#Okay okay fine I’ll give one day where I’m not screaming about his beauty and tragic life
zappedbyzabka · 9 months
Johnny my doll vamp angel minx boo boo bear sweetheart—
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lunajay33 · 2 months
Summary: You get frequent migraines but they’ve been mia since the apocalypse but even since you got to the farm they’ve returned but you didn’t wanna bother anyone until Daryl finds you balled up on the floor in pain
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x f!reader
Request by @avrmee
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Soul crushing migranes were always a struggle to deal with before the world ended, but there was ways to try and relieve them, medicine, piercings, acupuncture but now that it’s been about a year and there was no more medicine or anything really the migraines came back and almost stronger than before
They’d come on when the heat was high and the sun was near blinding, triggering what ever it was in your head to cause crippling pain that no matter how much pressure you applied to your eyes or the amount of water you drank it didn’t matter, but in this world you couldn’t afford to take a day off especially with all the work the others were putting into the prison it was only fair you pull your weight even through the pain
Walking out of prison, opening the door to the blinding white light that was the Georgia sun stung just hoping it didn’t flair up another episode, walking out to the court yard where Daryl was tinkering on his bike you sat next to him
“I missed you this morning” you said leaning your head against his shoulder as he used a wrench against…..well you have no clue but you loved watching him work
“Sorry ya know I’m an early riser plus ya’ve been sleeping lot longer now, ya okay?”
You didn’t wanna worry him and tell him that after these long days of over exerting yourself in the heat that the pain in your head kept you awake late into the night causing you to wake up later than everyone else
“Oh yeah I’m fine, just tired is all, plus I got a beautiful sight next to me at night it’s hard to fall asleep” you laughed poking his side making him gruff out a laugh
“Well I have to go work on the crowd of walkers around the fence, if you need me I’ll be there” I said leaving his side walking down to the entrance gate, using a pole to take down as many walkers as you could working your way down the fence, working for hours when you felt an aura around your head, the groans and snaps of jaws became louder and overwhelming, your knees became weak, you became nauseous as your vision became blurred and specked with black dots, all topped off by the painful pressure in your head
Losing control you dropped to the gravel clutching your head in your hands, knees tucked up to your chest, whining from the pain, this is one of the worst it’s ever been, in the distance you could hear your name being yelled but everything was so overwhelming you couldn’t even process it until the screams got closer
“Y/n baby what’s wrong” Daryl asked holding your body close to his, your head in his lap as he rubbed your back
“It…….it hurts so much” you whined as you clutched your head more wishing for this pain to fade
He just held you for what felt like half an hour trying to comfort me, the walkers noises started to dwindle someone must have came down with Daryl to take them out, you huffed out a breath as the pain subsided a bit giving you enough strength to sit up, seeing his worried expression
“What happened?” He asked brushing my disheveled hair back
“I get this awful migraines, I didn’t wanna say anything and use it as an excuse but they keep me up at night but sometimes they get so bad, like this and I don’t know how to stop them”
“Darlin ya should have said something, we’d understand, I could’ve tried to help ya at night”
“I know how hard you work all day you need your sleep”
“But if yer feeling sick yer more important, promise me you’ll let me help ya”
You bit your lip hesitant not wanting to be a burden
“Y/n” he said sternly
“Okay I promise”
“Good, ya know yer damn stubborn”
“You love me” you said smiling
“Yer lucky I do”
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starillusion13 · 5 months
cold husband mafia mingi x reader where they get into an argument then the reader is kidnapped and gets hurt infront of him and falls unconscious give me all the angst you’ve got 🫶🏻
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Pairing: Mafia husband! Mingi x Wife!reader
Genre: Angst, Mafia, Family au
W.C: 4.2k
Warnings: arguments b/w husband and wife, neglection of married life, mention open cuts with knife, kidnapping, get shot, blood loss. Regret.
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated . Applause to the ones who come up to me to interact and they know how friendly I am. Okay enough!
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“Why don’t you understand?”
You angrily put down the phone on your bed and brushed back the loose hairs from your face. You know it’s not a certain thing for you to be in this situation but you didn’t expect that even today also, he was going to treat it as the usual day. You were not expecting much from him but at least he could have tried to appreciate your efforts for the night.
You glanced at the clock and looked down at your long-slit dress for the night hugging your body. Few moments back, your mirror reflected the beauty of the night with a bright smile adorning your look but now your face reflecting the sadness. Sadness or loneliness.
Throwing the heels to the side of the room, you picked up the night sleep-gown to get change into it. Taking the phone in your hand, you checked through the notifications for the last time for the day, there’s still no texts from him of changing his mind. So, you are just going to sleep without even eating the dinner. You have already texted the restaurant to cancel your booking for the night and paid extra charges for the arrangements before heading to the bathroom.
It’s been an hour that you have locked yourself inside the bathroom when you heard a faint knock. When you turned off the tap, you could hear the light banging at the door.
“Who is there?”
“Ma’am, Is everything okay? I was calling you for last ten minutes and sorry to enter the room without the permission but I was worried for you.”
Oh. You were zoning out and didn’t hear your name being called. You could hear the worriedness in your maid’s voice and she is the only one who knows to accompany you even when she is busy or having her special days. Atleast, she understands you and knows what you are going through in your life. You literally envy her as she is not rich like you but having a nice and moderate life where she is actually happy unlike you who don’t know about happiness after the marriage.
“I’m okay. Just need some time alone and I’ll be fine.”
You heard a faint ‘okay’ and click of your bedroom door shut. You sighed and stared at the mirror for few minutes before heading outside the bathroom. Slow footsteps took you near the window where you could see the view of the busy streets of the city. Your one hand resting on the glass window looked like as if you are caged in the room, maybe you are, just the way you are restricted to this marriage.
When you heard your maid calling out your name again, you let her in but still facing the window. You have tried not to show your vulnerable state to her but everytime you failed and cried to her. She was always there to comfort you, even today as well.
“Are you crying?”
You glanced at your reflection to the side, you could see a tear-line down on your cheeks and your fingers raised up to feel it. To feel the pain of your silent scream.
“I don’t know but why am I even crying?”
The mother like figure setting the food on the corner table, made her way towards you. She sympathetically smiled at you and when she reached near you, patting your head and taking hold of your one hand, brought you to sit on the edge of the bed. You stared at the hold and silent tears fell on top of it.
 “Am I not worthy for his time?” you asked in a hushed voice.
She rubbed your palms and hummed, “It’s not about your worth my dear. He is just distant from everything. You know when I first came into this house to work, I thought he really hate me as his maid or he doesn’t like a particular thing about me which is why he is being so cold to me. But gradually I got to know him, he is just a man who grew up as a child neglected by the family and so he doesn’t know how to really express himself.”
“But I am his wife. Does he not care about this? If he didn’t want to marry then why making my life miserable.” You gulped the lump in your throat and inhaled the sob that could tear out any time. You just want a little time of his where you can spend some time like a couple and talk about our married life.
“I know, Y/N. It’s really hard for you but some things need time.”
“It’s been one year…” you looked at her and she nodded.
“I hope he would soon see how he is ignoring a beautiful soul like you. He really loves you though or he wouldn’t have done so much to keep you safe here. He is just scared to open up with you as his parents never listened to him so he thinks that you might behave like them as well. As it was a contract marriage so he thinks you are with his parents but trust me, his first priority is you.”
You chuckled bitterly, “Never. His first priority is this mafia business which would never let him to come closer to me. He is just doing everything because this is his house and his properties which are needed to be kept safe-“
“And you are my wife.”
Both of you turned towards the door to see the man in messed up condition standing at the doorway with his coat in one hand and placing the gun in the drawer of the table near the corner table.
The maid stood up and excused herself to leave the room, leaving you with Mingi. When passing him, she asked quietly if he had eaten but he just shook his head and told not to bring him dinner, everything inaudible to you.
His eyes look tired and hairs disheveled, lazily he threw the tie on the sofa and walked towards the mirror. Your eyes following his movements and when he caught you looking at him through the mirror, you didn’t look away but locked your eyes with his.
“Your wife?” a hatred filled undertone spilled from your mouth.
He waited to see if you wanted to say anything more but only tears flowing down your eyes. The only thought came across his mind was how he had messed up today, the very first anniversary of both of yours. The mission was important but he couldn’t suddenly let the enemies know that they have a hole of his absence and take advantage of his gang, as he is the main snipper of the Mafia ‘Ateez’.
“Yes.” His eyes glanced at the food kept covered at the corner table and sighed, “Eat your food. I had my dinner earlier and you should not sleep in empty stomach.”
“I would rather die than eating dinner.”
Your words somehow hit a nerve inside him as he skipped towards and made you stand up, gripping your shoulders tightly. “What did you just say?”
You tried to read him but you could only see fire eyes staring back at you. You glanced at the grip on the shoulders and saw few cuts on his knuckles and wrists, maybe the mission didn’t succeed. So what? He is now going to show his frustration on you?
“I can’t live like a stranger in this house even when I’m living with the person, I got married to last year. Have you ever considered our life in a serious way or it’s just a contract mission for you. You could have said before our marriage then I would have done something to prevent it. Why was it necessary to make my life miserable for your mafia business?”
You were shouting on his face and you could see his furrowed brows and piercing eyes searching for your every emotion. His grip on you loosened and you swatted his hands away from you.
“Stop it. I’m tired of listening to your same excuses.” You pushed your hairs back and continued, “This mission was important. I’m doing things which is good for us. Same words.”
Mingi exhaled and proceeded to remove the wrist watch.
“You know it’s not an easy thing to be the part of a gang member and also maintain the family. You need to understand some things. Don’t act childish and whine for little things.”
“little things? You are an emotionless monster, Mingi. Do you even care about other’s feelings?” You rubbed your eyes with your sleeves, “I tried to understand your situation before. Everytime whenever I got disappointed with your attitude, I tried to convince myself that everything would be okay once the missions get over. But never.”
“This is my life, Y/n.”
“and what about my life? Before the marriage I dreamt of getting a husband who would be caring and loving to me. I never wanted money or a luxurious life to show off people but I wanted someone who will stay with me, understand me. Mingi please, I’m tired of all these.”
He stayed silent.
“I’m really a monster. Don’t forget I’m a member of ‘Ateez’ so I should not have feelings for anything and of course, I can’t be available like the other husbands. I gave you everything. I bought you all the things you have ever wanted, I have taken you to all the places you have wanted to visit and still here you are complaining about your life.” He has never shouted at you and today the way he raised his voice has reached the limit.
“Mingi……I need love.” You whispered the words. You just want to disappear from this place at that moment. He has heard what you had said and he stopped in his track entering the bathroom.
“Y/n, why can’t you understand that-“
“STOP! I am fed up with this. I’m leaving this place right now. Don’t try to find me unless you know how to become a husband.”
You grabbed your phone and purse laying on the sofa and slide the jacket hanging on the hook and slammed shut the door. Mingi stared at the door through which just now you have exited. A tear drop fell from the eye. Not your, but his. He is crying. He brings his finger to feel the tears on his cheeks. He deserves it.
“I’m sorry….”
He threw the towel on the bed and quickly dialled a number and waited impatiently for the other line to pick it up. 
“Hello? Is anything wrong?”
“Yunho, please track Y/n’s number and see where she is going. I know she must be going to her best friend’s house but she was restless when she left the house so I hope she doesn’t do anything stupid and go to her house safely.”
“Mingi, calm down. I will keep a watch on her. And, you still didn’t apologize right? She needs you, Mingi. You are her husband and you know she is not used to this kind of dark life yet her parents forced her into this but you need to remember, she is that bubbly Y/n from our class and she deserves happiness. I hope after she comes back to you, you treat her the right way. Right way I meant, you will give her all the love she needs and deserves.”
“I know… please keep a watch on her.”
“I will.”
After hanging up the call, he stared at the phone screen and unconsciously, he tapped on your name to call you but his finger hovered over the call sign and sighed. You wouldn’t pick up and he made a mental note to bring you back.
After a while when he exited the bathroom, he glanced at the bed. Usually, he would find you sleeping or scrolling through the phone. Your food still kept in the corner, getting cold just like the relationship between you both. It would not be a surprise if you leave him at this point because it would be all his fault after all. It’s surprising how you are a carefree, bubbly and a sunshine girl got entangled with confined, ruthless and cold boy.
He has always watched you since the middle school and he envied how cheerful you always were unlike him, who had to hide the mafia family business and always acting cold towards everyone. Never in a while, he thought that he would be marrying you in the future and now here you are both struggling in your life. And moreover, he is the one destroying your butterflies and rainbows with the thunderstorm of his coldness.
The bedroom door slammed open and the maid supported herself at the doorframe and spoke between the heavy breathes, “Sir Yunho is here. He is calling you urgently.”
Mingi threw the towel on the bed and signalled her to go along with him. Meanwhile, he asked her if she knows the reason for his urgency but the words came out her mouth made his heart beat stop for a moment.
“It’s about Y/n.”
He inhaled sharply before almost running to the living room where Yunho was sitting in a messed up state and looking at the phone screen. Mingi took large steps towards the man sitting on the sofa and grabbed his collar to make him stand.
“where is Y/n? I told you to keep a watch on her then what went wrong?”
Yunho held the wrist and tried to calm him down but he himself was sick worried of the thing that happened earlier.
“Mingi, I was tracking her location as you told me but suddenly, she changed her direction to a different road and I quickly went there with Jongho as it was the way leading to the highway where all the deals happen at night.”
“Why was she going there?”
“I didn’t know why she suddenly went there but when I reached her last location, she was not there and I found her phone lying at the side of the road and I saw a number texted her to go there who pretended as you. She trusted the text that you were asking her to meet and you would be apologizing for everything. We need to do something.”
Mingi didn’t know what to think at the moment. Should he scold you for believing any number to be him? Or should he just shoot everyone here and there just to find you quickly? He brushed the damp hairs back and took heavy breathes to calm him down to come up with a better plan as panicking is not a mafia thing and he needs to think wisely so that you don’t get hurt.
Yunho got a call from one of his gang members and conversing over the call, he turned towards his other mate. He watched how he was being so impatient for his wife. Even if he doesn’t show any feelings but deep down, he loves his wife the most. He is just scared not to harm her in the flow of his mafia life. He wants to keep you as bubbly as the childhood Y/n but he is hurting you in the process.
“Hey.” Mingi looked up to his member’s call. “Jongho has tracked the message number id and it’s from the District-9 and it only means there is one person who could have kidnapped her. It’s Bangchan and his gang members to take revenge for the last month’s mission.”
“I will go there and take her back. I need to leave right now.”
“Are you stupid? If he attacks you then neither you are getting her back nor you will be safe.”
“You don’t tell me what to do now. I don’t care to spend time coming up with a plan. Y/n is in danger and she is scared.”
Even when Yunho tried to stop him, Mingi harshly pushed him away and sprint towards the garage to get into his black car. His black outfit blending with the cold dark night. Even the roads through which he was driving through were silent but he was in chaos. Many thoughts passing through his mind and he was just praying that you were safe.
“Please wait for a while…I’m coming, Y/n.”
He drove the car faster.
“Well my little angel, is the cut burning?”
Your teary eyes looked up to the voice who was calling you with an endearment but mocking at you. The leader of this new gang and you just know only his name, Bangchan as others were just calling each other with code numbers.
“Please…I want to go home…It’s hurting please…” you tried to pry yourself off from the ropes binding you to the chair but your weak body couldn’t go against it and the cuts over your hands and legs were burning with your every little movement.
“It would have been easy if you would have told me the details of your husband’s base but your stubbornness is only causing you pain so my boys had to torture you like this. So, are you willing to speak now?”
He gripped your jaw harshly and brought his face near to yours. You shook your head to avoid him but he held you tighter.
“I don’t know…”
“I swear-“ Before he could finish both of you hear loud screaming and shootings outside. He stared at you and held the gun towards you when he heard footsteps nearing the basement.
Within the seconds, the door kicked open by Mingi. At first, he didn’t notice you but when his gaze fell on Bangchan, the latter smirked and looked below when he followed the gaze, he watched how helpless and tiredly you were tied to the chair.
what the fuck…
“So, the snipper of Ateez is here without the invitation. Oh, wife pulled you here but as far as I have heard, it doesn’t really matter to you what’s going to happen to her.”
“Shut up.” He hissed.
Mingi took one step and you screamed in pain. It pierced his ears and heart at the same time. He is used to your laugh, your smile, your shouts, your complains but your scream in pain is not the thing he ever wanted to hear. It’s too painful for him. Maybe, because he is the snipper so he is not used to hear anyone’s pain from so close. No, its because it’s you who is screaming.
“Take one more step. You will see more fresh new cuts.”
His eyes scanned your whole body, Your sleeves and edges of the dress had patches of blood. Earlier in hurry, you changed into this light peach colour dress but he didn’t expect it to be covered in dirt and blood later the night.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Watch me.” He again cut open a line of skin on your forearm. Your scream again filled the room, deafening every other sound to his ears. Mingi balled his fist and gritted his teeth.
You haven’t asked for his help. Why? It’s because you don’t trust him or you still couldn’t believe that he was there to save you not for his mafia business.
“Mingi…please help me…”
That was the only push he needed to run towards the leader and punched him. This caused Bangchan to lose his grip on the knife and gun. He wiped off the blood from the corner of his lip and glared towards Mingi and the latter again punched him on the floor. Satisfied, he crawled towards your chair and starts to untie the ropes and chain. You were trying to stay awake but the blood loss was making it hard. Prying everything off from you, he hugged your weak body and rubbed your back.
“It’s okay, Y/n. Don’t be scared. I’m here.”
You didn’t reply but you were focusing on something, rather someone. Bangchan was pointing his gun towards Mingi’s back and when you realized, your eyes went big and you managed to switch the sides and as soon as your back facing the leader, he shot the bullet.
Who got shot?
You leaned towards Mingi and held his biceps tighter. The pain was much worse than the previous cuts but somewhere you were feeling a relief that finally you would be at peace.
Bangchan ran away from the basement but that didn’t matter to the man who was in shocked to see you dying in his arms.
No. he can’t just let you die like this. He needs to apologize. He needs to make up for all the mistakes he has done.
He carried you to his car and Yunho followed him. Earlier four Ateez members followed Mingi and they helped him to attack on the District-9 basement.
“I will drive. Keep her awake until we reach hospital.”
Getting inside the car, he was calling out your name frantically and you have never seen him like this. For you.
“I want to sleep.”
“No no please. You will sleep but for a while please hold on. Don’t close your eyes please. Stay with me Y/n…”
Your cold hand reached to his cheeks and rubbed the rough skin.
“Are you crying for me? Am I being a bad wife?”
“No. you are the best wife ever someone wanted. It was me who was bad for neglecting you. Please stay with me…”
“I love you, Mingi.”
You closed your eyes and your breathing almost became faint. Mingi panicked at the situation but when Yunho pulled the car in front of the hospital. Without wasting any time, he skipped towards the emergency room with you in his arms. Of course, this was their personal Mafia Base Hospital and no one would dare to stop him.
Its been an hour when the doctor came out the room informed Mingi that you were in a critical situation as the bullet has damaged some area around it and your blood loss adding the worst possibilities to it. He was on the verge of losing control but after Yunho’s request, they let him to meet you.
You were sleeping peacefully. You wanted to sleep and now you are sleeping. He chuckled bitterly to this thought. He sat on the stool by the side of your bed and held your weak palm between his shaking ones.
“I’m sorry…”
Tears fell on the hold. Your breathings were very faint but as far as he could hear the sound, it was a little relief to him.
“I was scared, Y/n. I have seen you since the middle school and you were always the bright sunshine and I was the dark coldness. We never matched with each other but yet you smiled towards me.”
