#First Spaceship on Venus
whitewaterpaper · 5 months
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Den här månaden tror jag att jag fått till en schysst blanding åt er att grotta ned er i. Det blir direkt-till-video-raffel från 90-talet, svart-vit skräck, vallarna-fasrser och en trevlig filmserie starkt influerad av doctor who. Om en speciell omtitt där jag bara såg Mumien Vaknar, remaken från 1999 och remaken på remaken från 2017.
Alla tiders Åsa-Nisse (2023) [👍🔁🎭]
Dark Angel: The Ascent (1994) [📺]
First Spaceship on Venus / Der Schweigende Stern (1960) [📺]
Josh Kirby… Time Warrior: Chapter 1, Planet of the Dino-Knights (1995) [👍🔁📺]
Josh Kirby… Time Warrior: Chapter 2, the Human Pets (1995) [👍🔁📺]
Josh Kirby… Time Warrior: Chapter 3, Trapped on Toyworld (1995) [👍🔁📺]
Josh Kirby… Time Warrior: Chapter 4, Eggs from 70 Million B.C. (1995) [👍🔁📺]
Mumien Vaknar / Mummy, the (1932) [👍]
Mumien / Mummy, the (1999) [👍🔁]
Mumien / Mummy, the (2017) [🔁]
Murder, She Wrote: South by Southwest (1997) [👍]
Odjur / Creature from Black Lake (1976) [👎📺]
Skräcken i Svarta Lagunen / Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954) [👍]
Tower Heist (2011) [__]
Tre dagar för Condor / Three Days of the Condor (1975) [👎🔁]
Virus i bataljonen (2009) [👍🔁🎭]
Werewolf in a Girls' Dormitory / Lycanthropus (1961) [📺]
Så vad skall ni ta med er från den här listan? Vallarna är ju alltid bra, och Josh Kirby charmig. Men Tower Heist var riktigt underhållande, trots att jag inte är något stort fan av Ben Stiller.
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
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First Spaceship on Venus (1960)
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nerds-yearbook · 2 months
In 1908, a spaceship from Venus exploded over Tunguska, Russia. ("The First Spaceship on Venus", Flm)
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biorante · 2 years
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the silent star (der schweigende stern) [1960]
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affiches-cinema · 5 months
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First Spaceship on Venus, 1962.
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sesiondemadrugada · 3 months
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First Spaceship in Venus (Kurt Maetzig, 1960).
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Yoko Tani in “First Spaceship on Venus
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anna-mariadragon · 5 months
I adapted my Poppy Playtime OC Millicent Legrand to the Space Rider AU of @onyxonline
I plan on maybe doing a drawing of her friend Diana in the future, but first I'll move on to Aurora's other outfits before starting another drawing.
I'm not used to drawing anthropomorphic characters, so she might look a little strange (I think I looked at the drawing for too long because now something about it bothers me and I don't know what it is).
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Full name: Millicent Colette Legrand
Preferred name: Aurora/Venus
Age: 20 - 25
Pronouns: Any
Gender: Female (Genderfluid)
Sexuality: Pansexual, ambiamory
Height: 165 cm (5'5") - 185 cm (6'1") (changing)
Species: Fennec Fox/Nymph
About Aurora:
Aurora is the crown princess of the planet Galatea. Her job is to ensure the safety of her planet and ensure that other planets' ecosystems can recover after a disaster.
Her mother, Queen Cybele, currently holds the title of “Mother Nature,” which is passed on to Aurora upon completion of her training and studies.
Although she is not a Rider fighting against the Cult of the Prototype, she cares deeply about other planets and will help them (and their ecosystem) recover after a major disaster.
Aurora might not be good with close Combat, but she has enough experience with magic that it makes up for it. (She does her best in hand-to-hand combat training, although she probably needs a few extra sessions.)
Aurora is a sweet pacifist that is willing to see the best in everyone. She is very respectful of other people and loves learning more about planets and their traditions.
While she behaves elegantly and gracefully towards her subjects or in her princely duties, in private she is very lively and cheerful. She loves taking care of the royal garden and even talks to the flowers when no one is looking.
