#Old man yaoi yes please?
thesolarangel · 9 months
The Daddys of One Piece live action:
Uniform daddy:
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Cook daddy:
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den-ai-d · 4 days
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Oho…so Larry and Kabu eventually did go and have that onsen trip eh??? ♨
Pokemas be saying middle-aged opposites and I'm here being MIDDLE-AGED ADJACENTS🗣📣💥💥💥
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serpentarius · 1 month
cannot express how badly I want that vampire to kiss that old man
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b-ck3t · 18 days
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catgirlkirigiri · 5 months
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I told you it wouldn’t just be satosugu next time I posted jjk furries. This time there are even more gay people :)
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reitheist · 10 months
I would pay exorbitant amounts to see a live action, adult-oriented show with all the agony, heart, and hilarity of ourgoodshadows surrounding queer women pretty pleaseeeee
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heroictoonz · 3 months
The mental image of Vinny getting SUPER excited when Garmadon brings Elliot home cause YES TWO OLD MAN DILFS ON HIS COUCH LETS GOOO
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random-rabid-creature · 10 months
How the fuck do you people do the "now kiss" heart locket meme. Wtf are you doing to make it work
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iloveyouemanuelmarco · 3 months
Do you guys ever just hear a song and not only do you have it as one of your favourite songs because of how the music itself makes you feel but because it reminds you of a comfort character for no reason since you can't think of a connection to the lyrics and the canon plot of the cutie-patootie in question but you just relate it to them no matter how hard you don't wanna because logic?? That's me with this one old ass song...
-but instead of it just being one character, it's a ship with the complicated and obviously illogical relationship dynamic that realistically wouldn't happen irl involving a corrupt business man and his negligent co-worker who fall in some sort of messed up lovey-dovey scenario before it gets all fucked up...(Totally not Helliam/Willry posting here what makes you think that?*Nervous laughter*)I should atleast write some sort of fanfiction of my specific idea but I'm scared of messing up. I need to get out of my comfort zone but still*Sobs* Also just figured out how to properly link stuff on my posts atleast so yay for me![Finally=w=]).
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dandelion-idk · 1 year
So apparently an angry splatoon fan spent $3500 (maybe more) on Nintendo shares in order to be in an official shareholders meeting just so he could rant about how female inklings & octolings get better treatment than males ones. Bro at that point just ask for cuttletavio content they will take it more seriously than whatever u just said
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oysters-aint-for-me · 20 days
please elaborate in the comments replies or tags
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gabessquishytum · 5 months
Dream's son is getting married, and to deal with the impending emotions of seeing his ex wife, Dream has a one night stand with a brown-eyed hottie he picked up in a bar. Shenanigans Twist --- Dream unintentionally slept with the father if the bride. Well, he intended to wreck the hot guy he met at the bar, he just didn't know it was the father of the bride. 🤷🏽
Listen, Dream has been estranged from his family for longer than he would care to admit, and longer than he likes. But he has been working on himself and his relationship with his son. So when Orpheus told him he was getting married, Dream had already met the lovely young woman with the fabulous smile, sweet face and friendly brown eyes. She was great and seemed to really love Orpheus; and Dream was pleased that his relationship with Orpheus had gotten better to the point where he was invited to the wedding in joy and not rancor.
Still, Dream hadn't spoken to Calliope in years and their parting was bad. He's not sure how he will deal with seeing her again (he heard she was happy now with someone). He doesn't want to make a scene at the wedding,,,,but argh!
So instead of going straight to his room at the wedding hotel, he stops off at a bar in the area. He didn’t mean, necessarily, to pick someone up, but he got to talking with a surprisingly hot (for the dive bar they were in) guy at the bar. One flirty thing lead to another and Dream and "Hob" spent hours blowing each others backs out.
And Dream didn't want to run out on the gorgeous man with the fantastic ass, but his first alarm didn't go off. His 2nd alarm gave him just enough time to get cleaned up for the Meet the Parents Wedding brunch.
Dream didn't feel so bad that he was running a few minutes late to brunch, the father of the bride was running later. What Dream did wind up feeling bad about was ......... hot ass bar guy was the bride's father, and he could only just barely cover all the hickies Dream littered his neck with --- (Oh, sh*t! He looks mauled. 🤦🏽).
When Robert "Hob" Gadling and Dream are finally, formally, introduced,,, Dream only hopes people don't realize why they are so awkward..... And why they keep ducking out together,,,,to the men's room, to the coat closet (pay no attention to their puff lips).
