#Oc: Gael
porcelainseashore · 2 days
The Faceless One - Palla Grande "King Slayers" ft. Gael Romilly
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Author's Note: I’m so excited that this is my first time writing for VtM and participating in an event! Here’s my entry for the Palla Grande "King Slayers" hosted by @tzimizce, which tells the story of how Gael, the daredevil, couldn’t resist getting into one of her own.
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She wasn’t from around these parts. Her brothers and sisters had told tall tales about the infamous event the Sabbat held each year, captivated her with descriptions of their festivities—maybe rumors—rumors were common among her kind.
“Bullshit,” she had said, waving her hand dismissively, drunk on warm blood sloshing around in a squashed plastic cup. A dash of it spilled to the ground, watering the cracked soil and scarring it red. 
“You don’t believe us? Then see it for yourself,” they had chanted, eyes gleaming, sharpened teeth luminescent under the glow of the moonlit sky.
The compulsion in her ached, clawing through her ribcage, shredding it apart. Streams of ribbons scarlet on her bare hands. And she knew that she would tear out her undead eyes just for a glimpse into such revelry.
“I will,” she gritted out, tossing the empty cup into the dirt, another blemish upon the landscape they called theirs, at least for the night.
All Hallows Eve descended upon the city in all its wicked glory, reeking of cheap liquor on tacky costumes, and barbed wire in candy. Gael drove into the heart of it, finding a place where the misfits and wannabes hung out in droves. A perfect hunting ground for those who dared call themselves vampires.
In there, whispers upon whispers circulated among friends of friends of acquaintances of strangers, and she heard it all. She could be charming if she wanted to, especially when she wasn’t shivering like an addict looking for their next fix.
“It’s an exclusive party,” one of the group told her snottily. “They asked specifically for five of us.”
Us. Gael didn’t belong—not yet.
That was okay. She revealed her first card, just like the way her lips pulled taut against the flesh of her gums to reveal her teeth. For a split second, her pupils flashed diabolically.
“But I am part of your five,” she grinned.
They stammered, hemmed and hawed, unable to shy away from her gaze. It didn’t take long for them to oust the weakest of the group, offering Gael their spot instead. As they set off, there were cackles and chatter about being honored at a Blood Feast.
Poor new age witches, they never stood a chance. So naive, so easy to manipulate, she thought. And what of her now? She would let them be blood bags for some ostentatious display of power.
A silent witness.
“Mistress Lydia’s guests?” the bouncer at the door asked.
Gael’s heart pounded in her chest. Oh, how she had forgotten what it felt like to be alive! Even through mimicry—what she would continue to rely on for the rest of the evening.
“Here, put this on.”
She was handed a poppy flower to pin on her jacket. Touché. The flower of spilled blood and sacrifice. How blatant could the Sabbat be?
As she was ushered in, she took in the marvelous sights of wild excess and debauchery. The costumes, each more extravagant than the other. She would soon don her own, but for now, she played the role of a moronic tourist, piggybacking off someone else’s invitation.
Her keen eyes darted around, surveying the venue. The passageways and exits were triple checked. So were the doors leading to the pantries and cellars.
The bathrooms. Check.
Behind the bars. Check.
Backstage. Check. 
The gears began to turn in Gael’s head as she ticked each area of interest off like an item on her inventory list. Years of being a runner and drug mule for a particularly notorious coterie in the Northwest had left its mark and taken its toll. But maybe we’ll get to that later—or not.
As usual, she slipped away into the crowd, losing the flower as she blended in like a chameleon, shifting skins—smoothly, expertly, shedding her self in the layers, to appear as one nondescript form to another. She had to be careful to avoid any misstep. One wrong move, and she was done for. Although she had a thousand masks to wear, there were a thousand pairs of eyes, always watching, from the shadows, from the blind corners of her vision.
Cold sweat beaded on her forehead as a byproduct of the way in which she conducted her affairs—meticulous and calculating. Falling into pace, fear and trepidation gave way to thrill and excitement. She swore she could see the searing white adrenaline course through her veins, turning them milky and sticky. And her Beast was pleased.
