softenedsunbeams 16 days
final thoughts
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crayonfodder 2 months
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who up transfemming they faves
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lover-of-mine 3 months
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#*everyone now* your new girl guy is my clone. (Taylor Kelly's version) (Ali's version) (Natalia's version)
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garbagepapi 1 year
The thing about k盲盲rij盲 for me is that a little over a year ago, he performed at a student party in the town where i go to university. Our student committee had booked a few bars that were not that big and the one i had tickets to had k盲盲rij盲 performing. Said club was kind of small and closed permanently recently
He was quite no name at that point in time and probably didn't get paid that much for the gig. But what i do remember is that it's the most fun i've ever had at a club, he was such a joy and while i was shitfaced at the time, i do remember everybody there having the best time ever
It's amazing to see that only a year later he's the most loved person in europe right now馃挌
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seagull9111 30 days
what if -and here me out- what if nobody gave will a shovel talk because they all know what type of person he is and has seen first hand how much he cares about nico!
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ipfy-dot-tif 1 year
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chocolatecakecas 2 years
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Goncharov & Mario Ambrosini (Goncharov 1973) // Castiel & Dean Winchester (Supernatural 14x14)
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every time i make a post and i tag it 'nerdy prudes must die' followed by 'npmd' (or the other way around) my brain automatically reads to the melody of the song and also follows it up with EVERYBODY COOL WAAAAATCH THOSE NERDS RUN FOR THEIR LIVES
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ozzybutweirdthistime 3 months
a bunch of sketches from my past few late night drawing escapades (click on for full drawing)
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pitconfirm 9 months
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some things never change: part three (one | two)
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greensaplinggrace 2 months
imagine only liking a character despite their flaws and not because of them. couldn't be me
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catdadeddie 1 month
"Doesn't wanna acknowledge that Tommy is coming back"
be so fucking for real rn. I've been the one telling everyone that I think it would be fucking dumb if he DIDN'T come back. Why the fuck would they not bring him back while doing a Gerrard storyline and when him and Buck were in a good place at the end of s7?
Like, come on now. It's simple logic.
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lesbiandisaster17 3 months
I cant fully describe it but harrow and gideons relationship was something way more than just romantic. Attracted to eachother and in denial perhaps, but i disagree with romantic being the primary nature of their relationship. The second they stopped hating eachother and got along more than the BARR minimum Gideon threw herself on a fucking spike to save Harrow. How could they have had enough time to love eachother.
Secondly, Ianthe is just absolutely slimy. I dont like that she was 22 and harrow was not even 18 and she decided that she wanted harrow as her wife. I do not like it at all. Ianthe took advantage of harrows vulnerability and to her attraction to harrow was predatory.
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aroacerick 27 days
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evilsartcorner 1 year
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era-of-ages 8 months
Okay... so here's the thing... (short fanfiction post for Good Omens)
After watching the entirety of Good Omens for the first time ever in approximately two days, seeing countless posts about it, and while I'm not usually a fanfiction reader, actually skimming one of those too. I feel like I need to at least dip my toes into this a little bit. So here's my short(ish) take on after season 2.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid! How could he possibly be so stupid? He was an angel, the smartest of them!" Crowley's words only fell on the uncaring mass of liquor bottles scattered around the floor. "Although," he refrained, "if he was so smart he wouldn't be an angel. Certainly not a supreme archangel."
That's mean, you know it is. A voice in his head told him. You know he's smart, you know he's brainwashed. You're just angry right now.
"Oh shut- SHUT UP!" He bit back. "I can be angry all I damn well want to I'm a demon for hell's sake! Maybe I've done the nice thing here or there, but I AM STILL A DEMON!"
We both know you've grown beyond that, Crowley. Far beyond it. The voice taunted him. It felt like taunting anyway. What kind of smug bastard did it think it was anyway? But he couldn't shut it up. Crowley, you can pose all you want. You've been doing it for 6000 years, after all. But you know better than anyone that being human comes with human emotion. Love. Anger. And knowledge that those emotions affect you. You know what knowledge can do, Crowley.