Ooo, yes!! Fem!Robyn and Orpheus are just out here trying to have ONE day that's all about them... alas the old man yaoi is happening whether they like it or not.
Hob comes into the "meet the parents" thing half an hour late - he's still adjusting his tie to try and hide those hickies, to no avail. Robyn rolls her eyes and teases her dad for being such a whore - all friendly banter, but Hob is blushing so hard as he inevitably makes eye contact with Dream across the room. He's trying so hard to do his fatherly duties, knowing that Robyn needs him to be extra supportive because she's missing her mum so much. But when he and Dream shake hands he's pretty sure that he whimpers. It's going to be a struggle not to trip over when he walks Robyn down the aisle, when he knows that Dream is watching.
Of course Calliope deduced the whole hookup situation within 2 minutes and is laughing her ass off at her dumbass ex husband. In her opinion, Orpheus and his bride are obviously the priority, but why shouldn't these 2 sad old dads have a bit of fun too? At the reception she practically shooes them both into a private room so they can "talk". They come out just in time for the speeches, both of them sweating and rosy cheeked, and Hob’s hand stays tucked into Dream’s back pocket for the rest of the night.
At least Orpheus seems pleased that Dream managed to smile on the photographs! Even if it did have more to do with several good orgasms than anything else...
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lesbianjobutupaki · 5 months
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Art practice by trying some other artist's styles that I'm a huge fan of!
From Top Left to Bottom Right:
@ghostishere0 - the original reason I started this doodle, as I wanted to draw a "shepherd lovers squad" and their OC (who I don't know the name of F) was the perfect fit for it.
@luminesparkz - the best interpretation of Pom pikmin. If I were Mr. Nitendo, I would make them the official comic creator along with the manga comics.
@marblyso - If I was a little more unhinged and made a shrine to Erma Shepherd, it would be mostly marblyso's art of her, it's my absolute favorite Erma depiction <3
@rexscanonwife - another OC that I don't know the name of, but she makes such a cute pair with Shepherd and has such cute art that why not, let Shepherd have multiple canon wives at this point.
@citruscrisp - I think this is secretly Alph in an alternate universe where he makes comics about himself, because citrus has Alph's character SPOT ON, and also loves to put that boy in a situation (which I am happy for, I enjoy seeing that boy in a situation)
@daisythecomic - oooaaaaaaaaaa they look like little mice people they look so soft and sweet I love them so muuuuuuuuuccchhhhhhhhh
@louie-posting - I can't not include actual Louie Pikmin on this list.
@kiwilittle - the soft, the sweet, the one who makes the best family style art, really making me wish I was an inch tall so I could go to holidays with the olimar family, also their wife design is so cute that if Olimar didn't already get it I would shoot my shot for her m a a m
@pikbugz - really nails the soft aesthetic that makes pikmin such a calming series, and their coloring style is so soft and good that it gives me the ratatouille nostalgia flashback moment.
@splitster - more than just the wraith au guy, they are the one who makes incredible and funny comics; I've seen so many fics with the rescue corps where I can pick up that yes, this trait came from a splitster comic, and that's a GOOD thing. Made me actually LIKE Dingo, the nerve.
@diesaur - I can't do diesaur's incredible, unique art justice, they are amazing at using geometrics and have the best charlie (his little teefs...)
@solluxander - Cars, one of my favorite pikmin Ocs I've ever seen! Collin deserves a slightly unhinged sentient fluffball boyfriend, and I always love seeing the new ways Cars will interact with him.
@sillypikmin - all hail the best pikposter, who I'm still convinced is an actual leafling living on actual pnf-404, literally every time I have a bad day I look at drawings of Moss and feel better.
@eggpathy - thank goodness they came back to give us old man yaoi. I keep their drawing of olimar kissing the pikmin good night on my phone and look at it before I go to sleep and so far I have yet to have a single nightmare.
@the-knife-consumer - the only person I trust with Louittany, toxic yuri my beloved, I just adore their beasty brittany design so so much, I wish I could have a small brittany to live in my house...
anyway they have the best headcanons for our beloved blorbo hamster people
@natibranch - there's a voice line of Louie going "wa-ha!" in this really cute sing-song voice and every time I see any art by natibranch I hear that sound in my head as a little burst of serotonin, they just nail that exact feeling so so well.
