#Om Mani Palme Hum
mysticalblizzardcolor · 3 months
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Deva Premal ~Om Mani Palme Hum
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talonabraxas · 19 days
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The Thousand-Armed Avalokiteśvara Talon Abraxas
Oṃ Mani Padme Hūṃ / Om Mani Padme Hum
Avalokiteshvara (or Avalokiteśvara) is a Bodhisattva who represents compassion, and his mantra also symbolizes that quality. Avalokiteshvara means “The Lord Who Looks Down (in compassion)”.
There are various forms of Avalokiteśvara (Chenrezig in Tibetan). The four-armed form is shown here. There is also a 1000-armed form — the many arms symbolizing compassion in action. And in the far east, Avalokiteshvara turned into the female Bodhisattva, Kuan Yin.
Avalokiteśvara Mantra Meaning
Oṃ, as I’ve explained elsewhere, has only a mystical meaning — suggesting primordial reality, or the potential for enlightenment that pervades the universe.
Mani means jewel.
adma means lotus (why the form in the mantra is “padme” is explained below).
Huṃ, like Oṃ, has no conceptual meaning.
Both jewels and lotuses are important symbolic elements in Buddhism.
Jewels represent what is most precious, so that Buddhists worship not just the Buddha, but the three jewels (Buddha, Dharma, or the teachings, and Sangha, or spiritual community). and jewels were considered indestructible, which made them an excellent symbol for eternal truths.
The lotus represents purity, in terms of how the enlightened mind is untouched by the negativity of the world. Just as the lotus can exist in muddy water without being soiled, so an enlightened being can exist in an impure world without becoming contaminated by its greed, hatred, or delusion.
The mantra is often “translated” as “Hail to the jewel in the lotus” but the Sanskrit simply can’t mean that.
The central element, manipadme, seems to be a name, Manipadma (“The Jewel Lotus One”) with the -e ending signifying the vocative case, meaning that Manipadma — is being invoked (“O Jewel Lotus One”).
But if this is the case, then according to the rules of classical Sanskrit, then Manipadma would have to be a feminine figure. And Avalokiteśvara is male.
However, if the mantra was originally in a non-Sanskrit language with different grammatical rules, and the vocative -e ending was applicable in that language to a masculine figure, then Manipadma would simply be another name for Avalokiteshvara.
The mantra of Avalokitesvara would then mean “Oṃ, O Jewel Lotus One, Hūṃ” — the “Jewel Lotus One” being an alternative name for Avalokitesvara himself.
The Thousand-Armed Avalokiteśvara
This multi-limbed approach was taken to another level in the thousand-armed and eleven-headed form of Avalokiteshvara. According to legend, Avalokiteshvara made a vow, in the presence of the Buddha Amitabha, to manifest in all the realms of existence in order to save all sentient beings. He also vowed that if he were to lose his compassion for even a moment, that he would shatter into a thousand pieces.
At one time, having worked tirelessly for the welfare of beings, Avalokiteshvara, at Amitabha’s prompting, looked back and saw that there were still uncountable beings suffering in samsara. At that point he became discourage, fainted, and shattered into a thousand pieces. Amitabha gathered up the pieces and reassembled them into a form with thousand arms and eleven heads.
The eleven heads symbolize the eleven directions of space, suggesting that Avalokiteshvara’s compassionate gaze is infinite in scope. Each of the thousand hands, which are arrayed like an aura around the standing figure of Avalokiteshvara, has an eye in the center of the palm, suggesting that his beneficial activities are informed by transcendental wisdom. Many of the hands bear implements, suggesting the skilful means that Avalokiteshvara employs in saving sentient beings from the sufferings of samsara.
Although he is associated with compassion, Avalokiteshvara is, like all Bodhisattvas, symbolic of wisdom as well. He is connected with the Heart Sutra in particular, and that text is in fact a teaching he gave on the topic of emptiness (shunyata) to Shariputra. He is also associated with the Lotus Sutra.
Avalokiteshvara is the spiritual father of Tara, who is said to have been born from a lotus that grew in a lake formed by the tears he shed as he gazed in compassion at the infinite sufferings of the world.
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dharmasculpture · 3 months
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Shadakshari Lokeshvara is a four-armed variant of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara, who holds his inner hands to his chest in anjali mudra, the gesture of adoration. Kharchheri is a form of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara. Om Mani Padme Hum is the famous mantra of Chenrezig in Tibetan. It is said that all the teachings of the Buddha are contained in this mantra. Tibetan Buddhists believe that saying the mantra (prayer), out loud or silently to oneself, invokes his powerful benevolent attention. Viewing the written form of the mantra is said to have the same effect, and it is often carved into stones, placed where people can see them. Lokeshvara is always decked with all sorts of ornaments. He is four armed carrying malas in his right hand and a full blown lotus in his left. The other two principal hands are raised to the chest with the palms joined in Namaskar Mudra with a round object known as "The Jewel" a symbol of knowledge held in the center.
In the Tibetan Buddhist pantheon of enlightened beings, Chenrezig is renowned as the embodiment of the compassion of all the Buddhas, the Bodhisattva of Compassion. Avalokiteshvara is the earthly manifestation of the self born, eternal Buddha, Amitabha. He guards this world in the interval between the historical Sakyamuni Buddha, and the next Buddha of the future, Maitreya. Chenrezig may be the most popular of all Buddhist deities, except for Buddha himself, he is beloved throughout the Buddhist world. He is known by different names in different lands: as Avalokiteshvara in the ancient Sanskrit language of India, as Kuan Yin in China, as Kannon in Japan and Chenrezig to Tibetans.
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communityhn · 8 months
Ranjana Lipi: Efforts to revive the ancient script
What is Ranjana Lipi
The diverse culture of Nepal is home to many ethnic groups with over 100 various languages. In Nepal Mandal (the current Kathmandu Valley) from the 14th to 18th century, Nepal Bhasa was the official language but was replaced by Nepali after the Gorkha Kingdom was established. This Sino-Tibetan language is spoken by Newars, indigenous inhabitants of Kathmandu Valley, and has remained alongside Nepali as another prominent language of Nepal. Nepal Bhasa is written in Nepal Lipi, which has nine different variations. An artistic and distinctive script, Ranjana Lipi is one of those widely visible scripts among all the Nepal Lipi. It is commonly used to write the Buddhist Mantra “Om mane padme hum” in Buddhist Prayer Wheel.
Besides, it has been used on stone and copper plate inscriptions, coins, palm-leaf documents, and Hindu and Buddhist manuscripts. Ranjana script has not only been used in the Nepal but also in Tibet, where it is known as Lanydza. Tibetans typically decorate temple walls, prayer wheels, and Mandalas with this script and use it on the title pages of Tibetan texts.
Current situation
Throughout history, Nepal Bhasa and its script have faced many threats. Nepal Lipi has struggled a lot to maintain its existence in the history of Nepal. With the aim of preservation of Ranjana Lipi, Nepal Lipi Guthi came into existence. The institution, founded by Bikash Man Sheshya in 1980, has remarkably helped in spreading awareness about the importance of Nepal Bhasa.
Although organizations have successfully increased visibility among the people in recent decades, there is still much to do. Today, young adults are primarily aware, but few understand it or know how to write it.
However, the current situation among youngsters seems even more worrying, as many have not even heard of it. Younger generations need more opportunities and enticements to study the endangered Ranjana Lipi. Otherwise, it is in danger of vanishing. 
Recently, Community Homestay Network have also acted and organized the event  Ranjana Lipi & Aila in effort to support the endangered script. In addition to giving a wonderful cultural experience for the participants, this event has provided an opportunity for Kirtipur Community Homestay, as two of its representatives, Buddhilal Maharjan and Gyan Maharjan, facilitated as trainers to spread the script to reach more people.
We had an interview with the men, where important topics were discussed. In the conversation, Buddhilal and Gyan talk about their lives and challenges with the endangered Ranjana Lipi. They also discuss current and potential opportunities for its preservation.
Ranjana Lipi & Kirtipur Community Homestay
“It is not just a script, but the heritage and pride of all Nepali people,” Buddhilal Maharjan states. “Ranjana Lipi is the soul of the whole nation, and without the existence of it, the existence of the whole nation is questionable,” Gyan Maharjan continues. The men share an interest in the ancient Newari script and a passion for teaching it to others.
Buddhilal's Encounter: Nepal Lipi Guthi Connection
Retired jobholder, Buddhilal, and Gyan, who works in water supply, both have their roots in the ancient town of Kirtipur on the outskirts of Kathmandu. When discussing how they got involved with Ranjana Lipi, Buddhilal recalls: “I got to know about Ranjana Lipi through an organisation, Nepal Lipi Guthi, which was established for the script in 2036 B.S. (1979 AD).”
During Nepal Sambat (the New Year of the lunisolar calendar), he remembers how he helped the community by writing banners in Ranjana Lipi. Gyan, in turn, says that his first encounter with Ranjana Lipi happened during school days, around 2038 B.S. (1981 AD). “Seeing Ranjana Lipi on temples and banners got me very fascinated about the authenticity of it, and as a result, I used to make tattoos with a ballpoint to my hand when I was a kid,” he recalls with amusement.
After Gyan had learned more about Ranjana Lipi in 2052 B.S. (1995 AD), he started working in a small organisation established in Kirtipur, Nepal Lipi Parishad, through which they ran a month-long workshop to generate awareness. “However, the workshop ended up short when we were halted by Maoist (The Communist Party of Nepal),” Gyan closes the story.
In the interview, both Buddhilal and Gyan often mention the government of Nepal, which has not supported the spread of Ranjana Lipi much but once even limited it. This has served as motivation for them to teach it to others: “Just to go against the government, we started to teach in small communities,” Buddhilal reveals. Gyan mentions that his motivation, besides the government’s ignorance, came from believing the writing style was endangered. To preserve it, he wishes to teach it not just to the Newari community but to other communities and foreigners.
Challenges and preservation of the endangered script
Gyan and Buddhilal consider the biggest challenge in preserving Ranjana Lipi to be the government’s limited efforts. The government is responsible for attracting young people to learn Ranjana Lipi, but there has been no action: “People don’t see any advantage of learning Ranjana Lipi. Neither can they earn from learning the script, nor is there any job guarantee from the script.
That’s why people would rather learn Japanese or Korean because learning those languages can guarantee a job in a foreign country”, Gyan explains. They both believe that the government of Nepal could play a pivotal role in preserving the script.
Government's Role
According to them, to protect Ranjana Lipi, the government could organize workshops and arrange some opportunities to earn income through the script. “Today, people are also very busy and occupied with their own stuff and have limited time to learn new things. Even taking the time to learn Ranjana Lipi is a huge thing”, Gyan ponders other challenges.
Besides that, the men wish the government would take Ranjana Lipi into account in the school curriculum; they believe that it would be helpful if the script was still used in the writings in temples as well as in the products people use in modern days. “To keep it alive, Ranjana Lipi could be incorporated in poems, books, children’s cartoons, and songbooks, and even international short stories could be translated into Ranjana Lipi,” Buddhilal adds.
When asked about other methods for its preservation, the conversation turns to young people and how the nepalese calligraphy could be used in the products aimed at them: “Especially for younger generations, tattoos, posters, keyrings, lockets, and souvenirs would attract them,” Gyan considers. 
Digital opportunities for Ranjana Lipi are also current, and the men see that there are many of them. Buddhilal digs out his cell phone from his pocket and introduces an application called Nepal Lipi – Ranjana Lipi. “People can use the app to convert Devanagari to Ranjana Lipi. I think it is the best platform to promote Ranjana Lipi,” he praises the app.
