angel-blitz · 5 months
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How'd I never post this I'm gonna explode💔💔💔
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altfire · 1 month
started watching an anime last night 😔 ik ur all very disappointed in my lack of moral fortitude. im listening and learning and i will do better
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darabeatha · 1 year
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I want to have an arranged marriage between Daigo and ME!!! Serious question though what do you think Daigo would be like as a husband?
cant answer this question i feel the spirit of yoshitaka mine take over and i snarl and growl and bite at you
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pandanscafanfiction · 10 months
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iovitus · 2 years
Charles Smith sticker? 🥺👉👈
Omg I wanna do one for him too but I love him so much I can't bring myself to write anything mean on his sticker 😔 if anyone has ideas feel free to throw them at me
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12thbiologist · 2 years
when will we get an annihilation movie that actually has the biologists autism in it. i know in my heart that it would have been ever better if she had the same home life and obsessions she did in the book. why should i care at all about lena having an affair. i would care so much more if she and kane had the same relationship as the biologist and her husbamd. id LOVE if we got flashbacks to a younger biologist seeing frog eggs and egrets and fish living in her swimming pool (hell, you could even make That swimming pool scene in the movie into a swimming pool shape that echoes the one she had as a kid, adding depth and alluding to her pre-existing connection with the shimmer)
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hoppinkiss · 1 month
ohhh my god I would kill for an in.igo body pillow. I need to hold kitty husbamd.
you know how they'll do a fully clothed version on one side and shirtless on the other side. I want shirtless on one side for maximum tummy fur and just a back view of him on the other side so I can sew a plush tail onto it. for shits and giggles
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tiktaalic · 2 years
I haven't watched riverdale because I almost never manage to watch new shows, but I'm a big fan of whatever the heck they're up to. I think the moment it was recategorized in my head from 'stupid but fun' to 'weird as fuck and based' was when I learned that every time they do a musical episode their ratings drop later and audiences go 'ah. we hated that', and yet. they just keep making musical episodes
good for them
SO BASED. everything in this world is a part of roberto aguirre-sacasa's game. no one else in the game is doing it like them. an 18th century lesbian witch is living in cheryl's body and made out with betty's grandma in the 50s before giving her potion of kill your husbamd. jughead is there and he's rod sterling. archie is unionizing. gay kevin joined another cult i think? i will generously say that riverdale is not for "Everyone" but even if its not for you you have to admit its the best show on earth or else i'll blow this whole wepsite up. thank you
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hopefulstarfire · 2 years
So some little thoughts on the fams for the ocs;
Kats paternal grandmother is alive she lives in a home now. She and her husbamd had retired from ranch life and had a little cottage for themselves but they moved into an AL facility not long after their son and granddaughters deaths. Her Granddaddy died when she was about 12 and she still goes to see her Memaw when she's in town to visit her Uncle Wes. She doesn't really know much about her Mom's family, other than having later found out she had been to her grandfather's funeral on that side. The only thing she knows comes from like magazine articles that her great grandmother was a Hollywood starlet who tragically died young. She thinks her Mom had a sibling or two but she doesn't really know.
Iris and Rivers family on their Moms side is fun. Meredith has three brothers. They all weirdly enough only had boys or a couple of them have nonbinary kiddos. Iris is the only girl in her generation, like her Mom was. She is still the scary one out of all of them. She's also the only goth in a family of jocks (Rivers the video game nerd out of them). Their Gran has since passed away but her Granddad is still around and kicking. He's this 6'3 broad shouldered man named Cillian and he's from Galway. He is also a former archaeologist and an ordained wedding officiant. He actually officiated the weddings for his dear old friends, Arthur and Solomon, to their wives. Iris has no idea they know each other until after she starts working at the card shop and finds a picture and is like "That. That is my Granddad." And Solomons like REALLY and these three old friends get to reunite after all these years and have the best time. She doesn't know anything nor does she care to about Nezbitts side of the gene pool.
Maddox still has his Nonna on his Dad's side and she is the funniest woman alive and also makes the best food ever. He's not allowed to divulge recipes. She's been trying to teach Kat (who she's like "this is my granddaughter now") how to cook and she refuses to give up. But that's also where Maddox got his love of cooking from. His Mom's parents are still alive and enjoying Florida and he always calls to update them on the girls. He also has an aunt and two uncles on that side so he has cousins he gets to see. He's not as close to them as he was his "cousins" that were more family friends than blood relation. That is where his loyalties primarily lie. He loves them a lot.
