#Oh and Woodie can fly now.
plushee-cant-draw · 11 months
SYRUPCRAFTING_TITLE = "Poor Sap", SYRUPCRAFTING_DESC = "Learn to craft Ipecaca Syrup to induce pooping in other creatures.",
Yeah dst beta update seems interesting
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signanothername · 6 months
Burns’ family and alcohol headcanons:
Charlie: He only drinks every super blue moon. He’s not alcohols biggest fan, probably doesn’t even buy it himself, but he won’t pass a cold one on the very, very rare occasion when he’s on vacation.
Kade: Kades a character that screams that he goes to the bar to play pool with a pint. Not often though, he’s very athletic so I personally don’t see him making drinking a habit. Maybe twice a month or on special occasions. Bonus points if he’s only slightly harder to get drunk than HW.
Dani: okokok, I know that it would fit Dani’s character if she could drink the rest of her family under the table, But the irony of her being a lightweight while Blades has insane alcohol tolerance is just too good. She’d be such a Blurr about it too.
Blades: Dani, I say this as your partner that loves you, you don’t want me as a “drinking buddy”
Dani: What? You can dance, but you can’t handle a hard drink?
Blades: Know what? Fine! You asked for it
-he had to fly a very drunk Dani home, she threw up inside him, Blades will never let her live it down-
Graham: He is an engineer. He can drink. Wouldn’t be surprised if he spiked his coffee on occasion. To his credit, he’s still a responsible drinker, and when he does go a bit overboard Boulder is always there to keep an eye on him. Definitely has perfected the hangover smoothie recipe
Woody: There’s nothing in this planet or any other that can get this man drunk. Probably where Graham got his tolerance from. Definitely makes his own beer, bonus points if it’s really good and the only food the kids take from him willingly
Charlie is literally a single dad of 4 biological kids and 6 Cybertronian kids, he absolutely can’t afford not to be sober wheeze, tho I agree, he doesn’t strike me as someone who drinks a lot, he absolutely prefers drinking when on vacation
And I wholeheartedly agree with your headcanon for Kade, just like his dad he doesn’t strike me as the type to drink a lot and his athletic nature definitely contributes to that, and omg imagine HW and Kade being drunk around each other, disaster strikes
AND OH MY GOD I LOVE YOUR DANI HEADCANON, I honestly thought of her as a regular drinker but now I’m reconsidering cause this is genuinely hilarious, she’d probably be knocked out from one or two drinks while the monster that is blades is probably on his 15’th one and is still barely affected
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Ok but like this is SO Graham wheeze, y’know the really tired nerd gotta be a drinker, AND AW I LOVE THE IDEA OF BOULDER KEEPING AN EYE ON HIM VXVXVXGXG, also hell yeah hungover recipe for the win
And no like you’re so real for that Woody headcanon, and it’s literally so true this man tried so many different drinks and recipes aint no drink gonna actually affect him wheeze and yessss love that bonding point between him and the kids
Man thank you I love all these shzbbzbz
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toffeechad · 4 months
A lazy ahh summary of every major Monday Dusk Monolith x Battle For Corrupted Island character ever
(This crossover's pretty much a BFB AU and a FNF AU at the same time)
MDM!Loser: An archangel whose wings are unsymmetrical as well as a pure, golden circular halo. He is worshipped as a savior by many.
MDM!Blocky: He's a survivor who was a former prankster. His goal is to search for his missing friends, MDM!Pen, MDM!Eraser and MDM!Snowball. He also has a scaly wing on his back.
MDM!Woody: He's a survivor full of incomprehensible anxiety. He doesn't use the wings on his legs for flying, though. He's afraid of heights.
MDM!Taco: Her Monolithan self appears to be far more different than how Woody interpreted her in one of his nightmares.
MDM!9-Ball: She's lost an eye because of the fact that a Monolithan impaled her in the left eyeball once.
MDM!Spongy: He's not only a pilot, he's also a heavy weapon specialist and a mechanic!
MDM!Flower: A Monolithan who was once a captured survivor who got infected by MDM!Four along with MDM!Taco and MDM!Firey. SHE BECAME THE THING SHE SWORE SHE FEARED.
MDM!Firey: He's a Monolithan who appears to be MDM!Firey Jr's missing big brother. He is also capable of transforming into his blue flame form whenever there's a harder situation for him to comprehend. One of his arms and legs is covered with obsidian.
MDM!CRT: hell yeah she's back from the dead
MDM!Camera: That's just Camera with a band-aid on the cracked part of their lens, I did not do much on their design.
MDM!Leafy: While she was infected, she was also merged with MDM!Evil Leafy, therefore making her more hostile.
MDM!Balloony: He's MDM!David's caretaker and restrainer. He also acts like a father figure to MDM!Rocky.
MDM!David: He's a victim who's capable of becoming 3x bigger than his usual Monolithan size while being outraged.
MDM!Bubble: She left MDM!Pencil because she had a serious conflict with her. As she's lost all of her sanity, she's already turned to a Monolithan who has 4 tails that are also tentacles. She ate a Yoyleberry to prevent herself from popping too easily.
MDM!Pencil: An alliance leader who regrets her life choices mainly because of causing MDM!Bubble's spiteful betrayal.
MDM!Match: She suggests MDM!Pencil to have a second chance to redeem herself so that she doesn't descend to madness.
MDM!Lollipop: She's an assassin who uses a gun. When she found out that MDM!Dora was drastically changed due to her mutations, she was horrified.
MDM!Ruby: She performs exorcism.... but not in a holy way like usual. She exorcises Monolithans by irritating them with Music, their major weakness. expect her to play two trucks on her radio lol
MDM!Teardrop: A survivor who has her infected features resembling that of a shark. She's an expert at sniping.
MDM!Gelatin: He's a survivor who's searching for MDM!Flower, a missing friend of his. No one really knows what do his infected features resemble, though.
MDM!Fanny: A Monolithan who resembles a Harpy, specifically related to a hawk. Since all her memories are gone, she forgot MDM!Pillow was a friend of hers.
MDM!Tree: A remnant survivor that can transform into a huge treant when he's truly at his breaking point. His treant form is also known as his overgrowth phase. He will revert back to regular size if he's calmed down. OH GOOD GRIEF, HE'S RIPPED-
MDM!Black Hole: Although he's powerful, he doesn't want to participate in the frequent wars that his allies have against the Monolithans.... because the reason is obvious.
MDM!Marker: The same self he's meant to be, but now with "More Anxiety"™ /j
MDM!Lightning: Although he's a saved victim, he actually left the "pact" he was once a part of. Therefore, he's also a loner.
MDM!Stapy: MDM!Foldy abandoned him after she found out he befriended MDM!Liy.
MDM!Firey Jr: A former friend of MDM!Bomby. After finding out the reason behind his big brother's disappearance, he was stricken by grief. He draws pictures of him along with his brother as a method to cope with that tragedy.
MDM!Pie: A survivor who claims that she's the best at preventing death. Her weapons are dual knives that can be attached on one another. She's also relied as a hunger source, but she prefers to have less of her insides eaten up or else she'd have a chance to explode.
MDM!Remote: A robot who also wants to be treated as a real person and not just a tool. Unlike her past self, she's way more matured than ever.
MDM!Liy: A survivor who's trying to cope with her murderous past. Whenever she's having a mental breakdown, MDM!Tree restrains her so that she calms down.
MDM!Golf Ball: A team leader who regrets her life choices after arguing with MDM!8-Ball right to the point she forgot MDM!Puffball was painfully transforming into a Monolithan. MDM!Gelatin thinks she had a divorce with MDM!Tennis Ball since he doesn't see them work together often. Ironically, both of them were in a platonic relationship until they broke up. They weren't in a romantic relationship.
MDM!Tennis Ball: He's an inventor who doesn't really work together with his partner that much anymore ever since MDM!Fries' disappearance. Since he's full of mood swings because of the apocalypse, he's not bubbly and clumsy anymore. He's hoping that MDM!Golf Ball would repent for her mistakes.
MDM!8-Ball: He's a survivor who lost his loved ones because of the apocalypse. He's lost his wife, MDM!Basketball because of her being brainwashed by MDM!Puffball's dreadful singing and his adoptive son, MDM!Grassy because of the infection. Those events caused his hatred of the Monolith to grow.
MDM!Pen: He's a remnant Monolithan who began boiling the chaos for the team he was once in. Sickened with MDM!Golf Ball's attitude, he left his team and proceeded to become a remnant out of spite.
MDM!Eraser: He's a remnant Monolithan who was the first to leave his team behind because of MDM!Pen capturing him, then infecting him afterward. Unlike MDM!Pen, he's slightly more naive than him.
MDM!TV: He's very trustworthy to MDM!Golf Ball and MDM!Tennis Ball, but he seems to toy around with his trust towards MDM!Bracelety, MDM!8-Ball and MDM!Roboty. Despite this, he doesn't like it when there's an argument going on in his team. He got his screen cracked because of MDM!Puffball's tantrum.
MDM!Bracelety: She's a survivor who idolizes MDM!Ice Cube. Even though MDM!Fries left the team, she also felt bad for him due to the fact he's been captured and infected even though he dislikes her.
MDM!Roboty: He's a robot who had enough with MDM!TV's "trust". Sickened with MDM!TV's presence, he's mainly happy whenever he's not here. He has a translator strapped on his chest so that he can provide messages, warnings, etc..
MDM!Puffball: She's a Monolithan who was the second to leave her team because of the infectious wound on her head being left untreated. As she fully transformed, she roared, she angrily bashed the hell out of her other team members and she dragged MDM!Fries away from his team members so that MDM!Pen can infect him in return. Other than roaring, she can even express her emotions by howling and growling too. She can't speak, however. If she sings her dreadful song, you might want to cover your ears since she's capable of brainwashing. She still knows how to change her size.
MDM!Fries: He's a remnant Monolithan who was the last to leave his team because of him getting infected via MDM!Pen's tail. He's already lost his hope of being saved by someone, then he accepts his fate. Saddened with MDM!Puffball losing all her memories via the infection, he decided to build up his trust with her Monolithan self to comprehend the trauma he had. Beware, his bite is venomous....
MDM!Dora: After she sacrificed some of her sanity to save MDM!Book's life while she was attacked by MDM!Pen, her appearance seems to have changed a lot. She wears a control mask to restrain herself so that she doesn't even go rampant. Whenever it's time for her daily island consumption, she takes off her control mask temporarily.
MDM!Book: She's a survivor who's good at being a mercenary for teamfights. Whenever there's no war going on, she's MDM!Dora's caretaker and restrainer. She's the one who gave MDM!Dora her own control mask.
MDM!Pillow: She's a delusional and insane scientist who actually did make a cure for her infected teammates, but not the rest of them. MDM!Dora got infected later unlike MDM!Nickel, MDM!Naily, MDM!Lightning Cherry, MDM!Bomby and MDM!Price Tag. MDM!Pillow is also partially a cat and has nine lives as well. There's not much recovery needed if she dies!
MDM!Cake: A guardian angel, whose wings are on his eyelashes and legs as well as having a feathered tail. He really admires MDM!Loser.
MDM!Nickel: He left from the place he once lived in because of the tragic losses of many of his friends that happened here. Overwraught with the losses of his friends, he then psychotically felt like deceiving MDM!Springy by pretending to trust him. After MDM!Springy gets mauled by MDM!Nickel's fallen allies, MDM!Springy dies by getting bitten in half by MDM!Floor, causing his heart to stop beating. Note that in this AU, III 18 and 19 didn't truly happen as this takes place in a far more gruesome future.
MDM!Price Tag: They're a survivor who resembles and tends to behave like a bug. Whenever they're scared, they scream like a cicada. They're secretly envious.
MDM!Bomby: He's a survivor who is best friends with MDM!Naily. He doesn't really like it when MDM!Pillow treats him like a test subject in some experiments.
MDM!Naily: She's a survivor who has her infected features mostly resembling that of a cat. She even has nine lives as well.
MDM!Water Bottle: They're a survivor who is known for being relied as a water supply for their team. They're a friend of MDM! Lightning Cherry.
MDM!Lightning Cherry: They're a survivor who tends to be really hyperactive and playful. They're also slowly developing a bond with MDM!Marker.
MDM!Profily: They're a survivor who's concerned about what's going on in Goiky. They're MDM!Nonexisty's caretaker.
MDM!Clock: He's a priest who doesn't only worship MDM!Loser, but also MDM!Winner at the same time. Despite this, MDM!Winner refuses to reunite with MDM!Loser.
MDM!Winner: They're a fallen angel whose wings are black along with a monochrome halo. They can gaze at their world's flashbacks.
MDM!Yellow Face: He's a victim who's being restrained by his friend, MDM!Clock. He can't only control the urges to resist injuring a teammate of his but also his sentient tail's urges to bite. He mainly dreams about glaggleland when be sleeps.
MDM!Ice Cube: She's a survivor who has ears resembling that of a hare, but her ears also have mouths too. She tends to trim MDM!Rocky's crystal-covered body using her ears' fangs whenever the crystals on him are too long.
MDM!Cloudy: He's a victim who has his infected features resembling that of moth. Unlike his past self, he has mood swings.
MDM!Bottle: She's a survivor who is apparently also a delusional psychopath to MDM!Liy and MDM!Pin. Because of the fact she also causes mayhem, MDM!Black Hole doesn't really like it when she's around.
MDM!Rocky: He's a survivor who suffers from crystals growing all over his body. There was one time he saw MDM!Firey from the distance, thinking that he finally found him... but MDM!Firey isn't really himself right now. He was then rescued by MDM!Tennis Ball, who was concerned about his safety.
MDM!Birthday Cake: They're as gleeful as their past self, BUT THEY DON'T WANT TO SPARE YOU IF YOU'RE A PARTY POOPER.
MDM!Nonexisty: the infection ruined his fricking eyes
MDM!Coiny: He's a survivor who has his infected features partially resembling that of a sheep. There was one time where he got scarred by MDM!Needle instead of getting slapped. His left hand is made of liquid gold that can change shape and its state of matter as a defense mechanism.
MDM!Pin: She's a survivor who specializes at being a strategist. The Monolithan apocalypse going on in Goiky seems to be making her feel traumatized right to the point it reminded her of a zombie apocalypse she was once involved in. She doesn't want to lose MDM!Coiny in an event like this ever again.
MDM!Donut: A team leader who's actually MDM!Gelatin's adoptive older brother. He has a soft spot on MDM!X because they sometimes confess about their struggles to him in the apocalypse that's going on right now.
MDM!Needle: She's a Monolithan who appears to be impaled in the chest. I swear to god, she's still aware that she doesn't like being called "Needy". If you do call her like that, she'll actually scratch you.
MDM!Barf Bag: She's a victim who suffers from dizziness and sanity loss due to the infection. Since she's mentally unstable, MDM!Donut looks after her.
MDM!Saw: A survivor who wears a gas mask most of the time. She's also really concerned about her friends' sanity.
MDM!Gaty: She's a survivor who has a lot of empathy for MDM!Two. Whenever MDM!Two experiences serious injuries, she comes to aid them. That's why MDM!Two has bandages on.
MDM!Rusty Coin: He's a survivor who has a fear of being neglected. He's not really the type of person you would want to ask a hint from, he's not really that good at providing solutions. He usually stays together with his friends.
MDM!Steamy: She's a survivor who often accompanies MDM!Rusty Coin and MDM!Clip. Although she's cheerful, she might act stubborn and never follow orders.
MDM!Clip: He's a survivor who accompanies MDM!Rusty Coin along with MDM!Steamy. MDM!Naily, who is also frequent at making puns, is in good terms with him.
MDM!Basketball: A survivor who was brainwashed while trying to make an escape. After finding out MDM!Grassy was infected, she slowly stood back, before running away. While she was chased by some other Monolithans, she saw MDM!Puffball right in front of her. As MDM!Puffball knew she had a communication headset on, she instead decides to do her alternative brainwashing method no one actually knew about that she can do only once in a week. She brainwashes her by gazing at MDM!Basketball with her hypnotic, colorful and epileptic eyes that shift colors rapidly. As MDM!Grassy grasped MDM!Basketball's robotic arms, she couldn't manage to cover her petrified eyes. MDM!Basketball's eyes were in pain, as she becomes blinded by the inability to control herself.
MDM!Snowball: He's a Monolithan who resembles that of a Yeti. He mainly lurks in cold areas. If he's threatened, he can protrude icicles on his body as if it's his armor to defend himself.
MDM!Grassy: He's a Monolithan who resembles that of a grasshopper. If his "butterfly" friend flies by, that's a sign he's gonna jump to you and rip you apart.
MDM!Eggy: She's a priest who worships MDM!Loser. She strongly believes in god and divine intervention. Whenever she needs help, she asks MDM!Cake.
MDM!Foldy: A Monolithan who resembles a Harpy, specifically related to a falcon. Unhappy with her enemy befriending her best friend, she leaves him behind only to return..... with nothing left of her sanity.
MDM!Robot Flower: A robot who assumes she's a real person. She convinces MDM!Gelatin she's perfectly fine as if she's MDM!Flower way before she was infected, but MDM!Gelatin was confused because he's actually looking for the real one. Before the apocalypse even happened, MDM!Basketball finally downloaded all the data of S4 Flower's personality inside her.
MDM!Bell: Way before she was turned into a Monolithan, She was MDM!Basketball's sworn enemy. MDM!Basketball's brainwashed self eventually captured MDM!Bell to bring her to MDM!Four so that they can agonizingly impale her and infect her. The hand inside her isn't a real hand. It's actually a replicated hand via a mutation from the Monolith.
