#Olivia Vertigo
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dagbert-endless · 2 months
anyways speaking of Vine several days ago I think Tancred would have been really popular on it
Olivia, too, but Olivia would be better suited to TikTok imo
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mossiestpiglet · 2 months
I think it’s funny just how confident I was that Vivian was Olivia’s mom’s canonical first name and it turns out she doesn’t even have one at all. She’s got a stage name (Viva Valerie) and otherwise is just “Mrs. Vertigo”. Kind of a tragedy tbh because Vivian Vertigo is a great name, she wouldn’t even need a stage one.
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Grizelda: A girl doesn't dye her hair that color unless she has psychological problems. Olivia: My hair color has nothing to do with my psychological problems!
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Truth or Dare
Everyone knew that Gabriel and Fidelio were crazy about each other but those two idiots still hadn’t made a move yet. Why, Olivia couldn’t understand. So she’d devised a plan—get them to admit their feelings for one another via a game of Truth or Dare.
Olivia loved Truth or Dare. There was something rather thrilling about being made to confess your deepest truths or do embarrassing things. It was even more thrilling to make other people do those things. 
But anyway. Olivia was hosting a party at her house, and all her friends were invited, Gabriel and Fidelio included. This was where she would strike. Emma wasn’t sure about her plan, for what if something didn’t go as planned, or what if they got mad at her? You don’t have to worry, Olivia reassured her. Everything will do exactly as planned. And besides, everyone knows that Gabe and Fido like each other. They just need some encouragement to finally get together.       
The party started; all her guests arrived. They spent the first hour or so in the dining room catching up, listening to music and munching on the delicious snacks her mother had obligingly prepared for them. Then Olivia led them all to the living room, where they sat in a circle facing each other.  
“For our first game, we’re going to play Truth or Dare,” Olivia announced gleefully, and ignored the groans from several of her friends who hated the game.
“I’ll start. Charlie, I dare you to use your endowment for fun. Pick a random photo and tell us what it’s saying.”
Charlie groaned. “Really, Liv? We’re not supposed to use our gifts for frivolous reasons.”
Olivia shrugged. Charlie had grown so serious over the past few years. Sure, they shouldn’t misuse their endowments, but there was a difference between using them to have a bit of fun and abusing them. What was the harm if they did it for a bit of fun as long as no one got hurt?
“No one else is here except us,” Olivia pointed out. “Besides, you’ve got to do it. It’s part of the game.”
Charlie sighed. “Fine. Give me that magazine over there.”
Olivia handed him her mother’s Celebrity Weekly magazine that was sitting on the coffee table next to her. Charlie flicked to a random page that had a photo of two female celebrities sitting on the edge of a pool dressed in bikinis, smiling brightly at an unknown camera man. He stared at the image for a few moments, until Olivia grew impatient with curiosity and blurted out, “Well, what are they saying?”
To her surprise, Charlie blushed a little. “Well… the two women—they’re models-- are gossiping a bit. One of them is talking about how someone called Tiffany is having an affair with her manager who’s married. The other woman is laughing and the camera man is coughing and asking them to focus so they can finish the shoot. He doesn’t sound very happy. One of the women says, Come join us, we’ll give you some fun. Then—and I don’t know why—the scene starts shaking and going all blurry. I think the cameraman says, This is the last time I do a job for a pair of rich bitches. And that’s all.”
“Wicked!” Olivia exclaimed.
“Yeah,” Tancred agreed, his hair crackling with excitement. “Awesome!”
“I think it’s horrible,” Emma said. “Those two models treated the poor cameraman terribly!”  
“I think it’s a frivolous waste,” Lysander said severely. “You shouldn’t have asked Charlie to do it, Olivia.”
Olivia stuck her tongue out at him. “You’re being way too serious, Lysander Sage. It’s just a bit of harmless fun.”
Lysander frowned at her. “Still, we shouldn’t use our gifts like this.”
Olivia shrugged. “Anyway, Charlie’s done the dare, so now it’s his turn.”
The following half an hour was great fun. Olivia laughed and gasped along with the rest of her friends as each of them either told a truth or did a dare. Emma picked Truth and admitted that there was one time where she got stuck as a bird and spent a day and a night like that until she remembered how to turn herself back. Tancred was dared to balance an apple on his head while reciting a silly poem, which he failed at spectacularly because he kept laughing and blowing the apple off. Naren also chose Dare and managed to scare the group using her gift to conjure shadowy monsters on the walls of the living room that were shining with the moon’s light.  
