flock-talk · 8 months
Such a smart baby 😭
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balkanradfem · 2 years
I had to move my zuchinni to the basmenet, since the apartment is too warm for storage, so now my found aquarium is repurposed as a little greenhouse!
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It looks so cool, and I can’t actually tell if it’s warmer inside, since it’s such a small greenhouse, it probably can’t hold much warmth. But, whenever sun shines and gets thru that glass, I’m sure the plants are getting a lot more warmth than they otherwise would! It’s also a lot more humid, but I feel like the plants might like that.
These flowers are frost-sensitive, so I will have to move them inside in a few days, I’m not sure such a tiny greenhouse would protect them from the freezing temperatures. I’m tempted to try growing microgreens, lettuce, kale, swiss chard, and other frost-hardy things, to see if anything would work out. We’re having very little light, and my balcony is shaded, but someone has to experiment even in these circumstances!
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headspace-hotel · 1 month
data about where carbon emissions are coming from is so frustrating cause there's all kinds of huge, sprawling, just fucking vast breakdowns of What Causes The Most Carbon Emissions Out Of All Everything In The Entire World, but those are aggregations of numerous smaller but still vast aggregations of data, which are processed and polished from various aggregations of crunched numbers, which are patched and pieced together from various studies, estimates and calculations, which are sieved out of numbers crunched from various measurements, estimates and records, which have been collected, estimated or otherwise conceived through an unspeakably huge variety of methodologies with unspeakably huge variety in limitations, reliability and margins of error.
Even if some of the data was very fine-grained at the beginning, it was filtered through some very coarse number-crunching techniques for the sake of the coarse data, so the results are only as good as the wrongest thing you did in any part of this process, but the plans of action are getting thought up from the top down, which makes the whole thing a hot fucking mess.
For example. And I just made this example up. Say you want to know whether apples or potatoes have a worse impact on climate change. So you look at one of these huge ass infographic things. And it says that potatoes are bad, whereas apples are REALLY good, the BEST crop actually. So it's better to eat apples than potatoes, you think to yourself. Actually we should find a way to replace potatoes with apples! We should fund genetic engineering of apples so they have more starch and can replace potatoes. Great idea. Time to get some investors to put $5 billion towards it.
But actually. Where'd they get that conclusion about apples? Well there's this review right here of the carbon footprint of all different fruits, seems legit. Where'd that data come from? Well it's citing this study right here saying that tree-grown crops are better because they sequester carbon, and this study right here about the distance that different fruits get transported, and this study right here where different fertilization systems are compared in terms of their carbon footprint, and this study over here that sampled 300 apple, peach, and orange farmers comparing their irrigation practices and rates of tree mortality, and this study...wow, okay, seems really reliable...
...what's the first study citing? oh, okay, here's a study about mycorrhizal networks in orchards in Oregon, saying that there's a super high density of fungal mycelium in the 16 orchards that they sampled. And here's a study about leaf litter decay rates in Switzerland under different pesticide regimes, and...okay...relationship of tree spacing to below ground vs. aboveground biomass...a review of above and below-ground biomass in semi-intensively managed orchard plots...
...That one cites "Relationship between biomass and CO2 requirements...carbon immobilization in soil of various tree species...mycorrhizal fungi impact on carbon storage...
...wait a second, none of these are talking about apples, they're about boreal forests...and orange trees...and peanut farms! They're just speculating on roughly applying the non-apple data to apples. You have to go backwards...
Yes! "A review of belowground carbon storage in orchard cropping systems!" Seems like overall the studies find potentially high carbon storage in orchard environments! Walnuts...pears...oranges... intercropping walnuts and wheat... intercropping apples and wheat... wait a second, what about orchards with only apples?
Time for you to go back again...
"New method of mulching in apple orchards can lower irrigation and pesticide needs..." okay but if it's new, most farmers aren't doing it. "Orchards with high density interplanted with annual crops show way more mycorrhizal fungus activity..." "Mycorrhizal associations with trees in the genus Malus..."
...And pretty soon you've spent Five Fucking Hours investigating apples and you've got yourself in this tangled web of citations that demonstrate that some orchard crops (not necessarily apples) store a lot of long-lasting biomass in their trunks and roots really well—and some apple orchards (not necessarily typical ones) have high amounts of mycorrhizal fungi—and some techniques of mulching in orchards (not necessarily the ones apple farmers use) experience less erosion—and some apple trees (not necessarily productive agricultural apples) have really deep root systems—
—and some environments with trees, compared with some conventional agricultural fields, store more carbon and experience less erosion, but not apple orchards because that data wasn't collected in apple orchards.
And you figure out eventually that there is no direct evidence anywhere in the inputs that singles out apples as The Best Crop For Fighting Climate Change, or suggests that conventional apple farming has a much smaller carbon footprint than anything else.
The data just spit out "apples" after an unholy writhing mass of Processes that involved 1) observing some tree-grown crops and deciding it applies closely enough to all tree grown crops 2) observing some apple orchards and deciding its applicable enough to all apple orchards 3) observing some tree-including environments and deciding its close enough to all tree-including environments 4) observing some farming methods and deciding it applies closely enough to all farming methods
And any one of these steps individually would be fine and totally unavoidable, but when strung together repeatedly they distort the original data into A Puddle of Goo.
And it wouldn't be that bad even to string them together, if trees didn't vary that much, and farming didn't vary that much, and soil didn't vary that much, and mycorrhizal networks didn't vary that much, and regions that grow apples didn't vary that much, and pre-conversion-to-apple-orchard states of apple orchards didn't vary that much, and economic incentives controlling apple farming didn't vary that much, but all of these things DO vary, a Fuck Ton, and if the full range of variation were taken into account—nay, intentionally optimized—the distinction between apples and potatoes might turn out to be be MEANINGLESS GOO.
anyway big size piles of data about Farming, In General, make me so bitchy
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bagofshinyrocks · 9 months
Period Comfort
Prompt: How the boys act when their S/O is on their period. [Requested by @weebumochi]
Featuring: TF141 and Los Vaqueros - John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Johnny "Soap" MacTavish, Alejandro Vargas, and Rodolfo "Rudy" Parra (separately) x GN!Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: reader menstruates, but no mention of genitalia; menstruation discomfort; nothing else i can think of, but lemme know if there's more
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John Price
Always gets you water and a fresh cup of tea once your cups looks a little low.
Finds out what meals are best for someone on their period and focuses on making those for the week.
You two would make food with beef, eggs, and fish (if you eat them); spinach, squash, and brussel sprouts. All the nutritious stuff. 
And then he would make treats for you, especially dark chocolate on almonds or walnuts. Bring you bananas, berries, figs. You felt like ancient Mesopotamian royalty. All things that were also good for you, but were more traditional period comfort food of “sweet”. 
If you really needed to eat half a family sized bag of barbeque potato chips, he would fetch them and put them in a bowl for you. No questions asked. No movement in the eyebrows. A loving smile as he asks what movie you two were going to watch.
 But for dinner, he’s making something without so much… sodium.
Does everything he can to make your period easier on you.
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Simon Riley
Doesn’t tell you that he knows you’re on your period, but that shit is on the calendar. Doesn’t want to make you feel like he’s all “oh is it that time of the month?”. So he pretends nothing is different.
He’s always so sweet to you, but he’s especially so when you’re on your period.
There are absolutely no gibes or pokes at the tender part of your heart. And whenever you’re most hormonal (which is also on the calendar), he might not tease you at all. Because one time he was a little snarky with you, and normally it would roll right off, but you were just a teensy bit too hormonal. And you got quiet. And your lip quivered. And he didn’t stop apologizing the whole day.
Any shows or movies he normally sighs about (but still sits down and watches… and gets invested in, the lying shit), there is no fussing.
“Alright, lovie, sounds good. Do you want another cuppa while I’m up?”
Need some quiet time by yourself? He has some errands to run, let him know what you want for dinner.
Just does his best to make sure you never feel crazy when you’re on your period.
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Kyle Garrick
When the worst of your period comes in, it becomes the typical night in.
The dumbest movies that you two love. Dessert eaten before dinner. Favorite takeout and all the accoutrement available. A glass of wine or some other treat beverage. Matching pajama sets.
Kyle had almost fallen asleep when you massaged a yummy-smelling hair mask into his scalp, and then pulled a ‘oh I was just resting my eyes’. And then he returned the favor, painting a luxurious facial mask on you. Making hearts on your cheeks, then spreading them out. You were fairly sure he drew boobs on your forehead, but then smeared it out and insisted you were just imagining it.
You give each other manicures, and hand feed the other food whilst their nails dried. Kissing chocolate and strawberries off each others lips and chins.
Once his hair was wrapped up, he’s all snuggled up in your arms. The heat and weight of his body against your abdomen was soothing. And the gentle snoring of the love of your life.
Everything he can to make you feel comfortable and attractive in your own skin.
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Johnny MacTavish
He gets up at the ass crack of dawn to go for a run (like a fucking psycho). Once you wake up, he wants to go to the gym with you. Whether or not you work out, or just poke his butt because it’s funny, he wants you there. But not today. Your cramps, or just the general yuckiness of menstruating, makes you want to not leave the house.
So he hops on the internet, and finds the workouts, stretches, and yoga poses that would help you feel better.
The most gentle workout he’s had in his life. Stretching with the speed of tai chi, leaning against your back and chatting quietly.
Kisses wherever he can reach as you two figure out the yoga poses. Sticks his ass out as far as he can so you’ll poke it. Whistles whenever you begin a pose that’s even marginally suggestive. Waggles his eyebrows and maybe even cops a feel.
Double checks that you aren’t overexerting yourself. Stops for water (and kiss) breaks and asks how you’re feeling. What’s helping, what’s not helping? Time to stop, or keep going?
Helping with the physical and visceral symptoms so you’re more comfortable.
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Alejandro Vargas
If he can, he’s clearing the schedule for the worst day of the week. Does grocery shopping and laundry before, so there is essentially nothing to do that day when Mother Nature is curb-stomping you.
Spoils you with a long lie-in. The sun has long since come up by the time you wake up to massages and kisses.
You join him for breakfast and a quick rinse off shower, and then you two crawl right back into bed. Leaning against him as he kneads the skin and muscles of your abdomen or back, a movie or the radio as ambient noise.
Maybe you fall back asleep. Maybe you watch an entire TV show. Maybe you putter about and do some light home-making. The goal is that you are fully rested.
I bet science says that you can’t “catch up on sleep”, but it’s still nice to have a day where you sleep for most of it. Especially when it’s curled up in bed with your sweet lover. His hands on you for the entire day, closely followed by his lips.
His whole body squeezing you tight when you try to leave, and wrapping around you again once you return.
Just physically reminding you of how much he loves you.
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Rodolfo Parra
Once he sees a menstrual product wrapper in the bathroom trash can, he’s off to make the most professional grocery run you’ve ever seen.
Knows exactly which products you use, and checks which are low. Buys the right medications or products. The snacks that you love (that won’t betray you later with a stomach ache), and the little drink treat that’s for special occasions. 
You swear that he hears the crinkle of a wrapper in the bathroom and marches to the store.
Puts the groceries away while you’re finishing up the breakfast dishes and then offers you the little beverage and maybe a treat.
He guides you to the couch or back to bed, sidling up next to or behind you and kisses you deeply. Arms roaming and then settling in a way that keeps you as close as possible. Pressing against you as if you could become one.
Cuddles in the way that is most comfortable, whether you’re in his lap or laying down. Kisses you all over. Hand feeds you until you’re giggling too hard.
He never wants you to run out of the supplies you need, or feel any less sexy while menstruating. Because you are always so sexy to him.
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Posted: 2024 January 7
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lustspren · 1 year
P.S.T EP. 7 | Hold on Tight ft Aespa.
length: 6.6k words ✦
Aespa & Male Reader
genres: airplane sex, blowjob, oral sex, kinda fivesome, hard sex, footjob, squirt, ass eating 
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“H-hello…” you stammered. You were sure that when you first met them you hadn't acted like an idiot, but this time it was a different situation. They were waiting for you, hunting like a pride of perfectly coordinated lionesses. You weren't going to let your nerves get the better of you that time, you decided that you would be confident at all times. As much as they allow you, of course.
They all looked exaggeratedly beautiful for just a simple flight. Karina's bangs looked exaggeratedly pretty, she was wearing a kind of short black dress, with separate sleeves that went from her shoulders to her hand, covering it like a glove, and black boots. Ningning wore her brown hair down and in slight waves; a gray knit crop top, a black sports skirt, and chunky platform Mary Jane shoes. Giselle also had her dark hair down, dressed in a long, loose black skirt, a long-sleeved black blouse, black shoes, and a black choker. Winter looked the most stunning by far, with a light brown bob haircut, a black knit crop top, baggy jeans that revealed her milky, flat belly, and high-soled converse.
When they finished their joint laughter, Winter stood up, took a few steps down the hallway and leaned her shoulder against a wall to look at you, as if she were waiting.
"You can leave your things here, we'll go somewhere else," Karina, despite appearing intimidating many times, was by far the friendliest and kindest of all of them. She was the leader, you wouldn't expect anything less.
"Somewhere else?" You took off your backpack and left it on your seat, you hesitated whether to leave your phone there or not, but you thought about it for a second and considered that maybe you wouldn't need it for the trip. You wouldn't be too far from reality. You left your phone in one of the front pockets of your backpack.
While you were doing that, the rest of the girls had already stood up and were heading towards the hallway. Karina waited for you while the girls were behind.
"Follow me," Karina nodded at you toward the hallway, and you, moving away from all your belongings, followed her, "you know, we're really excited to have our own 'personal assistant'," she made quotes with her fingers.
"Oh my god yes," Giselle confirmed a few steps ahead of you, "our companions do nothing but talk about the wonders that happen in that fucking spa."
"I can confirm that," Winter said as she walked with her hands in the pockets of her jeans, looking to the front, "I've done nothing but die of envy over the past few weeks."
While they were talking you couldn't help but focus your attention on Ningning, who so far hadn't said a single word and was just walking with a relaxed look on her face. She didn't seem as impatient and forward as the other three, in fact, she seemed unexpectedly shy, you would say reserved, as if she didn't want to appear vulgar towards you.
"Fuck, Seulgi-unnie couldn't stop talking about how much she loved how you worshiped her feet," Karina said, as you stopped at the door that led to another booth, "you must be good huh?" she asked you, raising an eyebrow with an amused expression on her face.
“I do my best,” you shrugged.
"Let me believe you do a lot more than that," Karina laughed, and just then Winter opened the cabin door for you to walk inside.
The cabin you had entered could easily be part of a Star Wars spaceship thanks to its design and futuristic atmosphere. White leather furniture and black trim, each and every one of them with white LED lights underneath; the floor and walls were a perfect combination of varnished walnut wood and satin white paint, with abstract divisions that matched the fluctuating ceiling and the number of curved shapes that the cabin had.
To the left were two chairs facing each other, which, like the rest of the furniture, lacked legs attached to the floor, instead, they were fixed to the wall. Embedded in the curved wall was a long screen, which indicated the cabin temperature and certain data that you didn't stop to detail. To the right was a small U-shaped sectional couch, with a thin table in the middle sticking out from the wall. On that same wall were the tinted windows of the plane.
