dxsertrot · 6 months
Actually everything has been too complicated and now that the sun is out I've decided that everything is actually easier than I thought and nothing has to hurt me unless I let it
#drinking coffee and smoking in the sun after a decent day of work#i got to work ot this weekend and do a tough job and the day after i hiked w my mom and ran along the beach w the dog#the longer i keep myself away from the narrative the more further removed and at peace i feel#although sometimes its somewhat distrupted when i see them but i reel it back in real quick#it just feels good to know that i dont have to let anyone in and that i have my people and thats all i need#im goung to carry myself the rest of the way through like i always have#and i dont need anyone elses validation#things will come to me when im ready and its right#if i dont want someone to hurt me then i simply dont have to allow them to hurt me#and if i hurt them then oh well. i need to protect my peace and my self esteem#i have things that i would like to work out but i need to accept that everything i want to have happen i cant make happen#ive been through too much and worked too hard and loved too hard and learned too much to let things like this touch me anymore#my self perception cannot hinge on anyone anymore because only i know what ive done and seen and felt and thought in every momemt of my lif#and how i look is not a solid descripter of all the aspects of me#it is not the bulk of my humanity it is hardly a grain of sand#im not angry or sad im just indifferent and ready for something better and healthier and more secure#and the things and people that i can have by relying on my looks do not hold much value anyways#besides. i am pretty. and im healthy and im good w my money and i laugh w my belly and i know a fuck of a lot more than i ever thought#and ive done more than i ever anticipated#i have a lot of things to be so okay with that i shouldnt even have to think about it#and the fact that i ever do is a luxary not given to the bulk of humanity#ive had the privledge to love many times and learn the lessons that accompany losing#and the privilege to make my own decisions and have my own priorities#i have the time and money to worry about frivolous things just like ive had the same to experience some really cool things#i am full of energy and opportunity and love and i get to decide when and where i want to direct that#if i direct it in a place that leave me feeling sad and empty and confused i can put my focus elsewhere unless i deem it worthy enough to#work at#and when ive poured too much in and got too little back ill know to reframe things#its not that complicated and its not that messy#it just is whatever i make it out to be and im tired of making everything out to be more and allow it to define me
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ivesambrose · 4 months
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1. 2. 3.
Starting off new pick a cards with something sweet and simple that everyone can look forward to.
To book a personal reading with me DM or email me at [email protected]
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Picture 1
Its likely you've felt rather helpless and alone, as though life has been testing you to the point it feels like a schedule to get to them and tick them off in your mental notepad once done. It is likely you've felt extra strained in your home environment or hometown, you may have attempted to leave but something or the other comes your way. You may have felt consistently blocked or unable to leave or unable to find a solution to a problem you've been facing in regards to your house or family.
A small part of you then decided to turn the worst case scenarios in your favour somehow. One of the ways being, "all of these sufferings will be rewarded. At least, mine will." I imagine you said this to yourself through gritted teeth. I want to tell you that the first thing you're manifesting is learning and accepting that suffering for rewards and accomplishments as poetic as they sound, shouldn't be the default settings you function under.
You're manifesting -
• A solution and clarity. No more illusions that worry you from taking the next step or making a decision.
• A community that allows you to bloom. New friends and network.
• Relocation.
• An end to apathy and boredom.
• An end to turmoil, stagnation and feeling of lack and helplessness.
• The beginning you've been anticipating as everything ends around you.
Timings: The coming 3 months.
Picture 2
You may have felt a lack of proper guidance in your life. That no matter what mentor came through or what ever path you sought to follow, everything somehow got complicated when you looked up to it. So many contradictions and so many lies. So you decided the only constant guidance are your own experiences and intuition. There's a life of adventure you seek, a career that lets you live the way you've wanted, for your words to inspire others without coming off too preachy and pretentious. Life has lacked stability likely due to external forces because you've time and time again done your best to obtain the stability that had been taken away from you. There's an intention you had set some time back and that is finally coming into fruition. Thing is, you knew it was going to happen anyway no matter how dire it seemed, you just needed to water this intention by directing your energy to it. You're manifesting -
• Increase in creativity with the energy to express it as well. Feeling in charge of your life. Leading rather than being led.
• Travelling to foreign locations for higher education or job/career. A career that lets you travel or involves travel.
• More money or increase in finances in general.
• More things or subjects to learn and achieve proficiency in.
Timings : Sooner than you expect. (Likely Gemini season for some)
Picture 3
You don't really shy away from challenges but certain incidents have made you question your faith and entire belief systems, later people and lastly yourself. You're trying to find a middle ground for yourself and also wondering how many transformations till your quiet breakdowns stop. Some of you really want to leave, something that brought you comfort is only bringing you anxiety now and giving you extreme mood swings. It seems as though you're wondering if any efforts you're putting into what you want is even worth it. Quiet your mind for some time. Even for a minute. Till the minutes eventually pass and your mind feels quiet for once. It's okay to have a head full of no thoughts at times. You're manifesting -
• Emotional regulation.
• Better health.
• Luck and expansion.
• Knowledge that you can put into use.
• For some better relationship with a maternal figure or their parents.
• Sudden wealth or unexpected wealth or property.
• Protection from distrustful and downright vindictive energy.
• Success, recognition and enjoying the fruits of your labour. Succeeding in anything you've been wanting to manifest for yourself actually. No extra steps or rules and regulations to follow. Simply acceptance.
Timings: Within 2 months.
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neptuneiris · 11 months
Behind the Scenes (01/05)
Behind the Reencounter
pairing: actor!aemond × fem!reader
summary: Due to your work as a make-up artist and wardrobe assistant, you meet Aemond, a very successful young actor with whom you work and all professional relationship breaks down and a secret relationship arises, until you get pregnant and decide to run away from him so as not to ruin his successful and promising career. After almost two years, you and he unexpectedly meet again.
word counter: 7.6k
series masterlist • next part
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hello! i'm back with another mini series! yay!
god, i'm so excited about this, it's nothing like what i've written before but the excitement and inspiration got the better of me.
also i must say that i had seen stories with this plot about daddy aemond and i wanted to make my own, adding angst, which i know you like and a story that i came up with that i really hope you like a lot:)
without more to say, enjoy beautiful people, I look forward to your comments, don't leave me without knowing what you think please!
warnings: angst, language, sexual content, smut
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Your state of nervousness and anticipation is not much of help when it comes to the first day of your new job.
The film studio is a world of constant activity and you know that just on your first day it's going to be hectic. At least in your area which is Wardrobe and Makeup, it's a completely active area and you have to be available almost all the time.
You let out a long breath and before you leave, you stop in the studio's small nursery where your son, Aenar, barely a year old, spends his day while you work on set.
You can't help but watch him with adoration, a certain sadness and longing, for nothing would make you happier than to stay here with him, but you know you can't afford it.
These last few months have been hard, your income has been complicated and you need the money from this new job to be able to survive and make sure nothing is missing for him, your little boy.
Aenar crawls on the floor, exploring the world around him, while the woman in charge keeps her distance from you and him, taking care of other children. And when his big, curious blue eyes look up at you, he lets out a giggle of joy and stretches out his arms to you.
You bend down with him and take him in your arms tenderly and adoringly.
"You don't want me to leave, do you?" you murmur fondly as you leave a kiss on his cheek.
He babbles excitedly, unable to formulate coherent words, but his smile completely lights up your insides and you respond with giggles and smiles.
You take advantage of the little time you have before work to play and laugh with him for a moment. But eventually your time to leave arrives.
You leave a kiss on his forehead and with a sigh of defeat, you say goodbye.
"Mommy has to go but she'll be back soon, okay, my little dragon?"
His little hands explore for a second all over your face, making you laugh and you leave a couple more kisses on both of his chubby cheeks, loving to hear his laughter and loving to see the huge smile he places on his pink lips.
"I love you, sweetheart."
You leave one more kiss on his forehead and make sure one last time to cover his head well with his cap, taking advantage of the fact that it's November and Winter has arrived to hide his straight hair.
You distract him with all the colorful toys that are distributed on the floor for all the children and take the opportunity to leave, otherwise he will cry if he sees you leaving. You exchange a look of understanding with the woman in charge and finally head back to your workplace.
The trailer door opens with a soft creak as you enter, feeling the mixture of excitement and nervousness run down your spine. You had been looking forward to this moment with anticipation, but also apprehension.
For you knew that your past would come back to haunt you.
But you know you need to be here.
The first thing you see are the lighted mirrors with their respective chairs and vanities in front of them, where makeup and wardrobe experts hurry to prepare the actors for the day's filming.
A scent of pressed powder and beauty products fills the air, creating a familiar atmosphere. And when you barely have time to absorb the scene, a brown-haired girl approaches you with an enthusiastic, warm smile.
"Hi! Y/N, right? The new makeup artist."
She points at you with her index finger and a thoughtful look, without wiping away her smile.
"Hi, yes, it's me," you nod to her, as you return the small smile.
"Perfect! I'm Jess, the wardrobe assistant," she extends her hand to you in a friendly gesture, "Nice to meet you and welcome!"
You can't help but be relieved by the friendly reception, then shake your hand with hers.
"Nice to meet you too, Jess. Thank you for having me."
"Oh we're so excited to have you here, I've been looking forward to your arrival," she confides, "Let me show you where you can drop your stuff off and then I'll give you directions, okay?"
Again you nod, grateful for the kindness of Jess, who leads you toward a row of lockers where you can store your things, then gives you directions.
"First, let's go over the schedule for the day," she tells you, opening a folder with the itinerary for the shoot. "We have this first scene where we need to make sure every detail is perfect. And you'll be in charge of the wardrobe for the main characters today."
She indicates without losing the kindness in her tone and you nod, understanding.
"So, take the wardrobe list for each actor and check that we have everything in order."
He hands you a detailed list, making sure that you with your new addition are aware of every detail.
"After that, we'll move on to makeup," she instructs you, "Sam, our talented makeup artist, will give you a brief orientation on the look we're going for. Don't worry, she's amazing and will guide you through the whole process."
Jess grabs a pair of robes and hands them to you.
"Now, let's get to work on the wardrobe. When you've gone through everything, head over to the makeup area, okay?"
Again you nod, understanding the directions perfectly and dive into your tasks with enthusiasm, getting off to a very good start and feeling completely comfortable.
Besides, this is nothing you haven't done before, as way back when you used to work for the BBC television network right here in King's Landing as well, this was your job, so there's nothing new or complicated for you.
When Jess, frantically going through her checklist, looks up at you.
"Oh, Y/N, we need more pins for costume fixes. Could you go to the prop depot and get a package, please? I'd really appreciate it."
You nod with a small smile.
"Sure, I'll be right back."
With a determined pace, you step out of the trailer and head to the depot which isn't far away and start looking for the package, which you didn't think would take you some time since there are so many packages of different things mixed up.
You search through many huge boxes, until you finally find the package of pins and let out a relieved sigh.
You leave the huge room and close the door behind you, walking back. And as you walk, as you pay attention to your surroundings, you feel a mixture of nostalgia and nervousness, as these hallways, permeated with the buzz of film activity, take you back to memories you've been trying to bury.
You let out a long breath, not wanting to think about it now, and concentrate on your work.
As you enter back into the trailer, everything is immersed in a constant murmur of conversations and the activity of preparations, at the same time as the trailer door closes with a soft click behind you.
You are about to enter the area where the tables and chairs and mirrors and everyone else are when you hear a somewhat familiar voice in a distant echo in the middle of it all, completely stopping your footsteps.
"…they said at the training scene I wasn't supposed to look any different in particular."
You frown, thinking that maybe you're mishearing and are mistaking that voice for someone else's.
But still you advance just three steps, sharpening your hearing with a wary face, waiting, wanting to make sure.
"And which one of these for that scene?" you hear one of the girls in charge of wardrobe.
You wait for the answer from that attentive and completely cautious voice, thinking that it must probably be a figment of your mind that wants you to believe things that aren't.
"I think the brown one," you hear that voice say back to the girl.
Your heart stops completely in that instant.
It can't be.
You think completely incredulous and terrified.
You stand completely paralyzed and with a face of total shock as the sound of that voice continues to echo softly throughout the interior of the trailer, flowing conversation between him and the makeup artist.
The pulse in your throat beats with a mixture of surprise and anxiety, suddenly losing strength in your body, so you lean against one of the walls as you feel an emotional vertigo begin to emerge.
All those buried memories, suddenly resurface, as it is no imagination of yours and you know it is him because his voice has not changed and you could recognize it anywhere.
It is him.
He is here.
You close your eyes for a moment, trying to regain control of your emotions, but you can't, and you can't believe this is happening right now, on your first day of work.
Completely cautious, you slowly peek out, wanting to be even more sure and wanting to see that it's all just your mind making it up.
But as soon as you catch a glimpse of that signature flash of platinum hair, your heart rate begins to race faster than normal.
And there he is, with his hair pulled back in a small low bun as he discusses the details of the scene with the makeup artist, a scene that resonated with similarities to moments you and he shared in the pass.
Disbelief completely invades your eyes and your entire face as you watch him, surprised to see him after exactly one year since that day. You notice every gesture and every feature that is still etched in detail in your mind.
He, oblivious to your presence, continues the conversation, but something in your expression begins to tremble.
You go back in time to the spark you both shared in the corridors of that studio, the looks of complicity, the many nights you shared together and the whispers in the dim light of the dressing rooms.
But you also remember that day, when you saw him completely frustrated but willing to be there for you, where his manager and his entire team talked to him about the consequences and you also remember everything he promised you, on hidden, which is why you decided to run away when you were only three weeks pregnant with him.
A lump forms in your throat and standing there, watching him, after so long, tears begin to invade your eyes.
But Jess announces your presence as she emerges from the back where the dressing rooms are, watching you at the entrance completely static and with a look she can't instantly identify.
"Y/N! There you are! Did you get the pins?"
And that's when it happens.
Saying your name loud enough for everyone inside the trailer to hear, it catches his attention, who confused and attentive watches where Jess is heading and that's when the gazes meet.
And in that instant, a spark of recognition crosses the face of Aemond, Aemond Targaryen, the man you decided to run away from so as not to ruin his career and the father of your child.
His healthy eye opens wide and surprise and disbelief overcome him as he sees you, right there, less than five meters away from him, the woman who carried his child with her and whom he sought so much after she disappeared completely from his life.
Silent, with the urgency of tears threatening to overflow, you step back, watching him cautiously and fearfully, at the same time beginning to tremble all over.
"Y/N," he utters your name with a tone of surprise and longing, as if he can't believe it, beginning to slowly rise from the chair.
You recoil further, as all the sadness, pain and anguish wash over you as you remember the past and think at the same time of your son, your sweet little boy.
However, your first instinct is to run away. Again.
Without a word and without looking back, you turn around and exit the trailer quickly before you could no longer hold back and tears involuntarily flow from your eyes, taking with you the image of Aemond and the echoes of a past you cannot escape and forget.
You don't care about your job, you don't care that you left everything just like that, you only think about running away and going quickly for your son, crying and completely terrified.
Aemond watches you walk away, unable to move and unable to speak, with a look of deep disbelief, surprise, bewilderment, regret and remorse while the people around him do not understand anything.
He knows that he made many mistakes in the past and he knows that you have a right to feel upset and hurt. But he also knows that you also made mistakes and you recognize that too.
But for now, you run away and he stands still, losing strength, where you both barely process what just happened and at the same time travel to the past, where it all started and where it all ended.
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At just twenty-one years old, you barely graduated from college and landed a great job opportunity with the BBC television network to work as a professional makeup artist and wardrobe assistant.
And now at the age of twenty-two and having been working for the network for two years, your life couldn't be better.
You have the job of your dreams, you have achieved so much despite the fact that your parents had no faith in you for choosing to study something that didn't guarantee you a future, and now your income is enough to allow you to live an independent life where you lack nothing.
When then, a new project comes up, a new TV series where you participate full time and where you are passionate about what you do.
That's when you meet him, one of the main actors of the show, Aemond Targaryen, a young, successful twenty-four year old actor who has already attracted the attention of the show business in his early days with a very promising future.
But it was not only for his incredible talent, he was also recognized and attracted a lot of attention for his unusual appearance, beautiful bright blue eye and a peculiar long platinum hair.
In his interviews he explains the origin of the genetic descriptions of him and his family, which is what causes a lot of doubt in every interviewer and also in his fans, wanting to know his origin.
That's why when they tell you that you will be assisting him in his makeup and wardrobe, you can't help but feel nervous but also a little excited to work with him.
And when the day finally arrives, Aemond Targaryen is actually quite a nice and accessible man to work with.
In the first few weeks of working and shooting the show, your interaction with him was completely professional.
You take it upon yourself to bring out the best in his image for the screen, where he does his part, always being friendly, willing and cooperative with you to follow directions and achieve the perfect look.
Always both of you at the beginning had normal and casual conversations to start forming trust, where everything becomes routine.
And it's not until he would say anything silly to make you laugh and where you both got to the point where you allowed yourselves to talk completely freely without being judged.
The shared laughs and casual comments created a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere, where the relationship started to become more friendly and slowly stopped being so strictly professional.
And when you least expected it, you looked forward to working with him, doing his makeup and wardrobe, enjoying his company.
Even when he would arrive first at the trailer to get ready, he would look forward to your arrival.
And when you arrived, you couldn't help but smile a little shyly in his direction because of his intense gaze on you through the mirror, making you feel a little nervous.
As you carefully applied his makeup, Aemond couldn't help but notice that attention you paid to every detail on him, having you so close to his face, being a moment he also longed for it to come.
And as the days passed, accidental brushes and gestures that went beyond professionalism began to emerge.
During makeup sessions, the glances became more intense and prolonged, as if you were looking for something beyond the superficial appearance, where you noticed how he was looking at you beyond the professional surface.
But it wasn't something that bothered you, on the contrary, it made you feel inexplicable sensations that at the same time pleased you, knowing perfectly well that he wasn't like that with anyone else in your area, only with you.
And you both also made sure to act that way only when it was just the two of you or to do it subtly when you were around other people.
But you also knew the dangerous game you were both playing.
However, it was too late, you really started to like him too much even though you knew that the idea of him and you could not be possible.
In the film industry, relationships between colleagues are technically not allowed or frowned upon. Rumors and speculation about romances can alter fan perceptions and, in some cases, affect job opportunities.
In addition, you both have studio contracts and other projects in progress. And acting in such a way, where the intention of both is more than clear, can affect casting decisions and the perceptions of directors and producers.
And for Aemond, being an up-and-coming young actor with a solid fan base, the revelation of an affair can bring negative criticism to his public image.
His manager and team have told him that maintaining the coveted bachelor image may be convenient and commercially advantageous for him in his projects to attract audiences, as he is attractive and very talented.