The Ranjana Lipi & Aila workshop
“We are thankful for the opportunity that Community Homestay Network offers people. Because of the event, we got the chance to reach more people,” Gyan expresses his gratitude. The event Ranjana Lipi & Aila has been held twice now, and there is more to come. It is inspired by the “Paint and sip” type of events, but instead of contemporary paintings, papers are decorated with Ranjana Lipi, while traditional Aila is served as a drink. At the event, the trainers teach participants the basics of the script while offering an opportunity to immerse themselves in Newari culture.
Community-Led Preservation Efforts
Community Homestay Network is not the only organization that have organized such events regarding Ranjana Lipi. As Buddhilal mentioned, there have also been efforts made by Nepal Lipi Guthi; an institution focused on the Newar language and script: “Along with this event, there was this event called Calijatra. It is an open participation event, and people would come and write down their names in Ranjana Lipi and learn the basics of it.” Established in 2015, Calijatra has, until now, organized over 40 workshops all over Nepal (Khadgi, 2020) 
“The Newari community appreciates the efforts to teach Ranjana Lipi from different organisations. As there are not any efforts from the government to teach it, people have taken it upon themselves to preserve the endangered script”, Buddhilal explains.
People’s efforts have borne fruit because these days Ranjana Lipi can be seen more in different places, for example “in letter pads, headings of newspapers and on boards of government offices,” he lists. Gyan thinks that these kinds of events are essential for people interested in cultures and also help young people who nowadays don’t know much about the script get to know it. He notes that Advertising through social media such as Facebook and Instagram could attract youth to learn it. 
Community Impact
The men discuss that the event’s impact on their community would be even more significant if CHN expanded it to different neighbourhoods. This way, more people of different ages and backgrounds would be reached. “If we keep on organising this kind of event, it might inspire other organisations to organise the same kind of events, too,” Buddhilal mentions. Gyan, in turn, brings up the possibility that a package with more time rather than just an event could attract more participants and be more effective.
When asked about their experience as trainers in the two past events, both say they were happy to see the participants enjoying the event. “The enjoyment from participants’ was fuel for us, and we are looking forward to future events with great enthusiasm,” Buddhilal adds in the conversation.
Gyan mentions he found the event very interesting, not only because of teaching but also interesting because of many other Newari cultural components. “I want to highlight the almost endangered culture of the Newari community, like serving Saakha: ti (traditional Newari beverage) while welcoming guests,“ he says. “Not just the script, but I want the culture of the Newari people to be promoted at this event,” Buddhilal agrees.
The historical significance of Ranjana Lipi is not limited regionally only to Nepal. “Talking about the historical importance of Ranjana Lipi, it can be stressed back to many Asian countries, such as Tibet, China, and Japan. It has travelled the world with prayer wheels.” Buddhilal explains.
The men emphasize the importance of Ranjana Lipi as a valuable cultural heritage: “Most of our historical and religious books are written in Ranjana Lipi. They are not just books but heritages, so to preserve this kind of heritage and obtain knowledge from the books, its preservation is required”, Buddhilal states.
As a valuable part of Nepal’s rich cultural heritage, Ranjana Lipi has united the nation’s identity, tying together different generations and groups of people. Like many other ancient scripts, Ranjana Lipi has also faced difficulties and was in danger of disappearing.
Nevertheless, it continues to flourish today, for which we can thank the efforts of the organizations and the strong unified identity of the Newari community, with the power of which they have kept it alive, passing the heritage from generation to generation. An excellent example of how even one event can arouse others and create something bigger is Ranjana Lipi & Aila.
The event has inspired members of the Kirtipur Community Homestay to take the reins of preservation by spreading the script among their community and teaching it to those interested in it, including tourists. We must protect cultural heritage as it is part of the past, part of ourselves, and a source of identity.
Reference: Khadgi, A. 2020. A man with many hats. The Kathmandu
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lysmune · 3 years
demon’s kiss
(OM! Demons/Reader)
i: Satan -  5:35AM
      Satan’s kisses are sunbursts, rimmed sweet from morning precipitation as he guides, goads, without a breath of hesitation. Nipping, skimming your bottom lip, he engulfs wholly, utterly, and you’re always left a little mesmerised, a little giddy.
     Fingers running up your side and down, and you giggle into his mouth, into the quiet evaporating gasps when he pulls away and he pecks the tip of your nose with emerald-flecked mischief.
     “Wide-awake, are we?”
ii: Diavolo - 6:30 AM
     Diavolo’s kisses are open-mouthed, hopping from your lips to your jaw, to the dip of your neck and your clavicle. His body wash lingers, warm, faintly musky as you ball the fabric of his shirt, tugging him a little closer.
     Laughter shivering your skin, biting at you playfully, nuzzling into you, his hair tickling before he reaches up to your lips once again. It’s a little rushed, a little sloppy, but you find that it suits him just as well, and he cradles you when he pulls away, even if it’s brief.
     “I have to get up,” is his soft, chuckling plea and, as much as you’d like him to stay, you surrender him to his work. Brushing your hair to the side, he whispers the promise of his return, a dinner together and a reward you’d very much like to sink your teeth into.
iii: Beelzebub - 12:00 PM
     Despite his intimidating build, Beelzebub’s kisses are tender, mellow, bitter caramel and pudding between his teeth. He handles you with a delicate touch and you’re precious in his arms, your hands up against his chest, the strong beat of his heart thrumming under your palm.
     Never pushing, never forcing, he always seems to back away just before you do, your name tumbling in honeyed dulcet tones. An endearing smile smoothed by affection, warmed by the kitchen heat, you raise your hand to cup his cheek and he gladly presses into you.
     “You taste sweet,” he confesses, thumbing a peck into your palm, and you chuckle at how unabashed, how honest he always is.
     “Thank you.”
iv: Asmodeus - 2:00 PM
     Coloured in rose perfume, Asmodeus’ kisses flatter you, coiling in an intoxicating swirl of indigo and peach as he pins you down against his bed, his knee between your legs and his hands flitting across your figure. You shudder into his caress, back arching when he traces the length of your abdomen, the swell of your hip, the curve of your thighs.
     Giggles spill into your mouth, the shell of your ear, unsparing in his touches as he bares warm flesh to cool air, to warmer palms, relishing in the way you’re sighing his name in praise. He adores you with sugared compliments, his lips grazing every inch of you in fluttering pecks, a topaz gaze transfixed by the blush of your body.
     He always stops, just as you’re at the precipice of it all, coyly slinking back, taking you into an embrace while he smooths you out.
     “Sorry,” he winks, grinning, knowing. “I got a little too carried away.”
v: Belphegor - 5:45 PM
     Taking all the time in the world, Belphegor’s kisses are, oddly, patient. He nips at your bottom lip as his thumb strokes your cheek, humming your name, brushing your hair back. Through violet eyes, he admires.
     When he finally presses his lips against yours, everything around you seems to flicker ablur, quelling into a silence as you ease in his arms. Mint peppery on your tongue, tart with raspberries and dewed in stardust, holding you tighter still. He’s gentle, if not unyielding.
     No matter how many times he breaks away, gives you space, he’s never really distant, his lips hovering yours for a few heartbeats before he captures you again. Languorously, he showers you with quiet affection, fingers running across your arms, resting at your waist, and you always feel ethereal in his touch, as though you’re floating, as though you’re in a dream.
     Pulling away for the last time, you watch him in a daze as he thumbs a light kiss to your eyelid, the crescent of smile etching itself before he chuckles at the sight of you.
     “Again?” he asks and you nod. Wordlessly, without any hesitation, he lulls you back in.
vi: Barbatos - 7:00 PM
     Earl grey and rose petals, and crème Chantilly; that’s the only indication of Barbatos’ kiss today. You swear you feel him soft against your lips, the ever slight hand on the small of your back, his hair tickling your eyelids when he bends, but when light floods your vision, he’s a good few spaces away.
     You’re not sure if you’re to believe it happened or not, your fingers skimming your  bottom lip as though it would jolt the process of a recollection. You hear him chuckle quietly and you look up to meet the serpentine gleam of his gaze.
     Pressing a finger to his mouth, a smile curling at the edges, he sends a small hush that makes you warm with blush, the thrill of your intimacies being kept under wraps tingling across skin.
     “Later,” and with that, he assures you that this isn’t the last you’ll be seeing of him today.
vii: Mammon - 10:25 PM
     Under the flickering fluorescence of a dying street lamp, the aftermath of a sudden shower, the slight bittersweet tang of Demonus, Mammon’s kisses are uncharacteristically bold.
     Hands clinging, wandering, roaming the side of your thighs, your waist, your face as he pulls you flush against him with his other. Balling his shirt in your fists, you tug and he deepens the entwinement, teeth skimming your lip before his tongue tangles yours, brash as he always is, though the way he strokes your cheek is as kind as ever.
     Hovering, lingering, when you break for air, he shies his gaze away and you’re met with the sight of him, blushed twice over to the tips of his ears. You laugh, wondering where all his bluster’s gone, pressing a peck onto his cheek that stiffens him straight as he looks at you, wide-eyed and nothing short of surprised.
     “Y-ya can’t jus’ do tha’ outta nowhere!” he stumbles, frowning as he does, though the soft look he fixes on you betrays it. Without so much of a warning, he hoists you up and you yelp, your arms finding purchase on the strong line of his shoulder while your legs wrap around his waist, his hand slipping under your thigh to support you.
     “Mammon!” you yell and he lets out a giddy, unrestrained chortle.
     Kissing the top of your cheekbone, he smirks. “Payback,” and he captures your lips once again, rapturous.
viii: Leviathan - 12:00 AM
     Leviathan’s kisses tremble in your mouth, quivering ever just when you return his affections in earnest, hugging you tighter as you lean back against his chest. He’s awkward, unsure, but he holds you with a tenderness that makes your heart melt.
     He leaves the ocean on your lips, mellowly sweet and herbaceous, and you shift in his lap to bury your head into the crook of his neck, the scent of brine and saltwater clinging to him like second skin.
     “D-don’t do that,” he stutters out. You peek out from below and raise a brow in question, and he seems to slump, the sunset across his blue eyes dulling. “I smell; I’m a yucky otaku after all.”
     Pressing your hand to his chest as you rise up to peck the edge of his lips, and he stumbles at the suddenness. “You’re not,” is your answer and he bites the inside of his cheek, looking away, flustering and fumbling before you raise your hand to his cheek to focus on you.
     He holds his breath for a moment then, before his shoulders relax. He doesn’t ask for any confirmation, he just simply allows himself to trust your words, to hold you tighter with a little more confidence. Tugging the blanket that swaddles the both of you closer, you can only sigh as he starts to hum, soft and melodic, and not nearly as often as you’d like him to.
     With the waves crashing frail at the shell of your ear, you rest yourself flush against him, clutching his shirt, eyes fluttering close. A featherlight kiss onto the top of your head and the sea swallows you into a fitful slumber.
ix: Lucifer - 3:30 AM
     Incandescence rims him gold, the smell of juniper spiced and woody, grating the metallic tang of fresh ink as his fingers brush your cheek. Underscored by bitter coffee, Lucifer’s kisses are the aftermath of countless sleepless nights.
     His lips are harsh against yours, clashing, bruising, the hand on the back of your neck pushing your forward as his teeth skim your mouth. Breaking away, your fingers twine his hair, tugging him closer when he trails kisses down your jaw, shuddering as he bites and suckles on a particularly sensitive spot on your neck, your hand coming up to his chest, the other gripping the chair’s arm.
     With one last peck to your newly formed love mark, he pulls apart, drinking in his handiwork with a proud gleam. “Beautiful,” he hums and you flush, clicking your tongue at him; he raises a brow. “No?”