Further on to the left was a chair exactly like the previous one between two semi-walls, and in the last visible section of the cabin, which looked like the rest area, a bed with curved edges embedded in the wall to the left, and a long sofa on the right that looked unconventional but at the same time extremely comfortable. On that same couch, sitting while she looked at her phone, was Noze.
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The exaggeratedly beautiful woman, dressed in a wide, loose black T-shirt, sweatpants of the same color, and a pearl pink cap, had her legs drawn up on the sofa in an Indian position, a cushion in her lap and her fanny pack at her side. She seemed focused on her affairs, so you noticed how you disturbed her peace as you approached her.
She took off both AirPods, turning her head towards you as she examined you up and down; she let out a funny and sexy little smile that left you cold. How was it possible that she was just a manager and did not dedicate herself to being a model or actress? She had everything to be one, from her face, her body, and even her charisma.
"Welcome aboard, pretty boy," she greeted you, as each of them took a seat except you. Winter and Ningning on the bed in front of Noze, Giselle on the chair behind you and Karina next to Noze, "everything okay?"
"Well, you could say so," you shrugged, looking at the cabin around you, and then at the navy blue curtain a few meters away from you that marked a division, you were sure there was more space behind there, "I certainly never expected to get on a Mercedes-Benz private jet."
"Life takes many turns, you of all people should know that," she laughed, "for now just focus on holding on tight for what awaits you."
"Are you trying to terrify me with a reference to one of their songs?" at that moment Ningning began to sing the beginning of Hold on Tight very quietly, only audible thanks to the small silence that was generated between your question and Noze's answer. You all turned to look at her, she opened her eyes wide, and a small wave of laughter flooded the cabin for a few seconds.
“Hey, don't just stand there, come here,” Ningning, who was still blushing thanks to the embarrassing moment she went through just now, moved to the side to give you enough space next to her.
"Oh, thank you," you and her looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds as you smiled at her, sitting in the space between her and the inside wall of the bed. She smiled back at you, but then turned around surreptitiously.
At that moment, two men dressed in elegant and immaculate suits entered through the curtain, each of them had a tray in their hand, with glasses full of what appeared to be Champagne, six of them, one for each of you. On each tray there was also a box of Melatonin, a medicine to help you fall asleep.
"Thank you," Karina said to the butlers, as they let you take your glasses, you all gave them your thanks too. Unlike the others, you hesitated whether to take a pill or not.
"I recommend you take it," said Noze, taking a sip of champagne, "it will be quite a long trip, and that will help you with the jet lag," at that moment they all took their pills with the help of the champagne.
"Are we going to sleep right now?" you asked, leaning forward slightly so you could see Winter next to Ningning, you also looked at the others.
"Yup, so make yourself comfortable," Karina said cross-legged, making circles with her glass to stir the champagne.
"Uh..." you looked around, knowing there wasn't enough room for all of you to sleep and lie down separately, "where?"
"I don't know, there are a lot of seats, some of them should work for you," said Karina, after finishing all the champagne in one go. Giselle imitated her, as did Noze. Winter took her time, and Ningning only left the cup half empty.
"The back couch is mine, you have to sleep in a chair, darling," Giselle said, standing up, blowing you a kiss and going to the couch near the entrance.
"Do you want to sleep with us, pretty boy?" Noze asked as she lay down with Karina behind her on the couch, "we could make a sandwich with you in the middle," the unintelligent you would have accepted without question, but your brain reminded you that that could easily be a joke and that it wasn't serious. So you decided not to push your luck.
"Uhm, I think I'll be better off in a chair, thanks," you said more nervously than when you climbed aboard, Karina and Noze laughed, and then snuggled together.
"Hey, would you give us some space?" Winter asked you in a low and adorable tone of voice, seeing that you were still taking up space on the bed.
"Oh right," you stood up immediately, and exchanged glances with Ningning again.
"I don't like that you have to sleep in a chair, I'm sorry," Ningning said, and you noticed the honest regret in her tone of voice.
"You have nothing to apologize for," you smiled, shaking your head, "it's not my first time sleeping in a chair, in fact, compared to these chairs the old ones are pieces of scrap metal," Ningning laughed, and her laugh rubbed off on you. You automatically felt your cheeks warm and your stomach ticklish. Oh no, it was happening again.
"I'll see you in a bit then," she said.
"See you in a bit, yeah," you nodded, and without taking your eyes off her, you slowly retreated to your chair, which was not too far away but when you sat down you could only see Giselle, who had settled into the sectional sofa just a few feet from you.
"She likes you," Giselle said with a mischievous smile, covered up to her neck in a blanket. You looked at her with a frown and an expression as if she had said something very stupid. She started talking to you with her very nice and charming English.
"Of course not, you're trippin," you returned, also in your English, "and lower your voice, she's probably listening to you."
"You're not very smart at reading eyes, are you?" she asked, laughing at you like you were a fool. You probably were.
"Not really, but why would she like me?" Unlike her, you did lower your tone of voice, "she barely knows me."
"I don't know, you're cute," she replied, shifting so she was on her stomach facing you.
"Is that enough for you to like a boy?" You raised an eyebrow.
"No, first I have to know if they have a big cock," Giselle rested her head on her forearms, letting you see how her ass formed a big bulge under the blanket, "and you have it."
You felt like you were going to get tongue-tied coming up with an answer, so you stayed quiet for a few seconds, breathing deeply as you stared at her, Giselle just laughed. It was going to be a pretty long tour.
"You know there's a completely free spot on the couch that you're not using, right?" you asked her, masterfully changing the subject.
"Yup, I know perfectly well," she nodded.
"Aren't you going to offer it to me?" You raised an eyebrow, leaning forward to grab a blanket that was folded over the back of the couch.
"I could, yeah," she raised her head to see you, "but what if I woke up out of nowhere wanting to suck a cock? There wouldn't be a bell to save you, what's happening on that side of the couch can't be seen over there," she pointed her finger to the space behind you, where the other girls were.
"It's a risk I wouldn't mind taking," you replied, playing her game as you hugged your still folded blanket. Giselle bit her lip and smiled.
"Alright then," she motioned her chin toward the free space, "rest well, I'll see you in a few hours..." she shifted position on the couch again, this time with her head toward the corner and her ass purposely not covered by the blanket for you to see.
"Aha, rest well too," you said, and got up from the chair to go settle into the free space of the sofa. On the table in the center of the couch, there was an unopened bottle of water that you used to take the pill. Minutes later, after waiting for it to take effect, you lay down on your side of the couch and soon fell asleep.
You woke up feeling a little strange, colder than normal. You remembered covering yourself with the blanket when you fell asleep, but why couldn't you feel the soft cotton fabric against your skin at that moment? You also noticed a slight pain in your spine, and you had to stretch your neck from side to side to relax it. You hadn't opened your eyes yet, first you wanted to rub them, like you always did when you woke up, but when you wanted to raise your wrists to bring your hands closer to your face, they didn't move.
"Hfmm?" you stammered, opening your eyes slowly as you felt something cold in your crotch. The light blinded you for a few seconds, but when your vision cleared, you almost had a heart attack.
In front of you, standing at different points, were the Aespa girls completely naked as they watched you (Noze wasn’t there). Karina with her arms crossed, Giselle with her hands on her waist, Ningning with her hands on her back, and Winter… Winter was measuring your erect cock with a transparent silicone dildo.
"Hm, it's even bigger than my favorite toy," Winter said, as you slowly regained your senses. You tried to stand up, but it was useless since you were tied hand and foot to that chair, which you were originally going to fall asleep in a few hours ago.
"What the fuck?!" you exclaimed, clenching your fists with a worried expression, "what the hell have you done to me?"
"Wow wow, relax silly," Karina intervened, taking a step forward, and your gaze inevitably went to her heavy tits and the rest of her milky body, "we would never have done anything to you while you were asleep, and Ning had Winter under control."
"How the hell did you move me here and why?" You weren't as upset as you were at the beginning, but you still deserved a good explanation.
"Your sleeping pill was a little stronger, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to move you there," she explained, "Look, I know this isn't to your liking, but we've heard great things about you, and we wanted to somehow... test your reputation before anything."
"Weren't all the so-called tests that Noze put me through enough?" you asked, indignant at the aforementioned manager who at that moment was not among the faces in front of you. You would have loved that, tho.
"Those were tests Noze set up for you, we were never involved in quality control," she exonerated herself, "so this is our quality control."
“Fuck…” you cursed under your breath, “so be it,” you said out loud, followed by a sigh of pure resignation.
"Alright..." Karina took a couple more steps forward, gently pushing Winter away to sit on your thigh, you felt her bare buttocks against your skin, and your cock throbbed, "this is what we're going to do, sweetie," she put a hand to your hair and started caressing it, "we will all have our turn, and at least three of us have to cum so that your test can be considered passed."
"And what happens if I don't get it?"
"Then our tour will be drastically different for you compared to how it's planned so far," she said with an innocent smile, giving you a kiss on the forehead, "no pressure."
"Anyway, I can't move, everything is your responsibility and in that case, the fault wouldn't be entirely mine," you defended yourself.
"That's true, but I don't care," she patted your chest and stood up, "good luck," she winked at you, and gave way to Winter, who had a hungry look on her face as she climbed right into your lap.
Her small tits were just a few centimeters in front of you, you wanted to put your hands on her small, tight and delicious body, but all the effort was useless. Without saying a single word, she let out a big spit on her hand and brought it to your cock, to lubricate it a little before raising her hips and impaling herself completely on your throbbing erection.
"Oh fuck! And it feels even better than my damn toy!" Winter whimpered after letting out a long moan with you. Her tight pussy smothered your cock from all directions, and you began breathing heavily with her ass resting against your pelvis. She hadn't started to move and she already felt fucking wonderful, in addition to that, you could notice a slight bulge protruding from her lower abdomen, it was the tip of your cock.
"That fucking whore has been wanting to do that ever since we tied you to the chair," Giselle said, sitting on a chair with her legs crossed, one meaty thigh on top of the other.
"And it'll be worth all the waiting," Winter moaned, gripping her hands on either side of your neck firmly as she began to slowly move up and down, feeling how easily your cock slid in and out of her before she dedicated herself to frantically bouncing on you.
Winter moved over you with the ease and lightness of a feather, filling the entire cabin with the dry sounds of her tight ass slapping against your pelvis and thighs. She dug her nails very superficially into your neck, before completely embracing it with her arms and immersing herself in your lips with a kiss lacking affection and care, instead, she attacked you furiously with her tongue between incessant moans.
That was being much more difficult than you expected, it was torture not being able to hug her small frame, or her thin waist while she jumped full of vigor and desire on you. She separated from your lips, and looked into your eyes with her face flushed and distorted by pleasure, you looked down, noticing once again how the tip of your cock constantly made a bulge in her abdomen.
"Fuck, I'm getting really horny..." Karina said close to you, but you couldn't see her since your gaze was fixed on the cutie in front of you.
"Me too, you can tell that cock is filling her up so well..." Giselle confirmed.
Winter tangled her fingers in the hair at the nape of your neck, pulling it hard and then planting her feet on either side of your hips and starting to bounce even harder against your cock.
"He's filling me up too fucking good!" Winter squealed, letting her head fall back as she bit her lip and closed her eyes, letting herself be carried away by the immense pleasure your cock was giving her before she climaxed, "Oh my god!" she screamed, clinging to your neck again and pressing your heads together.
She violently impaled herself downwards, and when she lifted her hips to pull you out of her pussy she squirted all over you, wetting your cock, your thighs, and even the floor. Her body began to shake between violent spasms, screaming and moaning with her nails digging into your shoulders.
"Fuck, this girl made a mess," Karina sighed, "whatever, we'll clean up later."
When her orgasm had passed Winter lowered herself to her knees over you again, looking into your eyes with an evil smile and heavy breathing.
"Consider that a gift," she winked at you, "it was obvious I was going to cum."
"Thanks, I guess," you said between gasps, still recovering from the wonderful ride she just gave you. She stood up, and you noticed how she had gone to lie down so she could rest.
Your vision was clear now, and your eyes went to each of the girls to see who was next. Karina, with her arms crossed and a small smile of satisfaction, did not stand up, Ningning, who had her cheeks flushed and licked her lips while looking at your cock, did not stand up either, the one who stood up was Giselle.
She was without a doubt, the complete package and the definition of luscious and thick body. Her meaty thighs were a work of art on their own, not to mention her surprisingly big juicy tits and her massive round ass. She walked towards you slowly, noticing that your eyes never left her thighs.
"You seem to love my thighs, don't you?" She asked, standing between your legs, even knowing the answer, "and what do you think of my ass?" When she said that she turned around so that you could have her ass facing you, she leaned forward very slowly, and grabbed her buttocks to spread them apart and let you see her plump pussy and butthole, "I bet you would love to have this ass bouncing on your cock."
You said nothing, your mouth watering as you stared at the exquisite work of art a short distance from your face. At that moment, by the work and grace of God or some guardian angel of yours, a timely turbulence shook the plane and the cabin, everything shook, and thanks to that Giselle staggered and, unintentionally, fell on your face, which was buried between her soft buttocks.
Instinctively the first thing you did was devour her like a hungry animal, using your tongue to lick between her delicious, wet folds. You sucked, kissed and moved your tongue in different possible ways, and Giselle, between cute moans, didn't even try to separate her ass from your face, on the contrary, she leaned even further back to lean on you.
In less than a minute Giselle was already going completely crazy between moans and whimpers while you ate her pussy with utmost greed. Her folds were deliciously soft, as were the fluids that seeped through them, it was without a doubt the tastiest pussy you had ever eaten in your entire life, closely followed by Lia's.
"Don't think it will be so easy to make me cum, boy," Giselle said with one hand on your head, fingers clinging to your hair, "higher," you obeyed and moved your tongue up through her slit, reaching her entrance to insert there your tongue, Giselle let out a louder moan as you explored her pussy inside with your tongue, but it wasn't enough, "I said... higher," she whimpered, and you smiled, realizing what she meant.
You raised your tongue a little higher, and when you reached her beautiful butthole, the first thing you did was spit all the saliva accumulated in your mouth onto it, and then make circles with your tongue around it. Giselle tensed her body, and she let out a louder moan as she felt the contact on her butthole. Great, another butt play lover.
After a few seconds of just playing with her you finally began to force your tongue into her tight butthole, causing loud squeals to come from her. You moved your tongue in circles inside her, hitting places that made her jump and jerk with pleasure. She was incredibly delicious, and you let her know that by eating her ass like a hungry dog.
Her buttocks felt too good, pressed on either side of your face, and feeling them tense was the last straw for you. You clenched your fists and arms tightly, making a tremendous effort to try to free yourself from your bonds; you tensed your entire body, pressing your forearms upward. A vein stood out from your temple, and you stopped eating Giselle's ass only to grit your teeth, let out a grunt, and finally free yourself from one of the restraints.
Your right hand was completely free, and it immediately went to one of her buttocks to squeeze and grope it as much as you could, returning again to her ass and slowly taking Giselle towards her peak. The seconds passed, and between loud moans she climaxed in an intense attack of spasms that made her collapse onto your lap, pressing your cock between her round buttocks while her body shook constantly.
"You better use that strength to stop me from walking," Winter said from somewhere behind you, in contrast to her adorable little tone of voice. You could only laugh in disbelief, with Giselle's back resting against your chest. Your chin rested on her shoulder, from where you could see her pair of tits rise up and down between heavy breaths.
