berriuccino · 22 days
(09/02/24) I did it boys
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Oegwipari: *trips over Juldarami and Geumsaegi on the beach at night*
Oegwipari: Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry I interrupted your date!
Geumsaegi: Oh, this isn’t a date. We’re just friends. But thanks for not assuming because we are both gay.
Oegwipari: …
Oegwipari: Hey, what’s your name?
Juldarami: Juldarami.
Oegwipari: Juldarami, sweetie, I am so sorry this dumbass is so dumb that he doesn’t realize this is a date.
Geumsaegi: What?! What do you mean? What does he mean?! IS this a date?!
Juldarami: I mean, yeah, I kinda hoped it was.
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Valentine’s Day: Aekku/Oegwipari
Oegwipari wasn’t sure what point it was he’d fallen asleep.
He remembered hearing that there had been a rescue operation. He remembered hearing his long-presumed-dead partner had been found. He remembered that he and Mulmangcho had gone to the infirmary waiting for him to wake up. He remembered Mulmangcho had left at some point. The last thing Oegwipari remembered was that he had climbed into the hospital bed, and curled up on Aekku’s chest. He’d started listening to his partner’s heart, beating in his chest. Taking in his scent. He must have fallen asleep to that. It was easy to fall asleep to that. It always had been…
What he woke up to was a hand on his back.
“P-pari?” Aekku’s nickname for him sounded raspy. A little hollow. It didn’t matter. It was his voice. And he would take it in any form it came in.
“Aekku!” Oegwipari leaned forward, kissing his partner on the mouth. “You’re alive!”
Aekku said nothing for a moment. Using his one good eye to look at him. Then, shakily, he spoke up once more. “Y-you’re here. Really here? I’m not dreaming?”
“No,” Oegwipari shook his head. “You’re not dreaming. I’m here.”
Aekku looked around. “And…where is here, exactly?”
“Wolves’ Den.” Catching Aekku’s confusion, he simply shrugged. “They joined the fight. I don’t know why.”
“Hm. Bout time they were useful for something.” Aekku shifted up, gown slipping slightly, revealing the bandages. “But…you’re here. Right?”
Aekku reached out, cupping Oegwipari’s cheek with his enormous hand. “I thought you were dead,” he murmured. “I-I’d overheard the guards say something about Geomun, and I knew you were stationed at his base…b-but you’re okay?”
“I’m okay.” Oegwipari assured him, holding the hand close. “I’m okay. And you’re…” he trailed off.
“…alive. Yeah. Don’t know that I’d say I’m alright.” Aekku sighed, looking down. “Bastards did a number on me…”
“I…I heard the doctors talking about that.” Oegwipari sighed. “…how are you feeling?”
“Like shit. Happy to see you again, but still like shit.” A sigh. “I still can’t…I kinda expect I’m going to wake up back there. Or that this is one last hurrah before I’m gone for good. This just feels too good to be true.”
“I know what you mean.” Oegwipari fell back on Aekku’s chest. “You’re with me. You’re still with me…”
Quiet for a moment more. Each of them holding onto each other.
“Let’s get married.”
Aekku startled. “M-married?!”
“Why not? We’re in Wolves’ Den. It’s legal.”
“That’s…I m-mean, yeah. Yeah it is. But…Pari, do you realize what you’re asking?”
Oegwipari thought a moment. “I’m asking if I want to live the rest of my life with you. I’m asking if I want to hold your hand and call you my husband. I’m asking if I want to be yours, forever. And I do.”
“Pari…” Aekku struggled for a minute. “Pari, I want that, too. You have no idea how much I do. But…you don’t know what they did. You don’t know how it changed me.”
“I can learn.”
Aekku swallowed. “A-and what if…it broke me? W-what if they did something that made it so I’ll never be the same as I once was?” He started shaking. “What if I’m not the weasel you fell in love with?”
Oegwipari thought for a moment. Then, “Do you still like boxing?”
“W-what?” Aekku stared at Oegwipari, letting out a confused laugh. “Of course I do.”