     “Somewhere less obvious would’ve been better,” you huff out. Chuckling, he brings your hand from his chest to his lips and a shiver runs through you when he levels a devilish gaze at you.
     “That would’ve completely missed the point,” he answers and you roll your eyes, shaking your head, but he’s unperturbed, thumbing a kiss to your wrist. “Besides, red suits you.”
     As if to prove him right, warmth floods your cheeks and he laughs once more, a little freer this time, with less of an arrogance. You lean forward, just slightly, before you glance at the clock on his table. He appears to have followed your line of sight, because he clears his throat and straightens his back.
     “You can go ahead and sleep first,” he encourages, assures; you shake your head.
     “Not unless you are,” you assert and his mouth opens in protest, yet you shush him by continuing. “Paperwork can wait, your sorry excuse of a sleep schedule can’t.”
     He frowns at that. “I have a sleep schedule.”
     “Last I checked, three hours isn’t a sleep schedule,” you retort.
     “It’s still sleep.”
     At that, he complies, allowing you to disentangle yourself from him as he stands. He’s still reluctant, you can tell, so you reach up to cup his face in your hands and pull him down to meet your eyes.
     “Please, get some rest.”
     He tenses for a moment, though it doesn’t last long. His stare softens as his mouth curls into a small smile, his hand taking yours before he nods.
     Tenderly, gently, he leads you to the bed and takes you into his arms in a rare display of intimacy. Fingers carding through your hair, his chest falling and rising in rhythm, you drift off with his heartbeat in your ears.
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[OM!] Distraction (Lucifer/MC) NSFW
Summary: Despite knowing how busy Lucifer is, you seek him out for company. Predictably, he’s not willing to be distracted by you, but he proposes a pleasurable compromise instead. 
Alternatively: Lucifer tries not to be distracted by you, but ends up being distracted anyways. (And some of it is your fault.) 
Notes: NSFW; thigh riding smut; GN!MC + AFAB so read only if this is okay for you!
@ohbbobeyme wrote a lovely Lucifer POV mirror fic to this so please check it out! :)); this has been in the works for a while so I’ll get to writing the requests soon! 
It isn’t often that you’re the needy one. (Both you and Lucifer know that he is, but he will never admit to it and you’re not enthused about revealing that secret lest it discourages him from seeking you out so endearingly.) You know when Lucifer is busy-- which is often-- and you don’t like to bother him unless it is necessary. But it seems that for today, the heat of arousal clings onto you, no matter what you distract yourself with. 
Which is why you pop your head into Lucifer’s room that night as he writes on his desk, papers organized into neat piles and a pen dipped in an ink bottle.
Lucifer hardly bats an eye when you come waltzing into his room, restless as your fingers trace at the bottles of Demonus in his room and feet meander around the room before they come to its intended destination behind Lucifer.
“Lucifer,” you say, hugging him from behind and propping your head up onto his shoulder as you watch his hand deftly sign his name (presumably) in his demonic language. When you receive a hum as a response, you continue, “How busy are you right now?” 
“Quite so,” he replies, much to your disappointment. He huffs in amusement when you let out a sound of annoyance. “What is it, my love? Are you feeling lonely tonight?” 
“Yes,” you say, taking the chance to be as blunt as possible. Something in you curls in pleasure when you see Lucifer shoots you a glance, his cheeks pink as a natural response to your brutal honesty about your desires. You slide your hand down to his chest, carefully fingering the buttons. “So I was thinking--”
“I’m busy,” Lucifer tells you instead, and your hands freeze. With his eyes focused on the document in front of him, he says, “Why don’t you entertain yourself while you wait for me?” 
Knowing a dismissal when you hear one, you sigh and slide your hands back up to Lucifer’s shoulders before squeezing them once like a promise for ‘later.’ You walk around his seat, wondering if you should just wait on his bed when you feel his hand grab your wrist.
You blink at him when he tilts his head at you. “Where are you going?”
“Somewhere else?” You ask, confused. “You said you were busy.”
“Yes,” Lucifer says casually, “and I also said you should go entertain yourself for a while.” He looks up with you with half-lidded eyes, in that seductive gaze you are all too familiar with. “I didn’t say you had to leave.” He curls his fingers on your wrist, coaxing you towards him until your legs are on either side of his thighs. And when he lifts his legs to press his thigh against your core, you feel your face flush at the invitation to something you weren’t aware was even on the table.
(You suppose there was never a dismissal after all.) 
"Lucifer, I--"
"Am I not a medium satisfactory enough for your entertainment, dear?" Lucifer purrs, and you shiver when his warm breath hits the curve of your ears.You settle yourself onto his thigh slowly and feel a thrum of anticipation course through you at the feeling of your arousal on the cloth of his pants. Unconsciously, you curl your fingers into his school uniform and breathe out a shaky sigh just at the thought of getting off on Lucifer alone and making a mess of his clothes. 
"Be a good dear and wait for me while I finish up, will you?" Lucifer tells you, placing a hand on the curve of your back with just enough pressure to remind you of his presence.
You bite your lip and nod obediently, much to Lucifer's pleasure. You place your weight on both of your feet only so you could slip out of the underwear that served as the final barrier between you and your anticipatory pleasure. You barely let it fall to your ankle before you brace yourself onto Lucifer and grind onto his leg, letting out a soft moan at the friction.
You feel Lucifer's gloved hand press harder onto your back just for a moment before he chuckles lowly. "Were you really that in need of a release, darling?" He asks, making your ears burn red. "I do wonder how many times you'll finish before I'm done with work considering how excitable you seem to be."
"Sorry," you mumble almost automatically, though you know your words are insincere as you roll your hips and gasp again when the rough cloth of his pants rubs against your clit. You revel in the sensation, uncaring of the drool your cunt leaves behind on his normally impeccable attire, and you hope-- for as smug as Lucifer can be-- that the sounds you make as you repeat your grinding motions are making it unbearably difficult for him to resist the urge to look at you, lost in the throes of pleasure.
"Lucifer," you whisper almost reverently, feeling your hips move asynchronously as you reach closer to your climax, and you arch your back when you feel his hand dig into the skin of your back.
"Are you coming already, love?" Lucifer says, lips pressed against your wrist. "Do I really feel that good to you?"
"I'd think you would know," you say, burying your head into his shoulder, "considering how your eyes haven't left me since the beginning. Ah--" Your hips jerk forward as you grab a hold of Lucifer, rolling over that peak and riding out the high that follows. Your cunt clenches over nothing and gushes out more slick to wet Lucifer’s black slacks-- and you vindictively hope that Lucifer can feel exactly how wet you are.
You close your eyes against the rolling pleasure and barely bite back a groan that comes from the back of your throat. 
“Maybe I should have specified that you were to entertain yourself quietly,” you hear Lucifer drawl after a moment of silence as you bask in the warm aftermath of your climax. And you would have otherwise thought he were truly unaffected-- if you hadn’t known him well enough to know the way his hand inches down your back and the way his lips ghost over the nape of your neck are signs of his restraint slowly tearing away. 
You hum in response and move your thighs, only to feel the hardness of his arousal against his leg. “I thought you liked listening to music when you worked.”
You bite down on your lower lip, hiding away the mischievous smile before Lucifer can see, only for your heart to leap again when you glance at your demon lover and see his eyes glow red. You gasp again when he lifts his leg and presses his palms against your back to pull you flush against him, swallowing your gasp with his lips. 
“Do you enjoy riling me up?” He asks, though the way he glances for a moment at your half-lidded eyes before gripping at your hip and grinding his thigh against your core again seems to answer his question for him. Your eyes flutter at the pleasure that curls at the pit of your stomach again as Lucifer trails kisses along your cheek, murmuring, “Whatever shall I do with you?” 
If Lucifer notices your smile when he brings you close for another bruising kiss, he doesn’t comment. His right hand, that was previously preoccupied with holding a pen, is now busy pushing you down onto his desk as the other hand lifts your legs up so he can properly place you flat down, surrounded by papers and ink bottles alike. 
You know much later when hours have passed and the two of you are finally spent, he’ll shoot you an exasperated look and you’ll only laugh and grin at the fact he can never seem to resist you, regardless of whether you tried to be alluring or not. But right now, as Lucifer traces his gloved hand along your open, trembling thighs and shows you the strand of slick that stuck to his fingers, you know that all Lucifer wants in the heat of the moment is to have you sing his name as if they are the only lyrics you know. 
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darker-soft-starker · 5 years
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Starker Next Door Neighbour AU
Tonys new neighbour is kinda weird.
Like, he’s not trying to be callous or anything. But he’s just, y’know. Strange.
They first met four months ago. 
The apartment opposite Tony’s had been vacant for only two weeks ever since old Mrs. Perry moved to Florida to retire with her grandkids. That was until one rainy Tuesday, when Tony sighted his new neighbour trudging down the hallway, hauling box after box through the elevator, whistling to himself as he relocated all of his belongings to 7C. 
Tony, on his way out, had first seen the guy trying to precariously balance a large box in his arms whilst trying to unlock his apartment door at the same time. Predictably, he’d dropped his keys and Tony had swooped in and picked them up for him.
“Oh my gosh, thank you” the guy had said earnestly, shaking Tony’s hand after opening his door. “Yikes, I’m such a mess. Mercury in retrograde, am I right?”
Tony had nodded, having no idea what he was talking about, and promptly left.
So, the new guy - Peter, he had later learned was his name - was cute. Fluffy curls, gorgeous skin, irresistible big brown eyes. 
But he was, y’know, a little bizarre.
Tony’s not even exaggerating. 
Every time he goes into the hallway he’s met with a sneeze-inducing wave of patchouli and incense, holding his breath as he passes, wondering if he is living next door to a Shinto shrine. Tony swears at night that he hears humming. Like, of the om mani padme hum kind of variety. He hears the distant clang of singing bowls and tuning forks at midnight when he’s turning in to go to bed. 
He thought about politely telling Peter to keep it down but every time he knocked on the door of 7C Peter just beamed at him in welcome and asked him about his day with genuine interest.
Tony bought ear plugs instead.
Tony swears that Peter can’t be any older than he is, early twenties at the youngest, but he says words like radical, dude and oopsy-daisy, groovy. One time he stubbed his toe around Tony and said fiddlesticks. He seems to be in and out at the weirdest times, waving burning sage at the letterboxes at three AM as if it were the normal thing to do.
“What do you even do,” Tony had asked one morning in the elevator. Peter was carrying a crate full of succulents, biceps bulging with the strain.
Peter looks down at his crate of plants and then back up to Tony as if it were obvious. The duh goes unsaid but Tony hears it.
“I’m a yoga teacher and a reiki practitioner,” he says, handing Tony a succulent from the crate.  
Tony blinks down at the small potted plant. 
“Um,” he says. 
“It’s an echeveria elegans,” Peter explains, smiling.
“Do you... want me to hold this for you?”
“No, silly,” Peter had laughed. “It’s yours. Keep it in the sunlight and try not to over-do it with the water.” 
Tony leaves the elevator more confused than before, clutching the succulent all the way to his 9:00AM class.
Tony can handle weirdness. Tony can handle eccentricity. He can even handle the new plant he absolutely does not have time to care for and absolutely did not call Brenda.
But what Tony can’t handle is the ear-piercingly loud Gregorian chanting that comes from next door one night whilst he’s studying. Up for two days already, his concentration is shot by the guttural singing, the lead of his pencil snapping against his notebook in frustration. It’s nearly midnight for fucks sake.
