it as an accusation.
“Who, me? I’m a huge security flaw.” He gave her a sly smile. “I tell you everything.”
“That’s amply evident.” Since his return from Tartarus, he felt the need to tell her each time his color switched from green to transparent.
Pax tapped the lower part of the paper. “You forgot the centaurs. They didn’t know until we got there, but they did find out.”
Mercedes applauded this observation with silence. This would indicate that she had not forgotten the centaurs, but wanted to know if he would. This type of testing was so customary to Pax that he continued unhindered.
“Oh! And that sun god—the old one? Hecate’s friend that can see everything under the sun, like Greek Santa. How come he gets the privilege of being Greek Santa but the sky god doesn’t? If I were Zeus, I would want some those powers re-sorted
         “Helios,” Mercedes said. She had forgotten him. Rumors of his power (near-forgotten at the likes of Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter) were rampant in the Othrys ranks. Helios sometimes claimed his powers didn’t work because he didn’t have the sun chariot, but she would need to be sure. Mercedes sat very still. Would she need to interview another titan? One she did not want to see?
         “You forgot about him.” Pax sounded cheery.
         Slowly, Mercedes nodded. “I had. This is why it’s good to keep parasites around. Sometimes they keep things in their digestive systems longer than the host. Or, maybe, sometimes hosts need partners more than parasites.”
         Elevating Pax’s position—that was a conversation for another day.
         Mercedes felt sick. She wanted to accuse a friend of espionage as much as she wanted to volunteer them for an interactive presentation on degloving. No one had given her much to work with, but most didn’t fit the bill.
Matthias had gone in rambling circles during his interrogation. The main thing saving him? He was too clever and resourceful. Had he wanted to capture the three boys in a building that he had designed, there would have been an attack of chloroform-coated underwear automatons.
Prometheus, likewise, would not have been so sloppy. He, as he admitted, would have gassed the boys or poisoned them.
Alabaster and Lou Ellen suspected Lamia. Apparently it would be easy for such a powerful witch to locate the magical objects transported there. Mercedes had Lamia on a different suspect list.
Luke, in his ever-increasing paranoia, thought it was Alabaster who set himself up. A charming disposition to cover up Luke’s insecurities, but Mercedes knew that Alabaster had no use for subterfuge. His family made up a third of the army. If he wanted, he could have the Princess Andromeda make port in San Pedro Bay with a Welcome Legions of Rome! sign.
That left an option Pax should have pointed out but never would.
He was close to all the right people: Luke (formerly. Mercedes blamed their falling out on a lack of shared interest. Axel didn’t have the propensity for pedophilia and domestic abuse that Luke had), Alabaster, Jack and Flynn, and, of course, Pax. By being close to Pax, he was close to Mercedes and all of Mercedes’ documents. He was one of the only souls aboard the ship not pledged to Kronos—incapable since he was full-blooded Maya.
There was no point in interviewing Flynn. Flynn could tell Mercedes that she was innocent; with her charmspeak, Mercedes would believe her. Any argument against Flynn would have to be cautiously researched, compiled, and brought to Lucille, Prometheus, and Luke in full secrecy.
For that matter, Lucille could be a good option, but there seemed no reason: she was happily courting Ethel and had taken Charlie on as her own daughter. She didn’t feel right… Although, Mercedes guessed Silena Beauregard wouldn’t feel right as a spy for Camp Half-Blood, and Silena had been cheating on Beckendorf and getting campers killed for at least two years now. Having children of Aphrodite around was always dicey. Thank god the Roman editions weren’t as powerful.
Although it was unwise to be too close to anyone with Mercedes’ job, she wouldn’t want to accuse Lucille without hard evidence. Lucille made sure no one bothered Mercedes about her hijab, just as Mercedes assured that no one bothered Lucille about her relationships with women.
Mercedes watched Pax’s gaze flicker over the symbols on the paper, pretending to read them.
She didn’t think Pax would accuse his half-brother or his surrogate mother, even if those were the most logical conclusions.
Pax set the paper down. His rounded cheeks puffed into a frown. Insecurity wrinkled the edges of his eyes as they gazed intently into hers.
Mercedes took in a deep breath. Would he?
“Mercedes,” he said, sounding grave, “I’m thinking about having my first kiss—well, my real first kiss.”
“Ya Allah, save us from the sins and hellfire,” Mercedes mumbled, exhaling. The tension eased out of her muscles as she restrained a laugh.
“I’m thinking about Alabaster, though Lou Ellen says he might not be ready yet. But, that’s like saying she shouldn’t try to make a move on my brother during our victory dance party, and she should totally make a move on my brother.”
As he spoke, Mercedes collected the list of suspicious names, tucked it into her flip notebook, and closed it. She rose, took her cup of cold coffee, and dumped it down a sink along one wall. As the brown liquid splattered against the white porcelain, she sent a mental prayer of safety for her mother, brothers, and friends back at home.
No one seemed to realize she eavesdropped on her comrades as much as she spied on her enemies. If there was one thing she knew, Alabaster was not ready for intimacy, with anyone, let alone with Pax. And Axel would certainly have a heart attack warding off Lou Ellen, who, she knew for a fact, Axel thought was too young for him.
“I want it to be perfect. Jack agrees and he’s been brainstorming with me. He said he doesn’t remember his first kiss and that makes him really sad and Flynn won’t tell me about hers. But, it has to have great atmosphere—music! And maybe outdoors—maybe with a garden—but what if something goes wrong? I’ve been practicing on my hand—You know, to make sure I’m not the worst while keeping the purity of the first kiss—and I’ve been asking for advice all around, from Lucille and Prometheus won’t tell me anything, he just laughs in his ‘I’m a titan who can predict the future’ kind of way. And what if it isn’t perfect?! Like, I want it to make Alabaster happy and make me happy and be a good story for future Pax generations like Jack wishes he had a good story for me!” Pax rose to his feet to follow her around the room.
From the frantic cadence of his tone, she knew, with relief, they were done for the day. The part of Pax’s brain capable of none-meandering thoughts had a clear timer and that alarm had gone off.
She walked back to the table, gathering her notebook and new hijab. The fabric felt so soft when she tucked both against her chest. “Too many expectations lead to inevitable disappointment. What if you’re a bad kisser?”
“What if I’m a bad kisser?” Pax’s eyes widened. He puffed up his cheeks and popped them.
“Planning isn’t in your nature. What if nothing goes according to plan?” She ushered her stunned friend towards the exit of the Spy Barracks.
Pax stumbled alongside her, eyes clearly visualizing the worst case scenario. “You’re right! What if nothing goes according to plan?!”
“What if you make a big fuss over something that won’t matter and you worry yourself needlessly?”
“What if I—hey!” Pax’s features scrunched up into a pout. He folded his arms.