After a few long seconds, Giselle finally gathered enough strength not to get up, but to lean forward as far as she could, put her hands on the floor and slowly lower herself towards it, making sure that your cock passed between the folds of her pussy before getting on her knees and hands. She looked at you over her shoulder, winked at you, and began to sensually crawl away from you, knowing that your gaze was on her dump truck.
You were completely mesmerized by the sway of her hips as she walked away from you, but soon your attention was transferred to Karina, who had stood up and was now walking confidently towards you, swaying her hips from side to side. You admired every corner of her hourglass shaped body, from her voluptuous tits to her creamy thighs, not ignoring her pretty, shaved pussy. At this point you were too horny, and your cock hurt from how hard it was.
"Maybe there was more than just melatonin in that pill you took earlier," she apologized when she was standing in front of you, "I'm sorry, but I couldn't risk that cock dying early."
"I don't even care at this point, you tied me to a chair against my will," you shrugged, looking her up and down, "Well? Come get me, precious," she stared at you in silence for a second.
"You're having fun, aren't you?" she asked, and before you could answer, she raised one leg and put one foot inside your already opened mouth, you sucked on her toes as much as you could, and then she rested her sole on your chin. Understood, you were never going to be in charge with her.
You didn't try to answer her question, instead you started kissing every part of her foot as much as you could, going up from her sole to her toes, which you sucked and licked with great care and delicacy. You raised one hand to bring it to her foot and give it a kind of massage while you used your tired tongue to lick between her toes, leaving them completely wet and sloppy.
Karina noticed the tiredness in your tongue as it danced between her fingers, and in an act of mercy, she lowered her foot from your face and placed it now on your crotch, her fingers gently placed on your balls, you held your breath, with fear that she would apply pressure.
"You're incredibly lucky that you had enough balls to break free from one of your restraints," she said with her arms crossed, staring at you, "otherwise you wouldn't have had a chance with me," after saying that, she picked up your wrist and guided your free hand to her wet pussy, which immediately felt warm against your fingers, "now then, I repeat... are you having fun, darling?" she applied light pressure to your balls.
"I'm enjoying every damn second, Yu Jimin," you replied, as you began to rub her pretty pussy with your fingers, concentrating on her clit first. You made small slow circles, and then moved your fingers along her slit to moisten them with her fluids.
"Was Minjeongie's pussy tight enough for you, honey?" You turned your head, seeing Winter on the bed slowly rubbing her pussy as she watched the two of you.
"I fucking loved it," you responded between gasps, taking one of your fingers inside Karina's pussy to begin pumping very slowly in and out, "I loved how my thick cock slid so easily in and out of that tight little pussy," Winter started moaning and touching herself faster, "I also loved how it made her pretty belly bulge, and how that pussy squirted all over me at the end."
With that answer, Winter inserted two fingers inside her pussy and began pumping them frantically between adorable moans, and Karina began to play with your cock with her foot, running her soft fingers up and down over it. In response, you inserted another finger inside her pussy, pumping slightly faster.
"And tell me, did Aeri taste good to you? Was she delicious?" Karina asked, playing with the tip of your cock between her toes.
"She had the most fucking delicious holes I've ever tasted," you gasped with a small smirk, then biting your lip. Saying this, Karina removed her foot from your cock and planted it on the ground, only to raise her another foot from it and stick it directly into your mouth.
"You're only saying that because you haven't tried mine," she said, removing your hand from her pussy as well, "but you will."
During her little interrogation you had been applying force with your other wrist, the ties were already loose, so you only had to give a small pull upwards to free your other hand, which you brought to her ankle to hold it and keep her foot still, while you repeated the same work as with the previous one, distributing kisses, licks and sucks to her toes.
Karina allowed you to continue working on her foot for a few long seconds, until she placed it on your cock again to slowly rub it from the balls to the tip. With your two hands now free, you brought the left one to one of her beautiful tits and squeezed it, feeling how soft and spongy it felt, while you brought the other one back to her pussy, quickly rubbing her clit as you pinched her nipple.
“Fuck… Seulgi was right about you,” she moaned, slowly falling for you, “do you like my feet, baby?”
"I love them," you responded between gasps as her foot continued to work on your cock.
"And you'd like to fuck my brains out, wouldn't you?" She asked, moaning slightly louder, as you continued to rub her clit and then stuck your fingers back inside her pussy, pumping them hard. Your other hand was still on her tit, squeezing and massaging it. Her foot was making your cock twitch, and you felt how little by little she pushed you closer to the edge.
"Believe me, I would do anything to pin you against the wall and hammer that pussy," you said between moans.
"Now tell me..." she paused slightly, closing her eyes as she controlled her moans, "Do you like my feet better than Yuna's? Does Aeri taste better than Chaeryongie? Is Winter tighter fucking than Yeji?" In the midst of that flurry of unexpected questions your anger began to heat up inside you, she saw it in your eyes and smiled, and you became rougher with your touches on her, "I'm sure Yuna loved how you fucked her in that mall," she laughed, "Oh, and how does Lia's ass feel? I don't think it's as tight as Aeri's."
"Unnie, you're going too far..." Ningning finally spoke close to you, she was sitting on the back of the sectional sofa, with her hands crossed on her thighs as she waited patiently for her turn.
"Shut up!" Karina said to Ning, looking at her, and then back at you, "do you want to know how I know all those damn things?" She said angrily, removing her foot from your cock, and you had no choice but to please her.
"I like your feet better than Yuna's," you started, now pumping three of your fingers in and out of her pussy as fast as you could, jiggling her thighs, and also squeezing one of her tits, "Aeri tastes a lot better than any of Chaery's holes... and Minjeong is much tighter than Yeji."
When you finally gave her the answer she was waiting for she reached her orgasm between loud moans and whimpers, her spasms shook her completely, and she fell to her knees while her entire body trembled. You heard another wave of moans behind you, these ones higher pitched and smaller, Winter had come for the second time in 20 minutes.
Karina was still on her knees, with both hands on your thighs as she caught her breath. When she did, she struggled to her feet and looked into your eyes with a devilish smile.
"Good boy," with that, she walked away from you, her smile still stretched from ear to ear. She had left triumphant.
“Fucking b...” you muttered, and caught yourself when you saw Ningning separate herself from the couch to slowly walk towards you, her hands on her back and a slightly worried expression on her face.
"You already passed the test, don't worry," she said with a calm and soothing voice, "you don't have to test your skills on me."
"Huh?" She fell on her knees between your legs, and as she looked at you with her beautiful big eyes she took your cock with one hand and started pumping it slowly, "Oh..." you stared at her, feeling your stomach become ticklish again, you felt affection for her, and maybe something more.
"You're a cute boy… you deserve it," she said as she continued to move her hand up and down your throbbing cock. You felt your cheeks warm again.
"T-Thank you..." you thanked and then gasped, when you did, she brought the tip of your cock to her mouth. You moaned louder, and Ningning began to suck on your tip slowly and sensually, being careful but still perfectly working her tongue and head motions.
She brought her mouth further to the middle of your shaft, slurping softly on your cock with one hand at the base and the other caressing one of your thighs. You two exchanged glances, and once you did, you couldn't stop looking into each other's eyes for a single second, not even when she took your entire cock inside her mouth, sucking something faster without the need to be disastrous.
You raised a hand to gently caress her face, your finger on her cheekbone and the rest of your hand on her chin. Her eyes changed at that moment, and you could notice how they somehow transmitted affection and gratitude towards you, they were extremely beautiful, and you were hypnotized.
Ningning took you out of her mouth for a few seconds, licking, kissing and sucking on your balls as her hand pumped quickly on your cock, and after giving your balls enough attention, she returned your cock into her mouth to take you straight down her throat. She didn't show any gag reflex, she just scrunched her face up a little as she looked into your eyes and rested her nose against your pelvis. You moaned loudly, and she pulled you out of her mouth with a long gasp of air.
She didn't give herself any time to rest, a few seconds later she dove back into your cock, giving it more sensual sucks and slurping all the saliva that was dripping from it. Your breathing was agitated and you felt how you were slowly reaching the top. Karina noticed your expression, and quickly took a step forward.
"Stop right there," Karina said to Ningning, who had pulled you out of her mouth, walking over to you and sitting next to the confused girl. She leaned back, bringing her feet up and closer to Ningning's face, "prepare them."
Ningning looked at you for a few seconds, once again as if to say that she was sorry, and then grabbed Karina by the ankles to lick and kiss her feet as disastrously as she could, leaving them all slippery and full of saliva.
Once her feet were ready, Karina turned her body towards you and raised her feet onto your lap, trapping your cock between them and starting to give you a footjob which completely suppressed the rage you felt at that moment thanks to her. Her feet moved deliciously up and down, your cock sliding easily between them and throbbing as your orgasm was just around the corner.
Karina's toes also swirled over your tip every time they went up, and one massaged your balls every time they went down. That resulted in an inevitable downhill slope from which you had no salvation.
"Cum baby," Karina moaned, moving her feet faster around your cock, "Cum on these pretty feet that you like better than Yuna's."
That last sentence made your blood boil, but at that point you couldn't do a damn to show it since you started shooting multiple thick jets of cum everywhere. You held on tightly to the chair and squirmed on it, while Karina drained you completely with her pretty feet, which were being completely covered by a layer of white liquid. You squeezed your eyes shut, still spasming slightly as your throbbing cock spilled the last drops of cum onto Karina's feet, which dripped your cum into your pelvis.
Karina stopped, and removed her feet from your cock to turn around and present them to Ningning once more.
“Go ahead honey, clean up,” she ordered in a cute, kind voice that sounded really fake to you.
Ningning sighed, and took Karina by the ankles again to begin passing her tongue through every corner of her feet, collecting your cum and swallowing every little drop without even complaining, on the contrary, she seemed to enjoy it, knowing that the true architect of that great load had been her. Once Karina's feet were completely clean and shiny, Ningning took the liberty of ignoring her and began running her tongue over your pelvis, collecting the small pools of cum that accumulated there before taking you into her mouth. again, just to suck your cock clean for a few seconds and then pull it out.
At that moment, a small beep was heard through the plane's speakers.
"Attention, passengers, we are approaching the final descent," the pilot's voice said over the speakers, "so please, we recommend that you fasten your seat belts properly," another beep sounded, and the pilot fell silent.
"Well, you certainly won't need to fasten the seat belt properly," Giselle joked, followed by a loud laugh, you looked down, and noticed that your ankles were still stuck to the chair.
"Fuck you, Aeri," you told her in English.
"You'll have time to fuck me later, don't rush it silly," she replied back in English.
Spren Notes:
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nopanamaman · 3 months
Q&A: Nikita Reizner
Character interview. January 2024
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Well, well, well, if it isn't everyone's most behated teacher. Today Nikita Danilovich will answer some of your most popular questions. The interview is image based, but you can find a transcript at the bottom.
Let's get to it!
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VIOLET_GALAXIE asks: What’s your favorite artefact you’ve found in the Zone?
Nikita: I don't have an impressive resume in that regard. My job wasn't to collect artefacts, it was to keep those who do alive. I guess dropping my glasses that one time made for a useful trinket…
MOONPATCH asks: So, off the record, how tempted were you to try and kill/disappear Yura when he blackmailed you? Even if you decided against it, did the thought cross your mind at any point?
Nikita: Of course. That would be the easiest solution. Ah, but I’d prefer not to resort to that. I do not like violence. Regardless, I couldn’t do much after being seen by Sokolov. 
At the end of the day, threats to the family are just more practical.
DYMESTL asks: What is your relationship to the Kazarins? What made you want to work with them?
Nikita: Kolya knew the group Victor was part of first, I joined later. Had I not, that scatterbrain would bite the dust a decade earlier. 
The Kazarins are good folks. All of them. Victor was great. Maria, too. Their relationship, not so much. (She hated us. Really.) 
Well, even if both of them were still here with us, Sasha and Serozha would never grow up… normal. In the plainest sense of that word. But it’s only natural. People like us, stalkers - we’re poison to our families.
BRANDON ONTAMA asks: What's your relationship with Sanya? Any fond memories with her?
Nikita: Oh, Sashka? She ran to me whenever she and Serozha had arguments. Which was great, because I got her to check lab works for me.
Ah, and her cultural development is entirely my achievement. Books, films, documentaries. Scary to think what she’d become if she grew up watching nothing but those… animes.
REKANOCHI asks: Tell us about your daughters!
Nikita: I’m aware they exist. Two girls, apparently. But I was never stated as the father. I cannot contact them.
WALNUT: Do you know how Nadya’s doing these days?
Nikita: …She is dead.
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Country Rose 2
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Warnings: age gap, power dynamics, creep behaviour, other dark elements. As usual, be mindful of your content consumption.
I also beg of you to leave me some tuppence in the form of a comment and/or reblog. You are cherished!
Enjoy, my loverlies.
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It's like a movie. The fields of tall corn and swaying wheat, the cows in the distance, the sky swirling in shades of pastel blue. It's a rustic portrait of a bygone time. You lose yourself in the serenity of it, swept away in a daydream despite the tickle in your nose.  
It isn't until the truck jerks to a stop and Clark cranks the gears into park that you return to earth. He grabs his hat from the dash and puts it on, shading his eyes from the sun as he gets out. 
You look out the windshield and close your dry eyes, trying to find an ounce of moisture. He comes around your side but you have your door open before he can get there. You hop down from the height as Clark retrieves your bag from the back. 
"Ma will be happy to meet you. She's been excited," he says as he waves you towards the porch of the farmhouse. 
"Oh wow," you gape up at the double storey house in awe. "This place is huge." 
"Too big for just us," he agrees. You tramp up the steps and to the door, hesitating as you get ahead of yourself. He reaches by you to pill back the screen door, "go on." 
You enter and look around. He puts your bag on the wooden bench as you sidle towards the wall. He removes his hat and puts it on a hook next to a stained flannel. 
"It's a farmhouse, you can keep your shoes on," he directs, "hey ma," he calls over your head as he points you past the staircase. "Back." 
You head down towards the open archway and step into a spacious kitchen finished in walnut and brass. A woman stands at the island, shucking cobs of corn. She smiles at your entrance and drops her handful. 
"She's here," she bleats and scurries around the counter. She's frail despite her energy, "oh, lovely." 
You're put off as she hugs you and you stand stalk still as you let her. She then embraces her son as he clears his throat. She backs off, smoothing her steely hair with knobby fingers. 
"My mother, Martha," Clark introduces as she touches her hip and backs up to the island. She leans on it subtly, "ma--" 
"Oh, I know," she trills your name, "it's so nice to finally meet you." 
"Uh, yeah, er, thanks," you sway nervously. You didn't realise it was such a big deal. 
"I'm gonna get her settled, you need anything?" Clark intones as he hovers close behind you. 
"Everything is perfect, honey, everything," she beams at you, "now everyone's here." 
You smile sheepishly and peek back at Clark. He beckons you after him as he leads you back down the hall. He has you go upstairs first and the stairs creak beneath him as he grabs your bag and follows. 
"Just down this way," he points you to the right. 
You take his direction down to a room near the end. You push inside and and he puts your bag in the wooden chair near the door. Everything is so pretty and tidy. A plaid quilt is draped at the end of a neatly made bed and there's a carved wardrobe against one wall. The rug matches the curtains and a table with a vase of flowers stands near the window. 
"Oh, it's cute." 
