georgiacooked · 1 year
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Into another Droughtula, so finishing up a quick Doctor Who Sticker set in the free time.
Taking a trip back to Gallifrey for the current War Room Big Finish cast. Featuring Veklin, Ollistra, The General, Rasmus, (The War) Narvin, Rassilon, and Cresta!
(As I wrote one of the episodes, I should probably note that this design for Cresta/her uniform is in no way definitive canon. This is just how I picture her!)
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gallifreyanhotfive · 6 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 38: Gallifrey at War Part 6
Tw: body horror, Time War stuff, death and destruction, lots of disturbing stuff, etc etc
During the Last Great Time War, Dalek experiments included mutating humans into Daleks to be used as cannon fodder. (Novel: Engines of War)
To fight against the Daleks, the Time Lords not only used Battle TARDISes but also time scooped N Forms, Bowships, and Black Hole Carriers from their own past to add to their forces. (Novel: A Brief History of Time Lords)
Mr. Saldaamir was a friend of the Doctor's parents. He originated before the first Time Wars, which erased his entire planet and left him as the last of his kind. (Short story: Mr. Saldaamir)
Gabrielideans are a race of liquid protean bioforms. During the War in Heaven, the Time Lords allied with them but poured packets of powder into them, which altered their biodata to an extent that it changed their physical form. This was to ensure that the Gabrielideans would be able to use humanoid skinsuits. (Novel: The Book of War; Alien Bodies)
The First Law of Time broke down during the War in Heaven, causing the War to spill over into the pre-War Era. Indeed, the Eighth Doctor (and other early incarnations, notably the Third but also the Fourth, etc etc) all had interactions with a future War. (Novel: Alien Bodies; Unnatural History; The Taking of Planet 5; Interference; Verdigris; Toy Story; Audio: The Judgment of Sutekh; Television: Pyramids of Mars; I don't think I'm missing any citations, but honestly I probably am. This happened A LOT lol)
The Predator Dalek is two times the size of a normal Dalek. The interior has a seat inside of it, surrounded by monitors, dials, probes, and spikes, including a large needle which would insert in the soft tissue at the back of a humanoid skull. This was intended to house the War Doctor inside of it. (Novel: Engines of War)
During the War in Heaven, the Celestis had used a fictional generator to bring to life H.P. Lovecraft's Elder Things. A group of Time Lords purposefully regenerated into bodies resembling these Elder Things in order to blend in and complete their mission. (Novel: The Taking of Planet 5)
The Celestis were the elite members of the old Celestial Intervention Agency who removed themselves from history to escape the War in Heaven. Other Houses typically thought of them as monstrosities. (Novel: Alien Bodies; The Book of War)
Project Revenant was a project set up by the War Council during the Last Great Time War to resurrect dead Time Lords from the Matrix. (Audio: Celestial Intervention)
It was housed in a pocket dimension connect to Gallifrey through the Death Zone, but when Daleks invaded the pocket universe to use the Project for their own ends, the pocket dimension was destroyed but not before the power core was removed. This power core allowed for the resurrection of Rassilon. His Martrix projection was imprinted on Valerian, which ended in Valerian's death. (Audio: Desperate Measures)
The planet Reave in the constellation of Kasterborous was so anti-Gallifrey during the Last Great Time War that they had graffiti depicting the demise of Time Lords and would douse their streets in Praxis gas to choke out any Gallifreyan that may be hiding in their midst. This was largely because the High Council was sanctioning terrorist attacks to blow up Reave's factories, but that did not prevent Gallifreyans not responsible for the attacks - like the Eighth Doctor - from getting Praxis gassed. (Audio: A Heart on Both Sides)
Considering that events in the Last Great Time War were constantly in a state of temporal flux, it was impossible to know for sure what happened. In truth, everything "has happened, then not happened at all, then happened again but at a different time entirely." (Novel: A Brief History of Time Lords)
The Moon of Tenacity was the site of a Gallifreyan Military Moon Base. The Eighth Doctor and his companions were taken here after they were captured. His companions were locked away to convince the Doctor to fight in the Time War, and he was conscripted to the recruitment camp. (Audio: The Conscript)
The Faction Paradox members wear masks made of skulls. These skulls sometimes belonged to Time Lords from an alternate universe where they lost the Eternal War. (Novel: Alien Bodies)
Not all Faction Paradox members used these AU Time Lord skulls though. Some wore the skulls of other species, and Godfather Auteur had his actual skull exposed. This was because his skin had been ripped off, so his body was just bones held together by shadows. (Short story: A Bloody (And Public) Domain)
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riversofmars · 10 months
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Happy 60th Birthday Doctor Who! If we ever do get that Eighth Doctor spin-off, this is what I'd hope for!