Across the night, she was a human guest, a ghoul server, a band’s roadie all-in-one. She flitted between guises like switching dance partners—never bored, nor boring. Picking up on secret codes and gestures, weaving in and out of head counts, sometimes one more, sometimes one less, like that creepypasta she had read on 4chan… Anansi’s Goatman?
Doppelgänger, shapeshifter, but she was pretty damn sure that they were Ravnos—like her. 
Just before suspicion arose, she would change out again. Luck was on her side, for the time being. 
She watched wide-eyed as the grandiose performance of a sacrificial rite played out on stage, interspersed with images of Gehenna. The first of the mortals were slaughtered unknowingly among the sheep.
Power. Was this what Cainites felt at the height of their bloodlust?
Gael felt it too, similarly but different. She’d done it. None of her brothers and sisters saw, but she’d done it, and that was enough. 
Here she was, standing in a tank circled by sharks, unnoticed. Just another one of the many. Faceless, nameless, a nobody.
To be faceless was to retake power from having an identity—something to label, to judge, to align you with a sect or cause, under a banner. And for what?
To be unshackled of the ego—that was true power. 
She’d made it this far, but the hardest part yet was getting out. As far as she observed, the doors had been sealed shut long ago. Everything would be accounted for, dealt with, and cleaned up.
What would they do if they found her? Would they destroy her on the spot, or convert her to their church? Had they lulled her into a false sense of security, waiting for the right moment to strike?
Regardless, she would always remain fiercely independent, even in her final—
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Dividers by @diableriedoll
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glockzap · 1 year
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introducing ''we'd rather not'' the band
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gunthermunch · 1 year
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(to no one's surprise) these are insane
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raggydraws · 5 months
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Its mermay and I had Pokemon on the mind so have my oc Gael (He/She/They) as a wishiwashi! Wishiwashi seemed the most appropriate for Gael, as even tho she's not the weakest trainer he dose relay heavily on their more experienced Pokemon than their own skills. She's also a wee bit of a coward so it's just very fitting.
Gael was also the easiest to assign a pokemon to. I have a lot of options for my other pokemon trainers that I wanna draw too!
School form Gael under the cut!
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(It's litterally just school forme wishiwashi but it was still really fun to draw lmao)
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batstonight · 3 months
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Image description: Cartoon digital drawing of a simple character reference sheet of four characters standing without clothes next to each other: The fist one is a short and skinny Acrobatic Cavy with black wavy hair, red eyes and vampire fangs; The second one is a muscular Crab-eating Fox with brown eyes; The third one is a fat and slightly muscular Husky with blue eyes and top surgery scar; the fourth one is a Marsh Deer with horns, red eyes and vampire fangs. End Image description.
Everyone naked... Part 1.
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p0tat0-4rt · 6 months
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I’ve been in a villainous women mood lately
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sarah-kings · 1 year
It'll be a long while until I'll be able to properly get back into more art related posts, mainly due to the little time I can spend on art at the current time, so I figured in the meantime I'd just resort to making one of those OC asks I always wanted to give a shot, even if it doesn't involve all of the OCs I'd like to include as extra.
Here is an OC ask game that looked fun, feel free to ask away :)
Here's some of the OCs who you could ask stuff:
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You might recognize these two from my "Lost and Found" comic with the addition of one extra fella.
They so far have not been introduced by now, so now is a better time than never: the new giant is called Yuto, he's the kind of giant to look at a human and look at them the same way as looking at a puppy and yes, he is trying to convince his fellow friend Aegir to keep said human, who totally would love to do that who doesn't want to keep the small stranger and just wants to get back to his normal routine.
Meanwhile the little guy in question is called Jonas.
He has nothing to his name but a bow and arrows as weapons from when he still was on patrol duty with his team, and he doesn't understand a SINGLE word what the giants say, so do they, and, in the end, they just settled on referring to him as "the little Archer", though in the end it just ended up being "Archer" for short.
The language barrier is a huge issue they have to work through, so you can be sure that a lot of confusion and misunderstandings will ensure.