"Ma wanted everything ready for you," Clark says, "she gets lonely when I'm off working." 
"Uh, yeah," you stop by the bed and turn back to him, "so I'm going to be helping her?" 
"Sure, yep," he hooks a finger in a loop on his jeans, "she's had some difficulties since pa passed. She's not as... fit as she once was but she's stubborn. You can help her with the cleaning and cooking. Make sure she takes breaks," he explains as he frees his thumb and combs back his hair. "She does the listen to me and I can't keep an eye on her all the time." 
"I'm sorry, that must be hard," you frown. 
"Not to worry, there's another field hand. I just figured we could use someone in the house since Lenny left." 
"Right," you try to smile, "well, this is so nice and thank you for picking me up. I was a bit nervous." 
"Nervous?" He wonders as his cheek dimples. 
"It's a bit desolate out here," you chuckle, "when I got off the train I thought maybe it was the wrong place." 
"Ah, yes, it's a bit... lonely but it's peaceful," he says, "I'll let you get unpacked then and maybe after you can check in on ma? I don't want her doing all that alone." 
"Sure," you bounce, frenetic after so long sitting. 
He grins at your buzzing energy and backs up, "let me know if you need anything." 
"I'm good," you assure him. 
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bangchansdirty-slut · 8 months
"Would you like another one?"
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Paring: Baker!Felix x Bottom!Male reader
Genre: Smut
Summary: Brownie Boy decides to put a little something inside a brownie he made just for you so he can get a special ingredient for his frosting.
More: Masterlist
A/n: I wrote this half-awake today. Also, should I make a fem version of this? Anyways enjoy! And requests are opened.
M/n stepped into the dimly lit bakery, the smell of freshly baked pastries filling the air. It was well past closing time, but Felix, M/n's best friend and the baker extraordinaire, had left a light on for him. The two of them shared a special bond, one that transcended mere friendship; they were practically inseparable. M/n wove through the empty tables, the chairs on top of them, and the counters covered in neatly stacked bowls of freshly whipped cream and sprinkles. He rounded the corner to find Felix in the back, his hands covered in flour, his face beet red from the heat of the oven.
"Hey, Felix," M/n called out, setting his bag down on the counter. "You know you could've just texted me to come back later."
Felix laughed, wiping his flour-covered hands on his apron. "Oh, you know me, M/n. I always like to see you." He glanced at the clock, then back at M/n. "But since you're here, why don't you help me with these cupcakes? I made an extra-large batch today, and I could use an extra pair of hands."
M/n nodded, stepping up to the counter. He loved helping Felix in the kitchen; it always made him feel so… useful. Together, they worked in companionable silence, piping icing onto the cupcakes and decorating them with sprinkles. After a few minutes, Felix paused and leaned in close. "You know," he whispered, "I made a special brownie just for you."
M/n's stomach growled at the mention of brownies. "You did?" Felix grinned, handing him the pan. "Go ahead, take it. I already put it in the oven, so it should be nice and warm."
As M/n carried the pan over to the oven, he felt a surge of warmth in his chest. It wasn't just from the heat of the oven; it was the thoughtfulness behind Felix's gesture. He set the pan on the counter, taking a deep breath in anticipation of the first bite. He glanced over at Felix, who was carefully icing one of the cupcakes, and found himself wondering how long it had been since they'd had a night like this, just the two of them.
Time seemed to slow down as he took a bite of the brownie. The chocolate was rich and fudgy, the walnuts providing a pleasant crunch against his teeth. But it wasn't long before he felt a strange sensation washing over him. His cheeks flushed, his heart raced, and he found himself unable to meet Felix's gaze. "Um," he stammered, putting the half-eaten brownie down on the counter. "Felix, I think you put something in this brownie."
Felix laughed, walking over to stand behind M/n. "You mean the aphrodisiac?" he asked, his breath hot against M/n's ear. "Don't worry about it. It's all natural, and it'll make things more fun."
As the effects of the aphrodisiac continued to take hold, M/n found himself growing more and more uncomfortable. His heart raced, and he could feel a warmth building in his groin. "Felix," he said, his voice strained, "I don't feel so good."
Felix placed a reassuring hand on M/n's shoulder. "It's okay, M/n. Just relax. You're with me, and I won't let anything happen that you don't want." He guided M/n over to the counter and helped him sit down. "Now, just take deep breaths and try to calm down."
As M/n tried to steady his breath, Felix retrieved a bowl from the cupboard and placed it on the counter. "I'm going to help you feel better," Felix whispered, his voice low and soothing. He knelt down in front of M/n and gently urged him onto all fours. "Just like this."
M/n felt a mixture of embarrassment and arousal as he obeyed Felix's instructions. His heart raced, and he couldn't help but wonder what Felix was planning to do next. He glanced over his shoulder and saw that Felix had retrieved a bottle of frosting from a drawer. "Felix?" he whimpered.
Felix smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry, M/n. I'm just going to make sure you're comfortable. This will help." He dipped his fingers into the cupcake frosting onto his fingers before slowly, carefully parting M/n's cheeks. "Just try to relax and enjoy this."
As Felix's fingers traced circles around M/n's anus, his touch was surprisingly gentle. He started by just teasing the entrance, using his fingertips to spread the icing that was already there. Then, with a soft moan, he began to slowly push one finger inside. M/n let out a soft gasp, his body tensing up, but Felix continued to move in and out of him, careful not to go too deep or too fast.
With each thrust of his fingers, Felix pressed harder against the spot that made M/n squirm the most. It felt so good, but at the same time, it was almost too much. His hips bucked involuntarily against Felix's hand, begging for more contact. "Felix…" he moaned, his voice barely audible over the sound of their breathing.
As Felix's fingers expertly worked their magic, M/n couldn't help but notice the wet, sticky sensation that was starting to build between his legs. The aphrodisiac was doing its job, and his arousal was growing by the second. He could feel himself becoming more and more engorged, the head of his cock beginning to peek out from the folds of his foreskin.
Just when M/n thought he couldn't take any more, Felix withdrew his fingers and knelt down behind him. M/n felt the warmth of his breath against his sensitive skin before he felt the tip of Felix's tongue press against his entrance. With a soft, wet lick, Felix began to circle his tongue around M/n's opening, gradually easing deeper and deeper. M/n arched his back, moaning loudly as the sensation sent waves of pleasure coursing through his body.
As Felix continued to tongue-fuck him, his hand found its way between their bodies, teasing and stroking M/n's engorged cock. He slowly began to jerk him off, matching the rhythm of his hand with the movements of his tongue. M/n felt like he was about to explode, the pleasure building inside him with each thrust of Felix's tongue and each stroke of his hand.
With a final, deep thrust, Felix pushed his tongue as far inside as it would go, and M/n felt the familiar tingle in his balls that signaled his impending orgasm. He let out a long, shuddering moan as his hips bucked wildly against Felix's hand. His cock jerked violently in Felix's grip, spewing hot cum across the palm of his hand and into the bowl with frosting in it beneath M/n. The release was intense, overwhelming, and blissful all at once.
As the last spurt of cum pulsed from his cock, Felix pulled his tongue away and licked his lips, looking pleased with himself. He reached over to the counter and picked up the bowl, holding it up for M/n to see. "There you go, M/n," he said with a grin. "Your special gift for me." He held up one of the cupcakes with the icing that had been mixed with M/n's cum and offered it to him. "Go on, eat it up."
Still catching his breath, M/n reached out and took the cupcake from Felix, his heart racing. He took a bite, savoring the sweet, salty flavor that was uniquely his. As he chewed, he felt a new wave of arousal begin to stir inside him. He looked up at Felix, who was watching him intently, a mischievous glint in his eye.
Felix smirked and grabbed another cupcake from the counter. He knelt down beside M/n once again and placed the cupcake between his legs, directly against his engorged cock. "Here, M/n," he purred, "why don't you finish yourself off with this?" He pressed the cupcake firmly against M/n's throbbing member, the icing already smeared with their combined essence.
M/n groaned, feeling the familiar pressure building inside him. He closed his eyes and reached down, using one hand to guide the cupcake against his cock. With a sharp thrust, he impaled himself on the cupcake, moaning loudly as the sensation sent shockwaves of pleasure through his body. His hips bucked wildly, fucking himself on the cupcake as he came, his cum splattering against the icing and coating both their hands.
Felix leaned in, capturing M/n's lips in a deep, passionate kiss. He could taste himself on M/n's tongue, the tangy flavor mixing with the sweetness of the cupcakes. As their tongues danced together, Felix reached down and stroked M/n's cock, milking the last drops of cum from him. He continued to kiss him, their bodies pressed tightly together, until they both collapsed in a heap on the floor, breathless and spent.
Slowly, Felix pulled away, his eyes trailing up and down M/n's naked form. "Mmm…that was quite the show, M/n," he purred. "You're quite the talented performer." He picked up the tray of cupcakes and held it out to him.
"Would you like another one?"
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bruhnze · 3 months
Apple tarts and tiramisu - Part 4
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Other parts: part 1 - part 2 - part 3
Wordcount: idk 4k? , disclaimer, not proofread
After quite a short night you had woken up. You didn't want to wake Lucy because you knew how important rest was for an athlete and you kinda were the reason her important sleep was cut short.
You quietly freshened up in the bathroom and put on a t-shirt and panties. After that you made your way to the kitchen.
You searched through the cupboards and the refrigerator for something you could prepare for breakfast. You were low on almost everything, because you had not ran errands yet this week.
Usually you'd go to the supermarket, verdulero (greengrocer) and your mother's bakery to get all your weekly groceries, but this week you hadn't thought about it at all.
You thought about making something rich in protein, you had heard your friend about it enough times to know that was something the athletes needed.
You grabbed some danone yoghurt from your fridge and scooped it in a bowl. Laying some walnuts on it and put a little honey drizzel on top to make it look cute.
Then you went to search some more food, you had a little piece of bread left and decided to toast it and made some scrambled eggs to put on top of that. You had only one egg left so for yourself you just chose to put jam on yours.
You placed it nicely on the kitchen island, at the stool Lucy had now sat on a couple of times.
Then you decided you cold probably make her an iced matcha, as you had everything for it in- ah shit, you thought, you didn't have soy milk, only almond... You decided to just make one cup for now then, if she wouldn't like it with almondmilk you'd drink it and you made a mental note to bring some soy milk from the store.
While you stood with your back towards the kitchen, half crawled into the freezer, looking for the ice cubes you heard a low formilliar voice. ''Good morning y/n''
You looked up and turned around smiling ''goodmorning lucy, good sleep?''.
She streched out, she was only wearing briefs and a sportsbra, still you found it a shame she had put it on, because you remembered leaving the bed with a naked Lucy inside.
''Yeah i slept really good'' her answer pulled you out of your thoughts ''was a bit short tho'' she grinned.
''Oh, i hope i didn't wake you'' You said. She walked up to you and put her hands on your hips, just under you shirt. ''no you didn't wake me'' she said and leaned in to kiss you, but just before your lips met she wispered ''used me toothbrush dont worrie''.
It was a soft kiss, your hands cupped her face and you pulled back after ending the kiss with a couple more pecks on her lips ''made breakfast'' you smiled.
''mhm i smelled scrambled eggs when i woke up'' she hummed ''that made it a bit better''.
''what?'' you aked ''made what better''.
She kissed you again ''waking up in an empty bed'' she pouted.
You laughed ''ohh, for a second i thought there was something wrong, that your muscles acked or something''
Lucy wanted to stay serious but also laughed ''yeah my muscles acke a bit, but that not bad, that's just normal'' she tried to pull her face back together ''nah but i'm serious, i missed you''.
''I didn't want to wake you, sleep is important''' you put your hand on her chest and tilted your head ''and we all feel sad sometimes''
''Oh yeah, what your sad about'' Lucy asked genuin.
''well i liked the other outfit better, the one you slept in, i left you sleeping and now you wear this, but i guess it's allright'' you patted her shoulder and stepped away to finish the macha, by putting in the ice cubes.
''but I was wearing nothing?'' Lucy looked genuinly confused as she took place behind the counter on the stool.
You shrugged with a cheeky smile ''i said what i said''.
''Y/n!'' Lucy grinned ''you put in so much effort for this breakfast and now you make it seem like you want breakfast in bed''.
You didn't go along with it, pretended you didn't understand. You enjoyed playing with her. ''I can put this on a tray?'' you said ''but I'd rather just eat it here, anyway, I made macha, but its with almond milk and not soy, so I don't know if you drink that too ?''
Lucy had to switch gears for a moment but then you replied ''almond is fine too'' she smiled ''thank you for making breakfast''.
You walked over with the drink and sat it on the counter as you took place on her lap. ''made it with love'' you said ''but also with the last ingredients i had, so might have to go grocerie shopping today''.
She kissed you again, another soft kiss, her lips feeling tender on yours. Just gently sucking on your lower lip, before she moved to your top lip and gently pushed her tongue inbetween them. You opened your mouth a bit more and your own tongue joined her exploration.
Cought up in the kiss, which had happend a few times now the last days, the world shutting out when the kiss felt so right, you heard a throat clearing.
Lucy and you turned your heads at the same time, to were the sound had came from.
''Goodmorning!'' the figure said, whom you had now recognised as your mom.
Your cheeks went dark red, you felt caught, eventhough this was your own house.
You felt Lucy quickly removing her hands from your ass, and saw her leaving them hanging besides her body akwardly, not knowing what to do with herself.
''Goodmorning'' your mom tried again, with the same enthousiasm as the first time.
Now it was your turn to clear your throat ''hey mom, goodmorning'' you said with forced kindness in your voice ''what are you doing here?''.
''bring you bread!'' she said in broken english ''i haven't seen you in such a long time and i know you still have to eat, so i bring bread to you, because you had no time to pick up i see now!'' She smiled.
You walked over to your mom and took the bag from her ''thanks mom'' and gave her a hug anyway, eventhough you were very emberassed ''sorry'' you said softly, but Lucy heard it too.
''Yeah sorry'' she akwardly said as she stood up ''i would give you a hug also but im kinda bare''
''ah come here nena'' your mom smiled ''give me a hug''.
Your mom walked over to Lucy and they shared an embrace.
''Do you want a drink?'' you asked your mom, usually if she'd come to yours, she'd have a cup of tea.
''a glass of water'' your mom said ''i'll be away soon''.
You laughed at her poor english skills, but you were proud that she used what you had thought her.
The distraction of the conversation between you and your mom had Lucy taken to quickly retrieve some clothes and came back walking into the kitchen wearing her tracksuit and struggling to put on socks while she was walking.
Your mom sat down with the cup of water and Lucy took place next to her ''the tiramisu was really good'' she said.
You smiled because that was actually the most perfect thing she could've said. Your moms passion for food, or rather making food, could easily make her forget about all she had just witnessed and compliment about her food was even better.
''Ahh sii!'' your mom clapped her hands ''dessert always good!''
''Yes dessert is the best'' she winked at you without your mom seeing ''but your tiramisu was the best i had in my whole life''.
''gràcies Lucy, espero poder fer-ho per a tu moltes vegades més'' (thank you Lucy i hope i can make it for you many many more times)
Lucy tilted her head and stared at your mom thinking ''i dont, gràcies, yes that's, thank you but my catalan doesn't go further then that yet im affraid, moltes? that's many?''
''gràcies Lucy, espero poder fer-ho per a tu moltes vegades més'' (thank you Lucy i hope i can make it for you many many more times) Your mom repeated slowely.
