#OR the finale is fwhip finally trying to be friends and maybe more with jimmy and show how much he cares/give him something and then uhhhhh
hollowwish · 1 year
heather by conan gray as s1 fwhimmy......so many thoughts....
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umbrify · 2 years
Finally finished taking notes on all the Empires POV’s that I take notes for. My hands are dead and I am tired. Here’s some of my personal highlights from today’s shenanigans, in no particular timeline order:
Scott Smajor having the coolest “hermits join the server” moment, with the purple sky and the fog. Very cool of you
Joel vibrating at the seams because he’s so excited his friends are here and he’s trying to be normal about it
Two different hermits absolutely gushing over Gobland and how cool it is
Scar: I love the colors in here, they go together so nice! / fWhip: I’m glad you think so, because I’m colorblind! So!
Whatever was going on w Sausage and Keralis. Why are they like that (affectionate)
Sausage being So Incredibly Normal about Pearl being there
Pearl wore her season one skin holy shit
Scott explaining Pearl away by saying she’s a cosplayer. A… god cosplayer. Yep.
The fact that they clearly did NOT discuss wether they knew each other or not. schrodinger's canon <3
Sausage: hey False what happened to the clothes you got off that dead guy that one time? / False, from Hermitcraft: ….what?
The hermits acting like they know Empires!Gem and her just being like “this is fine. Act natural.”
Doc meeting Pix and Pix is like “my world is gonna get real complicated for a bit!”
Also Doc made the Hermitcraft recap joke. Incredible
Sausage casually dropping his entire tragic backstory on Keralis and Jevin and then just. Moving on completely
Also the fact that Sausage greets them both by name and then acts surprised when they know his name a minute later, despite them calling him by it for a minute or two now. Great job everyone
Xisuma, guy who is bones, being paired with Joey, guy who hates bone people
Jimmy ALSO got to see his evil soulmate, his soul enemy, if you will, Grian, who won’t let him have peace in any timeline
But Jimmy has SUCH a big smile on his face the whole time, you could tell he was so thrilled they were there
Impulse: Scott! My friend! My buddy! We’ve seen each other before, how are you! / Scott: I’ve never met this man in my life
Joe Hills saying he broke his arm but he’s actually just holding a stick while having litematicia installed and he doesn’t know how it works
The fact that Scar was the first one to consider that maybe the hermits should try to figure out how to get home?? Everyone was just like “ooh free vacation :)” and did NOT question it
Grian and Impulse blasting the Hermitcraft Recap music down the mic while they chase Pix around live on stream, and then Grian including that in his video so that Pix HAS to recap himself. Absolutely incredible work boys
And an extra special shoutout to the fact that fWhip and Grian have been working this out for four months now! Absolutely incredible, I’m so excited to see more. Oh my god
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thedo0zyslider · 7 months
Knightly Training - 6K Words
Fwhip, a knight of the kingdom, is assigned to train a new recruit. it leads to a lot more things than either of them expect, really.
Fwhip, a fairly young man with ginger hair and a tall frame, as well as dragon wings plastered to his back, has been a part of the royal knights for almost five years now. He joined when he was barely eighteen, and currently had no intention of leaving. He quite liked his job, and was always trying to climb the ranks in any way he could. Achieve more things, increase his wealth. He was ambitious like that, people would often say. Whether that was to his own good or detriment really depended on the situation. 
Eventually though, the ambition would pay off. Just like the ginger assumed it was always going to. But, it didn’t pay off in the way he, or anyone else, expected. No, it did quite the opposite in fact. But the ginger would be the last person to complain about the outcomes.
One day, Fwhip is requested by the head of the knights to do a new job. They say he is picked because he is very skilled, which the ginger knows to be true, and because he can work well with others. Despite his quietness and sometimes rude demeanor he could boast. He is asked to train their newest recruit, a man with barely any skill under his belt. And Fwhip accepts the offer, knowing he would be a fool not to. Doing it instantly elevates him to a higher standing than he is currently, so it seemed like a no brainer to say yes.
Little does he know, when he walks down to meet the knights newest member, is that that day will be life changing. For him and the man he meets near the castle gardens, a man dressed in well made clothing and with a pose that suggests his near anxious demeanor being in such a new and formal environment. 
The new recruit walks in and he looks…. promising . A little scrawny, maybe from a family a little poorer than Fwhip’s own, but there is potential behind his messy blonde hair and wide brown eyes. He’s got a good frame, and some muscles already. Fwhip can work with that just fine, even though the avian wings he has might get in the way. But the ginger himself is a dragon, and has experience dealing with that sort of stuff.
The man introduces himself as Jimmy, from another family of decently high standing, much like the gingers own, and then the two of them get to working together. After the newcomer gets a quick tour, of course. Wouldn't want him getting lost trying to find his new bedroom in the estates, after all.
The first lesson, which happens later that same day, goes better than expected. Fwhip was anticipating that he’d have to repeat even the most basic of moves over and over again to his new winged friend, but Jimmy picked up on things fairly quickly. Despite his decently frequent amount of ditzy moments, some of which were probably played up for laughs, there was a smart brain under all those pretty looks.
Fwhip smiles as Jimmy gets yet another technique down pretty good on his first few tries, and knows this job is gonna be a lot more fun than he first thought. The dragon quite missed having a sparring partner, he had to admit. So maybe this wouldn’t be too bad after all.
Maybe his life would finally be going somewhere good.
Over the next few months of training, Fwhip and Jimmy become closer. The ginger didn’t know what to expect of their relationship, since this is his first time as a trainer. But he was not all that against the friendship that was starting to blossom during their sessions. It’s nice, finally having a friend around his own age in the knights. One who was willing to talk about something other than business and alcohol or bitching about their wives. It was certainly better than the consistent loneliness Fwhip had settled with before.
The two men started to learn more about each other too, and it turns out they have a lot in common. For one, they both had sisters. Jimmy’s sister, Lizzie, was the older one, while Gem was the younger of her and Fwhip. Sisters who were not very lady like as well, as people liked to point out frequently.
They learn that both of them are unmarried as well, and should probably be searching for a wife. Though if he’s honest, Fwhip isn’t very interested in finding a wife. Not in that way, no, no, no. The ginger absolutely liked the opposite sex. He would just rather find a good woman he liked rather than buy the next young and pretty thing; like a good portion of men seemed to do. Also Gem would have her gripes if he did the latter, and her gripes were always really annoying. Jimmy, on the other hand, is a little younger than him, meaning the pressure for him to wed is slightly less. The avian seems more concerned about his knighthood than a woman right now, something Fwhip applauds. That’s a good quality to have indeed. 
They also learn that each of them had lost their parents early, one of the seemingly many similarities between them. Each man says they are sorry for the others loss, the quietly and somberly move on from the painful topic. It seems like the best they can do, for Fwhip is sure talking about it is just as painful for Jimmy as it is for him.
His friendship with Jimmy feels a lot….deeper than his friendship with other people. A lot more personal. Like he could tell the blonde anything at all, and he would listen without complaint. Likewise, Fwhip feels like he could listen to Jimmy ramble for hours upon hours and never once get bored of it. His voice was just so nice and….enchanting, if he dared to say it.
They two or them often walk back from their training session together, chatting up a storm until they had to separate, or one of them was needed elsewhere. Today is going to be no different, another one of their personal conversations having started at the end of the training session. Those were always the ones they spent the longest on, which made the walks back to their respective chambers longer. Especially because their rooms were not anywhere near each other in the estate.
“So,” Fwhip asks, the two of them walking back to their chambers for the night a little earlier than normal, shoulders almost bumping as they do so. But not quite brushing yet. “Why’d you want to be a knight?”
Jimmy hummed thoughtfully, as if he had to consider his words before answering. “Well, my sister always protected me. Did things women aren’t supposed to do so she could do it. I wanna repay her for all that, and do the protecting this time.”
“Doesn’t she have a husband for that?” Fwhip asks, not meaning to sound condescending when he does. He is just asking out of curiosity, nothing more and nothing less. He thinks Jimmy’s sister is a lot like Gem, actually, in some ways at least. Which is a pretty admirable quality, if you asked him specifically. Other men probably wouldn’t think so.
“Yeah, but he doesn’t mind. He actually wanted me to be a knight.” Jimmy says with a shrug. If his family encouraged the avian’s choices to be a protector, then that was good. He was glad his friend had such a supportive family, in contrast to his own….less encouraging ones.
The blonde fixed his wide, curious eyes on his companion when his story was over. He tried not to feel too awkward and observed under it. “So, why’d you join?”
“Well, I really wanted to invent things, but that didn’t work out.” Fwhip responded, a sad and almost wistful smile appearing on his face. “Now I’m just trying to help my sister become a wizard any way I can.” He feels like he needs to do that last bit, mainly because Gem wants to be a wizard so badly. And she’s smart enough for it too, and would be damn good at it. But their uncle, the one who had gained custody over them, would not let her. And she could not go against the man of the house. So Fwhip was doing all he could with the power being a knight gave him and his family members, all to help his sister's dream become real.
“Do you still invent?” Jimmy asks, his interest clearly piqued by that little detail.
Fwhip felt a small smile stretching across his face, sensing that they had moved even closer as they talked; their shoulders now truly brushing. “On occasion, yes.”
“I’d like to see one, one day.” The avian says sincerely. It takes Fwhip off guard a little, that someone actually wants to see his inventions. No one, other than Gem when she had the time, ever really seemed to care about his craft. Not like he did, anyways, or at all.
“Well, okay then. Just be prepared to wait a while.” The dragon smiled, hoping the amount of joy he felt was reflected in his gaze. “I don't get much time to myself you know.”
“I know!” The blonde hums, still fixing him with a smile that never seems to disappear and wide brown eyes. Ones almost like a baby birds or cows. Fwhip felt bad, that he couldn’t show Jimmy something he so clearly wanted to see. But that smile and those eyes made him feel like everything would be okay, and that he could take all the time in the world, and the blonde would still be waiting for him.
He wished Jimmy would look at him like that more often…
Not even a week later, Fwhip has a small little thing to show his trainee. Maybe the others' interest in his hobby had been his one motivator. Maybe he really, really wanted to impress the blonde. Whatever the reason, his first project in a while was done, and he had someone to show it off too.
It’s pretty late in the day when he musters up the courage to go and tell Jimmy. So the ginger finds himself knocking on the avian’s door, not sure if he’s even in there. For all he knows, his fellow knight could be Lord knows where in town right now, doing who knows what. Maybe he’s not even in his room, maybe Fwhip just knocked on an empty door and looks stupid-
To his mild surprise, Jimmy does in fact open the door. The avian looks understandably surprised to see him, but happy at the same time. “Oh, hi Fwhip!” He says, and the dragon thinks that smile could light up the whole world if it tried. “Do you need something?”
“Yes, actually, I have something to show you!” He exclaims, hoping he doesn;t sound as anxious as he feels, that his heart isn’t beating loud enough to be heard by the other. “I um, left it in my room though.”
Jimmy’s smile doesn’t waver, even as he steps out into the hallway, and shuts the bedroom door behind them. Fwhip tries to ignore how close they’re standing now, and any urge to do anything. “That's fine! I don’t mind walking over.” “Good, good. C’mon then.” The ginger mumbles, and begins to lead Jimmy towards his bedroom. It’s a decently long walk, but the avian relatively knows the way. He didn’t really need to be led there, but the avian lets himself be led anyway. He seems happy to just be walking next to his friend…..happy to spend time with him. And Fwhip is happy to be around him too….way happier than he ever expected to be.
The comfortable silence between them is very loud, even with the dragon’s near constant overthinking of the situation. Of how he was leading the guy back to his bedroom to see something, and whatever implications that may have. He certainly could have phrased their initial conversation a lot better, that’s for sure, even if Jimmy wasn’t thinking of anything like that at all.
Safe to say, the dragon is very glad when he finally reaches his own bedroom door, and is able to lead his fellow knight inside. Jimmy follows him quietly, and takes a quick scan of the dark and rather brody bedroom before saying anything.
“Your room is really nice.” He compliments, looking at the small sword and dagger collection hanging on the dragon’s wall. A collection he hopes to expand very soon. 
“Thanks.” Fwhip mumbles, feeling himself smile like an idiot at such a small thing. He found he did that a lot around Jimmy, actually, smile at all the small and untimely meaningless things he did; like the ginger was starstruck or something stupid like that. 
“...What did you want me to see?” Jimmy hums, glancing around the room curiously, as if he could find it by doing just that. As if a gift would be left out in the open like that. The silly birdie.
“I, um, I made an invention to show you, actually.” Fwhip says, moving over to the nightstand beside his bed. He pulls the small contraption he’s made out from the drawer, it’s temporary hiding place since the device had been done. He places it down, and then blocks the nightstand with his body. So there can be a grand reveal, of course. All his inventions deserve one, no matter how big or how small they may be, or whatever purpose they serve. They are made by him , after all.
“Really!?” Jimmy gasps, sounding much more excited than he had been before. Fwhip thinks all of this is worth it so far, just because he got to see the blonde’s eyes light up and sparkle all pretty like.
“Yep! Made it just for you, actually.” Fwhip said, feeling a light flush start to creep up his face. For whatever reason. After a small pause, he added onto the statement. “Plus it felt good to use my hands again.”
“Oh!” Jimmy exclaimed, sounding surprised yet also touched. Like no one’s ever done something like this for him, like this is a special occurrence. Fwhip briefly wonders if he should be making even more trinkets after this. “That’s really sweet!”
“Don’t mention it.” He muttered, the tips of his ears now dusted in pink. Which is strange, the knight is usually not an easy man to fluster. “Erm, here it is.” He moves away from the nightstand, so Jimmy can see his gift. He’s…still nervous if the other will like it or not, and quickly prepares himself for the incoming possible rejection.
Jimmy looks at the thing, a small creation that is only able to spin and move, his eyes wide. “Fwhip this is really impressive!” He squeaks, bending down slightly so he can properly test the thing. The avian’s eyes are full of wonder as he watches it spin, and walk a few inches across the wooden table. Fwhip thinks that he’s never looked cuter than he does right now.
“It’s just a small little thing-” He mumbles, not really seeing any need for such fanfare. He would have made something much better, if he had access to more materials, and the dragon knows it. His friend however, apparently thinks otherwise.
“It’s still really good!” Jimmy insists, sounds so…so happy as he looks at the thing. So happy and genuine, like this is the best thing he’s ever been gifted, and will ever be. Like that dumb little invention means the whole world to him. “I love it, thank you “ His last words are a lot softer, warmer, and the ginger thinks he melts a bit upon hearing them. 
“Your welcome..” Fwhip mumbles, feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. He watches Jimmy mess with the creation made just for him, and knows that all this was worth it. All the anxiety and awkwardness is worth it if he gets to see this man happy.
Not even a week later, the two of them have another big moment. Like, really big, bigger than even the little invention stunt. The biggest and most impactful one to happen between them ever in their lives, probably.
It happens at one of their next sparring and training sessions, right at the start of it. They don’t even train much that day, actually, because what happens sends both men into wildly different mindsets. And neither of them are the fighting kind.
They arrive at the training room together, then separate a little so they can slip the armor sets they have on. Like they do every time, during every teaching session. The training armor isn’t quite as heavy as the real stuff used in battle, so Fwhip finishes early, just like he does every time. The dragon waits for Jimmy to emerge, leaning his sword against the nearest wall as he does so, and is met with a familiar sight when his friend finally emerges back out into the main practice area.
The avian has his armor on a little incorrectly, probably having struggled putting it on around his wings again. It was pretty hard to get used to that, Fwhip knows that fact from personal experience. Even today he still has moments where he fails to do it properly, even if they are rather rare.
“Here,” Fwhip says kindly, taking a few steps closer. “Lemme fix your armor.” 
“Okay.” Jimmy responds, letting the other knights approach him. Fwhip feels suddenly….anxious, maybe a little awkward as he reaches the avian, and goes to fix his armor. He thinks it's the thought of him and Jimmy touching that seems to, dare the ginger say, fluster him so much. Even though they’ve done this before, today is somehow different. Regardless, Fwhip does what he said he would, and adjusts his friend's armor.
He thinks the avian’s breath hitches when he adjusts the breastplate around his wings, and wonders if they both feel the same about this. He puts the pauldrons in their proper places as well, and tries not to think about the eyes that are curiously watching him. Fwhip feels himself flush, and doesn’t meet Jimmy’s gaze when he goes to fix the crooked helmet.
“Let’s get started.” He says, moving away. The dragon walks back across the room, going to grab his sword for where he left it. It’s better to start this training now, in his opinion, before the day gets even more awkward. There’s a small mumble of agreement, and when he turns back around the blonde seems to be acting normal. He already has his sword ready, too.
“En garde!” Jimmy says, pointing the sword out towards him and his voice echoing across the room slightly.. There’s a stupid little smile on his face, one that Fwhip finds secret endearing. Only secretly though.
“That's for fencing, not knights.” The ginger snorts in amusement, lifting his own sword up in response. He feels like this session will be an especially good one today.
“Close enough innit?” Jimmy shrugs, already watching the other man's every movement. Just like he had been instructed to.
Fwhip snorts again, charging forward to make the first move of their sparring session. “I guess. Except in fencing you're not supposed to impale someone.”
“Like I said, close enough!” Jimmy yelled back, dodging his blow with ease. Because that was an easy move to dodge on purpose. Fwhip wasn’t one to waste all his good moves early on, after all. He put on a show when he fought, especially in these training sessions. 
Especially for Jimmy.
The spar goes a lot like they normally do. The two men are evenly matched, while the ginger slips in lessons and advice between banter and kicking his trainee’s ass. Though today something in the air feels different, and Fwhip can not pinpoint why. Maybe it is from their strange tensions from earlier, maybe it is from something else. Regardless, the dragon doesn’t have time to focus on that. Jimmy had just gotten a great move in, actually managing to strike at his armor and make the metal clash. He took a step back in momentary surprise at that, a pleased grin starting to stretch across his features.
“You’re getting good at this!” Fwhip says, feeling a bead of sweat drip down his brow. His student has shown a lot of improvement in the four months they'd been working together. He's pretty impressed by it, and incredibly proud. 
Jimmy grins, clearly pleased by the praise, and takes another stab at him. “Good enough to beat you?”
The ginger seems to consider it for a moment, blocking the attack again. “Hm, fat chance!” He exclaims, and manages to successfully unbalance his opponent. It’s the first time he’s been able to do so in a while, and triumph floods him as Jimmy stumbles.