Mercedes sighed. Like Alabaster, she didn’t have time for experience in this field and couldn’t offer much advice. As someone who ran spy operations, and someone with a cute, unpredictable parasite pouting in front of her, she knew things tended to fall apart in correlation with how hard you tried to keep them together. “You can’t control if something goes wrong, Ajax, and you can’t control how Alabaster will react. If things go wrong, then you’ll find someone else later, whose lip sensitivity is closer to that of your palm.” She pointed to his right hand, the one she assumed he’d been practicing on.  
“But what if—”
Pax went quiet.
Mercedes had, much to her own surprise and skipped heartbeat, leaned forward. His nose was cold when it pressed against hers; his lips, warm. There was a faint hint of something citrusy, like he had drunk orange juice for breakfast. Fortunately, no reek of bacon.  
Several jittery questions flashed through her brain: What constitutes as a “real” kiss? Was I supposed to close my eyes? It’s awkward if I keep them open, right? How long am I supposed to do this for?
The insecurity shook her nerves—it shouldn’t have. This was Pax. And they were just friends. Just two friends who spent 90% of their time together.
His eyes had gone wide with shock. His gasp sucked air from her before he gently exhaled.
Four seconds was plenty, plenty enough to make her face feel hot. Mercedes saw movement out of her peripheral—either he was about to push her away or pull her close. She didn’t wait to find out. She withdrew, absently fussing with her notebook and hijab like she’d finished another closing procedure. Both items had almost slipped from her grasp.
Pax looked lost. His mouth moved a few times, before remembering how to form words, “Why did you do that?” The question was quiet and uncertain. Not angry.  From his hesitant tension, she got the feeling there was more he wanted to ask, but was scared.
Mercedes quirked her lips into a smirk. “Because, no one will believe you when you tell the story later.”
His mouth moved a few times more times; Mercedes resisted the urge to remind him that they were no longer kissing.
In the most delayed startle she’d seen, he jumped. “But—wha—it—Mercedes!” he cried in protest. Mercedes ushered him outside the spy barrack’s door while he was still floundering for words. “I—but—” He huffed. “I wanted to share my first kiss with someone who hadn’t had theirs!”
Mercedes paused in the doorway, widening her grin. “You just did.” And, she shut the door on his face, locking it. Mercedes pressed against the wall, flipped out her dulled mirror, and tilted it to watch him through the window.
Pax paced back and forth across the entranceway, paused, raised a hand to open the door again, threw his hands up, and dropped them. After six seconds of standing there, he touched his lips and blushed. The blush remained as he walked, unsteadily, away from the Spy Barracks.
He’d be pouty with her for another week. To keep any ideas out of his head, she’d have to pretend she didn’t know why. She unfolded the hijab to admire the embroidery. This must have taken Pax weeks to make. She pressed the silk against her face, enjoying the smooth coolness. The slickness would be a pain—she’d have to wear an undercap to keep it in place.
She thought about how hard her mother would slap her if she ever found out Mercedes had kissed a boy. At home, she would have been forbidden to see Pax or, at least, be forbidden to spend time with him without a chaperon—no, it would be fully forbidden. Pax was raised Catholic. There was no potential for—
The elation in her chest crushed when she glanced down at her notebook. This was a botched job. There was no time for any daydreaming or—had she been flirting? Luke expected a report from her by the end of the day, and she needed to give him a name in that report. If she didn’t—
Mercedes tried not to think about the hunger in Luke when he stared at Annabeth, the way he’d smacked Phil across the room, the times she’d stumbled into Jack healing his own battered face with a hushed, “Don’t tell Flynn or the boys. They won’t understand that Luke has bad days the same way that I get confused.” The way Kronos’ darkness seemed to spread through the underlings like a contagion, through how Jack and Flynn had future plans to torture-heal-torture any new captives (for Jack, as some displaced revenge against Thalia for failing his friend; for Flynn, for fun) and the increased violence and spectacle of Axel’s now labyrinthine cage fights.
And here she was, holding a gift against her face like she could have a Catholic Maya boy as a sweetheart even if she were at home. People died and were seriously injured because of her lack of oversight—how dare she. What else had she clouded from her vision?
Pax is a good suspect. He has access to all your files. But, he had no reason to alert Axel and Alabaster to the ambush. Breath choked in Mercedes’ throat. And she couldn’t do that—she couldn’t do that to Pax or herself.
She knew this—suspecting friends—came with the job. But, that had been a distant thought when she—terrified and desperate for some good to come out of the inevitable slaughter of her Cohort—realized she would make the perfect spy for Camp Othrys. Before she knew the ease of Lucille’s smile, how special Pax could make her feel, how horrifying Flynn was.
Pain spread along her forearm. She dug her nails in. Underneath were the lines of her Roman tattoo, of Mercury’s symbol and her bars of service. The marks didn’t vanish when she pledged her soul to Kronos, when she forsook any chance of joining her real family after death. Was there a chance Allah would understand? To what extent could you step into the dark to stop tyrants and false idols before you were consumed?
When she inhaled sharply, she could almost taste the scent of her centurion’s perfume, a smell as comforting as her mother’s brewing coffee. She thought about that home—Rome. About her real home in Spain. About her real name, the one she had to abandon, and the one she took upon joining the legion, now reserved for her contacts in New Rome. She could never keep a name. If she did, and something went wrong, if she couldn’t do her job right, legionnaires or titans might find her real family and kill them.
Like not finding a satisfying suspect for this report.
Life seemed complicated when she lived in Granada, helping to raise her brothers while her mother worked. It seemed more complicated when she had to abandon them to keep the monsters away. Tiny Mercedes could have never predicted life would get worse.
Allah does not burden a soul beyond what it can bear.
But, she didn’t feel that right now. She’d been so careful not to feel anything. And then Pax gave her this stupid hijab and she was dumb enough to kiss him.
Her breath felt tight; legs, weak. She had to lean against the wall for support. How many homes can you have before none of them are a “home?” How many identities can you wear before all of them lose meaning? How many times could you pledge a soul before it shatters?
         There were no answers to these questions, and Mercedes still had to pick from one of her friends to throw to Luke as a scapegoat and sacrifice.
Mercedes slid to the floor, pressed her face completely into the hijab and sobbed.
 Authors note:
Thank you for reading! I’m sorry for the hiatus--I aim to get back to a bimonthly schedule.  Every time I edited this piece, it just didn’t feel right/good enough. I hope you enjoyed anyway! I also hope all of you are well and being gentle with yourselves! Stay tuned for one of my first (sorta?) fluff pieces, Alabaster’s Delicate Dance of Chance (hopefully during the month of October >>’‘)
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darlinrogue · 4 years
His chest aches, his cheekbone throbs with the imminent development of a bruise. (How? He doesn't remember, as faint as he is. Adam had fought, and he fought hard.) But Kenny is the one victorious. Victorious, but all he's able to do is kneel, half collapsed, his hands against the canvas for support. He doesn't know why. He doesn't know why, but he kisses him, lips to the forehead of the man he—. He kisses him. He walks away. He touches the bruise on his cheekbone, and he smiles. It still hurts.