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mr-boundless · 4 months
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Just a sketch of characters from Big Finish Time War.
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vivvision · 1 year
Did I actually remember I have a podcast? Yes, I did!
In todays episode of “Ivy Speaks… Quickly!” I … well… speak quickly! Specifically about the cover + synopsis information for Gallifrey War Room 2 : Maneuvers.
The podcast is available on both Spotify and YouTube with subtitles provided.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/JhhpUWE94cM?si=zAROFLl55cBDhk-6
Spotify: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/8GZmNpHkDCb
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gotyouanyway · 3 months
oh ok. crazy! guess i’ll wait until next november
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(submitted by @sircarolyn & @zareleonis)
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crystalromana · 6 months
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The Side of the Angels
Going from Pointedly not bringing up Alex in front of Ollistra to Veklin using
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The Uncertain Shore
Rattling this all around in my head. Many possibilites
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ceridwyn2 · 11 months
Me and a discussion with ChatGPT on the worlds of Doctor Who and Big Finish audios.
Chat with ChatGPT re: Doctor Who
ChatGPT: It's always great to discuss and delve into the intricacies of the Doctor Who universe. If you have any more questions or topics you'd like to explore, feel free to share!
Me: Still getting into the worlds of the Doctor Who Universe with the Gallifrey series. I have some of the newer ones (Gallifrey: Time War, Vol. 1 and 3, and Gallifrey: War Room, Vol. 1 and 2. Looking forward to getting my hands on the early BF audio Gallifrey series with Leela and Romana II.
ChatGPT: Ah, the "Gallifrey" series by Big Finish is a real treat for fans of the Time Lords and the deeper political and cultural aspects of the Doctor Who universe. Here's a brief overview and what to expect:
### Early Gallifrey Series:
The early Gallifrey series focuses on the political intrigue, conspiracies, and power struggles on the Doctor's home planet. It's set after the events of the classic series and primarily follows two beloved companions:
1. **Romana II (played by Lalla Ward)**: After her time with the Fourth Doctor, Romana becomes the President of Gallifrey. Her reign, however, is fraught with challenges, both internal and external.
2. **Leela (played by Louise Jameson)**: Leela, having been left on Gallifrey after the events of "The Invasion of Time," provides a contrasting, grounded perspective amidst the high Time Lord politics. Her relationship with the Time Lords, especially given her non-Gallifreyan origin, adds depth to the narrative.
### Gallifrey: Time War:
This series delves into the Time War, a temporal conflict between the Time Lords and the Daleks. It's a darker, more intense narrative that explores the ethical dilemmas, sacrifices, and heavy toll the war has on Gallifrey and its inhabitants.
**Gallifrey: War Room** volumes further explore the strategies, decisions, and behind-the-scenes machinations of the Time War.
### Why it's Worth Listening:
1. **Depth and Intrigue**: The series delves deep into Time Lord society, showcasing the complexities, ethics, and politics of Gallifrey. It's a departure from the usual "monster-of-the-week" format of many Doctor Who episodes.
2. **Character Development**: Both Romana and Leela get significant character development. It's delightful to see these companions in roles of power and influence, shaping the fate of Gallifrey.
3. **Connections**: The series has numerous nods, references, and tie-ins to both classic and modern Doctor Who episodes, making it a rewarding listen for longtime fans.
4. **Stellar Performances**: The cast, especially Lalla Ward and Louise Jameson, deliver powerful performances. The chemistry between the characters, the dialogue, and the sound design make it an immersive experience.
If you're delving into the Gallifrey series, you're in for a rich, layered narrative that expands on the lore of the Doctor Who universe. Enjoy the journey through the corridors of power on Gallifrey!