But the avian is skilled now, and knows not to let an enemy get him helpless on the ground, especially if he lands painfully on his wings. Something Fwhip had taught him early on. So instead of just falling, he kicks his leg out. The metal of their armor collides with clashing sound, and Fwhip makes a sound of surprise as he too is unbalanced and sent tumbling downwards with his trainee.
He lands with an oof , catching himself on his hands. Jimmy makes sure the fall is not too hard on his back, just like he had been taught, and hits the ground under the ginger with a similar grunting sound. Fwhip blinks down, flustered as he realizes what pose they have ended up in. Jimmy is pinned under him, their bodies pressing together in multiple points, and their faces closer than they have ever been. It’s quite the breathtaking situation, if he has to be honest.
Lovely brown eyes stare back up at him, and the dragon thinks he’s going to die .
“Hey.” Fwhip mutters, very aware of the position they’re now in. And how horrible it would be if someone walked in. Two men are not supposed to be.… posed like this. Especially not ones of their status.
“Hey..” Jimmy whispers back, his eyes darting around the ginger's face wildly, like he doesn’t know where to rest them. “Pretty close there aren’t you?”
“Heh, yeah…” The dragon mutters, feeling like something is pulling him downwards. Like he wants to connect the admittedly small gap between them. The rest of him screams not to, that the action is wrong, that he has been told not to. That it is sinful.
“Is it wrong for me..” Jimmy mutters softly, the same internal turmoil clearly flashing across his face. Fwhip is glad they're on the same page about that, at least. “...To want to do something more right now?”
“I’m not sure…”  He says, seeing how they are now just inches apart. The part of him that says not to is very loud, but the desire and want is louder. It’s stronger and telling him to get it over with already. Yet he is still hesitant. “I think I want it too.”
Thankfully, Jimmy makes the decision for him. “Say no and I’ll stop.” He mutters, and finally brings their lips together. The feeling is magical, like nothing he’s ever experienced. The voices in Fwhip’s head finally quiet, and all he can focus on after a second is the way Jimmy lips moves against his, and the way an armored hand holds his cheeks as gently as possible and keeps him there.
There is no saying no, there is no stopping. Even when the two men finally pull away, Fwhip just wants more. He wants to give into his desires oh so badly. Thankfully, the same look is reflected in the avian’s eyes, and it’s not long before he’s fully pressing the birdie to the ground hungrily. Though he still waits for his partner to initiate their next series of kisses.
Jimmy leans up to kiss him again, more passionate this time. Fwhip keens into it, letting himself get lost in the feeling and the taste of it all for just a few moments. Lord he had wanted this so bad, and for so many months too. Their lips connect again and again and again, until both of the knights are panting and breathless and getting far too heated for the near full sets of armor they are both wearing.
They pull away after what feels like an eternity, and go to slip their armor off. Fwhip finds his eyes trained on Jimmy the whole time, unable to look away. He knows he’s not quite satfisted that urge in him yet, to kiss his friend stupid. So when they are back in their normal clothes, he is quick to press Jimmy into the seat in the changing room, and resume their earlier activities.
Fwhip quietly connects their lips again, shifting so he is in Jimmy’s lap. The avian lets him, doing so almost happily. The ginger really hopes the door is locked behind them. Because he doesn’t want to just feel the kiss this time, he wants to feel everything. The flush of their bodies against each other, the warmth his friends always emits, the way Jimmy’s hands feel when they hold his cheeks and the back of his neck, the way wings envelop him softly. Everything .
They break apart and then connect again, leaving no space between them. While Fwhip focuses on the feeling of the kiss, and the joy he gets from it; Jimmy focuses on advancing this. Focuses on getting handsy. Slim fingers ghost over the velvet of his wings, and Fwhip gasps into his friend's mouth. So Jimmy keeps doing that, keeps massaging his wings, until the other knight is basically putty in his hands.
They pull away after what feels like an eternity, both men panting heavily. Before Fwhip is able to leave the avians lap, a small hickey is quickly sucked into the side of his neck. Right where all his clothes will cover it, thankfully. He shivers at the feeling of it, and misses Jimmy’s lips when they leave his skin for the final time that day.
The walk back to their chambers is the closest they’ve ever had. Fwhip is glad it's dark out already, and no one is around, because their hands are intertwined and they almost kiss about five different times. Jimmy bids him a sickly sweet goodbye when they get to his door, and the ginger cannot help but swoon over it.
Back in his own quarters, Fwhip finds himself pacing. 
What they had just done today was dangerous, for both of them. He’d never seen anyone punished for this type of behavior himself, but he knew what the punishments could be. It was anything from being disgraced to burning, depending on what act you partook in. Fwhip’s pretty sure what they had just done wouldn’t get them the worst punishment, which was for sodomy, but it wouldn;t get them the easiest one either. If they didn’t just charge them with sodomy anyways. And their money couldn’t buy them out of it either, if anyone ever knew.
And no one will ever, ever no. For his sake, but mainly for Jimmy’s. He’ll say he forced the avian into it, if anyone ever asks. He will gladly burn at the stake for the sake of his friend.
Maybe being so ready to die for Jimmy makes them more than just friends….maybe it’s nothing, maybe no one will ever find out. Fwhip sighs, and assumes he’ll just have to find out where this goes.
Fwhip does not want to attend church the following Sunday after the kiss. But he has to, for it’s illegal to skip the service. And he likes having a good name amongst his peers and fellow townsfolk. And the lot that choose to not attend church do not have a very good reputation, not in the slightest.
The statue of their god, Aeor, looks down at him as he walks past it. He feels like scorn and disappointment is shining in those stone eyes. Fwhip talks to his elven friend, one of the custodians and son of the pastor, and feels like he is not worthy to do so. He wonders what his blue-haired friend would say if he knew what the dragon had done just days before.
He attends the service and feels like an imposter. Like he is not supposed to be in that building. He feels his sins crawling up his spine, weighing him down so much that he might as well sink through the floor. Or, well, things he was taught were sins.
Jimmy made him nothing but happy so far, and that couldn’t be a sin. Aeor would never punish someone for happiness! 
Would he…?
Instead of pondering that thought, Fwhip tries to focus on what the preacher is saying. When that doesn’t work, he starts to sneakily glance around the room. He needs something else to focus on, something that isn’t himself and his bone crushing guilt that never seems to waver, no matter how he tries to rationalize it.
And well, his eyes land on Jimmy, sitting with his family across the building and Fwhip can’t help but admire him. And how pretty he looks; how the sunlight falls on his face through the stained glass windows and makes him look almost ethereal. Like he was sent from Heaven himself. Honestly, the avian might as well be, with just… everything about him and how he is.
They have been distant for the past few days, even at the makeup training session the day after they kissed. It seems neither men knew how to breach the topic, or be close like they used to be once more. If the ginger had been left desperately longing for the touch of another man again, well that was between him and Aeor.
Yet Jimmy looks over, able to feel his staring, and it is that moment when they become close again. The avian meets his eyes with a small, hopefully smile, and the dragon just knows he can’t let this one get away from him. Certainly not over a kiss, either.
After the church service, Fwhip finds himself in Jimmy’s room for the first time. He knows how he got there, but everything feels like a blur. All he remembers is walking back home with the avian, and as soon as they were alone, Jimmy had grabbed his hand and hidden them away where no one else could see.
When their lips connect once again, it doesn’t feel wrong. It feels so, so right. Maybe a little distasteful, for doing something like this on the sabbath day, but still so right. So much so that they kiss again and again and again, and do so all night long for all Fwhip knows.
When the two knights wake up next to each other the next morning, they both silently agree not to talk about it. The ginger just slinks back into his own chambers, guilt and joy both running through him rather violently, and they don’t bring it up for a good while after that.
He doesn’t think either of them know how to.
They finally have a conversation about it a few weeks later, after yet another training session, when they are both tired from a long day's work. Jimmy is getting close to the end of his lessons, and Fwhip wonders what will happen when that day comes; and if they will ever see each other afterwards. He wonders what he’ll do with himself if it comes to that. (Probably nothing good, if the ginger is being honest.)
The two of them are in Jimmy’s chambers today, lounging on the bed together. The blonde lays next to him, a hand resting on Fwhip’s thigh as he reads. The ginger is doing his own thing next to him. Well, he’s trying too. He hadn’t been in the right headspace to tinker like he wanted too, so Fwhip had been able to do nothing but let his mind wander. And the knight had  a lot of troubling thoughts he was trying to avoid pondering on.
There’s a lot of silence and unanswered questions between them. Things they want to say, but neither will. The dragon feels like he’s gonna suffocate in the silence if he sits in it for any longer.
“You know we shouldn’t be doing this , right?” Fwhip muttered, glancing down at the hand idly resting on his thigh. Jimmy turned, so they were no longer laying so close. Instead he sits up, so the two of them are face to face once more. For once, a smile is not on his friend’s face, and it bothers him like nothing else.
“I know.” The avian said carefully, now looking him in the eyes, as if he were staring directly into Fwhip’s soul. It was almost like he was scared of where this was going. “I know they say it is a sin.”
“Then why-” Fwhip starts, but whatever he is about to say is lost to time as Jimmy quickly cuts him off. It’s probably a good thing he did, the ginger was probably just going to hurt him with whatever statement he wanted to make. Whatever dumb question he wanted to ask.
“Because it doesn’t feel sinful to me, it feels right.” The avian says, softly cupping the other's face in his hands. Like he was the most precious thing in the world. “And because I love you.”
Fwhip feels himself start to choke. He feels like he’s being broken into a million pieces, all with three little words. “Jimmy…”
“I don’t care what they say, because I love you. I want to be with you.” Jimmy says, sounding so sure of himself. The look he fixes the ginger with next is sweet, enough so to melt even the toughest of hearts. “Do you….want that?”
 “Yes, I want that.” Fwhip nods, finding he had to think for a minute, to consider everything and all the consequences of this. Even though the answer should’ve been the most obvious thing in the whole wide world. “I want you.”
“Then you can have me.” Jimmy mumbles, and moves their faces closer. Fwhip wants to, but he can’t kiss him, not yet anyways. He needs to ask something first.
“This’ll have to be….secretive, you know that, right?” He mumbles, failing to hold back a smile when their noses bump, and just Jimmy in general, honestly. The avian is far too cute for his own good, especially when he’s being all nice and sweet like this.
“It’s like I said, I don’t care.” Jimmy repeated, moving so he could run a few fingers through his friend’s rather messed up hair. The dragon felt himself lean into the touch without a second thought. “If I can be with you I don’t care.”
That is enough for him, and Fwhip feels like he can close the gap between them now. Jimmy returns the kiss with a pleased sigh, like he’s been wanting this for weeks now. Realistically, he probably has. Though this kiss tastes sweeter than all the ones they’ve had before, and Fwhip finds himself relishing in it more than ever.
“I love you, too.” He mutters against the other’s lips. Jimmy smiles, mutters something about them being partners now, and kisses him sweetly again. Fwhip kisses him back, and knows that he would rather be in no other place than this right now. 
The years go on, slowly but surely. Everything around them changes, but Fwhip and Jimmy do not. They work closely together, even after Jimmy’s training is over. They keep meeting in secret, having late night talks, and seeing each other in ways most people would be appalled by. Not that Fwhip cares much, as long as he can keep his little birdie close to him, he will be okay.
Eventually, they are forced to marry. It keeps the rumors at bay, and keeps them in better standing with people. Not that the women they marry are interested in anything else, the two only doing so to save themselves from social disgrace and please their fathers. Jimmy is married to a sweet fae girl with brunette hair, and a fondness for pink and flowers. She seems more interested in another man with an affinity for thievery, plus a short and sweet gnome woman she often had tea with. Not that Jimmy minded much. The two of them were more friends than a couple, which worked perfectly well and fine. 
Fwhip was wed to a blonde maiden with his shared love for inventing, and who was as quiet and aloof as he was sometimes. They bonded over their shared love of creation, and how their passions had been shoved to the side seemingly forever. And that was that. She didn’t seem very interested in the romance department period, no matter what gender would approach her with a cheeky flirt. Each couple lived in relative peace, the only criticism being the lack of children, something that gradually slowed as they all aged.
Jimmy and Fwhip remained close, very close through the years. And since their wives and them preferred to be separate rather than together, it gave the little couple a lot of time to waste in each other's company. They spent more nights in each other's beds than their own, cuddles exchanged and lips pressed together softly, a secret for them only to keep. Each knight wouldn’t have it any other way.
The two of them will go down in history as some of the best, most skilled knights the kingdom has ever hosted. A mentor and his trainee, who he did a splendid job with. Some splendid he went on to be the top recruitment and training officer, and impressed every other night that had once been socially above him. The best of friends, Fwhip and Jimmy were called, nothing less and certainly nothing more. No matter what anyone at the time will think otherwise. 
And as the scholars write that, they will lie away from anyone the church binds them to, content as they share easy kisses over drinks and loving touches when they wake next to each other, and when they share the intensity and excitement of all those knightly duties. 
Something for only them, to share, and only them to hold, history be damned. A love that will be carved into nothing but the gifts and looks they exchange, for no one else's eye but their own. A love that history will love to hate, but will taste sweeter than anything else in the world.
Something precious only for them to know, as it was always meant to be.
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
Team Rancher (Solidaritek) for the ship ask meme, please?
I did, with all my heart and north of 50k words. In an ideal world, in my ideal world, I would still be shipping it. I can't explain how much I want to be okay with Ranchers. I feel like I got dumped by someone I was good friends with before we dated, who really wants to be friends again, but it hurts too much to think about them. (Has that happened recently in my life, yes, lol.) I hope someday we can be friends again, but I'm not good at getting over things.
I've been sitting on a "what's your brutally honest opinion of [ship]" ask since... the doc was last modified march 17. okay. It's a simple chronology
I watched Double Life, was not obsessed with mcyt, checked to see if people were writing it and was pleased. I wasn't even regularly watching their POVS.
I watched 3L and got sucked in hard by Flower Husbands. I started writing a bit multiverse series, and I needed Scott and Jimmy to talk about Jimmy/Tango having happened (they don't remember their pasts while in the life games), so I needed to play that out, and oops I was obsessed. (then smalletho happened in the same way with those people)
The crossover started, tango put those fucking hearts over the reunion scene (no one made him do that), I was possessed by tango/jimmy/fwhip and wrote and published my absolute most popular fic, it was real work to get through "oh i'll never get that many kudos again". (chart below to show you how damn popular it is compared to fic where i'm not actively sad about them). then i started publishing the sequel, and quickly went from "i'll never do a wip" to 'well just this once"
Jimmy built Tango the ranch and i got possessed again and wrote a long fic about it
i said "if that's all ever get, that's fine, this gave me so much to work with". and that would have been fine for a month long crossover, but i think it was 50 more days, every day wishing and hoping that today there would be something, that tango's ep would include the ranch, shit like that
And my heart turned bitter, guys.
This is my first unscripted/whatever fandom. The phrase "content creator" was not part of my life before. Maybe an actor sucked, but they didn't write the words they spoke, they were selling me a character completely distinct from them, it wasn't just that actor doing it all. Maybe a showrunner sucked, but so many people put their hearts and souls into their series.
But this? I don't know how to deal with this, I don't know how to separate annoyance with a creator from a character, not when they say all the same things and make the same weird noises and are, y'know, pretty much the same cause it's not like Tango's out there doing heavy roleplay. I just have no experience, and I can not express strongly enough how frustrated I am with myself that I'm so worked up over it. I was briefly annoyed with Scott about something around the same time (it's stupid, i'm not going to talk about it) and I worked SO HARD to not let it be a thing, i made myself watch scott content i knew made me happy, i was not going to let myself have an issue with scott, as we all know he's everywhere - and flower husbands will always be my first ship.
If I didn't have a god damned wip in tango pov I might be over this now. I would have been able to try and not think about it - I have ranchers pretty well filtered, but did you know filters don't catch text in an ask? They don't! But I thought about the wip every day, as it seemed harder and harder to imagine every writing tango pov, and it spiraled. It was very bad! I know I am allowed to drop a wip, but it doesn't line up with how I want to be conducting my affairs.
But then @that-tall-queer-bassist interrupted one of my wailing session to say they'd finish it. I have it all outlined, I had I think the first page written, and crucially i wrote the final conversation, the end of this damn series.
So now Limited Life is over, I don't watch much HC and it's sounds like Tango's just working on decked out all the time, so I can maybe get some space. I watched some 3rd Life last night and was doing find with Tango being around. Maybe I can CHILL OUT and someday I can go back to my Double Life wips, I know exactly what that Tango did and nothing can surprise me.
I would like to be chill again. I would like it so bad. I would like to un filter content on tumblr, and finish "Swinging Soulmates" which i think is actually fantastic, and put my ranchers fanart back in the frame. I'd like to do the main part of the larpers au and not just the side fics. (Though i wrote tango being around and being jimmy's bf in the smalletho morning after larper fic, i was very proud of myself.) Maybe after the wip is done, and I can exist neutrally. I don't know why the series is so popular, fwhip/tango had one more interaction ever (and fwhip wanting to trap him in a hole forever....) I guess it's fix it? I wish it felt like fix it for meeeeee
Ship It
What made you ship it? They were so dumb and sweet and they vibed together so well. So much chaos going on, but hey were 200% loyal and ready to do whatever the hell the other one wanted. I love that. Also, uh, Jimmy.
What are your favorite things about the ship? I want to explore most dynamics with Jimmy, right, I keep writing brand new ships and stuff? And Tango gave me opportunities other people don't, because, for better or worse, there's no one else like tango.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? idk i'm a mess
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it? Because it hurts my heart
What would have made you like it? No crossover, or different crossover, or... just different stuff on the cc level
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? Yeah man it's a beautiful ship. It's so fun, they're so fun, I was really pleased with what I could easily do with the sexual dynamics, i loved them so much
My kudos over time. (if anyone wants to make their own i can make a spreadsheet template and share my tricks and tips
Tumblr media
Below the cut is what i had sitting in my drafts in march for brutally honest opinion.
My brutally honest opinion of Ranchers?
Double Life was great. I somehow didn’t get into them until I was writing a multiverse-whatever flower husbands fic and needed to fill in the blanks of “scott and jimmy are talking about DL and obviously they fucked” and i incepted myself into it. I loved it, I wrote a lot, loved art, commissioned art, etc.