Kenny Fucking Omega 
w/ the sad yeehaw man
He didn’t hook the leg. 
Adam rolled through the snapdragon and countered with a firm elbow to Kenny’s jaw. He put Kenny on his feet and then lifted the other man by the thighs, over his shoulders. Deadeye, right to the back of the head, a knock-out for a lesser man. Except Kenny Omega was Kenny Fucking Omega, and he kicked-out. The match rolled on, Adam lost, he’d seen the ending twenty-thousand times. The One-Wing Angel was a punctuation point at the end of a statement. Yet, each time he watched through the recording he paused on that one pin after the Deadeye. Adam had Kenny stacked, his full weight on his shoulders. The bell should’ve rung. Except Adam only hooked the left leg. He only hooked the left leg on Kenny Omega. He only hooked the left leg on Kenny Fucking Omega. The best pin he got the whole match. Right after Omega ate: a half-dozen elbows, too many chops to count, a starching power bomb on the ramp, three boots to the face, and got dropped on his head from four feet in the air. The planets aligned, the Scorpio was in Aquarius or whatever, and Adam only hooked one leg. 
“It was the-- it was the right leg!” 
Tony’s voice shuttered through the phone in Adam’s lap. The screen paused on the collapsed forms of the combatants in the ring. Adam face down in the fore-ground and Kenny clutching his leg not far behind. In that moment he hadn’t thought about the right leg. Kenny had kicked out by some miracle but it wasn’t sheer luck. Kenny exploited Adam’s error.  Of course, unbeknownst to Adam the comms were carefully picking-apart Adam’s critical mistake. The legs weren’t neutralized. Kenny could swing his right leg and leverage his weight-out. If Adam had hooked both legs the match would be over, he’d be facing Mox. Instead, he made a stupid mistake so obvious even Tony Schiavone, who would break his hand before he could throw a good punch, pointed it out. 
A headache formed behind Adam’s eyes. He tore his gaze from the screen and glanced-out the window. The dark night streaked black, reflecting back his hotel room and his bedraggled body propped-up in bed. A limp hand fluttered out to find his bourbon on the night stand. He lifted the glass to his lips and found no relief for his parched throat. Adam scowled and returned the glass to where he found it. The bottle was empty too. He couldn’t tell if he was buzzed, drunk, or hungover. Just a dullness, settling in with the ache and exhaustion. Adam used the tip of his finger to edge the glass away from him. A final statement that he was done for the night. He slid down from his upright position against the pillows and sprawled out the bed covers The fan swirled in lazy circles above him. After months of blistering heat Florida had cooled to a tolerable temperature but this room was cooking him alive. His hair was still damp from the shower. He glanced at the clock, 1:43. No phone calls, no texts, no twitter updates, he put his phone on airplane mode hours ago. It was just him, the recording of his life’s greatest failure, and an empty bottle of bourbon. 
Adam lifted his phone from his side. He turned onto his cheek to glance at it again. He hit the play button and the recording rolled. The two men recovered, Adam was up first. He set-up for the buckshot but Kenny anticipated it and rolled him into a crucifix. He was so fucking predictable. Adam used a boot between the ropes to stuff Kenny’s charge three times that night. No wonder he had his leg well scouted. That twisting move on his knee obliterated his chance in the match. Can’t stand, can’t fight. Oh, Adam had a couple more signs of life in him but two knees to the face, well. He was up on Kenny’s shoulders now. Kenny caught the head and Humpty Dumpty took a great fall. The leg hook was a formality. Adam wasn’t even sure he was conscious for this part.  One, two, three, and Adam paused the video again. He haphazardly tossed the phone and it clattered off the edge of the bed. Adam had a life proof case for a reason. 
There was no point in watching any further. 
For a head-spinning minute, Hangman Adam Page was somebody. He was the tag team champion, alongside Kenny Fucking Omega. He was on top of the world. It was all so good. Training with Kenny, fighting with Kenny, sometimes, fighting with Kenny. Getting distracted by another tag-team-- No, Kenny literally dropping Adam like a sack of potatoes was inevitable. He had held Kenny back, made stupid fucking mistakes, hit his partner on accident, got drunk and wandered around arenas like a moron. Bickering with the bucks and ruining his friendships. Adam was an arsonist, he only burned down bridges and never built them. Now he was alone on his Island, just like he always wanted. And he had a lost tournament to prove how ‘accomplished’ Adam Page truly is. Matt and Nick were right about him. For all his bluster, all his big talk, believing in himself when no one else would. Empty words, Adam could talk the talk, but he couldn’t walk the walk. Because he ran-up against someone like Kenny Fucking Omega. 
And he forgot to hook the left leg. 
He didn’t need the video for the next part. Kenny’s head and hand lifted high. Kenny, haloed like an angel of death by the Dally Place lights. Kenny, knelt above him like a prayer at the altar. Cheeks blushed in rose, breath spilling from his chapped, pink lips. Curls like spun gold, framing his sculptured features. Like something out of a renaissance art painting. Out of a great tragedy, Lucifer, Achilles, Gabriel. His lips against his forehead in a kiss as delicate as a flower petal. Paul Turner helping Adam limp out of the arena. Fuck Hangman, and then taking the Uber back to his hotel alone, in utter silence with the guy working the graveyard shift. Alcohol, shower, alcohol, video self-pity marathon, alcohol. He wished his dog was here. Wait, what was that last bit?
Adam lunged across the bed. Kicked into action as if bitten by a Hell Hound. Belly against the comforter his hands searched the floor until he found his phone lodged by the head board. Half-his chest off the bed he hit the play button. Adam slammed against the ring mat. The fall-out, the replay, the play-by-play, the comms chattering, (”Kenny came out the better man”), blah, blah, blah. Paul Turner helped Kenny up. Then he was back down, knelt over Adam, and with great reverence, Kenny stooped to kiss Adam’s forehead. The he rolled out of the ring. Adam paused the video. Then he played it back. Then he paused the video and then he played it back. he paused the video, he played it back. Inch-by-inch Adam slid off the mattress until he was slumped against the floor, legs hooked on the bed above him. He watched that little end sequence on loop until it was emblazoned against his memory. It was so quick the comms didn’t even mention it. 
