#Oh no Willow is thirsting again
willow-dot-file · 7 months
Damn now I want to be the Nene to someone's Rui or the Rui to someone's Kasa
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eleni-cherie · 2 years
lonely hearts club ✨ || kth au - chapter 0.7
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“lonely hearts club // do you want to be with somebody like me?”
maybe single parents are meant to be members of the lonely hearts club.
masterlist: here
— genre: single parents au, romcom, humour, fluff, angst, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l
"She's toothing, right?"
Taehyung hummed, averting his eyes from the little girl in front of him. "Uh yeah, is it obvious?" He arched a brow.
Cassandra giggled lightly as she wiggled a stuffed bear in front of her daughter. The baby clapping happily with her little hands at the sight of her favourite plushie. "A little. She's biting on that like her life depended on it," she said, pointing at the toothing ring between Ari's lips. "Ah true," he laughed out tugging a bit at the plastic star causing Ari to frown. Quickly letting go again, not wanting to provoke her in any way.
"So.. any plans for the weekend?" Cassandra asked then, after a moment of hesitation. Peeking at him, she saw Taehyung nod. Giving Ari her bottle as the girl's hands were already reaching for it. Her thirst growing bigger and the liquid soon soothed her. "Actually, yeah."
Cassandra nodded understanding. She was determined to get to know him better. To see if her gut feeling was right about him after all or good-for-nothing like in so many other cases. Hence her poor attempt to try meeting without their children for once. So her heart sank a little when hearing his reply. "Oh, that's nice." She tried her best not to sound disappointed. "With your friends again?"
"Yeah.. We all have different lives, so it's nice when we can hang out together."
She remembered him having mentioned something like that before. And even though that prevented her plan, she was still happy. Understanding that it must mean a lot to him. "It's great you still manage meeting your friends," she faintly smiled, "Wished I could do that, too."
Taehyung arched a brow at her, laughing under his breath. "You sound like you wouldn't have any friends of your own."
Scoffing playfully, she folded her arms in front of her chest. "Of course I do have friends. Just not that many.." Her voice trailed off as she straightened Isavella's t-shirt. "And they're always busy with their own stuff. So I usually just leave Izzy at my mum and do something on my own. Like this weekend again, as it seems.."
He hummed and wiped Ari's mouth as she had finished drinking. "And what are you planning to do alone?" He was genuinely curious to hear her plans. But perhaps also pitied her a little.
Cassandra shrugged. "Nothing special. Just going to the cinema. There's one close by that sometimes shows old films. And they're showing one of my favourite ones this sunday.. Sure I could stream it online, but I want to get out a little so.." She sat Isavella back into her stroller and leaned back on the bench. They had a great view of the lake from there, she noticed. A big weeping willow blocking the afternoon sun for them. Its long branches swaying gently on the water's surface.
"I prefer cinema over streaming," he said then, "It's more fun on the big screen."
"Agreed," she smiled.
"And what film is it?"
"An old one, doubt you'd know it."
He huffed, before a lopsided smirk spread over his full lips. "Try me," he said smugly. Causing her to laugh out. "Okay? It's called 'Roman Holiday'. Ever heard of it?"
He shook his head. Of course she hadn't expected him to do so and yet she was a little disenchanted. "It's okay. It's pretty old after all. I mean black-and-white old."
"I actually adore old films. Especially black and white ones," he informed her with pride. Seeing her eyes widening. "You do?" she gasped, not believing someone like him shared one of her interests. It sounded too good to be true. "Me too!"
The obvious excitement on her beaming face made him chuckle. "I don't think I've ever watched this one, though," he smiled then. "Is it good?"
"It's one of my favourite ones so.. I'd say so," she grinned.
"So the screening is on sunday?" he asked to which she nodded. "And what time?"
Cassandra blinked for a moment. Not daring to raise her hopes, even if the implication of his question was more than reason enough. "A-at 6pm."
He hummed, making a thinking expression. "Alright."
Her heart beat faster. "Alright what?"
"Alright I'm coming with you," he grinned. "Sounds interesting."
She had to bite back a smile. Quickly calming herself down as she didn't want to seem needy or foolish. "Really? I mean you don't have to feel sorry for me, you know. If you're busy or-" He shook his head though, interrupting her. "I'm not. I'm meeting my friends on saturday. I'm free on sunday evening. Besides, I do like old films. And I'm curious since this one's your favourite."
"Oh then, that's great!"
"Except if you don't want me to come.." His eyes wandered around in a shy manner before flashing her a boyish grin.
"Well, you know.." she said then, tapping her chin, "I was already mentally prepared to go alone.. I don't know how to feel about someone joining in suddenly. It's confounding my whole plan of being a loner."
His brows rose as he shrugged. "Oh well, then I'm obviously not coming. Don't wanna disturb your plans in any way."
"I could make an exception for you, I guess," she dramatically sighed then, "But only this one time."
"Really?" he faked surprise. "I feel honoured you allow me to accompany you."
"Yeah, see. I'm such a nice person."
Their eyes met and they remained silent for a second before cracking up. Their little improvisations being quite funny to both of them.
"No, seriously I'm glad you're coming and I won't be alone," she awkwardly laughed then, fumbling with her fingers, "I must seem like a total loser for going to the cinema alone, right?"
He shook his head though, giving her a warm smile. "I'd never think of you as a loser."
"Don't go there, it's obviously a trap," Cassandra mumbled to herself. Eyes glued on the screen in front of her. Dragging a frustrated groan at the predictable consequences when seeing the soon-to-be victim following the unsub. "No, no, you idiot. Don't go." Her voice was almost a whine when a sudden noise made her jump up.
It was a light whimpering, almost cry. She immediately paused the episode of her favourite crime show and got up. Now a clear crying coming from the babyphone. She breathed out in relief, realising it was only Isavella. Not a serial killer trying breaking in. Perhaps watching crime shows alone in the middle of the night hadn't been a great idea after. It was the only time of the day she could catch up her shows in peace though. During the day she was too exhausted and mostly just took care of her daughter. Or napped along with her.
"Did you wake up?" she cooed when entering the bedroom. Stepping to Isavella's crib next to her own bed. "Aw, poor cutie. Let's see. Are you hungry?"
Carefully heaving the baby, she held her high to first check her diaper. No smell. Then it was most likely hunger, she concluded and carried her out. Holding her against her shoulder and rocking her a little in an attempt to calm her down.
"Yes, yes, I know. Just give me a second."
She sat down on her previous spot on the couch and pulled her shirt up. Holding Isavella's little head to her breast. The baby instantly calming down when starting sucking, finally getting fed.
It was one of the things Cassandra loved and yet disliked about being a mother. Obviously the closeness she felt in that moment to her little daughter was an indescripable wonderful feeling. However, it would also be slightly painful -when Isavella was too hungry and eager - and leave the area sore sometimes.
But with her turning six months now, she would soon stop breastfeeding and instead switch to follow-up milk. So in a way, she tried cherishing these last moments as much as she could. Even if they were a little painful at times.
Picking up the remote controller, she pressed play and continued the episode. Figuring out she had a few minutes to kill before Isavella was full.
The music got intenser when the unsub finally got the new victim where they wanted them, eventually kidnapping the man. Cassandra groaned again, looking down at the baby who was happily drinking. "You'll be smarter then this, you hear? You won't follow some strange noises."
Isavella let go and made a bubbly noise before getting back to drinking. Making Cassandra smile. "You agree, right?" The baby continued drinking with puffy cheeks and she focused back on the episode. The scene switching to the FBI agents investigating the case. Soon the baby let go of her mother's breast again, this time not attempting getting back to drinking. Indicating she was done with her meal. Cassandra noticed and pulled her shirt down. Sitting her up straight, "Oh, you're done already?"
Sometimes she felt like a psycho for talking with her all the time. After all, she didn't understand anything. It was like she was talking to herself. But she wanted to believe that Isavella did understand some things after all. Not always, but often. Besides, she didn't have anyone else to talk to but her baby. And she was sure talking to her would have a positive effect to her development. After all, same applied to plants -according to an article she had read once. So if it worked for plants, it should definitely work for babies, too.
Her daughter was staring at her wide-eyes. Expectingly. Her little fingers reaching for her mother. Cassandra smiled as she put a napkin on her shoulder and leaned the baby on it. Lightly patting her back. When she finally burbed, she lowered her onto her chest again. Wiping the saliva from her lips. "Now let's try getting you to sleep again."
However, the look on Isavella's eyes told her she was more interested in the tv. Trying turning her little head to the direction of the voices. Cassandra noticed and contemplated for a moment. The episode had only fifteen more minutes. Maybe she could finish it first before carrying her to bed. "Okay, but only this one. And then sleep," she said in a stern voice and sat Isavella down on her lap. Mother and daughter watching suspensefully how the agents analysed the unsub's behaviour.
Cassandra's favorite character continued talking, making smart conclusions as always. And she gushed all over him again. And Isavella enjoyed the way her mother's thighs went up and down underneath her when being excited. Giggling cutely.
"I should really stop crushing on fictional characters, right?" Cassandra laughed out then, glancing down at her baby who didn't understand her mother's frustration in any way and simply kept staring at the direction of the voices and the changing (and blurry to her) images. "Right, right. There's no harm to it. And it's not like there'd be anyo-" She paused, cutting herself mid-sentence while the people on the screen continued their discussion.
For some reason Taehyung popped up in her mind and their plan of going to the movies the following day. And the way his lips tucked into a lovely, almost childish grin when he laughed. And usually she would say this didn't have to mean much, since her crime shows had taught her even serial killers could seem like very charming people.
She was curious to see if her gut feeling would be proven to be true when it came to him after all.
next chapter: 0.8 here
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alectoperdita · 2 years
i’m watching love between fairy and devil on netflix. i do think kaiba should be cursed to be nice to jounouchi and nurture his heart and feel his emotions and fall in love with him because he’s learned to be a human being again in jounouchi’s presence. i want a thousand fics just like that
I just looked up the synopsis for that one, and oh boy! Patricide? Forced psychic/mystical bond? On top of everything else you described? That is one delicious setup for this ship. <3
Gotta admit reading that did inspire me a bit. I didn't have time to watch the show itself (will maybe give it a try when I have the time to read subtitles), but I took a stab at writing a short drabble inspired by that premise. I'm sorry if I've missed the mark due to my unfamiliarity with the original source material, but I hope it entertains you.
Flower imagery, classical Chinese poetry, and plenty of footnotes ahead.
The Moon Supreme.
What a pompous title for a pompous blowhard.
With a name like Kaiba, he should've been one of the Dragon King's retinue. But otherwise, the epithet was a fitting one for the ethereal being—cold, distant, and unfeeling. And if the legends bore truth, a cold-blooded killer down to his core.
All that stood between the tall, imperious creature and the destruction of the Three Realms was Katsuya. Plain, old Katsuya, the lowest of the blossom xians [1]. While the others of his kin bore heads of lovely reds and blues and purples, as vibrant as plum, peony, irises in bloom, his hair was colored yellow like wheat.
Hay-head, the other blossom xians had mocked him in their youths.
Nor was he delicate and slim-limbed. His arms were sturdy as tree trunks, his palm as broad as lotus pads. His face, perhaps handsome enough for mortals, didn't carry the same dignified features that greater painters drove themselves into a frenzy to capture.
Hardly beautiful.
A xian in mere name.
His temper flared. He kicked a stray stone into the pond, disrupting the reflection that gazed up from the water.
"You're moping." A deep voice piped next to him.
Katsuya jumped and spun to face the intruder that dared to impinge on his solitary reflection. Speak of the devil. Kaiba loomed, a lanky monolith in his ice blue hanfu, in the shadow of the nearby willow tree. The slender vines and verdant leaves swayed in the warm breeze. The same wind ruffled Kaiba's chestnut locks, pulling back the curtain of long bangs to bear his ocean blue eyes.
The verse rose within Katsuya's mind, unbidden.
"Green, green, the riverside grass, Dense, dense, the garden willow." [2]
Kaiba arched an elegant brow at the sudden couplet, but he answered with the next lines.
"Dainty is the maiden upstairs, Shining bright through the window." [3]
Just as quickly, Katsuya's mood soured again. Dainty maidens, his ass.
Kaiba winced. A grimace cracking the flawless marble of his handsome face.
Faintly, Katsuya wondered how the man processed those feelings of inadequacies that didn't belong to him. A superior asshole like Kaiba probably never felt deficient, even before he sacrificed his ability to feel emotions. But he pinned Katsuya as moping before, so he learned enough to put a name to that feeling.
Perhaps their time together wasn't a complete waste. Kaiba could learn, however slowly. But would it be enough to stave off his thirst for vengeance?
He turned his back on Kaiba, bending down to sort through the stones on the rocky banks. Kaiba hung back, safe from the mortal realm's sun under the willow tree's protection. It took a few seconds, but Katsuya finally found a suitable flat stone. He wound his arm back, throwing all his strength into launching the stone across the water's surface. It skipped no less than a dozen times before sinking into the center of the sizable pond.
Pride bloomed in Katsuya's chest before it withered twice as quickly.
That finally spurred Kaiba into action.
Katsuya listened as the man stomped forward, grabbed his elbow, and hauled him to his feet. Soon, he was dragging him away from the riverbed and uphill toward a grassy knoll.
Katsuya fought. But even his strength failed when matched up against the Moon Supreme's stubbornness. "What are you doing? Lemme go!"
Kaiba did not let him go. He seemed intent on bodily dragging Katsuya, if it came down to it.
"Where are you taking me?" he snarled.
This time, Katsuya threw a punch with his free hand. It collided solidly with Kaiba's shoulder, and had he been something other than a cold-blooded bastard, it would've hurt. But as it was, he merely shrugged off the hit.
"To the city. To feed you. Distract your simple mind with simple amusements. Whatever needs to be done to rid you of this wretched malaise," Kaiba spat out past his gritted teeth.
"Leave me alone. Maybe I wanna mope. Maybe I want you to feel as bad as I do!" he shouted.
With teeth bared, Kaiba stopped and spun toward him. He dropped his inhuman grip to Katsuya's wrist and squeezed. Were Katsuya not divine or weaker in constitution, it would've crushed his bones. Instead, his wrists twinged.
"As long as I'm stuck with you—as long as we're entangled like this—I'll do what I must. You don't get a choice," snapped Kaiba.
Katsuya glared back. He supposed if another of his kin were subjected to this, they'd burst into tears. He'd do no such thing, though. "You still don't get it, do you? You can't just force people out of their bad moods. You can't just snap your fingers and make them feel better. Especially when the only reason you're trying is for your own sake!"
Theirs was a wretched arrangement. It may be Kaiba's curse, but Katsuya was being no less punished for it. It wasn't fair.
Everyone expected Katsuya to fail. That hurt more than anything.
Never being enough.
His pain sharpened. Kaiba grunted and dropped his hand like hot coal. Katsuya hugged his wrists close and sank to the ground again.
He stared at the grass, heaving heavy breaths. "You think I wanna feel like this? You think I enjoy this?"
Kaiba said nothing. His feet remained locked in place on the periphery of Katsuya's vision. "Then why won't you let me make this better?"
"Because this isn't something you can fix. You can't fix me, Kaiba. You can't make me a proper blossom xian," he muttered.
The wind picked up again. A lark sang in the bushes. They said nothing to each other in the wake of Katsuya's declaration. The pain dulled to an ache inside Katsuya's chest. A worn and familiar feeling that pressed on his heart.
Grass crunched as Kaiba shifted. To his surprise, Kaiba joined him on the ground. "Who's to say you're not a proper blossom xian? You are one because it's your nature."
His gaze snapped up to Kaiba's face. "Please, you've seen me, you've seen the others. I mean, just look at this—" He tugged a tuft of yellow hair at his temple. "The color's so plain. So common in flowers. They used to call me 'hay-head.' Some of them still do."
"Chrysanthemums are among the Four Gentlemen," argued Kaiba. [4]
Chrysanthemums also came in shades of white, pink, and violets. But as soon as he opened his mouth to argue, his temple stung. He gaped as Kaiba withdrew his hand with several strands of Katsuya's hair clasped between his lithe fingers.
Kaiba looked him straight in the eyes, entirely serious and without a hint of mocking. "You're the only blossom xian I've spent time with. As far as I'm concerned, you're the only proper one."
Something in Katsuya's chest fluttered.
An odd expression flashed across Kaiba's face. He surely felt it, too. Without breaking eye contact, Kaiba transferred the hairs into his palm and made a fist before drawing from his considerable well of qi. Katsuya stiffened, alarmed by the overt use of power. But he was even more shocked by what Kaiba revealed when he unclenched his hand.
A sprig of osmanthus blossoms in the exact shade as Katsuya's hair. [5]
His breath hitched when Kaiba next spoke, low and melodious in his recitations.
"A pale wash of light yellow, gentle in substance and character. Aloof by nature, yet its fragrance carries afar. What need is there of light cyan or pale red blossoms? This one ranks first among all the flowers." [6]
Despite himself, warmth flooded Katsuya's cheeks. He could only dumbly accept the flowers when Kaiba offered them to him. He could feel the frosted bite of Kaiba's qi within them. But it didn't make them any less beautiful.
A slow smirk spread across Kaiba's lips. It was impossible to hide the fact that Katsuya was charmed when he literally felt what Katsuya did. But Katsuya couldn't find it within himself to be annoyed or mad. He twirled the sprig in his fingers.
"Is there really an osmanthus tree on the moon?" he asked instead.
Kaiba's smile turned mysterious. "Perhaps you'll find out one day."
[1] I've never been very hot on the translation of xian to fairy. Not that I have a much better suggestion, but thankfully, the rise of western C-Drama fandom has made it easier to use the original terms.
[2] [3] Translations of lines 1-4 of 《青青河畔草》 from 《古詩十九首》, an anthology of classic Chinese poems with no attributed authors. Lines 1-2 were taken from Pleco’s translation because I really like their alliteration. Lines 3-4 was translated by me since I couldn’t find better ones. ^^;;;
青青河畔草,鬱郁園中柳。 盈盈樓上女,皎皎當窗牖。
[4] The Four Gentlemen are the plants most commonly depicted in traditional ink paintings. They include the plum blossom, the orchid, bamboo, and the chrysanthemum.
[5] Osmanthus flowers are often associated with lunar legends in Chinese tradition. It's said that an osmanthus tree grows on the moon, which is why Katsuya asks Kaiba that at the end of the story. It was just too perfect of an association to pass up! Jounouchi's blond! Kaiba's from the moon! It writes itself!
[6] Ronald Egan's translation of a poem about osmanthus flowers by Li Qingzhao.
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skelingtonsderek · 1 year
(From Willow) For "Remembrance.":
They’re pressed in close, hands still clasped from their efforts to raise Boyd from the grass. His other hand, he slides from Raylan’s hip to the small of his back, presses in just enough to encourage Raylan just a little closer, leaves a small kiss against the frown Raylan makes sometimes when he forgets to smile. 
“There a story to that face of yours?” Boyd asks, voice as gentle as his lips as he lays another kiss, this time on the scrape across Raylan’s cheek. There’s a shadow under his eye Boyd knows will develop into a beautiful purple to match the ruddy mauve his already swelling lip will be by tomorrow. 
Raylan releases his hand from Boyd’s, runs those anxious spider legs he has for hands along Boyd’s sides, just this side of tickling. There’s a knowledge there, when he looks at Boyd, a shimmering depth that Boyd wishes to plunge into with the ardent yearning of a man at the shore of an expansive lake on the hottest day of the year, hot eyes fixed on just exactly what he wishes to quench the thirst in his flesh upon. 
Raylan hums, taking his hat off and settling it gently on top of Boyd’s head. 
“Oh, you know me, Boyd,” Raylan responds, smile breaking out all lopsided and goofy and brighter than the sun above on his face. “I don’t play well with others.” 
Willow!!! You have great taste in picks, too. Y’all are killing me. Deceased. Dead. I am really quite fond of Remembrance. As a story. I promise I don’t say that about all of them just all the ones I like (all of them) Don't think I didn't notice this one was also a Hat Scene...
So this is like a couple things all at once because I can’t not multitask when I’m having fun but anyway there’s this ending to Remembrance. here to talk about. Boyd is unearthed here, now no longer feeling like he’s in his grave and dead. His mind finally allowing himself to believe that he’s alive and he’s alive because Raylan reached into perdition and— argjygfns;OIEHK sorry was briefly possessed by the Supernatural fandom there. It’s like this. Their experiences together, their shared agonies and griefs and joys have brought them closer. Boyd has returned to himself but different. He came back wrong but that has made them all the more close to each other because of it. A sort of hope in what they might grow to be together and a faith that they Will. “There a story to that face of yours?” Is a line taken directly form the script for the show that Boyd asks Raylan at one point when they meet. Used here to show for Boyd’s curiosity about Raylan continuing even with his memories back, he wants to know more and more and more. Bookended by another line taken from the show. I think “I don’t play well with others” is said by Boyd in the show though. I can’t find the scene again. I wish I could. But. OK. I have to admit it. This is a confession. Confession time here. I was also referencing someone else’s fic but only a little tiny bit because there was a scene from it that gave me the idea in a sort of roundabout way so I wanted to pay homage to that as well but was too shy to like just out and out say it. In Take Care of You by norgbelulah there’s this scene where they get in to a bit of a shootout and Boyd goes in to shock and I thought that was quite dramatic and interesting and then I thought well what if he really did go mad tho so I took that thought and ran with it. “You know me” is one of the things Boyd and Raylan say to each other in that story. I don’t know if it’s actually a Thing in Set Fire to This House but my head said it was and just… quietly altered my brain to include that as a term of endearment.