Right now we’re on a little bit of a break. This ship, and specifically the crossover, is what got me publishing, not just writing, when I was possessed day one. “MY EX STOLE MY SOULMATE” is still my most popular fic by far, and the unfinished sequel is in second place. After jimmy’s second crossover ep, i got into a fic i loved very much, “love respect joy and ranchin’”. i put so much work and  love into it, i got a fwhimmy consult and a grian consult. I said after that ep that if that was all we got, i’d be okay, cause i’d gotten so much out of it via fic. But then the length of time of “not getting any more” was too long, I spent too long wishing and hoping, and my feelings went sour
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unexistingdotnet · 2 years
Empires SMP Rulers Ranked by How likely they are to go Evil (And how it would happen)
I’ve been thinking about Empires and how each of them have set things up for a potential heel turn. I freaking love villains and am seriously hoping we see at least one of them get the rogue arc they deserve. Anyways, here’s who I think goes bad and how it could happen for anyone.
(I’m not caught up on Pix, Fwhip, Sausage, Joey and Scott)
14. (Bonus) Pearl 
So, she isn’t entirely here, which makes this a lot less likely. But I want to mention it, because there is nothing that could possibly bring me more joy than a Pearl showing up and causing chaos, as she does. Maybe someone discovers a tower in the middle of an ice spikes biome, inside of which is a red cloaked woman with an unhealthy obsession with freezing herself and trying to bring chaos to Chromia. Will it happen? No. Would it be awesome? Yes!
13. Pix
Pix decides that the best way to preserve history is to stop it from being destroyed in the first place. He starts to preserve the other empires buildings. When they resist, because he’s blocking off crucial resources to their people, he starts to preserve the other emperors.
But, so far, it’s pretty clear he’s just a humble archeologist content to do his work in peace. I don’t see him taking more than a documentarian role in any conflict, with the long view of history, he doesn’t really have a reason to.
12. Fwhip
He’s so used to making jokes and being so charming he’s able to get away with it, until one day, he takes the joke a little to far. Maybe he causes a perma-death or does irreparable damage to another empire. Finally, the other empires snap, and decide it’s time to take care of the little trickster.
Except, I don’t think he will. He’s so distinctly amoral, I don’t think he’d ever do something that puts him on one side of any conflict. Even in that scenario, he isn’t really evil, just made a mistake.
11. Gem
We don’t actually know enough about Gem to really make a call right now. I saw a cool theory that she turns into a monster at night (Ala Shrek), but we don’t really have a reason to believe that. We also don’t know if there is a reason she is a princess, not a queen, but that’s probably just cause it’s a cuter title
I don’t know where her story will go from here, but if she was going to be evil, we probably would have gotten a hint by now, right? We’ll see.
10. Sausage
A mysterious figure appears in sanctuary, and offers Sausage a deal. They will return Sausage’s home to it’s former peace and prosperity, free all his friends, etc. All they want is a few favors out of him. How could he say no?
 Even if something where to tempt him, I think he’d find it in himself to refuse. Sausage just wants to do right, and I don’t think he’d stoop to allying with a villain, even if it was for a cause. There is another scenario where Hermes is kidnapped but, uh... I don’t wan to talk about that.
9. Jimmy
Eventually, enough is enough. He decides the entire server is in clear violation of law #1: Respect the Sheriff, and it’s time for the rule of law to return and be enforced. With extreme prejudice.
He would have been lower, but then he burned Hermes’ toy. Even still, I think he just wants people to respect him, and will calm down once he accepts the whole toy thing.
8. False
False wasn’t sure why she was so paranoid of the other emperors, they were pretty nice to her, on the surface. But as she remembered more about her past, she remembered a court of minions, and she was one of them. And when her old boss shows up asking for help, It forces her to wonder how much she really owes to the other empires.
I like this idea, but I’m not sure about it since a) we know little about False’s backstory, it could be anything, and b) on a more meta note, I don’t think False wants her introduction to Empires fans to be her beating up their favs.
7. Lizzie
This BBEG may have an issue with the humans of this planet, but perhaps they will spare the animals. A deal is struck. After all, what loyalty does Lizzie have to the people who forced her behind a mask.
My only thing with this is that I think Lizzie this season is simply too chaotic to actually strike a deal with a villain, and if she did, I think she’d just end up betraying for no reason other than for the chaos.
6. Shub
I know what you did. Shelby doesn’t have to do what the villain demands. It’s just if she doesn’t, they’ll tell the head witches and her friends what she did. Seems like a pretty heavy price just to avoid  a few favors for a friend, right?
I think if Shelby goes evil it’s via blackmail, which doesn’t really count, and sets her up to end up switching sides once the bad guy goes too far. Maybe she’ll be a temporary villain, but I don’t think it’d last long.
5. Oli
I mean, what does it matter? He knows this is a story, a game. Nothing he does will have consequences. All he has to do is wait until the gods decides to reset this world, and then maybe his friends will remember him. But these people aren’t his friends. So why does he care what happens to them? And who’s gonna stop him?
His position as an outsider in this world, and that he might be frustrated at everyone for not remembering him might be something, but I don’t know if he’ll post enough to have a super important place in the story. Also I think he’s too chaotic to really take aside.
4. Joey
On one hand, I don’t have any clue how he’d go evil. On the other, It’s Joey. Maybe his Pirate Princess will reject him one too many times. Maybe the villain is a sexyman again. Maybe he stubs his toe and decides to take revenge on the world.
On one hand, I’m not sure if he wants to do it again. On the other, he’s literally already said he’s beginning his villain arc, and darkened his colors. We’ll see, I don’t know.
3. Joel
His older brother visits. His empire is cute, especially with how permissive he is, what with letting the other empires run around, not sticking them under his thumb, like how a real, tall, sexy god would. But Joel will show them. just because he’s the runt, doesn’t mean he can’t also be powerful. He’ll show them. He’ll show them.
God Joel is super narccisistic and super insecure. It’s a perfect recipe for him to be manipulated by a villain, or just go off on his own doing evil things, to prove how tall, sexy and tall he is. Which he’s already kind of started. Lot to work with here, lot of ways this could go.
2. Scott
That eye... I don’t know. A wizard? that disappeared? and a SKULL? Why would you take that eye? It’s 100% cursed. And will probably possess him. I don’t know what else to say, that eye is bad news, man.
I think this will happen. He was one of the good guys last season, so I think he’d be down to be a villain, especially if it’s just possession. 
1. Katherine Elizabeth
Okay, look. Her curse’s symbolism is half pink- half greyscale, like exactly the pink version, but without color. We see it in her castle, and we see it in her horse, But most interesting, we see it in her monster hunter outfit. I think the monster hunter version of herself is actually a secret evil side with it’s own autonomy. Then, I think the curse will take her over, and she’ll start expanding what she defines as a monster. Maybe she’ll include goblins, or even witches (For all you nature wives lovers out there).
Just to double down, For my money, I think that it’s her dark side that put the hit out on Pirate Joe. If Joel didn’t know she was a monster hunter, I don’t know who else would want revenge on him, except Katherine herself.
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c-r-ash-crash · 3 years
Scott blinked awake. The world seemed oddly dull, as if it had lost it's color. The sunlight wasn't as vibrant as it normally was, the snow didn't glitter white outside his window like it usually did. He couldn't even tell what colors the books on his shelf were.
Then, with a start, he realized he couldn't see color at all. Everything was just a varying shade of gray. "What the heck?" he mumbled, pushing himself out of bed.
Suddenly, his door was thrown open, and Jimmy marched in, clearly panicked. "Scott!" he shouted. "I can't see any colors!" His head appeared at the top of the stairs, and suddenly, the world changed. Greens and reds and blues and browns flooded into his vision.
He had never been more glad to see Jimmy in his life. Jimmy simply stared dumbfounded. "Nevermind," he mumbled. "False alarm I guess. Anyways, wanna go salmon hunting?"
Scott nodded, and accepted Jimmy's outstretched hand.
Lizzie sprinted through Joel's palace, trying desperately to find the Mezalian king. The building was surprisingly difficult to navigate now that her world was simply a shade of gray.
Eventually she reached Joel's private chambers. "Joel!" she called out. "Where are you?" "Right here," Joel said, stepping into view. "I'm right here Lizzie. What's wrong?"
As soon as he came into view, color flooded back into her vision, and her shoulders sagged with relief. "Lizzie?" he asked, taking her gently by the shoulders.
"I'm fine," she said. "At least I think so. I don't know. I woke up this morning and everything was gray, but then I saw you and everything's fine now."
Joel pulled her into a hug. "The same thing happened to me. But it's not really any different. You always give my world color. I love you, Lizzie."
Shubble waited outside Katherine's house, trying not to pace. It was nearing afternoon and color still hadn't returned to her vision. She had spoken to Scott and Jimmy and they said the issue had gone away as soon as they had seen each other. Maybe Shubble just needed her best friend.
Finally, Katherine stepped out, rockets gripped tightly in hand and elytra spread behind her. As soon as Shubble caught a glimpse of her, her vision flooded with purple and pink and white, all of the colors that made Katherine Katherine.
"Katherine!" she called, waving to get the queen's attention. As soon as Katherine spotted her, her shoulders drooped in relief, and Shubble knew that her vision must have returned to normal as well.
"Hey," Katherine said. "What are you up too?" "Nothing," Shubble said with a shrug. "Just missed you." "Uh-huh," Katherine said. "And it has nothing to do with waking up seeing only gray?" "Nope," Shubble said, popping the "p." "Anyways," she changed the subject. "Wanna go flying?" "Sure," Katherine said with a soft smile.
She passed Shubble a stack of rockets and took off to the sky.
Fwhip and Sausage found Gem in her study, pouring over a book. "Gem, Gem!" Sausage called. Gem didn't look up from her book. "Not right now, Sausage," she said patiently. "I'm trying to figure out why everyone's seeing gray. I'd love to talk to you, but this is really important."
Suddenly, Fwhip placed a hand on her shoulder and she glanced up. As soon as she did, color flooded back. Had his scarf always been that bright a red? "How'd you figure it out?" she asked. "Well, when Fwhip and I saw each other, everything got less dull, and then Scott and Jimmy told us that color came back once they saw each other, so Fwhip and I figured if we all saw each other, it would be fixed," Sausage explained.
"Oh my goodness," Gem said, flipping through her book. "I wonder what kind of magic could have this kind of effect." Her voice was filled with wonder. Fwhip chuckled softly. "Always have your nose in a book," he teased. "C'mon Gem. We can see color again. Let's go appreciate it!"
She returned his laugh and pushed her chair back from the table. "Alright then," she said. The three of them marched off. Sausage didn't tell them he was still seeing Gray.
Joey knocked on Scott's door. The elf answered it immediately. "Hey, Joey," he greeted. "Hey," Joey said, rather quickly. "I have kind of a weird request. Can I see Xornoth's crystal?" Scott's brow furrowed, but then his expression turned sympathetic. "You're still seeing gray aren't you?"
Joey nodded abashedly. "It's just, I heard what happened with you and Jimmy, and I was wondering if-" Scott held up his hand and Joey stopped. "You can't take it, but we can try. Let me go grab it."
Scott sprinted away, and he returned a moment later, crystal held delicately in his hand. Joey examined it, but nothing happened. His jaw dropped slightly. "Didn't work?" Scott guessed. Quietly, Joey shook his head. Then , he dropped a rocket and retreated. Why hadn't it worked.
He set down at the base of his pyramid. Numbly, he climbed the stairs. He didn't even realize Sausage had been standing at the top of them until he ran into him.
As soon as he saw the familiar face, bright greens and reds and oranges and yellows filled his vision. He could see color again. "What the-" he stammered. Sausage didn't look surprised, only slightly amused. "Man," he said. "I didn't think that'd actually work. For either of us."
"But-but how?" Joey stammered. He knew the answer already, though. "This is home," he said. The certainty in his voice surprised him, but it felt right. His friends were his real home. They always had been.
"Home," Sausage confirmed.
Emptober Day 27: Gray
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redwinterroses · 3 years
Had an idea for a fic I’m never going to write. So Empires SMP has a bad ending for the rulers, and Gem and Pearl decide to move on without their memories and end up in Hermitcraft. They’re at peace but weighed down by something they don’t know. And then Gem sees Fwip. Maximum angst potential of either her remembering everything right then or remembering nothing and Fwip trying to convince her they know each other. “Do I know you?”’s are always heartbreaking
You did this to me. XD
Disclaimers: I don't know how to write fWhip yet, so he's prolly at least a little OCC. Also, we're gonna pretend that timelines are ours to do as we please with, and say that Empires has ended several months prior to MCC17. Just. Because. Wibbly-wobbly.
Anyway here, have some Whizbang sibs content. :D
Sometimes it was little things. Sometimes the little things didn’t feel so… little.
Like when Gem held the Tegg in her hands, the void-dark shell rough and cold under her fingers, and was unsettled by how… lifeless it felt. It would hatch if put in the right circumstances, she knew, the egg wasn’t dead. But something in her heart quickened with undefined panic at the idea that it might not hatch, and something else… mourned? That she couldn’t feel the life inside?
She shook her head and set the egg down with hands that only trembled a little.
She knew why these phantom feelings were chasing her heart, she just didn’t know what lay underneath that foggy surface of hidden memories.
And she didn’t want to.
They’d agreed.
So she hid the Tegg, and she laughed when it was found, and the idea that there ought to be anything more to a dragon’s egg slowly faded into the back of her mind, gathering dust on the shelves of other forgotten things.
Sometimes it was the big things. Things that shouldn’t have seemed so inconsequential.
Like when she fell while mining and died with her items scattered across the bottom of a ravine, and she woke with a gasp in her own bed.
And when it happened again, on a day when she missed seeing a creeper until too late. And again, falling from the top of her build. And death just… didn’t matter much. Or enough. Or at all. It felt like it should matter, somehow — she knew it didn’t, she knew respawn was waiting, she knew there were no real consequences in this world for death.
And yet on some level each respawn felt like a failure. Her bones ached with the sense that she’d missed something, some detail that would have saved them all—
But they didn’t need saving. The hermits were fine. It was fine. This wasn’t a defeat, or a loss, or a reason for an ally to potentially lose something as well, or for an enemy to claim victory over you. There were no enemies here. No allies, either, really. They were all friends.
It was fine.
And with each respawn, it hurt a little less, and felt a little bit more like freedom.
The MCC lobby was brilliantly-colored and smelled of junk food, hot concrete, and salty wind from the sea that swirled somewhere miles below them. fWhip took in a deep breath and his face split into a grin — a grin that had been a little… lacking, recently. He’d done a lot to distance himself from the darkness they’d fled, but…
Well. A day playing insane games with friends and strangers alike would be just the thing. A much-needed break.
He paced back and forth just inside the main gates, watching the other competitors bounce around and shout back and forth — insults, greetings, questions, challenges — it was a cacophony of noise and color, and its sandpaper-rough edges of chaos smoothed away another layer of the angry burrs in his mind.
He caught a glimpse of something bright green through the crowd, and stood on tiptoe to see — yes! Another one of his teammates, finally heading over to their agreed meeting point. He lost them in the crowd for a moment, but then saw the ginger hair (so much like his own) and a smiling face beneath small, dainty antlers.
He didn’t expect the dagger of pain that went through him at the sight of her face, nor that the way her eyes lit up when she spotted him would sooth away some of that same pain.
“Gem!” he shouted. “Hey — over here!”
She waved, and dodged a gaggle of cyan- and red-clad players shoving each other goodnaturedly across the courtyard.
“Hey, fWhip!” she called as she neared him. She looked… happy, he thought. He didn’t see the shadows under her eyes that he’d expected, and she was freckled and tanned instead of the pale, cloaked figure he remembered.
“Hermitcraft’s been good to you,” he said, grabbing her in a one-armed shoulder hug.
To his surprise, she tensed a little — as if surprised — before returning the hug.
“Yeah, yeah,” she agreed. “The hermits are great.” Then, stepping back, she tilted her head at him. “So — long time, no see. What’ve you been up to?”
He shrugged, leaning back against the bright-red concrete wall. “Oh. You know. Lots of building, some exploring… been thinkin’ about checking out one of those new snapshots people are talking about.” He examined her. “You, ah… heard from any of the others lately?”
Something like a shadow chased across her face, but Gem gave him a slightly confused smile. “The others?”
“Scott, or Sausage, or Katherine…” There was no comprehension in her expression, and fWhip’s heart constricted. “I mean, you haven’t even messaged me in months.”
“I… I didn’t realize I should have…?” Gem crossed her arms over her chest, rubbing at her upper arm as if she’d gotten a chill. “I mean, we haven’t chatted much since XLife — I was glad to see a familiar face for my first MCC, but it’s not like we’re… ya know. Besties or anything — no offense, of course.”
If she’d tossed him off the edge of the lobby island into the void, it might have shocked him less.
“Gem, I—” he shook his head. “You were my… I was your brother? I know that’s not the same as ‘besties’ but… that kinda hurts, I won’t lie.”
Now she did go pale. And still.
“I…” she stopped, her voice dying away amidst the chaos. “fWhip, I don’t… know what you’re talking about.”
fWhip froze. “You what?” He stepped forward and gripped her by the shoulders. “Gem, are you okay? Did they — did the hermits do something to you?”
“What? No — don’t be ridiculous.” She tugged out of his grasp but didn’t move away. “The hermits are amazing and would never do anything to hurt me. Not like—” Gem’s eyes snapped up to lock on his, and she frowned, distressed. “fWhip… what’s going on?”
She’d forgotten. He didn’t know how — repressing the trauma? Magic? Knowing Gem, it was probably the latter… because of the former.
“We — Empires,” he said, fumbling for words. “You and I were allies. Siblings, even. And there was a demon, and the dragon egg—”
Gem grabbed his arm. “The egg!” she exclaimed. “I knew there was something—”
He could see the moment she remembered. And then the moment she chose not to.
“There’s something sad there,” she said, her voice nearly lost in the noise of the crowd. Her gaze flicked back and forth between his eyes, pleading. “Something… lost. And I don’t want to be lost, fWhip.”
He started to argue with her, and then paused.
What good did remembering do any of them? What good had it done him? What was the point of the sleepless nights, wondering what he could have done differently? The nightmares where he relived every mistake and had to watch their failures and defeat over and over again? The fact that he still shied away from shadows, and that the MCC world was the safest he’d felt in months?
“No,” he said slowly, even though it felt like he was letting a piece of himself slip away. He’d missed having a sister. But what were brothers for, if not for things like this? “No, you don’t need to be lost, Gem. If you ever want to come back, I’ll be here but… it’s okay if it’s not today. Or—” he swallowed, but pushed the words out anyway. “Or ever.”