 A kiss. Kenny kissed him. Kenny Fucking Omega kissed him. Adam laid his hand over his sternum. His heart shuttered in his chest, pounding, tight, and agonizing. Pure pain, looking at the blurred pixels on his phone screen. It wasn’t near enough, the taste of it was like a morsel of food for a starving man. Kenny lingered over Adam in nothing but obscure pixels. What was his expression like? What did he do with his hands? And most important, something the phone could never tell him, why? 
Adam and Kenny were out. Now that his obligations to the tag title were done, Kenny returned to the single arena. Tired of dragging dead weight, tired of the noose around his throat. Kenny walked out on the tag team Adam prayed to stay in. Adam screwed over the Bucks. He spitefully entered a tournament to prove he didn’t need Kenny anyway. Adam didn’t even shake his hand at the start of the match. Not just because he was angry --Adam was pissed in that unshakable focused way-- but because he was afraid. Taking Kenny’s hand, never letting go, too tempting a possibility. The longer he stared at the screen the longer this shameless act of devotion eluded him. 
For the first time in hours Adam turned his phone off airplane mode. He shuffled through the deluge of notifications by dismissing all of them without reading any. He pulled-up Kenny’s contact, drafted a text message.
“Hey, man, good fight today-- well, yesterday, I guess. I just wanted to ask, out of curiosity, did you kiss me at the end? I mean, it’s no big deal. I was just wondering is all like i thought it was a little odd is all. Are you ok? You know you can always count on me, no matter what. I’m sorry i’ve been such an ass. I need to start drinking less, much less. It’s just that everything, the tournament, the belts, it’s been getting to me, I only wanted to prove to you guys I could keep up. I want you to know, I feel the same.”
Adam paused, his thumb hovering over the send button. The last line stained in black font against his vision. He then selected the entire text, cut it, and pasted it into a note’s app. Adam sighed and turned off his phone. His arm slung over his eyes. Five minutes later he was passed-out cold, still on the floor, snoring, and with the lights on. 
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Unpopular Opinions: Fandom Edition
Hey none of you asked but I’m here to deliver so here are some unpopular opinions for the fandoms I’m in. Spoilers, duh.
I don’t like Natasha. Or Steve.
Pepper Potts is a top.
As much as I love Loki, his death was nessicary in Infinity War.
Steve should have killed Bucky in Civil War. He was a threat, plain and simple.
I ship Ironstrange/Supremefamily.
Clint should have died in Infinity War.
I love Tony Stark with my whole heart. (Not an unpopular opinion but you needed to know that)
I’m not happy with the end of Endgame.
10 years in the making....for you to do Thor like that?
Not because he’s fat or because he’s dealing with trauma, that’s totally acceptable.
What’s not acceptable is them making Thor into the butt of the joke because he’s fat.
I love the Antman movies.
I’m totally not biased because I loved lost.
(I’m kinda biased)
Shuri is the best Marvel character and would beat Tony Stark in a battle of wits.
(I’m so gay I love her.)
With as many years as Marvel has had the MCU, I am disgusted at the lack of diversity within the movies.
Like it’s 2019 and we JUST got a female empowerment scene in Endgame.
Like I want a gay superhero.
(We have a disabled one thank god. Love you Stephen.)
And don’t give me that Valkyrie/Captain Marvel BS because they never blatantly stated or showed it in their movies.
I want an Asian superhero bitch.
A superhero who is Muslim/Islam/and religion besides Christian.
I think that, as much as I hate Natasha and Steve, they should have been the ones that Bruce first sees in Infinity War. I know it set up the whole “earth is closed today” sequence but it didn’t make sense and was OOC.
I love Stephen Strange and he’s never done a single thing wrong ever in his life I would die for this man.
I like MCU Peter Parker over the origional movie Spider-Man.
Fight me.
I also like the Tony Stark/Peter Parker better than the Uncle Ben/Peter Parker so @ me.
The 100
I don’t ship Bellarke that hard.
Like yes, I think they’re obviously being groomed to end up together. I know the show runners will make them official before the end of the series. I’m not mad about that, I just don’t really care to be honest. It’s like, too obvious.
But there are some cute bellarke scenes
What they did to Monty was bullshit but what they did to Jasper was worse.
I feel no guilt whatsoever in saying that I think that killing all of Mount Weather was what they should have done from the beginning.
Yes, even the kids. Because if you kill their leaders, the men and women will fight back. The colony would have been left with a handful of adults, and a bunch of kids if the origional plan had worked. This is doomed to fail and honestly just killing them all would be better than seeing them kill eachother for food, power, whatever. If that makes sense.
I think that Finn deserved to die.
I think that Murphey deserves the world.
Charlotte fucking killed Wells. Yes she’s young but she knows better than to kill someone. Maybe not kill her, but we all know that Clarke wouldn’t have banished her like she did Murphey. Clarke has a gender bias because Murphey didn’t do anything and she wouldn’t have punished Charlotte as hard because she’s a young girl. I rest my case
Even though what he did was bad and wrong, I don’t think Murphey should have been banished. He’s right. They were all compliant and even excited when he was being hung, but when it’s a little girl all bets are off.
Like Bellamy brought the whole hostage thing upon himself because he fucking tied a noose around Murphey’s throat.
Again, not that what Murphey did was right. He didn’t have to act like that. Jasper didn’t do anything to him.
Also this segment is getting long but the show writers and everyone else just casually forgot that Murphey was TORTURED? Hello? Are we not going to acknowledge that?
I shipped Clexa with my whole heart.
Another actually popular opinion: what they’ve done to Raven’s character this season is bullshit. Her only role is Abby’s moral compass. This is the same girl who shuttled to earth in a Tin Can. She’s better than this.
What the fuck??? Happened to??? Jordan???
Like Madi stabbed him
And then they proceeded to not talk about it for like four episodes and then casually mention it in passing like “oh he saved Pria that means he gets to live”
Like they set up his character to be really important this season.
But he’s not.
I think that Murphey/Emori is the best ship.
I also think that Either Murphey or Emori or Both are secretly double crossing the Primes. (This comes out before the finale of season six)
They didn’t have to do Onyia like that
The opening of season three is so weak that I actually stopped watching the show around that time (I’d been watching since the beginning of season two) because there’s just nothing there in the first like 10 minutes and I couldn’t do it.
Maybe I’m just impatient but it’s bad.
I think that Octavia did the best that she could with what she had available and I think that’s she’s not a bad person for what she did with the fighting pits/cannabalism. And I know that if Bellamy had been in her place, he would have eventually done the same.
Kane was a whiny bitch in season 5.
Why’d the kill Diyoza(I can’t spell) like that?
I liked Joesephine. It was really fun to see Eliza Taylor be able to get a new character in the show. Also props to her for that last episode with pretending to be Joesephine and being Clarke at the same time.
I called the dude being Gabriel from the first time I saw him you peasants.
Octavia’s redemption arc this season is beautiful.
