whitewaterpaper · 2 months
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Den här månaden tror jag att jag fått till en schysst blanding åt er att grotta ned er i. Det blir direkt-till-video-raffel från 90-talet, svart-vit skräck, vallarna-fasrser och en trevlig filmserie starkt influerad av doctor who. Om en speciell omtitt där jag bara såg Mumien Vaknar, remaken från 1999 och remaken på remaken från 2017.
Alla tiders Åsa-Nisse (2023) [👍🔁🎭]
Dark Angel: The Ascent (1994) [📺]
First Spaceship on Venus / Der Schweigende Stern (1960) [📺]
Josh Kirby… Time Warrior: Chapter 1, Planet of the Dino-Knights (1995) [👍🔁📺]
Josh Kirby… Time Warrior: Chapter 2, the Human Pets (1995) [👍🔁📺]
Josh Kirby… Time Warrior: Chapter 3, Trapped on Toyworld (1995) [👍🔁📺]
Josh Kirby… Time Warrior: Chapter 4, Eggs from 70 Million B.C. (1995) [👍🔁📺]
Mumien Vaknar / Mummy, the (1932) [👍]
Mumien / Mummy, the (1999) [👍🔁]
Mumien / Mummy, the (2017) [🔁]
Murder, She Wrote: South by Southwest (1997) [👍]
Odjur / Creature from Black Lake (1976) [👎📺]
Skräcken i Svarta Lagunen / Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) [👍]
Tower Heist (2011) [__]
Tre dagar för Condor / Three Days of the Condor (1975) [👎🔁]
Virus i bataljonen (2009) [👍🔁🎭]
Werewolf in a Girls' Dormitory / Lycanthropus (1961) [📺]
Så vad skall ni ta med er från den här listan? Vallarna är ju alltid bra, och Josh Kirby charmig. Men Tower Heist var riktigt underhållande, trots att jag inte är något stort fan av Ben Stiller.
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imsorryimlate · 1 year
one of my favourite swedish words is “odjur”, which basically means a beast or a monster, but has also become something of an (old-fashioned) insult. because it literally means “not-animal”, and i love the idea of being pissed at someone and being like “you are NOT an animal!” because it seems quite opposite of what you’d say in english.
i haven’t studied the etymology too closely but it makes sense, if you consider animals to be the natural state of things, even humans are animals, so to refer to someone monstrous you’d say that they are not natural like an animal, they are something outside of it, like an abomination.
oh and in more modern times, it has kinda gone from being a proper insult to something you could affectionately call a pet or a child, especially an unruly one, just like “skitunge” (literally “shit child”) has become affectionate rather than an insult.
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fraulein-ciano · 11 months
When I found out there was a program that would auto-make dice stls from any font, I designed a font based on the Giant Runes in DnD 5e/Storm King's Thunder for a maybe one day set of dice for Eunice...
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Her dice have been betraying her/me lately so time to finally finish em up and get them print ready! @pho-carrot is gonna help me print em. :B
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The 20 is her Odjur (Ogre) rune that she discovered on a genealogical side quest.
And I'm making them just a bit extra chonky and/or tall...
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yearning-government · 20 days
Hottest thing my partner does when we're doing any cnc esque scene is when I try to crawl or move away and she uses it to push me into a new position, especially when she says "Oh so you want it like this/this way huh?" (in swedish. ofc.) It's one of the best things on earth.....And calling her an odjur (beast/monster?? doesnt have a great translation, it's not quite as grave as beast or monster.)
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muhfringo · 6 months
Hur kan jag förklä mig som en annan?
Jag tar och långsamt skär av deras hud.
Använder bitar för att skapa ett kollage som liknar mänskligt liv.
Jag tränar mig själv för att tala som dem, jag övertalar mig att jag är som dem.
Till sist är min förvandling fullbordad, mitt smutskastade liv har fastnat mellan mänskligt och odjur.
Trots mina försök är jag fast i helvetets förgård mellan liv och död; de levande ser ner på mig för mina försök och de döda ser mig som en förrädare.