MDM!Grandfather Clock: Not much information has been retrieved about them. The only thing we know is that they're a Monolithan who had their real eyes blinded.
MDM!Metronome: Not much info about them either. The only thing we know about them is that they're a Monolithan who is apparently a friend of MDM!Grandfather Clock and their tail wags like a real metronome.
MDM!Portable Music Player: he recently had throat surgery? yikes.
MDM!Two: They're the one who rounded up the survivors in Goiky ever since the apocalypse began. They convinced MDM!X to not wander off, but MDM!X didn't want to listen to them.
MDM!X: They're a brainwashed survivor who wants to see MDM!Four again after being isolated. Whenever they want to go see MDM!Four, MDM!Two catches them because they said that MDM!Four isn't themself right now.
MDM!One & MDM!Three: They're conjoined Monolithans that also go by the name "Thirteen" despite not being that since the addition method is involved if two algebraliens fuse. There are rare instances where both of them truly fuse to become a red and blue-colored number 4.
MDM!Four: They're the first Monolithan to show up in Goiky. Their posture is mostly strained, but they didn't realize their back snapped. Instead of their zappies coming out of their hand, their zappies come out from their throat.
MDM!Five: They're the first survivor to introduce MDM!BF & MDM!GF to Goiky at the time both of them arrived here. Their weapon is a bat. Concerned about the apocalyptic state of their world right now, MDM!Five once asked MDM!BF about what a Monolithan's weakness is, then MDM!BF responded with music as a solution. After hearing the answer, MDM!Five tells MDM!Ruby about it, eventually making MDM!Ruby feel like performing an exorcism to the Monolithans that lurk here.
MDM!Six: A survivor who appears to have spikes protruding out of their eye and cheek, as well as two wings on their arm and one wing on their back. They're a frenemy of MDM!Nine.
MDM!Seven: A survivor who really, really dislikes MDM!Fourteen's presence mainly because they ate MDM!Five's skin, MDM!Ten's skin and their own skin as well.
MDM!Eight: They're the pontiff in a church where MDM!Loser, MDM!Winner and MDM!Cake usually reside their presence. Unlike MDM!Ruby, their exorcism method is mainly using a crucifix to banish demons.
MDM!Nine: A survivor who lost their right hand due to MDM!Four's rampage. Since they lost their right hand, they now wear a prosthetic arm. They didn't want anyone else to know that they're also impaled, so they covered the top of their body with a cloak.
MDM!Ten: Comapred to the other Algebralien survivors, they're the one who's gone through the most gruesome pain. Their legs have a lot of scars, their right eye is numb, a part of their body has torn skin as well as their hands tremble due to the skin of their hands being ripped apart by MDM!Fourteen.
MDM!Announcer: He returned to Earth as he saw a huge shockwave caused by the Monolith from a distant view in space. Little did he know, he knew that MDM!Four along with everyone else here would be in shambles. He has a mechanical hand that can blast out pulses.
MDM!Purple Face: He's a church attendant who appears to have a pair of wings on his back and another pair of wings covering his eyes. MDM!Yellow Face is his archenemy. His design is inspired by one of the lies he told in Post-Split BFB.
MDM!Fourteen: A rogue, cannibalistic Monolithan who has an addiction of eating people's skin. Although they're feisty, it's easy to lure them since they're gullible. They were chained by MDM!Fifteen.
MDM!Fifteen: They're a rogue survivor who lives in a shack in the swamp unlike their canon self. Their weapon is a flamethrower. They can sometimes be seen swimming in swamp water. Their method of incapacitating MDM!Fourteen is by burning them alive or by chaining them.
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intheorangebedroom · 1 year
Road Trippin’
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Summary: you take a road trip along the west coast with your boyfriend.
Pairing: Frankie Morales x French fem!Reader.
Can be read as a stand-alone. This said, I respect you all far too much to try and make you believe this isn’t my two PTMY filthy puppies. Let’s say, for the sake of suspense, that it might be them OR it might be an AU in which they get a happy ending…
ETA (July 22nd 2023): Now that PTMY is complete, I can finally move that baby up to a brand new Drabbles section of its masterlist, because it's always been Frankie & Gabrielle, Gabrielle & Frankie 🧡
Rating: Explicit 🔞 Fluff and filth with a dash of angst because hey, it’s me 😏
Word count: 2.4k
A/N: @wildemaven here it is! Again, thank you so much for sharing your incredible talent with us, for this wonderful idea, and for showing me a different way 🧡 I sincerely hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
As in 99% of what I write, the story is titled after a song, another source of inspiration for me, here RHCP’s Road Trippin’.
Warning: contains some very self-indulging reference to a certain line of dialogue from TF…
Drabble: Road Trippin’
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“Frankie, it’s beautiful,” you breathe out, your words immediately engulfed by the deafening noise of the waves crashing on the rocks below.
He nudges your shoulder, letting you know he heard you, and you chase the heat of his body, leaning against his arm and resting your head against the firm slope of his shoulder. The soft, cottony fabric of his hoodie caresses your cheek when you brush against it. You look up at him and it’s another vision that has your breath hitching in your chest. Locks of luscious brown curls perk out from under the hood of his sweater, swept soft and tempting by the ocean breeze over the landscape of his sharp profile .
Your heart leaps out of your rib cage and you quickly return your gaze to the tumult of the ocean. You don’t think you can withstand so much beauty.
“The weather could be better,” he says about the thin drizzle that surrounds you like misty drapes, but you shake your head no.
The subtle pink and blue pastels of his sweater stand out under the overcast sky, the pearl gray clouds highlighting the colours of the nature that surrounds you. Shadows play across the surface of the ocean, deepening its many shades of green, the soft slopes of the mountains evocative of the curves of a sleeping figure draped in emerald velvet.
“Oh no, this is perfect. Everything is perfect,” you murmur, breathing in his scent, woody and musky, with a faint, clean note of your laundry detergent. He smells like home.
Frankie smiles at the clouds, and his swelling heart feels cramped in his chest. He doesn’t think he can withstand so much happiness.
The large, white wagon you’re traveling with is parked behind you, where you screamed at Frankie to stop just before driving over Bixby Bridge. You got so caught up in the scenery you forgot your camera on the passenger seat.
You had always wanted to see Big Sur, and the trip had moved up to the top of your bucket list since you’d come to America. You had told him about this life-long dream of yours in passing, but of course, he had remembered.
And the idea had slowly taken root in his mind as you kept asking him for tales of his childhood and the place where he grew up.
One evening back in January, he had come home from work to find you sitting in the dimly lit kitchen, fiddling with a bottle of British lager, weary and defeated by a particularly rough day of icy cold weather and dealing with unpleasant customers.
The tired but sincere smile you had greeted him with had swept away the last of his doubts, and he had presented you with a half formed plan: flying to San Diego, and road tripping up north along the coast to Monterey. Perhaps even to Yosemite, if you’d like to.
You' ha'd risen up from your chair and jumped up and down excitedly like a kid who’s been told they’re going to Disneyland, and his face brightened up with a dimpled smile, which prompted you to sit on his lap, wrapping yourself around his body and pecking his pretty face with so many kisses he couldn’t open his eyes, his broad shoulders shaking with a breathy chuckle.
You’d agreed to travel in April, to avoid the crushing heat of Southern California, and the two of you had started drawing lists of everything you wanted to see.
Later that night, as you lied in bed naked, tucked in against his warm body with your legs intertwined, you’d ask him, encouraged by the friendly obscurity.
“Will it be ok, for you, Frankie? Going back there?”
He’d kissed the crown of your head, breathing in your scent briefly, before offering a reassuring answer. When in truth, he had no idea how he would feel about it. He hadn't set foot in San Diego, or even California for that matter, since he’d moved to Brooklyn with his sister after their mother’s passing, some twenty-three years ago.
And in the end, it had been just fine. Better, actually, than anything he could have hoped it to be. Seeing you walking these distantly familiar streets, the same ones he had spent hours exploring on his bike as a wandering child, had rewritten the narrative of this past life. Just like you’d done with his time in the army, just like you’d done with his scars, the tangible ones, and the ones only you and him could see.
You wanted a real adventure, you’d said, as real as they come in movies and postcards, camp out in the wild, sleep under the tent, snap a million pictures with your dented Rolleiflex, forget about the GPS and use a roadmap instead, because you were pretty good with these, you’d said. And sure enough, you were. He had had some reservations about the camping part, given how long you spent under the shower every morning, but you’d surprised him with your ability to clean up and get ready in under five minutes in gas station bathrooms.
And with his skills for organisation, a happy occupational hazard of sorts, the road trip was going as smoothly as possible.
Your enthusiasm and candid wonderment were like a drug to him, there was nothing you’d wish he could deny you.
When you’d ask to make a detour to visit Hearst’s castle, he’d immediately agreed. The excitement lit up your eyes as you buoyantly told him of the many tales you’d read about the place. Hearst himself, Marion Davies, Louise Brooks, Buster Keaton, Greta Garbo, Dolores Del Rio, the feud with Orson Welles about Citizen Kane, down to The White Stripes’ Union Forever.
You’d smile at him apologetically for being the most annoying Wikipedia page, but he’d cupped your sweet mug in his large hands and nuzzled your nose, telling you this was the best trip he’d ever been on, after the one you’d taken the previous year in Paris.
“I missed the ocean so much,” you sigh, wrapping both arms around his.
“We don’t live far, we definitely could go more often.”
“Could we fly to Coney Island?” you ask excitedly, tilting your head up.
His laughter rumbles over the waves as he answers, “Right! I can land the chopper on top of the Wonder Wheel, how’s that?”
You push him gently, with a quiet giggle. You know he’s joking but you’re pretty sure he’d try to do it if you kept pressing…
“Did you go often, back when you lived in Paris?” he asks after a pause.
“Any chance I would get. I usually went to Normandie to see the cliffs, by the Channel. It’s my favourite place, it’s really gorgeous. I could spend hours looking at the tide, just get lost in the waves, it’s just so soothing, watching something that existed long before you and that will remain long after you’re gone. Like I could get in the water and drift away, and everything would be fine. But it’s nothing like here. Here is much more… I don’t know, gentle?”
The way you express yourself in sensations triggers something warm within him. He untangles his arm from yours and positions you in front of him, encircling your waist and leaning down to whisper in your ear, “Tomorrow we’ll have a swim, if the weather’s better.”
His warm breath fans the soft hair on your nape and heat flares up in your lower belly. You don’t doubt for a second that this was precisely his intention.
“Did you swim very often, when you lived here?” you ask, and he can hear the arousal in your wavering voice.
“Yea, all the time. I’d ride my bike to the beach and swim for hours. Like you said, the water makes everything better. I would get a thrill swimming as far as I could, until I was exhausted, until I wasn’t sure if I could make it back. But everything would be fine.”
You shiver between his arms at the shared experience and he tightens his hold around you. The two of you get lost in each other’s silence, in the foreign memory of forgotten loneliness.
“That explains the shoulders,” you finally say.
“What’s with the shoulders?” he asks, and his husky tone confirms the mood has shifted.
“You know what’s with the shoulders, Morales. But I’ll show you tonight, anyway.”
The night air is cool outside the tent, but inside it’s humid and hot. The blanket scrapes your knees where they rub on it in your swaying movement on top of him, as you try to work in his length, your splayed fingers digging into the plane of his solid chest just like you like it, but it’s useless, Frankie’s restless underneath you, roaming his hands all over your body, cupping your breasts and kneading them greedily, then down to the swell of your ass where he grabs a handful of your flesh and uses it to press you further down on him, but you’re slippery with sweat and he grunts in frustration until you tell him, winded by exertion, “What do you want, baby?”
“Fuck,” he groans, tilting his head back onto the bunched up duvet, and oh god, his neck, his gorgeous neck, the view sends a new wave of slick rushing down your walls, “I’m sorry, baby.”
“It’s fine,” you say, “just take what you need, Frankie baby.”
He sits up and flips you on your back before you can even finish your sentence, and the air is punched out of your lungs when you hit the floor with a muffled thud.
Oh it is fine, you think, as you downright salivate at the sight of his sweaty chest, his golden skin gleaming in the yellow hue from the camping lamp, his dampened locks glued to his forehead and curling around his ears.
He takes hold of your ankles and places them on his shoulders, and you brace yourself on the blanket, knowing what’s to come. Frankie kisses your calf and as he lines himself up, you see how his eyes have gone completely dark, his pupils blown wide with lust and need.
He drives into you suddenly, to the hilt, and you clench your eyes and trash your head back with a hissed “shit”, but he grinds further in, swirling his hips against your ass, rearranging you for him, and for a brief second you recoil, you don’t think you can make it.
He leans down over you, pushing your knees into your chest, folding you in half. Your frowned brow halts his grinding, but the thought remains, he can’t shake it off. He wants to anchor you to his body, fuck his love into you, care for you and pleasure you in all the ways he knows how until you never feel the need to drift away ever again.
Comprehension strikes you when you open your eyes and look at his face. “I’m here, Frankie, I’m here with you, not going anywhere, baby,” you coo, running your thumb over the crease between his brow.
Frankie lets out a deep breath, lets his shoulders sag, softly kisses your palm, and pulls almost all the way out.
It’s passed. The storm has abated.
He leans back a bit, and you can breathe again, and when he resumes his moving, he rocks into you slowly, with shallow thrusts, giving you time to adjust.
You moan with the effort, you don’t think he’s ever been this thick or this hard, and when he places his hands on your forearms for leverage, you grip his back, using the hold to try and control his pacing.
“Alright baby, alright baby, come on now, you know you can take it.”
“It’s a lot, Frankie,” you whine.
“Yea? You’ve taken worse than that,” he smiles cockily and you answer with a soundless laugh because, yes, indeed, he’s made you take far worse than that.
He links your forearms over your belly, holding them with one hand, and brings his other one to your lips, prompting them to open. You take in his fingers, suck on them sloppily, with hunger, and he chuckles.
“That’s it, good girl. Look at you, so fucking filthy, of course you can take it.”
He starts rubbing fast circles on your clit and drives into you a little faster, a little harder.
“This okay, baby?” His voice is hoarse with restraint and you feel the tension shifting in your core as a new rush of slick pools down your folds.
“Tell me how it feels, baby, lemme hear your pretty voice.”
“It feels good, Frankie, fuck I- I’m so full, you feel good, you feel so good,” your voice is waning as your climax draws nearer, your belly pulled taut under your crossed wrists.
He’s pounding into you now, hard and fast and deep, his fingers a steady pressure across your bundle of nerves, and you watch as beads of sweat roll down his neck onto his chest, and you warn him, “Oh god I’m coming, Frankie, I’m coming.”
“I can feel it, baby, I can feel it.”
He presses down on your legs, his hips starting to stutter, but he keeps talking, talks you through it, and you let his voice swipe you and pull you under, let it take you over the edge as pleasure washes over you in violent waves.
The flutter of your cunt tips him over and he comes with a loud curse, and when you feel his body slump over yours, you shift under his weight and he pulls out all of a sudden.
Gently, he takes your limp legs off his shoulders, kisses your scraped knees better, and lowers them on the blanket. When you lift your head to look at him, he is kneeled between your spread thighs, watching his spend leaking out of your swollen folds, heaving, a tired smile curling his plush lips.
Your eyes meet, and he tells you, “Don’t worry, I’m gonna fuck it back in.”
Tomorrow you will go swimming together in the ocean. He will gaze in amazement and reverence at your smiling eyes, mirroring the sea and the sky that saw him grow up. He will kiss the burn from the sun off your shoulders and you will lick the salt from the water off his neck. You will sit close to him in the white wagon, tracing the route on the map with your finger, to the north, to the east, to the west, or the south, it doesn’t really matter, because anywhere on earth, with him, will always be the best trip ever.
Bonus: some pictures Reader captured along the trip 🧡
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Taglist (thank you 🧡): @elegantduckturtle @mashomasho @lola766 @flowersandpotplantsandsunshine @nicolethered @littleone65 @bands-tv-movies-is-me @the-rambling-nerd @saintbedelia @pedrostories @trickstersp8 @all-the-way-down-here @deadmantis @hbc8 @princessdjarin @harriedandharassed @girlofchaos @gracie7209 @mrsparknuts
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criticalrolo · 9 months
short story for Hal, who is currently trapped in Lady Seryan's highly unethical Medical Experiment Basement while she tries to turn him into an angel
coping mechanisms || halion & elwa, 900 words
“You go away sometimes,” Elwa says.
Halion’s eyes are closed, but he knows she’s there, a few feet to his right. He can hear the lightest click of her fingernails on the tiled floor, her fingers drumming a nervous staccato against a beat he feels thumping in his chest. 
“You think I don’t notice, but I do.” Her voice is resonant and clear as a bell, breaking through the interminable sound of his own hesitant breathing. “You’ll slip away sometimes and be gone for hours.”
She smells like juniper, cool and woody. It cuts through the lemony smell of disinfectant and iodine that still hovers in the room. The combination makes him feel a bit dizzy. It’s not a scent she usually has, but it certainly is more striking than usual. He wonders where she picked it up. 
“I can hear you.” 
There’s a shuffling of fabric as she scoots across the floor to get closer to him. He can feel the warmth of her bare arm just an inch away from his and the slightest puff of air as she breathes out against his skin. 
“Where do you go, when you leave?”
He hums noncommittally. “I don’t know if there’s a name for it.”
“Is it close?”