They did....that.....to Kane. I’m angerey.
Lost In space
Not enough people watch this show. (The Netflix remake or the origional)
Seriously guys it’s a good show.
Absolutely nothing is wrong with it.
I love Don West with my whole heart.
I love Dr. Smith with my half heart.
I love the robot with my two hearts.
I love Penny Robinson with all the stars in the galaxy.
I love all of them okay.
There are no plot holes, no inconsistencies, no faulty science and anyone who says (or proves) otherwise is wrong.
It’s confirmed for a season two which should air in like the December-February time area.
It’s a Netflix show so you can binge the entire season in like a weekend.
Seriously watch it.
The Umbrella Academy
Five x Delores is weird.
Luther x Allison is illegal.
Klaus deserves all the push pops in the world.
The handler is hot.
The Comission killed Dave.
Luther is the most boring, Unorigional, straight white guy character I’ve seen in a long time. I hate him so much.
Allison is a queen but her character is brought down by her weird relationship with her brother.
Tbh if I was Allison you know I’d be telling my kids that I heard a rumor that theyd go the fuck to sleep. Like that’s a good thing. Idk maybe I’m just a sociopath.
Istanbul not Constantinople being played over a scene where five murders a squad of Commission people is the greatest cinematic masterpiece ever conceived by man.
“Where are you going” “to save the world” “oh is that all?” Iconic.
None of these are really unpopular but the show writers seem to think differently.
Diego has never done anything wrong in his life like yaaaasss bitch kill your brother at yo daddy’s funeral!!! Work!!!
Big Theif - Mary is the perfect song to play over Klaus returning from Vietnam.
Will you love me, like you loved me in the January rain?
It’s up there with Goodbye July.
Speaking of Goodbye July....
Z Nation
Many people haven’t watched it
It’s like if The Walking Dead and Zombieland had a baby....and then the baby did a line of cocaine.
It’s wild.
Watching Garnet die ruined every sliver of hope I had in humanity.
I have a special place in my heart for this show because it’s the first show that me and my mom would stay up and watch the new episodes air every Friday. It brought us closer and I can’t thank the cast and show runners enough for this.
So maybe I’m biased, but you should watch it.
Having Murphey switch from being an anti-hero to a villain back to an anti-hero and then to a regular hero, amazing. Astonishing. The peak of human existence.
Even though he’s not entirely human.
What color is Murphey today? Is he pale, discolored, grey, blue, red? We don’t know!
Roberta Warren is the Black Goddess main protagonist that we deserve.
Addison Carver is a functional Bi.
10k is tragic backstory central but other than that, his character development is pretty lacking other than him persuing love interests.
None of these are really unpopular opinions but I doubt any of you have watched the show. It’s on Netflix. Watch it.
Oooooohhhhh George.
Georgia St. Clair could stomp me to death and my ghost would still want to fuck her.
Anyways I’m gay
God damn I have a lot of pent up Gay energy.
Murphey and Lucy have a realistic enstranged father/daughter relationship and it’s heartwarming.
And then they killed her off to save him.
Honestly if you name a character Murphey they can only be assholish bad boys with a good heart deep down sorry I don’t make the rules.
Also if you name a character Murphey I will love them with my whole soul.
I’m so mad they cancelled the show.
I’m infinitely more mad that they named that disgrace of a show Black Summer and claimed that it was a prequel....but it didn’t follow the same cast and had they not advertised it as a prequel I would never have guessed.
Black Summer gives totally opposite vibes than Z Nation does. I get that black summer is supposed to be the worst time that the zombie apocalypse ever had, with cannibals and no food, but it feels like s completely different show.
It’s like if The Walking Dead claimed that it is a prequel/occurs during Shaun of the Dead.
Like....no. They’re....no.
Anyway watch it it’s good.
Detroit: Become Human
Connor isn’t the best character.
This is an unpopular opinion post deal with it.
Markus has to be my favorite.
Honestly this game is so good and not even just graphics-wise.
It’s the same robotic sentience story we’ve been fed for years, but this time it’s from the Android’s perspective and this time all they want is to be free. That’s it.
I fucking hate North.
Hank is literally if Rick from Rick and Morty were serious.
The only correct way to play Connor is to walk the thin line between deviant and regular A.I. Without leaving out Hank. The correct thing to do is make Conner deviant at Jericho.
The only correct way to play Kara is to protect Alice with every fiber of your being. Meanwhile, get close to her. Do not get caught, even if that means dissappointing her.
The only correct way to play Markus is to lead a peaceful revolution. Also tell North to fuck off.
The border patrol guy who either gets Kara and Alice caught or knowingly lets Androids cross the border is the best character. Forget about Markus, this guy sees either “oh fuck androids are killing people, maybe we shouldn’t let this one cross the border” or “Androids just want to be free and are peacefully fighting for this. Let this one and her daughter through.” I love him.
Let Out The Bear He Just Wants To Say Hi :)
Even though I think Conner is overrated by the fandom, I do like him.
But he’s not a pure innocent cinnamon roll either.
It depends on how you play, but he has really violent options so stop the “He wouldn’t harm a fly” attitude.
But he is cute.
The home screen for the game is revolutionary (no pun intended) and I hope future game follow suit in making the first impression of the game something cool.
Stealing clothes/money/the fence cutters is literally okay.
Also if you put Kara in white hair you can die.
If in your first actual play through you got the Kara lives at the recycling plant ending but Alice dies, you can die too.
I’ve never actually seen the steal money and go to motel option play out because it’s stupid, especially if you don’t steal clothes. Like that’s begging to be caught.
Stranger things
Billy Hargrove is bad and just because he’s abused does not make what he does okay.
Harringrove is gross and I’m gay so my opinion counts as double.
That being said, there are some really cute fics about Harringrove and I can see the appeal of “good boy falls for mysterious bad boy with a dark past and trauma”
I’ve said I’m gay this whole post because I say it a lot, but I don’t like actually labeling myself but I like girls and boys and everything in between and I say I’m gay kinda as a joke when girls are hot.
That being said...
Steve Harrington calling himself Daddy made me feel things.
Strange things.
Haha get it I’m making a joke to distract you from the daddy part.
Steve Harrington is a good person now, but he was still an asshole before and he can still be criticized for his past.
I used to be hardcore Jancy but after season three I feel like Nancy needs and deserves a break from boys so she can figure out herself and who she is now and what she wants to do without the weight of boys and boyfriends constantly around her.
That being said i still don’t like Nancy because she was flirting/slept in the same bed with Jonathan whilst obviously having feelings for him while she and Steve were still a thing. It’s not cheating but to me it’s close enough to raise red flags.
Robin is perfect in every way.
I don’t like Jonathan. He’s creepy in s1, fine in s2, but then is s3 he doesn’t do anything to or about his male bosses when Nancy is being made fun of because she’s a woman.