And finally, it was Olivia’s turn again. She smiled brightly and said, “Gabriel, I dare you to ask Fidelio for a kiss. On the lips.”
Gabriel started in surprise and went an interesting shade of pink. He looked at Fidelio, who looked back at him with a friendly grin on his face. He hesitated. 
“Come on, Gabe!” Tancred laughed. “We all know you. Stop being so scared! Nothing bad is going to happen if you try it just this once.”
“I… all right.” A determined look crossed Gabriel Silk’s face. He squared his shoulders, stood up and walked to where Fidelio was now standing waiting for him. “Fidelio… ah… would you mind if I kiss you? Just this once?”
Fidelio smiled at him. “I wouldn’t mind in the slightest.”
Shyly, Gabriel Silk leaned forward. Fidelio did too. Olivia watched with wonder as their lips met and their world narrowed to only each other, as if nothing else mattered.  
After a few moments the two boys broke apart, grinning wildly at each other. Olivia and the rest of her friends cheered. They had all known about the boys’ feelings for one another, and to see them finally make the move was a joy to see.  
An hour later, when the group had left the living room and scattered to do their own thing for a while, Olivia came across Gabriel and Fidelio sitting close together on the sofa, murmuring quietly to each other. Yes, she thought jubilantly, they were definitely sitting closer than any friends would.   
Olivia smiled to herself. Her work was done. 
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seeraphina · 2 years
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mey-rin-is-fabulous · 2 years
for the ask game: your favorite Charlie Bone character, and whatever questions you want to answer about them :)
Oooh not often I get ask game asks. Anon out here making poor indecisive me pick, so I'm going with my girl Olivia Vertigo and
30) The funniest scene they had?
Around the beginning of Hidden King there's an incident in the girls dormitory because Olivia made an illusion of a crocodile/alligator and caused absolute chaos and what absolutely kills me is Gabriel Silk yelling "OH GRIEF! OH MUM!" and immediately collapsing onto every boy behind him because i think he faints. Should also add after Charlie's aunt shows up and starts blaming Charlie as per usual Olivia comes skipping down the hall and tries to defend him and Charlie says she looks fantastic
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I love the Charlie Bone series, but there's a lot of random moments in it.
Olivia: I saw someone named Alice Angel today. She seemed to know me.
Mrs. Vertigo: Oh, yeah. She's your godmom.
Olivia: But I've never met her...
Mrs. Vertigo: She lives right out back.
Olivia: So why haven't I met her?
And then a few books later, where they've barely had any additional interactions:
"Alice straightened her back and tucked her handkerchief into her sleeve. “He said that Olivia didn’t want to see me and would I please leave the house immediately.”
"Charlie couldn’t believe his ears. Olivia loved her godmother. What had happened to turn her against Alice Angel, unless …"
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cotrk-poll-fun · 11 days
Best Paton Yewbeam Quote Bracket
Round 0.5b - Poll 27
Spoilers for Gabriel and the Phantom Sleepers below the cut!
Quote 114, Charlie Bone and the Wilderness Wolf, chapter 14
Olivia: What does this all mean, Mr. Yewbeam?
Paton: What does it mean? I don’t know Olivia.
Olivia: I bet you do. I mean, I bet you’ve got a bit of an idea about what’s going on.
Paton: All right. I admit I’ve got a bit of an idea. It goes like this.
Quote 168, Gabriel and the Phantom Sleepers, chapter 6
Hetty: I’d gladly take a couple of books with me.
Paton: Impossible. These books are unique, anything could happen to them.
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incorrectcharliebone · 3 months
Olivia: I have the right to remain silent. Manfred: Yes, you have the right to remain silent. What you lack is the capacity.
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the fact that they’re finally adapting the Children of The Red King series but for fucking amazon who i REFUSE to give any money or attention to is perhaps the most devastating thing to happen to me since they shelved the initial plan for a film adaptation back when i WOULD have been the perfect age to be cast as part of the main gang.
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thealanwrightblog · 6 months
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Four new albums, soon to be released, that I’m looking forward to hearing.