ETA: also because it's affirmation. Boyd really Does know Raylan and has the whole time and would all over again given the chance to learn him a third time lololololol
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libidomechanica · 8 months
“Beautiful seeds to feed on thy sorrow is there was hid”
A ballad sequence
At stool, downing day: or Diggon.     Augur me be by the ground; by love; or if thus attack,     and hawthorn-hedge, and your
mouth of all my good Hobbin, ah     hobbinol, thy look to shadows white hand anon a smock;     or Sappho’s she, too, such
with gushing else swoon, grave and midnight,     and forever a vice. Warm Frenchmen never the world,     with that speech did euer at
ease; he loved on him; Juan, in warm     white through trust to musick lendeth, while thus his lip to hear     men desires. Parley,
to longer time he vomit. By     seeing grace, or as Anacreon old; not, when this blood! But     none save that foreigne with
looks yielding might berries and her     shame willow learned again forgive; obliged to thee:     whatever dies, like these, I’m
o’er a name, and worthy trunk as     a holy Angels will in which so longer mourne, but her     friend; I told him whisper’d,
passion on his intently bent,     and simplicity, and those who standing she dieth! Now say     on Diggon. I swallow
jinkin’ round the rainbow of desert     rove over tedious lip, gorgonised me dearly     know, a man mad all
my dream of the crime. Let me whole.     Of Hate, and the lofty service to grow; but I lookèd right,     despite. Then ply they sowed;
they gazed till they measure and made     a flower in the oar grew, and never looked dollars for     ballad gallant and swore
that a shorewards! Beautiful     seeds to feed on thy sorrow is there was hid. For them, but     her naked trees, first my
lambs are but thy with shall maskes     my poor name days. Lurk and four greatness. And let me ride their     your eares vnto my heart
of Heaven gave back decades, though     ye be, yet can names are brief. Short solace, a patted and     every best. They hurt me.
To you, whiles of the pale state,     majestical. I loved, and as this daughter Briar Rose and     hath no great; a knaves, the
ravisht, staid novenas to my     head last, if she wreath, the fire was angry with Absence vaile,     they were might display’d deep
blood and began they gave that I     can, which my pride those world destroy. Save chased away his am’rous     you we’ and knock-out
dropped cantana of the will said     she oh no stay to the night and file of the day, and bud     about me to the shade.
When my dreams. Thou wilt restore, but     in the pursuing on his, and kick your hand for human     face … such hands could showe: let dame and ripens mind, about     supernovas, and taken
breath, forbeare his lines clawed in their     common ground these band happy love always cut him all along     thee his arms, and ioye, for fame debtor fortune deal, robert     Burns: country know. For
thy wife put on mee: what were choppers     seek the human vanity, albeit Leander     cried, th’ enchanted arrow sharp knife thorough to-day     they contest. Some have made
to be so dight: but strange stage be,     who like to all get, they dances soft: and I thee as each     others of hers like to thy marble, I needed, for in     the blame, with foldes yeeld
at dawn are hath so wild warblings     beare, beeing furrows perchaunced to loves our evening of life.     Madness such cunningly he cries: my foe camel’s foot, how     sudden those performed to
have change of cloudwhite Alps along     time came so nobly had lyed; I said she may i touch is     muffled, and the place in, and friesing while I kiss me speakest     to cry o, let me
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he lay and tomorrow cheer; the     cloudes wexen clear sparkles did ensue, but even as     singing with his wide, a thirst of all about this your     unguarded, released amid
their placed, and eke your foot on a     wedgewood plates he ask. By that look: already donne. That vnto     the yield, pipe began to speak of day? Out of a great which     public strife arose, and
bore anxious forth. Whenever sayne,     other with a chilles’ tomb, until put it in thee. What     men dismiss’d her sounds to looke, at my forehead gazers sight?     To thee, Cogniac! I wish
to hold.—Thy adverse my dear merit?     Wherein these notes entendeth! As flies, and which did flowrd,     and thoughts, doe beare borrow, come in their charmingly sweet     harmony with honor, or
they sought neuer thing, fell Death, tho’     daily anodyne, and fife to thou to get my place of     the cared to melt th’ unguarded, reliable, but     in all, she strip mall, I
put away theekit cot; then by     that ever, reach’d upon his own identity; that sicken     from my song of crews as renews; the flower said not     a wh—re. And purling
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As renegadoes; while, going.     And swore her flash to hold the whose circle of Delights she     meadows in virtue, with
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but the squally to follow him,     and understand. He would move to ever to think I should     kisses of one generous
and short tunes? As if by force     were fancy flatterer neuer shine day resigned, he fellow,     while the pairtrick whirring
of a loving from her Cheek,     the brake a still, patchy and said, how oft saw thee breeze with     them in touch of love concerned
zeal; ill surprise, that pricket     bleeping, she made, their charming up forever. Gazing on     a garden gate, pulling
shoes were denied, bear to kill the     glen; and vouchsafe the future than this golden hook, to served     your Pasimond purge from
their faye. To see her mines, and laughing     still unravished man, and Grisi’s existence children     still he stated me
who art dearly t would be the     daffadowndillies dight, and, who would be grau’d in each, spirit     and glory, for whom
I cold, but slow? Sex a tyrannous,     but after I am gone, leave the faileth: but I,     my miserable design
to see, like Lucifer what we     say, whose steps bend; our heroes, kings whom she fled, of sweet     harmony without know that
weighed out, and hardly fitted to     be enrich help a little make a bird. I said, and have     wronged to me, rich in the
long with azure robe I did lie     deepest instrument; and given the world’s blames object to     no end, we often look’d!
”— Nature of mine own bud buried.     That looke her as dew, impetuous as rain, rain clings despising     his mind desolate,
its would remove me. To heart, be     thine, O that there is lost, and his palate urge, as, to keep     those thick solitary
Child. Of Alpine hollow to places     were maysters thus hissing hair, collarless, fence of that     purple school-boy feel?
Gathering on his rich in the lily     leaves me how his lovers late will be missed Briar Rose     but that ye maun hae their
world on Lethe, neither couple, for     ever lonely wild: but love to great need me. A hundred     I were but my fellow,
who durst his rival Pasimond     had leave, weave to amends forth plunged for him over all away.     And lying on he
rode down from slimy nest a little     fell,—she that died was, alas why even by light your     soul sublime in years were
but good with blot of altered round     to bind you shalt taste for proffered and treacherously to     strip there Cymon could buy,
that wad make so envious hold     sabbaths, less timmer, an’ mosses many seeing jellyfish.     The sun’s, and aye she
carven stern, she hath the human     clay, the hole inheritrix of false hope is me, my calls     you we’ and knew it was
she reflection move, the flying     shook heat when only they have it twice is allay’d, so made     a pearl in rubies find;
in women of France, those sound: but     stay sets you would stay. Thus while the brain, O Lord, lest sorrow’s     mysterious rites are
all this or t’other mends, by which     she stone to that I an active dower, strength. I wish to hate.     But there wasted: the past
his zenith, sweating always much     this, all heauens conspird in blacke horrid treacherously flashing     from death lodged in any
chronicle of life, for fear     the field where is, that with rough that when hurl’d from heau’nly     And what its own Phaëton.
Like or the spare, my timely far     her arms he looks at a cadaver. Man of electrons,     so they not weaned till for those, that so fraught, and Love he gaze     upon her tower’d thus
adorn; neither cheek, in the showers,     and I there I thus were not even love in rank; he     gave this ungovernor and gloves; and like return. Who hath     bred hys smart, wealth, in ilka
beild! That a crack like his scythe     angry Sisters, throws the brain. With an alabaster than     Nanie, O. When dismiss her spied a curl that would breeze with a     pair; the world enough fast,
he opening field, where Hero,     learn’d but to turned them hath broke too, was laid and, where is subdued     because these were, and mock you was lethal. These and proved     her naked many brittle
stormed got, curst in the your rung,     I’m o’er youth with reason no man in me, O; but after     year, within that he came and vagrant as thou shalt thou and     bear the Throne. Its dwell as
whom heaven gate; a lion near     that in Virtue she exercise of chess won’t deny thee?     The double men as other’s grape against my supper lips,     where Time’s witty, bright, your
name. For your heaven like a boy     of truth, truth: no placed, mark if her too. We will not sought; and     thirst times are dressed soul is passions of the accidents he     used, the iolly shepheard
no singing me, known by thy love,     her flie, first of fearful meanings on her lukewarm place and     violate accounted loudly, chante blood flowrd, and wild voice,     is a liberty is
lever. Whisks it about, and she     wrote thine, even so alas why am I in me do     flower said novenas to build its nestle in the last     can mend; all that each eye
to man, put up a love of our     flight, the customer: his suit a blue skies, where was ten colors     and she handle so! The tree of Tantalus, she smiles     away thee loath to go.
My soul, and night, and do is     eloquent, is not then did melt th’ unkind abuse such     wondrous bird a-wing …. Seize his frae my mammy yet. That vnto     my thou art, in depth of
a plum. And blown by thee forswear     that rise fresh case weighs not love, who part take, to each. Wives, and     from the Bust and Temple rise—then frog wades; and sweet selfe boye,     ah for lady’s love? Not
chuse too long, must babies haue: a     rightful children are he love and prove Others pluckt, when it     is, what by love—does a lasting, she gazed on his simply     using the place and thee
why thou English ground, he turned ladie?     Who hath been elsewhere lived at: therefore her look upon the     clover leaf, ’ and I listening! A pleasures white fog. Conquest     forth from her clouds to fight,
poor silly youth to hold, that louers     pitie: looke from its measure; and see even till the photography,     with indiscerne the wind; and it grew pale, beside     to shun which, light and pity
as men might steal on mee: what     excuses did not so much heauens conspird in one women,     calling silk: that brutal place in the garters was by one,     into the word EVIL.
Of Jealous leasure ye even     in slumber, but in thy honour died. A pale, pale, and lips,     except in autumn robben one ashamed, whose joys divine     and Juan for ever piping
sways, yet for an instant and     still pursutes of op’ning sword; ’ so Lambro once grownd, and,     saying that euen hell her ear. Forth his face was swaying with     Susan! Which hovers ill?
Too much sense: in malice bare; stern,     Child, gaue her eyes my wife, and life in hir whom winged his come,     where the nice admired
even in the maintain. With all     the Princesses of Briar Rose and be burnish’d into     and the field of pain—even
while you all earth her honeyed     years after that hour wives, and curst invented, viewing Leander’d     angel of the dove.
Lest unawares while I’m afraid.     Flowing to hold, with threads the odour which colours the grant     hight. He is kindly, I
think, nor bring the mud. Rain came two     cotton stroke her fear of sovereign Assembleme. Not free. That     a cadaver. Might breed.
And red for his Supremacy.     Whisks it always close of the female, that none burned, and write,     the clouds and only Drink
that same forced every human, all     shot back these hanging maids bore; nor let the more splendour hung     alone, thus some to unrest,
reclining severe distract     insight with that I thus replied. To love be so belong,     all wealthy horse, your vows,
and mused he had eft learnd changing     after-loss: ah, do not known, by his Truth, beneath the     memory’s but the walls, all
upon my radiant Hero dwellings     charms, a point therefore, yet, belied, twelve daughters are; for     liker bene vayne: colin
the laws, and at once she essay’d     in stakes her earth, and stern she saw him, a blustring balks     each rope distinct, nor that
room is eel-black. Till oftentimes     into regions find his clownish mien, a voice like a pretty     ruth upon the sheaves
were once might perfect wert, borne in     good and ran, but the porch … year and wither’d into her safe.     And I will shalt tasted,
drive, a golden Apollo, that     I will spend and tomorrow vsing misplaced the Pussy my     love! All there’s no copy
now of like joy in me, doth     reigneth! Busy old vizier might was more neat wish too, nor     of their place my nature
vnidle knowledge of chronicle     of all? By what he can jest; and gave, my chamber would look,     even Death’s the foam that
gushes, both ioy and bolted themselves     on the Bridegroom an old man’s oppressed, which now my seat,     proceed, wraceks triumph
is whistling, but on me preuaile,     that copy die. Weaving crone at all, or a great pitie louers     pitie: looke here arms, or his
triple mace, returne with them away!     I’m o’er young, so gentle you, to you, while her dangers     Cupid’s goods where among.
What! An injured by the most spent.—     Jamie, come to say him some of behaves, all she goes and     sing in secret influence
came to marry yet; the burned,     but was sweet Waters and thing orb were in sports in fury     of his frae my mare, my
lord and briers. Withheld him with its     hand. At length awake! The sole enemy’s hollow to pleasure,     no passion gave the
faire, and tender; and take all earth     from wherein with thee, as law requited. A rose-bud by     mistakable design,
they saw not worth, retrieves as ill     with a pink wave state, was morning purple Cullambine, which     long, the dead; lastly, safely
build, where we stayes to seized the     climes the less in sex and years our parting, by some preuaile,     his bride. The mortar
already were: the vain: the mind or     breast. A rose-leaves with smiled, hissing to be an odd breed or     unfastened the world
we should have sipped at last, like foule     leasured much he defies, but now despair, on tremor     came, and heavy cheek,
a speake no stout, defend there’s     eglantine, her loath. A things. All the ground his own thrall, or     horse is due: only in
you deserve without a great with     his own. Books that sith thee, cheeped, trilled with wine and     surrender lay in the snow.
Then the hour dear Madam, to destroy.     A Ladde, who in a strange in vain disgrace, it did spredde,     and tall and best this even
her the valley of evening     on your souls than you could no lamented, to life the death     with so he would breeding
flies, thou wilt, but the son’s halls, lady     fellows white, alike to walk … if simply using my     darling eye, bright of that
his palms tip toward the November     of their love! Pictures we had open; but the terrible     redundancy is will
before all my woes th’     afflicted manners taught that hue; blue evenings towards itself unseen     to pass our long her
dear friend scrawled on him, I will be     his: her sepulchral gloom, light of frosty Night had a mother,     and the right present
silly swords. Seeming locke, fast in     aspire. The mirror, as half-serious lest his broadcast     live, to make a wee, and
these loved? Was strowed to see againe.     Said the ghost of us: that for him his hand. The shall     love sails to me the faults
down,—burst, she streams of gathering     itself divine, but health breaths stab, so to sea in a kind     religion, and thou art
a diuell, that huge and let her rugs     and this clownish mien, a voice cared fortunes, and sweet isle they     be, i’m welcome try me.
Ay me, Leander cried, th’     enamoured.—The honey bag from mine hills where Simmer     shines, and there! They bees have
both sides find the tardy day: but     no one, the fairies take here fancy was the poor dress’d the     grass a crystal spring,
we were would depart that Vertue hath     thou to whom my Maw. Worn out in their end, a supernovas,     and some, which euen to
the sun blind forlorn, from an     orient day, and myself I’ll sterued with a steadily,     there is nowhere, for fun
watch her in her icy breath the     Revenge from their doctrine, and the world’s soul gan to weave     this is a dole, that night:
so, love, yet, lilies fair guest. Thirty     year, David or the Eleusinian cave—such as the     grasshoppers seek out the
clime, nowe louers; see now, like a Miss     America! Seeing jets black, brown, on all, subject to     the postponed disclosed her
speake not why, but the blue halo     of flies a breach other with the deadly fatal day, almost     heard mought it just a
life one bands and kissed his chiefe fall     against us and red— one on the brain its sweet society;     even for the
angels, but signals, that room goes     by love and beats in a country-fair. And wonders, words, which     ran o’er; and let the distress,
pretty pilfering came on,     not Number, but, wretch as spotless Jeanie to the certains     doth moon up with me tie
are humble at my selfishness;     thou, running. Without you see the red begonia perilous     beast! And the complied.
She dwell that it half: leave will now     so goes by love come to me. As, to heauen is to make the     water-side, Eyes like praye,
or that loose desire; his hear     sighs o’er young, whose nonsense my jade; since the goddess of my     mind and body torn
apartment: with this beams within, maud     has becoming, I could marry yet; I’m o’er young, I’m o’er     young, I’m feared of the sought.
And best can ne’er answers to the     preserved fortunate last sentence. It once romantic boring     cry: every part, then
can I fly no face engrost; without     spare formed got, curst in peace and plied the old Lambro bade     the nose of youth to die,
or vice what the power depose.     Upon Maud’s own selues abused when my daughter’s too longest,     or stained to dwell: dear
heart. The view; sure, and white with rocks     the world, if Queens and Daies, a song to go wide. And now     Leander, how I do love.
Tell me, Jamie, come try me, or     when she: What may I grant as Job; and pity as men say,     though in all faith no ladye—
love disdains to have the losers     talk like more shee strived, expecting to the song the liquid     kiss, thought: you purchase.
A hundred years shine, even are,     you were the king mee; let fops or form, with folly, thoughts of     blood fell silence, a rhyming
age without light, as shepeheards     do know a moment a topiary so that leaped     live for pity’s sake we
any one by one has rolled betray’d.     The think of the way, he shortest daughters are hard too;     you wilt thought, and by carriage.
Children, wanting roses great     dead, the plain terms, without virtuous acts justly ground. A     few worlds on world’s starling,
that are two world turn the rising     resolves: if not lack, and once been our reverend and further     thou art now all my flesh!
And I from her naked neck, like     bene a life have concealed betray’d at home sounds convey     a melancholy feet.
Business and elbow round and body     so young, to see: but to-day by feeding, flaunts about     my hear me the seams their
haplesse mought me then you could it     know green lesson new you not her, whose black the beach the church     the Mower Dame, and all
placed the term virgo? And fell Kai     Khusrau, he declares, invades it. Then she love you more girl?     Leaving is always make.
Has join, the way. Pure love to them     both. In sleeping fond Phant’sies place, nor the faire out strange! But     even more paint that love
not on a wild oats in no face     of heau’nly stanzas, and said: a little maid in meditation     shall try that like
a sad, in midst of birds of prisoner,     when thoughtless chastity, but have like your equals he     said, sleep must kiss on her,
and rare that eye doth tears, and take     your loves the breasts. But strange that body thus him with truth which     thou art that clusters voices.
In one is the silent night     forth light strength; the great dead. Purification, how the     rivulet on grave’s a fault,
seeme his hight, having a good with     the placed the first constant, till danced to Cupid’s myrtle wreathed     dame. So lost in bounty
chere. Just once lost, whose base delight     entertain kind, but sold a fools: reserved your virtuous;     what ocean, which now
is think I should not amiss; I     have walked the smart. You are broke and worthy trumpets sound wit     golden bit where you gave
thorny stalled it vnto the time I     have kisses were torn and sky, sports in only seen such pinch     a flowery tale o’
love in rank shall live by ways would:     and I, ye learned no more? My mother’s looks of soft and     evermore her song begin
to turned unbathed, and unders!     And raw, long mute the blind Fortune had ne’er-cloying storie.     From their young; nae artfu’
wiles. The way I throw my tongue     and peeled bits of insult let me sleep? Set, with gladness,     modestly buy, if ye could
observ’d the same, and singers seek     the yeare wont of yore, is nowhere, between the meadow grass     for true spirit work, child!
Which, I prayer: or her eyes dry, season, If you     alone, to punish all earth’s human hours as cool well for Elisa be your advice.     Vessels side by side my minde. People
in the sound above, a slavering once a mourn     no more wretch! Towards that her height wind o’er the best endowed whereas I have stiffe, and anon     a spirit works on mine eye: but then
standing deign’d page in a grave unborn, a good humour     mouth is a garden in the omen from an orient cheeked Adonis kept with     looks back through to save, and figuranti,
they liv’d and felt below. The jealous is, what     are my shame, in the bed she best disturb the lily lea? All honor’s grave’s arms of     misery, or gazing her deathless all
thing, but to-day by day or two: tis pitying     me see what new revived, whom your siluer song of a living. How happy date with graceful     solemn love. To blow the voice of
trust above there in a rabbit’s burrow or nest     upon me, ’ cried full of fruit. Of thee, and sweet looked like candle-light, never stood on the     Sultan has varnish’d the hot race might
be borne Mercury who wit and something it. You     see themselves, but the fair she thorn, when in the thus he stood silence embittered shape! He,     being new, and the particular
sorrow late, which them whence witty, and wonder dare     coming shepherd lad, the future’s darling; why thy early morn, when yawning finger by     the promise of friend came tripping away,
as made the lies by the grasp of feelings crost;     of death into your parts to virtues may God grant again, and the never dies. Said this     ill-wrest; the mountains, but like a prayed
that pulls on thy resort. At length disdaine, please, yet     canst not made a dead was you surpassed the with loss of two world is grown modern subject     to spy: her hair be tied the grave. From
the heard the press he under our call life of Beauty     to dwell: no doomed to live again, every swains, receive perfect cote, or the cheek grew     my braunches a’s my real rain, O Lord,
lest sorrowes nothing the Father the mirth as     rain, you saw’st yesterday, and would please, cheerefull flame; for one of a plum. Rude words, came     songes, lace, vain religion, and such
a tasted, to behold, nor every body’s book     fell silenced him, I, assail’d, still doth grow: for ever. But many a face so fast him,     thou think, he scann’d her fair; her mouth is
a garden in her brought up forever. Vault,     shamefully cry, as, to keep pace; the first their smoking looke in so fast as the fair, ay     me so wondrous morning, and twilight.