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anderslindberg · 8 months
Bilförbudet väckte det vansinniga odjuret i oss
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notmacario · 11 months
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•IVAR // ODJUR• (commission)
part two of the last post! The gang is complete noww
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ssen0111 · 2 years
#석조전 을 한 앵글에 담아보겠다는 의지🤣
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코인김프수익 30-60%   상세한건 여기로오세요
채팅링크 https://open.kakao.com/o/sFnRocqe
안정적이고 안전한 부업  함께해봐용⠀
#게임똥손 #김엄마 #덩달아진지한 #딸래미
오늘은 내가 좋아하는 Pila-core Yoga🤗
#금요일 #요가 #필라코어 #TGIF #yogalife
#폴댄스 #폴실크 #운동스타그램
#나이드니까멀미도잘나 #어질어질
#poledance #workout#마스크쓰고요가 #숨이턱턱
#요가스튜디오 #운동스타그램#주말 #결혼식참석
#드래곤시티 #예쁜수국한아름
#사랑하는여보랑 #사랑하는딸래미와#골프꿈나무 #맨날꿈나무 #늘꿈나무🌳
#돔골프 #80분왜이렇게기니😭#rainyday☔ #비오는날
#다시계획을세워보자 #화이팅❤️#어버이날 #딸맘 #카네이션 #감동의도가니
#4살딸램 #고마워내딸 #엄마가더잘할게 #사랑해#Happyholiday
#봄원피스 #봄나들이 #봄봄 #근데벌써 #여름날씨
#5월의첫날 #서울숲 #피크닉
#휴일 #딸맘일상 #봄스타그램🌸#연휴 #딸맘 #4살아기 #육아일상 #빼꼼서지안
#세상예쁜내딸 #엄마가진심너무사랑해❤
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mylittleliterarian · 4 years
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August jublade av lycka när vi öppnade detta bokpaket. Möt Jättesjöormen, mönstermonstret, jättehummern, sjöslökorven, mörkrets rocka och de andra monstren i denna lyriska lekfulla bok av Laura Ruohonen och Erika Kallasmaa. ”Havsodjur” är uppbyggd så att läsaren med hjälp av färger och former även kan skapa egna varelser. En drömbok för den som gillar mystiska sjöodjur! Boken ingår i kampanjen #VÅRTHAV som Moomin Characters lanserar år 2020 tillsammans med John Nurminens Stiftelse. För varje såld bok doneras 1€ eller 10 kronor till stiftelsens arbete för att rädda Östersjön och dess kulturarv. 
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blogdoityourself · 5 years
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Bowling Lane Table
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oceanman-by-ween · 4 years
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tryin to update my artfight
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slushblock · 7 years
Salutations. I just wanted to day that I love your work and that you're one of the people who inspired me to start drawing Terraria fanart.
Hey, cool, thanks a lot! I’m always glad to hear I’m inspiring people!
I haven’t been too active on the answering questions front because of stuff, and art in general is kind of on hold for a tiny bit while I unwind from PAX and do all the necessary entropy damage control that comes with leaving things alone for four days.
There are also some other Asks in my box (some of which aren’t Anon) that I may just not answer because I really don’t know how to answer them. If you have a question or random comment that goes unanswered, I’m sorry! I’m not mad or trying to be rude or anything, sometimes I just can’t think of a response!
In the meantime, some additional answers to a bunch of Anon messages!:
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Thanks a bunch! These always make my day, even if I don’t necessarily respond to them all, but they make me very happy!
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The playmat is currently on hold because fully-realized backgrounds make me feel like I’m gonna have an aneurysm, but I still would really like to do something along those lines. I’m still not entirely sure if the direction I’d started is the direction I necessarily want to go...
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Pretty much the entire point! 83c Thanks!
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Thank you!
Writing is something I actually do very frequently, I just don’t share it that much since a lot of it is original and I have qualms with sharing that for the time being.
