tobyscloset · 6 months
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I finally drew my jwcc oc into chaos theory!! :3 // based off the quote/saying; "People tend to cut their hair after traumatic experiences." // Kipper H. Wilson!!!
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kallmekathy · 5 months
so I kinda made a short Lil comic...
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I have no clue how to make comics and it looks bad but whatever.
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velaraffricate · 1 year
so I've been working on my latest conlang, irkan osla (or just osla for short), for a bit now and would like to showcase its writing system in this post! osla has a syllabic alphabet, not too dissimilar to korean hangul, where letters are stacked according to certain rules to make syllable blocks.
osla's syllable structure is (C)(C)V(V)(C), here's how the stacks work for each type of syllable:
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all letters have small, wide, and tall forms depending on their position in the syllable. here are all the letters with their IPA value and romanization:
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and here's an example text! i translated parts of the minecraft end poem into osla. maybe i'll make another post just focusing on the grammar when it's more developed. the poem says in english:
What did this player dream? This player dreamed of sunlight and trees. Of fire and water. It dreamed it created. And it dreamed it destroyed. It dreamed it hunted, and was hunted. It dreamed of shelter.
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Does it know that we love it? That the universe is kind? Sometimes, through the noise of its thoughts, it hears the universe, yes.
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this post is getting long, so under the cut you'll find a "sans-serif" version as well as the poem in osla and its gloss if you're also a linguistics nerd and wanna know what's going on under the hood (the roman numerals stand for the 3 noun classes)! thanks for reading!
The way regular people would write something quickly on a piece of paper with a regular pen is an aspect of creating neographies that I feel is often overlooked, so I developed this sans-serif version that people would probably be more likely to use when writing their shopping lists or diary entries:
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And, finally, here's the poem translation:
pak oṇḍul phan wimbakis?
DET.I.SG.PROX play-AGN what dream-PST.3SG.I?
pak oṇḍul lümaṇiuṣerothi han buloni an wimbakis. kaṣkhaothi han nilothi an. wimbakis, run sëmamkis. wimbakis, run xokthakis, han bumxokthakis. zöga an wimbakis.
DET.I.SG.PROX play-AGN sunlight-II.SG.DAT and tree-II.PL.DAT of dream-PST.3SG.I. Fire-II.SG.DAT and water-II.SG.DAT of. dream-PST.3SG.I, that create-PST.3SG.I. dream-PST.3SG.I, that hunt-PST.3SG.I, and PASS-hunt-PST.3SG.I. shelter of dream-PST.3SG.I.
ṭauraka, run kaak samare? run glutsüna flia?
know-NP.3SG.I, that 3SG.I.ABS love-NP.1PL? that universe kind?
imba ethamo, khaṣiŋli an ka’am hu’aŋni pitë, glutsüna ṣaraka, ti.
some time-NOM.III.PL, noise-ACC.II.SG of 3SG.I.GEN thought-NOM.III.PL through, universe hear-NP.3SG.I, yes.
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mysterioushimachal · 21 days
Borasu Pass Trek: A Thrilling Adventure in Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh
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wally-b-feed · 1 year
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Red Osla Yan, 2023
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deadly-espresso · 5 months
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there buddy, you finally got your wish.
yeah i finally fricking drew him again
(honestly I could've just made this a basic ass vector image but nahhh i decided to go hard on the effects)
"noisulli na si ytilaer" si eman elif eht sey osla 😭🤯😈
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ask-unpleasant · 3 months
How did paranormal and creepy meet? :D
-🦠 anon
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I would've thought that was obvious, with the similar eyes and whatnot.
oga gnol gnissim tnew rehto eht dna enasni si eno tub ,srehtorb owt evah osla ew…
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That cute bunny girl is called Noisette.Can you please tell me what you cooked besides pizza?
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Pep: "...!"
Pep: "Si! Noisette was her name! Grazie friends! And grazie for Poco Noisette!"
Pep: "…Reh ot yrros yas ot deen I... Niaga reh ees nac I epoh I…"
Pep: "Bocnroc etalocohc ekil! Wonk I sepicer rehto eht fo emos em thguat ehs! Ssendnik reh rof reh knaht ot deen osla I tub."
Pep: "Enoyreve deef ot dah I tahw htiw dluoc I revetahw gnikam yltsom saw ti. Oot gnikab fo stol dna atsap fo stol saw ereht, azzip sediseb dekooc I tahw rof sa."
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Pep: "Niaga yrt ot ecin eb dluow ti os, elihw a ni nevo gnikrow a dah t'nevah I. Noos gnikooc emos uoy wohs nac I ebyam!"
Pep: "Yrros... Naem uoy ohw wonk I kniht t'nod I... 'Sessob niam'...? Noitseuq rehto eht dna..."
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alextydaisuda123 · 3 months
My god, Maurice tried to tear off Bruno's arm before?!
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Peppino: Yes. I think the guys talked about it...or not, I don’t remember. But do you know why he tried to do this? Because you see, he doesn’t understand what Bruno is saying. Imagine, we don’t understand him either, but that doesn’t mean we have to tear our hand off for it.