He thinks about it for a moment. “Maybe.”
Elwa settles back against the wall. Her circlet clinks against the hard metal, and he wonders if it will leave a mark on the soft gold of the band. He adjusts his shoulders while she shifts around, trying to get comfortable.
“There are so many things I want to ask you, but I don’t know if it’s a good idea.”
“I wouldn’t lie to you.”
“I know.”
He leans his head down towards hers, not quite touching her hair and keeping his eyes closed. “Where do you think I go? When I leave, I mean. In your words.”
Her breath stutters for a moment as she thinks. Hal doesn’t press her. He’s not really sure how to put it into words either. 
“I think,” she says slowly, “that you used to take out the solo ship whenever you had the chance. When the weather was good and you didn’t need me monitoring the atmosphere.”
“I loved flying with you, but sometimes I needed to go alone.”
“You would go to the meadow in the valley outside our base of operations.”
He can feel the warm metal of the handles of the steering wheel in his hands. The pulse of the ship’s arcane core hums through the hull, beating at a steady pace alongside the thrum in his chest and the clicking of Elwa’s nails. 
Elwa’s resonant voice is much less distinct when it burbles through the comm unit. “Oh… are you there now?”
“I’m here.” Sunlight filters in through the panels of the windows. Outside, it’s late evening, and the sky has turned from blue to orange, pink, and purple. Clouds hanging low in the atmosphere glow gold with the reflected rays of the setting sun, while the long blades of wild grass start to flicker with lights from the first fireflies. When Hal pushes the glass windows open, there’s a rush of warm, humid air into the cockpit. He can hear the cicadas and crickets chirping, and the far off songs of sparrows and meadowlarks settling down for the evening in the branches of the trees. 
“Did you come here often?” Elwa asks. 
“I came here when I needed to be reminded I was alive, and so was everything else.”
“How did you remember?”
“Like this.” Hal leaves the windows open, but shifts the engine of the ship from neutral into first gear. The ship takes off down the center of the valley, wind whipping at his hair and the shaved back of his head. His jacket snaps where it flutters at his back, and he can smell the old leather alongside the rich earthy scent of the valley rushing by and the oiled metal of the airship. Outside, the sounds of life crescendo as he soars past them. It rises with a swell, like the sound of the tide gathering before it crashes onto the sand. He is here, and the cicadas are alive, and the sparrows are alive, and he is alive…
Elwa’s voice is gentle in his ear. “Time to come home, I think.”
The steering wheel drops out of his hand as the ship slows to a stop. The sunlight streaming through the window shifts, until it’s not coming through a window at all. It’s light shining bright through the thin skin of his closed eyelids, turning the darkness red.
“Did you find what you were looking for?”
Hal nods. It makes his head ache and the cuts in his forehead and under his eyes twitch oddly. “It’s beautiful, whenever I can go.”
“You don’t think it’s beautiful here?” Elwa sounds thoughtful, and a bit sideways. She must have tilted her head to look at him straight on. 
He smiles, a bit ruefully. “It’s hard for me to tell. Lady Seryan said you’d like the bright lights when you came, but I can’t really see in that spectrum of wavelengths.” 
“Can’t you?” Her voice has a note of pleading in it, like she’s lost and can’t find her way. 
Hal knows, on a conceptual level, that the room is flooded with ultraviolet light, and has been for what feels like a very long time. But Elwa sounds confused, and he is alive, and maybe he can help her. So Halion opens his eyes. 
And opens his eyes. And opens his eyes. 
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myrammmortal · 17 days
Chapter 20, another day of being a walking clothesrack
AN: I sed I dnoty ker wut u fink! stof pflamin ok prepz!1 fangz 2 raven 4 da help!1 oh yah btw ill be un vacation in transilvania 4 da nex 3 dayz so dnot expect updatz.
All day I wondered what the surprise was. Meanwhile, I pot on a blak ledder hotpants, a blak corset with urple lace stuff all over it, an black gothic compact boots. Die Woodys were gong 2 do the concert again, since Volxemort had taken over the last one. I slit my wrists while I moshed 2 MCR in my bedroom all night, feeling excited. Suddenly someone knocked on the door while I was trying on sum black clothes and moshing to Fang u 4 da Venom. I gut all mad and turned it of, but sacredly I hopped inside dat it was Richard so we could do it again.
“Wut de fucking hell r u doing!” I shouted angrily. It was Loopin! “R u gonna cum rape me or what.” I yelled. I was allowed to say dat because Till had told us all 2 be careful around hem and Flake since he was a pedo.
“No, actshelly (geddit, hell) kan I plz burrow sum condemns.” he growld angrily.
“Yah, so u can fuk ur six-yr-old gurlfriend, huh?” I shouted sarkastikally.
“Fuker.” He said, gong away.
Well anyway, I put on some black eyesharow, black eyeliner, and some black lipstick and white foundation. Then I went. Den I gasped…………………………………………………………….Flake and Loopin were in da middle of da empty hall, doin it, and Dobby was watching!1
“Oh my god you ludacris idiot!” they both shooted angrily when they saw me. Dobby ran away crying. Dey got up, though. Normally I wood have ben turned on (I luv cing guyz do it) but both of them were fuking preps. (btw snake is movd 2 griffindoor now)
“WTF is that why u wanted condoms?” I asked sadistically. (c I speld dat)
“Only you wouldn’t give them to me!” Lumpkin shouted angrily.
“Well you shoulda told me.” I replayed.
“You dimwit!.” Flake began 2 shoot angrily. And then………I took out my black camera and took a pic of them. U could see that they were naked and everything.
“Well xcuse me!” they both shouted angrily. “What was dat al about?”
“It wuz to blackmail u.” I snarked. “So now next time you see me doing it with my boyfriend you cant fuking rat me out or I’ll show dis to Till. So fuck off, u bastards!” I started to run. They chased me but I threw my wound at them and dey tripped over it. Well anyway, I went outside and there was Vampire, looking extremely fucking hot.
“WTF where’d Richard?” I asked him.
“Oh he’s bein a fucking bastard. He told me he wouldn’t cum.” Vampire said shaking his hed. “U wanna cum with me? 2 the concert?”
Then….. he showed me his flying car. I gasped. It was a black car. He said his dogfather Serious Blak had given it 2 him. The license plate on the front sed MCR666 on it. The one on da back said ‘ENOBY’ on it.
……….I gasped.
We flew to the concert hall. Die Woodys were there, playing.
Vampire and I began 2 make out, moshing to the muzik. I gapsed, looking at da band.
I almost had an orgasim. Pascal was so fucking hot! He begin 2 sing ‘Fichtl's lied’ and his sexah beautiful voice began 2 fill the hall. ……….And den, I heard some crrying. I turned and saw Richard, cryin in a corner.
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briamichellewrites · 2 months
Bria was planning her dream house. She made a list of ideas, which she shared with Mike and his little brother, Jason when they came over. He was in college studying architecture, so he was curious to hear what she was planning. It was going to be extravagant! She wanted a horse barn in the backyard. That was number one. She also wanted a heated saltwater indoor/outdoor swimming pool, his and hers bathroom, a recording studio, floor-to-ceiling windows, and high fencing in the backyard for Buddy.
Who’s Buddy? Her dog. What about the garage? She needed room for six cars. What about bedrooms? How many did she want? She just needed three or four. The master bedroom would have a walk-in closet with a Jacuzzi-style bathtub in the bathroom. She didn’t need a wine cellar or a gym, though she did want a built-in aquarium in the living room because she was planning on having fish.
It was extravagant! Where did she want her house? She wanted it near the beach, so she could ride her horses. Her lifetime goal was to retire when she was forty. She would then spend the rest of her life taking care of her animals. Why forty? That was still very young. She just thought she would be tired of touring by then and wanted to stay home more. How old was she now? She was nineteen. Yeah, she had twenty years before that.
“I’m going to have cats, dogs, horses, fish, birds… as many animals as the city of Los Angeles allows me to have. Then I’m going to spend the rest of my life taking care of them. I’m also going to have the Linkin Park kids come over to hang out with the animals for a day or an afternoon every once in a while.”
“Jay, did I tell you Bria is really, really, really rich”, Mike asked.
“No, you didn’t. How rich?”
“The top one percent. She can afford to have a private jet on her property.”
“I don’t know how to fly a private jet”, she said.
No, he did not know that. It would make sense as to why her plans were so expensive. He estimated her house would cost millions of dollars and would take about two years to finish. More or less. She needed more plans, though. He recommended talking to an architect. She would do that. Meow. Bark! They looked down at the animals standing at their feet. She introduced them as Woody the cat and Buddy the puppy. Jason said hello to both of them.
Mike asked her if she had gone out with Joe. Yes, she did. What did she think? He was an odd duck. She meant that as a compliment. He laughed and asked what she meant.
“He talked to me about the video game he was playing. My knowledge of video games is zero. It sounded very interesting, even though I had no fucking idea what the hell he was talking about. I had fun. I just don’t think I’m the right girl for him.”
He laughed. “I’m going to have to talk to him about how to talk to women. Oh, well. He tried. Thanks for giving him a chance.”
Joe was nervous and video games were the only thing he could think of to talk about. He acknowledged that it wasn’t the best topic of conversation. Mike agreed, though he gave him a lot of credit for asking her out. He just needed to work on his game. His ‘talking to women’ game. He laughed. Jason had fun hanging out with her. He could see why his brother liked her.
He thought he would have fun. Bria was one of a kind. He had come out as gay. Otherwise, he would have asked her out. Joe mentioned that Rob was gay. Phoenix and Brad were bisexual. When did that happen? Phoenix had known he was bisexual since high school but he came out in college. Rob and Brad came out together a year ago. They were dating. He recommended talking to Phoenix because he was single. After getting his phone number, he went off to call him.
They agreed to meet up for a hookup. He made an excuse to his brother before leaving. I don’t want to know. If his little brother was sexually active, it was the last thing he wanted to know about. As long as he was being safe and getting tested regularly. They knew about the risks of not being careful since they both grew up in the eighties during the AIDS epidemic.
It was also drilled into him by their parents when he came out as gay. Mike would kill him if he was diagnosed with HIV because he knew better. He looked up to him and didn’t want to disappoint him. Since he was coming over, Phoenix called Brad about not coming home. He assured him he was staying over with Rob. After hanging up, he got ready. He was nervous about being with another man. Why? He didn’t know. Maybe because he had low self-esteem.
After welcoming him in, they went into his bedroom and closed the door. Jason kissed him after they took off their shirts. They took off their pants before stripping off their boxers. Mike was back with Bria. He kissed her.
It was something he wanted to do since he met her. But he was dating Anna and she was dating Phoenix. She accepted the kiss. There was something there they never noticed before. He wanted to unwrap her. She got up from the bed and closed the door before closing the blinds. He took off his shirt while he waited for her. She felt his chest with her hands. They looked at each other.
“What do you want me to do”, he asked.
“I want you to love me.”
He buried his head in her neck as he kissed it. His hands took off her shirt before he laid her down on the bed. He wanted her to feel everything he was doing to her. They slowly removed the rest of their clothes before he came in between her legs. Being inside of her felt wonderful. He missed being with a woman. There was just something about making love to her. He loved her curves and how everything was perfect on her body. His hands felt every part of her.
A foursome. That was Jason and Phoenix’s idea. They mentioned it to Brad and Rob after inviting them both over to hang out. They gave them the option to say no. While talking about it, they went over their boundaries. What they did had to be kept a secret because Mike would kill Jason. They laughed. Yes, they promised to keep it secret.
Brad made sure Rob was okay with it and not just agreeing with them. He could say no. If he did, then they would one hundred percent respect that. He wanted to try it because he wasn’t that adventurous. Part of him felt guilty for not being experienced. If they did anything they were not comfortable with, they would stop immediately. After everyone agreed, the four men went upstairs to Jason’s room. Were they really doing this? Yes. Yes, they were.
Mike finished inside Bria before pulling out. Oh my god. He lay beside her. That happened. He wanted to pinch himself. Did that happen? Yes, it did. He finally realized what Phoenix had fallen in love with. She was perfect. He looked at her. You are so beautiful. She called him handsome, making him laugh. He kissed her before they both got up and got dressed.
Brad, Jason, Rob, and Phoenix took turns with each other until they were exhausted. It was the best experience, though a little awkward at times, of their lives. Jason kissed Phoenix. He would have to officially ask him out. Thank god they were at Jason’s because their groaning filled up the house.
Phoenix got up with Jason behind him. They went into the bathroom and closed the door. Jason kissed his neck before going down. He backed up against the wall as he got him in his mouth. He groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair. When he was done, he rinsed his mouth out in the sink. He then turned around and kissed him.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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sinceileftyoublog · 3 months
Willi Carlisle & Golden Shoals Live Show Review: 2/9, Schubas, Chicago
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From left to right: Grady Drugg, Willi Carlisle, Sophie Mae Wellington
For Willie Carlisle and Golden Shoals, playing live is both an opportunity to share the stories behind the songs and the stories behind the band itself. Both the Fayetville, Arkansas singer-songwriter and Nashville-based folk duo work outside the machinations of the mainstream country scene but are intimately aware of it. Their songs, though, have the perfectly classic country mix of truth and legend, tales of living outdoors and the ills of late capitalism seamlessly weaving the rawness of reality with the showmanship of exaggeration. Their show at Schubas on Friday exemplified what they do best.
Carlisle delivered a triumphant set balancing his new album Critterland (Signature Sounds) with back catalog favorites. Accompanied by guitarist Grady Drugg and fiddler Sophie Mae Wellington (who also showed off her flatfoot dancing skills), Carlisle contextualized his songs with his personal history and ethos. When he started playing music, Carlisle traveled the country with his banjo, sleeping in his van or outside, including in Millennium Park and under the Clark Street Bridge. He busked in Mariano Park; like a tried and true flaneur with a flair for the colloquial, on Friday, he referred to Mariano Park what we Chicagoans call it: the Viagra Triangle. To Carlisle, though, these days, a song like "The Van Life" from 2022's Peculiar, Missouri is less biography and more a recognition of, as Carlisle put it, "the failure of the American left," the crisis of the unhoused, and immoral eviction laws.
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Carlisle & Wellington
With so much weight behind his songs, it would be easy for Carlisle to fall victim to overexplaining. However, I found his banter essential, just as much a part of the show as the songs themselves. Take a song like "The Great Depression". Carlisle knows that giving a song that title while adopting even a bit of an old-timey aesthetic conjures thoughts of stock market crashes, John Steinbeck, and Woody Guthrie. To hear that it's really about epigenetics, and the passing down of not just generational trauma but the love of song, was revelatory, and made me appreciate it even more as a folk tune. When Carlisle played "The Arrangements" for his father, his father apparently replied, "I didn't know you knew your grandfather that well." Carlisle clarified that both his grandfather and father were good dads, adding a layer of complexity to it all; as a result of our actions, what we pass down, up, or to the side is not always so clear-cut.
During his set, Carlisle mentioned the paradox of "authentic" country music in 2024: After all, those who claim to be authentic are, as he noted, rehashing the very concept of authenticity. What was more important on Friday was a sense of audience or listener inclusion, true to the spirit of the punk music he grew up on or the folk music he's adopted. Hoedown "Boy Howdy, Hot Dog!" and Gospel-style main set closer "Your Heart's a Big Tent" inspired not just singalongs but stomp-alongs. And a show-stopping a capella performance of Critterland closer "The Money Grows on Trees" quieted the crowd to a state of rapture, save for what will be Carlisle's eternal outlaw chorus. ("Oh, hippies, hillbillies, won't you gather 'round? / A good man murdered, a bad man drowned / The cops are all moonshiners now / But the money grows on trees / Yeah, the money grows on trees.") The stories from an area of Northern Arkansas where, according to Carlisle, rumors fly and can rival network TV, may not be, for lack of a better word, authentic. But Carlisle knows, even on mostly true story "Higher Lonesome", that relying on our memory is not always the best way to be an effective troubadour, or even to get at the core veracity of life.
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Golden Shoals' Amy Alvey & Mark Kilianski
Golden Shoals' two members came from contrasting backgrounds, and like Carlisle, they apply a punk spirit to folk music. Fiddle player Amy Alvey, from California, met guitarist and banjoist Mark Kilianski, from New Jersey, at Berklee College of Music in 2008. (Kilianski first picked up a guitar so he could learn Limp Bizkit's everlasting dumbass anthem "Break Stuff".) They started playing together in 2013 and touring full-time in 2016. Each member brings their distinct experiences into the Golden Shoals songs they write and sing. Many of the tunes could be country-folk standards, like Kilianski's rollicking "(Who'da Thought) Thinkin' About The Good Times (Could Ever Make You Feel So Bad)" and weary tale of hitchhiker's luck "Coffee in the Morning". Alvey is a rapt observer of place. On the as-yet-unreleased "Everybody's a Somebody", she sang about the "kind of famous" people in Nashville, squinting hard enough to see whether that truly is Orville Peck and Sierra Ferrell sitting at the bar at the American Legion. Another new song detailed the changes permeating Fredericksburg, VA, a city she's never called home but visited many times. The chosen details ranged from evidence of gentrification to "the Bachmans buried their favorite dog," which, yes, is a reference to the family of Daniel Bachman.