He sobbed before continuing, “When I got to know that you will be my wife. I had two feelings, one to be scared like how to take care of a family apart from the mafia life and the second, I was happy for the first time that I’m getting someone like you in my life. If the marriage was not important then I would have tried my best to keep you far away from someone like me, never to get involved with me.”
He paused for a moment to stare at you. Your beautiful face covered with cuts and now having antiseptic creams on them but he could feel the burning pain you had went through before. He caressed the side of your face and head. Smiling a little. Hoping for you to wake up and hug him and forgive him. He knows he doesn’t deserve the forgiveness so soon but just wants to see your lively face and smile once again. He needed to prove you his love and he swear he would do anything for you to see happy and not to be in this situation again. NEVER AGAIN.
“You are a treasure in my life whom I tried to protect so hard that the pressure broke it in the end. I destroyed you with my own hands. You are my queen but I caged you like a prisoner. Please wake up, Y/N. I can’t live without you. All these years, I have watched you from afar but when you are near, I am lost.”
He waited for you as if you are going to reply him back like other times. He wants you to shout at him, hit him, do whatever to make him realize your worth but he couldn’t afford to see you sleeping on a hospital bed, supported by some machines. Every drop of blood is precious than the most expensive ruby to him.
“I’m lost with you. I’m lost without you. For you I’m lost. I love you, Y/n. You are the only warmth in my cold life.”
‘I love you, Mingi.’ This was the last thing he heard faintly from you and your voice echoing inside his head.
“Please, don’t leave me. I want to change myself for you.” He planted a soft kiss on the back of your hand and tears falling from his eyes continuously.
You need to wake up or his coldness will make him lost in the void from where no one can ever bring him back. You are his first love and you can’t be the first reason to hate love.
I hope you liked it anon <3. I was really down while writing it coz about that post who insulted me for writing ffs so If the fic is not how you wanted then please wait for other fics, I will surely try to do better.
Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades [open!]
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rebelliousstories · 3 months
Seaside Wedding
Relationship: Sean Renard x Reader
Fandom: Grimm
Request: Yes by @dd122004dd
Warnings: Brief Violence, Angst, Fluff, Happy Ending
Word Count: 2,665
Main Masterlist: Here
Grimm Masterlist: Here
Sequel to: Tidal Wave
Summary: A joyous day full of love and celebration. However, not everything can sail smoothly for the group at the wedding of the century. At least for wesen.
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Then the wedding was held with great pomp, but as the train came from the church, and passed with the torches before the hall, a very small ray of light fell upon the prince.
There was an air about today. An air of love and happiness that no one could dampen. Her hair had been carefully crafted to sit long on her shoulders, yet it was pulled away to highlight her face and the expertly done makeup. A long flowing gown decorated her body, pure white, and covered in lace. It was the wedding she had dreamed about for so long.
Six Months Ago…
“I’ve spent too long without you to waste anymore time.” Sean whispered as he held his lover’s hand on her hospital bed. She tried to complain and tell him that she did not need to be checked out by a doctor, but he insisted. Procuring a ring from his pants pocket, the only sign of his nerves getting the better of him was the trembling of his fingers as he held the box.
“I kept this, all these years, hoping that you would be able to wear it someday. But I can’t do this anymore. Will you marry me?” He opened the box to reveal a gorgeous ring. A beautiful Alexandrite ring, with swirls and smaller diamonds intertwined was presented to her. Letting out a small gasp, she barely registered Sean calling her name.
“Yes,” came her whisper. “Yes!” She screamed. Tackling her lover, he barely managed to keep them upright as she kept saying ‘yes’ underneath her breath. They stayed locked in that embrace for who knows how long, before finally deciding to separate to finally place the ring where it belonged. A kiss was shared between the couple as they realized what that meant, and where they were going.
Pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of a door opening, the siren turned to face her bridesmaid that had helped so much for everything for the wedding. Rosalee. Dressed in a muted sea blue gown, the Fuchsbau came in with a gentle smile on her face.
“Hey there, Ms. Bride. Are you ready?” She asked,rubbing a calming hand over the woman’s shoulder.
“More than,” she replied, ”I’m so ready to just be married and be done with this. Don’t get me wrong, I love the fact that we get to have our fairytale wedding, but it’s so exhausting. I would’ve been just fine with a small backyard wedding. But leave it to Sean to pull out all the stops.” She tried to sound like she was complaining, but the smile on her face was a dead giveaway to her friend.
“Well, if you feel like running away dramatically from the alter, just let me know. I’ll pretend that we’re the ones getting married instead, as I proclaim my undying love for you.” Rosalee teased, earring a much needed laugh from the woman. The air already felt lighter and less nervous. Another knock pulled the woman from their giggle, and the perfectly styled hair of Portland’s Grimm peaked through.
“I thought you guys were having fun without me.” He said, walking into the room fully. Over the past six months, the Grimm and siren had gotten much closer as she became less afraid of the man.
“Oh no, we were just talking trash about you.” Rosalee jested, giving Nick a big hug as she turned to face the bride one last time.
“I’ll see you there.” The Fuchsbau reassured the Tödlicheslied, who was wringing her hands together. With one last smile, she left to join her own partner at the beginning of the aisle.
“You okay? Not having any second thoughts are you?” Nick teased, but lost his smile as the woman was still stuck fixated on something in her head.
“Hey,” he grasped her shoulders gently, “you’re going to be alright. You and Sean both deserve this.” Nick tried to reassure her, and finally got to see her eyes from where they were downcast.
“What if he doesn’t want to marry me? Or he realizes that he made a mistake down the road? I wouldn’t be able to live through that.” Her words struck Nick’s heart deep.
“Listen to me, that is not going to happen.” Nick started,and forced her to stare at him.
“Sean would move heaven and earth if it meant making you happy. He’d burn the world down so that you would be warm. I know him. He wouldn’t have any second thoughts about doing anything and everything to make sure that you were safe and sound. He’s not going to wake up one day and realize he doesn’t want to be married to you. Now, I just had to calm him down, I’d like to not have to calm both the groom and bride in the same evening.” The last admission caught her attention.
“Sean’s nervous? What does he have to be nervous about? He knows I love him.” It confused her.
“Because, even when you know that you love the other person with all your heart, and want to marry someone, there is always a little nagging voice worried about if they say no.” Nick trailed off his little speech, and looked like he was lost to a memory.
“Speaking from experience?” The Tödlicheslied asked.
“Yeah,” he nodded, “but, we’re not here for me. Now, are you ready? Cause Rosalee might be getting a wife today.” She laughed wholeheartedly, as Nick smiled and chuckled along.
“Oh you heard that, did you?” She asked, coming down off of her giggles.
“Oh yeah. I did. It’s fine. You will make a beautiful couple.” Another fit of giggles, before Nick turned and offered her his arm. They walked out, arm in arm, and saw Monroe right at the entrance to the aisle. He smiled at the wesen and Grimm, and sent a wink their way before he walked to his seat. Rosalee turned right as the music started, and looped her arm into her other one as they walked down the aisle. A memory struck the Tödlicheslied right at that moment, before she could see her fiancé waiting at the end.
Three Months Earlier…
“What kind of cake do you want?” She asked, turning towards her lover who sat at the kitchen counter.
“As long as we have German chocolate cake, I will be alright with anything you choose.” Sean contributed, shaking off her stare.
“You and your fancy cake. Fine. I’ll be good with chocolate. I would like to have some salted caramel cupcakes. Want to do the cake chocolate and cupcakes caramel?” Bringing over the books full of cake flavors, she set it down so that he could participate.
“That’s fine with me, ma sirène.” Sean turned and rested his hands on her waist to draw her in close. He pulled her in for a kiss, and was about to deepen it when she pulled away.
“I’ve still got to get to my dress fitting with the group.” But her fiancé was not hearing it.
“I’m sure you can reschedule.” He tried to convince her.
“Not if I want to get a dress from the designer you sent me to.” She teased, and began to pull away to go get ready for her day with friends.
“Get a mermaid cut.” Sean called, and was rewarded with a slipper being thrown in his direction without malice.
In the end, she did go with a mermaid style dress for her reception. But not for the ceremony. For the ceremony, the floor length lacy gown made her feel like a princess. A tiara secured the veil down the back of her head, as she finally got into view of her lover. He stood with such confidence, and such strength, it almost made her question whether Nick had been telling the truth. But as she got closer, she saw the little tell tale signs. His shifting hands and feet, the faintest hint of sweat at his brow. He was nervous.
It made her feel a little bit better to know that he was just as nervous as her. But as she walked down the aisle with her friends, her nerves slowed down. All she could think about was the fact that she was here, about to marry the love of her life, surrounded by their friends. Each shaking step made her come closer and closer to her fiancé, lit fire underneath her feet. She felt like she was walking on pins and needles just to get closer to him. When their hands finally joined, and Sean led her closer, she felt… weightless. Like nothing could hold her to the earth except her lover.
“You look gorgeous.” He whispered, letting his eyes rake over her figure once more.
“I could say the same. You look very handsome.” She replied, feeling her hands begin to shake in his grasp. The world faded away as she stood up there with her soon to be husband. Finally allowing herself to take him in, she noticed the navy blue suit stretching across his frame, and a sea blue tie pulling her eyes back towards his chest. She could just make out the golden chain and locket that was hidden underneath the white button down, and knew that it matched the silver chain against her chest. Sean squeezed her hands enough to get her attention again, and that is when she noticed that the officiant beside them was speaking.
“If anyone has any reason why these two may not be joined together in holy matrimony, please speak now or forever hold your peace.” A beat of silence. Her breath held itself in her chest. Renard’s eyes scanned the room.
“I object!” Gasps were heard across the room as people tried to locate where it came from. An older man and woman, along with a younger set of boys who were definitely adults. As she saw who it was, her breathing stopped.
“Dad?” She could place that booming voice, even after all these years. No longer the young girl she was twenty odd years ago, her parents were not at young either, nor her brothers. Her grip tightened on her fiancé’s hands with each step her family took closer.
“We thought we lost you.” Her mother breathed, with tears in her eyes and a shaky hand on her heart, and her eyes on her daughter.
“We thought you would have learned your lesson.” Her father leveled a glare at Sean, who had stepped halfway in front of his bride to shield her from the threat.
“What can I say, I’m stubborn.” Renard shot back at the man, who just kept getting closer and closer to her. She had yet to say anything in several minutes, and was trembling like a leaf in the wind.
“Sweetie, it’s time to come home.” He tried, extending a hand out to his daughter. But she remained frozen and silent, stuck at the side of her lover.
“Please, come home sweetheart. We missed you so much. We thought you were dead.” Her mother gave it a shot, but received the same reaction from her daughter. Her brothers were calling her name, but it was too much for her to focus on.
“You’re very good at acting. But I am staying here. I’m not going back.” Gone was the sympathetic, loving, and heartbroken parents and brothers. In their place, there was a chill that ran through the room; as if the whole room had been thrown into the deepest part of the ocean with no life raft.
“You’re coming home. Enough with this charade,” her eldest brother began, “you don’t belong here and you never will. Now let’s go.” He surged forward and nearly made it to the couple to grab her, had it not been for Sean stepping in and preventing him from touching his bride.
“You’re going to leave. Now.” Renard growled dangerously at the Tödlicheslied. He backed away with a smirk and his hands raised. Making his way back to his parents, there was another beat of silence, just before all hell broke loose.
“Gun!” Someone screamed. In an instant, her brother had pulled out a gun and aimed at the couple. However, every member of law enforcement had drawn their own weapons and now had them trained on the young man. He was sent flying to the ground while his gun was checked by a man on his back.
“You picked the wrong wedding to pull this at.” Hank handcuffed the man while Wu made sure the gun was cleared and safe. Together, the detective and sergeant escorted the family out of the ceremony, as they raised a fuss over their son being handcuffed. While Griffin and Wu waited for the car to roll up to take the man to the precinct, everyone holstered their weapons inside the building. Sean felt a little out of place as he elected to not have his weapon on him for his wedding, but was eternally grateful that Nick had his as he stood at his captain’s back.
“Well, that went well.” Burkhardt commented, as he turned back to the couple. The bride was still frozen in place, trying hard to process what had happened in such a short amount of time.
“Darling, are you alright? You’re not hurt, right?” Sean inquired as he scanned over his fiancé. Her eyes were still trained on the spot where her family was just at, but pulled them away when she felt her lover’s hand cup her cheek.
“You’re still here.” She said it with such an air of disbelief. It was then that Sean realized, she was living through the last time that this had happened. Where Sean was beaten to a bloody pulp, and she was taken away.
“I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” He reassured her, and brought her in for a tight hug. They both breathed a sigh of relief as they found themselves tangled with the other. A cleared throat brought them back to their wedding; the officiant standing and waiting patiently.
“Let’s get married.” She breathed finally. Feeling her lungs begin to work, they went through the rest of the ceremony without a hitch. The scare was over, and nothing was going to keep them from being married anymore.
Sean’s hands were slightly shaking when he slid the ring onto her finger, which made her feel better as her were as well. Words seemed to blur together as they said their vows, but two words stuck out.
“I do.” Sean said.
“I do.” She repeated.
“By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” Renard did not need another moment to think, before he grabbed his wife and brought her in for a loving kiss. Cheers and clapping became background noise as the couple shared their first married kiss. An hour later it felt like, they finally came back up for air. Sean leaned them both back up from their dipped position and walked down the aisle with his bride, hand in hand.
A little while later, the reception was in full swing. Music was raving, drinks were flowing, and everyone was in a blissful state of mind. Sitting at a table alone, the couple were enjoying watching their friends dance and make a fool of themselves together. Sean wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her in closer than she already was.
“I love you, Mrs. Renard.” He spoke with such adoration in his gaze and tone.
“I love you as well, Mr. Renard.” She replied, and pulled her husband in for a kiss.
After all this time, being able to call the man ‘husband’, and the woman ‘wife’, was all they cared about. Her family being there may have thrown off the day a little bit, but nothing was going to get in the way of her being with her captain any longer.
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panjakes · 11 months
How are you? Hope you're doing well and staying hydrated.
I was wondering if I could request a Mark thing👉🏽👈🏽
So I'm braiding my own hair rn, knotless, and it is hell😭😭 my back, neck and arms are screaming and it's 10pm. I started around 3pm. Girl 😔 SHOUT-OUT to all the people that braid their own hair. Y'all are legendary ❣️
So something where like Mark feels bad and offers to help and also gives like a cute massage afterwards idk. Just something cute to make me feel like this suffering is really worth the beauty 😭😭😅😅
Love you🫶🏽🐝
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Mark sat on your bed watching your movements very carefully. You seemed to almost be done but like you always tell mark, “one part can turn into three”.
You sigh throwing your arms down to your side, arms hurting like a bitch. Mark cracks a smile looking over at your glossy lips fold into a pout.
“You okay sweetheart?” Mark asks sitting up from the bed
“No. I’m tired. My arms hurt, my back hurts, I want some chips” you say making him laugh
“Is there anything I can do to help my love?” He asks coming to stand behind you
You look up at him through the mirror
“First off all you can go to the store and get me some snacks” you say
“You want to come with me?” He asks making you frown
“Mark…the middle of my head isn’t done. I’m not going no where” you say making him laugh
“Okay fine, guess I’ll face time you when I get there” he says making you nod
“Yes please, thank you” you say as he walks away
“You forgot to say something else” he says turning back around
“No I didn’t” you say looking over at the packs of hair only hoping that you had enough
“Yes you did” he says stomping his feet
“I didn’t can you please get my snacks” you say separating your hair
“Baby tell me you love me!!” He says leaning on your back
“Ow! Mark get cha ass off me!” You scream
“Say you love me and kiss me” he says puckering his lips
“I love you can you please go get my snacks baby please!” You ask
“I didn’t get my kiss but I’ll go get your stuff” he says making you give him a sarcastic smile
Soon he left and you got to gelling and parting your hair. By the time make came back you were done parting your hair and all you had to do is braid but maybe you were too tired for that.
“I got you a bunch of stuff” mark says
“What did you get yourself?” You asks
“I got me a coffee” he says showing you the cup of ice caffeine
“Did you get me a coffee?” You ask
“Nooooo” he says going wide eye
“Well can I have some of your coffee?” You ask batting your eyelashes
“Well when you look at me like that, You can have whatever you want” he says making the both of you laugh.
You take a sip of his coffee moaning at the sweet but slightly bitter coffee.
“That’s good, I need one of those” you say handing him the cup
“Want me to go back and get you one?” He ask making you shake your head
“No what you can do is come over here and help me with my hair” you say making him nod
It wouldn’t be his first time helping you with your hair. Mark has helped you with washed day, detangling, installing a wig, even braids so he was gonna help you now.
He goes to wash his hands and he comes back grabbing the pre parted pieces of hair. Sitting between his legs you tackle one side of your hair and he tackles the other.
You quickly braided your side as mark took his time to braid so he didn’t mess up and you yelled at him.
“Mark…hurry up!” You say falling asleep
“I don’t wanna mess up!” He says
“Please hurry up my neck hurts and im tired” you say with a whine
“Okay I’ll give you a massage when im done but you know how you get when I mess up on your hair” he says making you nod
“I mean, you right” you say making him chuckle
“It’s okay baby I only have three braids left” he says still slowly braiding
“Is it really only three?” You ask with a frown
“No…it’s six” he says making you groan and himself laugh
Within him and his slow braiding you fell asleep on his leg. About 40 minutes later he was done and actually proud of his work. He quickly grabs his phone taking pictures of the braids he braided and your sleeping figure.
“Baby wake up, I’m done” he says gently shaking you
“Did you put mousse and oil sheen on it?” You mumble
“No, you can do that yourself. Go wrap your hair up and get ready for me to rub on your body” he says making you jerk up from your sleep
“Now that just sounded weird” you say making him chuckle
“I always rub on your body don’t make it an issue” he says making you roll your eyes and laugh
“Your such a weirdo” you say giggling
“I’m your weirdo” he says moving his eyebrows up and down
“Yes, yes your are” you say planting a kiss on his lips before going to mousse and wrap your hair
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harryforvogue · 10 months
this means you have to write about Harry and Faye at her play or smt!!!
Faye’s not upset. Seriously, she's not. And she lets Harry know too.
don't beat yourself up over it please. really! i’ll see you in the morning
i’ve got to go now okay? i love you, i’ll text you later. <333
Harry reads the message but doesn’t reply. That doesn’t make her upset! She can’t expect Harry to be at every one of her plays, and this one isn’t even the opening night! Though Harry had been real upset about missing that one early this weekend anyways, but he’s been away at some tattoo art convention…business…er, festival? Okay, she doesn’t know what it actually is, but it's a valid excuse for him to miss her shows.
Which, as she’s repeatedly insisted, is totally fine. Harry loves to come to her plays, but of course his job comes first. It’s his career! Just like this is hers.
He’s supposed to have had come back from his weekend long trip this morning. But from what she’s gathered from his very annoyed texts, the car has overheated twice, leaving him and Timothée stranded and very much at each other’s throats.
Timothée even texted Faye a few hours ago.
I’m so sorry. I’m gonna fuckin kill him I’m sorry I'm gonna send your man back to you in a fuckin box I don't know how you stand him sometimes
Faye knows they’ll be fine. She thinks part of Harry’s anger is from missing her show. But as she’s literally told him several times, it’s fine. There will be another show in three days.
When the show is about to start, Faye turns her phone off and takes deep breaths, readying herself for the stage. It’ll be okay. She’s done so many shows without him. She puts on 3-4 shows a week. Of course he won’t be there every time.
The play starts and Faye pushes all the thoughts of Harry to the back of her head. Time to work.
Harry didn’t end up making it. When Faye joins her fellow actors and actresses for a final bow, she glances back at the section where Harry would have sat, finding his seat empty. She shakes it off. It’s okay. Really.