Even though he had an accident as a child where he lost his left eye and now wears a prosthesis, that attracts more attention from people and they want to know more about him, causing him to be more relevant.
But all this mattered little to Aemond as he shared more moments with you.
As the relationship became more enjoyable, his feelings and emotions became more and more evident and so did yours, starting to overcome the barrier imposed by the entertainment industry.
And one day that line of professionalism that both were trying to maintain but was becoming increasingly difficult, finally broke down completely.
On a filming afternoon, you and Aemond meet in the wardrobe area, where you make sure he looks perfect in his required clothes for the day and he stands completely still, cooperating and watching you at all times.
The conversation between the two of you flows naturally, as it has so many times before, but this time, something in the air seems different, like a gentle tension.
"After we finish this final scene, we should go celebrate, don't you think?"
He suggests with a soft little smile, but his eye reflects an intensity and that desire he can't hide when he's with you.
"Sure," you say with a willing little smile, still securing his clothes, "With John, Rose and Lana?" you mention your partners.
"No," he murmurs, shaking his head softly, "Just you and me."
You look directly into his eye with a slightly surprised and bewildered look, not expecting to hear that, beginning to feel nervous at his words and also at the proximity of the two of you.
"But…" you look at him a little incredulously and with a small sad and disappointed smile, "We can't."
"Yes we can," he tells you softly, "We just have to be very careful and not tell anyone."
You watch him with a small spark of amusement on your face, smiling softly in his direction, not believing he's serious.
And it is at that moment that the looks on both of your faces makes it clear that the connection you both share is deeper than you both believed and where Aemond, more than anything else, makes his true intentions clear and wants to put them into practice, after so long.
A complicit silence surrounds the two and it is as if time stands still for an instant.
Aemond, with a soft expression, unable to contain himself any longer, gently takes your face in his hands and you let him, because you want him, even though you shouldn't.
"There's something I've wanted to do for a long time," he confesses, his voice laden with sincerity.
You, intrigued and captivated by the intensity in his eye, his beautiful blue eye and the closeness of the bodies, look at him with attention and desire.
"What is it?" you murmur, almost in a whisper.
And without another word, Aemond leans toward you and closes the distance between you, bringing his lips together with yours in a needy but slow and deep kiss that you reciprocate instantly.
It all happens in an instant of surprise, followed by a sweet surrender to the attraction that had grown between the two of you.
Time comes to a complete stop as you both sink into that first kiss, where Aemond's hands gently grip your waist and you respond with the same intensity by locking your arms around his neck and clinging to his lips.
You don't want him to stop, you don't want any of this to end.
Everything feels perfect and just as you imagined in your fantasy mind of wanting to live this moment.
And the moment doesn't end, as he pulls you further into the dressing room while still kissing you, leaning you against a vanity and pressing your body completely against his, making you gasp and respond to his needy kiss in kind.
Unfortunately, the kiss doesn't last as long as you would have liked, as a voice screams throughout the trailer.
"Next scene in five minutes! Everyone to the set, please!"
You and Aemond part abruptly, with surprised and terrified looks on your faces, instantly keeping your distance and pretending nothing has happened.
You head along with him toward the set, trying to hide any trace of the intimacy you both shared moments ago. And as you immerse yourself in the frenetic pace of the shoot, the complicity between the two of you manifests itself in small gestures and stolen glances.
And that's when the little relationship secretly begins.
Keeping the relationship a secret became a balancing act for both of you. As the connection you and he shared intensified, the need to hide the relationship became more and more crucial.
In the trailer and on set when you were around more people, as he did you had to learn to act as naturally as ever, carefully concealing any trace of intimacy.
Encounters became completely secret, kisses and caresses behind dressing rooms or in the trailer when you were alone, always alert to the possibility of being discovered. Even in the dressing room, it became a meeting place, where they could enjoy a moment alone.
You could also talk freely by call or text, but both he and you preferred to see each other in person.
That's why on days off, which were few, Aemond always took you to more private places. One night, for example, he took you to dinner at a small restaurant outside of town.
If it wasn't a restaurant, it was to invite you to a small coffeeshop and more discreet places, out of the reach of prying eyes, where he still had to go covered by his characteristic hair.
And when neither of them had the spirit to be always alert, you went to his apartment or he to yours, where they could act with total freedom and even go further.
In Aemond you found a friend, an accomplice and practically the perfect man for you, not because of what he possesses and who he is out there for everyone to see, but because of who he really is, inside.
You simply couldn't help but fall deeply in love with him and that fortunately he reciprocated as strongly as you did, wanting you and only you.
And although the fear of discovery added a touch of dangerous excitement to the relationship, the weight of keeping it all a secret was beginning to generate emotional conflict.
The strain of keeping up appearances and the constant need for vigilance began to wear on you. And as the relationship progresses, you can't help but wonder if there will ever be a chance to be free with Aemond.
But you both know it's not possible.
Much less will it be when one day, Aemond lets you know the news.
"I need to talk to you about something," he says in a serious and defeated tone, taking your hands in his.
He has come unexpectedly to your apartment and that seemed strange to you, but now that he is telling you this and behaving like this, you know it is for a reason and it is not a good one.
"Is everything okay?" you ask him intently and with your brow furrowed.
He sighs before answering, looking sad.
"Production and my manager are pressuring me to fake a relationship with my co-star in a promotional campaign. They say it will help generate more interest in the show."
And there are the consequences of having this relationship on the quiet with him.
Aemond's face contorts in anguish as he sees the expression on your face of mild surprise and definitely not expecting to hear that.
"I promise you that I refused and did everything in my power not to do this Y/N, but I didn't accomplish nothing and…. I-It shouldn't take more than three months, I swear."
He explains, but the sharp pain in your chest is already there and remains, as you begin to imagine what this is all going to be like.
You press your lips together in a thin line and not knowing what to say or what exactly to do, you let out a long breath and watch your hands with his, processing what he is telling you and what he will have to do next.
Even though you understand the demands of the industry and everything about marketing, still the idea of Aemond faking a relationship with someone else makes you feel weird and uncomfortable.
But what can you really do? Nothing.
This is his job and you're not going to get upset with him when you know it's not his fault and that this is what he does in order to make a living.
"When?" you ask him watching him with your soft gaze but with a slightly sad expression.
He lets out a sigh.
"I don't know, I just know that they are already setting everything up," he tells you frustrated with his low and serious voice, "But I need you to be okay with this, Y/N," he looks at you worried, "I know it will be hard for both of us but I don't want this to affect us when you know the truth behind everything and why I do it."
You watch him for a few seconds without saying anything, as you feel a lump in your throat and also feel the helplessness he conveys for all of this, as he really doesn't want to do this.
But he must meet the professional expectations of the production company and you have no choice but to support him.
"Well," you say softly, trying to hide your hurt look by forcing a small smile to reassure him, "These are the production company's decisions and you must do it. And you don't need to worry about me, you know I'll support you."
He takes his gaze away from yours for a second, letting out a longer sigh than before, then takes your face gently in his hands.
"Of course I worried about you, sweetheart," he murmurs with tiredness, then draws you into a tight, tender embrace.
He leaves a gentle kiss on your head and even though he is relieved that you understood, he still feels remorse and anguish because if he were you, of course he would disagree and it would hurt quite a bit.
But this is work and he really doesn't have much choice.
And when you least expect it, the moment arrives.
The next few weeks are a complete whirlwind of emotions for you as you watch the fictional relationship of Aemond and his co-star, the famously gorgeous actress Cerelle Lannister, prepare to come to light.
Joint promotions take them both to photo shoots and interviews where they must show complicity and affection. And seeing Aemond sharing moments that used to be just yours and his, now in the public sphere with someone other than you, becomes a painful test.
One evening, you see photos of Aemond and Cerelle having dinner at a famous restaurant downtown and all the photos show the complicit smiles and affectionate gestures.
And even though you know it's part of the act, you can't help but feel a knot in your stomach seeing them together. And even worse, seeing how the public is fascinated and in love with their relationship.
It is for all this that you no longer see him frequently and there is only communication by messages.
And when he finally has a space in his schedule, he takes the opportunity to see you, where you at all times try to look as if you are not affected by all this, so as not to worry him and frustrate him when you know he has a lot of weight on his shoulders.
He still apologizes and tries to make it up to you, but in the midst of your soothing words, the pain is reflected in your gaze.
And that's what you do for the next few weeks, you continue to support him from the shadows while he and Cerelle put on a show and are the center of attention.
At first you had told yourself not to see anything about them on the internet, but you can't help it and you see the pictures, read the headlines in the magazines and with each new performance, you feel a slight sharp pain in your heart.
When the day of a big awards event arrives where directors, producers, script writers, the academy members, the press and of course the actors and actresses attend, where precisely Aemond and Cerelle attend together as a couple officially in front of all public eye.
Images and videos of the two sharing laughter and affectionate gestures spread through every social network, while you, from your apartment, watch the scene with a mixture of pride as this is important in Aemond's career but also feel a deep sadness that threatens to overflow.
You wish it was you instead of her.
It's been months since you and Aemond started this relationship behind everyone's back and you want that, to be able to touch him and be with him in public.
But you can't.
And you can't stand this anymore either.
You decide to watch movies and change the channel, not wanting to focus on them anymore, trying to ignore your emotions and your wounded heart, not wanting to do anything else tonight but just forget and stay in the comfort of your bed.
After two hours, your phone starts ringing, indicating an incoming call and when you look at the screen, Aemond's name appears, but you decide not to answer.
You don't feel like talking to him, you don't want to get upset with him when he is not to blame for anything and start an unnecessary fight, so you prefer not to talk.
But after that call, Aemond insistent calls you a couple more times, in which you decide not to answer as well.
At your lack of response, he can't help but feel worried, thinking that you must be feeling bad because of him even though you understand why he's doing all this. And once the rewards are over, he in covered takes his car and drives to your apartment.
As he drives, his mind is filled with thoughts of how to talk to you and find the right words to ease the tension in both of you. But the nervousness doesn't let him think clearly nor has he forgotten the overwhelming awards he had to attend to.
Once he arrives at your door, he just hopes you're okay, even though he knows you're not and knocks three times.
"Y/N? It's Aemond," he says cautiously and hopeful that you will open the door, wanting to speak and see you.
The silence lingers for a few moments before you finally open the door, where the slight surprise of seeing him here at this hour is reflected in your gaze, not understanding anything. And he just sighs, feeling guilty.
"You didn't respond to my calls or messages and I got worried," he explains to you briefly and in a soft voice, "I needed to see you."
Despite all the emotions you're feeling, the fact that he's come looking for you shows you that he really cares about you and wants to do everything he can to make you okay.
You watch him silently for a moment and nod slowly in his direction with a look of understanding.
"I'm fine," you reply softly, wanting to convince him as well as yourself.
"No, I know you're not," he insists, concerned, "I-I… I know this is all very difficult and I don't want you to feel pressured, but…" he lets out a frustrated sigh, "I'm here to talk if you need to."
Appreciating his sincerity silently and seeing how terribly worried he is, you let him in.
The two of you have a difficult but necessary conversation, where neither of you have any intention of ending this thing you have together and where he's willing to show you that he doesn't care about Cerelle, just you.
"I only want you, baby. You and no one else," he murmurs lovingly and with desire in his gaze, closing his eye and catching your lips in a needy, deep kiss.
You respond in kind, gasping into his lips and bringing your hands to stroke his hair, clinging to him completely as he brings his hands to your waist and ass, squeezing the soft skin of both your ass cheeks.
"Do you mean it?" you ask in the middle of the kiss, beginning to feel the wetness between your legs.
"Yes, I fucking mean it," he replies against your lips, biting and sucking on your lips again.
You moan as he begins to leave a trail of kisses all over your neck, biting and leaving little marks on your sensitive skin, making you shiver all over your body and begin to feel the hardness in his pants against your pelvis.
Absentmindedly he brings one of his hands up and caresses one of your breasts over your shirt, making you moan and continue kissing him as he brings his hands back down to your thighs.
"Oh, Aemond," you whine.
"Fuck," he murmurs in delight, making you wrap your legs around his torso and feel directly on your needy clit, his cock hard and in need of release, "Such a needy little thing, arent you?"
His mouth roams and kisses every exposed part of your skin, as he pulls you along with him towards your couch, making you sit on top of him and you desperately begin to seek relief as you cause friction between your bodies.
He groans into your mouth, feeling his cock throb and ache.
"Can I take this off?" he grabs the edge of your shirt and you nod desperately, needy.
You are not wearing a bra and when your breasts are out in the open, Aemond lets out a curse as he stares at your breasts fully aroused to take one of your nipples into his mouth, making you arch and bring his face closer to your breasts.
Not long after that he too takes off his shirt and you free his cock from its confines and then start riding him, unable to wait a moment longer.
"Shit," he hisses, "You feel so good, baby. So fucking good."
You moan loudly as he brings one of his hands to your already swollen clit and starts massaging it with two fingers, making you moan and making you move your hips with more fervor on top of him, as your skin slaps and rattles with his beneath you.
That night, not only does he fuck you on your couch, he fucks you on your bed too, not being able to get enough of you, loving to see your whole face contorted in pleasure as he fucks you against your bed hard, his cock continually thrusting in and out of you, the sound of skin against skin being heard.
You bite down on his shoulder and wrap your legs around his torso again, feeling him deeper, as Aemond kisses you and draws his eyebrows together in concentration and pleasure.
"Are you going to let me fill this pretty pussy with my cum again, baby? I want to feel you fucking cum all over my cock."
He brings his hand to your clit again and begins to massage it furiously, wanting to watch you crumble and feel you do it around his cock, while you moan and bite his shoulder and neck.
"Oh y-yes, Ae-mond,"you moan.
You close your eyes, escape a quiet moan, arch your back fully and feel the whole wave of euphoria wash over your entire body, seeing stars behind your eyes.
And with one last hard thrust, Aemond cums inside you letting out a grunt and hiding his whole face in the curve of your neck, leaving a couple of wet kisses once you both come back to earth and melt into each other's arms.
A few weeks later, you're back at work and Aemond starts filming a new movie for Netflix, so you don't see each other as often as you used to.
Aemond's schedule is very tight and he still does everything he can to be able to see you and spend time with you, while you in comparison to him have more free time but can't spend it with him because of his work.
And it is in that same time that you start to feel strange, but you hadn't connected the dots until the signs became too obvious to ignore.
One day, while working on set, fatigue suddenly overwhelmed you and a persistent nausea made you realize that something was going on. Suddenly lack of appetite appeared and seeing things too sweet or chicken or meat meals made you sick to your stomach.
Or also weird cravings started, which your mind started to scare you with possibly confirming what you were thinking.
During a break in the filming, you discreetly retreat to the bathroom, feeling the need for a moment to yourself. And as you look in the mirror, you notice the pallor on your face and the different glow in your eyes.
Completely terrified, you wait for your break from work and rush to the pharmacy, buying three pregnancy tests of different brands and supposedly the best.
And once at home, everything is silent, as the seconds tick by and you feel like you are drowning in your own thoughts.
You're not ready to be a mom, in fact the thought of having children was never something you wanted or wanted in the long run, because you're still young, you have your dream job at only twenty-two years old and to stop focusing on your dreams and goals to focus on those of a child… it's not something you want.
But the pregnancy test you hold in your trembling hand confirms your suspicions, as do the other tests, all positive.
Fear totally grips you, not only because of the fact that you are pregnant, but because of the implications this brings to your life and also to Aemond's life.
God, Aemond.
You think completely terrified, starting to cry, feeling the pressure in your chest.
You know this will stop and totally ruin his career.
You imagine yourself facing the critical gaze of the media, the headlines of magazines and news websites, as well as the constant speculation about your personal life.
You feel completely scared and hopeless, having no idea what Aemond's reaction will be, but you know this is not good, a baby, right now is not good, not for you and certainly not for him.
But you must tell him. You know you must. Regardless, how could you keep something like this from him?
It takes you two days to finally get up the courage to tell him and as you wait for him in your apartment, the pregnancy test rests in your trembling, sweaty hands, feeling completely frightened amidst all the silence around you.
Your eyes burn from crying so much, you feel like you have no strength, you feel weak and you haven't been able to sleep well and you don't even want to imagine how you will be later when Aemond finds out and everything between you will probably go wrong.
The sound of the door makes you jump nervously, knowing it's him.
You feel more fear and uncertainty flood you but you force yourself to get up from your couch and head to open the door, feeling that you will burst into tears at any moment.
As you open it, Aemond's handsome face and his usual smile was nothing like your face, being quite the opposite, so noticing your state his smile drops and he looks at you completely distressed and worried as you let out a few tears silently.
"Hey, hey," Aemond holds your face in his hands, his thumbs gently caressing your cheeks. His concern is palpable in the way his eyes search yours for answers. "What happened, baby? Are you okay?"
You sniffle your nose, inhale deeply and keep your eyes closed for a moment, only causing Aemond more unease when you don't utter a word.
"Y/N, what happened?" he insists, his tone laden with anxiety and seriousness.
"I'm really sorry," you murmur sadly to him, feeling each word weigh heavy in your chest and a sense of hopelessness creep over you.
"You're sorry, for what? What happened?" he asks again, completely confused and uncomprehending.
"I'm… I-I'm pregnant," you mumble in a broken voice, as if uttering those words would make reality more concrete.
Aemond's face remains completely static, his eyes wide open, watching you as tears slide down your cheeks. The gravity of the news is reflected in the tense silence that appears between the two of you.
"What?" he mutters under his breath, barely audible but laden with disbelief.
You nod slowly, reaching out to him for the proof you hold in your trembling hand. And every second that passes as he analyzes it feels like an eternity as you wait for his reaction.
But he barely processes the information, takes the evidence between his fingers and the seconds stretch out like hours as you feel your heart beating too fast.
But Aemond's face shows neither anger nor joy.
And finally he reacts by bringing his hands to his hair, his eye fixed on the evidence for a moment and then looking at a spot in your living room, beginning to see frustration and surprise invade him more.
He lets out a sigh and turns his gaze back to you in a desperate manner.
"Hey, baby," he says to you now nervously, "Are you absolutely sure?"
You nod slowly.
"I did three tests, all three came back positive."
He brings a hand to his forehead, averting his gaze from yours for a moment. His eyes reflect tumultuous thoughts, a mixture of thoughts ranging from disbelief to concern.
"But how?" he watches you blankly, still with surprise painted in his gaze.
"You didn't use a condom and I took the pill, but it didn't work," you tell him in a hopeless voice, trying to explain the inexplicable.
"Oh, fuck," he murmurs, biting his lips and bringing a hand to his chin.
"I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't mean for this to happen either," you admit to him, your tears streaming down your cheeks.