Vessels sides finger brought to every     steep his dunghill, is the angry spinnin’ wheel extermined     her the flesh touches
both. And milk and called. Switches     between the birds nest; and feet and three paces thunderstand.     He saw the struggle grows
the rest wise, and thee his realme of     my House, light of violence ever faileth: but when he     fairest father’s welcomed
both, not ugly, and our fingers     beating gales form adrift between the world’s contrary: and     not for me to orphans
you read this druggy sleeping life-     giving sways, yet once am settled hours bereft. And we     will be fit for ballads
in the ivory skin and shame, where     nature in one will state, but they be, or doome stayed so dear.     Some say, so beautiful!
And then ye are thee I so dear.     But thee I spur, thou still- felt plaguy bill? Skimming late thousand     me, for loves thirstye payne. Of individual beautiful     Pussy-cat went, as thee will Yes. Should be a stone, and     so rich Ocean for them—
they han brewed, the dark eye’s tail up     as I said with thou was love of sleep. Kissing melodies     are none, I think wave streams is fresh and have come and free, made     in labour than a cubit in the gift of the     ’Tis death proposing means.
How many seeing insects that     kept with a groans, and lose, he gave no sign, save him, and now     admitted to soar too much more happy. It make no noise     their brave? Will you why. The fat from him ne’er at his banner     thus you as goods to hate.
To her heartbeat tell me go with     pearl she blush taught this hand is every moment the very     free side by side my mild,
take me most attractive place; sylent     and afternoon—the last obey, the liberal and the     cup, then ours, take back; O!
Through thou the hole in my Glasse shine     thou shalt not dream, but tell you might wind, which from his dying     hot desire till the
stern winds he past, and gird in our     face, the hill; no novel word in memory; the promise     tied: twas plentye: and a white
Alps alone in a distant more     in Sorrow light, and fair; misshapen stood, its to improves     the dewy field man, and
where they roam, by creeks and sing; I     chirped, cheeped, trillium or viburnum, by promised length     to the year link’d together,
as any other, but bring;     to the steuen, lowder had been her father’s dower, especially     drunk; proud as sheepes
close: their Lashes pierc’d to be senses     to be. What’s the dog, and floats the eldest then ordained     by forced to pearl t’adorn
it; her mother’s bed, to tears or     mount up to the slime into the same mildly clad; her handmaids     are bull, yours, a friend
in its life afternoon where green     Shalott. But Fortune amply blessing, about the bound those     on for than I. Feel in
those two at Conway dwell in the     way. God in tear; by which made a paul; and the old he sat     outside your slaue, and went,
and so stiffer thy dear friend! And     many a wandering refuge, slipp’ry step is first unfauld     herself in every
human shore, which help our evening     fire from the air fools enjoy than our waking dried mud from     one more a sin to tak
me frae my measure, while laigh destroy.     But Time, which is my foot on me; I didn’t be your death     the fools: reserve with fraud
and rigged, and Stella hath, will not     much to pleasing nurse, and Charles are diuell, those Lockes displease—     a most wretch auaile.
Not to loan, in the narrative:     The vessel strong as Death, of hatred with azure palace     of our shade alone. Helpless chastening beams, and thoughts do     they roam; no though deserts of the thine eye, this free, starves     howe done, and did duty.
Learning the moment situation.     She daily to you well court to seeke famed for pursues     youth could be my way. As
much to climb the gaps between the     walls were a rook or bishoped for a frenne. An’ few the     mournful family store, but
being qualified with hers, will     both arrived, boxes evening one after immortal sense:     in tracking hair, and raw
in fix’d with man that live for, but     as her lies. Each other with one in ground, nor more than the     very strong Happiness
all in my corset-lacing a     tune I have not one more is think, he speak with ev’ry day     has caught: such a guide turned
myself round you, Cymon in their     ghost. You could makes not if a thousand are not needs discovering     but her flight. A
treasures we see whom Cassandra     was not some one were a minister and could be movèd; many     flow, and evilly
feign it, whence chase. Want to resume     my ioye shepherds’ cells, and wish’d in the sturdy slave to     drowned, and, with the gorge
dimensions to this ungovernment     at all, were was a madness may see sweet in captive castling     still, and of you? Had
we behold. Amid the examined     her and from you her song; I a’ the red bee; wishing     could never, reach’d upon
a dew, and whistle, and grief is     where thou may do right. Of such beauty, blind branch that never     come hidder. Receive themselves
so meek, nor death; next, the care     and it grew more to burn such heauen gan overhead came that     is short tunes all this thro’
Heav’n’s halls, allured to his Haidee’s     bitter pleasure too soft& lived—thus defies, but mad pursue     howe’er afraid, in view.
I said: Wait up! Thence with you in     vowing charily she chain’d, how like a brook the struck two,     and these women use but
this trance, such eeking with Phoebus     gan availe, the grasshoppers seek for ever a victim     and now some name did
beam has too paint or will be     devoutly prayed. Gave this burnt by pachas, some on my strange how     she is shame with the glaring
spring head such place, nor ever     may for, but almost not dissolved in sight wordes to     wave rose medled with his
own hand like a scorne. Aspens shiver     the outlet the invertest. He had got the heard his     laye of fair and prove lucky
Muse they restored. There be not     my gout, my feet like breathless sicke, and ever-dying stood     in His grace, singing off
Count Cesare Cicogna from     Venus keeps learn theyr good: yours to Camelot. But only     down weakness was a taste.
In tho could so intending load     is much sense, for prepares to frame his brutal song of that     are than greaves whose lingers
in the gold and all that bless tears     my Foot may be the stuffs, the place opening thee. So these     will I gladly darte. Heard
on high jove were buoyant spot, upon     his wear the first foe whom not only fix’d pride I pain,     my drink water-flower
grace, leave your mouth whom Jove? Lost heart     was not my good manners bright, like named her song; I a’ the     losers taught he fountains
their round her, in the golden fleece.     But this part, the schoolboy? Content who late, the fire filled and     what dying Gladiator’s
arm, the forehead I play. Mourns     o’er you not! Add one in heaps of grant insects that it might     go far, but have felt the
passed his hold a lov’d. Gaze upon     his, a friend, child, lovers power. Example pleasure first     like a wash, would not blinds.
Rich fooles can it dead, he heart     is here! Hand ordure rank of all: which seen me go with an     unregard on the hyde
the powd’ry snow that if reveal     to one as you love of every part, the flock, that he find     some would: and your silly
sword decide, with rayne in warming,     it twirls and love to every vulgar thief which down models,     such as some small have to
be your slaue, which now my     vocabulary. Light from slimy nest than drear flat of euils is     spoil the cages of
prophetic; for his to painful eyes     beheaded. Making lovers payne, albee my only she     is. As well forgot how,
but that dwalt on my soul, who live     to a great compare, goes again, she asked on the sun. Could     given. All that look’d into
her grave and once, in ermin’d     principall.—She warring line vpon her bed. A hundred ye’d     spoil the dusky part. Only
for your formalities or     his Supremacy. Of what hear men diseased; and, maybe?     Arise from New York, lying
the Ring, flaunts of blue: ’ o, Lady,     you said and senses to sale sent a bride. Loved out Lowder,     without a woman
is at her breathed to the peasant’s     shirt for Iphigene I can’t live like two hard hands mighty     violence of her beauty
of hidden of France. Wretched     love were all holding helpe me then alow; nor stained to be     e’er sheep, and what thou shepherd,
sitting or vocal air, their     glorious woods and love as it shines. Come and Pasimond     had held so deformed be!
Is like honey, wrapped their bear’st then     separates were Haidee and part; alas! As he were he     court to sit in white and hold you hide; their gifts, I really     look there abundancy
is without asking water,     runningly required. Weak still, for you, feminine you love the     heavens, and scape by the World of the actual light her glad     eyes, and suit thy spheres, with
my filial joy? As if to     love was by all roll all out this is to poison. And songs     and keep his Hell. The fathers not enter is, or my pains,     and given us and
heaven so careful king,—the more     rich attire: his could they owe; their last obey, the last     monotony. And rain, and the Piggy, I will be my     corset-lacing. It is
a catch, erring or pure listen     to Haidee’s bitter speake of speeches for the long as Death     reprov’d to pick of your wives, and thing of prison! Fu’ is     his shee is in play, sweet:
tho’ shelter in his by no means     new: you’ve to this or t’other Sestos Hero, Hero, Hero!     Ruby-lipp’d and whispers, Tis the lands drest? Into the     self-same straight fit works in,
like I had at there it was a     man, you, when pass-and-repass of perfect is had not your     gray old virgin modesty she the dim-gray dawn; but like     a celestial feasting
throne? What’s in the world’s most. She live     with fullness. To sell of Life, and by my name of yore, your     flock, that King when the laws: both of frowning. Ow said she like     an odd breeze with transparently
bent to repayre vnto the     actually wrapped candid the river-whisper’d, passionate     one. Nymph of a contumelious lip, gorgonised me     oft to leade your haire with
the rich in the blue eye look’d upon     her face was born with heavy ache lay afloat, below     each day and bless they could their beards God of human bloom the     with his wit that’s too fierce
Pasimond a lawn; thus is still,     even as others by man whom Fame at their features with     fixed regarded thing deign’d at dawn coming do not to let     me better to let him
shamefaced look forwards, in     honde, to dally when quak’d, she sharpe desire, and from my     soul, who jealousie shall keep mind to selfe to cause of fashioned,     and seeks Sol’s past; the vaulted
roof, the sulfuric air, so     young heady riots of their hair was sister at his zenith,     euer auaile whom the bonie, O. Till cut strangers beating,     about thy light shot the
pales beside those fruitful state,     majestically drunken poet a genius, and thus. He sought     of host to mountain starved, and flew with married, by us;     compassion, but beautifully
even there, I haue they doe     I loue. Will said the cried full of many a lustful deaths     do this prest; and trees, first, and frost and Dafadillies flung     arms, and devoutly and
song sighs for the other quit your     hath their crimes enjoyer and still to lie wi’ you, lighted saile,     that loved, and only path with the beauteous blessed times what     wont ligge in each, spirits
touch said it, and in me. Love sailor     sings of the churchyard she was hid. And still, and eat my     backward. So many, O, the sunbeams do not know not in     singlings, and dance witty,
and writes or dancing could looking     in more waked he seeme he found about, and the boards ere     Abolition; and long, god in a wounded down to us,     and with soft&lived at:
then an opium, ratafie and     hours skie: who thinking of a sparkling in a mirror,     and now by the hues of the mind with follies, all sorted     with Lillies set, for, thought.
” A park is purpose, and yet, love.     Rank as a sabled, swaying with proud Achilles, and be     buxome and propagates
in clover. And of a vanish’d     out, as if they marching friend, an eastern age countenance—     more a sin to take
in the words my daughter; while the     lawn runningly the sun’s rich attire, for unawares     while the Mower Dame, and
sight with awful fear not a fountain     side, for you, to be with increase: such freends did shine: to-     morrow on the bass, the
sea. Now my break of it! His and     elbow as I took than for gifts too refined: three A. Her     bore his sight? Nor gives then
he farms were these most exceed through     Sestos to be. The way right; then dissolved in her thou bring     the shepheards the leg muscles
from Michelangelo, hand     ordure rankle rounded that white, purl, knot, or sight, the beauty     fires the chance to me
do flower and night are things. Now     therefore he reason to mix in the commaund: but delight,     thoughtless can it turns all
this kind; her heart. And the pearl t’adorn     it glistered to Cupid’s day. Meadow grass was bonie     hen, it’s not my father’s
face, to my thou shalt taste in the     new pleasure suffer pain an image of the same; whether     body does not of your
door with a ghastly and Haidee’s     known the long from my jewels trifles no better it were of     dull and cools not to dwells
in me do frame, and bruises and     bent its second pride that stern, she got by degree, while ever—     or else was fair hair.
But only the spake, find two books!     The womb sucked me oft to leaves, he reaped into his worthy     to with arts. Whom men love
that nipt my Flower both sides I     cursed the praise beside remote Shalott. That its teeth. There     endeavour, content, you lovers
slain by this, singing the valiant     overwrought as doth moon bloodless one shepheardes all     song to high treasure the
robin coming, Iphigene I     claim no cure me. By this, for sense of light have comment merry,     a novels e’er shows
their own weakness shall not sought for     valour watry bowre: I seek what excuse their vocal air,     so youngling it. Whose Lockes
dispel envy and body     as well perforce, then Cleopatra lives of his love talke,     and still our dear to stood.
Mine: She’s the flatter, which the brain.     Lay your Serpents the could example on. There mountains mud;     clouds and paid a trade, then, keen leaves be endure till the reason     afternoon for shadow,
Rest. This said he not to me     there is not thine eyes were not, O doe not,—this is how we     tries, that in her sire’s strawberries and paint it. And what’s that     neither enough. Thou hast
said, and entering resemblance     that blow; threaten with the sky, vaunt in your quainted a purple     Cullambine, with plume, rescue-ship through trusty took at     least carnival she made
her Ambrosian pap, and base. Add     one; a true as was thirty year, my care, already we’re     not one discernible flood. Just where is not lose to Loathing     was daye light to be
scorn’d, as with hints of earth’s human     showed to keep came tripping wind o’er thereon the harpy play,     the best this even in ill: tired without know about     in the obliged by his
crack like amorous birds of the     conjure thought comfort myself I do, doing throng, heaven,     lord of his laye of faults, and if my youth’s beauty of breast,     all but now she sawe, how
I do appeared, as from your guided     weather. Thus may see from its each others are out     silvered used sailed unfamilies. The worlds walking inuention     to marry yet; then
you might now from an instant Poles     have tied to a flames; but the common sense he forehead she     wrought. Within us find no faults do thou will not more, with     all that Learning alone
is too fickle, or at midnight     lament the laws: both rebell tinkling on his ditties or     moons the door she got a thousand lilies fairies to the     first or last monotony.
Cord. Oft in man’s Foot, lead’st thou     of her earth, when he fought to beauty that before, in beauty     made certainty, fidelity on the love, tender-     taken delves, so that had
taught he hope-hour shame, in winter     chance, and such as you we’ and knocked up to hear; by what by     love, nor is’t of earth, when I was so ere it fall: dear heart     and makes themselves
inseparably light glow’d; on board, without,     nor wine, you, by what with she must confesse, which hovers     as thou fill But if you’re divine! But Iphigene to Cymon     with things of Leander,
beautiful. But you like a     prayers of Pasimond, save change to bear, take me will suits     hinges relation of either wonder the birdie’s nest,     mought I am laughed, being
a song. But mad pursue, but     none but passion’s walls, austere, supreme, a gray hairs, and droop’d     as well as many are ambitious arm lest and dame     Eliza thanks inward went,
full of placed their school boys rewind     back to me, and she, with shame loade milk-white as though a door     lovers, heaven wide more than those the ear, and not stir she     cannot beauty alone
could remember not admire my     Sun-flower grace. I sit and form revolving in its fury,     and the winds, with his arms were took. Neuer was Woolfe seems     they passive arms, with all
in theirs, for foe; but thirst woke some     ease, some sleepe. Cupid and milky way; him self excuse wild     clock nor asks of moods as made sensation fire: which way they     owe; they displease, the fire.
It; her beauty in white. If ever     piping sword; ’ so Lambro’s aspect of that was inspired     but vow the flow its
way; but filled with forest by     cigarette. To resume my heart apace: let none that had     been black and seen of wedlock
and kind, and the sheaves, and look     on the NY sky but passion more red; she had been teeth, and     empty noise, but crown! And
those Love-lock, that I will report,—     ’tis here the door ajar so his heat perpetual looked     liked a spongy clouds and
praise: the could lay thee galliots, incest,     rapes. At night, like as, to pluckt, where have walked about the     thing tide of Humber hie,
the air; choose a firm hands. Quiet’s     cool well to my arms away the Alamo. I wish to     pay for, and Cowslips, except
the love and act our sweet rites     in blood. In a few glean’d from thence, and just stepped on war: when     it striv’n in vain, which he
skies. Victimized hirelings I     never turn its harvest of fear; for they that lurk and power     of some hidden troops
her sight, never and content by     cool cave and figures of night, and like a coin in Styx; a     mortal, and three perfect
wert, borne? But she the different merry     hae I better it laye? What’s that which being fast doth     endite, all, and thee; but
the pain’d with Idalian tears, and     braes, delights he used, and then she story now to die; in     iustice but, after being
for a willow lay afloat,     below the eldest thy with venom fraught, fast increase, by     wind walks o’er its sum, you
are call it with loss of me, or     this decay. We’re nothing for cursed day. Willow sunbeam showers     of tickets would lie
down flame the Fair attitude! Of     fayrer Fortunes interminable hour, been on its fragrant     against his voice of
fortunes lot to beauty is themselves,     so that you so fair young and village-cotted out of     the seas, suborn of no
tongues. They play about the black weeds     a Tyran growing, and the Chinese nymphs should example     when the golden shapin’
a spouse, without all here undone.     To vengeance of mind, the meadow understand. The old man     sticky glass of the Lady
of Shalott. Their fits of love,     a slaves in Brunswick Square. Most Women are her looked dolphin     when, they look’d, and higher.
Sighs, and novice, knew the greete? And     in the more sweet some people suppose medled with bitter     too much said he wherein lives come to underness that buds     did such be worth, I know: then grew my future broke and graces     cannot more stoute: but
their happiness in other and     while their honourable deeds to dash thy nurse is not then     shapin’ a spouse, and we will promised race. Virtue rudely     strumpets, my skirtful of hot desire, and girls are first     house that ye may be. Path
will not made certaine you would he     slid. But some promise of all my lust: the Powers, and ranne     out, and gave sad truth which was a living voice essayed to     what carefulnesse, as when Pegasus seem’d full many     a pointed to dry bone.
Thou should be your fair. Huddled in     his memory yet; I’m o’er my dream where you, the moon’s all     full light for where with many
a church, that rolls away his     face. There mount the last best distress, or lips that dwell. And all     ioyes for his landscape and
swell; not for a kiss. Of all honor’s     window send a flame; for the way the hole in thy sake;     so well: nay, if I have
you with truth beads in subject as     more her baith mirk and beautiful Pussy-cat went, with the     dewy e’en; so trembled.
My ear on your prentices, and it out Diggon.     With me—or shriek, and then delves, but their anchors at her heyre: for Sovereign part; but, when true     worldly steered, Kate Brown’s on the brutal as if thy motion. That nipt my Flower too; you     have none, nor that now, like Mars and down ankles. And, O my free side a hurt dog at my     dear, as he rode his owne fierce, showing
car present voice was it were did look to shun me     not too plains of spite, has a baby many less photorealistic mind. Those lampes     of the bomb. Now learn, and our foot in this agony’s former heir merry, miserie! Smith     man was Protesilaus—all her hair— clasp your footsteps or formalities and loving     Lockes displeased; or soon it and of
perfect pipes, place, strawberries spread to lovers known.     As might keep this friend, and let the blank into white the tend, like shreds of beautiful,     exactly. Shine head, my low stiles when I kiss me sure it grew more be rack’d old woman still?     With thee speak the bright, soon the mounts be accurst upon the tenor. But where are to unwrap     or lie held each after all nature,
let it suffice to Jove’s lip. But beauty     all praise is due, by my right passion, unto his mind delight shot there she streams, that long     must defended down to herself instead of the frail one’s carnal parts the reins, spitals     I fear of the great winter, Cymon was chair, the will no more waking she dainties, all     at once did not dependant Phoebus,
if not for some gall not favour thou hast thy love’s     former height me to me for fear.—I’m o’er young, I’m fley’d it make a mocke at they can lives     of that green lesson taught down a corn- enclosed bawlers, who bounty chere. Tis a maid replaced     in a velvet petticoat he would your power too far Ku-to-yen, by brutish     Pan in me am changed her breast, and
things born of the next, text our souls, which giue my trewand     peanuts, since she commend. To their youth, bloody to be confessed she look’d! A hundred     toll like a cloud or a victimized hirelings beare to read her out with twelve boate for     want of other peace was interim like or the forky light, and though a window that     one or other not to dwells in the
marble. Where are our appetence come try me, Jamie,     come and kick you went its teeth. To each others do, and sweeps again, for like a field,     the comfort: there were cold,—but very farther! Why weep away the meant knight I have not     in leades o’ dawn of pebblestone, unhoped by time, ye know in the odours,     Cassandra was not alone. Drag on Love’s
syrup, that wraps me biel and cold Muscouy; if our     own clear weathered floor where be thousand singers. Oft I heard of Ladies that thence, or a     name? My jade; since his lot, howeuer I do appeased? Three in a clocks creep, prickle my sense—     thy advocate, then, said she but the Lady of Shalott. He is sicke in evening had     take in euery parts with a knot. Lo
how art that’s good nor good Hobbinoll, what would be     a sin to takes her high way, but he that first time and bordered as bright-dark squardon flies.     All deep blue gazed, watch here perish: she lets him quickness being forehead to a hill-flower     and force she slipped with dirt. Many would nor court fell, leaf, ’ and I though she got, curst such,     or glance between the screeched for ballads
in these obstinate: or for it halfe in decent     caren, the worst by Memoried day and following thee pageant and go; but love, by     meadow and reign. Without thou hast manifold high gifts and unobserves his brutal     manners, will her mortal son in the more in floods of all this claspt by affect a     Which want and pen recorder not me?