When the curtain falls, everyone hugs each other and then they begin to head to their own dressing rooms. Faye’s pulling her hair extensions out carefully in front of her door when someone grabs her arm, tugging her back into the hallway.
She nearly screams, her defense tactics kicking in, but it's only Harry. His hair is messy, his chest is rising and falling quickly, and his face is flushed. “Hey. I’m here. I’m sorry. I’m so so–”
“Harry!” Faye throws her arms around him and hugs him tightly, his voice muffled against her shoulder. "Thank goodness it's you! I was about to bite you or something."
He squeezes her so hard, she stops breathing for a moment. “I saw it. I saw the play, I swear I did,” he whispers. “Every minute of it. And I loved it. And you were perfect. So beautiful, you’ve got the voice of an angel. I loved it. I’m here. I’m a little late, but I’m here.”
Several actors walk by, giving them peculiar looks especially when Harry holds her face, repeating his apologies. Faye opens her dressing room door and pushes him in, locking it behind her.
He’s still reaching for her when she turns back around, his hands finding her waist immediately. “Faye.”
“It’s okay,” she says, gliding her hands up his arms. He’s in usual normal black shirt and blue jeans, curls falling into his eyes. “I’m so happy you’re here! I can't believe you made it!"
“I wasn’t in my seat,” he whispers, pulling her closer. He leans down to kiss her softly, breaking away only an inch to keep talking. “I got there like 30 seconds after the doors closed and I had to beg them to let me in because I knew you and I showed my ticket and I told them you were going to break up with me if I didn’t show up–”
“What?! I would never–”
“And so they let me in but I couldn’t get to my seat so I had to stand by the side but…” he takes a deep breath, grabbing her face between his hands again. His eyes are bright, a bit wild. “I swear I saw it all and I love you and you’re so perfect like always and I’m so so sorry I wasn’t here earlier. You have every right to be furious with me.”
Faye’s smiling so hard, shaking her head. She puts her hands on his. “Harry! Stop! It’s okay!”
“It’s not okay.” He’s bending down to kiss her again, more desperately. “I love you. I love you so bad. Always want to be here.”
“I’m just happy you got here safe,” she says in between kisses when he lets her take a breath. “I really appreciate the effort, Harry.” She pushes his hair out of his eyes. “I hope you didn’t kill Timmy.”
“Fuck Timmy,” Harry murmurs, kissing her again. “I’m never traveling with him again.”
She giggles. “That bad?”
He sighs and shakes his head. “No. Nothing was his fault. I just never want to be stranded with him ever again.” He kisses her once more. “I love you. You were wonderful up there. I love when you sing. Do more of that please?”
She closes her eyes and lets herself soak up all his love as his arms go around her waist again and he’s kissing her like he hasn’t seen her in weeks, twirling her hair, playing with the hem of her dress. He must be so tired from the constant traveling. The place he’d gone to was a decent four hours away, and the whole stranded thing clearly has made it worse.
Faye opens her eyes. “Wait. You came straight here?”
Harry’s nuzzling his face in her hair. “Yeah.”
"You didn't stop at home?"
"Had no time, baby."
“So…Timmy is here?”
“Yeah. He either had the option of watching your play or staying in the car outside for hours, so naturally he bought a ticket way up in the balcony.”
“He must be looking for you then.”
“Don’t care. I’m with my girl right now.” He takes a deep breath and drops his head to her shoulder. “I love you. You’re the best person to ever exist, baby.”
“I should be saying that to you! Harry, you didn’t have to come. You’re probably so sleepy and hungry and I know you want to just get out of those clothes.”
“Doesn’t matter," he insists, his voice firm. "I want to be with you.”
“You could have come to see my play next week.”
He clicks his tongue in disagreement. “Already felt bad about missing opening night.”
She huffs. “That’s ridiculous. You don’t always have to come to those! Work comes up and all that.”
“I always take the day off.”
“But some things are clearly unavoidable.”
“Mhm.” Harry hugs her tightly again, lifting her off the floor. He turns his head and kisses her neck. “You’re so soft. I wanna take you home. Come home with me, yeah? I'll wait here. I've just gotta shower real bad.”
“I’m…I’m being serious!” His kisses are too ticklish.
When he puts her back down on the floor, his mouth is on hers again, kissing her hungrily. “I didn’t even get you any flowers. I’m the worst boyfriend ever, huh?”
“No!” She surrenders to his kisses, and he picks her up again, seemingly unable to pull more than an inch away from her. She wraps her legs around his waist and holds onto his shoulders tight when he spins her. They fall into her makeup chair.
Harry’s hands are all over her as she positions herself to straddle him. “I missed you,” she whispers, grasping his hair. He groans softly when she gives it a slight tug.
He surges forward and catches her mouth again, deepening the kiss until everything melts away and it’s just the two of them in her dressing room.
That is, until there’s a hesitant knock at her door. “Um,” Timothée calls from the hallway. “Are you guys in there? I wanna come in but…are you decent?”
“I’m gonna do it,” Harry promises with a growl to his voice. “I’m going to kill him.”
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padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
Can you do a part two of Tommy and the girl he adopt from the orphanage I gotta see more of her relationship with Noah Solomon’s. And I beg an plead can you do a scene where the whole family goes to the fair and Noah’s there with Alfie. She’s riding on the Ferris wheel with like a friend or something she might be in a fight lol it’s Noah an please I beg you use the scene from the note book where Noah jumps up and hangs from the beg her to go forgive him. But she cheekily undoes his pants like Allie did and her whole family and alfie are watching it unfold !! Please
Dear Anon,
I wanted this so badly that I let this request jump the que. I've never seen the notebook and I had a different slightly more ridiculous scenario that popped into my head hopefully this is satisfactory!
Warnings: Angry dads, peaky typical violence, kissing, suggested sexual content, Aunt Polly loves you enough to stay up all night.
Part 1
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There were a lot of things your parents did right and knowing how to motivate you to do well was one of them. 
The fair was in town that weekend and if you got top marks on your finals, they would take you, and if you got okay marks Esme and John said they would take you behind their back. But you wanted to see your dad at the fair.
Lizzie always looked out of place because of how beautiful she looked. While Tommy always looked out of place because he looked like he was coming from a funeral or causing one. The thought of him taking you to the fair brought you a whole mix of feelings. Part of you thought it was funny, the other remembered how badly you’d wanted your dad to take you when you were little. 
When Noah called to let you know that he and his family were also planning on going you refused to acknowledge the looming possibility that it could go horrifically wrong. He’d called to ask if it would be better that they go on a different day, but you assured him that was ridiculous. In your eyes, they were business friends. But still friends, no reason to give each other a hard time or cause a scene. 
“Don’t worry about it Noah, I’m sure they will manage” You fought to get the words out in a reasonable tone. “If any problems come up, I’ll have us leave right away.” 
“Don’t worry about it love, If things kick up on our end we can leave. I know how much you wanted to go.” His voice was like honey, and you just wanted to drown in it forever. God and he cared so much.
“That’s really sweet of you. I- I think it will be fine.” You said with a smile you hoped he could hear. 
“I’ll call you before bed” There was a loud commotion behind him and you assumed he must be calling you from his dad’s work. 
“And I’ll answer.” You responded back. Since you were going steady he’d call you every night before bed. Sometimes to chat, other times just to tell you he hoped you slept well. The line went dead and you let out a triumphant squeal. 
Your dad flung open the study door scanning the room. Looking around the room and finding nothing out of place or alarming, his face fell and he let out a sigh. 
“What's he done this time eh? Bloody boy -” He continued to grumble but you cut him off with a big hug. Normally you kept your screams of excitement and any loud noises to an absolute minimum because you hated how it set him off. War flashed in his eyes every time, you never knew what to do so you just hugged him and hope it helped. 
“Nothing, nothing. Just excited to go to the fair.” 
“Nothing to do with the Solomons also going to the fair then?” He responded easily holding you back. Your eyes went wide and you pulled away enough to look up at him. “That’s right us dad’s talk you know.” You froze up even more. Did Noah talk about you? Did Alfie? 
“What do you talk about?” He looked at you for a long second holding you in suspense. 
“Business and now thanks to you coordinated trips to the fair.” He sighed. 
“Wait. Wait. Wait. He coordinate it? Like he, you know, he tried to get us all there at the same time?” 
“According to Alfie, he won’t shut up about it. Wants us all to get along or something started talking about family trips out to the beach house, proposing after graduation, moving you off to London,” He watched your face twist up in horror before tickling you. 
“DAD!” You shouted pushing his hands off you. He moved past you to put his briefcase on his desk. 
“Caught your mother listening in on the phone with Esme in the kitchen.” He smiled at you and it was enough that you stopped bothering him even though you wanted to. “Not my fault, your mother knows no boundaries, trust me.” 
“I’ll have to sort that out later.” You said sternly. You already knew that they listened in that’s why you had come up with codded phrases and words. 
“Can we go still go then?” You asked him hesitantly.
“I’m not going to cause a gang fight at a family fair,” He said giving you a look that made you feel bad for implying such things. “ I know how to behave myself, it's Alfie we need to watch out for.” 
You made a mental note to ask John what the history was between the two men next time he was drunk. 
“So that’s a yes?” You asked hopefully. 
“It’s not a no.” He answered back and you did a happy dance. “Now go bother your mother for invading your privacy, I have a lot to do” 
You ran out of his study and went right into the kitchen, opening the door suddenly, startling the women on the other side. It wasn't even dinner yet and you could see that their faces were already quite rosy. You stared at them for a moment like you felt Tommy would, and they sat there looking suspicious. 
“Noah’s going to be at the fair, with his family.” They both nodded and hummed, you watched Esme look out the window and Lizzie focus her attention on the napkin in front of her. “But I’m sure you already knew that” 
You laughed as they both started blaming each other and rambling excuses. Normally it would irritate you but nothing could dampen your mood today. 
“So naturally I’ll need help figuring out what to wear,” You said letting them off the hook. You watch the relief and Esme playfully smacked you on the bottom. 
“Don’t do that your Aunty. I’m an old woman now!” She scolded 
“If you're an old woman what does that make me eh?” Lizzie shot back. They continued on bantering and you claimed your usual spot at the table. Polly eventually showed up and joined in. 
Where ever the women were, the men were usually not far behind. No better way to spend a Friday night than drinking with your family till the sun comes up. It was loud and your ribs always hurt afterward from laughing and singing. As things were starting to come to an end you sat on Tommy’s lap and got awarded your one alcoholic drink of the night. 
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Getting to the fair was surprisingly easy. Everyone was going but they were taking their own cars, except you were picking up Polly. She slid into the back seat looking mighty hungover from the night before despite it being nearly 5 o’clock in the evening. 
She had her sunglasses on and before you said anything to her she held her hand up to silence you. She got settled and put her head on your shoulder tasking you with being a good pillow. 
After weeks of waiting and working hard, you were finally there. You followed your cousins leaving the parents to walk around at their own pace. 
You went along with whatever they wanted to do while you waited for Noah to get there. More than anything you wanted a kiss at the top of the Ferris wheel. Something your mind had cooked up in the many fantasies about how the day was going to go. Something that motivated you when you would start falling asleep on your textbook. 
You were determined to get that kiss at the top. 
Until you bumped into Roger. Why did gangsters think sending all their kids to the same school was a good idea? 
“Ah! There you are! Was hoping I’d bump into you.” He smile at you and your stomach turned into a knot. 
“Hi, Roger.” You said politely. “Was just about to go -” 
“Come with me on the Ferris wheel, Eh?” He cut you off making you even more annoyed. But the line was moving and he looped his arm into yours. The only way out of it would be to cause a big scene. His eyes narrowed and you got dragged towards the little, pink car. Once off this contraption you were going make this boy's life a living hell. Before all the way in you made one more scan of the crowd for your dad somehow thinking he’d be the answer to all of this. 
He started droning on about how you should go on some dates with him, get to know his family, leaving Noah behind. You felt your face get hot with anger, tears threatening to spill over on how such a terrible boy could cause such problems in your life. You should have started beating on him. Done something other than just go along with it. Your mind got worse and worse, as the thing started to move, you immediately regretted your decision of coming at all. 
You started to panic being in a space with this asshole, while also moving away from the ground. Your heart started to hammer and your hands got shaky. 
“You afraid, love?” He challenged, placing his hand on your knee suggestively. You pushed his hand away fighting the urge to start smacking him, it would only rock the car sending you into a fit. You tried desperately to focus on your breathing. After this was over you could run straight to your dad and leave. Go home to where it was safe. When suddenly the car made a horrid swinging motion. 
“What do you mean she’s on the Ferris wheel?” Shock washed over Noah as he looked up towards the contraption. All you had talked about was how badly you wished he could come so they could ride the bloody thing. 
“I thought she was up there with you,” Finn said coldly. Noah could tell Finn wasn't thrilled with the situation. He looked up and recognized Rodger’s navy blue cap. After his vile comments about her circulated to Noah he'd told her to stay as far away from him as possible. Realizing what he could be up to with her trapped in there all his sensibility disappeared.
Without thinking, or remembering his fear of heights, he was overcome with anger. 
“That fucking bastard!” The words were out of his mouth as he charged towards the ride. The thought of him putting his hands on you trapped in that stupid pink car was enough to send him over the fence and leaping up into the air. 
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“Pulling my boy away from his faith. That’s what your little harlot of a daughter is doing.” Alfie said making Tommy’s fists clench. He could tell that Alfie regretted his choice of words without him saying anything so he let it go. 
“Your dodgy son is going to drag her right back to the sewers.” He answered smoothly. And that's exactly what the boy was going to do. Drag her right back into the life he fought to pull the family out of. 
“Should have raised her better.” He quipped back. Lizzie came and took his arm. 
“Lovely girl you got there Mrs. Shelby,” Alfie said politely. “I haven't had the pleasure yet but I’ve heard a lot about her.” 
“Likewise! Noah seems to have made quite the impression on her.” Lizzie smiled politely. Tommy looked around for any type of distraction when he noticed a boy hanging from the Ferris wheel. A commotion of yelling was going on when he noticed that it was his kid in the fucking car. 
“Fuck!” Tommy took off towards the ride not able to do anything other than get to her as soon as possible. Dumb fucking kids were going to send her to her death fucking around like that. 
Once he got close he could hear the shouting match. Of course, it was that stupid boy - 
“What’s your girl done, that’s got my boy dangling 20ft in the air?!” Alfie demanded and it took everything in Tommy to avoid pulling his gun. 
“WHY IS YOUR SON TRYING TO KILL HER EH?” He screamed back. He heard her let out a yelp and their attention refocused on the commotion in the sky. 
“NOAH DON’T ITS NOT WORTH IT.” he hated seeing her in so much distress. He was either going to shoot someone or puke. Or both.
“WHO’S DEAD?” Lizzie screamed up causing him to jump. 
“ROGER” The two of them screamed down in unison. 
“YOU KILLED HIM THEN?” Alfie shouted and Tommy wondered how on earth his life decisions put him in such a ridiculous situation. 
“NOT YET” Noah called down. Tommy hated the boy, more than anything. But watching his daughter's hands hold on to the edge and the conviction in his eyes to keep her away from the Roger boy, he had to say it was something he thought only himself capable of at that age. 
The boy climbed into the car causing it to lurch. Tommy instinctively moved forward as if he could somehow catch her. Once the car steadied he didn't need to be there to know what was happening. 
The car moved to the top taking them out of view. 
Noah didn't waste any time. His fist mashed against Roger's face what felt like a hundred times. It was quick and the other boy didn't stand a chance. You looked at his hands, red knuckles split open, the way his arms looked with his sleeves rolled up. How he was out of breath, the fact that he did all of that for the worry that a boy might harm you. 
The violence was a part of life in the peaky blinders, and while it was still alarming to you, you knew that if anyone in your family had found out about it later, a story much the same as the one unfolding before you would have been written just the same. 
Same story, but this did something much different to you. You wanted nothing more than to kiss him. Not because you were at the top of a stupid Ferris Wheel, but because he was just so unbelievably hot. 
It was over in seconds and he looked at you causing your heart to stop.
“Fuck” he breathed pushing the hair from his face. “You alright?!” he moved to kneel in front of you, his hands running over you. “Are you hurt? Did he hurt you?” 
You could only sort of hear him as your eyes focused in on his mouth. You grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him close to you slotting your lips together.
You felt his hands grip onto you tightly, causing you to moan. You were happy to be out of view from the congregation of angry parents. Suddenly your mind was filled with all the sorts of things you needed from him, things you’d have to find a way to ask for. He broke the kiss as you realized the ride was coming back down. He sat down next to you, and quickly fixed your top and adjusted the pendant on your necklace. You were grateful that his mind was still functioning, you were in shock that people could make each other feel such things. 
Never in your life had you seen people kiss like that, you didn't know that’s what people felt when they looked at each other. Suddenly you wondered how anyone managed to get anything done. Why get out of bed when you could feel like this? 
“She’s going to be the death of him,” Alfie whispered. 
“If he - fuck - I swear -” Tommy was too upset to form words. 
“I know. He won’t” Alfie answered back and there was an honesty in his eyes that he trusted. 
“I’d destroy you.” Lizzie put her hand on his arm in warning.
“I know.” 
Tommy gave him a curt nod in response. Then they set in on getting the crowd to disperse. 
“RIDE CLOSED BY ORDER OF THE PEAKY BLINDERS” Arthur called out firing his gun in the air. It wasn't what Tommy would have done, drawing even more attention to the messy situation but once that pink car was down he was grateful everyone had fucked off. 
He assessed the situation carefully, his daughter looked fine, flushed, but okay. His arm was around her and that seemed to be where her focus was. The boy had an impressive red hand, hanging off of her shoulder. 
Once the door was open, he knew exactly who this Roger was, and his father was going to - 
“Drive by tomorrow morning at the paper shop?” Alfie said reading his mind. 
“Bit extreme isn't it? Surely we should go for something more personal?” Lizzie said casually. 
“I’ll call you later,” Tommy answered. He didn’t have to speak or move. She spoke to the boy with a look of affection and then ran to his side immediately. A look of apology was written on her face. 
“We’ll deal with this,” Alfie told him, before giving Noah a look of pride. He would thank him for it later. He put his arm around her and the family all moved out in a unit piling into black cars. 
Everyone had gone home, except Polly insisted on staying over. In some ways, you were grateful as your parents were in the study arguing. There was a knock at the door and Polly poked her head in. 
“Oh what’s that face for, got a boy who’s willing to fight for ya.” She gave you a soft smile.
“I feel terrible. I don’t know if he will forgive me.” Tears started to pool in your eyes.
“Noah? Hardly your fault -” 
“Dad.” You corrected her. He couldn't even look at you, the car ride home was spent in silence. He’d shut himself into the study as soon as he got home. After Lizzie knew you were alright she went in after him and they’d been shouting since. Polly snorted.
“Don’t ever worry about Thomas. He worries about himself.” Polly said with an edge to her voice you didn’t like. You watched her face as she thought about it for a moment. “He loves us all the best way he knows how. He’s done things - that none of us should have forgiven him for. But we do because we are family. The same kindness will be shown to you.” She lit a cigarette as if it would chase the unwanted feelings away. “Not that you fucked up at all. You chose to not cause a public scene thinking he would probably just try to chat you up. But that’s the problem with these boys. They think the whole world is being handed to them from their fathers, so they can take as they please.” 
You thought about what she was saying, hoping that it didn’t apply to Noah. 
“Can I bring him over for tea? I want someone to meet him.” You wanted some advice or approval. Bringing him to Polly would be the least stressful, but if Lizzie found out she’d be hurt, Esme would also be pissed. You sighed. 
