#Oc rambles
gaybravado · 5 months
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When coming up with Julian, a big inspiration was Gen Kobayashi’s design for the Storyteller from Paranormasight: The Seven Mysteries of Honjo. So, Julian’s grandpa/mentor, the original Fool, is basically a silly AU version of him.
I've turned my asks on, so if you like, you can ask me questions about OCs or art.
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I LOVE the idea of weird Yuusonas. Like 9 cats stacked on top of each other and Floyd is clearly trying to point it out but everyone think he's going insane? You're a genius. He's pointing and yelling at your Yuusona and everyone is defending you like "don't say that about Schrödinger! How offensive can you get, they clearly aren't from here!"
THANK YOU!! Each cat is very weird and has their own style within the coat however Pawly Purrton (dolly parton) is a cat in a blonde over the top wig and dress and she's always on the very top.
The magic cloaks spell is so powerful that it makes people excuse even the weirdest behavior from them.
It is driving Floyd insane because even though at first it was funny and he was here for it people genuinely think that this Yuu is just a normal dude and it bothers him after a while.
"Dude haven't you wondered why they LICK you as a greeting??" "Different cultures"
They really like the octotrio for nefarious reasons. (Mmm yummy fish).
Now imagine of they become an actual desired bachelor/crush to some other students
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aimseytv · 1 year
did c!aimsey and rose ever get married, and if so, who proposed (i have a headcanon but it relies on a couple of essential details lmao)
they got married a few years into their relationship, c!aimsey proposed which rose laughed because rose also planned to propose but a few weeks later. they started the process for adopting their daughter on their third year anniversary :)
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awkwardosthe3rd · 4 months
*And what if I want to draw his fiancee as well.* Please drop refs for that beautiful man, I want to draw the two of them being normal about each other 👉👈
Well I mean who am I to deny myself the opportunity to share some whisker-man content. There are up to no sane versions of this guy
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Lil bonus of an anthro AU version done by @rema-rin (the last 4 sketches above were also made by her TvT as you can see the man has managed to leave a thoroughly unhinged impression)
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creation-help · 1 year
Oc rambles free card. Talk about whatever tf you want about your little homemade blorbo
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dystopyx-blog · 4 months
I have a few
they are in their very baby stages of creation, not at all fleshed out. Really these are just ideas for ideas. all character ideas are beast men. Not on purpose, just how things turned out.
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Name: [name pending] AKA “Dummy the Clown!”
Twisted from: Dumbo
gender: tbd, prob male
school: prob royal sword
dorm (if applicable): First idea is for a dumbo character because,,,,,,,, clowns
just an absolute baby
floppy lil fella, melts like puddin in your hands under praise/affection
Self image issues out the WAZOO. Copes by being a clown. Because as a clown, they have more control over how people perceive them. Yes they’re a goofy little failure, but this time it’s for comedy, and not because, well… they’re a failure. They’re a performative failure, playing up every single little mistake or incident, like “whoops, silly me, oh I’m such a goober!” Internally most of those mistakes are like a fuckin dagger to the heart for them. can you imagine,,, cute lil elephant beast man,,,, with big ol floppy ears,,,,,,,,
Secretly loves being called cute, because at least “cute” is positive
Prob goes to Royal Sword.
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Name: tbd (thinking Georgie but that might be too on the nose)
Twisted from: Georgette from Oliver and Company
gender: tbd, but thinking genderfluid
school: tbd
dorm (if applicable): if in nrc, definitely pomefiore
Only the vaguest ideas for this one, but I neeeeeeeeed a Twst oc based off of georgette. yall don’t even fuckin understand, “Perfect Isn’t Easy” is literally my all time favorite Disney song. did you know none of the songs from that movie are on Spotify?? Fuckin criminal. There are covers, Annapantsu covered “why should I worry” and someone named Sienna? I believe? Covered Perfect Isn’t Easy but you don’t UNDERSTAND, GEORGETTE WAS VOICED BY BETTE MIDLER I NEED THE ORIGINAL ON SPOTIFY I NEED ALL THE OLIVER AND COMPANY SONGS ON SPOTIFY— Y’all it’s not even a good movie and I fucking hate Charles dickens, why tf am I so attached to this movie???
oh yeah
so I need a twst oc based off of her. I’m imagining a fabulous little genderfluid beast man. Bitch def in pomefiore. Georgette isn’t technically a villain but hear me out hear me out
I want the fab poodle and Ruggie to kiss 😳
in the movie, Georgette ends up with the scruffy little Chihuahua
I am imagining Georgie here being a fuckin 5’12 god/dess in massive heels, towering over a scruffy lil man. maybe even Epel, fuck if I know!