Lucy shook her head, ''im sorry, i don't-
''we try in spanish'' your mom excitedly said ''gracias Lucy espero poder hacerlo muchas veces más''
''Ahhh, i hope i can make it for you many many more times'' she exclaimed.
''siii Luciii, muyy biennn'' your mom shared her excitement.
You on the other hand had gone a bit more silent, afraid your moms comment went a bit to far seeming as though you and Lucy were very much still very early days''.
Lucy looked over at you ''yo también lo espero'' (i hope that too) and then leaned over to your mom and wispered something in her ear ''quiero pedirle que sea mi novia pero tengo un poco de miedo'' (i want to ask her to be my girlfriend but i'm a bit afraid)
Your moms face lit up and you were now very curious what had been said, you cleared your throat ''it's rude to wisper in company''.
Your mom laughed ''sorry pequeña'' and turned towards Lucy ''but i think Lucia will tell you tonight over a dinner romántica''.
She rubbed Lucy's arm and stood up ''good luck, it will be fine'' she grinned, Lucy also stood up ''thank you, it was lovely to see you again Elena and sorry for the way you- we-
''It is okay pequeña'' your mom interupted her ''i only care if my bebita is happy, and i see she is very, so i am happy too'' she laughed ''it was my own fault, i will use doorbell from now on''.
''or just call or text if you plan to come over'' you called after her.
''està bé, ho faré bebè'' (okay baby, i will) Your mom said as she walked out the door ''bye luciii''.
''Bye!'' Lucy said before she put her hands before her face and groaned. ''major bad impression''
''I feel ashamed too'' you said but walked over to her again too sit back on her lap ''but luckily it was just my mom, good move with the -the tiramisu was amazing-'' you mimicked her.
''Oh shut up, it's true, i wanted to tell her the next time i saw her at the shop'' Lucy took your hands, wich were fiddling with your necklace ''but i hadn't seen her since''.
''mkay, it's okay anyways, i like that she likes you'' you said ''but don't go to far'' you pointed at her chest, moving her hands along.
''Too far? that's not even possible, aren't you Catalans like known for close relationships and all that''.
''No, you know what i mean Bronze'' you said sternly ''wispering with my mom, joking around''.
''ooh, new nickname'' she grinned ''you can call me that more, i like the way you say it''
''it's the nickname for when i'm not happy with you'' you said ''so i don't think you want that Bronze''.
''It was nothing'' Lucy huffed ''i just wanted to ask her something''.
''about tonight?''
''yeah, well, no... i asked her something and i-, want to ask if you want to go to dinner with me tonight?''
You laughed ''your not making any sense, but dinner sounds good''.
''Good'' she grinned ''By the way, you know what i was thinking when your mom was here''
''yeah?'' you encouraged her to go on.
''that i was sooooo gladddd that i was wearing my underwear, that was naked enough for me'' she palmed her face ''that was bad enough to be honest''.
''well my mom promised she'll knock from now on'' you said seductively, pulling her hand away from her face ''and no one else has a key''.
She looked up at you, when she read you face she obliged and leened in to continue were the two of you had been interrupted earlier.
It was the end of the day, almost time for dinner. Lucy had told you she was going to get dressed at home quickly and would pick you up in 45 minutes, leaving you some time to get ready aswell.
The morning had ended with sex on the kitchen island, wich had continued in the shower. After that the two of you had walked to the supermarket and greengrocer, skipping the bakery from your mom, as the bread had already been home-delivered.
Lucy had carried the three bags, and she would hear you about helping her ''you do it all by yourself normally'' she had said ''so i can handle it easily'' resulting in a scoff from you.
Back at home she was helping you put the groceries away ''just let me'' you had said as she didn't know were you kept everything. ''No just show me, next time i'll know it'' she had said. The comment had made you happy, it had gave you the idea that she did really like you the way you started to like her.
You had decided on a black dress, and was looking for some shoes to wear under it as the doorbell rang.
''Geez your fast apple tarts'' you snickered through the intercom.
''Yeah and the car is kinda blocking the way, so i hope you are ready, or should a drive another time around the block'' Lucy called back.
''No just my shoes, be right there''
''i'll be in the car''
As you came out of the building she quickly got up out of the car, resulting in a honking horn from the car behind.
''Don't worrie'' Lucy laughed ''he just pulled up behind me 30 seconds ago''. She held the door open for you and you stepped in the car.
She got back behind the wheel and quickly drove off, not wanting to anger the person behind her any longer.
'Nice car'' you said, eyeing the vehicle.
''thanks, its Barca's tho, every player gets one to use while they're in contract with the club''
''cool'' You said, not caring a bit about cars, just having said that because the car was clean and smelled fresh, actually knowing nothing more than that. You barely knew what your own car was called.
''Nice dress'' Lucy said as she layed her hand on your knee.
You turned to her, she wore a blouse and some slacks, which she pulled of very well, but you were most intrigued by her jewlery, you hadn't really seen her with it often, only when she came in the coffee store on a free day.
Tonight she was wearing a small golden nosering, earrings and some other things but the rings pulled your attention most. Something about it made her look hot, her veiny hands with those chunky rings.. ugh, you put your hand on hers.
''You look very good yourself'' you said.
''Thank you'' she said shyly.
You chuckled at her shy smile.
''what?'' Lucy asked you, still looking at the road ahead, navigating through the centre of Barcelona.
''Nothing'' you said softly ''i just noticed that you are more shy with words than with actions, i think it's cute''.
''Yeah, like you have your hand on me now, but you get shy when i say that you look very hot''.
She smiled ''physical confidence is one positive thing coming from being an athlete, and i chose it because i was dead shy, or it chose me maybe''.
''hmm'' you put your hand on her knee now, removing it from her hand that was still on yours ''Do you still ever experience obstacles due to your shyness? or is it better now?''
She smiled and tenderly pinched your knee ''yes, when im around a pretty girl''.
''Shut up'' you laugh ''im serious''.
''Yes i am serious, but okay another example, when i met yfs/n the other day'' Lucy looked at you quickly ''i was pretty nervous''.
''Meeting yfs/n? my yfs/n?''
''yes, i wanted her to like me''
You grabbed her hand ''she likes you very much, she asks about meeting you again a lot'' you laughed ''i think everyone i know will love you just like me, it seems to go that way anyways, i mean my mom this morning, god, if it had been anyone else i bet she would've flung her shoe at you, i was surprised actually, that she-
You looked over at Lucy who had became silent but wore a broad grin on her face.
''Dont be so happy with yourself'' you squeezed her hand ''it was still embarrassing''.
''eek, yeah not that'' Lucy said ''what you said before''.
She turned her hand around below yours and entangled your fingers with hers.
''everyone i know will like you?'' You searched back through everything you had said.
''ohw'' Lucy said visibaly dissapointed.
''what tell me?''
''No nevermind i just thought you said something -
Then it struck you ''omg im sorry, i hadn't meant for it too slip out like that'' you said shocked.
''So you did mean it?'' she asked carefully.
''yeah but i was actually kinda trying to not say it yet'' you said ''didn't want to scare you away''.
''me too''
''me too?''
''i had the same thoughts, and i also didn't want to move too fast for you''
You laughed 'we're still dancing around it''.
''Say it properly then''. Lucy squeezed your hand.
''I took the first step!'' you called out.
''Yeah but i'm taking the biggest one''
You didn't understand her but she told that you'd see what she meant soon. After that you had told her you loved her and Lucy had said it back.
''Quite a fancy place'' you said as she parked her car.
''Only the best for my love'' she swooned.
''ah new nickname!'' you said excitedly
''mhmm'' 'now wait here, i'll open the door''.
She walked around the car.
''im glad chivalry still exists'' you joked as she opened the door for you.
Lucy jokingly bowed ''my lady'' she said as she took your hand. Making you giggle.
Lucy had ordered a dessert for the two of you to share. She wasn't up for the tiramisu you suggested saying ''It won't be as good as your moms'' and had chosen something else. You were stuffed anyways and thought wouldn't have room for dessert.
While you two waited on the dessert to be served you sipped at your drink, Lucy wasn't drinking but had said she didn't mind you drinking, you didn't want to drink alone but she had ordered you a specific glass of wine anyways. It was delicious, she had great taste.
''Would you be my girlfriend?''
You looked up at her laughing ''what is this kindergarten?''
She looked at you with a startled face.
''im kidding Lucy! a joke, sorry''
''and?'' she asked.
Now you looked at her startled.
''i know we've only known eachother for a month and a bit but-
''Yes'' you interrupted her.
She smiled and took your hand ''good, now it's exclusive''.
You raised an eyebrow ''it's been exclusive for me since the beginning''
''good to know'' she smirked ''oh me too ofcourse'' she said realising that was what you were after, ''but i just liked to say it, feels good''.
''mmh, guess it does'' You smirked ''but eating dinner with my date, and sharing a dessert with my girlfriend, doesn't sound very exclusive''
Lucy laughed ''stupid''
''Your girlfriend is stupid'' you joked, just as the waiter came with the dessert, you blushed and hoped he hadn't heard it, that would've come across way worse than it was.
As the waiter walked away again Lucy burst out laughing ''that's what you get, talking bad about my girlfriend.''
''Oh my, this is actually good'' you said as she had fed you a bite.
''i told you'' she laughed ''but im surprised i am the one showing you a spanish dessert''.
''Yeah if i do take a dessert, i always go for tiramisu'' you shrugged ''or icecream if they dont have that''.
''hmm'' Lucy said thoughtfully ''i had presumed you were more adventurous, but apparently i was wrong''.
'well' you said as you took another bite '' i gues i never looked into it, just chose what i knew'' you looked at her ''but you can be my guide''.
''for the adventures?''
''yeah bronzey, show me around in dessertland'' you wispered.
She gulped, clearly getting your dirty inside joke ''you seem to know your way around quite well''.
Your eyes widend, the way she said that it sounded like she was calling you a slut.
She realised it too as soon as the words had left her mouth and slapped her hands before her mouth 'i did not mean it like that''.
You leaned close to her ''your lucky because I happen to have a rule that my girlfriend can call me a slut, only in certain occasions of course, but i'll forgive you for now and you can try again later''
As you sank back into your seat you shot her a wink.
You saw her clenching the armrest with her hand and swalowing hard.
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Guilty as Sin? - Chapter Four
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pairing: professor!javier peña x f!reader
rating: series is 18+ only, minors DNI, fem masturbation, things get very flirty for a second, reader deals with the aftermath of chapter three, brief mentions of SA (from chapter three), the story's getting good babies!!!
word count: 4.1k
series masterlist
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“Make yourself comfortable,” Javier said, leading you into his office—not the one attached to the lecture hall that you’d been used to visiting this week, but his real office. The walls were a shade of walnut with crown molding around the ceiling, bringing a very sophisticated and gentlemanly feel to the space. In front of his large wooden desk were two leather armchairs that matched the same tan leather of the large sofa pressed against the wall closest to the door. Along two walls stood ceiling-high bookcases that were so crammed with texts that they’d begun to stack up. 
“Fancy,” you noted, a smile tugging at your lips as you watched him unpack the contents of his leather messenger bag onto his desk; his laptop, then a portfolio, before finally pulling out his phone. A strange pang of jealousy laced with curiosity hit you. What secrets did that small rectangle hold? How many lovers did he have on speed dial? How many memories of his past were hidden away in his camera roll? You longed you know him half as well as that tiny device did. 
“Yeah, it’s not too bad,” he smiled, sitting down in the large swivel chair at his desk with a humph. 
“You, uh, you’re sure no one will snoop on us?” you asked, dragging your fingertip along the spines of the books as you studied them. 
“Not at this hour,” he said, clearing his throat. “Although maybe it’s best if we weren’t completely alone.”
“I trust myself not to do something stupid.” You shrugged, shooting him a playful, almost taunting look from over your shoulder. “Do you?”
Javier bit lip, shaking his head at you before letting it hang, a breath of amusement escaping him. “I suppose we’ll see.”
You decided to leave it at that, not quite ready to test those waters given the events of the night. But one day—maybe tomorrow, maybe ten years from now—you’d like to see just how stupid he could be over you. “Guess I’ll just leave you to it, then.” 
You could feel him watch you as you made your way to the couch, your skirt riding up as you sat down on the plush leather. You caught him staring as you tugged at the hem, but Javier quickly turned his eyes back to his screen the second you met his stare. 
“There’s a blanket and pillows in the closet over there,” he said, clearing his throat for the millionth time tonight. 
“Thanks,” you muttered, standing to walk over to the coat closet near the door. Unfortunately, the blanket and pillows were on the highest shelf, and even with your heels on you’d have to stretch to reach it. Given the fact that your ass was already threatening to make its debut, you decided to enlist the help of the man who put it that high in the first place. “Would you mind?”
“Oh,” he blurted, once again being caught staring. “Yeah. Sorry.” 
“You’re fine,” you breathed out, your heart beating out of your chest as he strides towards you, his eyes locked on yours. Once he was close enough to warm you with his body heat and that whiskey-warm cologne of his, you stopped breathing altogether. Keeping his eyes locked on you as you stood beside him, he watched you watching him, watched the way you all but panted at the sight of his arms flexing, watched the want in you skyrocket into dangerous territory. 
“Here,” he husked, his voice suddenly rough and heady as he held the basket out towards you. 
Your eyes carefully trailed up his strong hands to his forearms, his chest to his neck, his lips to his eyes. 
“Just gonna keep me waiting?” he teased, his smile not quite reaching his eyes. No, there was no amusement to be found in those rain-soaked soil brown eyes, only a challenge. 
But if he truly believed you’d be the first to act on whatever tension this was, he was sorely mistaken. 
Grabbing the basket, you offered him a cordial smile. Teasing. Taunting. “Thanks, Professor.”
Javier nearly groaned at the title but caught himself, although the reigned in sound of pain still registered for you, bringing a proud smirk to your face as you turned to walk back to the couch. 
Javier seemed to gather his wits, quickly turning back to his desk with a grind of his jaw. 
“So what did you do before this?” You gestured at his desk, at the papers he was grading. 
“Couple things,” he said, a sigh slipping from his lips as he sat down. 
“Secretive,” you teased, biting your lip as you made yourself comfy across the couch. “Did you practice before you became a professor?”
“No,” he said, reclining in his chair as his eyes lifted to meet yours. “You’re not gonna stop asking until I tell you, are you?”
“I think you already know the answer to that.”
He laughed, soft and honey sweet. “Out of high school I worked at the Sheriff’s Department in Laredo.”
“That’s where you’re from?” 
“Mmhm,” he nodded. “Got my bachelors in criminal justice while I was there, then I went for my PhD.”
“Then you came here?”
“No,” he replied, stroking his mustache in consideration. “I, uh, wanted to do more. Make a change and all that. So, at twenty-eight I decided to join the DEA. Did four years with them, then decided I’d seen enough death for a lifetime and came home. Helped my dad with the ranch for a year while I figured my shit out. Then I found myself here, telling nosy TA’s about my life.”
You smiled at his playful jab. “Was that plural? Should I be jealous?” 
He laughed again, sighing as dramatically as he could. “You’ve gotta stop.”
“Sorry,” you said, not feeling sorry at all. In fact, it felt empowering knowing that you could have such an effect on a distinguished, intelligent, decent man like Javier. 