“Think he’s got you beat love.” You followed where her eyes were focused and saw him climbing up over the balcony railing fighting with the flowing green vines. 
“I’ll leave you two alone then.” She winked at you with a smile. “I’ll try to keep an eye out for your dad” She got up and left you making you feel a whole wave of nerves. You went over to the glass door and opened it. 
“Shit did your aunt see me?” 
“Yeah, she knows. Said she’d give us a bit of space.” You hoped that he wasn’t going to hurt you, that conversation with Polly was definitely unfinished, but she wouldn’t have left you with him if she wasn’t sure that it was alright. 
“Will you be in trouble?” He brushed the foliage off of his clothes giving you a look of concern that erased all of your worries. 
“She said she’d keep an eye for dad.” You shrugged and smiled at him. 
You motioned for him to come in and watched as he looked over your room. Its structure was fit for a princess but it was covered in pictures and postcards from family members as they traveled. Scarves and charms hung from the ceiling, most of them made at Polly’s house. A large brown stuffed bear beside your pillow that Tommy had gotten you for your first Christmas together, a charm that may include one of his stolen cufflinks, and one of Lizzie’s earrings hug directly above your bed watching over you. Most people said it looked like a jungle, but Polly assured you it was a temple worth being proud of. 
“It’s a bit much but erm” 
“It’s great.” He smile at you, and all you could think about was throwing yourself at him. What would you do after kissing? What had he done before you? Your stomach twisted unsure of what his expectations were of you. 
“I called, before I could get a word in he told me to fuck off, then hung up the phone. Wanted to make sure you were alright after everything.” You blushed in embarrassment and also resisted the urge to laugh. 
“It’s alright.” He stopped you before you could start apologizing. You pulled him down to sit on the bed and the two of you started talking about what happened, how his dad handled it, and what you were going to do about the parents. 
He was very considerate, trying to take on the bulk of the responsibility, always checking in for what you wanted from the situation. The more you talked the more you leaned into him. The more you settled against his shoulder the heavier your eyes got. 
Polly listened outside the door, for safety of course. Boys were unpredictable in the sense that they were very predictable. After watching the boys in this family cause unspeakable damage she was going to be sure that boy treated her right. 
Listening to his offer to come over tomorrow morning to talk to Tommy, and offering her every possibility under the sun to make things easier on her. He even suggested taking the whole family out for dinner. She responded kindly saying she’d ask her mother what was best. Then he started asking what she wanted out of a relationship with him. 
Polly’s heart gave a painful twitch, it was entirely too personal a conversation to be listening to, but curiosity kept her glued to the spot. There was an innocence that was only possible from young love, but they were handling it much better than she ever did. Talking about all sorts of things rather than running into trouble and heartbreak. After it got very quiet - she risked poking her head in to see them both passed out. She wished she could get a photo, just to keep stashed away. 
Shutting the door, she moved down the stairs to see if Thomas was done shouting his heart out. Putting her ear against the door she could just make out what they were saying.
“If anything happens to her it’s my fault. It’s always my fault.” His voice was thick with a heavy sadness she didn't think him capable of expressing. 
“Leaving her there would have been a life worse than death, I’ve walked both paths, this one is a million times better,” Lizze assured him quietly. 
“Promise me I haven't ruined her life?” He was just above begging, but not by much. Her heart went out to that little boy that wasn't too much younger than her. Sweeter than ever, determined to be better than his father. Realizations set in about him that took him in a different light. 
“Promise,” Lizzie said softly. Polly remembered the way they used to talk to each other and wondered how a mouthy teenager accomplished what saints couldn't. 
“And what if he knocks her up then?” An edge of panic in his voice confirmed that he was indeed thawed out to something close to the man he was before all the madness.
“He’d be no better than you,” Lizzie responded sharply, and Polly hoped they wouldn't start at it again.
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“I’m sorry.” He choked on the words. “For all of it, for John, Grace, for Ruby. All of it was me, and I -” He was cut off and a whole commotion of passionate sounds erupted. 
They were going to seek peace in each other in the best way they knew how. Polly moved back upstairs and settled into her room, keeping the door open for any problems. Pouring herself a whiskey she wondered if ever there would be a man for her. Picking up her book she hoped it would keep her own loneliness at bay. 
She stayed up making sure to wake the two of them up to say goodbye before Tommy woke up. The boy awkwardly apologising and stumbling over his thank yous. After he was out the balcony her attention set in on the girl.
“Thank you.” She said softly.
“Ah, what are Aunties for eh?” She smiled. “Tea or are we having a lie-in?” 
“Tea,” she said brightly. “We have lots to talk about.” 
Going down to the kitchens, Polly was not surprised to find the contents of Tommy’s office in shambles.
“What happened?!” 
Polly only gave her a look and laughed at the disgusted look her face twisted into. “I think it's best we let them sleep in.” 
More might be planned…. Any Ideas?  
Tags List: @kpopgirlbtssvt
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jowrites · 1 month
When the Dahlia sings Her Song - 3. Do you believe in magic?
TW: Mentions of death, physical abuse, mental illness, depression, anxiety, parental death, verbal abuse, mute disorder, mentions of sex, some smut(in future), cursing
Strangers to Lovers. Lee Heeseung x F!OC(I like giving names).
Masterlist Here. Prev. Next. Jo's Masterlist Here.
taglist: @enhabooks
“Beomgyu! I’m going to kill you!”
Heeseung barged into his brother’s room in the apartment they shared with Jay. Beomgyu quickly ran and held out his arms in front in panic, confused and startled as Heeseung came charging at him in a quick motion.
“Why? Why? What did I do this time?” Beomgyu asked just as Heeseung gripped him by the collar of his shirt, throwing him over to the floor.
A very unbothered Jay strolled in then and leaned up against the door, he had a half eaten banana in his hand and began to finish eating it.
“You’re finally home?” Jay asked. “Where’d you go?”
“My point exactly! WHY? Why did YOU send me there when she already broke up with you!?” Heeseung tossed his brother around the room.
“Oh, he’s mad-mad. I’m staying out of this one,” Jay shrugged and exited the room going off to mind his business.
“Wait, you actually went?” Beomgyu asked, releasing himself from his brother's grip. “Well, thanks I guess.”
“Thanks? Oh, you fucker!” Heeseung charged again, landing a punch in Beomgyu’s jaw.
“OW! You’re fucking kidding me!” Beomgyu held his face, just as Heeseung started calming down.
“Okay, okay,” Heeseung said. “I feel better now.”
“You actually saw Gyuri? How was she?” Beomgyu asked. “Is she okay?”
“She seems totally fine that she broke it off with you, which would have been nice to know before I got stuck there for a whole ass hour!” Heeseung yelled.
“I thought she was joking,” Beomgyu said.
“Why would anyone joke about breaking up with you? Ugh! You’re a whole ass mess. You better get your life squared up, Beomgyu. I’m done cleaning up for you! Grow the fuck up!” Heeseung yelled, then turned around and stormed off down the hall to his room.
“You know, he’s right. You need to grow up and stop shielding yourself behind him. You’re taking advantage of him and you need to knock it off,” Jay said to Beomgyu, who was still holding his jaw.
“You don’t think I know that? I get it told every single fucking day, thanks!” Beomgyu screamed.
“Then fucking do something about it instead of acting up! Maybe your father will respect you then!” Jay yelled and marched away.
Beomgyu threw a shoe just as Jay closed the door, out of frustration with the situation but mostly with himself. Jay proceeded to walk down the hall to his best friend’s room, knocking before entering. Heeseung was in the middle of his bed, his jacket and shirt long gone and he sat twisting a piece of paper in his hands.
“Hey, are you okay?” Jay asked, closing the door behind him.
Heeseung scoffs, staring down.
“You know what angers me the most about this? I actually had a great time,” Heeseung admitted. 
“What do you mean?” Jay sat beside him, frowning and wondering just where his best friend had been all evening.
“I was in the most beautiful shop with the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on, eating the most delicious cinnamon rolls,” Heeseung scoffed. “I’ll probably never feel that at peace ever again.”
“Gyuri is the most beautiful girl you’ve ever laid eyes on?” Jay asked.
“No, no…the girl behind the counter, her name was Kai. She was very odd, mute. She wrote down everything on a pad but understood me so I couldn’t tell if she just couldn’t talk or if she was deaf. I didn’t ask and it’s not like it matters but…she was so nice, so…quiet,” Heeseung said.
“Are you trying to tell me you fell in love at first sight?” Jay raised an eyebrow and Heeseung laughed and looked back at his friend.
“That’s what it felt like but I think she’s taken. This guy came in and he kissed her on the cheek and she was smiling so wide with him. Ugh! Just thinking about it,” Heeseung clenched his jaw, looking ahead.
“Steal her.”
Heeseung snapped out of his zone and looked back at Jay, frowning at the absurd word. Steal her? Take her from him?
“You want me to be a homewrecker?” Heeseung asked.
“If you think she’s the one, then why not. I’d really like to see you not die alone,” Jay patted his friend's shoulder. “You’re super rich, any girl would come running to you.”
“She looked really happy,” Heeseung said.
“Hey, if you think you can make her really happy too then I say go for it, but that’s just me,” Jay put his hands up in defense. “If you really fell in love at first sight, I mean.”
“You and Beomgyu make me sick!” Heeseung sarcastically said.
“And right now you need a shower because you smell like roses and wet dog,” Jay pretended to gag and Heeseung pushed him off his bed.
“Yeah, yeah. Get out of here!” Heeseung stood up, tossing the paper on his desk and going to his bathroom. Jay laughed and waved him off, leaving Heeseung alone in his thoughts. Steal her? He couldn’t do that to someone. One thing he hated was homewreckers and he refused to become one. He needed to take a hot shower and get the day washed off his body and mind. He thought it would be easy, but as he stood under the hot water his mind was running back to her. The girl who didn’t speak.
The next day, Heeseung found himself in the very spot he tried to avoid. Right in front of the shop again, right at 7 PM. He didn’t know why he came back or what he even planned to do, but every single thing just bothered him. He sat in his car just looking into the shop, watched as the lights were on and the open sign turned on. He noticed now the name was “Hotel Juliet,” which he found odd given it was a florist shop. Just how many businesses did reside in this one building area. 
Just then he saw her emerge in the windows. He watched a few people walk in and they greeted her, her smile so wide and friendly. She embraced everyone she encountered and Heeseung felt angry at that. How could she be so kind and open when there are tons of people in the world who don’t deserve it? He knew he didn’t deserve it, yet here he was. He just wanted to be close to this place. To her.
Soon, just as the last person exited the shop, he got out of his car and with a confident stride he walked into the shop. Kai was turned around in front of him, and as he stood there just staring at her, everything around him seemed to fade. 
“Oh! It’s you! The dude from yesterday!” And just like that, he heard the most annoying familiar voice he was dreading to hear. “What can we do for you?”
Heeseung panicked, he looked over at the guy, Jake, and then back at Kai who turned around now and waved, her smile so beautiful and wide.
“Uhm,” Heeseung’s palms began to sweat and he quickly looked around and his eyes landed on some black Dahlia's, the same ones he was looking at just the other day. “I came to buy some flowers.”
“Oh, not my specialty. My sister here will take care of you, but be careful, don’t ask about those ones over there or she won’t stop telling you about them,” Jake leaned in and whispered, pointing to a bunch of Sunflowers near the counter.
“Sister?” Heeseung finally registered and looked at the man and he nodded and walked off as Kai walked over.
Glad you’re back. What type of flowers did you want?
Technically they are all mine, a little more specific please
“I mean, those! The black Dahlia’s, I saw them yesterday.”
Kai got excited and walked over to the flowers and began to gather some. Heeseung felt like the biggest idiot on this planet. He shook his head, a sigh of relief and quickly mentally slapped himself.
“Dude, you’re kind of a loser,” He jumped, startled, and looked over at none other than Gyuri, who was shaking her head at him. “You cannot make it any more obvious.”
Gyuir walked off, scoffing and going in the back where Jake was. Kai came back then, taking his hand and dragging him over, writing on her pad.
How many did you want?
“I’ll take them all. As many as you have.”
Are you sure?
“I’m positive.”
She smiled and began to gather them up. She motioned for him to wait as she began to arrange them in a pretty way. He just sat on a bench, watching her work. She was so into it, it’s as if the flowers themselves were speaking to her and telling her exactly how they needed to be arranged. Which flowers go next to certain ones, which ones are paired perfectly. 
“Kai, beat up Jake for me please, he ate my last eggroll!” Another man, unfamiliar, came marching from the back and over to Kai, grabbing onto her and trying to drag her away. She stopped him and shook her head, pointing over to Heeseung and the man straightened up.
“You guys were gatekeeping a customer from me? Now, I’m severely offended!” The man said. “Can I offer you some painting classes?”
“Painting classes?” Heeseung asked.
“Well, not really classes, but it’s a sip and sit. We offer 2 types here at Hotel Juliet, wine and then stronger wine,” The man walked over, handing Heeseung a card. His name was Sunghoon and he held sip and sit painting events. 
“I’m very busy, I really don’t think I can make one,” Heeseung tried to decline and he watched Kai look off. She signed something to Sunghoon and he nodded. 
“She would like it if you came to one,” He said, and she marched over and hit his arm. “OW! Why are you hitting me?”
She rolled her eyes and wrote on her pad.
I told him to leave you alone, you run a company.
“Just, how many businesses are under this hotel?” Heeseung asked. He felt like the services in this place were endless, but it looked like just an abandoned community.
“We offer pretty much everything, we even have something special out back,” Sunghoon smirked. “But those are only for club members.”
Don’t mind him, he’s lonely
“And you’re mean!” Sunghoon explained, she stuck out her tongue at him and he did the same.
“Hoon, leave her alone, get back to work,” Jake came back and Sunghoon rolled his eyes before walking off.
Sip and sit are actually fun, I hope you think about it. Your flowers will be $50
“Wait, only $50? You’re kidding? I should be paying close to $500,” Heeseung explained and she shook her head.
Nope. $50
“I really think you guys are selling yourself short here, how do you keep your business afloat?” Heeseung asked.
“Come on, magic? Again with the magic thing?”
All you have to do is believe.
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Chapter 3: Repeat after me: Homicide is not an option. 
I can’t find the first chapters, so I’m just gonna post it here. Written together with @hannahhook7744 ♥
Jace was going to murder whoever was calling him this time. 
It didn’t matter who it was. They were dead.
It was three in the fucking morning!
"What the FUCK do you want—"
"Hey Jacey. Sorry, I know that it's late where you are but—"
Okay. Maybe murder was an overreaction. 
"Oh hey Elle. What's up?"
Anthony snorted from the chair he was sitting in by the bar. 
Jace decided to ignore him for now. 
"Well, I was wondering where you kept Panos' insulin—"
"Oh did I forget to tell you about that? It's in a secret compartment in the chest under the hammock."
"Alright, thanks. Sorry for waking you—"
"No, no. It's fine. I was already up—"
This time, Sammy was the one to snort. 
Jace shot him a glare but said nothing. 
"Anthony?" Sammy asked with growing suspicion, "How come no one ever calls you?"
Disinterested Anthony Tremaine lifted his head from whatever pretentious novela he was reading at the moment.
"What are you talking about? Audrey calls me all the time," he said calmly.
"That’s not what I mean and you know it. She calls you to gossip, not to–" Not to ask for bail money or because of missing children or because they don’t know where the coffee is. 
"I need to know what you did to make them leave you alone," decided Sammy.
"Burner phone, man. No one has the number. No one can call me but Audrey," Tremaine smirked, extremely self-satisfied and extremely punchable, "Now that we’re speaking about it, someone’s calling you."
Yes, Harriet. Who is still pissed about Anthony’s disappearance of the face of the Earth.
Sammy talked her through hopefully not killing anyone, and then turned back to Tremaine, who did have the decency to pretend not to eavesdrop. "One beautiful day, I’ll murder you," they promised him.
"Hmm, not if my girls do it first."
What an extremely normal and non concerning answer. But hey, at least it will be painful.
—Line Break—
Sammy's phone rang again. 
And again. 
And again. 
And again.
"What the fuck do you want?"
"Hey Sam. Sammy. Sam the man—"
"What did you do, Harry?"
"Cj and I need bail money—"
There was a scuffle over the phone.
"Hey! No—I thought we agreed I was doing the talking?"
"You're making him mad! Give it—"
Sammy would like to state here and now that they were not paid enough for this. And that they were on vacation. And that they really didn’t want to know what the younger two Hooks did.
"Call Harriet," Sammy said. He wished the jail would stop offering the one free call."
"I feel safer in jail" Harry deadpanned. 
"For once I agree with him."
Yeah no Sammy couldn’t argue with that.
"Uma, then," they offered.
"Once again, I feel safer in jail," CJ piped up.
"Hey! That’s my Captain you’re talking about!" Harry argued, "But yeah. Jail’s safer."
"I hate both of you. Call Gil, then."
"He’d tell Uma!"
"As he damn well should."
"Please, Sammy, just send us the bail money! You’re basically my favorite
 brother!" (CJ. Of course it was her.)
"Hey! I’m standing right there!" (Harry. Who else?)
Sammy was tired of it. "Please, don’t murder each other while in the police office. And, I don’t know. Try Ginny."
To the twin screams of "Have you met her?!", Sammy hung up.
—Line Break—
Jace growled in frustration as his phone rang yet again. 
For the sixth time in the last hour and for the one hundredth and something time since he left for vacation. 
He was definitely gonna commit murder by the time they got back from Tahiti. 
"Hey Sam?"
Sammy hummed in response—not looking up from his newspaper. 
"How long is a life sentence again?"
Line break
"Sammy! Just wanted to let you know that Claudine might or might not be attempting an exorcism right now! In Castle Beast or wherever the nice fairy lady with outdated costumes lives! I hope you remember this the next time I need a tiny little favor! Bye, love you!"
Sammy stared at the phone in silent horror, the name of Ivy de Vil still on screen.
They were starting to think that burner phones might not be a bad idea.
Finally, they broke out of their stupor: "What the fuck does she think I can do with it now?!" They hissed at the screen.
"Do I even want to know why you're making that face?" Jace asked, barely glancing up from his cards. 
They had been playing poker when Sammy got the text. 
"Okaaaaaay then…. I'm just gonna take your word for it. "
—Line Break—
Jace winced as his phone buzzed. 
Wondering what he ever did to deserve this.
Whatever this was. 
He dreaded finding it out. 
Knowing the people who had his number, it couldn't be good. 
The brunette sighed before deciding that things would go a lot smoother if he just answered now and not later. "Detective Jason Badun at your service. How can I be of service–”
"Detective Jason Badun," the voice was most definitely dripping with sarcasm and detective Jason Badun winced. He recognised that voice, unfortunately. He had just hoped that the god of the dead didn’t know how to use a phone.
"Care to tell me where my son is?"
Hadie. They lost Hadie.
First Chloe and now Hadie. He goes away for a day or two and this happens!
He breathed through his teeth slowly.
"Excuse me, I’ll be back with you in a second."
("Customer voice," nodded Tremaine approvingly, and nearby Sammy almost choked, trying not to laugh.)
Jace ignored both of them as he hung up and immediately dialed his cousin.
Harry didn't answer.
"That bitch!” Jace growled frustrated, ignoring the scandalized look another vacationer sent his way at his crude language. 
Sammy did laugh that time. 
"It's not funny, blondey! Hades is gonna murder me!”
"Not if you snitch to Persephone first” Anthony chimed in, drinking some coconut milk out of a straw. Looking bored. 
Jace and Sammy stared at him. 
Both clearly too stressed out to get his meaning. 
The red head sighed. "Hades can't murder you for losing the kid he was supposed to be watching if you snitch on him to his wife for losing the kid.”
"... That… can work?” Jace asked, confused. As if the idea had never occurred to him before. 