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Alvey's "Bitter", co-written with Rachel Baiman, came to light after Spotify ghoul/CEO Daniel Ek basically insinuated that working musicians need to release new music every week in order to compete in the market. Though the irony was not lost on Alvey that the song is available to stream on Spotify, the band found a way to pivot: they've now been selling homemade bitters as part of their merch. It seemed like a metaphor for the night's bill. The music that artists like Carlisle and Golden Shoals make may never again be "popular," and it's not more--gulp--authentic because it's not popular. But it adapts within the hell-world, and finds strength in its own spirit and the reception of those who may find some validity in the stories for themselves.
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nikogamer · 9 months
Match: Yeah, I know, she was so surprised!
Pencil: Really?
Match: I mean, it wasn't very big, just a little bug, but Flower went crazy!
Pencil: OMG, Flower is really afraid of bugs!
Match: Well, yeah, Flower thinks she's so fabolous! Like the time she asked Icy, if she was beautiful.
Flower: Ice Cube, don't you think I look beautiful?
Ice Cube: Uh, no.
Flower kicks Ice Cube
end of flashback
Ice Cube: Oh, oh, I remember that. I am SO gonna get revenge on her! I cannot believe, how she thinks we will be her servants! I'm so glad you guys are my friends, though. Really! Bubble likes me too, right Bubble?
Bubble: Uh, yeah?
Ice Cube: Right?
Match and Pencil: No, Ice Cube, stop!
Ice Cube pops Bubble and Bubble dies
Bubble walks out of her recovery center, but Pin almost stabs her
Bubble: Pin, you nearly popped me!
Pin: Oh, it's not my fault, it's the stupid Blocky here, it's his fault!
Pin kicks Blocky
Blocky: Fine, I'll get Needle!
Needle: Help!
Bubble: Yikes! What was that for?!
Blocky: Hey, I'm just in the mood to hurt someone!
Woody screams as he gets kicked by Blocky and lands next to Teardop while stuck in the ground
Leafy: Woody, get up, there's a life out here to enjoy, so enjoy it!
Woody becomes infatuated at the sight of Teardrop, but she kicks him
Tennis Ball: Teardrop, calm down. Kicking Woody can severely injure him. He is balsa.
Snowball can be seen hang-gliding as Woody flies past him, Woody suddenly lands on Rocky and he gets chipped off and screams loudly
Pen and Eraser are seen cringing
Eraser: I can't believe what a scaredy cat Woody is, he's so uncool. Pen though, you're cool.
Pen: So are you, Eraser!
Snowball hits a mountain
Snowball: Woah! Rocky, wake up!
Rocky: Wha? Hi SB!
Snowball sighs and throws Rocky
Rocky: Whee! collides into Tennis Ball Oof! Hi TB, my good ol' friend!
Firey: Coiny, you're so dumb!
Coiny slaps Firey
Firey: Hey!
Coiny: Oh my gosh, Firey, you're so easy to slap!
Coiny slaps Firey multiple times
Golf Ball: Firey, Coiny, stop fighting! And Spongy, take a bath, you're stinky!
Spongy: Sorry.
Blocky: Isn't Golf Ball bossy?
Eraser: I know, she is like, a bossy bot. Uh, you know? A bossy robot? Well, a robot that was built to be as bossy as...I'd do anything to get away from her, or Flower, or Woody, or Spongy.
A speaker box falls from the sky
Announcer: Well, then you're in luck.
Eraser: Uh, how?
Announcer: Well, everybody, they're building the island of luxury, it's called Dream Island. A whole square mile of paradise, a 5 star hotel, a casino, 6 resturants, robot servants, and the winner gets to decide who gets to come in, and who doesn't.
Eraser: So um, how much will it cost?
Announcer: Not even a penny.
Eraser: Then I'll take...
Announcer: But what about everybody else? They wanted to, you know.
Eraser: Uh, I wouldn't give up that island for anything.
Announcer: Neither would they. So we must settle this with a contest.
intro plays
Announcer: So yes, whoever stays on the bar the longest wins.
Leafy: Let's help each other!
Pin: Yeah!
Coiny: Blocky, wake up, what are you doing?!
Spongy: Uh oh.
Flower: Out of my way, I need my space! pushes contestants off
Leafy: Help me Pin! Snatch! Thanks!
Bubble: Let's form an alliance!
Match: That will do no harm!
Pencil: Let's do it!
Ice Cube: Huh? An alliance? I've got to join! Coming through. runs into Pen Sorry Pen. Hey guys, can I be part- crashes
Pencil: No.
Coiny: Blocky, come on, wake up! shakes Blocky Oops.
Blocky: Coiny, don't ever...Oops.
Leafy: There's the evil Flower, she's still in.
Pin: Let's run her over!
Leafy: Yeah!
Blocky: Uh oh.
Leafy and Pin run up to Flower, but she kicks the two
Pin: Hey, we're flying!
Leafy: You're right! Woohoo!
Pin: Uh oh. they crash into Teardrop
Pin: Pull up!
Leafy: I, can't! Oh no! Blocky? Rocky? Help!
Blocky: What is it?
Leafy: You're stepping on me.
Blocky: Better?
Leafy: Yes, now pull us up! Teardrop, pull onto my other arm.
Flower: Haha, I'm wearing non-slip shoes, so ha! Blocky kicks her SNATCH! Pin licks her What? Ew, oh my gosh!
Leafy: Nice going Pin, a job well done!
Pin: Teardrop, let's swing! Yay!
Leafy: Pin, alliance, remember?
Pin: Oh yeah.
Blocky: Leafy, you're stepping on me!
Leafy: Wha? Oops.
Teardrop pushes Rocky off, but she falls too
Pin and Leafy: Rock, paper, scissors!
Pin: Scissors beats paper, I get to push you off!
Leafy: Wait, we didn't agree to that!
Pin: Look, when I win the island, I'll let you onto the island.
Leafy: Pin, this still isn't fair.
Pin: Only one of us can win.
Leafy: Um, Pin, wrong finger. (wait, did Pin just give Leafy the finger, IN A G RATED WEBSERIES?!)
Pin: Whoops, hehe. Anyway, still, one of us can win!
Announcer: That's where you're wrong, the two of you both win.
Pin: Wait, we both get the island?
Announcer: Nope, you get to choose the teams, the teams for a much longer, larger battle to win Dream Island.
Pin: Oh great.
Leafy: It's not that bad.
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maleposting · 1 year
Yeah, I know, she was so surprised.
Oh, for sure! I mean, it wasn't very big, just a little bug, but Flower went crazy!
OMG, Flower is really afraid of bugs!
Well, yeah. Flower thinks she's so fabulous! Like the time she asked Icy if she was beautiful...
Flashback to Flower and Ice Cube.
Ice Cube, don't you think I look beautiful?
Uh, no?
Flower kicks Ice Cube.
Flashback ends.
Oh, oh! I remember that! I am so gonna get revenge on her! I cannot believe how she thinks we will be her servants! I'm so glad you guys are my friends, though. Really! Bubble likes me too. Right, Bubble?
Ice Cube grabs Bubble and starts hugging her.
Um... Yeah...?
No! Ice Cube! Stop!
Bubble pops.
Bubble Recovery Center
Bubble gets recovered in the Bubble Recovery Center, but then nearly gets stabbed by Blocky, using Pin.
Pin, you nearly popped me!
Oh, it's not my fault.
Camera pan, revealing Blocky holding Pin.
It's this stupid Blocky here. It's his fault!
Pin kicks Blocky, sending Pin flying.
Fine, I'll get Needle.
Blocky grabs Needle from off-screen and throws her at Bubble. Bubble ducks to dodge Needle.
Yikes! What was that for?
Hey! I'm just in the mood to hurt someone!
Blocky kicks Woody.
Enjoying life
Woody, get up! There's a life out there to enjoy, so, enjoy it!
Awww... Aiyeee...
Teardrop, calm down! Kicking Woody could severely injure him.
He is balsa.
I can't believe what a scaredy-cat Woody is, he's so uncool. Pen, though, you're cool.
So are you, Eraser.
Gliding accident
Snowball hits a mountain while gliding, and crashes on the top.
Woah! Rocky! Wake up!
Whaa? Hi, S.B!
Oof! Hi, T.B, my good ol' friend!
The feud
Coiny! You're so dumb!
Oh my gosh, Firey! You're sooo easy to slap!
[Off-screen] Firey! Coiny!
Stop fighting! And Spongy, take a bath! You're stinky!
The show's introduction
Isn't Golf Ball bossy?
I know! She is like a bossy bot.
Uhh, you know, a bossy robot?
Well, a robot that was built to be its bossiest!
I'd do anything to get away from her.
... or Flower...
... or Woody...
... or Spongy!
Well, then you're in luck.
Uhhh, how?
Well, everybody, they're building the island of luxury. It's called Dream Island. A whole square mile of paradise, a five star hotel, a casino, six restaurants, robot servants...
... and the winner even gets to decide who gets to come in and who doesn't.
So, umm, how much will it cost?
Not even a penny.
Then I'll take it!
But what about everybody else? They want it too, you know.
Uhh, I wouldn't give up that island for anything.
Neither would they. So we must settle this with a contest.
The contest begins
So yes. Whoever stays on the bar the longest wins.
Let's help each other!
Blocky! Wake up! What are you doing?
Out of my way!
I need my space!
Help me, Pin!
Start of an alliance
Let's form an alliance!
That would do no harm!
Let's do it!
[Off-screen] Wha? An alliance? [On-screen] I've got to join!
Coming through! Sorry, Pen. Hey guys, can I be part o-
The two plunge into the ocean.
Coiny's mistake
Blocky! Come on, wake up!
Coiny shakes Blocky, but accidentally knocks him off the bar.
Coiny, don't ever... oops.
The final 6
There's the evil Flower! She's still in.
Let's run her over!
Uh oh!
Hey! We're flying!
You're right! Woo-hoo!
Uh oh!
Pull up!
I... can't! Oh no! Blocky? Rocky? Help!
What is it?
You're stepping on me!
Yes. Now pull us up!
Teardrop! Hold on to my other arm!
Ha, ha! I'm wearing Non-Slip Shoes So Ha!
Hey! Grrr...
Ohh, wha...? Eww, Oh my god...! Uhhh... Uhhh... Ahh!
Nice going, Pin. A job well done.
Teardrop, let's swing!
Pin! Alliance, remember?
Oh yeah!
Leafy! You're stepping on me!
The final 4
Rock, Paper, Scissors!
Scissors beats paper! I get to push you off!
Wait, hold on a sec! We didn't agree to that!
Look, when I win the island, I'll let you on to the island.
Pin! This still isn't fair!
Only one of us can win.
Um, Pin? Wrong finger.
Heh heh... Anyway, still, only one of us can win.
That's where you're wrong. The two of you both win.
Wait, we both get the island?
Nope! You just get to choose the teams. The teams for a much larger, longer battle to win Dream Island.
Oh great!
It's not that bad...
#whatever that means
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awetlife · 1 year
Sniffings and wettings
It's almost as if we were both carrying about an internal pump of high-test hormones, dispensed in huge amounts at random intervals the way we both get instantly horny for each other at odd times and places.
The hint of one of her stupendous nipples appearing beneath a t-shirt can give me an instant boner of exceeding quality. A boner that is already dripping it's lube right out of its sheath -- the head reddened with excitement, my balls tightening in anticipation of releasing their cargo.
Other times catching a whiff of her favorite Latina perfume, gifted upon her by her oh-so-sexy sister who works in a huge department store in Juarez, or triggered by a sniff of her cunt-laced female pee as she urinates into a nearby toilet or my face as I eat out her succulent pussy.
Just thinking about that now gives me a woody fit for a king -- or queen that she is.
The impulsiveness of her hot and nervous hand expertly undoing the top button of my jeans, snaking down the fly, and fishing out my member makes it instantly hardened for action.
Likewise all I have to do to get her pussy flowing is to lean over and nuzzle that perfect spot on her neck just below the ear, murmur sweet words of love and a couple of groans and she's ready for any dirty-filthy-fuck game we want to try.
Sometimes she's not very subtle:
Today while I'm pecking away at a tedious description of machine technology for work [interior lubrication chart of arm/parallel/injection/34004-BA] she sneaks up behind me and presents under my nose her middle finger dripping in pussy juices.
I savor the aroma, and make yummy sounds as I sniff it and lick it. I love this particular trick of hers. She's done this a few times -- in theaters, at a secluded booth in a restaurant, while driving, parking lots, other semi-public places. She knows I get off on it. Sometimes the finger contains overtones of not just pussy -- sometimes it's a bit of pee, other times a hint of ass. "…Baby I think I have to go to the potty now" .
Once it was just because "I had an itchy asshole and I know how you like to hear me talk about scratching it"
She's right. I do love her asshole. And pussy. And tits. And face. And everything about my Bonita.
This of course now leads to the nearest toilet where she treats me to a full show of whatever she has to do -- usually pee followed by a fast blowjob while she sits on the pot. Usually I'm so turned on by the pee that I cum fast and hard. It's amazing to be shooting your load into a tight hot mouth of a urinating girl who loves what she's doing.
Other times when I'm not busy and there's a nearby bed, after the pee show we simply fuck each other's brains out.
It's all good friends. And I'm a lucky man.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
He wants to add a few designs and we like it he says you make it a four-seater and it's a coupe with a two seats in the back and you put in the rumble seat and he likes this particular version maybe stretch the windows a little bit and then chop them down a little it might look better chop down a little and to keep the pickup and we like it and we like what he's saying about the design changes and the beautiful performance model and a mid level and a regular drive around model with different colors that are really cool accents and designs and stock. And he's talking about powerhouse now we'd like to have the base around 200 or 220 and the mid-level about 300 and high performance round 400 or 450 and that's very fast and the high performance would be true high performance and you could go around corners real fast you have really nice tires really nice rims all the rooms would look different it all look like really cool hot rods even the base model and Max look good in some cars but not on this one and you did pretty good and we can change the design a little to make the accidents look better and maybe a little bit more pronounced but more to what the cruise was like but it's a good job on it it's a surprise to hear it sold so many and we will of course keep the photo look and have a woody and the Woody might have more Chrome on it on the tires too oh well the rims would be Chrome he says with an option to go spoked and if we like the idea it makes a big difference might even offer at stock because I used to do that it would be a big seller so he's thinking of doing it and he thinks we should so we're going to offer these models
Frank Castle hardcastle
Harold wants to say something it's about families and we do agree with her
Duke nukem Blockbuster
And was thinking of making this a family station wagon are we with chrome spokes rims stock and I agree cuz he used to have one in Lincoln and was no big deal and they'd be a better quality and they look better and last longer it's a great look. And a lot of people like it and it looks flash and fly and the car will look great with a special Hood and the grill would be changed up and a little bit lower ceiling and boy it's and with colors that are better because the colors are kind of blasé it's like 100% better
Hera Zues I said practically the whole thing Hera
We're going to go to the family design but really it looks like a hot ride and slightly low ceiling and standard smokes Windows would be light smoked and better tires they're performance tire and rated and the motor is high performance all the time but really it's it's going to be a lot different and sound like a Camaro you sound like a 6 cylinder and then go to an eight and then to a souped-up eight we like it all it's very nice the interior would be very nice and more standard equipment but leather and the high performance of course will be high performance inside bucket seats and everything and we like this fairing idea for the high performance you have several different models for the high performance
You you'd have factory firing kits that would come with your car if you custom order or you can order it aftermarket and have a shop put it on even our shop would be Chrysler could put them on
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cryptid-killjoy · 2 years
Hogfest 2022 Head Canon: 
Summer got away from me and other plots took over. So just to throw in how Hogfest went down this year before the holiday season arrives Oogie was supposed to be the head liner this year. 
This video footage feels so Hogfest to me. lol. Lance goes country when he hits the stage. He may be the only muse I have that can bond with Woody so that has to happen even though Iain’s not the biggest country fan. Lance shall be that guy. The one ddamn country-ISH muse sitting out in the middle of his renfaire with his minstrel singing folk song father. Again even though it’s genre most his friends aren’t into it is more on the modern country side and whatever all he plays will all be music he’s worked on in production with the Groovemaster Music. This relevance is only now being realized that Kuzco and Piper have been identified. 
Gonna say Koda and Chess ended up letting Willem set in as drummer. They continue to never create their new band and just show up as their own stand alone names. Koda and Chess usually playing covers since they have enough star power to do while throwing in some originals. But, they have no front man. No one quite sees Justine as having what it takes to hold up the face of the band though she had her own inside camp where she plays star. Their cover set would have played off on a smaller stage not the big center one like Lance and Oogie. At this point in time Koda and Chess are still not ready for commitments in music. 
This was supposed to be a big day for Babyface Beagle and really upping his involvement with Circe. 
It kind of got away from me and I don’t know if Ellie would have actually shown up to the festival after all, but if she did I was hoping for her to have a run in with Lena and Hypno while around in way that overs Babyface working with them in the back and laughing about the reality of who the pigs really are. She already knows the pig business is a lot of the missing people of Nola but she’d hear the two girls’ indifference. But, then when Hypno would walk away Lena would say, “Oh my Gawd, this whole thing makes me want to become a vegetarian.” Then Babyface would say, “I didn’t know you wanted to be an animal doctor.” She’d shove the Beagle in the arm and explain it was someone who doesn’t eat meat. Then he looked confused and misinterpret again said he didn’t know she was a lesbian. Lena would say, “What makes you say that?” Babyface would admit, “I saw you with Bouncer.” Lena’s face screw up and eyeroll. She’d actually sock Babyface right in the jaw. “I didn’t say I was. But, Let’s get one thing straight. I’ve never been with Bouncer. I’d never be with Bouncer. That was Magicka and you’ll never speak of it again. Do you hear me?”