"And so what if I do?" He hissed. "You think I care? There's nothing to care about anymore. Azi- Azripha-" he couldn't speak it. Not without those damned tears. Who invented those anyhow? Oh right, God. The same bastard who caused all this. "He's gone." He finally managed to say. "It's too late. Always has been."
I'll tell you what you're missing. The voice in his head had taken to sounding like Nina. You're so full of that human spirit, that emotion. So where's that human hope, huh? If there's one thing Aziraphale did have, it was hope! So where's yours?"
"It went with him."
Muriel's steps were awkward and heavy, even still. Everything having weight here on Earth was so confusing! No one had actually ever told her how Earth works when she came, but all the books were still on the shelves, so she figured that she must be doing well. It was quiet in the book shop as well, and she started to think. Everyone had always said she hadn't done much of it before, so what better time to learn? She started to think of the shop as her friend, like it was alive. It liked her well enough, but it missed Aziraphale. It would perk up when Crowley passed by, which he did every single day, but he never came inside. Never even looked anymore. She always thought about calling out to him, asking him how to make tea or how to pronounce some of the words she had read, but she hadn't done it. Not yet anyway. She hoped one day she would.
The bell was a new sound. Muriel remembered it meant that someone had come into the shop. She said a few stalling words as she ran down the stairs, still careful to balance her feet correctly so she didn't trip again. "I'm sorry for the wait!" she said, smiling to herself about the correct use of phrase. "How can I help... you?"
"I just... just came to see it again."
Aziraphale looked terrible. Nothing like a supreme archangel. He didn't glow, she was fairly certain he used to. There were dark circles underneath his eyes, which meant he hadn't slept. But if he didn't need to, why did he have the circles? And he was smiling at her, except it wasn't really a smile. What was that phrase she had liked? Right! He wasn't smiling with his eyes. His eyes were sad.
"The shop's missed you." She said, coming to stand beside him. "Would you like some tea?"
He turned to her. He looked... defeated, somehow. "I think I would like that."
"Great!" Muriel clapped her hands. "Except... oh I don't mean to sound silly, but I don't know how to make it."
"Oh that's alright then," Aziraphale said. "I'm alright without it."
"No no!" She held up a hand, careful not to touch him. "Wait, I can figure it out! I can read things now! And understand them! Just uh... wait right here!"
She hurried off to what she knew for sure were tea implements. They had kettles and things like that in the books she'd read. Oh it was so exciting! She was going to be just like those book people! Making tea! She giggled as she set a teabag ever so carefully into a cup, then slowly poured water inside. The water started to change color! It was beautiful! She wondered why every angel didn't come to Earth, it was so full of amazing things!
"I've got it!" she announced proudly. "I made tea!" Carefully, she handed it to the supreme archangel, smiling like a child as he held it. As he took it, his hands began to shake. His eyes became sad again.
Oh no! Muriel thought. I didn't make it right! He doesn't like it! She thought backwards through the steps of making tea. What tea should look like. A cup with colored water inside with a thin trail of steam!
"Oh! It's not hot!" She said. "Not hot at all! I'm so sorry!"
"Oh no! Oh no don't be sorry!" The saucer in his hand was shaking more now. "I'll just-" with a quick snap down the tea began to steam. "Here we go! It's alright. Would you mind if I just, walked around a bit?"
"Of course!" She smiled, though she still watched his hand. "It would be my honor."
It should have been raining. It was too nice of a day. Crowley snapped his fingers and began to feel the first drops of cold water coming down on him. By the time he reached Greek Street it was a downpour. He could feel Nina watching him as he walked past her shop. He didn't say hello. He hadn't ever and he wasn't going to start now.
He looked at the bookshop, not inside, but at it. He could sense that bumbling angel inside. He couldn't help but wonder how she was taking to Earth. She seemed the type to be too dim to be brainwashed by anyone. He resolved to go inside. Not to see her, but to take some of his things back that he had left. No doubt that plant was long past dead at this point.