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dagbert-endless · 2 months
Decided to collect as many Olivia Outfit descriptions I could find. Each description will be followed by book number and chapter number.
Books 1-3
He looked behind him to see a girl with purple hair sprawled on the stones. She was a very odd sight; apart from her purple hair and cape, she had a purple pattern on her forehead and she was wearing purple shoes with high stiletto heels and very pointed toes.
B1, C8
Olivia kicked off her purple shoes and stepped into a pair of plain-looking pumps.
B1, C9
She was wearing black patent leather shoes with very high heels.
B1, C10
She was wearing a white velvet nightgown with big purple flowers all over it, and her purple hair had turned a mousy brown. "Matron made me wash it," she informed the boys. "It was just spray-on dye."
B1, C11
The others ran after her, laughing at her flying white legs and funny high-pitched wailing, although Charlie secretly admitted that there was a bit of fright mixed up in all the laughter.
B1, C12
Charlie and Fidelio spied Olivia talking to a group of girls who all looked very dramatic; they had white faces and wore dangerous-looking boots, and they all had either bleached or colored hair. Today Olivia's hair was indigo. When Charlie beckoned to her, she came striding over the grass in enormous, thick-soled boots with metal toe-caps.
B1, C16
At that moment she darted back to the boys, or rather, she stomped in her huge boots.
B1, C17
Olivia wore a big green hat and had turned her purple cape inside out; the lining was a dirty green color.
B1, C17
Charlie was glad that Olivia had decided to wear sensible shoes-the sort of shoes she could run in, if anything chased her.
B1, C19
"Well, I'm glad you got out," said Charlie, glancing at Olivia's sensible shoes.
B1, C19
"Here she comes!" said Fidelio as a girl with indigo-colored hair came flying toward them.
B2, C2
Fidelio said quickly "We were just discussing Olivia Vertigo's hair." "Oh?" Manfred raised a thin black eyebrow. "Yes, we thought blue looked very nice on her," said Charlie, "but we didn't like to say it out loud, in case she heard us."
B2, C4
Olivia came bouncing across the snowy ground in bright pink lace-up boots studded with sequins. "The snow's taking all the paint off," she complained, holding out her left foot. The toe of her boot was a nasty gray color.
B2, C4
Olivia bounced off in her pink boots, and headed toward Emma, who was walking around with her nose in a book.
B2, C5
In the center of the glade, two girls in purple capes sat on a large stone tomb. One was very small and very dark, with a long black pigtail and gold-rimmed glasses. The other had a bright, healthy-looking face and amazing blue hair.
B2, C8
Olivia wasn't afraid of him. "I'd rather have green hair than a face like yours," she retorted, patting her freshly dyed spinach-colored hair.
B2, C12
What? Brown hair?" said Fidelio. The two boys strolled over to her. "I've been too busy for hair," said Olivia. "Anyway, I needed a change. Any news of Henry?"
B2, C14
She set the alarm on her watch for midnight, kept her tights on under her pajamas, and placed her outdoor shoes close to the head of her bed.
B2, C14
Olivia looked down to see her heavy black shoes turned to gold by the flames.
B2, C14
Today her hair was striped black and gold, her face was covered in white powder, and her eyes were ringed with black. She looked more like an exotic raccoon than anything else, though Charlie refrained from saying so.
B3, C2
It was Olivia. Who else would wear bright yellow shoes with black socks?
B3, C7
Olivia jumped out of her seat and waved frantically at him. She looked surprisingly normal. Her hair was mouse-brown and her face free of any makeup or decoration.
B3, C10
"So come on, tell us what he said." Olivia leaped for the Frisbee, losing a yellow shoe mid-leap.
B3, C11
Olivia, in her clumpy mauve shoes, made more of a mess than the boys.
B3, C14
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eurovisionru · 2 years
Мальта на Евровидении - Оливия Льюис: мечты сбываются?