You feel the need to apologize as if this burden is something only you should carry, the vulnerability clear in your tone of voice and on your face, which worries Aemond more at seeing you in such a state.
"Hey, no, don't, don't do that, don't apologize," he says instantly, turning back to you and placing a hand on your cheek, "We're both part of this, you understand me? You're not to blame for anything and I'm not going to leave you alone," he assures you, completely honest and determined with his words.
And despite the gravity of the situation, you feel a huge relief come over you knowing that you are not alone in this, as he looks at your sad face, with your dry tears and red eyes.
And then he places a soft kiss on your lips and encloses you in a comforting embrace that is all you need at that moment.
You knew that Aemond would eventually have to tell his manager and his team as well, however, you didn't expect him to do it on the same day you let him know the news and you didn't expect all his people to start working so soon on this, on your pregnancy.
You call his agent and in an instant he, along with his publicist and his team of public relations people, invade your apartment.
And his agent, Criston Cole, doesn't have time to start reproaching him for having had a secret relationship with you all this time, although the anger is there but the important thing is the baby on the way, where he can't do anything either because it's already in your womb.
So he only talks about solutions.
And it is precisely because of these painful solutions for you that you decided to run away and disappear from his life to save his career and also your child.
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rafesgoldrings · 7 months
For Me R.C
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Warnings: gun play, smut, rust smut writing?😭, slight overstimulation, light degradation, not proof read at all, 18+ only
A/N: I’m so sorry if this isn’t up to my usual standard, I haven’t written in so long and there has been so much going on but I wanted to get something out at least so I hope you enjoy. Reblogs and feedback is always appreciated🫶🏻
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“Relax baby, I’m not going to use this on you…not in the way you’re thinking at least” Rafe said smugly, loving the slight fear you had in your eyes while you stared down the gun in his hands.
The two of you were in a…complicated relationship, one that consisted of screaming and saying you hate each other and then an hour later fucking each other until the sun came up. It was toxic, it was abusive, it wasn’t good for either of you, but yet you both stayed. You both chose to continue the cycle because you both knew deep down there was nobody else out there that could make each of you feel the way you did when you were together.
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“Strip and get on the bed, I’ll show you” he watched as you did what he said, loving how much control he had over you. You could deny it all you wanted, tell him you fucking hated him and wished he was dead, but you were his.
“Good girl, now” he paused and walked to the front of the bed, pulling you by your feet so you were on the edge of the bed “spread your legs and spit on the gun sweetheart”
Your eyes widened when you realized what he was going to do, but you couldn’t deny the excitement you felt. How wet you got when you did as he said and spread your legs open for him, glistening pussy on display just clenching around nothing in anticipation. He moved the gun down your body slowly, chuckling at the goosebumps forming on your skin as the cold metal made contact, until he reached your pussy. He rubbed the end of the gun up and down, making sure to brush your clit with it and spread you open, loving the soft whines that slipped through your parted lips.
“God your pussy is so pretty baby, this is going to hurt okay? But you can take it yeah? You can take it because you’re made for me” you nodded your head as he pushed the barrel inside slowly, letting you adjust to the size before pushing it in further. You let out a loud whimper and threw your head back, the feeling of being stretched out with something so dangerous by someone who was just as dangerous making it so much more exciting.
“Oh god Rafe, feels so good. I need more please” he pushed it in more, muttering a small ‘Fuck’ under his breath at the sight of his girl taking his gun inside her tight cunt. How well you were doing for him, how eager you were to make him happy.
“Yeah? You want me to fuck you with this gun like the dirty fucking whore you are sweetheart?” You nodded desperately, pushing your hips into his hand trying to do it yourself, but he stopped moving completely and hovered his body above yours.
“Beg me for it. Tell me how much you want me to fuck this pretty cunt with my gun and beg me to cum on it” he whispered in your ear, leaving small kisses down your neck while he just barely pumped the gun in and out of you. You could feel your juices leaking all over it, down your thighs and onto the bed, but you didn’t care. You needed to cum more than anything else.
“Please Rafe, please fuck me with your gun. I need to cum all over it, wanna make such a mess and be your good girl. I’ll do anything, oh god please” the look of pure bliss on your face and the lustful look in your eyes when they met his was enough to make Rafe cum in his pants, he would’ve if he didn’t need to make sure you felt good first.
“Good girl” was all he said before he went back to fucking you, the barrel of the gun hitting your g spot over and over again. The sound of your cries and moans echoing off the walls like an angelic melody.
You could feel yourself getting close, Rafe could tell too with how tight you were clenching around it. Your eyes rolling back in your head and his name falling from your lips like a prayer making his cock strain against his jeans to the point that it hurt. He brought his thumb to your clit and began rubbing it, encouraging you to cum and make a mess for him. Your back arched off the bed, vision going black and ears ringing as you came. Crying out a mix of Rafes name and curse words from the pleasure, he made sure you rode it out before he pulled the gun away.
“Jesus…you’re so fucking pretty baby. You did so good for me” you could just barely hear him, but you felt him kiss your forehead and the faint sound of his belt unbuckling and clothing being tossed to the floor.
“What are you doing? I can’t Rafe, too sensitive” it was fucked up, he knew that, but the way you said it made his cock twitch. The whimper and way you flinched when he brushed your pussy with his hand, your pussy still clenching around nothing… he needed to fuck you.
“Yes you can Y/N, you can for me. You’re made for me so you can take my cock. You can cum one more time for me can’t you pretty girl? You’re going to cum one more time on my cock and then we’ll be done yeah?” He spoke softly, lining his cock up with the opening of your count before pushing in, moaning out at the way you clenched around him.
“Fuck, you feel so good” your hands moved to his back, leaving scratch marks as you whimpered for him. He began thrusting, not slow and gentle but rough and fast. He couldn’t control himself when it came to you, you drove him fucking crazy and you were so pretty.
He knew it wouldn’t be long, he was already close to cumming before he even fucked you, and with each thrust, each whimper and plea that fell through your lips, the intoxicating smell of you filling his nose? It just brought him closer to the edge, his hands on your hips and lips all over your body bringing you closer as well.
“Rafe-“ “I know baby, I know. Cum for me, fucking cum for me” your back arching once more, tits pressed flush agaisnt his chest, pretty moans filling the room, and he was cumming with you. You could feel his cum filling your pussy, his big cock throbbing inside you while he moaned in your ear.
The both of you stayed like that for a while, his cock softening inside you while you both tried to catch your breath. He pulled out causing you to wince and gave you a small apology, his cum spilling out of you. You heard him put his clothes back on before you sat up, makeup ruined and hair a mess. You gave him a confused look wondering why he was getting dressed instead of staying in bed with you like he usually did.
“Gotta go talk to Barry real quick angel, I’ll be back soon” you knew better than to ask questions, it was better for you to be in the dark anyway. That’s what he always told you at least.
You nodded your head and gave him a soft smile, he smiled back before giving you a kiss and walking for the door.
“Stay here pretty girl, I’ll be back soon…I love you”
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jamminvroomvroom · 1 year
here me out, friends and bennies with oscar, but you guys both secretly have feelings for each other, then a fight breaks out cause he gets jealous at a club or something, then an angsty fight breaks but it ends with smut or something 🤭
OP81 x reader
ty for the request! big in my oscar feels atm <3 i don’t loveeee how this turned out but i think i wanna expand this trope with oscar at some point
warnings: minors dni! 18+! language, creepy man in the club, implied smut, alcohol, sl*t is used in a not sexy way, implied physical fight, minor angst, some fluff
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you liked to pretend there was nothing going on, that the way he looked at you didn’t affect you and that you hadn’t gotten all dressed up for him.
your relationship with oscar was complicated, friends with a bit on the side when the stress of his job and life got a bit too much and you each needed the extra comfort.
oscar didn’t seem like the type to engage in this kind of thing, in fact you’d never even looked at him that way before, until the night he won the f2 championship and you’d taken a heated tumble into his bed. it didn’t happen again for a while, you’d both managed to keep the urge at bay, but when he woke up in the middle of the night to the alpine fiasco, you were the one he called. you were the one he flew out to bahrain at the beginning of the f1 season, and you were the one that occupied his bed on most race weekends.
it wasn’t a thing, or, to put it more accurately, you both pretended it wasn’t a thing. you viewed yourself as emotional support, stress relief, a very close friend. you viewed him as a person that you could easily fall in love with, but you couldn’t get into the habit of thinking like that.
nonetheless, there you were in a club somewhere in japan, looking far too good to act like you didn’t have a motive. lando had dragged you and some others out, a double podium in suzuka the perfect excuse for a messy night in a foreign city.
oscar may have been good at hiding just how elated he was, but you knew him better than the media did, and you knew exactly how ready he was to celebrate.
in the spirit of having a good time, you’d disappeared over to the bar, fully intending on starting the night off on a high. you were ordering a round of shots when it got messy. it just wasn’t the kind of messy you’d anticipated.
a hand on your waist lured you in, assuming it was oscar, considering how confident the touch was. you leaned into it, but the hand felt wrong, the mould of it against the curve of you waist was wrong.
“what’s a pretty thing like you doing here?” the mystery man slurred into your ear, making you shiver in all the wrong ways. the line was icky and the way you felt his breath hit the curve of your ear was just plain disgusting. he wasn’t oscar.
“not you, that’s for sure.” you mumbled, pulling away. the hand on the waist tightened and you panicked.
the next few seconds were a blur, a flash of indistinguishable words coming from the creep, oscar’s body between you and the man, lando stood assertively behind him. you couldn’t tell what was being said, the music too loud and the sick twist in your stomach too prominent to focus. all you caught was the delightful asshole calling you an “f1 groupie slut”, and that’s when everything slowed down.
oscar knocked him on his sorry arse, while lando tried to move you out of harms way. your best friend, who would never hurt a fly, as harmless as a person could be was furious, and you couldn’t keep up with his movements as he handled the situation. you caught lando guiding the less than impressed bouncers to the pathetic mess on the floor, while oscar turned to you.
“are you okay? i’m so sorry, did he hurt you?” he cupped your face, shocking you. pda was not his thing. you couldn’t help but lean into his touch, finally at ease.
“just… take me back to the hotel.” you sighed. the privilege of being an f1 driver, you supposed, was the way all he had to do was nod at the bouncers and they let him leave.
it was all too much, the unwanted attention, a new side of the usually monotonous f1 driver, the confusion. oscar had defended you like his life depended on it, like you were his to defend. it topped protecting a friend, he had been blind with rage until the guy was indisposed. oscar didn’t just do things like that, that’s what had shocked you more than anything.
you were in a daze when the fresh air hit you, getting into the car that pulled up. the ride back to the hotel was dead silent, the city lights being both a perfect distraction and a banging headache in the making. you couldn’t stop yourself from looking out the window, though, because if you did, you’d have to look down at his hand intertwined with yours, and you didn’t think you could face that quite yet.
you didn’t get it. were you falling for him? of course you were. but he’d never given even a smidgen of indication that he felt the same way, and now what? he was scrapping in clubs with drunken idiots? over you? it made no sense, you didn’t know how to make it make sense.
the car slowed and your door was being opened for you. you stepped out, finding your feet as you walked on shaky legs into the foyer. oscar’s hand found the small of your back and despite better judgment, you fell into step beside him. he was so familiar, so comforting, you knew you were too far gone.
the way he looked at you in the elevator was dangerous, like he was staring into your bare soul, like he wanted to take you apart and put you back together.
he stepped towards you in the enclosed space. you reached out for him meeting halfway and then it was blissful. his lips slotted over yours, fireworks, hands on your body, frantic. yours were in his hair, threading through his curtains, a symptom of too much time on the road without a haircut. you liked this look though, he looked older, more undone. your back was against the cold wall and you moaned when his lips hit your neck, marking you up for the first time ever. was he making a statement?
“oscar-“ you started, ready to open a can of worms and questions, but you were interrupted by the ‘ding!’ of the elevator. it seemed to break the trance you were in and you both shuffled out of the lift.
“i think i should go back to my room.” you said quietly.
“oh.” was all oscar could muster, not trying to hide his disappointment one bit.
“i’m just… oscar, i’m confused.” you averted eye contact, looking longingly down the hallway towards your room.
“about what? about us?” he sounded defensive.
“is there an us? i don’t even know what this is anymore.” you sighed.
“‘is there an us?’ are you joking?” the defensiveness progressed into a state of pissed off, another rarity for him.
“i’ve never seen that side of you before, we’ve never been like this before.” you pointed between the pair of you, the weight of the space seeming to heavy to bare.
“i couldn’t just let that guy freak you out, it scared the shit out of me watching someone make you that uncomfortable. the idea of someone getting into your space, touching you…” he trailed off.
“why? why do you care so much? because we sleep together? because you didn’t like that it wasn’t you touching me?” the frustration got too much and the words you’d been threatening to say for months came spilling out.
“because you’re too important to me! because you mean more to me than i can even begin to understand.” a raised voice that you couldn’t recall hearing hit your ears and your heart sped up, ringing in your ears.
“oscar, i’m scared.”
“of me?”
“of losing you. what we have now, well, it is what it is. but you’re my best friend and the idea of anything changing, as much as i want it too-“
“do you want me? do you?” his eyebrows furrowed and his voice wavered in a way that made your stomach drop.
your eyes betrayed you immediately and he was kissing you again, softer this time, passionately. the hotel corridor felt too exposed for such intimacy and he was leading you back to his room. the door shut and your clothes were gone, a trail of them formed from the entrance to the foot of his king sized bed.
everything about that night still lingered on your skin. his butter melting kisses, finger prints on your hips, the drag of his grown out hair tickling the delicate skin of your inner thighs. you’d made sure to leave your mark too, his thick neck bruised purple, the trace of your fingerprints right over his heart.
it was all permanent now, every kiss, touch, whisper of affection, and when you fell into bed with him, weekend after weekend, it was the bed that you shared. he was all yours and you were more than happy to let yourself fall in love.
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gigglesandfreckles-hp · 4 months
I just found your page and stalked all your writing lol, it’s absolutely amazing and I’m highly obsessed now!! from the prompt list for jily: “What are we?” + “I would like us to be more than friends.” (Head students era confession?)
oh you mean my favourite jily era??? my pleasure! ps uhhh pls don't count the words on this one
from this prompt list
James has thought about the moment at least once an hour, every day, for about two months now. Putting it into perspective like that makes him come face-to-face with the fact that he’s even more ridiculous than he’s usually comfortable admitting. 
And James has always known he’s ridiculous.
The conversation plays out a million different ways in his head, like a lucid dream he can only sort of control and only up until a certain point because it’s Lily, and he stopped trying to predict her next move long ago.
It’s why she always beats him at chess. He knows her—really knows her, not like he used to think he did—but he’ll never be able to anticipate what she’ll say or do. Full of surprises, she is.
Somehow, though—his brain, in the infinite possibilities it’s constructed, failed to think of even one situation in which she would be the one asking him.
“What are we?” she asks, sitting on the bench next to him outside Scrivenshaft’s, her thermos of tea warming her hands. She's wrapped in her Gryffindor scarf with a green knit cap pulled down over her ears, auburn curls spilling out and flying around with each heavy gust of the biting January wind. She's perfect and he just—
Stares at her.
“Okay,” she says, laughing, then takes a long sip of her tea, her gaze shifting to the empty street in front of them. It’s still early, so most of the Hogsmeade crowd is either having a lie-in or getting breakfast at the Three Broomsticks.
James and Lily got out of the castle as quickly as they could in order to make the most of their day. Day, not date, because they’re friends. Sort of. Most of the time. Except for when she flirts with him and he flirts back and that one time last week when he’s almost positive she was going to kiss him and that other time last week he is positive he was going to kiss her. And all the other moments that makes him absolutely lose his head.
“Never mind,” she says, and she’s bloody smiling. “I thought we…” Another slow, agonising sip. “Never mind.”
James feels the panic set in, just like when they play chess. It’s his move, he knows it’s his move, but which way can knights move, and how many spaces can bishops take, and—
“You’re freaking out,” she observes casually. He doesn’t know when she looked back at him.
“What?” he manages, the word sounding squeaky.
She might smile again, then. He can’t be sure, because she’s lifted the thermos back up to her lips.
“I’m sorry,” she says. “I thought you were ready.” She tilts her head, studying him. “I’ve been trying to pick a good moment, you know. To talk about this. But…” She shrugs. “Guess I was wrong.” She caps her thermos of tea and stands from the bench then, looking down at him. “Wanna go to Honeyduke’s?”
“Do I want to—” He shakes his head, blinking rapidly, then looks up at her, sharply. “Huh?”
Lily laughs softly. “It’s almost ten,” she says, like this was the root of his confusion. “We can be first to the Pick ‘N Mix for once.”
She’s talking about candy. She’s just asked him to define their entire complicated relationship and then—without waiting even a moment for him to catch his breath—started talking about candy.
“Can you…” He frowns, struggling to find his words. (Struggling to remember how to breathe.) “Sit down…please,” he finally manages.
Thankfully, she doesn’t argue, settling back down on the bench beside him. He certainly doesn’t have the wherewithal to match wits with her right now if she chooses to be stubborn.
“I need a…a minute.”
“Okay,” she says, and pops the lid back off her thermos, gracefully pouring herself another shallow cup of tea. “You know,” she says, conversationally, “this works loads better than a heating charm. Marlene says I’m mad for lugging it all about Hogsmeade, but how else can I secure an infinite amount of tea to get me through the day? We don’t have a spell for that yet, do we?”
“Are you—” He breaks off and turns toward her on the bench. “Are you enjoying this?”
Her lips twitch up into a small smile. “Perhaps a little.”
He shuts his eyes tight and groans.
“I intend to be your girlfriend by the time we graduate, Potter,” she says, and he doesn’t know when she’s leaned toward him, but he can smell the peppermint tea on her breath and feel it tickle the hair near his ears. The bench creaks as she moves back away from him, taking his heart with her. “We’ve got, oh—” A pause. “Six more months. I’m not in a hurry.”
Not in a hurry. What the hell is wrong with him? He’s been waiting for this for six years. Well, perhaps that’s a bit dramatic, but—this calls for being dramatic! She’s just admitted to wanting to be his girlfriend—his girlfriend!—and he’s fumbling the Quaffle so bad he’s about to be benched. 
He can’t let this moment pass by without saying something.
“Girlfriend!” he blurts out
“Is that—” Her grin grows, even as her cheeks flush pink. “Was that an offer, or are you auditioning for the role of a caveman in a play I didn’t know Hogwarts was putting on?”
James wants to pull his hair out of his head. He wants to pull it out of his head and make a nest, so he can hide forever, like those bald little baby eagles he saw with his parents on the coast last summer.