The bell rang again! Muriel rushed to the front. Two people to come in on the same day! It was all so exciting! Even the bookshop was excited! It was the happiest it had been in months. "Welcome, welcome!" Muriel froze in her tracks as she saw who had entered. She broke into a grin, "Mr. Crowley!"
She had seen this before, in those wonderful books! Two people who are madly in love run away from each other, then they see each other again, realize they love each other even more and never should have run, and then they kiss! She could barely hold her excitement, but she kept quiet. She couldn't ruin this moment! They had to find each other.
"How's business been?" Crowley asked. "Doesn't look like you've sold anything."
"I haven't!" Muriel answered excitedly. "Not a thing! But I learned how to make tea!"
"Did you now?" He looked at her and narrowed his eyes. "Why are you so excited?"
"Oh curse me for lying, but I'm just so excited someone has come into the shop!" She giggled, bouncing around on her feet.
"Curse you for lying?" Crowley frowned. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"
"Well, I lied about why I'm so excited! But it's not going to be like the books if I just told you why!"
Crowley rubbed his temples. He didn't have time for this. Well, he did, but the more time he spent in this shop the less angry he became. He wanted to be angry. And the voice seemed to shut up when he was in here. "Look, I just came to get some of my things, alright? I'm not here to have a conversation or anything." He started for the stairs. No! Aziraphale was up there!
"Wait wait wait!" She grabbed his arm. "You need to have a conversation! It's the only way to-"
"Only way to what?!" He meant it as a threat. It came out as desperation. Muriel could see his eyes now. They were sad too.
"The only way," she said slowly. "The only way it's going to be okay." Something hurt inside of her. Knowing the Aziraphale was hurt, that Crowley was hurt. It hurt her too. Water started to come from her eyes. Something in her felt like it was burning. "What's happening to me?" she asked.
"Those are tears." Crowley's voice was cracking. "You get used to them after a while. They happen when you're sad." He looked at her. "Why are you sad?" What did she have to be sad for?
"I'm. I'm sad because the bookshop is sad," she stammered. "Because the happy ending hasn't happened yet. It was supposed to. He wasn't supposed to go to heaven and make you sad. That's not a happy story. And I... I don't understand why not."
Aziraphale let his hand drag across the shelves. Every second fight back the thought he had been thinking since he left. This bookshop was heaven. No, better than heaven. Those were wrong thoughts, he knew. But they had become so strong that he couldn't bear to stop them anymore. He missed his shop. He missed Earth. He missed... to even think of his name was already enough. He closed his eyes. You are the Supreme Archangel. You WILL NOT think wrong thoughts.
A sound from downstairs. Crying. Muriel's crying.
"Not all stories have happy endings." Crowley said. "Sometimes you just have to realize that and..." he couldn't say move on.
"But would you take him? If he came back?" Muriel wiped away her own tears. "Would you make it a happy ending?"
"I can't. I'd give anything to, but I can't." He looked down. "I tried. My way didn't work. I couldn't save him from heaven. They still took him away."
Hurried footsteps down the stairs. Her head snapped up. "What if I tried?"
"What?" Crowley tried to look up but she was gone.
"Muriel are you alri-" Aziraphale started to say.
"Hush!" She grabbed his hand and dragged him with all her might to Crowley. She was beaming. Rain! They needed rain! It was raining outside! She had them both by the hand now, by some sort of miracle the doors were already open. She threw them outside. It was a downpour! It was perfect! She couldn't hold her excitement anymore. She'd been dying to use this word. Not one in any of her books, but one the shop had said a million times.
Neither of them spoke. The difference between rain and tears didn't matter now. It was just them now. Looking into each other's eyes. They didn't need to speak.
"W-would the dance be acceptable here?" Aziraphale stammered.
"Oh Angel, shut up!"
Like puzzle pieces, the two of them fit perfectly together in each other's arms. Muriel squealed and bounced happily back and forth. She looked at Nina and Maggie across the street. They were clapping.
"About damn time!" Maggie shouted.
"It's not a happy ending until you kiss!" Muriel exclaimed.
You would have never heard it or seen it, but the nightingales were thrilled. They had been dying to sing.
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