Tony had stormed over, enraged and determined, and rapped his knuckles on the door for a good two minutes before it had swung open, a smiling Peter giving him a warm welcome on the other side.
“Do you mind?” Tony had demanded. “I’m trying to study for my thesis.”
Peter looked taken aback, contriteness making his big brown eyes dewy and soft. 
“Oh my gosh,” he’d said, extending a hand out, “I’m so sorry about that. Hang on, wait here. Please wait.”
So Tony had waited, expecting Peter to rush to lower the volume. Instead, he’d returned with a fist-sized, green and purple rock-crystal thing, presenting it to Tony with a grin. 
Peter had placed it in Tony’s palm, using both hands to curl Tony’s fingers over the heavy, polished stone.
“There,” Peter says proudly. “It’s fluorite.”
“It’s what,” Tony blinks.
“For clarity and concentration,” Peter explains, beaming a mile wide. “Keep it, okay? Good luck on your thesis.”
He’d closed the door, leaving Tony with a rock in his hand and the chanting continued.
Tony bought noise-cancelling headphones to put over his ear-plugs.
He definitely didn’t place the fluorite on his windowsill by his bed or smile at it sometimes or run his fingers over its smooth edges.
Ever since it’s been a never ending stream of peculiar behaviour, weird conversations about moon phases, etheric bodies and third eyes while waiting for their laundry to dry in the basement, the effect of the upcoming perigee syzygy on the neighbourhood and guessing Tony’s star sign.
“Cancer, right?”
“Your zodiac sign,” Peter answers, rubbing at his eyebrow, pushing the hairs askew. His nails are painted black. 
“Gemini,” Tony answers warily, piling his underwear and bedsheets into his basket.
“Damn, I was close,” Peter smiles, pouring his own mixture of organic fabric softener into the washer. “I’ll figure you out yet.”
Tony wants to reach over and smooth down the raised hairs on his eyebrow. 
He’s a perfectionist, that’s all.
But in any case Tony just continues to go about his life, continues to study, grade his papers. He visits his optometrist and gets a new prescription and wonders how he is going to pay his phone bill when he spends more on heating over the winter than he intended.
It's all fine, whale music and white sage aside.
Not that he’d ever admit it, but it’s kinda nice.
One day Tony rouses from his slumber to hear loud voices outside, the bellow of protesters on the main arterial street below. Tony thinks nothing of it and pops in his ear plugs, keen to get another hour of sleep before he has to be at his class. Being a TA is the worst.
Later, Tony watches the local news, watching in horrified fascination as his neighbour is one of the many arrested for protesting at a rally of a visiting Republican senator. 
“What’s with the pyjamas?” Tony had queried at the letterboxes the following day, roaming his eyes over the soft-looking Hello Kitty pants that Peter had been arrested and released in - and was still wearing. 
The pictures of his arrest had been on twitter for gods sake. He was trending as #hellokittyguy. It was all his students were talking about.
“Oh, I’d slept in,” was all Peter said. 
“You slept in. To a protest.” 
“Irresponsible, I know. I’m already beating myself up, don’t worry.”
At this stage, Tony can’t even find himself to be bothered by it. He’s so used to the sound of the koto, the wind flute and kalimba from next door that it’s damn near unsettling to go without it. Tony’s used to the weird attire, from the ponchos and the sandals and the fisherman pants in mid-winter, the beaded bracelets and rose quartz pendants. He’s even used to finding Peter knocking on his door, asking for salt or milk or handing him personalised organza bags filled with small crystals and incense cones and charms.
And if he looks forward to their talks at the door? It’s only Tony’s business.
One night Peter sets off the fire alarm from burning rope incense. He says he got it when he went to Nepal, apologising profusely to the grouchy occupants who send him withering stares.
Tony doesn’t even ask, too busy staring at Peters lithe, muscled frame that had been hiding under the baggy clothes. The man is clad only in his underwear, didn’t think to grab anything when he’d fled to the emergency meeting point. 
It’s three in the morning. Tony’s not even mad.
"Did you know your aura is gold and red,” Peter had asked that night, wandering over to him and accepting an offered a cigarette.
“No,” Tony yawned, taking a drag and wishing he was back in his own bed, fire truck lights flashing, dizzying and disorienting.
“S’nice. Pretty.”
Peter wraps his arms around himself and shivers, the cool night air sending goosebumps over his pale skin.
Tony quickly shrugs his own jacket off his shoulders and offers it to Peter so he doesn’t have to stare at the obscene way his nipples harden.
“Thanks, Tony. You’re a sweetheart.”
“I’m not - it’s not a big deal,” Tony grumbles. “You looked like you needed it, so.”
Peter smothers his smile in the collar of Tony’s jacket. Tony still sees it. 
His stomach squirms like the first time he held someones hand.
“Do you want to have dinner sometime?” Peter asks, as they pile back upstairs an hour later after the building has been cleared.
“Yeah, okay,” Tony agrees, eyeing the dimples of Peters lower back and the crevice of his muscles where his spine rests. He’s got an ass that’s so perfect it deserves to be worshipped but Tony isn’t looking at it. He’s not.
“Tomorrow work for you?”
Tony nods, watching Peter disappear back into his apartment with an awkward wave and a smile. He’s still wearing Tony’s jacket. 
If Tony goes back inside his apartment and jerks off to the image of Peter wearing just his jacket and nothing else, well then, no one else needs to know.
The following evening Tony knocks on Peters door, dressed in jeans and a nice shirt. He adjusts his glasses where they perch on his nose as he waits, sliding them up as Peter opens the door, beckoning him inside. 
The interior looks very different to Tony’s apartment, is the first thing he notices. 
Plants hang from the ceiling, there is a large afghan rug in the living room, all the furniture is mismatched, a sofa and an armchair with different patterns and colours, all the bookshelves are of different wood and sizes. 
There are cushions everywhere, crystals and rocks on almost every surface, incense burning by the open window, stacks and stacks of books on the divine and lunar charts on the walls. Michelle Branch is playing unironically from the speakers on Peters bookshelves.
“I didn’t know what to bring, so,” Tony mumbles, tearing his eyes away from a copy of the Karma Sutra and holding up store bought cake and a bottle of red wine.
“Oh, that’s perfect,” Peter gushes, kissing Tony’s cheek and taking the items from him and herding him onto the sofa. “Sit, sit. I’ll be right back.”
Tony sits, a little dazed. The spot on his cheek where Peters lips touched his skin burns. 
There’s an old TV in the corner and a CD player straight out of the nineties nestled in the corner between book stacks. 
There’s two magazines on the coffee table: National Geographic and Cosmopolitan. God, Peter is so, so... 
Charming, is the word that comes unbidden to Tony’s mind when Peter bounds back into the living room, two glasses of wine clutched in his hands, the charms on his beaded bracelets clinking together. He’s barefoot, Tony notices. His toenails are painted black, too.
“So, I have a confession to make,” Peter begins, passing Tony a glass and sitting beside him on the sofa.
“Oh, god,” Tony winces. “You’re not an anti-vaxxer, are you?” 
He didn’t even think about that. 
“What,” Peter blinks. “No.”
“Okay, good. Sorry. Continue.”
“I’m, uh, kinda broke. I know I invited you to dinner but all I have is cup ramen and Corona.”
“Oh,” Tony says, watching at how Peter smiles sheepishly,  “That’s okay. I like cup ramen. I mean, I’m a student, so.”
“Is that okay?” Peter asks, cringing as he casts a look over to his tiny kitchenette. “Sorry, I was so shocked that you even agreed to come that I couldn’t even think.”
“Mercury in retrograde?” Tony guesses.
“No,” Peter laughs, looking at his hands bashfully. “You’re just really cool and handsome and sophisticated and I don’t know. It wasn’t in my tarot, so.”
It wasn’t in his tarot, Tony repeats in his mind, wondering when exactly he hit his head and found all of this attractive. He’s a man of science, alright?
“You been crushin’ on me, huh?” Tony asks, shifting closer until their thighs and shoulders touch.
“Yeah. You make me kinda nervous.”
“Well your tarot can’t tell you that I think you’re beautiful,” Tony reasons, sipping his wine. “Or delightful. Or that I think the way you swing your legs when you’re waiting for your drying is adorable.”
The flush that comes over Peters cheeks makes Tony’s heart beat faster.
“You really think that?”
“Against my better judgement,” Tony admits. 
“What was it that did you in?” Peter asks, leaning in, drawing his knees up and looking like a pleased cat. “Was it the green fluorite? The rutilated quartz?”
Tony leans in to bridge the gap, pressing his lips against Peter’s in a sweet kiss. He tastes like coffee and wine and everything smells like lemongrass and palo santo.
“Just your cute, quirky self,” Tony says against his lips. “And maybe the blue calcite.”
Peter laughs against his mouth. “I knew it.”
Later, when Tony is curled up against Peter’s bare chest, still catching his breath, Peter asks him on a second date.
“There’s a climate change rally at the State Library this weekend, if you’re interested. We could have matching signs and drink Corona after.”
“Baby,” Tony yawns, eyes heavy, “you do that thing with your tongue again and I’ll go anywhere with you.”
“Sweet,” Peter says, pressing a kiss into Tony’s hair.
Yeah, Tony thinks as he drifts off, it is.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
Even villains have their lowest moments... even Chisaki
Overhaul/ Chisaki Kai x reader
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You got out of the shower and sighed in bliss woth the warm feeling of the vapor and the sweet scent of your shampoo and soap enveloping the environment.
New years eve and you had already passed with some friends and a little with your family, bit what you really wanted now was to have a relaxing rest of night... you weren't interested on big parties anyway so it wasn't a big deal.
Your boyfriend had invited you to pass the event on the yakusa but you explain it your situation to him and surprisingly he agreed.
"That's understandable. I'm not a fan of these huge events either."
Maybe it was passing something om TV that could maybe catch your interest? Maybe even cook something or a take out?
You said it to him you would see him just as early on the other day and that was about it. You noticed the slight hint of dissapointment in his eyes... poor man was trying to convince you to move in with him for at least one month by now...
You sighed with a smile to yourself as you wear it your night clothing and picked a towel to dry, even if just a bit, your hair.
You froozed in fear when you saw a figurine hunched up on the couch of your apartment. You did remember that you HAVEN'T invited anyone over AND that you did lock the door.
You, a yakusa's lover already on guard, slowly went to grab a weapon to defend yourself before you recognized the iconic green jacket with the purple feathers.
"Kai?" You said uncertainty before turning on the lights.
Indeed was him, slightly covered by some snowflakes which were already melting...
He didn't even look up to greet you, he just hummed and stayed with that... empty yet sad look in his usual arrogant and terrifying golden eyes of his.
"H... How did you get in? I thought I locked the door?" You looked at the direction of the entrance of your apartment to see that nothing had changed at least.
You turned back to Kai, whose lifted his gloved hand up, overhauling his own glove before returning nack as a form of response.
Ah... his quirk, you forgot for a second.
"What happened my devil? Didn't wanted to be social on that gathering?" You joked, feeling more at ease since Chisaki was here.
"... I wasn't feeling on my best." He said numbly, not even breaking his gaze with the floor as you hesitantly sitted besides him.
You hummed in understatement before you looked around in nervousness, anything that could make you break that thin yet strong barrier of your stubborn boyfriend's... emotions.
"Do you want something? Like... tea or anything at all?"
His eyebrows furrowed for a moment in thought before he sighed 'tea' tiredly as he placed his elbows on his open legs.
"Tea it is." You smiled at hik for a moment before making your way to your small kitchen.
Without you noticing, Chisaki watched you from the coner of his eyes dissapering from the room...