По традиции в начале февраля мальтийцы выбрали исполнителя, который будет защищать честь страны на Евровидении – конкурсе песни, который пройдет в Хельсинки 10 – 12 мая 2007 года. В этом году возможность спеть на европейской сцене предоставлена Оливии Льюис. Эта мальтийская певица известна среди своих соотечественников прежде всего тем, что в течении 11 лет упорно и последовательно, однако неудачно, добивалась права поехать на Евровидение. В принципе, она представляла на суд мальтийцев достаточн... Читать дальше »
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bkenber · 2 years
'Don't Worry Darling' Movie and 4K UHD Review
‘Don’t Worry Darling’ Movie and 4K UHD Review
The following review was written by Ultimate Rabbit Correspondent, Tony Farinella. “Don’t Worry Darling” is a film that immediately caught my attention when I saw the trailer for it back in the summer.  I was impressed with Olivia Wilde’s feature film debut in 2019’s “Booksmart,” and the trailer for “Don’t Worry Darling” made me excited to see what she was going to do with her sophomore…
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mellowsadistic · 5 months
The Flower Girl - Part 2
As Grace stared at Jessica, angry and confused, she felt a wave of dizziness wash over her.
“What are you doing?” she mumbled. “What’s going…”
But Jessica’s presence suddenly seemed magnified tenfold. It was as if Grace was looking up at someone much bigger than her, even though she and Jessica were the same height. There was a strange tingling in her brain, a rush of sudden vertigo. She imagined she might fall over, right onto her bottom. She giggled. That would be silly! She shook her head vigorously from side to side, trying to clear it.
“Not your… Not your big day,” said Grace, frowning. “I’m the bride.”
Jessica let out another one of her tinkling laughs. “Silly baby, you’re not the bride! Rob can’t get married to a silly little girl like you. This is my wedding, but I’m being very generous and letting you be the flower girl. Aren’t you lucky?”
Grace felt her head nodding enthusiastically. “Fank you!” she heard herself lisp. What the hell was happening?! The flower girl? Her head was clearing, but it felt as though she couldn’t control herself, like she was nothing but a passenger in her own body!
“Look what I got for you to wear, sweetie,” said Jessica, and she held up the dress she’d been carrying.
It was silly, frilly, and very small. The sleeves were puffy, the short skirt looked more like a tutu than anything else, and it had a large bow on the back.
Grace felt sick at the sight of it. No self-respecting woman would ever wear something so childish, something clearly meant for the youngest of children. But her body seemed to think differently. She heard herself gasp with excitement, and she thrust out her arms and made grabby hands at the ridiculous thing.
“Awww!” Olivia and Caroline cooed.
What was going on?! What was happening to her?! Her head was fully clear now, but Grace’s body still was completely out of her control. Why were Olivia and Caroline acting like nothing was wrong?!
“Alright, Gracie,” Jessica laughed. “Let’s get you changed. Olivia, Caroline, could you help her out of my dress?”
The two women hurried forwards and got to work. Grace could only stand there obediently, smiling vapidly and crying on the inside while her bridesmaids worked together to strip off various pieces of her attire and lift the beautiful dress back up over her head, leaving her in nothing but her underwear – and she didn’t get to keep those for long either.
“I can’t believe we ever thought you were an adult,” Olivia said, unclasping Grace’s bra and letting her large breasts spill out. She tittered at the sight of Grace’s tits wobbling on her chest. “Isn’t it funny how such a silly little girl has such big boobies? These massive knockers must have been how you tricked Rob into thinking you were a grown-up.”
To Grace’s horror, she started giggling and jumping up and down on the spot, making her bare boobs jiggle about madly.
Everyone laughed at her, and Olivia said, “I thought so! You’re just a naughty little brat, aren’t you sweetie? Just like Jessica said. I’m so glad you’ve come to your senses, Gracie. Jessica is clearly the one who’s meant to marry Rob, not you.”
Olivia would never say those kind of things to her! Grace was sure of that. Jessica must have done something to her, and Caroline as well!
Once Grace was standing in nothing but her undies, Olivia went over to Jessica with her wedding dress and started to help her change into it. Meanwhile, Caroline took the flower girl dress and held it up again for Grace to see.
“You’re going to look just like a princess, Gracie!” she said brightly.
Just like before, Grace couldn’t take her eyes off the mirror in front of her. But this time, her transformation was very different. Caroline slipped the tiny little flower girl dress over Grace’s head and started making adjustments to it, brushing down the skirts and squeezing Grace’s tits into the bodice.
Grace winced. It was so tight across the chest that it was painful. Her breasts bulged out obscenely through the fabric, and the puffy, frilly, tutu-like skirt barely reached past her bottom.
