#Lim Un Yeong
wqp88888 · 2 years
中文 中國大陸 台灣 香港 澳門 新加坡 馬來西亞 越南 韩国
1 赵 Zhao Chao Chiu Chio Chow Teoh/ Chew/ Tiew Trieu Jo/Cho
2 钱 Qian Chien Chin Chin Zee Chien/Chen Tien Joen/Chun
3 孙 Sun Sun Suen Sun Soon Soon/Sun/Shun/Song Ton Son
4 李 Li Li / Lee Li / Lee Lei Lee Lee/Li Ly Lee / Rhee/ Yi
5 周 Zhou Chou Chow / Chau Chao Chew Chew / Cheu / Chou / Chow / Chiew Chu Ju/Chu
6 吴 Wu Wu Ng Ng Goh Ng / Goh / Ngo/ Ngu Ngo Oh
7 郑 Zheng Cheng Cheng Cheang Tay Ching / Tang / Tey / Tay / Tee / Teh / Cheng / Chin / Chang / Chung / Chiang Trinh
8 王 Wang Wang Wong Vong / Wong Ong / Wong Ong / Ng / Wong / Wang / Bong / Heng Vuong Wang
9 冯 Feng Feng Fung Fong Foong/Fung/Fong Phung Pung
10 陈 Chen Chen Chan Chan Tan / Chan / Ting Chan / Chin / Chen / Tan / Tang / Ting / Sin Tran Jin/Chin
11 褚 Chu Chu Chu Chu Too/Toh
12 卫 Wei Wei Wai Wai Wee/Wei Vi Ui/Oui
13 蒋 Jiang Chiang Cheung Cheong Chiang/Cheong/Chiong Tuong Jang/Chang
14 沈 Shen Shen Shum / Sum Sam Sim Sim/Shim/Shun/Shum Sim
15 韩 Han Han Hon Hon Hon/Hong Han Han
16 杨 Yang Yang Yeung Ieong Yeo / Yong Yong / Yeo / Yeoh / Eow / Yeong / Yew Duong Yang
17 朱 Zhu Chu Chu Chu Choo Chu/Choo/Jee/Jeh Chau Chu/ Joo
18 秦 Qin Chin Chun Chin/Ch'ng Tan Jin/Chin
19 尤 You Yu Yau Iao Yew/You Vuu
20 许 Xu Hsu Hui Hoi Hee / Koh Khu / Khoo / Khor / Khow / Hoo / Hooi / Khaw / Hii Hu Heo/Huh
21 何 He Ho Ho Ho Hoh Ho/Hoh/Hor Ha Ha
22 吕 Lu Lu Lui Loi Loh/Lei/Lui/Lee La/Lu Yeo/Ryeo
23 施 Shi Shih Sze Si See/Sii/Sih
24 张 Zhang Chang Cheung Cheong Cheong Cheong / Chong / Teo / Chang / Teoh / Tiong Truong Jang/Chang
25 孔 Kong Kung Hung Hong Kong/Khong/Kung Khong Gong/Kong
26 曹 Cao Tsao Cho / Tso Chou Cheng/Choo/Cho/Chu/Chao Tao Cho/Jo
27 严 Yan Yen Yim Im Yam/Ngim Nghiem Im
28 华 Hua Hua Wa / Wah Wa Hoa Wha/Wah/Wa
29 金 Jin Chin Kam Kam Kim/King Kim Kim
30 魏 Wei Wei Ngai Ngai Ngui/Gui/Woi Nguy Ui/Oui
31 陶 Tao Tao To Tou Tho/To/Too/Toh Dao Do/To
32 姜 Jiang Chiang Keung Keong Khiang/Kiang Giang Kang/Gang
33 戚 Qi Chi Chik Chek Cheok
34 谢 Xie Hsieh Tse Che Cheah / Tay / Chia Cheah / Chiah / Chia / Seah / Sia / See Ta Sa
35 邹 Zou Tsou Chau / Chow Chao Chew/Chou/Chu
36 喻 Yu Yu Yu U Yu/Yho/Yuh You/Yu
37 柏 Bai Pai Pak Pak
38 水 Shui Shui Sui Soi Shu/Tshui
39 窦 Dou Tou Tau Tao
40 章 Zhang Chang Cheung Cheong Cheong/Chong/Teo/Tiong/Tong
[编辑] 百家姓41-80
中文 中國大陸 台灣 香港 澳門 新加坡 馬來西亞 越南 韩国
41 云 Yun Yun Wan Wan Woon/Wun/Yun/Yung
42 苏 Su Su So Sou Soh Soh / Saw / Soo To
43 潘 Pan Pan Poon / Pun Pun Phua Phua / Pan / Pang / Phang Phan Ban
44 葛 Ge Ko Kot Gal
45 奚 Xi Hsi Hai Kai Hae
46 范 Fan Fan Fan Fan Fung / Fam / Fang / Hwang Pham Bum
47 彭 Peng Peng Pang Pang Pang Peng/Pang/Phang Paeng
48 郎 Lang Lang Long Long Lang
49 鲁 Lu Lu Lo Lou Loo Loo/Loh/Lu Noh
50 韦 Wei Wei Wai Wai Wai/Wei/Vei Vi
51 昌 Chang Chang Cheung Cheong Cheong/Chang/Cang Xuong
52 马 Ma Ma Ma Ma Beh / Mah / Mha / Ma Ma Ma
53 苗 Miao Miao Miu Mio
54 凤 Feng Feng Fung Fong Fong
55 花 Hua Hua Fa Fa Faa/Fah/Fha Hoa
56 方 Fang Fang Fong Fong Pung / Fang / Fong / Phun / Huong Phuong Bang
57 俞 Yu Yu Yu U Je / Yii You/Yu
58 任 Ren Jen Yam Iam Yam/Ngam/Yim/Ngieng/Ngiam Nham Rim/Yim
59 袁 Yuan Yuan Yuen Un / Iun Yuan / Yuen / Ngen Vien Won
60 柳 Liu Liu Lau Lao Liew/Liu/Lew Lieu You/Yu/Ryu
61 酆 Feng Feng Fung Fong
62 鮑 Bao Pao Pau Pao
63 史 Shi Shih Sze Si Sa
64 唐 Tang Tang Tong Tong Thang / Thong / Tang / Tong / Thong Duong
65 費讀「秘」 Pei Pei Pei Pai
66 廉 Lian Lien Lim Lim
67 岑 Cen Tsen Sum / Shum Sam Sim
68 薛 Xue Hsueh Sit Sit Sik / Sit / Silk Seol/Sul
69 雷 Lei Lei Lui Loi Lui / Looi / Lewe / Lei
70 賀 He Ho Ho Ho Hor/Hoo
71 倪 Ni Ni Ngai Ngai Geh / Nga / Ngam
72 湯 Tang Tang Tong Tong Thong / Tang / Thang
73 滕 Teng Teng Tang Tang Thang
74 殷 Yin Yin Yan Ian Yam / Ngam
75 罗 Luo Lo Law / Lo Lo Lo / Lau / Low / Loh La Rah/Na
76 毕 Bi Pi But Pat Tat
77 郝 Hao Hao Kok
78 邬 Wu Wu Wu Vu / Wu Woo / Voo / Woh / Wu / Vu O
79 安 An An On On An An / Ahn
80 常 Chang Chang Sheung Seong
[编辑] 百家姓81-120
中文 中國大陸 台灣 香港 澳門 新加坡 馬來西亞 越南 韩国
81 乐 讀「洛」或「惡」 Yue Yueh Lok/ Ok Lok/ Ok
82 于 Yu Yu Yu U
83 时 Shi Shih See / Sze Si
84 傅 Fu Fu Foo Fu Fu/Foo/Foh
85 皮 Pi Pi Pei Pei
86 卞 Bian Pien Pin Pin Byun
87 齐 Qi Chi Chai Chai
88 康 Kang Kang Hong Hong Gang/Kang
89 伍 Wu Wu Ng Ng Ng Ng/Ngo/Ngoh/Wu/Wuh/Woo
90 余 Yu Yu Yu U Yee/Tsia/Tse
91 元 Yuan Yuan Yuen Un / Iun
92 卜 Bu Pu Puk Pok/Puu
93 顾 Gu Ku Koo Ku Koe
94 孟 Meng Meng Mang Mang Mang/Meng Maeng
95 平 Ping Ping Ping Peng
96 黄 Huang Huang Wong Vong / Wong Bong / Boong / Ng / Ong / Ooi / Wong / Wee Hwang
97 和 He Ho Wo Vo Hoo/Woh/Woo/Wo Hwa
98 穆 Mu Mu Muk
99 萧 Xiao Hsiao Shiu / Siu Sio Seow/Siew/Siau/Siaw/Sew/Siu/Seu
100 尹 Yin Yin Wan Wan Yoon
101 姚 Yao Yao Yiu Io Yeo Yeo / Yeoh / Yew / Yow
102 邵 Shao Shao Siu / Shiu Sio Shaw Shao/Shaw/Sao/Shau
103 湛 Zhan Chan Cham
104 汪 Wang Wang Wong Vong / Wong Wang/Wong/Vang
105 祁 Qi Chi Kei
106 毛 Mao Mao Mo Mou Bo / Boo / Moh / Moo Mo
107 禹 Yu Yu Yu U
108 狄 Di Ti Tik / Dick Tek
109 米 Mi Mi Mai Mai
110 贝 Bei Pei Pui Pui
111 明 Ming Ming Ming Meng Myeong /Myung
112 臧 Zang Tsang Chong
113 计 Ji Chi Kai Kai
114 伏 Fu Fu Fuk Fok
115 成 Cheng Cheng Shing / Sing Seng Sang/Shang//Tshan/Tshang Sung/ Seong
116 戴 Dai Tai Tai Tai Tai/Thai/Dai/Dhai
117 谈 Tan Tan Tam Tam
118 宋 Song Sung Sung Song Song Shong/Song/Sung Song
119 茅 Mao Mao Mau Mao
120 庞 Pang Pang Pong Pong Phong/Pong/Pang
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korelist · 1 year