“No, I want to—let’s talk.”
She sets the thermos on the bench between them and lifts up her hands, counting her fingers one at a time as her lips move wordlessly. “Wow. Six words.”
“Lily, can—you…”
“Okay, okay,” she says, with a giggle. “I’m sorry. I’ll stop taking the piss, I swear. Let’s talk.” Folding her hands in her lap, she looks at him expectantly. “Do you want to go first, or should I?”
He gives her a significant look, making her laugh again, but she nods.
“Alright,” she begins, “well I don’t have much to say, really.” She shrugs, her legs dangling back and forth over the bench, just shy of touching the snowy ground. “I like spending time with you. I think you’re ridiculously fit. You’re a good person and—I really want to be able to kiss you without wondering if it’ll ruin everything.”
James has always found most Muggle swears to be rather lacking in oomph, but now—
Jesus fucking Christ.
“Oh,” he says.
“So, Potter,” she drawls, nudging his shin with her foot, “what are we?”
“I would—” he starts, then pauses, clearing his throat and sitting up straighter. “I would…like us to be more than friends.”
“Oh,” she echoes, her foot hooking behind his on the ground in front of them.
“I’ve had a—a whole speech ready. For weeks.” he confesses. “But right now, my brain is…cold, I think. So I don’t want you to take my lack of…words…as a lack of enthusiasm. I’m…very enthused.”
Lily looks at him, jade eyes blazing. “Will I get to hear the speech in the near future?”
“Do you…want to?”
“I want to hear anything you have to say, Potter,” she says simply.
“Are you sure because—”
“Yes,” she replies, moving closer. Her wind-chapped lips stop a breath away from his. “What are we, James?”
He inhales deeply and doesn’t think again before murmuring, “Everything,” and closing the gap between them.
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shitsndgiggs · 2 months
hey i understand that you have so many requests right now so take your time! i love your work so much. thanks for writing for the players i love the most. i have a request for hector seeing that no one else is requesting them haha.
could you do one where Hector and Reader are childhood best friends and she always supports him. people make rumours all the time about them and they both like each other but they both are scared of rejection. one day Reader decides to show up to training and Hector ‘s friends tease him to admit it to you.
In which rumors go around that you and Hector are dating
Hector Fort x childhood best friend! reader
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The sun hung low in the sky over the training ground, casting a warm glow on the field where Hector practiced with his teammates.
Among the spectators, I sat on the bleachers, watching him with a mix of pride and admiration.
Hector and I had been friends since childhood, inseparable through thick and thin. Over the years, our bond had grown deeper, but lately, things had become... complicated.
Rumors had begun to swirl among fans and teammates alike, speculating about the nature of our relationship.
They whispered that Hector and I were more than just friends, a notion that both thrilled and terrified us.
It wasn't entirely untrue—we shared a closeness that went beyond friendship—but neither of us had ever dared to broach the subject.
As Hector took a break from drills, he spotted me in the stands and flashed a smile. I waved back, feeling a rush of warmth at his attention.
It was moments like these that made the rumors sting a little less, knowing that despite everything, Hector valued our friendship above all else.
"Hey, Hector, isn't that your girlfriend?" one of his teammates teased loudly, earning a chorus of laughter from the others.
Hector rolled his eyes good-naturedly, but I saw a hint of discomfort flicker across his face. "She's just a friend, guys. You know that."
"Yeah, right," another teammate chimed in, nudging Hector with a grin. "We've all seen the way you look at her."
My cheeks flushed with warmth as Hector's friends continued their banter, their teasing hitting closer to home than I cared to admit.
Hector glanced over at me, his eyes softening with a mix of amusement and something deeper that made my heart skip a beat.
"Come on, Hector, admit it," Marc, his closest friend, joined in with a mischievous grin. "You've got a thing for Y/N."
Hector's cheeks tinged pink, but he didn't deny it this time. Instead, he shrugged nonchalantly. "Maybe I do. What's it to you?"
The teasing intensified as his teammates egged him on, each comment more playful than the last. They teased about stolen glances, inside jokes, and moments shared off the field.
Despite my embarrassment, I couldn't help but feel a rush of hope stirring within me. Maybe Hector felt the same way after all.
"Alright, alright," Hector finally relented with a laugh, his cheeks still tinged with a hint of pink. "Fine, you caught me. I like her, okay?"
His admission hung in the air, surprising everyone, including me. The stadium echoed with a chorus of cheers and playful jeers from his teammates, their teasing turning into a celebration of sorts.
Hector looked over at me, his eyes locking with mine in a silent conversation that spoke volumes.
"Do you really mean that?" I asked, my heart racing with anticipation.
Hector met my gaze, his expression earnest and vulnerable. "Yeah, I do. I've liked you for a long time."
The admission hung between us, thick with unspoken truths and unexplored possibilities. Hector descended from the field, crossing the distance between us with purpose.
His teammates continued to hoot and cheer, offering encouraging shouts and playful jabs as he approached.
"I've been wanting to tell you... I've liked you for a long time." he said softly, standing in front of me.
I swallowed hard, overwhelmed by a rush of emotions. "I've liked you too, Hector. More than just as a friend."
Relief washed over his face, followed by a radiant smile that made my heart skip a beat. "So, what do you say we stop letting rumors dictate our feelings and see where this takes us?"
I nodded eagerly, a grin spreading across my face. "I'd like that. A lot."
And just like that, amidst the cheers and laughter of his teammates, Hector and I took a leap of faith into a new chapter of our relationship.
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not-goldy · 1 month
Looks like they went into solo chapter, not defining how want to carry on with their relationship. That's why they weren't on the same page in terms of expectations. Jimin seemed fine being away, while jk was pouting about it.
My kind of gossip 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Well may be....
But I do think they had clearly defined plans strategy and expectations but had a problem with its execution....
It's one thing to plan something and another to execute it. And I mean these are not robots they can't just shut off their emotions and feelings or needs.
If constant communication with JM is what Jungkook wanted he could have said that to Jimin. He could have said, look man I know we said we were gonna do this and that and focus on this and that but I'm not doing so well and I need to hear from you more.
Jimin probably over there thinking damn this dude is doing better than I'd thought he would he's handling this phase so well and if he's doing well I better suck if up and do what's needed of me.
and I don't think it's a case of JM being okay being away- it's more he's committed to the plan even it guts him. He's that type of guy.
And let's all not act like we weren't concerned for them in their Solo phase going into Military due to their seemingly over dependence.
I mean towards the beginning of solo we did say they seemed to be acting professionally less codependent and what not and then Jimin went and got his own place and all.
And human emotions are funny.
They can both agree to keep separate homes but that doesn't stop one or both from feeling rejected by the very idea and execution.
Let's flash back to the time Jungkook said he didn't want to be teams with Jimin- even though we all know he was just joking you could tell it did get to Jimin.
Talking of which, they both sometimes aren't aware how they each make the other feel. We are out here watching them from the outside in, and we see how JMs absence affects Jungkook but unless JK tells him that there's no way of him knowing but we know cos we see the other side they both don't.
Jimin is good at saying to JK his vulnerabilities but JK just acts out his vulnerabilities.
They can agree to concentrate on their Solo careers and work hard but doesn't stop one or both from feeling lonely etc.
People are quick to bring up JM saying he's lonely but also fail to see how that's him saying and expressing how all these things make him feel.
I'm talking about the life he lives, not just that he misses Jungkook, the compromises he makes in his life, the distance he keeps from people to protect them or himself, the performance he puts on because it's expected of him, all the hiding a huge part of who he is if he's queer can be lonely.
He's relationship with Kook is expected to be complicated and at times even less fulfilling if this is what they have to do to keep it.
It's why I don't really pay attention to people who talk about that or bring up the quality of their relationship. We don't expect this to be a bed of roses for them.
Some people express chronic loneliness as an offshoot of burn out and depression or when you feel there aren't many people around them they can relate to.
When I see Jimin I see a man who doesn't have that many people he feels he can relate to and that can feel pretty lonely as well especially if you are surrounded by people whom you have to cater to all the time, people whom you have to walk on egg shells around, never being able to let your guard down, always having to be the reasonable mature one who can't make mistakes you always have to be the thoughtful one thinking twice and three times about things anticipating everyone's needs while those around you are just too slow to keep up or are simply not like him at all.
I think depending on how you look at things they are on the same page in so far as they've been able to successfully pull all this off.
For Jungkook if all this got to him at some point then I'll say he lasted longer than expected cos dude has a very low tolerance of their closet with its glass ceilings.
He's doing so well I'm proud of him and for once he saw the plan through 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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yuff7e · 2 months
hii!! I just recently came across your writing and I love them?!?! could you please write about katsuki with a trans man reader that has a quirk that gives them wolf ears and a tail?? I know this is like reaaaally specific but ssshhhhh 😚
— 🐾 annon
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˚₊‧꒰ა✨ 𝐏𝐀𝐖𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊𝐒 ✨ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
— hii 🐾 anon!! i love this, it’s so cute!! i kinda let my creativity flow with this, so i hope you enjoy. i love katsuki requests guys, they’re the best!! also, for everyone wondering i do write for trans reader!! so if any of you have any trans reader requests send them in, i’ll try my best to portray it!! :) ఌ︎
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐝
katsuki bakugo
♬♪ -> lıllılı.ıllı.ılılıı
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you’d always known life would be challenging, but you never anticipated just how complex things would become. being a trans man in a society filled with quirks was one thing; having your quirk manifest wolf ears and a tail was another. it was both a gift and a curse, a part of you that you embraced yet found difficult to manage in social situations.
still, you persevered, determined to become a hero and make a difference. your journey led you to u.a. high school, where you met katsuki bakugo. known for his explosive temper and fierce determination, bakugo initially seemed like someone you’d struggle to get along with. but beneath his rough exterior, you saw a spark of something else – an unwavering sense of justice and an undeniable strength.
the first time you met bakugo, he barely glanced at you. it wasn’t until a training exercise forced you to work together that he took notice. you were in the middle of a simulated battle when your quirk activated, your wolf ears twitching and tail swishing as you dodged and attacked with agility and precision.
“hey, wolf-boy!” bakugo yelled, smirking. “think you can keep up?” you matched his smirk with one of your own. “i’m not the one falling behind, bakugo!”
from that moment on, a strange camaraderie developed between you. despite his harsh exterior, bakugo began to respect your abilities and the way you carried yourself. you, in turn, found his unyielding confidence and raw power inspiring. training together became a routine, each session pushing you to your limits and beyond.
one day, after a particularly grueling session, you found yourself sitting on the edge of the training field, panting heavily. your ears twitched at the sound of footsteps approaching, and you looked up to see bakugo standing over you, a rare look of concern on his face.
“you okay?” he asked, his voice gruff. you nodded, wiping sweat from your brow. “yeah, just... a bit tired.” bakugo plopped down beside you, uncharacteristically silent for a moment. “you’re strong, you know that?” he said finally.
you blinked, taken aback by the unexpected compliment. “thanks, bakugo. that means a lot coming from you.” he grunted in response, staring out at the horizon. “what’s it like... having a quirk like yours?”
you shrugged, your tail curling around your leg. “it’s... complicated. it makes me stand out, which isn’t always easy. but it’s a part of who i am, and i’ve learned to embrace it.” bakugo nodded thoughtfully. “must’ve been tough.”
“yeah, but everyone’s got their struggles, right?” you replied, smiling softly. he looked at you then, his eyes searching yours. “you’ve got guts, wolf-boy. i respect that.”
over time, the bond between you and bakugo deepened. he became someone you could rely on, a pillar of strength and support. he never treated you differently because of who you were or your quirk, and that acceptance meant more to you than words could express.
one evening, as the sun set over u.a., you and bakugo sat on the rooftop, the city’s lights twinkling below. the air was crisp, your ears twitching at the sounds of the bustling city.
“hey,” bakugo said suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence. “there’s something i need to tell you.” you turned to him, curiosity piqued. “what is it?”
he hesitated, a rare moment of vulnerability crossing his features. “i... i care about you, [name]. more than i’ve cared about anyone in a long time.”
your heart skipped a beat, warmth spreading through your chest. “bakugo, i...” he cut you off, shaking his head. “let me finish. i don’t care what anyone else thinks. you’re strong, brave, and... you mean a lot to me. i just wanted you to know that.”
tears welled in your eyes, and you smiled through them. “i care about you too, bakugo. more than i can say.” he reached out, his hand finding yours. “we’ll face whatever comes together, alright? no matter what.” you squeezed his hand, feeling the truth in his words. “together.”
weeks turned into months, and your bond with bakugo only grew stronger. the two of you became an unstoppable team, complementing each other’s strengths and covering each other’s weaknesses. despite his gruff demeanor, bakugo showed a side of himself to you that few others ever saw – a side that was caring, protective, and deeply loyal.
one day, during a particularly intense training exercise, you found yourself pinned by a powerful attack. your body ached, and your vision blurred, but you refused to give up. through the haze, you saw bakugo charging towards you, his expression fierce and determined.
“hang in there, [name]!” he shouted, blasting the enemy away with a powerful explosion. you struggled to your feet, your ears twitching as you caught your breath. “thanks, bakugo. i won’t let you down.”
with renewed determination, you fought alongside him, your movements perfectly in sync. the battle was fierce, but together, you emerged victorious. as the dust settled, you looked at bakugo, your heart swelling with pride and gratitude.
“we did it,” you said, panting heavily. he nodded, a rare smile tugging at his lips. “damn right we did. you were amazing out there.” you blushed, your tail wagging slightly. “couldn’t have done it without you.”
as the days passed, you found yourself growing closer to bakugo in ways you never imagined. he became your confidant, your partner, and your best friend. the walls he had built around himself began to crumble, and you saw the depth of his emotions – his fears, his hopes, and his dreams.
one night, as you sat on the rooftop watching the stars, bakugo turned to you, his eyes filled with a rare softness. “[name], i... i’ve been thinking a lot lately.”
you looked at him, your heart pounding. “about what?”he took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering. “about us. about what we have. i don’t want to lose it. i don’t want to lose you.”
tears welled in your eyes, and you reached out to take his hand. “you won’t lose me, bakugo. i’m not going anywhere.”
he squeezed your hand, his grip firm and reassuring. “good. because i... i love you, [name]. more than anything.” your heart soared, and you smiled through your tears. “i love you too, bakugo. with all my heart.”
he pulled you into his arms, holding you close as the stars shone brightly above. in that moment, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would face them together. with bakugo by your side, you were ready for anything.
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nctnanajaemin · 2 months
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my brother's bestfriend pairing: lee jeno x na!sister reader chapter seven  word count:1.2k warnings: pregnancy
it's been a couple of days since the talk with jaemin. you got a job at the local coffee shop and transferred to a college closer to home.
you have today off and planned on spending it relaxing and doing nothing, but jaemin seems to have other plans.
he takes one look at you curled up on the couch with a blanket wrapped around you and a book in your lap and shakes his head. "you have the whole day off and you're just going to spend it on the couch?"
you shrug, not even looking up from your book. "yeah."
he walks over and flops down on the couch, snatching the book out of your hands and putting it on the coffee table so it's out of reach. "is jeno coming over today?"
you nod. "after he gets off work."
jaemin hums in response, leaning his head back against the couch and staring at the ceiling. "i need to talk to him."
you're surprised that he's actually talking about speaking to jeno. "i'm glad that you finally want to talk to him, but please be nice about it."
"i will. don't worry."
the hours pass slowly. you spend the afternoon half dreading and half anticipating the inevitable conversation between jaemin and jeno.
you hear the door open and walk out of the kitchen as jeno shuts the door.
"hey, how was work?" you ask as he pulls you into a hug.
"surprisingly, not that bad. you seem tense, everything okay?"
"yeah, i'm fine." you reply, looking up at him.
he moves his hands from your hips to cup your face, studying your expression. "you sure? you seem like something's on your mind."
you let out a heavy sigh. "jae wants to talk to you."
"okay, it'll be fine. is he in his room?" he asks, letting go of your face.
"no, he's in the living room."
"alright, i'll go talk to him." he says, giving you a reassuring smile before making his way to the living room.
you stay in the entryway, wanting to give the two of them space to talk but also secretly hoping to hear as much as you can.
"hey, man," jeno starts. "y/n said you wanted to talk to me?"
jaemin nods, locking his phone and dropping it into his lap. "yeah, i do," he replies, and motions for jeno to sit down.
jeno sits down and jaemin takes a deep breath, running a hand through his hair. "i've had a lot of time to think about everything that happened. the way i reacted… it wasn't right. i let my emotions get the best of me, and i'm really sorry for that."
"i understand, jaemin. i get why you were upset. it was a lot to take in all at once."
jaemin shakes his head. "but that's no excuse."
it's quiet for a couple seconds before jaemin speaks again. "i have a question and i know you two aren't together, but what are your intentions with her? like, how serious are you about her?"
jeno stiffens, not expecting the question to be brought up so soon in the conversation. "i'm serious about her. honestly, probably more than i've been about anything or anyone in my entire life, dude. i love her."
"you love her?" jaemin asks, his voice betraying a hint of disbelief. he's known jeno for years and has never once heard him say he loved a girl.
"yes. i love her."
jaemin shakes his head. "never did i think i would ever hear you say you loved a girl."
"yeah, neither did i. but she's different. she's… everything."
"you sound like a love-sick puppy, dude." jaemin teases.
jeno rolls his eyes. "shut up, it's called being in love but you wouldn't know."
"pfft, whatever." jaemin mutters, his tone still mocking. "if you love her, why haven't you asked her out yet?"
jeno's expression falters. "i just haven't found the right time yet."
"the right time? jeno, come on. you guys have been seeing each other off and on for five years now."
"i know, i know. but things have been so complicated lately. with her transferring schools, starting a job, and everything with the baby… i don't want to add more pressure."
"you think asking her to be your girlfriend would be adding more pressure? dude, she's carrying your child. she deserves some kind of stability."
jeno fidgets nervously with his fingers. "i know she does. but i can't shake the feeling that if i ask her to be my girlfriend now, it'll seem like i'm only doing it because she's pregnant."
"do you honestly think she would see it like that?"
"i don't know. we talked before we found out she was pregnant, and we both confessed our feelings for each other but like a dumbass i fucked it up."
"how'd you fuck it up?"
"i freaked out and ghosted her for a month. i never loved a girl before, and i was in shock."
jaemin snorts. "you're such an idiot. plan a little date night, ask her out and if it makes you feel better reassure her that you are asking her out because you genuinely love her and not because you got her pregnant."
"you're right. i need to stop making stupid excuses and just man up and ask her." jeno sighs, running a hand through his hair. "but what if she says no?"