Anthony rolled his eyes. "Yes. It works all the time with my siblings and cousins. Whoever snitches to whoever is in charge first is the one who is usually believed. Soo.. get on that.” 
The other two continued to stare at him. 
It was starting to become creepy—so he clapped. "Chop, chop. You gotta call her first, remember?”
Jace shot out of his chair, muttering curses as he scrambled to find Persephone's number (which he had for when Hadie was being particularly difficult). 
Anthony snorted. "And they saw I'm the airhead.”
—Line Break—
Sammy abruptly got up from their seat, where they were scrolling through their phone, which was, for once, not ringing. So, just a bit of mindless media consumption, as you do.
But no. It was a bad fucking idea.
Sammy cursed as they resisted breaking the bloody device and muttered something like "You leave them alone for a weekend–"
They stormed away to their room before anyone could ask what happened; for the rest of the night, sounds of packing could be heard, interrupted by agitated but quiet phone calls.
Chapter 4: Okay so maybe Homicide is an option—
"Uh… Sammy. You okay dude?” Jace asked warily, watching from the doorway as the blonde frantically threw his clothes into his suitcases. 
"Obviously they're not.” Anthony snorted, rolling his eyes. Still sipping on his coconut milk. "Are you blind?”
"It’s called common courtesy, Tremaine, you wouldn’t know," replied Jace. Sammy ignored both of them, well used to Anthony’s constant bickering.
"Whatever," shrugged Anthony, "I just don’t care all that much." He turned to leave, only for Sammy to call after him.
"You should care. Beauty’s name leaked, and I’m willing to say it’s at least fifty percent your fault."
"I’m not even there, how can it be my fault?" Anthony turned his nose up, while Jace tried to figure out what exactly happened. He was fine with saying it was Anthony’s fault, though, whatever it was. That’s what he gets for being so annoying.
"You're the one who suggested the stupid name in the first place and you're the only one who writes the full name of the ship down everywhere! Well, you and Harriet.”
"That doesn't mean it's my fault!”
"Wha—that’s exactly what it means!”
"Nuh uh.”
Jace sighed. "You are aware that you sound like your little cousins when you do that, right?”
Anthony sputtered. "I do not!”
Sammy kept packing—ignoring the two of them as they started to bicker. 
…. Only for the TV to cut them off.
"Breaking news, teenage sleuth Harry Badun is leading a non peaceful protest at Beast Castle—”
"GODS FUCKING DAMN IT, HARRY!” Jace snapped frustrated before going to pack his own bag. As it was obvious that he was gonna be needed to fix the mess his cousin had made. 
"What? You're going home too? Booo. You guys are no fun” Anthony huffed.
Both ignored him now. 
"Whatever, then. Enjoy being killjoys I guess, good luck keeping those morons back home alive. Sam, say hello from me to everyone on Dead Beauty."
Sammy stared at him for a moment, before shaking their head.
"You’re so fucking dead, Tremaine. You know that, right?"
"I'm only dead if they can find or catch me. Which they can't.” Anthony replied, smirking. 
Jace threw a sock at him—which hit him directly in the face. 
"Ew! What the fuck Badun—”
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flaylore · 13 days
[ the video starts with a pretty normal screen, Flayon’s animated debut video is playing in a faster speed inside his outfit silhouette graytone ]
[ a “GAME OVER” pops up on the screen with a spinning roon and fire, there’s “Appreciation Day” written in red text, the screen glitches and Flayon appears blue inside of one of his shields ]
🪫: “Hi! So, problem.. I’m not exactly changed yet. And! I have something for you but not much time! But I hope you like it, now you can look at my beautiful face see?”
💬 Why are you blue?
🪫: “It’s a digital projection! You get it? Sorry the shield panels don’t have like 4K.. see it’s fine like this, you get it? Exactly! But today is the roon appreciation day, this is something I’m very glad we could do and something I had to go out of the way to get so I hope you enjoy! And consider it like my gift to the roons, the people who watch me and anyone who wants to stop by. Then also! We have a new outfit today, which I have not worn yet..
[ Ruze 💢 Altare 🎇 & Bettel 🎩 are watching the stream ]
🪫: “ Hi Ruze! Hi Altare! Hi Bettel! [ he continues on with talking about his new outfit ] and I don’t know why? Like if you want the gist of it the Elysium government is saying I need to go on like a sort of vacation? I’ll still be streaming but my energy output of the R-TRUS has been out of control lately. I don't know why.. and they told me to find a way to express myself! So there’s this old outfit I think I have? But it should be fine..I just have to go grab it quick, we don’t have much time but thank you for spending this day with me so far. Let me see.. it should be in my guild room I think? I had gifts delivered to me from like my family?”
[ A notable thing to mention is when his screen changes from being a projection to being in a panel he’s shown with a Doppelgänger backdrop behind his model ]
“Hold on. It should be uhh over there in the back? Try and give me a sec okay?”
💬: Go change in private
“What do you think I’m going to do?? Just wait! I might as well show you the room, It’s one of the standard rooms okay? It’s not customized. Hold on, see you there”
[ the screen glitches as he finishes up his sentence ]
“Well what do you think? Not so bad right? I’d say it’s pretty cute even! See, this is why I don’t stay in here.. it’s like what 50 million? I’m definitely not going to bother with that but other than that I guess we can get changed? I think there’s-“
[ his sentence is cut off by a choked noise and different glitching ]
“Huh? ..What’s that? The hell?”
[ A framed picture of a younger version of Flayon is shown on the screen ]
“Is this a picture of- sorry, yeah I didn’t expect to have this in here. Is this a picture of me? ..A bit different. Like how old must I be? Around 14? ..I thought my hair was- No! No! What are you talking about? That’s me! That’s definitely me! Can’t you see!? It’s me, right? Right!?”
[ The screen glitches and a pained scream can be heard saying “ITS ME, STOP IT!” and “I’m Flayon I’m Flayon I’m Flayon I’m Flayon I’m Flayon I’m Flayon I’m Flayon I’m Flayon I’m Flayon I’m Flayon” over and over in an increasingly panicked voice ]
[ He goes silent, a different kind of glitching is on screen and the scenery changed from his room to what seems to be a train car? Text pops up on the screen ]
where am I it’s cold it’s cold it’s cold  who am I  who am I doesn’t matter it’s doesn’t matter yeah after all  I’m  I’m knocking I explain it can’t be any time here time near me time  time  I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you  HAHAHAHHAHAHAH why me this isn’t  this isn’t  this doesn’t what I wanted I’m sorry just for kissing already just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me that just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me just forgive me I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I don’t even don’t hit me don’t hit me I’m sorry I’m sorry I was doing it for you I swear
[ “WHO AM I” appears on the screen, under it are the choices “Machina” and “Flayon” in glitchy text ]
who am I Machina or Flayon who am I who am I you’re there all right please help please help please help please help please help please help I’ve been working so hard when you get to enjoy things I don’t who don’t you get to enjoy things I don’t want it yet you hate you I hate you I hate you okay so who I am I see now I supposed to be anything else feels good but this sounds oh help me help me help me help me that doesn’t make sense that doesn’t make sense so tell me help me everyone
[ “Did I do something wrong?” Shows up on the screen in red text ]
can I do something wrong
[ the text disappears before reappearing with “Yes” and “No” as choices under it in glitched letters ]
he didn’t do something wrong hahaha liar you’re a liar you don’t know what he did he took everything away from there he took everything away from me you’re lying you’re lying that’s so cold I don’t know why I didn’t even do anything wrong I didn’t do anything wrong at all I was just trying to help you you’re my precious friend so help help me it’s don’t help me that’s better The corruption it’s It’s It’s right that’s who I am on no one else there is no there is no other man the rest of me there is no and so you deserve that you deserve deserved it you deserved it after all so you deserved it all right yeah yeah you deserved it nothing else help me I said
[ text with the words “Is it wrong to hurt yourself?” appears on the screen ]
is it wrong to hurt yourself Yeah yeah it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter if it’s you
[ two choices appear under saying “Yes” and “Yes?” in glitchy text ]
It’s not wrong at all after all you’re getting your chest desserts ( most likely an error meaning “just desserts” or “the punishment that one deserves.” ) that’s not it’s not wrong it’s not drunk it’s not hahaha IT’S NOT WRONG. IT’S NOT WRONG. ITS NOT HAHAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAH HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHA why did it have to be you? you piss me off… help me “HELP ME HELP ME” [ cut off screaming noise, slightly distorted voice ] that’s better I feel a lot better now I feel a lot better it doesn’t matter and then no one would miss you And no one missed me anyways look no one can even tell the difference if people can’t tell you’re different do they even care help people care about is himself right
[ the word “Hey.” appears on the screen a few times, the last one is larger ]
hey hey
[ the words “…” and “It’s not that you’re bad…” appear on the screen next to “Hey.” in glitchy red text ]
can you hear me i thought you don’t even care about me you just gave out the word love like it’s easy you’re a liar no I’m the liar right I’m sorry why won’t you send just that don’t say stuff like that
[ Flayon screams again ]
to be honest I never liked school much and no one would pay me any attention you complain about your Birth right but you don’t know how hard it is for those without you’re taking everything for granted I don’t want to go to school anymore what’s the point everyone else is hurt me it’s feeling better I’m feeling better I promise promise so why why why why why why why why why why
[ a glitchy scream of “WHY” is cut off ]
[ red text saying “Do you love me?” pops up on screen ]
it’s almost there the corruption’s almost gone just wait okay
[ two options appear under the question “…” and “No” in glitchy text ]
of course you you don’t even know me you don’t know me at all you’re all so quick to replace me that’s all you care about
[ a creepy distorted laugh is heard ]
“Wait, that’s better. Where am I? I was getting ready for the guild.. I know. He was, he doesn’t even appreciate his friends so he deserved this right? I just wanted to help I just wanted to help I JUST WANTED TO HELP”
“Then that’s who I am”
[ large red text “Who am I?” with two choices “X” and “Neither” shows up on screen ]
“Who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I? I can’t remember. Who am I? Who am I who am I? ..No. Who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I who am I? Hahahah Hahahahhaha”
that’s right No that’s that’s not it That’s
“That’s not it! That’s not it that’s not it!”
[ another distorted scream can be heard ]
“I get it now. I’m Flayon, yeah. No one else. No one else.”
[ Flayon appears with white eyes and is in his new outfit ]
“No one else.. Hahahahahah Ah, this sucks.”
[ The light dims and we can see his face better, his eyes have white swirls and he has a dark look on his face ]
“I think you’ve.. been here long enough. You can clear the corruption as much as you want but this is my body, okay? So go away. Stick to your little Elysian friends in the guild and they’ll take care of you. Hahahahahahah”
[ the screen intensely glitches and eventually it clears, showing Flayon standing on the inside of an underground train in his full new outfit ]
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naviculariis · 3 months
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Where is Your God?
Word Count: 3,074
Warnings: Gore, Torture, Cannibalism ( is it cannibalism if you aren’t technically human anymore? ), Dead Dove: Do Not Eat territory here, folks. 
Rating: M.
Author’s Note: Okay so, Malekai originally comes from an original series that I’m creating. His home verse has nothing to do with One Piece. The Umi Umi no Mi is known as the Sea-Sea Fruit, and whoever eats it essentially gets to play the role of Davy Jones: the sea answers to them, cloaks their ship’s presence, etc. I’ll eventually explain it better, I promise. 
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Gulls cried overhead, creating a chorus that mingled with merchants calling out their prices for their fresh catches, for their wares that had arrived upon the cargo ships, of street urchins bartering and badgering. The market existed across from the port rather than in the heart of the city, which allowed for sunlight to warm the stone and cast away the fog that had lingered throughout the morning, turning the once dreary day lighter.  Civilians and Marines alike made their way through the port-side market, perusing stall after stall, blissfully unaware of what was happening mere feet from their docile, comfortable livelihoods. The cacophony of sounds hid the sharp screams for help that echoed periodically from a ship within the port. Bargains between customer and peddler; laughter drifting across the waters.
 The ship was grand, a Galleon that had obvious love and care put into her. Her wood seemed to be stained a vibrant, rich red; whatever lacquer had been used to stain and protect would have cost a pretty penny. Her masts rose high, with ivory sails that were tucked in for the time being. The crew of this magnificent ship mulled about on deck, seemingly taking the morning to rest while they await for their captain. The hull creaked gently as it was rocked by the waters of the Cobalt Port. 
The waves were a touch choppy; white caps further out from the port, signaling rougher seas to be seen. Storm season was quickly approaching, after all. 
 The Captain paced slowly, silently, across the floor of the lower deck of the Crimson Grace, as if the ship and water it floated upon answered his need for secrecy. The sound of footsteps were muffled, the leather of boots creaking gently as each step met darkly stained wood, the sins of the past having wept into the floorboards. A fat tabby cat lounged upon an empty barrel of ale, tail flicking left and right as its green gaze watched the man curiously, waiting for his next move. When he stepped close enough, the cat rolled over onto its back, baring his belly for scratches that were gladly given from a gloved hand, finely crafted leather with crimson stitching. A purr rumbled free from the sweet creature, its eyes slowly shutting as the hand drifted up to offer a scratch beneath its chin for a moment. The hand retreated, but the feline did not move aside from its tail, which continued to flick to and fro against the oaken barrel, eyes still shut in bliss. 
The unruly waves of the Cobalt Port broke against the hull of the ship, adding to the soft chorus of muffled whimpers; the beautiful music of pain and fear mingling. Each footfall brought forth another whimper, another gasp, another flinch backwards into the rickety chair whose legs were close to breaking and seemed to creak with every minuscule movement. The Marine, a tall man in his late twenties, feared that if he were to lean back any farther, it would simply give way, sending him sprawling back onto the wooden floor. His breath came forth in stuttering pants; he’d lost feeling in his left hand, and his right was quickly following. This meant that grasping his blade- if he even got the chance- wouldn’t work, not if his hands were numbed to the point of non functioning due to the harsh angle his shoulders were forced into resting. The coarse rope tied far too tightly around his wrists dug in painfully, chaffing the skin to the point of bleeding, rubbed raw; blood dripping down his hands to mingle with the blood that dripped from his fingers due to the missing fingernails. Blood dripped from the tips of his fingers slowly, dropping into the pool of crimson that had formed below.
The Captain turned on his heel suddenly, making the Marine jump in his chair. No hat to hide behind, no gun to draw- no, those had been stolen from him when he’d been jumped and drugged with an aromatic cloth in the early morning hours before the sun rose. “The Vice Admiral will be looking for me,” the Marine tried to speak around the gag in his mouth, having found his voice once more. It came out garbled, more akin to “Ha ich amiral ill e ooing or ee”. A laugh escaped the captain- his head tilting back, long, strawberry blonde hair swaying with the movement, mouth wide open to reveal sharpened incisors and canines- akin to what a wolf’s mouth would look like, the Marine realized belatedly. ‘Oh, Gods, please spare me from this wolf,’ he prayed silently, hoping that some deity above would answer his pleas for mercy. Like a lamb cornered in the pasture by a hungry wolf, bleating for its mother who would not come.
It seemed as if mercy did not exist within this hellscape of a pirate ship. 
“You’ve no rank that matters to me,” the Captain spoke softly- a tone that would have been calming had the threat not been present. A rank would make little difference now. “You won’t be missed. You’re just a grunt. You’ll be labeled a deserter.” Sighing, he shook his head, wavy tresses following the movement, causing the rings within the braids to jingle ever so softly. “And you’re lying to me!” His arms crossed over his chest, drawing attention to the ink that settled in the skin of his left forearm; tentacles, it seemed to be, winding around his arm and onto the back of his hand, before curling around to his palm, ending with the longest tentacle wound around his middle finger. Leaning down, eyes the same color of grave dirt studied the man with a sense of morbid curiosity, drawing his attention from the intricate tattoo to meet his gaze once more.
The Marine’s once neatly trimmed brown hair had been matted by a mixture of sea water and dried blood. His face had once been a lively shade of beige with rosy cheeks flushed from the spring sunlight, but was no longer pretty. Instead, it now resembled a macabre mask of bruises and cuts. His lip had been split open, blood and saliva mixing and spilling over his chin, dribbling down onto the torn, once-white shirt that had been soaked through with sweat, sea water, blood, and bile.
“I do not like it when people lie to me, Sir.”
The Marine shook his head quickly, voice abandoning him once more as his mouth worked around silent syllables. His gaze, a blue so vivid it appeared crystalline, was wide, pupils blown from the pain and fear mixing with adrenaline within his veins. His chest heaved as fresh pain arched through his body from the movement; broken ribs screamed at him to please stop moving, please, we’re tired. Fresh blood oozed from a trio of deep lacerations in his chest, the skin ripping apart once more, undoing the minor scabbing that had begun, staining the fabric of his uniform further. 
“You… are not lying to me?” Malekai asked, eyes widening as faux innocence colored his features. In that moment, he appeared to be naught older than twenty and five, despite being nearly double that age. But the Marine knew better; he’d become the Wolf of the Seas for a reason. “Oh, then I must apologize for this entire situation!” His fingers hooked in the rope that had been used as a gag, undoing the knot that kept it in place, giving the knight a moment of respite. A thankful gasp spilled free as he was allowed a single breath of fresh, unfiltered air- 
until Malekai roughly took hold of the ends of the rope and tugged the knight’s head back suddenly, rocking the chair back with the movement. A scream of anguish escaped the knight as the corners of his mouth ripped from the movement, fresh blood spilling down his cheeks, filling his mouth, gagging him, coloring the tan rope a deep scarlet. “Oh, I am so sorry! Does this hurt?” Malekai hissed as he roughly drug the rope back and forth quickly, creating friction for a rope burn across the knight’s face, dragging it deeper into the lacerations he’d created, ripping the flesh further and further. “You see, we must not be communicating properly,” his hands finally stilled, releasing the rope to reach up, cupping his bloody jaw, drawing the knight’s tear-filled gaze to meet his own brown. He leaned close- close enough to kiss if the situation had been different. His gaze swept across his face slowly, drinking in the tears and blood, the unmistakable scent of iron thick in the air that lingered between them. “Because I know you are lying to me. How, you may ask? Because I have eyes and ears all over this city, and I have witnesses that put Marine vessels in the North Blue, near the shoreline of More-Lesa. You think your little Vice Admiral runs this city but that is wrong, little Marine. I do. I run this city, and this city answers to me. I am your King, don’t you know?”
The Marine whimpered; he’d been caught, and now he was going to die, body tossed into the Cobalt Port and never to be seen again, weighed down by stones to forever rest at the bottom of the ocean. What about his wife? His child? What would happen to them? Oh, sweet Hera, please watch over them! When Malekai leaned in, he shuddered. Oh- oh, Gods above, that was his tongue dragging up his cheek, leaving a wet smear in its wake! A hum spilled free from the Captain at the taste of salt and iron mingling. The Marine tried to lean back, to put space between them, but Malekai leaned with him to tower over his slight form. Piss dribbled down his pant legs as his bladder lost control, mixing with the urine that had long since dried. 
“Yes, so you see,” Malekai murmured as his hands smoothed over mottled, torn flesh before he straddled his lap, full weight bearing down upon his thighs, arms resting around his shoulders. Chest to chest, no way to escape as his fingers wove through brown locks. It was jarring to be touched so gently after the hours of torture, to be caressed as if they were lovers. “You have one more chance to tell me the truth. You can try to scream, to cry, to beg- but no one will hear you. Do you know why? No, no, do not try to answer- Malekai is speaking, and I will tell you why you will not be heard by the people walking outside! It is high tide now, and a storm is coming in. Listen, can you hear the thunder?” He fell silent, watching as the Marine struggled to hear over the Lessan accent of Malekai. Distantly, he could hear it- the thunder rolling over the water. That explains why the waters were growing rougher by the minute, the shop rocking with the waves. “It is nearly eleven o’clock in the morning as well; the fish market will be busy, and the merchants are calling out their prices for their wares and catches of the day. No one is going to hear you down here, under my waters, beneath my deck, little Marine.” He cooed, lips drawing into a slow, small smile. 