Me: I got interested in the Gallifrey aspect after listening to the Eighth Doctor Adventures of the “Doom Coalition” box sets, the political backstabbing and machinations- and Liv Chenka’s sarcastic disdain for the Time Lords
ChatGPT: “Doom Coalition” is a fantastic entry point into the deeper workings of Gallifrey and the Time Lords. It showcases the vast scope of the Doctor Who universe beyond the typical adventures of the Doctor and their companions. The Eighth Doctor’s era, especially in the Big Finish audios, delves deep into the lore and provides some of the most compelling story arcs.
Liv Chenka’s character is a particular highlight. As a human companion, her perspective on Time Lord society is both refreshing and relatable. Her sarcastic disdain for the pomp and ceremony of the Time Lords, juxtaposed with the grave events unfolding, adds a layer of humor and realism to the narrative. Liv’s interactions with the Doctor, Helen Sinclair, and the various Time Lords they encounter provide some of the best moments in the series.
The political intrigue, machinations, and backstabbing on Gallifrey provide a Game of Thrones-esque twist to the Doctor Who universe. The Time Lords, with all their power and knowledge, are shown to be just as prone to ambition, betrayal, and power struggles as any other society. This portrayal humanizes them and makes the narrative more grounded and engaging.
If “Doom Coalition” piqued your interest in Gallifreyan politics, the “Gallifrey” series will be a deep dive into that world. It’s a rich tapestry of characters, plots, and subplots that showcases the best of what Big Finish and the expanded Doctor Who universe have to offer. Enjoy the ride!
@riversofmars @meluisart @pers-books @calunalilly @bigfinishdaily
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ozzieinspacetime · 11 months
*Hot Rassilon Voice* Ollistra...How did these Bisexuals get into my War Room, Ollistra...
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theladyjojogrant · 11 months
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whifferdills · 1 year
re: Gallifrey: War Room: Revenge of War Room:
IT'S THE EVERYTHING THAT'S SINKING ME. barking! jopping! eating the insulation in the walls like it's cotton candy! "oh Narvin and Leela have switched places" as if he didn't start this in season 3. as if this story isn't, on some level, about them becoming each other. he started the Time War out of blind, desperate love. he is 10000% primed to do the dumbest possible thing, there is so little left to mitigate the blood on his hands. the systems he built and maintained as Coordinator are the same systems that made Ollistra and now his mistake with Orrison…you can fit so much self-loathing and self-destruction in this little guy. all his brain is doing right now is punching him in the face, you think he's not going to embrace instinct even if that instinct has historically been super duper wrong?
and meanwhile Leela, faced with the black-mirror analogue of her old position with Romana in Veklin, slips into the sort of role Narvin would have played back when the political superstructure of Gallifrey was enough to hold his dumbassery in check. she's always had the capability, she just hated it, and presumably still does, but people forget her companion introduction story was about putting logic over faith. ykwim? this has always been in her. ugh!
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gallifreyanhotfive · 4 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 57: Gallifrey at War Part 8
Normal TWs for these parts apply: for war, death, injury, disturbing behavior
The Gramoryans were paradox eaters that used to be monitored by the Time Lords but began to run amok after the Last Great Time War. They collected important historical people and kill those who they deemed insignificant. They were attracted to Tudor Era England when the Monk disguised himself as King Henry VIII. (Audio: Divorced, Beheaded, Regenerated)
Paradox anxiety refers to the fear of falling under the influence of the Faction Paradox if someone caused a paradox. In more extreme cases, people might believe they had already caused a paradox and were thus already under Faction Paradox control. (Novel: The Book of War)
While not a declared "war" that Gallifrey took part in, the Quantum Archangel was created by fusing a human with the energy of the Lux Aeterna, the quantum foam making up reality. This resulted from the Master trying to use a TITAN Array to rejuvenate his body and destroy the Chronovores. The Quantum Archangel became basically an omnipotent goddess with the ability to create pocket universes and rewrite history. She intended to get rid of suffering by putting everyone in their own individual pocket universes and letting them live their best lives possible. (Novel: The Quantum Archangel)
The Quantum Archangel did not realize that the Chronovores would start to eat the small alternate timelines she had been creating. The perfect universes collapsed into nightmarish versions. (Novel: The Quantum Archangel)
To fight the Quantum Archangel, the Sixth Doctor bathed in the Lux Aeterna himself to get the same powers. He went to the higher dimensions and tried to make her see reason. This failed, so the two of them did battle on a truly cosmic scale, using entire suns and planets as weapons. The Doctor in his godly form and Kronos managed to revert the Quantum Archangel back into her human form (Novel: The Quantum Archangel)
The Ninth Doctor told Rose he was 900 years old because during the Last Great Time War, such as during the Battle of Rodan's Wedding, years became ammunition. The Doctor could remember being aged to five million years old when hit by one volley of shrapnel and then being de-aged to a baby by the next. Because of this mess, the Doctor could not be sure of his exact age but decided that he "felt" about a thousand years old, which he rounded to 900. (Short story: Doctor Who and the Time War) If you recall from TV: The Invasion of Time, Rodan was a Gallifreyan who was responsible for maintaining the transduction barrier.