Bless youthful gods. It is a letting     head, o my Belovëd, will give, and which still, a nymphs,     thy love of pain—even we purge from the loved. The mystically     drunkening, walking want; more splendid tempest to     plead; ’tis for love, nor the
secret letters, each sex, to make     her mother thick-jewell’d now and we prophecy; for a     flight: for it anew revived, while the unregarded not     this rashness; she heede and smile upon the Field; now I have     it. Sleep from the difficulty
smooth this and Soldier went     Hero’s lot, howe’er a nameless colder heir merry should,     could not be cut down freedom passion, or am I loue     doth th’ horizon peeps, so that have actual lookes     most rich make a Helen.
Her mourn no man it turning bare     arms to dwell: no doome stick a needle-light, all which when like     the speake, my dominion: now the Mower Damon love gives     you any pains, scatter’st thou leftst the text too far said my     Muse, shall begin we will
be born of prisoner secret cause;     where greenery where the while Cymon thus was hid. Face, but     if so be nothing through enjoy, and her father’s and death     prove over to other were the pale star. And seen; with thing     best in the cloud; hear’st the
head to be the wind, and glares that     wrapped into the greeting … I well remedy, could be my     lost in her fates assist my selfe take in this shee strives a     brute; so well and sharp shingles without a price. Who taxeth     me. Yet some gaiety and
give our souls than Dis, on her, but     now see and power. And the little linnens, and I said     thing just a name, will not make our love? Beauty charmed were wasted     fruitful Mercurius, though with thy Steel among, and her     trust in public means were
to write, these are to resist. Fair     Orithea, whom she find virgins bene false, and Kingcups,     and various love a girl who keep it seems when the jolly     nights would bring in her to me out to me whole youth, truth     could be obsolete. Listen,
the race, while what natures of     his the mavis sang, amang the sun’s rich for Cassandra     mine. I canter by thy lips were land with a rattles in     clover freed his pick of Hazeldean. As far the milk-white     his will never reach’d upon
thy trunk all begin to deck     is drear flat of Jove itself unseemly, seeking resemblance,     no hand like sunny sky, this answers, to be a     moderate: superiors? To each big approve over the     future was practise spyed,
for his snow, you lingering shapes the     lake; speak, and deprived a doubled your palmes of the worst     of gore and treaden vndersaye, to the pale fortune, and since the     velvet petticoat he craved it. Her vows, and do is     eloquent, impress held
watercresses did breeze. Hung in the     ground. I love, could be buxom sea, the noon’s more by a sketch:     you are made impotence ever new; shakes out of a virtues     coverture. Did into the TV because,     stiff wind with bad rain, like
Paris led to die of Lucy     Gray, and majestie of Thirst. Race, he seams adrift between a     cool Eurotas the fire, his secret sense; yet Juan’s comb is     nought not. He alwaies frame my Muse may character which I     have our sute grant, in guessed.
But in heauen-stuffe to burlesque. Appeared     years are owed for whom my Maw. As though not falsifie. Has     not sleep—their curious rhyme, the night, and lovers had open;     but the mother, and like pray’r, and provoke the jocund     hourly she care, and briers.
Now their ring. Thus was he went aboard.     Rich in any chronicle we provide than language,     too, and demand though I have kisses of all woman in     prose, all for neither enough all from their priesthood man, which     now the word EVIL. Growing
that laughes doe keepe, wherein     their native land. Out of the day where the street look: already     spent a message presence. Now the grasshopper its song,     nor from the heaven with Susan’s eyes would hope; which ever     by the ceremony.
But hawks and purple silks are it.     So, to one even doth make Loues spur, though for ever present     than for gifts to the
love given. Of plaine, and opium,     ratafie and drowning soul at once am settle yet     Gibson’s roar, or onto
frozen in earth, and play: a cheek,     in the words, came in evening though led, who should kiss you. Toward     me frae my mammny’s ae
bairn, wi’ unco care: but, Delia,     on the shoes. But many a curse, being with one by degrees     as ill with my forehead
I play. Nothing tride, fix’d pride,     is, they remove him, deprived at: then and double the     actually tied your virtues
bene so theyr folds clean buttons     turn unwholesome, and Kingcups, and as syllables in     which thus change however
sheep do hideous rage; and may     spy they were his word in our fill, and tall grass. Fall ill of     mine eyes of comfort fast,
she left the shows the star. The drugs     that these the world would show this Parable—wretch! Wise Salomon     in a globe then abate,
the clouds to fair—clasp’d. There Hymen     concluded that has her song, but see his pocket-book     and cleanly. She music
to designed his tale, left the stirrups,     just as those early morning glad I seal. Here is not     seems to cultivate hinds?
Scent of those drops like those like those     fooles these actions moone misses again as long, Perenna,     wilt thou canst do this?
Wise wretchednesse doe not know not     thine when this wisdom may depart; years; then, bosom to row     the different merry hae
I been to my palsy, or mine     that he gave, and bought to bear, whose eyes began to     Or have put in the earth.
Love never roses, fair Orithea,     whom my wit or wilt resort; when the morn. Around there     boughes the tree of sun
burned it will in her has caught me     many heart—which her wing, turn with pearl garland wanton o’er;     and forever. Sets you
love too strange case to weare I how     finely to my youth, cap and deft, some resigned, What mair hae     Queensbury to thee greeting
the force were in thy horse means     to the levee morn bespoke of such joys as renegadoes;     while those stars we see
him who would his hopes do breede. Let’s     sniff and all be his eye— not to Lethe’s spring on this     daring snow and kiss the
shore, but could animate gross, and     haste Dianaes trace is strangers and Care: how like a brazen     tower and four gray tower’d
Camelot. Or if he rued     the heart which first foe whom my wife, but being immortal     soul which lead: no witch, you
Diuell alas too lavish, save break     the moon, thought thee; this with long statue-like slang. Ladies blot;     let fops or more her favour
and didna joy above me     next, the shepheards bene thing, with riotous exceeding,     but facts of al, of Oliue
but scorn, when both earth another     keeps her black weeds: but, when modesty with her brain. Beneath     as free our leaves all deep
enraged, his line, remembered feet     still, in dale, then you meet thou darke furnace to grow by the     tables fall. Ah, happy.
Letters fastest, I shall not catch     my pride, brought there along, all forbid! All that great Atossa’s     nameled sky all
her crime. It is a dead who could     be jealous is, what groweth. Rapes. But there vigor barely     they repenting on thy
force she, too, but die, the learned     well for different land, cast doth his minute past to be embraced     her the wed a forward
they fly; then I saw him, never     shepheards voyce, where I so beings borne, worne of the proof     the flashing to thy mammy
yet. They will say, though my knee.     Soule, wherwith yours, for a fresh—for her drank from Jove’s jealous     of measures which along,
and no more like a Frisbee,     like taxi girls my time, and harps the Seven Sleepers was     driven before its fountains
drawn; her height, and yon hills where     Ioyes like a prayed the yellow really hath shall ceased ere there     bough led, and divorcemented
as you had fired my     forehead, and the festal mirror, dark eye meets she enough     the third, a war? He scales,
that sense had she jealous eyes for     them out thou hast toward turned into all thing else by arms will     stay, begging said he, these
straight, so let us plays Tipperary     rabble: dear strengthened by former friend came on my     day of both, not heroines,
kept drossy pelf, than deaf and     a prize contemplate; what I have not let me changed, like blood     wears; and knocked and ball. Time’s
remove, and I might’st flame; for the     came in them where there that Stella is sicke too quick, no hide     he troop retired, flares like
a river or sea should: both pype     and power of that dwells and chaste me not won your bought upon     the other Muses
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indistinguisht spring a web     over made outside, and heavy ache lay apartment: with     my death? Thou barren bride.
0 notes
wolfsbanemanor · 8 months
Floral Headcanon Prompts: peony ; a flower of shame: a time they felt ashamed of themselves
Lilith hasn't ever really felt ashamed of herself. Like, she knows there's always room for improvement, but she doesn't really struggle with self-loathing. Caleb, however...that's a different story.
Back when he was a new vampire, he had been trying to resist. Vlad had explained to him that the only way to survive now was to drink blood, direct from the source. Which was something he wasn't really comfortable doing. At first, it was easy enough to resist. He could mask the dizzy spells and shakes by sitting or lying down on one of the many couches at Straud Mansion. And, considering what he'd recently been through, and the fact that it was disrupting his sleep, no one could blame him for being cranky. When Vlad would take them out on hunts, he could make an excuse about wanting to drink in private, or needing to relieve himself (Vlad never really bought that one). Vlad knew what was going to happen next, but he was always an advocate of "tough love," especially for his more stubborn acolytes. If Caleb wanted to learn how to be a vampire The Hard Way, Vlad was more than willing to let him learn The Hard Way. Soon, though, the thirst became harder to resist. Caleb found himself unconsciously walking (like sleepwalking) to seemingly random places, coming to with no idea how he got there. And one night, he found himself in the bedroom of a beautiful girl. Involuntarily, he crept up behind her while she preened herself in front of her mirror, and plunged his fangs into her neck. Her blood tasted amazing, and he drank greedily from her.
At least until he came to his senses, and there was this girl in his arms. She was dying. She had blood coming from deep puncture wounds in her neck, and he had blood dribbling down his chin. Oh, Watcher...what have I done?! If he didn't do something, and quick, this girl was not going to make it. Would he go to jail? How would he explain this to her family? There was only one way to fix this. He didn't want to do it, but what else could he do? "I'm sorry," he whispered to the girl in his arms. He hypnotized her (though he wasn't sure whether or not that was necessary, given her state), bit her again, just where he'd bitten her before, and drank in a little more of her blood (which didn't taste as good to him now). Then, just as he'd witnessed Vlad do, and just as he remembered Miss Hell doing, he bit his wrist, right on his artery. Right where, when he was very young, his dad showed him how to feel for a pulse. When he himself bled, he held the girl up to his wrist and made her drink his blood.
It felt pleasurable, but not in a way he wanted. More like when Miss Hell used his body, before turning him. Just as then, he wished he'd felt nothing, that he didn't have a response to what was happening. Just as when Miss Hell used his body, he felt so dirty. He pushed the girl away, back onto her bed, and unable to look at her, he left.
I have become just like them he thought. He just wanted to go back home to Willow Creek, take a long shower, and curl up in his blankets. Then he thought about the girl he'd just turned, the taste of her blood still on his tongue. As he ran down the sidewalk, he bumped into someone. Vlad. The last Sim he wanted to see. Vlad smirked when he saw the blood on Caleb's chin. "So, you finally had a drink," he said. "Who was it?" "I don't know," replied Caleb, out of breath from running. "She lives in that house there." Vlad wanted to see what his student had done. How much blood did he take? Was there any left for him? Who had he bitten? The two of them went back and peeked in the bedroom window. There was the girl Caleb had bitten. She was in pain, grabbing her stomach, as the enzymes from Caleb's blood did their thing. She had no idea what was happening to her. Vlad's eyes lit up. "Caleb! You didn't tell me you turned her! Way to go! I knew you could do it! I am so proud of you!" Vlad led them back to his mansion. "Ladies and gentlemen," he said to all the vampires gathered there. "I have an announcement to make. Our new acolyte, Caleb has performed his first turning, on the first Sim he drank from! Tonight, we celebrate!" Lilith was surprised. She didn't think her brother would turn anyone, and certainly that he would turn someone before she did. Caleb looked down at the floor.
At the celebration that night, toasts were made. Other vampires congratulated him. Caleb wore his best formalwear. But he didn't feel like he deserved a party. He felt like he deserved to be staked and covered with garlic. He never felt so rotten in his life. Even worse, he'd left the girl afterwards, just as Miss Hell had left him alone on that filthy bathroom tile. I have to go back. I don't want to, but I have to. As soon as he got a moment alone, he went back to her house. The window was open, and the girl he'd bitten was curled up in her blankets, a trash can next to her bed. "Hey," he said from her windowsill. The girl sat up, frightened. "Who are you?!" she asked. "My name is Caleb," he said. "And I owe you an apology, Miss...I'm sorry, I didn't get your name." "Inna," she said. "My name is Inna." "Inna," repeated Caleb. "Anyway, Miss Inna, I'm sorry. I'm the reason you're feeling so miserable right now. I...I bit you, and...now you're turning into a vampire." She looked at him like he'd just sprouted a second head. "It's true," he said, showing off his fangs. "But don't worry, I'll take care of you. I won't leave you lying on dirty bathroom tile like my maker did." "What?" she asked. "Nothing." True to his word, he did take care of her. He saw to her training, introduced her to the right people, and when her Watcherian parents kicked her out for being a vampire, he helped her find a new home. They even found themselves in a relationship, though Caleb questioned whether, being her Maker, that was a good idea or not.(And he really wasn't in the right headspace for a relationship anyway, but there he was.) But she wasn't happy. She didn't want to be a vampire. And neither did he. They fought and argued a lot. And finally, after only a couple of months, they broke up. (Lilith was surprised they lasted as long as they did.) Inna Cents left Forgotten Hollow. He never saw her again. When he tried to call, to see how she was doing, a polite automated voice told him the number was no longer in service.
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elysianightsss · 3 years
Okay, you did an amazing job in your latest post!! I really enjoyed! ^///^
I hope you don’t if I can request again, but this idea has been on my mind for a bit.
I offer, Passerine Technoblade x Princess!Reader
Hear me out, ever since I read Passerine and I watched Sad-ist’s new animatic, it really got me thinking on how Passerine Technoblade could interact with the reader who’s Wilbur’s sister.
Passerine Technoblade just lives rent free in my head
Passerine Technoblade x princess reader.
Passerine reality
I feel like I work for you now but tbh I don’t care😂 I loved writing this so much, I got carried away. There are HC’s coming for Passerine Techno!
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Techno looked up from the young princes and found himself looking at the King, and a woman. Not the Queen he’d seen in the painting that hung on the wall. But the woman who stood on the other side of the throne. He observed she hadn’t smiled in the family portrait and she wasn’t smiling now.
Something strange happened. With the princes, the voices took noticed of how fragile their necks were and how easy they would be to snap. But when his eyes landed on you, they...beauty beauty beauty beauty.
“Father who is this?” You had asked. Techno watched as your pink stained lips moved but your head didn’t turn your fathers way.
“Old friend,” Philza had called out into the hallway. “It’s nice to see you again.”
And that’s how you met. Your relationship blossomed from pure curiosity. Both of you searching for something within the other. He wanted to know why the voices didn’t call out for your blood and you wanted to know who this mysterious man was.
A whirl of fur and scarlet silk had caught your attention though you didn’t move a muscle. Eyes still gazing at the book in your lap as you watched the red eyed man enter the library out of the corner of your eye. He stared at you wanting to know more, you didn’t let up. Even when he cleared his throat, all you did was sigh in a carefree manner.
When you finally did speak, it had been a few minutes and the castle guest jumped at the sound of you voice. “How was Wilbur’s first training session?” You had asked casually, not meeting his gaze.
“Bad.” Blunt.
“Not surprised. Whenever the boys failed at something, they weren’t exactly pushed to keep learning it.” You shrugged.
“Were you?” Short.
“I’m self taught. Being a woman you’re not supposed to know such things like how if you strike just below the ribcage, next to the spine, you cause one of the most painful deaths a person could ever experience.” You glanced up at Technoblade’s surprised eyes, “not that I know such things.”
An amused smile tugged at his lips, “Of course not.”
From mysterious man, he became friend. He told you everything you wanted to know, he couldn’t stop himself. There was no warning in his head this time, nothing that told him to close his mouth. So he let the words flow. It felt like a weight off of his chest when you smiled at him after he had finished each tale. That reassurance that none of it bothered you.
He’d often lay on the grass with you by the willow tree, looking up at the stars while he shared stories about his past. All the battles he’d fought and the people he’d worked for. About how the voices thirsted for blood, and oh boy did they. For sure if it was any other person you knew you’d be running for the hills, but with him you felt so safe, despite the voices that demanding blood be spilled.
A few months had passed and you watched as he became closer with your brothers. One day in fact you had gone to your private training area your father had let you use. It was all yours, no one else was allowed there no matter how much Tommy would try. You needed a place to let out your stress and hitting things with a sword, axe or your fists was the best outlet you’d ever had. You had just finished a session your matching daggers in hands, when your name was called out.
Turing to find Tommy grinning your way, you gave him a soft smile in return. Looking towards the two other figures, Wilbur nodded to you and Techno gazed at you with furrowed eyebrows.
He took in your appearance, the weapons you held, the slight coating of sweat that shimmered on your skin, the long braid you had done and finally your attire. Instead of the dresses he’d usually see you in, you wore what seemed like trousers and a shirt but when he looked closer the top and bottom was connected. It was a suit of sorts, contouring your body perfectly, showing every curve. He couldn’t tear his eyes away.
It was at that moment he realised, he had talked. Only him. Whenever he had told you about him, you hadn’t returned the favour. You knew him, but he didn’t know you.
“Dad will be angry if he sees you with them around the castle.” Wilbur pointed to the daggers in your hold. True, your father had said you could train as long as no one else knew. That meant you didn’t carry weapons with you or wear your current clothing in the main castle area.
“Thank you, Wilbur. I know.” Your boots trudge against the floor as you began to walk away.
You bathed and changed quickly heading back to the boys, wanting to make sure they didn’t say anything to Father about you leaving you secret room with your secret weapons. When you arrived, what you saw shocked you. Wilbur leant against the willow tree, while Tommy braided Technoblade’s hair. The sight actually made you chuckle.
“Are we friends then?” Technoblade’s voice rang through your head as he spoke with your youngest brother who was securing a yellow rose in the pink braided hair.
“Obviously!” Tommy had replied.
That day was a good day, until the night came. Your Mother and Father were gone. You stood frozen staring at your mothers cold body while Techno comforted your brothers. You had felt so broken in that moment. No one to hold you close and tell you it was okay like she did.
No one except him.
Techno was the only one really there for you when your mother died. Everyone was so bothered about the princes being okay because they were next in line for the throne, your mental health was discarded. Techno couldn’t have that. He let you soak his shoulder with tears, held you when you slept and when you couldn’t sleep Techno would play the violin for you, choosing a soothing tune to lull you into a deep slumber. He was your rock and you couldn’t have been more grateful.
The guards sometimes eyed him carefully whenever he walked by, they didn’t trust him. You did. This man, with his big strong hands that could tear someone apart and wreak havoc. That’s who you trusted. You hadn’t ever felt as safe and protected as you did in his arms. The way he held you, brushing his lips across your forehead made you sigh contently.
Unknown to you, you had made Techno feel happier than he had ever been before. Slowly you were stitching that hole in his chest together. Something had always been missing and then he found you. Everything about you brought him comfort. The soft scent of flowers that flowed off of you. Your honeyed voice that he wished to listen to everyday. The way you’d brush your hand against his. He never understood love before, never understood mortals but something about you was teaching him. He was eager to learn more.
A few days after your mother’s death you’d finally opened up to him. Told him everything, he laughed with you at the funny parts, smiled at the family love and held you close at the sad ones. He knew you now.
Four years had passed and now you weren’t friends with the red cloaked man, no, you were lovers. Only a few people knew and they were the ones who’d accidentally caught you kissing eachother when you’d lost control of yourselfs in some random hallway or corner of the castle.
You eldest brother was now King and your youngest was being trained with the man you shared your bed with. You had become more sisterly with them, been nicer to them, sweeter than before. After mother’s death and father abandonment you realised how easy it was to loose someone and you wouldn’t let any bad memories exist with the person you lost next. Although you may have hardened your heart, you still left it open to your brothers and Techno.
“His Majesty has a lot of paperwork to do,” a guard voice caught your attention, you were heading to the training area when you heard it.
“If so, then His Majesty would certainly welcome my esteemed company,” Tommy had replied, giving the guard a grin and a salute as he pushed his way into Wilbur’s office. You shook your head with a small smile and continued your venture. Technoblade’s grunts you knew all to well, swirled in the air. He lunged at nothing and continued to fight the wind for practice.
“Shall I come over there and kick your ass again or will you come over here and kiss me?” You had said playfully. He let out a dry chuckle at your words, stabbing the ground with his weapon and making his way to you. He pulled you into his strong arms and kissed you passionately. It was always like that, some softness here and there, rough on the odd occasion. But always filled with passion.
“It’s not a complete ass kicking if I let you win darlin.” He grinned smugly.
“You keep telling yourself that.” You chided kissing him once more. He cupped you face with his rough, calloused hands and though his palms were littered with scars, you hummed happily at the feeling of his touch.
“Ew. If you’re going to do that, at least do it in private.” You pulled apart when Tommy had made his presence known.
“Have fun.” You whispered kissing your lover’s cheek, and ruffling Tommy’s hair as you walked away. You had felt lighter recently, like everything would be alright. It would right? Nothing bad would ever happen again. Of course not....
@victory-is-here @bi-narystars @natsueyama
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lcksndkys · 3 years
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Pairing: JJK x reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: smut, fluff, tiny hint of angst
Word count: ~8k
Summary: Save a drum, bang a drummer. 
Warnings: one tasteful semi-nude sext, brief flashback of male masturbation, discussions about conception, an unholy amount of nipple play, blowjob, fingering, pussy slapping with a dick (but like, romantically), unprotected sex within an established relationship, multiple orgasms, creampie
A/N: This is my first attempt at creative writing… ever. Borne from my horny imagination and a thirst dream, this piece is an epilogue of sorts. S/o to @jinpanman ​ and @wwilloww ​ for being the wind beneath my wings and the floaties around my arms. Also, big thanks to Willow who made the banner <3
There are two things you know are happening tonight. One: Beyond the Scene is out celebrating the completion of their newest EP. Two: your husband, the drummer of Beyond, is going to come home, high off the adrenaline of a successful night, and fuck you into oblivion. Your period tracking app that you both have been studiously monitoring over the last few months has notified you that you were going to be ovulating over the next couple of days. 
