#Obey me brothers x mc
zephyrchama · 5 months
“Don’t,” you warned Lucifer. You saw that self-assured grin on his face. You knew what he was planning.
“What? I just came to see what you were doing.” He leaned on your shoulder with enough weight to tilt you several inches sideways, no matter how much you pushed back. “Don’t mind me, carry on.”
“Don’t you have more important things to do?” you retorted, but it was too late. The others were catching on.
“Hey, hey! What’s going on?” Mammon came over and pushed against your other shoulder, tilting you back upright. “What are two of my favorite people doin’?”
You tried to shrug them both off, to no avail. “We’re not doing anything. We can stop this.”
You couldn’t stop it. Asmodeus was on his way and wasted no time crossing his arms over your back, happily leaning into you from behind. You tilted forward. “Hey! What’s happening here?”
You sighed, “we’re not doing this again.”
Asmodeus teased you with honeyed innocence, “doing what, hon? Something on your mind?”
These three demons thought they were so funny.
A passing Satan made eye contact with you. In that exact moment, you used every bit of imaginary telepathy you could muster. Surely Satan would understand. He could save you. He could free you before it really was too late.
He observed what his brothers were doing, nodded, and approached with a congenial grin. Mission failed.
“Traitor!” You regretted ever agreeing to join this exchange program as Satan slowly fell back into you. You didn’t even try to catch him, you were too busy trying to remain upright under the combined weight of four demons. They were hardly even holding back.
You couldn’t see who was running up, being too busy blowing Satan’s blonde hair out of your face, but at this point it didn’t matter. They were all coming for you.
“Let me in on this!” Leviathan said cheerily.
“Yeah!” “Come on!” Asmodeus and Mammon gladly made some room for Leviathan, which was difficult because you were sinking lower and lower, and you felt another weight pile onto your back as Levi cozied up to your torso. This scenario had played out enough times now that the brothers could somehow keep you from falling over like a Jenga tower, but it was still only a matter of time.
Belphegor squeezed his way in between Satan and Lucifer and wordlessly collapsed onto you as if overcome with narcolepsy. He sure looked cozy. He smirked while you lamented, “I’m never forgiving any of you, ever.”
“Beel? Are you coming?” Lucifer summoned the cherry on top of this ridiculous parfait. You braced as Beelzebub licked the crumbs off his fingers in preparation. He knew what had to be done.
“Are you ready?” At least he had the decency to ask, unlike six other degenerates. The six lumps of dead weight each grabbed a part of your body, shifting from leans to awkward hugs. There was no way to run.
With an exaggerated “hah!”, Beelzebub’s weight and outstretched arms were enough to send everyone crashing down. You were protected from any real damage by the shell of demon brothers, but they soon had you pinned down against someone’s chest in the world’s most embarrassing cuddle pile.
“Aren’t you guys too old for this?” you asked. “By like, ten thousand years?”
“We were just checking up on you,” Lucifer said.
“Yeah, how did this happen? Hmm..!” Asmodeus’s voice dripped with sarcasm.
Satan draped his leg over yours and not-so-accidentally kicked Lucifer. “You should have told us what you were doing.”
“I think it’s fun.” Belphegor was the only one to admit the truth.
Hands were running through your hair and over your stomach. Somebody was pushing the edge of your mouth up into a smile with their finger. If these guy were so touch-starved, they could have just said so, like sane people.
“My! What do we have here?”
You groaned, partially because everybody was really heavy and partially because you really didn’t need Diavolo to arrive just then.
“My lord, it appears we have walked in on something quite interesting.” Et tu, Barbatos?
”Indeed! Is there room for two more?”
Your “no!” was drowned out by seven resounding yeses.
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squeakyducky · 2 months
If MC wants someone to do a favour for them, all they have to do is go hug the character's arm, catch them off guard. Muster up the sweetest expression they can make and bat their pretty eyelashes at his questioning gaze and whisper out their wishes to him. And they're putty in your arms despite how smug they look. It works against even the difficult ones like Barbatos, Lucifer or Belphie. They WILL give into it. I guarantee it 100%. The easiest ones are, you guessed it Mammon, Levi and Beelzebub.
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the-panda-queen · 7 months
Brothers Favorite Sleeping Positions w/ You
cw: slightly suggestive with some, gn reader, some can be read platonically
Part 2 here
Lucifer: Loves to sleep face to face. Will wrap his arms and legs around you and nestle his face in your hair/ on the top of your head. Will grumble if you try to switch to spooning. He wants to wake up and see your beautiful face. (.づ◡﹏◡)づ.
If you’re the type of person to wake up in the middle of the night for a lil snack just know he converted one of his nightstands into a mini fridge. He might pretend it’s always been that way but seeing it’s filled with all of your favorites you’ll see through his ruse easily. If you need to go to the bathroom he’ll let you go and stay awake til you get back before nestling into you again. Take too long and he’ll go looking for you.
Mammon: Big fan of spooning. While he does eat up being the little spoon, he likes being the big spoon more. He’ll tuck one arm under your head and rest his hand on your chest, giving it a lil squeeze while his other arm goes over your waist and hand rests on your pelvis. He’s not trying to seduce you, he just finds it comforting.
Leaving for a midnight snack or bathroom is difficult. He won’t wake up but whine and grumble once you leave his grasp. Once you come back to bed he wraps around you immediately as if trying to fuse with your skin. Good luck if you try to leave again.
Also he runs even warmer in his sleep so if you’re feeling a bit hot get ready to sweat buckets cause he sure as heck ain’t lettin go twice. (;′⌒`)
Leviathan: Once he’s comfortable enough to share a bed or his tub he’ll wrap his tail around you and hold you close. You have a bit more freedom in the position you want to sleep in. He’ll just snuggle in any way you let him. If you sleep in his tub it’s a mess of arms, legs, and tail being wrapped in.
He keeps snack in his room already so if you get hungry there’s no reason to leave. You’re close enough to share a sleeping space with him so he’ll definitely have your favorite snacks too. Going to get the snacks he’ll subconsciously shift into his demon form to elongate his tail so it can still wrap around you. If you need to go to the bathroom his tail obviously cannot follow. Will definitely cry in his sleep thinking you left him. (╥﹏╥) Hurry back!
Satan: Likes to fall asleep with you resting your head on his chest and running his fingers down your back. He’ll listen to the gentle sound of your breathing as you fall asleep then knock out himself soon afterwards.
Getting a snack or going to the bathroom in the middle of the night isn’t a hassle with him. He might shift a little in his sleep but not much else. In half awake state he’ll feel your side of the bed, if it’s gone cold you’ve been gone too long he’ll assume one of his brother has taken you and rush out of the room to track you down.
Asmo: Loves when you both sleep au naturale, you never know what could happen ;) -nothing will happen Asmo is very serious about his beauty rest especially on a school night plz don’t tease him it’s cruel T_T adores sleeping on your chest. He’ll listen to the steady thrumming of your heartbeat as he falls asleep while circling his arms around you.