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mafreiidyne · 1 year
4A is weird, I definitely think it's an overall gameplay improvement over 4 (and I LOVE 4) but the characters and story are just kinda weak. Also there's concept art of fat Dagda but ingame he's just a weird skeleton guy and I find that very upsetting. And yes the final dungeon is the sloggiest slog, not even a map could help.
Also I played both OG Devil Survivor games years ago and really liked them (although it had the same problem of 2 having better gameplay but 1 having the better plot). They're fun! But it's a lot of micromanaging, I would say moreso than your usual SMT fare.
Back to SJ, though! What are your thoughts on the main routes (law/neutral/chaos)? Not including New Chaos, I've done chaos twice, neutral once and law none at all I'm sorry Zelenin I just can't do it Jimenez and Arthur have that sway over me. I love Arthur btw he's my spherical husbamd
i never got this notification somehow??? im so sorry for the late response 😭 anyway i'll keep that in mind! once i get my fiance through strange journey my plan is to revisit digital devil saga (maybe after i beat smt5 Eventually) but if i see devil survivor 1 or 2 i'll be sure to scoop them up!
i think chaos route is cool as hell and definitely would want to go back and do it again! i got that one and the neutral route - though i usually end up getting law in smt4. (not on purpose but because i was being nice to jonathan. i was captivated by his pretty boy swag) chaos routes usually bum me out bc im not rly one for the Only The Strong Survive type of paths but everything i do is for bugaboo and jimenez. blowing kisses to them. you're so valid for arthur though he rules so hard!
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me: yeah, gender and gender associations and everything like that are social constructs that don’t actually hold real weight; someone can be a woman and use he/him pronouns, or a masc enby who prefers fem titles, or a man who uses neopronouns, or any other combination of gender presentations and preferences you can think of; nothing’s set in stone or policed or anything
also me: Today Years Old when i had the Epiphany i can be a husband even when im not feeling overwhelmingly masc or whatever
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fauveshumankaiju · 4 years
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This was very nearly too bad and self indulgent to post but ykw... merry christmas here’s jjigalon
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This woman came in and complained that the belt on the check stand was ‘too wet’, after throwing a fit last night about it not having been sanitized before she put her stuff down.
(after she ignored me asking her to wait a minute so I could sanitize it)
I bite my tongue and told her I was sorry but I didn’t have time to wipe it down completely.
(again, because she blatantly ignored me while also rolling her eyes at me and threw her stuff on the belt)
She then proceeded to bitch to my boss about it and on top of it all whine that I didn’t tell her ‘have a good rest of your night:)’ like I tell everyone else and that I just handed her a roll of paper towels when she asked ‘well what am I supposed to do now that my groceries are wet?!’
I just walked off the moment I was finished and told my coworker to switch with me until she left and put up a display for him.
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sukirichi · 3 years
Hanma was down (and twerking) because Mickey had kicked his ass :’) and he seemed to have enjoyed that LOL. There was also Ran who had a similar moment 😏 (guess I forgot about that panel due to Rindou busting a split and throwing me off haha- also the link is to TikTok, just Ran showing off his cute 🍑). Also, I’m going on a tangent here (dang, look at me using big words 👀), but did I ever tell you how I really, really, really, really, really enjoy LOVE your Boten husband series!? Like ma’am, I had no idea who these (hot) men were, and I was convinced I was just simping for Draken and Shinichiro, and you know I was like “ok, miss Suki finds this Ran dude hawt, lemme take a better look at him and Boten” and BAM💥😍 . The manga + your writing = I am in love, yet again, with 2D men🤣😭 and how you write Ran I just *insert picture of Hanma foaming at the mouth* <- that is me. And in that latest Boten fic? HOOOOWEEEEEE MAMAAA😭 I want to be Rans wifey and get all the cuddles :’) 💛 (and hehehe, the Boten fic with the breeding hehehe, I- hmmm, yes. Thank you for that 🤤 *packing bags for trip to extra horny for Ran jail*)
I read chapter 5 , EEEEEE, imma go read it again 😬 (I always read it at least twice, first time I’m like zooming a little through it because of the excitement, you know what I mean? And then the second time is always slower and I always notice extra details which is always a fun bonus 😌).