 And when Babyface hesitated to answer she pushed him off the edge so he’d fall in the pig pen. When he scrambles out he gets angry and yells back, “You could have just told me!” He wasn’t the sort to take shit laying down. He went to actually go hit this girl back, but she’d fly his whole body into the air and hold him there where they’d start to argue back and forth. The conversation would die out into a moment where Babyface is consoling Lena. She’s upset dealing with being who she is as the alter of Magica when she’s become such a person of her own. She doesn’t want to do all the things Magica wants to do. That includes the pig business with Circe. She has it even worse than Babyface because at least he’s a separate person from his brothers. She literally stuck together with her aunt and can’t get away. They aren’t dissimilar in their feelings of being stuck but also wanting to please. But, Babyface isn’t always so forthcoming even in his new openness with Ellie. So, I was hoping she’d witness something between Lena and Babyface so she’d see Lena wasn’t a complete enemy even though her Beagle Boy isn’t telling all. Babyface just isn’t going to open this up to Ellie and Lena’s never going to open it up to anyone. But, if the story ever has a chance of expanding to Halloweentown muses we tend to cut off I don’t know, maybe her witnessing there’s a chance at a not so bad one over there in the mix somewhere even if she wasn’t acting ideal to Babyface is some sort of chance for later on if they need help. She’s the least risky. 
But other than working the fest Babyface was hoping to ride rides and play games with Ellie and win her prizes like a date one of the days. Since he’s working he’d have access to the golf carts like maintenance so he’d try to act cool and drive her around in those like he was Mr. Important. 
Oogie being the headliner and the crowd being awesome will only show she has not lost potency in the city even after everything with the Magisterium any of the scandalous politics. She’s absolutely as popular as ever. 
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bffsoobin · 3 years
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↳year six potions class was never particularly exciting to you- as a Slytherin with much more interest in Transfiguration- but alas, it’s required to graduate. You thought the class couldn’t be any more of an inconvenience, but upon being paired with infamous Gryffindor Beomgyu, you find yourself proven wrong.
➤ gryffindor!beomgyu xslytherin!reader, harry potter!au, enemies to lovers, a little slow burn, fluff
Word Count: ~11k
Requested?: kinda? anon requested a Beomgyu oneshot with no specifics and I spit this out of some depraved, Harry Potter obsessed corner of my mind.
Warnings: mentions of drinking, usual e2l arguments, swearing, usual Gryffindor-Slytherin insults and tension 
A/N: I hope the anon who asked for a Beomgyu oneshot is happy with this!! I finally felt like I had enough time to write a proper hogwarts au so here it is! Also I purposely avoided using any professor names that are clearly linked with the actual Harry Potter series purely because of timeline continuity! Bonus points if you can guess who Georgiana is related to before I point it out :) ALSO this is so long and I feel so rusty so I hope it’s okay lmao
The sound of your quill scratching against parchment filled your quiet corner of the common room, allowing you a feeling of solidarity and peace you’d been craving since you arrived back to the castle a few days ago. Of course you’d been excited to be back, sharing the meal in the Great Hall with all of your friends happily as you watched the wide-eyed first years get sorted into their houses. It was hard to believe that 6 years ago that had been you waiting to find your place within the walls of Hogwarts. 
As always, the buzz of the beginning of a new year wore on your nerves. Despite your love for your friends, their energy was- in your opinion- completely draining. You much preferred the moments of quiet serenity that the stone laden dungeon common room afforded you. The last few embers of a fire lit hours before winked at you from across the room, tempting you to raise your wand and reignite them. After a moment you decided against the movement, as you were presumably the only one awake at this hour and the light of the cedar scented candle you’d brought down with you from your suitcase provided enough light for you anyway. 
The scratch of your quill stilled as you flipped to the next page, careful not to accidentally bend the corners of the book you’d just purchased. Several detailed diagrams detailed the process of transfiguring plants to inanimate objects to animals then back to plants and you felt your heart swell with excitement. Transfiguration was hands down your favorite subject, and you’d been craving to learn this process in particular since it had been mentioned offhandedly in class last year. You scrambled to pick up your quill, happy that you’d splurged for the instantly refilling model as ink flowed flawlessly against the parchment. 
A sudden crash from the entrance of the common room popped your comfortable bubble of silence harshly as you clambered for your wand. 
“Who’s there?” You yelled, annoyance and surprise mixing to raise your voice considerably. For a moment you heard nothing as you advanced closer to the door, keeping the three wide stone steps between you and who- or what- ever was behind the door. The door shook a few times before finally flying open, revealing three very normal looking boys stumbling through the threshold. They were all hanging on one another, stumbling over their feet as they pushed into the common room. You recognized the one in the middle instantly as Choi Yeonjun, fellow Slytherin and current Head Boy of the house. He was a year older than you but you knew him well for his infectious laughter and notoriously good grades despite never studying. His cheeks were flushed and his feet unsteady, but he held a charming grin through it all. The identity of whoever was supporting him on the left was a mystery to you, but the boy supporting him from the right sent alarm bells off in your head. 
“Beomgyu?” Your voice left you before you could rein yourself in, and you would have cringed had it not been for the hatred brewing under your skin. Here he was, the one person you tried to forget existed every single summer. And he had been part of the ruckus that pulled you from your reading. He didn’t say anything as the three boys stumbled past you, dumping Yeonjun onto one of the soft black leather sofas. 
“Hello?” You felt like you were in some kind of time warp, somehow totally invisible to the three of them as they sorted themselves out; Beomgyu and the other boy straightening out their clothing and Yeonjun lolling his head back on the cushions with a content sigh. 
“Oh, hey Y/N.” Beomgyu finally drawled, sticking his hands in the front pockets of his trousers. He was still wearing his robes, layered over a sensible gray wool sweater and black uniform slacks. His striped red and gold tie hung off of his neck slightly, obviously having been loosened at some point in the night. He donned the same Head Boy pin Yeonjun did, but in the same colorway as his robes and tie. Loud, obnoxious, attention seeking red and gold.
“Hey? How about instead of “hey” you tell me why the hell you’re barging into my common room at some ungodly hour of the night! Don’t you have somewhere else to be, Head Boy?” The unidentified boy behind him froze as his eyes widened, apparently feeling the sting of your icy words much more than Beomgyu. He just lifted a lazy eyebrow, guiding his annoyingly confident gaze over your body. Fucking Gryffindors and their confidence. It was suffocating. 
“Well you see, Y/N. Yeonjun here can’t handle his fire whiskey for shit, and we were all just having a little start of the year party in the Room of Requirement. So me and my friend here,” he motioned vaguely to the cowering boy behind him- who you now noticed looked like he had just entered his fourth year- “decided to be so kind as to bring him back.” 
You said nothing for a moment; simply simmering in your hatred for him until he spoke again. 
“By the way, what are you even doing up so late? You’re not a prefect...so shouldn’t you be up in bed like the rest of your little friends? What’s so secretive that you have to be up in the middle of the night for it? Are you doing something...evil?” He leaned forward, closing the gap between the two of you and bringing his mouth level with your ear. You cringed at the closeness, clenching your hands into fists until the crescents of your nails indented your skin. His voice had lowered like he was telling a secret, as if Gryffindors even had the capacity for maintaining privacy. “Are you being naughty?” 
You huffed indignantly, finally finding the strength to shove his shoulder away harshly. The skin of your cheeks was certainly flamed, but you hoped he would chalk it up to annoyance and not the intoxicating scent of his woody cologne.  
“If you must know, I was up studying Transfiguration. I was trying to enjoy some piece and quiet until you came busting in.”
Beomgyu stepped around you and made his way for the table you’d previously been sitting at. To your delight he refrained from touching anything, but he stared at the set up for so excruciatingly long that the mystery boy awkwardly slipped out of the dungeon without a word. 
“We start classes in about 5 hours,” he suddenly remarked. His voice made you jump a bit, since you’d become used to the regained quiet. “Why the hell are you already studying? And a subject we’ve all already taken? Any other Transfiguration courses would just be electives, and with how much you care for your class standing I would have assumed you’d be learning ahead on Potions.”
“Well first of all, I’m not exactly studying. I’m just reading. I bought the book myself because I-” you stopped and heaved a sigh at the scrunch of his eyebrows. He clearly wasn’t understanding the concept of reading just for the fun of it. “I’m not studying for Potions because I despite it. Plus, how much is there to study? The book literally spells out every ingredient and procedure. There’s no thinking to be done, and hardly any magic.” Beomgyu’s eyebrows shot up into his hairline comically. 
“Hardly any magic? My god, maybe I was right to peg you as the pessimistic type. Must be hard to feel anything akin to hope down here in your-” he glanced around your common room again, eyes catching on the darkened green and black decorations, the window offering a view of the sparkling Black Lake shrouded with pine trees. “In your dungeon.” 
His use of the word bothered you greatly. Even though you knew it was geographically true and had even used it yourself; something about him coming in unannounced and uninvited to insult your home inspired fresh anger in your stomach. 
“Get out,” you spat, ignoring the way a half-dozed Yeonjun jumped at your voice. With all your might you pushed at Beomgyu’s broad shoulders, willing him out of your sight for at least a few more hours. 
“Oof, must have hit a nerve there, huh?” He continued to speak casually as you pushed him, walking backwards up the steps with an annoyingly perfect accuracy. Once he was finally stood in the threshold of the heavy door you heaved a sigh of relief as you swing it closed.
“Bye bye! Don’t ever fucking come back!”
You only managed about two hours of sleep after the Beomgyu drama, but luckily for you the three other sixth year girls you were rooming with had been smart enough to buy and stash away some caffeine potions. They had none of the enjoyable taste of coffee but three times the effect, and soon you felt back in top shape to head to class.
Pushing through the masses of clambering students with a practice eased, you caught up to the familiar frame of Georgiana, one of your oldest friends. She was a Ravenclaw, but you’d ridden together on your very first trip on the Hogwarts Express and stayed close friends since then. She greeted you easily, giving you an award winning smile as she pulled you by the arm of the robes to sit on one of the surprisingly empty stone benches lining the halls.
“Let me see your schedule!” She had to yell just to be heard over the mumbling of the crowd, but you heard her well enough to produce a folded piece of parchment that you carried despite having memorized it. Georgiana’s eyes flitted over it carefully, comparing it to her own schedule which laid open on her lap.
“We’ve got...Herbology 3,” she ran her finger down the parchments a few more inches, “Transfiguration of Aquatics...and NEWT prep together!” You groaned loudly, a feeling of anxiety weighing down your bones as you rubbed your fingertips into your temples.
“What’s up with you? Over me already?” She giggled, leaning back against the wall and handing you back your schedule.
“No, it’s just...if you’re the second class for Herb 3, Aquatics and NEWT prep, that means I have to pray that the second house in Potions isn’t Gryffindor.” You leaned back against the cool wall next to her, pouting in self pity until you saw the grim look on her face.
“What?” You sat up straight again as if a fire had been lit under your ass. Georgiana looked as if she was holding in a laugh and a grimace at the same time while you begged her to give up whatever information she was holding back from you. Her hand hovered over her mouth in an attempt to hide the wavering smirk running across her lips. 
“Okay, don’t freak out.” She began, placing a hand on your knee. 
“Well now I’m definitely going to since you lead with don’t freak out! Should I freak out? What about?”
“I already compared schedules with Soobin,” she said gently.
“Okay, and?” You knew of the sweet Hufflepuff, had sat next to him in a few classes and seen him hanging out with Yeonjun on occasion, but still had no idea why she was bringing him up now.
“And him and I have Potions together.” In the split second it took for the words to process you saw her flinch, clutching at the fabric of her robes over her chest in anticipation for your angry outburst.
“Of course! Of course I have to get stuck with them for Potions class, out of all the other houses. Merlin really has it out for lately you know, I didn’t sleep very much last night, had to pay Melinda 10 galleons for one of her caffeine potions-“
“I can tell,” Georgiana supplied. You grimaced at her and immediately shut your mouth, sensing your rapid talking was quickly becoming over the top.
“Georgie, if I have Potions with him-“ you didn’t even have to specify who you were speaking of before she was rolling her green eyes into her head.
“If you have Potions with Beomgyu, you just need to ignore him. He loves to push your buttons, Y/N. When will you realize that? And you push his back and you both get a good cat-and-mouse feeling that every teenager wants. Maybe if you stop entertaining it, he’ll take it easy on you. Need I remind you of the time you were actually friends with him? Didn’t swear he was the spawn of Satan after every conversation? I even remember in second year when you had a crush on him and made me-“
“Okay!” You replied curtly, gathering your books and parchment back into your arms. “I’m going now! Class starts in,” you pulled back your robe sleeve to look at a watch that clearly was not there, “10 minutes, and I like to be early!” Easily, you slipped into the throngs of students, leaving Georgiana behind with a sly grin on her face.
You arrived to the Potions room before any other student, forcing you to idle awkwardly in the small space between the door and the first brewing station. A few of the cauldrons bubbled idly, breaking up the silence of the room with the low hum of white noise. The arched ceilings only amplified the absence of noise- even the never ending buzz of students passing through the hallways was somehow muffled to silence inside the walls. 
“Ah!” The professor bellowed, waving at you from the opposite end of the room where he had been straightening out some piles of parchment that you could only assume were homework papers. “Hello there, you must be quite eager to start the day!” You could feel the skin of the back of your neck heating up as the rotund man approached you gleefully. 
“Oh, um, yes sir. You could say that...” you mumbled, clutching your stack of books to your chest protectively. The man smiled at you kindly but you could still feel the heavy weight of awkwardness seeping into your bones. He opened his mouth again- making another attempt at small talk to which you cringed. As much as you respected the professor on the basis of his knowledge, your ability for any small talk, especially Potions related, was extremely lacking. 
“You must’ve done quite well on your OWLS to be here, yes? Only those with the highest scores can be registered. The class can be quite challenging, but if you’ve got your affairs in order I reckon you’ll fine.” He paused, likely sensing the blankness behind your stare as you nodded politely. “Ah, all things you already know I’m sure. Are you excited to get started with the class?” 
You frowned, holding back your natural instinct for brutal honesty. How on earth could you let this gentle old man down gently? 
“Of course she’s excited! Aren’t we all?” Beomgyu was in the room now, apparently, approaching you from behind and slinging an arm around your shoulders. The loose fabric of his sleeve collided with the side of your face, blinding you for a second. You stumbled on your feet from the jostle, trying to shrug away from the warmth and overwhelming scent of his cologne. Beomgyu never was aware of his own strength as he held you steadily against his side as if he was trying to fuse your bodies together.
“Oh my! So nice to see such great friends between different houses! Back in my day, as I’m sure you know, there was so much hatred between Gryffindors and Slytherins...never would have seen a pair of friends like the two of you!” The professor seemed genuinely delighted, oblivious to the way you tried to wiggle out of Beomgyu’s hold. You offered the professor a plastic smile as more students filed in. As soon as the portly man was otherwise occupied, you stomped the heel of your sneaker into Beomgyu’s foot with all the might you could gather. 
“Merlin, ouch!” He recoiled immediately, withdrawing his arm from around your frame to clutch at the foot you’d hopefully bruised. “I’ve got Quidditch practice after lunch today! How dare you!” 
“Guess it’s a good thing you don’t need your feet for Quidditch, Choi. Serves you right for violating my personal space. Next time it’ll be worse than your fucking toes.” You hissed the words lowly, just enough that he would be able to hear them but without alerting your nearby classmates. 
“You two, there!” The professor suddenly exclaimed, making you jump out of your stupor to see he was pointed an aged finger at you and Beomgyu. “Since you were first in and seem to get along, I’ll have you be partners on Station 1.” A few confused whispers passed through the classmates behind you and your face fell at the implication. Potions partners with Beomgyu? For the whole year?
He seemed similarly stalled, not moving a single inch away from the front of the room until the professor cleared his throat pointedly. 
“Right, sir, of course,” Beomgyu nodded, rushing over to the furthest of the high-top tables; unsuccessfully trying to hide the pain of his newfound limp. With a satisfied feeling in your chest you followed closely behind, finally unloading the weight of the books in your arms onto the table. 
“How much worse could it get?” You groaned, laying your head in your arms at the dining table. 
“Well, you could be sick, or failing a class, or not have any friends, or have lost your books. Hell, let’s not forget what it must have been like to go to school here at the same time as Harry Potter. I mean, no final exams for a few years, but at what cost? Grandpa Ron always tells me about-” 
“Oh, good Merlin, Georgie, that’s not what I meant.” You picked your head up from the table and scanned the bustling hall. A large plate of sandwiches laid in front of you but your appetite was diminished in the presence of your stress. “I mean, how fucked is it that I have to spend every first period for the rest of the year brewing Potions alongside Choi? It’s bad enough that I hate Potions already, and now I’ll have to deal with his stupid, righteous, Slytherin-slandering ass!” You slammed your hand into the wooden table, shaking the plates and glasses near you under the force. 
“Careful there,” Georgiana scolded around a mouthful of bread. “Just keep your head down, don’t react to him like you always do,” she paused to gulp down a sip of pumpkin juice, “he’ll give up eventually.” You heaved a heavy sigh, propping your chin onto the palm of your hand and scanning the Great Hall. Masses of students bustled around, sharing meals and laughing or gathering over homework problems. You weren’t quite sure who or what you were looking for, but all you found was a rowdy group of forth year boys sitting atop one of the tables, casting small hexes at one another and their lunches. You rolled your eyes at their antics before resigning to picking at the few fries on your plate. 