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb puanı :7,4 Benim puanım:  7
Drama: Today's Webtoon
Hangul: 오늘의 웹툰
Director: Jo Soo-Won, Kim Young-Hwan
Writer: Naoko Matsuda (manga), Jo Ye-Rang, Lee Jae-Eun
Date: 2022
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Kim Se-Jeong, Daniel Choi, Nam Yoon-Soo, Park Ho-San, Kim Kap-Soo, Lim Chul-Soo, Ko Chang-Seok, Hwang Young-Hee, Yoon Seo-A
Webtoon uyarlaması webtoon konulu bir dizi! İsmi ve konusu bile kulağa şahane geliyor. Beni gerçekten heyecanlandıran bir diziydi. Üstelik başrolünde Kim Se-Jeong’un oynaması da ekstra bonus oldu. Gel gelelim beklentimi tam karşıladığını söyleyemeyeceğim. Evet kötü değildi, keyifle izledim ama bir şeyler eksik bir diziydi.
Dizi; Judo milli takımından geçirdiği bir sakatlık nedeni ile ayrılan On Ma-Eum(Kim Se-Jeong)’un çeşitli işlerde dikiş tutturmaya çalışmasını anlatarak başlıyor. Kızımız çizgi roman/kafe işleten bir aileye sahip. Babası On Ki-Bong(Ko Chang-Seok), annesi Hwang Mi-Ok(Hwang Young-Hee) ve kız kardeşi On Nu-Ri(Yoon Seo-A) ile beraber yaşamaktadır. Yarı zamanlı çalıştığı bir lokantada paket servis yaparken bir webtoon yayın evinde iş başvurusunda bulunur. Aileden gelen webtoon aşkı iş bulmasının sevinci ile ikiyle çarpılmış oluyor.
Sözleşmeli çalışan olarak işe alınan iki kişiden biridir ve 1 yılın sonunda 1 kişi anlaşmalı olarak kadroya katılacaktır. Yani aslında bir nevi diğer yeni başlayan Goo Jun-Yeong(Nam Yoon-Soo) ile de rekabet içindedir. Ayrıca Jun-Yeong, Ma-Eum’un aksine webtoonlardan hiç anlamaz ve ilgisini de çekmemektedir ama okul birincilikleri ve notları onu bir adım öne çıkarmaya yetmiştir. Dizinin konusu; çizerler, teslim tarihleri ve şirketin maddi durumu arasında gidip gelen bir üçgenin içinde dönmektedir. Departman müdürü Jang Man-Cheol karakteri ile Park Ho-San’ı izlemek bence diziyi izlemeye yeterli bir sebep olabilir. Diziye şahane bir hava katmıştı.
Ana çizer kadrosu ve oyuncu seçimi de bir o kadar güzel yapılmıştı. Lim Chul-Soo’u gördüğüme oldukça sevindim ve karakteri Na Gang-Nam ile inanılmaz eğlendim. Öte yandan dizinin sıkıcı kişisel gelişim kitaplarını andıran sürekli mesaj içeren dramatik bir yanının olması o kadarda tatlı değildi. Her olay bir mesaj içeriyordu, her sorun bir güzellikle bitiyordu. Sorunların çözülmesinde gidiş yolunun beklenmedik seçimleri bir tık ilginçleştirse de “hayat bize hep yeni kapılar açar” şeklinde bir kamu spotu izlemek bir süre sonra sıkıcı gelmeye başlıyor.
Ve romantizm. Yok ki 😊 beklentiye bile girmeyin. Romantik hiçbir şey yok dizide. Hiç yeltenmemişler. Yani benim diziyi izlerken “şimdi bir şey olacak” hissiyatım ve hayal kırıklığım 12.bölüme kadar devam etti. Sonra pes ettim. Böyle de izlemek yorucu valla, yapmayın. Bilin ki romantik bir şey yok. Yan rollerde dahi yok. Romantizm yerine arkadaşlıktır ne bileyim vefa borcudur, efendime söyleyeyim abiliktir, babalıktır gibi daha dostane duygulara yer verilmiş. Yani bu duygular güzel değil demiyorum. Bunlarda güzel tabi ki ama şimdi tatlı bir kalp çarpıntısı ekleselerdi daha da güzel olmaz mıydı? Bence çok da müsaitti. Dizide bolca sevgi vardı. Ofis ekibi dostluk arkadaşlık için dev örnekti. Ebeveynler sevginin kralını gösteriyordu. Kimse seni seviyorum demiyordu ama herkes birbirini çok seviyordu.
Yine de bu kadar hayat dersini bir araya toplamadan biraz daha hareketli bir dizi olsaydı güzel olurdu dedim. Ve diziyi doğru bir ruh hali ile izlemek gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Tam olmasa da “Slice of life” modunuz açıkken izlerseniz bence seversiniz.
O.When - We Know
Raven Melus
0 notes
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Here’s some of the voice actors voicing the 27th episode! Geumsaegi - Won Jeong Suk Juldarami & Mulmangcho - Lim Bok Hee Oegwipari - Gwon Nyeong Ju Bamsaegi - Lim Un Yeong
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ms-interpretation · 4 years
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Lee Lim’s appointment with death? (Time travel ep 14/15 theory)
In episode 14 Lee Gon and Lee Lim both travel back in time. They can do so because they ”meet up” in the in-between. Their pieces of the Manpasikjeok align and it therefore momentarily becomes whole. Their gates thus become portals to the past.
Lee Lim arrives an hour before the coup attempt and promptly makes his way to warn his younger self of the crown prince, since he now knows that grown-up Lee Gon will be the mysterious savior who interrupts his attempt to steal the Manpasikjeok. He therefore tells his younger self that he should make his way to the crown prince’s room and murder him. Past Lee Lim scoffs in disbelief over the fact that the 8-year old prince will manage to stop him, exhibiting one of his fatal flaws: his extreme arrogance. Utterly unimpressed by his future self and filled with greed (his other flaw) he kills his future self and takes his flute piece (which however disintegrates in his hands). It is important to remember that Lee Lim doesn’t really understand how the Manpasikjeok or time travel works. He doesn’t even really try to figure anything out. Lee Gon is the opposite, being a mathematician who is continuously trying to work out the science and rules behind the seemingly supernatural elements.