Seeing Nancy’s class priveledge/Jonathan’s male priveledge clashing was so cool tbh
Elmax > Mileven > Lumax
Jim Hopper, with all his faults, is still a caring dad.
Plus him threatening Mike made me laugh so hard sksksksks
Steve Harrington deserves the world and then some.
Low key I really want s4 to give in insight on his family life.
I also want him to get an apartment with Robin.
Robins cute tbh but for half the season I though she was a Russian spy. I guess I was wrong.
Mrs. Wheeler shouldn’t sleep with billy (not that she can now) because it’s wrong, but the reason she wanted to is because her husband is so boring and she gave up on her dreams to be his perfect housewife. She wanted a challenge with Billy. Instead, she should leave her pushover of a husband and find someone better.
Anyway Steve Harrington deserves the world.
Yeah okay hate me whatever.
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gaygwenpool · 5 years
*slams fists on table* MYSTELEON
I knew you wouldnt disappoint! :D  tho you already know most of these lmaoo  lotsa credit to @herbofoo anyway, i dont remember which of these you came up with but Patchwork wouldnt be the same without your Good Good Content! (And of course thanks for all your patience as i cry about comics lmao)
I’ve lost all shame long since ive started shipping them so brace yourself for the self-indulgent cheese that is Chameleon/Mysterio in my Patchwork verse. (its reallly. really Melodramatic. i gave up all pretense.. also under the cut cuz its long..)
ask meme
Who cooks:
Mysterio! Although Chameleon is objectively The Superior Cook thanks to the long years of being a servant to picky russian nobility BUT exactly because of that, he really doesnt enjoy it, even less when cooking for others and not just himself. So it is usually Beck who prepares meals (that are not bad either, they are just simpler) but as often as they can, they eat out. That said, Cham is very well aware Quentin loves his cooking so sometimes, he makes them something. (Being sick isnt so bad when it means Chammy bringin you a big bowl of hot borscht :)
On the other hand, Cham has quite a sweet tooth which Q notices Fast and decides to learn how to bake. It took more effort and failed tries than it could have, mostly because he got cocky, how hard could this be and just. kept forgetting he put stuff in the oven.. But now he makes quite delicious cookies n cakes which make Dmitri almost tear up because tasty + Quentin baked something Specifically for him?? 
Who does the laundry and other chores:
Mysterio’s laundry is usually booby trapped so he has to clean it himself and he doesnt even let Cham near it. And he keeps forgetting gadgets in his civvies. Not to mention that again, for the same servant reason, Cham really doesnt enjoy house chores in general, so he usually just gets his own clothes cleaned somewhere else (especially since his fancy suits and even fancier gowns are the highest quality and delicate materials, he doesnt even Know how to clean them..) 
As for the rest of the chores, its pretty balanced, although Cham has more of an eye for things that needs to be cleaned up (and Beck already has cooking duties) so he does a tad more. 
How many children do they have + Any pets:
In my Patchwork universe there’s a whole Thing about Leon, the Chameleon of the Ultimate universe but I’ve tried to type up a short summary and failed, it’s a long story lmao ^^;; and anyway he isnt exactly their kid, he is just much younger than them and they ended up sorta mentoring him. 
However, they have Celavi, the escaped ex-spy beluga.(Yes, it started as a joke based on this post that accidentally grew more and more serious until @herbofoo and me were too attached to let it go) She counts pretty much as their adopted daughter that they both spoil to hell and back, I mean no surprise, she saved Cham’s life once and sometimes, she helps out with heists. (Mostly for the show, you should have SEEN the look on Spider’s face when a beluga splashed him. He is used to humanoid sharks, to Hydroman.. not like. real life beluga that LAUGHS at him) Beck’s voice: “Dont you dare to insult her, SHE IS PERFECT AND FLAWLESS and A GOODNESS INCARNATE!! -she is literally a deserted russian spy that was trained to gather everything that could be used to harm USA-yea, i have a soft spot for those ;)“
She was always surprisingly clever so she never really counted as a “pet” and at one point, she even bonds with a symbiote (together they are Vague, again long story ah ha). They dont talk but have quite some range of vocalisations so communication isnt a problem. 
Who’s more dominant: 
They both have pretty dominant strong personalities (ok chameleon’s a bit more complicated with that but like.) with big egos who dont like others questioning their superiority. (Of course not at the level of like Doc Ock etc, they are surprisingly flexible and good team players that can be willing to let someone else take the spotlight if they are Nice) But the whole point of their relationship is that neither of them is dominant over the other, they get enough of that literally everywhere else. It’s very reassuring to be so sure that they are on equal footing, cooperating, no hidden nooses around their neck. Especially in their line of work of course! 
(Also, for the other interpretation of this question: anythin remotely sexual happens Pretty Late in the story and both of them are somewhere on the ace spectrum so it doesnt happen that often but they are both verses tho Beck bottoms more)
Favorite nonsexual activity:
MOVIES!! Sprawled on the giant comfy couch, closer than technically needed, cuddling and watching old movies with great special effects and/or great actors! Listening to Beck excitedly rant through the most dramatic speech of the story as he explains how the next cliffhanger is done with hydraulics! Focusing so hard on the stars in his eyes and his excited tone and gestures and just the tone of his voice you forgot to listen to the words themselves! Watching Cham’s face flawlessly mimic the faces on the screen in a blink of an eye and secretly guessing which one will he pick next. Feeling his head slowly fall on your shoulder, eyes closed, his mask smooth but not tense, instead just.. peaceful. Slight ping of annoyance, after all, this is A Classic movie dammit, but it’s gone in a second because Mitya hasnt slept since thursday and you are just relieved he is finally getting his rest. Feeling his warmth under your hand on his shoulders and suddenly never ever wanting to get up again.. EHM. anyway
PLANING HEISTS TOGETHER!! and more or less successfully executing them but planning is actually even more fun aside from the Big Reveals and Entrances which are actually harder to coordinate than one would think! 
Lots of shobiz/job talk actually, they really enjoy what they do! Lots of people already mentioned that in their hc compilations but i agree, they love goin to see all kinds of movies and plays and performances as well as acting various scenes with one another!  
Their favorite place to be together:
NEW YORK CITY BABEYY. Sure they love to travel and see other countries (and cause mayhem there) but.. they love their mess of a city, it’s never the same without the webhead around as well as the bazillion of other heroes n villains bashin each other’s heads. 
Any traditions:
Oh so many pop culture references and inside jokes, oh my god. One time, they spent the entire heist (and its planning period) speaking strictly in famous movie lines and titles, Max and other sixers tried to join but didnt last too long :’D 
Beck also has a habit of taking pictures of people with Interesting faces or styles he sees and sends them to Cham. Also another fanon classic: together they have a running game, disguising themselves as moderately famous people and the other guessing who..