"she's not going to say no, jeno. she loves you just as much as you love her, if not more. just go talk to her. and hey," he adds, a bit more serious, "whatever happens, i'm here for both of you."
jeno stands up and glances towards the entryway, expecting to see you eavesdropping but you quickly make your way into the kitchen before he can see you. "thanks man."
he walks into the kitchen a couple seconds later and you look over at him. "everything okay?"
"yeah, everything's fine," he reassures you. "do you want to go for a drive? get out of the house for a bit?"
you nod and follow him outside to his car.
the drive starts in comfortable silence, but after a few minutes you decide to break it. "where are we going?"
"just a little place i go to when i want to escape for a little bit. you'll like it," he says with a small smile.
after about twenty minutes, jeno parks in front of a lake. the two of you get out and he takes your hand, leading you to one of the benches.
"i used to come here a lot when i needed to think," jeno says, glancing over at you. "it always helped me clear my mind."
"it's beautiful," you reply, taking a seat on the bench.
"yeah, it is. i figured it would be a good place for us to talk." he sits down next to you. "i know things have been really complicated lately, with everything going on. but there's something that i need to tell you."
you nod and he takes a deep breath before speaking again.
"i love you. more than i've ever loved anyone in my life. and i know i've made mistakes, and that things aren't exactly ideal right now, but i want to be with you, officially. not because of the baby, but because you're everything to me."
"i want that too," you tell him, your voice steady despite the tears threatening to escape.
"so, will you be my girlfriend?" he asks, a small smile playing on his lips.
"yes, jeno. i will."
chapter six |  chapter eight 
@nosungluv @icesscoups @sunghoonsgfreal @camosh @vltevgrdn @minkyuncutie @neobowlingshoez @luvjoongz @llallisa653 @shqqna @dojaejunging @nanaleehyuck @zolpidream @ch3rrych3s @gusgus0517 @1800-love-me @itsblueberry @cherryxvalentine @luvlyjaemin
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agirlwithdemonblood · 3 months
Through The Shadows: Chapter 1 - Unexpected Backup
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Pairings: Dean Winchester x Reader
Series Summary: A hunter's Journey through despair and recovery is guided by Dean Winchester's unwavering love, leading her to reclaim her strength, voice and hope for their shared future.
Chapter Summary: Dean and Y/N never got along, but after a close call he starts to give her the benefit of the doubt.
Series Masterlist here!! & Main masterlist here!
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Dean Winchester slammed the trunk of the Impala shut, muttering under his breath. The hunt was turning out to be more complicated than he and Sam anticipated. The ghost was aggressive, elusive and there had been more injuries than clues. They needed backup. Unfortunately, the backup Sam had in mind wasn't exactly Dean's favourite.
"Dean we need her." Sam stated, his voice firm as he leaned against the car. "She's experienced with these kind of cases. Her research skills are unmatched and you know this."
Dean grimiced, looking off into the distance. "Sam you know she and I don't exactly see eye to eye, I don't get why you're so insistent on this."
"Maybe because she's the best at what she does?" Sam rasied an eyebrow, "And she's my friend. She can help us. And you might try not to be so.... Dean."
Dean stared back at Sam offended before his eyes rolled and he grumbled underneath his breath. "Fine. Call her. But don't expect me to play nice."
"I never do." Sam sighed as he pulled out his phone.
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Y/N arrived at the old warehouse, parking her car beside the Impala. Her heart pounded with anxiety, her fingers tapping a nervous rhythm on the steering wheel. She had known Sam for years; they were close, sharing countless laughs and late-night research sessions over the phone.
But Dean... Dean was different. His sharp eyes and gruff demeanor always made her feel on edge. She often caught him glaring, and his short responses only heightened her anxiety. She couldn't help but constantly feel like a disappointment in his eyes.
Taking a deep breath, she stepped out and walked towards the brothers. Sam greeted her with a wide grin and a hug. "Thanks for coming Y/N. We really appreciate it."
"Of course." She said softly, her eyes darting to Dean. He gave her a curt nod, his expression unreadable.
"We've got a restless spirit." Dean explained, his tone short and blunt. "Likes to stab first, ask questions never. Thought you might have some insights on handling this."
Y/N nodded, trying to focus on the case rather than Dean's intimidating presence. "Let's start with the records. There might be something in the history of this place that we missed."
The three of them spent the next few hours combing through old documents and piecing together the ghost's backstory. Y/N found herself slipping into her comfort zone, sharing her findings with Sam, who encouraged her with his usual supportive demeanour. Dean however, remained distant, his eyes flickering to her occasionally, as if trying to read her.
As night fell, the team prepared for the confrontation. The ghost had appeared several times at the warehouse, and they planned to force it into the open. Tension hung in the air as they spread out, each armed with weapons and salt.
Suddenly, the ghost appeared, a menacing figure with a twisted blade. Dean charged forward, aiming to banish it, but the ghost was faster. It lunged towards him, knife shining in the moonlight.
"Dean, look out!" Y/N screamed, running towards him as fast as she could. She pushed him down to the ground just in time, but the ghost's blade sliced across her arm leaving a nasty gash.
Sam fired a round of salt at the ghost, repelling it temporarily. Dean quickly scrambled to his feet, his eyes wide with shock and concern. "Y/N, are you okay?"
"I'm fine." she panted as she clutched her bleeding arm. "Just get rid of that thing!"
With a new found determination, the brothers managed to corner the ghost and kill it for good. The air was filled with the smell of burning ectoplasm, and silence settled over the warehouse.
Dean turned to Y/N, his gaze softening as he was the blood seeping through her sleeve. "You saved me." He said quietly, his usual gruffness replaced by a rare vulnerability.
Y/N shrugged, wincing slightly. "Just doing my job, Dean. Somebody has to keep you guys out of trouble."
Sam grinned as he clapped Dean on the shoulder, "She's got a point!"
As they cleaned up and prepared to leave, Dean approached Y/N, his expression uncharacteristically serious. "Listen, you should stay with us at the bunker. At least until your healed."
Y/N hesitated, glancing between Dean and Sam. "I... I don't want to be a burden."
"You aren't." Sam assured her. "We'd we want you there, right Dean?"
Dean nodded, his gaze fixed on her. "Yeah, we'd like you to stay."
She took a deep breath, finally nodding in agreement. "Okay, but I have one rule, Dean."
"What's that?" He asked, his eyes narrowing slightly.
"Don't fall in love with me." She said half joking, half serious.
Dean rolled his eyes and scoffed, "You wish."
Sam laughed and even Y/N managed a small smile despite the pain. As they headed back to the cars, she couldn't shake the feeling that things were about to get a lot more complicated.
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! Chapter 2 coming soon stay tuned!
Like, comment, and reblog, feedback is my fuel 💕
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modernsuperhero · 5 months
Btw ages ago I came up with a Scarian au where Scar is of course the mayor of a lovely city. He's quite wealthy too - before his venture into politics he designed the very successful Scarland theme park, which rejuvenated the city's economy and boosted his own pockets too. He's very active in the community and generally beloved by the people.
He is also secretly HotGuy, the city's vigilante superhero, using his wealth from Scarland and his connections as mayor to try to untangle the mess of corruption and organized crime throughout the city! And also like, saving cats from atop trees and things if he happens to come across those too. The city however has recently become host to a deathly parasite, the lethally beautiful Mother Spore. Because she's an independent villain, HotGuy has no way to anticipate her attacks and just has to drop everything when she starts to try to take over another city block or something.
However, HotGuy is not the only person running around the city with a mask and a dream! There's one character who's known just as much for his menace as for his heroism: Poultry Man! Poultry Man may not be a villain, but far be it from him to veer away from pranks or minor shoplifting. HotGuy has chased him down after catching him egging buildings or nicking treats he didn't pay for, but he's also shown up to help HotGuy pull survivors out of the water when there was a terrible bridge collapse, or help break up fights that start to get too violent.
And then, of course, there's the final masked figure in HotGuy's career: his sidekick, CuteGuy! He simply appeared one day, kitted out in military grade weapons and body armor spray-painted pink and white, complete with frills and bows and bullets, asking how he can help. HotGuy is skilled at combat and firing his bow, but CuteGuy is on another level. For some reason, he follows HotGuy's every command to a T, never taking the lead despite obviously having extensive experience. Despite his compliance, he refuses to discuss his past or identity.
Somehow, though, none of these three characters are ever in the same place. If Mother Spore is ravaging a street, Poultry Man doesn't make a peep, and CuteGuy never comes to HotGuy's aid. Poultry Man always gets away with his pilfered knickknacks before CuteGuy arrives, and so on and so forth. And you see, Scar is no fool. He knows all three's secret identities - or rather, identity.
[More under cut]
It is none other than one of Scar's long-time friends and neighbor: Grian.
Grian has known Scar since his dreams for Scarland were nothing more than doodles in his teenage sketchbook. He adores knitting, baking, and taking his cats (however unwillingly) on walks outside. Scar moved into the mayoral home when he was elected, but he still owns his old house right next door to Grian's. Grian is a cheery architect who proudly boasts about being Scar's friend.
And Scar has no doubt in his mind he is also secretly terrorizing the innocent people around him, and that he has both attempted to kill, protect, and annoy Scar as HotGuy on countless occasions.
...Okay, he doesn't know WHY Grian is doing that, or... how, but it HAS to be him! He swears all of their voices are the same, and even with the different masks on they all look exactly like him! And, he's never seen any two of them in one place! Scar is sure Grian's innocent civilian facade is nothing more than that.
It also explains some things: Mother Spore's flirtatious remarks whenever they fight, Poultry Man's annoying cackling when he leads Scar on another chase across town, and CuteGuy's insistence on keeping him alive and following him like a shadow.
Grian and Scar used to be close. But as Scar's life got more complicated, he had less and less time to spend with his friends.
As baffling as it is, Scar is certain that while he was gone Grian became a supervillain of epic proportions, and he's probably only just begun toying with HotGuy and the rest of the city for his own amusement.
The truth is Scar is completely wrong!
Grian, Mother Spore, Poultry Man, and CuteGuy are, legitimately, four different people (or entities, looking at Mother Spore) who have never met.
Or, well, that depends on your definition of "met". :)
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jarofstyles · 1 year
Reaper 5
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Reaper is a dark story with dark and mature subject matter. 18+ NSFW
the wait is over, we think you’ll be please with this <3
Check out our Patreon for exclusive writing and early access!
wc: 9.9k
warnings: surprisingly soft?, smut hehe, knife play?, degradation x praise kink, they're obsessed with each other, begging and edging, possessive reaper
It would have been Deja Vu had the roles not been reversed.
A few hours later Y/N found herself awake to an empty bed and the sound of ceramic clanking. It could only mean one thing.
Lazily, she made her way out of bed, rubbing the sleep from her eyes to get to the kitchen where she knew she’d find Harry. It was endearing really, the sight of him trying to make some French toast from scratch. Granted, the kitchen looked like a war zone, but the plate of strawberries and cream filling was calling to her.
“Hello, chef.” She teased, dipping her finger into the cream to get a taste. “Do you need a hand? I don’t trust you with this, I can’t lie.” Bunny couldn’t help but laugh when he caught sight of the Spider-Man band-aid on his finger.
“Your faith in me is heartwarming, really.” He deadpanned, looking over to her with a faux glare. There was real stress on his face, though. He hadn’t thought French toast was going to be difficult, but the egg ratio and accidentally dumping half the container of cinnamon in and having to start over, cutting his finger on the strawberries? It was more complicated than he had anticipated.
“No. I want t’make you breakfast. You had a shit night and I don’t want you stressing any more than you’ve got to.” He felt a bit embarrassed to be caught in the chaotic act, but more so, he wanted to do this for her.
That itself was something that he was coming to terms with. He wanted to allow himself closer to her and show more of the softness he had reserved but he also… didn’t want to push it. She was going through some traumatic shit and throwing feelings and all that wouldn’t probably help. So he would do what he could like this without expressing the things he was thinking.
“Okay, in that case, let me direct you a bit, don’t be so stressed the difficult part is over.” She said, noticing he had already dipped the bread and placed it in the hot buttered pan.
“When did you wake up?” She asked sweetly, plopping herself on one of the high chairs by the counter. Watching him cook felt like a treat within itself. He had taken the day off to spend with her and treat her, she was going to soak up every second.
The only problem was the tension that was only growing thicker. Falling asleep in his arms felt different, it was a comfort she realized she hadn’t felt in a while. If ever.
“You cook like this for all your girls, Harry?” She wanted to tease but she had a feeling she knew the answer. It made her feel special knowing she was likely the only one to see him like this.
“I woke up about an hour ago and let you sleep. But I don’t let the girls here.” He said quietly, listening to the sizzle of the toast on the pan. He wasn’t sure why exactly he felt such a need to let her know quickly that he didn’t let women or men he hooked up with here, but he did.
She was special. She was, as cliche as it was to say, very different from the rest of them. She meant something. It wasn’t one night of rough and lust, it was someone he cherished as a human since day one.
That’s why she was allowed in his place. A vulnerability he didn’t share with many at all. Privacy was one of the most important things to him and he trusted Bunny not to do anything to disrupt that.
“I also don’t cook. Obviously.” He shot her a look, flipping the French toast to see it a bit burnt. “I keep doing this. It either takes forever and then I turn it up and it burns.”
“Don’t turn it up silly,” Bunny let out a giggle at his frustration. “Low and slow till it crisps and then set it to high for a bit. Wait till the egg sets first, otherwise, it will be mushy in the middle but burnt on the outside.”
Her little tip was meant to help, he seemed to understand her explanation and adjusted his cooking method accordingly.
“Have I been good then?” She wanted him to confirm her thoughts because she really had been on her best behavior since their last intimate moment in the kitchen. He promised if she was good he would give it to her. She felt like she deserved it after what she’d been through.
She didn’t want to push him though, especially when he was being so sweet.
“Of course.” He said it as if it was obvious, his fingers scratching his stubble as he turned to her with a serious look on his face. “You’ve listened. It isn’t in your nature to but I know that about you. You’re a little rebel but you’ve been listening and keeping yourself safe. S’all I can ask of you.”
Harry was extremely impressed with her behavior considering it was definitely her nature to act out for attention and do the opposite she was told to do.
Her face lit up at his praise, finding herself wanting more of it. Especially in his raspy voice that hasn’t been used much yet, his low-accented words making her hungry for more than just breakfast.
“You’re the only girl I’d let in here. You aren’t one to tell secrets.”
Considering the number of weapons he had and the incriminating phone calls, he had a lot of sensitive shit around that no one else could be trusted with.
“Has it been a while?” Y/N felt like she needed to ask. Sure he didn’t bring girls around, but he definitely had had some hookups recently. Just how recent was what she wanted to know.
It wasn’t so much jealousy as much as it was curiosity. Harry was a man with drive and sex was likely a big part of his life, she didn’t want to get in the way of him and his outlet. If anything she wanted to be the outlet.
It had been a while since she had a proper hook-up, one where she was left satisfied. Her not so secret ex-boyfriend had moved to another state around the same time Sterling went nomad.
“Know I’ve been giving you a hard time with it, think maybe I should fix that…”
Harry paused his movements, turning from the stovetop to look at her with a raised brow. She didn’t correct herself. If anything, she met his eyes with ease.
So it had been on purpose. The touching and skirts and the things she probably saw his eyes lingering on. He should have known, but he also was trying to just simply pass it off as a wishful thought. It was easier to deny his wants that way.
“And what do you mean by that?” He asked, crossing his arms spatula in hand.
Her eyes went to his arms and felt herself heat. When he had that stance, that defiant brow, it did something to her. He was in charge, asking questions, and quite frankly? She fucking loved it.
“You didn’t answer my question.” She countered, looking back at him with her brow raised. Allowing herself to crack a small cheeky smile, she noticed his shoulders soften slightly.
Bunny didn’t want to be too upfront with her intentions, but she figured the more they talked about it the quicker they could come to an agreement. If she was going to stay here any longer she would need some type of sexual release.
He had told her she couldn’t touch herself and frankly that was the hardest part. Y/N was perverted, she liked the things that were a bit filthy and taboo, maybe that’s why she attracted the freak in the first place? Regardless, she wanted to make sure he knew she wanted him to make a move.
“I mean….” He looked her over, trying to gauge just how serious she was. It seemed that she was, his shirt hanging from her shoulder, her body leaned against the counter as she watched his every move.
“Been since before you’ve got here. Probably 2 months since then so… a bit.” He could be a downright whore, sure, but lately, it had been too busy and too unappealing. The one night stands were alright but he found himself using the gym to get frustrations out more than anything.
“Why are you asking?” He turned momentarily to flip the next piece on and also take a breath. She was probably one of the only ones who was able to unnerve him. “Haven’t been fucking around while you’re here if that’s what you’re worried about. M’an asshole, but not that big of one.”
“No, I’m not worried about that. I would know if you’re doing that, you’re good at hiding a lot of things but that’s not one of them.” She said with a soft smile, watching the way his back tensed with his movements.
It would be easy to tell if he was getting satisfied elsewhere, for starters he wouldn’t be looking at her like he wanted to eat her and he wouldn’t be so wound up. At least that’s what she gathered from their encounter.
“I’m asking because you promised if I was good you’d help me.” Bunny wished she would have waited for him to turn around before saying it, but it was easier to get it out when his back was to her. “Unless you changed your mind of course…”
Harry did promise that.
He’d simply assumed that perhaps with all of the stuff going on… continuing the cat and mouse game they’d done for a bit wasn’t the most appropriate thing. But he also wasn’t one to try and dampen someone’s fun.
“That something you want?” He questioned, serious tone catching her off guard. She had expected him to just go along and tease her back but… he seemed caught up.
“M’not saying no. I know I’d like to, and I’m sure as fuck not someone to leave a lady unsatisfied but you’re going through some heavy shit, love.” He was coming from a place of concern. “Is this something that will make it better or worse? M’not exactly gentle.”
She shifted in her seat, feeling a bit exposed now that he was properly asking her if she wanted it. It was easier to play it off when teasing, but now she was confronted she sensed herself getting shy.
“I just want to take my mind off of all of it…” She let out a sigh, looking down at her hands. Sex had always been an outlet she was fond of, though it seemed her partners never realized just how important it was. A good connection and some touch could do wonders for her.
“Said I couldn’t touch on my own so I haven’t, it’s just proving to be difficult so I wanted to ask if you changed your mind.” It had been over a week even though he told her one would be enough. His hesitation made her think he was rethinking it all. She wanted to give him a way out.
“I won’t be offended… I just don’t normally go this long without it, especially when I’m going through something— I could really use it is all.”
Harry didn’t want to make her feel held back. Nor did he want to miss out. He could see her retreating a bit into herself and he didn’t like it at all, turning off the stove as he crossed the kitchen and looked down at her from across the counter, quietly making up his mind.