She is currently doing her training on a spaceship while visiting other planets from time to time. She is very dutiful and tries to make a good impression when visiting other planets, as she is the representative of Galatea.
She doesn't like confrontation and tries to settle disputes rather than escalate things. But don't underestimate her because she doesn't hesitate to act when a fight breaks out.
When Aurora needs to fight, she much prefers to stay at a distance, as she is more suited to ranged attacks than close combat. When defense is needed, she creates a wall of thorny vines and heals her injured teammates.
She usually helps with the clean up after fights, such as capturing the cultists.
Power Capabilities:
Aurora is directly connected to the natural world and thus can communicate, influence, manipulate and control nature: all living beings and plants and natural phenomena, such as the weather and geology of the Earth, and the matter and energy of which all these things are composed. She can survive in any natural environment on different planets. She can control animals and plants and mimic their abilities and forms.
Because Aurora can communicate with nature, she becomes instantly familiar with her surroundings, the connection is so deep that the earth can respond to her emotions and desires (blossoming with flowers and calming weather when happy, making skies stormy or cause earthquakes when angry, shifting the landscape to gain the advantage in a fight, etc.)
Aurora can purify, heal and generally influence the health of nature, and considering the fact that they're helping the environment, plants and animals act favorably towards her. They have access to every living species of animal and can also draw strength from them and acquire their abilities. Nature obeys Aurora's every command and operate on a "hive mind", meaning Aurora can control an entire army of animals.
Power Limitations:
Control, discipline, and restraint are extremely important. Unconscious, emotion-influenced, impulsive, or reckless use of this power can be catastrophic.
Since the user's emotions affect nature directly, control is essential.
Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.
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keigologies · 1 year
sick heart, sick body, s. spiegel
syn. you both got some healing to do.
gen. romance, sick fic.
warnings. canon typical spike banter.
word count. 2.1k.
note. this was posted on ao3 forever ago and i said it was cross-posted here, but i ... clearly never actually did that... until now... oops (?)
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spike has known you for most of his bounty hunting career. you came on the team a year after he himself joined jet, proving yourself to be not some wayward hitchhiker they'd have to take care of on their own dime, but a genuine asset: budgeting skills like no other (which the bebop crew really needed help with, though they would object to if questioned), ways of drawing out bounty heads into false senses of security (without causing a fire fight, something spike could really learn from, according to jet), disciplined in all the ways that matter. you're a quick learner; given the time and patience, you'd been able to pick up on his fighting style and you'd learned enough about mechanical engineering to help him and jet in repairing things on the bebop and the other spaceships on board.
all that to say: you're strong and spike has never known you to be anything else. you're smart, quickwitted, a powerhouse bounty hunter with all the skills that matter. you may be a little quiet, a little meek at points, but you're strong, almost untouchable.
so it surprises him when you come down especially hard with a severe case of the flu. it sounds so... primitive, he thinks, just some stupid earth sickness that honestly can't compete with some of the (quite frankly) awesomely-titled sicknesses that have come to be since the colonization of other planets; really, he justifies to himself, venus sickness sucks, but it is a cool name.
he cringes when he hears you cough for what might seriously be the hundreth time tonight and then mentally punches himself for taking the piss out of what you're going through right now. jet had said you'd contracted it while you guys were hanging around in tijuana and spike had been off tracking bounties; it was just coughing and congestion at first, but apparently, it eventually morphed into something way more severe. you'd quarantined yourself immediately to keep them safe, which spike has respected since he got back earlier in the day, but he shares a bedroom wall with you and damn him if you think he's going to allow you to keep suffering like this without him interfering.
your next coughing fit sends him up and out of the comforting warmth of his bed. it's not like he's angry with you or anything - sure, the coughing is getting on his nerves, but he knows you can't help it and he's not that much of a heartless asshole to be mad at you for keeping him from sleeping specifically because you're ill. really, he finds himself wanting (needing, maybe) to check on you, to make sure you have everything you need so you can rest easy and recover faster.