Their “song”:
‘This is me’ from the Greatest Showman, i just live for the two of them singin it in Cham’s car,off key but fully immersed and living it. 
What they do for each other on holidays:
Neither of them are religious but that doesnt stop Beck from going ALL OUT at any opportunity, Sin Six doesn’t do any heists around holidays because you Know he’d make them dress for the occasion or worse, write them themed lines…  They still meet for Christmas and Hanukkah and sometimes other holidays too because this is my AU and you can pry festivities-related shenanigans from my cold, cold hands. It’s always at Beck’s place tho because he can turn his hideout into the tackiest holiday-themed showcase but he aint roping them into it.  
On the other hand, Cham despises American commercialized holidays in general and Christmas time especially, since it’s not a big thing in Russia and  also once again, he has family issues for days. (Although relatively speaking, he is pretty over these, he is not gonna like mope around or anything) 
Anyway, what they do for each other is that they try to compromise, Dmitri doesnt sneer at stupid kitsch decorations every 5 minutes and Quentin ..chills a little. :’D To be fair, Beck makes everything fun and having Cham there makes Beck appreciate the details more instead of just goin into BETTER!BIGGER! frenzy.
Where did they go for their honeymoon:
After the fuckin Ages of pinning, when they finally end up together for realsies, they wanted somethin Big and Flashy! (Well Beck wanted and Cham kinda too but also with the option to merge with the crowd unnoticed and take some chill time) Anyway they went on a whole world wide tour! Starting with a luxury cruise, they took their time, lots of crime sprees to plan and execute, lots of local shows to see, lots of dumb heroes to fool, they’re gonna have it all! 
Where did they first meet:
Around the time when Cham and Hammerhead had their criminal empire running Fisk to the ground, Otto decided the Sin Six should team up with them for their ressources needed on one heist or something. They agreed but Cham insisted on actually going in the field, it’s been a while since he really stretched his face legs like this and the mafia life was starting to bore him. Doc made him team up with Mysterio much to the fishbowl’s dismay because why do they need another disguise artist?? He is the Master Of Illusions dammit, he can run circles around this guy, what the fuck Otto?? So at the start, he pouts and fumes under his helmet and in general he is his v unpleasant self but… He can’t help but notice that the new guy is a real professional, he even uses Traditional masks, he likes the same movies… And most importantly, he is actually interested in Mysti’s craft, asking questions and even LISTENING to his long winded answers… At one point he even wondered if that X thing was meant as a HOMMAGE to the Y movie, the Six never did that!! (Usually the rest of the sixers dont know the reference, heathens, and when they do, they mock him for it, that he’s copying ideas and mixin them ridiculously.  BUT THIS GUY GETS IT!!) So it doesn’t take long for them to hit it off, of course at this point without any real Trust behind it but it’s a start. 
(Though Beck does pay a visit to Otto like, buddy pal i know you’ve been planning on manipulating these crimelords to your end somehow and honestly, any other day i’d be down, i actually had a robot prepared for my own backstab but i was thinking they werent that bad and maybe we Could hold our end of the bargain this time and just. leave each other on good terms? Mabye? Obviously it’s purely out of respect for our teammate Kraven since him and Chameleon seem to have some history, nothing more, definitely nothing to do with how bright Cham’s eyes were when i was showing him the back of my stage… ) 
What do they fight over:
this whole post has been a mountain of cheese but im bringing more! Honestly, goin through my notes on Patchwork, their biggest arguments have always been about.. the other one not taking proper care of himself :’D Or them lashing out because they were scared and worried about the other and they cant stand being so vulnerable while the other pretends it’s not a big deal because they dont know how to handle genuine concern directed at them. 
Do they go on vacations, if so where:
GIVE!!! BECK!!!! HIS!!!! ISLAND!!!!!!They actually do have one, it’s where Celavi spends most of the time and they visit her often. But never for too long, neither of them can actually spend too long doing nothing.. 
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randomnameless · 6 years
Chapter 10 - Chronos to Miletos!
Welp in the last post i said Seliph ended up in Chronos, but no, he rekt’d Morrigan in Rados (even if i think you’re supposed to seize Chronos last?).
Anyways, after destroying evil people, Seliph meets his half-bro who’s playing the latest trendy game around.
But first, Seliph’s stepdad tries to do something.
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Oldvis hasn’t seen Ishtar in ages! Naturally he asks how she’s doing.
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kill that, it was just small talk. And, oh, surprise, Oldvis doesn’t care about the child hunts. So yes Amalda, your emperor hasn’t agreed with those things, you were right to trust him!
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“i’ll tell him to go to his room and we’ll be over with this”
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Oldvis uses the authority card. It’s never a good thing when one uses this card, because it means that, basically, you’re useless.
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Daw, Oldvis didn’t want to bang her Julius! What do you mean by “is mine” btw? Your fiancée, your plaything, your tool?
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Lil’ dastard. Oldvis pretends to be able to do something, or tries to use his big voice but Julius doesn’t care anymore.
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This - Oldvis tried to banish his son, but it didn’t work. The Loptyr Sect prevented Julius from being banished? And banished where? The Empire is everywhere, unless Arvis wanted to send him to Travant. Maybe he wanted to send him to Archanea??
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Oldvis looks so feeble here, it hurts. And Julius treats his dad like crap, bad Julius, bad!
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That’s not a way to talk to your dad! Granted, Young!Arvis might also have been as dastardly as that to, say, Reptor so... I can’t say he earned this, but it’s also ironic.
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I wonder what must happen in Oldvis’ head, is he really that beaten/broken? later we see that he is not, but here... what happened during those 7 years when Julius turned into Loptyr?
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Of course you laugh, Arvis treated you like crap in chapter 5 so now you have your revenge!
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Julius doesn’t join Manfroy in his Oldvis bashing. Maybe he doesn’t see the point. and OMG WHY IS HE MENTIONING JULIA???
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I guess it was surprising, she only knew her kind and gentle brother and now he wants to kill her!
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Finally we learn what happened to Deedee! Granted, Julius’ words here always make me sour.
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Deedee accepted her death “to save Julia”?? It’s not like we have a kind of similar scenario in FE5, where a mother has to fight against one of children to protect another, but thanks for Nanna, Eyvel didn’t “accept her death” - and even if she had been able to use a rewarp staff to put her to safety, I doubt she’d have “accepted her death” without trying to help Mareeta. But Jugdral’s best mom has no peers in this world.
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Ghoul yourself!
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Yep! Do it now, we must do it now before you turn senile and decided to send her against the others, or some other shit plan like that.
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Keeping this book under “the strictest lock” is a good plan indeed, if you didn’t knew where she was. 