A glint of something that could have been gratitude or could have been a tear glittered in her gaze for just a moment — and then there were other voices, and the boisterous greeting of Jimmy and Quig, and they stepped apart, each plastering a grin on their faces to welcome their teammates.
fWhip couldn’t help but glance at Gem as she greeted Jimmy, but there was no recognition of the Codfather on her face, and Jimmy, he knew, was content to let the past lie. It didn’t take away the sting of loss — or the slight bitterness that tanged in the back of his throat, that Gem could forget and move on, and he… he couldn’t. Not yet.
But she seemed happy. Wasn’t that enough?
It could be. For now. For today.
A voice over the PA system urged them to head into the starting area, and fWhip followed his team up the path, merging with the other players. He almost didn’t notice Gem slipping her hand into his, until she squeezed it gently.
He looked down at her, and she offered him a smile.
“We’ll talk later, maybe?” she said.
It was a start.
“Sure,” he said. “But first, we gotta win this thing. Grab you a win for your first MCC, right?”
Gem laughed. “Sure, wFhip,” she said. “Sure.”
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this was a popular request LMAO :D
here’s the first part
The ringing of her communicator wakes Lizzie up late in the night. Blinking herself awake, she quickly answers it, speaking quietly so as to not awaken her sleeping fiance next to her. “Hello?”
“Lizzie, it’s Pixl,” comes the familiar British voice. “I’m so sorry to wake you.”
“It’s okay,” Lizzie says. “Is something wrong?”
“Something’s happened with Jimmy.”
Lizzie’s heart skips a beat. “Is he okay?”
“I’ll explain everything later but I could really use your help right now. Are you able to come to the Cod Empire?”
Momentarily forgetting that Pixl can’t see her, Lizzie nods. “Of course, I’ll come over right away.”
“Thanks so much, Lizzie,” says Pixl gratefully. “See you soon.”
“See you.”
Lizzie puts down her communicator and gets out of bed. Just as she’s finished changing, her fiance stirs in his bed and murmurs, “What’s going on? Who was that?”
“Pixl,” replies Lizzie softly, secretly glad he’s awake; she wouldn’t have woken him first. “Something’s happened to Jimmy, and Pixl needs me. You okay to come over to the Cod Empire with me?”
Joel sits up in his bed, immediately more awake. “Of course, of course. Let me get dressed.”
The two fly straight over to the Cod Empire and land outside Jimmy’s house. Pixl answers the door on the first knock. “Queen Lizzie, thank you for coming,” he says gratefully. “And King Joel.”
He leads them inside. Lizzie and Joel both gasp simultaneously as they spot Jimmy lying on the bed.
Joel freezes but Lizzie dashes to his side and grasps his hand, staring down in horror at the bruises covering Jimmy’s face. “Oh my goodness! What happened to him?! Is he okay?!”
Pixl joins her on Jimmy’s other side. “He’s recovering,” he responds grimly. “You know the demon Xornoth that’s shown their face around the server lately?”
“Heard of them.”
“fWhip and Sausage seem to be around the epicentre of the whole thing. They captured Jimmy, kept him in a cell for a whole day, beat him several times, then tried to sacrifice him to Xornoth. Scott and I managed to save him but he almost died from his injuries before Scott was able to heal him somewhat with magic.”
Lizzie gazes down at Jimmy with a worried expression, gently touching his face. He stirs slightly under her touch.
After a moment, she speaks again, her tone low and dangerous. “fWhip and Sausage, you said?”
Pixl nods. “Yeah. Scott and I chased them off but I’m a little worried about them returning to finish the job. That’s why I asked you over; I could do with some help protecting him. If that’s okay.”
“Of course it’s okay.” Lizzie retracts her hand and presses her fist into her palm. “Hell, if either of them show their faces around here, I’ll rip them apart with my bare hands.”
Now Joel moves closer to the bed, his expression uncharacteristically serious. “Poor Jimmy… I can’t imagine how terrified he must’ve been.”
As Pixl opens his mouth to respond, another knock at the door sounds. The three frown at each other, trying to work out who could possibly be at the door.
After a moment, Pixl heads back over to the door and answers it. His gaze darkens when he sees who’s standing there. “You’re not welcome here.”
Lizzie stiffens as she hears MythicalSausage’s voice: “I just wanted to ask how Jimmy is. And to… apologise.”
“Apologise?!” Lizzie bursts out.
Joel draws Pixl out of the way as Lizzie storms to the door and shoves Sausage backwards. “You TORTURED my friend and you think you can just walk over here and APOLOGISE?!”
Sausage scrambles back as a furious Lizzie bears down on him. “I had nothing to do with hurting him! That was all fWhip!”
She flings out her arms and manipulates the ocean water into grabbing hold of Sausage and bringing him closer to her. “ACK!” Sausage chokes, struggling uselessly. “LIZZIE!”
“I’m going to kill you, Sausage,” growls Lizzie. “Would you rather be flung high into the air and fall to your death or drowned in salty ocean water?”
A dark smile appears on Lizzie’s face. “Too bad. I’ve decided I’m gonna drown you.”
She lifts the water higher. His scream is abruptly cut off as the water envelopes his head, stopping him from breathing. She watches with satisfaction as his air slowly runs out.
But then Pixl’s voice comes from behind her: “Lizzie, he’s calling for you. He needs you.”
Lizzie pauses, weighing up her options. Eventually, she releases Sausage onto the dock, taking grim pleasure in the way he splutters and coughs up water. “You’re lucky this time, Sausage,” she says. She kneels down beside him and pushes her face close to Sausage’s with a menacing glare. “But if you ever, and I mean EVER, come near Jimmy again, you’re gonna wish you were never born. Do I make myself clear?”
“Y-Y-Yes!” gasps Sausage.
Lizzie steps back and lets Sausage flee, before rushing back inside and back to Jimmy’s side. Her ally is stirring, his eyelids fluttering. “L-Lizz...ie…”
“I’m here,” whispers Lizzie softly, holding his hand against her cheek to reassure him of her presence. “I’m here, Jimmy. Are you okay?”
Jimmy coughs weakly. “M-My wrists hurt.”
Frowning, Lizzie pushes down Jimmy’s sleeve, revealing the thick red marks. “Wh-What is this?!” she gasps. “Pixl?”
“It’s…” Pixl hesitates, knowing what his next words will likely cause. “They’re burn marks. He had his hands tied behind his back for most of the day in that cell.”
Joel glances sharply at his fiancee. “Uh oh.”
Thunder sounds overhead as dark clouds rapidly slide across the sky. Lizzie’s expression remains steady, but lightning flashes in her eyes. “I’ll be right back, Jimmy,” she says, her voice as steady as her expression. But it’s just an act for Jimmy’s benefit and both Pixl and Joel know it.
Neither Pixl nor Joel stop her as she storms out of the hut and takes off flying towards the Grimlands. She lands atop the outer wall, rain starting to fall from the sky.
“FWHIP!” she bellows, her voice rolling through the clouds and echoing across the land.
Seconds later, the count himself appears atop his tower, within audible distance despite the increasingly loud thunder overhead. “Queen Lizzie!” He spreads his arms wide. “How may I help you?”
A bolt of lightning strikes the very top of fWhip’s tower.
“Aha, what have I done to invoke the wrath of the Ocean Queen?” fWhip laughs.
Instead of replying verbally, Lizzie lifts her arms and summons a giant wave of water from the river, sending it crashing down like a tsunami over the Grimlands.
“NO!” fWhip yells. “My villagers! You’re gonna drown my villagers!”
fWhip stares at her for a moment as he finally remembers that Lizzie is one of Jimmy’s closest allies. “...oh…”
Shaking himself into action, fWhip dives down into his flooded village. Lizzie watches him, taking grim satisfaction in watching him flounder around in desperation. She doesn’t even realise how close he is to death until-
fWhip drowned
Lizzie quickly dissipates the flood and jumps down to look for fWhip’s items. As she’s starting to pick them up, fWhip reappears, so she retreats back to a safe distance.
“I’ll get my revenge for this, Ocean Queen,” growls fWhip. “I will not take the attempted murder of my villagers lying down.”
“I don’t give a crap,” Lizzie snaps back. “Don’t you dare think about going near Jimmy ever again, because if you do, I can promise you I will wipe your goddamn empire off the face of the world and I will NOT regret doing it.”
fWhip narrows his eyes. “You’re messing with the wrong empire. I too have the power to wipe an empire out of existence.”
“I live in the ocean. The bulk of my empire is underwater now. Your TNT will make a scratch at most.”
fWhip’s mouth opens, then closes again. After a moment, he looks away. “Fine.”
Lizzie raises an eyebrow. “Really? You’re backing down that easily?”
“I’m being smart. You’ve no idea what’s coming, Lizzie. I do. I need to prepare. I can’t afford to be dragged into another war right now.”
As fWhip turns, he finds Lizzie extremely close to him. She grabs the collar of his shirt and pulls him close so that their faces are inches apart. “Then don’t start one,” she snarls. “Stay away from my allies.”
She shoves fWhip away and takes off again, flying back to the swamp. Part of her feels bad at the attack on fWhip’s innocent villagers but she pushes it aside. fWhip tortured Jimmy and was perfectly willing to slaughter him when he was tied up and defenceless.
Lizzie has no sympathy or mercy for a person like that.
When she gets back, Joel meets her at the door. “Lizzie, you’re back!” he gasps. “I saw the death message in chat.”
“Yes. fWhip needed to be told that I won’t tolerate him hurting my Jimmy.” Her gaze flickers from Joel to Pixl and back again. “Or any of you.”
Joel gazes at her with almost visible hearts in his eyes. “I love you so much, Lizzie.”
Lizzie can’t help a chuckle. “I love you too.”
“Guys, guys, come quick!” Pixl calls suddenly. “Guys!”
The two quickly rush to Jimmy’s beside but stop dead simultaneously when they see what Pixl is so panicked about.
A mark has appeared on Jimmy’s neck. It looks like some kind of rune, but what’s worrying about it is the fact that it’s glowing red.
“What is this?” Lizzie gasps. “What’s happening?”
“I don’t know! It just appeared!”
After a few seconds, the glowing dies down, leaving only the clear black mark.
“This has got to be something to do with the demon,” says Pixl shakily. “I don’t know what or how or why, but somehow, fWhip and Sausage’s attempted sacrifice of Jimmy must’ve caused this.”
“But what can we do about it?” Joel asks. “What can we do to help?”
Pixl has no answer to this.
Nobody does.
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an icarus and his sun: chapter 13
A/N: ayyyy, lucky number 13! a lot of stuff goes down in this chapter, but you guys will be getting part of the resolution!! this isn’t the end though, there are two chapters left in the story! Oh also my pal Jack made a spotify playlist for this series, and all the songs on it work so well and absolutely slap!!
Warnings: possession, manipulation, swordfight, self-worth issues, violence, choking (not in the *wink* way stop it it’s meant to be angsty), kissing, hugs
AO3 Link - Tumblr Masterpost 
Scott didn’t know where he was. It was like he was standing in the Void, but there was something more off about the pitch black landscape than usual. It was tinted red, somehow. There was a deep crimson color that permeated the air, a thick fog that threatened to choke Scott- and then he saw him. It was- it was himself, sort of. The figure before him looked exactly like Scott, but something was definitely off. First was the color scheme of his clothing- red and black instead of the cyan and white of his empire. Then, most glaringly, was his eyes. Deep red, just like the corruption in Scott’s arm. And when he put a hand on the hilt of the dark blade strapped to his side and grinned, Scott saw far too sharp teeth.
“Who are you?!” Scott demanded, instinctively reaching for his sword and pleasantly surprised to find it sheathed at his side- he hadn’t remembered it being there before. The red version himself somehow managed to grin wider.
“A small part of a larger plan. He will be pleased to know I have you under my control,” the red Scott taunted. Scott’s brow furrowed in confusion.
“He? What plan, what are you talking about?” Scott asked, and the red version of himself laughed.
“So you don’t remember yet… that explains why you were so easy to defeat,” he taunted. Scott grit his teeth and drew his sword.
“You haven’t defeated me yet,” Scott growled. The red Scott only laughed, before lunging at Scott faster than he thought was possible. He blocked the incoming blow just in time, trying to push the red version of himself back.
“I won’t be as easy to defeat as your pathetic little fish boy,” the red Scott sneered.
“He isn’t mine,” Scott protested through gritted teeth before managing to push his other self back. He slashed at the red Scott, who easily sidestepped the attack.
“Oh you definitely made sure of that, didn’t you?” the red Scott scoffed. Scott’s attacks faltered, and his other self took the opening. Scott managed to evade most of the blow, but he was stumbling and unsteady now, and the edge of the red Scott’s blade ended up cutting his arm.
“This- this isn’t even about him,” Scott protested, but his voice came out weaker than he meant it to.
“But you can’t resist thinking about him anyway, can’t you? I’ve been in your head, Scott. No matter how hard you try, that fool in a cod head can’t escape your attention. But you ruined everything you could have had with him before it had barely begun,” the red Scott taunted, continuing to strike at Scott, and he could barely block the blows as he continued to speak.
“Stop,” Scott managed to get out, choking back a sob as he tried to continue fighting his other self.
“He was an Icarus, and you were his sun. He got too close and you burned him, Scott. Everything that you touch crashes and burns, so why not give in? Why not let me take the reins- certainly things would be better without you,” the red Scott crooned, and he didn’t even need to raise a sword to send Scott reeling. Before he knew what he was doing, he lowered his sword, and the red fog started closing in, becoming tangible and wrapping around Scott, pinning his arms to his sides.
“Wait- no!” Scott cried, trying to struggle against the strange red substance, but it was too late. It had Scott firmly in its clutches, and the red Scott grinned.
“Goodbye, Scott,” he said with a cackle, and the last thing Scott saw was a blade slashing towards him.
It had at most been a few hours since they had locked Jimmy away with Scott when he woke up. Scott sat bolt upright in bed, chest heaving as he accidentally dislodged Jimmy’s hand from his own. Jimmy reached out for his hand again, but froze when he saw Scott’s eyes. They were red. Jimmy knew what he had to do- he had to tell the others that Scott had lost to the corruption. But Jimmy still couldn’t find it in himself to give up on Scott. So he sat there, frozen as he watched Scott catch his breath, eyes blood red and the corruption visibly pulsing beneath his skin.
“Scott?” Jimmy asked softly, still foolishly clinging to hope. Scott’s head snapped to him, and with a growl he lunged at Jimmy. He successfully tackled him to the ground, hands around his throat. A horrible choked noise escaped Jimmy’s lips as he clawed at Scott’s hands, struggling to breathe. He couldn’t even call out to his friends if he wanted to, and he felt his vision already darkening at the edges. His friends had been right, and all Jimmy could think about was how he would never see Scott’s brilliant icy blue eyes again.
Suddenly there was a bright purple flash between them. Gem’s crystal! It seemed to have worked, causing Scott to scramble off of Jimmy and hiss in pain. Jimmy rubbed at his throat, his other hand up placatingly as he gave Scott a pleading expression. But there was no recognition in Scott’s now crimson eyes, just fiery anger. He lunged at Jimmy again, despite the crystal around his neck, and the two of them grappled for control. The crystal still glowed brightly, causing Scott to hiss in pain, but he still kept coming after Jimmy, trying to pin him down and get a grip on his throat again. Jimmy had to get away, he had to call for help. He managed to shove Scott off of him, and scramble to his feet- but Scott got up just as quickly. There was a brief moment of stillness, of both of them catching their breath. But the second Jimmy tried to make a break for the hidden door, Scott’s wings suddenly drew back and snapped closed on Jimmy’s head, causing his ears to ring and his vision to blur from the blow. He fell to his knees, blinking rapidly to try and get his vision to clear. He vaguely registered a blur of white and blue lunging at him and fully tackling him down to the ground. He tried to push Scott off of him again, but his wrists were snatched up and forcefully pinned on either side of his head.
The ringing in Jimmy’s ears finally ceased and his vision cleared to see Scott above him with a manic, victorious grin on his face. And well… Jimmy got an idea. Maybe it wasn't the smartest idea- but Scott had him pinned, and his face was inches away from Jimmy. He couldn’t help but think of the first time they fought like this- and that felt like centuries ago, now. Except that time Jimmy didn’t think either of them wanted the other to die. But here Scott was, trying to kill Jimmy… and there was only thing Jimmy could think of to maybe unbalance Scott. So he lunged up, eyes squeezed shut as he crushed his lips against Scott’s. If he had kept his eyes open, he would have seen the red in Scott’s eyes flicker before they fluttered shut, and the corruption slowly seep out of his skin. But Jimmy was too focused on the way Scott kissed him back, hands releasing his wrists to instead cup his face and run through his hair. Jimmy almost got lost in the kiss- in Scott's small gasp paired with a pleasant shiver as Jimmy’s hands brushed the base of his wings when his arms wrapped around him, in how Scott kissed him as desperate as a man fighting not to drown- but then Jimmy remembered the reason he had kissed Scott in the first place. He neatly flipped them over, breaking the kiss and grabbing Scott’s hands, intending to pin him like he had done to Jimmy- but then he saw Scott’s eyes. They were confused and disorientated, but were the icy blue shade that Jimmy knew so well.
"You could at least take me out to dinner first before you pin me like that," he joked weakly. Jimmy let out a mildly hysterical laugh. He scrambled off of Scott to instead pull him into his lap and hug him tightly.
"You're okay!" he said in a gasp. Scott slowly hugged him back, expression twisted with confusion and disbelief.
“I- you- did you- but I thought I was dead... so- what? How?” Scott asked, looking like his brain was going a million miles a minute.
“That corruption in your skin- we did everything to try and stop it or remove it, but nothing was working- and it was up to you to fight it off and you almost didn’t- but of course you did in the end, you’re- you’re you…” Jimmy trailed off, pausing for only a brief moment before gently cradling Scott’s jaw and pulling him into a kiss. Scott kissed him back for half a second, before pulling back with wide eyes. Jimmy’s stomach started turning nervously, and he drew his hand back from Scott’s face.
“Why are you- you kissed me? And still want to kiss me? Why?” he asked in disbelief. Jimmy laughed nervously.
“I uh. I got carried away, huh? I just- I was so relieved you were alive, and that you were… you. And the first time I was just trying to throw you off, but I guess that was the final push you needed to fight back,” Jimmy explained sheepishly. Scott still looked hopelessly lost.
“But- but I betrayed you. And I just tried to kill you!” he protested.
“You weren’t yourself,” Jimmy said softly.
“But I was when I was working with Fwhip! You- you shouldn’t want to do anything to do with me- you said so yourself!” he continued, tears gathering in his eyes. Jimmy took Scott’s hands, squeezing them gently as he looked at Scott right in the eyes.