My theory (which is kinda crazy and probably wrong) is: When Lee Lim kills his future self, he is actually (or at least risking) condemning himself to death. Why? First the rules of TK:EM time travel: The time travel in TK:EM isn’t closed or fixed, meaning that the time travelers can change the past (and future) even if it ends up conflicting with past events/their past memories. Doing so doesn’t mean that they simply ’un-write’ their current selves either. This is established when Lee Gon and Tae-eul finally meet again in episode 15. They have new memories, they both know that these memories are new, which indicates that they haven’t forgotten their old ones (how would they otherwise know which memories are new or that their memories are different at all?).
I sometimes call this kind of time travel ’Overlapping Time Travel’ or alternatively ’Merging Memories Time Travel’. Past events aren’t easily ’unwritten’, instead the changes the time traveler caused will create a new time line which overlaps with the old one, resulting in that the people affected (or only the time traveler) will have two time lines/sets of memories in their head. This is what happens to Lee Gon and Tae-eul.
This kind of time travel does however still come with a lot of risks, since the past can be changed. This means that Lee Gon could have failed in saving himself during the Night of Treason (him remembering that he succeeded is no guarantee). If he had failed he might have died as a kid and subsequently been ’erased’ as an adult. This is the fate of Lee Lim in episode 16, as he vanishes in the in-between because Lee Gon kills his past self.
Now to the important part: Lee Gon knows that he is the savior because he saw himself as a child. This realization at the end of episode 13 is what prompts him into action (as well as the sound of the flute which calls out to him in ep 14). This realization is what prompts him to fulfill his role as the savior. Doing so he preserves the time line he has been living through, since he makes sure that things plays out as he remembers them. If he hadn’t he might have simply died back in 1994, and the time line would most likely be erased. The information he obtained as a child: seeing his future self save him, is important and is an essential causal link in this time line since it is what prompts Lee Gon to save himself (and thus survive).
Contrast this with Past Lee Lim (or Lee Lim 2.0). He gains some new information which his future self didn’t have until recently: that the crown prince will be the one who stops him. Therefore this version of him will never have that moment of realization by the river (ep 13) and he will not become the self he kills. Lee Gon becomes the savior self he remembered seeing as a kid, Lee Lim kills his future self after having received new information he previously didn’t have. Lee Gon’s actions preserve the time line, while it seems that Lee Lim’s must be about to change it.
If ’Past Lee Lim’ wishes to maintain/remember this new information and preserve the time line he is now living in, which is different from the one Lee Gon and (Future) Lee Lim (1.0) have been experiencing, he must make sure that he will still receive this information at about the same time. Why? Because otherwise he will change/the time line he has lived through will change. He absolutely must gain this information in some way and the only way of doing so is seemingly to (at some point) time travel back to his past and tell his past self. Why must he do this (again)? Because he has changed too much, he will never become the Lee Lim who he murdered. That Lee Lim (1.0) is therefore erased from time and his actions are ’un-written’. Contrast this with Lee Gon who merely fulfilled what he already saw happen and is therefore the same person, his actions stand.
However Lee Lim knows, from his own experience, that his past self will most likely kill him if he simply plays out the situation in the same way. Therefore one could claim that he has a future appointment with death. Because he still needs to share this piece of essential information, since it plays a causal part in how he acts. If he doesn’t he will be, if not ’unwritten’, at least ’re-written’. This might be what happened to the majority of characters after the time reset in ep 16, since Lee Gon and Jo Yeong changed the past so drastically. People are ’re-written’, the previous time line/past ‘unwritten’ events still affects them (even if they cannot remember them), this could be why Eun-sup is more confident and is working for the NIS.
However seeing how Lee Gon and Tae-eul changed their past and still remained the same people (only gaining new memories) Lee Lim could hypothetically in his own personal future simply: time travel back, share the essential information, and just make sure he doesn’t die. This would most likely cause him to simply have two sets of memories from that encounter, as he would ’overwrite’ his killed future self’s actions (similar to how there are two different versions of Lee Gon’s and Tae-eul’s first meeting, the latter ‘overwriting’ the former). Thus maintaining the new time line which was created due to the new information he was given. 
In episode 15/16 the fact is that he could hypothetically at some point in the future time travel back to his past is probably why the time line isn’t simply disintegrating or breaking apart in ep 15/16. He must do it at some point though, similar to how Lee Gon (or someone else) must save young Lee Gon as a child.
It wouldn’t surprise me though if Lee Lim doesn’t realize this himself. In episode 15/16 he is simply again trying to get hold of Lee Gon’s piece of the Manpasikjeok. Maybe if he did gain access to the whole Manpasikjeok he could save himself in another way, through its magic. My theory also entails that if Lee Gon and Jo Yeong didn’t go back in time and change the past, killing Lee Lim or if Lee Lim never travels back in time to share this essential information with his past self - their current time line (ep. 15/16) will most likely break apart. 
Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise me if I’ve just made the time travel in TK:EM a lot more complicated than it actually is haha. But I wanted to share this theory anyway, so I hope some of you find it interesting and feel very free to disagree about my conclusions. 
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cherryblosblog · 4 years
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TKEM episode 9 
Throughout the episode the duality of LG killed me, like literally. In all the episodes so far we always saw a soft LG, he cared for his loved ones joked around them and always came out a soft king more then a person who had a lot of trauma in the past. 
The one thing I love about this drama is that the revenge aspect of LG is so strong and meaningful, it just isn't just like some past; instead it is a feeling that he killed his father, not a king. Episode 9 has finally set stage for the upcoming revenge/ drama that is to unfold in the upcoming episodes.
The main points of the episodes that I absolutely swooned over and loved were
1. LG and TE chemistry and cuteness, like after a really long time we see a the main lead character male un-bashfully woo his lady and has no shame about it and show heart eyes when ever he sees her and always want to protect her but at the same time give her space because he trusts her. 
Also he left Jo-yeong in her world, knowing that Lee-lim has a eye on Sin-jae, thus also dragging her in his perspective, SO basically this man is out here clearly stating that I can protect myself, and I know you can to but I am still pulling this move. 
The man wears her scarf for crying out loud, on New years so he can cope feeling that she there with him, please what else can need for man 😍😍😍
2. Eun-seop and Jo yeong swap and hi jinks, was everything in this epsiode, I swear Eun-seap can’t keep a straight face to save his life and Na-ri in TE’s world dislikes Jo yeong’s style which is hilarious🤣🤣.  
3. LG fury and angst especially with glasses has officially become my type, like the amount of looks LG has served in this episode itself was mind blowing. The end scene when he LG said Lee- lim’s name out loud had my toes curling, I played it on loop guys, ON LOOP for crying out loud. 
But the Most important thing from this episode is that Time travelling is Possible guys that 2022 video has just a peak and that yo-yo boy has a deeper meaning then shown I feel. 
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tinworldcup888 · 3 years
tin worldcup888: Soi kèo Velez vs Union, 6h15 7/9 dự đoán kết quả vòng 10
Tỷ lệ kèo Pohang Steelers vs Daegu
ty le keo Pohang Steelers vs Daegu
Soi kèo Pohang Steelers vs Daegu
Pohang Steelers hiện tại không có được phong độ tốt nhất. Trong 10 trận gần nhất, họ chỉ giành được vỏn vẹn 3 chiến thắng và nhận 4 thất bại. Thành tích này khiến họ bị tụt lại quá xa trong cuộc đua ngôi đầu bảng.
Tuy nhiên, đánh giá quá thấp Pohang Steelers ở thời điểm hiện tại vẫn là điều hết sức sai lầm. Cần biế rằng, họ vẫn đang duy trì được sự gắn kết giữa các vị trí trong đội hình. Tập thể này sẵn sàng làm khó bất cứ đối thủ nào. Chiến thắng ngay trên sân nhà của đội nhì bảng Jeonbuk vừa qua chính là tín hiệu cho thấy Pohang Steelers s�� sớm bùng nổ trở lại.
Xem thêm: Kèo World Cup 2022
soi keo chau a Pohang Steelers vs Daegu
Bên kia chiến tuyến, Daegu thậm chí còn đang ở trong tình cảnh éo le hơn đối thủ. Trong 8 trận gần nhất, họ chỉ giành được vỏn vẹn 2 chiến thắng và nhận đến 5 thất bại. Ngay cả những Gwangju hay Gangwon đang nằm ở phía cuối của bảng xếp hạng cũng có thể hạ gục tập thể này. Thật không quá khi nói rằng, Daegu ở thời điểm hiện tại công không nổi mà thủ cũng không xong.