he realized a long time ago that he'd become jaded about the world. with everything that happened in the before the bebop era, it was clear why he'd become so disillusioned and nonchalant about things. with his past, things just didn't matter as much; he still had life to live, but he'd decided to be a little more reckless about things. he didn't want to waste time worrying about things that didn't concern him, now or ever: whatever happens, happens.
your being sick isn't really any of his business because outside of him having to listen to you cough all night for as long as you're ill, it doesn't concern him in the slightest. he means, it shouldn't concern him because it really shouldn't, but there's a part of him that's... open to the idea of being concerned for you and your wellbeing, which is strange to him because he shut himself off from ideas like that decades ago, it seems like. it's not that he's incapable of it, of caring for another person, but rather that he feels it's more of a betrayal. he'd given his heart to another and he'd never truly gotten it back.
though, in the five long strides it takes him to cross from his door to your own, he thinks that maybe he had gotten it back, years ago even, and he was too afraid to admit it to himself. so many things he'd held himself back from for years, all in the name of a woman who had disappeared into the ether without so much as a trace. she was gone; dead or alive, julia was gone and she had been for a long time. it's been time for him to douse that torch for a while now.
and when he comes to this conclusion in those five strides, he thinks that you getting sick might be a blessing in disguise, at least for him, because he's realizing now that he's been taken with you for quite some time. he's not sure when it first started, this infatuation with you, but it certainly isn't recent. he supposes it doesn't matter, however, because he's realizing it now, on his way to rescue you from an earth virus that definitely had a way lamer name than other sicknesses, which is a comment he's sure you'll laugh at and agree with him about if he brings it up.
once he finally raps his knuckles on the sliding metal door leading to your bedroom, he hears the beginning syllable of "come" before it's interrupted by a ragged cough. your voice, rough and almost whispered, struggles to say "come in," but you finally manage it and he opens the door just enough to slide in, ducking under the door frame.
"you feeling alright?" he asks, closing the door behind him. "you've been hacking up a lung all night."
you do your best to laugh, but it's a sad attempt, barely there and hoarse. a piece of him wilts at the sound, sad to hear you in such a bad condition. "better than i was yesterday."
"sure doesn't sound like it," he answers, turning towards you. he withers a little more.
you look so small in your bed, under what he can only guess to be every single available blanket on the bebop. you have dark circles under your eyes, your cheeks sunken and your skin pallid in accordance. you look like you have one foot in the grave.
"jesus," spike says, crossing the small room to your bedside and sitting on the edge. "you look awful. have you been eating?"
somehow, he's able to recognize your shrug under fifteen different blankets. "we're almost out of food. didn't wanna bother jet about it or throw the budget out of sorts."
"are you being serious right now? fuck the budget. you have to eat when you're sick like this." he genuinely frowns and presses the back of his hand to your forehead and then cheeks. "and you're burning up. did you just decide to forgo medicine in the name of the budget too?"
you shrug again.
"you're the worst." 
but you can tell he's joking because if he really thought that, he wouldn't be here at all. he stands and when he turns to look at you, you've got a questioning expression on your face.
"oh, don't look at me like that. i'm not just going to come in here, berate you for being stupid about being sick, and then leave. i'm going to go see if i can track down some medicine."
"it's not gonna be any of that weird shit you keep in the first aid kit, is it?" you ask, a grimace clear on your face.
"okay, first off, that weird shit is home remedies and they work just fine. second, no, i'm not stupid. that stuff isn't going to cure what you have, so don't worry your pretty little head, alright? the newt stays in the kit another day."
the last comment makes you laugh and this time, it's not as hoarse as it was a few minutes ago, which makes him smile to himself. with you being in the state you are, it's nice to hear a few seconds of your cool, clear laugh. something about it anchors him to this moment in time, reminds him that he's not as cold and as standoffish as he's always presented himself to be in this new life of his; no, he's capable of caring for people like this, of loving someone like this. he's got something good here with you and he's always had it, he's just never let himself think that it was his to actually indulge in.
"i'll see what i can find. in the meantime, start deconstructing that 'money is more important than my pressing health needs' mindset you apparently have going on, okay? i mean, really, you were worried about the budget? you know jet would agree with me here, as much as he complains about not having money. plus, shit that you can't account for happens."