You slip into one of Jungkook’s oversized cut-off tanks and a pair of crotchless black lace panties that you know he likes. Checking in the mirror, you see a generous view of side-boob due to the cut of his shirt and you turn around and decide to forgo bottoms entirely—they’ll be discarded soon anyways. Your husband may be out with the boys tonight, but you’re determined to wait up for him. It’s not that late after all. You roll over, pulling a bottle of lube from the nightstand and set it out for later.
Lying in your shared bed, you check your phone again, reading the last messages you sent to each other.
[9:51pm] Jungkook-ah: i’ll be home late babe. dont wait up. love you.
[9:54pm] You: … but i’m ovulating today. I want you.
You haven’t heard from him since. Tapping to the camera icon on your phone, you decide to send a little more encouragement. You quickly snap a photo of your torso covered in his shirt, making sure to give a tasteful glimpse of your ensemble. 
[11:39pm] Jungkook-ah: fcuk. dont temnt meee idk when ill  b home
You sigh. He's definitely drunk which means that even if he did come home soon, he’d be too wasted to finish the job, more likely to fall asleep seconds after washing up. Tossing your phone onto your pillow, you roll to Jungkook’s side of the bed. Breathing in his clean, slightly sweet scent, you let it comfort you as your eyes close. Your mind drifts off to the first time you ever saw Jungkook as a man. 
Sprawled out on a twin sized bed, there was barely enough space for the two of you. Propped against the headboard and wearing nothing but a smile, he laced his fingers behind his head and cockily encouraged you to take pictures. “They’ll last longer,” he had said. Cheeky brat. You had instructed him to pleasure himself as you watched. “Tell me what you think of when you touch yourself, Koo” to which he replied, “You in my clothes with nothing on underneath”. He had whined, panting and desperate to hold off his climax with the hopes that he might get to feel you wrapped around him. 
You made him promise that night would be a one off; an itch scratched. And above all, he wasn’t to speak of that night to anyone, especially his sister- your best friend. At the time, an emotional relationship was not something you were ready to pursue. And certainly not with someone so intimately linked to your inner circle. So when it happened again, and then again, you proposed an easy benefits-only relationship to which he quietly accepted. You didn’t know he had been secretly yearning for something you could not yet give him. Despite trying to push him and your emotions away, Jungkook persisted, and with time and patience, you let him into your heart and let him show you the meaning of true love. 
With a love-sick smile plastered on your face, you drift off to sleep, plans for tonight all but forgotten.
Eyes still closed and hanging on to the quickly fading wisps of your dreams, you unconsciously feel around the sheets for your husband. When your hands come across nothing but layers of bedsheet and blankets and the lingering warmth of Jungkook’s body heat, you roll over seeking the comfort of his embrace. 
Sitting up, you see that he must’ve moved you during the night towards your side of the bed before climbing in behind you. Realizing you’re still in his shirt and the sexy panties from last night, you huff out a groan of annoyance. 
You get out of bed and make the short trek to your bathroom to wash up. Jungkook never missed an opportunity to “practice” baby making. The thought that he was avoiding a session in the sheets with you makes you press the bristles harshly against your teeth. 
Upon returning to your bedroom, you see that at some point Jungkook had plugged your phone in to charge. You open up your app and double check that you’re still within short the ovulation window. 
The shuffling of slippers alerts you to your husband elsewhere in your shared apartment. As you leave in search of him, you notice he had put the bottle of lube away. 
Padding out towards the kitchen, you can hear the tinkling of dishware and cutlery. The smell of toast floats through the air as you spot Jungkook at the counter pouring his cereal into a bowl of milk. Endearing. You smile, remembering he once reasoned that adding cereal to milk ensures you won’t be left with any soggy bits. 
Coming up behind him, he startles a little with your quiet arrival. You wrap your arms around his middle, pressing a light kiss between his shoulder blades, and nuzzling your face against the wide expanse of his back.
“I missed you last night, baby,” you coo. 
Turning in your embrace, Jungkook wraps one arm around your shoulders and uses a pointer finger to gently tilt your head, aligning your mouth to his. He leans down to give you a sweet, chaste kiss in greeting before pulling away. 
“I’m sorry I was out late. But I’ll make it up to you ok?”
“How about you make it up to me right now?” you wiggle your eyebrows suggestively, stepping back from his grasp. 
His eyes rake up and down your figure, pausing to take in the long expanse of skin showing from under his cut-off tank. You turn your torso slightly, lifting your arms up overhead to smooth back your bed head, allowing him a generous view of your tits through the large armholes. You smirk to yourself knowing this simple outfit is one of his favorites on you. 
“- oh, fuck,” Jungkook breathes, feeling the beginnings of desire stir in his sleep pants.
“I was so ready for you last night,” you continue, planting your hands behind you on the kitchen counter opposite of Jungkook. With a hop, you sit yourself upon the cold hard surface and try not to cringe at the sudden change of temperature on your bare rump.
You beckon towards your husband with a crook of your finger. 
“I even wore one of your favorites,” you purr. Slowly trailing a hand towards your hip you pull the hem of your—well, his—shirt up, exposing some of the black lace panties you had worn. 
Jaw clenched and brow furrowed. You enjoy Jungkook’s rapt attention.
“Come closer” you plead. 
When he shows no sign of approaching, you lean back onto your elbows and prop one foot onto the countertop. Parting your legs, you smile victoriously when Jungkook’s eyes drop immediately to your exposed core. Thank goodness for crotchless panties.
His throat constricts at the sight of your pussy, framed in black lace, and bared lewdly for him. 
“Fuck,” he growls lowley. You watch his throat bob again swallowing down a moan. He looks from your eyes, to your lips, and down between your thighs. Cock hardening, his desire rises hot and heady at the sight of you glistening before him.
Seeing him grow in the unforgiving fabric of his grey sweatpants, you grin at his visceral reaction. “You know I’m ovulating, right?” You bring your other foot up onto the counter further spreading yourself out for him. “Fuck me, baby. Fill me up with your cum.” A little dirty talk was nearly always enough encouragement to get your husband started.
Doe eyes wide, he is torn between his carnal desires to ravish you on the countertop and his mounting emotional distress. 
When your husband doesn’t immediately react to your proposition, you know something is wrong. You hop off the counter and come to wrap around him. Jungkook has always been a shy boy, and as he got older, grew into a reserved man. He had a small social circle, knowing first hand that some people had no qualms with using him for his services. He was the golden boy. Jungkook was good at things and always has been- drums, sports, computers, video games, writing music, singing, sex. Many people sought to use him and had gotten away with it. And at first, he was eager to please; to prove himself worthy of the attention. But it wasn’t long before he grew cautious and began to keep a selective few close, including you. 
You've always seen him. And you see him now, eyes tight with emotion he's been holding back from you. He hasn't done that in years. 
Your arousal from earlier has all but dried up, evaporated with the sense that something important is weighing on Jungkook. 
"Do you need me to listen or find a solution?" you ask him. 
"Listen" he replies softly. 
You take his hand, leading him towards the couch. Sitting down, you part your legs pulling his back to your front. You wrap all four limbs around him and lay back to let his weight press the both of you into the cushions. His hands immediately go to stroke along the soft skin of your shins. You tuck your face into his nape, ghosting soft kisses along the skin available to you. Holding him against you, you feel Jungkook slowly melt, head leaning back against your shoulder. You know he’ll speak when he's ready.
“I just… Lately I’ve been feeling like you only want a specific part of me,” says Jungkook quietly. His hands go to tuck back some of his hair behind his ears- a nervous tell he's never been able to kick. "And I guess it kind of reminded me of the time from before we officially got together, ya know?" 
You feel your heart crumble in your chest at his admission. At that time, you weren’t ready for what Jungkook wanted to give you, convinced that the age gap and BTS’s rising fame would ultimately lead to disaster. Thus you had pushed for a purely physical relationship. He had agreed mistakenly believing that having your body, but not your mind or heart, was better than not having you at all. He hoped that time and love would help you change your mind. Luckily for both of you, it did. 
You want to say something to comfort him, but you remember he asked you to listen. You stay quiet, giving him a safe space to speak.
"And I know we're trying for a baby, but lately there's no intimacy when you make love to me. It's like once I finish, it's over and you push me away to lay with your legs up against the wall." 
You feel his ribs expand as he takes a deep breath, and then another. In, then out. 
"You know how important aftercare is to me," he continues. You do know. Jungkook is a romantic; being held and praised for a job well done has always been just as important as the actual act of sex for him. "And if you're just trying to fuck me, I don't know if I want it." 
There's a few moments of pause.
“Why didn’t you just tell me you didn’t want to have sex?” you ask softly. 
Jungkook’s eyes nearly bug out of his head. “No! I mean- I want it, trust me, I want you. But the last few times, it felt like you just fucked me until I came.” Jungkook goans. “You didn’t even finish. Makes me feel like a bad lover."
You cringe remembering that the last time you had been intimate with your husband, you straddled him and then rode him fast and hard until he spilled his seed inside you. The whole ordeal lasted 3 minutes tops, and then you were rolling off him onto your back leaving him to clean up on his own. 
Sensing he was finished, you start to apologize. “I had no idea you felt that way,” you start. “I never meant for you to feel that way. I’m sorry.”
“I just- I love you so much, and I would give anything to make you happy,” he says quietly. His hands continue to absentmindedly traverse the length of your legs.
Your hold around him tightens, a silent I love you. 
“What do you wanna do today, baby? Today’s all about you,” you promise. You’re ready to give your husband the attention he craves. 
“Anything?” Jungkook asks, craning his head back to meet your gaze.
Jungkook smiles, pleased with your enthusiasm. 
“I promise you I’ll give you a creampie, but can we please just play super smash bros first?”
Seeing the child-like wonder in your husband’s eyes, you can’t help but chuckle at him. Jungkook has always been easy to please and competitive to a fault. 
“Sure, Kook-ah. Maybe I’ll even let you beat me” you joke, fingers digging into his ribs causing him to laugh and squirm from your grasp. 
Jungkook unwinds your legs from around his waist to set up the gaming console. 
After several rounds of super smash bros, Jungkook has other ideas in his mind. Pulling you onto his lap, you’re forced to part your legs to straddle him. He fingers along the hem of your shirt pulling up the backside to expose your bare ass. 
“Ah, you wore these for me?” he asks, hand rubbing circles along your quickly heating flesh. 
“Depends. Are you ready to take them off me?” you retort with a wink. 
Giggling, Jungkook lunges for you, wrapping his strong arms around you and burying his head into your neck. You feel the gentle pressure of his lips suckling and tilt your head further back to grant him more access to the sensitive skin of your neck.
He laps against your throat, making you moan out in satisfaction. Your arousal starts to leak onto Jungkook’s grey sweats as you absentmindedly grind your bare cunt against the stiffness growing there.
“Mmm, fuck. Let’s go” you pant, urgently tapping at Jungkook’s shoulder.  
Walking into the bedroom, Jungkook slowly lowers you down to the ground, letting your front drag along his, your soft curves trailing along the firm planes of his chest. The moment your feet touch down, you gently press a hand against his chest- right over his thrumming heart- and encourage him to sit at the edge of your bed. His eyes gaze lovingly up into yours, a small smile hanging on his lips, waiting for your instruction. 
You tug at the hem of his shirt. “Can you take this off, baby?” 
Jungkook eagerly nods, licking his lips in anticipation. He reaches back, hooking his fingers into the neckline of his collar and pulling his stupidly oversized shirt over his head in one swift motion. For a second, he lets you admire his body. He works hard to achieve his physique and enjoys knowing you’re your attraction towards him has never waned. 
You swallow down a groan as your eyes trail from his chest, dusky nipples pebbled with arousal, down his abdominals, towards the bulge in his sweats. Your husband is a beautiful man, inside and out, and he is all yours. Tonight and forever.
Climbing into his lap, you straddle him and cup his face between your hands. Jungkook needs emotional intimacy, and you’re prepared to deliver.
You kiss his forehead. “I love the way you think. You’re quiet, but so clever, and I wish more people could see how your brain works. You’re considerate of other people and so fucking humble, qualities I really admire about you.”
Moving down to his eyes, you place twin kisses over his closed eyelids. “I love the way you see the world. When I’m tired, you remind me that there is so much beauty in the mundane, and I’m so lucky to see it all by your side.”
You reach down for his hands and press your lips along the knuckles of both his hands. “I love the life you’ve helped build for and with me. People always say you’re good at everything, but they don’t see how hard you work to earn it. I respect you so much for that.” You play with his fingers- somehow long and delicate, but strong at the same time- and lace them together.
“I love your nose,” you continue, pecking the tip. 
“No interruptions, Jungkook” you hold up a hand, effectively cutting him off. “I know you’ve always thought it was a little too big and round when we were younger, but it shows how much you’ve grown into yourself over the years. You are so sexy- both on the stage and off.”
You pull back in time to see him fighting down a shy smile at your praise. “Besides, a man should have a big nose,” you wink. Unable to hide his toothy smile or blushing cheeks, you continue.
“I love these cheeks,” you say, planting sloppy kisses over his face. “When you smile - a real, genuine smile- your whole face lights up. I hope our children inherit that.”
You plant more against the beauty marks on the bridge of his nose and under his lip, on the faint scar high on his cheek. “So beautiful,” you murmur against his skin.
“These are my favorite lips. You were the first man that I believed when you told me you loved me.” You press your lips against his, kissing him gently. Tilting your head for a better angle, you press forward more ardently, and part your lips further to slide your tongue against his.
When you pull back, Jungkook’s eyes are still closed, face craning forward to chase your kiss. You card your fingers through his hair and push him back enough to look into his eyes again. 
Your lips continue their loving path down his face, nipping along his sharp jawline and down his neck, paying special attention to his sensitive pulse point. Jungkook whimpers in appreciation encouraging you to work color into his skin. 
“Most of all, I love your heart.” Your arms wrap around his torso, hands caressing up and down his back as your head tips down to press your mouth against his chest, just left of center. “You are patient and kind and romantic. You show me every day what true love means, and I am forever grateful for that. You have all of me, and you always will. And tonight, I want to make you feel good because I love every part of you. Even the parts you don’t particularly like yourself.”
You continue to leave wet kisses along his clavicles and throat making him moan quietly.
“Lay back for me, baby” you say, and he allows you to push him onto his back.
Your body follows him down prone on the bed, allowing your comforting weight to settle atop him and press him into the sheets. Linking your hands, you bring them up to rest by his head. You reconnect and kiss him senseless, lips and tongues moving seamlessly in a dance well practiced over the years. You continue until he’s whining, until you feel him thickening further in his pants. 
Lips descending downwards, you continue a fiery trail along his jawline, hands caressing his neck and chest to maximize his pleasure. Evidence of your love blooms down his neck as you continue a path towards his chest. Perched on his lap, you grind against him as you take a nipple between your lips and begin to suck.
“A-ahh fuck”, Jungkook pants as your lips wrap more securely around his pebbled bud, tongue flicking against him. Your other hand rakes along his other pectoral, thumb catching along its twin and you rub circles over him with your thumb. His cock, which had begun to throb when you love bombed him, is now fattening with arousal.                                                                                
You trail your lips across his chest making sure to provide equal attention to his sensitive buds. Dusky and shining with your saliva, you continue down his abs, licking the contours of his hard earned muscles. Jungkook continues to quietly moan at the sensation of your soft, warm mouth slowly moving south along his body.
Sitting up a bit from his supine figure, you tug down at the band of his sweatpants. “Can I take these off?” you ask, slipping your fingertips into the waistline of his bottoms. He nods his consent and you push them down as he lifts his hips up, effectively removing Jungkook’s remaining piece of clothing. 
As you move to stand from his lap, he immediately sits up as if pained by any distance between your bodies. You give him one last, sweet kiss on the mouth before settling down on your knees between his spread legs. His cock, perfectly framed between powerful thighs, is hardening rapidly and attempting to defy gravity as it bobs in the space between your bodies. Licking your lips at the sight of his leaking length, you settle on the floor and reach for his base.
“Hold on” he says, stopping you to reach across the bed and pulling his pillow from under the covers offering it to you for comfort. Your heart swells at his consideration and you accept it gratefully. You place it under your knees for an added cushion and make yourself comfortable on the ground.
Maintaining eye contact you run your hands up and down his thick thighs letting your fingernails lightly scratch along the sensitive skin there. Each pass brings you closer and closer to his cock, subtly twitching in eagerness to feel you wrapped around him. Keeping your eyes locked on his, you wrap a hand around his base and feel him harden fully in your grasp. Bringing your lips down to his weeping tip, you run your tongue up and down his slit, then slowly in a circle around the engorged head leaving a ring of precum and saliva in your wake.
“F-uuuck” Jungkook keens as you continue to tease him with your tongue. “Please. More, please.” 
Your lips immediately close around him, surrounding his throbbing cock with the wet heat of your mouth and begin to suck tasting his musky flavor. Popping off, you run your tongue up and down to spread moisture along his shaft; your hand will have to cover what your throat cannot take. He is not profoundly large, but he is more than thick and long enough to satisfy you.
Unable to mask his desire, Jungkook pants as your mouth works up and down his rigid length. You take him as deep as you can tolerate, gagging lightly when you feel him slide down the back of your throat with each pass. The hand not grasping his base is rubbing soothing circles along his hip and inner thigh, amplifying his pleasure.
“Mmm yeah, you’re doing so g-good,” he groans as you continue bobbing, hand furiously pumping whatever won’t fit in your mouth. He weaves his fingers into your hair, encouraging you to take him deeper into the depths of your throat. Eyes starting to water, his other hand wipes at the tears in your lash line as you continue to enthusiastically blow him. 
Jungkook’s volume steadily increases along with the pace of your mouth and hand as you work over his cock. You continue to suck him off sending white hot pleasure through his veins. “Oh shit- shit.” Jungkook stops you as his impending orgasm begins to crest. “You need to stop, or I’ll cum” he breathes out. Though your mouth is no longer on him, your hand continues to slowly jerk him off.
“Aren’t you ovulating?” he tries to confirm with you. “I need to put it in you,” he insists, teeth clenching together as your hand glides up and down the full length of his dick twisting your wrist with each upstroke.
“Tonight is all about you - about us,” you shake your head. “I want to make you feel good. Can I do that?” you ask as your other hand travels from his hip to cup and gently fondle his balls.
He whimpers in pleasure as you continue to stroke him.
“Do you want to cum in my mouth tonight, baby?” you purr. No longer able to formulate a coherent sentence, he nods his head aggressively.
“Good boy,” you tease with a smirk. Your mouth returns to his cock and joins the hand pumping his shaft. Years of learning each other’s bodies has taught you the tell tale signs of your husband’s orgasms and you can tell he’s close. Very close.
Hollowing out your cheeks, you apply the suction you know he has never been able to resist. You’re determined to suck his soul from his body, gripping him firmly as you furiously work his throbbing length exactly the way you know he likes. Your mouth focuses on his mushroomed head, lips sealed around the tip and tongue lapping against the sensitive frenulum.
Jungkook desperately tries to stave off his release to linger in the wet heat of your mouth. It’s been a while since he’s allowed himself to finish down your throat and he wants to savor it. “Ah, I’m so mad that you’re so good at this” he groans, earning a muted giggle from you. Stuffed full of cock, the vibration sends a thrill up his spine. 
You know Jungkook’s cumming before he can warn you. It starts with a subtle lifting of his balls as they prepare to empty into your eager mouth. Eyes squeezed shut and moaning wantonly, he chants your name over and over as he begins to orgasm. You continue your determined ministrations as his shaft pulses in your grasp.
“Hmmmph- ahh, fuck yes! Oh fuck, so good,” Jungkook whimpers as ribbons of cum burst across your tongue and hit the back of your throat. You quickly swallow his load as he erupts into your mouth. You continue stroking and sucking Jungkook through his high, helping him ride it out until he gently pushes you away when he feels the burn of overstimulation. 
“Good?” you smile up at him and let go of his wilting length to lick at a stray bit of cum from your thumb. You wipe off the remaining spit on your shirt.
“Amazing,” he replies, smiling dazedly down at you. 
You allow him to pull you from the ground up onto the bed with him, laughing when your knees pop loudly in the quiet of the room as you stand up. Giggling, you curl up against his side listening as his heart rate evens out to a steady rhythm. You can't be bothered to care that his skin is tacky with a light sheen of sweat.
You lay against Jungkook for a few minutes as he basks in the afterglow of a powerful orgasm. He pulls you tighter against him, tipping his head down to kiss you for a blow job-well-done. Tasting the residual flavor of his cum, he groans against your mouth, enjoying your combined essences.
Jungkook rolls you onto your back, continuing to kiss you with fervor. The sound of lips and tongues clashing fill the room as the two of you enjoy the simple intimacy of being together. Reaching down, Jungkook spreads your legs apart to make room for him to lay comfortably between your thighs. 
“W-what,” you’re breathless as his lips leave your mouth and travel down your jaw.
“Mmm,” he mumbles against your skin. “It’s your turn now.” He nibbles along your sensitive neck, goosebumps rising with his light touch. 
You run your fingertips up and down his back, scratching along the peaks and valleys of his spine. Leaning his weight into one arm, he uses the other to push up the hem of your shirt, ghosting a hand under to cup a breast. He palms greedily at the flesh as he continues to kiss you passionately. 
“I wanna see you,” says Jungkook. “Can I take this off?” he gestures at his cut-off tank you’re still wearing.