Chọn Pohang Steelers
Soi kèo châu Âu Pohang Steelers vs Daegu
soi keo chau au Pohang Steelers vs Daegu
Căn cứ vào tình hình hiện tại, rõ ràng Pohang Steelers đang nắm nhiều cơ hội giành chiến thắng hơn đối thủ rất nhiều. Ít nhất, họ vẫn đang chơi gắn kết thay vì rệu rã như đội khách. Sân nhà của tập thể này cũng hoàn toàn không phải nơi dễ chịu. Trong 11 trận gần nhất chơi tại đây, Pohang Steelers chỉ phải nhận đúng 1 thất bại. Trong khi đó, Daegu đã thua 4/5 chuyến hành quân gần nhất.
Chọn Pohang Steelers thắng trận
Soi kèo tài xỉu Pohang Steelers vs Daegu
soi keo tai xiu Pohang Steelers vs Daegu
Hệ thống phòng ngự của Daegu không hề chắc chắn một chút nào. Họ đã thủng lưới 2 bàn/trận trong 4/5 trận sân khách gần nhất. Đây chính là cơ hội tuyệt vời để các chân sút của Pohang Steelers cải thiện hiệu suất ghi bàn. Mặt khác, chủ nhà cũng không sạch lưới trong 5/7 trận gần nhất.
Chọn Tài
Đội hình dự kiến Pohang Steelers vs Daegu
Pohang Steelers: Kang Hyeon-Mu , Grant, Gwon Wan-Gyu, Jeon Min-Gwang, Oh Beom-Seok, Sin Jin-Ho, Lee Seung-Mo, Park Seung-Wook, Go Young-Joon, Lim Sang-Hyub, Palacios.
Daegu: Choi Yeong-Eun, Kim Jin-Hyuk, Hong Jeong-Un, Jeong Tae-Wook, Lee Jin-Yong, Lee Yong-Rae, Hwang Soon-Min, Bruno Lamas, Jeong Seung-Won, Edgar Silva, Jeong Chi-In.
Phong độ gần đây Pohang Steelers vs Daegu
Pohang Steelers bất bại trong 5/6 lần gần nhất tiếp đón Daegu trên sân nhà và giành 3 chiến thắng.
Daegu không tịt ngòi trong 4/5 trận gần nhất gặp Pohang Steelers.
Dự đoán tỷ số Pohang Steelers vs Daegu: 2-1
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sexy-lee-min-woo · 7 years
Lee Min Woo Credits
Korean Music Copyright Association
Minwoo (W0512900) (LEE MIN WOO; M) 73 Copyrighted Songs
♥ Shinhwa - Free (Perfect Man, 2002) [FREE - 001000100239] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo
♥ Lee Min Woo - Intro (Un-Touch-Able, 2003) [INTRO - 001001073497] Written by Lee Min Woo, Eric, Kim Do Hyun; Composed by Lee Min Woo; Arranged by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - Punch (Un-Touch-Able, 2003) [PUNCH - 001001072519] Written by Kim Do Hyun; Composed by Lee Min Woo; Arranged by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - Sweet Girl (Un-Touch-Able, 2003) [SWEET GIRL - 001000101262] Written by Kim Do Hyun, Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kim Do Hyun; Arranged by Kim Do Hyun
♥ Shinhwa - U (Brand New, 2004) [U - 001001077291] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by M.A.R.S 1; Arranged by M.A.R.S 1 ♥ Shinhwa - Oh! (Brand New, 2004) [OH! - 001001077294] Written by Lee Min Woo, Sin Hye Sung; Composed by Lee Min Woo; Arranged by Lee Min Woo ♥ Shinhwa - All of My... (Brand New, 2004) [ALL OF MY... - 001001077296] Written by Lee Min Woo, Brian Kim; Composed by Lee Min Woo; Arranged by Lee Min Woo
♥ Jewelry - Superstar (2005) [SUPERSTAR - 001001082208] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Park Keun Tae; Arranged by Park June Ho, Park Sung Jun ♥ Lyn - Sunshine (Feat. Eric) (2005) [SUNSHINE - 001001087747;SUNSHINE - 001001085439] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo; Arranged by Lee Min Woo ♥ Shin Hye Sung ft Tsuyoshi Kusanagi - Sky (Let's Go to the Beach OST, 2005) [HA NEUL (YEONG WEON HAN SA RANG ) - 001001087609] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Hwang Seong Je ♥ Shinhwa - Oh! New Club-mix Ver. (SHINWHA SUMMER STORY 2005) [OH! NEW CLUB-MIX VER - 001001087409] Written by Lee Min Woo, Sin Hye Sung; Composed by Lee Min Woo; Arranged by Kim Do Hyun ♥ Lee Min Woo - Fighter (IInd Winds, 2005) [FIGHTER - 001001088153] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kim Do Hyun; Arranged by Kim Do Hyun ♥ Lee Min Woo - Mirage (IInd Winds, 2005) [SIN GI RU - 001001088154] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - Bump!!! (IInd Winds, 2005) [BUMP - 001001088151] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. Tablo of Epik High - Let Me Love You (IInd Winds, 2005) [LET ME LOVE YOU - 001001088156] Written by Lee Min Woo, David Kim; Composed by Ryu Hyoung Sup; Arranged by Ryu Hyoung Sup ♥ Lee Min Woo - Sometimes (IInd Winds, 2005) [SOMETIMES - 001001088149] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Teddy Yoon; Arranged by Teddy Yoon ♥ Lee Min Woo - Battle (Jump! Jump!) (IInd Winds, 2005) [BATTLE - 001001088155] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - L.U.V. (IInd Winds, 2005) [L.U.V - 001001088157] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kim Do Hyun; Arranged by Kim Do Hyun
♥ Shinhwa - Paradise (State of the Art, 2006) [PARADISE - 001001099276; PARADISE(8TH ALBUM STATE OF THE ART - 001001111115] Written by Lee Min Woo, David Kim; Composed by Jang Jun Ho; Arranged by Jang Jun Ho
♥ Kim Dong Wan feat Eric Mun - My Love (2007) [MY LOVE(FEAT.E RIG ) - 001001119589] Written by Eric, Brian Kim; Composed by ; Arranged by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. Eric - Showdown (Explore M, 2007) [SHOWDOWN - 001001120180] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. Tablo - The 'M' Style (Explore M, 2007) [THE M STYLE - 001001120181] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - Boy Friend (Explore M, 2007) [BOY FRIEND - 001001120182] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. Dyna-Mic - Stomp (Explore M, 2007) [STOMP - 001001120183] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - Pretty Woman (Explore M, 2007) [PRETTY WOMAN - 001001120188] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kim Ji Woong; Arranged by Kim Ji Woong ♥ Lee Min Woo - One Last Cry (Explore M, 2007) [ONE LAST CRY - 001001120189] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Jang Jun Ho; Arranged by Jang Jun Ho ♥ Lee Min Woo - L.O.V.E. (Explore M, 2007) [L.O.V.E - 001001120190] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kim Do Hyun ♥ Lee Min Woo - My Child (98/03/24) (Explore M, 2007) [MY CHILD - 001001120191] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - Explore 'M' (Explore M, 2007) [EXPLORE M - 001001124425] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Wonder Girls - Move (feat. Lee Min Woo) (2007) [MOVE - 001001123480] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo; Arranged by Lee Min Woo