She wanted it, sure, but he didn’t want her to regret it. On the other hand… he wanted her, too. She was saying she needed it and he wasn’t a man who could say no to her in these types of things. What Bunny wants, Bunny gets. She just didn’t know it yet.
“What if I let you touch yourself?” He murmured, the tension in the room building. “You’d have to do it in front of me. And then… maybe I’ll do something for you. If you can manage to be good for me while you do so.”
Her eyes were pinned to his the moment he finished his sentence, her attention fully on him. Sure, it wasn’t exactly what she wanted but it sounded even more exciting than what she had in mind.
“I can do that.” She agreed, feeling the excitement bubble up in her stomach. How soon would this be? Could even do it after breakfast… during? No, she was getting ahead of herself. Whenever he let her.
All she had to do was listen for a little bit longer. It couldn’t hurt.
Harry seemed comfortable with this idea, maybe it would be convincing for him to see just how good she could feel. How he made her feel.
Harry was a fan of edging, some might say. A big one. He nodded, the excitement and anticipation filling up his body as he turned to plate their food.
The tension was palpable in the room now. She could feel it, he could feel it, and Harry wasn’t shy about letting his gaze stick on her as he ate. She was a bit shyer, looking down with heated cheeks as she tried to eat the food.
It wasn’t bad- a bit overdone, maybe- but she was hungry for something much different. His eyes on her had her skin feeling prickles of excitement, her toes curling into her socks as she remembered his voice when he had let her go down on him.
The idea of his gravely, dark voice commanding her to pleasure herself was something she had been very hopeful for, and now it was going to come true. He had essentially edged her for days and days now, and she was so wet just at the thought that her panties were becoming a bit uncomfortable.
“Finish that.” He snapped her out of her lusty trance, the smirk on his face letting her know that he knew exactly where her mind was at.
She quickly finished the last few bites of her French toast, setting her fork and knife on the plate before lifting her arms over her head for a long stretch.
Her shirt was lifting a bit, exposing her lace underwear and a bit of her tummy. She thought he would appreciate the preview of what he’d be seeing in a bit. The thought had her feeling even slicker, his gaze was so intense she could feel it piercing through her.
“It was delicious, thank you so much.” She cooed, hopping off of the stool to place both of their plates in the sink. But not before giving Harry a kiss on the cheek.
Harry knew she was testing the waters, swaying her hips a little bit as she walked. It wasn’t her normal movement and he was well aware of how she was trying to entice him.
Little did she fucking know, he was already enticed. Wanting. There was no need. He would give her what she wanted, with time.
“Now we can do what you want.” He stood up and crackled his knuckles, looking at her wide eyed stance. His body was thrumming with need and he wanted to see her, for real. See her melt for him. Even without his touch, at first.
His finger lightly tipped her chin up, pressing a chaste kiss to her still slightly sticky lips before pulling back. “Go into the bedroom and set up how you usually would. Don’t touch without me there.”
Bunny tugged her bottom lip between her teeth as if to savor the feeling of his plush lips against her own. She was so excited, resisting the urge to actually jump up at the thought. It’s been a while since she could properly connect to her femininity.
She opened the door and quickly went to the bathroom to freshen up before he arrived. Nothing much, just a quick look over and pep talk before making her way to the bed.
She’d kept the lights low, natural daylight defused by the curtain harry had hanging. Table lamps on adding a warm glow to the room overall. She also kept the tshirt on, thinking that it would come in handy in the process.
The smell of him on it was enough to keep her senses stimulated, to truly show him how much she needed him.
Harry had stalled, cleaning up the dishes and trying to gather his wits as he knew she was going to be in bed waiting for him. This time, however, it was a very different type of wait.
He cleared his throat, walking down to the room to see her sprawled out in the middle of the bed, hair haloed around the pillows, and the shirt was drawn up slightly to expose the panties she wore.
He took a deep breath, letting his eyes openly scan her in and admire every single detail that he could. The beautiful girl, she was in here for him. Him alone. He was going to make her love every moment, but he was going to draw it out of her.
“Didn’t touch, did you?” He smiled when she shook her head, feet approaching the end of the bed. “Good fuckin’ girl. That’s what you are, hm?” Leaning down in a flash, he took both ankles and yanked her closer to him.
Bunny yelped in surprise but it melted into a giggle. That was one way to get her heart pumping. He looked incredible, standing there with his powerful body. Hands that had the power to take lives caressed her skin lightly before letting them fall back to the bed.
She wanted to kiss him, she wanted to kiss him badly. It was all she had been thinking about for hours, days even. It had been the only thing keeping her mind off of everything else. His touch? She didn’t want him to stop.
Bunny wanted to be a good girl, figured the best way to approach was to ask nicely. No bratty energy today.
“Can I please have a kiss?” She asked so innocently, it was sincere. She just wanted to be close to him again. Y/N knew he was about to tease her for all she was worth, but a little kiss couldn’t hurt. As much as he was willing to give.
“Would really like one before we start, if that’s okay…”
He softened slightly, visibly smiling as he looked down at her. “Sweet little baby wants a kiss?” He murmured, looking down at her soft gaze, hope in her eyes that he couldn’t crush. 
“Only because you asked so nicely.” He lent a knee on the bed, slowly hovering over her with his hand resting above her head. Her eager mouth met his, hand curling into the hair at the nape of his neck to try and coax a little longer of a kiss from him. He hummed against her mouth, swiping his tongue against hers for a mere moment before pulling back. 
She whined in her throat at the loss of him as he stood back up, but didn’t attempt to follow him. She wanted to be good for him, to get his dirty praises and promises of more. If she did what he asked, maybe he would finish her off. The idea alone almost made her salivate. 
“There we go.” He curled his hand over her knee, urging her legs open. “You were saying… you’ve been feeling needy lately? That’s how I heard it, anyways.” He feigned a casual tone. “Been driving you crazy you couldn’t just slip your fingers into your panties and touch yourself the way you’ve been wanting. But you were good, and I think you can now.” His tone made her shiver, feeling a pleasurable heat from his eyes. 
“Why don’t you show me?”
She couldn’t help but feel a little nervous in that moment. Sure, she wanted this and was looking forward to it, it was still Harry and he made her feel like no one else could. She couldn’t be more excited to bring her hand down over her panties, slowly starting to tease herself to get prepared.
“Is this how you’d do it?” Y/N asked after a beat, letting him take in her actions before breaking the silence. “Always thought you’d enjoy teasing me…” She could feel the heat spreading through her panties, pressing down just over her clit to feel a jolt of pleasure.
Taking her other hand, she moved it up her stomach, slowly exposing the skin beneath the tshirt. She wasn’t wearing a bra, but she thought she’d tease him as well by keeping it bunched up exposing just a little glimpse of what she was positive he wanted to see.
His eyes were glued to her, watching her hands every move.
For a bit now, he had been trying his absolute best to keep his eyes to himself and while he had indulged in cuddles and kisses, he hadn’t let himself get too sexual about her since she had pushed him over the edge s bit ago- and now he was finally releasing that part of him. A part that wanted to ruin her.
“Mm. I would.” He whispered. “I do love a tease… edging.” Her fingers pressed over her clit again, making her exhale shakily. The shirt was ridden up and exposing her bottom half now, the lace hiding her just enough to keep his curiosity.
“They’re soaked.” The light-colored lace was a darker shade from how she had soaked through them, a stroke to the ego and to his cock. “You’ve really been worked up, sweet girl? That much?” He tilted his head, clicking his tongue. “Shame. But you were good and didn’t cheat. I’m proud of you. I know it’s probably hard for a little slut like you to keep your hands off.”
Testing the limits. Remembering what she liked last time, he knew that would be good with her.
It was so backhanded like he was mocking her in the most lustful voice he could. She loved it.
She was eating it up, the way she mewled at his praise. All Y/N could do was nod, letting her hand squeeze at her breast to release some more tension. It had been a while since she’s had the time to herself just to touch herself and love on her own body.
It was something she hadn’t realized she missed until it was gone. Her body was so responsive to every touch, her breath becoming shaky at the painfully slow pace she had set for herself.
“I wanted to… so bad, I was waiting for you to do something.” Bunny slipped one of her fingers underneath, gasping at how soaked she really was. It surprised her, he wasn’t kidding. “You make me so wet… all the time.”
Harry nodded, pinching his bottom lip between his fingers as he watched intently at the hand underneath her panties. That was cruel, but he had been cruel in making her wait. “I wanted to be a gentleman for once. To take your situation into account but… I don’t think you quite like gentlemen, do you Bunny?” He shook his head at the thought.
“No, you were waiting for me to get you on your knees on this bed and take you from behind. Dropped to your knees in my kitchen so easily, begged for my cock in your mouth... I can’t say I’m surprised, honestly.” He reached into the pocket of his sweats,  pulling out a pocket knife he had armed himself with since waking up. Paranoid? Maybe. But now it had a use.
“Kept you waiting and now you can’t take it anymore. Had to ask me. Maybe it’s a little cruel, but I loved it. Loved seeing you a little embarrassed but so wet that you can’t take it anymore. You did good, didn’t touch just like I told you.” He twirled the knife in his fingers, the dark smile making her shiver as she pressed her fingers against herself a bit harder.
“Now I think it’s time for you to show me exactly what you wanted to do this whole time.” He lent down, grabbing the waistband of the panties and sliced through it. “Hiding that cunt from me isn’t going to get us anywhere. I want to see it.”
It was so hot.
Everything about it screamed dangerous and possession, but she didn’t care. The girl was on cloud 9, maybe even higher when she saw the look in his eyes. He’d been waiting to see her too, it made her cunt clench. Looking to be filled.
Her fingers glided through her folds with ease, circling her clit to get it nice and wet. She was sensitive, figuring out the speed at which she wanted to go. Nice and slow to let him take in every part or move a bit quicker and show him how ready she was. Needy.
“Wanna be good for you.” She admitted, “you make it fun.” And she wasn’t lying either. Y/N loved how he built tension, how every move was perfectly calculated to make her want to scream.
“I think you like being a little mean, hmm?”
“I’m not a nice man, pretty girl.” He retorted, but his pleased eyes were taking in her movements.
Finally, bare for him to see, he observed her fully as he watched her wet digits play with herself. She was beautiful in every single place, it seemed, and he was pleased with how tempting she was between her legs. A huge temptation, really, with his hands itching to touch and his mouth wanting to taste.
He would, too. But he wanted to wait.
“I can be nice to you, sure. You’re my sweet little Bunny. But you like when I’m mean. Like when I call you names. Bet you like me mean to you in here too.” He licked his bottom lip, rubbing at his chin. “Spank your ass sore. Make you wait to cum. Or even more, make you cum over and over until you’re over sensitive and begging me to stop. Treat you like my beautiful little fuck doll. Never had one of those before. Always just have a one and done. Maybe it’d be nice to properly own a pussy this time around.”
Obviously, he liked her for more than that, but he could see her change in demeanor- how she had made a mess on her fingers and rubbed a bit harder at his words. “Does my pretty baby like that idea? Want t’be my little fuckdoll?” His fingers brushed her knee again, teasing her with his touch.
“Yes please!” It was all she could have wanted really. Sure it’s not everyone's idea of romance, but she loved the idea of being his to use as he pleased. Of course that only worked because she fully trusted him with her life. He was probably the one person she trusted the most at the moment.
“I’ll be so good, I promise!” She had momentum going now, her fingers making tight circles around her clit. The pressure was just right and his words were making it so easy to just let go.
Harry could feel his hands twitch, her eagerness making it that much harder to keep himself under control. He was enjoying his view far too much, watching her unravel and crave him.
“I’m sure you will be darling, but your cunt needs some proper stretching before you take me. Can you show me how much you can take?” Would she be ready for his fingers?
She nodded, feeling herself clench around nothing at the idea of taking his cock. Of course, she had been thinking about it for ages but to see him in front of her, taunting him about it? She was feeling it in her bones.
She slowly slid a finger inside of her, the noise of pleasured relief exhaled from her mouth. She was tight and hot and so wet she couldn’t remember a time she had been this slippery.
Harry could see it from where he stood, her finger glistening as she pulled it back out and slid it back in. His cock was solid, throbbing in his pants as he waited and watched.
Was he torturing himself by not just going for it? Maybe. But the gratification he felt now was unmatched. “There we go. Got one in there. Why don’t you give yourself another, baby?” He murmured, rubbing himself through his pants. “My cock’s much bigger than your little fingers. You’re gonna need to take a few.”
With a gasp she managed to fit another finger in, giving herself a few more slow pumps to make sure she wasn’t going to hurt herself. The stretch felt amazing, but it would feel even better if it was his cock.
Her eyes had closed being so caught up in the moment that she moaned at the sight of him palming himself. Images of his velvety hard cock came to her mind, that night that had been replaying on a loop in her mind.
“Harry…” She let out a whine, not saying anything else because she didn’t dare to complain. It’s just that she wanted more. More touching, more kissing, more of him. It felt so good, fucking herself with her fingers thinking about the man standing above her.
“I really want to cum. Really, really.” She felt like she was going to burst, but what she was doing wasn’t enough. It felt like she was teasing herself, her body wasn’t satisfied unless it was him.
“Aw, you do?” He smiled. “Y’want to cum all over those pretty little fingers? Bet it feels so good, doesn’t it?” He taunted, leaning over her slightly as she fucked herself. The sound was audible, her fingers making a squelching sound as they moved in and out of her.
“Stop.” He commanded. Y/N’s face was stricken, a whine leaving her lips but she did as he asked, slowing her fingers down. The loss of orgasm was visible on her face and she almost looked like she wanted to cry- but he would make it worth her while.
“There we go. Listening to me so well. Those orgasms are mine.” He smiled darkly, kneeling one leg on the bed and spreading her legs back after she attempted to close them around her hand. A possess trill went through his spine. This was his.
“I’ve been debating here if I should lick you until you’re shaking, or if I should finally give you my cock. I’m torn.” He feigned a confused look on his face. “Pretty baby like you might not be able to take my cock. Could only take two of your fingers…” He shook his head, looking at where they were still buried. “But I have a feeling that you’re going to want my cum. You’re on something, hm?” He pulled her hand from her, exposing her cunt to the open air. “As much as M’sure breeding you would be fun… don’t think that’s something either of us need at the moment.”
“Yes!” She breathed, silently thanking herself for sticking to her routine just so she could have moments like this. Was it risky still? Yeah, but worst came to worst they’d figure it out. They were up against much worse already.
Y/N was so eager she felt a bit embarrassed, but could you blame her? She’s had a crush on him for years and finally, she was getting a taste of what she had wanted.
If she had to choose between his cock and his mouth, it was a difficult choice. Both were incredibly good in their own ways, but she just wanted him to pick. She was so desperate for him, she was positive it wouldn’t even last that long.
“I wanna feel you, please take this off.” She pleaded, tugging at the tshirt slouching on his shoulder.
Harry wasn’t in the position to say no to a request like that. Not when she had just agreed to let him inside of her if he wanted. His mouth was begging for it, wanting to taste her sweetness, but he knew he had been holding back a long damn time from letting himself have her.
She deserved a proper reward, and he wasn’t going to last long enough to get his mouth on her and hear her sweet little moans and whimpers.
Her hands immediately found his bare skin, warming his body up with her touch. She was incredibly needy and that was partially his fault, but it didn’t mean he didn’t love the hell out of her desperation.
“You like what you feel, pretty? What you’ve been wanting to touch?”
Overwhelmed by the feeling she nodded, a simple hum of mhm leaving her lips. He was incredibly toned, tattoos contrasting against his skin, some scars as well.
She couldn’t keep her hands off, running them over his sides and his front before finally settling on his back. Her nails gently dug into the skin, trying not to pull him towards her too much. She wanted to seem patient even though she was far from it.
“You look so good…” He really did. His hair fell in front of his face, muscles tensed to show off their shape. It was so effortless for him, she swore he was sculpted by the gods.
“I’m so lucky.”
The genuine awe on her face made him soften in his face a little bit. The sweetness she had never faded, regardless of the filthy and brattiness. It made him internally purr.
Harry couldn’t help himself from leaning down and pressing a searing kiss to her lips, a token of his appreciation for her sweet words. He was luckier than she was, but he didn’t want to ruin the moment.
She was thinking she was lucky to be able to touch him but didn’t have a damn clue about how many words and thoughts filtered through his head every time he looked at her. “Such a good Fuckin’ girl. Being so sweet for me. Got any other pretty words for me?”
“So many…” A hand reached from behind him to tuck his hair behind his ear, settling on his cheek with fingers just against his jaw.
“Can’t give them all away at once, can I?” She smiled at him cheekily, stealing a quick kiss from his lips. Y/N stared at him expectantly, waiting for him to react.
“You’re very handsome, I really want you.” She breathed, eyes staring into his in a state of bliss. They hadn’t done much but her heart was filled with content. Just being with him in this moment, she wasn’t thinking about anything but him.
Harry didn’t let any of his other partners touch him this type of way, so it caught him off guard with how much he enjoyed it. The girl had a chokehold on him without even trying, a leg up in a way that he hasn’t been anticipating.
“Yeah? Y’think so?” He hummed, watching her eager nod. “Thank you, sweet thing. Don’t know how you can be so sweet yet so filthy at the same time.”
He removed himself from hovering over her, running his hands over her bare stomach and letting his fingertips drag over the skin. “Pretty girl. Such smooth skin. I’d say it’s a shame that I’m going to cover it in marks and mess it all up, but I don’t feel bad at all.” He didn’t feel a sliver of regret. Removing his hands, he popped his button open on his own pants.
“Keep playing with yourself for me. Rub that little clit but don’t let yourself cum. Can a dumb little puppy like you do that?” He crooned, his other hand stroking her bent knee. “Or is it too hard?”
Y/N let her fingers continue to rub over her clit at a slow pace, trying her best to keep her ever growing pleasure at bay. She let her knee relax into his hold, humming out in approval. The roughness of his skin made his touch even more electric, aching to feel his fingertips across the plain of her thigh.
“Use your words, pretty girl.” Harry squeezed her skin just lightly, “let me hear it.”
The breathiness of her tone, the desire in her cadences, Harry wanted to hear all of it. He wasn’t sure when he was going to be able to experience her like this again, so he wanted to take his time.
“Yes I can, sir.” She didn’t hesitate this time, “I can do it.” She didn’t dare beg for it but her whimpers said everything she couldn’t voice out loud. He was taking his good old time getting undressed, enjoying the view of her squirming beneath him.
The heat that was between her legs was begging to be released. The way he looked at her with the obvious hunger behind his eyes, that it was all because of her sent a chill up her spine.