The Bygone Horde was made up of all the species that had been erased from existence during the Last Great Time War, surviving only as a memory. They planned on returning to existence using the sacrifice of the human race, but the Ninth Doctor and Adam Mitchell stopped them. (Audio: The Other Side)
Ollistra attached an artron leash to the War Doctor, thus linking him to herself. These artron leashes were made by Gallifrey and forced the person on the receiving end - in this case the War Doctor - to stay close to the other. If they moved too far away, they would be given an intense electric shock. (Audio: A Thing of Guile)
The Fifth Doctor was forced to lead a military campaign against Morbius during the Civil War. He took on the alias the Supreme Coordinator (or the Supremo) and led a large army composed of Ice Warriors, Draconians, Sontarans, Ogrons, and Cybermen. The Daleks were not part of this Alliance, but the Doctor had a nightmare where they offered to help. (Novel: Warmonger)
The Ogrons had been the Doctor's bodyguards in this time in order to avoid jealousy that choosing one of the other species would have caused. (Novel: Warmonger)
Peri Brown had become a guerilla leader on Sylvana after the Doctor had sent her away to heal from a serious injury. She only met back up with the Doctor after he became general of his massive army. (Novel: Warmonger)
The Supreme Coordinator had such a big impact on those in his command that the Sontaran Battle Major Streg sacrificed himself to save the Supremo in battle. His last words were ones of thanks to the Supremo for giving him a glorious death in a legendary battle. (Novel: Warmonger)
An additional Time War was averted during the Eleventh Doctor's era. This clearly caused the Doctor a lot of distress, causing him to break down alone in his TARDIS and speak about how he didn't want to be a Warrior again. (Audio: Daleks Victorious)
A predicted timeline of this averted Time War suggested by a sentient Dalek time machine (named Tim) stated that the best end to this war (and the way to destroy the Daleks) would involve Valarie going back in time and changing her own personal history. Even in this best case scenario, however, the Time War would last billions of years and result in the Doctor’s death. (Audio: The Last Stand of Miss Valarie Lockwood)
The Loomstacks on Gallifrey 8 became so overworked during the War in Heaven that thick black smoke blocked out the sun over the Capitol. To create more troops for the War, Gallifrey would incinerate their dead soldiers, break their bodies into raw fabric, and reweave them into brand new troops. (Novel: The Taking of Planet 5)
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riversofmars · 10 months
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That moment when you realise Ollistra/Veklin has been canonised as a tag of AO3!!
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I really like this Cardinal Rasmus, but I still think David Llewellyn writes the weakest Gallifrey stories that have been released so far.
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alyona11 · 11 months
Thinking about how by becoming a better person Narvin progressively gets more tormented by his past mistakes and pretty cruel and unhumane things he did throughout the series. Yes, he became a better person but he has to constantly face the person he was when he sees how Time Lords destroy planets without any regards for the local population and nature, when he sees Ollistra mistreating Leela as a lesser being, when he understands that the situation that Lenaris and Helico got themselves into is the result of his past-self's carelessness and cruelty. You can see throughout War Room 2 how this guilt constantly affects his decisions.
Additionally, he absolutely sees himself as the reason why this whole war is happening since he unwillingly started it. Which makes him partially complicit in Romana and Leela's imprisonment.
I wonder how much more will it affect his rationality later down the line 🤔
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