“Please,” the knight sobbed softly, voice shaking from the effort of moving his torn mouth. “I don’t know. I was just told by the Vice Admiral to deliver the message, that’s all!”
“Oh, a message?” Malekai mused, eyes widening in curiosity. “What message would that be?”
“I don’t-”
Malekai clicked his tongue as his fingers wound themselves around long brunette locks, yanking hard enough that clumps snapped free from his scalp, drawing forth a new scream. “Did I not make myself clear, sweetling?” He hissed, rising from his temporary seat as he tilted the knight’s head back, “You will not be making it out of here alive, no matter what tricks you try to pull! It would be much easier if you simply told me the truth, yes?” He gave another harsh tug before dropping his hand away with a disgusted grunt, lips curled into a scowl. “Why must you be so difficult? I am being quite nice, I believe.” 
“All I was told was to tell him that Mihawk had made contact with Red Hair Shanks!” His voice was frantic as he watched Malekai move back. “And that plans were moving smoothly regarding something called a Pacifista!” Relief crossed his mottled features as he sagged in the chair. The bonds had gotten looser; his left hand was numb enough that- there! Breaking his own thumb, he was able to slip the bond off of his wrist and retrieve the short knife in his sleeve.
“Now, was that so difficult?” Malekai sighed as he rolled his shoulders, gaze drifting to a dark corner of the hull. “Now, you will tell me-” before he could finish his sentence, the sound of a fight beginning overhead caught his attention. Brows drawing inward, he sighed. “What are they doing? I told them-” his voice cut off at the feeling of pain flaring up in his side, a pained noise escaping him as he glanced down to meet the Marine’s frantic gaze. Brow raising, his gaze trailed further down to the knife embedded in his side. “Oh, you stupid, pitiful fool,” he cooed, turning to face him. 
There was a shift in the air, then, the Marine realized- as if the shadows of the hull had grown darker, denser, the fire in the oil lamp flickering with the breeze of an unfelt wind. The lamp spluttered, attempting to keep the flame alive. Quietly, he began to pray, “Through the valley of the shadow-” he couldn’t finish the prayer, for his words were stolen as the oil lamps were extinguished by invisible hands- one after the other. Whispers began to flood the hull, none of the words making any sense- too many languages jumbling together. Fear gripped him, giving him clarity. “Oh, sweet merciful Death, the rumors-”
“Were true.” Malekai finished for him. In the light that broke through the cracks of the floor above them, he looked more like a demon from the depths of the sea than a human. Teeth far too white, eyes far too bright, his body seeming to contort and shift in the shadows. The scent of the sea air grew thicker, strangling him; salt, brine, rotting fish. It felt as if the oxygen was being sucked out of the hull, as if he had suddenly plunged hundreds of feet below the surface of the sea with the pressure. He struggled to breath, gasping for air as his lungs struggled. “Tell me,” Malekai whispered; despite standing in front of him, he clearly heard the voice coming from behind him as breath tickled the back of his neck, as a hand slid along his shoulder blades before wrapping around his throat while Malekai leaned close, close, too close.
Close enough that he could see the tattoo moving across Malekai’s arm, extending down, coming to life with a sickening wet sound that had his heart freezing within his chest. He looked back up, meeting grave dirt eyes.
“Where are your so-called Gods now, Marine?”
The fat tabby cat sat upon the barrel of ale, licking its paw of the blood that had gotten onto its fur. Malekai sighed, using the remnants of his shirt to wipe the gore from his mouth, his face, his hands. His left arm ached, but then again, it always did whenever he had to resort to using a more hands-on approach. His clothes were ruined, soiled by blood, urine, and a bit of vomit from the Marine. It was interesting to see how people would react in the face of death.
The heart was still warm, still dripping, as he clutched it in his palm, creating a little pool on the floor. Turning on his heel, he made his way to where an ornate little box of Wano make sat undisturbed upon a keg of black powder. Carefully, he placed the wedding ring taken from the Knight’s hand within the box- to join countless others that gleamed in the low lamplight. As footsteps began to clunk down down the stairs, he raised his bloodied hand to his mouth, licking a slow stripe through the viscous liquid with the broad, flat part of his tongue, until his lips met with the meat of the heart. Mouth opening, teeth settled within the flesh as blood spilled forth. A gag escaped his new guest at the sight as Malekai hummed, chewing slowly before swallowing. A rag was tossed his way; he caught it with a roll of his eyes. Tossing the heart into an empty bucket, he began to clean his hands of the blood. 
Darkened fingers of a right hand gave the cat a scratch behind the ears before the owner of the hand turned, meeting the gaze of their Captain. “What’d you do, decide to bathe in his blood like the old Janoshima Empress?” Kaith asked, not daring to step any further down than the eighth step of fifteen. “They’re gonna complain about having to clean up this mess.”
“Then let them complain,” Malekai replied with a flippant shrug. “I am going to bathe, and then we need to set sail for Mary Geoise. I need to meet on neutral ground to make my requirements be known.” Tugging his shirt over his head, he tossed it aside, ignoring the wet splat it made as it landed in a pool of blood. No body was left to discard of- only blood. 
Only ever blood. 
“Did you make him sing?” Kaith asked, gaze trailing across the mess that covered Malekai. Strawberry blonde waves dripping with blood, trousers soaked with Gods only know what, left hand shaking with a tremor that would leave within the hour. His face was still covered in the gore; he’d been messier than normal this time, no doubt due to the angered seas. Seas that answered to him. 
The owner of the legendary Logia fruit, the Umi Umi no Mi. 
A smile- cold, cruel, dangerous- split across the captain’s lips as he gazed up at his little Shadow, enveloped in the dying light of the day. “Oh, like the sirens of mythos.” 
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elenavampire21 · 7 months
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Warning: tiny mention on p in v , reader trying her Hand at being a step in actress
Summary: you are Tom and the casts makeup artist when one day Tom asked if your try your hand at being an actor and things turn loving and steamy for them both
@worldofheroes @love2write2626 @helloitstsyu @elenavampire21
New Experiences
You had arrived on set and is getting your makeup brushes and products ready for the actors and actresses. You tiredly walked over and switched on the kettle and sat down and rubbed her eyes.
There was a soft knock on the door “y/n are you okay can I come in.” You automatically grinned knowing exactly who it was and saw the trailer door open and Tom walk in.
“Sure Tom you can come in would be nice to have a chat wanna coffee I’m about to make one”
Tom walks in and sees you looking exhausted “oh sweetheart you look exhausted you stay relax and I’ll make the coffee did you even get any sleep” Tom hands you a mug of coffee.
You sips the coffee “mmmh thanks Tom just my little sister had a nightmare so spent the whole night cuddling her whilst she was constantly screaming, you ready for make up heard you’ve got a scene fairly soon.”
She put the mug down and slowly begins her makeup routine on Tom.
Evie knocks on the door “5 minutes mr cruise then you’re needed on set, how’s it going y/n”.
You’re just putting the finishing touches to Tom “everything is fine and Mr cruise is ready to be taken off my hands.”
Tom gets up and give you a gentle kiss to the cheek “please rest darling” opening the trailer door he heads out and goes straight to the set.
You kick off your pumps and spread out onto the trailer couch and sips her coffee that Tom made her. She slowly drifts off to sleep unaware what time or how long she’s been sleeping.
Evie calls Tom who is about to start a scene in where Ethan captures and catches Abby his love interests from falling a high building.
Abby would have been played by Michelle Monaghan but she called in sick and said she has to pull out of filming.
Evie pulls Tom aside “we can’t do any of the Ethan and Abby scenes today Michelle’s pulled out because she’s sick and it’s not going to be easy to pick a good trainee in a couple of days we literally start filming those scenes in a week we’ll never find anyone.”
Tom signed then went quiet a little trying to think if 1. it would work and 2. If you’d actually say yes. “Evie give me a few minutes I think I’ve kinda got an idea”.
Evie yelled “please do Tom and make it fast or I’m gonna have to call mc Q and pull the release date back again and he’s not gonna be happy.”
Tom walks out of the set and headed straight to your trailer softly stepping up he knocked on the door there was no answer he slowly opened it “y/n it’s just Tom here was wondering if i could ask for a tiny weeny favo.” He stopped and admired how beautiful you looked when sleeping he gently took the mug and placed it onto the table. He was able to leave when he heard you yawning softly opening your eyes you’re surprised to see Tom.
Bolting up “oh my god Tom sorry don’t actually know how long I’ve been asleep shit am I need on set to do Michelle’s makeup I’ll do it right now.” You begin rushing round grabbing brushes and blusher and throwing them into a clutch bag you take on sets.
Tom gently grab you by the shoulders “y/n stop and breathe, I’m glad you’re getting sleep no your not needed to do Michelle’s makeup because sadly she’s pulled out feeling sick, I’m here on a little idea you don’t have to agree on anything yet but would you like to you know give your hand At acting and for the record no your not just a makeup artist so you can get that argument out of your head.”
You smirked and was actually surprised that was going to be one of the first bits to the argument. “Wait so even though you’ve got a book full of other girl actresses that you and Evie could have chosen from you decided to ask me, what does my character have to do anyway.”
Tom smiled “well there’s a scene where Abby is kidnapped and Ethan captures and catches her when she falls from a tall building obviously you’ll be securely harnessed in and you don’t have to do it if you’re not comfortable.”
You think of how the scene would play out all you’ve gotta do is literally jump of a high building harnessed in and at the end land safely in Tom’s arms it’s a no brainier because your slowly becoming to see he is a loving and caring guy he literally was panicking this morning about you not getting any sleep and that he thought of you than anyone else.
“Okay come on Mr Cruise we have a scene to film chop chop.” You smirked and walked down the steps of the trailer.
Tom followed you and automatically held your hand as the pair of you walk into the set.
Evie and mc Q were chatting “let’s just hope Tom has found a good and reasonable person to play Abby.”
Mc Q has a slight little smirk noticing that you and Tom are literally holding hands
“Hey ev you there’s something going on between Tom and y/n.”
Evie turns and giggles “I knew he was super panicked this morning about y/n not getting enough sleep then he must of instantly thought of her to play abby.”
Tom walks you over to where your character would be and he gave a detailed description of how the stunt would work and he reminded you wasn’t forced to do the stunt.
You’re harnessed in and standing near the edge of the building your breathing and getting into character you look down at Tom and hods letting him know you’re ready.
Abby slowly walks back then runs and jumps off the building fake screaming and is quickly caught by Ethan. You instantly wrap your arms and legs round Tom.
The director yells “and cut y/n well done you can let go of Tom we’ve got the perfect scene y/n”. He looks at Tom worried
You still gripping and wrapped round Tom he notices your shaking. “Ssh ssh hey sweetheart you’re safe the stunts over y/n”.
Slowly you begin to unwrap and stop gripping Tom but your still shaking he gently holds your hand and walks back to his trailer once your both in and he’s gently sat you down he crouches in front of you and holds your hands again and gently rubs the backs of your hand.
“Hunny y/n it’s okay you’re safe listen it’s just you and me and I’m not gonna judge whatever made you scared but I would like to help”.
You softly look at to a tiny bit vulnerable. “Tom I’ve never told anyone about this because when I did everyone even my friends laughed and called me pathetic my I’m seriously scared of heights and that stunt scared me but I wanted to do it for you.”
Tom gently gets up and sits next to you.
“Well for one thing you are not pathetic you’re amazing, daring, stunning, kind and I really wanna kiss your lips.”
You’re still facing Tom and smiling “you think I’m amazing and daring stunning, Tom just kiss we I’ve wanted to kiss you this morning”.
He gently moves your body making you straddle him instantly wrapping arms around your waist and gently pulling you closer and suddenly both your lips connect and you softly moan.
After a while of kissing each other you and Tom pull back to breathe. “Y/n what’s your plans for tonight.”
You stoke his cheek “Mmmh plans for tonight spending time my sister probably getting zero sleep again is she has another nightmare.”
Tom pulls and cuddles you and softly kisses the top of your head “nope baby bring your sister to mine and we can all have dinner together maybe a movie night and you’re sleeping in my bed.”
You automatically gasp and lean up “mr cruise and you incinerating that I’ll be spending the night in your bed, mmmh can we just stay cuddling for a tiny bit longer”
Tom cups your face and gently kisses you
“Baby for you I’ll do anything besides i kinda wanna meet your little sister”
You kiss and snuggle into tom “really Christie can be a hug pain in the butt and always demanding stories and cuddles.”
Tom chuckles “mmh so now I know where she got her demands for cuddles like her sister.”
You sit up and playfully hit tom “not funny mr cruise was gonna see if you wanted to have a cheeky quickie but now you’re just gonna have to wait”. You shuffle and stands up.
tom raise a brow “excuse me y/n where the hell are you going come back here and give me a kiss”.
You fold your arms and smirk whilst leaning against the wall “nope why don’t you come over here or make me Tom or better still take me home.”
Tom Bolts up and runs up and grabs your hand quickly locks his trailer door and heads straight to his car and drives to his penthouse.
You and Tom quickly unlocks the door and lets you in before automatically pinning you against the wall and kisses down your neck and chest .
“Ahh tom I’ve gotta pick Christie up in about ten minutes think you can handle that old man.” You’re instantly hoisted over Tom’s shoulder and carried upstairs and into Tom’s bed.
“Oi less of the old man and we maybe have ten minutes but I’m coming to meet your sister so chop -chop”
You both make quick work of removing your clothes and Tom softly and gently pushes you back onto the bed and grabs his cock in his hand and pumps it a few times whilst you gather some saliva and rub your pussy.
Tom rubs his hard cock over your folds before sliding into your wet folds “ugh fuck your big mmh feels amazing.”
Tom slowly ruts his hips and passionately sucks and bites on your tongue’s. You grip his shoulders and jackhammers your hip with Tom’s. “Ahh aah shit Tom I can’t hold on.”
Tom picks up the rhythm and roughly fucks and pounds into you as he releases his warm liquid cum and you also release your cum. Both fall into each other’s arms.
“Sorry I couldn’t keep the sex going it’s just been a while since I’ve had a good fuck.”
You grab your watch “ugh I better get going to the school pick Christie from school.”
You get up and change and looks at Tom
“You coming to meet my little monkey of a sister.”
Tom gets changed and holds your hand and locks up and he’d to his car they eventually arrive at Christie’s school you get out and wait at the gates. As you’re waiting Your getting lots of evil looks at all the other mums because Tom’s wrapped his arms round your waist from behind.
You quietly snigger at turn to Tom
“Ehm Mr Cruise I kinda think you’re making other mothers jealous by cuddling me”
Tom whispers “who gives a shit they’re gonna have to deal with it future Mrs y/n Cruise”.
You turn round and smile “are you proposing to me mr cruise because it’ll be a yes”
Christie comes running out “y/n y/n look what I made in art class. Wait your Tom cruise my sister loves you she use to kiss a poster of you every night”.
Tom picks Christie “well it’s nice to meet you Christie and did your sis always kiss a poster of me you are a marvellous painter would you like to stay at my penthouse maybe watch movies eat sweets and you can even have a massive bed to yourself.
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grisschlager · 8 months
Summer Event | Toru Oikawa x Reader
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Warnings : Mention of alcohol (not for the students), a lot of nicknames
Part 1 (optional) Part 2 (optional)
The last day of school before summer break had let out. Mad dashes and people scrambling over one another echoed down every hall as everyone tried to be the first one out. I decided that I would not be suicidal today. The classroom is fine for another five minutes. It took someone’s squished up face ramming into the class’s door for me to take out my phone. I’m tuning all this out. Upon flashing my phone’s screen on, I took notice of all the messages decorating my notification wall. The Karasuno group chat, Oikawa, Lev, Bokuto, Kuroo, Iwa, Kenma… when did I give them my number? I decided to open up from bottom to top, starting with Kenma’s. It was simple, explaining that he got my number from Kuroo. I did not give Kuroo my number either. He then asked if I was going to the firework show. Ah, as if I had a choice. The volleyball clubs in a bunch of schools around had planned a summer break party, including fireworks, barbecue, and water-related activities. I texted back that I was going and I’d see him there. Now, time to interrogate Kuroo. Heading over to his message next, he said he got my number from Bokuto. Another guy I DIDN’T GIVE MY NUMBER TO. I sent him the affirmative that I was going to the event. Bokuto time. Same song and dance again, he got his information from Lev. How Lev got my number, beats the hell out of me. Send an affirmative and move to Lev. His came from Iwa, and we all know where Iwa got my number from. I’d deal with that boy later.
I stood from my desk, opening up the group chat and being greeted with an explosion of all-caps. Hinata, Tanaka, and Nishinoya were making outrageous plans for the cookout portion. Something about buying a bull. That’s not what I needed to read, though. I scrolled up to the best of my ability, skipping past the past 45 minutes of screaming, and finally reached the calm planning part. The team planned to meet up around five at night. Alright, that gives me a good… hour and a half! Plenty of ti- I have no yukatas… Alright a short shopping trip it is.
Yukata acquired! It was a black and red one with koi fish. Simple but still pretty. Okay, now it was time to go home. While walking home, I slipped out my phone. I unlocked it and caught up to the group chat. Daichi was chewing out the trio for suggesting using paint in the water balloons instead of water, and Oikawa had sent two messages. Gotta bite the bullet some time. I opened up Toru’s messages.
Milk Bread: I’ll be going to the firework show tonight ;)
When are you going? We should go together :o
Hellllooooo I know you’re seeing these! :&lt;
Iwa-Chan said you responded to him! :’(
What is wrong with this guy?
Me: I was just getting a yukata! Quit sending so many emojis!
Milk Bread: :P so we’re :l going together =-D right? >:>
Me: I regret giving you my number
Milk Bread: =3
Me: I’m meeting with the team at 5
Milk Bread: ^^
Me: Come on now Kawa use your big boy words
Milk Bread: &lt;3
Me: yeah that works &lt;3
Slipping my phone away with a playful grin, I entered a light jog back home, wanting to hurry just in case Toru pulled some of his magic and appeared at my doorstep in the next 10 minutes.
Using the next hour to my advantage, I donned my new yukata, brushed my messy hair aside and out of my face, clipped on fake paper earrings, and freshened up with varying vanity items. Checking the time, I saw it was just about the designated meeting time along with multiple texts that announced their arrival at the meeting spot. Grabbing my keys, phone, bag, and water, I was shooting out of the house.
“Woah, what’s the rush, Suteki-Chan?” Two giant hands clasped around my shoulders, bringing me to a harsh stop. Looking up at my entrapment, I was met with a sickly sweet smile, his hair curling upwards flawlessly. He may be beautiful and he may have just called me the cutest nickname ever, but I was not going to be late. I lifted my arms and grabbed his hands that were still resting on my shoulders.
“Come on, Toru.” I yanked forward, causing the boy, now behind me, to lose his balance and trip forward.
“I’m losing my sandal!”
“Tell it no!” I was not stopping. Not for anything. Unless Toru actually did lose his shoe. I can’t just let him be half-barefooted.
Not long after, and without sandal casualties, we made it to the team meetup spot. I, proudly, strolled over to the rest of my team, Toru still in tow.
“Y/N-Chan.” Toru pouted from behind me, “You could’ve given me a warning. Is my hair messed up?” I released the boy’s hands and turned around to give him an evaluation.
“Hmmmm… nope!” To further convince the upset setter, I gave the most comforting grin I could.
“You better be telling the truth…” Toru continued to pout, but reached his left hand to grab onto my right one.