Leaving his bed is difficult, your left arm is dead from him resting on it and his bedding is so soft and cushiony you have a hard time rolling out of it. Once you make it out Asmo has rolled to the middle of the bed with his body splayed out. (*  ̄︿ ̄) Good luck trying to get back in, you’d honestly just be better off going to your own room once you’ve gone to the bathroom/ had your snack. Sorry
Beel: Is very worried about hurting you in his sleep. You’re so fragile it scares him. Feels most confident in your safety if you're laying on top of him, like he's your bed. If you’re the type to sleep through the night he’ll do his best to ignore his stomach grumbling and also try to sleep through the night as well. Can generally hold off on waiting to eat in the morning if it’s for you. The brothers have mixed feelings on this arrangement, on one hand their snacks are less likely to “disappear” but that means you have to sleep with Beel.
If you wake up in the middle of the night for a snack or to go to the bathroom he’s stoked. Will gladly take you down to the kitchen with him and give you whosever snack is in the fridge, doesn’t matter who it belongs to. (* ̄▽ ̄)旦 且(´∀`*) If you try to deny the snack he’ll give you a soft smile and tell you he’ll take them blame so please eat. The brothers hate this arrangement even more. Will definitely try and stop the two of you from sleeping together.
Belphie: As long as he feels like he’s being the one pampered he’s fine. He likes when you both fall asleep face to face and he can snuggle into your chest. He’ll wraps himself around you and rest his tail along your back (canonically it has spikes in it so please be careful moving in your sleep, it will hurt if to try to lay on it).
Another one who’s difficult if you’re one who gets up in the middle of the night. His grip becomes a vice and you’re having to wrestle yourself free. Gasping you hurriedly run out of the room to do your business, even giving yourself another moment before making your way back. Once you come back though he’s quick to wrap around you once more. Will definitely mumble his grievances about your departure however brief. he might even bite you to teach you a lesson on leaving him <( ̄ ﹌  ̄)>
felt like it got kinda long towards to end but oh well.…should I do the rest of the cast next? lemme know!
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bevy-obeyme · 3 months
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What kind of guys are the demon brothers?
In which, you ask each one ‘’Ass, tits or thighs?’’ (Slightly NSFW I suppose?)
ART BY munda 03 on zerochan!!
- The way this man would whip his head to look at you so fast once you ask this question-
- He’s very vague, in fact, it stung his pride for you to even question him on something so improper.
- And also the fact you thought he only loved one aspect of you.
- Ultimately however, after much tedious pestering, he admitted he leaned towards your boobs.
- He liked their softness and it gave him something to hold when he just needed a stress ball or something-
- He didn’t care if you had large or small ones, the tissue was still soft to him no matter what.
- And the sadist loved to tease you with it cruelly as well. What a pain.
- Now, this man was so flustered when you asked that question. Had you caught him staring?! He bolted out the door with such a furious blush.
- It was quite hard to catch the white haired demon but eventually you did.
- At first, he would deny any preference with a blush so obvious it put Diavolo’s hair to shame but eventually, he caved.
- Out of everything, he probably liked your ass the most. A little squeeze every now and then.. why else did you think he rested his palm against your lower back so often?
- Not to mention, it just looked.. nice. Whenever you wore a dress that complimented you so well it was hard not to just hold onto you.
- This question made the otaku extremely embarrassed and he instantly denied having such ‘’normie’’ preferences with numerous stutters.
- However, when you did manage to ease him into opening up, he confessed he liked your thighs the most. It was so comfortable to just lay his head down on your lap when he gamed on his console or was watching anime with you.
- He almost fell asleep each and every time but he reminded himself he’s not Belphie and you wouldn’t appreciate it.
- When you asked the question, the blond man just stood there blankly for a moment. How was one supposed to answer such a question?
- He had avoided your eyes for a moment with a small flush. Ultimately, he couldn’t chose just one aspect.
- So he settled for your breasts and thighs. He loved how you allowed him to read with his head on your lap and the way your fingers would run through his hair.
- Or the times he’s been particularly angry and he sank his face into the safe haven of your chest. The feeling was comforting and your heart beat thumping gently was soothing.
- Now, you know this man did NOT shy away from the question at all. In fact, he teased you about it and took it as an opportunity to flirt and gush with you.
- But in all honesty, he loved everything about you. He couldn’t chose just one! That was cruel.
- He loved the soft flesh of your thighs when you sat down besides him, or the round curve of ass whenever you were in some fitting jeans - or just the way your cleavage was accentuated with your low cut tops! You just looked so good in everything and it made him so elated to have a darling like you.
- At first, when you asked, he genuinely thought you were talking about food until you clarified.
- He wasn’t sure how to answer, as he didn’t want to offend you by saying just one thing, but ultimately, he loved your thighs the most. They were so squishy.
- He would tenderly squeeze them or even run his hands up and down gently.
- On a day when he was particularly ravenous, maybe he’d even nibble a bit too. Albeit, gently to make sure he wouldn’t hurt you.
- The question didn’t seem to phase Belphie yet he took pleasure in mocking you for even daring to ask such a sinful thing.
- However, he knew you wanted a genuine answer, so he answered your breasts.
- They made a great pillow for him. Resting in the crook of your cleavage was something indescribably soothing.
- There was a lot of times he’d just fall asleep resting on your chest, often he’d subconsciously nuzzle in closer to you, relishing in your warmth and steady heartbeat.
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Beach day and 7 kisses
Imagine a day at the beach with your favourite 7 brothers. Are things going to get wild? Or is it going to be calm? Find out!
Summary: You and the brothers go on vacation to the beach. There you share a passionate kiss with each of them separately.
Authors note: This is a group story so I highly recommend you read it from beginning to end for a better experience and understanding the flow of the story.
Contains: Fluff
GN!MC x each of the brothers.
You can find more of my work here: Masterlist
It was a hot morning in the Devildom. Some of the brothers seemed grumpy about the high temperatures while others completely ignored it. All eight of you were sitting in the living room, everybody doing their own thing when suddenly Lucifer got a call. He sighed, closed his book and picked up the phone to answer.
-Yes, Diavolo? How may I help you? –Everybody turned their heads towards the eldest as he spoke.
-Yes.. yes.. it certainly is a warm day outside.. yes.. hm? Are you sure? Mhm. Alright then. We will be right there. Thanks on the behalf of the whole family. –Lucifer hung up the phone and looked towards all of you. Everyone had their gazes locked on the black-haired demon, waiting for what he had to say in utter anticipation. That's when he spoke.
-Diavolo arranged for us a day at his private beach so we could go through the high temperatures of today. We are going on vacation. –As the eldest said his final words everybody was already on their feet in excitement. All six rushed to their rooms to pack their stuff and so did you.
After a few hours you find yourself at Diavolo's private beach. It's surprisingly sunny and warm here. There is a relaxing atmosphere around the place and complete silence. Well.. the silence was ruined by the excited demon brothers who were already running towards the water wearing only their swimming trunks. Only one was missing.. The eldest. You turn to look towards the changing rooms and see Lucifer in a full body bathing suit walking out of them. You were disappointed at the sight. You expected to see him bare-chested for once and for all but that idea was shut down from the eldest's attempts to hide his body. You roll your eyes and run over to the water.
-Yo, MC! What took ya so long? Come on! We are having a race! –Mammon yelled and reached to pull you into the water. You stumbled upon your feet but made it into the water nonetheless.
-Sooo first to race would beeeee Satan and Levi! –Asmo shouted and clapped his hands. Leviathan looked around, looking anxious and stopped his gaze at the fifth-born.