“Your laugh is still the same,” he noted. “And…do you still love me?”
Aekku’s eye softened. “Of course I do.”
“Then you’re the one I fell for. Hurt, scared. Maybe changed. But not broken. Never broken. Not to me.”
“Pari…” Aekku trailed off. Then, “Yes.”
“Yes!” Aekku held Oegwipari’s face. “Yes. I’ll marry you.”
“Oh, Ku!” Oegwipari kissed him. Deeply. The sort that had Aekku holding back. He was holding back. And now he would be forever.
When he did pull away, his…fiancé smiled at him. “So how should we do it?”
“We’ll wait until you’re out of the infirmary,” Oegwipari said. “But it doesn’t have to be a big thing. We’ll just have my brother there, and someone to officiate. We’ll figure out the details later.”
“Sounds good to me.” Aekku gave a grin. “I do like small things.”
Oegwipari laughed. And he’s continue laughing for a long, long time.
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zona1986 · 6 years
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paintreedrawings · 6 years
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we need more cute mice
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Here’s some of the voice actors voicing the 27th episode! Geumsaegi - Won Jeong Suk Juldarami & Mulmangcho - Lim Bok Hee Oegwipari - Gwon Nyeong Ju Bamsaegi - Lim Un Yeong
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Oegwipari: Let me copy your homework.
Mulsajo: I was gonna copy yours.
Oegwipari: Well, shit.
Mulsajo: Guess I'm not doing it.
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Things Found Written On A Bathroom Door
Aekku: I like writing on walls. Fuck you society. -Aekku
Huinjogjebi: Aekku, this is actually a door, not a wall. Regards, Society.
Juldarami: Follow your dreams.
Oegwipari: I literally only have nightmares.
Mulmangcho: Question everything.
Geumsaegi: Why?
Wolf Solider: Yo, girl, on a scale of one to AMERICA, how free are you tonight?
Lt. Vixen: Germany 1942.
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Oegwipari: What if a tree cries every time we eat fruit?
Oegwipari: Cause like, fruit are tree babies.
Oegwipari: So everytime we’re eating an apple or something, we’re eating their baby!
Mulmangcho: We’re eating their ovaries actually.
Aekku: It is three in the morning, go the fuck to sleep.
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Lt. Vixen: I like my whiskey like I like my men.
Mulmangcho: Twice your age and from Scotland?
Oegwipari: Smoky, full bodied, and leaves you gasping a little?
Geumsaegi: Left in an oak barrel for three years with very little oxygen?
Lt. Vixen: The correct answer was in a sealed glass container gathering dust under the liquor table.
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Commander Jogjebi: You know you can die from that, right?
Mulmangcho: *smoking a cigarette* That’s the point.
Aekku: *drinking alcohol* We’re trying to speed this up.
Oegwipari: *Eating raw cookie dough and nodding*
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Oegwipari: Since we got home on leave, you haven’t left this house.
Mulmangcho: Of course I haven’t. People are out there and they suck.
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Oegwipari: What language do they speak at the center of the earth?
Oegwipari: Core-ean
Mulmangcho: The center of the earth is arond 5430 degrees Celsius! Nobody is going to live there so they don’t need a language!
Aekku: Core-ean.
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Oegwipali: I can’t believe Mulmangcho just assassinated the Special Aide!
Aekku: Technically, he didn’t. Assassination implies it was politically motivated.
Mulmangcho: Yeah, I just killed him cause he was an asshole.
Aekku: Thus making it a simple murder.
Oegwipari: You guys realize that’s still bad, right?!
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Mulmangcho: Hey, how did my phone break?
Oegwipari: You were drunk yesterday.
Mulmangcho: And?
Geomeunjogjebi: You threw it.
Mulmangcho: Why?
Mulsajo: You turned on airplane mode and kept screaming “FLY DAMN YOU!”
Mulmangcho: And why didn’t you stop me?!
Aekku: We were busy laughing our asses off.
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Aekku: Guys, Mulmangcho is missing.
Guemsaegi: Good.
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