“Y/N IS HERE!” Well, not anymore. The speed that Toru pulled his arm away had me concerned he’d pull a muscle. Mere seconds passed before Hinata was all over the scene.
“What’s Oikawa doing here again?!” Cue Toru’s fake smile.
“Believe it or not, Y/N’s my friend. Makes sense I’d want to go see fireworks with my friend, right?” Hinata nodded.
“Yeah! That makes sense.”
“Now that introductions are over, let’s get moving, yeah?” Coach Ukai suggested, clearly not wanting to be chaperone that night.
“Yes sir!” Taka and Noya bellowed, saluting. A tick of silence floated by before Hinata saluted along with the other two. Ukai responded with a drawn-out sigh and a pinch to his nose bridge. He began walking with a concerned Takeda following, causing everyone else to duckling behind.
“What’s his problem?” Toru leaned down to whisper at me after we were safely tucked in the back of the group. I turned my head to whisper back.
“I think he’s hungover.”
“They asked him to chaperone at the last minute. He ranted about it in his office.”
“How-How did you hear?” I sighed.
“I was just trying to ask him for the storage key.” Toru’s gaze held great concern. “Don’t worry, he’s just going to be snappy. Me and Noya call him turtle.” Oikawa said nothing in return, instead opting to rest his fingers right below my elbow.
“Your team is weird.” A playful tone, a teasing smirk, and the soft tickle cascading down my arm let me know that he meant that in the best way. No reason to let him off the hook, though.
“Ah, rude. So I’m weird too?” A chuckle surrendered out of the boy’s chest, the tickle down my arm worming its way into my hand’s grasp.
“You’re the weirdest one.” I used the hand he wasn’t holding to flick his chest.
“That why you get along with me so well?”
“Hah… Shut up.” Toru gave my hand a squeeze, not too hard to be harsh, but definitely not lovingly soft either. I was glad Toru was going to the occasion, of course the rest of Aoba Johsai was going, but Toru was going with me! I was looking forward to spending quality time with him, we hadn’t had much of that since he snuck into training camp that one time. We also hadn’t really gotten much of a chance to talk about our future, or about us. The talk was for sure coming, but golly gee I’m nervous.
“Tanaka, what are you wearing?!” I was pulled out of my thoughts by the familiar sound of Nishi.
“Ugh, okay my sister took my sandals for some stupid project or something and my mom is steam cleaning my sports shoes! These were all I had!” Said man lifted his arms, showing off sneakers that were more like ankle boots, and they… also look like… a cast? I slapped a hand over my mouth to stop from erupting into a fit of giggles.
“Why not just wear your normal, everyday shoes?!” Suga wailed.
“What do you think these are?!” Baldie gestured wildly at his shoes.
“Oh brother.” Tsukishima huffed out.
15 minutes of walking and lightly making fun of Tanaka’s shoes led us to the large park where numerous others were already setting up. The grills were firing up to start grilling the greasiest meats possible, four buckets of water balloons were filled with more coming, two sprinkler sections were set, and a huge box of explosives were being hauled into a safe corner. I sure hope it’s safe anyway. We don’t need a bunch of volleyball players getting into those. Suddenly, I had a terrible, horrible, awful thought.
“Toru, did you bring blankets?” Panic evident in my voice over the imminent threat of grassy scratchy torture.
“I brought a blanket.” Heh… hehehe… schmoozing time. I donned a dreamy smile and fluttered my eyelashes up at the captain.
“Toru~” Toru~ picked up what I was trying to say quickly.
“Aww, forget your blanket, Y/N-Chan?” Before I could nod, Oikawa cupped my chin in his hand, squishing my cheeks upwards. “Say please~” This little shit.
“Pweash?” Seemingly pleased with this answer, he let go of my chin.
“I was gonna let you sit with me anyway~” My face darkened, and I lunged at this teasing moron. Of course, just like how he caught up with me in the parking lot all those months ago, he easily outran me with his stick legs.
“I’ll get you when you least expect it, Oikawa!” I yelled after the still-retreating boy.
“What did he do this time?” Another voice startled me, causing me to jump and turn around. “Sorry.” It was just Iwa.
“Oh, you’re fine. He was-”
“-being a sweet and perfect angel, of course!” Speak of the devil. Toru sidled up beside me and laid his elbow on my shoulder, grinning innocently at Iwa. Iwa just glanced dubiously at me, and in return, I gave him a small head shake.
“He’s all yours, Y/N.” Iwa left no room for rebuttals in his walk away. I wasn’t sure to feel happy or devastated at being left alone with Oikawa.
“Now that we’re all alone, Y/N-Chan, let’s go throw balloons at people.” Ah, yes, happy.
“Okay!” Toru steered me over to the designated warzone, topped off with overturned tables and bucket stations. “I do hope you’re not planning on turning on me during the war.” I warned him; I could see right through him.
“Toru.” I warned once more.
“Come onnnnn you know me!”
“Toru.” Said man stood still for a moment, drinking in my cautioning face. That didn’t stop him, though. He pirouetted, lurched forward, and, before I could stop him, grabbed a balloon and lobbed it at me. I dove for cover, but I was hit.
It grazed my hip. I’m done for. I hit the ground and turned over on my back. Raising a hand in the air, I beckoned Toru over. He edged over, afraid of a sneak attack.
“T-Toru? Is that you? Oh, thank the heavens. Come closer.” I let my arm flop to the ground beside me. Toru listened and scooted closer, albeit slowly. “Listen, I’m not gonna last much longer. *cough cough* It’s getting cold, hard to breathe. I’m glad to spend my final moments with you. *gasp* Please, tell my family I love them.” I grappled onto Toru’s hand, pulling him just a little closer so he could hear me take my final gasp for breath before I “died.”
“...Y-Y/N-Chan?” Toru scrambled forward, placing his ear right above my chest before gasping dramatically and falling back. He grabbed fistfuls of grass and yanked upward, taking the grass with him as he bellowed out a “NOOOOOOOO.”
“Hey everyone, the food is ready!” A random dude shouted out. I shot into a standing position.
“Time’s-a wastin’ Kawa.” I darted toward the food table along with other much taller and beefier teenage boys. I’ve already reached the point of no return, no turning back now.
“Woah! No rush, Y/N!” Toru’s arms wrapped around my waist to hold me back, allowing the rush of men to dogpile the steaks. I was singing my praises to Toru’s stick legs this time.
“Oh- thank you, Ruru. I was too blinded by the hunger.”
“Eh- Ruru?!”
“Mhm! It’s cute.” I wiggled out of his grasp and casually approached the swarm of vultures. It’s fight or die.
Alright, so it was not fight or die. Everyone was very pleasant. Imagine a mosh pit, except instead of a band, there’s just a burger on stage. It was exactly like that. Now I was happily eating a hotdog next to Toru, who was eating everything.
“Do you wanna go back to the water after we eat, N/N (nickname)?” Oh, and Toru is now calling me N/N.
“Hmm, how much longer until the firework show?” Toru chuckled at that question, resting his head on his hand.
“How am I supposed to know?”
“Okay, fair. Can we play in the sprinklers?”
“Mhm, anything you want, Y/N-Chan~”
I had planned to splash around for about half an hour. Surprise surprise when Toru and I wrapped towels around ourselves an hour and a half later. Neither of us had brought a change of clothes, so there we were, hair and clothes soaked and sore throats from laughing. I expected to have fun with Oikawa today, but what I wasn’t expecting was to fall even harder for him. A surprise, sure, but a welcome one. There was an announcement for the firework show; it was starting in ten minutes. That announcement was what made us finally dry off.
“Hey, Y/N! Haven’t seen you around all day.” A voice came from behind me. I peered over my shoulder to see Suga smiling softly. “The team agreed to sit near each other. We’d love for you to join.” The thought of sitting with them warmed my heart, but the thought of getting to talk with Oikawa filled me with the fuzziest feeling. The choice was clear.
“Well, I’d love to Suga, but I was planning on sitting with Oikawa.”
“Speaking of. I’m going to set up a spot for us, Y/N-Chan.” Oikawa flashed a cocky smirk as he walked off with our blanket. Once the captain was out of ear-shot, Suga placed a soft hand on my shoulder, coupled with a knowing smile.
“Y/N, you know I trust your judgement, but be careful with him, alright? Just in case the rumors turn out to be true.”
“Rumors?” I turned to fully face the setter, and said boy let his hand fall off my shoulder.
“That he’s a ladies’ man. I don’t know if he… uh, swings that way.” My mind blanked. Oh god… Oh Suga… I shyly smiled back at the boy in front of me.
“I’ll be careful, promise. And I’ll be alright if he doesn’t swing that way.”
“Good luck.” Suga waved and was on his way. Oh, he was so sweet. I went on my way as well, seeking out the still-drying swoops of hair. He was sitting all the way in the back, like, all the way. I began my hike, trekking through the spiky summer grass, past all the dudes chatting with their pals. The good news, I made it in one piece. The bad news, there was barely any time to talk with Oikawa about everything. Well, no shame in trying. I sat gingerly beside the brunette boy, enjoying the closeness of sharing a blanket.
“Toru? Can we talk?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah of course. What is it?”
“Well, there’s two things actually.”
“I still want to hear it.” Toru lightly joked, nerves shining through his tone.
“At training camp, the kiss.” Toru lightly hummed.
“What about it?”
“Can we do it again? Wait- hang on that’s-” Beside me, Toru burst into a fit of laughter.
“You liked it, yeah?”
“Well, uh, I like you and, like, yeah, I did.”
“You like me?” Toru sent a sly smirk my way, eyes shining with adoration. Looking into those eyes got my mouth all dry.
“I- Didn’t I just say that? Wait, that came out wrong-”
“So, what you’re telling me is… you wanna date? Officially?” I frantically nodded at my blanket buddy, thankful he said it so I didn’t have to.
“Oh- we still have to keep it a secret.” I quietly reminded.
“I can work with that. I still get to have you.” Toru’s words went straight from my ears to my cheeks.
“So, about my question earlier?” A surprised chuckle escaped Toru’s lips.
“I think we can arrange that.” And with those six words, Toru cupped my cheek and leaned sideways to close the gap between us. This, our second kiss, was much sweeter than our first. It showed both of our feelings, our vulnerabilities that we only ever showed when together. This felt right, it felt blissful. Faintly, I heard a sharp whistle. It disappeared before exploding into a cacophony of color. Slowly, we pulled apart, gazing into each other’s eyes.
“Toru, I adore you…”
“I see the cat returned your tongue.” I gently laughed.
“It was a tough battle, but I emerged victorious.” Matching my loving smile, Toru leaned in again, placing a gentle smooch upon my nose and then between my brows.
“What was the other thing you wanted to talk about? If it’s as good as this one, I need to hear it.” I chuckled.
“It’s a little heavier. Our future. After we graduate. That sort of thing.”
“Ah, well I’d hate to ruin this very new relationship.”
“Come on, try me. I can handle anything.”
“I’ll just come out and say it, then… I want to rob yachts.” Caught completely off-guard, I snort-laughed. Embarrassment commencing. Instead of teasing laughter, like I was expecting, I heard the sparkling sound of a quiet and genuine laugh from Toru Oikawa himself. “Sorry, sorry. I still want to play volleyball. I can’t imagine a life without it, y’know.” Coming down from his laughing, he turned his serious eyes over at me. “That could mean traveling… the world, maybe.” My eyes widened the slightest bit at the reality that Toru could leave. He could go to Sweden or to Zimbabwe. While pondering the possibilities over, I realized one major thing: the overwhelming feeling of happiness that he’d be chasing his dreams. That was the moment I had decided. I placed a comforting hand over his much larger one.
“I hope you enjoy video calls, then. At least until I graduate too.” It was Toru’s turn to widen his eyes, the look in them, swimming with emotions. He was completely vulnerable, allowing himself to open up to me. He was truly terrified while waiting for my answer. This moment, I’m burning this one into my brain. The moment I decided Toru Oikawa was the one for me. Fireworks went off left and right in the background, they sounded dim in this moment, as Toru hurriedly leaned in and placed another kiss to my lips, conveying every single emotion he was feeling into the kiss. Settling into it, I raked one of my hands through his slightly-damp hair, massaging his head. Once he pulled back, he tugged me into his chest quickly, I assume to hide me from seeing something. Oh… he was crying, wasn’t he? I smiled into his chest and wrapped my arms around his midsection, looking to the sky to watch the rest of the fireworks.
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dancingbabya-notes · 2 years
Summer windows 4
Characters: Takami Keigo, Sero Hanta, Nishinoya Yuu, Itadori Yuuji, Lisa, Kiba Inuzuka, Togata Mirio
I should really manage my time better… but I finished. I know I lied about having the minific ready— I just started doing a few side projects and hopefully those will bear fruit by the end of summer— that way I’ll post some stuff on AO3.
22: Sightseeing
“You should take a load off, come on just ditch the meetings and come with me.” Hawks blocks your way with his wing as you pull the suit jacket on.
“As much as that sounds good. I have to—
Your phone went off. Picking up the temporary device. » meeting canceled, schedule will be adjusted and sent out tomorrow. Have a nice two days off L/N
Carefully you put the device down, otherwise, it might have ended up out the window of this beautiful hotel suite that your company was paying for. Because this was the third canceled meeting. You thought it was just a coincidence or maybe your company is cursed? Ignoring that you strip from the suit and return to your casual clothes.
“Hero uniform off, we’re going window shopping and possibly sightseeing.” You frown.
He was already in casual clothes with a huge grin on his lips, before picking you up. “You don’t have to tell me twice love bird.”
Keigo wasn’t known for doing things that were asked of him, his arm hooked under one leg and the other holding you tight as you cling to him for dear life. If you could scream you would but that was a no go in the air. Your company came to a resort in Okinawa for some reason. You weren’t even quite sure why. But you were able to bring whomever you desired with you, most of your coworkers brought their families, and you brought Keigo.
The moment you arrived he was going on about how he could do better and you had half a mind to lock him in the hotel room. Not that it would do much, but the idea was there.
“So where do you wanna go first love bird?” He asks with a cocky smile.
“On the ground, please.” It was more of a plea than a want because if he was flying around then he’d garner attention and you already got enough of that back home.
Nowhere was safe to go out with your boyfriend without being swarmed by fans, or the news, or him leaving for work which you understood. Once your feet touched the ground you finally let out a breath.
“Sorry, I got a little too excited,” he chuckles.
“You’re lucky I love you.” You pout crossing your arms before turning your back to him.
But that was short-lived, his arm snaked its way around your waist and he sent most of his feathers back into the hotel room. Now he had smaller wings, it was kind of cute.
“Where to first?” He asks again.
You had a small plan, it was supposed to be packed all in one day but now it could be spread out. How nice it is to be on a getaway with your boyfriend.
23: It is what it is
Pushing off the ground you had to try your hardest to stop your vision from splitting. What didn’t help was the current mess you were pulled into, a battleground as you try to pull yourself together and find a safe place to catch your breath.
You barely noticed the person land next to you and gently tap you. “You okay?”
Whipping around ready to use what little strength you had you flinch. “Oh, um. I’m fine. You should probably find someone else to help.”
He looked like a hero. But you could quite recognize who he was.
He frowns. “I’m sorry but I don’t believe you, you’re bleeding.”
Raising a brow you reach up to touch the spot that had been bothering you a little bit. It didn’t hurt, nothing ever did. But like he said blood was coming slowly out of the side of your head.
“Oh, that’s not too good. But I’m fine.” You smile awkwardly.
He didn’t give you a chance to say anything and picks you up. You didn’t have the heart to tell him your quirk was the reason you were hurt and not the collapsing buildings around you. But you couldn’t argue that the bleeding was bad.
In the hospital the doctors recognized you. “Again Y/N?”
Giving a weak smile the hero was a little relieved. “You know them?”
The doctor sighs. “Yes, but I need you to stay with them. Y/N’s quirk must be acting up again.”
“What do you mean?”
“Just follow me, y/n how long have you been bleeding?” The doctor asks as the hero continues to carry you.
“Never mind, how long did you activate your quirk?” He asks.
You look at your hands finding the flanges more entertaining. “Three hours.”
“Thre- he whips around on his heel. “Gods above, okay once we get them gov a stabilized position you can leave Cellophane.”
After being forced to take your medicine and get hooked to an IV, there were tests. But those finished in the blink of an eye and now it was the waiting game.
“So what is your quirk?” The hero asks and you fiddle around with your water cup.
“Uh… it’s nothing impressive. I can create plasma matter force fields.” You state nonchalantly. “When I use it sometimes it’ll disengage my pain receptors and I won’t notice if I’m injured or in pain until I actually see or touch it. But it is what it is.”
You squeak when the hospital door slams open. “Three mother ducking hours…” the shout startled even the hero sitting in the chair, but your mother quickly lowers her voice and bowed to him over and over. “I’m so sorry you had to rescue my incompetent child, I knew allowing them to enter a quirk specialized field would be dangerous but I still let them do as they wished. Thank you for keeping them company as well I have no idea how I would have found them if they had tried to come home alone again.”
Cellophane gives a weak smile. “Just doing my job, try not to overexert yourself due to your quirk.”
You blink. No one has actually ever said those words to you before. Feeling your face heat up you turn away.
“Please be safe out there.”
24: Swimsuit
“A beach date?” You ask confused.
“It’s more like a group beach day but we can always spend time together,” Nishinoya smiles.
Giving a small nod you accepted. That had been the end of the blind date you had. Nishinoya Yuu was kind and energetic and loves to travel. You couldn’t have asked for anyone better but you still wanted to go on another date just to get to know him better. The problem? Beaches weren’t usually your forte, so you didn’t have a swimsuit.
“Y/N, why are all your clothes on the floor?” Your friend asks.
“I realized the only swimsuit I have is my high school one,” you mumble.
“Yeah but it’s useless because the elastic is worn.” You groan curling up on the floor. You took everything out just to find something and nothing.
As if reading this differently your friend picks you up and forces you to put shoes on. To buy a swimsuit.
On the day of the trip, you weren’t sure why but you were a bit embarrassed. Your friends were excited to be here and you got swept up in the energy of excitement.
“I wanna swim, I wanna swim,” Parker shouts as his little sister grabs him by the ear.
“Shut up you overgrown child. Two meters tall and acting like your half a meter,” she grumbles before letting him go.
“Ah, there you are Y/N.” Nishinoya runs over with a large grin on his face. “Let me lead you to our spot we got a good space.”
“Hold on, don’t just pull on Y/N.” Parker frowns and you flick him.
“You do exactly the same thing with your superhuman strength, so don’t go lecturing others.” You roll your eyes.
It was a nice spot. Everyone else had already abandoned their things in favor of getting in the water. You instead took your coverup off and sat under the umbrella, you can sit with the stuff for a little while until Parker trips on something.
Nishinoya sits next to you with a snow cone in hand. “I didn’t know what flavor you liked so I asked for a little bit of everything.”
Accepting the frozen dessert you give a small smile. “Thanks, it looks pretty. It’s almost a shame to eat it.”
“I like your swimsuit, you make it look good,” he nudged you.
You almost choked on the small bite of shaved ice. “Th-thanks. You don’t look so bad yourself.”
25: Pool
There was hardly ever a break when fighting curses, but today everyone was at the pool to fight a curse. And possibly to enjoy the water a little bit.
“Have I ever mentioned that this is a terrible idea?” you stood at the top of the largest and fastest slide at this pool, you could not swim but the curse was at the bottom.
“I’ll be right behind you y/n. The pool is not deep and the entrance is halfway in.” Yuuji ever the optimist had a large grin on his face as you hesitated.
“Hurry up.” Fushiguro huffs.
Sitting on the inner tube you held the handles for dear life as Yuuji sat behind you.