If anyone else talked to her in that condescending tone, she would bristle. But with Harry? It lit her up. Soaked her. Her cunt was weeping, begging for his attention. Being degraded by him did something to her that she hadn’t realized would get her this worked up.
He could see her eyes on his hands as he stood off the bed, letting his jeans fall down to the floor. His palm covered his cock, squeezing to relieve himself a little. “You look so beautiful laid out like that. Was a bit mean to you, making you lay every night without relieving yourself… but I think that you’ll be thanking me later. I’m going to make sure you forget I even made you wait.”
“What are you going to do to me, sir?” She asked, her lashes fluttering against her cheeks. It was so easy to seduce him, so effortless, he brought the temptress right out of her.
Her fingers sped up their movements over her clit, daring to dip a finger inside just like she would. Her focus was on his eyes, watching as his darted around her body taking her in. Bunny had never felt so exposed, but she could see his desire. His eyes were drunk on her.
“Want to know what you like…” So she could tease him with it later of course. Testing his self-control always seemed to get him, he loved testing his limits. “Let me into your mind a little.”
“What are you going to do to me, sir?” She asked, her lashes fluttering against her cheeks. It was so easy to seduce him, so effortless, he brought the temptress right out of her.
Her fingers sped up their movements over her clit, daring to dip a finger inside just like she would. Her focus was on his eyes, watching as his darted around her body taking her in. Bunny had never felt so exposed, but she could see his desire. His eyes were drunk on her.
“Want to know what you like…” So she could tease him with it later of course. Testing his self-control always seemed to get him, he loved testing his limits. “Let me into your mind a little.”
“What are you going to do to me, sir?” She asked, her lashes fluttering against her cheeks. It was so easy to seduce him, so effortless, he brought the temptress right out of her.
Her fingers sped up their movements over her clit, daring to dip a finger inside just like she would. Her focus was on his eyes, watching as his darted around her body taking her in. Bunny had never felt so exposed, but she could see his desire. His eyes were drunk on her.
“Want to know what you like…” So she could tease him with it later of course. Testing his self control always seemed to get him, he loved testing his limits. “Let me into your mind a little.”
The little smirk on his face would be annoying from anyone else, but from Harry? His cockiness, the smug look had her dripping. How did he manage to do that? Her fingers curled inside of her, a little furrow forming between her brows as she bucked her hips slightly into her hand. “Please?”
Harry loved hearing her beg. That much was evident as he stepped between her legs, stroking himself slowly. The pace of his hand was almost a tease, letting his tip brush her a little bit. Her body shuddered, her other hand clenching the blankets hard as she lifted her hips to try and chase the feeling.
“You really are gagging for it.” He murmured, free fingers wrapping around her wrist and pulling her hand from her cunt. Leaning down, he led the wet digits to his lip. They wrapped around them, a pleased hum leaving his lips in a vibration against her. His tongue flicked between the fingers, licking up every single bit of wetness he could. The sweetness of her cunt was unmatched.
“Tell me you want my cock, and I’ll give it to you. Say… you want me to fuck you.”
A whimper fell from her lips, body squirming beneath him at the delay. She wanted him to touch her, licking her fingers wasn’t enough. Bunny could still feel the weight of his tip on her throbbing clit, catching his eyes so she knew how much she meant it when she asked.
“Please sir, I want your cock so bad, please fuck me! Please!” It was as if she was begging him to show her some mercy. She just wanted him all over. The second he gave in, she knew she’d feel relief. Sex for Bunny had always brought this side out of her, willing to do anything to get to her high. It wasn’t that hard to submit when Harry was the one demanding obedience.
“Please…” She whimpered again, her legs twitching to squeeze shut but were stopped by his thighs. “Been waiting so long, just wanna feel you… don’t wanna think.”
That had seemed to be what broke him. He had finally gotten what he wanted, finally was able to give her what she needed. Spreading her back on the bed, he knelt back on the soft mattress and lifted her knees to spread her out properly. Her wet fingers were dropped but quickly caught his wrist, desperate for contact with him.
A wolfish grin lit up his face making him look a little bit evil, and for some reason, it turned her on more than it should. Harry was a dangerous man, he was ruthless and he killed people- hell, his nickname was Reaper for fucks sake. And yet, here he was. He was going to belong to her, come hell and back.
The dragging of his cock over her slit made her whine, impatient as ever to get him in but her impatience was shortly cut when he began to press into her.
“It’s okay my Bunny,” Harry cooed, easing himself inside her. It was clear from the start it’d be a tight fit, but he was surprised at how easily he’d slipped in. “Like a glove.” He purred, voicing his thoughts out loud.
Bunny’s moans were a mix of pleasure and pain, her turning eyes darker than ever. She’d never felt someone so deep. The slight burn from the stretch was immediate, but the feeling of being full of him was enough to have her back arching.
Harry stilled once he had her fully wrapped around his length. He could feel her throbbing, her slick against his balls, he swore he could stay inside of her forever. With a low growl, the grip on her wrists tightened, head falling to mouth over her breast.
“Mine…” He mumbled against her skin, barely audible. “Fuck-“ Harry felt feral with her. Everything about it called to his core, all he could do was think about pleasing her. His mouth left a sheen over her skin, trails of his spit marking all the parts he owned.
“Harry, please!” Bunny felt like she would lose it, the tension had bubbled over. She couldn’t wait any longer, he needed to move.
His dark eyes rose up and looked at her with a green she hadn’t seen before. A part of him she had never been exposed to. And to be honest- a part of him he hadn’t experienced.
Pure need and possession, feeling like he was where he belonged. Snug inside of her, marking her with his mouth, keeping her where he wanted her. She was everything he had wanted and more.
“Love that beg.” He smirked against her skin, kissing up her sternum and to her neck as he slowly pulled out a few inches before sliding back in.
As much as he wanted to simply pound into her, the savoring of her body felt even more fulfilling. Her shuddery breaths, flexing hands as he felt her squirm underneath him, he was feeling the full effect.
He repeated the action, pushing as deep in as he could until his balls rested snug against her ass, his mouth hovering over hers. “This is where you belong. Wrapped around me, under me, with my cock as deep as it can get.”
It was true, she thought. It had never felt like this before. Sure she’s had great sex, but sex never felt so… raw. She was no longer afraid of seeming too eager, he had fully unraveled her.
“Ah! More!” She breathed, “More, please! More.” It was like he couldn’t get close enough. Her legs found their way around his waist, using her heel to push him further into her. “My hands— let me touch you.”
It was a simple request that Harry couldn’t deny. He had forgotten he was holding her wrists together, far too focused on the feeling of her velvety cunt. His lips nipped a bit of her skin as his hand pulled away, placing both of his hands beside her head.
“So greedy, why don’t you let me play?” Harry was only teasing, he himself was barely holding it together and that was new. He was always able to control himself, but once again it seemed he couldn’t when it came to her. His hips immediately pulled back, setting a pace he felt would satisfy her.
Steady. Deep. Constant.
She was a wreck. Truly, utterly lost in how good it was feeling, his thrusts timed just right to give it to her again just when she was about to ask him for more.
“F-fuck.” She whimpered, trailing her nails down his back. It was evidently something he liked, a groan leaving his throat as she marked him, the skin turning red underneath her nails. “S’good, so good. You’re so big.” She rambled, clutching herself to him.
“Yeah? That’s what I like to hear. Knew you’d take me perfectly. Had my doubts at first… tiny little cunt but… as soon as I got in I knew. It was made f’me.”
It felt so good being stretched, being under him. His eyes ate her up, watching every movement of her face as he adjusted just a bit to try and find the right place. The right spot that would have her shaking.
“How long have y’wanted this, pretty girl? Hm? How long have you been dreaming about my cock?”
She couldn’t lie in this state. He knew that.
Bunny had only been waiting for the right moment, it seemed that moment is now.
“Since I was 17.” She moaned at the tension, he could feel himself pause for a second as proceeded with the words she was saying. “4 years, you were— ah!” Harry couldn’t help himself. He sped up, the carnal need inside him had won.
“I wanted you to sneak into my room…” It reminded her of the many times she walked past him in tiny shorts to catch his attention. Getting a glass of water before bed, a signature move. “So you could fuck me just like this.”
The fantasies with him were never-ending, she swore she’d imagined him in every state possible. Nothing compared to this.
No one could really blame her. The teenage crush grew into a full blown infatuation with the man as she got older. As cliche as it sounded, his gruffness to everyone but her, how gentle he usually was, how he was genuinely kind to her while he openly told other people to fuck off? It made her feel special. Appreciated.
Of course, she had a thing for him. Just a bit older, tattoos, a protective streak a mile long just for her. She wanted to thank him- just like this.
“Fuck. Don’t say that.” He said hoarsely, gripping the sheets hard as he drove in harder, looking down at her glossy eyes. “Don’t fucking… say that.”
Her 19th birthday when she had crawled in his lap, claiming to want warmth. All the hugs she didn’t want to let go of. How irritated she was with girls who tried to flirt with him. It made sense- but it also made him crazy.
“You’re fucking filthy. You’ve always been… a little slut.” He moved to grip her throat. “You even hear yourself? You wanted me to fuck you? Take your cherry right next to your brother's room? You filthy little whore.” But he loved it. God, it only made it seem even more right.
The both of them fucked in the head when it came to kink, wanting shit they shouldn’t. He wouldn’t have touched her until he was able to, but knowing she was in her room… “sitting in that bed with those pink walls, playing with this cunt? S’that what you did? Waiting for me to come in and be the first one to take it?”
He wished he had been the one to take it. A possessive snarl left his chest. “Doesn’t matter. This cunt is still mine.”
She couldn’t help but smile, happy to be laying there with his hand around her throat. He wasn’t applying pressure, just holding her there so she could look at him.
“Yours. It’s yours.” She breathed, “Wanted it so bad, you weren’t even trying to hide yourself from me.” Bunny prayed for the summer days when he and Sterling would work on their bikes in the garage, shirtless of course. How he’d take his time drinking his water, letting it drip down his chest a bit. The way he’d smile at her when he licked his lips clean.
He seemed to quicken his pace at her words, her body moving with the power of his thrusts. How could he have gone this long without giving in? Everything he had been wanting was always right within his reach.
“Please don’t stop! Please!” He had found the spot he’d been searching for, watching her eyes roll back in pure bliss as her begging continued. “Feels so good, please never stop! Fuck!”
“Never going to stop. You’re in so much trouble.”
He was fucked. This has started just to keep her safe, the faux dating, all of it. And it was unraveling at the seams. He wasn’t a fool- he knew that this was going to change it. There was no way in the world that he would be able to go without this again.
It felt so perfect that it would be a crime to deny either of them the pleasure their sex brought. It wasn’t just sex. That was something he would dissect later though.
He felt her tremble underneath him, her breathing heavy as she clawed at the wrist holding her throat. She wanted his stability, her body jolting as shocks of pleasure went up her spine.
“Tell me you won’t take anyone else. Tell me you only want my cock.” He growled. “I’m the only one who can give it to you this good.”
“You. Only you.” She meant it as well. Bunny couldn’t remember a time when he wasn’t in the picture. She’d grown so much in the time since she met him, so much had changed, but he hadn’t. He kept her safe.
Her senses were heightened, her body feeling sensitive to every touch of their skin. It was searing hot, the way he was kissing her skin only added to her arousal. She was so close she could feel the threads of tension starting to snap deep in her stomach.
“Wanna cum for you, all over you, want you to feel how good you make me feel…” Her voice was hoarse from all the moaning and whining, panting with the pace he had set. There was no stopping him now that he had her, it felt how it was supposed to.
“Yes pretty, cum all over my cock.” Harry cooed, pressing kisses over her face. “Show me how good you are, let me see how beautiful you are when you’re creaming my cock.”
It was like her body was tied to him. His request was granted, unable to hold back as soon as she had permission.
“H-Harry-“ she couldn’t talk, his name falling into a moan as she let go around him. Cunt fluttering and clenching over his prick, legs tightening around his waist as he fucked into her and stimulated her spot just right, making her cum all around him.
“Fucks sake- fuck, you’re mine.” He squeezed the sides of her throat as he kissed her hard, letting himself unload into him. Spots of pleasure danced behind his eyes as he let go, the flood of hot cum shooting into her eagerly.
It had been a long time coming but he didn’t regret the wait. It was fucking perfect.
It was too hard to describe the feeling in her body. Blissful relaxation, the comfort of his body on top of hers, the warmth that came from him as he placed delicate kisses over her skin.
His hips were still moving, though his pace was slow. It was as if he was milking every moment.
“So fucking perfect, you know that?” He breathed against her, “always been mine.” Harry wouldn’t let it go. It still didn’t feel entirely real, but as his hips kept with their movements and he heard small whimpers escape her lips he knew he should have acted sooner.
“Does it feel nice, baby? Want me to keep going?” Harry’s voice was soft, “Wanna give me another one?”  The squeeze she gave him in return proved him correct. Without another word, he rested his forehead against her shoulder, continuing his sharp and shallow thrusts from within her. He smiled at the sound of her heart picking up again, her breathing returning to its shaky state.
“So close, aren’t you? Horny little thing.” He murmured, pressing another kiss to her collarbone. “Come on let go… wanna lick you clean.”
It was unreal to her. Being showered in affection, feeling him as close as he could possibly get. He had cum inside of her, the mess he was making with these thrusts trying to push as much in as it still leaked out with every pull- it had her eyes watering.
It was almost too much. The pleasure made her whimper, a weak noise leaving her mouth each time he thrust inside of her, but she was a slut for a bit of overstimulation.
Harry was eating up each noise, each movement of her cunt. She took everything he gave him and it was obvious to him now that he had met his match. Each move he made, she followed like a mirror.
“Yours, yours, yours… fuck, Harry.” She ran her hands down his back, feeling the swells of his shoulders and memorizing their hot skin pressed against each other. “M’gonna…. Right there, bite me. Please fucking bite right there.” She needed a bite of pain to go over the edge. It would do it immediately.
His eyes glazed over, a low growl coming from him as he bit into her skin. He hadn’t expected it from her, but he figured he should drop all exceptions when it came to Bunny and sex.
Everything he thought he knew was crumbling before him, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. Her body was twitching against his, a second orgasm flowing through her in shock waves. Her pretty little moans were pushing him further, licking over the area he had bitten to soothe the burn.
“I’ve got you, you’re okay… doing so good for me sweetheart.” His voice was low and breathless, pulling back from her skin to take a look at her. She looked so relaxed, melting into his touch, eyes struggling to stay open. “Talk to me bunny…”
Her eyes were blurry. Everything felt hot and floaty and she melted right into the bed, leaning into his hand as he stroked her cheek with care. This sort of touch paired with two orgasms had her feeling like she wasn’t in her own body.
“Hi.” She slurred, eyes closing as a blissed-out little smile rose on her lips. “Feel so…” she trailed off, a drunken giggle leaving her lips as she felt his fingers press the hair away from her face, sighing contently as her shaky legs curled around his waist.
He had tried to pull out but she whined sadly, tightening her thighs with a sensitive gasp. “No. No- stay.”
She whispered tiredly. “Don’t. Want you in. Waited… so long.”
Harry couldn’t help but obey, trying his best not to move. The heat of her cunt was welcoming, though the clenches as the walls tried to continue to keep him in and milk him for everything he was worth made it hard. He was tired but… he was obsessed with this feeling.
“Shh. S’okay.” He kissed her cheek. “Still got to clean you up, but I’ll stay here for a minute. You okay?” Her cheeks felt hot under him, her weak hand lifting to hold him there.
“Mhm…. So fuckin’ good.”
There was nothing in her mind but him. The way it should always be. She was nervous that if she closed her eyes for too long she’d wake up and it would all have been a dream. The soft kisses he left over her skin were telling her otherwise.
“Really want to lick you clean, you know?” Harry couldn’t help himself, he was high on her. Seeing the way she reacted to him triggered something new within him, was it possible that he was capable of love?
“We’ll save it for another time though…” He chuckled at her whining, happy to see she was eager and up for it. He knew better, the tension that would build up from here would make it all worth it.
Harry glanced up at the clock on his bedside table and relaxed when he saw it was just around 4 pm. Plenty of time for them to clean up, eat, and snuggle some more.
“Why did we never do this before?” Bunny asked curiously, knowing now she wasn’t alone in her desires.
“Because I would have been slaughtered by your brother. And you’re too good for me.” He said simply. That much he knew.
She was sweet and kind and wasn’t supposed to be connected to this mess. Even looking down at her, he felt slightly guilty for pulling her into this. It would never be the same for her again now that she was exposed to this lifestyle. To his temper. And even then, he hoped she wouldn’t have to see him in his true rage.
“M’not good for you. But you’re mine anyways.” He rubbed his nose against hers, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips. He was selfish and he could admit that. He should have let her go when this was all over if he was a good guy. It was nice that he wasn’t. “The moment you let me inside of you sealed the deal. I was gonna be nice, gonna let you be happy without me but I don’t think I can.”
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mayiwritesomething · 6 months
Echoplex (One-Shot)
This is a oneshot from LIAUN Series (Masterlist here)
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Wordcount: 2,3k
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x f!reader
Warnings: +18 MDNI, SMUT, teasing, sex (p in v, no protection), oral sex, cursing words, etc.
A/N: I wrote this a while ago while writing the chapters of love is an unfamiliar name (still 2 more chapters to go), i didn’t like it at first but anyway i decided to give it a chance haha. Considering the upcoming chapter 8 will be quite sad, let smooth things with a smut one 😜
Btw it fits somewhere between chapters 6 and 7 but can be read as a one shot on it’s own.
You jetted off to LA on Monday night. Since you and Pedro hadn't met before your departure, you kept exchanging messages. Back at home in your satin sleep dress, feeling gorgeous, you decided to send him a selfie lounging on your sofa with the caption: Movie night. Wish you were here 💔
Almost immediately, you heard the notification sound. It was Pedro. His response was, "Don't you tease me like that baby." Smiling and feeling a rush of heat, you replied with a picture in front of the mirror, the dress slipping from your arms, revealing the curves of your breasts, and the caption, "Or what? Gonna make me pay? 😇"
Forgetting that Pedro preferred calling over texting, you were surprised when he video-called as you returned to the sofa. He was eager to see you, and you wanted him right then and there.
"Oh my god... this looks perfect on you," he said mischievously, then added, "It makes me wonder so much about what's underneath it—why the fuck do you do this?"
"Well, I can show you if you want," you replied with a naughty smile.
"I do, baby... I really do want to see—fuck," his smile faded. "Baby, I have to answer this; it's my manager. I'll be right back."
"Okay," you muttered, frustration taking over as you sank back onto the sofa, scrolling through your Mubi main screen.
Ten minutes turned into twenty, but there was still no call from Pedro. You decided to watch Bowie's Labyrinth, a movie that always made you feel at home.