-Why me?? Can't you go, Asmo? –He muttered and sighed.
-I don't make the rules, Levi! Come on! Don't be so grumpy!
-Ughh. Asmodeus I told you to leave me for a bit. The sunlight is burning my eyes. I have to get used to it! –Satan hissed at the fifth-born.
-Satan, don't make excuses. Now! Let's start! Three, set, GO! –Asmo screamed and cheered on the two demons who proceeded to race into the sea.
-i'm betting on Levi. He's good with that type of stuff. –Mammon murmurs and screams when he feels his older brother's hand on his shoulder.
-Yo, Lucifer! What's the big idea??!? –The first-born laughs at Mammon's whining and shakes his head.
-Hm. I believe Satan might do better. Levi is always holed up in his room and rarely has time for swimming. He might be out of practice. –And of course the Avatar of Pride was right when the two came back, with Satan swimming ahead of Leviathan.
-Guys! Me and Belphie are playing beach volleyball! Come on! –Everybody turns their gaze towards the twins. Beel was holding a volleyball while Belphie was standing next to him with the biggest smirk on his face.
-What do I get outta it? –Mammon shoots a questioning gaze very at the two demons.
-There will be a special reward for the winning team. Now come on! We need more people! –Belphie shouts and Mammon runs at full speed towards the two. Asmo and Satan followed. As well as Leviathan who was dragged by the arm by the fourth-born. You head towards the sand as well but you are quickly pulled back flush against someone's chest. Lucifer's. He leans down to your ear and whispers.
-Are you having fun, MC? –He whispers into your ear and you nod.
-Yeah, I can't wait to play volleyball with you guys! I'm sure I'll win!
–Lucifer chuckles at your confidence and turns you around to look at him.
-I'm glad, MC.. –He grasps your chin and leans in to press a loving kiss against your lips. Though soon enough the peace is ruined by the second-born screaming at both you and Lucifer.
-YOOO, Lucifeeerrr!!! No getting lovely-dovely with MC! And come 'ere. The game's startin'! –Lucifer groans softly as he hears the screams of Mammon. He pulls away and looks into your eyes.
-We better go, MC. We will finish this later when there is no-one around to bother us. Come to my room after this. –You nod and head over to the beach. Before being stopped by the eldest once again.
-Oh and, MC. You look stunning in that swimsuit. –You smile, trying to hide the soft blush at your cheeks.
-You'd also look better with that driving suit off. Just so you know. –You say and run over to the beach, hearing Lucifer' chuckle from afar. Though he quickly caught up with you, delivering a teasing smack to your bottom when he reached you.
-You'll get to see me with the diving suit off later tonight. I assure you. –He murmurs and you feel your cheeks heat up. Both at his words and his actions before them.
You decided to go to Mammon's team and well you were losing. Along with you and the team were also Belphie and Asmo. The youngest was half asleep and he missed a few hits because of it while the fifth-born was admiring his nails, which also earned a few misses. Mammon was pissed.
-Yo! You two! Come on! We're losin' over here! And it's because the two of you ain't doin' anything! –Mammon yells, loud enough to wake the Avatar of Sloth from his slumber.
-Mammon don't yell like that, you idiot. I was having a moment here! –Asmodeus screamed at Mammon.
You were laughing at the argument between the three when suddenly Mammon looks your way and yells once again.
-MC! Watch out! Satan's hit the ball and it's coming towards ya! –He quickly rushes over behind you after his words but you were too late. You didn't notice the ball and it fell down upon you, pushing you to the ground. Well maybe not the ground but on top of the second-born.
-MC! Don't fall on me like that! –He is quick to wrap his arms around you, sitting up in the sand.
-Are ya okay? Not hurt anywhere? –He asks and moves his gaze over at the fourth-born which has completely lost the colour in his cheeks upon hitting you with the ball.
-Satan, ya fucking bastard! I'm going to kill ya! –Mammon screams which angers the Avatar of Wrath.
-Mammon, calm down, I'm fine. –You said but the demon didn't seem to notice you. So you grabbed his face and pressed your lips against his.
-I'm fine! –You say after the quick peck on the demon's lips. Mammon looked too stunned to speak so you stood up and helped him on his feet as well.
After your team lost the game each of the four of you was assigned to pleasing one from the other team as their reward. They chose who would please who by drawing straws. You were assigned to the third-born, whose cheeks immediately changed colour when he heard that you'd be his for the time being. You took the demon's hand and led him away from the crowd.
If you were wondering about who the others were assigned to Mammon was assigned to Satan, Asmo was assigned to Lucifer (and was happy about it), and Belphie was assigned to Beel. (Lucky)
You led the third born to a nearby rock, which was hit by the waves. You sat on it and pulled Levi next to you. You smiled upon seeing the blush on his cheeks.
-Come on, Levi! Don't look like that! –You say and lean your head on his shoulder. He tensed up at the motion but quickly got used to it.
-You feel w-warm to the touch, MC... Just so you know... –He muttered and looked away. You smiled at his compliment, thinking it was adorable of him to say such a thing out loud. So you decide to tease him a little.
-You've become rather bold, speaking like that, tiger. –You chuckle at your own words, but witnessing the pinish shade at the demon's cheeks change into a shade of red was priceless.
-M-M-MC! D-don't c-call me t-that!! AUGHH. –He screams and you laugh.
-Awh, Levi. You look adorable at the moment. You know that? –Your statement makes him blush even more and you shake your head, trying not to giggle at the sight. You reach out and grab his chin, turning his head towards yours.
-You know what else is warm on my body? Let me show you. –You mutter before pressing your lips against those of the Avatar of Envy. He gasped at the action and you could swear that the heat from his cheeks was reflecting onto your skin as well. After the kiss the flustered demon looks over at you, hiding his cheeks.
-I...I'm pleased! Y-you can go now!!
Upon reaching the wild bunch along with Leviathan next to you, you can't help but laugh at the sight of Satan in his demon form (he was still in his swimsuit though his tail and horns were out) He was glaring at Mammon, who was on his knees before the fourth-born. He had a gloomy look on his face as he looked up at his younger brother. Lucifer on the other hand was sitting in the sand with the most sadistic smirk on his face, watching the scene as if he was watching the most interesting movie there is. Asmodeus was sitting next to him, painting his nails while the twins were eating shaved ice.
-IF YOU, A PIECE OF TRASHY, SCUMBAG, IDIOT EVER DARE THREATEN ME AGAIN YOU WILL DEAL WITH THE CONSEQUENCES. UNDERSTOOD? –Satan yelled down at his older brother, who had tears welling up in his eyes.
-S-satan! I'm sorry, Okay!! It was just that.. that.. you hit MC with the ball.. it was an instinct to protect them! –Mammon whines and grabs a fist full of sand, throwing it over at Lucifer who was shaking from laughter. When the eldest got covered in sand the smirk faded from his face and two pairs of black wings as well as two curled horns appeared from his back and head. He raised to his feet, walking over to Mammon and grabbing him forcefully by his ear, which made the Avatar of Greed yelp.
-I'll deal with him, Satan. Leave this idiot to me. –The Avatar of Pride hissed and dragged Mammon away from the bunch. Asmo was giggling over in his seat, trying not to mess up his nail drawing while the twins almost began choking from laughter.