"okay, okay, i get it." you accompany your words with an eye roll, but the smile is clear on your lips, which are cracked from dehydration. "can we save the lecture for when you get back? or just save it for jet altogether since i know you'll end up snitching to him about this eventually anyway?"
spike scowls, but it's obviously playful. "don't go catching an attitude with me. i'm generously playing nurse for you right now when i could very well just let you suffer here alone."
"oh, this is you playing nurse? then you really oughta work on your bedside manner, spiegel. it's atrocious."
he shakes his head and begins backing away from you, arms crossed over his chest. "keep acting like that and maybe i'll feed you that newt after all."
"yeah, yeah, yeah. i think jet's been hiding chamomile tea somewhere in the living room. make some for me, please?"
"you're real lucky i'm in the mood to be compassionate," he jokes, finally turning to open the door. "you want honey with it?"
"if we have any."
"you got it. don't fall asleep before i get back or i'm ratting you out to jet about this tea too."
he hears your hum of affirmation as he steps into the hallway and when he closes the door behind him, he allows himself to assess the whole interaction. if this had occurred at any point before now, he would have felt entirely disgusted with himself, but at present, he realizes he doesn't really mind. you've taken care of him an innumerable amount of times since joining him and jet, serving as the defacto nurse on the bebop, and this could easily be just him returning the favor, but it feels like so much more than that. 
because it is. if it was anyone else, if was any other time, he wouldn't be feeling this way: soft and warm on the inside like heat without his trusty cigarette. when he'd left the syndicate and faked his death, he'd sworn off love and adoration and affection. they had been his downfall once, they would not ruin him a second time. sure, he'd come to trust jet more than he'd trusted anyone before, but he kept even him at arm's length, afraid of what might happen if he let him come too close to orbit. 
and while it worked for the most part, spike has been learning (for what he assumes is quite a long time) that cutting those kinds of human connections of out of one's life isn't the way to go about healing, especially when the person one wants to love has proven time and time again that they're worthy of being trusted. there is no life without love because life without love and companionship is a sickness of the heart and he's let it fester for far too long.
so when he comes back to your room with a hot mug of chamomile tea with honey, a few pieces of hard tack he scrounged up, and some generic medicine, and he finds you asleep? he doesn't find himself all too annoyed with you like he threatened he'd be. no, instead, he feels a little bad when he has to wake you up to drink and eat and take the medicine he had to go digging through too many drawers for. and when you apologize for keeping him up with your coughing, he tells you you're the worst next door neighbor for it (a joke), but he's glad he can help you (not a joke).
and when you ask him if he'll stay for a while (just to make sure i'm not going to die in my sleep, you reason), he agrees and lays under your fifteen blankets with you until your breathing evens out and you're fast asleep, and even then, he stays just a little bit longer than he needs to, relishing in the feeling of sharing a bed with another person again.
he figures you've both got some healing to do, so you won't mind if he falls asleep with you. 
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© keigologies 2023. do not translate, copy, or repost my work on any site.
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script-a-world · 2 months
Submitted via Google Form:
I have a world just like earth where space travel is developed but there's never any real answer from alien intelligence. At least not for 30 thousand years since the first spaceship went to the moon. Then they finally do meet aliens who have already known space travel for way longer than humans and find out there's a huge intergalactic union and stuff where they monitor all space travel and everything. There are lots of laws about travelling between different places, aliens need their versions of passports to travel between places and so on and plenty of security. They realise that all this time, they had known all about human space travel in secret but never paying attention to them because they had never really interferred or discovered these alien societies or any inhabited planet. The thing is, I'm a bit divided on how humans could see this as. One, it's understandable that aliens hide away because humans hadn't come across alien societies and human tech was never advanced enough. On the other hand, finding out aliens knew all of their actions in space in secret - that sounds like a nightmare considering how humans actually respond to privacy issues. I know this might be more of a plot thing but I'm not sure what I want to go for and what things I might have to think about on considering the consequences of things like this. How could things go forward either way? What should I think about? Has these things been addressed in fiction before?