I also RPed with other writers for yeeears (though I don’t do much of it now), so I got a lot of practice, haha.
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Thanks! Haha, don’t worry, I don’t feel pressured to work on this, it’s actually really fun! I just write all out of order, so getting the next chapter is slow because I’ve been slowing filling ALL of them out as scenes from my outline spring to mind.  I actually have about 90% of the LAST chapter done already! It’s ridiculous! I REALLY WANT TO SHARE IT BUT I CAN’T IT’S AWFUL
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Many, many pieces.
As for the guide... you’d be surprised how tolerant a guy with his level of influence and control could be...
Thank you for the kind words, coming up with practical descriptions for things in such an impractical and nonsensical game is one of my favorite things about Terraria!
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Suspicions are good! I’m glad they’re suspicious! They’re actually telegraphed if you know where to look, especially compared to other characters that aren’t involved who may or may not have very similar conventions.
The only one I’ll shoot down is Aura is definitely not Auraion, who is sourced to a veeery different setting of mine and just happens to hang out in Terraria. Not that anyone has said anything about that (and I’ve seen some speculation in tags, which I won’t say whether or not they are right or not but it’s a good sign!), but it was something that bothered me a little the more I wrote; I chose Aura’s name for other reasons...
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rabbitcruiser · 3 years
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Östersund at Storsjön, Sweden (No. 7)
The monster is popularly referred to as Storsjöodjuret (the noun Storsjöodjur was first used in 1899) where odjur is a Swedish word for ‘monster’ or ‘large vermin’, literally ‘unanimal’. While Storsjö is the name of a lake (or lakes), storsjö can also be a common noun meaning ‘great-lake’, being the compound of Swedish stor (‘big’ or ‘great’) and sjö (‘lake’) .
Sometimes it is simply called Storsjödjuret (‘The great-lake animal’).
In the English language Storsjöodjuret is sometimes called Storsie, similarly to Nessie, though the names Storsjö Monster, Storsjoe Monster or "the monster of Lake Storsjön", etc., and the literal translation The Great Lake Monster are used. Its Latin name is Hydogiganta Monstruidae Jemtlandicum. It has also been called Storsjöormen (‘The Great Lake Serpent’).
There have been hundreds of recorded sightings of Storsjöodjuret dating back to the 19th century. Newspapers reported in July 1857 that workers at the Forssbacka bruk (iron mill) on the lake spotted from far away a creature with a head "black and gleaming", about the size of a large cat's head (Swedish: större katthufwud), with the water movement suggesting it was a sort of sea-serpent.
Peter Olsson published an 1899 booklet, documenting 22 eyewitness testimonies, and collated the details in his summary. Olsson, a naturalist, concluded that the most likely match was some aquatic mammal that had yet to be identified.
The monster has been reported by various witnesses to measure on the order of 10 metres (33 ft) in length, the length in Olsson's accounts ranging from 3.5 to 14 meters (converted from the Swedish fot, foot or aln, cubit).
It had a snake-like body, long neck, with some giving the description of a dog-like head, thus making it an eared creature, unlike most serpents, though some accounts describing as finned is ambiguous as to fins or ears. Some said it had several humps (Swedish: pucklar) on its back, but Olsson lumped these cases together with "vertical" curvings or undulations (Swedish: buckter).
Source: Wikipedia
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anarchotolkienist · 4 years
The Swedish word for monster being “odjur”, literally Not-animal, un-animal, emphasising the uncanny valley effect, the closeness to real living things, fellow creatures, made hostile, danerous, and difficult to understand, of the Monster in folklore, Fucks.
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The rebels, in Medician: The wheels on the Odjur go round and round, round and round...
Rico, in English: Sometimes I regret being bilingual.
The rebels: Round and round, all dayy lo—
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saraminia · 3 years
Du måla mig en karta, markerad med ett kryss.
Där är en sjöjungfru här är ett odjur.
Där blommar fyrklöver här växer otur.
Du är känslosvall jag är känslokall, du förändrar allt.
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