mermazeablaze · 2 months
Misti Tope is the current head principal of Classen School of Advanced Studies at North East High School in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Misti Tope has been fostering an environment of fear & hostility among everyone including students, faculty, educators & parents. It is to the point where parents are organizing private meetups to discuss her. Students are creating petitions.
Misti Tope has recently stated multiple times to students & faculty that she wants to create an educational environment that aligns with Ryan Walters views.
Misti Tope has been firing teachers of color & working to force them out. Misti Tope recently fired a trans teacher, Mx Mustain, who was close to receiving tenure. Misti Tope, of course, lied about the reason behind these firings.
Misti Tope has threatened female students who wanted to report predatory behavior from faculty. She went so far as to make threatening phone calls & disbanded an after school club over these students compiling information. Misti Tope has threatened to disband any club that seeks to protect themselves from predatory teachers.
Misti Tope physically gropes students over dress code violations. Whether they are violating dress code or not, this is unexcusable. Misti Tope also makes derogatory commentary on female students being "busty" & "curvy".
Misti Tope actively intimidates the female student body. There have been situations where male students have shown their penises to female students & all the male students receive is detention. Misti Tope has called female students "overemotional" & "dramatic".
Misti Tope keeps seeking ways to disband the Black Student Union. Misti Tope has vocally compared black students in BSU more than once to rats & roaches pulling at each other's weaves. Misti Tope also stated that black students are equivalent to goldfish & don't deserve an education because they are incapable of retaining information.
Misti Tope is an active Holocaust denier. The son of a Holocaust survivor was kicked off stage while giving a presentation. Misti Tope shuts conversations surrounding the Holocaust.
Misti Tope's son who is a student is known to carve & graffiti swastikas & other Nazi imagery all over the school. Misti Tope's son also states antisemitic, homophobic, transphobic & racist rhetoric. Misti Tope scapegoats by saying he learns this from anime, which is untrue. Misti Tope also allows her son to skip classes & wander around the school.
Misti Tope attempts to force transgender students to use restrooms of their biological gender. Misti Tope has told transgender students to dress according to their biological gender.
Misti Tope is seeking to end funding to the athletic departments & divert funds to a swim team.
Misti Tope is not the future of Classen. Misti Tope is unfit to be a part of any school district in any capacity.
Again, I am not the only parent. Other parents are organizing & mobilizing of their own accord & having meetups. The same is being said of students. I have added screenshots because the admins of the Classen Parent group like deleting posts as evidence when things become heated.
Students, though this action was not right, cornered Misti Tope in her office this Friday (05/03/24). This is how threatened they feel by Misti Tope, this is the environment she's creating.
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infernalburner · 1 month
Drama Teacher Accused of Bullying Disabled Students at CSAS @ NE HS
Oklahoma City, OK – Mrs. Lauren Peck-Weisenfels, the drama teacher at Classen School of Advanced Studies at North East High School, has come under scrutiny for allegations of bullying and discriminatory behavior towards autistic and physically disabled students. The claims have ignited concerns about the treatment of vulnerable students in the school’s drama department.
A Troubled Past
Four years ago, Mrs. Peck-Weisenfels was a teacher at Classen School of Advanced Studies Middle School. During a virtual class in 2020, she allegedly expressed disdain for teaching autistic and special education students, stating, "I hate teaching autistic & special Ed students!" This remark, reportedly overheard by the mothers of two seventh-grade students, prompted complaints to the school administration.
Despite these allegations, Mrs. Peck-Weisenfels was later transferred to the high school, where she continued to teach drama. Concerns about her behavior persisted as students from her middle school classes advanced to high school and found themselves once again under her instruction.
Current Allegations
This school year, a sophomore student who had previously encountered Mrs. Peck-Weisenfels in middle school was placed in her class due to limited elective options. According to the student and their mother, Mrs. Peck-Weisenfels continued to exhibit unkind and discriminatory behavior. The student, who is physically disabled, was allegedly ridiculed for their inability to keep up with costume-making tasks and was marginalized within the class.
In February 2024, Mrs. Peck-Weisenfels emailed the student's mother, stating her intention to fail the student for wearing headphones in class, even though the student was not being disruptive. The email hinted that Mrs. Peck-Weisenfels felt slighted by the student’s lack of engagement, which the mother attributes to previous verbal and emotional abuse.