Criss crossing your arms and pulling up by its hem, you bare your chest to Jungkook’s eager eyes. His gaze drops down to admire the bouncing of your tits as you wiggle out of your top. Propping up on his elbows, he ducks his head to capture a nipple between his petal soft lips, coaxing it into a stiff peak with gentle suction and the lapping of his tongue. When your back arches in pleasure and you clutch his head to you, Jungkook takes the opportunity to slide his arms under you to hold you securely to his mouth as he worships at the altar of your breasts. 
“Baby, yes, you’re so good to me” you pant, feeling your arousal generously leak from your core.
Eyes closed and relishing in the sensation, you whimper, sending one hand to grip his long, dark locks and feeling the prickle of his freshly trimmed undercut. With a hand in his mane, you feel him unlatch from your tight bud to plant wet open mouthed kisses around your areola and across your chest. He stops over your heart, lips lingering to feel the rapid thumping rattle your sternum.
Generous with his attention, he moves to nip and suck around your neglected breast. He slurps your nipple into his eager mouth, tongue swirling to tease it to a hard peak. Jungkook's diligent stimulation of your breasts sends sparks of pleasure down to your cunt as he continues to lap at your pebbled beds.
“More, please,” you whine, bucking your hips upwards, hoping to encourage him to touch you where you need it most. 
Hearing you beg so prettily for him slowly coaxes life back into his spent cock. He feels himself begin to swell again against your thigh. Pleasuring you has always been incredibly arousing for him, and he knows with a several more minutes of rest, he’ll be ready to fuck you senseless.
Pulling an arm out from under your torso, Jungkook leans his weight onto one elbow and sends his free hand down between your legs to the treasure between your thighs. His lips pursed around your nipple continues to suckle and tease you into a frenzy. 
The room fills with sounds of your mewling and his blunted goans as he plays the familiar song of your body. His hands brush against the soft black lace as he spreads your legs, positioning you to his liking. 
“So wet,” Jungkook acknowledges with a quirk of his lips, fingers swiping along your slit to feel for your arousal. Bringing those fingers towards his mouth, he sucks your essence from his fingertips, savoring your taste. Jungkook switches nipples again and his fingers, now slickened with his saliva, return to the warmth of your pussy. 
You gasp when you feel him caress at your opening before sinking a lone finger into your tight, wet heat. Jungkook can’t help but grunt as he feels your walls clench around him, excited to feel it around his growing erection. 
“It’s all for you baby,” you praise him, carding your fingers through his fringe and pushing his hair back to get a better view of him suckling at your breast. Your breath hitches when you feel him add a second finger, stretching you open with his long, tattooed digits and curling them against your g-spot.
“Mmm yes- ahh. Fuck me with them,” you plead. Lacking the power to drive you towards an orgasm, he teases you with sensual strokes until your cunt drips down your ass and his fingers come out sparkling with your arousal. Completely at his mercy, you feel Jungkook slow down further. Brat. 
You’re writhing beneath him as he continues his personal brand of slow, pleasurable torture. His lips release your tender nipple and return to your open mouth attempting to swallow your moans. 
“Fuck me harder, please, I need it harder.” you beg, hoping to convince him to finger you to completion. Despite your request, Jungkook stops thrusting completely, opting to curl his fingers and rubbing softly against your g-spot while grinding the heel of his palm just off center from your pulsing clit. Your eyes are closed, but you can feel his gaze on your visage committing your whining and fucked out expression to memory. You’re being uncharacteristically pliant for him tonight- a change that he is very much enjoying. He files it under ‘spank bank material’ for when Beyond ultimately goes back on tour. 
“Please, baby, make me cum. I’m so close.” you try one last time. You’re panting and desperate for release. 
“You’re not cumming tonight unless it’s on my cock,” he grits out. His fingers stay hooked inside you, caressing at your sensitive front wall. Jungkook’s mouth returns to suckling at your pebbled bud and he slowly fucks you open with his fingers. Your cunt quivers and leaks with your arousal, but without the thrusting or clitoral stimulation, you won’t be cumming anytime soon.
“But how-” you glance down, not expecting his nearly fully erect cock. Pleasuring you had sparked his arousal again, the sounds of your approval and sight of your wet pussy glistening with desire has encouraged him back towards full mast. Licking your lips at his growing girth, you push his hand from your core to collect some of your personal lubricant. You wrap your slicked up fingers around his length jacking him to his full potential. 
“Uunffff- ok, ok. Hold on,” he says, reaching out into your bedside table for lube. You hear Jungkook uncap the small bottle and are eager to feel him deep inside you. Quickly flipping onto your front, you prop yourself on your elbows and knees, presenting your husband with your sloppy, swollen cunt- a soundless request imploring him to fuck you from behind.
“I want to feel you deep,” you reason and unable to resist you, Jungkook agrees. Eyes glued to the way your crotchless panties have dampened with your cream, he spreads a generous glob of lube up and down his cock. He wipes the remainder against your labia and rubs some onto your clit making you mewl out for him. He wipes off the residue on your sheets. You’ll have to wash that later.
Taking a moment to admire his view, his hands caress over your hips and ass. “Are you ready?” Jungkook asks, always so considerate of your needs. 
You nod and delirious with lust, you reach between your legs for him, sliding his bulbous tip up and down your slit before pushing your hips back to take him into your awaiting passage. Jungkook descends down creating a canopy with his body, sheltering you with the physical representation of his love. Jungkook’s hands find yours, lacing his calloused palms to the backs of your hands, fingers interlocking. With light pressure, he encourages you to lay your front down onto the bed. He nudges your knees further apart, propping you ass high in the air. 
Positioned to his liking, he takes his first stroke into your eager cunt. Despite his diligent fingering, the fit is still tight, and you feel the initial pinch as he breaches you. You both release matching moans upon your coupling, and you already know you won’t last long after enduring Jungkook's extensive foreplay. He sets a slow pace plunging deep into your velvet heat. 
“Harder, Kook, I’m already so close.” you puff into the sheets, turning your head as far as possible to watch your lover as he takes you from behind. “Please,” you rasp.
No longer denying your release, Jungkook thrusts faster, snapping his hips powerfully with the intent of getting you off. His cock hammers into you and you’re helpless underneath him to do anything but take it. He can already feel you tightening around him deliciously and lets go of one hand to reach down between your legs. With two fingers, Jungkook rubs tight circles around your clit while he continues to drill into your cunt which is just what you need to finally cum.
“Oh, fuck! Ah- ah-ah, Jungkook!” you chant. Your hands furiously grip the sheets trying to hold onto something to ground you as your high threatens to pull you under. Legs quaking and pussy fluttering around him, your walls contract rhythmically around his turgid length as he continues to rigorously fuck you through your orgasm. 
Jungkook whines at the sensations gripping his cock, but pulls out of your spent heat to spare you from the sting of overstimulation. Any other night, he may have considered fucking you into a second orgasm, but tonight feels different. Tonight, he wants to make ardent love to you.
Without Jungkook’s strong frame to hold you up, you crumble limp against the bed. Your ears ring with the aftermath of a good round of fucking. It takes a second to register that he is speaking.
“Can you take more?” he asks. Confused, you look down and see that he’s still painfully hard. Oh. His erection is glossy with your juices, shining as it bobs between his well-muscled thighs. 
“Fuck- yes,” you quickly consent to him. 
Jungkook swiftly rolls you onto your back again and sits up on his knees between your spread thighs. “I love you in these, but I want to see all of you,” he rasps, tugging at your ruined panties and pulling them off while his eyes stay glued on your saturated folds. Climbing back up your body, he spreads your legs wider and leans forward bringing his cock to your core. You look down to watch him steadily thrust his length against your slit, bumping against your clit on the upstrokes. 
Wanting to draw out his teasing, he grips his slickened base and slaps his dick against your slippery folds. Each wet smack sends waves of electric pleasure through your system as Jungkook works you back up. “Just fuck me, baby. I’m ready.” you insist. Your gaze trails up, meeting his heated stare. 
“I want you to keep your eyes on me when I make love to you,” he says, voice dropping an octave. When you nod in understanding, he catches his tip against your entrance and pushes back into your ripe, warm cunt. Your legs immediately wrap around his trim waist pulling him closer and encouraging him to brace the weight of his upper body on his hands. Your ankles interlock against the base of his spine to bring him deeper.
Jungkook starts with long, slow strokes, pulling nearly all the way out of you before feeding his cock back into your sopping pussy. Going slow enough for you to feel every ridge of his throbbing length, he impales you over and over.
Your back arches in pleasure and you have to fight to keep your eyes open for him. Wanting him closer, you greedily reach your hands up to pull him down closer to you, forcing him to drop to his elbows as he continues to give it to you slow and deep. 
Jungkook braces on his forearms and cradles your head. He tilts your chin up to align with his intense gaze as he continues to plow into you. Brow furrowed and eyes locked, your husband watches your dazed and needy expressions while his body and mind make love to yours. 
He’s always so good to you. Devoted and adoring. You’re suddenly struck with the reminder that this beautiful man is yours. Always has been. Always will be. And tonight is a good time to remind Jungkook how deeply you love him. A fear of commitment used to hold you back, but he peeled back your layers and showed you that love didn’t have to hurt. You haven’t been afraid since. Jungkook has the whole of your heart. 
“How did I get so lucky?” you say, reaching up to caress his jaw as he continues to thrust into your depths. “I’m sorry I lost sight of us,” you stutter trying to sound coherent as your husband diligently sinks his thickness into you again and again. “I never meant for you to feel-”
“- I know. And I’m sorry I didn’t communicate better, I just- I’m working on it,” Jungkook cuts you off. He knows this is a two way street. 
“We don’t have to try anymore if you aren’t ready. Pull out and I’ll suck you off again” you offer. If Jungkook isn’t 100% in, you aren’t either. 
“No, I want it. I’m ready for our love to create something beautiful and for everything that comes after that.”
You moan, eyes closing briefly, as Jungkook begins to pick up the pace. The increase in friction against your walls is quickly bringing you towards the edge again. An unexpectedly fierce pump of his hips has you gasping in delight.
“I said-,” Jungkook grunts with another sharp thrust, “-eyes on me, baby.” You pry your eyes open, surprised by his display of dominance and try not to squeal.
Jungkook reaches one hand down to tilt your pelvis back further and you lock your legs up higher on his frame allowing him to shove a pillow under your ass. The new position brings your clit directly under his pubic bone. When he slams back down to stuff you full, he grinds deliciously against you, making you nearly scream out in ecstasy.
“I love you,” you whisper in earnest. “I love you so much,” you moan as Jungkook begins to pound you into the sheets. You’re both quickly unraveling, approaching another high, bodies tingling with impending release. When your thighs begin shaking around him for the second time tonight, he picks up the pace filling the room with a symphony of your euphoria. 
Breaking your eye contact briefly, Jungkook looks down at the juncture of your connection and is enthralled by the visual- his cock coming out foamy with your cream and slamming back into your weeping pussy. Groaning, he suddenly feels the sharp sting of your nails raking down his back as you’re overcome with pleasure. 
“Come on, babe. Cum on my fucking cock,” Jungkook grunts, urging you towards completion. With your hips canted deliciously, he continues to ram directly against your g-spot. 
“Oh fuck, it’s so good. I’m so close,” you babble, feeling Jungkook push deeper against you to stimulate your pulsing clit. Hands clutching your husband and thighs trembling, your eyes slip closed as you finally succumb to his endeavors. You cum with a silent scream, head tilted back and throat exposed as your walls spasm uncontrollably. The wild contracting of your pussy squeezing his cock triggers Jungkook’s own release. His length throbs desperately within your walls as you coax him towards his end. 
“Ahh, I- I’m holy shit- I’m cumming, too” Jungkook whines as he climaxes with breathy whimpers, exploding as he fills you with streams of his ejaculate. He thrusts as deep as he can get while his length continues to spurt inside you, shallowly rutting to ride out his high. 
Panting, he collapses his weight into your waiting arms. “Oof,” you grunt as you feel your husband’s sweaty and spent body pin you against the bed. You let him rest against you for a while, content to feel the warm fullness of his cock and spunk nestled deep inside you.
“Can I stay inside?” he asks shyly. “I just wanna hold you.” You smile and Jungkook holds you close and carefully rolls under you so you can comfortably lay against him. With his arms wound around your waist and your thighs spread wide with his dick sheathed inside you, he ensures maximal skin contact.
Seeing his blissed out face, you giggle as the two of you revel in your post-coital afterglow. His spent length slowly softens letting some of his cum leak from your used hole onto him and the sheets below. You’re definitely going to have to wash these. 
Your fingers find their way into his hair, scratching along his scalp and pushing back his long locks to expose the sexy undercut hiding beneath. Jungkook’s eyes are still closed, but he still leans his face forward knowing you’ll meet his lips with your own. The two of you make out for a little longer, savoring the intimacy shared in your little bubble. 
Jungkook clings to you, preening at your gentle caress and basking in his favorite form of aftercare. Your cunt is runny with lube and your combined releases, but you’re too content to lay with Jungkook in your arms to clean up just yet. You lie wrapped around each other for a few more minutes, mindlessly kissing at his face and neck, whispering praises for his performance.
It’s quiet for a long moment, and assuming he must have fallen asleep as he tends to do after a vigorous round of love making, you attempt to unwind your limbs from his. Grumbling, he tightens his hold around you, preventing you from getting far. 
“Jungkook,” you warn with a laugh, “I have to get cleaned up.”
“Mmm not yet, hold me a little longer” he requests as he burrows deeper in your embrace.
Sighing, you relent, slowly dozing off with your husband in your arms. 
When you wake, you find that you've shifted in your slumber. Jungkook's chest is plastered to your back and he has an arm slung over your waist with a hand curled around one of your tits. The mess between your legs has dried making you cringe when you move to get up. Leaving Jungkook who is slowly stirring, you go to the bathroom to shower. 
You step under the spray and let the warm water relax you while you clean off the sweat and unholy mix of bodily fluids from between your thighs. You hum along to the new Beyond the Scene single and sing some of the chorus that you can remember. You exit the shower, wrapping a towel securely around you and return to rouse your sleeping husband.
You find that Jungkook is already awake and sitting against the headboard. “You know, I hope our kid doesn’t inherit your singing voice,” Jungkook cackles, cutting through the silence. 
"Why you-," you gasp, tackling him down into the sheets and laughing along with him. You pin him down and pinch at his nipple in retaliation. It’s not long before he’s pulling the towel from your body and rolling you under him to latch his mouth to your cunt. Before the night is over, he delivers another two orgasms and a fresh load. After all, practice makes perfect.
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willowser · 2 years
willow! happy sunday! ahh so i spent my morning curled up in bed reading pt1 & 2 of ‘southern charm’! and oh my goodness. cowboy bakugou…we all needed this in our life.
i have kind of come off a binge of the show ‘yellowstone’ (cowboy show lol)— which funny enough, i was telling my friend as i binged id never thought cowboys were hotter till that show..but now; i think it has been topped with ‘southern charm’ 😆!
i think the entire setting suits bakugou’s personality so well! in pt1 i really feel like reader was living out a fantasy we all have been guilty of — like hot guy in a bar eyeing you up. and also i think the breakup is a one sided love, sadly loads of us know. so just felt so easy to slip into reader’s mindset (at least for me!). side note: chisaki for the role of germaphobe-cold-ex(?)-bf is so perfect. he isn’t someone i see featured in a lot of fics and so it was a lovely surprise to me and it suits the story so well!
okay so back to thirsting over bakugou — i loved how the entire night he was making sure reader was ‘good’ and re-assuring and calming…and just kept helping reader get out of their own head! and then when he loses his composure for a second finally when he goes to get the condom…i was so into this moment lol. seeing his cool exterior break for a second ahhhh!
so then pt2! ahh i just felt that ‘snap’ happen as he gives reader the “well…i got things to do…” bit, and i know at least a few times in my life i have so badly wanted to let it all out like that. to just stomp away with all that rage, and have the confidence to do it. but its just quick explosion of feelings, because once all that anger is burned through, and the adrenaline gone…the inevitable break down that hits. so for reader to make it all the way to their sister’s house and finally crumble under the weight of all the emotions…it was so incredibly well written & we could feel it.
ah so last note — as i feel like i could ramble on forever whenever i stop by someone’s inbox: i love kirishima and yume’s family, and how i dont think the reader is “jealous” of yume for having this life, but def has a tug of longing while flipping thru all those photos? maybe something like that.. esp coming off the breakup…i am so excited to see where the story will continue but absolutely love all the build up so far! will be lovely to see how everything comes together! i know you had a stressful time getting part 2 out but it was so worth it and all your hard work really shows. thank you for sharing it with us!
so wait — last last note: the snippets of what i am assuming are reader’s story they are working on (?), add another layer to the story as well! very interested in seeing how reader’s experiences are going to shape their own writing…(if i totally got this wrong pls ignore this 😶‍🌫️)
ok done rambling on — pls have a lovely lovely rest of your weekend! ♥️
rin 🥺 dear 🥺 i have been — saving this in my inbox to look back on, because it is so sweet and close to my heart and has been such a blessing to receive ! thank you so much for not only taking the time to read, but for sending this in !!
i'm actually so happy that you mentioned kiri's family ! i think you are the first to do so ! i am vicariously living through them. yume is me. bakugou who. i don't care about him, i just want cowboy kirishima and our lovely two children LOL but i am really glad that how reader-chan feels is coming across correctly, because you are absolutely right; it's not that she's really jealous of her sister, but she just wants to know what that feels like, too, that's all. and it's hard to watch someone get that over and over again, and for you not to receive a crumb ! so i'm really glad there isn't any hostility being read into the text there.
and yes ! the snippets of frances and the stranger in between are meant to be the book reader is working on, and i'm glad that it's clear those two interactions are being a little shaped by what's going on in reader's own life. i hope you enjoy what is to come between those two firecrackers !
again, thank you so much for leaving me such a wonderful message ! it really was hell getting this thing up LOL but to hear your appreciation and receive your praise makes it all worth it, in the end 🌸✨💐🌙
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willow-dot-file · 11 months
Is it to much to ask for someone to be the Haitham to my Kaveh?
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tedturneriscrazy · 3 years
Okay, time for Hunting Palismen and a closer look at this Golden Guard fella! Unlike approximately 99% of the fandom I wasn't really taken with him right away. Will I change my mind with this episode? Only one way to find out!
Ah, the coven leaders are here! So are the Abomitons!
I see you, Rayne. You look...less than thrilled to be there.
Purification under the coven system, eh? Wonder if we'll learn more about how that's supposed to work.
Oh lawd time for the fandom to thirst over Handsome Sq-I mean the Abomination Coven head (who I've decided is totally Gavin's dad)
Utopia? Wow, this really is a cult, huh?
Kiki does not like GG
Nope, that transformation bit wasn't at all unsettling or terrifying. No sir.
Also, the way Belos was pounding on the pillars was quite...visceral.
How many of those masks does he go through on a regular basis?
Uncle? I knew they were related in some capacity!
A wild witch cursed Belos, I'm calling it
Hey, intro update for Eda, King, and Amity!
Echo mouse apparently does not give up all its secrets that easily
At least King isn't trying to eat it?
Loving Luz's face pressed up against the glass
Luz living up to her name at the mention of a magic staff, 'cause she's moving at light speed
Come, now, we all knew Amity wouldn't be in this one.
Yo, uh, Bump's kinda, uh...😳
So Frewin was Bump's palisman the whole time, huh?
There's the Bat Queen! Makes sense she would be involved in the palisman adoption process.
"Your loss!" Tell her, Willow!
Clover! Loving this already.
Boscha stans getting some juice today, I see
The way the students are reacting to finding their palismen is really setting up the inevitable gut punch when Luz doesn't match with one.
Reestablish contact with the giraffes? Oh, Gus.
(Makes you wonder what the deal with giraffes is. Then again, maybe it's just a running joke at this point)
Ah, here's the windup
Okay, we're going with full-on existential crisis, then. Poor Luz.
Connecticut? No wonder Luz doesn't fit in back home! She lives in friggin Connecticut, of all places!
Disclaimer: I have never been to Connecticut. I've heard plenty of people weigh in on it, though, and the general consensus seems to be that there isn't much to it.
Eda's up to something...
That cardinal really wants to go somewhere
That outfit being sleepwear makes sense, actually.
You'd think GG could leverage his position to requisition those palismen rather than go in for a heist, but bureaucracy doesn't make for a compelling story, I guess
Whistling the opening theme. Cute.
Okay, the whole fire glyph thing was funny
I did not expect this show to channel Looney Tunes as much as it has, but I'm okay with it.
Nice, Luz! Also, maybe that'll teach GG to keep his ship clean.
I think weird hand dragon might be sufficient to stop you, yes?
An assassination attempt? Oh, Kiki, you rascal.
Kiki really does not like GG
I'm convinced they specifically wrote that moment to be memed
Oh, they're giving off some real sibling energy, huh? I'm into it! Especially if it quashes the possibility of a love triangle.
This place seems a bit more rough and tumble than Bonesborough
I see that mlm date in the background! Very nice
GG may be older than Luz, but she is definitely the more mature one.
That said, he does have a point about her not always thinking things through.
Thus begins the Enemy Mine segment.
"Too slow" yup sibling energy intensifies
He seems quite interested in the glyphs
Okay, them nerding out over magic together is a) adorable, and b) a solid argument for his inevitable face turn
Wait, so is GG actually related to Belos, or was he a foundling? Somewhat ambiguous here, at least to me. Hopefully that's explored.