Leviathan on the other hand was already sitting in the sand, playing on a console he had brought along with him. You walk over to Satan and put a hand to his shoulder.
-Satan, calm down. Mammon meant well.. –The demon scoffed and turned towards you, wrapping his tail around your waist, pulling you flush against him. He straddled your face with the palms of his hands and leaned in, pressing a forceful kiss to your lips. Your eyes widened, before you returned the unexpected kiss. When you finally pull apart the demon lowers his head and whispers into your ear
-MC, I'm sorry for hitting you with that ball earlier. Please forgive me.
After, hearing out Satan's apology he said that he wanted some time alone to think things over , before walking to that same rock you and Levi had occupied earlier. As you watched the fourth-born sit on the rock and change into his regular form, you walked over at Asmodeus and sat next to him.
-Hey, MC! Finally decided to spend some time with me did you? I mean.. I didn't think you would come to me after that heated kiss you and Satan shared but here you are. You are full of surprises. –The demon chuckles and finishes painting his nails. He admires them for a split second before looking over at you.
-MC what do you think about my nails? Are they giving a beachy vibe to you? –The fifth-born asks and looks down at his freshly done nails.
-Yup! They are so pretty! –You say and lean your head on the demon's shoulder. His body was warm against yours which made you close your eyes and take a deep breath in contentment.
-Oh? MC? Feeling rather tired are we? Hehe. No problem... You can lean there on my shoulder for as long as you wish. –Asmo chuckles and wraps an arm around your waist, resting his head onto yours.
-You know.. that kiss you and Satan shared earlier kind of turned me on.. just the image of irritated Satan, kissing you forcefully to get rid of his anger had me on fire! I swear! But.. I'm jelly, MC. You can't go kissing Satan like that and leaving me with nothing. Come on! It's my turn. Don't be shy~ –The demon mutters, before moving one hand to your cheek, bringing your lips to his own. The kiss was nothing like what you and Satan shared. This one was gentle and loving. After you finally pulled away the demon asked you to help him put sunscreen on his back and you agreed.
When you finished applying the sunscreen to Asmodeus' back you stood up and walked over to the twins. They were sitting on a bench near a shed from which they got their shaved ice. Belphegor was napping in Beelzebub's lap, while he was eating another portion of shaved ice.
-Oh MC! Come sit next to me there is some space. – Beel invites you after swallowing down a spoonful. A smile creeps on your face and you take a seat next to the demon, moving your gaze down to his twin brother, who is peacefully napping on Beel's lap.
-Belphie said he got tired from all the arguing between Mammon, Satan and Lucifer so he fell asleep on my lap. I don't want to wake him so I'll just continue eating the shaved ice. –Beel murmurs and looks over at you with a big smile on your face.
-Hey, MC? Do you want some of this? It's really good. It has this chocolate topping and it's making it soo yummy. You have to try it. Here. Open up. I'll feed it to you. –The demon says and grabs some of the shaved ice with his spoon, before bringing it to your lips. He had scooped up a lot and you didn't know if it'd fit in your mouth but you were determined to try. Upon opening your mouth, the demon gently pushed the spoon inside it, your lips quickly followed, wrapping around the spoon. You moan and the sweet taste of the chocolate along with the shaved ice. It was melting into your mouth, leaving a cold trace. It was perfect for the hot summer days. Beel chuckled after you swallowed to which you shot him with a questioning gaze.
-Beel, what's up? Is there something on my face? –You ask in confusion and the demon nods.
-You have some chocolate on your lips. –He mutters and you smirk upon getting an idea.
-Get it for me. –You speak and before you know it the sixth-born's lips are on yours, gently licking off the remaining chocolate from your lips.
-Mm.. it's delicious. –The demon moans.
-Me or the chocolate?
The sunset had already risen upon the sky when Belphegor awakened from his peaceful slumber and raised up from Beelzebub's lap. He yawned and looked over at you.
-Hi, MC.. Was I asleep for too long? –The youngest asked and you shook your head in response.
-It doesn't matter, Belphie. How'd you sleep? –You ask and smile down at the youngest brother.
-I slept well.. Beel's lap always makes for a great pillow. –He acknowledged and turned his gaze towards the sunset.
-MC? Do you want to watch the sunset alone with me? –The demon asks and a soft blush raises on your cheeks at his question. It just sounds so romantic.. watching the sunset with someone whom you're close I'm with. You smile and nod.
-Let's go. –When Belphie heard your words he reached for your hand before grabbing it and leading you away from the bench. You two reach the edge of the land and take a seat on the sand, waves hitting your feet. The demon wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to him while gazing at the sunset. The problem was that you couldn't focus. You tried watching the sunset but the demon next to you kept distracting you with his presence the whole time. Soon enough you find yourself staring over at the demon instead of the sunset. Belphegor must have sensed that, because soon enough he turned his gaze towards yours.
-What's wrong, MC? Can't focus on the sunset? –He asks and you turn your head away in embarrassment.
-You are just too distracting! –Belphie chuckles to your words and moves your face back towards his, using his hand. He slowly brought his lips to yours in a loving kiss. The last few rays of sunshine hit you before the night took place but your lips kept moving against those of Belphegor.
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valsdelulucorner · 4 months
Oh right!
Are your requests still up?
Can't recall and i don't wanna impose lol
Just wanted to swoop on by to ask if you had any courting behavior/mermaid cultural headcanons for obey me mermaid au (can't recall if you made one though i know you made one for their appearances)
Ignore if you're not up to it
Yes of course! I haven't mentioned their courting behavior yet so this was such fun to imagine
Mermaid bros courting head cannons<3
I think that in the mermaid AU, they all have similar courting behaviours but they are all different. The species they come from gift gifts and bring kills to show how they could support them and feed them well.
If only one mer falls for someone, they will make it obvious to any other possible suitors they are trying to court, making it obvious that that one person was off limits. With multiple mer fallen for one person, it can result in bloody fights and competitions to who can bring the biggest fish.
When mer-folk want to mate, they will collect little trinkets for their potential partner, bringing them large fish aswell to show case how well they can provide for their future mate. They also show off their scales and body while in the water with a mate they are interested in, showing off their fins, gills, and inside of their mouth to show them they are interested
When the 7 bros start to actually fall for the pretty/handsome human on the island, it became just one big competition because they thought you were just playing hard to get to see which one of them was perfect, only to find out after you had no idea they were courting you.
If you decided to accept all of their affections and said yes to all of them, they will tone down the aggressiveness but crank up the possessiveness. There will still be teeth and claws bared but they started to reduce it even more when they found out the most injured brother got special treatment from you.
Just because they have you doesn't mean they still wont getting you fish and trinkets, you originally thought they were just being nice but was extremely disappointed to find out it was like one big competition between they, with you as the prize
This is so badly worded so im sorry if some parts dont make sense and if there is spelling errors
Lmao i uploaded some of my art and it got deleted, I don't think Tumblr likes me lmao
This was so fun to write, what should I do next?
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I headcannon that humans usually get to choose where the marks go when they make a pact, but MC didn't care so they just let the brothers choose. This is purely for fun, feel free not to read it or take it too seriously.
Mammon went for the back of their right hand. For one, it's a safe option and he felt kind of awkward choosing the place for his own pact mark.