CHAR/s 3
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Twisted from: the fuckin vultures from jungle book
gender: male
school: nrc
dorm (if applicable): savanaclaw
You don’t understand. No, you don’t understand. You couldn’t possibly understand
because I don’t fuckin understand. but the vulture song (that’s what friends are for) was like… my favorite fuckin song. I don’t know, I don’t fuckin know. BUT
just imagine
a hippie dippy lil shitty vulture boy
mans probably stoned outta his mind
he’s a big scary vulture beast man
but he’s just a fuckin goober. also fuckin smarter than you think (like real vultures)
food for thought.
I want to make some Peter Pan boyos
obv I need a Captain Hook and smee but rn all my thoughts are
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Twisted from: Tick Tock Croc from Peter Pan
gender: male
school: either nrc or a fan school idk
dorm (if applicable):
Y’know what
I’m just gonna make my own goddamn school. see yall in the next post.
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aingeal98 · 9 days
My brain: OK so this is a massive fantasy country which means there are different dialects so a girl from the capital city in the east wouldn't have the same words for mother and siblings as a small town in the west.
Me: Girl the plot.
My brain: And then your main character is bilingual and we'll have one of the languages be similar to English so that the readers aren't completely lost but he's also from a different country and has only lived in the west of this one so he'd be confused at first when someone spoke eastern dialect because he knows three languages but this isn't one of them.
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void-imp · 8 months
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im just using this pic because i'm not in the mood to make a new one right now
jab ramble let's GO
jab does not get angry easily. he's not someone to blow up at people or lose his temper, in fact he hates conflict and avoids it at almost any cost. he ultimately doesn't feel like he has the right to take up any space. if someone hurts him he'll brush it off, make up excuses like "it's not that big of a deal", "they have valid reasons for acting that way", "mentioning it to them isn't worth it". because of that he harbours a lot of bitterness. it just keeps stacking up. this man can keep a grudge for decades and you'd never know because he never said anything to you. if you've pissed him off enough times he'll start avoiding you, and if that's not possible, he will become terse and passive aggressive. his first instinct is always evasion. to flee, to withdraw, to avoid. for him to willingly enter a confrontation, it requires persistent provocation over a longer time to have lead up to it. after that he completely closes off. full silent treatment, and not just for like a day. punishment is a part of it but he also needs to process his feelings and come down after an extremely stressful and overstimulating experience.
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aquakat-draws · 1 month
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I swear Neuro is one of the best characters I have ever made I love them so much. Everyone love Neuro right now
They're basically Joe's main hallucination (they them character woohoo!!!)
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spinrambles · 1 year
I'm dying. People are so mad and come up with the worst takes lmfao
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My Touchstarved MC / OC time
Because I've been saving it for today^-^
[Warning: long rambling, and possibly no editing]
I have come to the point where I view the main LI's as my side characters to my silly little cannon divergent lore. So everything is completely made up, and also I'm going to rewrite my MCs to fit the actual game when it comes out. so there is my disclaimer before I head off into Lala land.
I've made different MCs based on the three backstories you can choose when you enter the game.
The Alchemist (Naudedel)
Hound (Hound)
Unnamed (Noble)
Each is still cursed but each curse takes on a different form or is gained at a different time along the journey to Eridia.
Noble is the one with the original curse from the game. They corrupt the minds of those they touch. Except on rare occasions...
Hound is a by-product of Nobel's hands. Hound is (till they reach Eridia...) the only one who can touch Nobel without punishment. Though she seems to have still retained her sanity, there is one man who refuses to deny the golden veins running under her skin.
Naudedel was an experiment gone rogue. An attempt to create an artificial God gone wrong. Turning his back on his creator, but still tries to reach for a false heaven on his own.
In my little headcanon world, they are all traveling together as a found family. Hound acts as their guardian, Noble is the oldest, Naudy is the weird middle child, and then there is Cetcher, who is a stand-alone OC who was adopted into their little family.
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| And here is a little family photo/reference sheet :D - I'll explain the designs later |
Also, designs aren't finalized completely!! (which is why Hound is missing the prosthetic mentioned below)
The General BackStory: part I
Hound meets Noble when they are around six and takes care of them along with the help of her then-husband Cove. The two worked as mercenaries till taking Noble in as their own. The young couple promised to watch over Noble as they travel to Erida to try and find a cure for their curse. Along the way Hound and Cove hit what they called... a rough patch. Which resulted in Cove severing Hound's leg, not before she could take his good arm. Though Hound can't remember much of their life before that fight. She does know that he is still out there, and looking for them. But a swordsman without his dominant hand isn't much concern for her so she pushes on with the child at her side.