♥ Lee Min Woo with C-Luv - Love is Two Beautiful Letters (The Sentimental Reason, 2008) [SA RANG I RAN YE PEUN DU GEUL JA - 001001131347] Written by Lee Min Woo, Kim Tae Wan; Composed by Kim Do Hyun; Arranged by Kim Do Hyun, Noneun Eorini ♥ Lee Min Woo - Back to the Funk — M's Life (The Sentimental Reason, 2008) [BACK TO THE FUNK-M'S LIFE - 001001131349] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by A.K ♥ Shinhwa - Run (Volume 9, 2008) [RUN - 001001134499] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Shinhwa - So In Love (Volume 9, 2008) [SO IN LOVE - 001001134502] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho; Arranged by Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho ♥ Shinhwa - Destiny of Love (Volume 9 White Edition, 2008) [HEUN JEOG (DESTINY OF LOVE) - 001001139021] Written by Sin Hye Sung; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ V.O.S - Beautiful Life (2008) [BEAUTIFUL LIFE - 001001136527; BEAUTIFUL LIFE(CONCERT VER.) - 001001136536] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Roz; Arranged by Roz/Lee Sang Ho ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. Mighty Mouth - I 'M' U (M Rizing, 2008) [I"M"U - 001001143070] Written by Lee Min Woo, Lee Hyun Do; Composed by Lee Min Woo, Lee Hyun Do; Arranged by Lee Hyun Do, Donnie Jang ♥ Lee Min Woo - Forgive (, ) [YONG SEO HAE - 001001143072] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho; Arranged by Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. Son Dam-bi - Hot! (M Rizing, 2008) [HOT - 001001143075] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho; Arranged by Lee Min Woo, Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho ♥ Lee Min Woo - Wonderful Life (M Rizing, 2008) [MEOS JIN IN SAING - 001001143077] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. BigTone - Masquerade (M Rizing, 2008) [GA MYEON MU DO HOI - 001001143078] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - Wink Show (M Rizing, 2008) [WING KHEU SYO - 001001143079] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho; Arranged by Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. Yubin of Wonder Girls - Honey Pickup (M Rizing, 2008) [HONEYKO SI GI - 001001143081] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho; Arranged by Kwon Tae Eun, Jang Jun Ho ♥ Lee Min Woo - Sad Song (M Rizing, 2008) [SAD SONG - 001001143082] Written by Lee Min Woo, Lee Young Jun; Composed by Lee Young Jun
♥ Lee Min Woo - Minnovation (Minnovation, 2009) [MINNOVATION - 007000005263] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - Love Me Ice Cream (Minnovation, 2009) [LOVE ME ICE CREAM - 007000005264] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Jong Suk, C Kim Ryan ♥ Lee Min Woo - Summer Time (Minnovation, 2009) [SUMMER TIME - 007000005265] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Young Jun; Arranged by Lee Young Jun ♥ Lee Min Woo - Masquerade [Outsidaz Club Remix] (Minnovation, 2009) [GA MYEON MU DO HOI (OUTSIDAZ CLUB REMIX) - 007000005267] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo ♥ Lee Min Woo - The 'M' Style [BK Remix] (Minnovation, 2009) [THE M STYLE (BK REMIX) - 007000005268] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lee Min Woo
♥ Teen Top - Tell Me Why (2011) [TELL ME WHY - 100000201035] Written by Lee Min Woo, Melody9; Composed by Lee Min Woo, Melody9; Arranged by Lee Min Woo, Melody9
♥ Shinhwa - Venus (The Return, 2012) [VENUS - 100000267181] Written by Lee Min Woo, Andrew Jackson(PRS), Thompson Joshua, Roudette-Muschamp Gandalf Louis; Composed by Andrew Jackson(PRS), Thompson Joshua, Roudette-Muschamp Gandalf Louis ♥ Shinhwa - Red Carpet (The Return, 2012) [RED CARPET - 100000267103] Written by Lee Min Woo, Brian Kim; Composed by Lee Min Woo, Kim Do Hyun ♥ Shinhwa - Stay (The Return, 2012) [STAY - 100000267105] Written by Lee Min Woo, Melody9; Composed by Lee Min Woo, Melody9 ♥ Shinhwa - Be My Love (The Return, 2012) [BE MY LOVE - 100000267110] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Seo Jae Ha, Lee Renaud Eugene; Arranged by Lee Renaud Eugene ♥ 4Minute - Femme Fatale (2012) [FEMME FATALE - 100000291358] Written by Lee Min Woo, David Kim; Composed by Kim Do Hyun
♥ Shinhwa - That's Right (The Classic, 2013) [GEU RAI - 100000512400] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kim Do Hyun ♥ Shinhwa - New Me (The Classic, 2013) [NEW ME - 100000518434] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Lim Kwang Wook, Andrew Choi ♥ Shinhwa - Hurricane (The Classic, 2013) [HURRICANE - 100000515914] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kim Young Hu, Waermoe Samuel Per Harry, Vadadi Robert Zsolt ♥ Shinhwa - I Gave You (The Classic, 2013) [I GAVE YOU - 100000512406] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Melody9
♥ Lee Min Woo - Love Supreme (M+Ten, 2014) [LOVE SUPREME - 100000608777] Written by Lee Min Woo, Brian Kim, Johanson Fred, Aberg Ingemar Rune Lennart, Olsson Stefan Douglas Hay, Adams Ben; Composed by Johansson Fredrik, Aberg Ingemar Rune Lennart, Olsson Stefan Douglas Hay, Adams Ben ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. Eric - Taxi (M+Ten, 2014) [TAXI - 100000609563] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Kim Ryan, Chris Golightly, Lee Anthony Jongsuk ♥ Lee Min Woo - Kiss It Away (M+Ten, 2014) [KISS IT AWAY - 100000614549] Written by Lee Min Woo, Brian Kim; Composed by Cantrall Alexander V, Hoeppner Jeffrey Scott, Audino Nicholas Valentino, Hughes Lewis Beresford, Dylan Solomon
♥ Shinhwa - Alright (We, 2015) [ALRIGHT - 100000850686] Written by Lee Min Woo, Gray, Casper, Chase Vincent Malone; Composed by Gray, Casper, Chase Vincent Malone ♥ Shinhwa - Give It 2 Me (We, 2015) [GIVE IT 2 ME - 100000845676] Written by Lee Min Woo, David Kim; Composed by Kim Do Hyun ♥ Shinhwa - I'm in Love (We, 2015) [I'M IN LOVE - 100000845678] Written by Lee Min Woo, Kim Tae Wan, David Kim, Won Young Heon, Dong Ne Hyeong; Composed by Kim Tae Wan, Won Young Heon, Dong Ne Hyeong ♥ Yeo Eun & Sophia Pae - Superstar (Jewelry cover) (King of Masked Singer, 2015) [SUPER STAR - 100001131067] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Park Keun Tae; Arranged by Phat Music1, Phat Music2, Phat Music3 ♥ Lee Min Woo feat. Geragida - Breathe (, ) [SUM GYEOL (BREATHE) - 100001268358] Written by Lee Min Woo, Kim Do Hyun; Composed by Lee Min Woo, Sammy, Kim Do Hyun; Arranged by Kim Do Hyun
♥ Shinhwa - Like a Star (Unchanging, 2016) [BYEOL - 100001486239] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Yoo Jong Woon, Park Sang Jun ♥ Shinhwa - #Chocolat (Unchanging, 2016) [#CHOCOLAT - 100001486240] Written by Lee Min Woo; Composed by Nicholas Kim, Joo-hyun Kim, Kim Do Hyun
♥ Shinhwa - Tonight (Unchanging, 2017) [TONIGHT - 100001504717] Written by Lee Min Woo, Brian Kim; Composed by Lee Min Woo, Chase, Lim Kwang Wook, Kim Ryan, Lee Anthony Jongsuk, Stone Sam
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sidigame20g · 4 years
07-13 15:25[PRNewswire] Viet Solutions 2020-una competencia para productos digitales /
07-13 15:25Los concejales de Bucheon "renuncian al presidente que robó 700,000 wones del cajero automático" (total)
07-13 15:25Rep. Jeon Jae-soo, "Es correcto no dar un candidato para el Partido Demócrata por el alcalde de Busan".
07-13 15:25Solicite un seguro móvil sin instalar la aplicación ...KB Sonbo'Smart Billing '
07-13 15:24Controversia sobre las máscaras de bandas de rock estadounidenses y las calles sociales
07-13 15:24[Yonggwang News] Vacaciones de verano estudiante universitario trabajo a tiempo parcial
07-13 15:24Academia Militar, reclutando 81 estudiantes nuevos para el 20
07-13 15:24Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction-Western Power Plant y Korea Combined Cycle Power Plant Model Development Promotion
07-13 15:23Encontramos una caja de bombas militares de alta tecnología en el área residencial de Cheongju
07-13 15:22La empresa estadounidense de semiconductores ADI negocia la fusión con el competidor Maxim 2 billones de wones
07-13 15:21Ofensiva integrada 'Baekseonyeop Halldae' ...Asesoramiento presidencial / solicitud de silla de montar de Seúl (total)
07-13 15:21Luchando por 'Arroz batidor que Yeombul'
07-13 15:20El comité de deliberación de investigación del reportero del Canal A no convoca el 'Nombramiento de la libertad condicional'.