@pikked-min - Another of my favorite Pikmin OCs, Yuva! A really interesting and unique character concept with a lot of thought put into the worldbuilding, followed by a strong unusual personality that had me looking at the pikmin world through a new perspective entirely. Please, someone, give them some sunglasses. Read the fic it's so good
@ssserf - artistic and deep while still somehow looking like official nintendo tm art, genuinely the best at the pikmin proportions, how could I resist trying my hand at the classic amazing beautiful Brittany Fruit Sweater moment, literally SO iconic
@kashi-pon - while I was working on the part of this that was just kashi's various highlife dresses there was a part of me that wanted to dedicate the rest of the space to paying homage to the joke comic of Louie lifting his skirt to show Olimar that he's wearing shorts, except this dress....well......
@diamondwerewolf - the reason we got louie in a little bunny outfit anyway, and thus why we got kashi's dress version. you single-handedly turned Louie into a tumblr sexyman, how could you
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bikenesmith · 8 days
haven't had much to say for The Death March of X, primarily bc it was mid + ultimately felt like a futile exercise outside resurrection of magneto . but the krakoa finale-funeral pissed me off. im too exhausted by the whole thing to muster emotion about what i and everyone else has discussed ad nauseam for months (corporate interests squashing creative storytelling, frankly insulting attempts at appeasing a mourning audience).
i'd already given up on squeezing any thematic cohesion out of this very slowly sinking ship but i wanted a crumb of cherik reunion, a crumb of old man yaoi, and they couldn't even deliver that!? copy-pasted/adapted from my twitter...
charles sold his soul for an idea he ascribed himself to because he and erik were doing it TOGETHER. but erik "deserted his post" & it all went to shit. yet here erik wrings his hands over choices his absence enabled + is somehow surprised that charles dgaf anymore? ridiculous
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the split between krakoa cherik was not just about ideology itself. it was about emotions, and the emotions that krakoa wrought them. the guilt, pain, loss, exhaustion, the unbearable weight of responsibility... but no, please do waste the first pages they've had together in well over a year on erik blandly rehashing Xavier's Dream 2.0/This Is How Xavier's Dream Can Still Win
charles + erik are just people. they are not myths or paragons, no matter how often they pretend otherwise. they are not ideological idols or effigies. they are just flesh + blood — & they are their MOST fleshy + bloody w/ each other. i saw little of that in this issue.
ironically the exchange that seems the most "real" to me also aggravates me the most.
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its like erik is on a complete other planet than charles here. how does erik not KNOW that yes, that IS all he has left??? it's a far cry from erik's implicit understanding of charles in x-men: red & resurrection of magneto
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erik, who recognized the "no-place in [charles'] heart" long before anyone else did, is surprised to find said no-place swallowing charles up. and does nothing about it.
what did he mean by being "on his way"? on his way to do what? say nothing of substance + let charles lobotomize himself? LMFAO.
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(despite dropping the ball on erik as well as erik in relation to charles, we did get some great solo charles moments.... this sums up so much about him perfectly, and also feels very connected to the ROM panel shared earlier. "desperate desire to be loved"....)
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anyway i hope for better writing when charles is inevitably broken out of mega-prison and woken up from his mega-coma. that's really all i'm interested in w/ this blatant return to the status quo beyond storm's solo and jean's solo, which actually seem poised to be legitimately groundbreaking for both characters.
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misc-obeyme · 2 months
i'm aware the requests are closed so don't feel pressured or anything but your "my desire to write sololuci smut" tag awoke something within me. solomon getting punished by lucifer for being annoying... solomon subbing for lucifer in exchange for a pact... solomon noticing lucifer's stress and helps him out... old man yaoi now and forever...
(nothing too explicit but obviously much discussion of smut so)
ANON PLEASE. I love old man yaoi so much 😭
Ah yes I left that tag on the art of Solomon in shibari because HELLO. How could that not inspire smut scenarios, you know what I mean??
I still can't believe they paired these two up for the April Fool's thing, like I know you're saying they're gonna fight each other, but you can't stop me from imagining it full of the sexual tension we all know would be there!
Right, anyway...
Lucifer is an interesting character when it comes to sexy times. He certainly enjoys punishment in a non sexy kind of way lol.
But Solomon is such a silly guy, like I really think he'd just find it funny. He does stuff on purpose to get Lucifer to punish him because he thinks it's amusing. Lucifer would get soooo frustrated.
Now subbing for a pact is interesting because I personally headcanon both of them as switches. So now I'm just imagining Solomon subbing for Lucifer, securing the pact, and then they switch roles. Because now Solomon can actually command Lucifer through the pact, you know? And Lucifer wants to sub so bad, he just wouldn't be able to admit it at first. Well, that's just my opinion anyway lol.