Later, it turned out to be perfect. He's their right-hand demon, always within arm's reach. Anywhere they go together, he holds that hand, and whenever MC meets someone new, they shake hands, that person knows right away that they're his human, and he's their demon.
Leviathan followed the same logic at first, and put his on their left forearm, just under their elbow, because where else would he put it?! He's never picked a pact mark before!
In the end, he likes it because it's not always on display, or always hidden. MC shows it off just enough to assure him that they're proud to have a pact with him, and hides it enough so he's not overwhelmed with the reality that he is theirs, and they are his.
When they dress up, they make sure not to cover their arms, and wear his mark with pride, but it's the quiet moments in his room, when they roll up their sleeve and let him trace the mark with his fingers, or trace it with his tail, that he really likes.
Beelzebub had trouble with picking his place. He's never made a pact before, let alone picked where it's been displayed.
He had no real reason for choosing their right shoulder blade, other than a feeling that that's where it needed to be. MC knows though, it's because of his twin. They knew where Belphie's pact mark would go, directly on their other shoulder.
Twin demons, guarding their human's back.
Asmodeus was a cheeky menace, as soon as he was given the choice, he smacked the mark right on MC's inner thigh. He thought it might fluster the little human, but as it turned out, MC is long past the point of flustering.
That choice turned out to be to Asmo's detriment as MC strategically chose how they displayed it. Hot day? They're wearing shorts and his mark is on clear display, sitting nestled on their soft skin, where no one, not even he can touch.
MC's learned to tug at that mark every now and again, granting him the most delicious teasing grin.
The devildom's greatest tease has met his match.
Satan's choice was a hard one, by the time he agreed to a pact, truly chose MC for a pact, he knew they were going to be someone he cared for deeply.
It took him days to decide where that mark would sit, MC never rushed him, or offered to make the choice for him. That patience was something he admired in someone he knows to have a firecracker of a temper.
In the end, he placed the mark on their collarbone, just above where their heartbeat thrums with life.
He wants them to remember that no matter his wrath, he does have a heart, and he'll always protect theirs.
MC often reaches for the brand when heartache strikes, reminding themselves of their wrathful demon, with a heart of gold.
Belphegor loved Beel's choice and didn't hesitate to put his brand on the opposite shoulder blade.
He falls asleep with his head resting on one of those marks at least twice a week, pinning MC beneath him, willing or otherwise. Any attempted to wake him up just has him switching to the other shoulder and clinging to them tighter.
He loves that a permanent mark of his twin is close enough that he can feel anytime MC summons Beel, and vice versa.
Anytime MC summons one, there's a 50/50 chance that both will come, called by each other's magic.
When the time came for Lucifer to make his choice, MC was sure he wouldn't surprise them, but unbeknownst to them, Lucifer had no intention of making the choice completely by himself.
He's seen them, wearing each and every pact with pride, pride to rival his own, but any human with sense would be proud of forging pacts with 6 of the seven lords of the underworld.
MC is more than proud of the pacts, they're proud to be part of the family. They give everything to that family, time, effort, love, all of it dedicated to those they call family.
In the end, MC had already made the choice a very long time ago, and lifted their chin, breath catching as Lucifer's palm encompassed their throat, placing their life, their breath, in his very hands.
The demon beamed his pride as he painted their throat with his brand, never to be hidden, never to be taken away.
That final mark symbolised more than a pact with the avatar of pride.
It stood for the completion of a family long left lacking their final piece.
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l3viat8an · 7 months
Omg I just got this cute idea
What if Mammon or one of the more gullible brothers find a fact like “people should get 7 hugs a day” and they immediately start to think about MC
Next thing you know it’s a routine to have all the brothers line up to give MC a hug before bed.
Omgg yes!! They all absolutely believe it and it makes a great excuse to get at least one hug from MC a day!!!
and it’s so perfect that MC has exactly 7 demons ready ‘n willing to give a goodnight hug before bed!!!
The only problem is right up until they get a hug the brothers are arguing about who deserves to hug MC first and who should be last jsjsjs
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bluewolfangel01 · 11 days
Random human: "Why are you sitting in a circle of salt?"
Mc: "Oh because my partners are demons and I am mad at them."
(Not exact) Quote from Chikn Nugget and idea to use from @h0ney-mushroom
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mehkers · 2 months
Just another date on a calendar
Back with another hc~!
This time it’s the bro’s and a Mc who’s celebrating a deceased person’s birthday whom they were close with.
Except that Mc is literally me.
It’s mostly self indulgent, since today’s my grandpa’s birthday.
Warnings: talk of death, birthday celebration of a deceased person, trigger warning for anyone who’s having a really tough time healing from the death of someone close to you? Idk, gn!reader, not proofread
I originally wrote this in second person but switched to first person, so if you find some odd words that may be it.
It ain’t too heavy; angst with comfort
Beel was quite happy today. I took them all out on an impromptu trip to the human realm (after a lot of begging), and am treating them to dinner.
It was a nice restaurant. Not too fancy, but not fast food casual. I was sitting outside in the patio, enjoying the warm night with the brothers and the delicious food. The ambiance was quite calm, everyone settling into an idle chatter has they munched on the appetizers.
“…ey. Hey. Hey!” Mammon waved his hand in front of my face and pulled my attention back to him. I accidentally zoned out for the trillionth time this night, and now there is 7 very concerned demons looking at me.
“Sorry, don’t mind me. All is well!” I tried to reassure them, hoping it might quell their concerns. It did not.
“That’s the 10th time you’ve said something of the same variant, after zoning out .” Satan spoke up, his brows furrowed as if he’s trying to figure out the killer in a detective novel. I could feel those electric green eyes piercing through my mind and body, trying to decipher what’s actually going on.
Asmo let out an dramatically sad exhale, and wrapped his arms around my body. “Is my baby tired? Oh my! It is indeed quite past your bed time.”
The brothers, especially Lucifer, loved to treat you like a child at times. Asmo once pointed out your eye bags during breakfast, and now Lucifer has implemented a curfew for everyone. No one actually follows it, but they forced me to do so.
“Mmmm, zzz..” Belphie was out like a light as usual and Beel was eating out of his plate after finishing his portion.
“We can go back to the hotel to rest, if you wish. I don’t see the point in staying up later than you’re used to if you’re not feeling well because of it.” The eldest’s voice spreads over the table. Some of the brothers are pouty about leaving so soon, some are glad to leave, and the rest just couldn’t care less.
“N-No! It’s an important day, I can’t..” I trailed off. Now you have the attention of all the brothers, even Belphie bothered to open one eye. “A close one of mine died some time ago, and today is their birthday.”
I felt their eyes on me, widening at the new information. That was not what they were expecting, but it’s nothing new to them. They all knew how hard it was to lose a loved one, so they could all sympathize.
I was surprised when Levi reached out first, holding my hand in his sweaty palms as he looked away from across the table. “Please.. don’t cry.” He murmured.
I chuckled softly, pulling up a soft smile and shaking my head. “Don’t worry, it happens. Death reaches everyone. At least I get an excuse to party!” I pumped my fists in the air in a futile attempt at being enthusiastic. I couldn’t hide the tears welling up in my eyes, so I picked up my drink, lemonade with some masala mixed in it, and kept myself busy. I didn’t even like it, but I needed it to not cry.
I sighed softly when they started to chat again, glad they left it at that. I felt their concerned eyes travel over me time to time, and their attempts at including me into their conversation failed for the most part.