07-13 15:20Hae-young Kim, la primera disculpa entre los líderes del partido gobernante ..."No puedo hacer 2º" (Completo)
07-13 15:20Daegu Technical High School, Yeungnam Technical High School, Choil High School, seleccionada como escuela secundaria especializada por el Ministerio de Defensa Nacional
07-13 15:18Revisión de la introducción del crucero costero utilizando los recursos de la isla Jeonnam
07-13 15:1859 universidades 'tiros aplicables' a la Universidad de Harvard y el MIT contra Trump
07-13 15:17Bomberos rescatados incluso en días libres ...Rescata a un vecino en crisis en el tercer piso
07-13 15:17[PRNewswire] Cosmopack y Cosmoprof Asia 2020 celebradas en una sala de exposiciones
07-13 15:17[Noticias de Gochang] Seonunsan Biodiversity Exploration Campaign celebrada a principios de septiembre
07-13 15:16Casamia lanza la plataforma de distribución de muebles en línea 'Good Com.'
07-13 15:16"Aumente el costo de envío" Elimine la placa del transportador Chungju Remicon
07-13 15:16[Dirección óptica] El fabricante de máscaras dona 40,000 máscaras a la Oficina de Educación de Gwangju
07-13 15:15Organización local en Seo-gu, Incheon "Se debe presentar un plan de terminación especial para el sitio de recuperación del área metropolitana"
07-13 15:15"Superando a Corona" ...Evento cultural 'en contacto' de la Corporación Ferroviaria Urbana de Gwangju
solutions-is call for application (HANOI, Vietnam, 13 de julio de 2020 PR ...
(Bucheon = Yonhap News) Reportero Sohn Hyun-gyu = Los miembros del consejo de la ciudad de Bucheon en la provincia de Gyeonggi renunciaron como presidente del presidente del consejo de la ciudad, Dong-hyeon Lee ...
"Los candidatos independientes del partido demócrata están 'comprometidos' ... para asegurarse de morir esta vez y aspirar a las próximas elecciones" (Busan = Yonhap News)
(Sejong = Yonhap News) La reportera Chae Lim Ha = KB Insurance es un 'KB ...'
Gran aclaración blanca "No fue una posición forzada" (Seúl = Noticias Yonhap) Reportero Hong Jun-suk = Una banda de rock en los Estados Unidos es una distancia social para la audiencia ...
(Yeong-gwang = Yonhap News) Yeonggwang-gun, Jeonnam, dirige un trabajo a tiempo parcial en la universidad de vacaciones de verano del 13 al 7 del mes siguiente.Los militares son los asuntos militares de los estudiantes universitarios ...
▲ La Academia del Ejército anunció el 13 que reclutará a los 81 estudiantes de primer año para el 20.La cuota de reclutamiento es de 290 hombres y 40 mujeres ...
(Seúl = Yonhap News) El periodista Hee-Won Kwon = Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction [034020] y Korea Western Power Co., Ltd. desarrollaron un modelo coreano de central de ciclo combinado e industria de turbinas de gas doméstico ...
(Cheongju = Yonhap News) Reportero Lee Seung-min = Se encontró una caja de almacenamiento militar de alta bomba en una pila de basura en el área residencial de Cheongju, donde los militares y la policía están investigando a la policía ...
(Seúl = Noticias Yonhap) Reportero Kyung-Soo Kyung = La compañía estadounidense de semiconductores 'Analog Devices' (ADI) se está tomando un descanso de la competencia 'Máxima Integrated Products' ...
Jongin Kim "¿Corea es un país normal?"Designado como 'Baekseonyeop Memorial Day' (Seúl = Yonhap News) Reportero Ryu Mina Lee Dong-hwan = El futuro Partido de Unificación es el 13.
Organiza mañana otra vez ...El Partido Demócrata golpea a Hong Nae e intenta armonizarlo.Es improbable que las suturas de conflicto eviten la culpa (Cheongju = Yonhap News) Jeonchang ...
El comité de investigación que solicitó Lee Chul se mantiene de acuerdo con el procedimiento ...Parece que se llevará a cabo este mes (Seúl = Noticias Yonhap) Reportero Sung Do-hyun Kim Gye-yeon = Ministro de Justicia Chu Mi-ae y Yoon Seok-yeol ...
El tablón de anuncios del autor también pidió despedir y retirarse (Seúl = Yonhap News) Reportero Yoomi Lee Gyubin = Además, el líder del Partido Demócrata Hae-Young Kim, el alcalde Park Won-soon, el alcalde de Seúl ...
(Daegu = Yonhap News) Reportero Lim Sang-hyun = La Oficina de Educación de la Ciudad de Daegu dijo que tres escuelas fueron seleccionadas como Daegu High School, Yeongnam High School y Choil High School para especialización militar apoyada por el Ministerio de Defensa Nacional ...
(Muan = Yonhap News) El reportero Yeo Un-chang = Jeonnam-do presentó un pequeño crucero adecuado para las islas dispersas en la provincia para hacer de los recursos de las islas un nuevo recurso turístico ...
Envió opiniones en contra de políticas gubernamentales a tribunales como Yale y Stanford (Seúl = Yonhap News) Reportero Yul Lee = Universidad de Harvard y el Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts (MIT) en los Estados Unidos ...
(Sejong = Yonhap News) Reportero Kim Ki-hoon = Un bombero que estaba de vacaciones encontró a un vecino en peligro de caerse en la terraza del tercer piso de un apartamento ...
-La principal exposición internacional de belleza B2B de Asia, que establece la unidad de la industria (Hong Kong 13 de julio de 2020 PRNewswire = Yonhap News) Bol ...
(Gochang = Yonhap News) Gochang-gun, Jeollabuk-do, llevará a cabo una 'Obra maestra de exploración de biodiversidad' en el Bosque Ecológico Seonunsan del 5 al 6 de septiembre.Poesía con expertos ...
(Seúl = Noticias Yonhap) Reportero Tae-Soo Lee = Casamia abrió una plataforma de distribución de muebles en línea 'Good.com' (guud.com) dirigida a los millennials ...
"Promedio 41,000 wones → 50,000 wones en promedio" ...Suspensión del suministro del sitio de construcción (Chungju = Yonhap News) Reporter Park Jae-cheon = Transporte de concreto premezclado en Chungju, Chungbuk ...
(Gwangju = Yonhap News) El fabricante de máscaras AJ International (CEO Kim Bong) el 13 envió 40,000 máscaras (equivalentes a 20 millones de wones) a la Oficina de Educación de Gwangju ...
(Incheon = Yonhap News) El reportero Hong Hyun-ki = 'The Western Development Council', formado por residentes de Seo-gu, Incheon, etc., hizo una declaración el 13 y compró la capital en 2025 ...
(Gwangju = Yonhap News) El reportero Deokjong Jang = Gwangju Metropolitan Rapid Transit Corporation vino a `` venir ...
0 notes
olivierdemangeon · 5 years
  Un champion de Taekwondo décide d’abandonner définitivement sa carrière de combattant afin de s’occuper pleinement de sa fille. Mais des organisateurs de combats libres veulent absolument qu’il participe à un combat truqué. Pour l’inciter à participer, ils vont kidnapper sa fille bien-aimée…
    C’est dans le cadre de notre « Challenge Steven Seagal » que nous avons visionné ce film. Il s’agit du dix-huitième long-métrage de l’acteur dans sa filmographie.
“Clementine” est un film dramatique d’action sud-coréen, datant de 2004, réalisé par Kim Du-yeong, à qui l’on doit également “Live or Die” (2003). Les acteurs principaux sont Lee Dong-jun, qu’on a pu voir dans “Charisma” (1996), Steven Seagal, qu’on a pu voir dans “Belly of the Beast” (2003), Kim Hye-ri, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Legend of Evil Lake” (2003), Eun Seo-woo, qu’on a pu voir dans “Phone” (2002), Gi Ju-bong, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Spy Gone North” (2018), et Lim Ho, qu’on a pu voir dans “Secret Love” (2010).