Some other OCs that I have to offer are Robert, Patches and the random borrower that got stuck to him, who I for now at least am referring to as Sasha, though I do want to update their design to be some sort of dragonfly/borrower hybrid, kind of like a fairy and, quite frankly, they are terrible at being stealthy and are very loud, the perfect recipe for chaos for an old man such as Robert who only wanted to travel around the globe WITHOUT being caught by a bean, but now he also has to act as a babysitter of some sort for this random stranger who won't leave his side.
Now, we have Jon, Liam and Gael from my "Curses and Thimbles" writing, by far they are some of my OCs you know the most of XD
There will be some more OCs added, as it has been hinted before, but I think for now the three of them are enough.
Now, the backstory for Jon has been revealed so far, he's simply a kid who was cursed and had to live amongst borrowers ever since, Gael acting as his father figure who took him in alongside Berry and Asha, two borrowers who were out on their own when they were younger and became part of this little family of sorts.
Meanwhile Liam is an FBI agent who constantly gets dragged into the supernatural but, unlike in those fantasy TV shows, he isn't able to convince anybody of his experiences and largely is seen as more of a joke than anything and fellow colleagues avoid working with him on cases as much as possible because they are convinced he's just mad.
Lastly, here's two OCs of mine I'm largely sharing with a friend of mine, Roman and Birch, who are more of the symbiotic type of relationship in terms of a g/t trope.
Roman may be the bean but, unfortunately for Birch, the borrower who got "adopted" by him, is an utter idiot.
This leaves Birch to be the only braincell Roman has and, on top of that, the only reason why he keeps passing his university exams; how Roman even was able to enter university is still the biggest mystery to Birch bigger than the mystery than why humans need to know so much about random numbers they call "Mathematics".
In the beginning Birch is making it VERY clear that he's only staying for the food and shelter, after all, living in the forest of England isn't the easiest at the age of 16, that and he CAN'T really just magically teleport himself back home from all the way in California, where Roman lives, although he certainly is trying to learn that spell alongside his other magic studies to finally bail, but eventually Birch comes to realize "oh no, I'm getting ATTACHED to that idiot!'
*looks at Roman falling down the stairs with a bowl of ramen, mourning his spilled food*
"…how could I REMOTELY feel sorry for this poor idiot?!"
As you might guess, a lot of chaos is involved with these two, as Birch is the single braincell and voice of reason that tries to get him through college while Roman is…doing what Roman does best, whatever that is Birch isn't sure of yet, though his guess so far is "correcting" him and whenever he speaks British English and refers to certain objects differently, like chips instead of fries.
That's all the OCs for now, so I am hoping you can find some of them you'd like to know more of and I'd be more than happy to answer some asks :)
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kajo-sesshu · 1 month
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Awww my girlll
I love this design so muchhh
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murmel-malt · 4 months
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Gael's baby boy
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karokawwo · 4 hours
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so i played lost in limbo demo not too long ago and kind of! fell in love. so i made my own little oc to go through the horrors with!
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novembermorgon · 1 month
How would Maelor feel about his other sisters aside from Saera and Viserra?
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he really dgaf . all annoying and not his type so his interest is at 0
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assaultvvyvern · 1 year
as much as we as a fandom have reclaimed bloom being an artsy kid i see virtually no content about her and helia interacting. like come on yall KNOW they would constantly be drawing each other's ocs
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d--class · 17 days
*sneaks up behind him*
“hello there.”
*he jumps up*
*he bends and holds a hand over his chest*
"Fuck. You."
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raggydraws · 1 year
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and the last domestic pkmn art piece! Gael (Any pronouns) and his team!
Literally all of her team were either gifts or surrender to them, so it's taken her a while to really figure everyone out. But they all get along alright,,,now if only Jelly would stop hiding in his good pots...
The team is Knight (Bishop), Belle (Floette), Jelly (Goomy) and Poet (Kirlia).
Let me know if y'all wanna see more of these guys, i do enjoy drawing them~
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atopvisenyashill · 5 months
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Some say that Alysanne never recovered from that loss, for her Winter Child alone had been a true companion during her declining years.
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p0tat0-4rt · 1 year
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Watching Fairy Tail reminded me of this one girl of mine
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