Bruno: !lufniap saw tahT !sdneirf ym detlusni osla eH !dab si eciruaM !daB
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Show me the best moment between Alex and Miles for you
Hello Anon ! Thanks for your ask ! It’s really really hard to just pick one moment !
Can I choose two? Please? Oops, I'm cheating 😈
And my two favourites are : the hug at øYafestivalen and the gaze at Primavera Sound.
The first one : - The Primavera Gaze [Primavera Sound, Spain 3-06-2016]
First of all, Miles moves closer to Alex to press his head against his as they usually do.
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but Alex prefers to move even closer to glue his forehead instead. Look at his smile! He is happy! Really happy! Miles then takes the opportunity to rub his nose against Alex's (a very friendly thing 😏)
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and now, they seem to have totally forgotten the audience. They are both in their own bubble.
Alex bends him over, looking into his eyes. Very intensely.
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He doesn't blink! Licks his lips!
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And, oh my, Miles moving slowly up and down. I don't know why but I think it's super hot
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and you can see Miles' lips trembling, as they always do when they're a hair's breadth away from Alex's 😏
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That moment was so sweet and intense at the same time. It was perfection!
-The Hug at øYafestivalen [øYafestivalen, Osla, Norway 10-08-2016]
This moment is pure sweetness! First Alex touches him tenderly and then brings him gently against him
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Miles looks completely overwhelmed 😅 Alex hugs him tightly, burying his face in his neck and putting his arm around him
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"Hold me" 🥰 Alex looks like he needs that hug badly! You can't even see his face anymore!!
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*deep sigh* They are too cute together. Real soulmates ❤
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thegimmickblog · 7 months
I have also never been gimmicked, if you care =)
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(= erac uoy fi ,dekcimmig neeb reven osla evah I
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kallmekathy · 1 month
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Space tour Kumo is looking for space tour Leon! He was last seen mentioning green paint…? (Cabin 8)
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velaraffricate · 1 year
translation of the first verse from gliese 710 by king gizzard! almost every verb here is in the imperative mood, which posed a bit of a challenge. in irkan osla, unlike in english, the imperative declines based on number - either first person plural, or second person singular or plural. i went for 1PL because I thought it sounded almost like a sort of battlecry and less like a literal command, but the others would work too depending on your interpretation of the lyrics. i also decided to translate 'lava' as 'fire-river', since i don't think this culture would be familiar with active volcanoes.
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melt the ice reheat the dead terraform the planet compress the lungs eat the mushroom cool the lava watch the new star dance upon the night sky
blüas ṭhuṣki kxokomaŋka doanragiki na'isünaas ërki fahaaŋka ṇiiṇliphiki khenaak ömki kaṣkhalauas thufki ṭṣi glutas ixki xorosabaothi ḍi misit
gloss and IPA under the cut!
ice-II.SG.ABS melt-IMP.1PL dead.ones-I.PL.ABS again-heat-IMP.1PL world-II.SG.ABS transform-IMP.1PL lung-I.PL.ABS compress-IMP.1PL mushroom-I.SG.ABS eat-IMP.1PL fire.river-II.SG.ABS cool-IMP.1PL new star-II.SG.ABS watch-IMP.1PL night.sky-II.SG.DAT in dance-INF
/ˈbly.as ˈʈʰuʂ.ki ˈkxɔ.kɔ.maŋ.ka ˈdɔan.ra.gi.ki ˈna.ʔi.sy.na.as ˈər.ki ˈfa.ha.aŋ.ka ˈɳiːɳ.li.pʰi.ki ˈkʰɛ.na.ak ˈœm.ki ˈkaʂ.kʰa.lau.as ˈt��uf.ki ʈʂi ˈglu.tas ˈix.ki ˈxɔ.rɔ.sa.ɔ.tʰi ɖi ˈmi.sit/
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yeh mood, nac uoy dnatsrednu tahw i ma gniyas?
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haziranzede · 13 days
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kitabı kışın sonunda Üsküdar tilmiz sahafdan almıştım..bu ara acar baltaşı okuyorum..ya canım kurgu çekti bişey osla derken masada bu vardı başlayayım dedim..4 yoguun günğn içinde bitti, belkıde 5 bilmiyorum..inanılmaz etkiledim..aynı hikayeyi 4 farklı kadından dinliyoruz. beni çok etkiledi kaaı içinde dönüp duruyor.. insanların hayatları sandıgımızdan çok farklı ola bilir, hayat siyah ve beywzdan ibaret değil bir kez daha görmüş oldum..yazarı ve öykülerini seviyorum.
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p1zzabrainz · 1 year
Oh that must be from the war zone...
Hey speaking of it
Bruno, what happens to other tiny you? Or your siblings (does that makes sense? Idk) are they ok? Or are they helping arround too like the rest?
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" !!'snippot fo erac ekat osla tub snoitcurtsnoc htiw dnuora skcitS .rM pleh yehT !emas eht lla era eW "
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