The Role of Headphones for Autistic Students
Headphones are a critical tool for many autistic individuals, particularly teenagers, to manage sensory overload. Studies show that about 87% of autistic individuals experience sensory sensitivities. Headphones can help mitigate overwhelming sounds, enabling students to focus better and participate in classroom activities more comfortably.
Despite this, Mrs. Peck-Weisenfels reportedly expressed a desire to fail the student for wearing headphones in class. This attitude reflects a lack of understanding and accommodation for the needs of autistic students, who often use such tools to navigate their environment effectively.
May Incident and Unreported Bullying
In May 2024, tensions escalated further when Mrs. Peck-Weisenfels threatened to fail the student over a makeup project, despite the student attending their grandmother's funeral. This incident, while serious, was not formally reported at the time.
Additionally, another student, who uses a cane due to a physical disability, has been subjected to bullying by Mrs. Peck-Weisenfels and her entourage of students. The bullying has occurred behind the student's back and included mockery of their use of a cane and their social media activities, particularly on Tumblr. These actions were not reported until the evening of May 17, 2024, when the student with headphones informed their mother about the incidents.
The May 17 Incident
On May 17, 2024, Mrs. Peck-Weisenfels and a group of students allegedly taunted the aforementioned student in her office, calling them "lazy," "deaf," "ditzy," "slow," "stupid," and "a hindrance to the drama department." Believing the student couldn’t hear due to their headphones, the group reportedly yelled the student's name mockingly. The student, however, overheard everything but chose not to engage.
The same day, Mrs. Peck-Weisenfels reportedly threw a tantrum, slamming items around the classroom in an attempt to provoke a reaction from the student, who continued to ignore her.
Perpetuating Ableism and Discriminatory Rhetoric
Mrs. Peck-Weisenfels’ behavior is not only harmful to the targeted students but also perpetuates ableist and discriminatory rhetoric among her student entourage. By encouraging and participating in the mockery of disabled students, she is teaching her followers to normalize and perpetuate these harmful attitudes. According to psychological studies, teenagers are highly impressionable, and the behavior modeled by authority figures can significantly influence their beliefs and actions.
The Psychology of Living Vicariously Through Teenagers
Research indicates that some adults feel the need to live vicariously through teenagers, seeking approval and acting like them to fulfill unmet emotional needs or relive their own youth. This behavior can be particularly detrimental when exhibited by educators, as it blurs the boundaries between professional and personal interactions. Statistics show that about 30% of adults who exhibit this behavior struggle with identity issues and seek validation through younger individuals.
For teenagers, witnessing an adult, especially an educator, behave in such a manner can lead to confusion, loss of respect for authority, and the normalization of inappropriate behavior. This can contribute to a culture of bullying and exclusion, as students may mimic the adult's actions to gain favor or avoid becoming targets themselves.
The normalization of such discriminatory behavior can have lasting effects, contributing to a culture of intolerance and bullying. Studies indicate that witnessing or participating in bullying can lead to increased aggression, anxiety, and a distorted sense of empathy among youths. It is crucial to address these issues to prevent the spread of abusive behaviors and to promote a supportive and inclusive environment.
Parental Actions and School Response
Following these events, the student with the headphones relayed the incidents to their mother after school on May 17. The mother promptly contacted Kendall Stills with OKCPS via text message, though no response was received. That evening, the mother filed a formal TIPS report with Oklahoma City Public Schools (OKCPS), detailing the history of bullying and including screenshots as evidence. She also contacted the parents of the student with the cane, encouraging them to email Mrs. Peck-Weisenfels and file a formal TIPS report. The mother included the names of the students in Mrs. Peck-Weisenfels' entourage and mentioned her own student in the report to help corroborate the incidents.
The parents involved are currently awaiting a response from OKCPS. Given that next week marks the last few days of the school year, it is uncertain when or if a resolution will be reached. The allegations against Mrs. Peck-Weisenfels highlight broader issues of inclusivity and respect for disabled students within the educational system.
Broader Implications
The situation at Classen School of Advanced Studies raises important questions about the responsibility of educators to create a supportive and nondiscriminatory environment for all students, particularly those with disabilities. As the community awaits the school district’s response, the case underscores the need for vigilance and advocacy to protect the rights and well-being of vulnerable students.