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Julius/Loptyr takes no chances, the Book is locked, yes, but without anyone to wield it then he’s sure he’s going to be fine.
Note how Julius speaks about the avatars of Naga; Seliph isn’t a major blooded Naga peep so he doesn’t count? what about linoan?
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Too bad Julius, he failed you. And by sundown, really? Talk about rushing things! Besides, Julius “supposes” he is needed?
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Why? He just told you getting rid of Julia is the highest priority!
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Julius doesnt’ like peasants, but he doesn’t care much about Seliph. And he is right, Seliph can’t do a thing to him without Julia, the worse he can do is breed with Linoan to bring another major Naga, but bar that he is as relevant as Duke Scipio. Peasants are going to revolt because Seliph is supposedly the true heir of Granvalle, but if he can’t kill Julius, then what?
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Julius doesn’t believe Seliph is his older bro - it’s nothing but superstitious nonsense! He cares more about Julia, and dragon-wise/plot-wise, we should do the same but we’re following the adventures of Seliph.
I wonder if a Ced narrative would focus more on recovering Julia if he were to learn that his dad went missing because he had to protect the only person on the continent able to get rid of Loptyr.
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A threat? No, he doesn’t. And seriously Julius, I know we’re in a game where sword emblem is broken, and theoretically Seliph could kill you with the Tyrfing, but even with the Tyrfing, and lore-wise, no, he can’t possibly be much a threat.
It’s pretty darn funny that Manfroy’s master plan fails because he believes Seliph is a real treat disregarding Julia completely. Manfroy breaks the 4th wall? Seliph is the Lord thus he must die, Julia is nothing.
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Yep. The greater plot, regardless of what F!Lewyn tries to hammer, doesn’t give a fig about Seliph. Loptyr only cares about Julia.
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Poor Manfroy.
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Go Loptyr goons , defend Miletos!
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You have a better idea than the one you just ordered? Oh Julius...
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Yay! Kill a rebel!
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I know this sounds odd in regards to FE5!Ishtar who’s more nuanced, but bear in mind that her mom escaped death a few turns ago so she’d be more than likely to want to kill some rebels. But sounding so happy about it? A bit Meh.
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You have good eyes OIfey!
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Poor OIfey has been the one living in exile for 17 years, he was just supposed to assist Sigurd and then he was thrown in this mess. I feel bad for him.
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ARDEN WHO??? But note how Oifey mentions his peers, and the young knights of Chalphy so maybe Arden wasn’t a noble to begin with? He had just been a commoner who enrolled?
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every last Chalphy face was a firendly one or you had other friends who weren’t from Chalphy?
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Seliph comes from everywhere, save from the land he is supposed to inherit.
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Oh :’(
Don’t be like that Seliph, do you think Prince Ulster of Verdane has any right, bar his blood, to rule over the barbarians there?
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I’m sure some pious citizens would prefer Major Naga Empress on the throne of Granvalle, but this is only food for an AU.
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Who? The citizens of Chalpy or the citizens of Granvalle? Because the Granvalle peeps were happy until Julius became mad, hell, some of them don’t even know about the child hunts etc. So you’re actually saying a lot of crap, unless you’re talking about the people of Chalphy, and if Palmark is any indication, they weren’t put to the noose as soon as Siggy kicked the bucket.
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Again, we don’t see the common folk of Granvalle in FE5, but if we can compare with the randoms of Thracia, they’re not praying for the second coming of Quan, they just want to get on with their shitty lives without risking to be killed by random brigands etc. But maybe the people of Chalphy believe in Siggy the 2nd, even if, and i never stress it enough, when Siggy and pals died, they died as traitors.
Saying Siggy is a hero means saying Arvis is a dastard, and in the beginning or the Empire, Arvis was well loved, even now, in FE5, Arvis is still loved.
So really meh about this line.
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I don’t know if this “fairy tale” is made up by OIfey to cheer Seliph up, or if some diehard Chalpy loyalists really think that, or if Oifey himself sees Seliph as the 2nd coming of Siggy who will avenge his dad and save the world.
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Mmh. I’m not convinced.
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Granted, everyone hates the child hunts, and they want them to stop. Are they all suddenly calling to the son of a traitor to help them?
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Seliph has had enough of the propaganda described by OIfey, and asks about the greater plot. Maybe all the randoms don’t like Arvis, maybe some think he is Loptyr...
maybe those randoms forgot how their dark god instaured a relatively peaceful land for 10 years, or they just slander Oldvis because he is the Emperor and the Empire has turned into a shitty place.
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Or maybe the people we liberated couldn’t go all Amalda like “i had faith in Arvis what happened to him” because we’re the LA and Seliph’s n°1 objective is to rekt him, so no one should express sympathy for the man?
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“don’t worry, i have a pony now!”
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Hahaha - the only one who can rekt the dark God isn’t even a Lord in this damn game
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He looks scary?
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Mmh... like what? You look into his eyes and you’re charmed or something?
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Julius had a group of fangirls! How cute! Granted, i don’t know if what happened to them next could be called cute...
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Fig off
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What if i sacrifice you?!
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Welp, Julius tries to kill the useless man his useless sister married. Kinslaying, again. Hopefully, Ulster dodged.
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Seliph wanted to say hello to his brother.
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Larcei cut their discussion and Julius grew bored.
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what? an useless characted inheriting an useless land married to an useless woman? Ulster’s pretty happy with this life.
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He won’t.
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Fee finally talks to her trash dad. But trash dad has some kind of draconic circumstances to explain his behaviour.
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If i were Fee i’d slap him because she had been the only one to be at her mom’s side when she died
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Maybe she really slapped him then! GG Fee!
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You were happy seeing him? He who abandonned you all? And returned with another child? you’re a nice person Fee.
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He has never been the kindest person around, but ignoring her completely...
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He knows what it is to get shunned by his own Mother though! I miss you Rahna
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Constructive behaviour here, but Fee isn’t the adult so i can let it slide.
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I had the same reaction. F!Lewyn is really... despicable, regardless of his nature.
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Many playthoughs of FE4 came to the same conclusion, so no Fee, even if your mom married Arden, she’d still be dead.
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At least he acknowldges it.
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To this day, I still don’t understand his outburst. Did Erin met F!Lewyn and told him it was A-OK to go and do whatever with Julia to save the world, she wouldn’t tell her kids about it? Or did she know F!Lewyn wasn’t her husband anymore?
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He is trying to push her away, because he knows he can’t be her dad anymore or something else? Or because he is just that awful?
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The kids? What about the most important one? The one with Major Naga blood? She doesn’t even deserve a mention?
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“damn those foot units”
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At least we managed to be on time for those repairs to be done.
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Onwards to victory
I mean - Onwards to Chalphy!
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