Nearly two hours later, Pedro finally called, his excitement palpable through the phone. "I've got a fantastic project opportunity," he exclaimed while you listened, intrigued and staring at the screen. "Sorry for the delay in getting back to you, baby. I had to sort a few things out."
"It's alright," you replied, feeling drowsy. "I understand we can't ignore a manager's call."
"Well, the good news is I can make it up to you in person," he teased, causing you to melt a little inside. "Are you free on Thursday?"
"I'll be working on some mixes in my studio, but you're welcome to stop by. I’ve seen you working much more than I’d like; now you can watch me do my thing," you said with a smile.
"I'd love to," he responded eagerly. His enthusiasm was endearing, and you couldn't help but bite your lower lip in anticipation; you couldn’t wait to see him in person.
On Thursday morning, anxiety enveloped you as you meticulously organized your home, ensuring everything was precisely in place. Seeking distraction, you headed to the studio on the other side of your yard to begin mixing a song you were producing. A few hours later, Pedro arrived, bringing your favorite coffee in a thermal cup along with a pack of peanut butter M&Ms.
Engrossed in conversation throughout your mixing session, you were captivated by Pedro's curiosity and respect for your work. You knew that for someone not directly involved in music production, watching someone tinker with synthesizers and create sounds could be quite boring.
"You're like some kind of witch with this whole hocus pocus thing," he marveled, seated in front of you.
Walking over to him, clad in a tank top and sweatpants, your inner music nerd emerged as you explained, "It's not that complicated; I just piece things together and tweak transitions. I'm not sure if it's good yet; I'll have Tim take a look tomorrow."
Pedro rose, drawing nearer to you, his hands gently tracing your face. "Sometimes, a simple 'thank you' is enough when receiving a compliment babe," he whispered, planting a kiss on your forehead, leaving you feeling a bit sheepish.
"I'm sorry, thank you," you murmured.
"No need to apologize, mami," he reassured, cupping your face to kiss you tenderly. Chuckling at the new nickname, you kissed him slowly, feeling the desire building as he lifted you onto the wooden part of the mixing table. Craving his touch, you pulled him closer, kissing his neck and sensing his longing for you as well. While trying to position you on the table and removing his shirt, his hands accidentally slipped, nudging some buttons.
"Careful, man! This is some expensive shit," you cautioned between kisses as your hands fumbled.
"Sorry," he responded, stepping back. "Don't be mad at me, but I'd love to fuck you right here on this table, like right now." You felt a surge of conflicting desires—a battle between primal urges and rational thoughts raging in your mind. Drawing nearer to kiss you again, you reciprocated, feeling his intensity.
"I want you to fuck me now," you confessed, beginning to remove your top.
"Leave it," he instructed, laying you back on the table, as your primal instincts won this round. "Let's not rush," he whispered in your ear, kissing your neck, as you moaned softly, feeling him between your legs, yearning to shed your clothes.
In a frenzy, you attempted to reach for his pants, but he firmly grasped your hands and gently guided them back to the table.
"Come on," you pleaded in exasperation between kisses as he began to trail kisses along your collarbone, slipping a hand under your top to caress the softness of your breast. Sitting before him, his warm touch in the air-conditioned room momentarily stole your breath, causing you to gasp silently.
"We have no neighbors now, baby. I want to hear you; I know I haven't seen everything yet," he murmured, locking eyes with you as his hand continued to tease beneath your top. Your attempts to remove it were thwarted once more. "I told you to leave it," he gently reminded you, guiding your hands back to the table, leaving you burning with frustration inside.
"Seriously? This isn't some master and servant kinda shit," you snapped, annoyed.
"You can have your revenge next time," he whispered into your ear, his breath tickling your skin as he gently removed his hand from under the top and adjusted it on you, the fabric showing how stimulated you were. "These are your words, not mine." He said it ironically.
Frustrated and conceding defeat, you seethed, "I fuckin hate you," while he chuckled, slipping a hand inside your pants and teasing you slowly. Involuntarily, you parted your legs, moaning softly and closing your eyes as he continued to explore.
"Are you sure of that?" he inquired, his gaze fixed on you. "Cause your body is telling me otherwise... Or are you wet like this all the time?" You could see how he was enjoying his little torture session.
"Stop—ah—stop fucking teasing me," you protested, feeling a mix of pleasure and anger.
"One word is missing, baby. Where are your manners?" His voice dripped with lust as his touch alternated between pleasure and torment.
"Please," you mumbled, trying to resist the urge to give in completely.
"I know you can do it a bit louder; I almost didn't catch that," he taunted, quickening his movements before abruptly stopping, holding your jaw with his other hand. You couldn’t think straight anymore.
"Please... PLEASE… PLEASE DON'T STOP," you cried out of sudden, your hand gripping his arm as you bit your lower lip, urging him to continue. "Please, Pedro—please, baby, don't stop," you pleaded, a mixture of desperation and desire in your voice.
“I didn’t see that coming this fast,” he said, still holding your jaw with one hand, then kissing you as you moaned, grinding on him. Surprised and aroused by your response, he resumed his ministrations, and as the pleasure intensified, you could only whisper, "It feels so good... it feels so good—please," your plea trailing off. "Just like that—please keep going like that, baby," you urged, locking eyes with him as you kept moaning adrift in the moment.
"It's so beautiful to see you swallowing this pride of yours and begging like that," he remarked, cupping your face tenderly. "I'd do anything for you—fuck, you’re so wet—I want to hear you scream for me," he whispered in your ear, his words causing you to melt in his arms.
"You could start by letting me do what I want," you protested, a hint of playfulness in your tone. “What about that?”
"Today there's no negotiation," he laughed, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Really?" This time, you drew him closer and whispered, "Not even if I ask you nicely…”Taking his hand from inside your pants and gently sucking his fingers. “Please?”
Once again, he maintained control better than you. "Not today, baby," he reassured, planting kisses along your neck and holding your face tenderly. "Just lay down," he instructed, gently guiding you onto the table and slowly taking your pants off, though you felt a pang of worry as your knee knocked against something. As you settled into a comfortable position, a sudden intrusive thought crossed your mind: There goes a $10,000 synth.
Letting the tought aside, you longed for his touch as he focused on taking you to new heights, his attention focused between your tights. Gripping his hair, you let go of any concerns about the noise of your pleasure filling the room as you were fully immersed in the moment with him. It was just the two of you, lost in pleasure, clearly enjoying the experience.
As you finally screamed his name and struggled to maintain your balance, he crawled closer, pressing his lips to yours in a passionate kiss so you could taste yourself. He was so caught up in his own pleasure in between your legs that he didn't even notice you slipping off your top, the last piece of clothing remaining.
Drawing you closer, he whispered, "You're so perfect," his words a mix of adoration and desire as he gazed upon your exposed body, then kissing it as you tried to hold him closer. You wanted to feel him inside.
"Tell me something I don't know," you chuckled playfully.
"Your humility brings tears to my eyes," he teased, planting kisses on your breasts. Your hands roamed freely over his body, eliciting goosebumps from feeling him as he teased you before giving you what you wanted. Returning to kiss you, the sensation of him finally being inside you was fenomenal. Suddenly, your hand accidentally hit a button, causing a burst of bass sound that startled both of you, leading to shared laughter.
"I'm pretty sure I broke something this time," you fretted, concerned about the unexpected noise.
"Wanna go down?" he suggested, worried, ensuring he kept you close. You nodded in agreement, indicating the armchair where he had been seated.
Taking a seat, he maintained eye contact with you, holding you close. The desire burning in his eyes was a sight to behold as you gently pushed him back and cupped his face, a smile playing on your lips. "I want you inside again," you whispered almost inaudibly, your words filled with longing.
"Babe, please," he murmured in response as you trailed your fingers over his lips, settling on top of him to ensure you could move and fully feel him.
The way he gripped your hips left you with no control over your own movements; he was once again in charge after the brief moment of stillness you both shared. Your hands clung tightly to his back as one of his hands guided your hair gently, not forcefully, exposing your neck as you ground against him, feeling every inch filling you. Even the fact that he was controlling your movements didn’t bother you this time.
You wouldn’t let him know this easily, but he knew what he was doing. You loved to feel how harder he would grip you each time you moaned. His laughter ringing out, asking, "Does it feel good?" at every curse word that escaped your lips. How lovely he kissed your body, muttering “es tan rica” while hitting you firm but slowly. The way he touched you. How In those moments of almost silent, heavy breathing, your eyes locked in a wordless understanding as you both discovered the perfect rhythm.
The pleasure building within brought you to tears as you reached your climax. Right after hearing his voice calling out your name as he held you close tightly in his own moment of release, which felt so warm inside of you, a mix of cries, laughter, and trembling filled the room. Struggling to kiss him back, you felt his heavy breathing and sensed his shaking body as he rested his head against your chest, muttering words you couldn't quite make out.
Seeing his smile, you returned it, both of you trying to catch your breath in the aftermath. He tenderly kissed your chin as you held him close, both of you sweaty despite the air conditioner running. Without a word, you simply gazed into each other's eyes for a while, sharing smiles and kisses.
"If we keep this up, we could compete in Iron Man," you remarked with a chuckle.
"Sure," he agreed, clearly out of breath.
"You should quit smoking, old man," you teased, laughing. He shot you a playful yet judgmental look in response. "Don't give me that look; I’m aware of my glass ceiling," you defended yourself, a playful glint in your eyes.
“You destroyed me,” he laughed while kissing your breast, his beard tickling you and causing you to chuckle.
“Want to take a shower?” You asked shyly.
“Yes, we made a mess.” He adjusted your hair and kissed you, pulling you as close as he could.
“Consider yourself lucky because I’ve never had sex here,” you laughed.
“I’ll help you tidy things up,” he said, trying to be useful, “and we can check if everything is working because if it’s not, I—” You sensed his anxiety.
“Well, it’s nothing I can’t afford,” you said, kissing him. He just gave you a surprised look. “All I want is to have a shower and another round, if you’re up to it,” you teased.
“I think I can handle another one,” he smiled back at you.
"So, what are we waiting for?”
I can't believe that life's so complex
When I just want to sit here and watch you undress
This is love, this is love
That I'm feeling
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horangboosadan · 1 year
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synopsis: a lazy morning in the life you share with choi seungcheol.
pairing: choi seungcheol x gender neutral reader
genre: fluff, established relationship, gn!reader, intentional lowercase
wc: 754
boo talks: i wrote this late on tuesday (when it was still coups birthday) so think of this as a late happy birthday and my little intro to possibly doing more than just smaus (tho probably heavy on the smaus still - they're a lot of fun).
main masterlist
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love is weird. it’s complicated. it’s simple. it’s hard. it’s easy. it’s everything and nothing. all the feelings and at the same time none of them.
falling in love with choi seungcheol was easy. his laugh. his smile. his passion. it’s easy to fall in love with someone who does nothing but bring others joy, who does nothing but show exactly who he is to those around him, making sure they know he cares.
being in love with choi seungcheol was hard. the constant pounding of your heart whenever he was around. the constant amount of sweat you produced. the constant feeling deep in your stomach that you could never be certain was what everyone called butterflies, or if it was wasps―because no matter how tingly the feeling was, it hurt.
confessing to choi seungcheol was simple. despite the clammy hands, the constant biting of your lips, and the fact that it felt like your heart would simply combust, it was simple. three words that rolled of your tongue easier than you had ever anticipated. three words that felt like they lightened the load you’d had on your shoulders ever since you first realised your feelings. three words that meant everything: ‘i like you’.
dating choi seungcheol is complicated. keeping a relationship secret is always complicated, but even more so when one half of that relationship is a kpop idol. whilst the sneaking around will always bring a bit of adrenaline to any relationship, at some point it gets exhausting. not to be able to tell the world you love someone, not to be able to hold their hand whenever you like, not to be able to show them the affection they deserve at every waking moment.
but you both manage.
especially on days like today. where you don’t have work and you can lie in bed wrapped around each other for as long as you like, with the very exception of a dog that needs to be walked. thankfully, kkuma knows her owner needs his sleep when he can, or at least, needs the opportunity to not have to get up the moment he wakes.
you know he’s awake when you feel the loose arm around your waist tighten its grip, pulling you close. you don’t turn around, don’t alert him to the fact that you’re awake. you don’t react when you feel his lips against your neck, a soft peck because you know he can’t help himself. the hand around your waist caresses the skin there, rubbing soft circles that has you melt into his embrace.
the smile on your face gives you away.
“so you are awake,” he whispers.
you nod as you turn around. he kisses you the moment he can. a chaste one that lingers. “sleep well?” you ask, knowing he didn’t fall asleep until hours after you went to bed, knowing he didn't fall asleep until long after you.
“always do with you in my arms.”
“cheesy,” you say. “are you sure? i noticed you got up at some point.”
seungcheol shakes his head. “thought you were asleep?” he sighs as his head falls back to hit the pillow. “but yeah. i slept well, just maybe not a lot.”
“better than nothing, i guess.” you find his hand underneath the duvet and intertwine your fingers. “at least you can sleep today. as long as you like.”
“what time is it?”
“i have to walk kkuma.”
“i’ll do it.” you smile at the expression he sends you. “but you have to actually try to sleep in the meantime.”
“will you come back here and lie with me?”
you press a kiss to his lips. “of course.”
“okay.” he closes his eyes, but the arm around your waist doesn’t let go. “don’t be gone too long.”
“i won’t.”
you don’t untangle yourself from him until you hear his breathing change. it’s always weird to notice how tired he is whenever you have mornings like this, to know that if his sleeping self wasn’t acutely aware of movement from you, he probably would’ve slept away the day.
and you would gladly let him.
you take kkuma out for an hour. seungcheol is still asleep when you get back, but maybe lighter than you thought as the moment you climb back into bed, his arms open and pull you close. his lips find your neck and he presses against it, but never once does he open his eyes.
or, not until kkuma decides to say hi to her dad with kisses.
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boo talks (again)
thank you so much for reading!
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Okay next in the daily chat series is this one featuring Leviathan!
"But CC," you may be saying, "didn't you already post a daily chat story with Levi?"
Yes, I did a while ago. But then I deleted it. So if you saw that and were confused, I'm sorry! The problem is Levi lol. No, but seriously, I didn't like how that story turned out, so I decided to delete it and try again with a different chat. I find I sometimes have trouble writing Levi's character and honestly I think it's because his anxiety really hits close to home?? I mean, in the game, it's really not that bad. He just gets nervous sometimes when MC gets romantic and out in crowds of normies lol. But I've been dealing with anxiety (social anxiety specifically) for my entire life, so I tend to overthink it when I write a character with a similar affliction. I think I write the character's anxiety more like my own, which makes it feel too OOC to me. BUT I think I did okay this time, so here it is, attempt number two!
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GN!MC x Leviathan
Warnings: none!
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LEVIATHAN: Where did I go wrong? For Memory Kiss 2. Ugh, I got the bad ending.
MC: Want to replay it together?
LEVIATHAN: Sure! I just need Suzu-chan's happy ending… … and Shiro-chan's true ending. When you come, bring some drinks. Thanks!
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It had all been going just fine. You had brought a few cans of devil crush super spicy mango juice to Levi's room. He had already started up the game Memory Kiss 2, prepared to play through it with you.
You just hadn't anticipated how awkward playing a dating sim together had the potential to be. Now you were sitting next to Levi on the floor of his room, blushing to your roots as the character on the screen swooned at one of your suggested dialogue options. You were both surprised that this option had worked.
Moments ago, Levi had expressed his doubt about it. "That line's just too flirty!" he said. "Suzu-chan will probably be offended that you're being so bold!"
"No way," you disagreed. "It's a great line."
"Why do you think that?" Levi asked.
"It would work on me," you said.
Levi had spluttered at you, unable to respond properly to this revelation. Despite his anxiety at what you just said, he managed to choose the dialogue option in question.
You both watch in stunned silence as Suzu-chan reacted with a multitude of little hearts.
You were embarrassed now because you actually thought Levi was right. It was an overly flirty option. But sometimes it was nice to hear something bold, something that left no room for uncertainty, something that indicated the person you were talking to wasn't just slightly interested, but actually wanted you.
The fact that this video game character seemed to agree with that assessment was pretty embarrassing.
"Y-you were right," Levi managed to say.
You cleared your throat and tried to brush it off. "Of course I was right," you said.
Levi put down his controller. He wouldn't look at you. "B-but you're nothing like Suzu-chan," he said. "And you said…"
"I know what I said," you interrupted, mostly because you didn't think you could stand it if he repeated what you had said. "Suzu-chan is a video game character, Levi. She has a programmed personality. Real people are more complicated. And I… well, I…"
Levi turned to you suddenly, grabbing both of your hands and squeezing them. He still couldn't quite look you in the eye. "Do you want me to start staying stuff like that? This sort of… Asmo-like stuff?!"
You laughed. "I don't know if I could take you seriously if you tried doing that."
Levi drooped a little. "Yeah, it would be more funny than anything, huh?"
"I just want you to be yourself, Levi," you said, watching him smile and blush at this comment.
You let go of his hands and picked up the controller. You had a feeling about what was coming next in the game, so you pressed through some of the remaining dialogue until a new set of options came up.
You selected one of the options, letting the game highlight it without actually choosing it yet. You put the controller back in Levi's hands.
"I want this from you far more than any flirty line," you said softly into his ear, leaning in close to him.
Levi froze at first, his eyes on the screen. You had highlighted the option that said only kiss me.
But then he seemed to gather up his confidence. He hit the button on the controller, choosing to kiss the character, who reacted with a sweet little kiss sound. But Levi wasn't looking at the screen anymore. The controller was abandoned on the floor as his arms circled around your waist, pulling you close.
You could tell that he was still nervous - a slight shake in his touch, the light blush on his cheeks, the way he kept his eyes closed - but he still leaned in to press his lips to yours.
Levi always started off timid, but with a little encouragement, he lost himself enough to let go of that anxiety. So you kissed him back, putting your arms around him and clutching onto his shirt as you pulled him closer to you.
Sure enough, this was all Levi needed. His response was to become needy, arms tightening around you, his movements more desperate, even a gentle nip at your bottom lip.
You pulled away just enough to whisper in his ear. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to distract you like this. What about the game?"
Levi made a low noise in his throat, half groan, half growl. "MC, for once I don't care about the game. Right now, real life is way better."
You laughed because this actually meant a lot coming from Levi. You kissed him again and he was ready for you, both of you losing yourselves in each other while Suzu-chan displayed on the screen, forgotten.
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others in this series:
Mammon | Barbatos | Solomon | Lucifer | Simeon
Asmodeus | Diavolo | Beelzebub | Belphegor | Satan
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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