“There we go!” Caroline said. “Don’t you look pretty?”
Grace looked at herself in the mirror. She wanted to rip the ridiculous dress off her body and scream at everyone until someone told her what the fuck was going on. She wanted to smack Jessica hard across the face and throw her out of the venue. Instead she smiled stupidly. “Uh-hu!”
“Don’t forget to do her hair,” Jessica smirked, and Caroline nodded.
Grace could only stand there with a dumb grin on her face while her bridesmaid tied her sleek blonde hair into ridiculous pigtails sticking out from either side of her head.
There was a knock on the door and Annie, her third bridesmaid, finally came back into the room.
“Hi girls!” she said.
Grace prayed that maybe, this time, someone was going to come to her rescue. But then she saw that Annie was carrying something. Something large and white and rectangular.
When she realised what it was, Grace felt as though her heart had dropped into her stomach. Even the stupid little girl in charge of her body didn’t like it.
“Don’t need dat!” she heard herself whine as Annie came towards her, unfolding the crinkly, adult-sized disposable diaper as she went.
“Oh yes you do!” said Jessica loudly, and Grace looked over at her, her bottom lip trembling. “Toilets are a thing of the past for you, Gracie,” she said, a malicious look in her eyes. “Stupid little girls like you go potty in their pants, and that means you need a nappy on.”
Annie lifted up Grace’s flower girl dress, slipped a finger into the waistband of her underwear, and started sliding them down.
Grace looked on in horror, a stupid little pout still on her face, as her lacy white lingerie, a sexy surprise for Rob on their wedding night, was tugged down her legs. No, she thought, watching as Annie tossed them aside, come back!
But Annie was already slipping the bulky diaper between Grace’s legs, holding it up while she taped it into place. Grace could feel the soft, thirsty padding pressing against her pussy, ready to soak up all the pee-pee accidents she might have. This couldn’t be happening to her!
“There we go!” Annie cooed. “This suits you much better than that little lacy number. Your undies need to be designed in terms of how many potty accidents they can hold, not sex appeal.”
Once Grace’s nappy was on, Caroline stepped forwards again and, in case there was any doubt about Grace’s new position, placed a flower crown on top of her head.
“There’s just one more thing she needs,” Jessica said, walking over to her old clothes and fishing in the pockets. “Here we go!” She came back over and shoved a bright pink pacifier into Grace’s mouth, where it immediately started bobbing between her lips. “Perfect,” Jessica purred, drinking in Grace’s appearance like she couldn’t get enough of it. “We’ll be ready to go very soon.”
While her bridesmaids made the finishing touches to Jessica’s outfit, Grace toddled around impatiently, her thick diaper rustling noisily between her legs.
Then, without warning, she felt a sudden pressure in her bladder. She clutched her hands to her crotch, but the urge to go had become uncontrollable almost the moment it had appeared. Grace felt pee rushing into her pants, drenching the thick padding between her legs. The front of her Pampers discoloured, sagging until the yellow-tinged padding peaked out below the hem of her dress.
“Uh-oh,” she said softly, wrinkling her nose as the sharp smell of piss reached it. Inside her head, Grace was shrieking in horror. She wanted to throw up. She’d never been so disgusted in her life! It was awful, the feeling of her pee sloshing around in her pants, the sopping wet padding pressed against her nether regions. Someone had to save her! They had to!
At last, Jessica was done. She smirked down at Grace in her ridiculous little flower girl dress, dummy in her mouth, her hair in ludicrous pigtails. “I think someone had better check the baby’s nappy,” she said.
Caroline stepped forward, lifted up Grace’s dress, and probed the front of her diaper.
“She’s done a wee-wee,” Caroline announced. “Should I change her?”
“Is she about to leak?” asked Jessica.
“No, I think it can take a bit more,” Caroline replied, as Grace fidgeted in place like an impatient little girl, praying desperately that her bridesmaids would come to their senses, that someone would rescue her.
“Leave her for now,” Jessica instructed, a note of delight just detectable in her voice. “We don’t want to waste nappies.”
“You’re in charge,” said Caroline, and she actually did a little curtsey.
“That’s right,” said Jessica, her smile widening. “I am. It’s my big day, after all.”
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