The room fell silent for a few minutes, Javier’s typing and occasional sigh the only sounds to be heard. You stared up at the ceiling, tracing the lines of the wooden ceiling squares while trying to find any reason not to walk right over to his desk and present yourself as a midnight snack. 
Of course, there were reasons. Good reasons, if you were being honest with yourself. Beyond the fact that Javier was your professor and that a relationship between the two of you, if discovered, would certainly end in an expulsion from the Law program, you weren’t sure who he was beyond the intoxicating persona he’s chosen to show you. 
Was he just as bad as the rest of the men your age? Had he learned from his past and became a better man? A better partner? 
Judging by the fact that you were, as he claimed, the first student he’d ever been interested in, you could at least say that he was a man who understood boundaries. But was that all it took? Had the bar truly gotten so low that all you asked for was a man who knew when to back off? 
“Do you have a girlfriend?” you blurted, causing the typing sound filling the room to cease, a tense, pregnant silence taking its place. You turned your head to look at him, finding him already watching you with a quizzical look in his face. “Just…curious, I mean.”
“No,” he said your name, “I’m not good at that sort of thing.”
“Mm,” you hummed, turning back to the ceiling. “You a cheater or something? Workaholic, maybe?”
He chuckled. “Not a cheater, but maybe the second thing has a little to do with it.”
“So you don’t...sleep with—“
“Dangerous territory,” he warned, tutting his tongue. 
“How am I supposed to decide whether or not I want to fuck you if I don’t know anything about you?” you asked, giving him a playful smile. Javier didn’t look amused. In fact, he looked near the end of his patience. 
This made his next few words all the more shocking. “Guess you’ll have to figure that out on your own. Now, will you please sleep so I can focus on my work? You’re distracting enough without all your questions.”
“You’re really not going to do anything with me, are you?” you asked, turning so that your back was facing him. It was bad enough you felt the need to be so honest with him about your feelings, you didn’t need to look at him while you did it. 
“Go to sleep,” he muttered, soft and full of care. “I’ll wake you up before the sun rises.”
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Javier stayed true to his word, both the wake up call and his not touching you. At five in the morning, you let him escort you out of the administration building, both of you careful to keep an eye out for any potential witnesses to the very mild crime of having spent an eventless night together in his office. 
“What’re you gonna do about the whole roommate situation?” he asked, covering up a yawn. Poor guy likely hadn’t slept all night, but thankfully it was the weekend. Plenty of time for him to rest and do whatever it was that he did with his free time. You just hoped those plans didn’t include some beautiful woman in his sheets. 
“Don’t know,” you shrugged, tugging the blanket he allowed you to keep tighter around your shoulders as he walked you to his car. “Might try and get a place to myself. It’s about time. Lived with them for four years now.”
“Mm,” he nodded, opening the passenger door for you. You slid into the seat carefully, not wanting to flash him. Javier leaned against the open door, his tired eyes looking oh so boyish. “And for today?”
“Just gonna try and make it through,” you managed, feeling a lump form in your throat at the thought of running into Derrick. Or Alondra. Or even Nina, really. He studied you for a minute, so long that you wondered if perhaps he’d fallen asleep with his eyes open. 
“You remember asking me if I trusted myself not to do something stupid?” You nodded. “How would you feel about spending the weekend in my guest room while you figure out a place to stay?”
Your lips parted, eyes bouncing between his own to find any sign that this was some cruel joke. But he was serious. That expectant look in his eyes the proof. 
“You don’t have to, of course,” he added, looking down at his shoes. “But I could help you find a place. I have a friend who runs a complex near campus, she could get you set up before Monday if I sweet talk her enough.”
Great. Female friend of his in need of sweet talking. Just what you wanted to hear. 
“I’ll be fine,” you insisted, jealousy turning you cold as you turned away from him. 
“I didn’t mean—“
“It’s fine,” you snapped, shedding the blanket around your shoulders and tossing it in the backseat. “You can keep your blanket too.” 
“Did I say something?”
“No,” you said. “Just…I’d like to go home.”
Javier took a beat to move, that time likely spent trying to figure out how your mood had shifted so quickly. He seemed to come up short as he gave in, shutting your door softly before making his way into the driver’s seat. 
He didn’t speak the entire drive and neither did you. Instead, the soft lull of classical music played on the radio, cushioning the tension a bit. When he pulled into your complex, he finally dared a glance. 
“What did I say?” he asked, a pleading tone to his voice. “Did I…make you uncomfortable? I didn’t mean to assume or overstep—“
“This female friend of yours sounds great,” you chided, giving him a forced smile as you opened the passenger door. “Maybe you should spend your time worrying about her.”
You didn’t give him time to respond as you made your exit, almost slamming the car door on your way out. You hurried into the building you’d called home for so long, suddenly feeling like a stranger there. 
The feeling only worsened as you reached your floor, the sound of music and laughter filtering out from beneath the front door of your apartment. You weren’t sure what hurt more, losing this place and these people or knowing that they hadn’t even noticed you were gone. 
But none of that mattered right now. You had to go inside, had to shower off the night, had to prepare yourself for a long weekend of apartment hunting and packing. You couldn’t cling to the good memories anymore, at least not the ones involving Derrick. And if Nina and Alondra decided they believed his story and not yours, well, then you’d have to find a way to forget them too. 
You unlocked the door with a deep breath, kicking off your heels by the shoe rack as you tiptoed into the apartment. Nina and Alondra were having what looked like a dance party in the living room, but stopped dead in their tracks when they noticed your presence. Quickly, though, they looked over your shoulder into the kitchen. Derrick. 
“Hey,” Nina started, her tone careful as she turned down the music. “We were worried about you.”
“Yeah, looks like it,” you said, forcing your tears to wait until you were alone to spill over. 
“Hey, can we, uh, talk?” Derrick asked, his footsteps coming closer to where you stood. You tensed at his presence, his cologne only reminding you of last night. He dared to try and put his hand on your shoulder, causing you to step away from him with a glare. “C’mon,” Alondra pleaded, “he’s trying to apologize.”
“Apologize?” you snapped, turning your eyes to meet theirs. “Do you have any idea what he actually did, or are you guys happy believing his side of things?”
“It wasn’t like I fucking tried to do anything,” Derrick snapped, pacing the room like he had any right. 
“Didn’t you?” You chuckled darkly. “Fuck you, Derrick.”
“He was drunk,” Alondra interjected. 
“Being drunk doesn’t negate the fact that if he had it his way, he’d have done a lot more than grope me last night,” you said, eyes now brimming with tears. “But you guys don’t give a shit. Not when he pays for all the spring break trips and covers your ass when you can’t make rent. Not when he has connections you guys want. No, you’d rather side with a fucking creep than me because the only thing I have to offer you is friendship. So both of you can kindly fuck off as well.”
They called your name but you refused to turn around as you made your way into your room, locking the door once you were inside. Crumbling to the floor, you allowed yourself fifteen minutes to cry before it was time to get your shit together. Fifteen minutes to mourn the last four years of your life. 
Finding the first shitty studio apartment in your budget that had a short-term lease in case shit ended up hitting the fan—again—was relatively easy. Moving out proved to be an entirely different obstacle. 
Having only one day to pack your shit up and leave was hard enough, but having Alondra and Nina constantly chiming in with how unnecessary they found the whole ordeal made it unbearable. 
“It’s literally not this deep,” Alondra said, carrying a box of your clothes down to the moving truck you’d rented for the day—even when you insisted she didn’t. “Like I don’t get it. Were you just looking for a reason to dip, because you could’ve just said that.”
You said nothing because she didn’t deserve the energy it would’ve taken to tell her to shut the fuck up. 
“We love you, hermanita.” Nina pouted as she waited by the moving truck. “We just don’t get it.”
“I know,” you muttered, breezing past her to load the last of your things into the truck. With the metal door shut and locked, there was nothing else keeping you around, no reason to endure this special kind of torture. “I guess I’ll see you guys around.”
Nina whined your name. Alondra rolled her eyes. You didn’t give a shit about either reaction, choosing instead to lift yourself into the cab of the moving truck without another word. 
Besides, what did you have to say to these women who chose to side with a manipulator like Derrick?
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The first night in your own place was spent unpacking and trying to catch up on assignments. All those movies fooled you by glamorizing independence with their takeout boxes and solo dance parties in pajamas. The reality looked a bit more harsh. There were no takeout boxes, just an empty fridge and a half-eaten bag of chips to sustain you. There was no cathartic sing along in a matching set, just a concerning amount of sobbing in old tattered sweats. 
Still, you couldn’t help but feel a silver lining of hope in the dark cloud that was your loneliness. 
You’d never have to share a bathroom again or complain about the loud music your roommates insisted on waking you up to every morning. You were free to sob and to wear the ugliest—and comfiest—clothes you owned. You were free to fill your kitchen with food you liked without having to worry about taking up too much space. But most importantly, you were free to finally use that vibrator you’d bought for yourself sometime during Freshman year that you’d never had the courage to test out with three other people around. 
And what better way to distract yourself than by making yourself feel good? 
Slipping into the bed that you had disassembled, moved, and then reassembled all in the same day, you tugged the pink rabbit eared toy from beneath your pillow and turned it on, its soft purr filling the room. You bit your lip, shimmying out of your sweats before making yourself comfortable against the pillows. Taking a deep breath, you held it against your bud, testing the sensation and allowing yourself to acclimate to it as your mind conjured up a fantasy to whisk you off into. 
Of course, there was only one fantasy floating around upstairs these days. 
That beautiful man and his beautiful eyes peering up at you from between your thighs. This time you were seated on his desk, his strong hands holding your thighs open as he kissed his way along your inner thigh, teasing and sinful. A soft moan slipped from your lips as you imagined him placing a feather soft kiss to your clit, a playful smirk growing on his lips at the way your body shook with desperation. 
“Fuck,” you moaned, imagining his tongue flattening along your seam, his deep groan vibrating against you. 
Your thighs shook from the image, your end creeping on you faster than it ever had before. You imagined yourself burying your hands in his hair, holding him against your cunt as he took his time relishing in both your taste and your pleasure. And when fantasy Javier moved to slip his fingers inside of you, you saw stars. Throwing your arm over your mouth to drown out the sound of your choked moan, you came to the thought of your professor sucking your sweetness off his fingers, his dark eyes locked on yours. 
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Monday signaled the start of a new week, one that meant deadlines and quizzes rather than the simple assignments that your professors dealt out during the first week back. You navigated through your day without the irritating presence of Derrick following you around, though the fear of running into him surely hadn’t left you alone as much as the man himself did. But it still shocked you how little life seemed to change, how unaffected you were by the loss of your “friends”. 
You’d expected there to be some longing for Nina and Alondra, some yearning to make amends just to have them back, but there wasn’t any. In fact, you’d been the most productive you’d ever been without their constant distractions. In between Dr. Brown and Dr. Arman’s lectures, you managed to complete a few of their assignments and finally start prepping for the Bar Exam—something you’d been putting off thanks to Nina convincing you you had plenty of time. 
All that was left in the day was facing Javier—no, Dr. Peña. That’s who he had to be from here on out. 
Finding a spot near the back of the room, you hoped to blend in with the crowd. Nina and Derrick were seated a few rows ahead of you, both of them taking calculated glances at you as the room slowly filled, though you pretended not to notice. 
Dr. Peña’s arrival caused everyone to quiet down as usual, though you couldn’t help but notice he lacked his usual confidence. 
Perhaps he was exhausted after spending the weekend inside of his female friend. 
“Afternoon,” he said, dejected and monotone. “Today you’ll all be working on—“
You watched as he scanned the front row with a look of concern before doing the same with each row. You shrank in your seat, hoping that the six-foot-something guy in front of you was tall enough to shield you from his view. When it appeared that you’d gone undetected, Dr. Peña clearing his throat before picking up where he left off, you allowed yourself to relax a bit. 
“I’m feeling a bit under the weather so I’m going to have you all complete the guided notes to today's presentation on Homicide,” he said, taking his seat at his desk. “Once you’re finished, please bring your papers up to the front and then you may leave.”
You thought you were in the clear, but no. Now you had to walk up to him, look him in the eye, and pretend you hadn’t gotten off to him the night before. 
You were quick to finish the assignment, though it took you up until the end of class to finally muster the courage to take your paper down to him. With only ten or fifteen people left in their seats, you decided it was now or never. You grabbed your bag and slung it over your shoulder before braving the steps down to his level. He hadn’t looked up, not until you were standing in front his desk. 
He spoke your name with a hint of shock, his tired eyes softening a bit as he looked up at you. “I didn’t see you earlier.”
“Mmhm,” you hummed, swallowing down your nerves as you held your paper out for him to take. 
Except he didn’t. 
“Are you alright?” he asked, keeping his voice hushed. “Did you…get everything sorted?” 
“Yep,” you nodded, wagging the paper in front of him. “Will you take this so I can leave?”
“Would…would you mind coming to see me during my office hours?” he asked, finally taking the paper from you. “I’d just like to apologize.”
“You don’t have to.” You shrugged, giving him a forced, but polite, smile. “So if that’s all—“
“Office hours,” he repeated, this time with a bit more command than before. “Please.”
You considered him for a moment, but there was no chance of you turning him down. Not with those fucking forgive me puppy dog eyes. “I’ll think about it, Dr. Peña.”
He looked wounded by your formality, though what did he expect from you? He said nothing could happen between the two of you, and he was right. 
He opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off by another student lining up behind you to turn in their paper. “I’ll see you at office hours.”
“Maybe,” you replied, forcing yourself into coldness as you breezed off and out of the hall. 
There was one thing keeping you standing at this point, a pink, rabbit eared thing that carried the weight of your entire sanity. It beckoned you home—to your home. One you got all by yourself, one that offered you a safe place to break down if you needed it. And with the weekend you just had, boy did you need it. 
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brittle-doughie · 10 months
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Looking into The Holiday Express Update for CRK!
Jesus Christ, did this update already receive its bit of backlash for this being a “mystery on a train” story that lacks the little detective herself
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Rest in peace, in peace Walnut Cookie. It is not your time yet.
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The train station is getting a new look for the holidays! It’s about time it gets a moment of attention!
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Stardust getting another skin is iffy, but I adore Milky Way’s and Space Doughnut’s costumes! They’re Special rarity however, so you might have to make it a priority to get all three of them before they’re gone!
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The Story Tickets are pretty self-explanatory, but First Class Tickets are possibly just for Hard Mode. This story is NOT a Special Episode by the way, so make sure you have the whole story done for the records before the event is over
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Oof, he’s not going to be spared from the fandom’s ire about him being another twink
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Old Jolly has been got. This seems like a job for one cookie, but she doesn’t seem to be around right now. Such a shame. Oh hey, Almond Cookie.
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The big score for me, Linzer Cookie. I’m already seeing you lads wanting her to be evil or be akin to Affogato. Come on now, didn’t we just have Affogato 2 two updates ago lol. Her event runs similarly to Twizzly, which is especially humorous since Linzer shares her VA.
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Can we get Frost Queen a costume now please?
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The event itself could be fun, I’m curious to see how it goes and hopefully the fandom eases up on these two for not being Roguefort or Walnut.
You took it upon yourself to try and figure out the culprit among the passengers, if only Almond Cookie were here on the train with you, things would probably go smoother with an extra set of hands and eyes on the scene.
Some of the passengers…might have gotten a little carried away when they see it’s you leading the investigation.