"So~ I hope you don't mind if it is chamo-" you stopped talking as soon as you noticed that Kai was still in the same place, this time without his jacket on, but rubbing his arms... stoic face always present.
"Something dirty?" You placed down the cups on the coffee table as you looked around "I swear I cleaned this thing just the day before yester-"
"Is not." He said harshly and irritatedly "Is only... cold." He scoffed when you got out of the room and soon flinched at the contact of some material being placed on his shoulders.
"Is only a blanket mister, calm down!" You giggled putting your hands up in the air in defence, receiving another scoff from his as he reached for his cup.
You soon sitted down besides him again, keeping your distance, happily picking on your own cup and savoring his sweetness and warm.
He stared at the cup and furrowed his eyebrows, like he was looking at something in pure disgust and hatred, before he took a tentative sip.
"So... something happened? You don't usually comes in here... especially when it's snowing outside."
"I already told you." He said in annoyance before taking another sip and placing down his cup.
Woah... the tea was gone.
"How..?" You said still staring at the cup in awe... that thing was hot.
"If you don't drink it while it's hot, then its not tea." He said in a manner of a fact tone of voice as he layed his back on the couch and shifeted a bit as he stared numbly at his front.
"Not just as comfortable as yours huh? I know." You said giggling, receiving a... wait, hurted look?
He looked in complete... defeat. He was not looking at your eyes bit the meaning of that sounded like a silent plea for you to help him... even despite his annoyed look.
"Kai? Seriously... I'm worried. What happened?" Hee sighed again annoyingly before looking at you with only cold eyes.
"I already said it. Want me to rub on your face or say it out loud for every neighborhood of yours hear?" He said darkly, glaring down at you.
You sighed in hopeless and layed your back on the couch as well, staring at the ceiling...
It was difficult when you wanted to help someone but that person didn't accepted any kind of it... especially when you loved this stubborn man.
"... I... I didn't wanted to be by myself." He suddenly said between teeths, catching your attention quickly.
"By yourself? Wasn't Pops and Chrono at least there?"
"I... honestly don't know what happened. They were there, yes, but... I just felt so numb and... empty. Before I knew it I lefted the house..." he said while arching his back a little to the front while he placed his forearms back to his knee's.
"I... was walking, and felt a huge... disgusting feeling on my chest... I just remembered them, out of all people... after so many years, they still somehow sticked to my head and how I end up taking one of their lifes away and a-and..." he sighed before he placed one of his gloved hands in his hair while he regained his thought.
Them... his biological parents...
You knew already about it, and just as he asked for it, never commented on the issue... for his own sake, it was a dead topic... a taboo.
"... then I thought about you... I wanted to see you, hear your voice and touch... touch angel, what the hell is wrong with me?" He burried his face on his hands while breathing in slowly.
You scotted closer and tapped his shoulder slightly, luckily he send you a one side look of distrust before you opened your arms slightly.
"You know... sometimes even the toughest need some comfort. Do you want a hug?"
He, by instinct, scoffed and looked at the ground again before spilling his words like acid.
"You dare to pity me? Don't you know who I am (Y/n)? I don't need a stupid form of-"
"I don't remember asking if you needed one Kai. I asked if you wanted one, but if you don't that's completely fine, not like anyone could force you onto sometjing anyway. " You said gently, lowering your arms down to your legs as you stared at those golden eyes of his.
He looked at you lifting one of his eyebrows up before sighing in defeat, hesitantly and awkwardly opening a bit his arms while muttering how ridiculous this was.
You gently embraced him and brought him close, noticing how his breath had catched and how his muscles tensed at the contact...
This warmth of yours... the scent... the cleaniest and purest person he ever met... all of this was so overwhelming and... new.
Ever since you came into his life you were like a open door for new things for him... emotions and feelings he thought he was never going to have or feel...
He was grateful to the yakusa until his death, but despite having certain adoration of Pops, the elder never gave much... this type of affection to him.
It was different, sweet but not nauseous; scary but not terrifying...
Before he knew it one or two tears had escaled from his eyes as he sniffled in disgust.
"Kai?" You looked up at him in worry before he rather abruptly pushed you back to him as he burried his face on the crook of your neck.
You were going to find him disgusting and a waste of human being? Surely. But all he wanted now was to feel that security and warm for him to let out his frustations... even if it was for one time.
The gentle scratches of your nails in his scalp were what bromen him completly...
You shushed him and rocked a little both of you in the couch in a failed attempt to calm the poor man down.... This never ever happened before so to say you were worried as hell it was a understatement...
"Hey... it's okay." You shushed gently before carresing tje nack of his head gently "Overhaul~?" You tried using his other name that he chosed to see if it catched his main attention but you were shocked at him mumbling depressingly on your neck.
"Don't. Don't call me that." He said while sniffing a bit.
"What? Bu-"
"I don't want to be Overhaul now, hell I don't want to be nobody... I just want this stupid disgusting feeling to go away!" He wailed angrily as he agressivly wiped his tears away while his other hand still holded you close.
"You broked me dammit... y-you... please angel just fix it... fix this, please..." he cried silently on your neck while you still carresed his back and hair, up and down.
"I'm sorry my knight..." you mumbled, with your on tears on your face...
It didn't take long for him to calm down... Thankfully you had only chamomile tea... thankfully.
You slowly slide your fingers through his neck to the back of his head to take of the usual mask he always used... surprisingly not even flinched away... the maximun was him only turning his head a bit.
"I apologize... this must have been a side effect of a illn-"
"Kai... you know I love you, right?" He didn't respond... merely sighed through his nose tiredly.
You knew how this was difficult for him... so you never pried to get a response each time... it wasn't needed when he expressed in his others ways that he loved you...
"... angel I think I lost all the water in my system." You stiffed a giggle as you nuzzled your nose in his soft dark brow hair affectionately.
He rubbed his eyes withe heel of his palm before getting out of your embrace only to pick a cushion to place in your legs to lay on it right after.
"My head hurts..." he gave you a response for your silent question as you smiled down at him in oure adoration, he opened one of his eyes to look at you and acoffed slightly before closing them again.
You didn't miss that blush of his.
"Maybe if I turn off the lights will it make ot better?"
"... will you have to get up to do this?"
"Nope. I can reach it from here."
"Then do it already." He sighed in false annoyance, getting that the cushion wasn't helping before taking it off to lay directly on your legs. "Thank god you showered." He murmured with eyes closed.
"Im a clean person." You giggled before carresing his head a little, noticing the frow on his forehead forming whenever you stoped your actions.
Lights off you rook a look at the clock om your wall and noticed it only was 2 minutes left for start a new year... Remembering the fireworks, you carresed with your thumb the jaw of your boyfriend, getting him to slowly open his eyes again, already irritaded that you disturbed his peace.
"Sorry." You said after seing his annoyed look "But very soon is gling to be the new year and the fireworks will start... didn't want you to wake up from that."
He looked at the window and sighed before laying his head slightly on your tummy, enjoying the warmth.
"How many time is left?" He groggily spoked.
"Hm... now 20 seconds."
"... then lets count."
You smiled down at him in pure joy when he uncrossed one of his arms to pick one of your hands and place a gentle kiss on it.
"10, 9, 8, 7, 6..." you said already looking at your window eargly.
"5, 4, 3, 2... one." Chisaki said monotonously before the sounds of fireworks errupted and the dark sky of the nighy was enveloped by billions of colors.
Without you noticing, Chisaki looked up at your face, iluminated by the fireworks at the distance...
He smirked and closed his eyes again, not caring in the slightest about the fireworks show... he was in the arms of angel, what else could he ask for?
"Ne? Kai?" He growled in response... a rather talkative angel for his sake...
"Can I lay down too? My legs are already feeling numb, and also I can see the fireworks show without having a pain on my neck after."
"... we are on your couch." He groaned in false irritation.
"It fits!"
"...fine brat, whatever. Just shut your mouth. Is late."
You layed happily on your boyfriend's shoulder and soon got lulled to sleep from the comforting acent of his cologne.
Chisaki gave you a last look before shooking his head in disbelief, smilling, and kissing the tip of his finger to place it shortly after in the tip of your nose.
"Happy new year (Y/n)... thanks... for everthing."
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blue-eyedraven · 4 years
Out of the Frying Pan...
All was quiet within the secure walls of the Hide and Seek on that particularly crisp afternoon, though with the sign hanging in the window, that was hardly surprising; the words 'Closed for business' had been hastily scrawled across the parchment in an attempt to steer away any additional distractions while, inside, Riley continued her work uninterrupted. Relatively uninterrupted, anyhow.
The arrival of a sealed envelope slipped silently through the door's mail slot was soon followed by a short-lived cry of frustration from the woman herself, after which the parchment was violently crumpled and launched clear across the room. 
"You know that's not going to hel-"
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"Don't." The sharpness of Riley's tone was only amplified by that of her gaze - the corners of which had begun to well up with tears as she glared daggers at her present company. "I'm not looking for a lecture - least of all from you," she all but spat, though the vitriol seemed to have little to do with the individual towards whom it was directed.
"Well, that's a bit uncalled for..."
"They've been through too much!" Riley's arm shot straight out, her index finger pointed towards the door. "They've lost too fucking much - and now they're staring down the fucking barrell again?" Fingers combed roughly back through raven tresses, the heels of her palms pressing briefly against her temples. "And I still can't make myself walk out that fucking door." Her tone shifted some, foregoing its harsher edges in favor of something a little more defeated.
"I can't make myself take that first step," she shook her head, sending a tear streaking hotly down her cheek, "not if that step's gonna lead me back there. To him."
"Your brother may be a little... detached, but he's not a fool. And he would have to be incredibly foolish to try anything like that again."
"Exactly. He'll come up with something else." Riley sat down with a huff and brought an elbow up onto the workbench, arm bent, forehead resting against the backs of her knuckles while she pinched and rubbed at the bridge of her nose. "Something worse." A pained wince overtook her features, forcing her eyes tightly closed and letting herself fall silent for a moment.
"They're getting pretty bad, aren't they? The headaches."
"Putting it mildly," Riley muttered under her breath, not bothering to look up. "I don't know. Maybe he knocked something loose while gallivanting around inside my head, but ever since I got back, I-..." Her ebony brows furrowed; she felt as though she was on the cusp of a realization which was teetering just out of reach. "Where did you-"
"Ey, Blue-Eyes, you 'ome?" Jasper's voice cut through the slowly building thrum inside Riley's skull, yanking her back to the present with jarring swiftness. "I've been thinkin'! Think I got a purdy good lil gig we can hoist up, an' make sure we're not knee deep in shit." As he often did, Jasper announced his arrival by barging into the shop voice-first, his large frame following along soon after.
"Shadows be damned," the curse slipped past her lips in a hushed whisper. She swiped at any errant tears with the back of her wrist and took a slow, steadying breath before swiveling around in her seat to face him. She looked tired, but that was hardly out of the ordinary for Riley. "You and your fucking entrances, Red." Despite the tension in the air, she still managed a convincing smile for the ruffian standing in the middle of the shop's otherwise empty main room.
“Ya know ya love my entrances, Blue-Eyes, don’t lie. If it weren’t fer my big ass mouth, you wouldn’t even know I was comin’ or not.” Jasper snickered, the door closing behind him as he adjusted the wool cap on his head.
"How're things looking out there?" Without being prompted, Riley reached under the workbench to produce two glasses and a half-empty bottle of whiskey - each of which was placed upright and just off to the side. "Have we reached Operation Behemoth  levels of fucked yet? Or are we already at Red Avalanche?" The question was posed as she set to the task of pouring a heavy-handed glass for them both.