“Do you think… I could see them again?”
Lucifer looked up first, knowing what you meant. “Ah.. Well, the chances are higher that he became a spirit. Spirits tend to go wherever they like, so it’s hard to track one down. And if you do manage to do so, you’ll find them as a shiny orb.”
I nodded my head slowly.
“I would suggest a resurrection spell, but that’s highly dangerous. I’m sure Solomon would avoid such spells as well.” Satan included, placing his knife down.
“No, no that’s fine.” I muttered, then smiled. “Thanks either ways.”
“Look.. Ya can cry if you want.” Mammon’s voice rang softly from the right side of me, his eyes watching me carefully and with a certain gentleness that he’d deny if being called out on.
“You know, the day Lilith died was when we fell.” The gruff voice of the 6th born started, some chewing sounds followed behind. “No matter how much I ate, I couldn’t fill that empty hole. But when you came.. I feel a lot more full! You’re like.. worth more than a thousand Human World cheeseburgers.”
Belphie lifted his head, interrupting his twin. “What Beel is trying to say is that we’re always ready to help, like how you helped us.”
“Ya! Yer always taking so much on yourself, don’tcha get tired anytime?”
“It is a wise option to rest, considering the mental strain you might be going through.”
“Omg! A spa day always helps me! You should join me <3”
Their voices slowly drowned out, and all I could hear is the loud beating of my heart ramping it up in my eardrums. My grip around Levi’s hand tightened, and I lifted my other hand off my lap and around my face. Long withheld tears rolled down my voice silently. Mammon’s arms swaddled me quickly, pulling my face to his chest. Everyone else slowly huddled around me, leaving Lucifer in his spot watching the rest of them. He didn’t know what to do, so he left it to his brothers this time. He’ll get his chance once they decide to call it a night and head back to the grandiose hotel.
I took a couple deep breaths. “Alright, thanks guys. You can let go of me.” I smiled softly, wiping my eyes.
They reluctantly let go, only Mammon kept a comforting arm over my slightly slumped shoulders.
The night went by more smoothly. Well, as smoothly as it can go with seven over protective demons and one emotional human.
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zephyrchama · 4 months
asserting your dominance over the demon brothers
01. You sit on Lucifer's desk while he's trying to work and slowly, slowly push things off. A pen here, a memo pad there. You make direct eye contact with him the entire time. If he attempts to get up (either to pick things off the floor or to get away from this ridiculousness) you use your pact to make him sit back down.
02. You sit in the driver's seat of Mammon's car. He gets a little grumpy. Mammon thought he was going to drive you around, and generally he's the only one allowed in that driver's seat. When he tells you as much and says to get up, you hit the gas pedal and drift forward. He runs to catch up. When he reaches the car you cheekily do it again.
03. When Leviathan looks away, you grab the controller for Player 1. He can be Player 2 for a few rounds. Upon noticing, he's just confused and thinks he picked up the wrong controller. Until the envy sets in. "But that's my controller," he pouts. "Does it matter? Are you cheating or something?" "No, but..." he doesn't have an excuse, and can't think of any good argument to get his controller back aside from "it's my game..." You get to choose the stage for the next round, winning easily because Leviathan is too distracted by his Player 2 status.
04. You walk up to Satan and put your arm in his empty jacket sleeve. He's not using it. He's at a loss for words trying to figure out what you're up to. "Are you cold? Do you want my jacket?" "No. I'm good." He furrows his brow and stares at you, trying to read you like a book. When he tries to walk away you drag your feet, keeping your arm firmly in that sleeve.
05. You agree to meet Asmodeus out on the town and show up in the most uncoordinated, eye-bleeding outfit you can assemble. You had to raid some of his brother's closets to create it, thus it doesn't fit properly. It turns heads because of how mismatched it is. It's pretty comfortable to wear. Asmodeus is hesitant to approach you. He offers to take you shopping and you turn him down, saying you like your current outfit. You tell him it'd be nice to match and that you'll prepare him an outfit just like yours.
06. You are diligent in your magic studies, always learning new things. Things like body enhancement spells. Spells that will make you really strong for a really short amount of time. Enough time to walk up behind Beelzebub and pick him up like a sack of flour. A guy like him isn't used to that. Beelzebub stiffens up. He's proud you've gotten so strong, but couldn't you have asked first if you wanted to use him for muscle training? It's a little embarrassing. You lift him above your head victoriously and make the most of holding him until your magic wears off.
07. When Belphegor falls asleep with his outdoor clothes on, you take the opportunity to put stuff in his pockets. Fruit, rocks, a Polaroid picture of himself sleeping. They jut out and poke him in the side when he rolls over. He knows it's you behind these mystery items, but you refuse to acknowledge it. If he keeps trying to make you confess, you might have to tie his shoelaces together.
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squeakyducky · 3 months
Mystery of the week: Who is the true whore?
Sheep that has 13 boyfriends and one girlfriend
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This horny mf
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Avatar of lust
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kanroji-san · 8 months
Mitsuri!Mc AU & Obanai!Mc AU
Mitsuri!Mc: We and Solomon are no longer dating
Obanai!Mc: *looks at them with blank face*
Mitsuri!Mc: *sweatdropes*
Solomon: *stands between the two* MItsuri!Mc I told you this was a horrible way of announcing our marriage
The brothers:
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laws-right-arm · 2 months
hihi! can i request the demon brothers with a kuudere mc who they find out is ticklish?
Oh my gosh hi!! I can't believe I got some requests so fast and this is the first fjdjfjd- but anyways, I'm so sorry for the wait for this, I have such awful luck because the day after I started this blog I got a really bad fever 🥲. I'm pretty much recovered from the worst of it though which is good, and I had enough energy to do this one so that's a good sign! I promise to others that I will get to their requests soon once I'm feeling better! But anyways, I thought this was a really cute one to write! so without further ado...
The demon brothers finding out kuudere MC is ticklish
(I wrote these as points and mini scenarios btw, I hope you like it!)
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• he'd be pleasantly surprised that's for sure
• he doesn't tease you for it, but he's certainly amused
• the slightest gentle brush against your side was all it took to break that cool, collected exterior you always put up
• You two would have just been sitting together in the house of lamentation's library (or in his private study), relaxed as he's either quietly going through documents or simply just sat reading with his arm snaked around your waist
• but then at some point he'd start to absentmindedly stroke up and down your side with soothing intentions, only for you to react a little differently to how he had expected
"MC?" He asked, concern evident in his careful tone following you fully flinching under his touch. You try to dismiss his worry nonchalantly, saying that you just felt a sudden itch that had caught you off guard. Lucifer narrows his crimson eyes in suspicion, not believing that excuse in the slightest, but he wouldn't push to find out what it actually was, not yet anyway. He resumed what he was doing beforehand with you still by his side. At some point, he started gently caressing your side again, whilst this time keeping a watchful eye of you in his peripheral. He could feel you tensing this time, which worried him for a moment until he peered over at your expression. You seemed to be trying to suppress what appeared to be laughter, which honestly shocked Lucifer; you never usually expressed anything notable ever. To test his new suspicions, he stopped his light touches for a moment, to which he felt you relax once more, before resuming again, leading to the same response as last time. Realization finally dawned upon him and he couldn't help but subtly smirk in amusement; his dear, usually so cold MC seemed to have a ticklish spot. How cute.