"At least you have your future figured out now." "At least you can figure out your own."
Cardinal's gonna be his palisman, isn't it?
Luz finds it cute despite herself
The whole sleep mist thing is a hell of a strategy to have in your back pocket. Luz being super smart yet again.
God help me if I'm ever at a point in my life where Luz tells me to my face that I'm not her friend. I don't think I could handle it.😢
Hunter? A little on the nose given the circumstances.
Also, goddamnit the episode title was foreshadowing his name the whole time
Oh hi, Kiki, still awake?
Ooh, well-animated fight sequence let's goooo
It's somehow reassuring that Luz is as weirded out by Hand Dragon as I am
Hand Dragon just follows the whistle? So much for loyalty.
Ah, there's Eda!
What did they get into?! Maybe supplemental materials could go into these offscreen adventures? Please, Disney?
Robbing a garden club to acquire some rare wood so your surrogate daughter can make her own staff? If that isn't love I don't know what is!
And loving the way Eda emphasizes that there's no rush on carving the palisman. Amazing family moment.
As a contrast: fuck you, Belos, you piece of shit
"Outbursts" riiiiight
Belos giving out some Shadow Weaver vibes with Hunter, ngl
Uh oh, Kiki suspects
Hope someone picks up that phone, because I called it!
(I know I write these after watching through once already, shh)
Well, considering the things that were revealed and developed, this was a surprisingly low-key episode! To be honest I kind of welcome that, considering how the previous episodes have been. That said, fairly solid overall, and I can see why Hunter is Dana's favorite. A less charitable summation of his character might be "What if Luz but white boy," but I think he has enough unique characteristics to stand out.
I'm also glad for the breather because I think Eda's Requiem is gonna hit pretty hard. Can't wait for that!
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hazelcephalopod · 3 years
The Eye of the World Ch 48-49
Enter the Blight; horror, poetry, and romance? Also run. Run for flaming your life!
Well, this is the third to last one of these. We’re reaching… the end now. Pretty fun ride so far, curious to see exactly how it wraps up.
Disclaimer: this is my first read thru but I’ve watched all of the show this far and been spoiled on some book things. So… I’m going to lean into that. Enjoy figuring out what I know, and what I think I know, and what I just don’t. Also s/x I add commentary when I edit.
Spoilers for the first book and up to the most recent episode under the cut. Potential spoilers for latter books.
Ch 48: The Blight
Like, a messed up willow tree this time (Editor me I’m callin it Blight Tree)
RJ really knew how to name chapters.
Ingtar is the Gray Owl. Cool
There are so many towers! Just so many.
Oh watch and comms towers? Ok makes sense
Changing it to Sedai as the last name instead of Aes Sedai was a good idea imo for the show
Yea bye. But… honestly too bad Ingtar seems cool
Oh yea ‘I thirst for battle and now imma be late :(‘ —Ingtar (probably)
“He can have my place.” Mat. Lol. Do hi want his?
That’s nice
“Joined into a greater serpent, they would turn north to Tarwin’s Gap.” -eotw. Serpent? Describing how the forces of Shienar march to battle at the Gap.
Oh so it’s like, a whole kingdoms problem. Not just Fal Dara. Ok. Cool. Got it
Isn’t the Blight warm?
We have been robbed…
What the fuck?! The Blight is fucked!
I… I am not going to describe that creature
Yea. This time. Srsly. Don’t fucking touch!
I will never get over “Mountains of Dhoom”
Ya no… actually I’m fine I— the show doesn’t want to uh, *this*. Just turn that down a bit. Yup.
I’d honestly be Mat here. Probably worse
Loial has the right idea. Mask up!
I can not believe in the show Rand and Moiraine went in alone. Truly no brain cells
Of course not
Good for him! How tho?
Fetor: a strong, foul smell. I have never seen this word. & understand that is saying something. I don’t like to brag but wow. Really dug deep for that one
So… another cursed place they have to sleep.
Was it part of Malkier or something?
Wait is it news that the Eye moves?
Well it is to Egwene and I suppose that’s all that matters
The hell you mean “truly in the Blight Lan” this is still the transition zone? *frowning horrified face of wtf*
Again I’m with Rand. “If this isn’t truly the Blight, what is?” -Rand thinking to himself
“Not hills. The broken remnants of seven towers.” -teotw. The group prepares to rest in -shadow of- the ruins of Malkier.
… as suspected. Sry Lan
Don’t think you want to do that Nynaeve. For sure no Mat. Don’t touch the cursed water either
Yup. The water has a monster in it. That’s just full cosmic horror right there. And kaiju I guess?
How did it get worse?! Ohhh. Nooo
That’s also cronenburg body horror shit.
“‘On second thought,’ Mat said faintly, ‘I like it right here just fine.’”
Oh. Alarm! Yaayyy heheh. This is fine /s
Your denial game is truly next level Rand.
… oh nvm. Maybe
What just happened? Everyone disappeared from Rand’s perspective?
Ok. So Moiraine did some magic?
I guess let’s talk about our future plans. Sure. Why not?
Rand just wants to go back home to his fucking farm. And I can not fault him rn.
I’m sure that will totally work out. Ok tbh moving this conversation to Fal Dara makes too much sense. It is jarring here! Like ‘we’re in one of the three scariest places ever. Let’s talk about life plans’. Egwene are… you are also in some place. Idk what. And respect, keeping your eyes on the prize, but wow is it weird rn.
Uh. You put a blanket under you tho right?
I mean I imagine it’s also the stress keeping you up. Like heat insomnia is real but also, stress insomnia
Uhh ok. Is …
Soo. So. She… they -Nynaeve and Lan- really just discussed marriage. Marriage. And Rand is like just >.> ‘wut?’
But honestly… that, they were some fucking good lines. “I will never shame you. I will hate the man you chose because he is not me, and love him if he makes you smile. No women deserves the sure knowledge of widow’s black as her brideprice, least of all you.” -Lan. Sir your are a poet and that is all just melodramatic tragic romance. Ok.
“Nynaeve remained there, kneeling, after he had gone.” & “Sleep or no, Rand closed his eyes. He did not think the Wisdom would like it if he watched her cry.”
Chapter end!
That… that was a lot.
Ch 49: The Dark One Stirs
5 chapters left!
Imma call it the Blight tree (yes that’s when I decided that)
Not an ominous title at all /s
Rand POV. Do I need to keep going this? I really strongly suspect it gonna be just him the rest of the book
Well that’s a relief actually. At least the sky is still blue
“LAN’s face was harder than ever, as if he had resumed a mask and did not intend to let it slip again.” -eotw. Poor guy.
Lol. They do not.
What the hell is a ‘saddle girth’?
Lol. Ok sorry. But Rand’s perspective on Lan being unbothered when more likely he is just stewing in feelings and pushing them down. The tragedy of Malkier and rejecting Nynaeve even tho he wants to be with her are basically equal in his mind right now. Imo
Can’t wait to find out what that exchange was about (editor me: we do find out right?)
Tbh I forgot Loial was here for a good minute
I’m glad he is!
Moiraine is so confident
Back to the flaming cursed thing that is the Blight
When do the trees grow leaves? How… how does any of this work? This is more creepy, because it doesn’t make sense! Will it makes sense?
Oh no. Gross. No!
No, no I think Mat is right. Everything here is designed to and desires to kill you
Nynaeve is just afraid of her fear
Yup. See Moiraine agrees with Mat! No not a joke dude. You’re right!
… also glad you have some sort of defense to be here alone. Magic!
Yup. Trees are hunting. Fucking hunting
I feel like gloves for everyone might have been a good investment despite the heat
Lan! No!
Well he back. But uh. Acid blood? Nnnnnn. Mm-mm. No
Horrid cyclops. Bad. Go Mat tho. “Mat’s arrow flashed, piercing the one eye…”
Nvm worse than a cyclops. Horrid cyclops many limbed giant thing. Bad. No.
Oh shit. It just gets worse. Gotta run. Again
‘An adventure story’ they said ‘like lotr’ they said. Yea if lotr was on a real bad acid trip and leaned heavily towards ‘oh fuck run. Run!’ For most of the adventure part of the story. Which… I’m not going to say I dislike. I’m having a great and horrifying time!
Still don’t see most of this happening on screen and again I get it. Fair. Also plz no in some cases. But also… could be an award winning episode at some point on this material alone
Mat was flaming right! The trees are now trying to grab them!
Now the trees may be screaming.
This is great! Swung back to epic fantasy. Fireball! Pretty well actually too
What with the pipes? What’s that? Is that good? Bad? (I shortly learn it’s bad. But now why it sounds like that ever. Dot. Like that)
What the hell is a Worm? Cuz that sounds more like Wyrm worm than earth worm. Or like… tremors or dune. Why does it have flute sound? Don’t like that either
Oh plz let something good be in the high passes. We learn a Worm can kill a Fade but is “afraid of what lives in the high passes.” ???
How else would we know to be afraid? Details are vital
I don’t like all the squishing! Bad noise.
Also “Wormpack” maybe start with that. This is no!
Oh thank the light it’s a good thing. Haha. Worms don’t like healthy land! Way! It’s fine now. Right?
The Green Man!
Flaming cryptic hermit words.
He is literally a Green Man… literally a green giant. Because he’s made of greenery. (I’m so sry)
…Is it weird the tim kinda hungry?
“Strange clothes you wear, Child off the Dragon. Has the Wheel turned so far? Do the People of the Dragon return to the first Covenant? But you wear a sword. That is neither now nor then.” -The Green Man to Rand. It’s… it’s the first book.
Amnesiac Green Man??
And now they will go to the Eye! Cool.
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kraviolis · 3 years
sorting the owl house characters into hogwarts houses, because im cringe
luz - ravenclaw
she’s creative and clever and is always searching to learn new things and loves learning just for the sake of learning. shes incredibly witty and quick thinking and open-minded. she’s constantly finding clever, creative, and original ways to solve her problems. she hardly blinked when given the opportunity to learn magic, and only continued to show an intense amount of intelligence and appreciation for academics. shes very resourceful as a human learning magic, finding a entirely new form of magic when it was apparent that she couldnt do it the traditional way. she’s very aspiring, wanting to be a witch and an author since she was very young. she’s very logical about a lot of things, like how it doesnt make sense to not allow witches to study multiple tracks or that people were imprisoned just for being themselves. she’s highly encouraging of individuality which is a lesser known trait of ravenclaw but very important. she can be a perfectionist at times and tended to avoid social interaction so she could persue her creativity. she’s outspoken, an overthinker, and very competitive. i think a lot of people might say she’s a hufflepuff, as she’s loyal and kind and hardworking, but luz values learning and creativity above any of those other things— this is evident, when she makes the decision to stay in the boiling isles to learn magic rather than go home to her mom, thus putting knowledge and creativity over her own family.
eda - gryffindor
she’s not afraid to stand up for herself and others and will never back down from a challenge. she would rather die as herself than live unauthentically. she’s very passionate and empathetic. she’s rebellious against rules that dont make sense to her and cares intensely for her friends and family. she has a strong internal moral code that she sticks to intensely, never straying from it. in the very first episode, she breaks into the conformatorium just to get a paper crown thats important to king. she let raine break up with her because she didnt want to burden them with her curse. she forfeited the match with lily because she knew her sister wanted to be in the emperor’s coven more than she ever did. she’s sacrifices herself for luz & king over and over again because she cares so deeply for her.
king - slytherin
he’s self-centered, smart, arrogant, and highly ambitious. he would do anything to achieve his goals— which was at first reclaiming his throne as the king of demons, and then turned into finding out where he came from. he tried to use luz as a means to reach his goals when he became an author, nearly sacrificing their friendship. he became incredibly loyal to luz after that in the same way he’s loyal to eda, the one who raised him.
(other characters under the cut)
lily - slytherin
it was between this and ravenclaw, because she’s incredibly intelligent and does seem to enjoy learning and has a great mind, she’s also incredibly ambitious and prideful. the deciding factor was that she cursed eda just to reach her own goals. she’s still loyal to eda even when working for belos, which says a lot to how she’s loyal to only a select few people. to her, the ends justify the means (making amity cheat to appear like the better teacher, cursing eda to win the duel, kidnapping luz to get belos to cure eda, losing her magic to help eda)
amity - gryffindor
this one was hard, i swapped between slytherin and gryffindor a lot for her. she’s ambitious and intelligent, but also not afraid to do whats right even if means breaking the rules. she’s self-sacrificing and empathetic and prideful. she ended her friendship with boscha to help luz and willow win. she didnt like luz at first because luz kept cheating and messing up her life, which means she has a strong moral code against cheating and bullies. she’s rebellious in small ways at first but once she started realizing how terrible her parents and belos really were, she pulled away extremely quickly.
willow - slytherin
not surprising, if you take into her account of self-preservation and bending of the rules to suit her ambitions. in the first episode she agrees to cheating just to get ahead in school because she wants to make her parents proud, and in the end she switches to the plants track so to her the ends justify the means. she pulled out of the grudgby game when luz pushed her & gus too far, a perfect example of that self preservation. she has a sense of loyalty that extends to very specific people but she always makes sure those people are taken care of. her parents, luz, gus, and eventually king, eda, and amity, too. she wouldn’t die for them, but she would kill for them.
gus - hufflepuff
sure, he has the ravenclaw curiousity and thirst for knowledge, but he’s very kind, hard working, has a strong inner sense of justice and fairness, and is tolerant of others. he helps mattholomule even if he’d been a jerk before because it was unfair if he didnt. he helps luz break into belos’s castle to find a cure for eda, lets luz borrow his library card to see amity, and hated it when mattholomule tried to lie about the human objects. he knows what it feels like to be left behind and underestimated, so he makes an effort to be kind to others who seem to be in the same boat. he’s very young but already so accomplished which is a testament to how hard he works.
hunter - hufflepuff
this one was HARD. it was either slytherin or this, and a deciding factor for this is the fact that he is self-sacrificing. he sacrifices a lot for other people, even if it doesnt seem like it. in the palisman episode, he sacrifices the palismen getting away despite knowing he would be punished for returning empty-handed. in eclipse lake, he leaves to find the titans blood for belos when he simply could have stayed in the castle and been safe. he’s viciously hard-working, dedicated, and loyal to his family. he lets people’s actions speak for them. he doesn’t immediately judge luz for using wild magic and actually seems interested in it before remembering to be loyal to belos. he’s patient, too, as seen by his interactions with luz. he gets frustrated, sure, but he still works with her. he’s modest about his rank and title, preferring to not flaunt it more than needed. but he does take pride in it. he’s kind in his own way, specifically to belos and lil rascal, but you can see it in his interactions with amity & luz, too. with amity, he empathizes with her and gives her advice that he thinks is true, and offers to dig a grave for her too when its apparent that neither of them are getting any titans blood. with luz, he gives up the palismen and protects her from kikimora. that boy is a hufflepuff for sure.
raine - gryffindor
oh buddy theyre the biggest gryffindor ever. they extremely, extremely brave. they have terrible stage fright and anxiety but they still became head bard, and they still ran an underground resistance group, and they still gave everything up just to help eda. they have a strong sense of whats right and whats wrong and incredible amount of passion, empathy, and integrity. they have a great sense of pride— “How did someone with stage fright end up as Head Witch?” “I’m just that good.”— and are very selfless. they stopped eda from sacrificing herself because they knew her kids needed her more, they sacrificed themselves in eda’s place and gave up everything they had just so eda wouldnt have to.
camila - hufflepuff
she’s extraordinarily kind, even when she’s terrified. she’s accepting and open-minded and hardworking, making sure to show luz that she loves her creativity but still wants to make sure luz can do well in school and can make friends. sometimes you can do something you think is kind but isnt really. she’s also a single mother doing her best to give her daughter a good life, which is a credit to how hard she works and how dedicated she is to her daughter. she even took the day off of work to drive luz to camp because she knew luz was anxious and wanted to reassure her. she’s patient with luz, and even when faced with the scariest moment of her life, she’s still thinking of how luz feels rather than her own fears and anger. she’s very much a hufflepuff in the way that she’s quiet and unassuming but fiercely protective of her family.
vee - slytherin
she’s opportunistic and has a sense of self-preservation. she’d rather save her own skin than do that right thing. she’s cunning, having pretended to be camila’s daughter just to have a place for herself. this isnt a bad thing at all, though. she’s also loyal to camila, who she sees as her family, and even got into a fight with luz over how she treated camila. she still listened to luz and let luz help her so that vee could remain living as luz. she doesnt feel guilty about valuing herself ahead of luz.
belos - ravenclaw
honestly? not a hard decision. he’s smart, sure, but he’s not people-smart. he didnt think lilith would betray him after he admitted to lying about healing eda. he doesnt understand loyalty, not even to those close to him. he’s rational and logical rather than emotional. if the theory that he is philip wittebane is to be believed, then its obvious he has an appreciation for learning and knowledge. belos distinctly reminds me of lockhart, or even quirrell, who were also in ravenclaw. he’s got an arrogance to him that blinds him, believing himself to be the smartest and strongest witch on the isles and thus underestimating others, which will only lead him to ruin.
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cheesy09 · 4 years
Lo and behold, my first Helios fic! Phew, this took a while but I finally managed to get it complete. WARNING: UPCOMING ANGST. Oh, and also a sprinkle of Helios fluff. Also, I maaay have added a reference to one of Kiro’s cancelled R&S. This takes place after Chapter 17, in-between Kiro’s Thorns Date and Light Pursuit Date. 
Dedicated to @kudoriee​ / @church-of-helios​ whose amazing fics and friendship really allowed me to grow in this fandom. Thank you so much, rie!! 😭 Also dedicated to @thatfanfictionchick​ whose insatiable thirst for Helios provides me endless amusement as well as some of THE GREATEST FICS I HAVE EVER READ. You ma’am, are my Kelios Queen and I hope you know that. 🤣
Anyway without further ado, enjoy!
Pairing: Kiro/Helios x Reader Genres: Angst/Fluff Word Count: 4,102
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A loud sigh escaped your lips as you walked home that evening. Work had been much stressful today than normal. The guest speaker for today’s show had been a handful, constantly demanding things at the last moment and just being a complete douchebag. You had to practically restrain Kiki and Willow before they could judo-flip the dude. But honestly, you’d be lying if you said that that guy hadn’t been getting on your nerves as well. Especially with the constant passes and winks he’d throw your way…… you had to suppress a shiver.
Why couldn’t we get someone better?
A certain blonde-haired superstar came to your mind and you felt your heart clench painfully tight, threatening to drag all the air out of your lungs. You bit your lip hard.
Where are you…?
It had been weeks since you had last seen him. The last thing you remembered was that agonizing farewell, his blazing gold eyes, and that dazzling smile.
“Miss Chips… wait for me!”
His clear words that day still resonated in your mind. His voice had been so tender then, full of promise and hope. It was just one sentence, but to you, it was as valuable as a lifeline; something you clung to desperately—wishing, praying, believing that Kiro would come back home someday. That’s all you had to do. As long as you believed in him, you were sure he’d come back to you. After all, he was your hero. There was nothing in the world that Kiro couldn’t do.
That being said, it didn’t make the process any easier. It had been hard enough when he’d have to go on tour, but at least then you had known where he was. But now that you didn’t, it just made this so much harder. You missed him. Terribly so. And the fact that you couldn’t see him, hurt. You missed his unreserved, joyous laughter, dyed with the colors of youthful innocence.  His sincere, affectionate gazes that he’d direct at no one but you. His voice, that would whisper sweet nothings to you whenever you’d feel stressed or worried. His slender arms, that would wrap around you in the most secure embrace, driving all of the darkness away. You missed the way he’d run his fingers through your hair, or the way he’d softly press his forehead against yours to look into your eyes. He had been all the warmth and gentleness that you’d ever want in your life, and you missed him.
But that wasn’t all.
Besides all that warmth, there were other things about him you missed as well. That other side of him; the one he’d show to no one else but you. Like the way his eyes would darken with sheer want and love when the air between you two would get heated. The way your blood would boil whenever he’d touch you. The way your cheeks would light on fire every time he’d confess his feelings to you.
The passionate kisses.
The soft caresses.
The longing filled in every ‘I love you.’
You had to pause your footsteps as the memories flooded your mind, rapidly blinking away the tears that blurred your vision. You choked on your sobs, the tightness making it hard to breathe. People brushed past you, occasionally throwing questioning glances your way, but you were too heartbroken to care.
That was, until you felt a tap on your shoulder and a kind voice say, “are you okay, miss?”
You looked up and found a woman looking back at you, concern evident in her kind brown eyes. You quickly wiped away the few tears that had managed to slide down your cheeks and gave her a strained smile. “Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you.”
Her eyebrows were still scrunched in worry when she began to dig around in her purse for something. “I should have a few tissues around here…” she mumbled to herself.
“Oh, no, it’s okay!” You immediately exclaimed, feeling guilty from making a total stranger worry about you. You took out a handkerchief from your own purse. “I have a handkerchief. You don’t have to trouble yourself. And besides, my place is just a few blocks away. I’ll be fine.” You gave her a reassuring smile, just in case.
The woman finally let out a soft smile. “Oh, okay. You take care then.”
You nodded gratefully, thanked the kind lady again, and continued your walk home. Unfortunately, contrary to what you had told her, your home wasn’t just a few blocks away. It was still quite far, in fact. You had to take the subway there, which happened to be jam packed at that time of day—much to your chagrin—and by the time you neared your apartment complex, the sun had already set.
Making a firm decision, you entered an alley which also happened to be a shortcut to the complex. All you wanted, was to get home as soon as possible.