“We ain’t at Avalanche levels of fucked, but we’re gettin’ close to Behemoth. Shit’s tits up over in Darkshire, Redridge is seein' some action, but Elwynn looks to be holdin' okay fer the time bein' - far as my informants go, at least." Joining Riley at the table, he swiped up the glass she'd poured for him and helped himself to a hearty pull; the shiver that ran down his spine made him sneer, but the whiskey was a good chaser for the topic at hand. His mention of Darkshire made Riley visibly tense, though she did what she could to hide the creak in her jaw with a swift pull from her own glass.
"This is bad, Red." She shook her head, meeting his gaze with a sense of trepidation. "It's one thing when this shit happens out in the middle of nowhere, but this close to the city? A dense population in panic is never a good thing, and I'm not just referring to how fucking crowded this place is." A look of mild derision flashed across her features as she glanced towards the window.
"No shit it's bad, Riles," Jasper said with a chuckle, body moving to lean his back against the table while he crossed his arms, and contemplated his drink. “Doubtin’ it’ll go completely to shit fer a few more days. Maybe a week. But, it ain't like we've never been here before, you an' I. We've been doin' this kinda shit a long time - I might 'ave gotten too fat fer my leathers, but we both know what we're doin." He shrugged gently and took a smaller sip of his whiskey.
“I’m thinkin’ we’ll set up at a choke point, like we used ta, remember?” He took a drink. “An’ as they come swarmin’ in, I’ll keep ‘em at bay, while ya pick off tha stragglers. Or, we can rig up onna them traps we used ta.”
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"That could work," another sip from her glass allowed for a moment to further consider Jasper's plan. "I'd like to keep the passage concealed, but if we need to fall back at any point, we'll have a way out there." She paused, head canting slightly to the side. "Or a place to lay low for a while, at the very least. Space will be extremely limited, though, so we'll have to keep that option between us, yeah?"
Jasper hummed, contemplating her proposition. "Ain't ever a day we've 'ad to use that, and you know it." He sighed, knowing that even just bringing up their potential escape route meant she was more than a little worried about their current situation. "You take the boys down there, if it comes to that. Me an' Foxy'll head out to her dad's old farm in Westfall, an' we'll all lay low fer a while, like ya said." Gulping down the rest of his drink, he set the glass back down and nudged it wordlessly towards the bottle. "Whatcha think, Riles? I'll get you the location on a map an' you three can join us there if the city gets compromised."
"If it comes to that." Riley nodded, parroting her friend's words as though reciting some kind of mantra. She refilled their glasses.
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"Think you’ll ‘ave my leathers done in time?” The refill was acknowledged with an appreciative nod as Jasper once more took up his whiskey.
"I'll have them finished tonight - just need you to endure one last fitting so I can make a couple final adjustments." She nodded over towards the end of her workbench where several articles of leather armor had been neatly stacked. "Finish your drink - we've got a lot of shit to do, and less time to do it."
(( Many thanks to @jasper-quinn​ for their contribution, as always <3 ))
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yogaposesfortwo · 4 years
Yoga Philosophy: Grounding and Calming Practices
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A central aspect of yogic philosophy, Buddhism and Vedanta, is the practice of being content and peaceful when the outside world is unpredictable and at times chaotic. Parinamavada is the Buddhist concept that everything is in a constant state of flux and change, and that attachment to that which changes brings suffering. Indeed, suffering for many of us arises because we become attached to the things in life we can’t control, whether its physical appearance, work life, relationships, finances or flexibility. We may feel joyful when everything is exactly as we want it to be, but as soon as things change, we’re often filled with underlying anxiety and a sense of loss. Freedom from attachment leads to a sense of peace unrivalled by any material object or achievement. As Thich Naht Hanh has said; “Letting go gives us freedom and freedom is the only condition for happiness.” Fortunately there are a number of calming practices that can help us feel more balanced and entered even at a time of uncertainty and unease.
Atma Vidya
Whilst freedom from attachment is one step on the path to peace, Atma Vidya or ‘knowledge of the reality of the self’ takes the practice further and encourages the practitioner to explore all the things they are not, in order to know the nature of what they really are. Atma Vidya reasons that whatever is happening around us and to us is just like a play unfolding, an illusion we mistake for reality. Freedom from this illusion and the realisation that our true self is something far beyond what we cling to on a daily basis gives a sense of contentment, groundedness and a deep knowing that we are in fact pure consciousness itself. So how can we move closer towards experiencing a glimpse of this grounded peace and contentment? How can we find stillness amongst the ever-changing world around us? Yogic practices have fortunately focused on this for thousands of years, so we have a treasure trove of practices to choose from and cultivate daily. Try the following to help you feel calm, grounded and peaceful at a time when things are unpredictable: Pranayama: Prana refers to ‘life force’ – the energy behind life itself, but it also implies ‘breath’. By observing the breath, we observe our life force energy, and by cultivating a harmonious breathing pattern, we allow our life force to be more harmonious too. Sama Vritti Pranayama is a breathing technique known as ‘equal breathing’ or breathing with ‘equal fluctuations’ in length. This simple practice helps calm the mind and bring about a sense of balance. Simply bring your body into a comfortable position, breathe in for a count of five, hold for five, breathe out for a count of five and hold for five. This practice is also known as ‘box breathing’, and you can imagine drawing the lines of a square with each breath to give the mind a focus. Practice this when you wake in the morning and before bed if possible. Mantra: The words we hear and say have a powerful impact upon how we feel. Mantras are words imbued with an almost magic quality can really make a difference to our state of being. To stay calm and grounded, choose a mantra like Om Shanti meaning ‘I am peace’ or an affirmation such as ‘I am calm, I am centred, I am well’. Repeat often, especially in times of anxiety. Mudra: You have powerful tools for wellbeing literally in the palms of your hands, and these are known as mudras. Mudras are symbolic gestures often made with the hands to help bring about different states of being. Adopting a mudra can help deepen your meditation practice, or serve as a way to focus the mind. To feel grounded, choose Prithvi Mudra, the earth mudra which involves bringing the tip of the ring finger and thumb together to active more earth energy within the body and mind. Connect To Nature: Nature has a way of helping the body decrease levels of cortisol (the ‘stress hormone’) and increase endorphins (happy hormones!) Whether it’s getting outside in the woods, near a lake, or simply stepping out into your garden, try to make connecting with nature a daily practice and notice how much calmer you feel. Feel Your Feet: When the mind is busy, focusing on the feet is a great way to move energy down from the brain to the body. Stand comfortably and focus on the feeling of your feet connected to the earth. Lift your toes and replace them one by one, noticing the firm connection of the skin on the soles of your feet to the ground. As you exhale, imagine roots growing from the feet deep into the earth, and as you inhale, imagine drawing up energy from the earth into your body. Acupressure Points: For a quick dose of calmness, try firmly but gently massaging the following acupressure points with your index finger or thumb: Hall Of Impression point, located between the eyebrows, and the Union Valley point, located in the webbing between the thumb and index finger. Essential Oils: Scents interact directly with the brain and can change how we feel almost instantly. Try inhaling good quality essential oils like lavender or chamomile for calming, and neroli or ylang ylang for a mood boost. Brahmari Breath: Humming is naturally soothing for the nervous system, and yogis have been practicing Brahmari Pranayama or ‘Humming Bee Breath’ for thousands of years. Simply close your eyes and cover your ears. Inhale fully and as you exhale, find a deep humming sound. Notice the vibrations in your sinuses, chest and throat as you hum, and repeat as often as you like.   The post Yoga Philosophy: Grounding and Calming Practices appeared first on Yogamatters Blog. Author: Emma Newlyn Source: https://www.yogamatters.com/blog/yoga-philosophy-grounding-and-calming-practices/ Discover more info about Yoga Poses for Two People here: Yoga Poses for Two Read the full article
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88 Buddha Li Fo Da Chan Hui Wen
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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The Thousand-Armed Avalokiteśvara by Talon Abraxas
Oṃ Mani Padme Hūṃ / Om Mani Padme Hum
Avalokiteshvara (or Avalokiteśvara) is a Bodhisattva who represents compassion, and his mantra also symbolizes that quality. Avalokiteshvara means “The Lord Who Looks Down (in compassion)”.
There are various forms of Avalokiteśvara (Chenrezig in Tibetan). The four-armed form is shown here. There is also a 1000-armed form — the many arms symbolizing compassion in action. And in the far east, Avalokiteshvara turned into the female Bodhisattva, Kuan Yin.
Avalokiteśvara Mantra Meaning
Oṃ, as I’ve explained elsewhere, has only a mystical meaning — suggesting primordial reality, or the potential for enlightenment that pervades the universe.
Mani means jewel.
adma means lotus (why the form in the mantra is “padme” is explained below).
Huṃ, like Oṃ, has no conceptual meaning.
Both jewels and lotuses are important symbolic elements in Buddhism.
Jewels represent what is most precious, so that Buddhists worship not just the Buddha, but the three jewels (Buddha, Dharma, or the teachings, and Sangha, or spiritual community). and jewels were considered indestructible, which made them an excellent symbol for eternal truths.
The lotus represents purity, in terms of how the enlightened mind is untouched by the negativity of the world. Just as the lotus can exist in muddy water without being soiled, so an enlightened being can exist in an impure world without becoming contaminated by its greed, hatred, or delusion.
The mantra is often “translated” as “Hail to the jewel in the lotus” but the Sanskrit simply can’t mean that.
The central element, manipadme, seems to be a name, Manipadma (“The Jewel Lotus One”) with the -e ending signifying the vocative case, meaning that Manipadma — is being invoked (“O Jewel Lotus One”).
But if this is the case, then according to the rules of classical Sanskrit, then Manipadma would have to be a feminine figure. And Avalokiteśvara is male.
However, if the mantra was originally in a non-Sanskrit language with different grammatical rules, and the vocative -e ending was applicable in that language to a masculine figure, then Manipadma would simply be another name for Avalokiteshvara.
The mantra of Avalokitesvara would then mean “Oṃ, O Jewel Lotus One, Hūṃ” — the “Jewel Lotus One” being an alternative name for Avalokitesvara himself.
The Thousand-Armed Avalokiteśvara
This multi-limbed approach was taken to another level in the thousand-armed and eleven-headed form of Avalokiteshvara. According to legend, Avalokiteshvara made a vow, in the presence of the Buddha Amitabha, to manifest in all the realms of existence in order to save all sentient beings. He also vowed that if he were to lose his compassion for even a moment, that he would shatter into a thousand pieces.
At one time, having worked tirelessly for the welfare of beings, Avalokiteshvara, at Amitabha’s prompting, looked back and saw that there were still uncountable beings suffering in samsara. At that point he became discourage, fainted, and shattered into a thousand pieces. Amitabha gathered up the pieces and reassembled them into a form with thousand arms and eleven heads.
The eleven heads symbolize the eleven directions of space, suggesting that Avalokiteshvara’s compassionate gaze is infinite in scope. Each of the thousand hands, which are arrayed like an aura around the standing figure of Avalokiteshvara, has an eye in the center of the palm, suggesting that his beneficial activities are informed by transcendental wisdom. Many of the hands bear implements, suggesting the skilful means that Avalokiteshvara employs in saving sentient beings from the sufferings of samsara.
Although he is associated with compassion, Avalokiteshvara is, like all Bodhisattvas, symbolic of wisdom as well. He is connected with the Heart Sutra in particular, and that text is in fact a teaching he gave on the topic of emptiness (shunyata) to Shariputra. He is also associated with the Lotus Sutra.
Avalokiteshvara is the spiritual father of Tara, who is said to have been born from a lotus that grew in a lake formed by the tears he shed as he gazed in compassion at the infinite sufferings of the world.