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• oh you know he is going to use this against you as soon as he finds out
• he honestly finds it so funny, that someone as stoic as you are is ticklish
• however at the same time, it warms his heart; he loves you but he really thinks you should smile more, so you can imagine how happy he is when he makes this accidental discovery that breaks your usual exterior
• he finds this out one time when you and him are in his room whilst he's ranting about something that you can barely be bothered to comprehend as it's something Mammon is bound to blow more out of proportion than necessary
• but when he sees that you're not really giving him your fullest attention, he pokes your side to try and regain it, only to be met with the look on your face
"So then that bastard accused me, me! Can you believe that MC? He didn't even try to- MC?" He rants before cutting himself off as he sees the look of disinterest planted on your face. "Oi, come on! MC!" He shouts, lightly jabbing your side, only for you to take in a sharp deep breath as your eyes shoot to Mammon, a look of what appeared to be surprise now spreading upon your features as you blink. For a moment, Mammon was perplexed as his eyes scanned you, worried that he maybe had maybe hurt you in some way. When he sees nothing indicating that, he decides to lightly poke your side once more, and immediately senses you suppressing something. "What's wrong MC?" He asks mischievously as he begins to get an idea of why you are actually reacting to his touch like that. "Don't tell me you're..." He trails off, emphasizing each word with a gentle jab to your sides. That's when he saw it, the glimpse of a smile and the suppressed laughter. He didn't need to finish his sentence after seeing your response. He grins victoriously at the conclusion of your ticklishness, your rare smile being the best treasure he's ever gotten to behold.
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• he blushes so hard when he finds out, finding it absolutely adorable
• he's also pretty amazed in all honesty, always having thought that there was nothing that could break your cold exterior
• he accidentally finds out when you two are just chilling in his room, cozied up in his bathtub/bed with his tail wrapped around you as he's playing a game on his handheld
• you had been close to falling asleep like that when he shifts slightly, his tail brushing your side and back causing you to jolt, scaring him until he sees your face
"A-Ah! MC are you okay?!" Levi asks, panicking as he thinks he has hurt you terribly in some way when he shifted a moment ago. You try to calmly tell him your completely fine but he's not having it, checking you over frantically almost on the verge of a breakdown at the thought of hurting his precious human. In the midst of his frenzy, he unfurls his tail from your waist, the leathery appendage brushing your sides once more, causing you to react similarly to before, making Levi pause abruptly. He looks over you once again, more pensive than before, but then he sees the look on your face. Your usual emptiness appeared to have cracked a little as he swears he saw the slightest of smiles on your face. It soon dawns on him that you, his super cool and collected MC, is ticklish. He felt his cheeks burn at the idea of that being true, with you being too adorable for him to handle.
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• like Lucifer (dare I say), he is also pleasantly surprised at the revelation
• he'd lightly tease you for it, but he finds it so endearing that all it takes to bring out part of your softer side is the lightest brush of his fingertips against your skin
• he'd have just been reading with you resting atop him as he softly plays with your hair, when his fingers end up brushing over your nape
"Are you okay?" He asks softly after having felt you tense a little when his fingers brushed over the skin of your neck. You answer simply and neutrally that you are fine before telling him to just continue to read as you get comfortable against him once more. He does so so with no further questions, reading his book quietly whilst continuing to gently rake his digits through your hair. After a few minutes, he moves his hand to gently stroke over your neck once more, feeling you tense once more. He raises a brow, feeling worry begin to surface once more before as quickly as it had came, it immediately fades when he sees your shoulders lightly jolting. Your face was hidden against him, but he could tell that you were trying to restrain laughter. He let out a quiet chuckle, concluding that you had a ticklish spot much to his pleasant surprise. Carefully placing his book aside, he wraps his arms around you fully. "You're adorable."
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• oh boy
• he gets so so excited when he finds out that you have a ticklish spot, the idea of hearing your laugh or seeing your smile making him feel as though he'll be able to reascend back up to the celestial realm
• he finds it adorable and will tease you relentlessly for it, always bearing good intentions
• he's also the quickest to realise it I believe
• he makes this incredible discovery when he makes you (with consent of course; consent is sexy) let him give you a full body massage as he believes you could use one to ease the stresses bought on from the RAD
"How's this darling?" Asmo asks, voice smooth and sweet like honey as he gently rubs the lavender oil into your calves, massaging any knots out that he could feel beneath your skin. You hum softly in response, remaining quiet for the most part as you let Asmo do his thing. The fifth born quietly hums a pop tune to himself as he continues his ministrations, his manicured hands moving downwards before eventually reaching your feet. He feels you tense slightly but thinks nothing of it as he continues on, gently grasping one of your feet before he begins to massage some knots out of it. That's when he feels you tremble slightly, making him pause, still holding your foot as he looks over at you. "MC, dear, are you okay...?" He trails off as you insist you're okay. He continues on and immediately realises that you must have ticklish feet, so he can't help but deliberately brush the pads of his fingers over the soles of your feet just to elicit another response, basking in the hushed sounds of your restrained laughter that you thought he couldn't hear.
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• he doesn't actually realise for a good moment after he unintentionally tickles you that you are ticklish
• but when he does, he can't help but chuckle himself, finding it nice to finally see even the smallest of smiles from you, though he'd definitely like to see more
• he finds out one night when you are both up having a midnight snack in the kitchen
• the cookie you were eating had crumbled a little, causing you to get crumbs on yourself
• he goes to wipe some off for you that had fallen onto your neck, only for you to flinch
"MC? What's wrong?" Beel asks through a mouthful of his own snack, retracting his hand back from your neck after having wiped off the crumbs. You relax once more, plastering a calm, neutral expression upon your face as you respond that it was nothing. Beel's brow furrows as he peers down at you skeptically for a moment before continuing on with his snack beside you. As he does so, he suddenly starts to ponder about a moment ago, and realises that he thinks he saw you actually smile very briefly, something he's never seen you do before. He tried to think what could have made you do that. Was it the cookie tasting nice maybe? Did you think of something that made you smile? Was it...were you ticklish? Beel halted when he reaches that thought, looking over at you once more before deciding that that had to be what it was when he touched your neck to dust of the cookie crumbs. It brought a big smile to his face as he quietly chuckled at that idea. He still wished you'd smile more though.
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• he's very smug about it when he found out
• definitely teases you for it, the fact that 'tough, stoic MC' could crumble under just a mere, small touch to their sides
• but aside from him teasing you, he finds it overwhelmingly endearing, especially if he gets to hear you laugh, even if just a quiet one, or see your smile, even if just a small one
• you two were cuddling when he made this amusing discovery
Belphie sighs blissfully as he buried his face into the crook of your neck, taking a deep breath as he cuddles into you, wrapping his fluffy tail around your waist. At that, you shift notably, body tensing particularly around where his tail was. "What's wrong...?" He asks groggily, moving his face back to look at you, only for you to immediately bury your face against his shoulder whilst quietly murmuring that it was nothing. Not buying it, Belphegor rewraps his tail around you, this time bringing a hand down to soothingly caress your hip, to which you responded with a much more notable flinch and intake of breath. From that, Belphie quickly realises what's up. "Oh, I see now." He says with a smug smirk plastered on his face as he continues to teasingly stroke your sides until you - shakily through a hushed giggle - asked him to stop, to which he eventually complied, settling for cuddling you once more.