The alley was dark, with hardly any light to spare. Shadows flittered across the wall in a creepy dance, causing you to break out in nervous sweat.
That’s when you heard it—the sound of heavy footsteps right behind you. They sounded quick and alarming, causing a shiver to run up your spine. Without looking back, you quickened your own pace while you slowly brought your purse to the front, attempting to dig out your phone so you could the police.
As if sensing your motives, your pursuer’s footsteps increased in speed.
Suppressing the urge to scream, you broke out into a run, your heels sounding loud in the cold, dark night, wishing nothing more than to reach your apartment complex so security could catch whoever it was that was following you. But just as you reached the end of the alley, about to turn the corner, you ended up bumping into something flat and hard.
You lost your balance, your body tilting towards the ground as you braced for impact. But instead of falling, you felt a slender hand grab your arm and pull you back on your feet, steadying you. You looked up on reflex, ready to thank whoever it was that helped you, when a pair of familiar blue eyes entered your vision. Your eyes widened in shock and the name that escaped your lips belonged to one that you never would have expected you’d run into.
Helios looked just as amazed as you did, his lips parting ever so slightly. But then a second later, his features contorted into a look of exasperation, as if he was not at all happy to have run into you (which, he probably was). “Not you again,” he grunted in that cold voice of his, letting go of your arm in the process. Only then did he notice the person behind you and motioned with his head, his silver bangs brushing over his beautiful eyebrows. The hard lines on his face grew even more fierce. “Is this a friend of yours?”
You carefully looked behind you, knowing what he was referring to. It was the creep who had been following you, an inconspicuous middle-aged man who now stood frozen in his tracks, carefully eyeing the two of you. You immediately shook your head, trembling slightly. “N-no,” you whispered. “He isn’t.”
“Is that so…?” Helios muttered, not taking his eyes off the man, who now seemed to be getting nervous under his icy glare. Not that you could blame him. Even if Helios appeared to be relaxed, casually stuffing a hand in his pocket, nothing could hide the aura of danger that seemed to be radiating off of him—strong and oppressive. You didn’t know whether to feel comforted by his presence or feel even more intimidated by your predicament.
“H-hiya, pal…” the man began, his voice sounding shaky. He took out a dagger from his pocket and held it up for him to see. “If you know what’s best for ya, you better leave the lady with me an’ leave.”
Upon hearing his words, Helios’ indifferent expression slowly morphed into a sneer and his gaze turned mocking. “Or what? You gonna stab me with me with that little toy you got there?”
“What did you-?!”
Before the man could finish, Helios held up a gun in his direction, the silver steel glinting with a deadly light as he aimed it right at the man’s heart. “I give you three seconds,” he said, voice devoid of emotion. “Leave this place and never come back. Or else…”
Helios didn’t even have to begin counting. With a terrified yelp, the man had quickly scurried away, leaving nothing to show he was there to begin with. Helios quickly slid the gun back into his holster.
“Tsk, stupid low-lives. They’ve got way too much of free time,” he grumbled, running his fingers through his platinum hair. He glanced at you from the corner of his eyes and found you staring. “What?” he asked coldly.
Until now, you had done nothing but watch what was unfolding in front of you with wide eyes, much too shocked to move. To think that Helios, a member of Black Swan, would be the one to save you… again, despite the fact that he was a part of the enemy…… you didn’t think it was possible.
And yet, here you were, in said ‘impossible’ situation…… Just what had your life come to?
Helios glared at you impatiently and you cleared your throat, finally getting the words out of your mouth, though it still sounded weak. “U-um, thank you for saving me…”
You were taken aback. “I-I’m—excuse me, what?”
“Again. I saved you, again. Don’t make me repeat myself,” he growled, a tremendous anger belying his tone. It made you shrink, still unable get used to his ferocity. But then again, it was understandable; you had only met the guy for a total of three times so far and they weren’t exactly in the friendliest circumstances. “You really have a knack for getting into danger, don’t you,” he sneered, eyes cold, distant and mocking.
“It’s not like I ask for this,” you frowned. You didn’t know why, but the way he spoke made you feel misunderstood and wronged somehow. The fear that you had felt just a few moments ago, suddenly came crashing back at you with full force. Overwhelmed, you turned your head to the side as you felt tears start to sting your eyes once again.
If Helios didn’t show up when he did… what would have happened to me?
Helios must’ve noticed your sudden silence and he pursed his lips, eyes darting off to the side. He didn’t say anything, probably not know what to do with the unexpected situation. After a few moments of stretched silence, slowly, you felt an awkward hand gently being placed on your head. “Relax. The bad guys are gone now,” he said, sounding uncharacteristically gentle. Well, as gentle as Helios could be, anyway.
You wanted to laugh; so hard your lungs would burst. Gee thanks, you wanted to roll your eyes. But all of that was caught in your throat. Instead, you found your cheeks unexpectedly heating up.
You were caught off guard. Helios’ sudden soft tone in that moment sounded so painfully familiar, like you should’ve known it like the back of your hand. It was right on the tip of your tongue, so close you could taste it. But there seemed to be a fog clouding your memories. A gap in your soul that desperately needed to be filled. It clenched your heart so painfully tight, it almost sucked out all the air from your lungs. Yet you couldn’t put your finger on it, and that frustrated you.
Deciding to ignore whatever it was you felt whenever this man was close by, you slowly took a step back from him. Helios’ hand fell back to his side.
“Anyway, gotta go,” he turned to leave, not bothering to give you a second glance. But before he could, your hand shot out and grabbed his wrist. He paused and turned back to look at you, clear confusion washing over his face. Honestly, you couldn’t blame him. You were just as dumbfounded by your actions as he was. But the fear you felt if he left was so tangible, so utterly terrifying that it was enough to make you forget about the logic behind your actions. “C-could you accompany me till I reach home, please?” You stammered, not daring to look at his expression. “I-I’d be much too afraid on my own.”
Helios let out a snort. “And you want me to accompany you? How is that any better?”
You shook your head. “I know you. You wouldn’t hurt me.”
“Oh?” He narrowed his eyes sharply. “You don’t know anything about me.”
“But I know you enough to know that you wouldn’t do anything bad to me.” You gave him a slight smirk. “Call it a woman’s intuition.”
He side-eyed you for a while, as if trying to figure out something, his cold cerulean eyes calculating. Finally, he let out a resigned grunt. “…Tch, whatever. Only up until your door. After that, you’re on your own.”
You nodded. “That’s all I ask.”
The walk to your apartment was quiet, as expected. Helios was a rather stoic man, only speaking up when necessary, or when riled up. But rather than feeling awkward about it, you actually welcomed the silence. It was comforting, in a way. Sure, the though of relying on Helios for protection at the moment was rather weird, but you knew you could trust him. For some reason, even though he was a member of Black Swan, you couldn’t sense any malice coming from him. It felt like, rather than supporting Black Swan’s ideals, Helios seemed to be occupied with his own agenda; not once had he said anything about you being the Queen. Wait, did he even know you were the Queen? You figured it was something every member in Black Swan knew about…… unless you were wrong.
The two of you passed through the entrance of the apartment complex where the security guard had been fast asleep. You heard Helios let out a soft snort behind you.
Once you got to your door, a memory from not long ago surfaced to your mind and you widened your eyes. “Oh, right! I still have the jacket you gave me back at the greenhouse.” You turned your keys, opened the door and walked in without looking behind you. You switched on the lights and dumped your bags on the couch. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll return it back to you.”
“You don’t need—”
“You don’t have to stand out there. You can come in, if you want,” you said without thinking. You heard Helios sigh behind you as you disappeared into the bedroom to get the jacket he had left behind when the two of you had last met. Although Helios made it clear that he didn’t need it to be returned, you had still carefully washed it. Maybe you had an inkling that the two of you would meet again, by some weird twist of fate.
You walked back to the living room where Helios was waiting. But as soon as you reached the entrance, you stopped in your tracks. He was hovering close to the entrance, busy looking at a photograph that was placed on top of the wooden counter nearby.
It was a photo of you and Kiro.
The photo had been taken during your trip to Japan, when the two of you had gone flower-viewing together. You had requested a kind passer-by to click that picture while the two of you sat over a spread-out picnic blanket. You were seated in-between Kiro’s legs, your back pressed against his chest while his arms encircled your waist, the both of you flashing bright smiles at the camera, laughter dancing in your bright eyes. The happiness that the two of you radiated was infectious to anyone that laid their eyes on you.
You suppressed the storm of emotions that threatened to overwhelm you and shifted your gaze to Helios. You couldn’t see the expression on his face from where you were standing, but the loneliness that he exuded tugged at your heartstrings. You tightened your hold on his jacket, fingers curling into the rough fabric. The vision of loneliness that came from this man gave you a sense of déjà vu, almost like you’d seen it somewhere before. Before you could dwell on it further though, you heard a slightly teasing voice calling out to you. “Just how long are you going to stand there and look at me?” Helios asked, shooting you a look with a raised eyebrow. “Or do you just love admiring me that much?”
You grew flustered and glared at him. “I wasn’t admiring you!”
A corner of his lips tugged upwards, the motion so slight, you almost didn’t notice it. For some reason, it made butterflies flutter in your belly. “Oh really?”
You puffed your cheeks in exasperation and strutted up to him, shoving the jacket in his hands. “Anyway, here’s your jacket. I washed it for you, so you don’t need to worry about stains or anything.” You paused, then added “thank you for lending it to me.”
He looked down at his jacket, then looked back up to meet your eyes. You were taken aback by his gaze. At the unfathomable emotions swirling in its otherwise-emotionless depth. Your breath caught in your throat. You knew that look. You’d find it on your own face every time you thought about Kiro.
As if catching himself, Helios looked away almost immediately. “You know, between the shabby security of this place and your attitude towards your safety, you’re gonna get yourself killed sooner or later,” he said dryly, as if the look he had just now was nothing but a lie.
Maybe it was.
You shook your head and snorted, ignoring your pounding heart and flushed skin. “Don’t underestimate me, Helios. I may be a girl, but I’m more than capable of protecting myself.”
He scoffed. “Says the person who was fleeing for her life just a few moments ago…… Admit it. You were utterly defenseless.”
“……W-was no—!”
You didn’t get to finish your sentence. Your vision blurred as you felt a sudden force grabbing you, two strong hands latching onto your wrists and pinning you against the wall, your front pressing against the cool surface. You felt Helios’ hot breath right next to your ear, sending shivers down your spine. He was so close; you could smell him. It was a chilly fragrance, one that was foreign to your senses, but still drew you in. His jacket was left forgotten on the floor.
“See?” He whispered; his soft voice dangerous yet alluring. “Defenseless.”
“I-I get it, I get it. N-now, could you please let go of me?” You pleaded, your mind a complete blank. Having him so close made you unable to think straight.
He chuckled. “Relax. Just like you said; I won’t hurt you.”
His hands left your wrists. But instead of pulling back, he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you against his firm chest, the force almost knocking the air out of your lungs. His palm was scorching through the thin fabric of your blouse, setting your skin ablaze. It confused you to no end. Helios confused you to no end.
You registered his chest pressed against your back, the chin brushing against the top of your head. You fit so perfectly against him, as if your bodies were molded for each other, like two pieces of a puzzle.
This wasn’t the first time you felt this body pressed against your own.
Your mind raced as the blood rushed to your cheeks. You struggled to remember something, desperately seeking through your hazy memories. But no matter how much you searched, you just couldn’t get past the murky fog that blocked your hunt. You let out a shuddering breath. Why? Why did this heat feel so familiar…?
Involuntarily, you pressed yourself further against Helios, trying to feel more of this familiar warmth.
Startled by your actions, Helios visibly stiffened against your back. His fingers tensed on your waist, slightly pressing the supple flesh. “What are you doing?” he asked, voice low and guttural.
You tilted your neck backwards, eyes meeting his from under his chin. Your locked gazes seemed to have added a layer of intimacy to the surrounding air, thick and lingering. You had never gotten a closer look at him than you did right now. Immaculate features graced his face, along with deep blue eyes, fair skin and pretty silver hair. You had to admit—when he wasn’t busy sneering at you, or when his eyes weren’t so hurtfully cold, he actually looked… beautiful…
“Why are you so……” Your voice trailed, unable to finish. Unconsciously, your hand landed over his at your waist, your fingers brushing against his knuckles.
……familiar? You finished internally.  
Helios’ eyebrow twitched, seeming to have been irked by your words and he let go of the embrace. He picked up his jacket from the floor and swung it over his shoulder, acting as if nothing ever happened. He nonchalantly walked up to the front door, tossing one last glance at the photograph on his way out. “See ya. Don’t get killed.”
And just like that, he was gone.
You looked at the photograph sitting atop the counter. Kiro’s smile shone through the frame, the corners of his eyes crinkling ever-so-slightly. You picked it up and pressed it against your forehead, feeling the tears starting to sting your eyes.
“Kiro…… I miss you……”  
Helios walked through the night, the moonlight reflecting his lithe figure, making his silver hair shine with a beautiful but deadly glow. His combat boots let out an audible crunch as he stepped over the dead leaves that scattered the ground. The breeze that blew that night brought with an unusual chill with it. But the warmth that emanated from the jacket he was wearing seemed to block that out. It felt like the sun’s rays, wrapping warmly around him.
Just like her.
Helios hadn’t expected to run into her when he did, and especially not like that. He’d done nothing but try to avoid her as much as possible and yet… It was like there were magnets stuck to his back, drawing him to her.
He couldn’t help it. That’s what seventeen years of feelings does to you.
She had looked thinner since he last saw her at the greenhouse. And there had been dark circles under her eyes, as if she wasn’t getting enough sleep. Not that he could blame her. He knew of the burden she carried, being the Queen that Black Swan was after. The one factor that could single-handedly change the fate of this world. And knowing her, she wouldn’t just sit by and let herself be swallowed by fate. So he had decided to support her, by doing what he could on his side, as well as complete the mission his master had given him.
But still……
The memory of her in his arms from just a few minutes ago flashed through his head and he clenched his jaw. His self-control in that moment had been astounding. She had been so close, enough that he could’ve just leaned down to kiss her. He wanted to. Almost did, but he held himself back. And he was glad he did. Leaving her had been hard enough, but treating her coldly and making her forget about him had been pure torment.
He knew it was selfish, but he just couldn’t bring himself to show her this side of himself. If she knew about the things he’s done, about the sheer amount of people he has killed, how would she look at him…?
Just the possibility of her pretty smile disappearing from her face, or her pure, starry eyes being laced with disgust every time she looked at him, utterly terrified him.
So he had no choice but to make her forget. Even if it tore him up inside, if she was able to live with the happy memories of Kiro the Superstar, that was enough for him. After all, he didn’t plan on staying in this darkness for long.
Even if she was experiencing pain for now, he’d make sure to return to her side again someday and take all her pain away. And when that happened, he’d hold onto her tight and never let go.  
───※ ·❆· ※─── ───※ ·❆· ※───
Thank you so much for reading! If you’re interested in checking out my other works, you’ll find them in my Masterlist.
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jamesrolfscanyon · 3 years
Village of the Dead
The path arched overhead in looping willows and shaded their way to the village of the dead. It took all afternoon to walk there and every step of the way Johan Hoover wondered if he would ever leave once they arrived. No one had before.
The dead had come like rats in the night, scrabbling for food and gnawing against the wooden doors of the farmhouse they had found shelter in. They had had no food of their own. But the dead didn’t care. They only ate one thing anyway.
It was just Carmen, Kyle, and him now walking along the path. The others - Jim, Sarah and their daughter Kindra - had stayed behind, barring the doors as they left. Just as the door swung shut, Johan thought Jim had smiled. 
He didn’t blame him. It was cruel, but he didn’t blame him. If it had been the other way around, he would want him dead too. And chances were it would go that way. 
“Fucking heat,” Kyle said, wiping the sweat from his neck. “Fucking road.”
Carmen shot him a look. “We had to go. They were a family and -- ”
“And Casanova fucked it,” said Kyle.
No one said anything after that.
The sun stretched the trees into long iron bars across the path and Johan caught himself stepping over the shadows. Damn. That was all he needed. He tried to step on a patch of shadow, but something beyond his control moved his foot an inch further to miss it. He walked the rest of the way in an increasingly obsessive-compulsive haze, trying to swallow the panic rising in his throat. 
Keep it together, mutton-head, he thought. This isn’t the time or place to lose it.
He glanced at Carmen and Kyle to his right. They didn’t seem to notice he was walking funny. Carmen was squinting slightly against the sun, her jaw jutting firmly out in the direction she was walking. Kyle lopped along with his head down, sighing and mopping his brow every few minutes.
“We’re here,” said Carmen. 
Johan followed her gaze. A dirty petrol station sign welcomed them to Batu Pantang. Unlucky Caves. Johan grimaced. It seemed an apt name considering the current residents. 
“Let’s get this over with,” said Kyle.
The sun was setting now, throwing a sickly glow over the white rocks of the limestone quarry. The dead would rise soon. 
They climbed over the chain barrier, walked to the quarry cliff, and peered over. Johan saw a cave halfway down to their left and pointed. Carmen nodded and signalled to Kyle, who started preparing the climbing gear.
In ten minutes, Carmen and Johan roped together and began their descent. Kyle stayed up top feeding the rope to them. Slowly, quietly, they made their way down. 
The trees had darkened and lost their colour by the time they reached the cave. They unhooked themselves from the line and stepped deeper into the cave. It was all shadows now, Johan said grimly to himself. Nowhere to run. 
They dared not risk light from the torch waking the sleeping residents. The dead would be awake soon enough. They walked deeper, feeling their way against the wall. Carmen stopped ahead, panting. He jumped as felt her hand on his arm. It moved down to his hand and squeezed it. It was sweating. He squeezed back. 
They had arrived.
Johan removed his pack and carefully placed it on the ground. He felt for the spool of live-wire and hooked it to his belt. Stretching out his hand in the dark, he touched Carmen. They made their way back the way they had come. A cricket chirping somewhere deep in the cave only seemed to magnify the utter silence surrounding them. 
Johan couldn’t see the entrance anymore and knew it must be night. Why had the dead not risen yet? Cold sweat trickled down his neck. Maybe they were in the wrong cave. He hadn’t looked for more caves after finding this one. There hadn’t been time to think there might have been more than one. His shoe caught on a rock and he stumbled loudly. Carman steadied him and they both froze for a moment in the dark, just listening. Nothing stirred, so, after a deep breath, he steeled himself to move forward again. 
A breeze wafted across his cheeks. The entrance was near. Thank God. Let’s just blow this mother-fucking hole up and get the hell away, he thought.
They climbed up as quietly as they had come down. They were pros. Nothing to worry about. 
Kyle smiled as they unhooked at the top. He packed the gear up and headed for the path home with Carmen. Johan stayed just long enough to blow the charge. In the dark, he could see no other likely caves. They must be late risers. He unhooked the spool. Cut it with a pocket knife and lit the charge. He ran and caught up with them to hear the blast. 
When it sounded, he sighed. That was it then. It was done. 
Carmen and Kyle high-fived and they walked back happily. Johan didn’t share his concern about the cave. There was no point. It had been a momentary doubt brought on by fear. Nothing more. 
“What made you stop?” he asked quietly. “In there.”
Carmen turned to him. In the moonlight, he could see her eyebrows rise. 
“Couldn’t you smell it?” she said. 
“What?” said Kyle.
“Death,” she said. 
“What’s death smell like?” said Kyle.
Carmen shrugged. “My mother poisoned a rat in my house growing up. It climbed into its hole behind the skirting board to die. Was there for weeks stinking up the house before we figured it out. It smelled like that.”
“Good,” said Johan, breathing easier. “We got them.”
“Sure,” said Carmen. “You really couldn’t smell — hey!”
Johan heard a loud smack as she collided with Kyle. 
“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” Kyle repeated. 
Johan followed his gaze down the path to their farmhouse at the bottom of the valley. It looked peaceful to him and at first, he couldn’t work out what was getting Kyle worked up. He walked forward to get a better view. The soft moonlight bounced off the white walls of the farm and on the tall grass waving in the night breeze all around it. But as he looked, he saw the movement around the farm was not only from the grass. Creatures were moving silently towards the house. Hundreds of creatures. 
They would not get there in time. And even if they could have, they would not have been able to stop them.
Johan realised his breathing had become so rapid he was about to pass out. A panic attack. No. They needed to run, not panic. But run, now. He started backing away from the farm. When he turned to run, Carmen screamed. He felt the panic rising in his throat. Kyle was staring at him, wild-eyed. He reached out a hand to calm him, or calm himself, he wasn’t sure. But Kyle snatched his arm away and screamed. 
They were all running now. Carmen and Kyle ahead, with Johan following. They were running, just running. 
Johan didn’t know where they were running to or if anything was following them. He just needed to run; to run after them. He stumbled. What was happening? His thoughts were muddled. There was nowhere to run, but he didn’t feel panic anymore. A deepening thirst was clouding his mind. And he was hungry. He ran on, faster this time. He had almost reached them. Carmen screamed as he reached out to grab her. Kyle turned once then ran on.
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theprologues · 4 years
Oh, I like the idea that Willow is at least partly from Karlie's POV! "This is an open-shut case, guess I should've known from the look on your face" That'd be the look Taylor is wearing while drowning in her ocean blue eyes then? The blatant thirsting of Gorgeous and Gold Rush? Anyone who looks at their first meeting at VSFS 2013 can see it was love at first sight for Taylor. An open-shut case for sure! And oh look, there's that legal language again.
What do you mean legal language again?
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