Dans les premières minutes, on est amené à croire qu’on est face à un film sur les arts martiaux sportifs, avec un champion de Taekwondo. Mais rapidement, celui-ci décide de raccrocher le kimono, pour devenir inspecteur de police. Il enquête sur des salles de jeux illégales. On bascule, croit-on, dans le film policier. Que nenni, Kim (Lee Dong-jun) se fait virer des forces de l’ordre, car son comportement est trop agressif et ses interrogatoires trop musclés. Le film bascule alors dans une forme de drame. Sa-rang (Eun Seo-woo), la fille de Kim, est omniprésente dans sa vie, et bientôt, il va devoir la confronter à la vérité concernant sa mère, qu’elle croyait morte lors de l’accouchement. Dans le même temps, des promoteurs véreux veulent organiser un combat truqué entre Kim et Jack Miller (Steven Seagal), le champion en titre du combat en cage. Ils ne vont pas hésiter à kidnapper Sa-rang afin de faire pression sur Kim pour qu’il accepte leurs conditions…
Alors il faut être bien clair, les personnages sont tout simplement ridicules. Et la distribution est faible, ce qui n’arrange rien. Lee Dong-jun incarne un homme colérique qui pense que la seule manière de régler un conflit, c’est par les coups-de-poing. Il se lamente sur son sort à travers l’alcool plutôt que de s’occuper de sa fille. C’est d’ailleurs plutôt la petite SaRang qui s’occupe de son père. C’est son héros, elle veut même se marier avec lui quand elle sera plus âgée. Bien que vendu comme étant un film de Steven Seagal, ce dernier doit totaliser une dizaine de minutes à l’écran, ce qui s’apparente à une escroquerie. Son personnage est totalement caricatural, et sa prestation en terme d’arts martiaux est lamentable, de plus, on peut nettement se rendre compte qu’il est doublé pour cette phase technique, notamment les coups de pied.
D’une durée de 100 minutes, on fini par trouver le temps très long devant ce métrage. Les scènes dramatiques sont tirées en longueur ce qui devient pénible. La petite fille à qui on a dit que sa mère était décédée lors de son accouchement, le père à qui on a dit que sa compagne était décédée, la mère a qui on a dit que son compagnon s’était tiré et que son enfant n’avait pas survécu… Le tout orchestré par la grand-mère maternelle, qui a filé le nouveau-né à un organisme de placement, mais le père de l’enfant qui est venu récupérer l’enfant in extremis…. Pfff, ça saoule ! Essentiellement parce que c’est très mal joué et qu’on allonge les pleurs, les déchirements, pour conclure le tout par un happy end digne des téléfilms d’après-midi sur M6.
En conclusion, “Clementine” est un piètre film dramatique disposant d’une histoire médiocre, d’une intrigue simpliste et d’un développement brouillon. Le rythme est moyen à lent selon les séquences, le récit est désordonné par endroits et la narration fait appel à quelques flashbacks. La photographie est malingre, la bande musicale est flasque et l’édition est confuse. La distribution offre de bien piètres prestations. Un métrage à éviter ou à offrir à sa belle-mère adorée…
    CLEMENTINE (2004) ★☆☆☆☆ Un champion de Taekwondo décide d'abandonner définitivement sa carrière de combattant afin de s'occuper pleinement de sa fille.
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sidigame20g · 4 years
07-13 15:35[Cuadro] Tendencias comerciales por inversor (13º)
07-13 15:35KOSPI subió un 1,7% en previsión de la recuperación económica ...2,180 recuperación
07-13 15:35La conspiración de la compañía de ropa The Nature Holdings es de 46,000 wones
07-13 15:34"¿Por qué me estás tomando el pelo ..."Ayudante de cuidado infantil de 30 años que agredió a un niño de 1 año
07-13 15:34Mnet transmite la audición 'Capitán' en octubre
07-13 15:33[PRNewswire] Herta presenta la nueva tecnología Corona 19 para una nueva vida diaria
07-13 15:32[KOSDAQ] 8.38p (1.08%) aumentó a 781.19 (finalizó en enero)
07-13 15:32[KOSPI] 35.81p (1.67%) hasta 2,186.06 (final del capítulo)
07-13 15:32Falta de apoyo para la construcción de 'Torre Anns' ...No hay candidatos para el concurso de propuestas de negocios.
07-13 15:31El arresto de un salario diario para una persona con discapacidad intelectual, `` 4 horas de encarcelamiento y agresión ''.
07-13 15:31[Moneda extranjera] Tipo de cambio KRW / USD 3.6 won 1.200.9 won (cerrado)
07-13 15:31Entrenamiento deportivo para discapacitados, atletas retirados
07-13 15:30Crystal Genomics establece 'Macao', un desarrollador de tratamiento de fibrosis
07-13 15:28Viceministro de Préstamo "Entregaré mis resultados dentro de un mes o dos"
07-13 15:28"La sociedad británica presiona cuando habita Hong Kong"Pedido 'Medidas de la ley de seguridad'
07-13 15:28Apoyo ampliado para propietarios de pequeñas empresas en Corona 19, provincia de Chungbuk
07-13 15:28Melania revela 'disparo de máscara' en 3 meses
07-13 15:26Creación de un 'bosque de cuatro colores' como abedules en el bosque recreativo Jecheon Bakdaljae
07-13 15:26Calentamiento controvertido de Bae Hyun-jin'X-ball 'a pesar del empate general (total)
07-13 15:25[PRNewswire] Viet Solutions 2020-una competencia para productos digitales /
07-13 15:25Los concejales de Bucheon "renuncian al presidente que robó 700,000 wones del cajero automático" (total)
07-13 15:25Rep. Jeon Jae-soo, "Es correcto no ser candidato para el Partido Demócrata por el alcalde de Busan
07-13 15:25Solicite un seguro móvil sin instalar la aplicación ...KB Sonbo'Smart Billing '
07-13 15:24Controversia sobre las máscaras de bandas de rock estadounidenses y las calles sociales
07-13 15:24[Yonggwang News] Vacaciones de verano estudiante universitario trabajo a tiempo parcial
(Unidad: KRW 100 millones) ※ Basado en 3:35 PM (Datos = KRX, Yonhap Infomax) (Seúl = Noticias Yonhap)
(Seúl = Yonhap News) Reportero Lee Ji-heon = El día 13, KOSPI subió debido a las expectativas fortalecidas para una recuperación.En este día, Kospi está a 35.81 paquetes del día de negociación anterior ...
(Seúl = Yonhap News) Reportero Park Won-hee = El fabricante y vendedor de ropa para exteriores The Nature Holdings, que está buscando cotizar en el mercado KOSDAQ, está dirigido a inversores institucionales ...
Tribunal, sentenciado a 10 años de prisión por asistente de cuidado de niños a tiempo parcial sentenciado a 2 años (Incheon = Yonhap News) Reportero Son Hyun-gyu = trabajando como asistente de cuidado de niños ...
(Seúl = Noticias Yonhap) El reportero Lee Jung-hyun = Mnet presentará una audición 'CAP-TEEN' para adolescentes en octubre.
- Herta, líder en reconocimiento facial, presenta una nueva tecnología de análisis de imágenes que mejora la seguridad en la nueva era después del Phantom (Barcelona, ​​13 de julio de 2020, PRNewswire = Yonhap News ...
(Ansan = Noticias de Yonhap) Reportero Kim Kwang-ho = Ciudad de Ansan, punto de referencia de Gyeonggi-do ... Ansan ...
(Jeju = Noticias Yonhap) Reportero Baek Na-yong = un grupo de personas que agredieron a una persona con discapacidad intelectual en Jeju fueron atrapados por la policía.Agencia de policía provincial de Jeju ...
(Seúl = Noticias Yonhap) Reportero Kim Kyung-yoon = La Asociación Deportiva de Corea para Discapacitados (Presidente Myung-ho Lee) organiza un curso de entrenamiento para atletas retirados con discapacidades el día 13 ...