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incendixrism · 5 years
The hum of mechanical equipment. The muffled bustle of the city outside. The melody of the radio breaking through the static, with a solemn serenade. A pitter patter of rain The slow tapping of her own finger against her desk. 
Maki found herself lost in her head again. She was supposed to be out studying her universe more, learning all she could about its workings. Though, she was confined here to her patrol duties, and limited by her supposedly fluctuating lifespan. She almost felt like she was in a jail cell. There really wasn’t much of a way for her to escape without those she was closest to being around, nor would her boss appreciate her running away in the middle of a job. If anything, that would just worry her brother. 
She was left to dwell in her room of the apartment she shared with her brother, slowly spinning herself in the office chair as her mind wandered. There was a pull at her mind, a reminder to herself, all of how distant she felt from others she was supposed to be kin with. Her brother more felt like a nag than a sibling, and coworkers felt like enemies. Even the humans, the people she was supposed to share a race with, felt distant. After all, she never had a good grasp of human holidays.
Just today, some humans were celebrating something. There was bells ringing, red suits with fluffy white trims, and plentiful gifts. Yet again, it seemed like another thing that she could only see through a window. She was alien to it all, and felt as though that maybe...perhaps her old captors were right. She was no longer supposed to be human. 
Though...could she fit in with the other races whose DNA lied within her? Not possibly. She didn’t know a thing about demons aside from what she observed of her captors, and now her significant other. The most notable, stand out trait she could think of was that their royal palaces looked like treehouses on the outside. The many times she escaped her captors and ran through the halls when they took her to show her progress to the then king Dabura. If anything, she felt like a dog in most of their eyes. 
Her love? Not possibly. He cherished her, correct? She had observed his experimentation on others, and had brought up her discomfort to him. It all went well, and they were going to try different experiments in that manner so it wouldn’t hurt her. That was caring, yes? Though...he’s never answered her on why he finds her so interesting, and why he’s never left her. All had to leave at some point, right? She was sure the revelation that she was a vile creature beneath her human form would have driven him away...but it didn’t.
It didn’t with the few friends she had made in a gang either. Was this cherishing? This was companionship, right? So why did she feel so lonely? What could it be that troubled her heart now? Why did she feel so distant to the people she held close too?
There was so many things that should have made them run away! The blood on her hands, this vile form, her instability, so many things that were nuisances! Yet they stayed, and now she was feeling distant from them! Could this be the end? Were they slowly moving away from her? Had she fulfilled what use they wanted out of her, so she could be thrown away like a rusty tool? 
She stopped spinning in her chair.
If they just wanted to use her, why had they given her so much? Her hand brushed over the photos she kept on her desk, along with miniscule yet meaningful keepsakes. Her love...Fu...he even took the time to lengthen her lifespan so she wouldn’t die once she hit 20. Would someone ever do such a thing for someone they simply wanted to use? She was replaceable, so why was it her that they wanted so much?
Why was she left here to contradict herself om whether she felt lonely or not??
Her palms slammed on the desk, only to wake up her fluffy cat, Piko, who had been resting near the lamp. The old feline gave an annoyed meow, before burying himself in his black fur as Maki sighed. Perhaps she had gone too far in her thoughts this time.
“Sorry Piko. I was thinkin’ too hard. Maybe I should go to bed already..”
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yogaadvise · 5 years
10-Minute Meditations for Every Day of the Week
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While your busy life appears to rule every waking moment, it can be hard to keep in mind that meditation can really develop a more orderly, tranquil, as well as much less chaotic life. Yet, among the most significant problems you find out about meditation is " I do not have time."
Think regarding constantly you throw away on inadequacy such as searching for your secrets or phone, redesigning a job that was carried out in haste, or checking out feline techniques on social media. By taking just 10 mins a day to disconnect from interruptions as well as plug into global energy, you can make your life much easier as well as even more efficient.
Try these seven reflection for seven days. Each meditation will take, at many, 10 minutes and can be duplicated throughout your day. Experience the distinction it makes. You'll be extra calm, focused, and all set to face life head on.
Day One: So Hum Breathing Reflection
The So Hum breathing meditation uses the rule of the breath. It is a global rule, which imitates the noise of your breathing, made to soothe and calm your mind. When you come to be stressful, irritated, and also nervous it's possibly because you're neglecting to breathe. The So Hum mantra will advise you to breathe in and exhale fully.
Here's how to do it:
With your eyes closed, bring your awareness to your body and to your breath.
Scan your body from head to toe, acknowledging where you could be discovering indications of stress and anxiety or discomfort. Establish the objective to allow that go.
Place your understanding (and also a hand) on your lower abdomen, and also feel the surge and also fall of your belly as you inhale and exhale.
Gently and also easily think the rule SO on the inhalation and HUM on the exhalation. If you're stressful, prolong each inhalation as well as exhalation by prolonging the rule noise SO as well as HUM.
Once you really feel calmer, you can proceed to think the concept as you allow your breathing to adhere to an extra normal pattern. Attempt not to adjust or regulate the breath. Permit it to normally go where it will.
When you are done with your meditation, simply quit repeating the So Hum rule as well as rest silently for a moment or 2, and after that gently open your eyes.
Day 2: Chakra Clearing Meditation
Chakras are wheels of power within the body. There are seven primary chakras from the base of the spinal column to the crown of your head. Utilizing sounds and imagining colors, you can open up as well as straighten your chakras.
For this reflection you intend to rest in a quiet space where you will not be interrupted. If you desire to pronounce the audios out loud, ensure you find a room where you feel comfortable doing that.
Follow these steps:
Sit with your spinal column tall, and also take a number of deep belly breaths in and out.
Place your understanding at the base of your spine, the root chakra, muladhara. Imagine, assume, or really feel the shade red as a swirling, whirling wheel bordering the base of the back, distributing from back to front. Say or think the rule sound LAM.
Next, move your understanding to the 2nd chakra, svadisthana, the creative thinking and sexual center listed below the navel however over the pubic bone. Imagine the shade orange as well as make use of the concept noise VAM.
Move your recognition up to the location of the solar plexus, the 3rd chakra, manipura. Imagine the shade yellow like the sun and also repeat the sound RAM.
Place your understanding on your heart, the 4th chakra, anahata. Imagine the shade emerald eco-friendly and also repeat the sound YUM.
Move your recognition approximately the area in between your brows, the pineal eye and center of intuition. This is the 6th chakra, ajna. Picture the shade indigo as well as repeat the sound SHAM.
Now, location your understanding at the crown of your head, the 7th chakra, sahaswara, the "thousand petal lotus" as well as your resource of enlightenment. Think of the shade violet or white as well as repeat the rule OM.
As you end up with your meditation, continue to be with your eyes shut for a number of minutes prior to going back to activity.
Day Three: Satnam Activity Meditation
Another easy rule reflection, the Satnam reflection uses audios as well as activity. You will certainly make use of the syllables SA-TA-NA-MA and the matching movements.
Here's exactly how to put it right into technique:
Sitting with your back tall, take a number of deep breaths.
Begin by saying the noises out loud, then murmuring them, and after that stating them in your head without moving your tongue or lips.
Start with the audio SA and touch your index finger to your thumb.
Continue to TA, touching the middle finger to your thumb.
Then, say NA and touch the ring finger to the thumb.
Finish with MA, touching the pinky finger to the thumb.
Repeat the pattern throughout your meditation.
When you are ended up, quit duplicating the concept as well as slowly open your eyes.
Day Four: A Visual Meditation
Visual meditations make use of an object of emphasis for the whole reflection. There are symbols with geometric shapes called yantras, or aesthetic rules, that can be extremely helpful. For this meditation, make use of a lit candle.
Follow these steps:
In a dark as well as silent space, rest conveniently on the floor.
Light a candle light, and also see to it it's not too much listed below eye level.
Focus on the candle light flame as you breath conveniently and also effortlessly. If your mind wanders to other ideas or feelings in the body, gently bring your understanding back to the candle light flame.
Watch the candle as it flickers or alters shape. Permit yourself to end up being immersed in the candle flame.
When you are completed with your meditation, strike out the candle as well as massage your palms with each other quickly until you feel heat.
Then, location your warmed palms over your closed eyes to calm and also kick back them.
Day 5: Fantasizing Meditation
Daydreaming can help expand your imagination as well as bring creative solutions to troubles. It can also give you an aesthetic to creating the life of your desires. Try this meditation to conscious your inner-creativity:
In a silent room, put on some relaxing meditation music and also locate a comfy place to sit.
Close your eyes and also enable your mind to relocate to a beautiful area you have actually been before-- a "safe place."
From this area, observe all the surroundings around you, take it in, as well as bear in mind exactly how good you feel.
Then, with this feeling, think of all the things you 'd like to develop in your life. Let on your own imagine as well as envision just how your life can be. Don't hold back, and also permit your thoughts to be free.
At the end of the meditation, keep in mind that all points are possible and also that you are a field of boundless potential.
Day Six: Gratitude Meditation
It's usual to get involved in a mode of whining as well as question why you're not getting what you assume you need or be entitled to. A gratitude meditation can treat this frame of mind as well as enable you to concentrate on every little thing you do have.
Try this:
Sit in a quiet room with your eyes closed.
Begin by expressing thankfulness and also appreciation on your own-- your knowledge, skills, health and wellness, and also other traits.
Then, relocate your gratitude toward individuals you like and also the things in your life that maintain you going.
Extend your thoughts of gratefulness toward various other points on the planet that you tend to consider approved. Whatever stands out into your mind right now, be thankful for it.
When you come out of this reflection, keep a heart of gratefulness throughout your day.
Day Seven: A Release Meditation
Holding onto things you no more requirement invites toxic memories and also harmful impressions on your body. In this meditation, concentrate on letting go of things that are no more offering you. This is particularly handy if you've been experiencing pains as well as discomforts in your body. They are typically linked to an unfavorable emotion that you've kept up.
Follow these steps:
Sit quietly as well as close your eyes.
Set the intent to allow go of that which is no much longer serving you. Ask the cosmos to send you ideas of points to release.
As points show up, mentally location flowers around those ideas and also send them off to be released. You can visualize positioning them in a river and also watching them float away or burying them as well as putting flowers ahead to share love for the lessons they taught you.
When you've completed your reflection, celebrate as you feel the weight took off your shoulders.
Using these seven reflections each day can assist you stay centered and also connected to your Self. Make them a regular component of your routine by duplicating them from week to week.
Take your technique one action better when you join Deepak Chopra and Chopra Center master teachers at our gateway meditation resort, Weekend Within. Over this 3-day retreat, you'll receive a mild, guided introduction to Primordial Sound Meditation, Ayurveda, and the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, while appreciating your stay at the world-renowned Omni La Costa Hotel and also Health Spa. Find out more.
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iwriteficsandmore · 6 years
To Protect What One Loves
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia
Pairing: Hawks x reader
You knew that it was normal for couples to not be lovey-dovey all the time. You've had previous relationships were most of the time speaking sweet nothings on one hand and shouting obscenities at each other on the other was the norm. You had your temper and you had your buttons that weren't to be pushed. But you thought the years and finally meeting someone who took you and your somewhat abrasive personality in stride had mellowed you out for the better.
Or so you had thought. Yes, ever since you and Hawks started dating a good year ago, things had been far from perfect, but you were happy. Hawks told you he was happy, too; that he would never change anything about you or your relationship even if he could. So it was normal when you guys would sometimes bicker over nonsensical things for the hell of it. You both knew neither of you meant what you said in anger or in annoyance, but these past few weeks had been different. You couldn't quite say what by name but you knew something was terribly amiss.