“Scott. I should have listened to you when you tried to tell me that you cared, and I should have believed you when you told me that you were only trying to protect me. I’m sorry for pushing you away, Scott,” Jimmy said firmly. Scott still looked like he was on the verge of tears, but he didn’t pull away from Jimmy.
“But- but I wouldn’t have even gotten feelings for you if Fwhip hadn’t told me to keep an eye on you,” Scott protested weakly. Jimmy pondered this for a moment, gaze darting away before looking back to Scott with a softly determined expression.
“When did you first realize you had feelings for me?” he asked. Scott blinked in surprise at the question, and he swallowed nervously before answering.
“It was the day I had stolen the slimeball from you. You- you chased after me, grinning like an idiot and the scales on your stupid cod head were glinting like bronze in the sunlight… you- you were irrevocably radiant, and I realized I didn’t want a world without your smile or laugh in it,” Scott confessed softly. Jimmy grinned, heart soaring.
“That was when I realized it too. And if we’ve both cared about each other for that long… then what’s the point in getting fussed over the reason why?” Jimmy replied. Scott let out a sound that was half laugh, half sob as he abruptly leaned forward and hugged Jimmy tightly. Jimmy hugged him back, running a hand through rustled feathers and smoothing them out.
“I’m so sorry for everything, I know it wasn’t all my fault- but the explosion, everything before that…” Scott trailed off into sobs. Jimmy shifted, pressing a kiss to his hair.
“It’s alright, I promise you it’s alright- that you’re alright, and that we’re alright. I forgive you, it wasn’t your fault,” Jimmy murmured, holding Scott as he cried. Eventually the tears subsided, and Scott’s breathing evened out. Jimmy shifted slightly so that he could look Scott in the eyes- even if at first, that movement earned him a slight pout. Jimmy chuckled at the sight of it.
“Can we try that first kiss again? It keeps getting interrupted by silly things like trying to save each others’ lives and self-doubt,” he asked with a cocky grin. Scott laughed.
“I think I kind of like having you alive, Jimmy,” Scott said between laughs.
“Could’ve fooled me,” Jimmy teased with a grin, easily falling back into their playful banter. Scott smirked, leaning in until he was a mere breath away from Jimmy. Jimmy’s heart rate spiked very quickly, and at this rate maybe Scott was still trying to kill him. Not that Jimmy was exactly complaining if this was the way he went out, a handsome winged elf in his lap looking at him like he was the world.
“Shut up and kiss me, you idiot,” Scott murmured.
“Gladly,” Jimmy breathed out, before closing the little distance between them. It was fireworks behind Jimmy’s eyes, flowers blooming in his chest, it was sunlight and glittering gold- but most importantly it was Scott, alive and himself, safe in Jimmy’s arms.
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vyeoh · 3 years
this is your chance: wax poetic about an Empires or DSMP character of your choice to a fan who is new to both. Explain why I should love them. I need guidance in this new and meme-populated land.
okok this is a lot of pressure haha. Spoilers for EmpiresSMP and DreamSMP below, obviously. I wrote a lot so prepare yourself, anon
I watch a lot of empires POVs but the ones I most anticipate every week are Scott and Sausage.
c!Scott (I'll call him Smajor for the sake of simplicity) starts off the series chilling, not really getting involved with the rest of the server, and staying aggressively neutral. After all, he's an elf. He has lived far longer than most of the other rulers already, and will most likely outlive them for many years. So, the best thing is to stick to his mountains and not get invested in the dealings of mortal affairs, maybe sometimes causing problems on purpose and dipping because what's life without a little spice right.
But then, this demon comes to the server, Xornoth. He's going around causing havoc and wants to send the world into an eternal winter, but he doesn't bother the kingdom of Rivendell much so Smajor stays tentatively cautious but ultimately unbothered. But then, the puzzle pieces start falling together. The first thing that the audience noticed was was Xornoth sounded like Smajor, but we mostly thought that this was just due to cc!Scott voicing both of them and there was nothing more to it. However, then, the people the demon starts possessing start chanting in elvish. The demon hates mortals, and the elves are conveniently one of the two confirmed not fully mortal races in Empires.
This culminates when Smajor stumbles across a cave that contains the backstory of the patron god of Rivendell, Aeor. Basically, there's two opposing forces, Aeor and Exor, and both have a champion. In a previous life, those champions were two brothers, where Aeor eventually prevailed and banished Exor. In this life though, the champions are - you guessed it - Smajor, and the demon Xornoth.
So now Smajor is like. Well fuck. It's my literal god-given destiny to be responsible for defeating this demon who is technically my brother, and if I fail the server gets plunged into an eternal winter. And I have no fucking clue what is happening because I've just been here on this mountain actively trying to stay out of the issues outside my kingdom. We watch him panic and teeter on the verge of spiraling for an entire episode, and when the followers of Xornoth go to the End to kill the dragon, releasing Xornoth's full powers, he fails to stop him. Smajor is a character who was used to being the smart one, the prepared one, the one who has the least deaths on the server. But he's also a character who runs away from his problems and ignores them. Before and during the dragon fight, we hear the desperation in his voice, as he's thrown into a situation he is wholly unprepared for, and it's bigger than him going to the Cod Empire to kill their king, or assisting in other people's plans to kill the codfather. He can't run from this. cc!Scott plays this scene so well as well, as I've said before, one of the best parts of Scott's acting is how he's never super dramatic, but he's so effective in the little things like inflection to make you feel, viscerally, the panic and dread.
So after the dragon fight, Smajor realizes, I can't do this on my own. I've tried and failed. So he gets allies. We watch him, someone who has so strongly been an isolationist, learn the benefits of allies and watch him learn to trust others and watch him learn how to get that trust in return.
My favorite thing about Smajor's characterization is that he's an incompetent protagonist, but not in the way of the "plucky young adventurer". He's capable skill-wise, and fairly jaded and very pessimistic. However, his issue is that up until recently, he did not care about the rest of the server at all, and by the time he learned to, it was way too late.
Also, in 3rd Life, cc!Scott and cc!Jimmy were canonically married and they reference it sometimes in Empires. Like, Scott goes over to the Cod Empire every so often both in and out of character to kill and/or flirt with Jimmy, the ruler of the Cod Empire, which may develop as a secondary plot into the future who knows. So ty Scott for giving the gays what they want o7
Now onto Sausage: his is a story of Icarus, his hubris and ambition being his downfall. He's one of the two followers of Xornoth, who promised him endless power in exchange for his servitude. He started the series being eccentric, but not outright unhinged, but slowly gets more and more extreme as the series progresses, as he gets brought more and more to Xornoth's side.
One of the best parts of Sausage's character, in my opinion, is how his gradual corruption affects the people around him. Initially, he got into a conflict with the Cod Empire and was allied with two other people in the Witherrose alliance. They were allies, but also close friends. The fandom liked to joke that the three had sibling energy, and I'm pretty sure the ccs played to that even more lol.
It was painful to watch the other two members, Gem and fWhip, watch Sausage get corrupted right in front of them, and see them desperately clinging on to this old idea of Sausage in their head because if they faced the truth, it would mean that their friend was gone. Eventually, they do finally cut him out of the alliance, leading him to fully commit to the side of the demon. Sausage felt very clearly betrayed by this, and declared the remaining two Witherrose alliance members to be enemies.
He gets more and more possessed, and we even see the other Empires, his enemies even, slowly realize that something is very wrong with the ruler of Mythland. He starts doing more and more evil things, like killing people more, making sacrifices to the demon, and eventually helping to kill the dragon to free Xornoth. So things are good for Sausage, for a bit. He won, and is more powerful than ever. Then he finds out: he's going to die. Xornoth's possession is slowly killing his soul, and eventually, his body going to be fully taken over and he himself is going to be trapped in the spirit realm. So how do you react to this? Over the next few episodes, we watch Sausage struggle between "the demon is literally killing me" and "the demon has given me so much, and I love it", all while Xornoth takes over more and more of him. We hear him exclaim that "don't worry!! I'm still about 15% there!" while trying to downplay every time Xornoth completely takes over his body. We watch him willingly oppose anyone who is trying to end the thing that is killing him.
My favorite thing about Sausage is that he is undoubtedly evil and proud of it, but he's also undoubtedly human. If you like to watch evil characters go absolutely feral, he's the guy for you. He makes the deal with Xornoth in the beginning, knowing and fully embracing the evilness of the demon, but at the same time he knows what he's doing is detrimental to both himself and everyone around him, but he's gotten in way too deep at this point, and to be fair the demon has held up its end fo the bargain, right?
Also, I would be damned if I don't talk about cc!Sausage's editing. Every one of his videos is like a movie. The way he does camera angles and uses music is so skillful- every lore scene feels like something out of a high fantasy action saga (think: LotR). Every big lore event I always wait in anticipation for Sausage's ep because his editing truly takes lore to another level.
I'm just generally very excited to see where this series goes. Empires is such a good mix of talented builders and good lore. Part of the reason why the series is so immersive for me, beyond any other lore smp, is that they have the settings to back it up. There is a certain charm to the DreamSMP's objectively terrible builds (with a few exceptions) but in Empires, the settings help sell the plot so much.
Another part of why I love EmpiresSMP is how much the ccs are involved with the fan community. I'm sure you've seen the memes about Scott being on tumblr, and Sausage regularly goes through the EmpiresSMP fanart tag on Twitter and likes art, even ones not related to Mythland. Most of the ccs, in fact, have brought up tumblr content on stream at some point or another. Like, several ccs have said that they read tumblr lore theories and hcs and stuff and sometimes take inspiration from them. Fun fact: Rivendell's church was inspired by my pinned drawing; confirmed by Scott Smajor himself. It's just such a good cycle of ccs and fans being excited about each other.
As for DreamSMP, I'm gonna be honest here, the only person I really am invested in in Technoblade. I started watching when he joined the server, and he's the only person whose lore I keep up to date with.
Techno's fun to watch because he's like the Deadpool of DreamSMP. Virtually unkillable, very skilled and scary, but consistently cracks jokes and breaks the 4th wall during plot. His POV is just fun. Like, he does wild plans and gives speeches and some of the stuff that happens to him should be called deus ex machine if it wasn't for the fact that Technoblade is the one who's doing it, and all the stuff is grounded in the fact that cc!Techno is just that good at the game.
However, the fact that he rarely takes anything seriously makes the few times Techno is 100% serious so much more impactful. His whole character has a basis in being perceived as inhuman and being treated as such, and therefore in return trying to hide his humanity. So, when he shows that humanity, whether that's fear, anger, or genuine love for his friends, it really makes you go "oh shit."
Techno's often said not to have character development, but I'd argue that while he remains steadfast in his moral code, he develops leaps and bounds as a person. Like, at the beginning, he's brought onto the server to help Wilbur and Tommy overthrow a government; them knowing he's 1) an anarchist and 2) very very powerful. His character was more of a plot device at that point and was treated as such in the canon. Wilbur and Tommy straight-up lie to him about their plans to establish another government after they overthrow the current one, while he was led on to believe that they were abolishing all governments in the area. But he isn't a plot device. He's a person, as much as he only shows the terrifying, blood god side of himself.
After the establishment of New Lmanburg (the new government its a long story), his friend Phil joins. And for the first time, we see him be fully human with someone and we see someone treat him like a human. Like, we saw glimpses before, with Wilbur and Tommy in Pogtopia, but Phil is the first person we noticeably see he trusts 100%. Then Doomsday happens, and Techno essentially retires to the tundra. During this time, we see Techno learn to be more human, first with Ranboo, then Niki when he establishes the Syndicate. In fact, the two of them, along with Phil, canonically throw him a birthday party, which is a far cry from his treatment in Pogtopia.
Techno's development is one of a god learning to be human, and I just think he <3
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akiraink-no · 3 years
Empires SMP-Spirts/Fae AU
Hey! So I was watching Shubble’s stream(right after her first episode and as she was playing, I got some ideas for the Empires SMP!  Note: I haven’t watched everyone’s episodes on Empires, but I highly suggest that you check them all out. Pearl and Gem’s videos on Empires are some of my favorites, but I also love Shubble, Scott, fWhip, and Pixlriffs.
Initial World-building:  I like to think that the Empires SMP is a story of spirits/fae/royal courts. For example some of the players would be spirits or fae creatures. (Think Scott, Shubble, Jimmy?? And maybe Pixl), and the rest would be normal, human players that are royals. (Again, fWhip, Mythical, Pearl, Katherine, Joey, Gem, etc…)  I’ll start with the fae creatures first and if I’m up to it, I’ll post my ideas for the others. 
Scott Smajor: Ice/Wind
So in my head, I like to think that Scott is a fae creature from the court of ice and wind. (Mostly because ice powers are cool and because he’s in a mountain). He has explicitly stated that he’s building in an elven sort of style, which can still match with him being from a fae court. 
I would like to say he’s cold, calculating, and even ruthless or cruel at times (He murdered Gem after she died, guys, come on). He sees the people around him as assets that can help him, but he doesn’t form a real connection with any of them just yet. Everything is very strict and formal around him
I like to think that because wind spirits are pretty mischievous and free spirited, he has a softer side to him as well. He likes to pull pranks, but doesn’t know when too far is too far. His pranks can border on cruel and sometimes insensitive, but it’s because wind/ice spirits are probably the most detached from the other spirits
As for his appearance, I’m taking his skin as part of my inspiration. I like the idea of him in whites, blues, golds, and silvers. He has a crown of diamond shards that mimic ice and is held together with silver and gold that mimic branches. His robes are mostly white(representing snow) and there would be a trim of blue for the skies above his lands. He might have either arm bands, bracelets, or rings that are made of silver or gold(representing the times when the sun or moon hits the snow). 
Because Scott is an ice/wind spirit, I think it would be cool if parts of him would reflect that. Maybe his skin is super pale and cold to the touch. Maybe he doesn’t wear furry coats because he doesn’t get cold. 
The air around him gets colder when he’s angry or stressed, and if he gets really pissed, he could make it start to snow around him. When he’s sad, ice starts to freeze the ground under his feet or plants around him. Maybe it gets windy when he’s happy or dies down when something shocks him
I also think it’d be cool if he had like… frost walker(?) on his feet. Like the water freezes should he get too close and he doesn’t even realize it until someone points it out. It makes travel easy for him, but also an annoyance when he is doing a build or getting a bucket of water
Shubble: Nature/Decay
So Shubble’s kingdom/empire is called the Undergrowth. When I think of that, I think of mushrooms, soil, roots, and trees. It’s pretty close to what she’s planning right now. Her style of building gives me very cottage core vibes that’s very overgrown. I like to think that she’s a nature spirit because she has said that nature provides and that just seems like a very spirit thing to say. 
So I know I said decay, but when it comes to decay, it has an interesting look to everyone. Sometimes it’s bleached bones and withered grass, sometimes it’s spongy soil and mushrooms. I like to think that Shubble is the kinder side to decay(That’s saved for someone else). Something that must happen for the cycle of life to continue, she isn’t ruthless or cruel, she’s just trying to help the earth along.
Shubble would be very kind, sweet, and overall very trusting. That doesn’t mean she’s stupid or naive, it just means she’s willing to be kind to people first and give them chances to show their kindness. (I spent a long time in her chat during her streams and… yeah, wholesome energy). 
She doesn’t see the people around her as assets and rather hopes to make friends rather than enemies. I won’t say she forms connections quickly(mostly because I haven’t seen her interact with others just yet). But she is very trusting. (remember fWhips potatoes and Pearl’s shovel). During her stream after her first episode aired, she talked about hoping to be friends with Katherine from House Blossom and is aiming to stay as peaceful as possible during the time of the server. 
So I haven’t seen her skin yet(mostly because this is coming out before we see it.) But she’s using a lot of browns, yellows, greens, and reds. I would like to say that her outfit would sort of reflect that. Instead of a crown of precious gems and metals, it’s maybe a crown of twigs, branches, leaves, and maybe some smaller mushrooms. (Antlers would be cool, so… ) 
I don’t think a dress would work, since she does a lot of work around her base. (Her stream was having her working with trees, leaves, and mining), so I think maybe a pair of overalls (maybe a brown?), a yellow/red undershirt and maybe a dark green jacket. Her outfit would be perfect for her to get on her hands and knees and dig into the earth(Gardener! Shubble). 
I feel like because Shubble has this overall sweet and kind energy, I think mushrooms would grow from around her feet. Maybe she can sense when things are about to pass on and tries to make them as comfortable as possible. She can communicate with the earth below her(again, nature provides), and can speak with the animals to some degree
I would like to see spore blossoms react to her. Since spores are also the seeds for mushrooms, it’d just make sense in my head. Maybe she can coax plants to bloom or grow slightly faster around her if she’s happy. Maybe when she’s sad, things start to wilt or shrivel up. Her anger makes things die or age rapidly around her. Her touch can either harm or heal. Knitting the body’s wounds or it could tear into them, causing them agony. 
Jimmy: Ghosts/Decay
I like to think that maybe Jimmy started out human. Or maybe he’s half human. Like one of his parents was human and the other was a fae. (It would certainly explain his skin) 
So I haven’t watched a lot of Jimmy, but I wanted to get this off my chest because it’s been in my head for a while now. I think Jimmy, like Shubble, is trusting. Not as much as Shubble, but he does aim for friendship first and then enemy second. So, maybe he’s an opportunist instead. 
Another thing that he might be is petty or spiteful(see his and Sausage’s argument over a music disc). Another ruler might negotiate or bargain their way to what they want, but I think that either Jimmy is pretty young(for fae standards) or his mixed bloodline makes it hard for him to act with a clearer head. It’s pretty clear that he wants others to take him seriously, but at the same time, he can act very impulsive and rashly(See all of 3rd life). 
It’s pretty clear that Jimmy has that green tinge to his skin. But I think he would have colours such as green(for obvious reasons), browns, and maybe some greys(for clay in the swamp). He wouldn’t have a crown, instead, he’d have a set of gills on each side of his neck. Since I like to think that he swims around in the swamp to talk to the cod in his kingdom. 
For more formal events, he might have a brown cloak and pants with a rich green tunic. He doesn’t look the most royal, but maybe that’s okay because he doesn’t want to be seen as super royal to the rest of his kingdom. Maybe he feels like if he appears to be too royal, the people of his kingdom wouldn’t approach him. 
So Jimmy’s was pretty difficult. Swamps aren’t like ice and wind or nature. But he is a spirit of decay. A less kind version of decay, but not overall cruel. Maybe his decay strikes faster than Shubbles. Where she is understanding and aims to help those along, Jimmy is buried with memories, sunken bodies, and ghostly apparitions. 