Creme Brulee Cookie: I will do my best to help you with the investigation..but first, I want you to listen to a song of mine, one I haven’t let anyone else hear yet. It will be for your listening only…
Linzer Cookie: What an interesting turn~ The handsome/beautiful upcoming detective approaching the mysterious, but star novelist for their first step in the mystery~! Will this novelist be able to aid the detective? Do these two have a connection to each other? Could love even bloom between the two~?
(You had…barely started to ask her things before Linzer buried her head in her notebook, writing away as she maintained eye contact with the you)
326 notes · View notes
Here’s the request I promised hehe
Can I please request a Tangerine x fem!reader where that a few days before, they had been walking down down hand in hand, and every single thing that Y/n had even just the slightest bit of interest in, Tan made a mental note to come back and get it for her. Now, present day, when Tangerine is just coming back from a mission, he had stopped by down town and bought all of the things she was interested in, and nonchalantly presents them to her like, “Oh I was just passing by the stores and thought, why not, it’s no big deal…” as Y/n is like, “Omgggg!!!”
hii angel!! tehe yay I love it!! thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌 just realised now, I forgot to include the dialogue you wanted, my bad !!
tangerine x fem!reader
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word count. 467
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It was no secret that Tangerine was observant, often picking up on things you deem discreet. Whenever you were together, he'd notice things about you, things not many do. 
A few days prior, you and Tan were looking around the shops, seeing if anything tickled your fancy. Many things caught your eye, and you would say easy, throwaway comments about things you liked. You thought nothing of it, just making casual notes about the stuff that took your interest. 
Though, you forgot who you were shopping with. 
At the time, you were oblivious to the mental plans Tangerine was taking as you flicked through the clothes on the racks and browsed the homeware. None the wiser of what he was doing.
Blissfully unaware, you finish up in the shower, dressing in comfy loungewear before heading downstairs for a hot drink and a snack. 
You notice your boyfriend's car parked out front, his fancy vehicle in his usual spot. You rush down the stairs, excitedly calling out for him as you try to locate him from within the many rooms of the house. 
He calls your name from the closed door of the living room - his voice muffled behind the large slab of walnut. 
You swing open the door. A wide grin on your face when you spot Tangerine by the window. "You're back early?" you gush, darting over to him. "When did you get back? Why didn't you say anything?" you ask, smothering his face in welcome-home kisses.
"Not long ago," he grins, pulling apart to look down at you. "Wanted to surprise you. Did I?"
You nod eagerly. "Mhm-hm."
"You not noticed the stuff on the floor, then. No?" Tan asks, nodding to the almost mountain of bags and boxes behind you. 
You smile, shaking your head. "No, I was looking at you."
He returns a grin, slipping his hand in yours. "Park your arse there," he sweetly instructs, gesturing to the sofa. 
You take a seat. Brows knitted in confusion, watching your boyfriend.
He picks up a box from the floor and sits at the edge of the coffee table to face you, his expression sneaky and playful as he hands it to you. 
You open it, your face immediately lighting up when you realise what you have just received. It was those pair of shoes you were eyeing up the other day. "You didn't?" you grin, nose cutely scrunching, head tilting to the side. 
"I did," he nods, watching you intently.
"You remembered?" you murmur, pulling the shoes from their box - admiring them. "I love them. Thank you."
"Of course, darlin'," he boyishly smiles, eyes softening. "You ready for another one?"
"Another what?" 
He twists around to pick up a bag from the floor - designer logo on the bag. "Gift."
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tan taglist: @tangerinesgf @kpopgirlbtssvt @earth-elemental18 @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @thewinterv @navs-bhat @ilovetangerinewithallmyheart @theredvelvetbitch @randomawesomeperson102 @lov3lypeaches7 @princess-pebbles-things @astermath @dynamitehacke @boldlyimportantface @charmedkim @fruitlovertangerine @psiiconic @bubblezuku @soradiccherryblossom @landryslove @daenerys-supremacy @dontknownameauthor @honestly-who-even-is-this @simplyreflected @apxtowiris
217 notes · View notes
Kinktober Special Part 4
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Mo’s Kinktober Special 
The Crew’s Whore (Part 4) (+18)
Summary: You are the former owner of the Grand Line’s most popular brothel. Your power fighting abilities got the attention of the captain of the Straw Hat Pirates. He had asked you to join their crew but what would you bring to the team? Your battle skills were hardly comparable to many of the other Straw Hats… but you actually had a great skill. Your years working as a high end escort had prepared you to become the private plaything for this pirate crew. You joined the Straw Hats as their personal sex toy.
Pairing: Usopp x afab!reader
WC: 3200 ehehehe
TW's: Alcohol consumption, cowgirl, face sitting, oral sex m receiving, blowjob, a little exhibitionism, virginity loss, virgin usopp :( , oral sex f receiving, pet names, begging, submissive usopp :(
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4: The Liar
Earlier in the Day…
Zoro, Sanji and Usopp sat side by side on the railing of the deck watching their fishing poles in the water. The stores of meat were getting a little on the low side, and the whole crew knew what a nightmare their captain would be if there was a shortage of food, so it was all hands on deck for fishing duty. 
“So I had y/n in the bathroom the other day, it was insane.” Zoro starts after several long minutes of silence and no bites on the hooks.
“Yeah, I KNOW.” Usopp snaps back at the mention of what he walked in on a few days ago. 
“Haha oh yeah, I forgot about that.” Zoro chuckled and leaned back on his arm. “Sorry I’m not sorry, you were bound to see it some time. I don’t know why you don’t just have her for yourself for once, you’d understand it then. Oh wait, you’re too chicken shit.” 
“Chicken shit? Oh sorry I RESPECT women, and whatever configuration you had her in was NOT respectful.” Usopp shot back at the swordsman. 
“Oh yeah? Then why was she cummin’ all over the floor? Seemed pretty respectful to me.” Zoro smirked.
“He has a point, moss head. You obviously have no idea how to truly, romantically, pleasure a woman.” Sanji didn’t even turn his head to insult Zoro. 
“At least I’m not in there whimpering and begging! You think you’re quiet? It’s gross, shitcook, be a real man.”
Sanji stood up, abandoning his fishing pole, his right ankle beginning to flame. 
“Oh you want to fucking go, asshole?”
Zoro stands up to unsheathe a single sword. 
“Anytime, curly fuckface.”
“You guys really suck, man, I hope y’all know that.” Usopp sighed and grabbed his fishing pole to move it to the opposite side of the ship. He plants his pole against the railing as he lets Sanji and Zoro’s yelling fade into the background.
“HEY BROS? I SPECIFICALLY SAID NO DIABLÉ ON THE SHIP! CUT IT OUT!” Franky’s booming voice came from the top deck as he interrupted the idiots’ argument. 
Usopp thought about what Zoro said… he wasn’t chicken shit…
— —-
That Same Day, Much Later
This evening aboard the Thousand Sunny, the weather was warm and quite breezy. As per usual there was a large spread for dinner that Sanji had expertly prepared, and the alcohol was certainly flowing. You sat in between Luffy and Usopp, your ear drums basically exploded from the decibel of their laughing and story telling. 
“-And if I wasn’t there, that old lady AND her cat would have DIED!” Usopp was regaling the crew with some ridiculous story about a walnut tree that had been set on fire back in Syrup Village. Was it true? Absolutely not. Was he adorable? Of course. 
Luffy was laughing his ass off, believing every word. 
“Wow Usopp! You’re a real hero! I bet Mr. Snuggles owes you his life!” Luffy said between bouts of laughter. 
You giggled before you leaned in and poked the tip of Usopp’s nose, teasingly.
“You’re so cute, you know that?” You chuckled at him. 
“I.. uh…” Usopp stuttered out before quieting down, his cheeks flushed a dark red. Luffy, oblivious, picked the conversation up again, telling a story about a cat he accidentally tried to eat during his childhood with the bandits. 
After everyone had their fill of food and drink, the crew each returned to their own respective tasks and business. You hung in the galley for awhile, drinking another glass of wine and drying dishes for Sanji. He was always such a good boy for you, why not help him out?
One finishing your task, you gave Sanji a peck on the cheek, to which he fussed and fawned over you briefly, and you grabbed another glass of wine before heading down the stairs towards your room. With airy steps and chardonnay in your hand, you treaded down the hall towards the bedrooms. Before you turned the corner you heard something. A beautiful melody was being played somewhere nearby and it caught your ear. You decided to follow the enchanting sound to the door of the lounge and you pushed it open. 
Inside, Brook was playing a gorgeous tune on the piano alone. You smiled seeing him so happy and in his element. You sauntered over to the piano bench and sat down next to the large skeletal man. He notices you next to him and slows his playing to a softer volume. 
“Oh beautiful y/n! How nice of you to join me! Any requests?” 
“No, this is great. What you’re playing is lovely, please continue.” You sip your wine and close your eyes, enjoying the soft notes from the piano keys. Brook finishes his song and you clap your other hand to the wine glass gently to mimic applause. 
“Bravo, Bone Daddy.” You smile. You continue, “You know… I am sorry that you can’t… you know…” 
“Oh, don’t worry sweet y/n. It’s quite alright, it’s the thought that counts, right? Yohoohoho!”
“Hmm… I guess you’re right… Here.” You stand up from the piano bench and slide out. You hike your thumbs underneath your short, black pleated skirt. You grab the edge of your pink lace panties and pull them down to your ankles and step out of them. You grab your panties and fold them up nicely. You grab one of Brook’s skeletal hands and place the panties in them and close it up. “Keep em. My treat.”  You wink and you turn to walk out of the lounge. As you leave you hear unintelligible thanks spill from Brook’s bony mouth, saying he would cherish them as long as he lived (too bad he was already dead). 
You chuckled to yourself as you closed the door to the lounge behind you. You realize your glass was once again empty, so you returned to the galley to fill it. You poured another full glass of wine before heading out to the deck again. It was quiet, but you notice Usopp sitting on the deck fiddling with his slingshot and some sort of supplies from his bag. 
“Well hey there,” You holler at him from across the deck and begin to saunter towards him. 
“Oh, hey y/n. What are you doing out here?” Usopp doesn’t look up from his project. 
“Just hanging out. Though I’d enjoy this nice weather.” You walk towards the railing of the ship and lean forward on it. 
“Yeah it is nice out, hey if you go back in for another drink could you grab me a-“ Usopp looks up towards you facing outwards towards the sea. You were leaned over the railing and the wind was blowing your skirt up over your ass. Having taken off your panties, your bare cunt and cheeks were on full display for him. 
Usopp instinctively jumped up and moved his body behind yours to cover you. Although there was no one else on the deck, he thought to immediately shelter your most intimate bits from any prying eyes.  You felt him behind you and shot up. 
“Usopp…” You ask as you turn yourself around to face him, chests almost touching. 
“Y/n! What the hell are you doing? You…” He whispers and looks around, “you don’t have any panties on!” He very quietly but very harshly breaths out at you. 
You giggle. 
“Oh, that? Yeah. Does it bother you, Usopp? You don’t like seeing my pussy on the deck like this?” You tease him as you step closer to him, bringing your breasts to press against his torso. 
“No I mean I never said- I mean no! Wait yes I mean yes! Hold on, no, no I don’t dislike it I just-…” His brain was fried as if he just stuck his finger in an electrical socket. He could feel your nipples through your tight crop top. 
“Ohhh… so you DO like it?” You purr at him.
“YES obviously, yes it’s great I mean-“ He stutters as you wrap your hands around his neck. You pull him closer to you and you gently press your lips against his to shut up him. He freezes. It took at least a full 30 seconds for him to start kissing you back. Usopp finally gathers the courage to place his hands on your waist as you kiss him deeply. You pull back, holding the side of his face with one hand, looking into his nervous eyes. 
“Would you like to take me back to your room, Usopp?” You seductively ask. He blinks blankly at you. He wasn't chicken shit. He grabs your hand and pulls you quickly through the ship to his room. 
Closing the door behind you, you wrap your arms around him again, consuming him in another heavy make out session. You could feel his hands on your body shaking. 
“Nervous, sweetheart?” You pull back and coo at him. 
“Ha, nervous? Nah, no never. I do this all the time! You know I used to have a girlfriend back in Syrup Village, she was basically a princess and she and I-“ You press your finger to his lips. 
“We both know that’s bullshit.” You smirk at him. You trace your finger along his lips. “You’ve never touched a woman in your life. Never felt the hot, wet mouth of a woman on your cock. You’ve never tasted the sweet release of a pretty girl on your tongue. You’ve never felt the tight squeeze of a cunt while you’re deep inside of it.” 
Usopp whimpers at your filthy words. You snake your left hand in between your bodies to palm him over his overalls. 
“Shit- okay fine. You got me. I have no idea what I’m doing. I want to make you feel good but I.. I don’t know how…” 
“Then let me show you…” You push his body back towards the bed making him flop onto it. You slunk in between his knees  and removed his clothes. You slipped out of your shirt over your head and your skirts down your legs, not needing to remove your panties since you had already gifted them to your Bone Daddy earlier. His cock was so painfully hard already, it bobbed angrily in front of your face as you pulled down his coveralls. 
“Are you gonna… what are you gonna do?” Usopp asks you anxiously. “well… nothing you don’t want, okay sweetheart? I was going to take you in my mouth… if that’s alright my sweet boy?” You settle yourself between his thighs and start to stroke his cock slowly. 
“Yes… I-I want to be in your mouth please…” He stares intently down at you, hypnotized by your beauty and eagerness. 
“Hmm…” You hum as you slowly lave your tongue over the hot mushroom tip of his cock. 
“Holy shit y/n-!” 
You felt your cunt grow wet at the desperate sounds of pleasure that came from his mouth. You wanted to ruin him so bad. A loud whine escaped Usopp’s mouth as you took his full length down your throat. You brought your right hand up to cup his tight, heavy balls in your palm. 
Usopp’s thighs and abs tense as you continue to work him in your mouth and your hands. Nothing but moans and heavy breaths left his lips. He had never felt anything like this before, cursing himself for being too… well chicken shit, to ask for your services before now. 
“Y/n wait stop I’m going to-“
You used your left hand to grab his hip and press his body further into you as you took his cock in your mouth so far that your nose met him pelvis. Usopp whined as he released his heavy load down your throat. After several more ropes shot into your mouth, you pulled off Usopp’s dick as he flopped down back on the bed. 
“Woah… I kinda get what Sanji’s been talking about now…” Usopp uttered as he stared at the ceiling. You chuckled as you snaked your body up his chest to give him a peck on the nose. 
“What can I say? I’m a professional.” You cupped his face in your hand and winked at him. His expression changed. 
“Wait… What about you?” Usopp looked up at you with concerned eyes. “Oh sweetie don’t you worry about that!.” You stroked his cheek. 
“No… I said I wanted to make you feel good… can you… can you help me? Show me?” He desperately grabbed at your hips, grinding you down onto his cock that was already starting to harden again. 
“Hm… If you insist…” You smiled devilishly and sat up on your knees and moved to hover over Usopp’s face, leaving your sopping cunt mere inches above his drooling lips. His eyes bugged wide out of his head, the sight of your gorgeous bare pussy so close to his face was too much for him to handle. 
“Do you want to taste it, Usopp?” You teased at him, being barely out of his reach, not sitting down fully just yet. 