Okay and now the stress situation is interesting too!! Because Lucifer has a problem with being a workaholic and I just know Solomon would pick up on it in a way others might not. Cue him cornering Luci at RAD in an empty classroom so he can use his mouth to relieve some of that pent up stress~ Lucifer protests but in the end he gives in and comes completely undone. They exit the room with Lucifer blushing but looking more relaxed and Solomon's hair sticking up all over the place because Luci couldn't keep his hands out of it.
AUGH. You guys have GOT to stop feeding this brain rot (and by you guys I mean anons and certain mutuals who know who they are lol ily) (and also by stop I mean keep going). I am completely on the solulu train now and I won't be free until I write some legit fics about them. Prepare yourselves because at this point I can guarantee it's gonna happen.
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enihk-writes · 14 days
Question, are you okay with writing about yandere? Bcs if yes, I genuinely need ur thoughts on CM as one :3
So, I've been reading the novel (ngl, the manhwa's pace is concerning) and I have begun to notice how determined and obsessive of a person he can be—per se in helping the sect to grow, killing the demon cult members, etc. How loyal and faithful he is—to the sect and his sahyung, specifically. How easily attached is he to the right person—like with the new mount hua sect, the gang ofc. And many more, JUST, like, I had the realization how much potential he has as a yandere and it got me tweaking (ofc, I do not mean to downplay CM's character just like that, he is an amazing guy with flaws, and charm, pls don't come at me)
If not, then please ignore this ask, thank you for listening to my rant <333
(!!) this is a reader self-insert discussion
nah because you got me tweaking as well like this guy has the ingredients to be a classic yandere,, i think everyone's favourite hc is that jang ilso is an extremely possessive yandere and cm is kinda like that except that he's got more "social awareness" courtesy to chung mun which makes him reel in his unsavoury behaviours...
i imagine that he's always been very protective over what he deemed as his — his family, his home, his friends and if there were anything that came along to threaten that normalcy, he would never just stand by to let it happen.
which might have lead to him being so casually cruel with the ones he deem as the "outsider" or the ones who would not help his people. i.e. the demonic cult, the sapa, the other sects and organisations that watched mount hua fall...
when a man who's already this obsessive on the daily towards his platonic relationships, can you imagine how it's going to be like when he falls in love with someone???
in my canon, cm and tb definitely fell for each other like idk abt yall but their old man yaoi was so real to me.... and cm stuck by tb's side alot even though cm never really confirmed nor denied his feelings for tb, because he kept thinking that they still had so much time left until they didn't...
(x reader) content beyond this point
in his 2nd life, he went about determined to never fall in love with anyone ever again but when he does inevitably fall for someone new, cm decided that he won't make the same mistake twice. he doesn't waste his time and lets you know right then that he likes you. whether or not you accept his confession doesn't matter — he would still treat you the same like everyone else. except that i think that he's going to be so much harder on you compared to the rest during training.
his logic here is:
train you to be the strongest you can be > higher chance of survival > can stay by his side for a much longer time
he won't be kind, he won't coddle you either and it's to the point where if you and him were together, you'd begin to wonder if he even likes you at all.
the one time you asked him to take it easy on you, that you were almost at your limit for the day... and he said no... and it pissed you off so much that all the frustration piling up quietly within your heart poured out through tears and you asked if he's ever loved you.
cm is stunned, but only for a moment before he says that he does; so stop being ridiculous and pull yourself together.
none of that soothed you so you ask him why he's so mean to you? and cm finally snapped, you're not making sense to him — he thinks that what he's doing is the best thing he could do for you, and if you can't keep up, maybe you should quit being a disciple and just live as a civilian. and because you can't fight anymore he should move you in with him. you two could play house as much as you wanted in a place that only he knew about, under his watchful eye you would never get hurt and you both would get what you both want... is this the life you are asking him to give you?
what were you supposed to say to that? if that was his way of showing his love for you, then it wasn't the type of love you'd want. you had to get away somehow... but we're talking about one of the strongest swordsman in the jiangshu... how were you?
you tried, to your credit, like a fish in a net — but cm is smart, he figures out what you need and always strives to fulfill them all, that way you can't say you're leaving him because he can't give you what you want.
in the end, you'll be so tired out that you let him do whatever he desires, much to cm's delight. the experience had taught him how to be more considerate towards his lover, and he thanks you with unwanted kisses in a show of unfiltered affection.
finally... finally you were going to stay here with him for good.
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