So maybe he can see the dead, ghosts who haven’t passed on and simply wander his empire. His eyes glow a faint green whenever he talks to them and tries to aid them to move on to the afterlife.When he’s happy, he shines in the dark backdrop of the swamp, drawing more of the dead, eager to pass on. 
Maybe his anger results in ghostly wails or being dragged into the soft earth around his home. His sadness draws more of the dead to his area, even if they didn’t die there. His pain and grief is like a blackhole, pulling souls in and forcing them to stick around, stuck in his orbit. Maybe a certain few stayed because he was the first one who spoke to them, who reached out to them, who made an effort. 
So Pixlriffs has said that he wants to watch over the others deaths with his vigil and he lives in a desert, so I thought they would work with each other. When you think of time, you think of hourglasses, they have sand so that’s the connection I made. 
So Pix has shown an unhinged side to his overall calm and collected composure.(Example, Episode Ten, I think?) His: I sent five people to their deaths and they granted me wings(paraphrased) line is both chilling and is also perfect for a spirit of time/death. 
He, like Scott, is a bit disconnected from the others. Not by accident or nature, but by choice. As a spirit of time and death, he sees the clocks above everyone’s heads, knowing when their last breaths will be taken and when those clocks finally stop. 
It’s not that he’s apathetic to his fellow kings and queens, but rather he is scared. He doesn’t want to form connections only to see them disappear like a drop of sand in a desert. He wishes to honour the people who have weaseled their way into his heart. So he keeps the vigil to count their deaths and remind them that they will not be forgotten. Pixl is a watcher, an overseer that is afraid of the day his friends will pass on and leave him alone. 
The man calls himself the copper king, so I have to have those shades of copper in his outfits somewhere. Teal, brown(for bronze), and those shades between (for copper)are very good(both in builds and on clothes). I also think that pale yellow(representing the sand) is also a nice touch and green for his lush gardens is also a wonderful tone. 
He has a cape that is mostly teal(I’m thinking the shift between the third to final stage) with a bronze belt. The pale yellow would be his shirt and his pants would be a darker brown. Matching his boots. 
I think he would have a crown with pale yellow crystals(yellow zircon or topaz) with bronze wires making up the rest of the crown. Maybe there are pieces of turquoise or aquamarine, that would be cool too. 
The man is basically a watcher. He has wings and can see through time. Like I said before, he can see the clocks ticking above the other players’ heads. Seeing how long they have until their last breath. Pixl is equal parts chaotic and calm. So I think he has a good control over his emotions. 
When he’s stressed things start to wilt under his feet(another reason he lives in a desert), in his anger, he can cause death. Maybe he’s just an omen or something that draws in death. (See his end raiding attempts one and two). I like to think that maybe he has the ability to hold flames or make small ones(just for his candles), he isn’t violent or uses them to hurt others. He simply just uses them to light his candles. 
He’s more than capable with his other abilities. 
This is all I have for now. If I decide to do the others, I’ll add a link to this post. I’d appreciate some information or ideas for the other players since I haven’t had the chance to touch down on all of them. If you have any ideas, feel free to send them to me too!
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violetpunk666 · 3 years
oh gosh i still have like 10 or 11 other POVs
uhhh ok who's next? sausage, shubble, gem, or fwhip? ummm [pulls out randomizer wheel]
I wanted to land on sausage so im going with that
Sausage Empires SMP Finale live-blogging
or wait do i wanna watch jimmy's–?
nope! I've already made my decision, I'm going to commit
Sausage Empires SMP Finale live-blogging
Ohhh- the music already–
👀 [is speechless]
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Oh heck- sausage once again being far more observant than he appears at first glance–
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Well then, where’s the human souls that you’re feeding them?
Don’t ask
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Annnd brushing over that too apparently 👀 Sir??? Interstellar highway?? Have you never seen a time travel movie? What am I saying I already know that you clearly haven’t and it’s totally on brand for you to be reckless with this sort of thing–
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I– the implication that sausage’s dog not only bakes- but does it well–
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
LMAO “Joel sized chair” XD
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gem– if your gonna store that thing anywhere you gotta put it in an ender chest–
I stg has this lady never heard of the calm before the storm–? /lh /nh
oop– yep something told me he was gonna try and steal it back–
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I bet you gem isnt gonna put up with her twin's bs asdfghjkl
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it worked tho 👀
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
sibling vibes~ ✨
*interupted by my cats wilding*
awww even more sibling vibes XD
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oop– he's hearing the whispering again– 👀
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
made untouchable by their sheer willpower and stubbornness lol
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It just hit me that e!Scott flying off to go check if Rivendell was ok is the last time his friends would ever see him alive–
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It's raining Bloodsheep–
wait the whispers were Bloodsheep–?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
ohhhh gosh pearl's base is on fire–
oooo the goose looks ridable!– wait I'm getting distracted–
annnd buildings are falling from her beanstalk oookk–
oh gosh– pearl died because she was connected to her lands–
sausage just lost his sister–
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
he did one last blood sacrifice to blow up the summoning circle and himself in the process
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
oop– back to dark sausage
ah– but Xornoth was freed by the explosion?? and is now dead cause scott–
what's gonna–
oop– he ate the crystal–
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
council of Bubbles (that feels so weird to say. but no, that's not referring to me asdfghjkl)
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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thedo0zyslider · 1 year
Explosions Across Lifetimes - Chapter Twenty Three: Lots of Worry And A Little Bit Of Love
Between whatever mystery is upsetting Jimmy and the strange absents of Pix, the next monthly meeting is sure to leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth. But it especially leaves one in Fwhip's.
A03 link
Going public with their relationship made Fwhip and Jimmy learn even more things about themselves surprisingly, as if finding out they were in love and all that came with it hadn’t already been enough things to learn beforehand. 
 They found that they were a very, very affectionate couple, even more so when normal since they felt no need to hide it anymore. To the point where most of their friends had already made remarks about how sickeningly adorable they were together, and that they should’ve dated sooner or something.
Fwhip especially loved the affection, and melted under any he had the luxury of receiving. Though the cod wasn’t any better, and Jimmy fumbled and blushed over every tease the Count shot his way. Which he did often, because his boyfriend was adorable when flustered and he wanted to do it all the damn time. Though Jimmy took every chance to hug and kiss him and shower him in praise, especially when they were in public.  
Jimmy would do it to embarrass him, just a little bit, but mostly because seeing Fwhip turn to putty over hand holds and soft kisses was adorable and the best thing he'd ever seen in his life. And he would tell that last bit to anyone who would listen, and then that person who had the misfortune of listening in would probably groan at how in love and deathly sweet they were to each other all the damned time. 
At the last meeting they’d practically been all over each other, the two having walked in holding hands and everything. They didn’t get frisky or anything like that, not during a more public setting of course. That could be saved for later. But Fwhip did try and press a kiss to Jimmy’s face at any possible moment. He was focused on his boyfriend; he almost lost track of the meeting at several points, but could anyone blame him? The cod was just so pretty and nice to look at!
Jimmy returned all the affection he was given, though he tried to be more discreet about it. He did so by holding hands under the table, compliments that were far too obvious slipped into casual conversations, and a few kisses of his own littered in here and there. Eventually the others rulers started to poke some fun at them. Pearl teased the two about keeping their hands to themselves for just one second. Scott said that if he wasn’t with someone else he’d think Jimmy was trying to make him jealous or something. (Which had gotten him and Sausage promptly teased in return.) 
The teasing and the lighthearted groans at their sweetness really just made Fwhip hellbent more determined to ramp it up next time. Just to have a little fun is all, and maybe get some extra kisses from his boyfriend in the process. Just generally keep showering him with affection and reinforce to Jimmy just how much he was loved.
That’s what Fwhip had been kinda hoping to do at the next monthly meeting after that. He’d wanted to enjoy a good meetup with his friends, and pepper his partner with more kisses and loving holds until they had to leave again. Mainly because he was having boyfriend withdrawals from not seeing Jimmy in at least five days. But he held off just this once, being able to sense that something wasn’t quite right with his boyfriend. It was something he’d noticed gradually over the past month, over the seemingly strained messages Jimmy had responded with and how he refused to meet in person because he was “really busy all of a sudden.” And finally seeming him in person made it more obvious, and more worrying than it was seeing it over a communicator’s screen. 
Jimmy seemed so bothered by something, constantly fiddling with the fins on the Codfather head. Well, what Fwhip thinks is the Codfather’s head. It looks smaller, and doesn’t seem to quite fit on his head as well as it used too. And Fwhip would know what the Codfather’s head looks like, considering he’d stolen the damn thing once. 
He wonders for a moment if it’s the crown, or the lack thereof, that's bothering him, and if it’d be better to go ahead and take his boyfriend's mind off the stupid game. But Joel cracks a joke about how Scott had stolen it from him, and Jimmy barely even has a reaction. There is no teasing response, just a smile and something mumbled under his breath. All Joel can do is give his brother-in-law a puzzled look, and exchange a worried glance with the Count. 
Yep, definitely the Codfather head, or the change around it, that’s the problem. But if it’s bothering his partner so much, Fwhip would rather have a discussion about it in private. Which means he would have to wait, rather frustratingly.
There was something else he had to ask Jimmy, something that had slipped his mind as soon as they’d laid eyes on each other. The couple had been dragged into a conversation with Pearl and Scott, though Fwhip was barely listening. His tail flicked behind him, the Count rattling his brian until he remembered what he wanted to ask. 
Oh ! That’s right! He wanted to ask how the slime farm was going, and if his redstone had actually worked in the long run and not broken entirely. 
"Orchid?" Fwhip asked suddenly, earning a few surprised blinks from Scott and Pearl. Jimmy turned his head at the name, neither of them quite realizing the mistake just yet. 
"Orchid?" Scott parroted before Jimmy could get a response out, failing to hide a giggle. There was a small pause from the two partners, and Jimmy flushed red the fastest Fwhip had ever seen. Which was impressive, because he’d made the man turn scarlet very fast before. Though this one was more out of embarrassment than anything.
"Don't worry." Pearl giggled. "It's cute." 
“You got a nickname for him as well?” Scott teased, nudging Jimmy’s side playfully. The cod, who was still beet red in the face, just glared at his friend with slight annoyance. They all knew Scott wouldn;t top pestering the couple till they slipped up, or answered him. So Jimmy sighed, and mumbled quietly under his breath. “I-I call him rose petal…”
“You two are literally adorable!” Pearl exclaimed, smiling at them. Jimmy just got more embarrassed and somehow even more red in the face. 
“This is too wholesome for me,” Scott said, doing so around a giggle. “I need this meeting to start right now before I die from it!” The elf began walking towards the rest of the emperors, who were already beginning the gradual shuffle towards their seats. Pearl remarked something about how Scott was spending too much time with Sausage, and could no longer handle anything wholesome, before following a few steps behind him. 
“C’mon orchid,” Fwhip said, his own face sporting the tiniest bit of flush from that exchange. “Let’s go sit down.” He took Jimmy’s hand in his gently, and intertwined their fingers as he did so. The Codfather made some sort of sound, one probably of agreement, and ;et his boyfriend lead him over to their usual spots at the table. 
The meeting stops having any wholesome moments as soon as it truly starts, all because of an inevitable glance toward the usual seat of the Copper King. That month the seat was empty, and it had never been empty, save for one instance when everyone was so guilt ridden over the demon's release that even Pix would not face his friends.
“It’s not like him to miss a meeting…” Gem muses, twirling her braid between her fingers with worry.
“Maybe there was an emergency?” Katherine suggests. “Like, he had some pillager problems before, didn’t he…” It’s a good suggestion, a reasonable one, but Pix had dealt with those problems ages ago and never mentioned i propping back up. Silence follows the sheep’s words, and her ears flick with anxiety. 
“Joey,” Sausage turns to the Lost Emperor . “Has he kept up his end of the totem trade?”
The blonde shakes his head sadly. “No…he went completely silent almost directly after our last meeting. He didn’t answer a single message I sent.” 
After that they all lapse into a worried silence, until someone promises to check the desert on their way home, and all eleven of them move on with the meeting. They're not happy about it, but it’s their job, it’s what they have to do. Besides, they all know Pix would rather them proceed on as normal rather than worry about him day and night, even if doing so was going to be a bit maddening for the ones closest to him.
The meeting ends, doing so with everyone worried beyond belief about Pix. Worried whispers pass between them, ones that pick up in volume afterwards, because apparently there are two of them to worry about. And the Count’s boyfriend makes that very clear. 
Fwhip was going to try and talk to Jimmy about whatever it is with the Codfather head. He was planning to gently drag him somewhere private in the palace, maybe that closet they’d hidden in all those months ago, and ask him what's going on. But Jimmy leaves first, before anyone can get a chance to talk to him, even his own sister. 
The whole room practically stares after him, Lizzie and Scott calling out his name, asking what’s wrong and why he's almost sprinting out. Jimmy doesn’t respond, and then there’s the tell-tale sound of an elytra and rockets outside, and the cod has successfully escaped the whole darn situation. And leaves everyone else worrying about two of their friends instead of just one. 
A few gazes fall onto him, worried and curious. But Fwhip can do nothing but frown, and quietly follow his boyfriend out of House Blossom’s palace. Any message he sends to Jimmy is met with a request to talk later, and it does nothing to ease the worry brewing in Fwhip’s gut. 
Months go by and they don’t talk about it, because Jimmy is always finding something else to worry over, some way to change the topic. And eventually, Fwhip himself is the cause in one of these topic changes and new worries. 
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prismadog · 3 years
Found Family AU character facts (part 3)
apparently, I can't just leave this at one or two, I have to do more than is required for this au - such is the way of life I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
for these, I'm only doing a sort of pre-story type thing, ya know, like their origins, who the characters were before they all knew each other. if I didn't condense these down to that point, well, we'd be here all day reading practically an entire book on one single character [I think I'm exaggerating here?]
this one got a bit long so I'm putting it under the line.
hey uh, are any of you actually interested in their backgrounds? idk if that's something that interests people or not but I'm writing these and it just makes me wonder, y'know? [of course, now that I've started, I can't just stop, there's still so many characters. but still...curiosity and all's got me wondering]
Sausage is a dwarf of Mythland who was born a single child to the Dwarf King. ever since he was a child, he dreamed of being a mighty sorcerer that could use all kinds of magic but being a dwarf, magic comes a lot harder to him than it would a human or another magical creature - such as his good friend Gem.
the kingdoms of Mythland and the Crystal Cliffs were close allies and have been for generations - the Grimlands does not exist at this time. Sausage grew up alongside Gem and fWhip of the Crystal Cliffs - he revered Gem and her magical abilities, and found a close friend in fWhip due to neither of them being able to wield magic. Gem did try to teach Sausage magic despite the lessons never producing even a spark of magic - that of course didn't stop him.
he and fWhip would often get into trouble, playing pranks and whatnot on the people of the two kingdoms, and sometimes they could convince Gem to join in with them.
the trio stayed close friends through the years, and when Sausage's father was slain in battle against a pillager raid the siblings were there mourning alongside their friend. he took vigil at his father's final resting place for an entire day, as is tradition, then the next day he held a celebration in honor of the fallen King, with a feast to finish off the night.
Sausage was crowned the new Dwarf King within the week and his friends were there for his coronation - fWhip, ever the tinkerer, set up a firework display for him, and Gem gifted him with an old spell book written by a Mythlandian and enchanted rings that provided protection.
things became hectic around this time, what with being a new king with new duties and protecting his empire from pillagers, and he can't see his friends as often. Gem also gets busy with her studies and fWhip starts exploring the mountains - something that the people of the Crystal Cliffs don't do. in this time, he also adopted a pup that he named "Bubbles" and she became his second in command.
several months later, he gets word that his friend fWhip has gone missing. he drops everything to travel to the Cliffs and be at Gem's side - she tells him that fWhip has been missing for quite some time and she blames herself that she never noticed. he comforts her and they go out on a search for him, which unfortunately results in nothing but a few belongings found deep within the mountain and a journal.
Gem holds a funeral for her brother and Sausage stands vigil once again for a loved one. he offers Gem any aid that Mythland can provide and she graciously accepts. he visits her from time to time after the event but eventually, he just gets busy and more time drags between each visit.
his kingdom prospers with a plethora of new buildings - an iron farm, a forge, new docks, bigger and better homes for the people, and all kinds of other things. one thing that stands out from the rest is a summoning circle - this, he uses to sacrifice the crimson sheep of the land in the hopes, not for power, but for knowledge and guidance, and that one day the gods - whoever may be listening - will return his friend to him.
he gains quite a bit of knowledge in the ways for forging weapons imbued with magic and using anothers' magic to alter ordinary everyday things - such as a dark oak tree or even a mushroom. this is all for the benefit of his kingdom so he doesn't see a problem with his sacrifices, despite what his advisors may believe.
he met with other rulers, some he'd been neglecting to talk to, and others who were just coming into power. one of the first new rulers he met was Pearl of Smallholding - a chaotic girl with flowers in her hair and a grin that never fades. another was the Codfather, Jimmy Solidarity-Shadow - one of the merfolk who's kingdom rose slowly from the swamps and without anyone seeming to notice. months after meeting these two, another kingdom arose, this time practically overnight, and the ruler was none other than fWhip of the Crystal Cliffs - his best friend - but this time, fWhip was the Count of a near-barren plains dubbed the Grimlands.
the trio celebrated fWhip's return and Sausage, once home, thanked whatever gods that had brought his friend back. visits between the three kingdoms became commonplace again, as well as visits to the new Cod Empire - though, those were to pick on the new ruler there.
Sausage did learn not to take things too far in teasing the Codfather because one day, he and fWhip had set up a "minor, harmless" trap and when the Codfather got injured and bedridden for a few days, well, they found out that Queen Lizzie of the Ocean Empire was not someone you wanted to anger. after, they did continue their teasing but they kept it well below danger levels.
a year or so after fWhip's return, Sausage met another new ruler who had just come into power and who's kingdom had been lost to the world for ages - King Joey Graceffa of the Lost Empire. Joey took interest in his sacrifices and his borrowed magics, maybe a little too much interest if the bloodlust in his eyes was anything to go by.