Tex: Is outer space a private or a public place? Earth, for example, does not exist in a vacuum, and people on Earth are capable of pointing telescopes toward the sky and seeing other planets. Does this mean that anyone who might, hypothetically, live on Mars or Venus experience a breach of privacy if someone on Earth can see their planet - and themselves, with a good enough telescope - from their own planet?
It’s a little bit like driving a car on a highway. You can see the other cars on the road, yes, and if you decide to focus on it, the drivers and passengers in these cars. Other drivers can also do the same to your car. Is this a breach of privacy for another driver to see you driving your car? Or is this just a consequence of existing in a public space where people exist in the same public place as you do? They don’t have to signal their capability of seeing you, just the same as you don’t have to signal your capability of seeing them in their cars.
Licorice: It seems we’re talking here about something happening on the macro-, state level, rather than on the micro-, individual level. Individual human beings do have expectations of privacy, and we have designated private spaces. Anything we do outside those designated spaces is not private and it wouldn’t be reasonable to expect it to be. 
States, societies, and worlds don’t have that same expectation of privacy. What’s illegal at the individual level (spying on your neighbour), is both accepted and routine at the state level. Russia and China are spying on the West. The Five Eyes are spying on Russia and China. Wikileaks got into trouble not for violating personal privacy laws but for violating state secret laws, which are not quite the same thing. 
You can be 110% sure that any current governments involved in alien research are operating on the understanding that if aliens actually exist and have the capacity to do so, they are monitoring us. Partly the aliens will be monitoring us out of curiosity (what will those funny little hominids do next?), but they’ll also be monitoring us to ensure we don’t become a threat. If human beings did eventually stumble across a sophisticated alien civilisation, probably the one thing that would not come as any surprise would be finding out that the aliens had been watching us all along. 
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iheart-nana · 2 months
i. life: a tempest
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CHAPTER ONE ─ life: a tempest.
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❛ there was something 'bout you, that now I can't remember ❜
Narrator's Perspective
To Eunyoung, Ryu Sunjae was like a bright star shining in the sky, so far away yet he cast his light over the whole world. He was unreachable, beyond the horizon, yet she felt she could touch him if she jumped high enough. Seeing him in person at the Eclipse concert was like a fever dream. Stepping out of the stadium, she was still in awe as she stood agape next to her sister, Yumi. The soft melody of ❛Sonaki❜ rang in her head, drowning out all her other thoughts.
"Oy, Eunyoung!" Yumi called out for the third time, "Everyone is leaving for send-off, come quickly or we won't get a good spot."
"Huh?" said Eunyoung. Hearing Yumi's voice pulled her back to reality and she took a few seconds to process her words, "Coming."
"Looks like your brain became slow after seeing Sunjae up close."
Eunyoung's gaze landed on Sunjae, and she couldn't help but call out, "Sunjae! Please sign this for me!" With a warm smile, he received the CD she offered and added his autograph.
"Thank you for coming," he expressed. Their fingers brushed briefly as he returned the signed ❛Sonaki❜ CD. The fleeting touch sent a jolt through Eunyoung, a fluttering sensation that mimicked a thousand butterflies taking flight in her stomach.
She navigated her way out of the crowd once all the members had departed and waited outside the buzzing concert venue. She scanned the place for Yumi as they separated among the hundreds, if not, thousands of fans hoping to interact with their idols. The excitement she felt a few moments ago lingered like an afterglow of sorts. Her hand reached up to her chest, trying to calm the rapid beating of her heart.
"Eunyoung!" Yumi called out to her sister through the sea of fans.
Eunyoung's head whipped around to look at Yumi. Spotting her, she waved at Yumi, who made her way through the crowd towards her.
"Any luck?" asked Eunyoung eagerly.
"High five from Inhyuk," she answered dreamily, "I've won in life."
"Good for you, girl! Ahh I'm so happy for you," she exclaimed.
"How about you? Did Sunjae look at you?" she questioned. Eunyoung grinned in response.
"Even better," she was smiling from ear to ear, "He signed my CD and our fingers brushed when he gave it back to me!"