(Seúl = Yonhap News) El periodista Kim Jandi = Crystal Genomics anunció el 13 que establecerá una subsidiaria para desarrollar medicamentos para la fibrosis, 'Macao'.La fibrosis es causada por la formación excesiva de tejido conectivo fibroso durante la recuperación del tejido dañado ...
"Desarrollo del centro de alta densidad, utilización de áreas del centro, reconstrucción y reconstrucción de tipo de gestión pública, etc."
英 grupo de expertos "Si te mueves temporalmente, presión sobre el empleo, la educación, la vivienda, etc." (Seúl = Noticias Yonhap) Reportero Jung Jae-yong = Ley de Seguridad Nacional de Hong Kong (Ley de Seguridad de Hong Kong) promulgada ...
(Cheongju = Yonhap News) El reportero Jeon Chang-hae = Chungbuk-do brinda apoyo de costos fijos a los propietarios de pequeñas empresas que han sufrido las consecuencias de la nueva infección por coronavirus (Corona 19) ...
Trump usa su primer público el día anterior ...¿Sabía usted de las críticas a la "máscara exterior" (Seúl = Yonhap News), el reportero Ahn Yong-soo = presidente de los Estados Unidos, el presidente Donald Trump ...
(Jecheon = Yonhap News) Reportero Park Jae-cheon = Ciudad de Jecheon, Chungbuk anunció el día 13 que había creado un 'bosque de cuatro (4) colores' en el Bosque de Recreación Natural Park Daljae.La poesía es un regalo ...
En la fiesta, "No sé los hechos y digo algo así".
solutions-is call for application (HANOI, Vietnam, 13 de julio de 2020 PR ...
(Bucheon = Yonhap News) Reportero Sohn Hyun-gyu = Los miembros del consejo de la ciudad de Bucheon en la provincia de Gyeonggi renunciaron como presidente del presidente del consejo de la ciudad, Dong-hyeon Lee ...
"Los candidatos independientes del partido demócrata están 'comprometidos' ... para asegurarse de morir esta vez y aspirar a las próximas elecciones" (Busan = Yonhap News)
(Sejong = Yonhap News) La reportera Chae Lim Ha = KB Insurance es un 'KB ...'
Gran aclaración blanca "No fue una posición forzada" (Seúl = Noticias Yonhap) Reportero Hong Jun-suk = Una banda de rock en los Estados Unidos es una distancia social para la audiencia ...
(Yeong-gwang = Yonhap News) Yeonggwang-gun, Jeonnam, dirige un trabajo a tiempo parcial en la universidad de vacaciones de verano del 13 al 7 del mes siguiente.Los militares son los asuntos militares de los estudiantes universitarios ...
0 notes
olivierdemangeon · 6 years
    Vingt-cinq ans après avoir connu la gloire dans l’univers des arts martiaux, Lim Duk-Kyu et ses copains du lycée s’affrontent dans un tournoi télévisé.
    Origine du film : Corée du Sud Réalisateur : Kang Woo-suk Scénariste : Jang Min-seok Acteurs : Hwang Jung-min, Yoo Jun-sang, Yoon Je-moon, Lee Yo-won, Jung Woong-in, Sung Ji-ru, Ji Woo, Kang Shin-il, Kang Sung-jin, Kwon Hyun-sang Musique : Jo Yeong-wook Genre : Arts Martiaux, Action, Drame, Sport Durée : 2 heures et 34 minutes Date de sortie : 10 avril 2013 (Corée) Année de production : 2013 Sociétés de production : Cinema Service Distribué par : CJ Entertainment Titre original : Jeonseolui Jumeok / 전설의 주먹 Notre note : ★★★☆☆
    “Fists of Legend” est un film dramatique sud-coréen datant de 2013, réalisé par Kang Woo-suk, à qui l’on doit également “Public Enemy” (2002) et “Silmido” (2003). Les acteurs principaux sont Hwang Jung-min, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Battleship Island” (2017), Yoo Jun-sang, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Target” (2014), Yoon Je-moon, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Last Princess” (2016), Lee Yo-won, qu’on a pu voir dans “Perfect Number” (2012), Jung Woong-in, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Prison” (2017). Ce métrage est basé sur le célèbre webtoon du même titré écrit par Lee Jong-gyu et illustré par Lee Yoon-gyun.
Le moindre que l’on puisse dire, c’est que les années passées au lycée sont tout aussi marquantes pour les Coréens que pour les Américains, avec des rivalités et des rancunes, qui parfois, perdurent sur des décennies avant d’être pardonnées et/ou résolues. Le réalisateur Kang Woo-suk, qui aura marqué de son emprunte la fin des années 1990 et le début des années 2000 avec ces différents métrages, explore ces ressentiments persistants à travers un drame sur fond de sport de combat.
L’histoire proposée par “Fists of Legend” tourne autour d’une émission télévisée intitulée Legendary Punch, orchestrée par Hong Gyu-min (Lee Yo-won), une jeune femme dans la trentaine, persuasive, percutante et un tantinet manipulatrice. Le concept de l’émission étant de laisser s’affronter une brochette d’anciens caïds de lycée, de quartier, de crapules des bas-fonds et membres de gangs, pour qu’ils se battent sur un ring 20 ans plus tard, pour une prime de 20.000 dollars.
Im Deok-kyu (Hwang Jung-min) est un ancien boxeur amateur, qui a vu ses rêves d’olympisme brisés après une défaite lors d’un combat truqué alors qu’il était lycéen. Cet injuste échec l’a propulsé dans le monde de la délinquance, mais aujourd’hui, il est un humble propriétaire d’un petit restaurant de nouilles, s’occupant du mieux qu’il peut de sa fille, depuis le décès de son épouse. Il accepte de participer à ce tournoi afin d’améliorer sa situation financière difficile. Bien que voulant s’arrêter dès l’issue du premier combat, Im Deok-kyu se laisse prendre dans la spirale de la compétition pour finalement accéder au tournoi final doté d’un gain de 200.000 dollars attribué au vainqueur.
Kang Woo-suk, le réalisateur, alterne l’intrigue principale avec de nombreux flashbacks ramenant les différents protagonistes à la période du lycée, nous permettant ainsi de vivre certaines de leurs anciennes bagarres et l’escalade dans leur rivalité, qui conduit finalement à une trêve, puis une séparation dans le temps, suite à un événement fort et déterminant pour l’avenir des personnages. Les séquences les plus impressionnantes sont les différentes rencontres dans le ring, car on retrouve là des acteurs d’âge moyen qu’on a préparé spécifiquement pour ce métrage. Les scènes de combat, chorégraphiées par Jung Doo-hong, dont on peut également apprécier le travail dans “The Berlin File” (2013), sont assez réalistes, même si finalement elles ne montrent pas beaucoup de formes venant des arts martiaux mixtes.
Le point faible de ce “Fists of Legend” n’est autre que le scénario, signé Jang Min-seok avec une multiplication inutile d’intrigues secondaires qui risque de décourager les cinéphiles. Au lieu de chercher absolument à développer un ton épique en multipliant les scènes de combat répétitives, un effort aurait dû être orchestré afin de renforcer la trame dramatique ainsi que le développement des personnages. A contrario, le montage réalisé par Ko Im-pyo est très intéressant, offrant des séquences qui s’enchaînent rapidement, offrant ainsi beaucoup de dynamisme à des passages qui n’ont pas forcément la nature à l’être. La bande originale est également plaisante, empruntant régulièrement le célèbre “Eye of the Tiger” des Survivors.
En conclusion, “Fists of Legend” est un bon film dramatique disposant d’une histoire originale, mais d’un développement trop brouillon et d’une intrigue convenue. Le rythme est plaisant et l’édition est très plaisante. Le scénario est le point faible de ce métrage avec des personnages dont le développement laisse à désirer. La bande originale est attractive et la distribution offre de très bonnes prestations. La pointe d’humour casse légèrement la monotonie engendrée par la répétition des scènes de combat, qui sont cependant très bien chorégraphiées. Un film qui plaira aux fans de Hwang Jung-min.
    FISTS OF LEGEND (2013) ★★★☆☆ Vingt-cinq ans après avoir connu la gloire dans l'univers des arts martiaux, Lim Duk-Kyu et ses copains du lycée s'affrontent dans un tournoi télévisé.
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