That is when they find Naudedel. The prodigy son of a mage who lived at the top of the hill in the remains of a small standing town. The mage was an older woman, but hospitable to the young mother and her child. She was also very taken by Noble after learning about their infliction. And wanted to help them in their journey to Erida seeing she had ties there from her past. This is where Hound was given her prosthetic, fueled by alchemy and mechanics. Noble took a liking to Naudedel despite his moody disposition and the two (to Naudy's dismay) were stuck at the hip during their stay. However, things didn't stay pleasant for long. As if the air changed in the small town, dire truths flowed with it. Hound and Noble soon learned about the true nature of the boy bound to the hill. The 12th experiment, the 12th body that surprisingly hadn't been dropped in one of the many pre-made graves that ran along the hillside yet. "What a resilient boy she's found!" was the last macabre expression Hound was willing to put up with from the townsfolk before marching up that damned hill only to find a darker twist in the doorway. Naudedel was the one to free himself. The one to kill his mother and step off that hill in his own shoes. Hound just happened to walk in front of him. Or at least that's how he is allowed to tell the story.
The now trio continue their journey, arriving in one broken small town to the next. Around the time the young ones are teenagers and Hound is theoretically pushing late 30s yet every familiar face they meet on the road swears she hasn't aged a wink, They start a town riot...
However, that's a story for another time. Anyways, the kids adopted Cetcher as their new baby sister. Cetcher worked as an assistant for an apothecary in town. Though assistant is more of a stretch, servant or pet would have been more fitting. The man running the shop treated the child less than an errand boy and refused to elaborate on where he got her. So Naudedel made it his mission to run off with the kid with the ever-so-graceful help of Noble. After convincing Hound to take her in, the glossy-eyed baby joined their one-wagon caravan. With surprisingly great help from Naudedel, Hound taught Cetcher how to read and write, which might have been the start of her greatest joys, at least in the moment.
But they were on their way. And spent another 5 years on the road before getting close to the city. But that was where they would part ways for a year. Naudedel had found a lead to possibly undoing Noble's curse. But it would be out of their way and a possible goose chase. And Due to an unfortunate run-in with a certain swordsman wielding his signature longsword in his non-dominant hand. They needed to get on the move fast. The plan was for Naudedel and Cetcher to go off the path and for Hound to watch over Noble and make it into Eridia safely. This was the plan, but of course, things would never go accordingly. Here we are in the current day, Noble alone in Eridia left in Leander's care, Hound presumed dead, Cetcher lost in the Fogfall, and Naudedel making contracts with deities he is too proud to admit are over his head.
But yes, my cornerstones of my silly found family.
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trashasaurusrex · 10 months
the more i realize that lindsey's entire character is about aging more and more in an unforgiving world full of hate and danger but still managing to heal your inner child with the things that same world made you deny or outright made you walk away from
just gets me.
girls are always discouraged from being themselves while also being shamed for not fitting the status quo. pink is a pathetic, girly color to like. frills are girly + gay. dresses are patriarchal + stupid, but shorts are slutty. you fight like a girl = you're weak. you can't talk in a certain tone otherwise you're deemed stupid + unworthy of any attention. insert that entire barbie movie speech here.
lindsey's entire character takes all of that, and throws it out the window. she's everything i as a little girl didn't let myself enjoy. because it was feminine.
embrace what you love.
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I wish there were more weird-ass Yuusonas out there. Like DnD-esque type ones
Like my Yuusona is 9 cats standing on top of each other in a very ridiculously sized, enchanted overcoat with many stupid hats they change out of all the time along with glasses and goes by the name Schrödinger. Each cat has their own style and stupid cat-pun themed name.
Everyone thinks that they are a normal human being that just speaks a foreign language (hence why they can't talk) because their magic coat disguises them and the only ones that know better are Malleus, Ortho, Lilia, and Floyd.
The later three don't tell their secret cause it's amusing and respect them. Floyd only knew their secret cause of his unique magic and blurted it out just for people to call him crazy and now he's always trying to find ways to expose Schrödinger to prove he's not insane.
Where's my representation??
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aimseytv · 1 year
How did c!Aimsey meet all of the people in the town like c!Michela & Gravel? Also do you think c!Aimseys daughter and Michael have play dates?
c!aimsey has been friends with michela for a long time, as michela used to work at a small tavern a few towns over and one drunken night the pair jokingly rambled about making a new town where michela runs her own big tavern and aimsey runs the town and has blooms own cottage and cafe.
gravel is good friends with michela and has been for way longer, and gravel being a travelling merchant with a bit too many contacts, thought this idea of making a new town was brilliant and wanted to help as long as he could live there :)
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valiantvillain · 3 months
If the Inquisitor is prickly and so done with this shit in The Veilguard I won't blame them because I know Rhiannon absolutely told Varric not to even try and get her out of retirement unless it was to kick Solas' ass. And now that he has all she wants to do is kill him and get back to Cullen and planning their kid's birthday party.
Not to mention that when Varric tells her he tried to talk Solas down she more than likely will just give him the most deadpan look and a "and you thought that was actually going to work?" Girl was so pissed at this bald fucker by the end of Trespasser.
Which is gonna be real fun when I play Asala bc I know she's gonna hold out hope that maybe they can somehow convince him. She might not know this egghead but she's a stubbornly tender-hearted optimist if ever there was one.
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creation-help · 1 year
Which oc(s) is a trans woman or transfem? Tell me about them
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