"Gosh, you are one lucky fan!" Yumi said, locking arms with Eunyoung, "Come on now, time to go back to reality."
"I think I'm always going to be here in my mind," Eunyoung beamed as Yumi dragged her towards her car.
The snow fell like a secret whisper at first. Individual flakes, like tiny, lost stars, drifted down from the iron-gray sky. Each one landed on the cold ground with a soft thump, "It's the first snow of the season," whispered the two sisters in unison.
Eunyoung was flopped down on the couch at her and Yumi's shared apartment, staring at the ceiling in wonder and amazement. She was yet to get over the initial shock of the events of that night. After years of admiring him from afar, she finally saw him up close.
"For how long do you plan on sitting there like that?" Yumi interrogated, "Aren't you going to listen to the CD?"
She sprung up suddenly, "Oh, right! I should do that! Maybe it'll sound different this time."
Yumi chuckled and shook her head on hearing the happiness in Eunyoung's voice, "Sunjae is lucky to have you." 
Eunyoung shuffled through her bag, looking for the CD; On finding its case, she gently placed it on her desk next to her CD player. Carefully, she lifted the CD, its smooth surface cool against her fingers, sending tingles through her body. She placed the shiny side down on the tray, the colorful picture facing up. It looked almost like a tiny spaceship about to take off. Yumi's panicked voice diverted her attention as Eunyoung turned to look at her.
"Look, Eunyoung," Yumi appeared as if she had encountered a ghost, "This article says that Ryu Sunjae committed suicide."
"What?!" She exclaimed, feeling all the sensation leaving her body, "Show me that!"
In agitation, she snatched the phone from Yumi's hand, skimming through the article as her breathing became increasingly erratic. How is it possible? He was right there- he smiled at me just moments ago! There were a million thoughts running through her mind, her eyes welling up, tears threatened to spill any second.
"What? How is this-" her voice cracked desperately hoping for someone to prove the article wrong. Yumi wholeheartedly felt her panic and frustration. Eunyoung shoved the phone back into Yumi's hands.
Eunyoung fell back on the chair behind her, reaching for her phone as falling tears blurred her vision. In this rollercoaster of emotions, her hand pushed a button on the CD player and the signed CD slid into the machine. As the tray clicked shut, the soft piano melody of the first verse of Sonaki resounding in their ears.
Eunyoung's lower lip trembled the second the sound landed on her ears, her arms erecting in goosebumps as she began to sob quietly. Tears filled up Yumi's eyes as the grip of her hand loosened and her phone crashed onto the floor.
Suddenly the music came to a halt and the digital display showing the duration of the song flickered to show 3:00.
The soft symphony of snowflakes tapping on the window screeched to a halt. Yumi and Eunyoung, enveloped in their grief over Sunjae's passing, barely registered the sudden silence. It descended upon the room like a shroud, a tangible manifestation of their sorrow. Time itself seemed to hold its breath, mourning alongside them. In that suspended moment, the world around them dissolved. The familiar walls of their room rippled and warped, morphing into a swirling vortex. With a dizzying rush, the sisters found themselves hurtled through the churning mass, flung headlong into another era.
☾⋆。𖦹 °✩⋆。° ✮
nayoung's notes: i never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that i would publish this fic so soon ⫪⫪ i've literally poured my heart and soul into this, not even kidding. wrote this for everyone who can't get over lovely runner (like us). hoping you liked it <3 also wonyoung in the header is so gorgeous i can't 😫✋
delphi's notes: let me assure you that you are NOT ready for this fic *devious laughter* i can't believe we're finally publishing something after years of making this account. sorry for trolling you 🤡 we'll try our best not to post and ghost 🙏
next chapter: saturday! (out now) list of chapters here!