It all started after All Might's retirement, Endeavor's rise to the top, and Hawks' placement into second seat. You knew he hated hero politics and avoided them altogether like the plague he saw them as. Though he never was one to keep to himself when things seriously irked him, that he would announce his displeasure with the world and its view on hero society as things stood after having lost such pillar, in live television no less, struck you as odd. Not so much by what he said but by the way he said it. Almost like he was pining to make his views heard loud and clear, and to not be easily forgotten.
You asked him what that whole thing was about after he got home from the event but Hawks simply shrugged it off as something normal. "You know I don't keep my mouth shut when I should."
True but that he was admitting something like that only added more to what you were already worried about. You set the feeling aside though knowing it could very well just be your imagination overreacting from the upheaval of the very foundation of your society. That certainly sounded like it could mess with your head if you let it too much.
But after the announcement of the new top ten, you began noticing Hawks acting weirder than usual still. At times you would find him missing from bed either ridiculously early or late with no word or note left in regards to his sudden absence.
Chalking it up to his hero duties worked at first but not for long.
More and more often than not, Hawks would come home irritated about something he wouldn't say. It didn't matter how much you asked. And boy, did you ask until he finally snapped. And when he did when all you wanted to do was figure out why he wasn't acting like his usual self, you couldn't help but snap back at him too. Never had your fights gotten so bad that he took off from your apartment, using the balcony to take flight where he knew you couldn't follow.
Fine, you thought to yourself, if he was going to be like that then you wouldn't bother.
The day after, though, a sense of regret sunk into your stomach, twisting your gut and making you sick. As mad as you were, it didn't warrant such behavior. You knew this. By the end of the day, all you wanted to do was get home and hopefully find Hawks to apologize. You hurried through traffic and angered drivers in vain: Hawks was nowhere in sight. It didn't even seem like he came home after he flew away the night before. So you waited all night in the hopes to find him coming home ridiculously late as he did as of late.
Sleep beat you around the time 5am came around. But you weren't at the couch where you had fallen asleep, you were in your bed. Alone. Crimson feathers scattered around you and on the floor. Your heart broke a little at having had missed him.
One day, out of desperation, you did what you thought youd never do. You followed him out of work. You swore you never would do something as despicable but as things stood you didn't know what else to do. Hawks took longer and longer to reply to texts, and those replies were monosyllabic at best. Any calls would be sent straight to voicemail. At this point, she supposed that the idea of him cheating on you wasn't far-fetched but if that was so, you wanted to verify it with your own eyes.
It'd be easier to part with him and forget about him then.
But tailing him proved an utter failure too. Hawks was too sneaky for her. She didn't know how though taking into account how conspicuous his wings were. Yet you had and he was gone. Exhausted both mentally, physically, and emotionally over the past few weeks, you chose to give up for the day. Maybe for good. This was simply too draining on your mind and heart.
Finding a small cafe nearby, you took a table for yourself and ordered a coffee to swallow down the bitterness you tasted in your mouth. The rain pelleted the pane glass wall just behind you, a lulling sound to you ears, and the entrance being so nearby let the scent of dew waft into your nostrils. It was somewhat relaxing for all that it was worth. The coffee you ordered came in a colorful, ceramic mug, steam of the freshly brewed drink coming off into the air and mixing with the smell of fresh rain. It was a nice change of scenery after so much heartbreak.
"Falling in love at a Coffee Shop" came from the cafe's speakers in a low hum and you strained your ears to listen to the melancholic tune. So focused were you that you didn't hear the bell of the door ring, though you smelled the rain again, and you certainly didn't hear someone taking the chair across from you until a deep, raspy voice spoke up.
"You must be y/n."
Hearing your name coming from a stranger's mouth snapped you out of your stupor and you lifted your gaze to meet a strangely dressed man seating across from you. The first thing that caught your attention about him were his stark icy blue eyes and then the stitches around his mouth and burnt skin on his jawline. A hood hid that well enough from the crowd and seeing as there weren't that many others in the cafe, nobody seemed to noticed such an odd looking man. Those icy blues stared straight at you making your blood run cold from the mere gaze. He knew your name, so there was no mistaking that he'd been there to find you.
"Do I know you?" you dared ask feeling a tiny bit safe in a public space.
"Not particularly, that is unless you've seen the news lately." The comment startled you and did jog your memory somewhat but he didn't allow you enough time to make out exactly from where. "But that's not why I'm here. You see, a little bird's been flying around our nest and we'd like to let him know where he stands." His hand reached out to the coffee that you held tightly now in yours hands and wrapped over them. His were warm. Too warm. Extremely warm. By the time you tried prying your hands away from the heat coming off of his, he reached out with his other hand and held your hands in place.
"Your face is too cute though. So your hands will have to do this time."
Certainly panicked but not daring words to come out of you throat, your widened gaze turned up to his face again. Oddly enough, his cold stare wasn't on you anymore and instead looked out through the pane glass wall behind you. Ice blue locked outside onto something, attention rapt on whatever was there for a minute longer before a crooked smile came to their stitched up lips and he turned back to you.
"Don't take this personally, princess," he said, hands getting hotter by the word. "This is just a warning. And if the bird behaves, it'll be the first and last." The heat turned unbearable and it seared your skin making you yelp in pain and pull your hands away from his as strongly as you could. The coffee came with you and the liquid spilled all over the table, floor, and your hands. But the coffee held no candle to the throbbing pain from the heat that had come from his hands.
All the attention came onto you and the stranger for a moment, said stranger holding a napkin to your hands trying to clean off the liquid and you feel the low heat still lingering on his palms. No seems to notice or recognize him. As he finished cleaning your hands, he leaned over near your ear and softly spoke into it. "Tell him next time it won't be just your hands."
The threat chilled your blood and didn't let you move or speak even as the man left the cafe. A waitress came over and offered to help but before she could accept or deny it, the door's bell rang again and heavy footsteps carried over the air stopping near you. You couldn't help jumping at the strong grip on yours arms but the panic that rushed through you quickly left when you met a pair of warm, amber eyes on a familiar face adorned by windswept locks.
Hawks expression was frenzied in a way you've never seen it before. Distress and panic wasn't a look he fancied showing but now he didn't bother hiding it. His hands took yours instinctively and you flinched from his touch, the skin raw from the burns. Hawks didn't wait nor asked and took you straight home and said nothing all the way there.
You had many questions. But after the encounter that left you injured and utterly perplexed and frightened, all you wanted was to get home too. Once there, Hawks flocked over you like he used to, but instead of love and fondness smoothing his expression, stress and apprehension furrowed his brow. He spoke in rapid mutters as he led you around the house to soothe the burns om the back of your hands. Skin raw, it hurt immensely to even have cold water running against them but it also felt somewhat soothing.
Once properly treated and bandaged, Hawks brought you to your bed and simply sat there with you and held you close from behind, soft apologies muttered under his breath near your ear. You didn't know what to say. Or how to ask what had been in your mind the whole way back.
Finally, after minutes of silence, you mustered the words.
"Why are you apologizing like this is your fault?"
"Because it is," he whispered, lips so close to your neck that you felt the warmth of his breath on your skin. Heat made you feel sick. "I should've been more careful. I should've left you live your life in peace when this started. I know I should've but I couldn't. I didn't want to." He was making no sense whatsoever. And when you told him this, Hawks tried to explain.
It took sometime and much assurance that you were alright until he finally told you what little bit he felt comfortable with. About how the police has asked him to work with them in a mission, how, it involved him delving into things he'd rather stay away from for your sake, and how it brought him to interact with people like the man from the cafe.
Finally, after he told you vaguely what he could, your mind put two and two together. Finally you realized why that man had appeared so familiar. You had seem him on TV when the news had been broadcasting Yuuei's attack during their summer camp. A man who's Quirk allowed him to control blue fire, a man with burnt, stitched-together skin. A man in alliance with the infamous League of Villains. Things slowly fell into place after that. Why his personality had changed so drastically overtime. Why he kept leaving early, getting home late. Why he reserved his text replies to simple and answers and didn't answer her calls. Why he seldom wanted to be seen in your company.
"You were trying to distance yourself to keep them away from me?"
"I couldn't tell you," Hawks explained, turning your body slightly sideways so he could lay his forehead on your chest. "I didn't think there was a need to if I was careful. But I'm a fucking idiot for thinking I could keep you out of this."
The rustling behind you caught your attention and you noticed at last how his wings had been cradling you in place, the soft feathers touching your legs and arms tenderly, protectively.
"I agree," you say at last, his head jerking somewhat at your words. Bringing your arms up to wrap them around his neck, you held him close and felt his hands trail up her back and hold her close, red wings curling around them. "But you won't have to worry anymore. I'll leave and stay with my folks for how long this takes; they won't mind. I won't walk home or go out without someone going with me if I can help it. I won't say a word about what you're doing either. You know your secret's safe with me." His shoulders visibly relax and you feel the deep sigh he releases. "You have to promise me something in return though."
"Anything, my angel."
Ignoring the pain from your burnt hands, you reach down to cup his face in them. His stubble pricks at the tips of your fingers and a little through your bandaged hands. Amber eyes meet your own with the most adoring gaze you'd ever seen him give you. Gently you leaned your forehead against his and close your eyes to savor what you missed for the last weeks. His hold around you tightened and he, in turn, inhaled deeply taking everything about you in that would soon be missing from his life.
"Be careful." Your lips brush against his briefly as you speak. "And please, don't die. I want to come back home to you after all this is over."
Your bluntness drew out a dry chuckle from him and you heard it rumble through his throat. "For you, my love, I'd come back from hell if it meant I'd get to spend the rest of my life with you."
"Let's keep you away from there for as long as we can."
For once after such a long time, you felt the air around you lighter and it lifted some of the weight from your shoulders. What weighed down your heart wouldn't disappear that easily though. Not until this mission of his ended and Hawks returned to you unharmed.
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cultivationguides · 6 years
A day in a life...
Once awake, do morning exercise consists of:
1. Long stretch. Rub your hands, then put your hot palms on your face & gently rub it until your neck. Do face-lift exercise.
2. Use a wonden comb to comb your hair & your palms for blood circulation.
3. Rub your ears and then beat your back.
4. Do yoga x 31 rounds clockwise turning.
5. Shake your hands & fingers, plus half squad.
6. Feel the sun & Hui Jie body exercise.
Then, drink 500 ml to 1 litre of water (alkaline or mineral water only), while seated. Brush your teeth & use mouth gargle. Wait an hour before breakfast.
While waiting, do water offering to the Buddha and do morning recitation, may consists of Medicine Buddha mantra, Vairocana Buddha mantra, Manjushri Bodhisattva mantra, Green Tara & Red Tara mantra, Yellow Jambhala Mantra, Dorje Shugden & Gyenze Mantra. Then asked for protection of Pudong King Dharma Protector.
Breakfast - eat healthy meal consists of nuts and dried raisins, blueberries, oat, oat biscuits, milk, coco, chocolate drink, any healthy beverage.
Start your work.
Take prayers break at 10.45 am, offer incense to the altar & ancestors. Perform chanting, part 1: Heart Sutra, Amitabha Buddha Name Recitation, Great Compassionate Mantra, Surangama Mantra, The Casket Seal Dharani, Namgyalma Usnisa Vijaya Heart Mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum, Pureland Rebirth Mantra, Multiplier Mantra & Merit Transference Verse.
Take Lunch.
Finish work.
Take a nap.
Go to the gym.
Take bath.
Perform chanting part 2: Mahakala Sutra and Mantra Chanting.
Watch movie or drama / read book / learn something new / update tumblr blog.
Late dinner.
Watch TV with family.
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