“And if he doesn’t?” You mumbled, casting a pointed glare at a seemingly distracted Georgiana. It took her a second to shift her gaze back to your face, clearing her throat as she narrowed her eyes towards you. 
“Sorry?” She asked, pulling a section of crust off of the third sandwich she’d picked up off of the platter. 
“If he doesn’t give up? What am I supposed to do then?” The thought of living out the next two school years with Choi Beomgyu as a constant annoyance settled a pit of rage in your stomach. Georgiana was quiet for a moment, flicking a few locks of curled, fiery hair over her shoulder. 
“Then you get back at him.” She shrugged. “You know you get a discount at the joke shop. Just go down there and pick up some puking pastilles or something.” She looked up again suddenly, eyes shimmering and focused intently on something behind you. Out of curiosity you turned on the spot, wondering if there was something of interest outside of the window, only to be met with the sight of Soobin standing mere feet away, hand stalled mid-wave. It didn’t take a genius to notice that the Hufflepuff was staring intently at your best friend, and she was happily returning the sentiment with a goofy grin on her face. You whipped back around to face her, leaning across the table as if the action would provide any secrecy with him so close. 
“Are you and Soobin...” you wiggled your eyebrows at her and she swatted at your shoulder. Her cheeks blushed rosy as she whispered back, “He asked me if I’d want to hang out when we go to Hogsmeade this weekend.” Her voice shook as she spoke but you frowned instantly. Of course you were happy that he had finally manned up and the two of them were on the way to something akin to a date, but...
“First weekend Hogsmeade is our tradition!” You shouted, abandoning any secrecy you might have thought you’d maintained from Soobin. 
“Y/N, please!” Georgiana hissed, glancing up at Soobin with an apologetic smile. “Just once. You can still come along, maybe you can bring someone too?” She offered, trying to placate your irritation. Her eyes continued sliding between you and Soobin as she waited for your response. You sank back onto the bench quietly, arms crossed over your chest. 
“Fine.” You sighed. “I guess I can try to think of someone.” Georgiana’s face lit up as she stood from her seat and gathered her books back under her arm. She rounded the end of the table quickly, meeting up with Soobin just behind you. “Don’t think I’m not still irritated, Weasley!” You yelled after her even though she had turned her back to you. She stalled in her lockstep next to Soobin just long enough to turn her head and throw you a middle finger. 
The day of your Hogsmeade visit came quicker than you anticipated, and of course you’d failed to find someone to fill the empty spot that would prevent you from third wheeling. Everyone you asked had either been otherwise busy, sick, or already going into Hogsmeade with other friends.
Georgiana, being the wonderful friend she was, made sure that you hadn’t felt left out on the walk into the village. Soobin was surprisingly good at keeping conversation despite his shy appearance, and the three of you had managed to share lunch and a few Butterbeers at The Three Broomsticks before Georgiana began giving you pointed glances. It took you an embarrassingly long time to recognize what her hand signals and mouthed words were conveying, but once you did you had excused yourself to wander the shops alone in a bid to give the lovebirds some privacy.
The weather was surprisingly pleasant, and as such the streets were lined with witches and wizards of all ages. Large throngs of students and families passed you by, and you couldn’t help but feel a bit like a fish swimming upstream as everyone pushed by. When you’d first stepped out you felt odd walking the cobbled street alone, considering you’d never made a solo trip to Hogsmeade for as long as you’d lived. Something about it was quite relaxing, though, as you realized you could enter any store and stay for any amount of time. 
Once you’d wrestled your way through another group of oncoming students, you spotted an endearing baby blue storefront with deserts on display in the window. Many of them appeared to be muggle creations, and your mouth watered as you caught sight of a tray of fudgy brownies with a thick layer of chocolate icing. Your eyes had always been bigger than your stomach; so despite the fact that you’d just had lunch you find yourself stepping into the sweet smelling shop. An expansion charm helped stretch the store far beyond its dainty storefront, and you were met with the sight of even more display cases and tiered plates full of sweets. 
A few other wizards mulled around the store, debating which treats to pick up and pack into the little green pastry boxes which were stacked at the entrance in a never ending supply. You balanced one of your own between your hands as you gathered up treats, sure to grab three of the very brownies that had brought you in to begin with. You packed in a few cookies that you found on a shelf near the back of the store and began to weigh your options between purchasing what appeared to be a type of muggle cake with specs of color floating about the white batter or a more familiar looking pumpkin pastry dusted with powdered sugar. You contemplated the two deserts for an amount of time that would have been embarrassing if you were in the presence of company.
“Wrackspurts on the brain?” A rush of hot breath inches away from the shell of your ear had you reeling, clutching your box of precious deserts to your chest. Of course you’d immediately identified the voice; you were just hoping that you were wrong as you shot daggers into the boy who’d spooked you. Beomgyu looked beyond pleased with himself: a hand cocked on his hip, fake glasses perched at the very end of his nose to perfectly top off the outfit he’d chosen. His robes hung open, one shoulder almost devoid of the fabric as it drooped onto his back. The maroon turtleneck he wore struck a perfect contrast with the golden undertones of his skin and matched impressively well to the emblem on his robes. He had tucked the turtleneck into the waistband of a pair of light wash jeans that made it hard not to marvel at the shape of his waist. The scent of his cologne was faint, overpowered by the sweetness of the shop, but you were picking up overwhelming scents of-
“Hello? Earth to Y/N?” He scrunched his nose as he studied you, waving gingerly like you would have at a child.
“Oh! Uh, I’m here, I’m here. What the hell do you want anyway?” You turned your attention back to the two pastries you’d been considering before his sneak attack in an attempt to keep yourself from looking back at his form.
“What’re you doing here alone? Out of friends? Did ya bore them all to death?” He had rounded to the opposite side of the table, forcing you to look at him straight on.
“I walked into Hogsmeade with Georgiana and Soobin, if you must know. They wanted some time alone so here I am.” You glanced up again to see him leaning casually against the table with one arm bracing his weight.
“I just have to point out that you’re also alone, Beomgyu. So I’m not quite sure why so keen on bashing me.” Your eyes skate over the deserts one final time before you decisively package up a slice of the muggle cake. The urge to celebrate the small victory was squashed by Beomgyu’s scoff.
“I’m here alone because I chose to be, not because my best friend is on a date and didn’t want a chaperone. Don’t you find that a little embarrassing?”
To be honest, you hadn’t considered it that way. You knew that finding a person to keep you from third wheeling had been your responsibility. But maybe he had a point. Although he was a constant nagging force, Beomgyu was insightful and intelligent. He’d helped you in class many times back when you were friends. Nervously, you nibbled at your bottom lip and considered his words carefully. Did Georgiana find your presence today embarrassing? She was surely too nice to tell you so, and there was no denying the tension in her face while she waited for you to leave The Three Broomsticks earlier. Your normally stoic face must have betrayed you, conveying that you were starting to feel hurt at the words that suddenly seemed to make so much sense. 
“I was joking,” Beomgyu spoke up suddenly, rounding the table to once again be next to you. “Don’t take everything I say so seriously, Y/N. I’m beginning to worry for your sense of humor.” He picked up a couple of cookies with careful dexterity and settled them into the palm of his hand. 
“Of course,” you concluded bitterly, taking a step back in a bid to get to the counter and buy your treats. “Must be my broken sense of humor and not just the fact that you’re an ass.” His face twisted unpleasantly as you stepped further away. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but you were already pivoting on the balls of your feet to make your way toward the front of the shop. 
The evidence of the first frost of the season crunched underneath your feet as you hurried to class. As someone who prided themselves on showing up on time for classes every day, you were particularly embarrassed to have woken up with just twenty minutes to spare before the beginning of potions. There was no excuse, either. You had simply stayed up too late studying for the NEWT practice exam and forgot to set your alarm before lying down.
To make matters worse you’d greatly underdressed yourself, underestimating the absolute chill of the morning when you had peeled out from the window. Only now, as you found yourself feet away from the classroom did you feel the icy temperature begin to bite into your exposed skin. Your cheeks were numb with cold, and your hands shook as you pushed them under your arms for some amount of warmth. Luckily the classroom was warmer when you finally got to it. Guiltily, you grinned at your professor as he notably marked your attendance onto the scroll of parchment. 
“Rough night?” Beomgyu asked under his breath as the professor launched into the lesson for the day. You kept your back turned to the boy in favor of writing down the list of ingredients that was being provided to you. A firm poke in the middle of your back had you turning on your stool, already silently fuming as you came face to face with Beomgyu. 
“What?” You mouthed, trying your best not to alert your professor that neither of you were paying attention to him. 
“You look awful,” he mouthed back, pulling the most exaggerated gagging expression you’d ever seen in your life. Your fingers twitched, resisting the urge to grab him by his necktie and slap him across his annoyingly perfect face. Instead you threw up your middle finger boldly, practicing a muggle tradition that wizards had become quite fond of. Beomgyu feigned shock, laying a hand over his heart and pretending to faint right there at his stool. 
“-so you’ll be using this combination of potions for the group project, due in one weeks time.” Your professor concluded. Wide eyed, you spun back around on your stool only to see the words previously written on the board disappear with a flick of his wand. A group project? Potions, plural? You’d only taken notes on one mixture, and you were sure that Beomgyu hadn’t taken any notes at all. Although maybe the group project wasn’t among your table mate? Your heart fluttered as you prayed for that to be the reality, scanning your classmates to see if anyone got up to switch seats or combine tables. 
Not a single soul moved. 
“Guess it’s just us.” Beomgyu drawled from behind you. 
“Did you take any notes?” You asked, fear running through your veins. If both of you were clueless, you’d have to ask the professor to explain everything to you again, which would only implicate the two of you for not paying attention to begin with. 
Beomgyu shook his head and shrugged much too casually for a student who was in the dark about an entire project. 
“I’ll just ask someone. Hey, Art-” 
“No!” You scrambled for a rolled piece of parchment to hit him on the arm with before he could finish his shout across the classroom. “Please, do not scream across the room that we don’t know what we’re doing.” Your cheeks were flaming, anxiety and exhaustion building to a dangerous level in your bloodstream.
“Awe, are you ashamed to admit you were too busy talking to me to pay attention?” Beomgyu cooed, cradling his chin in his palms.
“No. I’m embarrassed that we’re the only ones not starting the work,” you glanced pointedly to all of the other tables where your classmates were hard at work on...something. Every table housed a slowly bubbling cauldron producing a steady stream of light grey smoke. The cauldron resting on the table between the two of you was alarmingly quiet, your stores of provided potion ingredients remaining untouched. 
“Alright, Y/N. How about right now we work on the one you wrote down,” he points a finger at the parchment containing the list of notes you managed to take, “and I’ll talk to someone about the rest. Since you’re too proud to ask for help.” Without waiting for you to process the words he gripped the parchment between his fingers and pulled it toward the middle of the table. He mumbled a simple aguamenti under his breath and the cauldron filled with the perfect level of water. He then scrutinized the words for just a moment before he began to collect ingredients with a practiced ease, barely even glancing at the labels of the hefty glass containers. You’d never seen him quite as focused in a class as he was at the moment, his nimble fingers uncapping lids and measuring precise amounts of lacewing flies with a delicacy you never would have expected to come from the hands of Gryffindor’s star Beater. 
One after the other, ingredients fell into the wrought iron cauldron, changing the color of the mixture from clear to an odd, murky green. You scrunched your nose in distaste but Beomgyu was nodding to himself in satisfaction, his fluffy hair bouncing back off of his forehead. 
“Stop staring and start taking notes, Y/N.” His voice was casual but his lips were twisted in a smirk as you scrambled for both an excuse and a fresh roll of parchment. 
“I wasn’t,” you defended as you begin to scribble out notes against the parchment, refusing to meet his eyes as the shame of being caught red-handed crawled up the back of your throat and stung behind your eyes. He simply hummed in acknowledgment and tossed in a few leaves of a plant you didn’t have time to identify into the bubbling mixture.
Impatiently, you tapped your foot against the stone floor. It echoed a sound that would have been satisfying in its consistency if it weren’t for the annoyance running through your veins. Beomgyu had promised to meet you in the west corner of the library today, at a prompt 7pm, in order to finish synthesizing your plan for the Potions project. You checked the clock on the wall again just in case you had somehow misread the hands only to find them confirming your suspicions. Beomgyu was blowing you off. He had suggested the time and place himself, and yet he couldn’t even have the decency to show up. 
Anger blossomed in your chest as you stood to gather the things you’d brought along. Your chair scraped on the floor and attracted the stares of a few other students put you paid them no mind as you swore under your breath. 
Of course Beomgyu had stood you up in the face of an important project. He was probably laughing away to his friends in the common room, boasting about how he’d left you sitting in the library like a fool. Once again he had proven himself to be an utterly useless and annoying human being that you wished you had never even met. Your teeth sunk into the supple flesh of your bottom lip so hard that blood pooled on your tongue, the bitter tang snapping you into action. The route to the Gryffindor common room was a familiar one, and the hatred brimming inside of you made your legs move even faster than usual, swearing under your breath as you finally came face to face with the portrait keeping you from entering the room. 
“I don’t have time for any password- please just let me in. I’m looking for someone.” Your words came rushed, obviously annoyed as you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“Now, you know that isn’t how this works, dear,” the painting asserted, crossing their arms to mimic your own stubborn pose. “I can’t let just anyone into the room. I’ve got,” the portraited stopped dead in its tracks and began counting on its fingers silently. “I’ve got 30 students inside right now, and it’s my job to protect them.” Your fists clenched at your sides over the stubborn portrait, fingers itching to grab your wand and level a badgering curse against the damned painting. It must have read the anger on your face as you fiddled with the fabric of your robes, as it’s booming voice came again; 
“Tell me who you’re seeking, and I can tell you if I’ve seen them!” With your fingers still curled around your wand, it took a fair deal of restraint to leave it in your robe pocket. After a deep, steadying breath, you looked back up at the portrait. A beat of silence passed before you slathered on a sweet smile, clearing your throat to quell any remnants of your frustrated growl. 
“I’m looking for Choi Beomgyu.” 
The portrait took a moment to contemplate your words, squeezing its eyes tightly and tapping its fingers as you assumed it searched the students inside the Gryffindor common room and dorms. 
“He’s not here.” It finally concluded, snapping its eyes back open to peer down at you again. Frustration flamed your skin red all the way to your hairline. Hogwarts and it’s grounds were extensive, and searching for him would surely take up your entire night. 
“I did happen to see out Quidditch players heading down to the pitch around 5 o’clock, though.” Not needing any further ceremony, you turned on your heels and made your way toward the exit of the castle. The corridors were fairly empty, and the few students still milling around were quick to step out of your way as you hurried through them, robes flowing out behind you. Silently you thanked your lucky stars that no professors had been around to inquire about why you were rushing out of the castle in such a haste. 
As soon as you set foot outside, you regretted not stopping by your dorm first to grab your coat and scarf. It had been three days since you woke up to the first frost, and the temperature had only continued to drop into frigid numbers. Even in the limited light provided by the setting sun you could see your breath fogging ahead of you. Cold air curled around your body, seeming to seep underneath your skin with a harsh ferocity. For now you simply tucked your hands deeper into the fabric of your robes, hoping that the heat of them in conjunction with your brisk pace would keep your body warm enough.
The walk to the Quidditch pitch was deceptively far when you traveled alone. Normally you were so distracted by conversation with your friends and the last minute bets between houses that you didn’t have time to mull over how many steps it took you to arrive at the stands; but today you were nothing short of pissed at how far away the compound had been built. Every step you took sent a shock of cold through your feet, your toes completely numb no matter how much you wiggled them inside your sneakers. The trees shuddered with you as you passed them, leaves spiraling to the ground as they finally give in to the pressure of the cold and resign themselves.
Finally you passed through the solid wood of the viewing stands, coming face to face with the expanse of the pitch in front of you. Totally empty. Not a single soul was to be found warming up on the grass or running practice games in the air. Upon listening, you couldn’t even hear any distant chatter that would indicate the team being huddled into the locker room.
“Shit!” A new wave of frustration crashed through your mind. Had you passed them on the way over? It was plausible that they had taken a different route back to the castle and your whole trip had been in vain. Exhausted, you leaned against the wall and listened to the whip of the banners against their metal poles, the clinking of their bindings matching with the steady, loud beat of your pulse. Just as you were about to turn and head back for the castle in your freezing shame, you heard another sound. This one was different, less uniform, almost like a grunt of exhaustion followed by a heavy thud. Your freezing feet moved almost without you to follow the noise. A vicious wind whipped your hair, mussing it up so badly that you had to stop in your tracks to gather it all back into place. You hazarded every step you took, unsure exactly where the source of the noise was coming from other than somewhere behind the stands. On your next step you heard the noise again, much closer this time, and the excitement of being close to solving this mystery had your footsteps speeding up.
Just as you rounded the curving stands, you spotted the culprit, still a little hard to make out due to the distance you had yet to cover, but the colors and shape of a Gryffindor Quidditch uniform were clear. Upon further inspection, it became obvious that the heavy thud you’d been hearing was a the heavy iron Bludger cracking against the magically reinforced bat. There were only two Beaters on the team, and one of them was the very man who’d forced you to walk into the frigid night. You continued your steady approach to the figure, morbidly curious over who it was that was out here pushing themselves to practice alone in the freezing cold. 
“Hey!” You yelled as you edged closer, hoping to give whoever it may be a fair warning that you were approaching. Within three feet of the body, there was no mistaking it to be Beomgyu. 