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
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Moonbase from First Spaceship on Venus (1960)
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nerds-yearbook · 1 year
In 1985, Raimund Brinkmann was the first American to walk on the moon where Earth now has a space station built on. Earth developed a technique of turning inorganic substances into food. While terraforming the Gobi Desert an alien artifact was discovered. From this artifact and other investigations it was determined that it was a spaceship from Venus and not an asteroid that caused the explosion in Tunguska in 1908. A spaceship that was built for a trip to Mars was now launched for Venus with an international team including Brinkmann and one woman. Besides the human crew there was also Omega, a rover type robot that could speak. The crew was put into artificial sleep for 30 hours to prepare for their flight. Halfway on their trip they discovered that the first ship from Venus was meant as an invasion ship. (“First Spaceship on Venus", Flm)
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nebula--nix · 5 months
Quantum Immortality WIP Intro
Being trapped in a time loop with no way out is already bad. When a strange girl ambushes Cade, inserts a metal chip into the back of his neck while he’s passed out, and then shows up as the last-minute addition to his spaceship crew the next day… that doesn’t help. After being rescued from an abandoned, alien-infested spaceship and then waking up with no memory on a Mars base six months ago, nineteen-year-old Cade’s been doing his best to help out the crew that found him. His “first” flight with them will be delivering supplies to Earth, where the more privileged members of humanity live, sheltered from the parasitic aliens infecting the solar system by shields enveloping the planet. Every time Cade sets off on this journey, he dies, waking up a few days before departure with a stabbing pain just below his ribcage and no memory of the trip, let alone what or who killed him. The girl is a new addition, though - and if Cade can survive being stuck in a metal box in space with her, maybe he can finally find a way out of the loop.
QUANTUM IMMORTALITY is a science fiction novel currently being drafted by Phoenix R. (that's me!). It is planned to be approximately 80,000 words in length. Currently, the first draft is in progress, so the blurb above and character bios below may change!
he/they | biromantic asexual enby | 19
An amnesiac stuck in a time loop. Short (5'2" or approximately 157.5 cm). Chin-length, curly dark brown hair. Noticeably skinny. Skin is a tawny brown, and eyes are a deep brown. Speaks with an odd accent that can't quite be placed. Cane user and ambulatory wheelchair user due to chronic fatigue and dizziness. Surprisingly deep voice.
she/her | asexual butch trans woman | 19
The mysterious new addition to the crew. She's rather blunt and tends to keep to herself, increasing Cade's suspicions. She's quite tall too at 6'4" and has short-cropped, fiery red hair. In addition, she suffers from a severe case of resting bitch face.
he/him | bisexual cisgender man | 22
The crew's ship technician. Took on Cade as his apprentice when they joined the crew. Best friends with Max and has known most of the crew for years. Fairly tall and somewhat muscular, dark brown hair, and hazel eyes.
she/they | pansexual cisgender woman | 23
A long-time member of the crew. Originally from a space station orbiting Venus, studied biochemistry in university there. Now she works as the ship's medic. Dark skin, curly black hair, and warm brown eyes.
he/him | cisgender straight man | 24
The ship's security guard. Best friends with Trevor. Doesn't get along very well with Cade, as he tends to push boundaries. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and short (only a few inches taller than Cade).
The Captain
she/her | cisgender woman | 42
The crew's captain. Nobody ever refers to her as her real name, and at this point Cade is too scared to ask what it is. Dirty blonde hair, light skin, and green eyes.
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chernobog13 · 7 months
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Art by Neal Adams from Heritage Magazine in the 1970s. I don't know anything about the story behind these, and whether or not this was a project that Adams was working on or proposing.
This appears to be a sequence where Carson Napier has crashed landed on Mars/Barsoom, is later rescued by John Carter, and we discover Tarzan is in some sort of hibernation device.
Some people have theorized that the blonde guy is Flash Gordon (the belt and striped pants were standard parts of Flash's costume). However, as the rest of the characters are from Edgar Rice Burroughs' tales, it makes more since for him to be Carson of Venus. Especially if you remember that Carson was originally trying to get to Mars/Barsoom before his spaceship was thrown off course by the moon's gravity.
It's also interesting that Adams, for first time that I know of, depicted John Carter exactly as he's usually described in the Barsoom novels: naked except for his sword belt (it's not that he's a pervert; that's just the norm in Barsoomian culture).
I'd love to hear from anyone who has more information about these pictures and the story behind them.
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