“Don’t count down!” You shout.
“Fine happy sailing.” Nobara kicked you off.
The rush of water mixed with your fear it was amazing that you didn’t pass out.
“Wait, what did you mean the entrance is in the middle?”
You didn’t get an answer because just as you pass through the dimensional space you were floating above. Suddenly you were in Yuuji’s arms and he made sure you didn’t fall into the carefully placed trap.
He gives you a large grin for the perfect landing. “Got your talismans?”
Giving a quick nod you pull the sealed bag from your back. Where would you guys appear when this fight finished?
26: Rainbow
“Junior librarian.”
You sneer. “I’m just as old of not older than your archon at least call me by name.”
“Fine, Y/N.”
“How can I help you this time?” You returned home after a long journey, and Barbatos— more locally known as Venti the drunk bard— roped you into a special task. Which was assisting the head librarian while she went and did a few other tasks due to an emergency.
The knights had changed a lot and you couldn’t complain too much. Though you would have done without too much noise the rain outside meant the library was the only place some could go.
“Um Y/N, is there anything I can help with in here?” Noelle asks as she looks around excitedly.
You hesitate. “What time is it?”
“Time you carry a watch with you Y/N.” A small laugh came from the woman walking inside.
“Lisa, time is of little consequence to me all things considered. I just desire to know when I should remind your visitors that it might be a good time to leave.” You sigh pointing down the individuals in the lower part of the library.
She gives a small smile. “It’s no worry.”
You frown but continue sorting the returned books. “How long did you want my help?”
Lisa takes off her hat and raises a brow at you. “You can help me for as long as you wish.”
“That’s not an answer child.” You frown.
“I am much older than you appear to be.” She counters as she starts doing something but you stop looking out of the window.
The rain stopped and as clear as day was a beautiful double rainbow. Gently you guide Lisa over to show it to her.
“It’s beautiful.”
You smile. ‘Much like you.’
27: Muggy
You weren’t sure as you watered the sunflowers why you just felt bad. The room was already prepared and you just wanted to sit down and pretend you didn’t have work.
“Y/N, you okay?” Kiba asks, he looked like he stopped in the middle of a run.
Giving a slight nod you groan. “I’m fine it just feels… I can’t even find the word.” You scratch your head frustrated as you stop watering the plants.
He chuckles. “Muggy?”
“Exactly!” You smile, but as you were about to continue the conversation you heard someone being welcomed. “Oh, I should go.”
“Hey about that coffee date-
You pause. “Yes?”
“Did you want to consider it a date? Or just catching up?”
What did you want to consider it? “Can I take a rain check on that?”
Leaving him confused you returned the hose to its rightful place and turned off the water. Quick to busy yourself with your usual routine. But while you ate lunch the thought poked its way into your head. Maybe it was the weather that made it easier for your mind to drift, not even realizing it.
“Teacher Y/N, you’re spilling your juice.” One of the toddlers informed you and you gasp.
“Ah, I’m sorry.” You dry it up quickly but on top of the muggy feeling, the weather provided you were also sticky. How lovely.
28: I’m your biggest fan
Everything was going okay. But then again living near the coast did not save your city from feeling like you were in Satan’s ass crack. Today was hot. But you didn’t want to dwell on it, if you pretended to think about your next vacation— that probably will not have for a few years— you could ignore the temperature.
Today was paper day. So while everyone was doing what they could to keep things going, you were sorting the reports on the lowest level of your agency. Your head hero said it was because if you— of all the heroes— were needed you could shut pop right out. Yeah right.
“Y/N, I got more files. Someone started hiding them,” your little brother frowns.
You fix the finished stack so it was nice and neat. “You can take those up. How is it outside?”
Your brother rolls his eyes. “Hot. Y/N, you could use your quirk to stay cool.”
Giving him a glare you pick up the stack of finished papers and start hitting him with them. “Do your fucking job. If I could use my quirk in a controlled environment then I wouldn’t be downstairs now would I?”
He scoffs as he snatches the papers. “Lucky enough. Your quirk is more widespread, I have to direct mine.”
“And that’s why you’re outside and I’m inside, property damage is a bitch to pay,” you roll your eyes wanting to plop into the seat behind you.
But the moment you sit, you’ll be reminded of your environment. Narrowing your eyes you just returned to the papers, just glorified authenticity check. It was quiet, maybe you could put on music to pass the time?
“Ah, Falcon!”
You shoot a glare at the tall male. “Y/N.”
Mirio sighs with a smile still gracing his features. “Y/N, I saw you were on the roster for the return trip to Japan. Has everything been done?”
You give a nod as you read over the report in your hand. “Course, we’ve been going through evaluations ever since you guys got here. I volunteered though it’s not like I’m all that important for publicity.”
He sits down at the table you’d been working away at. “Do you guys not have air conditioners?”
“Huh? Oh, no we have central heating and cooling. There’s a thermometer somewhere in the building and that’s how the temperature is controlled. It’s cooler on the upper floors,” you state as you shrug off your uniform jacket.
Great now you’re thinking about the heat. Getting back to your task you raise a brow when you feel slight gusts of air blowing on you. Looking up you chuckle.
Mirio smirks. “What? I’m your biggest fan.”
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enhaheeseung · 2 years
our secrets
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pairing: heeseung x reader
warnings: creep heeseung kinda, peeping, pervert heeseung, bra sniffing, masturbation, slight paraphilia.
🔞contains: smut, this is all consensual. please don’t get the wrong idea, if anyone is offended by this content I’ll remove this post immediately. I’m very understanding so there’s no need to be rude or offensive.
proceed with caution ⚠️
he was obsessed with you. there wasn’t a day that passed where he didn’t fantasize about everything he wanted to do to you.
he picked his moments such as this one, while you were away, he’d sneak into your room to find his favorite lingerie set, hoping you had already wore it.
he was delighted to find it in the dirty laundry bin. you wouldn’t be back until after your classes, he was your college roommate, you had gotten pretty close with him, you could say you guys were good friends, and very comfortable around each other.
he knew you would never see him how he sees you. he tried to force himself to believe that was okay but he knew it wasn’t. but as long as he could continue to do the things he does now, he would be fine just for for awhile.
he grabbed the set, and headed back to his room, he got comfortable on his bed, then reaching for his bottle of lube in the nightstand drawer.
he only pulled down his sweats wearing nothing underneath, he leaned back on his pillows, resting against the head board, grabbing the bottle of lube and squeezing it into his palm, he groans as soon as his hand comes in contact with his semi hard cock.
he strokes it up and down slowly, squeezing at the base.
he grabs the bra from your set, bringing the material to his nose and sniffing. he hums in delight, he holds one of the cups to his face while jerking his now hard cock.
“oh, y/n” he moans lowly while pumping his dick faster, wet sounds now being audible.
he let out more quiet moans, making sure he can’t be heard, in case anyone was around.
he lays further on the bed, letting your bra sit on his face, he then reaches for your panties, rubbing the crotch area on his sensitive tip.
“f-uck” he moans in broken syllables. mind going back to when you guys would cuddle on the couch with each other, he’d never pay attention to what was on the tv. always just stealing glances at your cleavage and how he had to stop himself from getting hard when you’d rest your head in his lap.
sometimes he just wishes he could have you in his bed. legs spread wide open while he drilled his cock into you, tits bouncing as you scream his name begging for him to let you cum.
he starts rubbing your panties on his shaft faster. the rough material turning him on even more.
he grunts. inhaling the scent from your dirty bra, finally he was about to cum from all the nasty thoughts he had about you.
“fuck y/n, oh shit, your pussy feels so good”
he imagined himself getting ready to cum deep inside your cunt and the sweet moans you’d let out for him.
seconds later hot spurt’s of his cum coated his abdomen, chest heaving up and down.
he closed his eyes enjoying the remnants of his orgasm.
soon he heard clicking on the door, he panicked pulling his sweats back up, and trying to return your garments to your room.
it was too late. he stood staring at you taking your shoes off, he gave you an awkward smile.
“hey, hee, I’m gonna take a quick shower do you want to watch a movie when I’m done?” you returned his smile.
“uh, yeah sure, I’ll wait on the couch”
he quickly ran back to his room, grabbing your clothes he waited till he heard the water turn on. he cracked your door open, seeing you picking out what you were going to wear, completely naked.
breathe, breathe, okay, soon you walked to the shower, finally giving him a chance to sneak in, he put everything back the way it was, he patted himself on the back for not getting caught.
he couldn’t help but think about your body, it was even more beautiful than he could have ever imagined. looking at the bathroom door he was tempted to open it, he was just gonna take a peak.
a peak wouldn’t hurt right?
the shower curtain was slightly open. he could see you on full display, he almost moaned at the sight, he watched the suds roll off your perfectly toned torso. his whole body started to heat up. he didn’t even notice when his hand met at his crotch, he was rubbing the front of his sweats.
before he knew it, the water shut off making him halt immediately, he ran out of your room clutching his chest.
you were done getting dressed and made your way to the couch next to him, you put something random on too tired to really care.
“what did you do today?” you asked him.
“nothing much” it alarmed him at just how easy it was to lie to you, he did feel bad. he’s always felt guilty after. but he could never stop.
“what about you?” he returned your question.
“same old, same old” you replied yawning.
you cuddle closer to him, you layed down back facing him as you let him spoon you.
about 1 hour later you were fast asleep with him holding you from behind, you don’t remember him being this comfortable.
as soon as he noticed your sleeping figure, he could finally let go, you wore a oversized t shirt making it accessible for him.
lifting up your shirt, he revealed your bare thighs, he caressed them so soft and supple in his grasp.
once again he found himself pulling his cock out and shifting it between your legs. you stir in your sleep, he waited till you were fully back asleep. before thrusting at your clothed core.
you had to stop yourself from moaning, his cock was so hot and hard, you could feel just how thick he was, you really wanted to move your underwear aside and just let him take you right then and there.
your body melded perfectly with his. his cock now sliding between your warm thighs, you both felt so good.
he rocked his hips back and forth it wasn’t long before his cum was painting your thighs.
he groaned your name feeling his cock going limp before putting it away.
he wiped your thighs clean, going back to cuddling you. you smile to yourself.
he felt so bad, yet so good.
If he had a chance to do it all over he definitely would.
he didn’t know, that you knew about everything he did, you knew from the cum stain you found in your underwear months ago, the loud moans of your name when you got home early, not to mention the oversized shirts you’d wear purposely just so you could feel his hard cock through the thin material on your ass.
you loved all of it. you liked the idea of him watching you, it got you wet just thinking about it, you loved just laying there letting him use your body for his own pleasure, your name rolling off his tongue so beautifully.
you would let him know eventually, but not just yet.
was gonna post this later, but I figured why not just post it now🤭
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rezzyromance · 3 years
Idk if this is how you request things or if it's just asking, BUT-
How would the Lords react to an S/O that's usually the chillest person that you will ever meet (not to be confused with a pushover because they are not), they've never seen them even mildly annoyed when something bad happens. But then something happens and, turns out, the S/O is utterly TERRIFYING when they're mad.
Hope this makes sense!
Aw man I'm gonna feel awful scaring Moreau and Donna :(
You're relaxing on a beautiful morning. The sun is shining through the window just enough to warm the room but not hurt your eyes. You hadn't even changed out of your sleep wear. "How are you feeling, my dear?", a sweet voice rang from the doorway. You were sitting in your favorite chair near the window. You turn and smile at her. She walks over and rubs your face in her large hand before leaning down and giving you a soft kiss. "I'm feeling amazing. And you?", you grab her hand before she pulls it away and you place a kiss on her knuckles. "I'm feeling alright. There's a new maid here. She's a bit slow. I'm giving her until tonight to finish dusting the entire castle or else she won't see another sunrise." It was almost comedic how dark her words were as you both stared out the window and gazed at the beautiful scenery. "Come on Alcina.", you stand up and place your hands on hers, trying to hold them despite the size difference. "Give the girl a break. It's a huge castle AND it's her first day.", you knew your words would probably change nothing. Alcina was rather cruel, but you looked past it. You tried your best to make the nervous maids comfortable whenever they arrive.
"We'll see how she does." She gives you one more kiss before leaving the room. You sit back down in your chair, enjoying the warmth of the sun for a little while longer. You lose track of time, minutes maybe even hours go by. Suddenly, there's a crash not far from the door. You jump and stand up, no longer comfortable after being startled. "What in the name of Mother Miranda?!", you leave the room and look down the hallway. The new maid stood there with a terrified look on her face. In front of her was one of the paintings Alcina had on her walls, now with a broken frame and a hole punctured. Your blood began to boil. It was a painting of you, her, and the girls all together. It was your favorite. "How in the hell did you manage to do that?!", you begin to stomp towards her. She cowers and struggles to find her words. "I-I-I was just dusting! It fell and I-I didn't mean t-", you cut her off. "How the fuck did you knock such a large painting over just by dusting?! DO YOU THINK YOU'RE ALLOWED TO MAKE SUCH STUPID MISTAKES HERE?!", you unravel. "I-I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!", she almost begins to weep. "SORRY ISN'T GONNA SAVE YOUR ASS!"
"MISS DIMITRESCU PLEASE HELP!", she cries out. You freeze, realizing that the lady herself is right behind you. You turn to face her. Her eyes are wide with shock. She has never seen you like this before and never even knew you had this type of side to you. She was impressed as much as she was terrified. "(Y/N)? Are you alright my love?" She had no idea what to do as your seething slowed down. "Why don't you go back to the room, yes? Settle down a little and deal with her later.", she places a hand on your back helps walk with you back to the room. Once you're there, she bends down to whisper in your ear. "I don't know where this side of you has been this whole time, but I am so amazed by you. And also a little frightened."
The Beneviento house was usually a calm place despite its creepy aura. You and Donna are both quiet and chill people. Never once have you fought or even raised your voices at each other. It was pleasant.
You had planned a nice dinner for the both of you. You wanted to try out a new recipe and surprise her, so you made your way to the kitchen to get started. "Okay, what first? I guess I'll need a pot.", you go rummaging through the kitchen and you find the pots stacked within each other inside one of the top cabinets. You groan and stand up on your toes, grazing the pots with your fingers. It didn't take much to cause them to tumble down, crashing on top of you with a loud sound that followed. "Aw shit.", you sighed and picked up the knocked over pots. A small but annoying pain began to throb in your head from where it made contact with a pot. What you didn't notice was you forgot to pick one of the pots up. It remained unnoticed. "It's fine.", you say to yourself as you maintain your composure. Next, a cutting board and knife. You turn around and begin to walk forward to find the cutting board, but you slam your toe into counter. You wince in pain and grab your foot. "SON OF A BITCH!", you yell.
You calm yourself, still wanting to have a pleasant meal with Donna. "Alright. Everything's fine." You step forward and kick the pot that you had forgotten to pick up. It caused your freshly kicked toe to ache even more. "OH COME ON! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!", you scream and swear as you throw your arms up in pure rage and shock.
"...(Y/N)?", a gentle voice whispered from the doorway, causing you to whip your head in that direction. It was Donna. She looked absolutely horrified and almost looked like she could cry. "Is.. is everything... are you alright?", she worried. "Yes. I'm sorry. Just got a little pissed off.", you took a deep breath to calm yourself down, feeling bad for scaring the poor girl.
You were sitting on the dock together, looking into the water as your feet swung back and forth above it. It was a sunny day and you two decided to spend it outside. Your hand slowly made its way over to his. His feet stopped swinging for a second as you entangled your fingers. "I don't know what I'd do without you, (Y/N)." his words were bitter sweet as a gentle smile formed from his lips. "Oh, Sal. You don't have to think like that. I'll always be here for you.", you kiss his cheek and continue to relax as you sway your legs.
"There it is! There's the beast!", a voice yelled from not so far away. You both look in the direction of the voice and see a few young village boys. Possibly between the ages of 13 and 16. Moreau had become some what of a scary story for the villagers. A tale that kids spread on school court yard and bring up during dares. But, you've never seen a kid brave enough to actually make it far enough into the reservoir to actually see Moreau. Now, there were about 3. All of them stood and pointed, shocked and terrified.
"Hey beast! Come get me!", one kid teases. You glare at the kids as a newfound rage begins to boil inside you. "Let's go back inside.", Moreau says before standing up from the doc. The sadness in his voice was heartbreaking. Suddenly, one of the children gathers the guts to pick up a rock and throw it as hard as he could. His aim was off, but not by much. It slammed into the wood near Moreau's feet, startling him. "Take that you devil!", he laughs. "THAT'S IT YOU LITTLE SHIT!", you begin sprinting in the direction of the immature brats. Two of them run from the direction they came from while the one who threw the rock was frozen in fear. You took the opportunity to grab him by the collar of his shirt. "Listen here you little waste of space. I'm gonna give you 3 seconds to turn around and run for your goddamn life. If you or any of your little snot-nosed friends come around here again, they'll be goddamn fish food. Do you understand?" The kid was too scared to speak and instead began to nod rapidly. You let him go and watched as he ran as fast as he could, screaming the whole way.
You walk back to the shack and find Moreau standing in the same place he was when you took off. His mouth was agape and he looked almost as scared as the kids. "You alright Sal? I made sure those little shits won't be coming around here anymore." "Yeah... I didn't know you could be so... scary", he says. "I'm sorry. But those kids were being cruel. I had to do something.", you say. "Well... it was awesome!", he smiled. "But also very scary!" You laugh which helps sooth him a little.
"Screw driver.", is all Karl said with an outstretched palm. He was working on some type of mechanical heart for his experiments. He wanted you to lend a "helping hand" even though he could easily do it all by himself. He did this because he wanted to be around you, he was just too stubborn with too big of an ego to simply say it. So here you were, handing him every little tool he asks for.
"Do you want the big one or the little one?", you say with a hint of boredom in your tone. "Aw c'mon don't sound like that! Isn't this exciting? It's like you're working on it with me! Also, hand me the big one.", you do as he says and hand him the big screw driver. "I just don't get it. You literally have powers. You can easily do this by yourself and have been for so long. Why do you need me to help?" He pauses for a second and looks over towards you, his brow slightly furrowed. "I don't NEED you to help. I just thought it would be nice for you to help out. Plus, you're the one always bitching about me constantly working. Well, here you are! Helping me work! So, either suck it up or you can leave." His harshness had no real ill will in it. He was just confused and a bit too ignorant to consider his words. But, he was testing your patience. He continued to use the screwdriver until handing it to you without saying a word.
"Hand me a screw.", he demanded with his hand facing palm up again. "Which size?" "They're all the same sizes, dumbass." You feel your blood begin to boil. "They're different fucking sizes! This one is smaller than this one!", you hold up two screws that are obviously different sizes. This makes Karl angry. Not because you were right, but because you seemed upset over something that seemed so insignificant.
"If you came here just to yap in my ear, then I don't think I need your assistance.", he huffed. You put the selection of tools and supplies he was making you hold on the table he is working on and ball your fists. "You're the one who told me to do this in the first place!", you yell. "Yeah, because you won't stop bitching! Non-stop you're always compla-" you cut him off before he can finish. "SHUT UP!", you yell. The room goes silent. "YOU SAY I'M BITCHING? HAVE YOU HEARD YOURSELF? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST KARL YOU BITCH AND MOAN ALL THE TIME! I'M DONE TAKING SHIT FROM YOU!" He wanted to be angry, but he couldn't. He felt something much more overwhelming. Was he.. intimidated? He didn't move from his seat. All he could do was look up at you with a confused expression. What now? What is there to do? If he pushes you further, what would happen? He was actually too scared to find out.
You take a deep breath to calm down before speaking. "Now, if you want me to help with your shit, I'll stay as long as you keep your mouth shut. Can you possibly manage to do that?" He gulps nervously. "Yes ma'am."
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