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lucidreamer-uwu · 1 year
Hi! Can I request headcannons for cuddling with the om brothers?
Cuddling with you
Would most of the time be the big spoon. Times when you'd be the big spoon is when he passes out before you even get to the bed.
Loves to burry his face snuggly in the base of your neck.
Cuddling with him would always involve a little teasing.
Praises you through sweet whispers in your ear.
The way he holds you makes you feel safe and the kisses he plants on your head lulls you to sleep soundly.
Completely encases you in his arms.
Likes to have his head on your chest so he can listen to your heartbeat and hug your abdomen.
He tells you about his day and asks about yours as he holds you. Most of the time he rants about his day while you hug his head dearly. And you'd both fall asleep like that.
Might hug you a little too tight sometimes.
Has drooled on you multiple times before.
Has squashed you multiple times before.
Will definitely give you pouty kisses.
Due to his naturally possessive nature, he'd give you zero personal space. He'd be clinging on you for hours if you were cuddling.
At first he'd be VERY conscious about even touching you but would eventually get used to it.
When he does get used to cuddling with you, he'd crave it every now and then and at the most random times.
Doesn't matter where you were, he'd need his cuddles ASAP.
At RAD? He'll pull you away from the group and literally just hold you in his arms in an empty hallway or classroom.
In someone else's room? He'd YEET you out of there, not caring what his brothers say.
You aren't around? He'd blow up your phone just to ask for cuddles.
The best cuddles he gives though is whenever he's jealous. Yes. When he's jealous after seeing you give anyone a hug, you'd be cuddling hours on end. He'd be so clingy that he even carries you to the kitchen to restock on his food and drinks supply for his room.
He will always be the big spoon unless you want to be or when he's in a pouty/grumpy mood and you have to cheer him up.
He sometimes sings you songs. Other times he tells you his favorite stories that he's got memorized.
Talks about his day and asks about yours. It would often start with him ranting about something, but would always end in fluff and him purring.
One arm wraps around you and the other rests on your waist or hip is his favorite default cuddle position.
Weirdly likes to hug certain portions of your body at different times.
Sometimes likes to hug mainly your arm, sometimes your leg, other times your head. Something like a koala bear.
Loves to play with your hair, style it, comb it with his fingers, tuck it behind your ears/mess it up.
Rubs his cheeks on you.
Pets you a lot.
Says your name while he sleeps with a happy expression.
When you cuddle, he always makes it a point to hold your hand — to intertwine your fingers together.
He wants you over him most of the time just so he's sure that he wouldn't squish you.
You cuddle facing each other and his hands are behind your back, securing you completely.
He often sniffs your hair and kisses your head afterwards. The smell of you drives him crazy, not because he has the urge to nom you, but because he cherishes you do much.
He almost always demands that you hug him with you entire body when you cuddle.
He'd be lying on his side and you'd be hugging his torso so that your head is just under his chin.
Your legs must straddle his abdomen too. He loves it when you're as close to him as possible.
Lays his chin on top of your head and kisses your hair everytime he wakes up in the middle of his naps.
Sorry for the late answer but here it is anon! Hope it isn't trash :")
Tag List: @mcx7demonbros @gojohater101 @my-names-angel-but-im-not-one
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sakura-chan-25 · 1 year
Something's Wrong
Pairing: Brothers & MC, Leviathan x MC (Barbs & Dia mentioned shortly)
Summary: MC has a panic attack during a student council meeting. The brothers can feel it. (based on this post by @i-slept-for-13hours-ohshi)
Word Count: ~710
Warning(s): panic attack, feeling slightly dizzy, fluffy comfort
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You could feel the panic creeping up on you. That…was very unfortunate for you. You were in the middle of a student council meeting! You couldn’t have a panic attack in front of nine demons! What you didn’t realise was that certain seven Avatars of Sin stared at you in slight worry. Something was…off. They couldn’t pinpoint that feeling, but they felt something was wrong. That feeling was confirmed when Satan asked if you were alright and you flinched at the sudden voice directed at you.
You looked at Satan and nodded eagerly while giving him a smile and a shaky thumbs up. Yeah, no, something was definitely wrong here. Their chest felt like it was on fire, but at the same time, it felt impossible to breathe. Was that what you felt right now? Diavolo and Barbatos saw the tension between all eight of you, so they dismissed this meeting for another time and were the first to leave. (Probably for the first and last time.)
It was quiet after the door closed and it felt like you could cut through the tension with a knife. Nobody moved. The brothers were scared they would make it worse if they were to stand up and surround you. It was hard to speak, so they waited until you made something. A sound, a move, anything. A squeak left your mouth, which sounded like ‘help’, as you sat down at the floor and curled up in yourself.
“No no no, no no no, Mc. Don’t curl up in yourself like that, you’ll make it worse.”, it was surprisingly Levi who spoke up and rushed to your side first. The others stared at each other, a quiet argument if they should move towards you and Levi, wait there unmoving or if they should leave. Lucifer stood up first and mentioned for the others to follow him. Levi was definitely the best person to deal with panic attacks. After all, they would go to him when they felt a bad one coming up and weren’t sure if they could deal with this alone. They didn’t leave, scared that the sound of the door would scare you. They just gave you and Levi more space.
“Here, lie down on your back. It helps you get more air in. Curling into yourself would make it harder.”, as Levi guided you on the floor, your hand found his and you grabbed it in a death-grip, making Levi wince out of shock. Asmo looked at Lucifer for permission to walk over, wanting to help too, but Lucifer shook his head and put an arm in front of his brother in case he decided to ignore his words.
Levi started doing breathing exercises with you once he realised your breathing became worse again. You would pass out if you didn’t get your breathing under control! Nobody wanted that! He could also feel how his chest became tighter again. The others could, too. They also felt slightly dizzy. Asmo held onto Lucifer’s arm, which was actually outstretched to keep him from running towards you seconds ago, while Mammon and Satan slightly leaned on the wall. The twins were sitting on the floor, Belphie leaning into Beel, while Beel had an arm securely around his twin’s shoulder.
After a few moments of breathing with Levi and looking into his eyes, while also mindlessly playing with the hand you captured, you seemed to calm down. It felt easier to breathe and the fire in everyone’s chest seemed to distinguish. The brothers sighed in relief as they all – with Lucifer’s permission – came closer and sat down in a half circle behind Levi. The sea demon helped you sit up and you tiredly flopped your head onto his shoulder as you whispered a quiet “thank you”. He stiffened and a heavy blush covered his cheeks and ears. Behind him, some of his brothers snickered. It seemed like everything was back to normal again. Except for the fact that even Lucifer sat on the floor and even asked Mammon for help to stand up once you decided all of you could go home. But other than that, everything was fine and the usual chaos seemed to start in your little family again.
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A/n: They all have to deal with panic attacks, I don't care what anyone says. At first I wanted to have them all comfort MC in some way, but they're just too many people T_T So, I kinda thought: You know what? Levi has the most panic attacks in this family, he knows how to deal with that. Let him have his heroic moment. Plus if I remember correctly with Barbatos, he's Ohshi's babygirl, so a win-win. I hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night! :D
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