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drkoestersmithrpg · 2 years
Well I feel very accomplished today
took my son to a church-type meeting, applied for a job writing standards for OKCPS, got a good chunk done of my lesson plans, cooked meals for next week, washmed my hair, AND wrote on Demon Lover, a brand new Spiderstrange Fic AND worked on something with CutePandaPrincess.
Did I get HALF of my to-do list done today? No of course not.  But I’ll have to look at what I DID get one and call it good.
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hedgewitchgarden · 3 months
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The Solar Eclipse and Native American Tribes As your schools prepare for events and activities for the Solar Eclipse, please keep in mind that some of our Native American people have Tribal traditional beliefs attached to the eclipse and may still practice them today. Every Tribe is different and every family is different. Here is an informational sheet from NASS that can provide some guidance.
@ OKCPS Native American Student Services
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cvcteeshirt · 3 months
Four live-out-loud hues, one shimmery {title} tiger-striped case. Guerlain’s holiday eyeshadow quad let them embrace their wildest makeup dreams with a mix of
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96theater · 1 year
someone put that pirate netflix show on my dash and after following them through a 1D, supernatural, okcp, and marvel phase i have finally had enough
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fundingmains · 2 years
Type to learn tech support
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Clever Support Request - The District has standardized on Clever integration for automatic rostering and Single Sign-On (SSO).If you are having Chromebook login issues, please submit this request. Chromebook Login Request - The District has well over 26K Chromebooks currently in service.You can either submit a Service Request through the self-service portal in ServicePRO 24/7 or you may call the Service Desk at 587-HELP to speak with an OKCPS IT Support Agent. The OKCPS Service Desk is the single poing of contact for IT Support. Hosted data storage solutions with dedicated space for individuals and departments. Support for District owned high-capacity printers including hardware support, lifecycle management, and management of third party vendors. Support for primary voice communications including voicemail, VOIP, and conference calling. Implementation and support of the enterprise email and calendaring applications.
Hardware and software support for District owned PCs, MACs, and other Smart computing devices including remote and onsite incident repair and standard software installation, updating and patching. core enterprise local area network (LAN), building or campus local machine, printer or departmental server The protection of information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction in order to provide confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Management of account creations, modifications, or other management of user accounts for access to IT systems. It operates from 7:30 - 4:30 M-F to provide customers with advice, guidance and the rapid restoration of services. The Service Desk is the front line and single point of contact for all internal and external customer inquiries, incidents, and service requests. REDIRECT - Familias (FE- Focus Site > Spanish).REDIRECT: Gatewood Early Learning Center.Redirect - ReConnect Continued Conversation.Redirect - Prospective Teacher Reception.Curriculum, Instruction, & Professional Learning.Attendance Advocacy and Bullying Prevention.
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kandij7 · 4 years
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Black History Month at Star Spencer High School ! #blackelegance #blackhistorymonth #blackhistory365 #blackexcellence #blackexcellence✊🏾 #inspiration #Inspirational #YeShallLiveAndNotDie #woke #wakeup #beautifulfinish #beautycomesinmanyshades #myroots #OKCPS #teacher #StarSpencerHighSchool #youareblackhistory (at Star Spencer High School) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8k5IqSJUcP/?igshid=buaxegdrced5
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mermazeablaze · 2 years
14 just texted me to say 90% of the teachers aren't there at the high school (CSAS @ NW HS) it's all substitutes. One of her friends mom is a teacher & said they're protesting Ryan Walters as Superintendent. I texted 11&13 to see if it's the same at the middle school.
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supremepupperoni · 3 years
In OKCPS (Oklahoma City Public Schools) our superintendent Sean McDaniel has banned the Deadname Remover Extension. The Deadname Remover Extension is an extension made by William Hayward. It is an extension on both Chrome and Firefox that removes your deadname and replaces it with your preferred name. You can also change your name that appears on rosters, schedules, and your email by going into Account Management and then Name and Address Info. Our superintendent Sean McDaniel of OKCPS has banned it for inappropriate use. My friend Ramona Valentina Ebert who is 13 years old and goes to Classen SAS and I, Khristabel "Khris" ReNea Gonzalez who is 13 years old and goes to Classen SAS, have decided to make this petition to unblock the Deadname Remover Extension due to the fact our superintendent was transphobic and blocked it. The original idea to make this petition was from Ramona Valentina Ebert because figured out it was blocked by superintendent Sean McDaniel for dumb transphobic reasons. It was my idea to make the petition due to that fact so I can get it to change. Also after signing the petition, altough the website will probably already tell you to do it anyway, please donate money or share it. If you decide to share it don't share it to just one person share to every person possible and have them share it so every person they know if they choose to share it and so on and so on. And something else that the website probably won't tell you to do, is please help send a mass email to Sean McDaniel to tell him to allow the app. The more emails he sees the more likley he is to get annoyed and unblock it. His email is [email protected].