“Choi!” You raged, yelling much louder than required for him to hear you. The Bludger was sailing far away from the two of you with a strong hit as you closed the distance almost all the way. “I know you can hear me, asshat.” Beomgyu kept his eyes on the iron ball, effectively ignoring your words. In disbelief you glanced back and forth between his face-seeing the way his eyes narrowed in concentration as the Bludger came closer by the second. 
“Is this where you’ve been all night? Playing Quidditch while you were supposed to meet me in the library?” A strong gust of wind knocked the air out of you, shivers running down your spine as you waited for any response from the boy. The Bludger came whistling back toward the two of you, and in the split second you had the foresight to step back he had tensed his shoulders, gripped the end of his bat and took another strong and precise hit against the Bludger, sending it even further away than the last one. 
“Lost track of time.” He supplied absentmindedly, turning his head to regard you with lazy eyes. 
“What?” You seethed, stepping forward again, placing yourself in front of his frame in hopes of appearing somewhat intimidating. “You lost track of time? Let’s talk about the fact that out project is due in four fucking days, and all we have to show is a single god damn Potion. This was your responsibility,” you pushed your pointed finger into the front of his uniform, the fabric giving way to allow you to feel the firmness of his chest underneath. “I trusted you with the single task of making sure that we could figure out the rest of this project, and you fucked up!” Tears of frustration rimmed your eyes as the worry of failure overwhelmed you. As much as you hated Potions, you’d be damned if Choi Beomgyu became the reason you do poorly. 
“Listen, I seriously did just forget,” he pushed at your shoulders forcefully, to which you planted your feet into the ground harder. “Seriously, Y/N, I forgot! Now move!” 
“No! You are not,” you grabbed at his forearm and pulled it off of your shoulder, “going to blow me off again! We are going to work on this project right now, even if its the last thing I do!” 
“It’s about to be if you don’t fucking move!” He yelled, finally managing to uproot your feet and push you off to the side with so much force that you landed flat on your ass, the cold hardness of the ground knocking the breath out of your lungs. From the ground, you watched helplessly while Beomgyu scrambled to grab his bat in time to hit the whirring Bludger. He was a quick enough thinker to see that there was no way he’d make the move in time, so he simply did the next best thing- turning his back to the ball and ducking his head into his chest, covering the back of his neck with his arms. 
With a sickening crack, the Bludger made foul contact with Beomgyu’s back, striking just below his left shoulder blade. The force knocked him forward, his hands barely catching himself as he met the ground harshly. He cried out in pain, the sound bouncing around the stands and piercing your veins. In a hurry, you crawled toward his heaving body and urged him to sit up with the guidance of your hands. 
“Are you okay?” The words rushed out of you in a hurry, panic crawling up the back of your throat at the shine of tears streaming down his reddened cheeks. 
“Wh-what the hell do you think?” He groaned, body shaking as he struggled to even take a breath. 
“Okay, right. Dumb question. Let’s get you to the infirmary, yeah?” His legs shook as he got them under him, something akin to a baby deer taking its first few steps. Instinctively you shot out an arm to steady him, looping your arm behind his back as effectively as you could given the height difference and placement of his injury. 
“Merlin, I think I broke my shoulder blade,” he groaned, stumbling across the uneven ground with trepidation. 
“You didn’t, I watched. It actually hit right below your shoulder blade, so if anything it’s just bruised, and you probably won’t even need a bone-healing spell, so recovery should be little more than some Devil’s Claw for the pain and-” 
“Did someone cast a babbling curse on you? Merlin’s beard. It’s bad enough that you got me hit to begin with, and now I have to listen to you run your mouth!’ His voice was still pinched with pain, an octave lower than normal as he gritted his teeth. The two of you finally reached the threshold of the castle, encapsulated by the warmth of the torches littered all inside. 
“I’m trying to help! Did you ever consider the fact that if you had showed up to our scheduled meeting time, you could have avoided being hit. I could have avoided freezing all of my extremities off, and I wouldn’t have to be helping your ass to the infirmary.” 
The noise of your bickering outside of the infirmary wing attracted the nurse to the hallway, who furrowed her eyebrow in silent question over the two of you. 
“He got hit by a Bludger, ma’am,” you supply as soon as you see her. Her eyes widen instantly as she rushed forward, helping you guide Beomgyu into an empty cot. She shooed you aside as she fretted over him, asking questions about the incident in a low, steady tone before nodding seriously. Without any kind of warning, Beomgyu was pulling the fabric of his uniform over his head, leaving his top half bared to you. Your cheeks burned, and you cleared your throat nervously. The nurse was too busy prodding at the blossoming bruise to have heard your stutter, but Beomgyu was nothing if not aware. 
His dark eyes found your form standing just a few paces away, staring unabashedly at the faint hint of his abs that had become visible. 
“Somethin’ you like?” He drawled playfully, snapping you out of your reverie. 
“Merlin, no.” You sneered, hoping to cover the thickness of your tone as you swallowed hard. “Just trying to decide if I should tell the Quidditch team to get their backup trained for the game tomorrow night.” Beomgyu’s face fell at the implication of your words and a sting of regret struck your heart. 
“There will be no need for a backup, dear,” the nurse cooed, shuffling her feet as she gathered up a few healing supplies. She offered a bottle of innocent looking clear liquid to Beomgyu and he drank it instantly, grimacing at what you assumed to be a foul taste. “Now, dear, if you don’t fancy seeing your boyfriend in more pain as I heal him-”
“Please. He is not my boyfriend. I just helped him get here. I’ll be going now, anyway. See you tomorrow?” You asked pointedly, hoping he would understand your incessant need to finish the Potions project. He nodded slightly, and you scanned Beomgyu’s form one more time before excusing yourself to the nurse and scurrying back to your dorm. 
“I better hear a thank you.” Beomgyu asserted as soon as he slumped in the seat across from you. He had been so quiet in his approach to the table that you hadn’t heard him until now, rocketing your gaze up towards him from the pages of your Transfiguration book. 
“Beomgyu,” you breathed, relieved to see that he had been healed and able to return to classes just the morning after the Bludger hit. You schooled your features into cool indifference as soon as you saw his mouth twitch up at the sound of his name. “For what am I thanking you? Withholding information about the project?” 
“No,” he shook his head, springing a few carefully parted hairs loose from their spot. “For- number one-” he paused dramatically, drumming his bony fingers against the edge of the high-topped table, “providing you all the information for finishing this project.” Out of seemingly nowhere he produced a thick roll of parchment that unrolled to reveal a step by step explanation. Pages of carefully written instructions went into great detail on every step of the potions that needed to be made. A sense of relief and happiness washed through you, enough to make your hands curl into excited fists as you beamed. 
“Turns out our Seeker is good at more than catching a Snitch. She got the highest marks in this class last year, and agreed to share the notes with me.” 
“Thank you, Beomgyu. Seriously. I was beginning to worry.” 
“I know, I know. It feels good to be your savior, Y/N. Oh, which reminds me of reason number two; the fact that I spared you a Bludger hit last night.” 
“I thought we’d already covered this. Most of that encounter was your fault. Plus, your little shove left me with a bruise of my own on my ass.” Pouting, you shifted your weight in an attempt to alleviate the pain against said bruise. 
“Just admit it, Y/N,” he leaned forward, his face mere inches from your own so as not to be heard by anyone around. “You’re indebted to me. Two times over.” He was cocky, but you had to admit he had a point. As much grief as he had caused you, he had saved you from both a failing grade and an injury in just under 24 hours. 
“You’ve got a point.” Beomgyu shrunk back into his seat, cocking his head to the side as if he hadn’t heard you correctly. It seemed like he was waiting for a witty remark or some kind of argument to his words, but you kept a sure, steady gaze on him instead. Either your eyes were playing tricks on you or there was a slowly building flush of red blooming from under the collar of his cable-knit sweater onto his cheeks. Against your will, your mind reproduced the image of his bared chest from last night. 
“What do I owe you?” The question rolled off of your tongue like butter as you took the chance to lean forward to him, balancing carefully on your stool with your elbows planted onto the table. 
“I-I just,” Beomgyu frowned at his stutter, apparently upset by his own lack of confidence. His mouth opened and closed again in quick succession and you grinned wider. Another teasing lilt was right at the tip of your tongue, but the booming voice of your professor cracked the tension wide open and had you sitting back on your stool. 
Two days later, you stand behind your stool in Potions class, wringing your hands together nervously. Your portly professor had spent all morning swirling around the class, leaning over the cauldrons and vials present at every table. He muttered a few things to every pair of students, nodding along as they explained their approach to him. It seemed as if he were grading on the spot, since you caught a glimpse of a quill gliding over a small strip of parchment. 
Finally the elder approached your table, bushy eyebrows pinched into one another as he had already begun to scrutinize the potions laid out for him. He said nothing as he approached, quietly appraising your work. One by one, he picked up the vials one by one, peering through the clear bottom and giving them an experimental swirl. He hummed happily to himself and your heart soared. Across the table you noticed Beomgyu looking equally pleased. The professor set down the vials one by one before leveling his gaze onto you. 
“How do you think you did?” He questioned, producing the same thin strip of parchment you’d seen him use at other tables. Palms sweating, you stole a glance at Beomgyu who gave you an encouraging wave of his hand. 
“I think we did quite well, professor. It took us a bit to get the whole project together, but I feel confident in our end results here.” Nervously, your eyes skated down to his quill, tapping against the parchment rhythmically. 
“Well, I think you did quite well, the two of you. These potions are near perfect. Couldn’t make them any better myself.” It felt as if the air had been sucked from your lungs, shocking you beyond belief. Never once in your life did you think you’d be receiving such high marks in Potions- especially with Beomgyu as your partner. Your professor marked a delicate “A+” on the small strip of parchment. 
Beomgyu threw a triumphant fist in the air, wiggling in his spot with pure excitement. Your professor let out a belly laugh, spinning around to address the entire class. 
“I didn’t want to advertise this since I wanted you all to put in your best, pure efforts to the project. But, now that I’ve reviewed everyone’s work and determined the best,” you swapped a look of confusion with Beomgyu, both assuming that he was referring to you. “I am offering an award to our friends at Station 1!” He motioned to the two of you wildly, robes flailing as you ushered to the front of the room. Your peers glared at the two of you, but you were too far onto cloud nine to care. 
“Good thing I got those notes, huh?” Beomgyu muttered to you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head. 
“Good thing I spent all last night making sure we actually had the potions to present.” Keeping your voice low and level to keep him from sensing just how grateful you were for his efforts. The class murmured lowly, surely trading snide remarks about the two of you until the professor cleared his throat pointedly.
From the pocket of his robes, the professor pulled out two small, clear vials. One was pressed into each of your palms, and you stared up at him with confusion. Maybe this was a sign you should have paid more attention to the types of potions around you.
“Luck potions, please use them carefully” he supplied helpfully, swirling back around to face the entire class. “Now, who’s willing to take a photo of me and our winners?” The professor bellowed, producing an old film camera from somewhere and brandishing until someone shuffled off of their stool.
Fresh, fluffy snow floated down in gentle waves outside the window. It was the thick of winter now, and despite your best efforts to bundle up you were still huddling into yourself for warmth as students shuffled into Potions around you. Everyone seemed especially lethargic, yearning for the break from classes that Christmas promised. You laid your head onto your folded arms, feeling just as exhausted as the atmosphere suggested. 
Sleep had been evading you lately, annoyingly deceptive as you would lay down in bed tired only to be kept awake by your racing mind for several hours. Somehow settling into your arms in this classroom was the most content you’d felt in days. And then you felt a firm push at the back of your head. There was no mistaking who the perpetrator was, especially as you heard the scrape of a stool directly across from you. 
“Good morning to you too, Beomgyu.” He was perched perfectly on his stool, eyes wide and bright. For as long as you’d known him, he had thrived in the cold and the snow. “You are obnoxiously cheerful. God damn Gryffindors.” 
“Not my fault you’re such a grouch. But I guess it is true that snakes don’t like the cold.” 
“Do you ever let up? Or do you get pleasure out of ruining my mood every single morning?” 
A grin cracked his lips as a short laugh bubbled through. “Thinking about my pleasure, are you? Concerned I’m not getting enough? I can assure you that-”
“Okay, gross. Stop. Enough. You know that isn’t what I meant.” Quite honestly, you had no time to endure his usual teasing so you simply turned your body away from him, idly watching the professor gather his things at the desk. 
“Right, let’s get going! We need all the time we can manage today!” He seemed more jubilant than usual as he centered his own cauldron onto the middle of his desk. “Today we’ll be making love potions. Amortentia, you may know. If you’ll open to page 104, you can find the procedure. It is important to note that this potion cannot make anyone truly fall in love, but it does create a strong attraction to whomever you make with it in mind. Of course, the full effect doesn’t apply unless it is consumed. Today we will simply be brewing it for practice. If done correctly, the potion will emulate-” 
“The scent of what you find most attractive,” you muttered absent mindedly, reading directly off of the page you had open in your lap. 
“Exactly, miss Y/N. Your potion today will smell like what you find most appealing.” He nodded proudly. A feeling of anxiety rose in your chest as he rattled on. No matter how hard you tried you couldn’t think of the type of scents that would come from the potion. You were quite fond of some scents in candle form, but you wouldn’t classify them as...attractive. Even more worrying was the idea that no matter how hard you tried, you would have to reveal this concoction in front of Beomgyu, who took every chance presented to torment you. Your professor clapped his hands together, marking the beginning of your working period. 
The instructions were simple enough, so you took extra care to be sure that the   measurements were as perfect as you could get them. The room was shrouded in a hushed silence that indicated everyone was working hard on this. After all, this was the most exciting potion that’d been offered to you all year. 
“Can’t wait to see which poor dude you have a crush on,” Beomgyu chuckled as he stirred his pot exactly three times counter-clockwise. 
“Could say the same for you! I seriously petty whichever girl you’ve been fancying. Imagine being at the receiving end of your...ick. You’d better tell me who it is so I can send them a warning.” You stirred your pot the same way he had, watching the mixture turn to a stereotypical bright pink. The instructions lead you to allow the mixture to culminate for exactly two minutes before any results could be sought. 
The students who happened to work faster than you were already taking a sniff at their potions and recording the scents on their parchment, some pairs gossiping amongst one another about what they smelled. A clank of metal had you whipping your head upwards, locking eyes with Beomgyu as adjusted his small cauldron to bend over his potion. Since it wasn’t your own, there was no scent for you to distinguish, but you watched the way his eyes widened in shock for a second. 
Unfortunately you had no time to process his expressions before you had to examine the contents of your own cauldron. Before you could even take a deliberate sniff, your senses were rushed with a mix of sweetened musk, a wood that seemed somewhere between cedar and mahogany, and an addicting citrusy undertone that you eventually recognized as bergamot. You placed it immediately.
“Merlin, Beomgyu. Could you refrain from spraying your cologne right now? Why are you even carrying it with you in the middle of-” The words died in your throat as you realized how incriminating your words had become, seeing as Beomgyu had nothing but his quill in his hands. A feeling of sickness rose in the back of your throat as he let out a hearty laugh. 
“My cologne, huh? I actually didn’t even have time to put any on today,” he peered over at your parchment, his height allowing him to easily read the fragrance notes you had scribbled before complaining. “But those are the exact notes of what I wear.” 
Your cheeks flamed, the heat radiating so fully through your system that you felt yourself begin to sweat despite how cold you’d been before. There was no worse fate than this, you decided. Amortentia had betrayed you, putting you under the mercy of Beomgyu’s knowing stare. Fuck, did he really have to find out now that the smell of his cologne secretly drove you crazy? That as much as you hated the way he teased and antagonized you, somewhere deep down you’d never quite lost the crush you developed in second year? 
“I was beginning to think you might’ve had a crush on me, Y/N. Isn’t that so sweet! The stony little Slytherin finally realizing that she’s attracted to me...this is quite the revelation!” Beomgyu lamented, obviously overjoyed at the new ammo he could load into his teasing. 
As much as you searched, you could find no words to defend yourself, as the proof was truly in the potion. A bit defeated, you sunk back into your stool, content to bury your face into your hands until your next class began; but at your new level you could see Beomgyu’s own piece of parchment scrawled with what he had smelled. Reading them upside down was a bit of a challenge, but he was too busy complimenting himself to recognize your analytical stare. Written in a neat list were the scents: sage, some type of berry (juniper?), eucalyptus, something woody (cedar?). 
Your heart stuttered, a bitter laugh threatening to spill out and give yourself away. Skillfully you held it back, cursing to any god or deity who might be listening. The notes matched up exactly with the perfume you wore every single day.
“You asked him why he sprayed his cologne?” Georgiana gaped at you across the table in the Great Hall. The two of you had joined up for lunch just hours after your Potions class disaster.
“Yes, but that’s not all! Just before I melted into a puddle of my own dispair, I saw his list, and I swear to Merlin it’s the exact notes of my perfume! Look,” you produced the travel-sized bottle from your pocket, flipping it to the back label and listing off the exact ingedients.
“Wow,” Georgiana nodded, sinking her teeth into a piece of pizza. “That’s quite remarkable.”
“Why are you not giving me more of a reaction?” You whined, stomping your foot against the floor petulantly. She raised an eyebrow high, taking a few more chews at her food.
“You want me to be honest? Or nice?” She asked, weighing the invisible options on her hands in front of you.
“Honest, I guess.”