Joey is born the youngest of three children to the Emperor of the Maztec Empire - his siblings being the princesses.
he, like all others of the royal family, are born with parrot wings to match the local parrots of the jungle. he often used his wings to escape his lessons, though being third in line for the throne, he was allowed lenience to goof off and have fun anyway since the throne always went to the eldest.
but, Joey was the jealous sort as well and would often play dirty pranks on his sisters, and most times, they ended in some injury. though, he was also quite intelligent and could almost always pin the blame on another, usually on someone of the lowest class - the mudbloods who were more of a hybrid of cat and human.
one such dirty prank went horribly wrong and his eldest sister lost her life. it had involved a cave, the cave collapsed, and she got caught in it. he watched her struggle for some time, oddly curious about it, but eventually went and got help. the healers tried to help her but she soon passed on.
a funeral was held for the princess days later and she was cremated - as is tradition for royalty. life moved on, as it does, and the second princess became next in line.
after the death of the first princess, he became a little more interested in the act of dying than a boy should. he was curious and wanted to find out more about death, and the mudblood people were right there for him to experiment with. he made sure to only take one person every so often for experiments - the jungle could be a dangerous place and was often unkind to wanderers so if one or two people went missing every few months, then who was to know?
aside from secretly pranking his sisters and stealing away the lower class, he would spend time with the gentlemen of higher standing - the purebloods who were humanoid cats and certainly looked it. he would pick one to mess around with, or two or three if he so desired, until he eventually grew bored and discarded them like they were yesterday's trash.
his remaining sister, nearing her adulthood, started dreaming of leaving the kingdom to explore the world - she'd always wanted to but their parents would never permit it, nobody entered the kingdom and nobody left. he would stay up late with her on the nights he grew bored of gentlemen, and talk to her about her dreams.
with her becoming an and their parents getting older, he worried that soon, she would be taking the throne. so, he thought up a plan and talked with her about it - he could get things set up and all she would have to do is follow through, and before she knew it, she'd be exploring to her heart's content.
she was nervous, of course, but Joey is a charmer and used that to his advantage. he convinced her it was the best option for her if she didn't want to be tied down, and she could always return if she wanted. she agreed, wrote a farewell scroll that she gave him for safekeeping, and followed him one night to a secret area where a boat and some supplies were waiting, as well as one of his callers.
this she was confused about at first until Joey showed his true colors and killed her in cold blood. he then casually sent the gentleman off in the boat with his sister's body, promising him great rewards for his return if he got rid of the evidence.
he then returned home and set out the farewell letter in her room where it would be found, and went to bed. he awoke to the news late the next day, and also with a visit from his accomplice.
a few weeks later and there was no word from the princess and the guards sent out to search for her found no trace. though his parents prayed she was well, they still mourned her leaving. Joey was to be next in line should the Emperor and Empress pass and he celebrated in secret with the gentlemen who helped him - then when he got bored shortly after, he killed him too in the same cave his eldest sister died in and left his body to the mobs.
when he neared adulthood - only months away - he started his next plan for his rise to the throne. he acquired a poison that would imitate a deadly disease but not be curable by any known remedies. he used this on his father over the next several weeks and watched with secret glee as the Emperor grew weaker and weaker and the healers floundered about trying to cure him.
preparations were made, the Emperor passed on with few final words, and days later a funeral was held for him as well. his urn was placed next to the eldest princess' once everything was done. the Empress mourned the loss and Joey stood at her side.
he watched as her grief began to consume her, she spoke of loss and wishing she could join her husband, Joey listened to her words and wondered about what Maztec would do if she left too. she said it would be in good hands - he was a capable young man and if he ever needed help, there was a council of advisors at his side.
over a week later, the Empress took her own life, leaving behind a letter to her only remaining child. a third funeral was held, his mother cremated and laid to rest beside his father and sister, and he was crowned Emperor of the Maztec Kingdom.
Joey was free to do as he wished and he gladly accepted the freedom - everything was good and he was King.
but over the next several years, he found himself growing bored - not even building new temples kept his attention for long. he eventually started exploring, just a little ways, from his home and eventually came across the edge of the jungle which met the edge of a more barren land.
he visited the boarder a few times, curious about this other land, but never crossed it. then one day he met Count fWhip of the Grimlands - the name of the barren land. they spoke for some time at the boarder of their kingdoms, and set up a couple future visits to one another's kingdoms - fWhip visited his first, then he visited fWhip's.
at the visit to the Grimlands capitol, fWhip invited him to the next Gathering of Empires - apparently there were 9 other rulers out there besides the two of them, and one even had wings too!
he accepted the invitation without a moment's hesitation and at the next Gathering, his kingdom - the Lost Empire as it was written in old history books that an ally of fWhip's had found - became known to the rest of the world.
he found that the other winged ruler - Scott Smajor of Rivendell - was a very cold and distant person. but, the others were friendly enough, especially the Dwarf King - J Sausage of Mythland - and he took an interest in the man and the magics he was studying.
they became friends, and he by default joined an alliance with fWhip and Gem who were allied with Sausage.
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thedo0zyslider · 1 year
Explosions Across Lifetimes - Chapter Thirteen: Beginning Of The End - 5k Words Fwhip has to wonder if Xornorth knows what the phrase taking a break means, because there's more trouble not even two weeks after Scott and Gem came home.
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Fwhip spends the next week with Gem at the Crystal Cliffs. He's being overprotective, he knows that, but can anyone really blame him? Clara has the Grimlands covered anyways, he's sure of it. She's his favorite employee for a reason.
The Count thinks this is the slowest week of his life, and one of the hardest. Gem's not doing great mentally, but it's the best she can do. In some moments he would think about Scott, and would worry over how well the elf was fairing all by himself. He hopes Katherine or Jimmy dropped by at least once, and kept him company for just a few hours.
At the moment Gem’s off somewhere in her academy, trying to get back to her normal routine. Fwhip, having absolutely no interest in most magic, was hanging around. If Gem asked him to do something, fix some broken tech in the empire he would do it, but other than that he mostly felt like dead weight. But it was worth it, to make sure his sister was okay. And he wouldn't leave till he was one hundred percent sure of that and the paranoia finally left him. Another break never hurt either.
Gem’s familiar, Gandalf, didn’t seem to mind him hanging around though. He knows the cat usually follows Gem around throughout the day, and that it’s never been the most fond of him. It’s certainly never hung around the Count like this before. Your sister’s cat randomly following you around is unexpected alright, but this is a magic cat. So the little guy’s making Fwhip kinda suspicious that something’s wrong, and probably making his paranoia worse. At least he’s cute and likes to be cooed over, and makes Fwhip wonder if his other friends' pets are this irresistibly cute.
In hindsight, Fwhip feels more convinced that the cat was trying to warn him, because there ends up being a big break in this whole demon issue right around the corner. The start of it happens in the form of a message from Pearl, one he gets when Gandolf is sleeping in his lap; purring up a storm.
Pearlescentmoon: sausage just came by all distressed
GeminiTay: what did he say???
SolidarityGaming: possessed ooor???
fWhip: ??
Pearlescentmoon: he was unpossessed. Said he doesn't like being Xornorth's puppet anymore but he can't deflect because of the mind control stuff
Pearlescentmoon: we were gonna use this fighting arena before he went missing and now Xornorth's ordering a fight there
Pearlescentmoon: sausage thinks we can do something at this fight or we can save him
Smajor1995: that's….a lot
GeminiTay: I'm in.
Shubble: what about Joey?
Pearlescentmoon: he didn't say anything about him sorry
Katherineelizz: this sounds risky :/
Katherineelizz: you sure it's not a trick?
Pearlescentmoon: no, that was him for sure
fWhip: last time you said that I'm pretty sure that wasn’t him
Pearlescentmoon: well this time I'm certain
Smajor1995: why is it only this time?
Pearlescentmoon: because he looked scared . And sausage doesn't get scared like that.
GeminiTay: doesn't matter, tell him we'll do it
fWhip: !!!!????
SolidarityGaming: why are you so insistent on this Gem?
GeminiTay: because Xornorth might show up
GeminiTay: and i wanna kick that demons ass
Fwhip watched more messages be sent with a sigh. It was just stuff about the date of the fight, who could come, what they would do once Xornorth showed up. No,not once, if they showed up at all. Maybe if even it didn’t they’d get Sausage back, and Fwhip feels like trading the whole world to get his brother back most days. He scanned over the agreed upon arrangements in his communicator, only sending back a simple thumbs up when asked his opinion.
This all felt way too important to be discussing over text, but they were busy people. And no one could eavesdrop this way, could they? So maybe this method had its benefits. Fwhip was getting a little sick of House Blossom meetings anyways, the half dragon was pretty sure he’d been in Katherins empire more than his own recently. Which reminded him that he probably needed to go home the next day. Paranoia was still wearing away at the edges of his mind, but Fwhip couldn’t bask in his sister's hospitality forever. He was pretty sure he’d already gotten on her last nerve too, but that was normal.
The Count ran a hand through his hair, doing nothing helpful and making it look like a mess. He was pretty sure it looked like a mess regardless. Gandalf just looked up at him, blinking slowly. He met the cat’s yellow gaze, and the creature just let out a mrrp .
He huffed, going to scratch behind the cat’s ears. Gandalf purred at that, and rubbed his head into Fwhip’s hand. The little thing was surprisingly affectionate, which just endeared Fwhip to him a little more. He still thought this cat was some magic being with more sentiance than it let on, and would not be fooled by the cuteness.
Fwhip wasn’t sure if this cat was trying to warn him or comfort him, but he appreciated it nonetheless.
Arena day comes, and Fwhip doesn’t think he’s ever hated a string of numbers more in his life. He really isn’t excited for this, and has been glaring holes into his calendar for the past two days or so.
He landed in Pearl’s empire an hour early. The only other people there were Gem and Scott, who were preparing some magic thing. Pearl told him not to bother them, and Fwhip just decided to wait around until the grand event started.
Most people showed up, minus Shrub, Joey, Joel, Lizzie and Pix. Not exactly most actually, but about half of the emperors. He’d told Gem her and Scott shouldn’t come, that it probably wasn’t good for them to be close to Sausage again, but she’d argued back stubbornly. Both of them wanted to come, in case Xornorth showed his face. They were trying to perfect a spell against him, and this was too good on an opportunity to pass up. Fwhip hadn’t said anything after that, knowing he couldn’t change her mind; no matter how much he said it’d make him feel better if she just didn’t go .
The Count wished more people had shown up, because he didn’t feel very confident without all of them there. They were missing some valuable fighters too. Lizzie and Pix were both skilled with a trident, Shrub had a lot of wolves, and Joel was surprisingly good at combat, even if he didn’t partake in it much. According to Pearl, Xornroth liked to summon mobs. And six people against mobs, a demon, and maybe said demons pawns did not sound very welcoming. Even with the spell Scott was working on.
Seeing the arena doesn’t help his nerves. It’s more of a colosseum, and one of the smaller ones Fwhip had seen; granted he hadn’t seen too many of these types of builds. He wished Pearl and Sausage had picked a bigger spot for it, because it was sandwiched right between their two empires, on a plot of land that felt far too small for what was about to happen. It felt even smaller with all six of them standing in it, and was sure to feel even more tiny when their two opponents arrived. Well, one opponent and one maybe ally. The thing is also full of cactus, and he’s pretty sure they’re all going to fall on one at some point.
“He’s here.” Pearl said softly, and five heads turned at the sound, all of them having been waiting in the actual arena part.
Sausage stood there at the opposite end, Mythland’s side, and looked a little awkward. Fwhip, who’d been keeping a close eye on his sister, noticed how she went a little rigid. She hid that better than Scott though, who froze like a deer in headlights. Sausage noticed as well, and winced, especially when Katherine moved closer to the elf.
“Uh, hi guys?” Sausage called out a little hesitantly, and took a small step forward. Fwhip noticed Jimmy’s hand slowly shift closer towards his trident, the action not seemingly a conscious decision. A few other people did as well, but Fwhip found he couldn’t copy his fellow emperors. Sausage himself has weapons, including the staff, but his hands were nowhere near them.
Fwhip decided that Pearl was wrong last time, that whatever had attacked Jimmy hadn’t seen his brother, because the man standing in front of him was . He’d been so certain that that person had been Sausage, and was glad to admit he was wrong. The Count was also horrified how easily he believed it, even after seeing it with his own eyes. It was a little hard to wrap his head around honestly, that after all these months of worrying and trying to accept what was really happening, Sausage was standing right in front of him again. Not exactly the same as he had been before, but close enough, and that was better than just a week ago. A million times better than before.
“When’s you know who showing up?” Scott asked, seeming to break through his deer in the headlights stare. The way Sausage looks at the elf has a lot of emotions packed in, some Fwhip can recognize, some he looks at Gem with too. There’s other things he can’t decipher in there, but that’s not for him to investigate, not his story to tell. Especially not right now.
“It’ll probably take a minute. They do what they please.” Mythland’s king responds, and falls silent after that. He’s clearly unsure what to do, and it’s understandable. Besides Pearl, this is one of the first times most of his friends have seen him unpossessed in months, probably getting close to a year now.
“This isn’t a trick is it?” Katherine asks, deciding that they do have time to talk. She’d mentioned wanting too before, and was taking her shot it seemed.
“Not a trick. The staffs just here for appearances.” Sausage seems to spit out the name of his weapon, and his eyes flick to Jimmy as the cod asks the next question. Pearl, having done enough talking to the man, is letting the rest of them speak uninterrupted. Gem is oddly silent, Scott looks like he’s going through the five stages of grief again, and Fwhip wants to speak; he does so badly , but his tongue feels locked in place.
“Why….why do you think you can deflect this way?” Jimmy’s hand has moved away from his spear, and rests at his side. All his petty arguments with Sausage means he knows the man reasonably well, well enough to tell when he’s being truly sincere. Fwhip never thought he’d be glad for all those fights, but now he is, now that the tension in the air starts to lessen just a little.
“I think Xornorths gonna try and kill me here.” Sausage says it so casually it’s almost horrifying, and on the list of fucked up things no one should ever have to say. Fwhip’s been making a list of that, by the way, because his dumb friends keep saying the most terrible phrases about themselves. “It’s been getting annoyed with how I’m not, uh, compiling recently. Joey mentioned something about it a few days ago, something Xornorth had apparently said.”
“What if Joey’s lying?” Jimmy asks, and there genuine concern in his tone. He’s aware of how horribly that could go for both of the demon’s pawns if Joey had been lying.
“Nah. He’s never lied about what Xornorth’s said. Joey’s too smitten to even think of that.” Sausage’s answer was the most confident he would sound all day. They all fell into a stilted silence after that, not quite sure what to do.
Pearl cleared her throat, seeming to break the spell that fell over the seven of them. “We should probably start sparring now, just in case they show up soon.” She mumbled, glancing between all of them. She was asking if certain people were ready, if they were okay with this.
“Yeah.” Gem agreed, and no one else gave further comment. So the spar started, with Pearl flinging herself straight for Sausage. The Mythlander countered quickly, and it very quickly looked like one of their usual matches. True to his word, the staff was mostly just for display, and Sausage didn’t touch it one bit.
All seven of them started facing off against each other, not just against Sausage. Though they all got a turn against him, and Fwhip found that the other wasn’t truly attacking. The rest of them were confident in their movements, apologizing if they accidentally scrapped their opponent, never aiming for serious injury of course. Sausage looked confident from a distance, but when Fwhip actually fought him he could tell that his brother wasn’t really trying, and all the attacks were just for show.
It became a little fun, the whole thing, so much so Fwhip almost forgot what they were here for. The tension had left his shoulders, and he had long since joined in on some playfully banter. But nothing good lasts forever, not even the smallest moments like this. The Count’s closest to Scott when it happens, and catches how the elf suddenly goes rigid.
Sausage senses it too, but doesn’t show it, minus the fear now very evident in his gaze. Scott freezes again, almost losing his balance as he does. “ They’re here .” Is all Fwhip hears the elf whisper, before the sky seems to turn gray above them.
In the stands there's Xornoth, a look that one could call amused plastered across his face. They’re standing above their banner, one hung on the arena’s walls, and Fwhip doesn;t know how he ignored such an ominous object before.
There’s no warning, only the sound of rattling skeleton bones and the tell-tale sounds of Evokers and Pilligars now coming from the colosseum's inner wall. None of them speak, and they all lose sight of Sausage for one vital second, all six pairs of eyes focused on their now compromised exits. Gem and Pearl move to start attempting the spell, not caring if Xornoth sees it. Pearl, far too used to how the demon fights, is charging at the mobs as soon as she catches a glimpse of them.
She’s stopped when Katherine yelps, arm being sliced open. It’s Sausage, and he’s clearly a little different than he was a moment ago. Fwhip watches in shock as the fight, a real, actual fight, starts to break out, and calls to his twin. “Did he just get possessed?” He asks, moving away from a skeleton. It's a common, easy to kill mob, and the Count is pretty sure Xornoth chose them because of how annoying they are to handle.
“Not possession!” Gem called, her staff starting to glow a little. “He’s got a different aura to Joey!”
“Was he like this when he kidnapped you?” Katherine called, clearly a little puzzled. Fwhip was as well, not knowing how what Sausage was experiencing wasn’t demon possession. Blood red eyes looked pretty demon-like to him.
“Yeah!” His sister called. “I can explain more later!”
There’s not much conversation after that, and Fwhip hates how they’re basically being used as amusement for the demon. There’s vindicators now, swinging axes left and right, and every ruler has a swarm of vexes of them. It’s a little much for them to handle, as fwhip predicted, but they’ll manage. They have to manage.
Gem and Scott gave up on the spell, but not after struggling to fight it. Sausage, in whatever state he was in, had focused his attention on making sure they didn’t get room to breathe in between a barrage of attacks. And Fwhip knows that’s not his brother, because he;s using the staff, and he has to wonder what kind of mental hell the elf and the wizard are currently going through. The two stop even trying to attempt the spell once the Illuiosner’s and zombies show up, now having too many dangerous mobs around to do anything but fight for their lives.
There’s an Illusioner next to him suddenly, and Fwhip manages to knock his enemy away before they can activate a spell. The small space is starting to get overrun with mobs and people alike, and the Illuioner is quickly whisked off into another area, and replaced by even more vexes. Fwhip didn’t think his hatred for Evokers could increase so drastically in mere seconds, but here they are.
Ravagers were the next mob to be summoned. Which was great . Three ravagers in a small arena was a horrible combination, nevermind the vexes already floating around. He’s being swarmed by the little things currently, and they stop him from swooping in to save Katherine. About three Vindicators were on her, and she was backed into a corner. The half dragon sees her make it out, but not without some pretty nasty wounds to show for it.
It’s one of the last parts of the battle he sees though, because suddenly a Ravager next to him, charging. Already injured, the Count isn’t fast enough to dodge.
Fwhip let out a yelp of pain, horns slamming into his backside. He felt himself be flung into the air, wings thrashing out of instinct, before landing in a heap on the ground. He’d never really seen a ravager throw someone before, but knew they could. Because of course they could. What else were those weirdly placed horns for?