And yes, I will totally check out Blue Lock when I have the time, thank you for recommending it to me!!! Sending you lotsssssss of love and big big hugs 💛 and this time I’ll add hashbrowns to the basket 🧺💛💛
ran with his booty perched up, poor bb got KO’ed 😭 omg thanks for supporting my bonten husbamds content, i think they’re quite wholesome and writing them is so therapeutic for me !! omg PLEASE haitani brothers are the best for me, they’re just a diff breed. oh to be ran’s wifey who gets all the cuddles and all his attention YEAH what a dream.
oooh do lmk which ones in blue lock you like !! i’ll be writing for them someday ;) thank you for the love n hugs !! sadly, i ran out of hash browns rn so i’ll be taking these with me back to my own cave HEHEHEHEHE
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alloveroliver · 4 years
HI! Welcome back! I hope ya doing fine. I got good news, my last brain cell finally worked and said it’s time to make Olivers route and am i enjoying it? I freacking love it! Dont ask me why i didnt play it before because even i don’t know, ig its because i was unmotivated to play ikerev at the time his route came out🥺 but im back and im really glad i decided to play his route(even though im 🤡 and forgot it was out and spend tickets on Fenrir route and now i wish i spend them on his route im *suffering* i did Fenrir route and spend tickets on it because of the last event and then when i finished it i was like WAIT a damn minute, i havent done Oliver’s route!, like if ya cried) and obviously got reminded of ya because in my mind ya are his wife and ultimate representative of his stans! And i got unmotivated to play mr love too 🥺 i love my boys so much but idk, it is what it is. Part of life, one day i will come back and read all the chapters i haven’t read (╥﹏╥) i still love them with all my heart but just dont feel like playing the new chapters, i actually surprised myself because i was so obsessed with this game and then new chapters came out and i still havent read all of the last ones 😪. But it is what it is, now im terrified because i spend everything i had on this last event on ikerev 🥴 and idk when my supreme ikerev husbamd route is coming but ik it’s soon and im nOT ready but i honestly dont care i love Harr so freaking much i will replay his route so many times so i expect to one day get all his premium shit 8) its matter of patience and trying to take care of my wallet lmao. Ok so i think this is too long now :0 so im gonna say bye now jsjsjsj take care and im glad ya back! 💕💕💕💕💕
HELLO!!! Thank you for the check in!
I am doing great, I hope you are too ☺
Oliver's route was a trip omllll. I had 900 diff thoughts on each new chapter skjsjsjs. I am very appreciative that we got a chance to be with him doe. Im so happy hes not an undateable 😭😭😭
Using tickets on Fenrirs route is VALID!!!! He prob has one of the best routes in the game tbh. The first route I paid money to keep reading 😅
Mr. Love got super intense for me too. After chapter 18 it was just too heavy of a story for me. Too many questions (like LOST) and no answers. Also, it's hardly seeming like an otome if you don't pick one to date. Its like the MC is asexual at this point and im tired of the rat race of GETTING CLOSE but then pulling back. Girl, if you're not ace, these are HOT MEN. They would all let you date them harem style if you asked. Anywho, I can't relate to the MC at all at this point. She says something cringy every .5 seconds 🥴. Idk how the guys put up with it. 😅 I joke I joke. I've just spent so much on that game its hard to totally give it up but I also want Victor and Gavin as MY husbands not MCs, so sjjwjsjq. Don't mean to bash the game but it's nothing like I thought it would be after all this time.
Also, don't force yourself to do something you don't wanna do 💝 No need to be unhappy to fit in!
HARR OMG!!!! I came back just in time to THIRST over Harr!!! He's been pushing my #2 slot for a while now. I wonder if he'll finally be my #2 permanently 🤔
It's Olly
P much any tall, (Usually brown hair.... sry Lance), authority figure that could (and would) destroy someone for me if I asked them to 😉😊😇
Then ya got Luka ☺ love him TO DEATH.
And I want a secret love affair with James Knight 🙃
Ty for the check in!! I appreciate it! 🥰🥰🥰
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