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goeighthe · 6 years
OKCPS Board Prepared To Select New Superintendent
The Oklahoma City Public Schools Board of Education is prepared to select the district’s new Superintendent Tuesday.
  copyright © 2018
from OKCPS Board Prepared To Select New Superintendent via OKCPS Board Prepared To Select New Superintendent November 27, 2018 at 01:48AM
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oklahomatoday · 6 years
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#Repost @fillingtummies with @get_repost ・・・ @oklahomatoday provides the insight to the holidays that we often forget. As we look forward to great meals, family friends and parties there are so many who go without. During Nov. & December Filling Tummies is offering a special gift or commemorative ornament for donations of $50 or more. Your donations will be used to purchase food for the Filling Tummies Mobile pantry which will be shared in food deserts & underserved communities in and around OKC! #fillingtummies #oklahomatoday #givingback #holidaysapproaching #commemorativegift #gift #donation #communitysupport #nonprofit #charity #endhunger #supportourcause #feedoklahoma #feedingthehungry #feedingkids #feedingseniors #oklahomafamilies #oklahomachildren #okcps https://www.instagram.com/p/BpFoLlOhhU4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1c74sjd7ag67s
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chgokc-blog · 6 years
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Our new blog post is up and it’s all about how much we appreciate OKCPS!!! They’ve been using us for shirts for years, and we appreciate them so much. Check it out on our website, CapitolHillGraffix.com under NEWS!!! • Hope everyone’s having a Happy Monday and Happy Labor Day! • • • • #capitolhillgraffix #blog #blogpost #okcps #okc #oklahomacitypublicschools #thankyou #screenprint #screenprintinglife #screenprintlife #screenprinter #shirtmaker #supportlocalbusiness #shoplocalokc (at Capitol Hill Graffix) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnRba-3nn_k/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=l991psqw9vve
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chadlonius · 7 years
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Some local work I did for Classen School of Advanced Studies. Can't wait to see them on shirts. Thanks for viewing. #classensas #chadlonius #okcartist #okc #okshirtdesign #oklahomacity #okie #okcps #graphicdesign #tee #tshirtdesign #artistforhire #art #logo (at Central Oklahoma City, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma)
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kandij7 · 4 years
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Special thanks to Lesli Deez for her Help geting me started on this Project, it ended up where it was supposed to be! #sogreatful #thisisblackhistory #blackhistorymonth #kingdommindset #OKCPS #StarSpencerHighSchool #sophomoreclasssponsor #classof2022🎓 #vision #purposefulliving #Inspirational #inspireourkids #teachersofinstagram #teachersoffacebook #stemeducation #education #inspiresomebody (at Star Spencer High School) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8k4JxuJuCP/?igshid=1ci1xxa83d33d
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blue-note-lp · 5 years
ModernJazzDaily: herbiehancock: RT oksde: What a fabulous way to kick off a Friday morning! 💜🎼 We’re here at Northwest Classen HS OKCPS w/ joy4ok celebrating that OKC & Tulsa are two of only 5 cities nationwide selected to receive free jazz concerts … https://t.co/ryLI9a86B8 http://twitter.com/BlueNoteVinyl/status/1102232311003783174 BlueNoteVinyl
ModernJazzDaily: herbiehancock: RT oksde: What a fabulous way to kick off a Friday morning! 💜🎼 We’re here at Northwest Classen HS OKCPS w/ joy4ok celebrating that OKC & Tulsa are two of only 5 cities nationwide selected to receive free jazz concerts … https://t.co/ryLI9a86B8
— Blue Note Collector (@BlueNoteVinyl) March 3, 2019
from Twitter https://twitter.com/BlueNoteVinyl March 03, 2019 at 10:40AM via IFTTT
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