He was pretty sure something, or several things, made the cracking noise when he landed. It sure felt like he had several broken bones, pain shooting through him from multiple points. He heard the ravagers breath behind him, before the beast let out a roar of pain. Fwhip didn’t know who was currently saving his life, but he’s grateful.
There’s a flash of green and yellow, accompanied by a shout nearby. Someone’s crouching over him, making sure he’s safe until they can get a healing potion in him. He’s pretty sure it’s Pearl, being able to recognize the colors of her dress anywhere. His vision is a bit unfocused right now, an unfortunate side effect of being thrown like a ragdoll, and when Pearl leaves to rejoin the fight it takes Fwhip a good minute to see who replaces her. When he does there's a very familiar blonde fish guy in front of him, and it sends a whole wave of emotions through him.
Jimmy’s crouched over him, and all Fwhip can focus on his worried face, and how he hates that he’s worrying Jimmy. The half dragon has to turn his head a little awkwardly to even see the Codfather, but it's better than looking at the arena’s floor. He senses Gem nearby, and figures he’s soon to be dragged back into the colosseum walls. Not that that will do much about the vexes, but it is better than the open arena. His back is throbbing with pain, and he can only hope his wings go undamaged. He can't (and doesn't like to) use them very much, but he'd still prefer to keep them unharmed.
Until now he’s been laying on a useless heap on the floor, curled into himself best he can manage. Normally, he would’ve gotten up and kept fighting, even with a broken arm or leg, but this time it’s his back that's broken. He had landed right on it, before somehow managing to scramble into whatever position he’s in. Fwhip’s pretty sure he has several fractures, and really hopes they’re all fixable. His breathing’s been pretty labored and panicked as well, which wasn’t helping at all, considering he probably hurt some of his organs as well.
The Count has other injuries, but the most pressing one is apparently to his back. That’s what he hears Gem say, as she and Jimmy somehow maneuver him inside the colosseum walls. Fwhip’s aware that he’s basically being carried around, but focuses only on the ground. He does this even when inside, eyes now tracing the cracks in the concrete instead of the grains of sand.
Healing potions could be used in several different ways, but the most common way was to drink them. They could also be directly applied to a wound, for an ever faster result. That’s what Gem and Jimmy were arguing about when he finally tuned in, the two not even trying to be discreet about it.
“I don’t know which one is best!” He heard Gem hissed. “I’ve never dealt with this kind of injury before!” “If it’s external we should apply it directly!” Jimmy spat, and Fwhip knew exactly what glare he received.
“I don’t wanna risk moving his coat off!” Gem argued back again, and the Count had already had it with this conversation. He could sympathize with not knowing what to do in this situation, really he could. It was just a little irritating when people were arguing over how to heal you, as you were in pain is all.
“Just give me the damn potion!” Fwhip managed through gritted teeth. Both of them shut up and that, and he managed to down a healing potion in record time. They had decided to do both ways, apparently, as he felt the familiar sting of the potion on his backside; Fwhip hadn’t even realized it was littered with cuts as well as the bone being fractured, and it made him wonder what exactly he;d hit on his way down. The half dragon really wished these things worked just a minute faster, or at least that he’d been knocked unconscious about ten minutes ago.
Fwhip isn’t exactly sure what happens after that, just feels the potion start to work its magic. The pain lessens, but doesn’t go away completely. He’s moved out of the arena once the coast is clear enough, and doesn’t know where anyone else is. Besides Gem, who hadn’t left his side since she'd gotten to it. Jimmy, still relatively without major injury, had disappeared back into the thick of the fight at some point.
Eventually he passes out, frustrated and still throbbing from pain. He’s frustrated he couldn’t do more in the chaos of that battle, frustrated he couldn’t help his friends, and that they couldn’t even get Sausage back. He wonders if they even know what became of him.
After waking up late, Fwhip spent most of the next morning at Pearl’s dining table, being extra careful with all his previously broken bones. He’d been given two potions, maybe more, but was still a little concerned about just how much they’d managed to cover.
He’d been sitting there for a good two or so hours, doing nothing but thinking and processing, when he felt another person’s gaze on him. The Count turned, only to see Jimmy standing there, unable to tell if he was leaning against the wall casually or for support. Usually he;d have beamed a little at the sight of the cod, but all the ginger could manage for the moment was a nod of acknowledgement.
“You look horrible.” Fwhip observed, gaze traveling over the cod. The blonde looked like a mess, his hair sticking out in multiple places and his clothes still torn from yesterday’s battle. Jimmy just mutters in response. “I was on watch duty all night, making sure all the stray mobs died.” Well, that explained it.
“Where’s everyone else?” Fwhip muttered, worry itching at the back of his mind. He didn’t like being in the dark on everyone’s statuses, and was honestly a bit annoyed at passing out in the first place. Not being able to help for half of the fight didn’t sit right with him, and he wondered what the six of them would have accomplished without having to take care of his stupid back. He wondered if they could’ve gotten his brother back.
“Resting.” The blonde informed him, taking a second to stretch probably aching limbs. “Gem and Pearl are still working on healing stuff, and told me to check on you. I messaged everyone who didn’t show up, and all of ‘em responded but Shrub.” The ginger raised an eyebrow at that. Shrub was usually pretty decent about answering her messages, so the fact that she hadn;t was a little suspicious; especially after the day before. But maybe she’d been busy, or maybe she’d been sleeping. He didn’t know, and what their little gnome friend was up to was a problem for later.
Jimmy doesn’t mention Sausage, and Fwhip assumes no one else knows where he disappeared too. They’d tell him if he knew, he’s sure of it.
“Who’s hurt?” Fwhip failed to keep the concern out of his tone as he spoke, and hoped it wasn’t obvious how worried he was. He’d been worried since he woke up, enough to feel sick to his stomach and skip breakfast. Gem was gonna be so mad at him for that later, but he’d eat eventually.
“Katherine got pretty wrecked trying to protect us.” Jimmy responded, pulling out the chair next to him. “Scott needs bed rest again, more than last time.” The blonde looked tired as he spoke, and Fwhip is all the more aware of the dark circles lining his eyes. “He had a panic attack, I think. And Gem’s obviously been fighting off some sort of breakdown.” He doesn’t need to say why that happened, they both know. Fwhip was right, those two shouldn’t have come.
Instead of mentioning that Fwhip just sighs, and carefully moves to rest his head on Jimmy’s shoulder. “Hey.” The cod mumbled.
“Hi.” Fwhip’s response is a little deadpan, but Jimmy chuckled at the exchange anyways.
“Pearl said to give you another healing potion, just in case.” He mumbled, removing the half dragon’s head from his shoulder. Fwhip grumbles at that, feeling like a sick and whiny child. He does not want to take another healing potion. After this whole demon ordeal is over he hopes he never has to see one again in his life. The Count’s getting too used to all the injuries, and that is not a good thing to get used too.
He watched as Jimmy stood from the table, and moved further into Pearl’s kitchen. The cod returned a few seconds later with a potion carefully clutched in his grasp, and Fwhip held in another sigh. He’d suck it up and take the potion, not putting it past Jimmy to force it down his throat. And if he couldn’t do it then the cd would get Pearl, who definitely could make him take his medicine.
When Jimmy handed him the potion, Fwhip took it without complaint. Unless you counted a grumpy glare as a complaint, but Jimmy either didn’t or was too tired to care, so it wasn’t one this time. The Count wrinkled his nose at the taste of it, resisting the urge to spit out the magical elixir. Some people said these things tasted good, or even bland, and Fwhip had never gotten that. Every potion he’d ever taken had tasted disgusting on his tongue. He placed the now empty bottle down a little roughly, watching as the glass kinlinked against the table.
“How’s your back now?” The cod waited a few minutes or so to ask the question, until the healing potion had properly started to kick in. Fwhip just huffed, feeling like the thing was more numbing his pain than causing it. “Still sore, my wings don’t feel great either.”
“Maybe some more sleep with help that?” Jimmy suggested, trying to crack a weak smile at him. Sleep sounded wonderful, actually, and Fwhip let himself be helped into one of Pearl’s guest rooms. Her humble home looked small on the outsider, and always felt twenty times bigger whenever the Count actually entered it. He wasn’t even sure how many rooms she had, even after all these years of friendship. Too many, probably.
He ended up laying on his stomach, Jimmy shoving a pillow under him. It was one of the sleeping positions for a broken back Gem had told the cod about, apparently. She’d ordered Fwhip to sleep on his stomach, because of the whole injured wings thing; Gem didn’t want to risk putting too much pressure on him. His wings had always been a bit of a pain when it came to health stuff and sleeping, so he wasn’t very surprised anymore. He usually slept on his side, but would rarely switch it up, his wings usually being too uncomfortable to fold under him and not large enough to crush him with their weight.
Jimmy was sitting on the bed next to him, saying he wouldn;t leave until he was sure Fwhip was asleep. The Count appreciated it, knowing his thoughts would overwhelm him if he was alone. However he did not appreciate the topic of their conversation at all. Too personal, way too feely feely right now. “I get what you said,” The cod muttered. “About thinking you’re gonna lose me.” He muttered it into ginger hair, nuzzling his head into it.
“Not a fun thought, is it?” He mumbled, the other shifting closer, sadly not really being able to cuddle him like this. “I think we both have horrible luck.” He huffed, clicking noise emitting from his throat.
“And terrible anxiety.” Fwhip offered, and the other made another clicking sound in agreement.
“Why’re you so scared of that in the first place? I mean, I kinda get it, but I think we have different reasons?” That just made Fwhip want to know what those reasons were, which was another thing added to his list of things to think about.
He was hesitant in his answer, not really being the talking about his feelings kinda guy. He preferred bottling it up instead. Also this was a… hard subject, to say the least. “Because I’ve….never had anything like this before, so it’s special.” That explanation wasn’t everything, not by a long shot, but he thought it made sense.
“Yeah, yeah..” Was all Jimmy responded with, slipping a hand into his hair, running his fingers through it. Fwhip didn’t say anything else, and just leaned into the touch. Healing potions had some side effects, such as the occasional tiredness, and that one always got the Count every time he took one. He felt his eyes begin to droop, and was very content to fall asleep right here right now.
He fell asleep, purring quietly as Jimmy played with his hair. It was the worst sleep he’d ever had probably, and nothing got better when he woke up. Everything probably got a hundred times worse, actually.
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an icarus and his sun: chapter 12
A/N: another shorter chapter here, a bit of an uneasy calm before the storm :)
Warnings: injury, fever, infection/corruption, unconsciousness, talk of possession, talk of death, crying
AO3 Link - Tumblr Masterpost
The last few days had been horrendous. Jimmy hardly got any sleep, staying at Scott’s side and comforting him through the horrible fever and corruption. The few times Scott was awake, he wasn’t super coherent- the fact that he kept clinging to Jimmy and borderline whining whenever Jimmy wasn’t right beside him proved that. Everyone was trying their best to come up with solutions for Scott. While Joel, Lizzie, and Pixl hadn’t seemed too keen on helping Scott at first, they quickly changed their tune when they heard about what Fwhip had said about Scott, how he had really cared about Jimmy, and left the Wither Rose Alliance because of it. Joel and Pixl tried offering golden apples and health potions, but Gem and Shelby sadly explained that they hadn’t been doing much good, only somewhat combating the fever and doing absolutely nothing to the corruption. Then they tried to remove the corruption- but Scott woke up screaming in pain, and that was a sound that would haunt Jimmy forever. They stopped trying to remove the corruption pretty much instantly, as it was clear that it was far too intertwined with Scott. They would just find another way, there had to be another way.
With Gem’s magic, they had managed to get the corruption to stop spreading across his skin- and it seemed like it had worked. Even Shelby seemed optimistic- her people were never able to stop the corruption from spreading. Scott’s fever went down, and he woke up, seeming far more coherent than he had been in the past few days. Well, maybe not super coherent, he looked extremely baffled and wondered if he was dead. But he wasn’t, he was awake and for once his icy blue eyes weren’t glazed over with fever or pain… but then just like that, everything went wrong again. Scott started shaking and hyperventilating, babbling out apologies- then he tensed, eyes turning red before they fluttered shut and he went limp.
“What happened?!” Gem asked as she burst in, followed by Pearl, Shelby, Katherine, Pixl, Joel, and Lizzie. Jimmy was still standing at Scott’s side, hand tightly gripping Scott’s.
“I don’t know, he seemed fine and then he wasn’t- and his eyes went red, the same red as the corruption,” Jimmy explained, trying to keep his voice from shaking.
“Oh no,” Shelby gasped, eyes going wide as she scrambled back from Scott’s bed. Jimmy looked at her in confusion.
“Shelby, what’s wrong?” Jimmy asked. Shelby swallowed nervously.
“There- there was something else that could happen to people because of the corruption- but it was rare, not many people lived long enough for it to happen.. but we got it to stop spreading, so why would his eyes…” Shelby’s rambling trailed off as she continued backing away from Scott’s bed, eyes wide with horror.
“Shelby, what aren’t you telling us?” Pixl asked, voice gentle yet firm.
“They would become like puppets, the corruption would control them so it could spread- but Scott shouldn’t just be lying there, if his eyes really went red then he should have killed us all by now,” Shelby explained shakily. Various gasps and shouts of alarm filled the room.
“You knew what the corruption did this whole time and didn’t tell us?!” Jimmy demanded.
“Jimmy, yelling isn’t going to solve anything,” Katherine reprimanded, but it was lost on Jimmy as he glared at Shelby instead.
“Becoming a puppet to the corruption was rare! And I didn’t think it was happening to Scott- most times, before someone got under the corruption’s control, they were in a much better state than Scott. But it was like that was what the corruption wanted sometimes. It would weed out the weak ones and keep the strong ones to spread it. And… well, with how Scott was doing, it seemed like the corruption saw him as weak. But then you said his eyes went red, and that was a surefire sign that the corruption took over someone- but he should have started killing people or trying to spread the corruption… it doesn’t make sense,” Shelby rambled, her terrified expression completely directed at Jimmy now. Jimmy’s shoulders sagged, and he dropped his glare to instead sheepishly grimace at Shelby.
“I… yeah, okay. That- that makes sense. Sort of. Sorry for yelling,” he said, giving her a weak smile. Shelby gave a trembling smile back.
“It’s okay. And who knows! Maybe Scott passing out means that he’s still fighting off the corruption,” Shelby said hopefully.
“I don’t think we can afford to be that optimistic,” Pearl said with a wary glance to Scott’s still form.
“Maybe we should lock him away somewhere, until we find a cure,” Joel pondered.
“I have a secret meeting room- Fwhip and Sausage know about it, but it’s probably the most fortified spot in my empire,” Gem offered.
“We could always set up a guard rotation, maybe have someone stay in the meeting room with Scott as a last resort,” Pixl pointed out.
“I’m staying with Scott,” Jimmy blurted. Everyone’s gazes snapped to Jimmy with varying expressions of fear and concern.
“Jimmy, that’s suicide,” Lizzie said softly, eyes slightly glassy. Jimmy felt his eyes watering as well.
“I don’t care, I’m not abandoning him. Not again. Besides, maybe Shelby’s right, maybe he’s still trying to fight it off. And if anyone can beat it, it’s Scott,” Jimmy said firmly.
“Jimmy, this isn’t your fault,” Lizzie said softly. Jimmy gave her a grim trembling smile.
“If I hadn’t pushed him away, then he wouldn’t have had to deal with Fwhip and Sausage on his own. Then maybe none of this would have happened,” he replied, guilt laced throughout his tone. Lizzie let out a frustrated scoff.
“Then you both would have ended up like this! Jimmy, we can’t lose you either!” she exclaimed, hands gesturing wildly as she began to cry. Jimmy let out a sound that was half laugh, half sob as he reached out to take Lizzie’s hands.
“Lizzie, what if it was Joel in this situation?” he asked softly. A look of understanding came over Lizzie’s face, but she shook her head, still looking like she wanted to protest.
“I- but-”
“So you know why I have to do this. I can’t just… give up on him again,” Jimmy continued. Lizzie let out a sigh of defeat, nodding at Jimmy.
“I told you these land boys were trouble,” she teased weakly.
“Didn’t think it would be this much trouble,” Jimmy said with a nervous laugh. Lizzie gave a watery laugh in response, and hesitated for only half a second before letting go of Jimmy’s hands to hug him tightly.
“You’re not allowed to die,” Lizzie murmured into his shoulder. Jimmy chuckled.
“Understood, Ocean Queen,” he said solemnly, swallowing the lump in his throat before letting go of her to look at the others.
“So you’re sure about this?” Gem asked. Jimmy nodded firmly.
“We should still keep a guard rotation outside too, that way Jimmy can call for help if he needs it,” Pearl added. The others nodded in agreement, and Gem fiddled with something around her neck before taking it off and holding it out to Jimmy. It was one of her amethyst shards on a chain, gently glowing with her magic.
“This should protect you from the corruption. The crystals are what helped me slow the spread of it in Scott, maybe it will help it from spreading to you. I’m sorry I don’t have a more definite solution,” Gem explained, pressing it into Jimmy’s hand. The crystal shimmered in his hand, glowing a bit before going back to its usual purple hue.
“Thank you- it’s better than nothing,” Jimmy replied with a smile as he put on the necklace.
“At the very least it looks nice on you!” Shelby chirped, relieving the tension in the room slightly as the group laughed. But the laughs dissipated quickly, and they began preparations to move Scott to the secret meeting room.
The wall closing in front of Jimmy felt like a finality. Realistically he could open it whenever he wanted, but that was only if the situation got dire enough, or if it turned out that Scott was okay. He had hugged each of his friends- even Gem, Pearl and Shelby, even though their friendships were relatively new- and it felt too much like a goodbye. But it wouldn’t be, surely Scott would be alright.
Jimmy looked over to the bed they had set up in the room, where Scott was still peacefully asleep. That was a good sign, right? Unless it wasn’t, and Scott would just… never wake up. Forever trapped in the clutches of the corruption, eternally fighting its control. Jimmy shook his head. He couldn’t think like that. Scott would wake up, eventually. But whether or not Scott would be himself when he woke up was another issue. Would Jimmy really be able to fight him off? Would he even have enough time to call for help? And even if he did, would he want to? If he asked his friends for help, they would have to kill Scott in order to keep the lands safe from corruption. He just had to hope that Gem could figure out a cure before it got to that point. And maybe this worrying was for nothing! Maybe Scott’s willpower was strong enough to fight it… but there was no way of knowing that. Instead, all Jimmy could do was sit at Scott’s side, holding his hand and praying to whoever was listening that Scott would be alright.
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