“Oh, I was hoping you’d pick that one. You see, my sweet Y/N, the two of you have been dancing around this for years. Even though you renounced him all those years ago, I still talk to him on occasion. Not to mention he’s friends with Soobin, so I’ve been provided with some...insider information. To be honest, Soobin and I have both been waiting for the day the two of you finally stopped bickering and like...made out.”
Your face twisted unpleasantly, shocked at her words. “Insider information?” You croaked, creases forming in your forehead. Georgiana smiled devilishly and you swore you could see red horns rising from her fiery hair.
“Beomgyu talks about you all the time. Apparently, back when he was dating Klara, he would often talk to Soobin about how she never bantered with him like you did. They broke up because he kept comparing her to you. Told Soobin that he’s had a crush on you just as long as you have, but he thought you thoroughly hated him.”
“He has a crush on me?” You sputtered, stomach twisting into knots somewhere between disbelief and excitement. Georgiana full on laughed upon seeing your face, the cackle permeating through the air and turning heads.
“Well, I’m not gonna be the one to bring it up. If he’s got a crush on me, he can bring it up.” You suddenly decide, finally indulging in the pizza that had been waiting for you since you sat down.
“That’s my girl, stubborn to the very end.” Georgiana grinned and offered her hand for a high five that you eagerly returned.
The weekend brought you a much needed break from both schoolwork and all things Beomgyu related. Christmas break was fast approaching, and all of your professors had surprisingly laid off on assignments. It seemed as if they were just as tired of grading as you were of doing the work.
Unsurprisingly you found yourself in the library, sitting underneath the twinkling of the fairy lights set up especially for the holidays. Most other students were out socializing, so the room was pleasantly vacant. As a result you were able to settle into one of the plush velvet couches that were usually occupied.
After roaming the aisles you’d found an anthology of wizard poetry that piqued your interest. Settling beteeen the cushions of the couch with a book made you feel the most at home you ever had, cracking open the delicate binding and balancing the book in your stomach as you began to read.
There was no way to tell how long you’d been reading, but by your estimations it was only about 20 minutes before someone was looming above you. Startled, you lifted your gaze over the book to see none other than Beomgyu standing before you. He was decked out in a sage green sweater paired with slightly oversized beige slacks. He had forgone his robes, but his Head Boy pin still shined on the breast of his shirt. Typical.
“Can I help you?” You asked, finally sitting up to regard him.
“I thought you’d be here.” He said simply, shuffling on his feet awkwardly. You blinked.
“That doesn’t answer my question,” you poked, slipping your book shut dramatically. “Did you want to ask me something?” Beomgyu licked at his lips before rubbing his fingers against his forehead.
“Merlin, why do you make everything so hard?” He groaned and seemingly became so exhausted that he collapsed onto the ornate rug under his feet. Seeing that you’d riled him up so much by doing practically nothing sent excitement through your veins. As much as the bickering annoyed you, there was no denying the thrill you felt when giving him back a taste of his medicine.
“What exactly am I making so hard? I don’t even know what you’re here for. To be honest I’m shocked you managed to find me in the library. I figured you would start to burn at the door and have to find a different way in.”
Beomgyu rolled his eyes, a hint of a smirk playing at his pillowy lips.
“Don’t act like you don’t know why I’m here.” He finally began to reveal the award winning smile you’d come to know whenever he teased you. “I know what Georgiana told you.” His voice was low, so quiet that if there had been any other souls in the library you’d have missed it.
Your eyes flew open and he flushed instantly. “You two aren’t exactly quiet at the Great Hall, and I’ve got more than a few friends.” It was your turn to flush red, wondering just how many conversations between you and Georgiana had been overheard by other people. 
“So you know that I said...” 
“Why do you think I’m here? All it took was me knowing you also...you know,” he picked at the nonexistent loose threads in the carpet. Honestly, you were shocked at how reserved he had become in the face of this confrontation. All traces of his usual confidence seemed to have vanished in the moment. 
“I do like you, Beomgyu. I had a massive crush on you in second year, but then we got into that fight and-”
“I wouldn’t call it a fight,” he countered animatedly. “You just never understood my humor. All this time, I was hoping that you would catch the hints.” 
“Hints?” It felt like your eyes were going to fall out of your head with how wide you held them. “You call those hints? I’d call those lackluster clues, at best.” 
He was quiet for a moment, examining the smirk on your lips carefully. In a moment of impulse you slid off of the couch to sit opposite him on the floor, knees touching. Your heart hammered against your ribs.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, gripping at his thighs nervously. “Didn’t know how else to go about it.” 
“That’s okay, me either, obviously.” A rueful laugh escaped your lips, and he returned one just as easily. Up this close, the planes of his face were defined by the delicate light provided from the fairy lights. Shyly you shared glances, neither of you knowing quite how to deal with the charged anticipation in the air.
“Will you...come to the last Quidditch game tomorrow?” He finally spoke, snapping your attention back to him.
“Only if I don’t have to wear one of your ugly jerseies.” Feeling bold, you leaned forward just a few inches, beginning to close the gap between you gradually.
“Fine,” he acquised, leaning forward just the same as you had, his breath fanning hot over your face. “In exchange for not wearing a jersey, how about you...” he tapped at his lips cheekily. A surge of excitement tumbled through you.
“That’s a shit way of asking me to kiss you for the first time, Choi.” Nevertheless you leaned forward further, bumping your nose against his own before you finally pecked him firmly on the lips. You felt ridiculously shy, like you were having your first kiss all over again, but Beomgyu smiled reassuringly, pulling your hands into his own and linking them together. The touch encouraged you both, and your lips collided with more assurance than before.
The faint scent of pumpkin juice lingered on his lips, and you wondered how many bottles he’d drank before finally deciding to come find you. Finally you both sought a new breath, taking a moment to close your eyes and collect yourself. When they fluttered back open you saw Beomgyu staring back at you intently, pupils reflecting the strands of lights strung above you.
He mumbled something so quietly that you couldn’t even hear it at your close distance.
“What was that?” You asked, wondering if you’d caught the end of a charmingly romantic thought.
“I said you’re in need of practice.” He smirked, leaning back of his hands cockily.
“Fuck you, man,” you slapped at his shoulder with a firm clap. He gasped, a hand covering his heart as if he were being sworn into a committee.
“Already? I didn’t take you for such an impure heart!” Another hearty laugh bounced around the library and you ducked your head into your hands, resigning to the fact that you were stuck with him.
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vinnybox · 2 years
Now that im home, I can tell about my dream where Nightwing was in it. I’ll copy paste this word for word with small edits from my discord.
It was very early in the morning so a lot of things might not make sense since I wrote this as soon as I woke up
My weird wacky ass dream undercut!
I had a dream I lucid dreamed actually I dreamt that I was Nightwing. Or was in his perspective in third person. It switches between being me or him and also funnily enough, Woodie from toy story occasionally We were in a village. It was a village where cartoons and movie characters lived.
The Riddler planned something for Batman and Nightwing. He wanted them to solve his riddles but before that, i dreamt that Nightwing and Bruce had a small disagreement over something but then the mission came up n all.
I think at one point I realized I was asleep and dreaming, I made sure my brain didn’t panic and try to wake me up, even told the characters in my dream I was dreaming and they’re like “Oh yeah you are.” And when everything initially felt floaty like gravity didn’t existed, I made gravity happen and everything was on the ground again. Every one was grateful cause it was kinda hard to move around
The I saw Donkey from Shrek in a pond singing about how he liked being floaty cause it felt like flying. I told him he wouldn’t like not being able to grab onto anything to push himself forward if theres even any object near enough for him to propel himself forward with his hooves.
“Plus I don’t think you could even grab onto anything with these, so gravity stays” (I was Nightwing here when I picked him up and took him out of the pond)
The Riddler planned something on the wedding in Gotham. Don’t remember whose but it was someone of high status. Then the fairy from Cinderella appeared to help set up the wedding and Woody joined us since he was suppose to do something too
Before this whole wedding thing tho I was in the lil village of cartoons and not Gotham. I caught Damian being soft and mushy around superboy but strangely it wasn’t jon, it was Kon-el (Conner? Kon? The one that rocks them leather jacket).
Damian didn’t appreciate me (As nightwing) witnessing him and superboy laughed his ass off. Told him I won’t tell anyone before he left with his boyfriend else where. 
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cj-sparkss · 3 years
hi hi can I request eren and skinny dipping please?
eye of the storm -
eren’s masterlist:
a/n | ofc!  i hope you enjoy :) i haven’t posted in a few days so here  warnings | nudity, suggestive themes, groping, sexual activities, nsfw category | fluff/suggestive/general wc | 1.9k+ pairing | eren jeager & f!reader
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general prompt request #2: skinny dipping with eren
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Where the hell is eren?
This is what you’re thinking as you cautiously trudge down the forest path, dodging different tree stumps and desperately trying to avoid the sticky mud. If your memory serves you right, this is the direction you saw Eren go.
This wouldn’t be the first time that you have seen Eren head this way, you noticed it’s starting to become a pattern. Almost every time after eren finishes his training, he heads straight this way. You don’t think anyone else knows about where Eren’s been going, every time someone asks him about it he just brushes it off and claims, “He’s going on a walk.”
Bull. Shit.
You’re close enough with eren to know better. You guys aren’t exactly in a relationship - nothing being made official yet - but you guys are there for each other. And that was enough.
Now, you knew he wasn’t just going on walks, and so you were determined to find out where he actually has been going. Your curiosity got the better of you, and that is what led you here in a forest, feet tripping over literal air, almost falling face first into a muddy puddle.
“Shit.” You curse at your clumsiness under your breath, successfully avoiding what could have been a very terrible accident. You reach the final clearing of trees, your eyes spotting a deep blue of water sprawled out in a lake in front of you.
“Wow.” Your eyes scan the area in front of you, mesmerized by the ethereal view. The water. It’s just like his eyes. Eren's eyes. Both a ravishing view, sure to steel the breath right out from your lungs. Your body freezes, taking a moment to admire the forever extending beauty before you. The sky is a heavenly mixture of colors, blue, pink, purple, yellow, all the colors of a sunset, blended perfectly together like a painting. So entranced by the sight, you fail to notice the trail of footsteps crunching on the ground, slowly approaching you.
“Beautiful, right?”
Snapped out of your daze by the deep voice beside you, you look to your right to identify the person standing next to you.
It’s Eren.
He’s already staring at you, eyes intently studying your face. You both lock eyes with each other, water gently splashing in the background.
You were right. Eren's eyes are just like the water, if not an even more astonishing sight to look at. The sun is shining upon his face, the sunlight making the boy look even better than usual, if that’s even possible. His chocolate brown hair is once again tied in a messy bun, strands of hair falling out to the side framing his wonderfully structured face.
Eren really is handsome.
You tear your eyes away from his and look back at the lake, afraid if you stare any longer you might just get lost in his eyes.
“It is beautiful.”
The question you were originally here for rings in your mind again. “So, this is where you go after training?” You peek a glance at Eren from your peripheral vision, his own eyes now set on the lake as well. “Yeah. It’s like my safe place, you know?” He sighs deeply, shoulders raising and dropping. “Makes me feel calm while the storm is happening in the background.”
You examine the beauty of the lake again, and you see why eren calls this his safe place. “I understand. The lake just radiates this calmness, immediately attracting you and pulling you in. It’s the eye of the storm. No titans, no one constantly pestering you, no people, no orders, just calm.”
Eren hums in agreement, nodding his head up and down. “Exactly. eye of the storm.” You both stand next to each other in silence for a few minutes, just basking in the sunlight and listening to the quiet blue waves splashing against the shore.
And then he gets an idea. Eren’s lips curl up into a cheeky grin, a mischievous twinkle shining in his emerald eyes. Walking forwards, Eren kicks off his shoes with ease, stepping into the beginning of the water. His large hands grasp the bottom of his shirt. Front still facing the lake, Eren slowly lifts it up, revealing his strong and muscular back. His muscles squeeze and contract as he brings it up and over his head, slightly messing up his already messy bun. Throwing the shirt on the grass, he turns around and smiles a boyish grin at you, his abs and body sculpted perfectly like a god. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
Captivated by the boy before you, mouth agape, you’re practically drooling like a baby. Realizing Eren just asked you a question, you quickly gain your composure. Is- is he stripping? Oh… does he want to… you raise your eyebrows in question, tilting your head to the side. “Depends. What are you thinking?” Please don’t say skinny dippi-
“Skinny dipping.” Eren’s smile only grows wider, veiny hands reaching down to his pants zipper. He unbuttons, unzips, and pulls down his pants, leaving him only in his boxers. Throwing his pants in the same pile as his shirt and looking back at you, he juts his bottom lip out in a fake pout and crosses his arms against his chest. “C’mon. You're not going to make me be the only one to undress, are you?”
Taking everything in you not to look down at his very noticeable print, you let out a dramatic sigh. You might as well let loose this once. Who better to get naked in front of than Eren? “Fine.” Eren smiles a satisfied grin. You raise your eyebrows and stare at him with expectation, Eren only raising his eyebrows in confusion and staring at you back. You start tapping your foot against the ground in an impatient manner. “Well are you going to stand there watching me strip?” Realization takes over Eren’s face. “Oh yeah right.” He scratches the back of his neck, the tip of his ears turning pink. “Sorry.”
He starts to slide off his boxers, and getting flustered, you immediately use your hands to cover your eyes in shock. “Eren!” You turn around, Eren letting out a series of laughs. You hear a loud splash, and you know Eren has jumped into the blue water. You turn around and there he is, his head back, running his large hands through his chocolate brown hair to shake out the wetness. His bun must have fallen apart, his long hair now out and about resting at the sides of his face. Droplets of water trickle down his face and his neck, dripping back into the lake. The setting sun only enhances his beautiful features, his tan skin glimmering.
“Well are you going to change?” A smile etches onto your face. “I will if you turn around.” You wag a finger at him. “And you better stay turned around.” Splashing his hands in the water, Eren complies to your wishes and turns around.
“You got it baby.”
“Don’t call me baby.”
“All right sweetheart.”
You let out an irritated growl at the boy's antics, only causing him to let out a deep chuckle. Hesitantly, you begin to take off your clothes, lifting your shirt up and over your body, throwing it to where Eren‘s shirt is, your pants following right after. You turn around and you’re relieved to see that Eren kept his word and stayed turned around. “All right Eren, I’m coming in.”
“Great.” He nods his head. “Can I turn around now?” “Uh… one second.” You slowly step into the lake, cold water immediately greeting your feet. Once your bottom half is covered by the blue water, you cross your arms over your chest, covering your breasts. A chill goes down your spine, and you’re not sure if it’s from the nervousness of being naked in the presence of Eren or if you really are just cold. Taking a deep breath, you head for the lake. Every step you take, the water rises more and more up your legs. “Now you can turn around.” Without wasting a second, Eren’s body whips around, turquoise eyes meeting yours. His mouth falls agape, drinking in your appearance, and god damn. You might think Eren looks like a god, but he thinks you look like an absolute goddess. The way the sun is beaming on your skin, innocent eyes shining. You’re just so perfect in his eyes. Yes, the lake was Eren’s eye of the storm, but you were the calm.
When he’s with you, he feels at peace. Relieved. Happy.
In a matter of seconds, you are in front Eren, the cold water up to your shoulders covering your breasts and other genitals. You bring your eyes to meet his, turquoise orbs looking back at you. You can feel your cheeks getting flushed, and all your insecurities rise to the surface. Oh no, you should have never agreed to this, what if we get caught? What were you thinki-
“Hey.” Eren reaches a hand to your face, brushing a wet strand of hair and tucking it behind your ear. “Did you know that you’re gorgeous?” There it is again, the endless pit of butterflies flying around in your stomach, never failing to arrive when Eren is around you. Bowing your head in bashfulness, you mutter a small thank you.
Bringing his hand to your chin, he raises your face to look at him. His eyes flicker from your eyes down to your lips. “I’m going to kiss you now.” Eren pulls you against his body, leaning his face into yours. He stops when your lips are only inches away from each other to give you a chance to pull away. When you don’t, his lips collide into yours. You soak in Eren’s ginger and woody musk, soak in his delicate touch against your skin, feeling his breath mingling with yours.
His hand at the small of your back pulls you in even tighter to his body. You’re flush against each other, allowing you to feel the muscular lines of Eren’s stomach printing against your own. Your breasts are pressed into his chest, his hard bulge against you. The kiss becomes more demanding, more needy. You willingly respond to Eren, allowing him to dominate and take advantage to roam his hands all over your naked body, long fingers feeling every curve and brushing the swell of your breast.
His calloused hands find their way to your ass, groping and squeezing any ounce of flesh on your body. Eren easily lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. The water does not make things any easier, but Eren is strong enough not to let any of you falter. Your hands make their way to his damp hair, grabbing and pulling, igniting a low groan to escape his lips. Your brain goes fuzzy, all your worries from earlier fade away.
Eren pulls away first, giving you both the chance to breathe. His hands underneath your thighs holding you up, he rests his forehead against yours, both of you panting messes. Chests heaving up and down against each other, his lips are pink and swollen from the intensity of the kiss. Turquoise orbs looking into yours, eyes intense and searching, Eren opens his mouth to speak. “Thank you,” He whispers. You watch him, hands raking through his long hair. “For what?”
“For being here. For being you. For being my calm.”
Smiling, you separate your foreheads to give him a peck on his cheek. “No, thank you Eren. Thank you for being my calm.”
While looking into your eyes, Eren can one hundred percent guarantee that he has never felt this much love for anyone else before.
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