“Mmm Yes! Yes just sit! Mmm please just sit down I’ll do whatever you  want, just use me, please!” His speech was almost slurred due to him trying to reach his tongue out of his mouth to taste you already. You gave into his pleas and fully lowered your body onto his face. A breathy sigh of pleasure escaped your lips as his tongue prodded your weeping hole. 
“Mmmprhh so-mrrph good!” Usopp whined out against your sex. He bucked his hips up shamelessly, already fully erect again. You leaned forward to grind your clit against the base of his nose while his tongue fucked your hole. You threw your head back in pleasure and moaned loudly. 
“Ohhh, sweetie that’s so good! You’re so perfect for letting me use your pretty face like this. Such a good boy for eating me so well!” You praised him as you continued to ride his face, bringing yourself to orgasm. 
“I’m going to cum on your face now, Usopp. You’re going to lay there and take it, right sweetheart?”
“Mhmm! Mhmm” He nodded his head as you finally pushed over the edge. Your slick juices sprayed his face and neck as you cried out. Usopp moaned underneath you as his tongue darted out of your hole to lap up any remaining release from your folds. 
You collected yourself and slid your body back down his chest, your pussy dragged a wet trail down his torso as you moved. You hovered over his weeping cock, leaking a puddle of precum onto his toned abdomen. 
“Would you like to fuck me now, Usopp?” You looked him square in the eye. He was so drunk on your body and pleasure. 
“Yes! Yes, Please, I’d like to fuck you now! Please let me inside of you!” Once again he was begging beneath you. You could definitely get used to his. “Ok sweetheart, you can fuck me now. You’ve done so good.” You coo at him as you line his cock up with your soaked entrance and slide down. He wasn’t as long as Sanji or Zoro, but it was thick and hit your spot just right as you took him to the base inside yourself. 
“Fuck-!” Usopp cries out as his hands fly to your hips to ground himself, so lost in the pleasure of your tight cunt. 
“Sweetie you fill me up so nice, doing such a good job-“ You moaned out dreamily as you began to grind yourself back and forth on Usopp’s cock. 
“Fuck y/n… I can’t… I just gotta…” 
All of a sudden Usopp plants his feet and slams his hips up into yours making you almost jolt off his dick in the process. He hit you so deep. 
“Usopp!” You cry out in both surprise and pleasure. You shudder forward and lose your balance, hands landing on his firm chest to hold yourself up. Usopp continues to piston his length inside of you at an animalistic pace as you felt that familiar tightness in your belly begin to form again. 
“Shit, Usopp I- I think I’m gonna- AH!” He was bouncing you so forcefully on his cock, the soft, shy Usopp you knew was long gone as soon as he sunk balls deep into your filthy cunt. Your body was being tossed in the air with every thrust, your full breasts bouncing lewdly in his face.  “Gotta feel you cum again… Fucking do it… Cum on me again…” Usopp growled out at you as he took your right nipple in his teeth. You cried out in pain and pleasure as his grip tightened on your hips, holding you so hard you knew you’d be left with black and blue marks where his fingers were now. You screamed out his name as you let your orgasm wash over your body and you released all over his lower half. 
“Y/n, fuck, where should I-?” Usopp gasps out. 
“Inside… Need… inside…” You choke out between gasps, your body still recovering from your orgasm.
Usopp groaned loudly as he pulled your hips down so far into his that you felt his cock kiss your cervix harshly. You whined as he shuddered and came deep inside of your still spasming pussy. 
His body went limp. You leaned forward while he was still seated within you to place a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose. You tried to as gently as possible remove yourself from his overly sensitive cock. He still groaned as you pulled yourself off of him, feeling his cum drip out of you onto his hip bone in the process. You laid down next to him and wrapped him in your arms. You pulled his down comforter over both of your naked bodies. You scratched his scalp as he nuzzled his face into your shoulder, and he wrapped his arms around your lower back. 
“SooOOOooo… What’dya think?” You giggled as you asked him how his first time was, already knowing the answer. 
“Y/n it was-“
“GLAD YOU FINALLY GET IT, LOSER!” You both heard Zoro’s drunk, booming voice from outside Usopp’s bedroom door. 
“FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE!” Usopp shouted, briefly rising from his resting place in the crook of your neck. 
You both laughed. You pecked him on the lips. “Goodnight, Usopp.”
“Goodnight, y/n.” 
You both quickly fell asleep in each others arms. 
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allwaswell16 · 4 months
[4 pics, 4 quotes, 4 iconic 1D fics]
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Iconic Fics by...
- taggiecb -
“So, you like it when people tell you what to do?” Louis asks, more cheeky than he feels. Louis is nervous. Nervous because this is going to be a thing, or nervous because this is a thing that Louis has never done before, he doesn’t know.
“Not everyone.” Harry replies, and it’s rough, like he hasn’t spoken in days.
“Just me again?” Louis leans in, and Harry’s breath hitches.
“Yeah.” He replies, mostly whispers.
“Oh you oblivious walnut,” she says. He lifts his head to see her shaking her head with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Excuse me?” He asks.
“You truly don’t see it?” She snorts.
“See what?”
“H, I love you. And I respect your decisions, but please let me just give you a nugget of advice?” She leans in and reaches for one of his hands.
He nods, wanting her to just fix his life and be done with it.
“Take away the gay/straight/bi aspect that you think this is about. Take away you being a man, and Louis being a man, and Keith being a man. Take that all out for a second. Take yourself out of it for a moment.” She smiles at him although it looks a bit sympathetic. “I don’t think that you are bothered by the idea of two men being intimate. I think you are bothered by Louis being intimate with someone that isn’t you.”
“You didn’t have to do this.”
“I didn’t say I did, did I? It’s my honour,” Louis says. The words sound foreign on his tongue, as if he was talking to a stranger, not Harry.
A corner of Harry’s lips twitch up, picking up on Louis’ own nerves. “Honour?”
“Privilege?” Louis tries instead. Harry contemplates a bit and shakes his head, rejecting that word as well. “How about pleasure?”
“I can get on board with pleasure,” Harry says, his dimples giving away his fierce attempt not to smile. Louis doesn’t have such restraint and practically laughs and giggles his way through the rest of the song.
The song is unfamiliar to him, and it’s impossible to know how long it lasted, but it felt like a lifetime and less than a second all at the same time. As soon as the last notes play, Harry releases him and steps away. The spell is broken, but at the same time, Louis feels like something has just begun.
Moving on, Harry is moving on. He isn’t too proud a person to admit that Louis’ rejection stung. That moment at the wedding, his mother's wedding, Harry thinks with a chill running down his spine, was everything that Harry had imagined it would be. Louis was so willing and just took what Harry wanted to offer.  But that didn't seem to change anything when he looked  into Louis’ eyes and all Harry could see was disappointment.  
At least now he knows. Even if he can't have Louis now, he won't have to wonder what his skin tastes like or the look of passion on his face while Harry is inside him. He just has to now convince himself that it was enough.
He thinks he's doing an alright job of it. His main focus has always been his career. He just throws himself into his next client and tells himself that Louis Tomlinson isn't the be all end all of beautiful faces and beautiful bodies. He can most definitely move on.
Or at least that's what he thought until he saw the Daily Mail Article pop up in his news feed.
- answers below -
1. Reduce Me To A Pleading Cry (Break The Skin and Tantalize) 
As the CEO of Styles & Styles, Harry Styles cuts a brooding and handsome figure at the helm of a very successful business. His reputation for intensity is well known, but you would be intense, too, if you had to work numbers all day, give countless orders, and conduct endless meetings. When all you really want to do at night--ache to do--is give away the reins, let someone else make the decisions, be ordered around for once, just--let go. Harry has reached his breaking point when one touch from a man whose very stance commands attention leads him back to a place he thought he’d never return.
Or Harry is a broody submissive boss, Louis is a natural dom who works in the mail room at Styles & Styles, Niall is a matchmaking oracle, and a slender, dark haired man stands mute at the coffee stand encouraging others to spill their secrets.
2. Saw It In Your Eyes
Harry Styles counts himself extremely lucky that he has landed such a great roommate. It doesn’t bother him at all that his new roommate is gay. In fact, they get along so well that they have formed an extremely close friendship that takes up pretty much all his free time. When Louis starts bringing a new guy home with him, Harry is surprised by how much it bothers him. Is he not as okay as he thought he was with Louis’ sexuality?
Or the one where Harry is an oblivious walnut.
3. That's What I'm Here For
Louis Tomlinson is a dairy farmer on a tiny farm in eastern Canada. His wife of nearly thirty years has left him and his children are all grown up and out of the house. Louis needs help running his business but has no idea where to even start looking. Luckily for him his children know just the man for the job.
4. Why Can't It Be Like That
Louis Tomlinson, head of his local hospital's charity fund, suddenly finds himself in the heart of the Royal family when his mother marries the third son of the reigning monarch. Such an upset in lifestyle brings a lot of changes for Louis, one of them being the need for a stylist.
Enter Harry Styles, a cutting edge fashion stylist who loves his job and prides himself on his passion. The first time he sees Louis Tomlinson on the cover of a tabloid he wants to dress him, style him, make him as beautiful as Harry knows he could be. When he's hired to do just that, he knows this will be a perfect partnership. That is, until he actually meets the man.
A fashion AU with a royal twist, where Louis doesn't need a stylist, Harry's thrilled to have a real life Barbie doll, and they're both very wrong about each other.
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the-bofurin-digest · 3 months
Haruka Sakura Casual Headcanons
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Casual headcanons
~ Irrational fear of dolls, clowns, and birds (seagulls) ~ believed a sock of dry rice heated up in the microwave for two minutes can heal any injury and cure any illness ~ Lowkey an ice cream lover. Like a basic vanilla/chocolate swirl soft serve, goes toward berry flavors when it's hand dipped ice cream, would KILL to have a banana split every day of his life ~ likes ice when it's the “fancy” ice (not cubed, chipped ice) in his drinks. Easier to chomp on when he's anxious too ~ listens to a Japanese 80s city pop playlist as he's getting ready in the morning.  ~ strict on oral hygiene. Can't go to sleep until he's thoroughly flossed, brushed, and rinsed.  ~ makes his hair messy on purpose. Thinks it makes him look intimidating or cool. ~ Loves autumn rainy days. Likes the smell of the damp leaves and how quiet and still everything is, especially in the early morning. ~ black and white sci fi movies are some of his favorite things to watch. He thinks the alien costumes are funny. ~ I feel like he would secretly be interested in something like snowboarding. Something he is willing to try if ever given the chance.
Dating Headcanons
~ The two of you would meet in the most CHEESY way possible. Picture this: It's a rainy evening and Sakura just missed the bus, and the next one doesn't run for the next hour. So there he is, sitting alone and grumpy in the rain, when all of a sudden he hears a small voice speak up behind him as he finds himself suddenly sharing an umbrella with you. ~ Naturally, he becomes flustered and yells about sneaking up on a stranger like that, but instead of being scared or taken aback, he becomes confused when you laugh and tell him "oh, you would rather be soaked to the bone then? Okay!" He will grumble about not meaning that, shove his hands in his pockets, and try and decide to either stand there awkwardly in silence for the next hour or suffer and make small talk ~Best hour of his life. ~ Love Language when receiving love: Acts of service. When you do something for him, like match his socks on laundry day or pack him a lunch, it makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Even though he communicates that in a bit of a brash way, he really appreciates all the things you do for him like that ~ Love Language when giving love: Quality time. When he goes out of his way to spend time with you or see you, that's when you know things are real with him. Also, acts of service. He wants to return the favors you do for him, even if it's something he is reluctant to do. ~ Not really big into actual dates or planning them. His favorite way to spend time with you is by doing small, domestic things. Weekly laundry and binge watching some stupid show together while you fold and talk (talk as in you tease him the whole time and he snaps at you while flustered to no end.) ~ As much of a walnut as he can be I feel like with a partner once he becomes truly comfortable and opens up, I think Sakura would make a wonderful and dedicated boyfriend. He may be harsh around the edges but he is constantly showing you his love and loyalty and once that confidence is there for him the two of you can have something truly special.
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sentientcave · 3 months
Wildflowers and Honey
IT'S WIP WEDNESDAY BAYBEEE and you know what that means! It means I've ignored the projects I planned on working on and started working on a semi-historical omegaverse fic instead. Because I haven't written one before I obviously had to make it extra difficult on myself by making it a low-key Western. No blockers for scents or heats we are just out here rawdogging life.
We can blame this on @dragonnarrative-writes tbh, making me want to write omegaverse. But we're HERE now and we're having FUN with it. As per usual the "reader" is an OC.
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You hum noncommittally, tugging your sleeves to make sure you’re as covered as possible. “Are you, um, enjoying living here so far?” you ask, hunting for conversation.
“We sure are,” John says. “It gets better all the time. You ladies want to come in for tea? Ain’t got nothing fancy, no one’s made a habit of callin’ on us yet. We’ll be better prepared next time.”
“We’d love to,” Sarah says cheerfully. “Let me just take Nosy to the pond for a drink.” She unhooks the horse quickly, and leads her away, leaving you standing beside the cart, the four alphas all studying you openly.
“Come on in, then.” John steps in beside you, and gently steers you toward the house, his hand pressed against your lower back. Up close, there’s a warm touch of whiskey in his scent. You clamp down on the instinct to lean in closer. You just have to be polite until Sarah’s satisfied that you’ve met your neighbours. They seem nice enough, but you can’t help but feel like a plump little rabbit surrounded by dogs.
The feeling only intensifies when you step inside. You would expect a building that houses four alphas would be overwhelming, maybe even unpleasant, but you’re hit but a combination of heady scents that make your knees weak. Sourdough bread and sweet fruit and spices, honeysuckle, citrus, that warm tobacco and whiskey that clings to John’s skin, faint traces of leather and wood smoke and spruce and sun-dried cotton. It smells homey.
It’s also surprisingly tidy inside, the floors swept clean, the counters and table scrubbed clean. Kyle pulls a chair out for you, and lifts it right off the ground when he slides it back in. “Sorry,” he says when you squeak, but there’s a laugh in his voice, and you suspect he’s not all that sorry. He’s the one that smells like spices, cloves and cardamom, and sweet peach. Something subtle and slightly bitter underneath, like toasted walnut. He makes a low rumbling sound of approval, like he’s just tasted your scent and thinks it’s just as nice.
Soap tosses the package onto the table and moves a chair closer, spinning it around so he can lean on the back of it, propping his chin on his folded arms. His blue eyes are sharper than John’s, a brighter, more intense blue. “So, Kitty—”
“I’d prefer Miss Haydon,” you say weakly.
“Not very neighbourly of you.” Simon sits across from you, his foot tapping yours. You slide your feet under your chair and out of the way. “Figure we ought to be friendly, eh?”
“Oh stoppit, ye wee big bastart, yer scarin’ the poor lass. Put yer eyes away.” Soap reaches over and tilts the brim of Simon’s hat down over his eyes, then looks at you with all the bearing of a large, silly dog that wants praise for doing a good job. “So, Kitty,” he continues, like he hadn’t been corrected before. “D’ye need any help around yer farm? We’re almos’ done our big work for the season, except the big drive down to Helena for market. Happy to help oot where we can.”
“Oh, I don’t think my daddy’s gonna want your help,” you say quickly. “It’s a very kind offer, but he won’t abide other alphas in his territory.”
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Dividers by @/cafekitsune
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